carmel pine cone

CARMEL PINE CONE $1.50 a Year -- * ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Five Cents a Copy APRIL ,26 1917 CARiVlEL=BY=THE=SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 13 I Ham You | Family j Keepsakes ? j \W hy don’t you keep them\ I m a Safe Deposit Box n/j | the Banh of Monterey. //! .Will cost you only $1 a year! Coast Road Project Off For This Session i* » at'• — -T’T T_ _ 'Y* ' . •* jpg! .. M I Monterey Savings Bank I j pays 4 Per Cent Interest I ! on savings deposits Bank of Monterey * I iTionierey j Monterey Sav. Bank : j HMV Ann.- Mining.-.!, I | That there will be no direct Ilegislation concerning the com- | pletion- of the Coast road from Carmel-by-the-Sea to San Sim eon during the present session jof the Legislature is indicated by the following communica ' tion from E. S. Rigdon, Sena tor from this district: Sacramento, April 20, 1917 Air. W. L. Overstreet, Kditor, Carmel Pine Cone. My dear sir: Knowing the great interest that all the citizens of the Penin sula have iu our projected Coast road via Sau Simeon to Sail Luis Obispo, I beg to report as follows: Otfr bill ashing for this road was referred to the Senatv Committee on roads and highways. I secured a favorable report from this com mittee. All the bills receiving a I favorable report from the commit j tee were then referred to the com- jinittee on fiuance. The finance committee then referred them to jtlie preparedness defense commit- j tee. This defense committee re- Join or Start a Potato ? Club in Carmel The W oodcraft League of j America, of which Ernest Thompson Seaton is chief, has inaugurated a nation-wide plan to establish potato growing clubs. The boys and girls of Car- mel-by- the-Sea should get into this movement. The League has issued a circular giving de tails of the plan, which may be perused at the office of the “Pine Cone.” ’The New York Evening Mail j says : ‘‘We face the future with i the immediate prospect of the § greatest food shortage our gen-; | With Age Comes Knowledge This bank is 11 years old, during each suc cessive year it has learned the needs of the people of this city and vicinity, and ca tered to them, thus be coming more useful to Firms, Merchants, and Farmers yearly. Mnsicale for W orthy Cause Ukrainia. a little nation in Galicia, that has been de vastated by the war, lias been forwarded the proceeds from •he nuisicale given last Friday by Mrs. Mabel Gray Young. A large and liberal assem blage heard this program: English Suite No. A . . Bad- Spiainito Polonaise in E fiat major Chopin Mrs. Young Italiau Folk Song Serenade . . . . . Gounod W bo’ll Buy My Lavender, German Mrs. Puditii J.ove Cycle - . . Schumann Hark! llark! the Lirk - Schubert L’iieure Exquise, Madrigal - wy- ~ Keynalde Hahn linniaaaiMwuroroimainiMii . I Beginning on May 1st, I n all wood orders w ill I | have to be paid for I ■5 when ordered. Wade Stewart 5 Fred Leidj.r eration has ever known. Every | Your Account Invited 1 acre of potatoes planted is life j j insurance against starvation = next winter.” M r. F. LJ. Powers of the Car mel Development Company has offered the free use of vacant = lands in this section to children] I and adulfs who will promise fo plant at least twenty-four hills of potatoes thereon. One ported back day before yesterday, asking for a blanket appropriation of $260,000 to be used iu the con struction ot such roads as were of urgent military importance I regret very much that I was unable to secure a diiect appropri membership in the clubs is that I atiou for out road It will now member must plantand raise nave to take its chance through I . r i his defense committee. I, how- I twenty-four bills and donate ever, secured the insertion in their the proceeds to some war fund, bill of a provision which would; . . . ,i e ,i : Prizes will be awarded to the use or part 0 1 tins ' ' bovs and girls under eighteen. First National Bank MONTEREY, CAL. Under U. S. Govern ment Supervision of the conditions of money 111 surveying roads which might, or might not. lie intended for military purposes. 1 have the assurance of the highway engineer that he will give our road project favorable attention. 1 also have the, same assurance from other officials here, and it is possible that we will fare better than many of the other projects. It is generally understood bv the state officiate that the federal gov e minent- will appropriate a-vast with which to in) '-ut older folks are not debarred from membership. Where You Goiu’ ? Fishing! The trout season opens next Tuesday. Every angler in these parts and a large number from other sec tions will be trecking to the I banks of the Carmel and to j the Little and Big Sur begin-; stun of money prove and build border roads for, military purposes, and I feel that , nlilg e<u c\ 1 uesde ^ te we are quite sure to receive some Local stoies wilted hat (Iu help fiotn this source. fishing tackle report an excep- Itegrettiiig-iliat I cannot report j Hon ally good demand and ex something more definite at this p^ct a continuance thereof lit)' time, I remain | j0 December 1, when the sea- Yours very truba j son closes. E. S. Rigdon gtate licenses may now he Probably Meant Carmel There has just come from the press of the Century Company a volume of verses, by Col : Young Rice. Mr. Rice was in Carmel last summer, on the oc casion of the presentation of his “Yolanda of Cyprus.” The following verses in the new book might well have been in spired here : ON CAMIN0 REAL. Here are the sea and the mountains, ifloating clouds and gtilj-pinioiis; Hero the far ships pass I pun their mystic wav. ljer# the winds holil With all their myriad ^ur€L»:ntr along the shove \\ ith loud intoning sway. Here are the sea- and the Turin. titins\ . ‘■dirAii-uf plains and BM-uhtd:;:1•~; fTcre, like aeo'rtes. Sweet incense-II(iw• r- fid “My opinion is not so much beeau o' ) The sky’s blue nave, and nWhl i( jm ..i.inii 0m«lii„ua„IIi„t„.lclIII,iIl; 1 ilini|IH ,llI1J(ciiiiiiii| |! por Job p rjntjng —pine Cone ____ # Like days are free of soul-sadness *procured without the necessity j Fur is aware of sending to Salinas. i Of Xntur, wide good-wilt.

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CARMEL PINE CONE$1.50 a Year -- *IS SU E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y Five Cents a Copy

APR IL ,2 6 1917 CARiV lEL=BY=THE=SEA. CAL. VOL. I l l , NO. 13

I H a m You| Family j

Keepsakes ? j\W h y don’t you keep them\ I m a Safe Deposit Box n/j | the Banh o f Monterey. //! .W i l l cost you only $1 a year!

Coast Road Project Off For This Session

i* » at' • —-T’T T _ _ 'Y* ' . •*

j p g !

. . M I

Monterey Savings Bank I j pays 4 Per Cent Interest I ! on savings deposits

B an k of M o n te re y *I iT io n ie reyj M onterey S a v . B a n k :j HMV Ann.- Mining.-.!, I |

That there will be no direct I legislation concerning the com- | pletion- of the Coast road from Carmel-by-the-Sea to San Sim­eon during the present session

j of the Legislature is indicated by the following communica

' tion from E. S. Rigdon, Sena­tor from this district:

S a c ra m e n to , A p r il 2 0 , 1917 Air. W . L. O v erstree t,

K dito r, C arm el P in e Cone.M y d ear s ir :

K now ing th e g rea t in terest th a t all the citizens of th e P en in ­sula have iu our projected Coast road via Sau Sim eon to Sail L u is O bispo, I beg to report as follows:

O tfr bill ash ing for th is road was referred to th e Senatv Com m ittee on roads and highw ays. I secured a favorable report from th is com­m ittee. All the bills receiving a

I favorable report from the com m it j tee were then referred to th e com- jin ittee on fiuance. T he finance com m ittee then referred them to

jtlie p reparedness defense commit- j tee. T h is defense com m ittee re-

Join or Start a Potato ?Club in Carmel

T h e W o o d c ra f t L e a g u e o f j A m e ric a , o f w h ic h E rn e s t T h o m p s o n S e a to n is ch ie f, h a s in a u g u r a te d a n a tio n -w id e p lanto e s ta b lis h p o ta to g ro w in g c lu b s .

T h e b o y s a n d g ir ls o f C ar- m e l-b y - th e -S e a s h o u ld g e t in to th is m o v e m e n t. T h e L e a g u e h a s is su e d a c ir c u la r g iv in g d e ­ta ils o f th e p la n , w h ic h m a y be p e ru s e d a t th e office o f th e “ P in e C o n e .”

’T he N ew Y o rk E v e n in g M a il j s a y s : ‘‘W e face th e fu tu re w ith i th e im m e d ia te p ro s p e c t o f th e § g r e a te s t food s h o r ta g e o u r g e n - ; |

W ith Age Comes

KnowledgeThis bank is 11 years

old, du ring each suc­

cessive year it has

learned the needs of

the people of this city

and vicinity, and ca­

tered to them, thus be­

coming more useful to Firms, Merchants,

and Farmers yearly.

Mnsicale for W orthy Cause• Ukrainia. a little nation in Galicia, that has been de­vastated by the war, lias been forwarded the proceeds from• he nuisicale given last Friday by Mrs. Mabel Gray Young.

A large and liberal assem­blage heard this program:E nglish Suite No. A . . B ad- SpiainitoPolonaise in E fiat m ajor Chopin

Mrs. Y oung Ita liau Folk Song Serenade . . . . . G ounod W bo’ll Buy My Lavender, G erm an

Mrs. Puditii J.ove Cycle - . . Schum ann H ark ! l la rk ! the L irk - S chubert L ’iieure E xquise, M adrigal -

wy- ~ ’ ■ K eynalde H ahn

linniaaaiMwuroroimainiMii .

I B eg in n in g on M ay 1st, In a ll w ood ord ers w ill I| h a v e to be paid for I■5 w h en ordered.

W ade S te w a r t 5F re d Leidj.r

e ra t io n h a s e v e r k n o w n . E v e ry | Y our A c c o u n t In v ited 1a c re o f p o ta to e s p la n te d is life j j in s u ra n c e a g a in s t s t a r v a t io n = n e x t w in te r .”

M r. F . LJ. P o w e rs o f th e C a r ­m el D e v e lo p m e n t C o m p a n y h a s o ffe red th e fre e u se o f v a c a n t = la n d s in th is s e c t io n to c h ild re n ] I an d a d u lf s w h o w ill p ro m ise fo p la n t a t le a s t tw e n ty - fo u r h ills of p o ta to e s th e re o n .

O n e

ported back day before yesterday, ask ing for a b lanke t appropriation of $260,000 to be used iu the con­struction ot such roads as were of u rg en t m ilitary im portance

I regret very m uch th a t I was unable to secure a d iiec t appropri m e m b e rsh ip in th e c lu b s is th a t I atiou for out road I t will now m e m b e r m u s t p la n t a n d ra isenave to take its chance th rough I . ri his defense com m ittee. I, h o w - I tw e n ty - fo u r b ills a n d d o n a te ever, secured the insertion in the ir th e p ro c e e d s to so m e w a r fu n d , bill of a provision which w ould; . . .,i e ,i : P r iz e s w ill be a w a rd e d the use or p art 0 1 tins

' ' b o v s a n d g ir ls u n d e r e ig h te e n .

FirstN a t io n a l


Under U. S. Govern­ment Supervision

o f th e c o n d it io n s o f

money 1 1 1 su rvey ing roads which m ight, or m igh t not. lie in tended for m ilitary purposes. 1 have the assurance of th e highw ay eng ineer that he will give our road project favorable a tten tion . 1 also have the, sam e assurance from o ther officials here, and it is possible th a t we will fare b e tte r than many of the o ther projects.

It is generally understood bv the sta te officiate th a t the federal gov e minent- will app rop ria te a -v a s t

with which to in)

'-u t o ld e r fo lk s a re n o t d e b a rre d from m e m b e rsh ip .

Where You Goiu’ ?Fishing! The trout season

opens next Tuesday. Every angler in these parts and a large number from other sec­tions will be trecking to the I banks of the Carmel and to j the Little and Big Sur begin-;stun of money

prove and bu ild border roads for, m ilitary purposes, and I feel that , n lilg e<u c\ 1 u e sd e ̂ •tewe are qu ite sure to receive some L o ca l s to ie s w ilted h a t (Iu help fiotn th is source. f i s h in g ta c k le r e p o r t an e x c e p -

Iteg re ttiiig -ilia t I cannot report j Hon a lly good d e m a n d a n d ex som eth ing more defin ite a t this p ^ c t a c o n tin u a n c e th e r e o f l i t ) ' tim e, I rem ain | j0 D e c e m b e r 1, w h e n th e se a -

Yours very tru b a j so n closes.E. S. Rigdon g tate licenses m ay now he

Probably Meant CarmelT h e re h a s ju s t co m e fro m th e

p re s s o f th e C e n tu ry C o m p a n y a v o lu m e o f v e rse s , b y C o l : Y o u n g R ice . M r. R ice w a s in C a rm e l la s t su m m e r , on th e o c ­c a s io n of th e p re s e n ta t io n of h is “Y o la n d a o f C y p ru s .” T h e fo llo w in g v e rs e s in th e n ew b o o k m ig h t w ell h a v e b een i n ­sp ired h e re :

ON CA M IN 0 REAL.H ere a re th e sea an d th e m oun ta ins, if loating clouds and gtilj-pinioiis;

H e r o t h e f a r s h i p s p a s s I pun their mystic wav.

l je r# the w inds holil W ith all th e ir m yriad w ave-m ini..m v

^ u r€L»:ntr a long th e shove \\ ith loud intoning sway.

Here a r e th e sea- and the Turin . titins\

.‘■dirAii-uf p la ins and BM-uhtd:;:1 • ~; f Tcre, like a e o 'rte s .

Sw eet incense-II(iw• r- fid “My opinion is n o t so much beeau o' )

The sk y ’s blue nave, and nW hl i(

jm..i.inii0m«lii„ua„IIi„t„.lclIII,iIl;1ilini|IH,llI1J(ciiiiiiii| |! por Jo b p r jn tjng —pine Cone

____ # Like d ay s a re free o f soul-sadness* p ro c u re d without the necessity j Fur a i i .e a r th is aw areo f s e n d in g to S a lin a s . i Of Xntur, wide good-wilt.


Mrs. Shirley C Ward entertained a dinner party oi fourteen on Satur­day evening.

Letters fro n the East show activ ity in eveiy small as well as large town. In several places the entire male population is drilling.

Several Eastern mothers are rush­ing home, af'er receiving telegrams from sons at college. “ Have just enlisted. We are a.l ueed td ”

When w.ll Carmel wake up? So far. says rumor, Frank Brew-ter is the only man here who has re­spond to the President’s ca 1.

Mis Signor is exceedingly proud of h tr family military record In the East ten cousins — four from one branch enlisted immediately fol­lowing the war declaration Three have been in active service in Eur­ope. One, an em inent Edinburgh suTgeon, lias been in France for two years.

R ecent registrations:Mrs- J. T . Johnson, Bloomington,

T he Misses Barnard-, Haitfoid, Conn; Mr and Mrs. E. S Stoll, M inne­apolis; Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Emery, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. L A. John­son, Alexander Logie, D. Emanuel, FI G. M einicke, Mr and Mrs. F W. Hangar, Mr and Mrs. Fritz Balkan, Mr and Mrs. J W'hitman, San Francisco; Rebel tson Ward, John Shirley Ward, Mrs F. A, Thomas, Berkeley; Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Stock, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs FI C. Boglesong, Oakland; Mrs H. Cornell Wilsi n, W ashington, D. C ; Miss Rosamund H i.nir, Providence, R. I ; Miss Ella Reynolds, Boston; J. Thomas, Alameda; Miss E Reit- zenstein, Miss M Reitzenstein, Mrs Carlton Sprague, Wm Ritschel, New York; Mr. and Mrr. A C. Ty­ler, son and maid, Evanston, 111 ; Mrs. Porter Norton, Mrs. David Grey, Buffalo; Mrs S C. Ward. Shirley C. Ward, Chandler Ward, Los Angeles.

News From La PI ay a C H U R CH NOTICES

Christian Scicnee Services

Sunday, / / A .M .Sunday School, 9 :45 A . M.

W ednesday Eve. Service, 8 o ’clock A 3 T S A N D C R A F T S H A LL

f i l l S a i n t s ^ p i s q o p a i

S E R V I C E A T y O ' C L O C K K V K K V

S U N D A Y . E X C E P T S E C O N D S U N D A V

IN T l l l i M O N T I L W H E N T 1I K 11 O I L

I S / / A . M .Sunday School 10 A .M .


The C hildren’s Book fo r th e L ittle P rincess of B elgium

L ast sum m er a ch ild ren’s a u to g rap h album w as s ta rte d b y M rs. C harles W h itin g B aker to be se n t to H. R. H. M arie Jose , th e l i t t le P rincess o f B el­g ium , a s a te s tim o n ia l of sy m p a th y fo r th e hom eless B elgian children. A dults helped th e children to fill th e pages w ith s ig n a tu res . Over four h u n ­dred signed th e a lbum and m ade con­tr ib u tio n s of tw o hundred and fifty dollars, tn o st’v in sm all sum s. Among th e signers w ere fo rm er P residen t T a f t . T hom as A. Edison, G eneral G oethals, Colonel 1. N . Lewis, A dm iral Peary , Rev. H ugh Black. T he fo llow ­ing le tte rs have ju s t been received, acknow ledging th e a rriv a l o f the g if ts in Be’g iu ra :

“M adam e: C onform ing to th e in ­stru c tio n s of th e K ing, I have th e honor to- acknow ledge th e receip t of th e g if t of one hundred and fifty d o l­la rs (one hundred had been se n t p re ­viously) th a t you have had th e k ind th o u g h t to offer to H er R oyal H igh­ness for th e Belgian children, v ictim s of th e w ar. V ery m uch touched by your a tte n tio n w itnesses, H is M ajesty your se n tim en ts of solicitude which charges me to address to you h is best th a n k s and to te ll y o u th a t H er Royal H ighness w ill be hap p y to realize the desire th a t you have expressed.

Accept. I p ray . M adam e, m y r e ­spectfu l hom age,

“L ’Oflficier d ’ordi nuance du Roi, “G REU T)’ HAM MIL.

“J a n u a ry , 1917'.”

Mr. Hayes ExplainsRepresentative E. A. H ayes,!

v\ho cast his vote against the! war resolution, explains Lis' surprising action as follows:

“ W ith President W ilson’s frankly avowed intention < f send ing out our | )(>ys who 1 should be cl, ’sen upon 1 he J priuciu le of universal liab ilitv to serviie ou t of iheir own country and into an alien land, under strange and terrib le conditions, ring ing in iny ears,I felt 1 could not support the war resolution.

" I t gave no choice lo those who were com pelled, a t thebehest of th e ir country, as to w hether they w anted to go to th e trenches of E urope or not,.

“ I would w illingly equip and finance all u hovolunteered lo g o , but 1 will never compel the unw illing service of my own or an o th e r’s boy in foreign lauds except for the preserva­tion of the U n ited S ta le s .”

"Dear Madam: Thank you very mack for th e Children s Book you have so k ind ly sen t me, and please th a n k in m y nam e, all th o se who have signed them selves in th e album , th e re a rc so m an y in e tre s tin g s ig n a tu res . T he se n tim e n ts o f sy m p a th y shown by th e children o f N ew Je rs e y have g re a tly touched me and I shall never fo rget th em . T h an k in g you once m ore for all th e tro u b le you have ta k e n , I wish you and a ll th e child ren o f New Je rsey everv happ iness d u rin g 1017.

“ M A R IE JO S E , o f B elgium .’’

Miss Tootsie Meehan of New Monterey has bomi snendintra fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. Rcardslev in San Francisco. John .T. Meehan, his mother, brother, and sister of Salinas, motored fo the city to accom­pany the little lady home. Dad Hamilton’s place in the party was token by Fred Rispo.



T A X P A Y E R S_________

-All taxpayers a:e required by the

| constitution to annually make and deliver to the Assessor a stattm ent,

j under oath, setting fotth specifically A L L the real, personal, or other class of property, owned by such persons, or in their possession, or under their control, as the same stands of record at 12 o’clock Meri­dian on the first Monday of March.

T he Political Code provides, that all property must be its “ full cash value,’’ and defines “ full cash value” as being “ the amount at which the property would be taken in payment of a just debt from a solvent deb to r.”

U nsecured Personal P roperty T he taxes on all unsecured per­

sonal | roperty are due and payable and must be paid at the time the assessm ent is made.

E xem ptions Any person or association, claim­

ing any property to be exem pt from taxation, MUST make the claim and affidavit, for such exem ption, every year, in the manner provided by law. This applies to the $100 allowed on personal property of householders; the $1000 allowed soldiers, sailors, marines, e tc .. and property used solely and exclusively for religious worship.

A ssessm ents Any information desired relating

to assessm ents will be gladly fur­nished on application, and all ob­jections should be made before the Board of Equalization adjourns, in­stead of waiting until it is time to pay taxes.

Remem ber, that if you fail lo make a statem ent you fail to com­ply with the law and you law your self liable to arbitrary assessment, which is expensive lo youis. If and causes much trouble to ofhets.

GEO. S. G OU LD . Jr. m8 tf County Assessor

IV. L . A lexander & Company

TREE E X P E R T S of P o r t la n d , Ore.

— A N N O U N C E - -

Open lists to young

men wishing to en­

roll in the Portland

School o f Practical

Forestry, at Carmel

Students will live

in camp

Tuition includes meals & lodging

Applications received by Mr. W- L. Alexander Jr.

at Pine Inn, Carmel Spring course opens at once

Notice toriiiiiiniuioiiiiiiiuiiKruiHiiuiiiDimiiiiiiirniiiiiiiitiintiiiiiiiiiiii

| M. DeNeale Morgan § S T U 1 ) 1 0

= L in c o ln e t . , in ai O c e a n itv e . I

| OPEN TO VIST! OILS g I iit s d a y & .- i i l i ir ih iv a f t e r n o o n s == y

Telephone: 6oi J 3 S

f Instruction in Landscape i | Painting—Oil and Water 1

| Further informatior on 1 application

| Children’s class: Satur- 1 day mornings

M =c>!iMi!tiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiuii:3iiiiiiniisini:ttiiiiiii!r3iiiiii!iiiiiciiiiii!i!4ii7c

J H. I J l i C K , M. IXOffice a t Carmel - by - t he - Sea

Pharmacy, Carmel, Cal.

t \ 1 > i r s v i I i r T x T TA u th o r s ’ IM am scih pts, K tu.

<;uoi> W ork 1 ik a so x a r i.b Hatk.h,

M r s . G r a c e Wickham R- O . B o x 64 89-acre T r a c t

T H E FLAG.The display of the national colors in

tliia city is inspiring. Especially in the quiet residence neighborhoods the flag o f the nation is shown so general­ly as to leave no doubt of the abudant patriotism of the householders. But it is doubtful if the draping of a large flag like a superfluous curtain 011 the front of the building is the proper w av to display our national sym bol. The inference Is th a t the owner or lessee of the building has obtained a flag too large for his purpose, and, being un­able to accommodate a pole large enough to hold it, does the best lie van to dem onstrate h is patriotic ardor. Every flag, however, should have its polo. The tw o should be inseparable when the flag is on view out of doors. A sm all flag is as strongly indicative of loya lty as a big one.

There is another common error in the display of the flag by private oiti- '/.ens. Once placed in position, it is frequently perm itted to hang or float from its polo both day and night. Now, although the heart of Francis F’eott Key was cheered by occasional glim pses of the nation’s standard on a certain night, by the glare o f the lockets and the bursting of bombs, that was in battle, when the flag is novu lowered. Ordinarily the ling is raised at sunrise and lowered a t sun- set. 11 the private citizen does not raise his flag precisely w ith the sun, he ought a t least to lower it before daik. I he sight of flapping banners in the night does not inspire, but. on the contrary, irritates sophisticated patriots. N ew York Times.


Situation Dt?’ifi b vreliable wo- ! ]Tlap! good cook; wants position I , .,<ee!> house; cook; care for i o K t! ’ ’ Write: “Situation.” T • O. Box 55. Carmel, Ca!.


Carmel Pine Cone! O R D IN A N C E NO. 13P U B L IS H E D W E EK L Y

M .j.kJietl F fh r i t ' i n i . /.9 /,;r 1 ,Cia1-AS seco' l t i c ‘ass m a tter February

** the ,,os! ° f f ’ce * t Carmel, (.ah form a. under the Act o f CM Arch

H7- A. O verstreet. Editor a n d Publisher

C A R M E L -B Y -T H E -S E A , C A L . A P R IL 2 6 , 1 9 1 7

O fficia l Paper o f the City

W E E K L Y G R E E T IN GI f a bi.olf come from the heart, it

thill contrive to reach other hearts; a ll art and author-craft are o f small amount to th a t.r-Carlisle.

♦-------Our New Senator Stalls

Off RightSenator Johnson, addressing

the Senate on the espionage j hill, characterized the bill as a I Dow at free speech, as well as i• t a free press. He said:

My opinion is n o t so m uch because of tenderness for th e press. A decent* 8elf 'respecting press in tim e of

will censor itse lf, an d w ill n o t bei.eterred by any law from honest and b u ltim ate critic ism .

am concerned m ostly w ith the




Section 1. m y person, firm o r co rpo ra tion to nove an y house, b u n d in '; or o th e r

c u tt in g o r in terference w ith said lines w ill be commenced or become neces­s a r y

Section I. I t shall be un law fu l fora n y person, firm or co rpora tion to cu t o r in te rfe re w ith an y te leg rap h , te le ­phone, e lec tric lig h t or pow er lines or w ires, fo r th e purpose o f m oving any house, bu ild ing or an y o th e r s tru c tu re , u n til th e th ir ty -s ix hours notice here ­inabove provided sha ll have been given, and shall have expired.

Section 5. No p e rm it to move any ... OF T R U S T E E S O F , bouse, build ing or o th e r s tru c tu re in-

C1TY O F C A R M EL-BY -TH E- to > th rough , a long or across a n y pub- 1A1N A S FO LLO W S: I s tre e t, a lley , square o r place sha lli t shall be un law fu l f o r ! ‘ssl'e u n less such s tre e t, alley , square

o r [dace shall be m entioned and de­scribed in th e perm it, provided fo r in

s tru c tu re in to , th ro u g h , on, a long j S('‘ G011 1 hereof, and such m oving or across an y public s tre e t , I sha ll be perform ed and carried on ini-'ley, the City

squareof Ca rm ol -by -1 b e - S ea w ith-

placo in a m an n er and tim e so a s n o t to w hollyl . U n n . . . H U 1 . _ *

it m e t w agon or vehicle traffic uponI ofI . • - - t :ici wagon orJo u r firs t h av ing ob ta ined w ritte n p e r - ! sn(.;, s t r e e t a lley

m ission of th e C om m issioner o f 'S t r e e ts , S idew alks an d P a rk s of the ( 't y of C arm el-bv-tlic-S ea, and h a v ­ing com plied w ith th e req u irem en ts h e re in a f te r se t ou t.

Section 2. I t sh a ll be u law fu l for an y person, firm move a n y house,

sq ua re o r place.Section 6. I t shall be un law fu l fo r

a n y person, firm o r co rpo ra tion to re ­move an y tre e o r tre e s on a n y public s tre e t, a lley , sq u a re o r place o f said c ity fo r th e purpose of m oving an y

(house, s tru c tu re o r build ing in to , or co rpora tion to th ro u g h , on, a long or across, an y pub

build ing or o th e r nc s tre e t, a lley , sq u a re o r place w ith -

MERCHANTS W IFE AD­VISES CARMEL WOMEN“ I had stom aeli tro u b le so bad I

could e a t n o th in g b u t to a s t, f ru i t and h o t w ate r. E v e ry th in g else soured and form ed gas. D ie ting did no good, th in g helped m e u n ti l I t r ie d bu ck ­th o rn b a rk , g lycerine, etc., a s m ixed in A dler-i-ka. O N E SPO O N FU L b en ­efited me IN S T A N T L Y .” Because A dler - i - ka em pties BOTH large and sm all in te s tin e s i t relieves ANY CASE con stip a tio n , so u r s to m ­ach o r gas and p rev en ts append ic itis . I t has Q U IC K EST actio n o f a n y th in g

w e ever so ld . Carmel-by-the-Sea P h a rm a c y . A dv

s tru c tu re m to , th ro u g h , on. a long or o llt firgt h av ing ob ta ined th e w ritte n across an y public s tre e t, a lley , sq ua re consen t of th e C om m issioner of. v , ~ .................' . . . x : ' . IIHIHLI \ W i U l 1110 . .

right. Of free speech, th e p reserv a tio n or I,,a w th e C ,t-V of ^ m e l - b y - t h c - , S tre e ts , S idew alks and P a rk s o f said. ' " " ’Ci'ac V itse lf . T his is n o t ar fr *11° Wa1’ ^ an *̂ nier*cai1 wav o* our A m erican people, ami - meru*K is tlie lig h t of a ll th e world or democracy.

M e have a lread y conferred a lm ost au tocratic pow ers financially . W e will probably confer ex tensive o th e r pmv-*t,S 0,,i B u t we m u st

°P h m rt o f an a s sa u lt upon dem oc­racy. 1

lh e censorship section gives th e j c s ^ c n t power to prescribe w h a t poo- P'e shall speak and w rite and is draw n " ' t h nebulous and e las tic language.

»e powers conferred even upon an ° lcer’ 1,0 m a tte r how high am i h ighly inspected, co n s titu te an excursion in-

autoeraey. and one th a t canno t be xeuse.1 by our desire to d es tro y a u ­

tocracy in E urope.”

To Use the l$j|>!e As a Text-book

Reading matter for a literacy test for aliens under the new immigration law will he taken from the Bible, the Department of Labor has announced. Pas­sages will be selected in more than 100 languages and dia­lects.

“This is not because the Bi­ble is considered a sacred book by many people,” said the de- ■artment’s announcement, “but because it is now the only book m virtually every tongue. The translating was done by men whose purpose it was to put the B'bie in such simple and idi­omatic expressions as would make it possible for the com­mon people of foreign Coun- nes to grasp the meaning read­

ily an d thoroughly.”

Daingeifield’s Auto Leaves Carmel Daily at 5:30 p.m.

for Monterey and Pacific Grove

O ^ / W W V W V W / ^ V S ^ W W V W W W V W

Sea a f te r h av ing ob ta ined th e perm is- C ity , and th e a b u t t in g p ro p erty own- n o n requ ired by Section 1 hereof, er. or to carelessly o r neg ligen tly in- When such m oving w ill n ecessita te ju re an y such tre e o r tre e s w hile e„- th e c u tt in g o f o r o th e r in terfe ren ce paged in so m oving an y such house, w ith an y te leg rap h , te lephone, electric s t iu e tu re o r build in ab g h t o r pow er line o r w ire u n til th e re Section 7. A ny person v io la tin g an y

C itv ( i ” < * * * ■ !V With th e ^ e provisions o f th is O rdinance“ . , Sa" ‘ C ,ty ’ m ° ne-V suffi- ,« h a ll be deem ed g u ilty of a misde-P ^ n l imdd,T ; r e r r <1 ^ th e ex" ' nieanor. and upon conviction th e reo f penscs inc iden t to such c u ttin g of o r sha ll be fined in a muu nut m o re

t -n •nonce. w ith sa id line «r w ire ti»,u $:ioa.oo, o r T y im prisonm ent inZ ^ inf‘Iu,!e' w h rre the C ounty Ja i l of M onterey C ountv

sa rc , th e es tab lish m en t of tem p o ra ry no t exceeding fiO day s , o r by bo th such connections, and th e re s to ra tio n , a f t r fine and im prisonm ent, th e com pletion .of such m oving, o f said Section 8. T his O rdinance shall lines o r w ires to th e ir fo rm er posi- ta k e effect and he in force th i r ty day s turns. T he p e rm it to m ove said build ; from and a f te r i ts final passage andm g or s t ru i tu re sha ll be deposited approval.w ith th e C ity C’erk , to g e th e r w ith Passed am! adopted by th e Board o f th e deposit of m oney. T rustees of th e C ity o f Carm el bv-the-

8eetion 3. J t shall be th e d u ty of Sea th is 1Tth dav of A pril, A. I). 1017, th e person receiving such m oney upon by the follow ing vote: th e deposit o f th e p e rm it w ith the A yes: T ru stees B eardsley , T ay lor.C ity Clerk provided fo r in section 1. Johnson, de Sabla. m d th e m onev provided "for in section N oes: T rustees None.

O ur W e e k ly R ecipe

SALMON P IERem ove th e sk in and large bones

from th e co n ten ts of one can o f sa l­m on. In to a well b u tte red bak ing dish p u t a lay e r of flaked salm on and cover w ith a la y e r o f boiled and sliced po­ta to e s ; season w ith sa lt, pepper, and a few drops of onion juice, o r a l i t t le chopped parsley . Add a ll of th e m a ­te r ia ls in a lte rn a te layers, w ith a top o f well b u tte re d bread crum bs. P o u r on y2 cupful o f cream or m ilk and Iwike 20 m in u te s in a m oderate oven.

y. to n o tify th e person, firm or corpo- rtion whose line o r lines, w ire or w ires a re to be c u t o r in te rfe red w ith in such m oving or in terfe ren ce o f such p erm it, an d o f th e d a te when such m o v in g or in terference w ill tak e place. Such no tice m u s t be served a t least th ir ty -s ix hou rs before such moving

A bsen t: T ru stees F raser.A pproved :

G. F. B EA RD SLEY , P residen t of th e B oard o f T ru s tees

P ro Tem pore.A tte s t:

J . K NICHOLS’,C ity C lerk.

-------- »*!! IHIW Nil* I

S c h w e n in g e r ’s!BAKERY and GROCERY |

B e s t G o o d s

Fresh Goods j Right Prices je s

| P r o m p t A u to D e l iv e r y j


For Information fAs to Property I. =

In £iid About j


I SuiiHHiiiiiDiiiiiiii'iiioiiiiiiiiiuiniiMfiHimcimiriiiiiiMiiuiiiiitL ̂ ;iininii!i»nriiHiiiiiiiDiiHHi»iwoimimi»iiDMii«»Muit3Mifiiiiiiiir |

T h e L i t t l e H a r d w a r e 5 t o r e jI T h e T h in g s That You W a n t

W h e n You W a n t T h e m in th e P a in t a n d H a rd w a r e L in e s _

| D o g e o l la n s , S e r e e n - i x i i r e , N a i l s |

Wyatt’s Little Hardware Store

Carmel Development

Company— I a rnr -I iniiimiuiaiumuiiiiiiHnimiinanuiiiinHDiiiiiiniiiiiniuiunmc

S ee the Movies- a t u r d a y N i g h t

“ Johnny” Walase. handy 1 man at Pine Inn, returned on i Friday from a visit to various 1 ; Japanese colonies in the Sacra- „?r i mento Valley.


Carmel Drug Storel l . i s a fine line of

BenSine Needles

AlsoC L O C K SS t a t io n e r y , Toilet

A r tic le s , a n d Rubber S u n d r ie s

Cohinihi.i Graphophone and Records for Sale

Red Cross Notes

This week, they are plantive but not wailing'.

Our chapter is anxious to complete Boxes 1 and 2 by the middle of May, and there are some things lacking. May we ' m o n d Turner.not have them, please.' 1 Carmel s

passed the examination prelim-■p m

for the present defer j' mg.

Thursday afternoon the chil­d re n and teachers of several of

Regular T ime T ableI n M im te rev

7 :.T0 a .m .8 ;30 a.m .9 :80 a.m .2 :30 p.m . 5:00 p.m.

l .- o e M i ml e r e \ S :I 5 a .m .

12 :0 ’> p m .•I :15 p .m .5 :5,’! n in .

For Box 1 , surgical supplies, we want 320 yard of gauze, needed in making pads, drains,

Carl Warren last week Prof. R. M. AI den of Stan-C ford is on a committee of all

,, , . American universities, whoseinary to entering the navy, but o,)ji/Ct js [(J interesL Ame,.icanwill for the present defer join- students in taking post-gradu­

ate work in French universi­ties. *

Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Smith of Pacific Grove w e r e dinner!

the classes of the public school gllests of the Dummages last! went on a nature-study trip to 1 Sunday.

Mr*. A. H. Roseboom has igotie to her summer home atj Big Sur. The mighty fishei-

turned from the least. Mrs.^man w ifi join her shoitly.Turner and Juanita remain in Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hooper'New York, where they will are here this week preparing [ Carm el-by-the-Sea O fficialsshortlv be joined*hv Mrs. Rich- tlieil' cottage for summer oc-j C ity T ru stee s

1 cupancy. A. P F raser, P res iden ti Carmel will have more sum- Mrs* deSabla.

dog license ordi-: mcl. sojourners than ever be-

Point Sur.John Kenneth Turner has re-

New Auto BusA u to S e r v ic e 17 -M ile

D rive and til! p o in t s of i n te r e s t

Leave O rd e rs a t CANDY S T O R E or a tQookl’s Garage

nance goes into effect one week fore. So far as can be learned,from today. Better see the no ̂ a single lease or rental

I cancellation has been made as

designate a day in May on which the entire nation shail concentrate iIs attention tow­ard the vitally important mat­ter of financing the American National Red Cross for its re- sponsibilites both toward the soldier and the non combatants.

etc ; and also two rolls of ab-j Marshal or the drug store man.-a reJJuU Qf U)e war

S°Frn-11 Riiv o'" eouimnent for *'!rs‘ I" P Narvaez- ller two i Mrs. Elena Wilson, who has nine wounded, we want 5 4 ^ ^ t e r s and son. Leo, are ; been - residing in New York sheets, 36 pillow cases. 36 face : visiting relatives in San L u i s |^ ce leaving here a lew years towels, 18 bath towels. Obispo. They went by motor.! O verstreets' * SiUCh °

The President proposes to Next Monday. April 30. is the j E. V ? Dutton & r’o. will is­le st day for paying the second sue a new novel next month, installment of State and c o u n - ; l)v Charles W. Hudson of Pa- ty taxes.

The Russell family have ___-both patriotic

cific Frove. The title is “The! j Royal Outlaw.”

re-! Plant potatoes and join the turned from Southern Califor-


The Secretary of War lias made an announcement to the effect that young men who have married since the declar­ation of war will be liable fcr military service, the same as single men.

I’.- M. Stimson left for San Francisco Jast week, where he wdl take steamer for Tahiti.

.Tiie Congressional Record giving detailed proceedings of Congress, is on file at the PineW Toi° • Senator Hiram u - Johnson is the sender.

9 T i n t i n EngravingThe Pine Cone

nia, and expect summer.

i’he Sinnotts' have departed for their San Jose home. P»e- fore their return this summer alterations are to he made in their residence here.

William RitSchel has re­turned from Arizona, and will occupy Ids studio down the Coast for several months.

Mrs. Tfaybison and little Jackie are still in San Francis-1 cm. They expect to depart1 soon, either for Australia or! Canada. j

H. A. Russell has just placed | on the range at the San Fran-j cisquito ranch twenty-five reg­istered Hereford bulls from the Adams & Roberts herd at Plains, Kansas. This is said to be one of the best herds in America.

local Red Cross to remain all fiut*es-

Tom Reardon was best man at the wedding of his brother, John E, Reardon to Miss-Jean Gracssie, at San Jose last j Wednesday.

William Rigney was ca led here from Modesto by the ill­ness of Mrs. Rigney who suf­fered much from the poison­ing of her hand.

(J. F. B eardsley P eler T aylor I) W. Johnson

C ity C lerkJ E. N ichols

City TreasurerI,. S. iSli-vin

C ity R ecorderII. E. W arren

C ity A tto rn ey 11. ( ’, J o r g e n se n

C ity M arsh a l A. E n g lu n d —P hone 904 W 1

School Trustees W. E. O verstreet, P residen t Miss A. C. E dm onds, C lerk Miss M. DeNeale M organ

Sanitary hoardI. 15. W aterbary , P resident Miss M. E. Mower, Secretary Miss E. H arring ton W. M. Basham M. J. M urphy

F ire D e p a r tm e n t .1. E N ichols, Chief W /L . O verstreet, Secretary

P ro p er ty T r a n s a c t io n sDeed: Carmel Dev. Co. to

Lot’l l ,Florence M. Wilkins.

POINT L 0B 05a b a l o n e

D e lic io u s a n d A ppetiz ing:A sk Your G ro cer for It

NowF is h in g s e a s o n o p e n s M a y 1 .


C o m p l e t e l in e ofTACKLEHOOKSBAITRODS

B E N ’S Home G oods Store

Block 134. Ad. No. 2, CarmeE by-lhe-Sea.


I £arim l School of I Dramatic A rt

g L in co ln an d S e v e n th a v e §

| Physical and Vocal Expression

3 Drama Studv II I Qj § Singing and Music Hislorv 1 J 3iMiiiviiHiaimmiiiiirjiiiimi!inaiiiiiiiiiiiicaiimiiiiiiiaiHii!un:H

I O S t A Hilagtee pin, with smail garnet in cen-

. ter. Finder please return to |j this office, and receive reward.

I For Sale F50-00, feadi-51 r our lots — 2corner, 2 inside, 40x109. Ten

I mm. walk from Carmel I*. 0. Address, P. 0. Box 3, or Pine

1 Cone. a£6 ml