bmichael events this week 4 may 2011

Events This Week The Future Project's DC Launch Party Wednesday, May 4, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Tabaq Bistro (Rooftop Glass Terrace) 1336 U Street NW Free food. Discounted drinks. This, dear friend, is your invitation To change a life; to change our nation. This Wednesday nighton 13th and U, The Future Project hereby calls on you: To share your passion. To meet new friends. To be crazy enough to think you can change trendsOh! The places we'll go, if only we join together as one. Think big projects. Big ideas. Big movement. Big fun. And so this, o' friend, is also a life-changing dare To dream again. Hallelujah! Will we see you there? Fifty years after the Peace Corps called on young people to serve overseas, a new national education movement is daring us to transform schools and cities at home. Imagine one passion. Imagine one creative way you can use that passion to build a project that improves this city. And, now, imagine creating that project with one local high-school student. Imagine changing a future.

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bMichael's DC Events This Week


Page 1: bMichael Events This Week 4 May 2011

Events This Week

The Future Project's DC Launch Party

Wednesday, May 4, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Tabaq Bistro (Rooftop Glass Terrace)

1336 U Street NW

Free food. Discounted drinks.

This, dear friend, is your invitation

To change a life; to change our nation.

This Wednesday night—on 13th and U,

The Future Project hereby calls on you:

To share your passion. To meet new friends.

To be crazy enough to think you can change trends—

Oh! The places we'll go, if only we join together as one.

Think big projects. Big ideas. Big movement. Big fun.

And so this, o' friend, is also a life-changing dare

To dream again. Hallelujah! Will we see you there?

Fifty years after the Peace Corps called on young people to serve overseas, a new national education movement is

daring us to transform schools and cities at home.

Imagine one passion. Imagine one creative way you can use that passion to build a project that improves this city.

And, now, imagine creating that project with one local high-school student. Imagine changing a future.

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Internews Open House and World Press Freedom Celebration

Featuring Susan Abbott and her newest book release: Measures of Press Freedom and Media

Contributions to Development: Evaluating the Evaluators

Wednesday, May 4, 4:30-6:00 p.m.


1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW

Suite 700

Washington, DC 20036

RSVP online by May 3Dear Friends,

As many of you know, World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is celebrated annually on May 3; this year the

United States is hosting the official UNESCO celebration of this day with a series of events in Washington,

DC and New York City. Internews is pleased to be taking part in these celebrations, given the central role

press freedom plays in realizing our mission of empowering individuals and organizations to access,

produce, consume and distribute local, accurate and relevant news and information in their communities.

In honor of WPFD and because we love seeing you – our friends, supporters, and colleagues – Internews

will host an open house and reception on Wednesday, May 4 at 4:30 p.m. Please consider this your official


Beyond celebrating this important day, this will be a time for Internews to honor our very own Susan Abbott,

Deputy Director of Program Development at Internews and co-author of the just released book, Measures of

Press Freedom and Media Contributions to Development: Evaluating the Evaluators. The new book is co-

authored and edited with Monroe Price, Director of the Center for Global Communication Studies at the

Annenberg School for Communication, and Libby Morgan, Associate Director of the Center for Global

Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication.

Aligning with our ongoing focus on results driven project design and management, Measures of Press

Freedom examines commonly used monitoring and evaluation indicators, offering a critical reflection on the

theories and tools of measurements that are used by the academic, donor, and civil society communities.

Susan Abbott is Deputy Director of Program Development at Internews Network, an international media

development organization, and is responsible for working with Internews programs worldwide on program

design, research, and monitoring and evaluation. Abbott was previously Associate Director of the Center for

Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

Prior to that she was a program officer in the Media Development Division at the International Research and

Exchanges Board in Washington, DC.

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Canada's May 2nd National Election: Time for Political Reform?

May 4, 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Betsy and Walter Stern Conference Center

Hudson Institute

1015 15th Street NW

6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005

RSVP: [email protected]

Complimentary lunch will be served.

Since 2004, Canadians have had minority governments in Ottawa, in which no party has held a majority in the

House of Commons. Many Canadians wonder if the system of Parliamentary government in Canada is broken?

Is reform even possible?

Canadian author John Pepall has written an important new book on what is right and what is wrong with

Canada's political institutions and current proposals for reform — many of which have been advanced (without

success) by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. From election reform, Senate reform, fixed election dates,

parliamentary review of judicial appointments, recall of politicians, referenda, to changes to the strict party

discipline that limits the independence of individual MPs—John Pepall is against all of them.

Hudson is pleased to welcome John Pepall to present and debate his new book, Against Reform (Centre for

Public Management, University of Toronto Press) in light of the outcome of Canada's current national election.

Hudson Senior Fellow Christopher Sands will present an analysis of the election outcome as well as the

political prospects for various reform proposals. Hudson Senior Fellow Paul Marshall will moderate.

Join The Angels Network for a Rooftop Cocktail Reception overlooking the White House to raise funds

for Alternative House - The Abused & Homeless Chidlren's Refuge. Cocktails, heavy hors d'oeuvres

Wednesday May 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

First Citizens Bank

1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

RSVP to [email protected]

The Embassy of Uruguay & The Embassy of Paraguay

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In honor of their Bicentennial

request the pleasure of your company

at the Harp concert by



CESAR AQUINO in the Guitar

Wednesday, May 4, 6.30 p.m.

Embassy of Uruguay

Sala de las Artes

1913 “I” Street NW

Washington, DC 20006

A light cocktail will follow the concert

RSVP: (202) 331-1313, ext. 30 or [email protected]

Human Rights in Turkmenistan: Bleak and Getting Bleaker

May 4, 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Open Society Institute

1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 7th Floor

Washington DC 20006

Lunch will be served


Conditions in Turkmenistan for civil society and human rights deteriorated dramatically last year. The Turkmen

government continues to implement repressive measures to control education, freedom of movement, public health, and

access to information. Even given President Berdymukhamedov's greater openness to diplomacy and foreign energy-

driven investment, the country cannot claim substantive progress compared to the previous regime of President Niyazov.

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Please join us for a discussion with the authors of three recent reports on repressions and abuses in Turkmenistan.

Crude Accountability’s “Reform in Turkmenistan: A Convenient Façade” reviews the current human rights situation in

Turkmenistan and the reaction of Western governments and institutions to President Berdymukhamedov’s regime.

"The Dashoguz Women's Prison Colony," a report by Turkmen activists supported by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee,

provides a rare look into everyday life in a prison camp with over 2000 female inmates in the north of Turkmenistan. The

prison is overcrowded, provides insufficient medical services, and is rife with corruption and conditions that amount to ill-

treatment and torture.

Forum 18’s “Violations of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Turkmenistan” documents Turkmenistan’s strict government

control over all religious activity and details how Turkmenistan’s systematic violation of freedom of religion interlocks with

violations of other fundamental human rights.

Felix Corley, Editor, Forum 18 News Service

Ivar Dale, Advisor, Norwegian Helsinki Committee

Kate Watters, Executive Director, Crude Accountability

Jeff Goldstein, Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society Foundations (moderator)

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Canada's May 2nd National Election: Time for Political Reform?

May 4, 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Complimentary lunch will be served.

Betsy and Walter Stern Conference Center

Hudson Institute

1015 15th Street NW

6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005

RSVP: [email protected]

Since 2004, Canadians have had minority governments in Ottawa, in which no party has held a majority in the

House of Commons. Many Canadians wonder if the system of Parliamentary government in Canada is broken?

Is reform even possible?

Canadian author John Pepall has written an important new book on what is right and what is wrong with

Canada's political institutions and current proposals for reform - many of which have been advanced (without

success) by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. From election reform, Senate reform, fixed election dates,

parliamentary review of judicial appointments, recall of politicians, referenda, to changes to the strict party

discipline that limits the independence of individual MPs - John Pepall is against all of them.

Hudson is pleased to welcome John Pepall to present and debate his new book, Against Reform (Centre for

Public Management, University of Toronto Press) in light of the outcome of Canada's current national election.

Hudson Senior Fellow Christopher Sands will present an analysis of the election outcome as well as the

political prospects for various reform proposals. Hudson Senior Fellow Paul Marshall will moderate.

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The Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Invites you to the event

Afro-Venezuelans and the Struggle for Equality in



Congressman Modesto Ruiz

Wednesday, May 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Embassy of Venezuela

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Bolivarian Hall

2443 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20007

In Venezuela, the month of May is designated as Africa Month, while the national day of

Afro-Venezuelaniety, which was created by the National Assembly in 2005, is celebrated on

May 10. In honor of these important celebrations, we are pleased to invite you to a special

discussion with Venezuelan Congressman Modesto Ruiz Espinoza, President of the

Subcommittee on Legislation, Participation, Warranties, Duties and Rights of African

Descendants in the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Modesto Ruiz has been a deputy from the state of Miranda, which encompasses the

historically Afro-Venezuelan region of the country known as Barlovento, since 2006. In

2009 he became the President of the Subcommittee on Legislation, Participation,

Warranties, Duties and Rights of African descendants. In that capacity, he was recently

responsible for the drafting of a national law against racial discrimination and intolerance

that is expected to be passed this May. He has also been involved in the move to include

recognition of Afro-Venezuelans as a distinct group for the purposes of the 2011 Census in

Venezuela and has been a member of the Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations since


Deputy Ruiz will discuss the advancements as well as the problems in the struggle for racial

justice and social inclusion in Venezuela.

Awakening Islam: The Politics of Religious Dissent in Saudi Arabia

Wednesday, May 4, 5:00-6:30 p.m.

A reception will follow the event at 6:00 p.m.

George Washington University

The Elliott School of International Affairs

Lindner Family Commons, Room 602

1957 E Street NW

A limited number of copies of the book will be available for GW students to be signed by the author following the


Please RSVP at:

Stephane Lacroix, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po)

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Stephane Lacroix will present remarks on his latest book, Awakening Islam: The Politics of Religious Dissent in Saudi


Sponsored by Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS) and the Institute for Middle East Studies


The Palestine Center invites you to the

Hisham B. Sharabi Memorial Lecture

"Israel-Palestine: The Consequences of the Conflict"


Amb. Chas Freeman

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lunch is served from 12:30-1:00 p.m.

The lecture and live webcast begin at 1:00 p.m. The Palestine Center

2425 Virginia Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20037

Click here to RSVP now!

Ambassador Chas Freeman discusses the impact of the

ongoing conflict on the region and what it means in a

revolutionary Arab World.

Amb. Chas Freeman began his government service

in 1965, when he entered the United States Foreign

Service. After three years in India, he entered a long

period of involvement with China, serving in Taiwan

and as the principal American interpreter during

The Jerusalem Fund for Education and

Community Development is a 501(c)(3)

non-profit organization based in

Washington, DC that does educational

and humanitarian work on behalf of

Palestinians, particularly those living in

the Occupied Territory and surrounding

refugee camps.

The Palestine Center is an independent

think-tank committed to communicating

reliable and timely information about

the Palestinian political experience to

American policy-makers, journalists,

students and the general public.

Established in 1991, it is the

educational program of the Jerusalem

Fund for Education and Community


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President Nixon’s historic 1972 visit to Beijing. From

1979 to 1981, he directed Chinese Affairs at the

Department of State. He served as Chargé and Deputy

Chief of Mission at the American embassy in Beijing

(1981–84). After similarly heading up the U.S.

embassy in Bangkok (1984–86), Amb. Freeman

returned to Washington as the Principal Deputy

Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from

1986 to 1989. He became U.S. Ambassador to Saudi

Arabia in 1989, serving in that capacity through the

Gulf War and leading an effort that more than doubled

non-military exports to the Kingdom as he managed

the largest diplomatic mission in the world under crisis

conditions. His last government position before he

took up his current corporate and other

responsibilities, was Assistant Secretary of Defense for

International Security Affairs (1993–94), responsible

for managing the defense relations of the United

States with all regions of the world except the former

Soviet Union. In 2009, Ambassador Freeman was

nominated by President Obama to chair the National

Intelligence Council but Freeman eventually withdrew

from consideration after backlash to his nomination

from pro-Israel interest groups.

Allan Bromley Memorial Lecture

Wednesday, May 4, 5:30-8:00 p.m.

George Washington University

The Elliott School of International Affairs

Room 113

1957 E Street NW

Please send RSVP to: [email protected]

John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology; Director, Office of Science and Technology

Policy, Executive Office of the President

Introductory Remarks:

William Bonvillian, Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Washington DC Office

Since 2005 the University of Ottawa in cooperation with The George Washington University have carried the annual Alan

Bromley Memorial Lecture in memory of Dr. D. Allan Bromley, a native of Westmeath, Ontario, who played a critical role in

science and technology policy in the United States in both the Regan and Bush administrations. The memorial lectures

offer an opportunity for graduate students focused on science and technology policy to meet with senior science and

policy advisers in United States and Canada.

One of the world's leading nuclear physicists, D. Allan Bromley, died on February 11, 2005. He was born in Westmeath,

Ontario in 1926. Dr. Bromley was the first person to hold the Cabinet-level rank of Assistant to the President for Science

and Technology from 1989 to 1993 during the first Bush Administration. Prior to this, Dr. Bromley sat on President

Reagan's White House Science Council. Dr. Bromley was a former president of the American Association for the

Advancement of Science and a recipient of the National Medal of Science, the highest scientific distinction in the United


Sponsored by the Center for International Science and Technology Policy and the University of Ottawa

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This week at ZWK, try three new wines with Justin from Country Vintner or sample wines with Melonie from Southern Wine & Spirits. While you’re there, save 10% on wine when you present a Zola Kitchen lunch receipt! There’s always something happening at Zola Wine & Kitchen! Salute!


Zola Wine & Kitchen 505 Ninth Street NW washington, DC 20005 Join ZWK for happy hour and enjoy our weekly pick of amazing new wines paried with our artisanal cheeses. Wednesday, May 4, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Try Three New Wines with Justin from Country Vintner!

Berger Gruner Veltliner

White Hall Cabernet Franc

El Chaparral de Vega Sindoa Garnacha

Friday, May 6, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Sample Wines with Melonie from Southern Wine & Spirits!

Los Vascos Sauvignon Blanc

Hayes Ranch Chardonnay

Sebastiani Pinot Noir

Valiano Chianti Classico

Sauvignon Blanc

Hayes Ranch Chardonnay

Sebastiani Pinot Noir

Valiano Chianti Classico

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―America’s Misadventures in the Middle East‖ Salon with Chas Freeman

Thursday, May 5, 6:30 p.m.

1785 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd


Washington, DC 20036

RSVP [email protected]

If you were unable to view the message below go to

10th Annual Cinco de Mayo

Networking Happy Hour

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Thursday, May 5, 2011


Doors Open at 5:00 p.m.



1716 I Street, NW

Washington, DC 20006

Closest Metro: Farragut North and West stations


Join us for the largest gathering of Hispanic professionals in the Washington, DC area for our


areas leading and most presitigous Latino organizations! You don't want to miss this event. This

year's event takes place at Eden (1716 I Street, NW) located in the Golden Triangle and boast 3

floors with a rooftop deck.

What To Expect This Year

Well if you've attended any of the previous Cinco de Mayo events, you know that this is the

largest gathering of Hispanic professionals in the Washington, DC area under one room. So we

are building on last year's event and will be offering:

FREE admission with an RSVP ([email protected])

Drink specials on Dos Equis and Ambhar Tequila cocktails all evening

Complimentary buffet 5:00-7:00pm

LIVE Mariachi band performing traditional Mexican songs

Great company and networking with leading Hispanic organizations and fellow professionals!

Since the creation of this networking happy hour ten years ago, it was been nothing short of

phenomenal in terms of participation and attendance from the Hispanic professional community.

So if you're looking to meet up with old friends, are new to the area and looking to make new

friends or just want a happy hour surrounded by other people out just to have a great time, it's a

MUST that you attend this year's Cinco de Mayo Networking Happy Hour.

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This event is absolutely FREE. But in order for us to make sure that we have enough staff and food on

hand, we request that everyone RSVP for the event at [email protected].

Governing by Regulation: What's Next at the EPA

What: Join the American Action Forum to discuss EPA's regulation of greenhouse gases and the future of

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environmental policy. Lunch will be provided.

When: May 5th at noon.

Where: Capitol Visitor Center SVC 200/201

Who: Keynote Address: Senator John Barrasso (R-WY)

Doug Holtz-Eakin, President, American Action Forum

Roger Martella, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP

Lisa Heinzerling, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center

Jeff Clark, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Click here to RSVP

This Wednesday at Potenza Wine, celebrate Cinco de Mayo in style at our complimentary wine tasting! Salute! Potenza Wine 15 & H Streets NW Washington, DC 20005


Join us at Potenza for a weekly tasting and enjoy a variety of amazing new wines, paired with our artisanal cheeses.

Thursday, May 5, 5:00-7:00 pm. Potenza Wine Presents: Cinco de Mayo Beer and Cava Tasting

Bell’s Oberon

Bohemia Mexican Pilsner

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Dibon Cava


Dibon Cava for $10 or 2 for $18; Bohemia Lager 6pk for $7.50 or 2 for $14

The Arab Awakening and Its Implications


Thursday, May 5, 4:00 p.m.

Reception To Follow

The Cato Institute

1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20001

Featuring David Ottaway, Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; and Stanley Kober,

Research Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute; moderated by Malou Innocent, Foreign Policy Analyst,

Cato Institute.

The mass uprising that began in Tunisia has since spread throughout the Arab world, serving as the catalyst to

Hosni Mubarak's downfall in Egypt and Muammar el-Qaddafi's crackdown and subsequent United Nations

intervention in Libya. Given these momentous events, will more Arab governments respond to demands for

reform? Has the impact of social networking been revolutionary or overblown? Will the oil-rich Persian Gulf States

be able to rely on their substantial wealth as a safety valve in times of crisis? And how do these developments

enhance or diminish America's ability to exert influence in the region? Please join us as we tackle these and other


Cato events, unless otherwise noted, are free of charge. To register for this event, please email

[email protected] or call (202) 789-5229 by 4:00 PM, Wednesday, May 4, 2011. Please arrive early. Seating

is limited and not guaranteed

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The Future of Free Trade in Asia

Thursday, May 5, 12:00-1:00 p.m.


Eric Chiang

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office

Philip Levy

American Enterprise Institute

Daniel Griswold

Cato Institute

Please join the Center for National Policy for a conversation with Eric Chiang, Philip Levy, and Daniel Griswold as they discuss the future of free-trade in East Asia and the security implications for the United States, Japan, ROK and Taiwan. Following a presentation from the speakers, CNP's Vice President, Scott Bates will moderate questions from the audience.

A light lunch will be served

Center for National Policy

1 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Suite 333

Washington, DC 20001

(202) 682-1800

Nearest Metro: Union Station

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This is a non-transferable invitation to register for the "Women and War" Book Launch Symposium

A decade ago, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325), which calls for women's full participation in promoting peace and security and for greater efforts to protect women in war, particularly from sexual violence. However, today gender-based analysis of conflict often remains outside the mainstream of security dialogues.

The book, Women & War: Power and Protection in the 21st Century , underscores that much needs to be done

to develop effective conflict prevention and management strategies that are inclusive of women and that give

women a voice at the negotiating table. This edited volume is a trans-Atlantic collaborative effort to highlight

innovative approaches toward ensuring greater participation of women at the negotiating table, and the ways in

which women will make a difference in the security arena over the next decade.

Join us for the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) and the Peace Research Institute-Oslo (PRIO) book launch and

international symposium on the next decade of UNSCR 1325 on the afternoon of May 5th and all day on May

6th. The symposium will further examine the issues of women and war, power and protection in the 21st

century, and explore the implementation of gender-sensitive policies in defense, diplomacy, development, and

the role of documentary film, media and the arts in this endeavor.

Thursday, May 5, 2011 Women & War Book Launch and Reception Hosted by the Royal Norwegian


Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Venue: U.S. Institute of Peace Headquarters

2301 Constitution Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20037

Friday, May 6, 2011 Women & War Symposium Time: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Venue: U.S. Institute of Peace Headquarters

2301 Constitution Avenue NW

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Washington, DC 20037

Confirmed speakers:

Michèle Flournoy, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, U.S. Department of Defense Keynote Address: "UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the U.S. National Action Plan: A Department of Defense Perspective"

Ambassador Wegger Christian Strømmen Ambassador of Norway to the United States Royal Norwegian Embassy

Donald Steinberg Deputy Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development

Ambassador Melanne Verveer U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues, U.S. Department of State

Pat Mitchell President and CEO, The Paley Center

Abigail Disney Filmmaker, Philanthropist, Film Producer of "Pray the Devil Back to Hell," Founder of Fork Films

Femke van Velzen Filmmaker, Philanthropist, Film Producer of "Weapon of War", Co-Founder of IF Productions

Agnes M. Fallah-Kamara Umunna Executive Director and Founder of Straight from the Heart Project, Journalist, and Radio Producer

Morley Composer and Singer

Sanam Anderlini Executive Director, International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)

Tilman Brück Department Head and Professor, International Economics, German Institute for Economic Research

Inger Skjelsbæk Senior Researcher, Deputy Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Sheldon Himelfarb Director, USIP Center of Innovation: Media, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

Tara Sonenshine Executive Vice President, USIP

Helga Hernes Senior Adviser, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Chantal de Jonge Oudraat Director, USIP Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program

Kathleen Kuehnast Director, USIP Gender and Peacebuilding Center

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Hillyer Art Space May Exhibitions

Brent Crothers: Still Waking Up

May 6th 2011 - May 27th 2011

Brent Crothers strives to connect his work to his life. Each piece he creates has its own origin, its own story. His sculptures are his way of wrestling with many of the

interconnected issues facing humanity today.

Crothers studied sculpture at MICA in 1988 and has since exhibited his work in galleries and museums throughout the mid-atlantic region, including the

Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Khanh Le: Know Place

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May 6th 2011 - May 27th 2011

Khanh Le often thinks about his hyphenated identity, as a Vietnamese-American, in the

context of a landscape, a thing of earthly and natural status. When people ask him what

Vietnam is like, it is almost as though they believe the landscape is permanent and non-

changing, as if it is frozen in time. Conception of "real" and "unreal" is one of the larger

issues that Le deals with in his work. He uses real images from Vietnam, but reconfigures

them to represent an unreal place. Just like his images, Le knows the place but it is no

place that can really be found.

Khan Le has resided in Washington D.C. since 1990. He received his M.F.A. from Syracuse

University in 2008.


First Friday Exhibition Opening

Friday, May 6, 6:00-9:00

Hillyer Art Space

Hillyer Court NW

Washington, DC 20008

(202) 338-0680

First Friday Openings are a collaborative effort to strengthen arts and culture in the

beautiful, multi-cultural neighborhood that is Dupont Circle. On the First Friday of every

month galleries in our community open their doors to multitudes of art enthusiasts from

all walks of life for simultaneous openings. We encourage all to join us for our openings

and to circulate between our neighboring galleries, which host an ever-changing array of

styles and media.

Food, drinks and live music provided!

Gallery Hours: 12pm - 5pm Monday, 12pm - 6pm Tuesday - Friday, 12pm - 5pm Saturday.

Otherwise by appointment

International Arts & Artists (IA&A) is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing cross-cultural understanding and

exposure to the arts internationally. IA&A's services include a Traveling Exhibition Service, the Hillyer Art Space gallery,

the Design Studio, the Cultural Exchange Program, and Membership Services for artists and the arts-interested public.

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Morton Fine Art (MFA) presents The Sweet Turning of the Page, a solo exhibition of

new scroll artworks and drawings by artist Hadieh Shafie. The exhibition will be on

display at Morton Fine Art from May 6 through June 3, 2011. The opening reception will

be held on May 6th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm with the artist in attendance.

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Hadieh Shafie(Baltimore, MD b. Iran, scroll artwork and drawing) Born in Iran, Shafie

works in a variety of mediums including wall mounted scroll artwork pieces comprised

of hundreds of strips of paper meticulously rolled into scrolls which are inked and

inscribed with "eshghe", the Farsi word for love. Her drawings also depict the repetition

of "eshghe", as the artist deliberately ignores the rules of calligraphy, and instead

grounds her scripting in the expression and individuality of an untrained hand. The

significance of process, repetition and time in Shafie's work is rooted in the influence of

Islamic art and craft. Concentric forms of text and material take direct inspiration from

the dance of the whirling dervish, the Sufi movement and poetry of Mawlana

Muhammad Rumi.

Stimson Center and Japanese Multi-Partisan Delegation for the Fortification of the

Post-3.11 Japan-US Alliance present:

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The US-Japan Alliance after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake

Keynote address by:

Honorable Yasuhisa Shiozaki, former Chief Cabinet Secretary

Remarks by:

Honorable Richard L. Armitage, former Deputy Secretary of State

With participation from:

Honorable Tomoko Abe, Social Democratic Party of Japan

Honorable Mikio Shimoji, the People's New Party

Honorable Yasuo Tanaka, New Party Nippon

Honorable Masaaki Itokawa, Democratic Party of Japan

Friday, May 6, 2011

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Stimson Center

1111 19th Street NW

12th Floor

Washington, DC 20036

Buffet lunch reception will follow immediately after the conference.

Please RSVP to [email protected] by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3, 2011.

Honorable Yasuhisa Shiozaki served as Chief Cabinet Secretary for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and

concurrently served as Minister of State for the Abduction Issue between 2006-2007. Mr. Shizaokiwas first

elected to the House of Representatives in 1993, serving until 1995. He was a member of the House of

Councillors between 1995-2000, and was reelected to the House of Representatives in 2000. Prior to entering

into politics, Mr. Shiozaki worked at the Bank of Japan between 1975-1986. In his political career, Mr.

Shiozaki served a number of senior positions in the government, both houses of the Japanese Diet as well as

the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). His past positions include: Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs

(2005-2006), Chairman, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Judicial Affairs (2004-2005),

Deputy Chairman, LDP Policy Research Council (2003-2004), Chairman, LDP Treasury and Finance

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Division (2002-2003), Director, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Judicial Affairs (2001-

2003), Chairman, LDP Foreign Affairs Division (2000-2001), Chief Director, House of Councillors Standing

Committee on Justice (1999-2000), Parliamentary Vice Minister of Finance (1997-1998), Director, House of

Councillors Standing Committee on Audit (1996-1997) and Director, House of Councillors Standing

Committee on Budget (1996). He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1975, and received a Master of

Public Administration (MPA) at the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University in 1982.

Honorable Richard L. Armitage became President of Armitage International in March 2005. Previously, his nomination as Deputy Secretary of State was confirmed by the Senate on March 23, 2001. He was sworn in on March 26, 2001. Prior to returning to government service in 2001, Mr. Armitage was President of Armitage Associates L.C. from May 1993 until March 2001. From March 1992 until his departure from public service in May 1993, Mr. Armitage (with the personal rank of Ambassador) directed U.S. assistance to the new independent states (NIS) of the former Soviet Union. From 1989 through 1992, Mr. Armitage filled key diplomatic positions as Presidential Special Negotiator for the Philippines Military Bases Agreement and Special Mediator for Water in the Middle East. President Bush sent him as a Special Emissary to Jordan's King Hussein during the 1991 Gulf War. In the Pentagon from June 1983 to May 1989, he served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. He has received numerous U.S. military decorations as well as decorations from the governments of Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Bahrain, and Pakistan. On October 13, 2010, Mr. Armitage was appointed as an Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia. On December 15, 2005, Mr. Armitage was awarded a KBE and became a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. He was most recently awarded the Department of State Distinguished Service Award. He has been awarded the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service four times, the Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Award for Outstanding Public Service, the Presidential Citizens Medal, presented by the President to citizens who have performed exemplary deeds of service, and the Department of State Distinguished Honor Award. Born in 1945, Mr. Armitage graduated in 1967 from the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was commissioned as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy.

Upcoming Shows and Events at Studio Gallery

EXHIBITIONS: April 27 - May 21, 2011

First Friday Reception: May 6, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Artists' Reception: Saturday May 14, 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Studio Gallery

2108 R Street NW

Solo Show: Protect. Nurture. Release.

Jacqui Crocetta

Crocetta explores the �letting go� that is

necessary to realize human potential, and the

feelings of both loss and joy that are an integral

part of transitions.

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Duo Show: a flow of different light and deep

Angelika Wamsler

Duo Show: New Abstract Paintings

Suzanne Yurdin

The Infinite Reduced to 2968

A Coup d'Espace Project by Megan Mueller and Christine Varela

May 6 - May 27

Opening Reception

May 6, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Washington Project for the Arts

2023 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington Project for the Arts is proud to present The Infinite Reduced to 2968, a Coup d'Espace project by Megan

Mueller and Christine Varela. Mueller and Varela will dramatically transform the WPA office space with a canopy

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installation. Created with simple materials, the installation is inspired by the organic geometry found in nature and

aims to simulate the experience of being under a canopy of trees.


May 4 - May 29, 2011

Opening Reception

Friday, May 6, 6:00-8:30 p.m.

Touchstone Gallery

901 New York Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20001

(202) 347-2787

Life Is Too Serious

Paintings and Drawings

by Marcia Coppel

Marcia Coppel's light-filled paintings of people conversing in cafes and in the park reflect a fanciful paradise inspired by Mexico.


The Invisible Light

Photographic images

by Harvey Kupferberg

Black and white photographs that were taken with digital and film camera.

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"Shortcut to Europe" EU Embassies' open house

Saturday, May 7, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Experience the best of European culture without the jet lag: join the European Union Embassies and the EU Delegation for a day of

family fun, food, dancing, kids entertainment, exhibitions, vacation planning, and more. On May 7th, we invite you to take a rare

behind-the-scenes look at the Embassies, some of which are among Washington’s historic and architectural treasures. Free shuttle bus

service will be available throughout the day and many Embassies are located conveniently near the Metro for walking.

This is the fifth year running that the 27 European Union member countries and the EU Delegation work together to present this

wonderful event which draws thousands of visitors. The EU Embassies‟ Open House, the single biggest celebration of the EU in the

world, demonstrates the EU‟s motto of “unity through diversity” by showcasing the range and richness of European society. - João Vale

de Almeida, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the US

Free shuttle bus service

Buses run from 9:45 am to 4:00 p.m.

Bus stops for Embassies or EU Delegation are marked with:

Blue Route

(Massachusetts Avenue):

buses begin service from Dupont Circle at Massachusetts Avenue & 20th Street NW

(closest Metro station is Dupont Circle North)

Red Route

(Washington Circle/Foxhall):

buses begin service from EU Delegation, corner of 22nd and K Streets NW (next to Starbucks)

(closest Metro station is Foggy Bottom/GWU)

Green Route

(16th Street):

buses begin service from Dupont Circle at Massachusetts Ave. & 20th Street NW

(closest Metro station is Dupont Circle North)

Yellow Route

(Van Ness):

buses begin service from corner of Connecticut Avenue & Van Ness Street

(closest Metro station is Van Ness/UDC)

Volunteers will be available at each bus stop and on the buses to assist in directing the public to where the Embassies

are located.


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Embassy of Austria

3524 International Court NW

Visitors can take delight in sampling exquisite Austrian wines and listen to a live performance of traditional Austrian folk

music. An Austrian pastry chef will showcase his skills by preparing the traditional Apple Strudel. Viennese pastries,

famous Austrian Meinl coffee and juices will be served throughout the day; an art exhibition, as well as films, will

illustrate the distinctiveness of the country and its people.

Embassy of Belgium

3330 Garfield Street NW

We invite you to learn about Belgium by viewing the photographic exhibition One Way to See it, visiting our economic

investment corner and watching the video Belgium, the Movie. Visitors may also take a look at the Ambassador’s office

which will feature a slide show of images of the Belgian Residence. Belgian beer and other treats await you.

Embassy of Bulgaria

1621 22nd Street NW

Samples of Bulgarian wine and food; brochures, leaflets on Bulgaria. Photo exhibition: Bulgaria in full Splendor-the

Bulgarian contribution to the world heritage.

Embassy of Cyprus

2211 R Street NW

Welcome to the crossroads of civilizations, where the West and East meet. You will have the opportunity to taste our

uniquely Cypriot Halloumi cheese and the fabulous dessert oudjouko, made from grape juice and almonds. You will also

be able to view short films on Cyprus’ 11,000 years of history, its lifestyle and culture, as well as browse through

information about traveling to Cyprus, enjoying its sandy beaches and visiting its lovely monuments.

Embassy of the Czech Republic

3900 Spring of Freedom Street NW

Czech It Out! Travel back to the 1920s, and enjoy music and fashion of the era. Check out odern and antique Czech cars

by TATRA. Bring your children to watch police dogs in action and learn about the Czech Republic. Enjoy a satisfying

cold Pilsner beer and delicious goulash.

Embassy of Denmark

3200 Whitehaven Street NW

Denmark is all about cool, healthy, and sustainable living. This year the Embassy is working with Novo Nordisk to

promote healthy lifestyle and physical activity and will host a range of fun, exciting, and educational activities that

focus on people’s wellbeing. Also get a chance to go on an exclusive tour of the Ambassador’s residence.

Embassy of Estonia

2131 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Visit the Embassy of Estonia and discover more about the homeland of Skype! Enjoy Estonian folk dance and get a

glimpse of Tallinn, the European Cultural Capital 2011.

Embassy of Finland

3301 Massachusetts Avenue NW

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Discover the first LEED certified green embassy - the beautiful ―Jewel of Embassy Row‖ - while enjoying Finnish

delicacies, musical performances and much more. You’ll be hosted by the friendliest embassy staff in town.

Embassy of France

4101 Reservoir Road NW

Parlez-vous français? At the Embassy of France, you can take French lessons, or learn all about French wines in a

fascinating introduction to wine tasting! Savor traditional French dishes in our three-course, prix-fixe lunch menu

prepared by the Embassy’s chef, or stroll our grounds and sample other delectable French refreshments,

accompanied by our playlist of French tunes. Then try your World Cup skills in our mini soccer tournament! (Prix-

fixe luncheon tickets must be purchased in advance @

Embassy of Germany

(embassy is closed for renovations)

Garden of Ambassador’s Residence

1800 Foxhall Road NW

Take a trip through Germany while strolling through the beautiful garden of the Ambassador’s Residence. Get to know

modern Germany and enjoysome traditional German food and beer in our Beer Garden.

Embassy of Greece

2217 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Come celebrate with us 2500 years of Greek culture from Marathon to the Special Olympics World Summer Games,

Athens 2011. Dance with the music of Zorba the Greek and indulge your palates in traditional, healthy delicacies. Travel

with us to the wonderful Greek islands and beyond, with beautiful movies and a raffle.

Embassy of Hungary

3910 Shoemaker Street NW

Come and taste real Hungarian Goulash and wine on the Embassy Terrace. Sing and dance to true Hungarian folk music

with live assistance. Enjoy a huge children’s corner and Hungarian breed dog petting. Learn about Hungarian inventions,

win a Rubik’s Cube and plan your visit to Budapest at the Tourism Booth.

Embassy of Ireland

2234 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Welcome to the Embassy of Ireland. We invite you to imagine Ireland and experience our showcase of Irish culture, food

and sport. Featured also are works of art and sculpture on exhibition in the Embassy reception rooms.

Embassy of Italy

3000 Whitehaven Street NW

View LIVING (A Charmed Life), an installation of 150 ropes by Andrea Bianconi; Liminal, a photo exhibit by Giuseppe

Ripa; an exhibition of 35 etchings The Heirs of Canaletto: Fabio Mauroner and Emanuele Brugnoli in Venice, 1905-

1940; Claude Victor Offray III: From the Duke‟s windows; photographic exhibit on the city of Urbino and two videos:

Italia Opera Unica and Venice: Canaletto and his Rivals. Savor Italian specialties at Caffè Cinema.

Embassy of Latvia

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2306 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Enjoy Latvian folk songs by Sudrabavots, a folk music ensemble from the Washington, DC area. Featured also: screening

of films on the country, history and culture in the Reception Hall.

Embassy of Lithuania

2622 16th Street NW

Everybody will have a unique chance to experience national Lithuanian cuisine and beer and for a few seconds to become

a basketball player as Lithuania is preparing to host the European Basketball Championships EuroBasket 2011.

Embassy of Luxembourg

2200 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Come visit the Embassy of Luxembourg for the day.

Embassy of Malta

2017 Connecticut Avenue NW

Come and discover Malta, located in the center of the Mediterranean and home of one of Europe’s oldest civilizations.

Discover its unique charm and its rich history. A small country whose warm hospitality was immortalized by St Paul.

Come, visit us and listen to a historical presentation delivered on-site... and taste some traditional Maltese almond


Embassy of the Netherlands

(This is NOT the embassy-it's either the residence or a consulate)

2347 S Street NW

View paintings by 16th and 17th century Dutch Masters on display at the Residence of the Ambassador of the Kingdom

of the Netherlands to the United States. The neoclassical Residence is home to tapestries and paintings by Dutch Masters

such as Jan van Goyen and Abraham Storck.

Embassy of Poland

2640 16th Street NW

Learn about the democracy movement in Poland through the exhibition titled „Human Solidarity, Polish Solidarnosc‟ and

CBS News original footage of Poland in the 1980s, enjoy Poems by the 1980 Nobel Laureate Czeslaw Milosz, and taste

samples of traditional Polish cuisine.

Embassy of Portugal

2012 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Savor pasties de bacalhau, pasties de nata and massa sovada, with a tasting of Port wine; view an exhibition of

contemporary video-art and the presentation of a short documentary.

Embassy of Romania

1607 23rd Street NW

Come and visit the Beaux-Arts style embassy built in 1907 and you will have the chance to explore Romania through a

video tour of its architectural treasures and vibrant cities. Leaflets on Romania’s history, culture and tourism will be

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available. Don’t miss the opportunity to see a unique exhibition by modern Romanian young artists.

Embasssy of Slovakia

3524 International Court NW

Enjoy the hospitality of Slovakia, country of the 2011 Ice Hockey World Championship. Discover opportunities for

tourism and keep up your sportive spirit with samples of Slovak cuisine, folk music and contemporary art.

Embassy of Slovenia

2410 California Street NW

Discover sLOVEnia and it’s ECO tourism. While you enjoy the photographic exhibit of Lipizzaner horses, taste

traditional food and listen to traditional beat, your children can watch the performance by Shaed Middle school, learn how

to dance traditional dances and take part in fairytale telling.

Embassy of Spain

2375 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Brief tour of the Embassy of Spain Chancery building with presentations of Spain’s culture through information

brochures, videos, a photography exhibition and a brief tasting of Spanish food. Access in groups of 30 at a time, space is


Embassy of Sweden

2900 K Street NW

Brands of Sweden in House of Sweden - Come visit us in our Georgetown waterfront location where you will discover

different aspects of Sweden, sample treats and enjoy other surprises; children’s activities, rooftop lounge,

contemporarySwedish music and video projections. Välkomna.

Embassy of the United Kingdom

3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW

The Best of Britain: Culture, Business, and Sport. The Embassy will showcase the Ambassador’s Gardens; a bazaar

highlighting British business and trade; activities on culture and sport including the Royal Family and Cultural Olympiad.

Highlights also include British food, arts, whisky, displays and family activities.

EU Delegation

2175 K Street NW

(use 22nd Street entrance)

Visit the EU’s headquarters in the U.S. and learn about how representatives from the 27 member countries work together

in Washington; challenge yourself to the EU quiz competition and EU crossword puzzle, and win prizes as well as the

chance to attend a special event at the Ambassador’s residence; get a custommade luggage tag and a souvenir photo while

―visiting Europe.‖ Festivities include a Kids Corner, a variety of refreshments, and live music.syks.

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Washington Printmakers Gallery

On View Starting next week:

Jenny Freestone: New Prints

Exhibition Runs April 27-May 29

Opening Reception

Saturday, May 7, 1:00-4:00 pm

Artist Talk and Reception:

Saturday, May 14, 1:00-4:00 pm

Washington Printmakers Gallery

Pyramid Atlantic Art Center

8230 Georgia Avenue, 2nd Floor

Silver Spring, MD 20910

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WPG Receptions made possible through the generous support of Barefoot



By metro: Take the Red line to the Silver Spring stop. From the station, follow Wayne Ave to Georgia Ave.

From Wayne Ave and Georgia, the red Pyramid Atlantic building is 2 blocks to the right, on the right-hand

side of Georgia at Ripley Street.

Driving: The red Pyramid Atlantic building is on the South Bound (West) side of Georgia Avenue at Ripley

Street, 2 blocks south of Wayne Avenue. A small parking lot in front of Pyramid Atlantic offers free parking,

and there are several public garages within walking distance.

Art Reception

Saturday, May 7. 6:00-9:00 p.m.

Galerie Ingrid Cooper

White Flint Mall

11301 Rockville Pike

Rockville, MD

RECEPTION IS FROM 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Richard Fitzhugh’s architecturally inspired watercolors come to Galerie Ingrid Cooper in May. A Washington DC native and graduate of Howard University School of

Architecture he has worked in the field at home and abroad. Imposing his vision of urban landscapes on paper, Richards has a deep sense of community reflected in

his vivid palette, and in his 25 years working with disadvantaged youths. The current show is based on his New York experience with city scenes of unique yet

familiar character.

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Sparkling Saturdays

Saturday, May 7 from 9:00-11:00 p.m.

Ladies, get ready for the ultimate girls night out!

Get on the list for two complimentary glasses of champagne and fabulous drink features for you

and all your girls!

We're also giving away...

One Year Membership at Balance Gym,

Ten Classes at Pole Pressure,

and One Month of Free Tanning at Palm Beach Tan!

It's free to sign up. All you have to do is RSVP to [email protected].

Each name on the list may also bring up to five additional guests, but hurry, space is limited!

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BlackFinn American Saloon

1620 I Street NW

Washington, DC 20006

(202) 429-4350

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May 8, 2011 - 2:00PM to 9:00PM


2:00-9:00 PM – Art exhibition (Compass Room) 2:00-4:00 PM – Kids Love Italy Program (Moynihan Plaza) 2:00-4:00 PM – Italian wine tasting (Compass Room) 4:00-6:00 PM – A panel on ―Italians in Washington, DC today: stories of an ongoing exchange‖ (Ronal

Reagan Building Hemisphere A Room) 6:00-9:00 PM -- Aperitivo Italiano with Italian cocktails, wines and Peroni beer (Aria Restaurant patio) 6:00-8:00 PM -- Live Music Concert by the group i-Talians (Woodrow Wilson Plaza) 8:00-9:00 PM -- DJ spinning music the Italian way (Woodrow Wilson Plaza)

Attendee Fee

The Festival is free of charge. There is a $15 ticket for the Aperitivo Italiano. The ticket will include an Italian drink and access to the Italian

buffet. There is a $10 ticket for wine tasting. The ticket includes three glasses of wine.



Woodrow Wilson and Moynihan Plazas

Ronald Reagan Building Hemisphere A Room

Aria Restaurant

US-Russian Relations:

Stagnation or Modernization?

May 9, 12:00-3:30 p.m.

Lunch will be provided.

Betsy and Walter Stern Conference Center

Hudson Institute

1015 15th Street NW

Sixth Floor

Washington, DC 20005

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RSVP: [email protected]

As Russian President Dmitri Medvedev moves toward the end of his first term of office, what awaits Russia and U.S.-Russian relations? Medvedev has spoken of the need to modernize the Russian economy, attract foreign investment, implement institutional reforms, and create Russia's own version of Silicon Valley. At the same time, his political mentor, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, has warned against "unjustified liberal experiments" and has proceeded with consolidation of major industries in the State's hands. Putin's massive clout remains largely unchallenged.

Medvedev has criticized Russia's "legal nihilism" and called for the restoration of the rule of law. However, the second

conviction of former Yukos Oil Chairman Mikhail Khodorkovsky on what are widely acknowledged to be absurd charges;

the apparently deliberate killing of Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer who exposed official corruption; and the failure to solve the

murders of prominent journalists and human rights activists—all point to a society that lacks even elementary rule of law.

Please join us as we host a panel of distinguished experts to discuss Russia's path to the future.

Welcome and Opening Remarks: David Satter, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

12:15-12:45 p.m.

Keynote Address: Lev Ponomarev, President for Human Rights )(Moscow) and a leading Russian human rights activist

12:15-12:45 p.m.

Russian Domestic Developments: Stagnation or Modernization? A View from Moscow

Panel I, 12:45 - 2:00 p.m.

Russia's Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics: What Kind of Partner for the U.S.?

Ilan Berman, Vice President, American Foreign Policy Council

Stephen Blank, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College

David Satter, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Ariel Cohen (moderator), Senior Research Fellow, Heritage Foundation

Panel II, 2:15-3:30 p.m.

Russia's Faltering Rule of Law and Human Rights: Implications for U.S.-Russian Relations

Ariel Cohen, Senior Research Fellow, Heritage Foundation

Pavel Ivlev, Director, Institute of Modern Russia

Donald Jensen, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations

William Pomeranz, Deputy Director, Kennan Institute, The Woodrow Wilson Center

David Satter (moderator), Hudson Institute

Taiwan and Evolving Cross Strait Relations

Monday, May 9, 10:15 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

George Washington University

The Elliott School of International Affairs

City View Room, Seventh Floor

1957 E Street NW

Please RSVP at:

10:15 a.m. Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Shawn McHale, Director, Sigur Center for Asian Studies, GW

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10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Panel I: Defense and Security Aspects

Robert Sutter, Adjunct Professor of International Affairs, GW

Colin Kao, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan

Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, Professor of History, Georgetown University

Moderator: Bruce Dickson, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, GW

12:00-12:30 p.m. Luncheon

12:30-2:00 p.m. Panel II: Domestic Determinants

Scott Kastner, Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Maryland

Shelley Rigger, Brown Professor of Political Science, Davidson College

Steven Phillips, Director of Asian Studies; Professor of History, Towson University

Moderator: Edward McCord, Associate Professor of History and International Affairs, GW

Sponsored by Sigur Center for Asian Studies

The Moral Implications of Deficits, Debt, and the Budget Battles Ahead Cato Debate

Monday, May 9, 4:00 p.m.

Reception To Follow

The Cato Institute

1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20001

Featuring Amitai Etzioni, University Professor, George Washington University; and Roger Pilon, Vice President for

Legal Affairs, Cato Institute; moderated by David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute.

With deficits, debt, and budget battles dominating our politics for the foreseeable future, and much of the debate

centering on what to do about the entitlements that are consuming ever-greater portions of the federal budget,

more questions are arising about the social contract, the nation's first principles, and the moral issues that are just

below the surface in the budget battles. Amitai Etzioni, for example, wrote recently in Dissent that many of the cuts

being proposed for our social safety nets are "highly immoral" since there are numerous ways in which they can be

avoided. More recently still, Roger Pilon argued in the Wall Street Journal that the federal budget itself is infused

with immoral provisions that not only are unconstitutional but have brought on these deficits and debt. Please join

us for what should be a lively debate over contrasting visions of where we go from here.

Cato events, unless otherwise noted, are free of charge. To register for this event, please email

[email protected] or call (202) 789-5229 by noon, Friday, May 6, 2011. Please arrive early. Seating is

limited and not guaranteed.

America's Allies and War: Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) BOOK FORUM

Tuesday, May 10, 4:00 p.m.

Reception To Follow

The Cato Institute

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1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20001

Featuring the author Jason W. Davidson, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Mary

Washington; with comments by Charles Kupchan, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations and Professor of

International Relations, Georgetown University; moderated by Christopher Preble, Director of Foreign Policy

Studies, Cato Institute.

Purchase Book

The United States pledges to defend our NATO allies under Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty. Why, and in what

ways, do the allies reciprocate? Jason Davidson will present evidence from his unique analysis of transatlantic

burden-sharing to explain why Britain, France, and Italy provide or refuse military support for U.S.-led uses of

force. Sixty original interviews with top policymakers and analysts provide insight into allies' decisions regarding

the Kosovo War (1999), Afghanistan (2001), and the Iraq War (2003). Davidson shows that such decisions reflect a

combination of factors such as alliance value, threat, prestige, and electoral politics. Join us for a discussion that

will include recommendations for how U.S. policymakers can increase the allies' contributions to global security,

and shift some of the burdens of defense off the shoulders of American taxpayers.

Cato events, unless otherwise noted, are free of charge. To register for this event, please email

[email protected] or call (202) 789-5229 by noon, Monday, May 9. Please arrive early.

"True Americanism"

What It Is and Why It Matters

A discussion featuring

Amy Kass Leon Kass

Wednesday, May 11, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Registration and a buffet breakfast will open at 9:00 a.m.

Park Hyatt, 24 & M Streets NW

Washington, DC 20037

Register online - click here.

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What So Proudly We Hail: The American Soul in Story, Speech, and Song, edited by Amy A. Kass, Leon R. Kass, and

Diana Schaub, speaks directly to these questions. Using the soul-shaping possibilities of American short stories, political

speeches, and songs, it addresses issues of national identity, the American character, the virtues and aspirations of civic

life, and the problem of making a national one out of the multicultural many. The chapter devoted to the last subject

contains a moving speech by Theodore Roosevelt, which powerfully argues that all new immigrants must be assimilated

into the idea and practice of ―True Americanism.‖ This symposium will revisit Theodore Roosevelt’s speech and the issues

it raises. What, if anything, defines ―True Americanism‖ today? Why and for what purposes does it matter?

The 2011 Bradley Symposium, hosted by Hudson Institute's Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civic Renewal and

National Affairs, will feature a discussion among prominant political figures and scholars, led by Hudson Institute Senior

Fellow Amy Kass and AEI Madden-Jewett Scholar Leon Kass. Continental breakfast will be served.

Required Reading

"True Americanism" by Theodore Roosevelt

Program and Panel

9:00 a.m. - Registration, breakfast buffet

9:30 a.m. - Welcome by Yuval Levin, National Affairs

9:35 a.m. - Panel discussion

Amy Kass, Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute

Leon Kass, Madden-Jewett Chair, American Enterprise Institute

10:40 a.m. - Question-and-answer session

11:30 a.m. - Adjournment

The East-West Center in Washington, American University's ASEAN Studies Center,

and the Malaysia-America Society of Washington D.C. invite you to an

Asia Pacific Democracy & Human Rights Seminar:

Addressing Human Trafficking Issues in Malaysia

and Southeast Asia


Ms. Hariati Azizan

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Senior Writer, Star Publications

Ms. Rita Jong

Courts Reporter, New Straits Times

Ms. Lydia Edwina Simpson

Journalist, New Straits Times

and Discussant:

Dr. Andrea M. Bertone

Visiting Assistant Professor of International Affairs, The George Washington University

Many countries within Southeast Asia are making substantial efforts to address the

issue of human trafficking, which is both a global and regional concern. Three

Malaysian journalists, who are also participants in the U.S. Department of State

International Visitor Leadership Program, Ms. Hariati Azizan, Ms. Rita Jong, and Ms.

Lydia Edwina Simpson will discuss the current human trafficking concerns that exist in

their country, as well as efforts being made by the media and the Malaysian

government to address this issue. The discussant, Dr. Andrea M. Bertone, will examine

the issue of trafficking within the regional context of Southeast Asia.

Wednesday, May 11, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

East-West Center in Washington

1819 L Street NW, Sixth Floor Conference Room

This event is free and open to the public.

To RSVP, please click here:

Kindly send your reply by May 10. Please note that seating is limited.

Hariati Azizan is a senior writer with Star Publications, an English-language newspaper

in Malaysia and has written extensively about human trafficking in the country and

region. In addition to conducting her own investigations and interviews with local

Malaysian NGOs and victims of trafficking, she is learning about the U.S. policy towards

trafficking in persons, as well as the day-to-day work conducted by the U.S.

government in the global fight against modern day slavery.

Rita Jong is a court reporter for the English-language daily newspaper, New Straits

Times, and writes frequently on the legal and judicial processes of Malaysia. She has

covered many human trafficking and high-profile cases, such as the trials of former

Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. Before joining New Straits Times, she was a

reporter with Malay Mail from 2001-2006.

Lydia Edwina Simpson is a journalist with the New Straits Times and began her career

at the English language daily in February 2005. Currently, she is responsible for

covering topics such as the rights of children and the disabled, health, and politics.

Ms. Simpson has been working on Malaysian and regional human trafficking stories

since 2006, and is also a member of the National Union of Journalists in Malaysia.

Andrea M. Bertone is a visiting assistant professor of international affairs at the George

Washington University. She has been working on issues of gender equity, child

protection, human rights, and human trafficking since the mid 1990s, and is the

director of, the first comprehensive, publicly available,

Internet-based information resource on human trafficking in Asia, the United States

and other selected global hotspots. Dr. Bertone received her PhD from the University of

Maryland, College Park.

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Washington City Paper Summer Music Guide Party at Artisphere

Great music, Great art, Great prizes - for free!

Thursday, May 12, 6:00-10:00 p.m.


1101 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, VA 22209

Entertainment by:

Fatback DJ

DJ Dimitris George

Station 1201

Painted Face

Celebrate City Paper's 2011 Music Issue and enjoy great happy hour food and drink specials at the new restaurant,

Here, as well as Artisphere's current ongoing exhibitions. While you're there, enter to win our all-access Summer

Music Pass with tickets to the best summer concerts and festivals all over the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area.

What's on exhibit at Artisphere during the City Paper Music Guide Party?

Projected Theatre: Exploring the World of Shadow Puppetry

Tue Apr 26–Sun May 22 / Works-in-Progress Gallery

Explore the edge of Shadow puppetry and the creative “rough cut” process. This exhibition by Nana Projects—a

company of artists, musicians, technicians, lanterneers and visual alchemists based in Baltimore—invents through

puppetry and light, creating innovative artworks and “cultural performances” including Paper Lantern Parades and

Overhead Projector Shadow Puppetry Magic Lantern Shows that bring people together to celebrate their collective


New Media: Barcode Orchestra

On exhibit through Summer 2011 / Dome Theatre Entrance

What does a bottle of shampoo sound like? Can the song from a box of detergent get stuck in your head? Barcode

Orchestra uses the classification system of the consumer-driven world—the series of lines found on everyday

products known as barcodes— to create music. Numbers of the barcodes are translated into notes on a staff, a

process that imbues each product with musical potential. Using the scanners provided, find out what consumer

products sound like.

New Media: SKETCH3D

May 10-Summer 2011 / Upper Town Hall

SKETCH3D is a giant 3D interactive Etch-A-Sketch style experience that was recently featured in NYC’s Gizmodo

Gallery. SKETCH3D uses cameras to simulate human eyes and creates the illusion of 3D images making your

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drawings seem to literally pop off the screen. Use our 3D glasses and start creating!

On Exhibit: Peep Show

May 7- 31 / Throughout Artisphere

Highlights from the 5th Annual Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest are coming again to Artisphere from

Saturday, May 7 through Tuesday, May 31. Visitors will see the First Place Winner—“Chilean CoPeepapo Mine

Rescue” and finalists such as Lady Gaga’s Grammy-Awards entrance.

Film: Scopitones

On exhibit May 4-31 / Town Hall Video Wall

Scopitones, also known as “film jukeboxes” were invented in France and constructed from surplus World War II

airplane parts in the 1960s. The short films that played on them are the precursor to today’s music videos. Enjoy

the videos of singing “idols, crooners and starlets” that will play in rotation on the Town Hall video wall from May


Film: Burn to Shine: Washington, DC

Through May 15/ Bijou Theatre

Please note: For the evening of May 12, Burn to Shine: Washington, DC will be on view in the Dome Theatre and

Burn to Shine: Chicago will play in the Bijou Theatre. Burn to Shine is an ongoing series of films that are a

collaboration between curator Bob Weston, filmmaker Christoph Green and ex-Fugazi drummer Brendan Canty.

The filmmakers select a house that is set to be demolished in a certain city and ask a member of a local band to

curate the event. In one day they shoot all of the selected bands giving each band an hour to set up and perform

with no overdubs or corrections. They document the house's history and subsequent demolition, creating

bookends for the performances.

On Exhibit: Carrier: Alberto Gaitán With Elliot Williams

Tue May 3 – Sat Jun 18 / Free / Mezz Gallery

Alberto Gaitán's site specific interactive sound installation turns Artisphere’s Mezz Gallery wall into a 100-foot-

long stringed instrument to be played by a robotic scrubber. The installation will be semi-interactive with passers-


Artisphere is two blocks from Rosslyn Metro (blue/orange) and Circulator bus. Free parking with validation

on evenings (after 5pm) and weekends. Use the N. Kent Street garage entrance; validate at Artisphere’s Front


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EMBASSY OF FRANCE – Room Tocqueville

4101 Reservoir road, NW – Washington, DC 20007

FRIDAY MAY, 13, 2011, 5pm to 7pm

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Discussion & book signing

The Fabulous Imagination. On Montaigne’s Essays.

By Lawrence D. KRITZMAN

Followed by a wine reception

Michel de Montaigne’s (1533-1592) Essais was a profound study of human subjectivity. More than three hundred years before the

advent of psychoanalysis, Montaigne embarked on a remarkable quest to see and imagine the self from a variety of vantages. Through

the questions How shall I live? How can I know myself? he explored the significance of monsters, nightmares, and traumatic

memories; the fear of impotence; the fragility of gender; and the act of anticipating and coping with death.

In this book, Lawrence D. Kritzman traces Montaigne’s development of the Western concept of the self. For Montaigne, imagination

lies at the core of an internal universe that influences both the body and the mind. Imagination is essential to human experience.

Although Montaigne recognized that the imagination can confuse the individual, "the fabulous imagination" can be curative, enabling

the mind’s "I" to sustain itself in the face of hardship.

About the author

Lawrence D. Kritzman is the John D. Willard professor of French and comparative literature at Dartmouth and director of the

Institute of French Cultural Studies. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard and Stanford as well as the Ecole des Hautes Edudes

and is the author of several books on the French Renaissance. A frequent contributor to the media on French intellectual life, he is also

editor of the Columbia History of Twentieth-Century French Thought and the Columbia University Press series European


―This is one of the few books on Montaigne that fuses analytical skill with humane awareness of why Montaigne matters.‖—Harold

Bloom, Sterling Professor of Humanities, Yale University

―In this exhilarating and learned book on Montaigne’s essays, Lawrence D. Kritzman contemporizes the great writer. Reading him

from today’s deconstructive America, Kritzman discovers Montaigne always already deep into a dialogue with Jacques Derrida and

psychoanalysis. One cannot but admire this fabulous act of translation.‖—Hélène Cixous

―Throughout his career, Lawrence D. Kritzman has demonstrated an intimate knowledge of Montaigne’s essays and an engagement

with French philosophy and critical theory. The Fabulous Imagination sheds precious new light on one of the founders of modern

individualism and on his crucial quest for self-knowledge.‖—Jean Starobinski, professor emeritus of French literature, University of


Seating is limited for this event. Please RSVP by May 11 at :

[email protected]

If you intent to drive, limited parking is available, please indicate the type of car and license plate upon registration

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Waverly Street Gallery 4600 East-West Highway

Bethesda, MD 20814

(301) 951-9441

Entrance and parking on Waverly Street.

One block from Bethesda Metro station.

Paintings and Drawings

by Eunhee Park Dickerson

and New Work by Gallery Artists

May 10 - June 4, 2011

Opening Reception

Friday, May 13, 6:00-9:00 p.m.

The featured artist in May 2011 at the Waverly Street Gallery is Eunhee Park Dickerson. Her works are mainly abstract oil paintings on canvas, but the show will also include her drawings and prints on paper. She uses a very limited palette and repetitive brush strokes portraying quiet movement in

stillness. Whether the subject matter is a musical concept, a philosophical idea, or an object in nature, her works are intuitive and reflect her sensitive spirit.

Ms Dickerson received her BFA from the College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, South Korea, and did post-graduate studies at the University of California, Davis, and Wright State University, Ohio.

This is her 3rd exhibition in the Washington DC area.

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Contents Copyright © 2011, Waverly Street Gallery, LLC. All rights reserved.

Join the Darfur Interfaith Network, Genocide Intervention Network/Save Darfur

Coalition and activist leaders at the Hope in Darfur –Justice in Sudan rally on Sunday,

May 15, 2011 from 1:30p.m (ET) at the Metropolitan AME Church (1518 M Street NW,

Washington, DC) to march to Lafayette Park for the rally.

This rally will feature Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD), Mark Hanis, President

of Genocide Intervention Network/Save Darfur Coalition (GI-NET/SDC), Ruth

Messinger, President of American Jewish World Service (AJWS), Joe Madison, Civil

and Human rights advocate and host of Sirius/XM Satellite Radio channel 169 (the

Black Eagle), and WOL-AM as well as other religious and Diaspora leaders in

Washington D.C.

At the rally we will urge the Obama administration to not rush to reward the

Government of Sudan, while there are civilians still being targeted in Darfur, increasing

violence on the border between the North and South Sudan, and impeded

implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Gbolahan Lawal

Genocide Intervention Network/Save Darfur Coalition

The Save Darfur Coalition — an alliance of more than 190 faith-based, advocacy and human rights

organizations — raises public awareness about the ongoing crisis in Darfur and mobilizes a unified

response to promote peace throughout the Darfur region and all of Sudan. The coalition's member

organizations represent 130 million people of all ages, races, religions and political affiliations united

together to help the people of Sudan. Please join the movement at

Learn More | Donate | Contact Us

Dear Friends,

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We want to cordially invite you to our next exhibition at the Embassy. This time, we are happy to present to you

“Copper Landscapes”, from distinguished Chilean photographer Luis Hernán Herreros, which emotionally and

eloquently depicts the Chilean copper mining industry.

The inauguration will be at the Embassy in the exhibition room on May 19 at 6:30 p.m.

Please remember to RSVP at [email protected]

Hope to see you here!

Embassy of Chile

1732 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20036

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April 2 - May 15

Target Gallery addresses the question, "What does home mean to you?" with a four-part collaborative

project including:

• The juried exhibition, Nest, in Target Gallery.

• A scavenger hunt for in-studio nest creations by Torpedo Factory artists.

• Community Nest Installation: The public is invited to help build an indoor community nest installation

benefitting Habitat for Humanity.

• Outdoor Installations: From April 10-May 15, twelve outdoor nests created by local art groups will be

installed along the waterfront with a map to lead the public on a "nest-watching" tour.

In conjunction with this project, Habitat for Humanity will also present a free kids nest building activity on Sunday, April 10, 11am-1pm on

the docks outside the Torpedo Factory.

Click here for more information.

Target Gallery: Nest

April 2 - May 15

This juried exhibit examines the nest as a symbol for home and refuge, and is presented in

conjunction with The Nest Project.

Reception: 2nd Thursday Art Night, April 14, 6:00-9:00 p.m.

Juror Talk: Gretchen Schermerhorn, 7:00 pm, during reception

Click here for more information.

Click here to view the artwork online!

Second Thursday Art Night: Spring Awakening

Thursday, April 14

6:00-9:00 p.m.

FREE Event

The Torpedo Factory welcomes the season of renewal!

• Target Gallery reception for Nest

• The Art League Gallery reception for Remains, the All-Media Membership Show, and Food, Glorious Food

• Nest scavenger hunt

• Community nest installation benefitting Habitat for Humanity

• Outdoor nest installation along the Potomac River waterfront

Click here for more information.

Hide-Out by Emma Steinkraus

Gallery Shows and Other Events

Two Visitors: Italia 2010

April 5 - June 5 Multiple Exposures Gallery Studio 312 Fine art photography exhibition by member artists Laurie Sand and Colleen Spencer Henderson.

Reception: Sunday, April 17, 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Food, Glorious Food Cindy Packard Richmond's Solo Show

April 7 - May 2

The Art League Gallery Room 21

For Cindy Packard Richmond, novelist and food writer turned painter, food has always been a central interest in her life. Richmond's

sweeping food-scapes are bursting with color, flavor, and an innovative pespective.

Reception and Meet the Artist: 2nd Thursday Art Night, April 14, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

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Remains April 7 - May 2

The Art League Gallery Room 21

This exhibit includes not only art made out of recyclable materials, but also works centered on the idea of "things left behind". Artists are

encouraged to explore the concept of loss - whether a physical loss or an emotional one.

Reception: 2nd Thursday Art Night, April 14, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

All-Media Membership Show

April 7 - May 2

The Art League Gallery Room 21

Works of all media and subject matter by Art League artists.

Reception: 2nd Thursday Art Night, April 14, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 North Union Street

Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 838-4565