ideation clash of expectations

Clash of expectations When students get their first job, they have to be “trained” for some months, because their employers don’t trust they have the preparation and capabilities to have full responsibility on their new job, because they only have “theoretical knowledge”. This generates frustration due to the feeling “I studied hard, I had great notes, and they don’t mean anything now, It is as if I lost several years of my life doing nothing!”

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Clash of expectations

When students get their first job, they have to be “trained” for some months, because their employers don’t trust they have the preparation and capabilities to have full responsibility on their new job, because they only have “theoretical


This generates frustration due to the feeling “I studied hard, I had great notes, and they don’t mean anything now, It is as if I lost several years of my life doing


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Avoid the “training” period students have to have when they get into the labor world, by giving them the tools to

reinforce the “practical” skills that are needed in real working life situations

Our objective today:

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Changes within current system (what should be the minimum things universities

can do to solve this problem?)Different ideas that can be also

done (from universities side)

First Ideas

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What if enteprises have a more active role in education?

What about using media and technology?

What if’s

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What if we do radical changes?

In a formal way In crazy way

What if’s upgraded

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So, let’s choose

1. The most practical idea (one that could be easily implemented)

In a country like Mexico, where social differences are incredible big, and there is a lot of need for “help” in all senses, Universities should include students working in real cases as “pro bono”. They would gain experience, helping others that will not be as “hard” and that would appreciate the work.This should be supervised by teachers in their different classes, enriching what students learn today in theory.

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So, let’s choose

2. The most disruptive idea (one that would make a huge impact, regardless of how feasible or affordable it is)

In Mexico, there is a very strong disconnection between scholar system and labor world.There is an opportunity in creating a new teaching philosophy, that might only be possible by opening a new university, which focus would be having students working from day 1, being educated on the run, and getting theoretical knowledge while living real working life situations. The university would be like a real big company, with different areas and disciplines, just as it works outside, and people would have real jobs from the start.

In a formal way

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So, let’s choose

3. Your favorite idea (one idea that you are excited about for whatever reason... you don’t have to justify why)

When learning, students seem to face “linear” problem-solution situations: “this is how it should be done”.The truth, is outside, in the real world, people working face multiple situations, some good, some bad, some awful. From handling clients/ customers that can be nice (but also can be aggressive), to be confronted to things related to ethics, culture or education, to face someone that does not want to pay!Students don't think about that while they are doing their degrees.I thought, maybe, creating a book with the style of those that existed some years ago (Choose your own adventure), where a situation is presented, you take a decision, and based on that the story continues, could help students think on how would they react, and what could happen next if they did it.