spaces and places of surveillance - an exploration through past, present and future

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  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    An Exploration Through Past,

    Present and Future

    Ry Bk


    S P A C E S


    P L A C E S

    o f

    S U R V E I L L A N C E

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    T y

    , ,


    place. I -


    bj. By



    . A





    A b

    bk bk ( ).

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future

















    - Religion and the Omnipresent.

    - Spatialisation of Power.


    - One Planet Under CCTV.

    - The Information Portrait.


    - Are We Living In a Sci-Fi Future?.

    - Motifs of Surveillance.




  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    - George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four(1947)

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future



    I y b b y ,

    y b

    y . I y I

    q , -

    space place. Lk , y -

    space y ,y b place y.

    By , -


    y. Lk

    , y. F

    b , b k


    y y. W k

    , y inormationportrait.


  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future



    y ; b by past, -

    by present, b uture. I q y y

    . T , y

    y -b

    by b

    , y k

    O , CCV. O y

    bk y bk y

    k y

    y. I b k y



    *Trajectory- noun - T bj space time.(1)

    1. M, -rajectory, ://../jy[ 13 J 2013] 3

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    y -. T y - y

    B B y

    y . k Eye o Prov-idence, yb - y , b G S U

    S bq

    A , $1 b, 1935.(2) A y

    y y , Eye o Providence -,


    . I , , y b b y y ,

    k USA. T b y

    ( sel-sur-veillance) y y b by ,y .

    2. P, R.Have You Ever Wondered About the Back o a $1 Bill?, RonsCurrency, ://.y./.#SEAL_REV[ 19 D 2012]4


    Religion and t heOmnipresent

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    I y ,


    . J P Rajaraja emple S I; it stands today in a tradition that has utilized ar-chitecture as a metalanguage, a visual symbol o a power relationshipbetween sovereign and subject.(3) H , y, -

    y y. W y

    y by k

    b y b, y. T

    b by b

    ; k b y b

    , .

    Surveillance - F b surveiller[F] (, ), - over + (4)

    3. P, J.M.Foucault and the Architecture o Surveillance: Creating Regimeso Power in Schools, Shrines, and Society, E S: A J

    A E S A (2008), 44:1, 30-464. Dy., -Surveillance, C E Dy - C &

    Ub 10 E, ://y../b/= [ 14 J 2013] 5

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    T bb y ower o Babel -

    y. T b by

    E, G F. I

    by G

    E y

    , b.(5) W -

    b y bz, k

    yb b y, BigBrother gure y y b.

    I b -, -, b

    y. A -

    - ,

    , y , -

    ; b

    k y.

    W y b

    ; Architecture, through the interaction o its symbolic andphysical spatial components, is inseparable rom maniestation opower.(6) O

    5.I Bb Sy, Holy Bible (NIV International Version),(L: H & S, 2002), G 11:1-9

    6. Rb, R. L.-P. & Rb, V. P.Distructuring Utopias, AD, 79 (2009), . 45.6

    Spatialisationof Power

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    power-architecture Jy B Panopticon 18 y. T Panopticon,

    , y . T


    , , k

    y b y . T


    y b as amechanism or coding their reciprocal relationships at a level that in-

    cludes the movement o the body in space as well as its surveillance.(7)

    while the panopticon ostensibly keeps the body entrapped,it is in act targeted at the psyche: in this mechanism the soul is the

    prison o the body. (8) T b P G O Nineteen Eighty-Four -; b bk, T

    P, b P

    y , y

    y b .

    U ,

    P -

    . T k

    y b -


    y b y y .

    I y, b -

    omnipresence, -by b

    y b

    y y

    . H Kk


  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    How oten, or on what system, the Tought Police plugged in on anyindividual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they

    watched everybody all the time.


    F , -ree thoughtb by -

    ; . T T

    P , , I

    y y b y

    y y k y. T b

    y k

    q; y

    7. L, D. L. & L, S. M. Te Built Environment and Spatial Form.A R Ay, 19 (1990), 453-505.8. Kk, H. Te gaze without eyes: video-surveillance and the changing

    nature o urban space (2000), Uy Hk, ://...//497b//kk.#=%22%20-%20%22 [ 12 D 2012].9. O, G.Nineteen Eighty-Four, (N Yk: H, 1949).8

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    Ny, y -

    - . I

    CCV ,

    j b

    y, -

    O ,

    Doublethink.(10) B-

    Panopticon Oelescreen b b b CCV

    y y

    , one-way mirror . T


    One PlanetUnder CCV

    , k P

    , b y.

    T b CCV

    parasite-host, , y

    . T b -


    10. O, N Ey-F, .5 (S A). 9

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    Ry S 1982 ,Blade Runner(b P K. Dk1968 ,Do Androids Dream o Electric Sheep?), - . O

    y(11), y y k . T CCV

    parasitic bj y y bby y b


    W b, CCV y

    y UK y -

    by ; K Hy y , Te minute you arrivein England, rom the erry port to the train station to the city centres,youre being CCV d.(12) I by - P G ; Boundaries are set up where cameras cover,or end coverage, implying a change in space, social contact, and con-trol.(13)A

    b y by. F , -

    CCV y

    ; ,

    . F b


    11.Blade Runner, D. Ry S, W B (1982), Film.12. Hy, K. D. & E, R. V. Te Surveillant Assemblage, T B

    J Sy, 51-4 (2000), . 605-622.13. G, P. Surveillance, Architecture and Society (2010), A

    Ay C, ://z./S,-A--Sy&=3557213 [ 12 D 2012].10

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    I 9-11 y

    , b b by

    k . Ty y b -

    , b b-

    yy b

    b k. T by

    ; architecture can be substituted or used in conjunc-tion with traditional regulatory mechanisms, such as the law or socialnorms,(14) , .

    T y

    by , -

    . T by b b

    y y

    by ,

    b y b b

    .(15) Lk PyDrake Circus, b 2006,

    y z y.

    14. S, R. C., & K, J. P.How Architecture Regulates (2004), G W C, ://../j_//H_A_R. [ 14 D 2012].

    15. H, F. & F, B.Reactive Attention: Video Surveillance in Berlin Shopping Malls, S Sy, 2-2/3 (2004) . 323-345. 11

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    A , . I k, B -

    z 3254 b

    , -

    y y.(16) T


    b ,

    . A b ,

    b b y.

    A networked inormation-based society is inherently a surveillancesociety in which resources and services (hence consumer satisaction,power and control) are allocated by abstracted classication and auto-mated personalization.(17)

    T ky automated personalization, virtual b virtual . I y b

    b y -

    . Lk C y


    y ,

    .(18) T bby -




    he InformationPortrait

    16. Gy, R.How Big Brother Watches Your Every Move (2008), T O,://...k//k/2571041/H-B-B--y-y-.# [ 29 D 2012].

    17. , K. Te Surveillance Society (2011), C A S S y Py, ://-y. [ 29D2012].

    18. H, J. & W, S.S.Discourse behind the Forbidden Realm: Internet surveillance and its implications on Chinas blogosphere, I,27-1 (2010), . 67

    19. H & W,Forbidden Realm, . 6812

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    I I y y

    virtual space, y -

    . By y y, y y b, -

    y b b

    utopian y. P system o components y (yb y)



  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    Every breath you take

    And every move you makeEvery bond you break, every step you take

    Ill be watching you

    Every single day

    And every word you say

    Every game you play, every night you stay

    Ill be watching you

    20. P, T.Every Breath You ake, Syy,A&M R (1983). (S A).

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future



    Are We Living In ASci-Fi Future?

    By k k -

    . k O Nineteen Eighty-Four ; y 1970 b a surprising amount o whatOrwell imagined now seems plausible.(21) S D Ly , O y-

    ( B P)

    y b.(22) T y

    y b

    , Nineteen Eighty-FoursT P.

    I y y - j ;

    b k -

    k .

    W - b

    b Nineteen Eighty-Four P

    y k y. T j S- , Fz L Metrop-olis (1927), y . F ,

    ; y ,

    k k, bb y

    21. M, J. & N, A. Te Computerized Society, (N Yk: P,1973). . 52

    22. Ly, D. Te Electronic Eye: Te Rise o Surveillance Society, (Cb:Py P, 1994). P. 57-58 15

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    Bb bk b

    - yb .(23) T

    Bb y

    k y

    . I

    transparency b y y ,

    k . T -

    b , k


    P S Blade Runner, y b voyeur-

    ism and escapism B B

    .(24) A Rb Rb y,

    Te inormation society is rooted in voyeurism and escapism. Te e-ect o constant media saturation is similar to perceiving a multitudeo stimuli simultaneously. Te omnipresent Orwellian viewer desirestechnological supremacy and a capacity or surveillance that bringspower and God-like control.(25)

    23.Metropolis, D. Fz L, UFA (1927), F.24. MG, J.E.Loving Big Brother: Perormance, Privacy

    and Surveillance Space, (L: R, 2004). . VI25. Rb & Rb,Distructuring Utopias, . 44.16

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    G-k b Blade Runner

    replicant, by -. B , P. K. Dk

    Do AndroidsDream o Electric Sheep, b ( b

    A Hy Brave New World 1932),(26) y y b -

    . I y, k


    , - y-

    Nineteen Eighty-Four.

    Motifs ofSurveillance

    Lk - k y y

    y k

    . Te Ministry o ruth [...] was startlingly diferent rom anyother object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure o glit-tering white concrete, soaring up, terrace ater terrace, 300 metres intothe air.(27) T O - Nineteen Eighty-Four, b -

    y Rz P Shard(2012).T y

    , y k . T

    b b (

    Eye of Providence)

    y .

    26. Hy,A. Brave New World, (N Yk: H C, 1932).27. O,Nineteen Eighty-Four, . 5-6. 17

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    -- - , y, y k -

    . Cb -

    , Ly , undergoing certain rapid changes[...] so it is hard to get a handle on exactly what is happening.(28) Ib , ,

    q y y b


    I bj b -

    b, b-

    . O y

    by b b

    b b

    y . F

    , - y. I b y

    , ,


    C place y y, b- b .

    D y

    , y y yy b . P -


    y -

    by. W y

    bby y b,

    y b

    O y; y -

    , b overwhelm .


  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    28. Ly, E Ey, . 223.20

  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future




    doublethink - Ry C. T yy b y, b . A bk y . I y k -b 1920, . P y , - , , y ... k k.

    Y, y , y k b ... , y b yby k b y . I b bk, y .

    T y M-Wb y:doublethink (d&-b&l-thi[ng]k), noun, D: 1949 : - b y .

    H W S b bk :o know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulnesswhile telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believ-ing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while

    laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that theParty was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was neces-sary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the momentwhen it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and aboveall, to apply the same process to the process itself. Tat was the ultimatesubtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, tobecome unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Evento understand the word doublethink involved the use of doublethink.

    Source: ://.ky./-.

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  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future



    Dy., -Surveillance, C E Dy - C- & Ub 10 E, ://y../b/= [ 14 J 2013]

    Fz, L,Metropolis, UFA (1927), F.

    G, P. Surveillance, Architecture and Society (2010), A-

    Ay C, ://z./S-,-A--Sy&=3557213 [ 12 D2012].

    Hy, K. D. & E, R. V. Te Surveillant Assemblage, TB J Sy, 51-4 (2000), . 605-622.

    H, F. & F, B.Reactive Attention: Video Surveillance inBerlin Shopping Malls, S Sy, 2-2/3 (2004) .


    H, J. & W, S.S.Discourse behind the Forbidden Realm: Inter-net surveillance and its implications on Chinas blogosphere, - I, 27-1 (2010), . 67-78

    Hy, A.Brave New World, (N Yk: H C, 1932).

    I Bb Sy,Holy Bible (NIV International Version),(L: H & S, 2002), G 11:1-9

    Kk, H. Te gaze without eyes: video-surveillance and thechanging nature o urban space (2000), Uy Hk,://...//497b//kk.#=%22%20%20%22 [12 D 2012].

    L, D. L. & L, S. M. Te Built Environment and SpatialForm. A R Ay, 19 (1990), 453-505.


  • 7/28/2019 Spaces and Places of Surveillance - An Exploration Through Past, Present and Future


    M, J. & N, A. Te Computerized Society, (N Yk:

    P, 1973).

    MG, J.E.Loving Big Brother: Perormance, Privacy and Sur-veillance Space, (L: R, 2004). P. V

    M, -rajectory, ://../jy [- 13 J 2013]

    O, G.Nineteen Eighty-Four, (N Yk: H, 1949).

    P, R.Have You Ever Wondered About the Back o a $1 Bill?,R Cy, ://.y./.#SEAL_REV [ 19 D 2012]

    P, T.Every Breath You ake, Syy, A&M R(1983).

    P, J.M.Foucault and the Architecture o Surveillance: Creating

    Regimes o Power in Schools, Shrines, and Society, E S-: A J A E S A(2008), 44:1, 30-46

    Rb, R. L.-P. & Rb, V. P.Distructuring Utopias, A- D, 79 (2009), 4249.

    S, R.,Blade Runner, W B (1982), F.

    S, R. C., & K, J. P.How Architecture Regulates (2004),G W C, ://../j-_//H_A_R. [ 14 D2012].

    , K. Te Surveillance Society (2011), C AS S y Py, ://--y. [ 29 D 2012].


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    Unknown, ://2..k./1164/1415526476_434bb5648.j

    World Heritage Sites, ://.b..k/2012/01/---.

    Bentham, J. ://../-


    Author (Ryan Blackord), b .

    Daily Mail, ://.y..k//-559547/G---Bky-------

    Anderson, H. ://y...


    Spencer, A. ://.k.//j/1107069405/z////

    IIC, ://../k-y/-/832-03641025/

    Author (Ryan Blackord),

    b .

    Freund, K. ://.k./k/F:M-----bb.

    Author (Ryan Blackord), b .