ky nang giao tiep oralcommunication


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The Importance of CommunicationYÙ nghóa Quan Troïng cuûa söï Giao Tieáp

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The Importance of CommunicationYÙ nghóa Quan Troïng cuûa söï Giao Tieáp Söï Giao Tieáp gioáng nhö maïch maùu trong cô theå Khoâng theå coù hoaït ñoäng kinh doanh maø thieáu söï

Giao Tieáp Cung caáp Thoâng tin, vaø phaûn hoài thoâng tin giuùp

doanh nghieäp coù theå thieát laäp muïc tieâu nhieäm vuï cuûa mình vaø chænh ñoán hoaït ñoäng cuûa mình ñeå thích nghi vôùi moâi tröôøng beân ngoaøi

Communication is just like the blood vessels in the body. No business will do without Communication Provide Information, feedback so that a business can set

it’s goals and objectives and adjust it’s operation to adapt the external environment.

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Consequences of Bad CommunicationHaäu Quaû cuûa söï Giao Tieáp yeáu keùm

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Communication ModelMoâ Hình Giao Tieáp

SENDERNgöôøi Göûi

RECEIVERNgöôøi Nhaän


CHANNELEncodeMaõ Hoùa

DecodeGiaûi Maõ

Transmission / Söï Truyeàn Daãn

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Giao Tieáp Qua Ngoân Töø (Verbal communication)– Giao tieáp qua lôøi noùi (Oral communication)– Giao tieáp qua vaên baûn (Written

communication)– Caùc kyõ naêng thuyeát trình (Presentation skills)

Giao Tieáp Khoâng Qua Ngoân Töø (Non-verbal communication)– Ngoân ngöõ cô theå (Body language)– Gioïng noùi / Thanh ñieäu (Voice/tone)– ...

Forms of communicationCaùc Hình Thöùc Giao Tieáp

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How effective are you in communicating

Baïn coù gioûi giao tieáp khoâng


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Communication problemsNhöõng khoù khaên trong giao tieáp

Giao tieáp laø chuyeän khoâng deã daøng vì coù quaù nhieàu yeáu toá aûnh höôûng ñeán quaù trình naøy

Boä oùc cuûa chuùng ta gioáng nhö moät laêng kính coù xu höôùng dieãn giaûi nhöõng gì thu nhaän ñöôïc theo caûm nghó

Communication is not easy since there are many elements involved in the process.

Our brains act like the lens, which tend to interpret all information received from our senses

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Psychological issues in communicationNhöõng vaán ñeà taâm lyù trong giao tieáp

Trí Nhôù (Memory)

Nhaän Thöùc (Perception)

Söùc YØ Taâm Lyù

(Psychological Inertia)

Ngoân ngöõ (Language)

Nhaân Caùch (Personality)

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Memory – Trí Nhôù

Trí Nhôù Caûm Nhaän (SM) Trí Nhôù Ngaén Haïn (STM) Trí Nhôù Daøi Haïn (LTM)

Sensory Memory Short-Term Memory (STM) Long-Term Memory (LTM)

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Sensory Memory Loaïi trí nhôù coù theå löu giöõ moät löôïng lôùn thoâng tin

trong moät thôøi gian raát ngaén (vaøi giaây hoaëc ngaén hôn)

Ví duï : caùc ví duï trong coâng nghieäp ñieän aûnh, böùc tranh toaøn caûnh cuûa tia chôùp, tieáng voïng kyù öùc, v.v…

Coù theå löu giöõ raát nhieàu thoâng tin theo möùc ñoä baïn ñeå taâm ñeán

Vaán ñeà veà thôøi haïn

A type of memory that stores a large amounts of information for very brief periods (a few seconds of less)

Example: movie industry, the whole picture of the lightning, echoes of sound in your mind...

Can hold as much information as you attend to. Problem with its duration

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Short-Term Memory (STM)

Daïng trí nhôù vôùi dung löôïng vaø thôøi löôïng haïn cheá, coøn goïi laø trí nhôù “ñuû duøng”

Ví duï : nhôù moät soá telephone coù 7 chöõ soá chöøng naøo coøn caàn duøng ñeán

A type of memory with limited capacity and limited duration, also called working memory

Example: holding a 7 digits telephone number long enough to dial it

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Vieäc chia thoâng tin thaønh nhieàu phaàn nhoû gaén vôùi yù nghóa naøo ñaáy seõ giuùp caûi thieän trí nhôù daïng STM– Breaking information in to meaningful chunks helps STM

Chuùng ta coù theå löu giöõ 7 ± 2 phaàn thoâng tin trong boä nhôù STM– We can store 7 ± 2 meaningful pieces of information in


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03 6 9 9 12 15 18

Retention interval (seconds)Thôøi gian löu giöõ thoâng tin (giaây)


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Long-Term Memory (LTM) Daïng trí nhôù vôùi löu löôïng gaàn nhö laø voâ haïn vaø

thôøi löôïng raát daøi, neáu khoâng noùi laø voâ taän. LTM bao goàm :– Trí nhôù chu trình: nôi löu giöõ caùc lieân töôûng phaûn

öùng khi bò kích thích vaø caùc khuoân maãu veà kyõ naêng phaûn öùng

– Trí nhôù ngöõ nghóa:nôi löu giöõ töø vöïng, caùc söï kieän, caùc quan ñieåm vaø caùc quy taéc ñôn giaûn

– Trí nhôù phaân khuùc: löu giöõ caùc kinh nghieäm baûn thaân

A type of memory with virtually unlimited capacity and very long, if not limitless, duration. LTM includes:– Procedural memory: a sub system of LTM, in which

stimulus response associations and skilled patterns of responses are stored

– Semantic memory: a sub system of LTM, in which vocabulary, facts, simple concepts and rules are stored

– Episodic memory: a sub system of LTM, in which personal experiences are stored

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If attended to / Neáu chuù taâm

Elaborative rehearsal / Neáu chòu khoù taäp


If attended to / Neáu chuù taâm

Short-term memory (STM)

Sensory memory

Long-term memory (LTM)







al / D

uy trì



Stimuli in the environment / Caùc taùc nhaân kích thích trong moâi tröôøng

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How to improve your memory?

Laøm caùch naøo ñeå caûi thieän trí nhôù ?

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Perception – Nhaän Thöùc

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Psychological inertiaSöùc YØ Taâm Lyù

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Psychological inertia

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Psychological inertia

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Baïn nhìn thaáy gì ôû ñaây?

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Baïn nhìn thaáy gì ôû ñaây?

Coøn hình naøy?

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The story of my window...

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Language – Ngoân Language – Ngoân NgöõNgöõ

Laø moät taäp hôïp caùc kyù hieäu tuøy yù coù moät yù

nghóa naøo ñoù chung cho moät coäng ñoàng söû

duïng thöù tieáng ñoù vaø tuaân thuû nhöõng quy taéc

phoái hôïp nhaát ñònh naøo ñoù

A large collection of arbitrary symbols that have a

shared significance for a language using community and

that follow certain combinatorial rules

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Problems with languageProblems with languageCaùc vaán ñeà lieân quan Caùc vaán ñeà lieân quan ñeán ngoân ngöõñeán ngoân ngöõ

Moät töø coù theå coù nhieàu yù nghóa khaùc nhau Moät yù coù theå ñöôïc dieãn ñaït baèng nhieàu töø

khaùc nhau Caùc khaùc bieät khi tieáp thu vaø hieåu yù nghóa

cuûa töø Moái töông taùc giöõa ngöõ caûnh vaø ngoân ngöõ

khoâng lôøi

One word may have many meanings One meaning can be expressed with many words Differences in perceiving meaning of word Interference of context and non-verbal language

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Personality – Nhaân caùch

Explore your MBTI profile!

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The ways we interact with WorldCaùc hình thöùc töông taùc giöõa con ngöôøi vaø theá giôùi


Caûm nhaän thoâng tinCaûm nhaän thoâng tin


Xöû lyù thoâng tinXöû lyù thoâng tin

SensingTri giaùc

IntuitiveTröïc giaùc

ThinkingSuy luaän

FeelingCaûm giaùc

ExtrovertsHöôùng ngoaïi

IntrovertsHöôùng noäi

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Personality Types – Personality Types – Caùc daïng Caùc daïng nhaân caùchnhaân caùch





24% 4%

52% 20%

Sensing – Tri giaùcIntuitive – Tröïc giaùc

IntrovertsHöôùng noäi

ExtrovertsHöôùng ngoaïi

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Personality TypesPersonality TypesSensing – Tri giaùc Intuitive – Tröïc giaùc

IntrovertsHöôùng noäi

ExtrovertsHöôùng ngoaïi





PracticalCoù ñaàu oùc thöïc teá

DependableÑaùng tin caäy

Complex people issues Self-power

Artful thinkerNgöôøi laém möu meïo

Sensuous performer

IdealisticDuy taâm

Architect of ideas

Ngöôøi ñeà xuaát yù töôûng

Quality workers

Clever performers

OptimisticLaïc quan

Imaginative analytical

ResponsibleCoù traùch nhieäm

SociableDeã hoøa ñoàng

Charismatic leader

Ngöôøi laõnh ñaïo coù söùc

loâi cuoán

CommandantNgöôøi chæ


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Johari Window

YourselfBaûn thaân baïn

OthersNhöõng ngöôøi khaùc


Don’t knowKhoâng bieát






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Johari Window

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How to communicate effectivelyHow to communicate effectivelyLaøm theá naøo ñeå giao tieáp coù Laøm theá naøo ñeå giao tieáp coù hieäu quaûhieäu quaû Coù muïc ñích roõ raøng veà vieäc ta ñònh truyeàn ñaït ñieàu gì Chuaån bò saün thaät kyõ löôõng noäi dung caàn truyeàn ñaït Duøng ngoân ngöõ vaø caùch dieãn ñaït quen thuoäc ñoái vôùi

ngöôøi tieáp thu Laøm cho noäi dung thoâng ñieäp phuø hôïp vôùi lôïi ích ngöôøi

nghe Taïo moâi tröôøng thuaän lôïi ñeå nhaän thoâng tin phaûn hoài Laéng nghe ngöôøi ñoái thoaïi moät caùch tích cöïc

Have a clear objective of what you are going to communicate Prepare carefully the message in advance Use the language and expressions familiar to the receiver Make the message relevant to receiver’s interests Create an environment for getting feedback Listen to the receiver actively

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How to communicate effectivelyLaøm theá naøo ñeå giao tieáp coù hieäu quaû

Höôùng veà vaán ñeà, khoâng höôùng veà con ngöôøi Tìm söï phuø hôïp chöù khoâng tìm söï baát hôïp Moâ taû, chöù khoâng ñaùnh giaù Laøm cho coù hieäu löïc, chöù khoâng laøm maát hieäu löïc Cuï theå, chöù khoâng toång theå Tìm caùch lieân keát, chöù khoâng phaân lieät Coâng nhaän, chöù khoâng choái boû

Problem-oriented, not people oriented Congruent, not incongruent Descriptive, not evaluative Validating, not invalidating Specific, not global Conjunctive, not disjunctive Owned, not disowned

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Communication with subordinatesGiao tieáp vôùi caáp döôùi

Löu yù 5 töø quan troïng nhaát : “Toâi töï haøo veà anh”

Löu yù 4 töø quan troïng nhaát : “YÙ anh theá naøo?”

Löu yù 3 töø quan troïng nhaát : “Anh coù muoán …”

Löu yù 2 töø quan troïng nhaát : “Caùm ôn”

Löu yù 1 töø quan troïng nhaát : “Anh”

The 5 most important words are: “I’m proud of you”

The 4 most important words are: “What is your opinion?”

The most 3 important words are: “Would you like…”

The most 2 important words are: “ Thank you”

The most important words are: “You”

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Communication in organizationsGiao tieáp trong toå chöùc

Nhaø maùy Karsevo

Giaùm ñoác

.Phuï traùch SX

.Phuï traùch chaát löôïng

.Phuï traùch keá hoaïch

Tröôûng ca 1 Tröôûng baûo trì

Tröôûng chuyeàn

Nhaân vieân

Nhaân vieân baûo trì

Nhaân vieân kieâm traNhaân vieân keá hoaïch

Nhaân vieân cung öùng

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Listening skills – Kyõ naêng nghe Nghe khen Nghe cheâ Nghe chuû ñoäng (tích cöïc)

Content listening Critical listening Active or empathic listening

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Listening skills – Kyõ naêng nghe

Tìm kieám nhöõng gì coù ích (Find areas of interest)– Bad Listener: boû qua nhöõng gì khoâng höùng thuù (BL: Tunes

out dry subjects)– Good Listener: tìm kieám caùc cô may, töï hoûi ta coù thu ñöôïc

caùi gì töø ñoù khoâng? (GL: Opportunizes, asks “what’s in it for me?”)

Ñaùnh giaù noäi dung, khoâng ñaùnh giaù caùch truyeàn ñaït (Judge content, not delivery)– BL: khoâng nghe neáu caùch truyeàn ñaït khoâng hay (Tunes out

if delivery is poor)– GL: ñaùnh giaù noäi dung, boû qua nhöõng loãi veà caùch truyeàn

ñaït (Judges content; skip over delivery errors)

Kieàm cheá baûn thaân (Hold your fire)– BL: saün saøng lao vaøo tranh luaän (Tends to enter into

argument)– GL: khoâng ñöa ra ñaùnh giaù chöøng naøo chöa hieåu roõ vaán

ñeà, neáu coù caét ngang lôøi ngöôøi ñoái thoaïi chæ laø ñeå laøm roõ hôn vaán ñeà (doesn’t judge until comprehension is complete, interrupts only to clarify)

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Listening skills – Kyõ naêng nghe

Nghe ñeå laáy yù töôûng (Listen for ideas)– BL: Nghe caùc söï kieän (Listens for facts)– GL: Nghe ñeå hieåu roõ chuû ñeà trung taâm (Listens for

central themes)

Haõy linh hoaït (Be flexible)– BL: Tích cöïc ghi cheùp, chæ aùp duïng moät caùch thu

thaäp thoâng tin (Takes extensive notes using only one system)

– GL: Ghi cheùp ít, aùp duïng caùc caùch khaùc nhau tuøy thuoäv vaøo ngöôøi ñoái thoaïi (Takes fewer notes, use four or five different systems, depending on speaker)

Laøm vieäc trong khi nghe (Work at listening)– BL: khoâng theå hieän söï tích cöïc, hoaëc giaû vôø chaêm

chuù nghe (Shows no energy output; fakes attention)– GL: tích cöïc laøm vieäc; theå hieän roõ qua cung caùch luùc

nghe (Works hard; exhibits active body state)

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Listening skills – Kyõ Naêng Nghe

Traùnh söï phaân taâm (Resist distractions)– BL: deã bò phaân taâm (Is distracted easily)– GL: traùnh hoaëc choáng laïi söï phaân taâm; bieát taäp trung

laéng nghe (Fights or avoids distractions; tolerates bad habits, knows how to concentrate)

Giöõ cho ñaàu oùc khoâng bò thaønh kieán (Keep your mind open)– BL: phaûn öùng vôùi nhöõng caâu deã gaây xuùc caûm (Reacts

to emotional words)– GL: khoâng bò aûnh höôûng (Does not get hung up on them)

YÙ nghó luoân nhanh hôn lôøi noùi (Thought is faster than speech)– BL: deã buoàn nguû khi nghe nhöõng ngöôøi noùi chaäm (Tends

to daydream with slow speakers)– GL: thaùch thöùc, löôøng tröôùc, taäp hôïp vaø caân nhaéc ñaùnh

giaù chöùng cöù trong ñaàu; tìm caùch hieåu caùc haøm yù (Challenges, anticipates, mentally summarizes weighs the evidence; listens b/w the line of voice)

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Caâu hoûi daïng “Môû” (Open-ended questions)

Caâu hoûi daïng “Ñoùng” (Closed-ended


Caâu hoûi “Doø” (‘Probe’ questions)

Asking right questionsHoûi caùc caâu hoûi phuø hôïp

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Asking right questions

You can guess the answer before asking a question.

Baïn coù theå ñoaùn ñöôïc caâu traû lôøi tröôùc khi ñaët caâu hoûi

Closed-ended questions – Daïng ñoùngOpen-ended questions – Daïng môû

Explore the breadth and depth of potential information - Tìm hieåu möùc ñoä saâu roäng cuûa thoâng tin

Require the interviewer to be skilled – Ñ oøi hoûi ngöôøi phoûng vaán phaûi coù kyõ naêng

Provide the opportunity for interviewee to reveal feelings and information – Taïo cô hoäi cho ngöôøi ñöôïc hoûi boäc loä caûm xuùc vaø thoâng tin

Yield an economical use of time – Tieát kieäm thôøi gian

Allow the interviewer control over questions and responses – Cho pheùp ngöôøi hoûi kieåm soaùt ñöôïc caâu hoûi vaø caâu traû lôøi

Elicit precise, reproducible, reliable data – Cho pheùp thu caùc döõ lieäu chính xaùc, ñaùng tin caäy

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Handling questions effectivelyXöû lyù caùc caâu hoûi moät caùch hieäu quaû

Tham khaûo baøi “Kyõ Naêng Thuyeát Trình”

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Handling questions effectively Be prepared for questions Anticipate the possible questions Listen carefully, repeat or re-phrase to

understand the question clearly Thank the person for the question Keep your answers short and to the

point Answer to the whole audience

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Don’t let any member of the audience monopolize your attention or turn a question in to a debate

Respond unemotionally to tough questions

If you don’t have the answer, don’t pretend that you do

Say ‘last question!’ to end the session

Handling questions effectively

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AssertiveQuyeát ñoaùn

UnassertiveRuït reø

UncoopetativeBaát hôïp taùc

CoopetativeHôïp taùc


Tranh ñua


Coäng taùc


Thoûa hieäp

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Communication Communication stylesstyles

Caùc cung caùch Caùc cung caùch giao tieápgiao tieáp

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Caùc phong caùch Communication

1. Tranh ñua (Competing): Caùc beân ñeàu kieân quyeát theo ñuoåi nhöõng quyeàn lôïi rieâng, baát chaáp quyeàn lôïi cuûa beân kia.

2. Hôïp taùc (Collaboration): Cuøng hôïp söùc ñi tôùi nhöõng keát quaû ñem laïi lôïi ích chung cho caû hai phía

3. Traùnh neù (Avoiding): Xaûy ra khi moät trong hai beân chöa ñöôïc thuyeát phuïc, caùc quyeàn lôïi chöa roõ raøng vaø do ñoù vaán ñeà seõ ñöôïc taïm gaùc laïi ñeán moät dòp thích hôïp hôn

4. Nhaân nhöôïng (Accommodating): Taïm gaùc quyeán lôïi cuûa mình ñeå öu tieân cho nhöõng quan taâm cuûa beân kia

5. Thoûa hieäp (Compromising): Caû hai beân cuøng hy sinh moät soá quyeàn lôïi naøo ñoù ñeå giöõ laïi caùc thoûa hieäp chung.

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Nhaèm tìm moät giaûi phaùp chung khi caùc quyeàn lôïi

cuûa caû hai beân ñeàu quan troïng khoâng theå nhaân

nhöôïng ñöôïc

Khi coù nhu caàu hoïc hoûi, hay kieåm tra caùc giaû

thieát cuûa baïn, hay thaêm doø quan ñieåm cuûa

ngöôøi khaùc

Taän duïng söï hieåu bieát cuûa ñoái taùc trong coâng


Ñaït ñöôïc cam keát chung

Taïo caùc quan heä caù nhaân

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Khi moät quyeát ñònh khaån caáp vaø cöông quyeát laø

soáng coøn

Khi nhöõng bieän phaùp chuyeân moân quan troïng

caàn phaûi ñöôïc thöïc hieän.

Nhöõng vaán ñeà quan troïng maø baïn bieát chaéc laø


Baûo veä baïn khoûi nhöõng ngöôøi hay lôïi duïng söï

nhaân nhöôïng cuûa ngöôøi khaùc

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Khi moät vaán ñeà laø khoâng quan troïng, hay chæ thoaùng qua, hay khi coøn coù caùc vaán ñeà khaùc quan troïng hôn.

Khi baïn caûm thaáy khoù hoaëc khoâng theå thay ñoåi ñieàu gì ñoù Vd: Thay ñoåi chính saùch cty hay caù tính cuûa ai

Khi nguy cô thieät haïi cuûa vieäc ñoái khaùng laø lôùn hôn nhöõng gì coù theå gaët haùi ñöôïc

Laøm nguoäi ñoái thuû ñeå duy trì söï hôïp taùc Khi vieäc tìm kieám theâm thoâng tin laø coù lôïi hôn

moät quyeát ñònh töùc thì. Khi nhöõng vaán ñeà ñang tranh caõi baét nguoàn töø

nhöõng vaán ñeà khaùc caên baûn hôn.

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Accommodating Khi baïn nhaän ra laø mình sai, khi baïn muoán hoïc hoûi

hoaëc toû ra ñuùng möïc. Khi vaán ñeà quan troïng hôn ñoái vôùi beân kia, vaø baïn

muoán laøm moät “cöû chæ ñeïp” ñeå duy trì moái quan heä.

Xaây döïng neàn moùng cho nhöõng quan heä trong töông lai

Khi vieäc tranh ñua chæ laøm caùc muïc tieâu thaát baïi, vì baïn bò khuynh laán vaø ñang thaát baïi.

Khi baïn nhaän thaáy vieäc giöõ gìn hoaø khí laø quan troïng hôn caû

Giuùp caáp döôùi coù cô hoäi hoïc hoûi töø nhöõng thaát baïi cuûa hoï.

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Compromising Khi muïc tieâu cuõng quan troïng nhöng khoâng ñaùng

coù theâm nhöõng maâu thuaãn hay caêng thaúng

Khi caû hai söï ñoái khaùng ñeàu maïnh nhöng cuøng

höôùng tôùi muïc tieâu chung

Ñaït moät thoûa hieäp taïm thôøi cho nhöõng vaán

ñeà phöùc taïp

Nhaèm coù nhöõng giaûi phaùp thích hôïp khi coù aùp

löïc thôøi gian

Laø giaûi phaùp döï tröõ khi vieäc hôïp taùc hay caïnh

tranh khoâng thaønh coâng

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Physiological needsAir, Food, Water, Sleep, Shelter

Safety needsPersonal Confidence, Stability, Protection from Enemies

Love and belongingness needsAffection, Friendship, Ties to Groups

Esteem needsSelf-worth, Uniqueness, Respect, Recognition in Community

Self-actualization needsCreativity, Wisdom, Self-realization,

Vocation, Fulfillment

Maslow’s hierarchy of needsMaslow’s hierarchy of needs