best email marketing tips: start a newsletter

BEST EMAIL MARKETING TIPS: START A NEWSLETTER Newsletters may provide the perfect delivery vehicle for your best email marketing messages.

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Newsletters may provide the perfect delivery vehicle for your best email marketing messages.

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BEST EMAIL MARKETING TIPSMany businesses we talk to have the same questions about email marketing that they do about blogging:

What on earth do I write about … and why should I bother?

The answers are similar, too, and a weekly or monthly or quarterly newsletter may provide the perfect delivery vehicle for your email marketing messages.

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WHY BOTHER WITH A NEWSLETTER?Two things every business wants to convey to customers and potential customers are:

• We are the experts.

• You can trust us.

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WHY BOTHER WITH A NEWSLETTER?You’ve already taken the first step with anyone on your mailing list. They trusted you enough to give up their email address.

Now you have to follow through, build a relationship and reassure them that their trust was not misplaced.

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WHY BOTHER WITH A NEWSLETTER?One of the best email marketing strategies you can use for that is newsletters.

Done right, they deliver valuable content, reinforce your position as an expert and help people make the decision to buy.

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WHAT’S THE REAL QUESTION?The real question isn’t: “What do I write about?”

The real question is: “What’s in it for them?”

This question should be front and center every time you put your newsletter together.

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WHAT’S THE REAL QUESTION?We think every issue should include these components:

• Valuable content (that reinforces your status as the expert)

• News or Information (about you or your staff or your business)

• An offer.

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VALUABLE CONTENTThink about the questions you hear from customers or prospects every day.

Answer those questions with newsletter content.

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How about what you want people to know about your business or products or services?

Your newsletter is a great place to give people this information.

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VALUABLE CONTENTWhat are people talking about — and how can you tie that into your product or service?

Keep an eye on the news and social media for these opportunities. They’re out there; you just have to look for them!

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NEWS OR INFORMATIONHere’s your chance to help people get to know you, your key personnel and your business better.

Did your business participate in a charity event? Did the company volleyball team take first place this season? Did a major (good) life event happen to you or an employee? Celebrate these occasions with the people who subscribe to your newsletter!

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AN OFFERYou are, after all, running a business. You want people to buy your products or services.

The offer could be a discount for someone who is ready to buy. It could also be a chance to download additional valuable content designed to move prospects further into your sales funnel.

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AN OFFERThe point is that each and every time people receive your newsletter they should know there will be something they want inside.

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Take these email marketing tips to heart and start planning your newsletter … today.

You’ll be glad you did!