fh meeting minutes - 2014-02-10

8/12/2019 FH Meeting Minutes - 2014-02-10 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/fh-meeting-minutes-2014-02-10 1/28 BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – FEBRUARY 10, 2014 A regular meeting of The Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris, State of New Jersey, was held on February 10, 01!, in the Freeholder "ubli# Meeting $oom, Administration % $e#ords Building, Morristown, New Jersey& The meeting began at '(00 )&m& Cler* of the Board +iane M& et#hum announ#ed that ade-uate noti#e of this regular meeting held the 10th day of February, 01! has been )ro.ided through resolution ado)ted by this Board at its $egular Meeting held at the Administration and $e#ords Building on January !, 01!, to the Star /edger, the +aily $e#ord, and the $e#ord through )osting on the County website and by filing a #o)y of same with the Morris County Cler* and the Cler* of this Board& ROLL  CALL  "$SNT( Freeholders +ouglas Cabana, John Cesaro, athy +eFilli))o,  John ri#*us, an* /yon, +a.id S#a)i##hio, and +ire#tor Thomas Mastrangelo 2'3  A/S4 "$SNT( Administrator John Bonanni, Assistant County Administrator Mary Jo Bu#hanan, County Counsel +an 45Mullan, Assistant County Counsel $andy Bush, and Cler* of the Board +iane M& et#hum PRAYER AND FLAG  SALUTE  County Counsel +an 45Mullan o)ened the meeting with a )rayer and a salute to the flag& 66  MINUTES FOR APPROVAL January !, 01! Stated Annual Meeting Minutes7 January 8, 01! Freeholder 9or* Session and $egular Meeting Minutes7 January , 01! 9or* Session and :e#uti.e 9or* Session Meeting Minutes& 4n motion by Freeholder Cesaro and se#onded by Freeholder S#a)i##hio the January !, 01! Stated Annual Meeting Minutes7 January 8, 01! Freeholder 9or* Session and $egular Meeting Minutes7 January , 01! 9or* Session and :e#uti.e 9or* Session Meeting Minutes were a))ro.ed& 2Freeholders Mastrangelo and /yon ABSTA;N+ on the January nd  9or* Session and :e#uti.e 9or* Session Meeting Minutes3& 66  COMMUNICATIONS 1& The Chatham Club in Chatham Townshi) is re.ising the date for the <  $un from Saturday, A)ril 0 2)re.iously a))ro.ed by the Board3 to Sunday, Se)tember 8, 10 a&m& to 1 noon for tem)orary road #losure on )ortions of Shun)i*e $oad 2C$ =!=3 and Southern Boule.ard 2C$=!'3 for the annual < $un to benefit the New Jersey Food Ban*& & The Townshi) of "arsi))any6Troy ills is as*ing )ermission to #lose a  )ortion of $oute 0 2from $oute 10 to "ar* $oad3 on Monday, May = from 11(>0 a&m& to >(00 )&m& for the Memorial +ay "arade& >& The 9est Morris Mendham igh S#hool is as*ing )ermission to hang a banner a#ross County $oute <10 in Mendham Townshi) from Mar#h 1 ? 1< to ad.ertise the s)ring musi#al ta*ing )la#e from Mar#h 1> ? 1<& !& The @reen illage olunteer Fire +e)artment Au:iliary is as*ing )ermission to #lose a )ortion of @reen illage $oad 2County $oute =!=3 in Chatham Townshi) from the Fire ouse to i#*ory "la#e on Sunday, A)ril = between the hours of 8(>0 a&m& to 11(00 a&m& to hold a <runwal* fundraising e.ent& <& The Mendham Townshi) /ibrary is as*ing )ermission to hang a banner a#ross County $oute <10 in Mendham Townshi) from A)ril > to May < to ad.ertise a Shredder +ay fundraiser& 70

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A regular meeting of The Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris,

State of New Jersey, was held on February 10, 01!, in the Freeholder "ubli#

Meeting $oom, Administration % $e#ords Building, Morristown, New Jersey& The

meeting began at '(00 )&m&

Cler* of the Board +iane M& et#hum announ#ed that ade-uate noti#e of thisregular meeting held the 10th day of February, 01! has been )ro.ided through

resolution ado)ted by this Board at its $egular Meeting held at the Administration

and $e#ords Building on January !, 01!, to the Star /edger, the +aily $e#ord, and

the $e#ord through )osting on the County website and by filing a #o)y of same with

the Morris County Cler* and the Cler* of this Board&


"$SNT( Freeholders +ouglas Cabana, John Cesaro, athy +eFilli))o,

  John ri#*us, an* /yon, +a.id S#a)i##hio, and

+ire#tor Thomas Mastrangelo 2'3


A/S4 "$SNT( Administrator John Bonanni, Assistant CountyAdministrator Mary Jo Bu#hanan, County Counsel +an

45Mullan, Assistant County Counsel $andy Bush, and

Cler* of the Board +iane M& et#hum


County Counsel +an 45Mullan o)ened the meeting with a )rayer and a salute to

the flag&



January !, 01!  Stated Annual Meeting Minutes7 January 8, 01! Freeholder 9or* Session and $egular Meeting Minutes7 January , 01! 9or*

Session and :e#uti.e 9or* Session Meeting Minutes&

4n motion by Freeholder Cesaro and se#onded by Freeholder S#a)i##hio

the January !, 01! Stated Annual Meeting Minutes7 January 8, 01! Freeholder

9or* Session and $egular Meeting Minutes7 January , 01! 9or* Session and

:e#uti.e 9or* Session Meeting Minutes were a))ro.ed& 2Freeholders

Mastrangelo and /yon ABSTA;N+ on the January nd 9or* Session and :e#uti.e

9or* Session Meeting Minutes3&



1& The Chatham Club in Chatham Townshi) is re.ising the date for the <

  $un from Saturday, A)ril 0 2)re.iously a))ro.ed by the Board3

to Sunday, Se)tember 8, 10 a&m& to 1 noon for tem)orary road #losure

on )ortions of Shun)i*e $oad 2C$ =!=3 and Southern Boule.ard 2C$=!'3

for the annual < $un to benefit the New Jersey Food Ban*&

& The Townshi) of "arsi))any6Troy ills is as*ing )ermission to #lose a


)ortion of $oute 0 2from $oute 10 to "ar* $oad3 on Monday, May =

from 11(>0 a&m& to >(00 )&m& for the Memorial +ay "arade&

>& The 9est Morris Mendham igh S#hool is as*ing )ermission to hang a banner

a#ross County $oute <10 in Mendham Townshi) from Mar#h 1 ? 1< to ad.ertise

the s)ring musi#al ta*ing )la#e from Mar#h 1> ? 1<&

!& The @reen illage olunteer Fire +e)artment Au:iliary is as*ing )ermission to

#lose a )ortion of @reen illage $oad 2County $oute =!=3 in Chatham Townshi)

from the Fire ouse to i#*ory "la#e on Sunday, A)ril = between the hours of

8(>0 a&m& to 11(00 a&m& to hold a <runwal* fundraising e.ent&

<& The Mendham Townshi) /ibrary is as*ing )ermission to hang a banner a#ross

County $oute <10 in Mendham Townshi) from A)ril > to May < to ad.ertise a

Shredder +ay fundraiser&


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=& The istori# Chester Business Asso#iates is as*ing )ermission to hang a

banner a#ross Main Street, 2$oute !<1>3 in Chester Borough for the


following e.ents(

S)ring Chester Craft Show Monday May 1 to Monday June

Fall Chester Craft Show Monday August < to Monday Se)tember 8

4n motion by Freeholder Cesaro and se#onded by Freeholder S#a)i##hio the

re-uests were a))ro.ed&






+ire#tor Mastrangelo stated( D9e will now #onsider for final ado)tion

the ordinan#e entitled ECA";TA/ ;M"$4MNT FN+ 4$+;NANC A""$4"$;AT;N@

G'<,000 F4$ T "$CAS 4F T$ 2>3 AS"A/T 4T B4H T$A;/$S S+ BI T

+"A$TMNT 4F "/ANN;N@ AN+ ";B/;C 94$S&5

Cler* et#hum read the following ordinan#e(

B ;T 4$+A;N+ BI T B4A$+ 4F C4SN F$4/+$S 4F T C4NTI 4F

M4$$;S, N9 J$SI AS F4//49S(

Se#tion 1& The )ur)oses des#ribed in Se#tion of this Ca)ital ;m)ro.ement

Fund 4rdinan#e are hereby authoriKed to be made by the County of Morris, New

Jersey& There is hereby a))ro)riated from the Ca)ital ;m)ro.ement Fund the sum of

G'<,000 for the hereinafter designated )ur)oses&

Se#tion & The )ur)oses authoriKed herein are for the )ur#hase of three 2>3

as)halt hot bo: trailers used by the +e)artment of "lanning and "ubli# 9or*s for)ot hole or road se#tion re)air&

Se#tion >& ;t is the o)inion of this Board of Chosen Freeholders that the

a))ro)riation from the Ca)ital ;m)ro.ement Fund and the use of the a))ro)riation

for said )ur)oses are in the best interest of the County of Morris&

Se#tion !& This Ca)ital ;m)ro.ement Fund 4rdinan#e shall ta*e effe#t u)on

final )assage in )ubli#ation in a##ordan#e with the law&

+ire#tor Mastrangelo stated( DThe "ubli# earing is now o)en& There

were no )ubli# #omments, and the +ire#tor de#lared the "ubli# earing #losed&

Freeholder ri#*us mo.ed that the ordinan#e under #onsideration be

ado)ted on the se#ond and final reading& Freeholder /yon se#onded the motion&

The Cler* #alled and re#orded the following .ote(

IS( Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, +eFilli))o, ri#*us, /yon, S#a)i##hio

and +ire#tor Mastrangelo 2'3 

Freeholder ri#*us mo.ed that the Cler* be authoriKed to )ublish the

4rdinan#e in summary form and notifi#ation of its )assage in the lo#al

news)a)er in a##ordan#e with the law& Freeholder /yon se#onded the motion,

whi#h )assed with se.en IS .otes&



+ire#tor Mastrangelo stated( D9e will now #onsider for final ado)tion

the ordinan#e entitled DB4N+ 4$+;NANC 4F T C4NTI 4F M4$$;S, N9 J$SI,

"$4;+;N@ F4$ A$;4S CA";TA/ ;M"$4MNTS T4 T C4NTI C4//@ 4F M4$$;S,

;N AN+ BI T C4NTI, A""$4"$;AT;N@ G!,<0,000 T$F4$ AN+ AT4$;L;N@ T;SSANC 4F G!,<0,000 B4N+S 4$ N4TS 4F T C4NTI T4 F;NANC T C4ST


1Cler* et#hum read the following ordinan#e(

9$AS, by resolution ado)ted February 0, 01>, the Board of Trustees of

the County College of Morris 2the Board of Trustees3, determined that it is

ne#essary to raise the amount of G!,<0,000 for the )ur)oses or im)ro.ements


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des#ribed in su#h resolution and further des#ribed in Se#tion > hereof, and has

deli.ered a statement dated February 0, 01> 2the Board of Trustees Statement3

to that effe#t to ea#h member of the Board of S#hool stimate of the County College

of Morris 2the Board of S#hool stimate3, setting forth the estimated #ost of the

)ur)oses or im)ro.ements des#ribed in Se#tion > hereof7 and

9$AS, the Board of S#hool stimate has fi:ed and determined the amount ofnot to e:#eed G!,<0,000 for the )ur)oses or im)ro.ements set forth in the Board of

Trustees Statement and further des#ribed in Se#tion > hereof, and has deli.ered a

statement dated May =, 01> 2the Board of S#hool stimate Statement3, together

with the Board of Trustees Statement, to the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris, New Jersey 2the County37 and

9$AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County has re#ei.ed the Board

of Trustees Statement and the Board of S#hool stimate Statement and desires to

a))ro)riate the amount #ertified therein, in the amount of G!,<0,000 for the

)ur)oses or im)ro.ements set forth therein and further des#ribed in Se#tion >


B ;T 4$+A;N+ BI T B4A$+ 4F C4SN F$4/+$S 4F T C4NTI 4F M4$$;S,

N9 J$SI 2not less than two6thirds of all members thereof affirmati.ely

#on#urring3 AS F4//49S(

The )ur)oses or im)ro.ements des#ribed in Se#tion > of this bond ordinan#e

are hereby #olle#ti.ely authoriKed to be underta*en by the County as a

general im)ro.ement& For the im)ro.ements or )ur)oses des#ribed in Se#tion >

hereof, there is hereby a))ro)riated the sum of G!,<0,000& No down )ayment

is re-uired )ursuant to N&J&S&A& 18A(=!A61232b3&

;n order to finan#e the #ost of the im)ro.ements or )ur)oses des#ribed in

Se#tion > of this bond ordinan#e, negotiable bonds are hereby authoriKed to

be issued in the )rin#i)al amount of G!,<0,000 )ursuant to the /o#al Bond

/aw, G,1<,000 of whi#h shall be entitled to the benefits and debt ser.i#e

aid from the State of New Jersey )ursuant to the County College Bond A#t,"&/& 1'1, #&1 2the County College Bond A#t3& ;n anti#i)ation of the

issuan#e of the bonds, negotiable bond anti#i)ation notes are hereby

authoriKed to be issued )ursuant to and within the limitations )res#ribed by

the /o#al Bond /aw& ;t is anti#i)ated that the County College Bond A#t debt

ser.i#e aid will be re#ei.ed from the State of New Jersey to fund a )ortion

of the #osts of the )ur)oses des#ribed in Se#tion > hereof&

Se#tion >& The im)ro.ements hereby authoriKed and the )ur)oses for the

finan#ing of whi#h the bonds are authoriKed is .arious #a)ital )roe#ts at the

County College of Morris, in#luding, but not limited to, AC im)ro.ements at

.arious buildings and im)ro.ements to the ealth and "hysi#al du#ation Building,

in#luding all wor* and materials ne#essary therefor and in#idental thereto, and all

as set forth in more detail in the Board of S#hool stimate Statement, on file in

the offi#e of the Cler* to the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County&

Se#tion !& All bond anti#i)ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at su#h

times as may be determined by the County +ire#tor of Finan#e7 )ro.ided that no bond

anti#i)ation note shall mature later than one year from its date& The bond

anti#i)ation notes shall bear interest at su#h rate or rates and be in su#h form as

may be determined by the County +ire#tor of Finan#e& The County +ire#tor of

Finan#e shall determine all matters in #onne#tion with bond anti#i)ation notes 

issued )ursuant to this bond ordinan#e, and the County +ire#tor of Finan#e5s

signature u)on the bond anti#i)ation notes shall be #on#lusi.e e.iden#e as to all

su#h determinations& All bond anti#i)ation notes issued hereunder may be renewed

from time to time sube#t to the )ro.isions of the /o#al Bond /aw& The County

+ire#tor of Finan#e is hereby authoriKed to sell )art or all of the bond

anti#i)ation notes from time to time at )ubli# or )ri.ate sale and to deli.er themto the )ur#hasers thereof u)on re#ei)t of )ayment of the )ur#hase )ri#e )lus

a##rued interest from their dates to the date of deli.ery thereof& The County

+ire#tor of Finan#e is dire#ted to re)ort in writing to the Board of Chosen

Freeholders of the County at the meeting ne:t su##eeding the date when any sale or

deli.ery of the bond anti#i)ation notes )ursuant to this bond ordinan#e is made&

Su#h re)ort must in#lude the amount, the des#ri)tion, the interest rate and the

maturity s#hedule of the bond anti#i)ation notes sold, the )ri#e obtained and the

name of the )ur#haser&

Se#tion <& The County hereby #ertifies that it has ado)ted a #a)ital budget

or a tem)orary #a)ital budget, as a))li#able& The #a)ital or tem)orary

#a)ital budget of the County is hereby amended to #onform with the )ro.isions

of this bond ordinan#e to the e:tent of any in#onsisten#y herewith& To the

e:tent that the )ur)oses authoriKed herein are in#onsistent with the ado)ted

#a)ital or tem)orary #a)ital budget, a re.ised #a)ital or tem)orary #a)ital


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budget has been filed with the +i.ision of /o#al @o.ernment Ser.i#es in the

+e)artment of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey&

Se#tion =& The following additional matters are hereby determined, de#lared,

re#ited and stated(

2a3 The im)ro.ements or )ur)oses des#ribed in Se#tion > of this bondordinan#e are not #urrent e:)enses& They are im)ro.ements or )ur)oses that the

County may lawfully underta*e as a general im)ro.ement, and no )art of the #ost

thereof has been or shall be s)e#ially assessed on )ro)erty s)e#ially benefited


2b3 The )eriod of usefulness of the im)ro.ements or )ur)oses within the

limitations of the /o#al Bond /aw, a##ording to the reasonable life thereof

#om)uted from the date of the bonds authoriKed by this bond ordinan#e, is 1< years&

2#3 The Su))lemental +ebt Statement re-uired by the /o#al Bond /aw has been

duly )re)ared and filed in the offi#e of the Cler* of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders of the County, and a #om)lete e:e#uted du)li#ate thereof has been filed

in the offi#e of the +ire#tor of the +i.ision of /o#al @o.ernment Ser.i#es in the

+e)artment of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey& Su#h statement shows

that the gross debt of the County as defined in the /o#al Bond /aw is in#reased by

the authoriKation of the bonds and bond anti#i)ation notes )ro.ided in this bond

ordinan#e by G!,<0,000& G,1<,000 of su#h authoriKation amount shall #onstitute

a dedu#tion from the gross debt of the County and shall not be #onsidered in

determining the net debt of the County )ursuant to N&J&S&A& 18A(=!A(&!& The

obligations authoriKed herein will be within all debt limitations )res#ribed by the

/o#al Bond /aw&

2d3 An aggregate amount not e:#eeding G!<,000 for items of e:)ense listed in and )ermitted under N&J&S&A& !0A(60 is in#luded in the estimated #ost

indi#ated herein for the )ur)oses or im)ro.ements&

Se#tion '&  The County hereby de#lares the intent of the County to issue thebonds or bond anti#i)ation notes in the amount authoriKed in Se#tion of this bond

ordinan#e and to use )ro#eeds to )ay or reimburse e:)enditures for the #osts of the)ur)oses des#ribed in Se#tion > of this bond ordinan#e& This Se#tion ' is a

de#laration of intent within the meaning and for )ur)oses of Treasury $egulations.

Se#tion 8& Any grant moneys re#ei.ed for the )ur)oses des#ribed in Se#tion >

hereof, in#luding but not limited to the )ayments made by the State of New Jersey

)ursuant to the County College Bond A#t, shall be a))lied either to dire#t )ayment

of the #ost of the im)ro.ement or to )ayment of the obligations issued )ursuant to

this bond ordinan#e.

Se#tion & The County +ire#tor of Finan#e is hereby authoriKed to )re)are

and to u)date from time to time as ne#essary a finan#ial dis#losure do#ument to be

distributed in #onne#tion with the sale of obligations of the County and to e:e#ute

su#h dis#losure do#ument on behalf of the County& The County +ire#tor of Finan#e

is further authoriKed to enter into the a))ro)riate underta*ing to )ro.ide

se#ondary mar*et dis#losure on behalf of the County )ursuant to $ule 1<#61 of the

Se#urities and :#hange Commission 2the $ule3 for the benefit of holders and

benefi#ial owners of obligations of the County and to amend su#h underta*ing from

time to time in #onne#tion with any #hange in law, or inter)retation thereof,

)ro.ided su#h underta*ing is and #ontinues to be, in the o)inion of a nationally

re#ogniKed bond #ounsel, #onsistent with the re-uirements of the $ule& ;n the

e.ent that the County fails to #om)ly with its underta*ing, the County shall not be

liable for any monetary damages, and the remedy shall be limited to s)e#ifi#

)erforman#e of the underta*ing&

Se#tion 10& The full faith and #redit of the County are hereby )ledged to the)un#tual )ayment of the )rin#i)al of and the interest on the obligations authoriKed

by this bond ordinan#e& The obligations shall be dire#t, unlimited obligations of

the County, and the County shall be obligated to le.y ad valorem ta:es u)on all the

ta:able real )ro)erty within the County for the )ayment of the obligations and the

interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount&

Se#tion 11& This bond ordinan#e shall ta*e effe#t 0 days after the first

)ubli#ation thereof after final ado)tion, as )ro.ided by the /o#al Bond /aw&

+ire#tor Mastrangelo stated( DThe "ubli# earing is now o)en& There

were no )ubli# #omments, and the +ire#tor de#lared the "ubli# earing #losed&

Freeholder ri#*us mo.ed that the ordinan#e under #onsideration be

ado)ted on the se#ond and final reading& Freeholder /yon se#onded the motion&


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The Cler* #alled and re#orded the following .ote(

IS( Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, +eFilli))o, ri#*us, /yon, S#a)i##hio

and +ire#tor Mastrangelo 2'3 

Freeholder ri#*us mo.ed that the Cler* be authoriKed to )ublish the

4rdinan#e in summary form and notifi#ation of its )assage in the lo#alnews)a)er in a##ordan#e with the law& Freeholder /yon se#onded the motion,

whi#h )assed with se.en IS .otes&



urt +in*elmeyer of >> +ouglas +ri.e, Towa#o, shared #omments regarding the

)oli#e and "ar* Commission& is )osition is that the outlining #ounty )ar*s should

be )oli#ed by lo#al muni#i)alities& e feels this would sa.e the County a great

deal of money and he would li*e dis#ussions to be o)en and trans)arent&

Barbara ames of 9hi))any shared news that that the Assembly has #alled for a

hearing about #ommon #ore& Some #ounties ha.e re#ei.ed letters from the +e)artment

of du#ation that they might want to re6#onsider their stand on this issue, and she

would li*e Morris County to be on the loo*out for su#h #orres)onden#e&

Ms& ames would li*e to see the #ost of meals at the Nutrition Centers

raised& Administrator Bonanni said this is not allowed under the 4lder Ameri#ans

A#t and that you #an only as* for donations&

John Be#*er of Mont.ille Townshi) s)o*e about a traffi# situation on

Changebridge $oad where there are no )assing Kones& e was behind a slow mo.ing

.ehi#le, and he suggested that s)oradi# )assing Kones be #onsidered between

Changebridge $oad and Ja#*son.ille $oad and that a feasibility study be done&

Mr& Be#*er s)o*e about $oute <> in +en.ille that has now be#ome Ale: +eCro#e

Memorial ighway& e )ersonally felt it should be a )ubli# building& e feels

also that +ean @allo was an outstanding )ubli# ser.ant, and he would li*e to

)ro)ose to rename the #ourthouse D+ean @allo Justi#e Center in Morris County and

as*ed the freeholders to gi.e it some #onsideration& e also suggested that

@reystone "ar* be renamed D+ean @allo Memorial "ar*&


Freeholder ri#*us )resented the following resolutions(

213 9$AS, a #ontra#t was awarded on 4#tober , 01> for )ro.ision of snow

)lowing and i#e remo.al for Morris County roads7 and

9$AS, it has been determined that it is ne#essary to in#rease said

#ontra#t to )ro.ide for reimbursement to ele.en 2113 .endors for .ehi#le insuran#e7

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that )ursuant to /o#al "ubli# Contra#ts

$egulations, #ontra#t modifi#ation as detailed on DContra#t Change 4rder $e-uest

No& 160>! is hereby a))ro.ed as follows(

1 endor( arious endors 2see atta#hed3

& ;tem( $eimbursement to .endors for .ehi#le insuran#e

>& ;n#rease in Cost( G ,000&00

!& New Contra#t Total( G1,0,000&00

<& The ne#essary amended Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds has been )ro.ided

by the Treasurer and said amended Certifi#ate indi#ates the a.ailability of

Funds is as listed in A##ount O016016=6010068 and said a##ount shall be


=& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to

e:e#ute said #ontra#t modifi#ation&

'& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&


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9$AS, a #ontra#t was awarded August 1!, 01> to AJM Contra#tors for

milling and resurfa#ing of 9est ano.er A.enue in $andol)h Townshi)7 and

9$AS, it has been determined that it is ne#essary to de#rease said#ontra#t to #onform to as built -uantities7

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that )ursuant to /o#al "ubli# Contra#ts

$egulations, #ontra#t modifi#ation as detailed on DContra#t Change 4rder $e-uest

No& 168>' is hereby a))ro.ed as follows(

1 endor( AJM Contra#tors

  >00 uller $oad

Clifton, NJ 0'011

& ;tem( Conform to as built -uantities

>& +e#rease in Cost( G 68,<'&

!& New Contra#t Total( G <8>,8=&'1

<& The ne#essary amended Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds has been )ro.ided

by the Treasurer and said amended Certifi#ate indi#ates the a.ailability of

funds is as listed in A##ounts O061>6!168=!><6>1 2G6>1,=8&1'3 and O0!6

1=6<<6<>06<1, G>,!!0&< and said a##ounts shall be #harged#redited&

=& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby

authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t modifi#ation&

'& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



;n a##ordan#e with N&J&S&A& !0A(1161<, a #ontra#t is hereby awarded, for the

)ro.ision of an e:)ansion to )ro)rietary #om)uter software for the Morris County

4ffi#e of ;nformation Te#hnology, to(

$4N4S, ;n#&

"&4& Bo: 8!<'!8

Boston, MA 08!6<'!8

endor ;+( >088

Amount( G18>,'&0! total 2G!<,80=&>, G!<,80=&'', G!<,80=&=1,

G!<,80=&'>, -uarterly3

Budget /ine ;tem( 016016061!010060'8

sing +e)artment( 4ffi#e of ;nformation Te#hnology

  Terms( January 1st, 01! through +e#ember >1st, 01!


1& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of A.ailability of

Funds #harging the a))ro)riate de)artment a##ount for amounts refle#ting all

liabilities to be in#urred through Mar#h >1st, 01!, in a##ordan#e with

N&J&$& >=!!, <(>!6<&> 2a3 23&

& )on final ado)tion of the 01! budget, a Certifi#ate of A.ailability of

Funds shall be issued for the remaining balan#e, sube#t to the

a))ro)riation of suffi#ient funds&

>& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as)re)ared by County Counsel&

!& The resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&

<& This #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in

#om)lian#e with N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&1, et se-&



9$AS, it has been the )ra#ti#e of the County of Morris to offer medi#al

insuran#e #o.erage to members of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey7 and


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9$AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris #ondu#ted a

thorough dis#ussion of #ontinuation of su#h medi#al insuran#e #o.erage to its


N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that effe#ti.e immediately and with

)ros)e#ti.e a))li#ation, the )ra#ti#e of )ro.iding medi#al insuran#e #o.erage tomembers of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris shall be

dis#ontinued7 and

B ;T F$T$ $S4/+ that nothing in this $esolution shall affe#t #urrent

or retired Freeholders or their families who are )resently enrolled in a County

s)onsored health insuran#e )rogram nor shall anything in this resolution )re.ent a

Freeholder who, not being eligible for )aid health #are benefits who wishes to

re#ei.e the health #are benefit, from )aying the entire #ost of su#h )remium&



B ;T $S4/+ as follows(

1& The County of Morris wishes to )ur#hase Maintenan#e % Su))ort Ser.i#es for

the ;nfoshare Case % +o#ument Management from the following authoriKed

.endors under the State of New Jersey Coo)erati.e "ur#hasing "rogram 16NJC",

a##ording to /o#al "ubli# Contra#t /aws, N&J&S&!0A(1161&

Battleware Te#hnologies Sheriff5s 4ffi#e

11=> Air "ar* $oad 1>606<=6<'88016888

  Ashland A >00< Amount( G,<00&00



& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue Certifi#ates of A.ailability ofFunds&




1& ;n a##ordan#e with N&J&S&A& !0A(1161<, a #ontra#t is hereby awarded, for the

)ro.ision of li#enses for the /aw % "ubli# Safely, to(

eystone "ubli# Safety

4ne Tall 4a*s Cor)orate Center

  1000 /enola $oad, Suite 101

Ma)le Shade, NJ 080<

Term( January 1st, 01! thru +e#ember >1st, 01!

Amount( G=8,01&00

Budget /ine ;tem( 016016<6<10<60'8

sing +e)artment( /aw % "ubli# Safety

endor O1<<8'

& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of A.ailability of

Funds #harging the a))ro)riate de)artment a##ount for amounts refle#ting all

liabilities to be in#urred through Mar#h >1st, 01!, in a##ordan#e with

N&J&$& >=!!, <(>!6<&> 2a3 23&

>& )on final ado)tion of the 01! budget, a Certifi#ate of A.ailability of

Funds shall be issued for the remaining balan#e, sube#t to the a))ro)riation

of suffi#ient funds&

!& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as )re)ared

by County Counsel&

<& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&

=& This #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in

  #om)lian#e with N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&1, et se-&




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9$AS, on No.ember 1st, 011 by $esolution O1 a #ontra#t for Medi#al

Su))lies, for arious Morris County de)artments was awarded to the lowest

res)onsible bidder, JM/ Medi#al ;n#& and,

9$AS, the s)e#ifi#ations )ro.ided an o)tion for one year and,

9$AS, it is in the best interest of the County to e:er#ise said o)tion,now therefore,

B ;T $S4/+ that said #ontra#t with, JM/ Medi#al ;n#& be renewed as


JM/ Medi#al ;n#& T4TA/

  1 a.enwood Court, nitO<0 G<0,000&00

  :#el Bus, "ar* O< Ste O

/a*ewood NJ 0'016!=<1

Term( January 1st, 01! thru +e#ember >1st, 01!

Budget( 016016'6><01>060!=

  Amount( G<0,000&00

+e)t( Morris iew ealth#are

1& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of A.ailability of

Funds #harging the a))ro)riate de)artment a##ount for amounts refle#ting all

liabilities to be in#urred through Mar#h >1, 01!, in a##ordan#e with N&J&$&

>=!!, <(>!6<&> 2a3 23& )on final ado)tion of the budget, a Certifi#ate of

A.ailability of Funds shall be issued for the remaining balan#e sube#t to

the a))ro)riation of suffi#ient funds&

& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as

)re)ared by County Counsel&

>& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&

!& This #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in#om)lian#e with N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&1, et se-&



9$AS, on 4#tober 10th, 01 by $esolution O> a #ontra#t for Boiler

Ser.i#es for arious County Buildings, was awarded to the lowest res)onsible

bidder, Bins*y % Snyder Ser.i#es //C and,

9$AS, the s)e#ifi#ations )ro.ided an o)tion for renewal for year and,

9$AS, it is in the best interest of the County to e:er#ise said o)tion,

now therefore,

B ;T $S4/+ that said #ontra#t with, Bins*y % Snyder Ser.i#es //C, be

renewed as follows(

Bins*y % Snyder Ser.i#es

81 Centennial A.enue

"is#ataway NJ 088<!

Term( 4#tober 1st, 01> thru Se)tember >0th, 01!

Budget( 016016=6>101006=!

Amount( G>0,000&00

  +e)t( Buildings % @rounds

1& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of A.ailability ofFunds #harging the a))ro)riate de)artment a##ount for amounts refle#ting all

liabilities to be in#urred through Mar#h >1, 01!, in a##ordan#e with N&J&$&

>=!!, <(>!6<&> 2a3 23&

& )on final ado)tion of the budget a Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds

shall be issued for the remaining balan#e, sube#t to the a))ro)riation of

suffi#ient funds&

>& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as

)re)ared by County Counsel&

!& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&

<& This #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in #om)lian#e

with N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&1, et se-&


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 1& ;n a##ordan#e with N&J&S&A& !0A(1161<, a #ontra#t is hereby awarded for the

)ro.ision of maintenan#e of )ro)rietary #om)uter software to the "rose#utor5s


  Johnston Communi#ations

"&4& Bo: >0

earny, NJ 0'0>

Amount( G1<,!00&00

Budget /ine item( 016016<6'<10060!!

sing +e)artment( "rose#utor5s 4ffi#e

& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as

  )re)ared by County Counsel&

>& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



1& ;n a##ordan#e with N&J&S&A& !0A(1161<, a #ontra#t is hereby awarded, for the

)ro.ision of maintenan#e of )ro)rietary #om)uter software to the Sheriff5s


eystone "ubli# Safety ;n#&

4ne Tall 4a*s Cor)& Center

1000 /enola $oad

Ma)le Shade, NJ 080<

Amount( G11,=<0&00

Budget /ine ;tem( 016016<6'010060'8

sing +e)artment( Sheriff5s 4ffi#e

& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as

)re)ared by County Counsel&

>& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



B ;T $S4/+ as follows(

9ith res)e#t to re#ent bidding for Fire :tinguisher Maintenan#e %

;ns)e#tion, a #ontra#t is hereby awarded to the lowest, most res)onsible bidder as


Fire And Se#urity Te#hnologies

81 "otterstown $oad

/ebanon, NJ 088>>

endorO( 1=''

Total Amount( G1,<00&00

/ine ;tem O( '06016>61100608! not to e:#eed G10,000&00 2;ns)e#tions3

  '06016>611006> not to e:#eed G ,<00&00 2All other3

sing Agen#y( $is* Management

Terms( Janaury 1st 01! through +e#ember >1st 01<&

1& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of A.ailability of


& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as

)re)ared by County Counsel&

>& The #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in #om)lian#e

with N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&1, et se-&

!& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



9$AS, the County Treasurer has been ad.ised that a ta: lien has been filed

against .endor number <0< and whereas bills to this .endor ha.e been submitted as



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101! G>,!00&00 CentraliKed Ban* of Ameri#a


T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the go.erning body that the County Treasurer beauthoriKed to )ro#ess the abo.e in the following manner to satisfy the lien(


G10,'0&00 State of New Jersey CentraliKed Ban* of Ameri#a


G,1>0&00 endor Number <0< CentraliKed Ban* of Ameri#a




9$AS, the County Treasurer has been ad.ised that the following #he#*s are

stale dated and )ayment has been sto))ed on same7

T$F4$ B ;T $S4/+, that the County Treasurer is here by authoriKed to

reissue the same&


1'8< 11=1> G<=<&00 Jose)h Fontana % an Community Ban* of Ameri#a

  ari#* % Sons +e.elo)ment

1'8= 11=1> G 8!&00 Jose)h Fontana % an Community Ban* of Ameri#a

ari#* % Sons +e.elo)ment



B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in

the State of New Jersey that the +ire#tor of Finan#e % County Treasurer is hereby

authoriKed to re#lassify the following )ayments as follows(


><0=! 01>1> A.te#h ;nstitute G1,=''&08 061>6!16'!0106>1 061>6!16'!1><6>1


>=<> 0!!1> A.te#h ;nstitute G1,>1&<0 061>6!16'!0106>1 061>6!16'!1><6>12"artial3

>=!8 0=11> A.te#h ;nstitute G,010&! 061>6!16'!0106>1 061>6!16'!1><6>1


>=<!1! 0'101> A.ete#h ;nstitute G1,!>&>> 061>6!16'!0106>1 061>6!16'!1><6>1


>==> 1001> A.ete#h ;nstitute G1,'0=&=' 061>6!16'!0106>1 061>6!16'!1><6>1




B ;T $BI $S4/+, that the following Ca)ital ;m)ro.ement Balan#es be and

are hereby #an#elled(


=!800 A#-uisition % ;nstallation of -ui)ment for County /ibrary G 1,0=0&8

<<88 arious ;m)ro.ements at +e)artment of /ong Term Care Ser.i#es G 0&00

<<> A#-uisition % ;nstallation of Furnishing % -ui)ment for /ong G &

  Term Care Ser.i#es

<!!1 A#-uisition % ;nstallation of ideo Se#urity with $e#ording G ''&<

  Ca)ability for Sheriff Communi#ation Center

<<0< $e)la#ement of -ui)ment % Fa#ility ;m)ro.ements to G >'>&!8


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  Morris iew

=>0> A#-uisition of Smart "odium Systems at Fire % "oli#e A#ademy G <,!'0&00

=>110 $eno.ation of Classrooms at the "ubli# Safety Training A#ademy G <,1&<1

<<11= arious ;m)ro.ements to Morris iew G !1&<8

=>1>< A#-uisition of "ersonal "rote#ti.e -ui)ment for Fire A#ademy G11,1>&10

<!1<< )grade the Sheriff5s A;+ System Software to bring ) to +ate G >=&>

=!1== A#-uisition % ;nstallation of Se#urity System for the 4ffi#e G1 ,=<=&'8

  of Tem)orary Assistan#e

<<1'> arious ;m)ro.ements to the Morris iew ealth#are Fa#ility G =,8=0&<>

<!18= A#-uisition of a "ortable Forensi# /ight Sour#e for se at G 1&<

  Crime S#enes

<<1' A#-uisition % ;nstallation of @as +ryer at Morris iew G 1,!80&00

<!1 A#-uisition of $e)la#ement ehi#le for Sheriff5s Criminal

;n.estigation Se#tion G 18&0



9$AS, )ursuant to 2i3 Se#tion <102#3 of that #ertain /ease "ur#hase

Agreement dated as of August 1, 011 2the D4riginal /ease Agreement3as amended and

su))lemented by that #ertain Amendment No& 1 to /ease Agreement dated as of June 1,

01 2the D/ease Amendment No& 1 and together with the 4riginal /ease Agreement,

the D/ease Agreement3 by and between the Morris County ;m)ro.ement Authority 2the

DAuthority3 and the County of Morris, New Jersey, and 2ii3 Se#tion <&0 of theAuthority5s bond resolution entitled D$S4/T;4N AT4$;L;N@ T ;SSANC 4F /AS

$N B4N+S 4F T M4$$;S C4NTI ;M"$4MNT AT4$TTID duly ado)ted by the

Authority on July 0, 011 as amended and su))lemented by a Certifi#ate of an

AuthoriKed 4ffi#er of the Authority dated August >0, 011, as further amended and

su))lemented by a Certifi#ate of an AuthoriKed 4ffi#er of the Authority dated June

8, 01 #olle#ti.ely, the D/ease $e.enue Bond $esolution, &S& Ban* National

Asso#iation, as Trustee for the holders of the #a)tioned bonds 2the DBonds3, is

hereby re-uested to )ay from moneys on de)osit in the A#-uisition Fund bills

asso#iated with the "ubli# Safety A#ademy )roe#t

Blo#* ', /ot in "arsi))any6Troy ills, New Jersey, and

9$AS, $esolution Number in the amount of G10<,!'!&!= )ayable to A"S

Contra#ting ;n#&, is being sent to &S& Ban* on February 11,01!&

T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, that the a#tion of the Treasurer in submitting

the bill for )ayment to the Trustee &S, Ban*, as a))ro.ed by the +ire#tor of

ngineering, is hereby a))ro.ed&



;n a##ordan#e with resolution O=' a))ro.ed at the January !, 01>

$eorganiKation Meeting, the following emergen#y #he#*s ha.e been issued by theMorris County 4ffi#e of Tem)orary Assistan#e for the month of Se)tember 01>&

+AT CC  N4&  "AI ACC4NT  T4  B  AM4NT

>01> =0=! First nergy Cor)& 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 ><0&00

>01> =0=< First nergy Cor)& 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 !&!0

0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 8&'=

>01> =0== JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< <1>&<'

>01> =0=' NJN@ 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 >='&

>01> =0=8 Net#ong eights //C 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 1,!<&00

>01> =0= "itney Bowes 0160>6'6>!<10060=8 !,000&00

1001> =0'0 Boonton ousing Authority 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 '<&8

0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 0=&0

1001> =0'1 +iane % enneth M#+onald 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1,000&00

1001> =0' Stirling Manor 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< &<=


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1101> =0'> /ori & Adams 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1'<&00

1101> =0'! a))y ome Ser.i#es ;n#& 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< >>0&00

1101> =0'< "arsi))any ;nn 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 00&00

101> =0'= First nergy Cor)& 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< <00&00

101> =0'' JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< ><!&00

101> =0'8 JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< >&8!

101> =0' JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1,>>>&=<

101> =080 New Jersey Natural @as 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< ><0&00

101> =081 "ostmaster 0160>6'6>!<10060=8 800&00

1>01> =08 +iana "alumbo 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 00&00

1>01> =08> Faber Builders 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1,000&00

1=01> =08! Boundary Motel 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< ><0&00

1=01> =08< Center @ro.e Asso#iates, //C 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1,000&00

1=01> =08= "S % @ 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< ><0&00

1=01> =08' "S % @ 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< ><0&00

1=01> =088 "S % @ 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1=!&=8

1801> =08 A.elino FernandeK 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1,><0&00

1801> =00 rnie +e /a Fuente 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 1,<00&00

1801> =01 JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< !>&88

1801> =0 Mi#hael Berlin 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 ==<&00

>01> =0> "itney Bowes 0160>6'6>!<10060=8 !,000&00

>01> =0! NJ 6161 "artnershi) 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 ,1>!&<

>01> =0< ousing Authority of the Co& of Morris 061>6!16'>!!0<6>1 <0&00

0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1>>&00

!01> =0= imberly Maio##o 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< <<0&00

!01> =0' Borough of Butler le#tri# 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 !0=&8!

!01> =08 JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< !!0&>

!01> =0 JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< <>&>

!01> =100 JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1'&1>

!01> =101 JC" % / 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1&88

!01> =10 NJ Natural nergy 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< !0&

!01> =10> $amada Conferen#e Center 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< !00&00

!01> =10! $amada Conferen#e Center 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< ><0&00

!01> =10< $andol)h illage 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< <0&00

!01> =10= ail Manor +e.elo)ers //C 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 1,0<0&00

!01> =10' 9hi))any /odging //C 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< '<&00

!01> =108 9hi))any /odging //C 0160>6'6>!<106>=< <<&00

<01> =10 oid Che#* oid Che#* 6

=01> =110 omeless solutions ;n#& 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< '10&00

=01> =111 @reen Briar $MCF 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< >1!&<0

=01> =11 ano.er Affordable ousing 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1,''&00

=01> =11> /ori & Adams 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< >00&00

=01> =11! /ori & Adams 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< !0&00

=01> =11< Ste.en @row 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< ='<&00

=01> =11= 9hi))any /odging //C 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 10&00

=01> =11' 9oodfield states at F& "ar* 061>6!16'>!!0<6>1 1,08&00

0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 8'>&<8

=01> =118 JC"%/ 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1!>&1

=01> =11 $odrigo @omeK 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 80&<1

061>6!16'>!!0<6>1 =0&!

'01> =10 Morristown ousing Authority 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1,00&00

>001> =11 "ostmaster 0160>6'6>!<10060=8 800&00

>001> =1 Borough of Butler le#tri# 0160>6'6>!<1006>=8 >&=

>001> =1> JC"%/ 061>6!16'>!!0<6>1 >&'

>001> =1! S*yto) Motel 0160>6'6>!<1006>=< 1<&00

  T4TA/ !!,8==&=

T$F4$ B ;T $S4/+, that the abo.e )ayments be #onfirmed&



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9$AS, the Federal 4lder Ameri#ans A#t )ro.ides for )lanning and ser.i#es

through lo#al Area Agen#ies on Aging7 and,

9$AS, there is a great need for ser.i#es to Morris County seniors in the

areas of in6home #are, #ommunity ser.i#es and Nutrition7 and,

9$AS, the S Administration on Aging, and the NJ +i.ision on Aging

Ser.i#es, has made )rogram funding a.ailable for grants to #ounties under the 4lder

Ameri#ans A#t7 and,

9$AS, the County of Morris uses these funds to )ro.ide ne#essary ser.i#es

to Morris County seniors7

N49 T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Freeholder +ire#tor is

authoriKed to sign and e:e#ute the 01! Business Asso#iate Agreement between the

County of Morris and The State of New Jersey under the 01! Area "lan Contra#t

@rant, effe#ti.e January 1, 01! through +e#ember >1, 01!, a #o)y of whi#h is on

file in the 4ffi#e of the +e)artment of uman Ser.i#es and made a )art hereof by




9$AS, the County of Morris desires to obtain a grant from the New Jersey

+e)artment of Community Affairs for a))ro:imately G=,0!&00 to #arry out a )roe#t

to )arti#i)ate in the /ow ;n#ome ome nergy Assistan#e "rogram for -ualified

residents of New Jersey7

N49, T$F4$, B ;T T$F4$ $S4/+,

1& That the County of Morris does hereby authoriKe the a))li#ation for su#h a

grant7 and,

& $e#ogniKe and a##e)ts that the +e)artment may offer a lesser or greater

amount and therefore, u)on re#ei)t of the grant agreement from the New Jersey

+e)artment of Community Affairs, does further authoriKe the e:e#ution of any

su#h grant agreement7 and also, u)on re#ei)t of the fully e:e#uted agreement

from the +e)artment, does further authoriKe the e:)enditure of funds )ursuant

to the terms of the agreement between the County of Morris and the

  +e)artment of Community Affairs&

B ;T F$T$ $S4/+, that the )ersons whose names, titles, and signatures

a))ear below are authoriKed to sign the a))li#ation, and that they or their

su##essors in said times are authoriKed to sign the agreement and any other

do#uments ne#essary in #onne#tion herewith&



9$AS, the County of Morris desires to obtain a grant from the New Jersey

+e)artment of Community Affairs for a))ro:imately G!,>1&00 to #arry out a )roe#t

to )arti#i)ate in the ni.ersal Ser.i#e Fund "rogram for -ualified residents of

New Jersey7

N49, T$F4$, B ;T T$F4$ $S4/+,

1& That the County of Morris does hereby authoriKe the a))li#ation for su#h a

grant7 and,

& $e#ogniKe and a##e)ts that the +e)artment may offer a lesser or greater

amount and therefore, u)on re#ei)t of the grant agreement from the New Jersey

+e)artment of Community Affairs, does further authoriKe the e:e#ution of any

su#h grant agreement7 and also, u)on re#ei)t of the fully e:e#uted agreement

from the +e)artment, does further authoriKe the e:)enditure of funds )ursuant

to the terms of the agreement between the County of Morris and the +e)artment

of Community Affairs&

B ;T F$T$ $S4/+, that the )ersons whose names, titles, and signatures

a))ear below are authoriKed to sign the a))li#ation, and that they or their


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su##essors in said times are authoriKed to sign the agreement and any other

do#uments ne#essary in #onne#tion herewith&



9$AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris hasre.iewed, dis#ussed and agrees to a##e)t a +rainage and "ermanent A##ess asement

made on January 1', 01! by and between the /ongwood /a*e Cabin 4wners Asso#iation,

;n#&, lo#ated in the Townshi) of Jefferson, County of Morris and State of New

Jersey 2@rantor3 AN+ the County of Morris lo#ated at the Administration and $e#ords

Building, Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey 0'=>6000 2@rantee3 for )ro)erty

*nown and designated as Ta: Blo#* No& >>8, /ot No& 205 wide )ermanent drainage

easement for )ro)osed headwall O!37 205 wide )ermanent drainage easement for

)ro)osed headwall O'37 205 wide )ermanent drainage easement for )ro)osed headwall

O137 and for )ro)erty *nown and designated as Ta: Blo#* >>, /ot No& 2<5 wide

)ermanent drainage easement for )ro)osed headwall O=37 and 2<5 wide )ermanent

drainage easement for )ro)osed headwall O37 and 2<5wide )ermanent drainage

easement for )ro)osed headwall O1>37 lo#ated at Ber*shire alley $oad, in the

Townshi) of Jefferson, County of Morris, and State of New Jersey, more )arti#ularly

des#ribed in the atta#hed +rainage and "ermanent A##ess asement, a #o)y of whi#h

is on file in the offi#e of the Morris County Administrator&

N49 T$F4$ B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County

of Morris, State of New Jersey as follows(

1& The atta#hed +rainage and "ermanent A##ess asement made on January 1', 01!

by and between the /ongwood /a*e Cabin 4wners Asso#iation, ;n#&, lo#ated in

the Townshi) of Jefferson, County of Morris and State of New Jersey

2@rantor3 AN+ the County of Morris, lo#ated at the Administration and $e#ords

Building, Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey 0'=>6000 2@rantee3 for

)ro)erty *nown and designated as Ta: Blo#* No& >>8, lot No& 205 wide

)ermanent drainage easement for )ro)osed headwall O!37 205wide )ermanent

  drainage easement for )ro)osed headwall O'37 205 wide )ermanent drainageeasement for )ro)osed headwall O137 and for )ro)erty *nown and designated as

  Ta: Blo#* >>, /ot No& 2<5 wide )ermanent drainage easement for )ro)osed

headwall O=37 and 2<5wide )ermanent drainage easement for )ro)osed headwall

O37 and 2<5 wide )ermanent drainage easement for )ro)osed headwall O1>3

lo#ated at Ber*shire alley $oad, in the Townshi) of Jefferson, County of

Morris, and State of New Jersey, more )arti#ularly des#ribed in the atta#hed

+rainage and "ermanent A##ess asement, a #o)y of whi#h is on file in the

4ffi#e of the Morris County Administrator be and is hereby a##e)ted&

& The Cler* of the Board shall re#ord the +rainage and "ermanent A##ess

  asement with the 4ffi#e of the Morris County Cler*&

>& The within resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



9$AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris has

re.iewed, dis#ussed and agrees to a##e)t a +rainage and "ermanent A##ess asement

made on January 1', 01! by and between the /ongwood /a*e Cabin 4wners Asso#iation,

;n#&, lo#ated in the Townshi) of Jefferson, County of Morris and State of New

Jersey 2@rantor3 and the County of Morris, lo#ated at the Administration and

$e#ords Building, Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey 0'=>6000 2@rantee3 for

)ro)erty *nown and designated as Ta: Blo#* No& >>8, /ot No& 2<5 wide tem)orary

#onstru#tion easement3 and 2>05 wide drainage and a##ess easement3 lo#ated at

Ber*shire alley $oad, in the Townshi) of Jefferson, County of Morris, and State of

New Jersey, more )arti#ularly des#ribed in the atta#hed +rainage and A##essasement, a #o)y of whi#h is on file in the offi#e of the Morris County


N49 T$F4$ B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County

of Morris, State of New Jersey as follows(

1& The atta#hed +rainage and "ermanent A##ess asement made on January 1', 01!

by and between the /ongwood /a*e Cabin 4wners Asso#iation, ;n#&, lo#ated in

the Townshi) of Jefferson, County of Morris and State of New Jersey

2@rantor3 AN+ the County of Morris, lo#ated at the Administration and $e#ords

Building, Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey 0'=>6000 2@rantee3 for

)ro)erty *nown and designated as Ta: Blo#* No& >>8, lot No& 2<5 wide

tem)orary #onstru#tion easement3 and 3>05 wide drainage and a##ess easement3

lo#ated at Ber*shire alley $oad, in the Townshi) of Jefferson, County of

Morris, and State of New Jersey, more )arti#ularly des#ribed in the atta#hed


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  +rainage and "ermanent A##ess asement, a #o)y of whi#h is on file in the

4ffi#e of the Morris County Administrator be and is hereby a##e)ted&

& The Cler* of the Board shall re#ord the +rainage and "ermanent A##ess

  asement with the 4ffi#e of the Morris County Cler*&

>& The within resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&




9$AS, the County of Morris established the Flood Mitigation "rogram

2DFM"37 and

9$AS, the $ules and $egulations 2D$ules3 for the administration of the

FM" were ado)ted by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders 2DFreeholders3

on Mar#h 1!, 01 and are amended as ne#essary7 and

9$AS, it is in the intention of the Freeholders to amend and u)date

)ortions of the #urrent $ules&

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Freeholders as follows(

1& Se#tion =&= ? ligible "ro)erties of the $ules for the FM" shall

be amended in whole to read as follows(

=&= ligible "ro)erties

1& The )ro)erty must be lo#ated in Morris County&

& The )ro)erty must be residential& 4ffi#e, industrial or

go.ernment )ro)erties are not eligible&

>& "ro)erties with a history of re)etti.e loss or a )ro)erty whi#h

has sustained substantial damage 2greater than <0P3 in a single

flood e.ent&

!& A "roe#t Area andor )ro)erty must re#ei.e a minimum DBenefit

Cost $atio 2BC$3 of 1(1 to -ualify for grant #onsideration& The

BC$ will be determined using FMA5s Benefit Cost Analysis Model&

<& "ro)erties in the )ro#ess of fore#losure or #urrently held by a

ban* )ost6fore#losure that meet the #riteria in items 1 through


& All other $ules for the FM" not in#onsistent herewith shall

remain in full for#e and effe#t&

>& These #hanges shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



9$AS, $esolution O>0 was ado)ted at the No.ember 1>, 01> meeting

a))ro.ing ad.isory re#ommendation of funds for .arious nonQ)rofit agen#ies to

)ro.ide human ser.i#es )rograms7 and,

9$AS, it was re#ommended that Catholi# Family and Community Ser.i#es,

dba o)e ouse A;+S Center be awarded G<,10 and New Jersey A;+S Ser.i#es beawarded G1,'><7 and,

9$AS, the uman Ser.i#es Ad.isory Coun#il re6.isited their re#ommendation

and de#ided to re#ommend awarding Catholi# Family and Community Ser.i#es, dba

o)e ouse A;+S Center G!!,!' and New Jersey A;+S Ser.i#es G8,'87

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey, that these re#ommendations are

a))ro.ed and ado)ted&




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B ;T $S4/+ as follows(

1& The County of Morris wishes to )ur#hase Maintenan#e % Su))ort Ser.i#es for

the ;nfoshare Case % +o#ument Management from the following authoriKed

.endors under the State of New Jersey Coo)erati.e "ur#hasing "rogram 16NJC",

a##ording to /o#al "ubli# Contra#t /aws, N&J&S& !0A(1161&

S; "rose#utor5s 4ffi#e

0 +a.idson A.enue 016016<6'<10060'8

Somerset, NJ 088'> Amount( G80,000&00



& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue Certifi#ate of A.ailability of




9$AS, there e:ists a need for 4n6Call "rofessional ngineering Ser.i#es,

the #ontra#t is hereby awarded to the bidders listed below for .arious le.els of

ser.i#es at the )ri#e -uoted in the County5s S#o)e of "roe#t #ontra#ts7 and

9$AS, the #ontra#t needs to be awarded as a D"rofessional Ser.i#e in

a##ordan#e with N&J&S&A& !0A(116< 213 2a3 2i3 et se-& through a fair and o)en

)ro#ess, )ursuant to N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&! et se-7

N49 T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

1& The agreement between the County of Morris and

  /e.els of Ser.i#es

Ar#hite#tural Ci.il le.ators Me#hani#al Stru#tural

E2 Project Management, LLC KS Engineers, PC E2 Projects Management reenman !Pe"erson, #nc$ reenman%Pe"ersen, #nc$87 &i'ernia ()en*e 494 +roa" Street,4t -. 87 &i'ernia ()e 400 /e..a +.)"$ S*ite 207 400 /e..a +.)"$ S*ite 207

/ocaa, 07866 ear, 07102 /ocaa, 07866 Monte'e..o, 10901 Monte'e..o, 10901

en"or # 26545 en"or # 15653 en"or # 26545 en"or # 15007 en"or # 15007

LS Engineering (ssociates Cor:$ LS Engineering (ssociates ;e M*sia. ro*:, :a /emington, ernic < /emington, ernic <150 /i)er /oa" +."g$ E, Ste E2 Cor:$ 191 Mi.. Lane (rango Engineers (rango Engineers

Mont)i..e, 07045 150 /i)er /oa", Mo*ntainsi"e, 07092 300 Penorn ()e$ 3r" -.oor 300 Penorn ()e$, 3r" -.oor 

en"or # 26155 +."g E, Ste E2 en"or # 20797 Seca*c*s, 07094 Seca*c*s, 07094

  Mont)i..e, 07045 en"or # 9912 en"or # 9912

  en"or # 26155 

o.er Crane (rcitects, LLC Pro=essiona. Cons*.ting, #nc$ on ($ an e*sen < o.er Crane (rcitects, LLC o.er Crane (rcitects, LLC

313 East Main Street 1719 /o*te 10, S*ite 314 (ssociates 313 East Main Street 313 East Main StreetSomer)i..e, 08876 Parsi::an, 07054 5 /egent Street, S*ite 524 Somer)i..e, 08876 Somer)i..e, 08876

en"or # 25815 en"or # 25429 Li)ingston 07039 en"or # 25815 en"or # 25815

en"or # 21942

  A##ounts Os( 0!61=6<<6<>6>1!60

  Total Amount( G<,000

  Term( January 1, 01! through +e#ember >1, 01!

  for the aforesaid ser.i#es, a #o)y of whi#h is on file at the Morris County

"ur#hasing +i.ision and is made a )art hereof by referen#e, is hereby

a))ro.ed and shall be entered into by this Board&

& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to

e:e#ute said agreements #onditioned u)on the #ontra#tor5s #om)lian#e with the

re-uirements set forth in )aragra)h < below&

>& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a #ertifi#ate of A.ailability of


!& A noti#e of this a#tion will be )ublished in a##ordan#e with the law&

<& This #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in #om)lian#e

with N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&!, et se-&



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9$AS, on August 11, 1, the County of Morris entered into an agreement

with Suburban Consulting ngineers, ;n#&, for )rofessional engineering ser.i#es

for Sight +istan#e Analysis and $oadway +esign on "ower.ille $d& at $o#*away

alley $oad in Boonton Tw)&, and

9$AS, the original term of the agreement was for G,><&00 for the )eriod

August 11, 1 through +e#ember 10, 17 and,

9$AS, the #ontra#t was amended on January >, 01> to in#rease the amount

of the aforesaid agreement by G,><&00 and e:tend the term of the agreement to

A)ril >, 01>7 and,

  9$AS, it has again be#ome ne#essary to amend the aforesaid agreement

in#reasing the amount of the #ontra#t by G1,000&00 G>0,!'0&00 and e:tending the

term of the agreement to August 10, 01!7 and,

  9$AS, Suburban #onsulting ngineers, ;n#&, has agreed to )erform the

ser.i#e7 and,

  9$AS, the /o#al "ubli# Contra#ts law RN&J&S&A&!0A( 116< 2132a32i3

re-uires that the resolution authoriKing the award of #ontra#t for D"rofessional

Ser.i#es without #om)etiti.e bidding and the #ontra#t itself must be a.ailable for


)ubli# ins)e#tion7

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

#ounty of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

  1& The amendment to the agreement between the County of Morris and

Suburban #onsulting ngineers, ;n#&, 100 alley $oad,

Suite 0, Mount Arlington, New Jersey 0'8<=, e:tending the term and

in#reasing the amount as set forth abo.e, a #o)y of whi#h is on file in

the 4ffi#e of the #ounty "ur#hasing Agent and made a )art hereof by

referen#e, is hereby a))ro.ed and entered into by this Board&

& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to

sign and e:e#ute this agreement&

>& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue an amended Certifi#ate of

A.ailability of Funds O0001<11000, refle#ting the e:tension of the

term of the agreement to August 10, 01!, and in#reasing the amount of

the agreement by G1,000&00 to G>0,!'0&00, #harging A##ountO


!& An offi#ial noti#e of this a#tion shall be )ublished in a##ordan#e with

the law&


  283  9$AS, a #om)etiti.e #ontra#t was awarded on Se)tember !, 01 for

)ro.ision of inta*e ser.i#es for wor*6related and third )arty administration7 and,

  9$AS, it has been determined that it is ne#essary to in#rease said



N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, )ursuant to /o#al "ubli#

Contra#t $egulations, #ontra#t modifi#ation as detailed in DContra#t Change 4rder

$e-uest dated February >, 01! from the +e)artment of m)loyee $esour#es and $is*

Management is hereby a))ro.ed as follows(

  1& endor( ualCare, ;n#&


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  >0 nightsbridge $oad

  "is#ataway, New Jersey 088<!

  & ;tem( ;n#rease #ontra#t amount

  >& ;n#rease in Cost( G <,'<&>8

  !& New Contra#t Total( G 1<<,'<&>8

  <& The ne#essary amended Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds has been

)ro.ided by the Treasurer and said amended Certifi#ates indi#ates the

a.ailability of funds is as listed in A##ount O1606<=6<'0016888

and said a##ount shall be #harged&



9$AS, the County of Morris is the Administrati.e ntity for the

MorrisSusse:9arren 2MS93 9or*for#e ;n.estment Board 29;B3 and MS9 m)loyment

% Training Ser.i#es 2TS37 and

9$AS, the #ontra#t with NJ /abor and 9or*for#e +e.elo)ment for funding of

.arious )rograms 2in#luding the 9or* First New Jersey "rogram3 for the 01! state

fis#al year was a))ro.ed by $esolution O>< of No.ember <, 01>&

N49 T$F4$ B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the +ire#tor of the Board of

Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to sign and e:e#ute letters of agreement

with the Susse: County Board of Chosen Freeholders and with the 9arren County Board

of Chosen Freeholders for )ro.ision of Needs based 9or* Su))orts funds, under the9or* First New Jersey "rogram, for the )eriod July 1, 01> through June >0, 01!,

as follows(

• G<0,000 to the Susse: County +i.ision of So#ial Ser.i#es( G!0,000 from TANF

9or* A#ti.ities 2A##ountO061>6!16'!1!1<6>3 and G10,000 from @AFS 9or*

A#ti.ities 2A##ount O061>6!16'!1!06>3

• G<0,000 to the 9arren County +i.ision of Tem)orary Assistan#e and So#ial

Ser.i#es( G!0,000 from TANF 9or* A#ti.ities 2A##ount O061>6!16'!1!1<6>3

and G10,000 from @AFS 9or* A#ti.ities 2A##ount O061>6!16'!1!06>3&

B ;T F$T$ $S4/+, that the +ire#tor of Finan#e and County Treasurer is

hereby authoriKed to issue Certifi#ates of A.ailability of Funds for the abo.eamounts #harging the aforesaid res)e#ti.e a##ounts&



9$AS, the MorrisSusse:9arren 9or*for#e +e.elo)ment ;n.estment Board

29;B3, established in 1< by @o.ernor Christie Todd 9hitman5s :e#uti.e order O>=,

is re-uired to )eriodi#ally de.elo) an a))li#ation for re#ertifi#ation as dire#ted

by the State m)loyment and Training Commission 2STC37 and

9$AS, the 9;B has de.elo)ed su#h an a))li#ation to submit to the STC7 and

9$AS, the +ire#tor of the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders andthe Chair of the 9;B are re-uired to sign this A))li#ation for 9or*for#e ;n.estment

Board 01! $e#ertifi#ation&

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the +ire#tor of the Morris County

Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to sing the aforesaid 01!

$e#ertifi#ation a))li#ation, a #o)y of whi#h is on file at the 9or*for#e ;n.estment

Board and made a)art hereof by referen#e&



9$AS, agreements for Iouth Ser.i#es with Newbridge Ser.i#es, "hilli)sburg

S#hool Based Iouth Ser.i#es, and "roe#t Self6Suffi#ien#y of Susse: County, ;n#&,


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  ha.e been a))ro.ed by $esolution O0 ado)ted at the August 1!, 01> Freeholder

"ubli# Meeting7 and

  9$AS, agreements for Job Sear#hJob $eadiness with "roe#t Self

Suffi#ien#y and with dwards /earning Center ha.e been a))ro.ed by $esolution O!0

ado)ted at the August 8, 01> Freeholder "ubli# Meeting and $esolution O! ado)ted  at the Se)tember <, 01> Freeholder "ubli# Meeting, res)e#ti.ely7 and

9$AS, abo.e mentioned agreements in#lude referen#es to a minimum hourly

  wage of G'&<hour7 and

  9$AS, effe#ti.e January 1, 01!, the minimum wage in New Jersey has been

  in#reased to G8&<hour&

  N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the +ire#tor of the Board of

Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to sign and e:e#ute Amendments re.ising the  referen#e to the hourly wage for the following agreements(




"SS>>1=6J$JS ? 1!69FNJ




  B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris inthe State of New Jersey as follows(


1& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to sign

and e:e#ute an interlo#al ser.i#es agreement for emergen#y radio dis)at#hing

ser.i#es )ro.ided by the County5s Communi#ation System to the Townshi) of

Boonton, a #o)y of whi#h is on file in the 4ffi#e of the +e)artment of /aw

and "ubli# Safety and made&

& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t in a##ordan#e with the law&



  9$AS, on January 1, 01!, by way of $esolution O a))ro.ed by the Board

of Chosen Freeholders, the County of Morris entered into @;A61!>= subgrant with New

Jersey A;+S Ser.i#es for the amount of G1,'><7 and,

9$AS, it has be#ome ne#essary to amend the aforesaid subgrant by

in#reasing the amount of the award from G1,'>< to G8,'8 for utiliKation of ;

A;+S related ser.i#es for January 1, 01! through +e#ember >1, 01!&


N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

1& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to sign

and e:e#ute Modifi#ation 4ne refle#ting the abo.e #hange&

& The +ire#tor of Finan#e and County Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue an

amended Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds Number 10', #hanging a##ount

O016016'6>!0006!<! for the aforesaid in#rease&




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9$AS, there e:ists the need for the renewal of thirteen 21>3 Congregate

Nutrition Sites,

  N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris, in the State of New Jersey as follows(

1& That the +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to

sign and e:e#ute the lease agreements with the following )arties, #o)ies of

whi#h are on file in the +i.ision on Aging, +isabilities and eterans and

made a )art hereof by referen#e&

& That the County Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue Certifi#ates of

A.ailability of Funds #harging Nutrition FMS A##ount O016016!16'1=10061!8 in

amounts refle#ting all liabilities to be in#urred through Mar#h >1, 01!, in

a##ordan#e with N&J&$& >=!! <(>!6<&> 2a3 23 for the following agreements&

>& That u)on final ado)tion of the budget Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds

shall be issued for the remaining balan#es sube#t to the a))ro)riation of

suffi#ient funds&


Borough of Butler G8,<00&00


  "resbyterian Chur#h of Chatham Townshi) G606



  "resbyterian Community Chur#h G606


  Coo*5s "ond, /&"& G606

+o.er  St& John5s )is#o)al Chur#h G,000&00


  Townshi) of Jefferson G606

  /ong ill

Senior CitiKen5s of /ong ill G,000&00


  Madison ousing Authority G606


  Townshi) of Mont.ille G606

  Morris Mews

  Morris County ousing Authority G606

  Mount 4li.e

  Townshi) of Mount 4li.e G606


  Morris County ousing Authority G606



  $o:bury Community Center G,!00&00



  B ;T $S4/+ as follows(

1& The County of Morris wishes to )ur#hase 9or*station )grade and

ser.i#es from the following authoriKed .endors under the State of New

Jersey Coo)erati.e "ur#hasing "rogram 16NJC", a##ording to /o#al

"ubli# Contra#t /aws, N&J&S& !0A(1161&

S; ;nformation Te#hnology

0 +a.idson A.enue 0!61=6<<6=='6<<

Somerset NJ 088'> Amount( G88,'18&00




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& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue Certifi#ates of

  A.ailability of Funds&



  B ;T $S4/+ as follows(

1& The County of Morris wishes to )ur#hase )er)etual /i#ense and three 2>3

  years of Software Assuran#e of the Mi#rosoft "rodu#ts from the

following authoriKed .endors under the State of New Jersey Coo)erati.e

"ur#hasing "rogram 16NJC", a##ording to /o#al "ubli# Contra#t /aws,

N&J&S& !0A(1161&

+ell Mar*eting /" ;nformation Te#hnology

4ne +ell 9ay 0!61=6<<6=>1'6<<  $ound $o#* TH '8=8 Amount( G1,',1'&'>

  endor O1!8

  NJSCOA ''00>

& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue Certifi#ates of

A.ailability of Funds&



  ;n a##ordan#e with N&J&S&A& !0A(116<, a #ontra#t is hereby awarded for

the )ro.ision of maintenan#e to )ro)rietary #om)uter software for the

  4ffi#e of the Treasurer, to(

  Muni#i)al Software, ;n#&

  "4 Bo: 118

  Marshall Cree*s, "A 18>><

  endor ;+( 0'=>

  Amount( G>0,00&00

  Budget /ine ;tem( 016016061>010060'8

  sing +e)artment( 4ffi#e of the Treasurer

  Terms( Su))ort through +e#ember >1st, 01!

1& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of

  A.ailability of Funds&

& The "ur#hasing Agent is hereby authoriKed to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as

)re)ared by County Counsel&

>& The #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in

#om)lian#e with N&J&S&A& (!!A60&1, et se-&

  !& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



  9$AS, a #ontra#t was awarded August 1!, 01> to AJM Contra#tors

for milling and resurfa#ing of /ong ill $oadMain $oad in arding and Mont.ille

Townshi)7 and

  9$AS, it has been determined that it is ne#essary to de#rease said

#ontra#t to #onform to as built -uantities7

  N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the


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  County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that )ursuant to /o#al "ubli#

Contra#ts $egulations, #ontra#t modifi#ation as detailed on DContra#t Change

4rder $e-uest No& 168>0= is hereby a))ro.ed as follows(

1& endor( AJM Contra#tors

  >00 uller $oadClifton, NJ 0'011


& ;tem( Conform to as built -uantities

>& +e#rease in Cost( G 6,0'&!=


!& New Contra#t Total( G<1<,0&>'

<& The ne#essary amended Certifi#ates of A.ailability of Funds has been

)ro.ided by the Treasurer and said amended Certifi#ate indi#ates the

a.ailability of funds is as listed in A##ount O1>606<=6<'<'01688826G,0'&!=3 and said a##ount shall be #redited&

  =& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to

e:e#ute said #ontra#t modifi#ation&


'& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&




  9$AS, a #ontra#t was awarded for 6$e#ord module )grade7 and

  9$AS, it has been determined that it is ne#essary to in#rease said

#ontra#t due to in.oi#e was more than original #ontra#t7

  N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that )ursuant to /o#al "ubli#

Contra#ts $egulations, #ontra#t modifi#ation as detailed on DContra#t Change

4rder $e-uest No& 168<>= is hereby a))ro.ed as follows(

1& endor( County Business Systems

1<'! $eed $oad

  "ennington, NJ 08<>!


& ;tem( 6$e#ord Module )grade

>& ;n#rease in Cost( G ,==<&00

  !& New Contra#t Total( G!!,0!&00

<& The ne#essary amended Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds has been

)ro.ided by the Treasurer and said amended Certifi#ate indi#ates the

a.ailability of funds is as listed in A##ount O1>606<=6<'8!016888 and

said a##ount shall be #harged&

=& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to

e:e#ute said #ontra#t modifi#ation&

'& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



  9$AS, the uman Ser.i#es Ad.isory Coun#il re#ommends the following

agen#y for @rant in6Aid funding for the year 01!7

  Catholi# Family % Community Ser.i#es,


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  dba o)e ouse

  A;+S Center "rogram

  161 Belmont A.enue, "o Bo: 8<1

  +o.er, New Jersey 0'80160=<1

  endor Code( '1!><

  @rant ;n Aid Funding( G!!,!'  ACCT C4+ N4( 016016'6>!0006!80

  N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

  That the +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby agen#y

authoriKed to sign and e:e#ute the subgrant agreement with the abo.e

named agen#y, #ontingent u)on the agen#y signing the subgrant7 #o)ies

of whi#h are on file in the +e)artment of uman Ser.i#es and made a

)art hereof by referen#e&

The County Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue Certifi#ates of

A.ailability of Funds #harging the a))ro)riate +e)artment a##ounts in

amounts refle#ting all liabilities to be in#urred through Mar#h >1,

01!, in a##ordan#e with N&J&$& >=!! <(>!6<&> 2a3237

)on final ado)tion of the budget, Certifi#ates of A.ailability of Funds

shall be issued for the remaining balan#es sube#t to the a))ro)riation

of suffi#ient funds&




  9$AS, the County of Morris has a "CA$+ )rogram with Ban* of Ameri#a and

9$AS, transa#tions were )ro#essed through the )rogram during the month of

January 01!, as )er the atta#hed do#umentation&

  N49, T$F4$ B ;T $S4/+ that authoriKation is hereby gi.en to the

Treasurer5s 4ffi#e to )ro#ess )ayment to Ban* of Ameri#a by the due date of

  <01! in the total amount of G1,!8&0&




  9$AS, transfers are )ermitted between A))ro)riation $eser.es during the

  first three months of the fis#al year(

  B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris New

Jersey, that transfers between A))ro)riation $eser.es be made as follows(


  County Cler*, S9 G1,000&00 "ur#hasing, 4

  "ersonnel, S9 G ',000&00 "ersonnel, 4



B ;T $S4/+ as follows(

1& The County of Morris wishes to )ur#hase goods and ser.i#es from the following

authoriKed .endors under the State of New Jersey Coo)erati.e "ur#hasing

"rogram 16NJC", a##ording to /o#al "ubli# Contra#t /aws, N&J&S& !0A(1161&


$ug and Floor Store Buildings % @rounds

80 N Midland A.enue 1>606<=6<'8!016888

Sadle Broo* NJ 0'==> Amount( G',00&00



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+ % B Auto Su))ly Motor Ser.i#e Center

>0 /in#oln Bl.d 016016=6>1<10061

Middlese: NJ 088!= Amount( G,1=1&1


;nter City Tire Motor Ser.i#e Center''' +owd A.enue 016016=6>1<1006!<

liKabeth NJ 0'01 Amount( G>,>&'


oo.er Tru#* Centers ;n#& Motor Ser.i#e Center

" 4 Bo: '1 016016=6>1<1006=1

Flanders NJ 0'8>! Amount( G,1>&<


+%N Animal $e#o.ery $oad +i.ision

" 4 Bo: 0< 0160>6010060>=

/ong alley NJ 0'8<> Amount( G!,='8&8>


Mid6Atlanti# Tru#* Center ;n#&Motor Ser.i#e Center

<< /inden A.enue 9est 016016=6>1<1006=1

/inden NJ 0'0>= Amount( G1,<&>


"etro#hoi#e Motor Ser.i#e Center

8>' Cherry Street 016016=6>1<1006>

A.o#a "A 18=!1 Amount( G,=!&0


Tri#o -ui)ment Motor Ser.i#e Center

<<1 N arding wy 016016=6>1<1006=1

ineland NJ 08>=0 Amount( G,!!1&1>NJSCOA'=1'

eriKon CABS /aw % "ubli# Safety

"o Bo: >'0< 0160>6>16!>010061!=

Baltimore M+ 1'6>0< Amount( G!,!>&0!


FF; "rofessional Safety /aw % "ubli# Safety

= @ail Court 0160>6<6<10<60

S)arta NJ 0'8'1 Amount( G1,0>&8


@rainger Buildings % @rounds<< Ja#*son +ri.e S)lit A##ounts7

Cranford NJ 0'01= Amount( G>,18&!8

0160>6=6>101006> G1!0&00


0160>6=6>101006! G>>>&=0

0160>6=6>101006=! G>&!<

Johnstone Su))ly Buildings % @rounds

" 4 Bo: > 0160>6=6>101006=!

enilworth NJ 0'0>> Amount( G1,<>>&00


"aoli, ;n# "rose#utor5s 4ffi#e

" 4 Bo: >0 0!61=6<<6=!>>>6<>

"aoli ;N !'!<! Amount( G>,1<8&8=




  9ith res)e#t to re#ent bidding for Con#rete Floor and nder6+rain

Constru#tion for Shelter at "ubli# Safety Training A#ademy, lo#ated at <00 9est

ano.er $oad, Townshi) of "arsi))any6Troy ills, Morris County, New Jersey, a

#ontra#t is hereby awarded to the lowest most res)onsible bidder as follows(

  JA Constru#tion Cor)& TA +iamond Constru#tion

  >< Bea.erson Bl.d& Suite 1C


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  Bri#*, NJ 08'>

  endor O( =<!8

  Budget( 0!61=6<<6<>086!0

  Amount( G!,100&00 2not to e:#eed3

  Term( Not to e:#eed si:ty 2=03 #alendar days after notifi#ation of

award  +i.( ngineering

  1& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed

to e:e#ute said #ontra#t as )resented by County Counsel&

& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of

A.ailability of Funds&

>& This #ontra#t is awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess in

#om)lian#e with N&J&S,A, 1(!!A60&1, et se-&

  !& The resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&



  9$AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris, by

resolution No& >8 ado)ted A)ril <, 01, awarded a #ontra#t to Sele#t

$ehabilitation of Northfield, ;/ to )ro.ide "rofessional "hysi#al, 4##u)ational

and S)ee#h Thera)y Ser.i#es to the residents of the Morris iew ealth#are Center,

in#luding the new Suba#ute unit, lo#ated at <!0 9est ano.er A.enue, Morris

"lains, New Jersey, and

9$AS, the #ontra#t )ro.ide an o)tion to renew for additional 1 month

terms, by mutual agreement between the County of Morris and the Contra#tor, for a

)eriod not e:#eeding !8 additional months, and


9$AS, on February 1>, 01> by $esolution No& 1 said #ontra#t was e:tended

for additional one 213 year, under the same terms and #onditions #ontained in the

s)e#ifi#ations, and

  9$AS, the #ontra#t )ro.ides another o)tion to e:tend for additional one

213 year, and

9$AS, it is in the best interest of the County to e:er#ise said o)tion to

  e:tend the #ontra#t for additional one year )eriod

  N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

Sele#t $ehabilitation, ;n#&

  <<0 Frontage $d, Ste !1<

  Norhtfield, ;/ =00>

  endor ;+( !8!

  A##ount O( 016016'6><01!060>=Total Amount( G1,>00,000&00

Term( A)ril 1, 01! through Mar#h >1, 01<

  for the aforesaid ser.i#es, a #o)y of whi#h is on file at the Morris

County "ur#hasing +i.ision and is made a )art hereof by referen#e, is

hereby a))ro.ed and shall be entered into by this Board&

  1& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed to

e:e#ute said agreement #onditioned u)on the #ontra#tor5s #om)lian#e

with the re-uirements set forth in )aragra)h < below&

& The Treasurer is hereby authoriKed to issue a Certifi#ate of


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  A.ailability #harging the a))ro)riate a##ounts for amounts refle#ting

all liabilities to be in#urred through Mar#h >1, 01!, in a##ordan#e

with N&J&$& >=!!, <(>!6<&> 2a3 23&

>& A noti#e of this a#tion will be )ublished in a##ordan#e with the law&

  !& The original #ontra#t was awarded )ursuant to a fair and o)en )ro#ess

in #om)lian#e with N&J&S&A& 1(!!A60&!, et se-&



9$AS, on August 8, 01> the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris 2DFreeholder Board3 ado)ted $esolution No& !>, whi#h a))ro.ed the )ur#hase

of a de.elo)ment easement from Burton /& ow, Jr&, as Trustee of the Burton /& ow

Jr& Charitable $emainder nitrust, to the Morris County Agri#ulture +e.elo)ment

Board for lands *nown as Blo#* 10>, /ot <, Townshi) of Mendham, Morris County, New

Jersey, in the amount of Si: undred Twenty Nine Thousand, Two undred Si:ty+ollars and Lero Cents 2G=,=0&0037 and

9$AS, $esolution No& !> authoriKed the issuan#e of a #ounty #he#* or wire

transfer from the Morris County 4)en S)a#e and Farmland "reser.ation Trust Fund in

the amount of Si: undred Twenty Nine Thousand, Two undred Si:ty +ollars and Lero

Cents 2G=,=03 )ayable to Mr& ow5s attorney, S#hen#*, "ri#e, Smith % ing,

/&/&"& Attorney Trust A##ount7 and

9$AS,  the de.elo)ment easement rights of sube#t )ro)erty ha.e been

)ur#hased by 9endo.er Farm "artners, /&"& from Mr& ow7 and

9$AS, the Freeholder Board now agrees to a))ro.e the )ur#hase of the

de.elo)ment easement of the sube#t )ro)erty from 9endo.er Farm "artners, /&"&,

re)resented by the law firm of +ay "itney, /&"&

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Freeholder Board, that the January ,

01! authoriKation to )ay )er Cha)ter 1', "&/& 18< to +ay "itney, /&/&"& Attorney

Trust A##ount, in the amount of si: hundred twenty nine thousand, two hundred si:ty

dollars and Kero #ents 2G=,=0&003 relati.e to the Morris County )ur#hase of

de.elo)ment easement rights for )ro)erty being *nown as Blo#* 10>, /ot <, Townshi)

of Mendham, Morris County, New Jersey, is hereby ratified by the Freeholder Board&

This resolution will ta*e effe#t in a##ordan#e with the law&



9$AS, a #ontra#t was awarded on January 1, 01> for medi#al ser.i#es7 and

9$AS, reallo#ation of funds G>,>=&00 from A##ount O0160>6'6>>0100608!

to A##ount O0160>60610<11<608! and G<&00 from A##ount O0160>60610<11<60< to

A##ount O0160>60610<11<608!, no dollar #hange to the #ontra#t&

N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, )ursuant to /o#al "ubli#

Contra#ts $egulations, #ontra#t modifi#ation as detailed on DContra#t Change 4rder

$e-uest No& !6'0=8> is hereby a))ro.ed as follows(

1& endor( Fast$ rgent Care

  1>0 S)eedwell A.enue

Morris "lains, NJ 0'<0

& ;tem( $eallo#ation of funds

>& ;n#rease+e#rease in Cost( No #hange in dollar amount

!& Contra#t Total( G>><,<8'&00

<. The ne#essary amended Certifi#ate of A.ailability of Funds has been )ro.ided

by the Treasurer and said amended Certifi#ate, as indi#ated abo.e and said

a##ounts shall be #harged#redited&

=& The +ire#tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authoriKed toe:e#ute said #ontra#t modifi#ation&


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'& This resolution shall ta*e effe#t immediately&




  9$AS, on June 8, 011, Senate Bill S6>' was signed into law as Cha)ter'8, "&/& 0117 and,

  9$AS, the aforesaid law re-uired all a#ti.e )ubli# em)loyees to )ay a

)er#entage of the #ost of health #are benefits #o.erage for themsel.es and any

de)endents, said )er#entage based on their le.el of #om)ensation, u) to a ma:imum

of at least ><P of the #ost of #o.erage, s#aled u) in#rementally o.er a four year

)eriod7 and,

  9$AS, the aforesaid )ortion of Cha)ter '8, "&/&, 011 e:)ires four years

after the effe#ti.e date, or June 8, 01<, o)ening em)loyee )ayroll #ontributions

for health #are benefits on#e again to #olle#ti.e bargaining negotiations7 and,

  9$AS, the #ost of em)loyee health benefits #onstitutes a signifi#ant

e:)ense to lo#al go.ernment in New Jersey7 and,

  9$AS, it is essential that lo#al go.ernments #ontinue to be relie.ed of

the burden of funding e:#essi.e bargaining agreement awards whi#h dri.e lo#al,

state and #ounty budgets and ta:es u)wards, generating an una##e)table fis#al

burden on ta:)ayers7


N49, T$F4$, B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

  1& That this Board is on re#ord urging legislation be drafted, introdu#ed,

)assed and signed into law e:tending and ma*ing )ermanent the aforesaid

re-uired em)loyee health #are benefits )ayroll #ontribution set forth in

Cha)ter '8, "&/& 011& 

& That the aforesaid "ubli# /aw be amended to refle#t that the em)loyee )ayroll

#ontribution for health#are benefits is no longer sube#t to and be

e:e#uted from #olle#ti.e negotiated agreements, after all su#h agreements in

for#e at the time of the ado)tion of this statue e:)ire, and that said

#ontribution shall be set by statue, as defined in Se#tion > of Cha)ter

'8, "&/& 011, in )er)etuity for all em)loyees as defined in se#tions !0

  through !! of the aforesaid ena#tment&

  >& That a #o)y of this resolution be distributed to all our lo#al state

re)resentati.es, to the s)onsors of the original legislation7 to the Chairman

of the Senate Budget and A))ro)riation Committee and the Assembly Budget

Committee, to the "resident of the Senate7 to the S)ea*er of the Assembly7

to the onorable @o.ernor of the State of New Jersey, Christo)her J&

Christie7 to the /eague of Muni#i)alities7 to all the Mayors in the County of

Morris and to the Boards of Chosen Freeholders of all the other #ounties in

the State of New Jersey, urging them all to ado)t and distribute similar

resolutions of su))ort&



  B ;T $S4/+, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in

the State of New Jersey that + N@/BA$T be and is hereby a))ointed as an At6large

member of the Morris County istori# "reser.ation Trust Fund $e.iew Board to ser.e

without salary the une:)ired term of James 9oodruff, to e:)ire +e#ember >1, 01!&



  B ;T $S4/+ by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in

the State of New Jersey that the following indi.idual is hereby a))ointed to the

Morris County "ar* Commission, to ser.e without salary, the une:)ired term of John

Sette, 1>11!(

  dward M#Carthy

  10 Forest iew +ri.e

  Chester, New Jersey 0'>0




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Freeholder ri#*us made a motion to ado)t $esolution Nos& 1 through <0&

This was se#onded by Freeholder S#a)i##hio& The Cler* #alled and re#orded the

following .ote(

IS( Freeholders Cabana 2e:#e)t to ABSTA;N on $es& >3, Cesaro,

+eFilli))o, ri#*us, /yon, S#a)i##hio, +ire#tor Mastrangelo

  2e:#e)t to ABSTA;N on $es& ><,>=3 2'3 



There were no Freeholder #omments&





B ;T $BI $S4/+ that the bills as shown on the S#hedule of 9arrants all

ha.ing been a))ro.ed by the )ro)er #ommittees of offi#ials where legally re-uired,

be and the same are hereby )aid& The S#hedule of 9arrants designated as Bill

$esolution O0>61! is detailed below and totals G',1,8!&' dated this date and

made a )art hereof by referen#e&

Freeholder Cabana mo.ed the ado)tion of the Bill $esolution& The motion was

se#onded by Freeholder S#a)i##hio, and the following .ote was re#orded(

IS( Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, +eFilli))o, ri#*us, /yon,

S#a)i##hio, and +ire#tor Mastrangelo 2'3



There was no further business& 4n motion by Freeholder /yon and

se#onded by Freeholder Cesaro, the meeting was adourned at '(< )&m&

$es)e#tfully submitted,

  +iane M& et#hum

  Cler* of the Board