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  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life

    1/42"Bringing us together and sharing knowledge openly"

    FIT - 4 - LIFEBY: [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comPresentation S tructure


    Heat Stress

    Body Mechanics

    Dieting, Food and Supplements


    Wrap up

    Body Dynamics

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comS ome q uestions b efore we start.?

    Anyone i nto fitness?

    Anyone i nto heal thy ea ting ?

    Anyone i nto heal thy ea ting a nd fitness?

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comFor ward - S ome definitions

    Obesi tyW he n a n ind ividuals wei ght has i ncrease d to a poi nt where i t seriousl y e nd a ng ers their heal th. T ypicall y,obesi ty is diagn ose d whe n a perso n' s Bo dy Mass I nd ex

    (BMI) excee ds 30.

    Bo dy Mass I nd ex (BMI )BMI is calcula te d by dividing wei ght in kilogrammes b y hei ght in me tres square d (see ha nd ou tt his will beuse d later ) ..more de tails to follow .

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comS tatistics Healthy Living?????Over half the UK popula tion is ei ther overwei ght or obese, i n 2002 70% of me n a nd 63% of wome n.

    Report of a workingparty of the RoyalCollege of Physicians,

    Royal College ofPediatrics and Child

    Health and the Faculty of

    Public Health MedicineOne i n 5 a dults is obese a nd obesi ty in 2to 4 year ol d childre n almos t double d

    from 5-9% from 1989 to 1998, a nd in 6-15year ol ds treble d from 5-16% be twee n 1990 a nd 2001.

    Overwei ght childre n have a 50% cha nceof bei ng overwei ght a dults. If curre nt

    tre nd s co nt inue i t is es tima te d tha t a t leas t one thir d of a dults, o ne fif th of bo ys,a nd one thir d of girls will be obese b y 2020 .

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comB ody Mechanics B asic b ody ty p es

    The bo dy types are a scie nt ific classifica tion of a perso n' sbo dy shape de termi ne d by ph ysical charac teris tics .

    Ge ne tics de termi ne our bo dy types a nd he nce the bo dy shape we develop from bir th throu gh to a dulthoo d. W e

    ca nn ot cha ng e our bo dy type we ca n only make the mos t of wha t mo ther na ture gave us.

    Ge tting the mos t ou t of our bo dy types depe nd s o n our diet a nd exercise re gime .

    There are 3 basic ca te gories of bo dy types:

    Endomor p h Ectomor p h Mesomor p h

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    B ody Mechanics What is your b ody ty p e?

    Endomor p h B ody Typ esThe na turall y lar ge perso n charac terise d with a rou nd face, wi de hips, bi g bo nes,slow me tabolism a nd high number of fa t cells.

    End omorphs usuall y s trugg le to co ntroltheir wei ght althou gh i t ma y simpl y mea n more de termi na tion is nee de d for a n e nd omorph to lose as much wei ght as aMesomorph.

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    Ectomor p h B ody Typ esThe ski nny perso n with a li near appeara nce, small muscles, ul tra fas t me tabolism, low bo dy fat, narrowshoul ders, hips a nd wais t.

    Ectomor p h B ody Typ es ma y beco nsidere d luck y to some people becausetheir li near appeara nce a nd ultra fas t me tabolism e nables the Ec tomorph to

    s ta y slim eve n if the y ea t well, however the dow nfall is Ec tomorph lack shape dueto their low muscle wei ght. Lea n musclewei ght is wha t gives us tha t shapel y figure.

    B ody Mechanics What is your b ody ty p e?

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    Mesomor p h B ody Typ es C harac terise d with broa d shoul ders,narrow wais t, na turall y lar ge muscles a nd fas t me tabolism due to the amou nt of lea n muscle. For me n a Mesomorph looks likea na tural muscle ma n with a heav y, har d a nd a thle tic ph ysique.

    B ody Mechanics What is your b ody ty p e?

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    B ody Mechanics B ody Mass Index (B MI)

    The Body MassIndex is only onetool for assessing

    health risksassociated with


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    BMI Values:18.5 or less: Low BMI ( under weight ) 18.5 to 24.9: Me dium BMI ( normal w eight ) 25 to 29.9: Hi gh BMI ( over weight ) 30 a nd above: Ver y-High BMI ( o b ese )

    Note:For a ver y muscular perso n, a hi gh BMI does not necessaril y ind ica te overwei ght, si nce the ex tra wei ght might be muscle, ra ther tha n fat.

    B ody Mechanics B ody Mass Index (B MI)

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comB ody Mechanics C onclusion

    Ever yone has the ph ysical po te nt ial to develop grea t shape no ma tter which bo dy type domi na tes.

    It is simpl y a case tha t differe nt "rules" appl y to eachbo dy type.

    Mesomorph te nd to be the bes t bo dy types for co ntrolling wei ght, the y have a na tural, lea n shapel y figure wi th a fas t me tabolism.

    Its possible to train a ny bo dy type to mimic the effec tsof the Mesomorph.

    Trai ning the bo dy to mimic a Mesomorph bo dy type isnot eas y, it takes a li ttle time a nd effor t.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comB ody Dynamics E nergy B alance

    Ener gy bala nce is the differe nce be twee n calorie i ntake(from foo d & drinks ) a nd calories ou t - throu gh our me tabolism & e ner gy expe nd e d during daily ac tivities.

    Me tabolism

    In simple terms i t is the sum of all the chemical a nd ph ysical cha ng es tha t take place wi thin the bo dy a nd allowits co nt inue d grow th a nd functioning .

    Ener gy expe nd e d Activity base d e ner gy loss (e. g., thinking , walki ng , ru nn ing e tc).

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comB ody Dynamics E nergy Usage

    Ever y time we ea t, a cer tain amou nt of e ner gy is use d todiges t a nd absorb all the nutrients.

    Mos t diets na turall y require a re duc tion in foo d intake so,less foo d ea te n mea ns less e ner gy is require d to mai ntain wei ght.

    This process k now n as the " thermic effec t of foo d" a nd accou nts for abou t 10% of total e ner gy expe nd iture.e. g., the mi d-af ter noo n sies ta af ter a bi g lunch!!!

    Tech nically, " thermo ge nesis" refers to increase d fat lossthrou gh raisi ng the bo dy' s core tempera ture or throu gh a n increase d caloric use as a resul t of a n hei ghte ne d e ner gy/me tabolic s ta te.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    B ody Dynamics Typ ical Energy Usage Chart

    calories b urned/ minute B ODY WEIGHT ( stones )

    EXERCISE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Reading 1.6 1 .6 1 .7 1 .7 1 .8 1 .8 1 .9 1 .9 2 2 .1

    Dusting 2.3 2.7 3.1 3.4 3.7 3.9 4.7 4.5 4.8 5.1

    Walking (3 m p h p ace ) 4 .5 5 .1 5 .4 5 .7 6 6 .4 6 .7 7 .3 8 9

    Walking ( b risk ) 5.5 6.3 7 7.5 8 8.6 9.4 10 10.6 11.3

    S tationary B ike (moderate )

    6.5 7.5 8 9 9.5 10.3 11 11.7 12.5 13.6

    Sw imming ( moderate ) 8 9.2 10 10.8 11.5 12.5 13.7 14.4 15.4 16.5

    Ro w ing ( vigorous p ace ) 11 13 14.3 15 16.5 17.5 19 20.5 21.8 23.5

    J ogging ( 7 min mile ) 13 14.5 16 17.5 19 20 22 23.5 24.5 26.5

    Running ( 5 min mile ) 16 18.5 20 22 23.5 25 27.5 29 31 33.5

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    B ody Dynamics Energy Usage Exam p le

    A da y in the life of Joe Ba gel, a ge 35 a nd wei ghs 80K g itsFrida y & curr y night!!!

    Morning Afternoon Evening

    Bra n Flakes (184 ) C hicke n Sala d sa nd wich (257 )

    C hicke n Tikka (232 )

    Toas t x 2 (180 ) C offee x 2 (30 ) 2 Na ns (538 )

    Ora ng e Juice (88 ) P ear (68 ) 2 P ints of la ger (442 )

    C offee x 4 (60 ) Low fa t biscui t x 2 (130 ) Mushroom frie d rice(250 )

    Apple (53 ) Mars bar (294 )

    Twix bar (306 ) P acke t of W otsi ts (212 )

    Low fa t biscui t x 2 (130 )

    TOT AL = 1001 TOT AL = 991 TOT AL = 1462

    Overall 3454 calories

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    B ody Dynamics Energy Usage Exam p le

    Ladiesty p ical dailyWOM AN 18-35 Y rs 36-55 Y rs Over 5545k g50k g55k g60k g65k g70k g75k g

    1760 C als1860 C als1950 C als2050 C als2150 C als2250 C als2400 C als

    1570 C als1660 C als1760 C als1860 C als1960 C als2050 C als2150 C als

    1430 C als1500 C als1550 C als1600 C als1630 C als1660 C als1720 C als

    Gentsty p ical dailyMEN 18-35 Y rs 36-55 Y rs Over 55

    60k g65k g70k g75k g80k g85k g90k g

    2480 C als2620 C als2760 C als2900 C als3050 C als3200 C als3500 C als

    2300 C als2400 C als2480 C als2560 C als2670 C als2760 C als3000 C als

    1900 C als2000 C als2100 C als2200 C als2300 C als2400 C als2600 C als


    INACTIVEB edridden

    LIGHT /MODER ATEACTIVITYS killed Trades, House workAdd to Charts Ab ove

    STRE NUOUS ORHEAVY ACTIVITYWorker, Sp orts p erson

    41-50k g51-60k g61-70k g71-80k g81-90k g

    -480 C als-570 C als-670 C als-760 C als-960 C als

    +240 C als+290 C als+340 C als+380 C als+430 C als

    +480 C als+570 C als+670 C als+760 C als+860 C als

    J oes ty p ical needs.. 3050 + 380 = 3430 calories{Remember 3454 C als take n in}

    Is this goo d for a wei ght loss pro gramme?

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    B ody DynamicsWeight Control and Dieting

    Dieters count calories b ut the amount of weight loss w ont add u p!!!

    Dieters count calories b ut the amount of weight loss w ont add u p!!!

    W eight loss co nfusio n occurs because there's a p hysiological ada p tation to under eating in or der to

    bala nce e ner gy within the bo dy a nd help mai ntain wei ght quickl y.

    There will alwa ys be na tural cha ng es i n ph ysiolo gy in or der to co ns ta nt ly bala nce e ner gy within the bo dy.

    C ha ng es are drive n by wha t we ea t, whe n we ea t a nd howmuch we ea t. In or der to lose wei ght effec tively a pro gramnee ds to take these ph ysiolo gical a dap ta tions i ntoaccou nt .

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comDieting F AD diets

    W ith all the fa d diets over the years tha t have promise d drama tic wei ght loss o nly to leave people disappoi nte d,it's har d to believe tha t there ca n be a ny formula for losi ng wei ght.

    Ind ee d, there is n't a ny sing le wei ght-loss re gime n tha t works for ever yone, bu t differe nt re gime ns work for differe nt people.

    Atkins Diet GI D iet

    S outh B each Diet

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comDieting Atkins Diet

    The Atkins Die t is a hi gh-pro tein, low-carboh ydra tewei ght loss diet develope d by Rober t Atkins, MD, during the 1960s. I n the earl y 1990s, Dr. Atkins brou ght his diet back i nto the nutrition spo tlight with the publica tion of his

    bes t-selli ng book Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution .

    Atkins Diet

    The Atkins Die t severel y res tricts the co nsump tion of carboh ydra te-rich foo ds a nd e ncoura ges the co nsump tion of pro tein a nd fat.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comDieting GI D iet

    The i nd ex compares the bloo d su gar respo nse to apar ticular foo d with the bo dys reac tion to pure glucose,

    which is give n the value of 100.

    GI D iet

    Th e glycemic index is about t h e quality of carbo h ydratesnot t h e quantity

    The glycemic i nd ex is a measure of theabili ty of a foo d to raise bloo d su gar levels af ter i t is ea te n.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comDieting F AD diets

    The Sou th Beach diet is base d on thepremise tha t choosi ng the ri ght carboh ydra te a nd fat sources ca n helppeople re duce appe tite, lose wei ght, a nd preve nt chro nic diseases such as hear t disease a nd diabe tes.

    S outh B each Diet

    Th e diet emp h asizes carbo h ydrate foods wit h a low

    glycemic index and fats t h at dont raise blood c h olesterol.The Sou th Beach diet shares fea tures wi th several o ther diets, i nclu ding Atkins, low-carboh ydra te, a nd low-glycemic-i nd ex diets.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comFood Grou p C om p lex Car b ohydrates

    What are com p lex car b ohydrates?C omplex carboh ydra tes or s tarch aresim p ly sugars bo nd e d toge ther to form achai n. Diges tive e nzy mes have to workmuch har der to access the bo nd s to breakthe chai n into ind ividual su gars for absorp tion throu gh the i ntes tines.

    For this reaso n digestion of com p lex car b ohydrates takes longer . The slow

    absorp tion of su gars provi des us wi th as tea dy suppl y of e ner gy a nd limits theamou nt of su gar co nver te d into fa t a nd s tore d!

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comFood Grou p S im p le Car b ohydratesWhat are sim p le car b ohydrates?

    Simple carboh ydra tes are smaller molecules of sugar unlike the lo ng chai ns i n s tarch. For example theind ividual su gars themselves - glucose, fruc tose a nd galac tose (mo nosacchari des ), or two su gars bo nd e d toge ther ( disacchari des )

    Other na tural foo ds like frui t co ntain na turall y occurri ng simple su gars, however because the amou nt of e ner gy is low there 's less cha nce for su gar to be co nver te d tofa t. P lus ma ny fruits are hi gh in fiber which helps slowdiges tion a gain limiting the floo d of su gar e ner gy intocells whe n its not nee de d!

    Car b ohydrates are the b ody's p rimary source of fuel.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comFood Grou p ProteinsDaily pro tein intake is impor ta nt in the diet whe n losi ng wei ght as i t limits the break dow n of muscle use d for e ner gy upo n cu tting calories.

    Goo d quali ty pro tein intake also ai ds grow tha nd mai nte na nce of o ther bo dy tissue such ashair, nails, ski n a nd smoo th muscles as well asin the buil d up of a nt ibo dies to fight infec tion.

    All foods co ntain some pro tein bu t ma ny foo ds like those of pla nt origin lack cer tain ami no aci ds. Some ami no aci ds areesse nt ial to heal th as the y ca nn ot be pro duce d by the bo dy

    so mus t be provi de d in the diet.Examples of foo d tha t provi de goo d quali ty pro tein inclu deEGGS , MEAT, FISH , P OULTRY , MILK and CHEESE .

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comFood Grou p F atsThere are two mai n types of fa t saturated a nd unsaturated .

    Sa tura te d fa ts are the o nes we shoul d tr y to avoi d as themore sa tura tes we ea t the more choles terol the bo dy pro duces. Sa tura te d fa ts are mos tly fou nd in a nimal pro duc tssuch as mea ts a nd some dair y pro duce. The y ca n be fou nd in some ve ge table oils like coco nut oil or palm oil, i n har d mar garine a nd cooki ng fats. Some times the y ca n be fou nd as "hi dd e n fat" in cakes, biscui ts, chocola te a nd pu dd ing s.

    Unsa tura te d fa ts are esse nt ial to the bo dy al thou gh o nly in small amou nts. The y inclu de pol yunsa tura te d oils a nd mo nou nsa tura te d fats. U nsa tura te d fats are fou nd in ve ge table oils such as su nflower, cor n, rapesee d a nd oliveoils.

    From a health p oint of vie w, w e should avoid the saturated fats.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comHealth S u pp lementsMa ny people don't receive all of the nutrients the y nee d from their die t because the y ei ther ca n't or don't ea t e nou gh, or the y ca n't or don't ea t a varie ty of heal thy foo ds.

    For some people, i nclu ding those o n res trictive diets,mul tivitami n-mineral su pp lements ca n provi devitami ns a nd minerals tha t their die ts of te n don't .

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    Health S u pp lementsChoosing and using

    Suppleme nts - compleme nt your re gular diet,bu t the y are n't foo d subs titutes!!!!!

    Check the su pp lement la b el.Rea d labels carefull y. P roduc t labels ca n tell you wha t the ac tive i ng re dient or ing re dients are, whichnutrients are i nclu de d, the servi ng size for example,capsule, packe t or teaspoo nful a nd the amou nt of nutrients in each servi ng . The label also provi desdirec tions for safe use a nd tips for s tora ge alo ng withthe name a nd a dd ress of the ma nufac turer , packer or dis tribu tor where you ca n write if you nee d moreinforma tion on a par ticular pro duc t.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    Avoid su pp lements that p rovide "megadoses. "In ge neral, choose a mul tivitami n-mineral suppleme nt for example, C e ntrum, O ne A Da y, o thers tha t provi des abou t 100 P erce nt Daily Value (%DV ) of allthe vi tami ns a nd minerals i ns tea d of o ne tha t supplies,for example, 500%DV of o ne vi tami n a nd only 20%DVof a nother. Mos t cases of nutrient toxici ty s tem fromhigh-dose suppleme nts.

    B e w are of gimmicks. S ynthe tic vitami ns are usuall y the same as so-calle d "na tural" vi tami ns, bu t "na tural" vi tami ns usuall y cos t more. And don't give i n to the temp ta tion of a dd e d herbs, e nzy mes or ami no aci ds the y a dd mos tly cos t.

    Health S u pp lementsChoosing and using

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    Look for ex p iration dates. Suppleme nts ca n lose po te ncy over time, especiall y in ho t a nd humi d clima tes. If a suppleme nt does n't have a n expira tion da te, don't bu y it. If your suppleme nts have expire d, discar d them.

    S tore all vitamin and mineral su pp lements safely. S tore suppleme nts i n a dr y, cool place. Avoid ho t,humi d s tora ge loca tions, such as the ba throom. Followthe ma nufac turer s i ns truc tions.

    Health S u pp lementsChoosing and using

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    Play it safe.C heck wi th your doc tor, pharmacis t or a re gis tere d dieticia n.

    High doses of some vi tami ns or mi nerals ma y cause heal th problems. For example, hi gh doses of vitami n B-3 ( niaci n) ca n resul t in or worse n liver problems, a nd too much vi tami n A over time ma y cause liver problems or weake n bo nes i n wome n.In a dd ition, suppleme nts ma y interfere wi th your me dica tions.

    For i ns ta nce, vi tami n E is n't recomme nd e d if you 'retaki ng bloo d-thinn ing me dica tions (a nt icoa gula nts ) because i t ca n complica te the proper co ntrol of bloo d thinn ing .

    Health S u pp lementsChoosing and using

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    Exercising Typ ical normal resting heart rates

    Ma ny fac tors affec t normal hear t ra te, i nclu ding your a ge,ac tivity level, a nd the time of da y.

    Age or fitness level B eats p er minute (bp m )

    Babies to a ge 1: 100160

    C hildre n a ges 1 to 10: 60140

    Children age 10+ and adults: 60100

    W ell-co nd itione d a thle tes: 4060

    The char t below shows the normal ra ng e of a res ting hear t ra te (pulse ra te af ter res ting 10 mi nutes ) in bea ts per mi nute,accor ding to a ge.

    In ge neral, the lower your res ting hear t ra te, the more efficie nt your hear t is a nd the heal thier you are.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comExercising Measuring your heart rate

    The mos t commo n places to measure hear t ra teusi ng the palpa tion me tho d is a t the wris t (ra dialar ter y) a nd the neck (caro tid ar ter y).

    To take your res ting hear t ra te a t the wris t, place your ind ex a nd midd le fing ers toge ther o n the opposi tewris t, abou t 1/2 inch o n the i nside of the joi nt , in linewith the i nd ex fi ng er. Feel for a pulse. You ca n es tima te the per mi nute ra te b y cou nt ing over 10seco nd s a nd mul tiplying this fi gure b y 6.

    You shoul d alwa ys use your fi ng ers to take a pulse,not your thumb, par ticularl y whe n recor ding someo neelse 's pulse, as you ca n some times feel your ow n pulse throu gh your thumb.Adults


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    Exercising Your target heart rate zone

    To exercise effec tively you nee d to calcula te your tar ge t hear t ra te zone. Todo this sub trac t your a ge from 220 to find ou t your maximum hear t ra te, so i n my case:

    Maximum heart rate.. 220 - 41 = 179 b eats p er minuteThe Karvonen Formula

    Multiply your maximum hear t ra te b y 65% - LOW

    ER R ANGE P OINT179 x 65% = 116 .35 b eats p er minute

    Multiply your maximum hear t ra te b y 85% - HIGHER R ANGE P OINT179 x 85% = 152 .15 b eats p er minute

    Whe n exercisi ng the hear t ra te shoul d be wi thin your ow n ra ng e a t all timesa nd to bur n more fa t you shoul d exercise wi thin the lower ra ng e.

    Exercisi ng a t the lower ra ng e e nables the bo dy to take up e nou gh ox yge n so the cells ca n utilize s tore d fa t.

    If you workou t within the hi gher ra ng e of the zone you will bur n morecalories, however, mos t will be i n the form of carboh ydra tes a nd less total

    fa t.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comExercising Training Zones

    If you 've looke d a t a ny of the new hear t ra te char ts,you 've see n the term fa t bur ning zone or "wei ght ma na geme nt zone" to describe the pace a t which your bo dy prefers to use fa t to fuel the muscles (par tially true ) a nd thus the i nte nsi ty a t which your mos t likely tolose fa t as wei ght (not true ).

    P eople who work ou t as har d as possible are sai d to bein the "re d line zone". The color re d infers war ning because i n a dd ition to not bei ng able to sus tain thispace for a le ngt hy perio d of time, the i nte nsi ty pre disposes you to in jur y.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comExercising Aero b ic Zone

    W he n you train in this Hear t Ra te zone, youare training your car diovascular s ys tem.W ithin this ra ng e, the bo dy' s abili ty to tra nspor t oxyge n to, a nd carbo n dioxide awa y from, theworki ng muscles ca n be develope d a nd

    improve d.

    As you become fi tter a nd s trong er from training in this zone you will ge t the be nefits of some fa t bur ning a nd improve d aerobic capaci ty. 75%training of te n feels goo d.

    This zone is also i deal for developi ng localmuscle s tre ngt h.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comExercising Anaero b ic ZoneThis is the zone i n which a n e normous amou nt of be nefit ca n be gaine d.

    Somewhere be twee n 80 a nd 90%, your i nd ividuala naerobic threshol d is hi ding .

    Be twee n these hear t ra tes, you use ver y little fa t,ins tea d you s tar t to use glyco ge n - which is s tore d in your muscles - as the mai n source of e ner gy.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    Exercising Goal S etting for Im p rovement

    Try these tip s:P rogress ca n only be ma de if pro gress is measure d.

    W rite d n y r g l .

    S et eas y g a ls f te n so you cr eate a ha bit of su cc ess in the mind.S et measu r a ble goa ls - I ill lose 1 p ou nd ea ch ee k. Thi s gives you so met hing to a im f or.

    Try n ew ch a lle nging g oa ls to sto p y ou r n orm a l r out ine fr ombe coming a ch or e .

    Rewa rd y ou r su cc ess on r ea ching a goa l.

    Think p os itive ly, r e pla ce thou gh ts like "I ca n't" with "I c a n a nd Iwill

    Don't set goa ls that a r e too much too soo n.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


    www.morphehs.comExercising Hydration?

    Whe n it comes to e ner gy fitness, the lack of wa ter is moresign ificant tha n the lack of foo d. The bo dy a d jus ts to

    cha ng es i n foo d intake bu t it ca nn ot a d jus t to not havi ng e nou gh wa ter. W a ter is the mos t impor ta nt a nd mos t of te n ne glec te d nutrie nt .

    A rela tively small drop i n the bo dy' s wa ter co nte nt ca n mea n a ver y

    lar ge drop i n e ner gy pro duc tion. A 4 to 5% loss of bo dy wa ter -abou t 2% of bo dy wei ght - ca n resul t in a 20 to 30% drop i n workperforma nce.

    Ex treme deh ydra tion ca n have serious co nseque nces - dizz iness,nausea, hea daches, muscle cramps, weak ness, a nd eve n

    collapse. Dark, sca nty urine si gn als a nee d for more flui d.Thirs t alo ne i n not a n accura te gau ge of wa ter nee ds. I n ge neralwe shoul d drink more tha n we feel like drinking . Exercise dulls thethirs t mecha nism. P eople usuall y drink o nly half as much as the y lose i n swea t.

  • 8/7/2019 Fit 4 Life


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