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Series EditorsG. H. GOLUB Ch. SCHWAB


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*P. Dierckx: Curve and surface fittings with splines

*H. Wilkinson: The algebraic eigenvalue problem

*I. Duff, A. Erisman, and J. Reid: Direct methods for sparse matrices

*M. J. Baines: Moving finite elements

*J. D. Pryce: Numerical solution of Sturm–Liouville problems

K. Burrage: Parallel and sequential methods for ordinary differential equations

Y. Censor and S. A. Zenios: Parallel optimization: theory, algorithms, and applications

M. Ainsworth, J. Levesley, M. Marletta, and W. Light: Wavelets, multilevel methods, and elliptic PDEs

W. Freeden, T. Gervens, and M. Schreiner: Constructive approximation on the sphere: theory and applications to geomathematics

Ch. Schwab: p- and hp- finite element methods: theory and applications to solid and fluid mechanics

J. W. Jerome: Modelling and computation for applications in mathematics, science, and engineering

Alfio Quarteroni and Alberto Valli: Domain decomposition methods for partial differential equations

G. E. Karniadakis and S. J. Sherwin: Spectral/hp element methods for CFD

I. Babuška and T. Strouboulis: The finite element method and its reliability

B. Mohammadi and O. Pironneau: Applied shape optimization for fluids

S. Succi: The lattice Boltzmann equation for fluid dynamics and beyond

P. Monk: Finite element methods for Maxwell's equations

A. Bellen and M. Zennaro: Numerical methods for delay differential equations

Monographs marked with an asterisk (*) appeared in the series ‘Monographs in Numerical Analysis’ which has beenfolded into, and is continued by, the current series

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Finite Element Methods for Maxwell's Equations

Peter MonkDepartment of Mathematical Sciences

University of DelawareNewark, USA


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In writing a book on the mathematical foundations of the finite element method for approximating Maxwell'sequations I am well aware that I am on very dangerous ground. In his recent textbook Functional Analysis, Lax [202]says that “Two souls dwell in the bosom of scattering theory. One is mathematical and handles the unitary equivalenceof operators with continuous spectra. The other is physics …”. This quotation seems to me to describe scatteringtheory remarkably well, except that from the point of view of this book we need to substitute “electrical engineering”for physics. There is currently an enormous effort in the electrical engineering community to simulate electromagneticphenomena using a variety of numerical methods including finite elements, which are the subject of this book. On themathematical side there has recently been increased interest in the understanding of the mathematical properties ofMaxwell's equations relevant to numerical analysis. The purpose of this book is to describe some of the basicmathematical theory of Maxwell's equations as it pertains to finite element methods, and hence to provide somemathematical underpinnings for the finite element method in this context. Along the way I shall try to point out someof the more obvious problems still remaining. Inevitably, such a book can be criticized on the grounds of beinginsufficiently mathematical or insufficiently practical (a more likely criticism), depending on the background of thereader — which brings us back to Lax's quotation!

The book is intended to be self-contained from the point of view of finite element theory. Therefore, there is a detaileddiscussion of convergence theory for mixed finite element methods, basic definitions of finite elements, and errorestimates. However, it is much less detailed from the point of view of practical implementation— for this aspect of thefinite element method there are already excellent sources in the electrical engineering literature including [177, 272].Inevitably, it is necessary to assume some mathematics background for the book. Two subjects form the basis of thetheory here: functional analysis and Sobolev space theory. For these topics, the excellent book of McLean [215] coversmore than is necessary for this book. I have not assumed that the reader is familiar with Sobolev spaces of vectorfunctions. Thus, in Chapter 3, I have summarized some more or less classical material on these spaces. The mainsource for this chapter is the book of Girault and Raviart [143]. This is a lovely book and well worth reading.

After the preparatory work in Chapters 2 (functional analysis and abstract error estimates) and 3 (Sobolev spaces andvector function spaces) we move on, in Chapter 4, to discuss a simple model problem for Maxwell's equations. This isa cavity or interior problem, which is posed on a bounded domain, but with

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boundary conditions motivated by scattering applications (as first described in Chapter 1). This chapter uses the spacesfrom Chapter 3 to write down and analyze a standard variational formulation for the cavity problem. The analysismotivates the function spaces involved and the analytical techniques used to investigate such a problem.

At this stage we face a decision: what class of domains to allow for the scatterer. On the one hand, the theory of partialdifferential equations is much simplified if the domain has a smooth boundary. But this vastly complicates thediscussion of finite element methods and the effects of the approximation of smooth boundaries is not wellunderstood for Maxwell's equations. Therefore, I have decided to focus my discussion on Lipschitz polyhedra. Theseallow the use of standard tetrahedral meshes. In addition, some of the subtle problems related to approximatingMaxwell's equations (such as the non-convergence of standard finite element methods in some cases [105]) appear inthis situation. Finally, some of the most interesting recent advances in finite element theory and function space theoryfor Maxwell's equations has taken place in the context of Lipschitz polyhedral domains (see, e.g. [63, 106, 12]).

Using the discussion of Chapter 4 as motivation, we see that some special finite elements — the edge elements ofNédélec [233] — are particularly well suited to discretizing the Maxwell system. Therefore, in Chapters 5 and 6 wepresent a detailed description of these spaces, together with an associated scalar space for the electrostatic potential andother spaces needed to complete the theory. These chapters are a central part of the book and, besides presenting theoriginal Nédélec finite element spaces, also emphasize some more recent viewpoints, including in particular thediscrete de Rham diagram which summarizes the relationships between the relevant function spaces, their finiteelement discretizations and interpolation operators.

Having obtained a suitable variational formulation of the cavity problem and suitable finite element spaces, we thenmove to the finite element discretization of the cavity problem in Chapter 7. I present in detail two proofs ofconvergence for this method. To date, the first proof can only be applied in a special case, but has the advantages ofsimplicity and of providing a very clean result. In addition, this theory will be used later when we investigate thefrequency dependence of the error in finite element methods in Chapter 13 and when discussing an overlappingSchwarz method for solving the associated matrix problem. The second proof uses the theory of collectively compactoperators to prove convergence in a rather general case allowing spatially dependent electromagnetic parameters.Another proof, due to Hiptmair [164], is not included but a similar technique is used later in Chapter 10. A fourthproof, due to Boffi and Gastaldi [50], is also not included since it rests on the theory of eigenvalue problems, which arenot an emphasis of this book (although we do provide some theory in Chapters 4 and 7). The three chapters, 4, 5 and7, form the core of the book and could be useful in a graduate course on finite element methods. Together with somematerial from Chapter 13 and some from the engineering texts mentioned above, an entire course could be


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constructed — and indeed this book is partially a result of such a course taught at the University of Delaware. Thesechapters contain the principal technical results used in all analyses of edge elements to date.

A central task of computational electromagnetism is the approximation of scattering problems. In these problems aknown incident field (e.g. from a radar transmitter) interacts with an object (e.g. an aircraft) to create a scattered field.The approximation of this scattered field (or the total field) is the goal of the finite element method. In this book weshall only consider the case of a bounded scatterer (like an aircraft). This reflects my interests, but of course there aremany very important applications of scattering from unbounded media. Examples include the classical problem ofcomputing scattering from an infinite periodic structure (or diffraction grating) [25] or a periodic structure with defects[10]. Although we shall not be handling these problems here, the techniques presented also appear in the analysis ofmore complex problems. For example the theory of Chapter 10 has been used in the analysis of scattering from objectscoated by thin layers [11]. Our presentation of scattering problems starts with classical scattering by a sphere inChapter 9, where we derive the famous integral representation of the solution to Maxwell's equations called theStratton–Chu formula. In addition, we derive classical series representations of the solution of Maxwell's equations.These are used in Chapter 10 to derive a semi-discrete method for the scattering problem utilizing the electromagneticequivalent of the Dirichlet to Neumann map. A fully discrete domain-decomposed version of this algorithm isproposed and analyzed in Chapter 11. The methods in Chapters 10 and 11 have the disadvantage of needing atruncated domain with a spherical truncation boundary. Obviously, using this method, high aspect ratio scattererswould require a domain with a large volume and, hence, large computational cost. Therefore, in Chapter 12 we turn toa coupled integral equation and finite element method due to Hazard and Lenoir [159] and Cutzach and Hazard [111].In this method the Stratton–Chu formula is used to represent the solution outside the scatterer and simultaneously thefinite element method is also used on a truncated domain extending outside the scatterer. There is thus a region whereboth methods represent the solution. It has to be admitted that this overlapping scheme is not the standard one inwidespread use. I prefer this method because it avoids computing singular integrals and provides the basis for analternating Schwarz iterative scheme for solving the problem. Readers interested in the more standard approach shouldconsult the book of Jin [177] and the paper of Hiptmair [163].

There are of course many more problems associated with the finite element discretization of Maxwell's equations thanthose discussed in Chapters 7–12. In particular, the matrix problem resulting from the discretization of the Maxwellsystem is indefinite (regardless of the frequency of the radiation). Thus, the solution of this linear system (which is largeand sparse) presents a serious challenge. Indeed, an efficient solution of this linear system is perhaps the mainchallenge currently facing finite element analysis of scattering problems. We discuss this


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problem in Chapter 13. This chapter also contains shorter discussions of a number of other practical aspects of thesolution of Maxwell's equations. For example, we discuss the sensitivity of the error in the calculation to the frequencyof the radiation and explain the need for a “sufficiently fine” grid compared to the wavelength of the radiation. We alsoconsider a posteriori error estimation and the extraction of the far field pattern of the scattered wave from a knowledgeof the near field. In addition, we examine the domain truncation problem further and, in particular, touch on theperfectly matched layer and infinite elements. These topics are much less well understood from the theoretical point ofview than the error analysis presented earlier in the book.

The final chapter (Chapter 14) of the book hardly fits with the title, but since inverse problems are my main reason forstudying scattering theory I cannot resist a brief introduction to inverse scattering. Besides its intrinsic interest, thechapter provides an example of the application of some of the analytical results derived earlier in the book.

There are a number of books that overlap to a greater or lesser extent with this work. The electrical engineering booksof Jin [177] and Silvester and Ferrari [272] provide much more detail on coding finite element methods and, of course,more details of engineering applications. Thus, they complement my book rather well, with the book of Jin being mostrelevant because it focuses on edge elements. From the point of view of scattering theory in a variational setting, thebook of Cessenat [73] is very useful but does not deal with numerical methods or (in the main) Lipschitz domains.Similarly, the book of Colton and Kress [94], although a vital source for much of the basic material in this book, uses afunction space setting different from the one used here. In addition, finite element methods are not tackled. Perhapsclosest to this book is the book of the founding father of this area, Professor Nédélec [236]. However, the emphasis ofNédélec's book is different in that he does not focus on finite element methods. Finally, although not a book, themassive survey article of Hiptmair [164] deserves mention. This article covers much of the material in Chapters 4 – 7but at a more sophisticated level using discrete differential forms. In the same way as the book of Jin complements mybook from the point of view of implementation, so does Hiptmair's article complement my presentation of finiteelements and cavity problems.

Some comment needs to be made about the bibliography and references. I have roughly 300 references and have triedvery hard to reference basic papers in the field. One area where the references are somewhat scarce is to the practicalengineering literature. This does not represent a lack of enthusiasm for that literature. In fact, the widespread andsuccessful engineering use of finite element methods and the need to buttress this success with a theoreticalunderstanding are the motivations for this book. Since most of the theoretical work on finite elements has taken placein the mathematics literature, such papers appear in a disproportionate way in the bibliography.

Inevitably, there is an enormous amount of interesting material left out of this book. In essence, the contents are areflection of my own research interests. In


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my defense, I can only quote Wittgenstein: “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent” [297].

Of course I have tried to rid the book of as many typos as possible. But I am mindful that some bugs will have escapeddetection. I plan to post any typos reported to me on the web page


In addition I will record there any interesting suggestions regarding arguments in the book (but I reserve the right todefine what is “interesting”!).

Thanks are due to many people. My parents and the Falkland Island government gave me an excellent schooleducation. My PhD adviser Rick Falk introduced me to finite elements, gave me tremendous encouragement as agraduate student, and even suggested the University of Delaware for postgraduate employment. In my professional lifeI have benefited tremendously from my collaboration and friendship with David Colton, who encouraged me to writethis book. Outside the department, my family, and particularly my wife Ellen, have supported me and provided awonderful antidote to depression and self-absorption. Particular thanks are also due to Pam Irwin, who cheerfullytyped much of the book from my execrable notes, and to David Colton and Fioralba Cakoni who helped with themanuscript. Last, but by no means least, I would like to thank Dr Arje Nachman and the Air Force Office of ScientificResearch for grant support which has made my research possible.

Newark P.M.

August 2002


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1 Mathematical models of electromagnetism 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Maxwell's equations 2

1.2.1 Constitutive equations for linear media 51.2.2 Interface and boundary conditions 7

1.3 Scattering problems and the radiation condition 91.4 Boundary value problems 12

1.4.1 Time-harmonic problem in a cavity 121.4.2 Cavity resonator 131.4.3 Scattering from a bounded object 131.4.4 Scattering from a buried object 14

2 Functional analysis and abstract error estimates 152.1 Introduction 152.2 Basic functional analysis and the Fredholm alternative 15

2.2.1 Hilbert space 152.2.2 Linear operators and duality 182.2.3 Variational problems 192.2.4 Compactness and the Fredholm alternative 222.2.5 Hilbert-Schmidt theory of eigenvalues 24

2.3 Abstract finite element convergence theory 252.3.1 Cea's lemma 252.3.2 Discrete mixed problems 262.3.3 Convergence of collectively compact operators 322.3.4 Eigenvalue estimates 35

3 Sobolev spaces, vector function spaces and regularity 363.1 Introduction 363.2 Standard Sobolev spaces 36

3.2.1 Trace spaces 423.3 Regularity results for elliptic equations 453.4 Differential operators on a surface 483.5 Vector functions with well-defined curl or divergence 49

3.5.1 Integral identities 503.5.2 Properties of H(div; Ω) 523.5.3 Properties of H(curl; Ω) 55

3.6 Scalar and vector potentials 613.7 The Helmholtz decomposition 653.8 A function space for the impedance problem 693.9 Curl or divergence conserving transformations 77

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4 Variational theory for the cavity problem 814.1 Introduction 814.2 Assumptions on the coefficients and data 834.3 The space X and the nullspace of the curl 844.4 Helmholtz decomposition 86

4.4.1 Compactness properties of X0 874.5 The variational problem as an operator equation 894.6 Uniqueness of the solution 924.7 Cavity eigenvalues and resonances 95

5 Finite elements on tetrahedra 995.1 Introduction 995.2 Introduction to finite elements 101

5.2.1 Sets of polynomials 1085.3 Meshes and affine maps 1125.4 Divergence conforming elements 1185.5 The curl conforming edge elements of Nédélec 126

5.5.1 Linear edge element 1395.5.2 Quadratic edge elements 140

5.6H1(Ω) conforming finite elements 1435.6.1 The Clément interpolant 147

5.7 An L2(Ω) conforming space 1495.8 Boundary spaces 150

6 Finite elements on hexahedra 1556.1 Introduction 1556.2 Divergence conforming elements on hexahedra 1556.3 Curl conforming hexahedral elements 1586.4H1(Ω) conforming elements on hexahedra 1626.5 An L2(Ω) conforming space and a boundary space 164

7 Finite element methods for the cavity problem 1667.1 Introduction 1667.2 Error analysis via duality 168

7.2.1 The discrete Helmholtz decomposition 1707.2.2 Preliminary error analysis 1717.2.3 Duality estimate 174

7.3 Error analysis via collective compactness 1767.3.1 Pointwise convergence 1787.3.2 Collective compactness 1807.3.3 Numerical results for the cavity problem 188

7.4 The ellipticized Maxwell system 1897.4.1 Discrete ellipticized variational problem 191

7.5 The discrete eigenvalue problem 1958 Topics concerning finite elements 199

8.1 Introduction 199


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8.2 The second family of elements on tetrahedra 2028.2.1 Divergence conforming element 2028.2.2 Curl conforming element 2058.2.3 Scalar functions and the de Rham diagram 209

8.3 Curved domains 2098.3.1 Locally mapped tetrahedral meshes 2108.3.2 Large-element fitting of domains 214

8.4hp finite elements 2178.4.1H1(Ω) conforming hp element 2188.4.2hp curl conforming elements 2198.4.3hp divergence conforming space 2218.4.4 de Rham diagram for hp elements 222

9 Classical scattering theory 2259.1 Introduction 2259.2 Basic integral identities 2259.3 Scattering by a sphere 234

9.3.1 Spherical harmonics 2369.3.2 Spherical Bessel functions 2389.3.3 Series solution of the exterior Maxwell problem 241

9.4 Electromagnetic Calderon operators 2489.4.1 The electric-to-magnetic Calderon operator 2499.4.2 The magnetic-to-electric Calderon operator 252

9.5 Scattering of a plane wave by a sphere 2549.5.1 Uniqueness and Rellich's lemma 2549.5.2 Series solution 256

10 The scattering problem using Calderon maps 26110.1 Introduction 26110.2 Reduction to a bounded domain 26210.3 Analysis of the reduced problem 264

10.3.1 Extended Helmholtz decomposition 26710.3.2 An operator equation on X˜0 269

10.4 The discrete problem 27411 Scattering by a bounded inhomogeneity 280

11.1 Introduction 28011.2 Derivation of the domain-decomposed problem 28111.3 The finite-dimensional problem 28911.4 Analysis of the interior finite element problem 29011.5 Error estimates for the fully discrete problem 298

12 Scattering by a buried object 30212.1 Introduction 30212.2 Homogeneous isotropic background 303

12.2.1 Analysis of the scheme 30812.2.2 The fully discrete problem 311


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12.2.3 Computational considerations 31412.3 Perfectly conducting half space 31512.4 Layered medium 318

12.4.1 Incident plane waves 31812.4.2 The dyadic Green's function 32112.4.3 Reduction to a bounded domain 328

13 Algorithmic development 33213.1 Introduction 33213.2 Solution of the linear system 33313.3 Phase error in finite element methods 344

13.3.1 Wavenumber dependent error estimates 34513.3.2 Phase error in three dimensional edge elements 351

13.4A posteriori error estimation 35513.4.1 A residual-based error estimator 35613.4.2 Numerical experiments 362

13.5 Absorbing boundary conditions 36413.5.1 Silver-Müller absorbing boundary condition 36513.5.2 Infinite element method 37013.5.3 The perfectly matched layer 375

13.6 Far field recovery 38614 Inverse problems 394

14.1 Introduction 39414.2 The linear sampling method 397

14.2.1 Implementing the LSM 39914.2.2 Numerical results with the LSM 405

14.3 Mathematical aspects of inverse scattering 40914.3.1 Uniqueness for the inverse problem 41114.3.2 Herglotz wave functions 41414.3.3 The far field operators F and ℬ 41714.3.4 Mathematical justification of the LSM 422

AppendicesACoordinate systems 425

A.1 Cartesian coordinates 425A.2 Spherical coordinates 425

BVector and differential identities 427B.1 Vector identities 427B.2 Differential identities 427B.3 Differential identities on a surface 427

References 428Index 446


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1.1 IntroductionIn 1873 Maxwell founded the modern theory of electromagnetism with the publication of his Treatise on Electricity andMagnetism, in which he formulated the equations that now bear his name. These equations consist of two pairs ofcoupled partial differential equations relating six fields, two of which model sources of electromagnetism. It turns outthat these equations are not sufficient to uniquely determine the electromagnetic field and that additional constitutiveequations are needed to model the way in which the fields interact with matter. There is considerable flexibility in theconstitutive equations. Because of this, we need to carefully state the problems to be analyzed in this book, and we startthis chapter by summarizing the classical Maxwell equations governing an electromagnetic field in a linear medium. Wethen reduce this system to its time-harmonic form by assuming propagation at a single frequency. The time-harmonicMaxwell system will be the focus of this book. Besides Maxwell's equations, it is also necessary to describe appropriatephysical boundary conditions. These include radiation conditions that select the outgoing field relevant to scatteringproblems.

Once the basic boundary value problem is formulated, it is often expedient to reduce the full Maxwell system to asimpler system relevant to the physical problem at hand. For example, it is often reasonable to assume that theelectromagnetic field is time invariant or static. This reduces Maxwell's equations to a potential problem. Simplermodels can also be derived at long and short wavelengths. We do not consider any of these reduced models here. Weshall be concerned with approximating the time-harmonic Maxwell system for linear media in the “resonance region”.By this we mean that the wavelength of the radiation is commensurate with the dimensions of features of the scatterer.

We end this chapter with a summary of the relevant boundary value problems from the point of view of this book.Our presentation, at this stage, is purely formal (we simply assume the existence of appropriate solutions) and followsthe format of standard texts on electromagnetism, such as [274]. Later chapters will give a careful variationalformulation of the equations in this chapter, followed by finite element methods.

First a word about notation: vectors are distinguished from scalars by the use of bold typeface (but this conventiondoes not, in general, carry over to operators). Unless otherwise stated, vectors will all be three dimensional and eitherreal (in R3) or complex (in C3). For example, x ∈ R3 denotes position

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in three-space and has components x1, x2 and x3 (x = (x1, x2, x3)⊺ where ⊺ denotes transpose). For two vectors a ∈ CN

and b ∈ CN we define the dot product on CN by

The reason for not including complex conjugation in the dot product is that we will need to write down expressionslike ν · E, where ν is a real vector and E is complex. In this case we do not want to conjugate E. Later, when we startto write down variational formulations, it will be important to recall that the dot product does not have complexconjugation built in. If a ∈ ℂN we define the Euclidean norm of a by , where ā = (ā1, …, āN)⊺ and āj is thecomplex conjugate of aj.

As usual in mathematics texts, , and j is just an integer variable. In our error estimates we shall use a genericconstant C everywhere different. Apart from this, I have tried to avoid using the same symbol for two quantities (atleast on the same page!).

1.2 Maxwell's equationsThe classical macroscopic electromagnetic field is described by four vector functions of position x ∈ R3 and time t ∈ Rdenoted by ɛ, D, H and B. The fundamental field vectors ɛ and H are called the electric and magnetic field intensities,respectively (we shall refer to them as the electric field and the magnetic field, respectively). The vector functions Dand B, which will later be eliminated from the description of the electromagnetic field via suitable constitutive relations,are called the electric displacement and magnetic induction, respectively.

An electromagnetic field is created by a distribution of sources consisting of static electric charges and the directedflow of electric charge, which is called current. The distribution of charges is given by a scalar charge density functionρ, while currents are described by the vector current density function J. Maxwell's equations then state that the fieldvariables and sources are related by the following equations which apply throughout the region of space in R3 occupiedby the electromagnetic field:(1.1a)




Equation (1.1a) is called Faraday's law and gives the effect of a changing magnetic field on the electric field. Thedivergence condition (1.1b) is Gauss's law and gives the effect of the charge density on the electric displacement. Thenext equation,


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(1.1c), is Ampère's circuital law as modified by Maxwell. Finally, eqn (1.1d) expresses the fact that the magneticinduction B is solenoidal. A table of SI units relevant to electromagnetism is given in Table 1.1.

The divergence conditions (1.1b) and (1.1d) are consequences of the fundamental field equations, (1.1a) and (1.1c),provided charge is conserved. Formally, this is shown by taking the divergence of (1.1a) and (1.1c) and recalling that ∇· (∇ x A) = 0 for any vector function A. Hence

But if charge is conserved, ρ and J are connected by the relation(1.2)

and hence

Thus if (1.1b) and (1.1d) hold at one time, they hold for all time. However, the fact that (1.1b) and (1.1d) areconsequences of (1.1a) and (1.1c) for the continuous electromagnetic field does not mean that these divergenceconditions can be entirely ignored when designing a numerical scheme to discretize (1.1). A successful scheme mustproduce a numerical approximation that in some sense satisfies discrete analogs of (1.1b) and (1.1d).

Either by using the Fourier transform in time, or because we wish to analyze electromagnetic propagation at a singlefrequency (e.g. if the source currents and charges vary sinusoidally in time), the time-dependent problem (1.1) can bereduced to the time-harmonic Maxwell system. If the radiation has a temporal frequency ω > 0, then theelectromagnetic field is said to be time-harmonic, provided(1.3a)



Table 1.1A table giving the SI units appropriate for electromagnetic quantities.

Quantity Units Quantity UnitsElectric field intensity ɛ Vm-1 Magnetic field intensity H Am-1

Electric displacement D Cm-2 Magnetic induction B TElectric current density J Am-2 Electric charge density ρ Cm-3


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where and ℜ(.) denotes the real part of the expression in parentheses. Note that Ê (and similarly other hatvariables) are now complex-valued vector functions of position but not time. Some authors instead choose a timedependence of exp(iωt). Of course, the choice is arbitrary and, provided it is used consistently, produces no difficulties.Our choice is fairly standard in the mathematics literature.

For consistency we also need the current density and charge density to be time-harmonic, so we assume

Substituting these relations into (1.1) leads to the time-harmonic Maxwell equations:(1.4a)




where the time-harmonic charge density ρ^ is given via charge conservation (1.2) or by taking the divergence of (1.4c)and using (1.4b) as iωρ^ = ▿ · Ĵ and hence can be eliminated from the equations.

Equations (1.4) give the time-harmonic Maxwell equations in differential form. Frequently, particularly in the physicsliterature, they are stated in integral form. As an example, consider (1.4a) and let S be a smooth surface in R3 withboundary ∂S and unit normal ν. Then, using Stokes theorem, we find that(1.5)

Fig. 1.1. For a surface S with normal ν the integrated flux of B normal to S is given by the integral of the tangentialcomponent of Ê around the edges shown. Here we show schematics for a triangle and rectangle, two importantsurfaces from the point of view of numerical methods.


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where τ is the unit tangent to ∂S oriented by the right-hand rule relative to υ. In the integral formulation we see that Êis naturally associated to line integrals, whereas B is naturally associated to surface integrals. For example, in Fig. 1.1 weshow this when S is a triangle or a rectangle, two important cases that will appear later in the book.

Motivated by this integral formulation, finite difference schemes (in particular the famous FDTD scheme of Yee [301,225]) usually associate the electric field Ê with edges in a rectilinear mesh and the magnetic induction B with faces. Thisis also the arrangement of discrete unknowns in a generalization of the rectangular finite difference scheme totetrahedral grids called the co-volume scheme [214, 240, 241]. As we shall see in Chapter 5, we can also design finiteelements that have a similar arrangement of unknowns. Finally, we note that (1.5) is also a starting point for thedescription of Maxwell's equations in terms of differential forms [164].

1.2.1 Constitutive equations for linear mediaEquations (1.4) must be augmented by two constitutive laws that relate Ê and Ĥ to D and B, respectively. These lawsdepend on the properties of the matter in the domain occupied by the electromagnetic field. We can distinguish threecases:

(1) Vacuum or free space In free space the fields are related by the equations(1.6)

where the constants ε0 and μ0 are called, respectively, the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability. The values ofε0 and μ0 depend on the system of units used. In the standard SI or MKS units

Furthermore the speed of light in a vacuum, denoted by c, is given by .(2) Inhomogeneous, isotropic materials The most commonly occurring case in practice is that various different materials

(e.g. copper, air, etc.) occupy the domain of the electromagnetic field. The medium is then calledinhomogeneous. If the material properties do not depend on the direction of the field and the material is linear,we have(1.7)

where ε and μ are positive, bounded, scalar functions of position (we shall give a more careful description ofthese functions in Section 4.2).

(3) Inhomogeneous, anisotropic materials In some materials the electric or magnetic properties of the constituentmaterials depends on the direction of the


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field (e.g. in the macroscopic description of a finely layered medium). In such cases ε and μ in (1.7) are 3 x 3positive-definite matrix functions of position. Usually, the finite element method is equally applicable to isotropicor anisotropic materials in that programs can be written from the onset for the anisotropic case. The theoreticaljustification of the convergence of the method is more difficult in these cases. Of course, in the presence ofextreme anisotropy, special techniques may be necessary.

Although the methods in this book can be applied to anisotropic media, we will not analyze methods with matrix-valued coefficients. This is mainly due to the difficulty of verifying uniqueness of the solution of Maxwell's equations inthis case. Although uniqueness is known (see [287]), the proof is too complex for this book.

One further constitutive relation needs to be discussed. In a conducting material, the electromagnetic field itself givesrise to currents. If the field strengths are not large, we can assume that Ohms law holds so that:(1.8)

where σ is called the conductivity and is a non-negative function of position. The vector function Ĵa describes the appliedcurrent density. Regions where σ is positive are called conductors. Where σ = 0 and ε ≠ ε0, the material is termed adielectric, and ε is referred to as the dielectric constant. In a vacuum (or air at low field strengths) σ = 0, ε = ε0 and μ = μ0.More generally, in anisotropic media, the conductivity σ can be a symmetric, positive semi-definite matrix function ofposition. However, we shall not consider this case here.

Using the linear, inhomogeneous constitutive equations in (1.7) and the constitutive relation for the currents in (1.8),we arrive at the following time-harmonic Maxwell system:(1.9a)




where we recall that Ĵa denotes a given applied current density.

There is one last reduction to perform on the equations. It is convenient to work with relative parameter values.Following Colton and Kress [93], we define

Using these definitions in (1.9), and defining the relative permittivity and permeability by


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we obtain the final version of the first-order Maxwell system, where we note that εr = μr = 1 in vacuum:(1.10a)


where and the wavenumber . We also obtain the divergence conditions (which follow from thedifferential equations when κ > 0)(1.11a)


Although it is possible to derive numerical schemes for the first-order system (1.10)–(1.11), it is more usual toeliminate the magnetic field H by solving (1.10a) for H and substituting into (1.10b) to obtain the second-orderMaxwell system(1.12)

together with (1.11a). Of course, the choice of eliminating H, rather than E, is arbitrary. We shall generally use (1.12) inthis book, rather than the first-order system, since there are fewer dependent variables.

1.2.2 Interface and boundary conditionsEquations (1.10) or (1.12) are not a complete classical description of the electromagnetic field since the equations donot hold at boundaries between different materials where either μr or εr are discontinuous (e.g. at a copper–airinterface). Let us consider the case of two media with differing electric and magnetic properties separated by a surfaceS with unit normal ν pointing from region 2 to region 1 (see Fig. 1.2 ). As we shall see later in Lemma 5.3, for ▿ x E in(1.12) to be well defined in a least-squares sense we must have the tangential component

Fig. 1.2. Geometry of the surface and subdomains in our discussion of interface boundary conditions.


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of the electric field to be continuous across S and so ν x E is continuous across S. Thus if E1 denotes the limiting valueof the electric field as S is approached from region 1 and E2 denotes the the limit of the field from the other region, wemust have(1.13)

On the other hand, we shall see (Lemma 5.3 again) that for μrH in (1.11b) to have a well defined divergence in theleast-squares sense, the normal components of μrH must be continuous across S so that(1.14)

where, again, the subscripts denote limiting values of the coefficients and field variables on either side of the surface S.

The continuity conditions (1.13) and (1.14) hold for any electromagnetic field. However, we cannot assume that theanalogue of (1.13) holds for the magnetic field. In general

where this relation defines the tangential vector field JS termed the surface current density on S. In most instances themagnetic field has continuous tangential components (i.e. JS = 0). This is true unless the surface S models a thinconductive layer giving rise to the conductive boundary condition (see [15]) or singularities in F give rise to surfacecurrents on S. Thus we will also usually assume that(1.15)

The presence of singularities in the charge density ρ may cause jumps in the normal component of εrE. We write(1.16)

where ρS is termed the surface charge density. From (1.14) and (1.16), even in the case of a negligible surface chargeand current density, we see that the electric and magnetic field vectors are not continuous if εr or μr are discontinuousacross S. Any numerical scheme for approximating Maxwell's equations in the presence of material discontinuitiesmust take into account that tangential components of the field are continuous, but that normal components jumpacross a material boundary. As we shall see, the variational or weak formulation of Maxwell's equations used in thisbook automatically takes care of these jump conditions.

A particularly important case occurs when the material on one side of the interface discussed above is a perfectconductor. From Ohm's law (1.8), we see heuristically that if the conductivity σ → ∞ and if the current density J is toremain bounded then E → 0. This suggests that in a perfect conductor the electric field vanishes. If the side of thesurface S labeled 2 in Fig. 1.2 is a


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perfect conductor then E2 = 0 in (1.13) and we arrive at the perfect conducting boundary condition for E1,(1.17)

where we can drop the index 1 since only the field outside the perfect conductor needs to be modeled.

If the material on one side of the boundary is not a perfect conductor, but allows the field to penetrate only a smalldistance, a more appropriate boundary condition is the impedance or imperfectly conducting boundary condition.Suppose again that the good conductor is in region 1 and that the normal ν points from region 2 into region 1. Thenthis boundary condition is(1.18)

where the impedance λ is a positive function of position on the surface of the material.

1.3 Scattering problems and the radiation conditionSo far we have not been specific about the region in space occupied by the electromagnetic field. The first case we shalldiscuss is scattering from a bounded, inhomogeneous object (e.g. radar scattering from an aircraft). We assume that theobject consists of a bounded perfect conductor occupying a domain D, perhaps surrounded by an inhomogeneousmedium where εr ≠ 1 or μr ≠ 1. The electromagnetic field occupies the domain R3\D¯. We assume that sufficiently farfrom D the object is surrounded in all directions by air (or vacuum), so there is a radius a such that εr(x) = μr(x) = 1when |x| > a (see Fig. 1.3 ).

On the boundary of D, denoted by Γ, we impose the perfect conducting boundary condition. It turns out to benecessary to impose another boundary condition “at infinity” in order to obtain a well-posed problem. To do this weneed to distinguish a given incident field (perhaps due to a radar or other electromagnetic source) and the resultingscattered field. The incident field is denoted by Ei and is assumed to satisfy the Maxwell system in the absence of thescatterer (in the background medium) so that, in this case,(1.19)

where F is a given function describing the current source. A typical example might be the plane wave given by(1.20)

where d ∈ R3 is a unit vector giving the direction of propagation of the wave, and the vector p ≠ 0 is called the polarizationand must be orthogonal to the


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Fig. 1.3. Geometry of the scatterer and boundaries for the scattering problem. A bounded scatterer consisting of aperfectly conducting part and a penetrable part where the electromagnetic properties differ from the background issurrounded by air or vacuum.

direction of propagation so p · d = 0. In this case F = 0. The total field E consists of the incident field Ei and thescattered field Es, so(1.21)

The scattered field is out-going (i.e. originates at the scatterer and propagates outwards) and this is imposed byrequiring the scattered field to satisfy the Silver–Müller radiation condition [228]:(1.22)

where ρ = |x| and the limit is uniform in ◯ = x/|x|.

The wavelength of the incident field in (1.20) is 2π/κ since |d| = 1. If this wavelength is much smaller than a typicallength b of relevant features of the scatterer (i.e. if κb is large) or if this wavelength is much larger than b (i.e. if κb isclose to zero), it is possible to apply asymptotic methods to simplify the scattering problem. For example, when κb issmall, a popular approximation is the eddy-current model [272, 165]. For large κb one can use the geometric theory ofdiffraction [181]. In this book we shall be concerned with computations in the “resonance region”, where κb = O(1), soasymptotic methods are not applicable.

An obvious difficulty with approximating the scattering problem by a finite element method is that the problem isposed on an infinite domain. One simple way to avoid this difficulty is to approximate the scattering problem byimposing the radiation condition (1.22) on a surface ∑ far from the scatterer (where μr = 1 and εr = 1). Thus, in thisapproximation, the domain occupied by the computational electromagnetic field, denoted by Ω, is the region betweenΓ and ∑, which


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Fig. 1.4. Geometry of the scatterer and boundaries for the interior problem with an absorbing boundary condition onthe auxiliary boundary ∑.

are assumed to be disjoint surfaces (see Fig. 1.4 ), and Maxwell's equations are satisfied inΩ. On Γ we have the perfectconducting boundary condition, but on ∑ we impose a boundary condition inspired by the Silver–Müllercondition:(1.23)

where ν is the unit outward normal to ∑ and ET = (ν x E|∑) x ν (similarly for ). This is just an impedance boundarycondition of the form (1.18) with a special choice of the impedance. Equation (1.23) is an example of an absorbingboundary condition used to simulate the infinite domain outside Ω. We shall discuss some other possible choices inSection 13.5. Obviously, the solution of the true scattering problem and the problem on a bounded domain are notequal, but the difference can be made small by taking ∑ far enough from the scatterer.

One other interesting problem arises if the electromagnetic field is entirely contained in a perfect conducting cavity. Inthis case Ω is a bounded domain with boundary Γ and Maxwell's equations are satisfied in Ω. If there is no conductorpresent (i.e. σ = 0), there are values of the wave number κ for which the Maxwell system no longer has a uniquesolution. These values of κ are resonant wave numbers for cavity modes and mathematically are eigenvalues of theMaxwell system.

The second scattering problem we wish to consider is a simple case when the scatterer is unbounded. More complex“gratings” and “rough surfaces” will not be considered in this book (see, e.g. [128]). The problem we shall consider is asimple model for scattering from buried objects (arising, e.g., in simulating ground penetrating radar). The backgroundmedium now consists of two regions. The region x3 > 0 is assumed occupied by air and the region x3 < 0 is earth. Therelative permeability of air and earth is assumed to be unity, and the relative permittivity of earth is assumed constant(with a possibly non-zero imaginary part since the earth is usually a conductor).

At the air–earth interface, we impose the jump conditions discussed in the previous section. We suppose the scatterer(consisting of perfect conductors,


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Fig. 1.5. Geometry of the problem of scattering from perfectly conducting obstacles in a layered medium. This is amodel for scattering from buried objects. The scatterer D lies in the lower half space.

although it is also possible to allow inhomogeneous scatterers) occupies a region D entirely contained in the earth layer(see Fig. 1.5 ). The sources of the field are assumed to be in the air layer (so F = 0 for x3 < 0). The resulting incidentfield is assumed to satisfy the Maxwell system in the background layered medium.

Since the air–earth interface is of infinite extent we cannot directly use the simple Silver–Müller condition and insteaduse an integral radiation condition [243]. Let denote the hemisphere of radius R on which x3 > 0 (and similarlyfor x3 < 0). We require(1.24a)


1.4 Boundary value problemsWe shall now summarize the principal boundary value problems for Maxwell's equations in this book. We shall makemore precise the assumptions on the domain D and coefficients εr and μr in later chapters.

1.4.1 Time-harmonic problem in a cavitySuppose Ω is a bounded domain with two disjoint connected boundaries Γ and ∑. We seek to compute the time-harmonic electric field E corresponding to a given current density F by solving the time-harmonic electric fieldequation (1.12) subject to the perfect conducting boundary condition (1.17) and the impedance boundary condition(1.23) as follows:(1.25a)



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where g is a given tangential vector field on ∑ (see (1.23) for an example of g computed from an incident field). Weshall allow ∑ to be empty in which case these equations model propagation in a cavity with a perfectly conducting wall.For an absorbing boundary condition approximation of a scattering problem, μr = 1 and λ = 1 on ∑, and εr = μr = 1 ina neighborhood of ∑.

1.4.2 Cavity resonatorGiven a bounded domain Ω with boundary Γ, we seek scalars κ and non-trivial (i.e. not identically zero) electric fieldsE which satisfies eqn (1.12) with F = 0, so that

In addition, since there is no applied current, we require that E satisfy the divergence condition (1.11a) with ρ = 0, sothat

The effect of this latter condition is to guarantee that there are at most finitely many linearly independent solutions tothis problem when κ = 0.

1.4.3 Scattering from a bounded objectIn this problem the domain of the electromagnetic field is the unbounded region R3 \ D¯, where D is a boundeddomain with connected complement. Given a known incoming electric field Ei satisfying (1.19), we seek to computethe total field E and scattered field Es such that the time-harmonic electric field equation (1.12) holds together with(1.21), so that(1.26)


We assume that the scatterer is bounded so that D is bounded and εr = μr = 1 outside a sufficiently large ball. On theboundary Γ of the unbounded component of R3 \ D¯, we impose the perfect conducting boundary condition,(1.28)

In addition Es must satisfy the Silver–Müller radiation condition (1.22)(1.29)

where ρ = |x|, uniformly in ◯ = x/|x|.


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1.4.4 Scattering from a buried objectLet

We suppose that the scatterers are contained in a bounded region in the lower half space. The interface between layersis denoted by ∑0 and is the plane x3 = 0 (see Fig. 1.5 ). For simplicity, we only consider a perfectly conducting scattereroccupying a bounded domain D entirely contained in , and we assume that the complement of D isconnected.

The electric field satisfies Maxwell's equations in (with εr = μr = 1, since the domain is supposed to contain air) andthe general Maxwell equation in with μr = 1 and constant . The integral radiation condition is imposed atinfinity. Thus, for given F having support in (F = 0 is a possible choice), the total field E satisfies(1.30)


Imposing the jump conditions (1.13) and (1.15) we have(1.32)

where [·] denotes the jump in its argument across ∑0. As usual, on the boundary of D,

We suppose that the scattered field is due to a given incident field Ei which satisfies the background Maxwell system:

and the jump conditions (1.32) on ∑0. Here F is the function of compact support in representing the source of theincident field appearing in (1.30). Then we have

and the following integral radiation conditions on the scattered field Es


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2.1 IntroductionIn our analysis of weak formulations of Maxwell's equations, we shall appeal to certain basic theorems from functionalanalysis. The reader is presumed to be familiar with these rudimentary concepts. As a result, the first part of thischapter is simply a convenient summary of notation, definitions and theorems with references to the literature. As abackground source, a good book is that of McLean [215].

In the second part of the chapter, we turn to some abstract finite element error estimates that will be used later in ourproofs of finite element convergence rates. These results, although standard, are verified in detail due to their basic rolein the analysis of finite element methods. The notation here is fairly standard, although we use calligraphic symbols likeX to denote general Hilbert spaces. This is to distinguish them from particular spaces appearing in later chapters.

2.2 Basic functional analysis and the Fredholm alternativeThe material for this section is mainly taken from the books of Kress [193] and McLean [215], which also containproofs of the relevant results. In many cases we have quoted theorems for Hilbert spaces even though the theoremshold for more general spaces. Hilbert spaces will be enough for our needs.

2.2.1 Hilbert spaceIf X is a vector space over the complex numbers, then a scalar product on X is a map (·, ·)X : X × X → C such that

(1) if u ∈ X then (u, u)X = 0 if and only if u = 0;(2) for all u, υ ∈ X we have(3) for all u, υ w ∈ X and α, β ∈ C we have

The norm associated with (·, ·)X is

This norm satisfies the usual triangle inequality

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Definition 2.1 Let X be a vector space with scalar product (·, ·)X. If X is complete with respect to the norm ║ · ║X it iscalled a Hilbert space.

A basic example of such a Hilbert space is L2(Ω), the space of square-integrable functions on an open domain Ω ⊂ R3,which has the scalar product

where ξ is the complex conjugate of ξ. Here we have used the notation (·, ·) instead of the more correct (·, ·)L2(Ω). In thiscase the L2 scalar product is so important and used so frequently that it is worth immediately breaking our own rulesof notation!

Two elementary estimates are used over and over again in our error analysis. The first is the Cauchy–Schwarzinequality.

Lemma 2.2 (Cauchy–Schwarz inequality) For all u, υ ∈ X(2.1)

This is easily proved (when u ≠ 0) by expanding the inequality

with .

The second basic estimate follows from the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality using the observation that for any δ > 0, andreal numbers α and β we have (δ1/2α - δ-1/2β)2 ≥ 0. Expanding this inequality proves the basic arithmetic– geometricmean inequality

Using this result and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality proves the following lemma.

Lemma 2.3 (Arithmetic–geometric mean inequality) Let u, υ ∈ X and δ > 0 then(2.2)

A sequence ⊂ X is said to be convergent to a function υ ∈ X if

Sometimes we will emphasize this convergence in norm by speaking of strong convergence. This is to distinguish fromweak convergence. In particular, a sequence is said to converge weakly to a function υ ∈ X if for each φ ∈ X wehave (υn, φ)X → (υ, φ)X as n → ∞.

Unfortunately, bounded sets in a Hilbert space do not necessarily contain a convergent subsequence. However, weshall make use of the following weaker result.


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Lemma 2.4Let be bounded. Then this sequence has a weakly convergent subsequence.

We often work with subspaces of suitable vectors spaces. Indeed the finite element method is just a method toconstruct useful subspaces of various function spaces. An important class of subsets of X is defined next:

Definition 2.5 A subset U of a Hilbert space X is closed if it contains all limits of convergent sequences in U.

We shall frequently encounter situations in which we know a subspace of a Hilbert space which is not closed. We canthen create a closed subspace from this subspace as follows (the definition mentions subsets—we shall only use it inthe more restrictive case of subspaces).

Definition 2.6 Given a subset U ⊂ X, the closure of U in X (denoted by closure(U)) is the set of all limits of convergentsubsequences of U using the X norm. We say a subset U ⊂ X is dense in X if closure(U) = X.

A particularly simple case will occur frequently throughout the book. If Ω is an open subset of R3, we denote by Ω theclosure of this subset.

A convenient property of Hilbert spaces is that there exists a best approximation to a given function f ∈ X from aclosed subspace (Theorem 1.26 of [193]).

Theorem 2.7Let U ⊂ X be a closed subspace of the Hilbert space X and let f ∈ X. Then there exists a unique g ∈ U such that

This theorem has some important consequences, in particular the decomposition of a Hilbert space into orthogonalsubspaces. We shall use this decomposition to write vector functions as a sum of a gradient and a curl (the Helmholtzdecomposition). In general, let U be a subspace of a Hilbert space X. We have the following definition and theorem.

Definition 2.8 The orthogonal complement of U, denoted by U⊥, is the closed subspace such that

Theorem 2.9Let U be a closed subspace of a Hilbert space X. Then, if f ∈ X, there exist unique functions u ∈ U and v ∈ U⊥such that

and we write X = U ⊕ U⊥.


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2.2.2 Linear operators and dualityWe now need to discuss operators mapping one Hilbert space to another such space. Consider an operator A : X→ Y,where X and Y are Hilbert spaces. The operators in this book are usually bounded and linear, by which we mean thefollowing:

Definition 2.10 An operator A : X → Y is said to be linear if

and is bounded if there exists a constant C such that

where C is independent of φ. In addition, A is said to be continuous if, for every φ ∈ X and sequence convergingto φ in X, we have Aφn → Aφ in Y as n → ∞.

A useful theorem is then the following (see, e.g. Theorem 2.5 of [193]).

Theorem 2.11A linear operator is continuous if and only if it is bounded.

We can also define a norm for an operator to be the optimal boundedness constant or more precisely as follows:

Definition 2.12 The natural norm of a bounded linear operator A : X → Y is given by

The identity operator I : X → X is the operator such that Ix = x for every x ∈ X. Obviously ║I║X → X = 1.

Standard spaces related to the operator A are as follows:

Definition 2.13 The range of the operator A : X → Y is denoted by A(X) and given by

We denote by N(A) the null-space of A, so that

LetA : X→ Y be a bounded linear operator. We now wish to define some useful operators related to A. There exists aunique linear operator A* : Y → X called the adjoint operator such that(2.3)

Sometimes it is desirable to use the dual operator to A instead of the adjoint. To define the dual operator we need first todefine the dual space of a Hilbert space X as follows:


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Definition 2.14 For a given Hilbert space X, the dual space X′ is the space of bounded linear functionals on X. If f ∈ X′then the norm of f is

We define the dual pairing ≪ ·, · ≫X by

Having defined the dual space and dual pairing, we can now define the dual operator denoted by A⊺ : Y′ → X′, where X′and Y′ are the dual spaces of X and Y, respectively. If ≪ ·, · ≫Y denotes the corresponding pairing for Y then A⊺ isdefined by

Note that the dual pairing does not imply conjugation of the second argument of≪ ·, ·≫X or≪ ·, ·≫Y. We need onemore concept. If V ⊂ Y ′ then the annihilator of V denoted by aV is defined by

The following result is well-known (see, e.g. Theorem 4.6 of [94] and Theorem 2.10 of [215] and a density argument):

Theorem 2.15Let A : X → Y be bounded and linear. Then

Remark 2.16The chief use of this result will be to prove “density” results. We prove that either N(A*) = {0} or N(A⊺) = {0} andthen can conclude that A(X) is dense in Y.

2.2.3 Variational problemsWe shall be interested in approximating variational problems posed in Hilbert spaces. Various theories exist thatprovide conditions on the underlying variational problem to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of a solution. Westart by recalling the simplest of these: the Riesz representation theorem in the form given by Theorem 2.30 of [215].This theorem justifies the claim of the existence of A* in (2.3).

Theorem 2.17Let X be a Hilbert space. For each g ∈ X′ there exists a unique u ∈ X such that

Furthermore, ║u║X = ║g║X′.


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Unfortunately, the Riesz representation theorem will not be sufficient for our purposes. We need a famousgeneralization called the Lax–Milgram lemma. Before stating this result, we need the following definitions.

Definition 2.18 Let X and Y be a Hilbert spaces. A mapping a(·, ·) : X × Y → C is called a sesquilinear form if

As before, over-bar (e.g. β) denotes complex conjugation.

An obvious example of a sesquilinear form is the L2(Ω) scalar product

Definition 2.19 A sesquilinear form a(·, ·) defined on X × Y, where X and Y are Hilbert spaces, is said to be bounded ifthere is a constant C independent of u ∈ X and φ ∈ Y such that

Definition 2.20 The sesquilinear form a : X × X → C, where X is a Hilbert space, is said to be coercive if there is aconstant α > 0 independent of u ∈ X such that

Note that many books use the term “strictly coercive” for the form of coercivity defined here.

Given a Hilbert space X and a bounded coercive sesquilinear form a(·, ·) on X × X, we now consider the variationalproblem of finding u ∈ X such that(2.4)

where f ∈ X′ is a given linear functional. The following lemma summarizes the existence and uniqueness theory for thisproblem.

Lemma 2.21 (Lax–Milgram) Suppose a : X × X→ C is a bounded and coercive sesquilinear form. Then for each f ∈ X′ there existsa unique solution u ∈ X to(2.4)and

where C and α are the constants in the boundedness and coercivity definitions above.


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In one case later in this chapter the Lax–Milgram lemma will not be sufficient and we need a further generalization (seeTheorem 1.4.3 of [244] and also [24]). This generalization uses a sesquilinear form defined on the product of twodifferent spaces.

Theorem 2.22 (Generalized Lax–Milgram lemma) Let X and Y be Hilbert spaces and let a(·, ·) denote a bounded sesquilinearform on X × Y which has the following properties:

(1) There is a constant α such that

(2) For every υ ∈ Y, υ ≠ 0

Suppose g ∈ Y′ then there exists a unique u ∈ X such that


Condition (i) in this theorem is one form of the Babuśka–Brezzi or inf-sup condition and generalizes the coercivityproperty. The Babuška–Brezzi condition is often stated a little differently in the context of the variational theory ofmixed problems. In this theory we have two Hilbert spaces X and S and sesquilinear forms,

These are assumed to be bounded, so there is a constant C > 0 such that

In order to develop an existence theory for the upcoming mixed variational problem, we need to assume that a(·, ·) iscoercive, but not on all of X. To this end, let(2.5)

Definition 2.23 The sesquilinear form a(·, ·) is said to be Z-coercive if there exists a constant α > 0, such that(2.6)

where α is independent of u.


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In addition, we need to assume an appropriate condition on b(·, ·). It follows from the inf-sup condition in Theorem2.22 that the appropriate condition, usually referred to as the Babuška–Brezzi condition, is the following.

Definition 2.24 The sesquilinear form b(·, ·) is said to satisfy the Babuška–Brezzi condition if there exists a constant β >0 such that, for all p ∈ S,(2.7)

where β is independent of p.

We can now state the following theorem, which is a consequence of the generalized Lax–Milgram lemma and can befound in a special case in Section 10.2 of [60] and in more generality in Theorem 1.1, p. 42, of [61] (where we also useLemma 4.2 of [57]).

Theorem 2.25Let X and S be Hilbert spaces and let a : X × X→ C and b : X × S → C be bounded sesquilinear forms that satisfythe Z-coercivity and Babuška–Brezzi conditions given in(2.6)and (2.7), respectively. Suppose f ∈ X′ and g ∈ S′ and consider the problemof finding u ∈ X and p ∈ S such that(2.8a)


Then there exists a unique solution (u, p) to (2.8) and

Remark 2.26The system (2.8) is often referred to as a “mixed” variational problem because it first arose in studies of mixed variationalproblems in elasticity theory. There are many excellent books devoted to the study of mixed methods where the reader will find proofs andexamples. Our presentation follows Brenner and Scott [60] for the most part, with some material taken from Brezzi and Fortin [61].

Lemma 4.2 of [57] shows that, if b(·, ·) satisfes the Babuška–Brezzi condition, there is at least one function u0 ∈ X such that b(u0, ξ) =g(ξ) for all ξ ∈ S and such that ║u0║X ≤ C║g║S′where C is independent of g.

2.2.4 Compactness and the Fredholm alternativeUnfortunately, the theories outlined in the previous section, which are mainly aimed at strictly coercive ellipticproblems, do not settle the question of existence for solutions of Maxwell's equations. For this we need to know howcertain perturbations of basic elliptic problems behave. In particular, if X is a Hilbert space and F ∈ X, we wish to solvethe operator problem of finding u ∈ X, such that

where A : X → X is bounded and linear. We need conditions under which (I + A)-1 : X → X exists and is bounded.Under very restrictive assumptions


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on the operator A, a simple extension of the binomial theorem can be used to guarantee this. The proof is via aNeumann series and the result is summarized in the following theorem (Theorem 2.8 of [193]):

Theorem 2.27Let X be a Hilbert space and A : X → X be a bounded linear operator with ║A║X→X < 1. Then I + A has abounded inverse given by the Neumann series


Particularly for low-frequency problems, we can sometimes prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions toscattering problems by the previous theorem. However, for higher wavenumbers this is not sufficient. We remedy thisby restricting A to be in a special class of operators. To describe this class requires some more definitions.

Definition 2.28 A subset U of a Hilbert space X is said to be compact if every sequence of elements from U contains asubsequence converging to an element of U.

In fact, we have defined here the notion of sequential compactness. For a Hilbert space this notion is equivalent tomore general definitions (see Theorem 1.15 of [193]).

Definition 2.29 A subset U of a Hilbert space X is relatively compact if its closure is compact.

Now we can define a class of operators that plays a central role in scattering theory.

Definition 2.30 A linear operator A : X → Y from a Hilbert space X to a Hilbert space Y is said to be compact if itmaps bounded sets in X to relatively compact sets in Y.

Thus, to prove compactness of an operator A : X → Y, we need to show that for every bounded sequence inX, the sequence in Y contains a convergent subsequence. An alternative approach is justified by the nexttheorem, if we can decompose the operator into the product of a compact and bounded operator (Theorem 2.15 of[193]).

Theorem 2.31Let X, Y, Y be Hilbert spaces and let A : X → Y and B : Y → Y be bounded linear operators. Then the productBA : X → Y is compact if one of the operators A or B is compact.

Another useful result is the following (Theorem 2.19 of [193]).

Lemma 2.32Let X be a Hilbert space. Then the identity map I : X → X is compact if and only if is finite dimensional.


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The method we shall adopt for proving that certain variational formulations of Maxwell's equations have a solution isto appeal to Fredholm theory. This theory can be stated in much more generality than we shall give here (see [193]).The next theorem is a combination of Theorems 2.22 and 2.27 from [215].

Theorem 2.33Let B : X → X be a bounded linear operator where X is a Hilbert space. Suppose B = I + A, where A is a compactoperator and I is the identity operator. Then either

(1) The homogeneous equation Bu = 0 has only the trivial solution u = 0 in X. In this case, for every f ∈ X, the inhomogeneousequation Bu = f has a unique solution depending continuously on f; or

(2) The homogeneous equation Bu = 0 has exactly p linearly independent solutions for some finite integer p > 0.

2.2.5 Hilbert–Schmidt theory of eigenvaluesIf case (2) of Theorem 2.33 holds, we have that Bu = 0 has at least one nontrivial solution and thus there exists a u ∈ X,u ≠ 0, such that

The function u is said to be an eigenfunction of A corresponding to the eigenvalue (-1). More generally, we have thefollowing definition.

Definition 2.34 A function u ∈ X and a scalar γ ∈ C are respectively an eigenfunction and corresponding eigenvalue of anoperator A : X → X if

For a general compact operator A, we cannot conclude that there exist eigenvalues and eigenvectors without furtherconditions on A. An important case in electromagnetism occurs when A is self-adjoint, by which we mean:

Definition 2.35 An operator A : X → X is self-adjoint if

For self-adjoint and compact operators we have the classical Hilbert–Schmidt theory. The following version of thistheory is Theorem 2.36 from [215]

Theorem 2.36If A : X→ X is a compact, self-adjoint, linear operator on a Hilbert space X, then there exists a possibly finite sequenceof eigenfunctions u1, u2, … and real eigenvalues γ1, γ2, … such that

(1) Auj = γjuj and uj ≠ 0, j = 1, 2, …;(2) ul is orthogonal to un if l ≠ n;(3) |γ1| ≥ |γ2| ≥ … > 0;(4) if the sequence of eigenvalues is infinite limj → ∞ γj = 0;(5) Au = ∑j ≥ 1 γj(u, uj)Xuj with convergence in X when the sum has infinitely many terms;(6) let W = span{u1, u2, …}, then X = closure(W) ⊕ N(A), where, as usual, the null-space of A is N(A) = {u ∈ X |

Au = 0}.


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2.3 Abstract nite element convergence theoryNow we turn our attention to some standard convergence theories for abstract finite element variational problems.Due to the central importance of these results to our later error estimates, we provide detailed proofs of thesetheorems. Each of the existence results quoted in the previous section (Lax–Milgram, mixed problem, Fredholmalternative) has a corresponding finite element convergence theory.

We suppose that we have a sequence of finite-dimensional subspaces denoted by Xh, h > 0, of a Hilbert space X. Thesewill actually be spaces of finite element functions, and h will denote the maximum diameter of the elements in theunderlying mesh. However, at this stage it suffices to assume that the spaces satisfy Xh ⊂ X, h > 0, and that they arefinite dimensional. Since Xh ⊂ X for each h, we say that the approximation is conforming. We can think that Xh becomeslarger (having an increasing dimension) as h → 0, but we make no use of that fact here.

In our error estimates, frequent use will be made of a generic constant C everywhere different. This avoids the use ofmore and more subscripts to keep track of constants in the estimates, and is entirely standard in publications on errorestimates. Rarely we shall be forced to keep track of constants and then denote them by C1, C2, ….

2.3.1 Cea's lemmaThe simplest convergence result is the finite-dimensional, or discrete, analogue of the Lax–Milgram lemma [80] termedCea's lemma.

Lemma 2.37 (Cea) Suppose Xh ⊂ X, h > 0, is a family of finite-dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space X. Suppose a : X × X →C is a bounded, coercive sesquilinear form and f ∈ X′. Then the problem of finding uh ∈ Xhsuch that(2.9)

has a unique solution. If u ∈ X is the exact solution solving(2.4)then there is a constant C independent of u, uh and h such that(2.10)

Remark 2.38Estimate(2.10)is said to be a quasi-optimal error estimate since, up to the constant C, the actual error ║u - uh║Xisbounded by the best approximation error infXh ∈ Xh ║u - Xh║X. An optimal estimate would have C = 1. Note that a best-approximationfunction exists byTheorem 2.7, but it is not generally the solution uh of the variational problem (2.9).

Proof ofLemma 2.37 Since Xh ⊂ X we can see that a: Xh × Xh → C inherits the boundedness and coercivity propertiesfrom the sesquilinear form on X × X with the same constants. Hence, by the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 applied to


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(2.9), we know that a unique solution uh ∈ Xh exists. Now taking φ = φh in (2.4) and subtracting (2.9) from (2.4) gives theGalerkin orthogonality relation,

But for any Xh ∈ Xh, using this result,

Using this equality and the coercivity and boundedness properties of a(·, ·),


2.3.2 Discrete mixed problemsWe now need to perform an error analysis for discretizations of the mixed system (2.8). Here we no longer have acoercive bilinear form. Suppose we have finite-dimensional subspaces Xh ⊂ X and Sh ⊂ S (again indexed by h > 0). Thediscrete mixed problem is to find uh ∈ Xh and ph ∈ Sh such that(2.11a)


As in the continuous mixed problem (2.8), f ∈ X′ and g ∈ S′ are given functionals. It turns out that we need to assumethat a(·, ·) is coercive on a subset of Xh × Xh and that b(·, ·) satisfies the Babuška-Brezzi condition at the discrete level.In particular, let us define the discrete analogue of the space Z defined in (2.5) as follows:(2.12)

We assume that a(·, ·) is uniformly Zh-coercive so there is a constant α > 0 such that(2.13)

where α is independent of h and uh ∈ Zh.


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Similarly, we also need a discrete Babuška-Brezzi condition, so we assume there is a constant β > 0 independent of h and ph

such that(2.14)

In what follows it will also be useful to define

We can now state and prove a basic existence and uniqueness result for (2.11) [139, 60, 61]:

Theorem 2.39Assume that a : X × X → C and b : X × S → C are bounded sesquilinear forms satisfying, respectively, the discretecoercivity condition(2.13)and the discrete Babuška–Brezzi condition (2.14). Then, provided Yh(g) is not empty, there exists a uniquesolution to (2.11).

Remark 2.40For this theorem it suffices that(2.13)and(2.14)hold with constants α = α(h) > 0 and β = β(h) > 0 for each h (i.e. theymay depend on h). But, to obtain quasi-optimal error estimates later in this section, we need α and β to be positive independent of h, as wasassumed above.

The proof of this theorem shows that, if Yh(g) ≠ ∅ and if a(·, ·) is Yh-coercive, a solution uh to the discrete problem exists even though ph

may not be uniquely determined.

Proof ofTheorem 2.39 This is a direct consequence of Theorem 2.25. We provide a proof here to allow us to explainwhere the Yh-coercivity property (2.13) and the Babuška–Brezzi condition (2.14) are used in analyzing (2.11). SinceYh(g) is not empty, there is a function . Then we may write , with So, using (2.11a),

Choosing φh ∈ Yh, we see that b(φh, Ph) = 0, so that satisfies

But a(·, ·) is Yh-coercive and, of course, bounded, so by the Lax–Milgram lemma there is a unique solution tothis equation and the existence of uh is verified. Once we have found uh, we can find ph ∈ Sh by solving

This is a generalized variational problem. First note that if φh ∈ Yh then b(φh, ph) = 0 and


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so the equation is trivial for φh ∈ Yh. But by the Projection Theorem 2.9 we have , so we need only analyze theproblem of finding ph ∈ Sh such that(2.15)

Using the Babuška–Brezzi condition (we can replace Xh by since b(φh, qh) = 0 for φh ∈ Yh),

and, since , we must have

so by the generalized Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.22 a unique solution exists to (2.15).

It remains to show that (uh, ph) is unique. By linearity, we need only consider equations (2.11) with f = g = 0. Since g = 0,we see that uh ∈ Yh and, taking φh = uh and ξh = ph in (2.11) and subtracting the two equations, we see that a(uh, uh) = 0 sothat the Yh-coercivity property implies uh = 0. Hence we have b(φh, ph) = 0 for all φh ∈ Xh, and the Babuška–Brezzicondition implies that ph = 0. We have thus verified the uniqueness of the solution. □

It might be helpful to see in a more concrete way how the discrete system (2.11) behaves at the matrix level. Letbe a basis for Yh. Then, using a basis in , we can extend the basis for Yh to a basis of Xh, where m is

the dimension of Xh. Let be a basis for Sh. Then

If and then satisfy the following matrix problem

where B* is the conjugate-transpose of B. The entries of the m × m matrix A are given by

and of the m × n matrix B by


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The vectors F and G have entries Fl = f(φh,l), 1 ≤ l ≤ m, and Gj = g(ξh,j), 1 ≤ j ≤ n. The construction of the basis impliesthat we may partition

where and are the coefficients of the components of u in Zh and respectively.

But since b(φh, qh) = 0 for all φh ∈ Zh and qh ∈ Sh, we see that

where B1 is an (m-m1) × n matrix. The discrete system is then(2.16)


By the assumption that Zh(g) is not empty, there is a vector such that Then from the top row of (2.16)

and the Zh-coercivity property guarantees that the matrix A11 is non-singular. Thus the above equation can be solvedfor . Now we have satisfied the top row of (2.16) and also (2.17). The second row of (2.16) reads

The Babuška–Brezzi condition guarantees B1 is of full rank so that p⊤ is uniquely determined.

Now we wish to prove error estimates. We start with the following lemma due to Falk and Osborn [139].

Lemma 2.41Suppose the bounded sesquilinear form b : X × Y → ℂ satisfies the discrete Babuška–Brezzi condition (2.14). Thenfor any function υ ∈ X there is a unique function such that



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Remark 2.42By Remark 2.26 there is a function υ ∈ Z⊥such that b(υ, φ) = g(φ) for all φ ∈ S. Thus, byLemma 2.41, there is a υh ∈

such that b(υh, φh) = b(υ, φh) = g(φh) for all φh ∈ Sh. Hence Zh(g) ≠ ∅ whenever the discrete and continuous Babuška–Brezziconditions are satisfied.

The operator mapping υ to υh is sometimes termed the Fortin interpolation operator.

Proof of Lemma 2.41 This is essentially a repeat of the last part of the proof of existence for Theorem 2.39 using thegeneralized Lax–Milgram lemma. We do not give it here. □

Next we show that, even without the discrete Babuška–Brezzi condition, uh is a good approximation to u (see Theorem10.3.7 of [60]). The problem with the upcoming estimate is that it requires a knowledge of the approximationproperties of Zh(g), which is unlikely to be readily available.

Theorem 2.43Suppose that the sesquilinear form a : X × X→ ℂ is bounded and Zh-coercive so that(2.13)holds. In addition, supposeb : X × S → C is bounded. Let (u, p) ∈ X × S satisfy (2.8) and let (uh, ph) ∈ Xh × Sh satisfy (2.11). Then there is a constant Cindependent of h, (uh, ph) and (u, p) such that

Proof This is essentially an application of the Strang lemma [80] but we proceed from first principles. Note that Zh(g) ≠∅ (ph ∈ Zh(g)). If υh ∈ Zh(g) then υh - uh ∈ Zh. So, for any υh ∈ Zh(g), using the triangle inequality and the Zh-coercivity ofa(·, ·) we have(2.18)

where we have also used the continuity of a(·, ·). However, using eqn (2.8a) for u, and the fact that wh ∈ Zh,


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Hence, using the boundedness of b(·, ·), we have |a(u - uh, wh)| ≤ C║wh║X║p - qh║s. Use of this inequality in (2.18)completes the estimate. □

The next theorem shows that p - ph can be estimated provided that both the Zh-coercivity condition and discreteBabuška–Brezzi condition hold (see Theorem 10.5.12 of [60])

Lemma 2.44Suppose the conditions ofTheorem 2.43hold, and in addition that the discrete Babuška–Brezzi condition givenin(2.14)holds. Then

Proof Let φ = φh in (2.8a). Subtracting (2.11a) from (2.8a) we obtain

Using this equality, the discrete Babuška–Brezzi condition and eqns (2.8) and (2.11) we find that for any qh ∈ Sh,

where we have used the boundedness of a(·, ·) and b(·, ·) in deriving the last line. Writing

and using the above inequality provides the proof. □

We can now state and prove our final error estimate for mixed methods (see Corollary 10.5.18 of [60]). This resultshould be compared to that in Lemma 2.43. The important difference is that Zh(g) in the estimate of that lemma hasbeen replaced by Xh so we need only know about the approximation properties of the full finite element space tounderstand convergence.

Theorem 2.45Suppose that the discrete and continuous coercivity conditions given by(2.6)and(2.13)and the discrete and continuousBabuška–Brezzi conditions given by(2.7)and(2.14)are satisfied. Then there is a unique solution (u, p) ∈ X × S satisfying (2.8) and aunique solution (uh, ph) ∈ Xh × Sh satisfying (2.11). There is also a constant C independent of h, (u, p) and (uh, ph) such that


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Remark 2.46Often the discrete Babuška–Brezzi condition is difficult to prove, and, for example, [61, 60] devote considerable space tomethods for doing this. For Maxwell's equations the continuous and discrete Babuška–Brezzi condition are easily seen to be satisfied, butthe Z or Zh-coercivity condition are a good deal more difficult to verify.

Proof ofTheorem 2.45 Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of prblems (2.8) and (2.11) follows from Theorems2.25 and 2.39, together with Remark 2.42. Combining Lemmas 2.43 and 2.44, we have

It remains to show that in the first term on the right-hand side we can replace Zh(g) by Xh. For any υh ∈ Xh let wh ∈

satisfy b(wh, qh) = b(u - υh, qh) for all qh ∈ Sh. The existence and uniqueness of wh is proved in Lemma 2.41. Now, sinceb(u, qh) = g(qh), we have b(wh + vh, qh) = g(qh) for all qh ∈ Sh so wh + υh ∈ Zh(g). Using the estimate for ║wh║X fromLemma 2.41,


and the theorem is proved. □

2.3.3 Convergence of collectively compact operatorsThis material is taken from Kress [193] (see [16] for the original work in this area). First we define collectivecompactness. As usual, X denotes a general Hilbert space.

Definition 2.47 A set K = {Kn : X → X, n = 0, 1, 2, …} of bounded linear operators is called collectively compact if, foreach bounded set U ⊂ X, the image set

is relatively compact (i.e. its closure is compact).

Note that this definition implies that the operators are uniformly bounded. To see this we apply the definitionchoosing U = {u ∈ X | ║u║X = 1}. The image set K(U) is bounded (since it is relatively compact) and this implies auniform bound on ║Kn║X → X, n = 0, 1, 2, ….

In our applications n will index a sequence of successively finer finite element meshes (not necessarily nested). We wantto estimate the error in the solution as n tends to ∞. Part of this process is to verify that the finite element solutionoperators satisfy the following definition, which corresponds to the standard notion of convergence for a finiteelement method.


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Definition 2.48 The operators are said to converge pointwise to an operator K : X→ X if, for each f ∈ X, Knf → Kfin X as n → ∞.

Recalling now that

with a similar definition for ║(Kn - K)Kn║X→ X, we have our first result on collectively compact operators (Theorem 10.6of [193]).

Lemma 2.49Suppose is a collectively compact set of bounded linear operators and that the operators are pointwiseconvergent to a compact operator K : X → X. Then

Before proving this lemma, we recall the following result that follows from the uniform boundedness principle(Corollary 10.4 of [193], but stated for Hilbert spaces).

Lemma 2.50Let X and Y be Hilbert spaces and let An : X→ Y, n = 1, 2, … be a family of bounded linear and pointwise convergentoperators with limit operator A : X → Y. Then convergence is uniform on compact subsets U of X or, equivalently,

Using this lemma, the proof of Lemma 2.49 follows from the compactness of A.

Proof ofLemma 2.49 We sketch the proof and direct the reader to Kress [193] for details. Let

Since is collectively compact, Q is relatively compact. Since the family of operators is uniformlybounded and Q is relatively compact, by Lemma 2.50 the convergence of KnX → KX as n → ∞ is uniform for X ∈ Q.Thus, given ε > 0, there exists N > 0 such that ║KnX - KX║X < ε for all n > N and all X ∈ Q. But X ∈ Q is arbitrary, sowe see that for every ξ ∈ X such that ║ξ║X = 1 we have ║(Kn - K)Kmξ║X < ε for all m, for all ξ ∈ X and for all n > N.Taking m = n we get the required result. Using K in place of Kn in the definition of Q (recalling that K is assumed to becompact), and proceeding as above, proves the other case. □

Now suppose K is such that for every F ∈ X there is a unique solution u ∈ X of the equation(2.19)

and ║(I + K)-1║X → X < ∞. We wish to show that the discrete problem of finding un ∈ X such that


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for Fn ∈ X has a unqiue solution, and derive an error estimate. This is done in the following theorem.

Theorem 2.51Let K: X → X be a compact operator such that (I + K) is invertible with bounded inverse and let u satisfy (2.19).Suppose is a collectively compact set of bounded linear operators that are pointwise convergent to K. Then for all n largeenough (I + Kn)-1exists and its uniformly bounded independent of n as a map from X to X so that(2.20)has a unique solution un ∈ X. Inaddition the following error estimate holds:

Proof This theorem is from [119] and the proof is a slight modification of the proof of Theorem 10.8 of [193]. Westart by showing that (I + Kn)-1 exists. Since (I + K)-1 is bounded, we may define Bn = I - (I + K)-1Kn. Then

Letting Sn = (I + K)-1 (K - Kn)Kn, we known that

for n sufficiently large (by the previous lemma). Hence, using the Neumann series (see Theorem 2.27), (I + Sn)-1 existsand is bounded as follows

Since I + Sn is invertible and Bn(I + Kn) = I + Sn, we see that (I + Kn) must be injective. Using the fact that each operatorKn is compact (the entire set is collectively compact) together with the Fredholm alternative (Theorem 2.33) shows that(I + Kn)-1 exists. Therefore, (I + Kn)-1 = (I + Sn)-1Bn, so that

and uniform boundedness of the inverse is verified. Using the equations for un and u, we can write

Hence, by the uniform boundedness of (I + Kn)-1, we have ║u - un║X ≤ C║(F - Fn) + (Kn - K)u║X and use of the triangleinequality proves the desired result.

Note that we have not proved the stronger result of norm convergence of (I + Kn)-1 to (I + K)-1 as n → ∞. Underfurther restrictions on the operators Kn and their adjoints, it is possible to conclude this stronger result (see [285]).


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2.3.4 Eigenvalue estimatesIn this section, we shall summarize some known results for the approximation of eigenvalue problems. Since our mainfinite element convergence result is proved using a pointwise convergent set of collectively compact discrete operators,we shall use the appropriate theory of Osborn [246]. However, because eigenvalue problems are not a focus of thebook, we shall not provide proofs.

Suppose X is a Hilbert space and K : X → X is a self-adjoint and compact operator. Then we know from theHilbert–Schmidt theory (Section 2.2.5) that the problem of finding μ ∈ R and u ∈ X, u ≠ 0, such that(2.21)

has a solution (in fact, in the case of Maxwell's equations, infinitely many solutions).

Now suppose that ∧ is a countable set having only zero as the limit point. Suppose also that K = {Kh : X → X}h∈∧ is aset of collectively compact, self-adjoint operators, and that the operators converge pointwise to the operator K above(which is compact and self-adjoint).

The discrete eigenvalue problem is then to find μh and uh ∈ X, uh ≠ 0, such that(2.22)

We now wish to know under what conditions the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for problem (2.22) converge to the trueeigenvalues and eigenvectors from (2.21).

Let us suppose that μ is an eigenvalue of K of multiplicity m. Osborn [246] proves the following theorem (i.e.essentially Theorem 3 of Osborn' paper, but we have collected other results in the paper and assume that the operatorsare self-adjoint):

Theorem 2.52Suppose ε > 0 is such that the disk of radius ε about μ contains no other eigenvalues of K. Then for h small enough thedisk of radius ε centered at μ contains precisely m eigenvalues of the discrete problem denoted by μh, j, j = 1, …, m. The dimension of theeigenspace corresponding to μ, denoted by E(μ), is equal to that of . Finally, for 1 ≤ j ≤ m there is a constant C such that(2.23)

Here is an X orthonormal basis for E(μ) and (K - Kh)|E(μ)is the restriction of (K - Kh) to E(μ).

Remark 2.53Osborn also provides an estimate for the distance of E(μ) to .


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3.1 IntroductionThe variational theory of Maxwell's equations is built on Sobolev spaces of scalar and vector functions. In this chapterwe shall summarize some basic results concerning such function spaces. We start with Sobolev spaces of scalarfunctions. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic concepts for these spaces, so the first part of the chapteronly serves to define some notation and collect some standard results in a convenient place.

In the latter part of the chapter we discuss some Sobolev spaces of vector-valued functions appropriate for analyzingMaxwell's equations. These spaces are a little less standard, so we shall give more details. In particular, we note thatthese spaces have rather delicate and surprising properties concerning the density of smooth functions. We shall alsodiscuss various decompositions of vector fields (in particular, the Helmholtz decomposition of a vector function into acurl-free and a divergence-free part) and prove a critical regularity result for solutions of Maxwell's equations. Relatedto this, we discuss scalar and vector potentials. The basic reference for this material is the excellent book of Girault andRaviart [143].

3.2 Standard Sobolev spacesWe start by defining some standard spaces of functions (see, e.g. [215]). For any open set Ω ⊂ RN, N = 1, 2, 3 wedefine

Ck(Ω): the set of κ times continuously differentiable functions on Ω;: the set of functions φ ∈ CK(Ω) having compact support in Ω

Ck(Ω): the set of functions in Ck(Ω) which have bounded and uniformly continuous derivatives up to order κ on Ω (i.e. the restrictions offunctions in toΩ); and Lp(Ω), 1 ≤ p < ∞: the set of functions φ onΩ for which |φ|p is integrable. More exactly, functions φ such that

The most important case here is p = 2, which is the set of all square-integrable functions on Ω.

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We use the standard multi-index notation for derivatives. If

where Z+ is the set of non-negative integers, we set and for φ ∈ C|α|1(Ω) we define

The space of distributions, denoted by , is the dual space of in the sense that a linear functionalis contained in , provided that for every compact set K ⊂ Ω there exist constants C and k such


for all (see [298, 215] for a more detailed discussion of distributions).

The standard definition of the distributional derivative of a function again uses the multi-index notation.The distributional derivative of a function is the unique distribution that satisfies(3.1)

For functions φ ∈ Cm(Ω), the distributional and standard (or strong) derivatives of φ agree provided |α|1 ≤ m. Ofcourse, for functions in L2(Ω), the derivative must, in general, be understood in the distributional sense.

An open, connected set in RN, N = 1, 2, 3, will be referred to as a domain. The fundamental Sobolev spaces aredenoted Ws,p(Ω), where s ∈ Z+, 1 ≤ p < ∞ and Ω is a domain in RN. These spaces are defined by

Associated with this space is the norm(3.2)

The corresponding semi-norm, used later in our interpolation analysis of finite element methods, is(3.3)

A particularly important case occurs when p = 2, and the majority of our use of these spaces will be in this case.


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An alternative definition of Sobolev spaces for p = 2 is to define the spaces Hs(Ω), s ∈ Z+, using Fourier transforms.Rather than spending time to introduce this concept, we note that for Ω = RN, N = 2, 3, it can be shown that Hs(RN) =Ws, 2(RN) (see Theorem 3.16 of [215]). Then for a bounded domain we define

The norm on this space is defined using an auxiliary space [215],

Since this is a closed subspace of Ws, 2(RN), the Projection Theorem 2.9 guarantees the existence of a projectionand we can define the Hs(Ω) inner product by

As we shall see (Theorem 3.2), if the domain Ω has a sufficiently well-behaved boundary we have Hs(Ω) = Ws,2(Ω),with ║u║H

s(Ω) ≡ ║u║W

s,2(Ω), so the two spaces and their properties can be used interchangeably.

Functions in the Sobolev spaces discussed so far do not satisfy any particular boundary condition. To define spaces offunctions that satisfy a Dirichlet boundary condition (i.e. vanish on the boundary) we proceed as follows. We use theclosure of in the appropriate norm to define(3.4)

Again, the special case p = 2 deserves its own notation, so we set(3.5)

As we shall see, functions u in satisfy the boundary condition u = 0 on the boundary of Ω (denoted ∂Ω) in anappropriate sense.

Most of our work concerns Maxwell's equations on bounded domains in R3 (unbounded domains will be reduced tobounded domains by a truncation procedure). On bounded domains, the properties of Sobolev spaces are determinedby the smoothness or regularity of the boundary. We shall mainly consider one case in this book: Lipschitz polyhedraldomains. Because we wish to use this in R2 and R3, we make the definition for a domain in RN, N = 2, 3.

Definition 3.1 The boundary ∂Ω of a bounded domain Ω in RN is Lipschitz continuous if for every x ∈ ∂Ω there is anopen set O ⊂ RN with x ∈ O and


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Fig. 3.1. An example of a simple polyhedral domain that is not Lipschitz. At the point marked • the surface is not thegraph of a function.

an orthogonal coordinate system with coordinate ζ = (ζ1, …, ζN) having the following properties. There is a vector a ∈RN with

and a Lipschitz continuous function φ defined on

with |φ(ζ′)| ≤ aN/2 for all ζ′ ∈ O′ such that

This form of the definition is from [151]. We shall simply say that the domain Ω is Lipschitz when we mean that it hasa Lipschitz continuous boundary.

The reason for using Lipschitz polyhedral domains is that they can be covered by a mesh of tetrahedra. This makes thepresentation of the finite element method easier, but introduces difficulties with respect to the theoretical aspects ofexistence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions of Maxwell's equations. In particular, Lipschitz polyhedral domainscan have reentrant edges and corners that strongly influence the regularity of the solutions of Maxwell's equations.Many common polyhedra are Lipschitz domains, but some rather simple looking domains are not Lipschitz. Forexample, the crossed bricks shown in Fig. 3.1 is a polyhedron that is not Lipschitz [215].

Sometimes we shall use boundaries in Cl by which we mean that Definition 3.1 holds with maps φ ∈ Cl(O′) for each O′in the definition. For example, we shall consider a spherical domain which is, of course, smooth having a C∞ boundary.

One key property of a Lipschitz domain is that it has a well-defined unit outward normal ν at almost every point on∂Ω [237]. By a unit normal, we mean a normal vector ν such that |ν| = 1. We can now state the following theoremshowing the equivalence of Hk(Ω) and Ws, 2(Ω).


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Theorem 3.2Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain in RN. Then the following results hold:

(1) C∞(Ω) is dense in Ws, p(Ω) for s ∈ Z+and p ∈ R, 1 ≤ p < ∞.(2) If s ∈ Z+, s ≥ 1 and 1 < p < ∞ then there exists a continuous linear extension operator Π from Ws, p(Ω) to Ws, p(RN) with the

property that

If p = 2, the operator exists for s ≥ 0.

(3) Hs(Ω) = Ws, 2(Ω), s ∈ Z+, with equivalent norms.

The proof of the first part of this theorem can be found in [237]. The second part, called the Cálderon extensiontheorem, is discussed extensively and proved in [2] (see also Theorem A.4 of [215]). Note that since Π is a continuouslinear operator, it is bounded, so there exists a constant C independent of u such that

Theorem 3.2(1) asserts the density of C∞(Ω) in Ws, p(Ω). This is important since it sometimes allows us to prove resultsfor smooth functions and extend them by limiting arguments to more general functions. It also allows us to concludethe density of suitable finite element spaces in Ws, p(Ω). The next result is a non-standard density result needed for thelatter reason, and it is proved in [35].

Lemma 3.3Define the space

with the graph norm . Then C∞(Ω) is dense in Y.

In general, is not dense in Ws, p(Ω) and then is a proper subset of Ws, p(Ω). One useful case whenis dense is given in the following lemma, which is proved in [298].

Lemma 3.4If Ω, is a bounded Lipschitz domain, is dense in L2(Ω).

The next results are of critical importance in the error analysis of finite element methods. We say that Ws, p(Ω) isimbedded in a space X and write Ws, p(Ω) ↪ X if Ws, p(Ω) is a subset of X and if the identity map I from Ws, p(Ω) to X iscontinuous. This is equivalent to saying that there exists a constant C independent of u such that ║Iu║x ≤ C║u║W

s, p(Ω)

for all u ∈ Ws, p(Ω).

If Ωl denotes the intersection of an l-dimensional hyper-plane with Ω, we shall present conditions under whichWm + j, p(Ω) is imbedded in Wm, p(Ωl). Here the imbedding has to be interpreted carefully. By Theorem 3.2(1), eachelement u ∈ Wm + j, p(Ω) is a limit of functions un ∈ C∞(Ω), n = 1, 2, …. These functions have a well-defined restriction ortrace on Ωl. The imbedding result means that the functions un|Ωl converge to a function in Wm, p(Ωl).


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The imbedding of Wm + j, p(Ω) in a space of continuous functions is understood in the sense that there is a member ofthe equivalence class of functions u ∈ Wm + j, p(Ω) with the required continuity. The following statement of the famousSobolev imbedding theorem is from [2].

Theorem 3.5Let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded domain with Lipschitz continuous boundary and suppose m, j are non-negative integers and 1≤ l ≤ N. Let p ∈ R, with 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Then the following imbeddings hold:

(1) Suppose mp < N and N - mp < l ≤ N. Then

(2) Suppose mp = N then for 1 ≤ l ≤ N and p q < ∞. Then

(3) Suppose mp > N ≥ (m - 1)p. Then Wj + m, p(Ω) ↪ Cj(Ω).

This theorem holds in much greater generality than the above statement. For a detailed discussion, and proof, see [2].

An imbedding is said to be compact if the imbedding operator I is compact. The following theorem from [2]summarizes some results on when imbeddings are compact.

Theorem 3.6Let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded Lipschitz domain and let Ω0be any subdomain of Ω (we allow Ω0 = Ω). Let denote theintersection of Ω0with an l-dimensional hyper-plane inRN. Let j, m be integers with m ≥ 1 and j ≥ 0 and let p ∈ Rwith 1 ≤ p < ∞. Thenthe following imbeddings are compact:

(1) If mp ≤ N then(3.6)


(2) If mp > N then Wj + m, p(Ω) ↪ Cj(Ω0).

For a proof of this theorem, and a discussion of its history, see [2]. The special case of (3.6) when m = 1, p = 2, j = 0, l= N and Ω0 = Ω states that H1(Ω) is compactly imbedded in L2(Ω) for N = 2, 3. This observation underlies theanalysis of the Helmholtz equation.

Unfortunately, in the analysis of boundary values of functions, and in discussing the regularity of solutions ofMaxwell's equations, it is necessary to use Sobolev spaces of fractional order. Following [237], we define the spacesWs, p(Ω), 1 ≤ p < ∞, s ∈ R and s ≥ 0 as follows. Let m ∈ Z+ and suppose s = m + σ,


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where σ ∈ R and 0 < σ < 1. Then Ws, p(Ω) is defined to be the space of distributions such that u ∈ Wm, p(Ω)and

The norm for this space is

With this norm, the space Ws, p(Ω) is a separable, reflexive Banach space for 1 < p < ∞ and s ∈ R with s ≥ 0 [237]. As inthe case of integer values of s, we define to be the closure of in Ws, p(Ω). We still have have Hs(Ω) =Ws, 2(Ω), s ≥ 0.

The imbedding theorems for fractional-order spaces are not as powerful as for integer-order spaces. The followingresults will be needed for our treatment of Maxwell's equations.

Theorem 3.7Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Then, if 0 ≤ t < s such that s - 3/p = t - 3/q, the imbedding Ws, p(Ω) ↪Wt, q(Ω) holds. Furthermore, if 0 ≤ t < s < ∞ and p = q = 2 the imbedding is compact.

The imbedding result is proved in [237] in a special case and is stated this way in Theorem of [151]. Thecompact imbedding result is in [298] and also in Theorem 3.27 of [215]. In addition, Theorem 3.2 holds for fractional-order spaces (cf. [151] for a discussion of fractional-order Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz domains). We should point outthat the results quoted for fractional-order spaces are a very small selection of the known results (cf. [2]).

We shall denote by H-1(Ω) the dual space of with the usual dual norm.

3.2.1 Trace spacesWe have one further topic in basic Sobolev space theory to discuss, in particular, the way in which boundary values ortraces of functions are handled. First we have to define what we mean by Sobolev spaces on the boundary ∂Ω of Ω.We follow [151] and recall from Definition 3.1 that the boundary ∂Ω of Ω is such that for every x ∈ ∂Ω there is aLipschitz continuous map φ : O′ ⊂ RN-1 → R. such that

and thus locally ∂Ω is an (N - 1)-dimensional hyper-surface in RN. We define φ via φ(ζ′) = (ζ′, φ(ζ′)). Then φ-1 exists andis Lipschitz continuous on φ(O′). This motivates the following definition:


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Definition 3.8 Let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded Lipschitz domain with boundary ∂Ω. A distribution u on ∂Ω belongsto Ws, p(∂Ω) for |s| ≤ 1 if the composition u ∘ φ ∈ Ws, p(O′ ∩ φ-1(∂Ω ∩ O)) for all possible O and φ fulfilling the criteriaof Definition 3.1.

To define a norm on Ws, p(∂Ω), we let be any atlas for ∂Ω such that the pairs satisfy the conditionsof Definition 3.1. Then

In the particular case s ∈ [0, 1) and Ω ∈ RN, this definition is equivalent to

where dA is the surface measure on ∂Ω. As usual, Hs(∂Ω) = Ws, 2(∂Ω) for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1.

The next theorem shows that, provided a function u is sufficiently smooth, it is possible to define the boundary valueof u on ∂Ω. This boundary value is called the trace of u on ∂Ω. Of course, for any function u ∈ C∞(Ω), the evaluationof u on ∂Ω is well-defined. Thus we define the trace operator γ0 for such a function by(3.8)

Theorem 3.9 (Trace theorem) Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Then, provided 1/p < s ≤ 1, the mapping γ0defined onC∞(Ω) by(3.8)has a unique continuous extension as a linear operator from Ws, p(Ω) onto Ws-1/p, p(∂Ω). Moreover,(3.9)

This theorem is proved for s = 1 in [237] and its extension to general s is discussed in [151]. Note that (3.9) implies thatthe space , p > 1, which was defined by density in (3.4) consists of functions that satisfy the homogeneousDirichlet boundary condition on ∂Ω. An alternative definition for , p > 1, is

where ∇ denotes the gradient, which is the operator from to defined by(3.10)


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The most important trace spaces for us will be H1/2(∂Ω) = W1/2, 2(∂Ω) and its dual space H-1/2(∂Ω). The norm on thisspace is the usual dual norm. In particular for any Lipschitz surface S we define

The norm on H-1/2(∂Ω) can then be written(3.11)

where we have used the fact that H-1/2(∂Ω) can also be characterized as the completion of L2(∂Ω) in a suitable norm toshow that we may identify the duality pairing with the L2(∂Ω) inner product (see page 98 of McLean [215] for details).

We shall also require, fortunately infrequently, to use trace spaces for s > 1. In this case the definition is not as naturalas the one given previously. Keeping in mind our desire to study boundary value problems, we use the followingdefinition, which agrees with the previous one for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1 [12]. For s > 1 we define the normed space(3.12)

with norm given by

In particular, ║u║Hs(∂Ω) = ║U║H

s + 1/2(Ω), where U ∈ Hs + 1/2(Ω) satisfies U|∂Ω = u and

This function exists by the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21. Thus we can see that Hs(∂Ω) is complete since Hs + 1/2(Ω) iscomplete, and is, in fact, a Hilbert space.

This definition has the advantage that we know any function in Hs(∂Ω), s > 1, can be extended to a function U ∈

Hs + 1/2(Ω), so it is well-suited to the study of boundary value problems. In addition, the boundary data forelectromagnetic scattering problems is often given as the trace of a smooth vector field. The main disadvantage of thedefinition is that it is difficult to determine when a particular function g defined on ∂Ω is in Hs(∂Ω), since no explicitnorm is available. Fortunately, for a Lipschitz polyhedron, we have the following result, which is part of a much moregeneral result in [41]. For a simple proof when ∂Ω is a cube, see [167].

Theorem 3.10Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz polyhedron with boundary ∂Ω. Suppose ∂Ω has faces ∂Ωj, 1 ≤ j ≤ J, and suppose g ∈L2(∂Ω) is such that


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• g ∈ Hs(∂Ωj) for 1 < s <• if two faces ∂Ωjand ∂Ωj′ meet at an edge ej, j′ then g|∂Ωj = g|∂Ωj′ on ej, j′.

Then g ∈ Hs(∂Ω) (i.e. an extension to Hs + 1/2(Ω) exists).

We shall also need the following technical lemma from [143]. To state this lemma we define

Lemma 3.11Let Ω be a bounded, Lipschitz and connected domain. Suppose and ∇p ∈ H-1(Ω)3. Then p ∈ L2(Ω).

3.3 Regularity results for elliptic equationsThis is a vastly technical subject. All we shall do is summarize some results that will be used later in the analysis offinite element methods for Maxwell's equations. Suppose Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain with boundary ∂Ω = ΓD ∪

ΓN, where ΓN ∩ ΓD = 0. Let ν denote the unit outward normal to Γ. We are interested in conditions under which theproblem of finding φ such that

has a solution. Here c is a constant and μD, μN and f are given functions whose properties will be stated in the upcomingtheorems. We say that φ ∈ H1(Ω) is a weak solution of this mixed boundary value problem if

for all ξ ∈ H1(Ω) with ξ = 0 on ΓD where we recall that〈μN, ξ〉ΓN = ∫ΓN μNξ¯ dA. In fact, we will only consider severalclassical special cases of this problem.

The first result is a basic existence result for solutions of elliptic problems. It follows directly from the Lax–MilgramLemma 2.21 and the Trace Theorem 3.9.

Theorem 3.12Let Ω be a Lipschitz domain. Let μ ∈ H1/2(∂Ω) and f ∈ H-1(Ω). Then there exists a unique weak solution φ ∈

H1(Ω) of

Furthermore, there is a constant C such that

We shall also need to know conditions under which the Dirichlet problem for Poisson's equation has a solution. This isessentially the same result as in the previous theorem, but requires a special inequality giving an alternative norm forH1(Ω). This is called the Poincaré inequality and we give a general version from Brenner and Scott [60]


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Lemma 3.13There exists a constant C > 0 such that for all u ∈ H1(Ω)

Note that this result also holds if ∂Ω is replaced by a subset of ∂Ω of positive measure. In addition, the integral on theright-hand side can be replaced by an integral over all Ω.

Using this lemma, and proceeding as for the previous theorem, we can then prove the next theorem.

Theorem 3.14Let Ω be a Lipschitz domain. Let μ ∈ H1/2(∂Ω) and f ∈ H-1(Ω). Then there exists a unique weak solution φ ∈

H1(Ω) of

Furthermore, there is a constant C such that

We shall also need to know that the Neumann problem is well-defined. Proceeding as before, we have the followingresult.

Theorem 3.15Let Ω be a Lipschitz domain with boundary ∂Ω and unit outward normal ν. Let μ ∈ H-1/2(∂Ω) and f ∈ H1(Ω)′.Then there exists a unique weak solution φ ∈ H1(Ω) of

Furthermore, there is a constant C such that

For the Neumann problem for Poisson's equation we need to introduce the space

Then, using the Poincaré inequality, we have the following theorem, which differs from the previous results in that acompatibility condition must be imposed on the data.

Theorem 3.16Let Ω be a Lipschitz domain with boundary ∂Ω and unit outward normal ν. Let μ ∈ H-1/2(∂Ω) and f ∈ H1(Ω)′.Suppose

Then there exists a unique weak solution φ ∈ H1(Ω)/Rof


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Furthermore, there is a constant C such that

The above theorems give the basic existence and uniqueness results we shall need. However, we shall often be in asituation where the data are smoother than assumed above. This can sometimes result in a smoother solution ofPoisson's equation. The actual regularity of the solution depends on the data and on the smoothness of the boundary.For an arbitrary Lipschitz domain the following theorem from [102, 175, 176] is known.

Theorem 3.17Let Ω be a Lipschitz domain. Suppose φ ∈ H1(Ω) is the weak solution of Δφ = 0 on Ω such that φ|∂Ω = μ ∈

H1(∂Ω). Then φ ∈ H3/2(Ω) and

Suppose, instead, φ ∈ H1(Ω) satisfies Δφ = 0 on Ω and ∂φ/∂ν = μ ∈ L2(∂Ω) with 〈μ, 1〉∂Ω = 0. Then φ ∈ H3/2(Ω) and

For a Lipschitz polyhedron the situation is improved due to the simpler boundary. Here we use the definition ofHs(∂Ω), s > 1, given in (3.12). This theorem is from [12].

Theorem 3.18Let Ω be a Lipschitz polyhedral domain. Then there is an exponent sΩ > 0 such that if μ ∈ H1+δ(∂Ω), 0 ≤ δ <min(sΩ, 1/2), and f ∈ L2(Ω) then the weak solution φ ∈ H1(Ω) of

is such that φ ∈ H3/2+δ(Ω).

For the Neumann problem, a similar result holds so that there is an s Ω > 0 such that if μ ∈ Hδ(∂Ω), 0 ≤ δ < min(sΩ, 1/2),and f ∈ L2(Ω), together with (f, 1) + 〈μ, 1〉∂Ω = 0, then the weak solution φ ∈ H1(Ω) of

is such that φ ∈ H3/2+δ(Ω).

Since this theorem is important for our analysis and perhaps not very well-known, we shall sketch a proof of the firstpart. By the definition of H1+δ(∂Ω), there is a function μ ∈ H3/2+δ(Ω) such that μ = μ |∂Ω. Then define φ = φ - μ so that φ satisfies

The result then follows from Corollary 18.15 of [112].


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3.4 Differential operators on a surfaceBefore starting our description of vector Sobolev spaces, we need to define some differential operators related totangential vector fields on ∂Ω. Suppose Ω is a bounded domain with C2 connected boundary ∂Ω (i.e. the maps inDefinition 3.1 are in C2). In fact, with some additional work of a very non-trivial nature, much of what we present herecan be extended to a Lipschitz domain [63]. Let us define the space of surface tangential vector fields in L2(∂Ω)by(3.13)

where ν is the unit outward normal to Ω. The norm on this space is the standard (L2(∂Ω))3 norm.

We start by defining two fundamental differential operators. For a function p ∈ H1(∂Ω) we define the surface gradient∇∂Ωp via a parametric representation of ∂Ω. Suppose x ∈ ∂Ω can be written as

for some surface patch of ∂Ω. Then, on this patch, is defined by

where gij is the (i, j)th entry of the inverse of the matrix G given by

In particular, if ∂Ω = ∂B1 where B1 is the unit sphere centered at the origin (i.e. ∂Ω) is the surface of the unit sphere)and if we use spherical polar coordinates (ρ, θ, φ) then

One useful observation is that the surface gradient and volume gradient are related for functions p that aredifferentiable in the neighborhood of ∂Ω by(3.14)

With this observation, we see that (ν × ∇p) × ν = ∇∂Ωp on ∂Ω. This important result holds for Lipschitz domains also.

Having defined the surface gradient, we can define the surface divergence by duality so that ifthen ∇∂Ω · υ ∈ H1(∂Ω)′ satisfies


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This definition corresponds to the usual definition for the surface divergence given by vector calculus, at least forsmooth surfaces, so that if υ ∈ (H1(∂Ω))3 ∩ and if υ has the expansion


where g = det(G).

In spherical polar coordinates, if υ = υθeθ + υφeφ, then on the surface of the unit sphere.

The operator △∂Ω : H1(∂Ω) → H1(∂Ω)′ defined for p ∈ H1(∂Ω) by Δ∂Ωp = ∇∂Ω · (∇∂Ωp) is called the surface Laplacian orLaplace–Beltrami operator.

The third fundamental operator is the surface vector curl denoted by and defined by

Thus is just the rotated gradient.

One remaining operator, the surface scalar curl denoted by , can be defined via duality usingStokes theorem, so that if υ ∈ then

By using the duality definitions, we see that for υ ∈ we have(3.15)

3.5 Vector functions with well-dened curl or divergenceThe L2(Ω) inner product extends trivially to vector functions. Suppose that u = (u1, u2, u3)⊺ ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and υ = (υ1, υ2, υ3)⊺∈ (L2(Ω))3. Then we write the (L2(Ω))3 inner product as(3.16)


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Let us first define the curl and divergence. The curl operator is defined on a three dimensional vector function υ ∈where υ = (υ1, υ2, υ3)⊺ by(3.17)

where the derivatives are understood in the sense of distributions. In particular, applying (3.1) to each component ofthe curl we see that(3.18)

To define the divergence operator, let then(3.19)

Applying (3.1) to each component of the divergence, we see that(3.20)

Using the weak definition of derivative, we can then show that(3.21)


For example, to prove (3.21) we use (3.18) with υ = ∇p to show that (∇ × ∇p, φ) = (∇p, ∇ × φ) for all φ ∈ and bythe distributional definition of the gradient (∇p, ∇ × φ) = -(p, ∇ · (∇ × φ)) = 0 for all φ ∈ where the last equalityholds since ∇ · (∇ × φ) = 0 for smooth functions. Now that we have defined the curl and divergence, we can considersuitable function spaces related to these operators. Indeed the goal of the rest of this chapter is to define andinvestigate such spaces. We shall be particularly interested in density results guaranteeing that functions in anappropriate space can be approximated by smooth functions. This will allow us to establish certain trace theorems andintegral identities in the standard way. We start by considering classical integral identities for differentiable functions.

3.5.1 Integral identitiesHere we recall some basic integral identities for vector functions with sufficiently many classical derivatives. We startwith the basic divergence theorem of Gauss, which is proved for Lipschitz domains as Lemma 3.34 of [215].

Theorem 3.19 (Divergence Theorem) Let Ω ⊂ R3, with boundary ∂Ω and unit outward normal ν, be a bounded Lipschitzdomain. Let F : R3 → R3be a vector field with F ∈ (C1(Ω))3. Then(3.23)

This result also holds for a Lipschitz domain inR2with suitable changes to the integral measures.


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Using this theorem, we can easily prove various important identities.

Corollary 3.20Let Ω ⊂ R3be a bounded Lipschitz domain with boundary ∂Ω and unit outward normal ν.

(1) If ξ ∈ C1(Ω) and u ∈ (C1(Ω))3then(3.24)

(2) (Green's first identity) If ξ ∈ C1(Ω) and p ∈ C2(Ω) then(3.25)

(3) (Green's second identity) If ξ ∈ C2(Ω) and p ∈ C2(Ω) then(3.26)

(4) Suppose u and φ are in (C1(Ω))3. Then(3.27)

For the first identity (3.24), we choose F = ξu in (3.23) and use the the vector identity (B.3). Identity (3.25) followsfrom (3.24) by choosing u = ∇p. Subtracting (3.25) with the roles of ξ and p reversed gives (3.26). Finally, (3.27) isproved by choosing F = u × φ and using (B.7).

Comparing (3.24) with (3.20), and (3.27) with (3.18) reveals the link between the definitions of the distributionalderivative of the divergence and curl, and the corresponding classical integral identities. We shall extend the identities(3.24) and (3.27) to functions in suitable Sobolev spaces in the next two sections.

The last result of this section is a special case of the classical Stokes theorem. Here we use the notation of Section 3.4.Let S denote a bounded Lipschitz domain in the (x1, x2)-plane. Recall from Section 3.4 that, given a differentiable scalarfunction φ = φ(x1, x2), we have the surface vector curl defined by

and for a vector function u =(u1(x1, x2), u2(x1, x2))⊺ we have the surface scalar curl defined by

Note that if the unit outward normal to ∂S in the (x1, x2) plane is νP = (ν1, ν2, 0)T then the corresponding unit tangentvector is τ = (-ν2, ν1, 0)T (obviously assuming that the plane containing S is oriented with normal along the positive x3-axis and the right-hand rule is in effect). The following can be proved directly by integration by parts or by using (3.23).


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Corollary 3.21 (Stoke's theorem) Let S ⊂ R2be a bounded Lipschitz domain with unit tangent τ to ∂S. If u ∈ (C1(S ))2and ξ ∈C1(S) then(3.28)

3.5.2Properties of H(div;Ω)In this section we state and prove some results concerning the space of vector functions with a square-integrabledivergence. The results and proofs are mainly from [143]. The space of functions with square-integrable divergence isdenoted by H(div; Ω) and defined by(3.29)

with the associated graph norm(3.30)

With the obvious inner product, H(div;Ω) is a Hilbert space.

The first result is a basic density result that will be used for the remainder of the proofs.

Theorem 3.22Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3. Then

Remark 3.23This theorem also holds when Ω is unbounded provided ∂Ω is bounded. The following proof is from [115].

Proof ofTheorem 3.22 The proof uses the projection theorem (Theorem 2.9). We prove that if u ∈ H(div;Ω) is suchthat u is orthogonal to (C∞(Ω))3 in the H(div;Ω) inner product then u = 0. This implies that the orthogonal complementof the closure of (C∞(Ω))3 in H(div;Ω) contains only the zero vector and the desired result then follows from theprojection theorem.

The assumption of orthogonality implies that(3.31)

Now we define Du = ∇ · u and define ũ and Dũ to be the extensions of u and Du to R3 by zero outsideΩ. Obviously, ũ∈ (L2(R3))3 and Dũ ∈ L2(R3) and by (3.31)

where (·, ·)(L2(R3))3 is the (L2(R3))3 inner product. But using (3.20), this equality implies that ũ = ∇Dũ and, since ũ ∈

(L2(R3))3, we conclude that Dũ ∈


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H1(R3). Hence, by the definition of H1(Ω), we have that Dũ ∈ H1(Ω). Now let O denote a ball such that Ω ⊂ O. ThenO \ Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain and Dũ|O\Ω = 0. Thus by the trace theorem (Theorem 3.9) applied to O \ Ω wesee that Dũ = 0 on ∂Ω and hence . By definition, is dense in , so there is a sequence of functions

such that φn → Du in as n → ∞. Then, by (3.31) with φ = ∇φn, we conclude that

This shows that ║u║H(div;Ω) = 0 and the theorem is proved.

The next theorem shows that functions in H(div; Ω) have a well-defined normal component on ∂Ω. This fact turnsout to have implications for the continuity conditions imposed on the electromagnetic field across interfaces betweendissimilar materials. (see Section 1.2.2). For a function υ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3 the normal trace operator γn is defined almosteverywhere in the classical way by(3.32)

Theorem 3.24Let Ω ⊂ R3be a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3with unit outward normal ν. Then

(1) the mapping γn defined(3.32)on (C∞(Ω))3can be extended by continuity to a continuous linear map γn from H(div; Ω) onto H-1/2(∂Ω);

(2) the following Green's theorem holds for functions υ ∈ H(div; Ω) and φ ∈ H1(Ω):


Proof The proof is a standard application of the density result in Theorem 3.22. We start using (3.24) so that for φ ∈

C∞(Ω) and υ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3(3.34)

But since C∞(Ω) is dense in H1(Ω). (Theorem 3.2) this Green's theorem is also valid for function φ in H1(Ω). Nowusing the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality on the left-hand side of (3.34) we conclude that(3.35)

for all φ ∈ H1(Ω) and for all υ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3. Let μ ∈ H1/2(∂Ω) and define φ ∈ H1(Ω) to be the weak solution of

By virtue of the regularity result for elliptic problems in Theorem 3.12,


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so we may rewrite (3.35) as

for all μ ∈ H1/2(∂Ω) and for all υ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3. This implies, using the definition of the norm on H-1/2(∂Ω) given in (3.11),that(3.36)

Hence γn : υ → υ · ν|∂Ω is a bounded, and therefore continuous, linear map from the dense set (C∞(Ω))3 ⊂ H(div; Ω) toH-1/2(∂Ω). Hence γn can be extended by continuity to a map (still denoted γn) from H(div; Ω) to H-1/2(∂Ω).

It remains to show surjectivity. We accomplish this by showing that for any μ ∈ H-1/2(∂Ω) there is a υ ∈ H(div; Ω) suchthat γn(υ) = μ. Let φ ∈ H1(Ω) be the solution of the Neumann problem (guaranteed by Theorem 3.14)(3.37)

Let υ = ∇φ ∈ (L2(Ω))3. Then taking in (3.37) we see that

so by the distributional definition of the divergence ∇ · υ = φ ∈ L2(Ω). Thus υ ∈ H(div; Ω) and γn(υ) = ν · ∇φ = μ,which establishes surjectivity. This completes the proof of the theorem. □

To solve problems in which the normal component of a vector field is specified on ∂Ω, we shall need to consider thesubspace of H(div; Ω) on which γn vanishes. As in the case of Sobolev spaces, we define this subspace in a roundaboutfashion by density. In particular(3.38)

The next theorem tells us that we have made the correct definition

Theorem 3.25Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3. Then

Proof Again, we use the projection theorem (Theorem 2.9) to write

where closure is with respect to the H(div; Ω) norm. We then show that if(3.39)

then υ = 0. Suppose υ satisfies (3.39). Then


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and hence if we define Dυ = ∇ · υ the above equality shows that in the distributional sense υ = ∇Dυ. Since υ ∈ (L2(Ω))3,we conclude that Dυ ∈ H1(Ω). Applying the Green's formula (3.33) with υ = u and φ = Dυ and using the hypothesisthat γn(υ) = 0, we have that

Hence υ = 0 and we are done. □

3.5.3 Properties of H(curl;Ω)We define the space of three-dimensional vector functions with curl in L2 by(3.40)

with the graph norm(3.41)

From the point of view of Maxwell's equations the space H(curl;Ω) is of central importance since it corresponds to thespace of finite-energy solutions.

Corresponding to the definition of higher-order scalar Sobolev spaces, it is also convenient to define, for s ≥ 0,(3.42)

The space H0(curl;Ω) is defined by density as follows:

As in the case of the divergence spaces, we start with a density result.

Theorem 3.26Suppose Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3. Then the closure of (C∞(Ω))3in the H(curl;Ω) norm is H(curl;Ω).

To prove Theorem 3.26, we need the following lemma, which gives an alternative characterization of functions inH0(curl;Ω).

Lemma 3.27Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3and let u ∈ H(curl;Ω) be such that for every φ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3(3.43)

Then u ∈ H0(curl;Ω).

Remark 3.28The Green's theorem in(3.43)holds for u ∈ H0(curl;Ω) and φ ∈ H(curl;Ω). This follows once we have proved the densityof (C∞(Ω))3in H(curl;Ω).


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Proof ofLemma 3.27 The proof of this lemma is rather technical and is from [143]. The idea of the proof is to use aconvolution to construct a sequence of functions in that approach u in the H(curl;Ω) norm. In order to dothis, Ω is first decomposed into a union of simpler subdomains. Then the sequence is constructed on each subdomain.We shall give a complete proof, except that we shall assume a number of properties related to the convolutionintroduced below (see, e.g. [298] for a complete discussion of the convolution).

Since Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain, there is a finite collection of open sets such that and suchthat each Ωj = Oj ∩ Ω, 1 ≤ j ≤ J, is a bounded, starlike, Lipschitz domain. By starlike we mean that for each j there is ayj ∈ Ωj such that for any x ∈ Ωj we have yj + θ(x - yj) ∈ Ωj for all θ ∈ [0, 1). Relative to this open convering, there exists apartition of unity which is a set of functions such that αi ∈ , 1 ≥ αj(x) ≥ 0, for 1 ≤ j ≤ J, andfor all x ∈ Ω. For a discussion of such open coverings and partitions of unity, see, e.g., [298].

Let ũ denote the extension of u by zero to all of R3. From (3.43) it is clear that ũ ∈ H(curl; R3). Then using the partitionof unity

and ũj = αj ũ ∈ H(curl; R3) with supp(ũj ∈ Ωj.

Now, for each Ωj, we adopt a coordinate system with the origin at the point yj (the point about which Ωj is starlike).Then the functions defined for θ ∈ (0, 1) converge to ũj in H(curl; R3) as θ→ 1. Since the setΩj is starlike, wealso have that supp( ) ⊂ Ωj for 0 < θ < 1. Next we construct a sequence in converging to .

Let be such that

(for the construction of such a function, see [298]). Then the family of functions ρε, ε > 0 defined by ρε(x) = ρ(x/ε)/ε3is such that

Now for any υ ∈ L2(R3), let the convolution ρε ∗ υ be defined by

Then ρε ∗ υ → υ in L2 (R3) as ε→ 0, and ρε ∗ υ ∈ [298]. The differentiability properties of the convolution implythat if υ ∈ then


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∇ × (ρε ∗ v) = ρε ∗ (∇ × v) (where the convolution of a vector is defined elementwise). Hence as ε → 0 inH(curl;R3). Furthermore, since has compact support in Ωj, if ε is small enough, supp and hence

. As a result, we can find a sequence of values such that (θk, εk)→ (1, 0) as k → ∞ with 0 <θk < 1 and 0 < εk < 1 such that in H(curl;Ωj). The function ũ(k) defined by

is such that for each k and ũ(k) → u in H(curl;Ω). Hence u ∈ H0(curl;Ω), and the proof is complete. □

Proof ofTheorem 3.26 The proof is from [115]. We use the projection theorem (Theorem 2.9) and consider a functionu ∈ H(curl;Ω) that is orthogonal to all vector functions in (C∞(Ω))3 so that(3.44)

Now let υ = ∇ × u. Then the above equality and (3.18) imply that u = −∇ × υ. Since u ∈ H(curl;Ω), this implies that ∇× υ ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and hence that υ ∈ H(curl;Ω). Furthermore, (3.44) implies that

So, Lemma 3.27 is applicable and we conclude that υ ∈ H0(curl;Ω). Now since is dense in H0(curl;Ω), there isa sequence such that φk → υ in the H(curl;Ω) norm as k → ∞. Applying (3.44) again, we see that

so that u = 0. Thus the orthogonal complement of the closure of (C∞(Ω))3 is trivial and the theorem is proved. □

Now we examine the trace properties of functions in H(curl;Ω). Physically, we know that Maxwell's equations need thetangential trace of the electric field to be well-defined. Thus, if H(curl;Ω) is to be used as the energy space forMaxwell's equations, we must verify that functions in this space have a well-defined tangential trace [143, 8, 63]. This isaccomplished next. First we define, for a smooth vector function υ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3, the two traces(3.45)


where as usual ν is the unit outward normal to Ω.


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Theorem 3.29Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3. Then the trace map γt which is defined classically via(3.45)on (C∞(Ω))3canbe extended by continuity to a continuous linear map from H(curl;Ω) into (H-1/2(∂Ω))3. Furthermore, the following Green's theorem holdsfor any υ ∈ H(curl;Ω) and φ ∈ (H1(Ω))3:(3.47)

Remark 3.30The map γt : H(curl;Ω) → (H-1/2(∂Ω))3is not surjective since for any v, the trace map γt(υ) is tangential to ∂Ω, whereas(H-1/2(∂Ω))3contains vectors that are not tangential to ∂Ω. The correct space for the trace is examined in the next theorem and the remarkfollowing that theorem.

Proof ofTheorem 3.29 The proof of this theorem closely resembles the proof of Theorem 3.24 using the density resultproved in Theorem 3.26. We start with the standard integral identity (3.27) so that for any υ and φ in (C∞(Ω))3(3.48)

Of course, the right-hand side may be written as 〈γt(υ), φ〉∂Ω.

Since (C∞(Ω))3 in dense in (H1(Ω))3, the identity (3.48) holds for φ ∈ (H1(Ω))3. Now using the Cauchy–Schwarzinequality on the left-hand side of (3.48) we obtain(3.49)

for all υ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3 and for all φ ∈ (H1(Ω))3. For given μ ∈ (H1/2(Ω))3 we choose φ to be the weak solution of -Δφ + φ =0 in Ω and φ = μ on ∂Ω. By Theorem 3.12 applied to each component of φ, we have that ║φ║(H


3 ≤ C║μ║(H1/2


and hence, from (3.49),

for all υ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3 and for all μ ∈ (H1/2(∂Ω))3. It follows from the definition of the -1/2 Sobolev norm in (3.11) that║ν × υ║(H


3 C║υ║H(curl;Ω). Hence γt, which is defined on (C∞(Ω))3, is continuous as a map from H(curl;Ω) into(H-1/2(∂Ω))3. Since (C∞(Ω))3 is dense in H(curl;Ω), the map γt can be extended by continuity to a map from H(curl;Ω) to(H-1/2(∂Ω))3. □

We would like to prove a similar result about γT but this is not valid for Lipschitz domains because, even if υ ∈ (H1(Ω))3,it is not necessarily true that γt(υ) ∈ (H1/2(∂Ω))3. For this reason we follow Chen et al.[77] and define the trace space forY(∂Ω) as follows:(3.50)

with norm

With this norm, Y(∂Ω) is a Banach space.


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Obviously, this characterization of the trace space is rather unappealing since we have no intrinsic way to judge if afunction is in Y(∂Ω) other than by constructing an extension to Ω. Even for Lipschitz domains, it turns out that thespace can be characterized completely [63]. However, for our purposes the following theorem is sufficient.

Theorem 3.31The space Y(∂Ω) is a Hilbert space. The trace mapping γt : H(curl;Ω) → Y(∂Ω) is surjective. The map γT :H(curl;Ω) → Y(∂Ω)′ is well-defined. For any υ ∈ H(curl;Ω) and φ ∈ H(curl;Ω)(3.51)

Remark 3.32For a Lipschitz domain it is known that γT is surjective (although we do not prove that fact here) [63]. Later, inChapter14, we shall also consider the case when we wish to define traces of functions in H(curl;Ω) on surfaces in the interior of Ω.

Of course, Y(∂Ω) can be characterized precisely [63]. As a hint of what is involved, let us define

Then we know that . To see that γt(υ) has additional smoothness, note that if we choose φ = ∇ξ for ξ ∈ H1(Ω) then,according to (3.51), we have 〈γt(υ), γT(∇ξ)〉∂Ω = (∇ × υ, ∇ξ). Using (3.14), we may write this in terms of the surface gradient as 〈ν× υ, ∇∂Ωξ〉∂Ω = (∇ × υ, ∇ξ). Integrating the right-hand side by parts using(3.33)and using the fact that ∇·∇ × υ = 0, we obtain 〈ν× υ, ∇∂Ωξ〉∂Ω =〈ν·∇ × υ, ξ〉∂Ω. The left-hand side is the weak definition of the negative of the surface divergence and we have shownthat for any υ ∈ H(curl;Ω)(3.52)

Hence it turns out that the surface divergence of γt(υ) lies in H-1/2(∂Ω). Thus functions in Y(∂Ω) have a well-defined surface divergence.For a smooth surface it turns out that

usually denoted by H-1/2(Div;∂Ω). We shall use this space in Chapter9(only for smooth domains). The dual space Y(∂Ω)′ is (again forsmooth domains) given by(3.53)

As remarked above, these spaces can also be defined for Lipschitz domains [63].


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Proof ofTheorem 3.31 We follow Chen et al.[77]. To prove that Y(∂Ω) is a Hilbert space we first note that, from(3.47), if s ∈ Y(∂Ω) is such that s = γt(υ) for υ ∈ H(curl;Ω) then, for any φ ∈ (C∞(Ω))3,

The right-hand side is well-defined for any υ, φ ∈ H(curl;Ω), and using (3.47) and the density of (C∞(Ω))3 in H(curl;Ω)we conclude that the right-hand side is independent of the choice of υ provided s = γt(υ). Thus, again using the densityof (C∞(Ω))3 in H(curl;Ω), we see that the right-hand side of (3.51) is well-defined for φ ∈ H(curl;Ω).

Now we see that for fixed s ∈ Y(∂Ω), the map L : H(curl;Ω) → R defined by

is a linear functional on H(curl;Ω); furthermore, L is bounded since |L(φ)| ≤ C║υ║H(curl;Ω)║φ║H(curl;Ω). Since L isindependent of υ (provided s = γt(υ)), we may take the infimum and conclude that |L(φ)| ≤ ║s║Y(∂Ω)║φ║H(curl;Ω). Hence,by the Riesz representation Theorem 2.17, we know there is a function w ∈ H(curl;Ω) such that

and using test functions and then φ ∈ (H1(Ω))3 we see that w satisfies(3.54)


This implies that ∇ × w ∈ H(curl;Ω) and, by the definition of the Y(∂Ω) norm and (3.54),

Combining the above results we see that

Now we can define an inner product on Y(∂Ω) denoted as usual by 〈·, ·〉Y(∂Ω). Given s1, s2 ∈ Y(∂Ω) we know thatthere are functions w1, w2 ∈ H(curl;Ω) such that (3.54) and (3.55) hold with s replaced with s1 and s2, respectively. Then

This verifies that Y(∂Ω) is a Hilbert space. We now see, via (3.51), that γT(φ) can be interpreted as a function in Y(∂Ω)′.□

The next theorem gives two alternative characterizations of H0(curl;Ω).


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Theorem 3.33Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3. Then

Proof This theorem follows from Lemma 3.27 and Theorem 3.29. Lemma 3.27 implies that the set

is a subset of H0(curl; Ω), and the Green's formula in Theorem 3.31 (applied with γt(υ) = 0) implies that

Finally, since and the set on the right-hand side of this inclusion is closed (because ofthe continuity of γt on H(curl; Ω)), we conclude that H0(curl; Ω) ⊂ {υ ∈ H(curl; Ω)|γt(υ) = 0}. These inclusions provethe result. □

We close with a theorem due to Chen et al.[77] (see also [8]) concerning an extension operator for H(curl; Ω). This isstated without proof.

Theorem 3.34Suppose Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3with boundary ∂Ω and suppose Ω is compactly contained in anotherdomain O. Then there exists a bounded linear operator E : H(curl;Ω)→ H(curl; R3) such that Eυ = υ in Ω and the support of Eυ iscontained in O.

3.6 Scalar and vector potentialsWe shall need to represent vector functions by a scalar potential, or by a vector potential as appropriate. We need toknow when this is possible, and we now present some material mainly from [143] to accomplish this. Classically, it iswell-known that a function with vanishing curl can be represented by a scalar potential. More precisely, we have thefollowing theorem.

Theorem 3.35Let Ω ⊂ R3and suppose u ∈ (C1(Ω))3and ∇ × u = 0 in Ω then for every open rectangular parallelepiped O ⊂ Ω thereis a scalar function φ ∈ C2(Ω) such that u = ∇φ in O.

Remark 3.36If Ω is a simply connected Lipschitz domain then by taking a union of parallelepipeds we can show that u = ∇φ in Ω. Ifwe require, for example, that φ has zero average value (i.e. (φ, 1) = 0 ) then φ is unique. This follows from the Poincaré inequalityinLemma 3.13.


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Proof ofTheorem 3.35 This theorem is proved in many classical texts for example [174] and so we only sketch theproof here. The basis of the proof is that on selects a point x = (x1, x2, x3)⊺ ∈ O. Then for any other point y = (y1, y2, y3)⊺the function φ is defined by

In other words, φ is defined by a path integral of u from x to y. From the this definition it is clear that u3 = ∂φ/∂y3. ButStokes theorem, and the fact that ∇ × u = 0, shows that φ does not depend on the path, thus φ is unchanged if the pathfrom x to y first moves in the y2-direction, then in the y3-direction and finally in the y1-direction. Then it is clear that u1 =∂φ/∂y1. The second component is derived in the same way. □

Theorem 3.35 is extended to Sobolev spaces in [143] as follows.

Theorem 3.37Let Ω be a bounded, simply connected Lipschitz domain inR3and suppose that u ∈ (L2(Ω))3. Then ∇ × u = 0 in Ω ifand only if there exists a scalar potential φ ∈ H1(Ω) such that u = ∇φ and φ is unique up to an additive constant.

Proof Suppose ∇ × u = 0, then using the proof from [143] we prove the existence of a scalar potential φ in two steps.First, using convolutions and a special open covering of Ω we prove the result on a sequence of strict subdomains ofΩ. Then we show that this implies the result on Ω.

To start, we extend u to all of R3 by zero, and denote the extension ũ. Now we smooth ũ using convolution. Let ρε bethe smooth function introduced in the proof of Lemma 3.27, and consider the convolution ρε ∗ ũ. Then, as in theproof of Lemma 3.27, we have that for ε > 0(3.56)



Now we use ρε ∗ ũ to construct a scalar potential.

Since Ω is a bounded, simply connected, Lipschitz domain there is a nested sequence of bounded and simplyconnected Lipschitz domains such that and Oj ⊂ Oj+1, 1 ≤ j < ∞. But ∇ × ũ = ∇ × u = 0 in Oj

and, since ρε ∗ ũ(x) is determined by ũ in a ball of radius ε about x, we have that for fixed j and ε small enough × (ρε ∗

ũ) = 0 in Oj. Hence, by Theorem 3.35 and the remark following that theorem, there is a continuously differentiablefunction such that


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Fig. 3.2. A diagram of the geometry of Ω including labeling of the boundaries. For simplicity this is shown in twodimensions.

The latter integral equality simply fixes unambiguously. But, by (3.57), is a convergent in (L2(Oj))3 and hence, bythe Poincaré inequality in Lemma 3.13, in H1(Oj) as ε → 0. Thus, on Oj, we have exhibited a function pj suchthat u = ∇pj.

Now, since Oj ⊂ Oj+1, ∇pj = ∇pj + 1 on Oj. So by adjusting pj + 1 by a constant, we have that pj = pj + 1 on Oj. Since this istrue for arbitrary j, we know that there is a function p on Oj such that u = ∇p on Oj and p ∈ L2(Oj) for all j. The latterinclusion shows that . The fact that p ∈ L2(Ω) is then assured by Lemma 3.11.

On the other hand, if u = ∇φ, it is immediate that ∇ × u = 0. □

We shall need to use a vector potential to analyze the regularity of solutions of Maxwell's equations. The next theoremgives conditions under which such a potential exists. However, before stating this theorem we need to refine ourdescription of Ω. Suppose Ω is a bounded, connected, Lipschitz domain. We denote by the connectedcomponents of ∂Ω. For definiteness, we define ∂Ω0 to denote the component of ∂Ω that is the boundary of theunbounded component of R3\Ω. For j = 0, …, J let Ωj denote the domain in R3\Ω having boundary ∂Ωj (so Ω0 isunbounded). Let O ⊂ R3 denote a bounded Lipschitz domain containing Ω in its interior. See Fig. 3.2 for a caricatureof Ω in a special case.

Theorem 3.38For any function u ∈ H(div;Ω) such that

there exists a vector potential A ∈ (H1(Ω))3such that u = ∇ × A in Ω and ∇ · A = 0 in Ω.

Remark 3.39The proof uses Fourier transforms (see e.g. [215]). Essentially, the proof is to extend u to a function ũ ∈ H(div;R3) havingcompact support. Then A can be written formally as


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Proof ofTheorem 3.38 This proof is from [143, 12]. We first note that since u ∈ H(div;Ω), the appropriate tracetheorem (Theorem 3.9) implies that u · ν ∈ H-1/2(∂Ω). We can thus explicitly extend u to R3 via a scalar potential asfollows. On each Ωj, 1 ≤ j ≤ J, we define pj ∈ H1(Ωj)/R to be the solution (see Theorem 3.15) of

By virtue of the condition 〈u · υ, 1〉∂Ωj = 0, this problem is well-defined and has a unique solution. On 0 ∩ O, wedefine p0 ∈ H1(O ∩ Ω0)/R by

This solution also exists by Theorem 3.15 since 〈∂p/∂ν, 1〉∂(O∩Ω0) = 0. Now we can define u ∈ (L2(R3))3 by

Note that ∇ · ũ = 0 in R3 because ∇ · ũ = 0 on Ω0 ∩ O, R3\O¯, Ω1, …, Ωj, and Ω and the normal component of ũ iscontinuous across common boundaries; see Theorem 5.3. Thus ũ ∈ H(div;R3).

Now let ûl denote the Fourier transform of the lth component of ũ. If the transform variable is ξ, let  havecomponents

Then it is easy to check, using the fact that ũ is divergence free so ξ1û1 + ξ2û2 + ξ3û3 = 0, that

The function A in the theorem is the inverse Fourier transform of Â. We need to show that A ∈ (H1(Ω))3. Since

Parseval's identity shows that ∇ Al ∈ (L2(R3))3, l = 1, 2, 3. Now let be such that χ = 1 in a neighborhood ofthe origin. Then writing Â(ξ) =


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χ(ξ)Â(ξ) + (1 - χ(ξ))Â(ξ) we see that χ is of compact support and hence the inverse transform is analytic on R3, andits restriction to Ω is in (L2(Ω))3. The second term (1 - χ) vanishes near ξ = 0 and belongs to (L2(R3))3 and since theFourier transform preserves the (L2(R))3 norm, we know the inverse Fourier transform of (1 - χ) is in (L2(R3))3 (seeCorollary 3.13 of [215]). □

3.7 The Helmholtz decompositionFrequently, we shall need to write a vector field (e.g. the electric field E) in terms of vector and scalar potentials. Thisdecomposition will be termed the Helmholtz decomposition. In this section we shall present, without proofs, the related deRham diagram. As we shall see, this concept is useful when describing interpolation properties of finite element spaces.Because this decomposition is central to our discussion of Maxwell's equations, but we shall not use the full power ofthe general theory, we delay detailed proofs until we actually use the results.

Before starting our discussion, we need to define more notation related to the domain Ω. In this section we do notassume that Ω is simply connected, but instead assume that there exist L open connected surfaces ∑l, l = 1, 2, …, Lcalled interior cuts contained in Ω such that, for 1 ≤ l ≤ L,

(1) Each surface ∑l is an open part of a smooth surface;(2) ∂∑l ⊂ ∂Ω(3) ∑l ∩ ∑m = 0 if l ≠ m;(4) the set is simply-connected, and pseudo-Lipschitz by which we mean that for any point x ∈ ∂Ω

there is an integer rx equal to 1 or 2 and a positive number ρ0 such that for all ρ with 0 < ρ < ρ0 the intersectionof Ω with the ball with center x and radius ρ has rx connected components, each one being a Lipschitz domain.

This definition is from [12]. For a graphical caricature of this geometry see Fig. 3.3 .

It is easy to see that if p ∈ H1(Ω) then ∇p ∈ H(curl; Ω) since ∇ × ∇p = 0 ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and ∇p ∈ (L2(Ω))3. Similarly, if u ∈H(curl;Ω), then ∇ × u ∈ H(div; Ω). These results, and the corresponding result for the divergence applied to functionsin H(div; Ω), can be summarized in the following de Rham diagram:(3.59)

A similar result, with boundary conditions, is(3.60)

Less obvious is that ∇H1(Ω)/R is a closed subspace of H(curl; Ω). We have argued before that ∇H1(Ω)/R is containedin the kernel of the curl operator and, moreover, as we shall see, the codimension of ∇H1(Ω)/R in this kernel


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Fig. 3.3. Example of an interior cut that creates a simply connected pseudo-Lipschitz domain out of a torus. Thesurface of the torus has partially removed to show the cut ∑1 (marked by darker shading).

is finite dimensional (the codimension of a closed subspace of a Hilbert space is the dimension of it's orthogonalcomplement). Similar results hold for the other spaces and operators in the sequence and are summarized in thefollowing theorem (Theorem 7 of [73]).

Theorem 3.40The diagrams(3.59) and (3.60)have the property that the range of one operator is contained in the kernel of the onefollowing it in the sequence (for example ∇ × (∇H1(Ω)) = 0). The range space of each operator is a closed subspace of the appropriatekernel with finite codimension.

Let us now understand the final part of this theorem, and with our applications in mind let us consider diagram (3.60)with boundary conditions. Since is a closed subspace of the kernel of the curl operator in H0(curl; Ω), we mayuse the projection theorem (Theorem 2.9) to write the null-space of the curl as

with orthogonality in the H(curl;Ω) inner product. Now suppose u ∈ N(curl) ⊂ H0(curl;Ω) and u ∈ . Then ∇× u = 0 in Ω and ν × u = 0 on ∂Ω, and

for all . Thus ∇ · u = 0 in Ω. This argument may also be reversed so that we conclude that

The above space is sufficiently important to have its own name. We denote the normal cohomology space by KN(Ω) definedby


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A similar analysis shows that the orthogonal complement of ∇ × H0 (curl;Ω) in the kernel of the divergence is given bythe tangential cohomology space KT(Ω) defined by

The previous theorem shows that dim (KN(Ω)) < ∞ and dim (KT(Ω)) < ∞.

Note that KN(Ω) and KT(Ω) arise naturally in electrostatics, or magnetostatics, respectively. Suppose we seek a solutionof the Maxwell system in a perfectly conducting cavity Ω that is independent of time (i.e. a steady state or staticsolution) when ε = 1, σ = 0 and J = 0 (i.e. in a vacuum with no source). Then

Thus E ∈ KN(Ω). Similarly, a source free magnetostatic field lies in KT(Ω). It is thus desirable to obtain acharacterization of these spaces that is amenable to computation. Before doing this, we pause to summarize thesituation so far:

Theorem 3.41 (Theorem 8 of [73])

(1) If u ∈ H0(curl; Ω) is such that ∇ × u = 0 in Ω then there exists a unique scalar potential and function fN ∈ KN(Ω)such that

(2) If w ∈ H0(div; Ω) is such that ∇ · w = 0 in Ω then there is a vector potential A ∈ H0(curl; Ω) and a function fT ∈ KT(Ω)such that

The vector potential is unique if we require in addition that ∇ · A = 0 in Ω and , 1, …, J.

Now let us characterize KN(Ω) using the argument from [12]. Let u ∈ KN(Ω) and define

Then obviously ∇Θ0 ⊂ KN(Ω) and we may define p ∈ Θ0 by requiring that(3.61)

This problem has a unique solution by the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 and the Poincaré inequality in Lemma 3.13.Now consider ū = u - ∇p. Then clearly


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∇ × ũ = 0 in Ω and choosing ξ = 1 on ∂Ωl and ξ = 0 on ∂Ωj, j ≠ l, in (3.61) we have

Hence, via Theorem 3.38, there is a vector potential A ∈ (H1(Ω))3 such that ũ = ∇ × A. Using the volume Stokestheorem (3.51) we have

Thus u = ∇p for some p ∈ and Δp = 0. Examination of this proof shows that we have proved:

Theorem 3.42The dimension of KN(Ω) is J and KN(Ω) is spanned by functions ∇pj, 1 ≤ j ≤ J, where pj ∈ H1 (Ω) satisfies

Remark 3.43In addition , 1 ≤ j ≤ J, and

A similar, but more involved, proof gives the following result (recall that :

Theorem 3.44The dimension of KT(Ω) is L (the number of interior cuts). KT(Ω) is spanned by ∇pl, 1 ≤ l ≤ L, where pl ∈ H1 (Ω0)and satisfies

The function pl is unique up to a constant.

From our point of view, the important lesson of this theory is the following Helmholtz or Hodge decomposition(henceforth referred to as the Helmholtz decomposition) of (L2(Ω))3. This will be fully proved later, after Theorem 4.5,in the form we need for the analysis of Maxwell's equations.


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Theorem 3.45Every u ∈ (L2(Ω))3has the decomposition

for unique p ∈ , fN ∈ KN(Ω) and

Remark 3.46A similar decomposition holds with p ∈ H1(Ω), f ∈ KT(Ω) and A ∈ H0(curl;Ω).

To simplify the presentation in the remainder of the book we are going to assume that Ω is simply connected, so L =0, and that ∂Ω consists of two components ∂Ω0 = ∑ and ∂Ω1 = Γ. Thus J = 1. At the expense of more complexnotation and spaces, we could easily include the case J > 1 in our discussion. More complicated is the case L > 0. For adiscussion of these aspects, see [12, 73, 71, 164].

3.8 A function space for the impedance problemWhen solving problems involving the impedance boundary condition, we need to use a subspace of H(curl;Ω). This isthe space Himp(curl;Ω) defined by

with the graph norm (recall that is defined in (3.13))

The choice of boundary data in is justified in [265].

Our next goal is to prove that (C∞(Ω))3 is dense in this space. To do that we need to establish some more properties offunctions in this space. We start with a basic regularity estimate for functions in Himp(curl;Ω) due to Costabel [102]. Fora more complete description of the regularity of the solutions of Maxwell's equations see [44, 106].

Theorem 3.47Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain inR3. Suppose that u ∈ H(curl;Ω) ∩ H(div;Ω), and u × ν ∈ (L2(∂Ω))3.Then u ∈ (H1/2(Ω))3and the following norm estimate holds:(3.62)

Similarly, suppose u ∈ H(curl;Ω) ∩ H(div;Ω), and u · ν ∈ (L2(∂Ω))3. Then u ∈ (H1/2(Ω))3and the following norm estimateholds:(3.63)


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Remark 3.48Note that on a convex or smooth domain with u × ν = 0 on the boundary, we can conclude (by the same argument) that u∈ (H1(Ω))3[266], but on general domains this inclusion does not hold. The difficulty with using (H1(Ω))3elements on general domains isthat solutions of Maxwell's equations cannot always be approximated by functions in (H1(Ω))3(see [105, 114]).

Proof ofTheorem 3.47 The proof is from [143] as modified by [102]. As noted in [207, 12], it suffices to prove theresult in the case when Ω is simply connected with connected boundary. The general case can be reduced to this caseby noting that a general Ω can be covered by a finite union of open sets Ok, k = 1, …, K, such that Ωk = Ok ∩ Ω isLipschitz and starlike. Then we can introduce a partition of unity such that the support of χk is in Ok (see [215]pp. 83-85). Proving the result for each χku onΩk (now a simply connected Lipschitz domain with connected boundary)and adding the results proves the general case. We shall now prove this result. For simplicity, we shall drop thesubscripts on Ωk and χku. Thus we assume that Ω is bounded and simply connected with connected boundary ∂Ω.

The method of proof is to factor u into terms with well-understood regularity. Let f = ∇ × u ∈ (L2(Ω))3. Then ∇ · f = 0in Ω and so, by Theorem 3.38 (there is now no constraint on the boundary since we have reduced to a connectedboundary), there is a vector potential w ∈ (H1(Ω))3 such that ∇ × w = f and ∇ · w = 0 in Ω. The construction of wimplies that ║w║(H


3 ≤ C║∇ × u║(L2(Ω))


Now let z = u - w. Then ∇ × z = 0 and z ∈ (L2(Ω))3. Hence, since we have reduced to the case of a simply connecteddomain, Theorem 3.37 implies that there is a scalar potential p ∈ H1(Ω) such that z = ∇p, and p satisfies Δp = ∇ · z inΩ. Since ∇ · z ∈ L2(Ω), we can construct a function q ∈ H2(Ω) such that Δq = ∇ · z in Ω. Such a function can beconstructed by convolution of ∇ · z (extended by zero to R3) with the fundamental solution of Laplace's equation on allR3 in the same way as the existence of a vector potential was proved in Lemma 3.38. Then p = q + r, where Δr = 0 inΩ and z = ∇(q + r).

Let us now consider the first estimate of the theorem, so we assume ν × u ∈ (L2(∂Ω))3. By the definition of z,

Since w ∈ (H1(Ω))3, the trace theorem shows that w|∂Ω ∈ (H1/2(∂Ω))3 and so ∇(q + r) × ν = z × ν ∈ (L2(∂Ω))3. Hence ∇r× ν ∈ (L2(∂Ω))3 and we see that r ∈ H1(∂Ω). By the regularity result in Theorem 3.17, r ∈ H3/2(Ω), and recalling that u =w + ∇q + ∇r we have(3.64)


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Thus, u ∈ (H1/2(Ω))3 and

and the term in ∇r is estimated using (3.64).

In the case ν · u ∈ L2(∂Ω), we see that z · ν = u · ν - w · ν ∈ L2(∂Ω) and

Since q ∈ H2(Ω), we know that ∂q/∂ν ∈ L2(∂Ω) and can conclude, via Theorem 3.17, that r ∈ H3/2(Ω). The proofcontinues as before, replacing ν × u by ν · u in the appropriate places. □

The following spaces will be useful for our analysis of Himp(curl;Ω):(3.65)






with the obvious graph norms in each case. Now we can prove the next lemma via the previous theorem and thecompact imbedding of (H1/2(Ω))3 in (L2(Ω))3 (see the Sobolev Imbedding Theorem 3.5).

Corollary 3.49If Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain, the spaces XT, XN, WN and WT are all compactly imbedded in (L2(Ω))3.

For a Lipschitz polyhedron Ω, and with homogeneous boundary data, Theorem 3.47 can be improved. The followingresult is Proposition 3.7 of [12].

Theorem 3.50Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz polyhedron. Suppose u ∈ XN or u ∈ XT then there is a δ > 0 such that for all s with 0 ≤s ≤ δ, the function u ∈ (H1/2 + s(Ω))3and the following a priori estimate holds:


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Proof The proof proceeds as in the proof of Theorem 3.47 by first reducing to a simply connected Lipschitz domainwith connected (actually polyhedral) boundary. We then introduce a bounded, connected and simply connectedLipschitz domain O containingΩ. Given u ∈ XN, let z denote the extension of ∇ × u by zero to O. Because u ∈ XN, weknow that z ∈ H(div;O) and ∇ · z = 0 in O. Hence, via Theorem 3.38, we know there exists a vector potential w ∈

(H1(O))3 such that z = ∇ × w and ∇ · w = 0 in O. Clearly ∇ × (u - w) = 0 in O so that by Theorem 3.37 there is a scalarp ∈ H1(O) such that u - w = ∇p in Ω and -w = ∇p in O\Ω. In Ω the potential p satisfies

Since w ∈ (H1(O))3, we know that p ∈ H2(O\Ω) and, taking the trace of p from the exterior ofΩ, we see that for 0 ≤ s <1/2 we have p ∈ H1+s(∂Ω). Via Theorem 3.18, we conclude p ∈ H3/2+s(Ω) for 0 ≤ s < sΩ. Thus u = w + ∇p ∈ (H1/2+s(Ω))3,0 ≤ s < sΩ ≤ 1/2.

The same argument is made for u ∈ XT, except now p satisfies a Neumann problem and the use of Theorem 3.18shows that p ∈ H3/2+s(Ω) for 0 ≤ s < sΩ. Taking δ with 0 < δ < min(sΩ, sΩ) proves the result. □

The next result shows that, under suitable conditions, the norm ║u║(L2(Ω))

3 of a function in WN or WT can be estimatedfrom its curl and boundary values. For similar results, see [266, 197, 198] and [143]. For extensions to mixed boundaryconditions, see [195]. Results of this type are usually referred to as Friedrichs inequalities.

Corollary 3.51Suppose that Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain. If Ω is simply connected, and has a connected boundary, there is aconstant C > 0 such that for every u ∈ WN

The same inequality holds for WT with ν × u replaced by ν · u.

Remark 3.52Using this result andTheorem 3.50, we see that if Ω is a bounded Lipschitz polyhedron and if Ω is simply connectedwith a connected boundary then there is a δ with 0 < δ ≤ 1/2 such that for u ∈ XN, 0or u ∈ XT, 0, we have u ∈ (Hs+1/2(Ω))3for 0 ≤ s ≤ δand we have

Proof ofCorollary 3.51 We start with the proof for WN. Suppose the result is false. Then there exists a sequence offunction such that

and ║un║(L2(Ω))

3 = 1 for all n. By the compactness of the imbedding of WN in (L2(Ω))3 (Corollary 3.49) there is asubsequence, still denoted , such


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that un → u in (L2(Ω))3 as n → ∞ (and weakly in WN) for some u ∈ WN. But since ║un║(L2(Ω))3 → 1 as n → ∞, thisimplies that u ≠ 0. On the other hand, ║∇ × u║(L2(Ω))3 = 0. And so, since ∇ × u = 0 in Ω, we conclude by Theorem4.3 that u = ∇p for some p ∈ H1(Ω). However, since ∇ · u = 0 inΩ, this implies that Δp = 0 inΩ. The fact that ν × u =0 then shows that ∇ ∂Ωp = 0 and since there is only one component to ∂Ω this implies, perhaps shifting p by a constant,that p = 0 on ∂Ω. The uniqueness of the solution of the the Dirichlet problem for Laplace's equation then shows p = 0in Ω and hence u = 0. This is a contradiction.

The proof for WT proceeds similarly. We need only show that if ∇ × u = 0 in Ω and u ∈ WT then u = 0. Proceeding asbefore, we see that u = ∇p for some p ∈ H1(Ω) that satisfies Δp = 0 in Ω and ∂p/∂ν = 0 on ∂Ω. The uniqueness of thesolution of the Neumann problem for Laplace's equation then shows that p is constant, and we may select p = 0.Hence u = 0 in this case also. □

We need one more auxiliary result from [35]. Let us consider the following subspace of Himp(curl;Ω):

Note that since ∇ × u ∈ H(div;Ω), Theorem 3.24 shows that the trace (∇ × u) · υ on ∂Ω is well-defined.

Lemma 3.53The space (C∞(Ω))3is dense in H imp(curl;Ω).

Proof The proof is from [35]. As in the proof of Theorem 3.47, we may assume that Ω is simply connected withconnected boundary. Suppose u ∈ Himp(curl;Ω). Let A ∈ XT,0 satisfy(3.71)

for all φ ∈ XT,0. Using the Friedrichs inequality in Corollary 3.51 and the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 we see that thisproblem has a unique solution.

Because any function in φ ∈XT may be written as φ = (φ - ∇ξ) + ∇ξ, where ξ ∈ H1(Ω) satisfies

we see that φ = φ˜ + ∇ξ, where φ˜ ∈ X T, 0 and ξ ∈ H1(Ω). Using the test function φ = ∇ξ in both sides of (3.71), we seethat the equation also holds for this function. Thus (3.71) holds for all φ ∈ XT, and hence holds for any test function in

. Indeed, using such a test function we easily verify that ∇ × (∇ × A) = 0 inΩ. In addition, using the definitionof XT in (3.68) together with (3.51) we conclude that(3.72)


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Now let us write u = (u - ∇ × A) + ∇ × A) = 0 and the boundary of the domain is connected we see, via Theorem3.38, that ∇ × A = ∇p for some p ∈ H1(Ω). But since

we conclude that p ∈ H1(∂Ω). Hence, via the density result in Lemma 3.3, we know that p may be approximated toarbitary accuracy by functions in C∞(Ω), and so ∇ × A can be approximated by functions in C∞(Ω))3.

Now consider u - ∇ × A. Note that by (3.72), υ × (u - ∇ × A) = 0 so that v - ∇ × A ∈ H0(curl;Ω), and (3.42) guaranteesthat it can be approximated to arbitrary accuracy by functions in (C∞(Ω))3. □

Now, at last, we can state and prove the main result of this section

Theorem 3.54The space(C∞(Ω))3is dense in Himp(curl;Ω).

Proof This proof is from [35]. Again, we can assume that Ω is simply connected with a connected boundary (see thestart of the proof of Theorem 3.47). Let u ∈ Himp(curl;Ω) and define p ∈ H1(Ω)/R by(3.73)

for all ξ ∈ H1(Ω)/R. By the Poincaré inequality in Lemma 3.13, and the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 this problem has aunique solution.

Since ∇ · (∇p) = 0, using Theorem 3.38, there is a function A ∈ (H1(Ω))3 such that ∇ · A = 0 and ∇p = ∇ × A in Ω.But A can be approximated in (H1(Ω))3 to arbitrary accuracy using functions in (C∞(Ω))3 (see Theorem 3.2) and hencecan be approximated by the same functions in Himp(curl;Ω).

Now we write u = A + (u - A). We see that for any ξ ∈ H1(Ω), using (3.33) and the definition of p in (3.73),

Thus ν · ∇ × (u - A) = 0 on ∂Ω, and so u - A ∈ H imp(curl;Ω). Use of Lemma 3.53 completes the proof. □

The space XN defined in (3.65) is the appropriate space for the “ellipticized” Maxwell's equations in a metallic (orperfectly conducting) cavity (see Section 7.4 for more on this approach). This space is, however, rather dangerous. Thenorm on XN is

and if we are to use XN we need to know that smooth functions are dense in this space using this norm.


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For a smooth function u ∈ (C∞(Ω))3 satisfying the boundary conditions characterizing XN, integration by parts showsthat

Of course, this is not true for arbitrary u ∈ XN. However, with this observation the following lemma is plausible(although the proof is quite difficult, and can be found in [105, 51, 103] — we do not give it here because it is notcentral to our study).

Lemma 3.55Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz polyhedral domain and define . Then is dense in (H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN.

The difficulty with using XN occurs when (H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN ≠ XN. Unfortunately, this occurs whenever Ω is non-convex.To be more precise we follow [112] and define

It is easy to see that ∇D(ΔDir) is a closed subset of XN. But when there are re-entrant corners or edges on ∂Ω this spacecontains singular functions that are not in H2(Ω) and hence which have gradients that are not in (H1(Ω))3. This wouldnot be a problem if such functions could be approximated by functions in (H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN, but this is not the case. Weconsider the decomposition of D(ΔDir) defined by

Thus we decompose a function in D(ΔDir) into a smooth part in H2(Ω) and a singular part in KDir as is usual whenanalyzing solutions of Poisson's problem on a polyhedral domain. The functions in are contained in(H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN and in fact the following lemma holds [103].

Lemma 3.56Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz polyhedron then

But KDir is an infinite-dimensional space of singular functions associated with the re-entrant corners and edges of ∂Ω.Thus, on a non-convex domain, is not dense in XN and neither is (H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN. It follows that the use of finiteelement functions in (H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN with convergence in the XN norm will fail on a non-convex domain (in particular,care must be taken when using standard vector continuous piecewise polynomial elements). This is discussed further inSection 7.4, where we note that Costabel et al.[114] have proposed a remedy using appropriate weighted spaces (i.e.using a weaker norm than the XN norm).

To show that this is a concrete concern, we consider the following example from Leis [207]. Consider the L-shapeddomain in R2 given by L = (-10, 10)2\([0, 10) × (-10, 0]), see Fig. 3.4 (similar examples can be constructed in R3 using


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Fig. 3.4. The L-shaped domain for the example of singular solutions of Maxwell's equations. We plot |u| so that thesingularity is at the origin and the edges of the domain are parallel to the coordinate axes (of course, we have truncatedthe solution which is infinite at (0, 0) for graphical purposes).

the exterior of a cone). The domain for the electromagnetic field is Ω = L × R. We seek solutions of Maxwell'sequations independent of x3 lying in the (x1, x2) plane. Hence, if u = (E1, E2)⊺, we see that Maxwell's equations implythat

where the differential operators are the planar scalar and vector curl defined in Section 3.4. Let us assume that usatisfies the perfect conducting boundary condition on edges meeting at the origin (0, 0), and allow general non-homogeneous boundary data on the remaining edges of L. Choosing appropriate non-homogeneous boundary data,we can see that one solution of this boundary value problem is

where (ρ, φ) are the cylindrical coordinates of (x1, x2) and U is a solution of the scalar Helmholtz equation ΔU + k2U =0 in L satisfying zero Neumann data on the edges of the L-shaped domain meeting at (0, 0) and non-homogeneousNeumann boundary data elsewhere. Leis [207] shows that for one such solution is given by U = Jα(ρ)cos(αφ),where Jα is the Bessel function of first kind and order α.

A plot of |u| for this choice of U is shown in Fig. 3.4, where the singularity (of course truncated for graphicalpurposes) at the origin is clearly visible. Note that an asymptotic expansion of u near ρ = 0 shows that u = O(ρ-1/3) nearρ = 0 and hence, since |∇u| = O(ρ-4/3), we see that u ∉ (H1(L))2. This provides an example, which can be generalized todomains exterior to cones in


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three dimensions, of the fact that solutions of Maxwell's equation can be rather singular near the boundary.

3.9 Curl or divergence conserving transformationsIn finite element theory we often wish to transform between different geometric domains. We need to ensure that thetransformed function has a well-defined gradient, curl or divergence, as appropriate. Suppose that K and K are twobounded domains in R3 (e.g. the reference tetrahedron and a tetrahedron in the mesh). Suppose FK : K → K is acontinuously differentiable, one-to-one and onto map, and det(dFK) is one sign on K .

A scalar function p ∈ H1(K ) is transformed to a scalar function p on K by(3.74)

where ˚ denotes composition of functions. It is then obvious that p ∈ H1(K) since the chain rule implies that(3.75)

where ∇ denotes the gradient with respect to the coordinate system for K . We shall adopt the same convention for ∇ ·and ∇x. The equality (3.75) is proved in [80].

Vector functions must be transformed in a more careful way to conserve their properties. Suppose û ∈ H(curl; K ) andwe wish to associate with û a function u defined on K in H(curl; K). Since ∇p ∈ H(curl; K ) and ∇p ∈ H(curl; K) (when p and p are related by (3.74)) we see that we must transform û to u via the transformation (3.75) so that(3.76)

where dFK is the Jacobian matrix defined by

Then we have the following result found in the notes of Dubois [133] and Appendix A of [82].

Lemma 3.57Suppose u and û are related by(3.76)where FK : K → K is a continuously differentiable, invertible and surjective mapping.Let [∇ × u] denote the 3 × 3 matrix with


Hence if û ∈ H(curl; K ) then u ∈ H(curl; K).


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Proof Note that the change of variables can be written

With this expansion


Subtracting these expressions gives

This verifies the change of variable for the curl considered as a matrix and completes the proof. □

It is now possible, using for example MAPLE, to show that for any skew symmetric matrix C of the form

and any invertible matrix B, if

then A2, 3 = d1, A1, 3 = -d2 and A1, 2 = d3. We have thus verified the following corollary.

Corollary 3.58Under the conditions ofLemma 3.57, suppose û ∈ H(curl; K ) and that u and û are related by (3.76). Then u ∈

H(curl; K) and


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Now we wish to prove a similar result for the divergence. In view of the fact that if û ∈ H(curl;K ) then ∇ × û ∈

H(div;K ) we see that we must transform a function in ŵ ∈ H(div;K ) to w ∈ H(div;K) via(3.77)

To verify that this is a good transformation we prove the following lemma:

Lemma 3.59Suppose w and ŵ are differentiable functions related by (3.77), where FK : K → K is a continuously differentiable,invertible and surjective mapping. Then

Hence if ŵ ∈ H(div;K ) then w ∈ H(div;K).

Proof Suppose ŵ ∈ H(div;K) and w ∈ H(div;K) are related by (3.77). Then transforming the following integral from Kto K using FK, for we obtain, using (3.74) and (3.20),

where sign(det(dFK)) = det(dFK)/|det(dFK)|. Now we transform back to K treating ∇ · ŵ as a scalar function using(3.74) to obtain(3.78)

Since this holds for all , we have the desired result. □

Some further useful facts that can help in the implementation of a finite element method are as follows. First, let ν bethe unit outward normal to K . Then if ◯ ∈ ∂K and ν is defined by(3.79)

we know that ν is a unit normal to K. Second, let τ is any unit vector tangent to ∂K at ◯. Then if τ is given by(3.80)


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we know that τ is a unit vector tangent to ∂K at FK(◯) (see p. 265 of [143]).

It is also necessary to know how surface and line integrals transform under FK. For example, if we define the surfaceJacobian by

then, if p and p are related by (3.74), we have [61](3.81)

Here ν is the unit outward normal to K . In addition for v and υ related by (3.77) and φ and φ related by (3.74) we have

This relationship is used to conclude that mapped divergence conforming elements are still divergence conforming onthe mapped element (see Chapter 5 ). Similarly if u and û are related by (3.76), and if υ and υ related in the same waythen(3.82)

This latter result follows from Theorem 3.29. Using that theorem, if u, w ∈ H(curl;K) and if (3.76) is used together withthe conclusion of Corollary 3.58, we have

which completes the derivation of the desired equality.


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4.1 IntroductionFinite element methods are based on variational or weak formulations of boundary value problems. Before proceedingto discretize the Maxwell system, we, therefore, need to establish a reliable variational formulation. In this chapter weshall develop a standard variational formulation of the cavity problem (1.25) and show that it has a unique solution. Ofcourse, there are many possible variational formulations for this problem, including those based on the first-orderMaxwell system (1.10), but the one we shall develop is commonly used as the basis of finite element methods. In orderto perform the analysis of this variational problem we will have to expand on the discussion of appropriate functionspaces presented in the previous chapter. First we formally derive a variational formulation of the cavity problem usingthe Galerkin method.

We assume that the domain Ω ⊂ ℝ3 occupied by the electromagnetic field is bounded and simply connected. Inaddition, we assume that Ω is a Lipschitz polyhedron (see Definition 3.1). In fact, for this section we could drop theassumption that Ω is a polyhedron (that assumption comes into play when we discuss finite element methods). Theboundary of Ω is assumed to consist of at most two connected components, denoted ∑ and Γ (either of these may bethe empty set if there is only one component to the boundary). For a schematic of the domain, see Fig. 4.1 .

Using the Galerkin method, we can find a variational formulation for the cavity problem as follows. Taking the dotproduct of (1.25a) by the complex conjugate of a smooth vector function φ (called the test function) and integratingover Ω, and then using the integration by parts formula (3.51) we obtain(4.1)

where ∂Ω denotes the boundary of Ω, φ is the complex conjugate of φ and φT = (ν × φ) × ν on ∂Ω. Recalling ourassumption that ∂Ω = ∑ ∪ Γ, we now need to take account of the boundary conditions. On Γ the perfect conductingboundary condition (1.25b) gives no information about , so we eliminate this portion of the integral bychoosing φ such that φT = 0 or, equivalently, ν × φ = 0 on Γ. On ∑ the impedance boundary condition (1.25c)

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Fig. 4.1. Geometry of the cavity. The impenetrable scatterer occupies the domain D with boundary Γ and issurrounded, in this case, by a medium made up of materials of differing electromagnetic properties occupyingsubdomains Ωj, j = 1, …, 4. These subdomains are Lipschitz, and on these subdomains the functions μr and εr are alsosuitably smooth (see the text). The impedance boundary condition is applied on the boundary component ∑.

gives . Using this in (4.1) we obtain (taking data terms to the right-hand side)(4.2)

From this we can see that in order for all the integrals to be well defined, we should use the space X defined by(4.3)

Thus, we can state the variational or weak cavity problem as follows. Given F ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and , we wish to findE ∈ X such that (4.2) is satisfied for all φ ∈ X.

In order to simplify notation, we recall the following inner products. For any u, v ∈ (L2(Ω))3,

and for any u, v ∈ (L2(∑))3

Using this notation the variational cavity problem is to find E ∈ X such that(4.4)


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for all φ ∈ X. For future reference we define the sesquilinear form a: X × X → ℂ as follows.(4.5)

for all u, v ∈ X.

The remainder of this chapter is devoted to showing that, under appropriate assumptions on the coefficients anddomain, problem (4.4) has a unique solution. There are two aspects of Maxwell's equations that make this theoryinteresting. First, the curl operator has a large null space (the curl of the gradient of a function is zero) and this nullspace, which is related to the divergence condition (1.11a), must be removed from X using the Helmholtzdecomposition. This will require an understanding of some of the properties of the space X, which we present inSection 4.3 . Second, the presence of the term -κ2(εrE, φ) on the lefthand side of (4.4) means that the left-hand side isnot a coercive sesquilinear form. To counter this problem, we can use the Fredholm alternative (Theorem (2.33)) toprovide conditions under which we are guaranteed the existence of a solution. This in turn requires a separate proofthat (4.4) has at most one solution. The result of this analysis will be a well-understood variational problem suitable fordiscretization by the finite element method.

4.2 Assumptions on the coefcients and dataSo far we have been rather lax in specifying our assumptions on the coefficients and data in (4.4). We correct that inthis section. Remember our standing assumption that Ω is a bounded, simply connected, Lipschitz polyhedral domainwith boundary ∂Ω consisting of two disjoint connected components ∑ and Γ.

The coefficients εr and μr in (4.4) are assumed to be piecewise smooth. In particular, we assume that Ω may bedecomposed into P subdomains denoted Ωp, p = 1, …, P, (see Fig. 4.1 ) such that

(1) where Ω denotes the closure of Ω;(2) Ωp ∩ Ωq = ∅, if p ≠ q;(3) each subdomain Ωp, p = 1, …, P, is connected and has a Lipschitz boundary;(4) the coefficient μr is constant on each subdomain (of course, a different constant is allowed from subdomain to

subdomain);(5) the coefficient εr is assumed to have the following properties:

• the restriction of εr to Ωp is a function in H3(Ωp),• there is a constant c > 0 such that for each p, p = 1, …, P, either ℑ(εr) ≥ c on Ωp or ℑ(εr) = 0 on Ωp.

The unusual assumption that εr|Ωp ∈ H3(Ωp) requires some comment! Using the Sobolev Imbedding Theorem 3.5, wecan see that this implies εr ∈ C1(Ωp). In addition, we shall need to extend such functions outside Ωp while maintainingsmoothness. Thanks to the Calderon Extension Theorem 3.2, this is possible.


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The assumption that μr is piecewise constant is used to simplify the proof of uniqueness for the solution of (4.4) andcan be avoided as we shall comment in Section 4.6 .

The impedance function λ is assumed to be a strictly-positive real-valued function of position on the boundary ∑ withλ ∈ L∞(∑). Physically, we expect λ > 0, but the case λ = 0 is useful for imposing a symmetry boundary condition on thefield and will be handled later in Chapter 11 .

The data functions F and g are assumed to be such that and F ∈ (L2(Ω))3. Of course in specific applications wemay have more smoothness. In particular, for scattering problems we often have that F = 0 and g ∈ (Hs(∑))3 for anys ≥ 0. We could allow F to be more general, so that all the arguments of this section are valid if F ∈ X′, where X′ is thedual space of X. This allows, for example, surface delta functions (i.e. sheets of charge) but not line delta functions(crude models of wires) [73]. However, the presentation of the finite element method would be more complex, and sowe generally stick with the easier assumption of square integrability.

4.3 The space X and the nullspace of the curlThe space X was introduced in the previous section as the natural space for posing problem (4.4). Here we will givesome of its relevant properties which follow from the properties of H0(curl;Ω) and Himp(curl;Ω) introduced in Sections3.5.3 and 3.8, respectively. Then we continue by identifying the null-space of the curl operator, so we can rewrite (4.4)by removing this null-space.

Theorem 4.1The space X defined in(4.3)when equipped with the inner product (u, v)x defined, for eachu, v ∈ X, by

is a Hilbert space. The following space is dense in X:

where D is the domain exterior to Γ viewed from Ω.

Remark 4.2 Of course, the inner product defined in this theorem gives rise to the norm ║ · ║x defined for everyu ∈ X by

Proof of Theorem 4.1 To see that the set X is well-defined, we need only note that, by Theorem 3.29, for any u ∈

H(curl; Ω), the trace ν × u makes sense as a function in (H−1/2(∑))3, hence uT is defined.

To see that X is a Hilbert space, we need to show that it is complete. Note that for any u, v ∈ X, 〈uT, vT〉 = 〈ν × u,ν × v〉, so we can use ║ν × u║(L


3 in place of the corresponding norm on uT in the definition of X. Now supposewe have


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a Cauchy sequence in X. Then this is certainly a Cauchy sequence in H(curl; Ω) and is a Cauchysequence in (L2(∑))3, so there are functions u ∈ H(curl;Ω) and v ∈ (L2(∑))3 such that un → u in H(curl;Ω) and ν × un →v in (L2(∑))3. On the other hand, in (H−1/2(∑))3, ν × un → ν × u since the trace operator is continuous on H(curl; Ω).Thus ν × u = v and we have verified the desired completeness.

To prove the density result, let be such that φ = 1 in the neighborhood of Γ, φ = 0 in the neighborhood of ∑and 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1. If u ∈ X then φu ∈ H0(curl; Ω), and so by Theorem 3.26, given ε > 0, there is a functionsuch that . On the other hand, (1 − φ)u ∈ Himp(curl; Ω) Hence by Lemma 3.54, for any δ > 0, there is afunction such that . Now let φ1 ∈ C∞(ℝ3) be such that φ1 = 0 in the neighborhood of Γ and φ1

= 1 in the support of (1 − φ). Then and

Picking δ such that δ + ║1 − φ1║W1, ∞

(Ω)δ < ε/2 completes the proof. □

Next we need to characterize the functions in X which have vanishing curl, since we will have to handle them carefullyin analyzing the variational problem. So far we have not needed to use the strong assumptions about the domain Ω.For the next result we need to invoke these standing assumptions.

Theorem 4.3Suppose Ω is simply connected Lipschitz domain and has a boundary consisting of two disconnected components ∑ and Γ(each of which are connected). In addition, supposeu ∈ X is such thatuT = 0 on ∑ and ∇ × u = 0 in Ω. Then there is a scalar potentialp ∈ S such thatu = ∇p, where S is defined by(4.6)

Remark 4.4An equivalent way to state the theorem is that anyu ∈ H0(curl;Ω) such that ∇ × u = 0 can be represented as the gradientof a scalar potential in S. Note (seeTheorem 3.41).

If the boundary of Ω consists of N + 1 connected components, then the above result holds except that the scalar potential is defined up to Nconstant boundary values on N of the surfaces. The proof is obvious.

If the domain Ω is not simply connected, the same conclusion holds because of the assumed perfect conducting boundary condition. In thiscase we must first


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reduce to a simply connected domain using “cuts”, and then show that in fact the potential p is continuous across the cuts. For a detaileddiscussion of cuts in this context, see [12] and Section3.7.

Proof ofTheorem 4.3 By Theorem 3.37 we know that u = ∇p for some p ∈ H1(Ω). The perfect conducting boundarycondition implies that on each component of the boundary uT = (ν × u) × ν = 0. But uT = (∇p)T = ∇SP, where ∇SP is thesurface gradient on S = Γ or S = ∑. Thus p is constant on each component of the boundary, and we can choose thevalue on one component (in particular, on Γ) to vanish. □

4.4 Helmholtz decompositionNow that we have characterized the null space of the curl operator we can remove, or factor out, this component fromX. The following lemma, which we prove in detail, is essentially a special case of Theorem 3.45 (however, weallow εr ≠ 1).

Lemma 4.5 (Helmholtz decomposition) The space ∇S is a closed subspace of X, and we may write(4.7)


Remark 4.6This is just the Helmholtz decomposition. By the lemma, anyu ∈ X can be written uniquely asu = u0 + ∇p for someu0 ∈

X0and p ∈ S. But from the definition of X0we see that if then

so ∇ · (εru0) = 0, and we can now conclude that the normal trace ν · (εru0) is well defined. Using this fact, together with the choice of a testfunction ξ ∈ S such that ξ = 1 on ∑, we see that 〈ν · (εru0), 1〉 = 0. Since the divergence vanishes in Ω,

We conclude that 〈ν · (εru0), 1〉Γ = 0 and hence, byTheorem 3.38, there is a vector function ψ ∈ (H1(Ω))3such that εru0 = ∇ × ψ.Therefore, we can write

which reduces to the classical Helmholtz decomposition inTheorem 3.45when εr = 1.

Proof ofLemma 4.5 This lemma is proved in [190]. It is entirely classical when εr is real since then the bilinear form(εru, v) is an inner product on (L2(Ω))3, so the result follows from the projection theorem.


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The space ∇S is closed in X since S is closed in H1(Ω). Now we have to make sense of the decomposition of X. Let usdefine the sesquilinear form ã : X × X → ℂ by

Since εr is complex symmetric with strictly uniformly positive and bounded real part, the sesquilinear form ã(·, ·) hasthe following properties:

(i) There exists a constant c > 0 independent of u such that

This follows from taking the real part of ã(u, u).(ii) There exists C > 0 independent of u and v such that

Hence, for each u ∈ X, the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 assures us that there exists a unique function Pu ∈ ∇Ssuch that

It follows that P is a bounded operator from X into ∇S and obviously Pu = u if u ∈ ∇S, so P is a projection.Thus we may write any function u ∈ X as u = Pu + (I − P)u. But (I − P)u ∈ X0 since for any ξ ∈ S

This completes the proof. □

4.4.1 Compactness properties of X0

Next we shall prove two useful properties of the space X0 defined in (4.8). The first, due to Weber [292], is thecompact imbedding of X0 into (L2(Ω))3 (see also [207]). The second result, which follows from the compactnessproperty, is a “Friedrichs inequality” [266, 196] showing that on X0, the curl–curl bilinear form is coercive.

Using Theorem 3.47, and a trick from [71], we can prove the following general compactness result (of course, theSobolev norm estimate in Theorem 3.47 does not hold since, in general, the fields in X0 are discontinuous). A similartrick is also used in [159].

Theorem 4.7Suppose the domain Ω and the coefficient εrsatisfy the conditions given in Section4.2. Then X0is compactly imbedded in(L2(Ω))3.


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Proof The proof follows closely the proof of Proposition 2.28 in [71]. For this proof we need to distinguish betweenthe space X0 when εr = 1 and the corresponding space for general εr. Thus we define

Consider a bounded sequence . Using the Helmholtz decomposition (see Lemma 4.5) when εr = 1 we maywrite , for some and . Because,

we know that and thus . Then by the compactness property when εr = 1 implied byTheorem 3.47 since (see also Corollary 3.49), there is a function and a subsequence, still denoted

such that(4.9)

But using the Helmholtz decomposition of (i.e. with ε = εr) we have w(1) = w(εr) + ∇p(ε

r), for some , and p(ε

r) ∈

S. We shall now show that wn → w(εr) in (L2(Ω))3 as n → ∞. Using the fact that and w(ε

r) are in we have

Hence, due to (4.9), as n → 0. □

The next result verifies that we have indeed removed the null-space of the curl from X. It is very similar to Corollary3.51, and is referred to as Friedrichs inequality.

Corollary 4.8Suppose that Ω is a bounded, simply connected, Lipschitz domain with boundary consisting of two disjoint connectedcomponents ∑ and Γ. In addition, suppose that the function εrsatisfies the conditions given in Section4.2 . Then there is a constant C suchthat for everyu ∈ X0

Proof We proceed as in the proof of Corollary 3.51. This requires us to verify that if u ∈ X0 and

then u = 0. Since ∇ × u = 0 in Ω, ν × u = 0 on ∑ and u ∈ X0, we conclude by Theorem 4.3 that u = ∇p for some p ∈S. Thus u ∈ (∇S) ∩ (∇S)⊥ and so u = 0. □


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4.5 The variational problem as an operator equationNow that we know X = X0 ⊕ ∇S (see Lemma 4.5) we can write any solution E of (4.4) as E = E0 + ∇p for some E0 ∈

X0 and p ∈ S. Substituting this decomposition into (4.4) and using the fact that ∇ × ∇p = 0, and (∇p) × ν = 0 on ∂Ω, wefind that(4.10)

Now if we choose φ = ∇ξ for some ξ ∈ S and use the fact that ∇ξ ∈ H0(curl; Ω) we obtain −κ2(εr(E0 + ∇p), ∇ξ) = (F,∇ξ). But since E0 ∈ X0 we see that p ∈ S satisfies(4.11)

Given our assumptions on εr, we can easily show that this variational problem has a unique solution.

Lemma 4.9Assume that κ > 0 and that Ω and εrsatisfy the conditions given in Section4.2 . Then there exists a unique solution p ∈ Sto(4.11)and there is a constant C independent ofFsuch that(4.12)

Proof This is an easy application of the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21. Let b : S × S → ℂ be defined by b(p, ξ) = −κ2(εr∇p,∇ξ). Then we can easily verify that b is a bounded sesquilinear form on S × S using the boundedness of εr. On theother hand, taking ξ = p and using the fact that the real part of εr is uniformly positive, we can show that b is coercive.□

Using Lemma 4.9 we can see that determining E or E0 is equivalent and so we will study the problem of determiningE0 ∈ X0 such that(4.13)

for all φ ∈ X0. The restriction to test functions in X0 is justified since X0 is a subset of X.

We shall have to work a good deal harder to analyze (4.13) compared to (4.11). We start by writing (4.13) as anoperator equation and then show that the resulting equation is of Fredholm type. Application of the Fredholmalternative then reduces the analysis to proving that (4.13) has at most one solution. The obvious space in which towrite the operator equation is X0, but because our finite element space will not be a subspace of X0 (it will be asubspace of X) we instead work in (L2(Ω))3.

We define the sesquilinear form a+ : X × X → ℂ by(4.14)

for all u, v ∈ X. This form is coercive as the following lemma shows.


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Lemma 4.10There exists a constant α > 0 depending on μr, εr, λ and κ such that

where α is independent of u.

Proof This lemma is obvious if εr is real valued. From the definition of a+ we have

Expanding this expression and using the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality we see that, for any δ > 0,

By the assumptions on the coefficients, there are constants εr,1 > 0 and εr,2 ≥ 0 such that ℜ(εr) ≥ εr,1 and ℑ(εr) ≤ εr,2 in Ω.Then, if we choose δ < 1, we may estimate

Thus if we choose δ such that we obtain the desired inequality. □

Now that we know a+ is coercive, we can define the map K : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3 such that if f ∈ (L2(Ω))3 then Kf ∈ X0

⊂ (L2(Ω))3 satisfies(4.15)

We have the following result.

Theorem 4.11The operator K is a bounded and compact map from (L2(Ω))3into (L2(Ω))3. In addition,


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Proof We start by showing that K is well defined by checking that a+(u, v) satisfies the conditions of the Lax–MilgramLemma 2.21. First we check boundedness. Using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the boundedness of μr, εr, and λ,we see that

where C depends on κ and the upper and lower bounds on μr, εr and λ. Hence |a+(u, v)| ≤ C║u║X║v║X. Coercivitywas proved in Lemma 4.10. Thus a+(·, ·) satisfies the conditions of the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21, so Kf is well definedand ║KfX ≤ C║f║(L



Now we need to show that K is compact. Suppose is a bounded sequence in (L2(Ω))3. Then by the aboveinequality is a bounded sequence in X0. Hence by the Theorem 4.7 there is a subsequence converging stronglyin (L2(Ω))3. This implies that K is compact and we are done. □

Next we define a vector ℱ ∈ (L2(Ω))3 by requiring ℱ ∈ X0 satisfies(4.16)

Again using the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 exactly as before, we have that ℱ is well defined and

By Lemma 4.9 this can be rewritten as(4.17)

Using the operator K we can then see that problem (4.13) is equivalent to finding E0 ∈ (L2(Ω))3 such that(4.18)

Furthermore, since K is compact, the Fredholm alternative (Theorem 2.33) is applicable. Thus, if we can show that thisequation has at most one solution, we will have proved our desired existence result. The proof of the uniqueness ofany solution of (4.18) requires a careful analysis and will be undertaken in the next section. Note that, if we can solve(4.18), then we shall have the norm estimate(4.19)

However, rearranging (4.18), we have E0 = ℱ − KE0, so E0 ∈ X0 and, by the a priori estimate for K, we have


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and, using the estimate (4.19) and the a priori estimate for ℱ in (4.17) provides an estimate for E0 in X.

4.6 Uniqueness of the solutionIn this section we shall prove that the variational formulation of Maxwell's equations (4.4) has at most one weaksolution under the assumptions in Section 4.2 and provided that either (or both) of the following conditions hold:

• The imaginary part of εr is strictly positive on some open subdomain of Ω.• The boundary ∑ is non-empty.

Let us suppose there are two solutions E1, E2 ∈ X to (4.4). Let e = E1 − E2. Then using the linearity of the system wecan subtract (4.4) with E = E2 from (4.4) with E = E1 to show that the difference e ∈ X satisfies the homogeneousproblem(4.20)

Thus, to prove uniqueness of the solution, it suffices to prove that e = 0 is the only solution of the above homogeneousproblem. In fact, we shall prove the following theorem.

Theorem 4.12Under the assumption that the data for(4.4) satisfies the conditions in Section 4.2and, in addition, that either theimaginary part of εris strictly positive on some non-empty subdomain of Ω or that ∑ is non-empty, there is at most one solutionEto (4.4).

The proof proceeds in two steps. First, using the above assumptions on the coefficient εr or boundary ∑, we prove thatthe solution is unique on either the region where the imaginary part of εr is positive, or on ∑. We then appeal to aunique continuation result to show that the solution is unique everywhere.

We prepare to prove Theorem 4.12 by first proving the unique continuation result. Unfortunately, this result does notseem to follow easily from the variational formulation for Maxwell's equations. Instead, it is proved by using adifferential inequality. We state and prove the basic unique continuation result next. This is essentially Theorem 9.3from Colton and Kress [94].

Theorem 4.13Suppose Ω0is an open, connected subdomain of Ω. Suppose that u, v ∈ H(curl; Ω0) satisfy

and thatuvanishes in a ball of non-zero radius contained in Ω0. Suppose, in addition, that εris a real, continuously differentiable function inΩ0and μris real and constant in Ω0. Thenu = 0 andv = 0 in Ω0.

Remark 4.14This theorem holds in more generality. Vogelsang [287] proves unique continuation under the assumption that εrand μraresymmetric, real valued, uniformly positive-definite and bounded matrix functions of position in (L∞(Ω0))9. However, the proof, althoughsimilar in spirit, is much more complicated than the one given here. An even more general case has recently been analyzed in [245].


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The proof of this theorem uses a result on differential inequalities. The proof we give is from Colton and Kress [94]who in turn follow Leis [207] and Müller [228].

Lemma 4.15Let Ω1be a connected domain in ℝ3and supposev ∈ (H1(Ω1))3where v = (v1, v2, v3)⊤is a real-valued function that satisfies

almost everywhere in Ω1, where C is a constant. Ifvvanishes identically in a neighborhood of a pointx0 ∈ Ω1, thenvis identically zero in Ω1.

Remark 4.16This result is essentially Lemma 8.5 of [94], although our result is stated forv ∈ (H2(Ω1))3. The proof in Colton andKress is forv ∈ (C2(Ω1))3but only relies on the fact that Δvis well defined in L2(Ω1). For the proof of this lemma, see Colton and Kress[94].

Using this differential inequality we can prove the unique continuation result for Maxwell's equations stated inTheorem 4.13.

Proof ofTheorem 4.13 Using the fact that ∇ × v = iκεru we have

In addition, since μr is constant on Ω0, taking the divergence of this equation shows that ∇·v = 0 in Ω0. Butand using the fact that ∇ × ∇ × v = −Δv + ∇∇·v we have

Hence Δv ∈ L2(Ω0) and, by standard interior elliptic regularity results (see, e.g. Theorem 2.7 of [207]), we have that forany Ω1 compactly contained in Ω0, v ∈ (H2(Ω1))3. Thus we may apply the previous lemma to the real and imaginaryparts of v separately and conclude v = 0 in Ω1. But the subdomain Ω1 was arbitrary and hence v = 0 in Ω0. □

Now that we have prepared the ground, we can prove the desired uniqueness theorem.

Proof ofTheorem 4.12 Consider the solution e ∈ X of (4.20). We now select φ = e in (4.20) and take the imaginary partof the resulting equation to show that(4.21)

Since λ is real and positive, this implies eT = 0 on Σ and e = 0 on any subdomain ofΩ on which ℑ(εr) is strictly positive.

Suppose first that ℑ(εr) is strictly positive on some subdomainΩp ofΩ. IfΩp =Ω then we are done. If not, then we canonly conclude that e = 0 on all


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Fig. 4.2. Geometry of the domains in the continuation proof of uniqueness. The ball Br1(x0) is centered at x0 (indicatedby the • in the diagram) on the common boundary between Ωp and Ωq. The solution e is zero on Ωp and hence in asmall ball (dotted line) inside Br1(x0).

subdomains such that ℑ(εr) ≠ 0. Let Ωq be a subdomain on which ℑ(εr) = 0 and that shares a boundary containing anopen set with a subdomain Ωp on which we have verified that e = 0. The pair of domains has the following properties:

• Ωq ∩ Ωp is a Lipschitz surface with non-empty interior;• εr is real on Ωq, and continuously differentiable there.

Now we extend εr on Ωq across the boundary Ωq ∩ Ωp into Ωp such that the extended function εr is continuouslydifferentiable (this is possible by the Calderon Extension Theorem 3.2 since our assumption is that εr ∈ H3(Ωq)). Also μr

restricted to Ωq is trivially extended as a constant to obtain μ r defined on Ωp ∪ Ωq. Let Br1(x0) be a ball of sufficientlysmall radius r1 centered on a point x0 in Ωq ∩ Ωp such that Br1(x0) ⊂ Ωq ∪ Ωp and εr is strictly positive in Ωq ∪ Br1(x0) (seeFig. 4.2 ).

Since e vanishes on Ωp we have that e also satisfies

and e vanishes on and in particular on a ball in this set. Hence, since εr and μ r are real valued, we conclude bythe unique continuation result in Theorem 4.13 that e = 0 in and hence in Ωp ∪ Ωq. We can continue in thisway jumping from subdomain to subdomain until all the subdomains on which εr is real have been reached and weconclude that e = 0 on Ω.

If εr is real in all Ω, we must invoke the assumption on Σ which is not empty. Using (4.21) we know that eT = 0 on Σ.Let Ωq be a subdomain such that Ωq ∩ Σ contains a non-trivial subdomain of Σ and such that εr is continuouslydifferentiable on Ωq. As before, we can extend εr on Ωq to a function εr defined on ℝ3 such that εr is continuouslydifferentiable. Since εr is positive onΩq, we may then choose a ball centered at a point x0 onΩq ∩ Σ such that εr ispositive on and . Now if we extend e by zero from \ Ωq we have that


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for all φ ∈ H0 (curl; ) so that e is a weak solution of Maxwell's equations there and, furthermore, e vanishes on\Ωq. Hence, again by the unique continuation result of Theorem 4.13, e vanishes on and hence onΩp ∪

Ωq. Now we can proceed as before to show that e = 0 onΩ by jumping across boundaries between the subdomains onwhich εr is differentiable. □

We can now summarize our existence and uniqueness result for the interior problem (4.4).

Theorem 4.17Suppose the coefficients, domain and data for problem(4.4)satisfy all the conditions outlined in Section4.2 . Suppose, inaddition, that either (or both) of the following conditions hold:

• The imaginary part of εris strictly positive on some subdomain of Ω containing a ball of non-zero radius.• The boundary ∑ is non-empty.

Then problem(4.4)possesses a unique solutionE ∈ X for any value of κ > 0. Furthermore, there is a constant C > 0 independent ofE,Fandgbut depending on κ such that

Proof According to Theorem 4.5 we may writeE = E0 + ∇p for some E0 ∈ X0, and p ∈ S. In addition, by Lemma 4.9, pis uniquely determined and estimate (4.12) holds. By Theorem 4.12, there is at most one solution to (4.4) and hence, bythe fact that (4.18) is a Fredholm equation, the Fredholm alternative (Theorem 2.33) implies that (4.18) has a uniquesolution and (4.19) holds.

Since ℱ ∈ X0 and AE0 ∈ X0, we have that E0 = −KE0 + ℱ ∈ X0 and using (4.19)(4.22)

The norm bound then follows by combining (4.12) and (4.22) and using (4.17). □

4.7 Cavity eigenvalues and resonancesTheorem 4.17 proves the existence and uniqueness of the solution of (4.4) provided ℑ(εr) is strictly positive on someregion or λ is strictly positive on ∑ ≠ ∅. Suppose now that ∑ = ∅ and ℑ(εr) = 0. We are thus trying to solve theproblem of finding E ∈ H0(curl; Ω) such that(4.23)

The term 〈g, φT 〉 in (4.4) does not appear since ∑ = ∅. As before, μr and εr satisfy the assumptions in Section 4.2with the additional assumption that ℑ(εr) = 0.


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In this case, as we shall see, there are values of κ for which we cannot, in general, conclude the existence of a uniquesolution to (4.23) (existence can be concluded for special choices of F). The values of κ for which (4.23) fails to have aunique solution are called cavity eigenvalues or resonances of Ω. A knowledge of these resonances is useful in the design ofmicrowave devices [271].

Since ℑ(μr) = ℑ(εr) = 0, we can take real and imaginary parts of E and conclude that it suffices to analyze (4.23) whenE, μr and εr are all real-valued functions and H0(curl; Ω) is a real Hilbert space. Thus for the rest of this section we shallbe dealing with real-valued functions and all constants will be real.

To compute the resonances ofΩ, we consider the problem of finding non-trivial pairs E ∈ H0 (curl;Ω) and κ ∈ ℝ suchthat(4.24)

Note that both κ and E are unknown, as is usual for eigenvalue problems.

To analyze this problem, we can invoke the Helmholtz decomposition (Lemma 4.5) to write any solution as

Then we see that p satisfies (taking φ = ∇ξ in (4.24) for some ξ ∈ S)

Thus either κ = 0 or (εr ∇p, ∇ξ) = 0. If κ ≠ 0 then choosing ξ = p, we have ∇p = 0 and hence from the vanishingDirichlet data on Γ we have that p = 0. When κ = 0, we have from (4.24) that E0 ∈ X0 satisfies

Since E0 ∈ X0, the Friedrichs inequality (Corollary 4.8) implies that E0 = 0.

Thus κ = 0 is an eigenvalue of infinite multiplicity of (4.24) and the corresponding eigenfunctions are E0 = ∇p, for p ∈S. These eigenfunctions are not usually considered to be physically relevant since we also need ∇ · (εrE) = 0 because nosources are present. In this case, we see that ∇ · (εr∇p) = 0 in Ω and we again conclude that p = 0. Thus any scheme forusing (4.24) to compute resonances must be able to identify the eigenfunctions corresponding to κ = 0 and either onlycompute those for κ ≠ 0 or else compute all eigenpairs for (4.24) and reject those for κ = 0.

Now we can assume that κ ≠ 0 and we see that (4.24) may be written as the problem of finding E0 ∈ X0, (E0 ≠ 0), andκ ∈ ℝ, such that(4.25)

By choosing φ = E0 we see from the Friedrichs inequality (Corollary 4.8) that

We may choose κ > 0.


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To conclude the existence of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions we apply the Hilbert–Schmidt theory (Theorem 2.36). Tothis end, we rewrite (4.25) as the problem of finding E0 ∈ X0 such that

Now we define the operator K : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3 by requiring that if f ∈ (L2(Ω))3, then K f ∈ X0 satisfies(4.26)

The proof of Theorem 4.11 shows that K is compact. In addition, K is self-adjoint, but not in the usual (L2(Ω))3 innerproduct. We actually need to introduce a new space defined by but with the inner product (andcorresponding norm) given by

Obviously, the norm on is equivalent to the standard (L2(Ω))3 norm and so is well defined andcompact. To see that K is self-adjoint in this space, for any we have, using the definition of K ,

Here we have used the fact that εr and μr are real, and hence is a symmetric bilinear form.

Since K is compact and self-adjoint as a map from to itself, we can apply the Hilbert–Schmidt theory to theoperator equation(4.27)

where μ = 1/(1 + κ2). We summarize our discussion (actually a little more work will be needed!) as follows:

Theorem 4.18The solutions of the eigenvalue problem(4.24)have the following properties:

(1) Corresponding to the eigenvalue κ = 0 there is an infinite family of eigenfunctions E = ∇p for any p ∈ S.(2) There is an infinite discrete set of eigenvalues κj > 0, j = 1, 2, … and corresponding eigenfunctions Ej ∈ X0, Ej ≠ 0, such that

(a) equation(4.24)is satisfied,(b) 0 < κ1 ≤ κ2 ≤ …,


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(c) limj→∞ κj = ∞,(d) Ejis orthogonal toElin the inner product if j ≠ l.

Proof In our discussion preceding the theorem we have already constructed the eigenfunctions corresponding to κ =0. We have also verified that the Hilbert–Schmidt theory is applicable, so we know the existence of a possibly finite setof γj, j = 1, … and Ej ≠ 0 such that

The increasing property of κj = 1/γj − 1 then follows from the fact that |γj| decreases.

We now need only verify that the set of eigenvalues is unbounded to complete the verification of the theorem. By thedefinition of K and recalling that N(K ) denotes the null-space of K , we see that u ∈ N(K ) if and only if

and choosing φ = u we see that this requires (εru, u) = 0 so u = 0. Hence N(K ) = {0}, so by Theorem 2.36 we see that

and, since X0 is infinite dimensional, so is {E1, E2, …}. □

Since the set of Maxwell eigenvalues is discrete, we can solve (4.23) for almost every value of κ > 0. When κ is not aneigenvalue we can apply the arguments of Section 4.5 and the Fredholm alternative to deduce the following result thatis essentially a corollary to the previous theorem.

Corollary 4.19Suppose ℑ(εr) = 0 and ∑ =∅ and that the conditions on the data, domain and coefficients in Section4.2hold. Then, if κis not a Maxwell eigenvalue (i.e. for any j where κj is the jth Maxwell eigenvalue guaranteed byTheorem 4.18, and κ > 0),problem(4.23)has a unique solution for anyF ∈ (L2(Ω))3and the norm estimate ofTheorem 4.17holds.


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5.1 IntroductionThe previous chapter shows that the Sobolev space H(curl; Ω) plays a central role in the variational theory ofMaxwell's equations. Thus we need to derive finite elements in this space to obtain a class of finite element spacessuitable for discretizing the Maxwell system. The choice of this class of elements — termed edge elements — ismotivated by the desire to design a robust finite element method for the Maxwell system. Edge elements can be usedin the presence of geometric complexity (and its inevitable consequences on the regularity of the solution of Maxwell'sequations) and in the presence of discontinuous electromagnetic properties which occur when electromagnetic wavespropagate through different materials. Besides this practical justification, edge elements possess many fascinatingmathematical properties and challenges.

The chapter starts (see Section 5.2) by discussing some general aspects of finite element methods and acharacterization of the continuity requirements of the various spaces. Next, in Section 5.3, we describe the first step ina practical finite element computation: mesh generation. The design of efficient and reliable mesh generators is aresearch area outside the scope of this book (see, e.g. [278, 140, 134]). We shall simply discuss some basic requirementsof a suitable mesh. In reality, mesh generation must be linked, either by the experience of the user or, better still, byautomatic adaptive software, to the desired solution. Nevertheless, it is convenient to discuss the mesh first in isolation.

After we have described the mesh, we then discuss finite elements built on this mesh, assuming the mesh to consist oftetrahedra (elements on hexahedral grids are discussed in the next chapter). From the previous chapter we know that itwould be best to use finite elements that lie in the space X0 (see (4.8)). Unfortunately, as we shall see, there is currentlyno good finite element subspace of this space. This is because any finite element subspace must consist of continuouspiecewise polynomials (see the remark following Lemma 5.3) and hence be a subspace of (H1(Ω))3. Use of standardcontinuous piecewise linear finite elements, which are in (H1(Ω))3, cannot generally be successful without specialmodification due to the fact that (H1(Ω))3 ∩ X0 is a proper subset of X0 when Ω has re-entrant corners (see Lemma3.56). Hence the resulting finite element space is not dense as the mesh size goes to zero [19, 20, 104, 113]. We are thusdriven to use subspaces of X that are not subspaces of X0. This non-conformity results in complications for theanalysis and implementation of finite element methods for Maxwell's equations.

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It turns out to be necessary to present four different finite element spaces! The most obvious requirement is for finiteelements suitable for discretizing the basic energy space for electromagnetics: X or more generally H(curl; Ω). Thisleads us to the edge elements of Nédélec [233]. The analysis presented in the previous chapter also requires the use ofa scalar potential in the space S ⊂ H1(Ω), so we also need to discuss standard spaces of continuous scalar finiteelements. To analyze Nédélec's elements in H(curl; Ω), we shall also need to present his family of elements suitable fordiscretizing H(div; Ω), and for completeness we shall present a related finite element family in L2(Ω). Note that therelevant function spaces are related by the famous de Rham diagram [54] discussed in Section 3.7:

which summarizes, for example, the fact that if p ∈ H1(Ω) then ∇p ∈ H(curl;Ω). Furthermore, the range of the gradientoperator is closed and contained in the kernel of the curl operator, or more simply ∇ x (∇p) = 0 (similarly, ∇ · (∇ x A)= 0). We shall construct finite element spaces Uh ⊂ H1(Ω), Vh ⊂ H(curl;Ω), Wh ⊂ H(div; Ω) and Zh ⊂ L2(Ω) (and fromthese suitable spaces for discretizing the Maxwell system) which have the same relationship as the continuous spaces.We shall also describe interpolation operators πh, rh, wh and P0, h that map from suitable subspaces U ⊂ H1(Ω), V ⊂

H(curl; Ω), W ⊂ H(div; Ω) and the space L2(Ω) into the appropriate finite element spaces (these operators are used infinite element error analysis and also in implementing boundary conditions). Of central importance to the analysis isthat the spaces and interpolation operators are linked by the following commuting diagram called the discrete de Rhamdiagram:

This diagram implies, for example, that if p is smooth enough (i.e. in U) then

The interrelationship of the various spaces will be key to our error analysis. It has practical significance in the way thatcharge conservation is approximated, and in the way that edge finite element methods can be stabilized. Oneimplication of the commuting diagram is the existence of an approximate Helmholtz decomposition of a vector fieldinto the gradient of a scalar potential and an


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almost divergence-free vector. This will be made more explicit in Sections 7.2.1 and 7.3.

Although the interrelationship of operators and spaces was implicit in the papers of Nédélec [233, 235], Girault [142]was the the first to detail the actual operator πh involved. The relationship to the de Rham diagram and the centralimportance of this structure was first noted by Bossavit [53, 54]. Building on this idea, Hiptmair [164] has presented atheory of finite elements for Maxwell's equations from the point of view of differential forms. There is no doubt thatthis is extremely elegant, and explains some of the rather obscure choices we shall make during the rest of this chapter.1

The analysis in this and subsequent chapters is based on the idea that a finite element space is used on a sequence ofmeshes. Accuracy is obtained by taking a sufficiently fine and well-designed mesh. This is the classical h-version of thefinite element method. Later, in Chapter 8, we will make some observations regarding the hp-version in which themesh is refined and the finite element space is also modified to accelerate convergence (see, e.g. [275, 286]).

In Section 5.4 we describe and analyze the finite element spaces of Nédélec in H(div; Ω) [233, 235] which will be usedto discretize the magnetic induction. A corresponding analysis for elements in H(curl; Ω) is performed in Section 5.5.These elements will be used to discretize the electric field. We complete our analysis of tetrahedral elements byconstructing subspaces of scalar functions in H1(Ω) (Section 5.6) and in L2(Ω) (Section 5.7). Finally, we also need tocomment on the trace of finite element functions on the boundary, and we do this in Section 5.8.

Rather than provide every detail of the more complex estimates in this section, full proofs are not provided for allresults. For example, some of the approximation results for non-integer-order Sobolev space are not proved, despitethe importance of these estimates in later chapters. Instead, the main ideas of such proofs are provided by proving theresult for integer-order spaces, and the reader is directed to the appropriate references for the remaining cases. The aimis to make the presentation more readable without sacrificing too much understanding.

5.2 Introduction to nite elementsFinite elements are built using piecewise polynomial functions on simple geometrical domains (e.g. piecewise linearfunctions on tetrahedra). The presentation of the finite element spaces and the interpolation error analysis in thischapter follows the classical approach of Ciarlet [80]. In this classical approach, a finite element is a triple (K, PK, ∑K),where

• K is a geometric domain (e.g. a tetrahedron, hexahedron or prism),


1 I have elected not to follow this theory because to do so would restrict the potential readership. However, I do think that Hiptmair's approach will ultimately be the“standard” way to work with finite elements for Maxwell's equations and is a very powerful tool in the right hands.

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• PK is a space of functions (usually polynomials) on K, and• ∑K is a set of linear functionals on PK. These linear functionals are called the degrees of freedom of the finite element.

For example, in the rather trivial case of quadratic finite elements in one dimension, we could define(5.1a)



For the purpose of analysis and computation it is necessary to chose a particular reference element. This element is usuallychosen to be a simple shape and unit size and in this book the reference element will always be denoted K . In onedimension, K = (0, 1). We can obtain a finite element on a general geometric element simply by mapping from thereference element to a general element. Let us again consider quadratic finite elements in one dimension. If p ∈ PK, thenwe can obtain a corresponding quadratic polynomial on the general element by p(a+(b-a)x ) = p (x ) for each x ∈ K . Inthis case the degrees of freedom on K are given by the set ∑K in (5.1c) with a = 0 and b = 1, which we write inshorthand as {û(0), û(1/2), û(1)}. Using the change of variables, they map directly to the degrees of freedom on Kgiven by the set {u(a), u((a + b)/2), u(b)}. Note that we shall often write the degrees of freedom in this shorthand form,where each element of the set defines a functional. We shall usually define operations (e.g. numerical quadrature) on thereference element, and then obtain general results by mapping to a given element. This is also how we prefer toprogram finite elements.

Of course, the three components of the finite element (K, PK, ∑K) cannot be chosen at random. The geometric elementmust be chosen so that K is nondegenerate (in our simple example, b > a), and PK must be a finite-dimensional vectorspace of functions that are convenient to implement (e.g. polynomials). The degrees of freedom ∑K must be chosen sothat if a value is given for each of the degrees of freedom, it uniquely determines a function in PK. In this case the finiteelement is said to be unisolvent.

Definition 5.1 The finite element (K, PK, ∑K) is said to be unisolvent if specifying a value for each the degrees of freedomin ∑K uniquely determines a function in PK.

In the case of our simple example (5.1), we know that specifying the value of a quadratic polynomial at three distinctpoints uniquely determines the polynomial, and thus (5.1) is unisolvent. Once the unisolvence of a finite element hasbeen established, we can use the degrees of freedom to construct a basis


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for PK. The basis functions are often referred to as shape functions in the engineering literature. If we have a general finiteelement with degrees of freedom ∑K = {ln, 1 ≤ n ≤ m} for some m ≥ 1 then unisolvence requires that PK havedimension m. We can then define the basis consistent with ∑K to be , where, for 1 ≤ n ≤ m,(5.2)

The fact that the finite element is unisolvent implies that the set is well-defined and is a basis for PK. Anyfunction p ∈ PK can be written as

so that the degrees of freedom give the expansion coefficients for writing a general finite element function in terms ofa convenient basis.

Applying this general philosophy to (5.1), we can compute the standard Lagrange basis for quadratic polynomials.From the definition of PK in (5.1) we know that on K (when a = 0 and b = 1)

and by the definition of ∑K in (5.1) we have that

Thus, to construct ϕ1 we must solve the matrix problem

Unisolvence is equivalent to the unique invertability of this linear system for an arbitrary right-hand side (and, inparticular, the one given here). A simple calculation shows that a1 = 1, b1 = -3 and c1 = 2, so that we get the expectedbasis function

A similar calculation, using the right-hand side (0, 1, 0)⊺ yields ϕ2(x) = 4(1 - x 2)/3 and, with (0, 0, 1)⊺, we obtain ϕ3(x) =2x (x - ½). Of course, all we have done is compute the standard Lagrange basis for quadratic polynomials on the unitinterval.


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Note that the degrees of freedom are not unique. We might, for example, use the following alternative finite element,which differs from (5.1) only by the degrees of freedom:(5.3a)



A quick calculation shows that this finite element is also unisolvent and we can compute a basis corresponding to thesedegrees of freedom as before. In fact, the basis is exactly the same as for the element given by (5.1)! This does notalways happen, but occurs here because Simpson's quadrature rule is exact for quadratic polynomials and the degreesof freedom for (5.1) are at the quadrature points of Simpson's rule.

Associated with the finite element (K, PK, ∑K) is an interpolant. For a suitably smooth function u (in the case of (5.1), acontinuous function), we define the interpolant on the interval K to be the unique function πKu ∈ PK such that

The operator πK : C(K)→ PK is referred to as the interpolation operator. Different degrees of freedom give rise to differentinterpolation operators.

Using the definition of the nodal basis we see that

In the case of (5.1) on K , we have just used an elaborate method to arrive at the standard quadratic Lagrangeinterpolant since on the reference element

The interpolant for (5.3) is different. Now (still representing the interpolation operator by πK!) we have

Generally, interpolants involving integral degree of freedom have better approximation properties than those involvingpoint values alone, as we shall see shortly. This is important from the theoretical point of view since the error in asuitable


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interpolant can often be used to estimate the error in the solution obtained by the finite element method. Theinterpolant is also useful in practice, for example, to set boundary conditions.

The next step is to use the element-wise defined finite elements to build a space of functions on the desired domain.Suppose we want to use the finite element (5.1) to approximate functions defined on [0, L]. We first “mesh” theinterval by decomposing [0, L] into a finite union of non-overlapping intervals so that where ai < bi, ai

= bi-1, 2 ≤ i ≤ m, a1 = 0 and bN = L. By applying (5.1) on each interval (ai, bi), we obtain a function that is piecewisequadratic on [0, L]. However, the finite element space is not all piecewise quadratics. The properties of the global finiteelement are governed by the degrees of freedom. By taking the union of all the element degrees of freedom, we obtaina set of global degrees of freedom ∑ given by ∑ = ∪K ∈ τh ∑K. By specifying values for all the degrees of freedom in ∑,we in turn specify the degrees of freedom on each element; thus on each element K we specify a unique function in PK

(since ∑K is unisolvent). In computing a global finite element function (e.g. when we approximate a partial differentialequation using the finite element method), we must compute values for these degrees of freedom.

In the case of (5.1) or (5.3), the value of the finite element function at the end point of each interval is in ∑ and so theglobal finite element function is continuous (the piecewise quadratic is continuous in each subinterval and the fact thatthe quadratics agree across inter-element boundaries means that the global function is continuous; see Fig. 5.1 ). Thusthe elements (5.1) or (5.3) give rise to the finite element space consisting of all continuous piecewise quadratics on thegiven mesh. We define the maximum element size by h = max1≤i≤N |bi - ai|. Then we can write the finite element spaceas

This definition does not mention the degrees of freedom explicitly, and shows that the global finite element functionspace corresponding to (5.1) or (5.3) is the same. This means that if Sh is used in a numerical algorithm, the accuracyproperties will be independent of the interpolant used (provided the interpolant is not used explicitly in the algorithm).However, it is often the case that one set of degrees of freedom is computationally preferable compared to another,since the choice of degrees of freedom effects the conditioning of the matrices occurring in the finite element method[14].

From our definition of Sh it is obvious that Sh ⊂ C(0, 1), and this implies (by virtue of Theorem 5.3 below) that Sh ⊂

H1(0, 1). The key here is that the degrees of freedom line up to guarantee the needed global smoothness. We say thatthe degrees of freedom ∑K are H1 conforming or more generally:

Definition 5.2 Let W be a space of functions. The finite element (K, PK, ∑K) is said to be W conforming if thecorresponding global finite element space is a subspace of W.


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Fig. 5.1. The degrees of freedom govern global continuity. Between the vertical dashed lines (marking the nodes of themesh) the function is quadratic on each subinterval. Since the degree of freedom at b1 is also at a2, the correspondingfunction values must agree, so the piecewise quadratic is continuous there and at other mesh points marked •. Thedegrees of freedom marked ∘ are at the mid-point of each subinterval (not at nodes in the mesh) and the polynomial isalways continuous within each subinterval.

At this stage we can go ahead and analyze the approximation properties of Sh by estimating the error in the interpolant.By using the interpolant πKu on each element K, we can build a global interpolant πhu ∈ Sh of a suitably smooth functionu (in this case, continuous is sufficient). It is possible to prove that for the interpolant given by (5.1) there is a constantC independent of h and u such that(5.4)

This result is typical of the estimates we shall derive later in this chapter. Assuming u ∈ Ht(0, L), t ≥ 1, this inequalitygives the rate at which the interpolation error decreases as the mesh is refined (in other words, as h is decreased). Theexponent of h is optimal (no higher rate of convergence is possible in the global norms used here). Unfortunately, theconstant C is usually difficult to estimate with any precision. Note that, if the interpolant (5.3) is used instead of (5.1),we obtain the same estimate as above but in addition if we have

so that the maximum rate of convergence is thus O(h4) in the H−1(0, L) norm provided .

This simple example has been used to show how locally defined finite elements can be used to build global finiteelement spaces. When designing a finite element, we need to specify a polynomial space and degrees of freedom thatguarantee conformance in a suitable function space. For example, for a subspace of H1(Ω), it is necessary that theglobál finite element function be continuous. The only lemma of this section details, in addition, the continuityrequirements for subspaces of H(curl; Ω) and H(div; Ω) (see [80, 233]).


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Lemma 5.3Suppose K1and K2are two non-overlapping Lipschitz domains meeting at a common surface ∑ (with non-zero measure) sothat K 1 ∩ K 2 = ∑.

(1) Suppose that p1 ∈ H1(K1) and p2 ∈ H1(K2) and define p ∈ L2(K1∪K2∪∑) by

Then, if p1 = p2on ∑, we have p ∈ H1(K1 ∪ K2 ∪ ∑).(2) Suppose that u1 ∈ H(curl,K1) and u2 ∈ H(curl,K2) and define u ∈ (L2(K1 ∪ K2 ∪ ∑))3by(5.5)

Then, if u1 x ν = u2 x ν on ∑, where ν is a unit normal to ∑, we have u ∈ H(curl,K1 ∪ K2 ∪ ∑).(3) Suppose that u1 ∈ H(div, K1) and u2 ∈ H(div, K2). Define u ∈ (L2(K1 ∪K2 ∪ ∑))3by (5.5). Then, if u1 · ν = u2 · ν on ∑, where

ν is a unit normal to ∑, we have u ∈ H(div, K1 ∪ K2 ∪ ∑).

Remark 5.4If we wish to use a finite element space in X0we would need to impose the continuity across ∑ of parts 2. and 3. above.Hence both u · ν and u x ν would need to be continuous there. For piecewise polynomials on K1and K2, this would implythe continuity of u across ∑ and hence the resulting finite element space would be a subspace of (H1(K1 ∪ K2 ∪ ∑))3.

Proof ofLemma 5.3 The first result is standard for finite element methods (see Theorem 2.1.1 of [80]). We shall onlyprovide a proof of the second part of this lemma (from [235]), since the last part is proved similarly. We shall provethat ∇ x u ∈ (L2(K1 ∪ ∑ ∪ (K2))3 and

Let . Then, using the definition of u followed by integration by parts (in fact, (3.51)),

where ν1 is the unit outward normal to K1 and ν2 is the unit outward normal to K2. Using the distributional definition ofthe curl, the relationship ν1 = −ν2 on ∑ and the assumed continuity requirement that u1 x ν1 = u2 x ν1, we have


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which completes the proof. □

5.2.1 Sets of polynomialsFinite element spaces are built using piecewise polynomial functions. In this section we define some notation andsummarize some results for polynomial spaces used throughout the book. Let(5.6)


More precisely, let the multi-index (so that αi ≥ 0). Then let and |α|1 = α1 + α2 + α3. Apolynomial p ∈ Pk if and only if it can be written as

for some choice of coefficients aα ∈ ℂ. Similarly, p ∈ P k if and only if

for some choice of coefficients aα ∈ ℂ.

We shall also need to use polynomial spaces defined on planes and lines. We shall write Pk(S), where S is a portion of aplane or line, to denote the space of polynomials of total degree at most k in two variables (for a plane) or one variable(for a line) using an orthogonal coordinate system in the plane or arc length along the line. Thus, if e is a segment of aline and f is a subdomain of plane in ℝ3, then

where (ξ1, ξ2) is an orthogonal coordinate system in the plane containing f. In particular,

Note that in ℝN(5.8)


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where dim(Pk) is the dimension of Pk. In ℝ3(5.9)

A particularly important polynomial in P1 is the barycentric coordinate function or linear shape function. Let an, n = 1, …,4, be the vertices of a non-degenerate tetrahedron (i.e. having non-zero volume, or, equivalently, in which the verticesdo not lie in a plane). The nth barycentric coordinate function is the polynomial denoted by λn (x) which is the uniquefunction in P1 such that λn(aj) = δn, j, 1 ≤ j ≤ 4. The functions have the property that . A proof of theexistence and uniqueness of λn can be found in [80] and proceeds as follows. Suppose the vertices of the tetrahedra arean, n = 1, …, 4. Then and the coefficients (arranged as a vector satisfyAβ(n) = f(n), where the 4 x 4 matrix A and vector f(n) are given block-wise by

where en is the nth column of the 4 x 4 identity matrix. The assumption that the elements are non-degenerate impliesthat A is non-singular, so the above equation for β(n) has a unique solution.

In order to discuss finite elements built on hexahedra, we also need the following “tensor product” polynomial space:

and with obvious notation Ql, m for polynomials of degree at most l in x1 and m in x2. Similar to the definition of Pl, wedefine Ql, m(f) in terms of surface coordinates. Note that

Other more exotic spaces of polynomials will be introduced as we discuss the various finite element spaces.

We shall need the following result concerning the approximation of a function by polynomials in Sobolev spacessometimes called the Deny–Lions theorem. Recall that ║ · ║H

s(K) denotes the full Sobolev norm on Hs(K), whereas

|·|Hs(K) denotes the semi-norm involving only derivatives of degree exactly s.

Theorem 5.5Suppose K is a Lipschitz domain. Let k ≥ 0 be an integer. Then there exists a constant C such that

(1) if p ∈ Hs(K) for some s with 0 ≤ s ≤ k + 1 then(5.10)


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(2) if ν ∈ (Hs(K))3for 0 ≤ s ≤ k + 1 then(5.11)

(3) if ν ∈ (Hs(K))3and ∇ x ν ∈ (Hs(K))3for 0 ≤ s ≤ k then(5.12)

where [s] is the integer part of s (see eqn(5.12)of [9]).

In all these estimates, C is independent of p or ν but depends on K and s.

Remark 5.6To understand this theorem suppose a function p is smooth enough to have a Taylor series up to derivatives of order s (integer).Then by choosing ϕ to equal the polynomial formed by the terms up to derivatives of order order s - 1 in the Taylor series, and using theremainder term, we have (5.10). This approach can be generalized to the Sobolev space setting [60].

In order to prove this theorem, we need to know that the dual space of Pk is finite-dimensional. This follows byshowing that the unisolvence of the barycentric functions has an analogue for higher-degree polynomials. This lemmais from [239].

Lemma 5.7Let K be a tetrahedron with vertices . Then for any k ≥ 1 a polynomial p ∈ Pk is uniquely determined by its values onthe principal lattice

Remark 5.8The points in a unisolvent set for Pk do not have to be exactly on the principal lattice. In some cases it is helpful to perturbthem while keeping the unique determination property [160]. This can help improve conditioning.

Proof ofLemma 5.7 We provide only a sketch of the proof. Since dim(Pk) and the number of points in Lk(K) areidentical, we only need show that if p(x) = 0 for all x ∈ Lk(K) then p = 0.

We start by considering the edges of K. On each edge the polynomial p is of degree k - 1 in arc length and vanishes atk + 1 points. Hence p = 0 on each edge.

Now consider a face f which we can assume has vertices a1, a2 and a3. We know that, if k = 1, then p = 0 on f since itvanishes at the four vertices of the tetrahedron and the argument before Theorem 5.5 shows that these uniquely


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determine p. For k > 1 we proceed by induction and assume that the degrees of freedom uniquely determine thepolynomial for polynomials of degree l with l ≤ k-1 in ℝ2. Then since p = 0 on each edge of f we know p may berepresented as p = λ1λ2λ3p, where λj is the barycentric function for node aj, 1 ≤ j ≤ 3, and p is of degree (k - 3) (if k = 2we readily have p = 0). Then p = 0 at the points in Lk(K) interior to f and hence by the induction hypothesis we havep = 0, so p = 0 on f.

Now turning to the tetrahedron K, we can adopt the same proof by factoring four linear factors from p correspondingto the four faces of K. Induction again shows that p = 0 for any k. This completes the proof of the lemma. □

Having proved Lemma 5.7, we can now prove the Deny–Lions theorem.

Proof ofTheorem 5.5 We follow the proof of Theorem 3.1.1 of [80]. Note that if K denotes the largest integer strictlyless than s then

Then, if N is the dimension of Pk, let denote a basis for the dual space of Pk. For example, couldconsist of point evaluation operators applied at the points in the fundamental lattice in Lemma 5.7. Then by theHahn–Banach theorem these functionals may be extended to Hs(K), such that for ϕ ∈ Pk(K), fl(ϕ) = 0 for all l if andonly if ϕ = 0.

Now we prove that there is a constant C such that, for all p ∈ Hs(K),(5.13)

If not, there exists a sequence such that ║pn║Hs(K) = 1 for all n and

Since is bounded on Hs(K) and Theorem 3.7 shows that Hs(K) is compactly embedded in HK(K), we know thereis a subsequence still denoted such that pn → p ∈ HK(K) strongly as n → ∞. Since Hs(K) is complete, the fact that|pn|H

s(K) ≤ 1/n and that the series converges in HK(K) allows us to conclude that it converges in Hs(K). Since |pn|H

s(K) →

0, it follows that |p|Hs(K) = 0 and so we know p is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to K . The fact that fl(p) = 0,

1 ≤ l ≤ N, then implies p = 0, which contradicts ║p║Hs(K) = 1.

Next, we apply (5.13) to p + ϕ for ϕ ∈ PK,


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where we have used the fact that |ϕ|Hs(K) = 0. Choosing ϕ so that fl(p + ϕ) = 0, 1 ≤ l ≤ N, completes the proof of part

1 of the theorem. To prove part 2 we just apply part 1 to every component of ν. Part 3 is proved in the same way aspart 1. □

5.3 Meshes and afne mapsThe first step in using most finite element software is to generate a finite element mesh covering the domain Ω (recallthat Ω is assumed to be a Lipschitz polyhedron and hence can be meshed by tetrahedra [134] — we shall discusscurved boundaries later in Chapter 8 ). Abstractly, this means that we find a finite set τh = {K} of subdomains (referredto as elements) such that

(1) Ω = ∪K ∈ τh, K where Ω denotes the closure of Ω(2) for each K ∈ τh, K is an open set with positive volume;(3) if K1 and K2 are distinct elements in τh then K1 ∩ K2 = ∅

(4) each K ∈ τh is a Lipschitz domain.

For each element K, we define the parameters hK and ρK such that

then so that the index h denotes the maximum diameter of the elements K ∈ τh.

For the purpose of theory, we suppose that there is a family of meshes {τh | h > 0} and we analyze the error as hdecreases. This is the standard h-version of the finite element method where we attempt to obtain convergence byrefining the mesh. To be a well-defined finite element mesh we need more geometric constraints. These are simplest tostate if every element K ∈ τh is a tetrahedron or a hexahedron. Thus we now assume that the mesh consists oftetrahedra or hexahedra. It is necessary that the mesh satisfy the standard finite element geometric constraints, so thatif K1 ∈ τh and K2 ∈ τh and if K 1 ∩ K 2 ≠ ∅ then the elements meet in one of the following ways:

• the elements meet at a single point that is a vertex for both elements;• the elements meet along a common edge and the endpoints of the edge are vertices of the the two elements;• the elements meet at a common face and the vertices of the face are vertices of both elements.

We shall later discuss prismatic elements and curvilinear elements. The generalization of the above geometricconstraints to these elements is obvious.

From the point of view of implementation (but not necessarily analysis) the simplest mesh to generate is a tetrahedralmesh of a polyhedral domain. Thus each K ∈ τh is a tetrahedron. The reference element is also a tetrahedron and, inthis book, it is defined to be the tetrahedron K with vertices â1, …, â4 given by â1 = (0, 0, 0)⊺, â2 = (1, 0, 0)⊺, â3 = (0, 1,0)⊺, and â4 = (0, 0, 1)T. Any K ∈ τh


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can be obtained by mapping K using an affine map. By this we mean that for any K ∈ τh there is a map FK : K → K suchthat FK(K ) = K and(5.14)

where BK is a non-singular 3 x 3 matrix, and bK is a vector. The non-singularity of BK is a result of the fact that weassumed that K has a non-empty interior since the volume of K is |det(BK)|/6 (the factor 1/6 comes from the fact thatthe volume of the reference element is 1/6). In practice, it is easy to compute BK and bK, since if K has vertices a1, …, a4

and if we choose FK to satisfy FK(âi) = ai for 1 ≤ i 4 then bK = a1 and BK is the matrix with jth column given by aj+1 − a1.

We shall be concerned with mapping between functions defined on the reference tetrahedron K and the targettetrahedron K. For a simple scalar function, we need only change variable in the usual way as discussed in Section 3.9.Thus, if p is a scalar function defined on K , we obtain a corresponding function p on K by(5.15)

or, equivalently, p ∘ FK = p, where ∘ denotes composition of functions. A simple calculation using the chain rule showsthat the gradient transforms as follows:(5.16)

where ∇ is the gradient with respect to x . It is clear from these relations that properties of BK will determine the effectsof the affine map. In particular, keeping track of the change of variables, it is possible to prove the following result(c.f. [80]).

Lemma 5.9For each m ≥ 0 and real p with 1 ≤ p < ∞ the mapping is an isomorphism from Wm, p(K ) onto Wm, p(K) andthe following bounds hold:

where |BK| denotes the spectral norm of BK.

Proof For a full proof, see [80]. We shall prove the result in the case m = 1. Using (5.16) we see that



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Fig. 5.2. Geometry of the estimate of |BK|. For simplicity, we show the two-dimensional case. Suppose two points ◯and ŷ are on the circle of diameter ρK. They are mapped into the triangle K and hence the mapped points are at most hK


Taking the pth root of both sides completes the proof. Repeated use of (5.16) proves the general case. □

The previous lemma shows that we must understand how the norm of BK and depends upon K.

Lemma 5.10Let K and K be affine equivalent (by which we mean that there is an invertible affine map FK such that FK(k ) = K). Then

In addition, there are constants C1 > 0 and C2independent of hK and ρK such that

Proof By the definition of the spectral norm norm,


However, since a ball of radius ρK is contained in K , if |ξ| = ρK then there are vectors such that x - ŷ = ξ(see Fig. 5.2 ). Upon applying the affine


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Fig. 5.3. An example of a tetrahedral mesh computed by the mesh generator NETGEN [269]. This mesh generatorallows the user to define simple surfaces, and then attempts to fill the resulting volume with tetrahedra. Top: half of thedomain cut by a plane. The domain Ω is interior to a parallelepiped and exterior to one of the two cubes, and includesthe interior of the other. One cube is a perfect conductor and the other contains a penetrable medium. Bottom: a meshgenerated by NETGEN showing the tetrahedra. The penetrable cube has been filled with tetrahedra. Someexperimentation with meshing parameters such as the desired mesh size and rapidity of change of mesh size within thegrid (or granularity of the mesh) is usually required to generate an acceptable mesh.

map BKξ = BK(x - ŷ) = FKx - FKŷ. By the definition of the affine map, FKx - FKŷ ∈ K and hence |BKξ| ≤ |FKx - FKŷ| ≤ hK

(again see Fig. 5.2 ). This completes the proof of the first inequality. The second inequality in the theorem is proved ina similar way by considering the map from K to K .


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To prove the estimate for det(BK), we note that |det(BK)| = vol(K)/vol(K ). □

From this theorem, it is clear that it is important to quantify the relationship between hK and ρK. To do this we shallrestrict our attention to memshes that form a regular family. By this we mean the following:

Definition 5.11 Let

We say that a family of meshes is regular as h → 0 if there is are constants σmin > 0 and h0 > 0 such that

In essence, a family of meshes is regular if the tetrahedra do not flatten out during mesh refinement. We note thatirregular meshes in which σmin ≈ 0 usually result in ill-conditioned matrix problems and can result in poorapproximation compared to more regular meshes. Nevertheless, it is sometimes desirable to use rather irregularmeshes if the solution is known a priori to change more rapidly in one direction than another.

Mesh generators usually require a geometric model of the surface of Ω. In practice, this is usually supplied from aCAD package, although most academic mesh generators will allow the user to input a description of the geometryusing simple primitives such as spheres, cubes, etc. See, for example, Fig. 5.3 . Once the user has supplied a geometricdescription, the mesh generator will attempt to mesh the domain to the desired value of h (possibly also refining inselected regions). Output from the mesh generator will at least consist of a list of coordinates of the vertices in themesh, as well as a list, by tetrahedron, of the vertices belonging to each tetrahedron. There will also be some methodfor flagging nodes on the boundary of Ω and indicating if the tetrahedra are in different subdomains (e.g. eachsubdomain may represent a different material so that the subdomain label can be used to set different electricalparameters on the various tetrahedra). Mesh generators usually succeed in producing a non-degenerate mesh (althoughthis should be checked before using the mesh!).

Tetrahedral meshes are generally referred to as “unstructured” since the arrangement of elements (see Fig. 5.3 ), and,in particular, the index of the vertices and neighboring elements cannot be predicted to follow a fixed pattern ahead ofmesh generation. By contrast, a “structured” mesh is akin to a finite difference grid, in that it is easy to determineelement vertices and neighbors. The unstructured grid imposes a programming overhead, and performance penalty,compared to structured grids, but has the advantage that it can fit a more general geometry.

The most common structured grid is one composed of parallelepipeds (with edges parallel to the coordinate axes). Insuch a mesh the arrangement of unknowns is (apart from at the boundaries) translation invariant throughout the


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mesh and problems such as node numbering and matrix assembly are much easier than for an unstructured mesh.Obviously, structured meshes made of parallelepipeds are only able to cover simple domains, but this disadvantage isoften outweighed by easier implementation and greater efficiency compared to unstructured codes.

To improve the ability of hexahedral meshes to fit the domain of calculation, it is usual to form grids from generalcurvilinear hexahedra. In this case the grid τh, h > 0, consists of elements K (of maximum diameter h) such that each Kcan be obtained by an invertible mapping FK : K → K, where K = (0,1)3 is the reference element.

A typical example of such a mapping is to use a trilinear map (so edges of K map to linear edges in K, but, of course, ingeneral the faces of K are curvilinear). If K has vertices â1, …, â8 (see Fig. 5.4 ) and K has vertices a1, …, a8 we can takethe map to be

where ϕm ∈ Q1,1,1 and ϕm(âl) = δm,l, 1 ≤ l,m ≤ 8 (we shall prove these functions are well defined in Section 6.4). We needto make sure that the points a1, …, a8 have the same connectivity with respect to edges as â1, …, â8 in K so that themapped element does not collapse (see Fig. 5.4 ). In particular, we need that det(dFK) is strictly positive or strictlynegative on K . The trilinear map has the advantage (since Q1,1,1 with vertex values specified results in a continuouspiecewise trilinear function on the mapped mesh — see Section 6.4) that if adjacent elements are obtained in this way,then their common face agrees and no gaps open up between faces of adjacent elements.

Fig. 5.4. The reference hexahedron and its image under a trilinear map. Left: the reference element and nodenumbering. Center: a mapped element in which the numbering of the vertices in the image is such that the correctconnectivity of the vertices is maintained and the result is a curvilinear element. Right: the vertices are connected in thewrong way, and the resulting element is singular.!


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In high-order codes, particularly the hp method code of [286], more exotic maps are used to obtain curvilinearhexahedra such that selected faces fit boundaries occurring in the problem (e.g. the surface of a curvilinear scatterer, ora curvilinear boundary between materials of different types). Away from such boundaries, the trilinear map is usuallyused to save time.

In this book we will generally not discuss the use of arbitrary hexahedra. This is because the theory is not welldeveloped for this general case (but see Section 8.3 for more details on curvilinear elements). In the next chapter, whenwe discuss hexahedral elements, we shall assume that FK(x ) = BKx + bK, where BK is a diagonal matrix so that allelements in the mesh are parallelepipeds with edges parallel to the coordinate axes.

It should not be thought that mapped hexahedral grids obtained by using the trilinear map are less flexible thantetrahedra for filling space. It is true that tetrahedral mesh generating software appears better developed thanhexahedral grid software at the current time. However, Gary Cohen has pointed out that any tetrahedral grid can beconverted to a mapped hexahedral grid by the simple expedient of decomposing each tetrahedron into four hexahedrausing the centroid of the tetrahedron, the centroid of each face and the mid point of each edge of the tetrahedron asnew vertices for the hexahedral mesh (see Fig. 5.5 ). In this case the hexahedral grid will be unstructured since thearrangement of hexahedra does not follow a simple finite difference lattice. Of course, a mapped hexahedral grid canalso be decomposed into curvilinear tetrahedra in the usual way by decomposing each hexahedron using fivetetrahedra (preferable) or six tetrahedra (easier, but possibly less accurate for low-order edge elements).

5.4 Divergence conforming elementsWe start our study of finite element spaces by describing in detail a basic family of elements in H(div; Ω) due toNédélec [233]. This family extends to three dimensions the classical divergence conforming elements of Raviart andThomas [261] (in two dimensions elements are often known in the electromagnetics literature as

Fig. 5.5. Decomposition of a tetrahedral element into four hexahedra by adding new vertices at the centroid of eachgeometric part (edge, face and volume) of the tetrahedron.


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the Rao–Wilton–Glisson elements [258]). The three-dimensional family of divergence conforming elements is used insome time-dependent codes for Maxwell's equations, and is a theoretical tool for our later error analysis. At lowestorder the degrees of freedom for this element are associated with faces in the mesh (just the average flux across theface) and so these elements are sometimes referred to as “face elements”.

In order to define these elements we shall need to use a special space of vector polynomials. For each k > 0 wedefine(5.17)

Obviously, u ∈ D1 if and only if u = a + bx, where a ∈ C3 and b ∈ C. This implies that D1 will need four degrees offreedom in order to be specified uniquely. In general, using (5.8) and (5.9) we have the following result.

Lemma 5.12The dimension of Dk is .

We shall also need to know the space containing the divergence of the functions in Dk and in this regard we have thefollowing lemma:

Lemma 5.13Let Dk be as defined in (5.17), then ∇ · Dk = Pk-1.

Proof If u ∈ Dk then u(x) = p(x) + q(x)x and since q ∈ Pk-1 we can easily show by direct computation that ∇· (q(x)x) =(k + 2)q(x). But ∇ · (Pk-1)3 = (Pk-2)3 and we have proved the desired result. □

Next we give the definition of the divergence conforming element on the reference tetrahedron K . Before doing thiswe need one more remark about notation. In the definition, f will denote a general face of K with outward unit normalν.

Definition 5.14(Divergence conforming finite element) See Fig. 5.6 . The element is defined as follows:

• K is the reference tetrahedron;• PK = Dk;• the degrees of freedom ∑K = MK(û) ∪ Mf(û), where the sets of moments MK(û) and Mf(û) are defined for any

sufficiently smooth û as follows:



We shall need to know when these degrees of freedom are well defined. Ideally, we would like to require only that û ∈H(div; K ) but this is not possible since the trace of such a function is not sufficiently smooth for the degrees offreedom (5.18) to be well defined. Instead, we shall use a much more stringent criterion:


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Fig. 5.6. A graphical representation of the degrees of freedom for the first two divergence conforming elements.Left: k = 1; the average value of normal component of the finite element vector field is given on each face. Right: k = 2;there are three normal component degrees of freedom per face (represented by the bold face normal vectors on eachface), and, in addition, three interior degrees of freedom represented by the three vectors (not bold face) at the centroidof the tetrahedron.

Lemma 5.15The degrees of freedom(5.18)and(5.19)are well defined for any û ∈ (H1/2 + δ(K ))3, δ > 0.

Remark 5.16This is not an optimal result. In [61] it is shown that the degrees of freedom are well defined if û ∈ (Lq(K ))3, q > 2 and ∇· û ∈ L2(K ).

Proof ofLemma 5.15 Since û ∈ (L2(K ))3, the degrees of freedom MK are defined and bounded (via the Cauchy–Schwarzinequality). By the Trace Theorem 3.9, û|f ∈ (Hδ(f))3 ⊂ (L2(f))3 and hence the degrees of freedom in Mf are also definedand bounded. □

We need to extend the divergence conforming element to a general tetrahedron K. This is done by relating the finiteelement function on tetrahedron K to a function on the reference element K . Since the elements are vectorial and wewish to map divergences to divergences, we can no longer use the simple change of variable (5.15). Instead, followingSection 3.9, we relate u(x) on an arbitrary tetrahedron K to û(x) on the reference element K by (3.77) which for theaffine map FK is written as(5.20)

Note that if ν is the unit outward normal to K then the vector ν on K given by(5.21)

is a unit normal to K (it may be inward or outward depending on the sign of determinant of BK). This can be checkedby a tedious manipulation or by noting


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that the normal is a gradient of a suitable linear function and hence transforms like a gradient.

We now wish to show that the transformed element is well defined. First we show that the space Dk is invariant underthe transformation (5.20).

Lemma 5.17Dk is invariant under the transformation (5.20).

Proof If û ∈ Dk then û = p + q x , where p ∈ (Pk-1)3 and q ∈ P k. Hence

where we have used (5.14). But and since q is homogeneous of degree k, , where q ∈P k-1 and q1 ∈ Pk-2. This completes the verification of the claim once we have written . □

Next we need to relate the degrees of freedom on K and K and show that they are invariant under the transformation(5.20).

Lemma 5.18Suppose det(BK) > 0 and that the normals ν on K and ν on K are related by (5.21). Suppose also that the degrees offreedom of a function u on K are given by(5.22)


Then the degrees of freedom for û on K and for u on K (transformed by (5.20)) are identical.

Remark 5.19If det(BK) < 0, the degrees of freedom are again identical modulo suitable sign changes.

Proof of Lemma 5.18 Using (5.20) and the assumed transformation for q (and canceling the factor det(BK)),(5.24)

Thus the degrees of freedom in MK(u) are invariant. In the same way, using (5.20) and transforming the normal vectorby (5.21) we can transform the degrees of freedom in (5.22) to obtain


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Using an orthogonal coordinate system with one axis along ν, we can then see that

which shows that the degrees of freedom Mf(u) are also invariant (for a more general result see (3.81) which can beused to prove this lemma even for general smooth transformations). □

Next we prove a lemma that implies (as we shall see soon) that the elements are globally divergence conforming. It willalso be used in the proof of unisolvence.

Lemma 5.20If u ∈ Dk and if all the degrees of freedom of type(5.22)on a face f vanish then u · ν = 0 on that face.

Proof ofLemma 5.20 Since u ∈ Dk, u = p + qx for some p ∈ (Pk-1)3 and q ∈ P k-1. Thus, if f contains the vertex a then forall x ∈ f,

The choice of q = u · ν in the degrees of freedom of type (5.22) shows that u · ν = 0. □

Next we show that the element in Definition 5.14 is unisolvent. We first note that there are

degrees of freedom which is equal to the dimension of Dk. So unisolvence can be proved by either proving theexistence of a function u ∈ Dk corresponding to an arbitrary choice of the degrees of freedom, or by showing that anyfunction consistent with an arbitrary choice of degrees of freedom is unique. We choose to prove uniqueness, andfrom the linearity of the degrees of freedom, this is equivalent to proving that the only function in u ∈ Dk having alldegrees of freedom vanish is the function u = 0. This is proved in the following lemma.

Lemma 5.21If all the degrees of freedom(5.22) and (5.23)of a function u ∈ Dk vanish then u = 0.

Proof First we transform to the reference element and use the invariance of the degrees of freedom (Lemma 5.18) toconclude that all degrees of freedom vanish for û. By Lemma 5.20, û · ν = 0 on ∂K . Using the divergence theorem


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(in the form of (3.24)) and the fact that the degrees of freedom (5.23) vanish, shows that for every q ∈ Pk-1,

Hence choosing q = ∇ · û shows that ∇ · û = 0.

But, using the fact that û ∈ Dk, we have that û = p + q x for p ∈ (Pk-1)3 and q ∈ P k-1. So ∇ · û = ∇ · p + (k + 2)q (this is aconsequence of the fact that q is homogeneous of degree k). Since ∇ · û = 0, we conclude that q = -∇ · p /(k + 2) ∈ Pk-2,which implies that q = 0 and û = p ∈ (Pk-1)3. Thus û = (x1ϕ1, x2ϕ2, x3ϕ3)T, where ϕ = (ϕ1, ϕ2, ϕ3)T ∈ (Pk-1)3. If k = 1 this endsthe proof since ϕ = 0. If k > 1, the choice of q = ϕ in the degrees of freedom (5.23) shows that ϕ = 0 and henceû = 0. Mapping back to K shows that u = 0 as claimed. □

The unisolvence of the element on a given tetrahedron K implies that there is a well-defined interpolation operator onK denoted wK. By this we mean that if u ∈ (H1/2 + δ(K))3, δ > 0 (see Lemma 5.15), then there is a unique finite elementfunction wKu ∈ Dk such that

whereMf and MK are the sets of degrees of freedom in (5.22) and (5.23). Obviously this is the same as requiring that forall faces f of K(5.26)


To prove error estimates, we need to prove that the interpolant on a general element K and interpolation on thereference element K are related.

Lemma 5.22Using the transformation (5.20), provided u is sufficiently smooth that wKu is well defined, we have .

Proof By the definition of wKu, all degrees of freedom of u - wKu vanish on K. Hence by Lemma 5.18 all degrees offreedom for vanish on K . This implies that all degrees of freedom of vanish on K and, by theunisolvence of the degrees of freedom guaranteed by Lemma 5.21, we know that . But Dk is invariantunder interpolation and so and the lemma is proved. □


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Now we can state a theorem summarizing the unisolvence and conformance of this family of elements. We assumethat there is a regular family of meshes of Ω denoted {τh}h>0. The global set of degrees of freedom is the union of allelement degrees

where ∑K is given by Definition 5.14 (of course, the directions of the normals at the faces must be taken consistently).

Theorem 5.23A vector function u ∈ Dk defined on tetrahedron K is uniquely determined by the degrees of freedom(5.22)and (5.23).Moreover, the space Wh of finite elements on the mesh τhdefined element-wise by Definition 5.14 is divergence conforming, so that Wh ⊂

H(div; Ω).

Remark 5.24This theorem gives us an alternative characterization of Wh that is independent of the degrees of freedom:(5.28)

Proof ofTheorem 5.23 The first part of the theorem just states unisolvence, which is proved in Lemma 5.21. Thesecond part follows from Lemma 5.20, since if two tetrahedra K1 and K2 meet on a common face f with normal νpointing into K2, then since the degrees of freedom on f of type (5.22) agree across the face (taking into accountorientation of the normal), we know that the degrees of freedom (5.22) of u|K1 - u|K2 vanish on f and hence byLemma 5.20 (u|K1 - u|K2) · ν = 0. By the characterization result in Theorem 5.3, this implies that u has a well-defineddivergence in L2(K1 ∪ K2) and hence since K1 and K2 are arbitrary, u ∈ H(div; Ω). □

Now that we know the element is well-defined and divergence conforming, we can define a global interpolationoperator wh : (H1/2+δ(Ω))3 → Wh, δ > 0, which is defined element-wise in terms of the element interpolant by

The following theorem proves an error estimate for this interpolant.

Theorem 5.25Suppose {τh}h>0is a regular family of meshes on Ω and 0 < δ < 1/2. Then if u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3, 1/2 + δ ≤ s ≤ k, there isa constant C independent of h and u such that(5.29)

Remark 5.26It is also possible to estimate

see (5.60).


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Proof ofTheorem 5.25 We shall only prove the result for integer s. For intermediate values of s the estimate can thenbe obtained by interpolation (see [60] for this type of argument). For 1/2 + δ ≤ s < 1 the result is proved using theintegral characterization of the fractional order Sobolev norm, and essentially the same mapping procedure we shalluse. For details the reader can consult [9].

By the definition of the norm and interpolant, we may write

Mapping to the reference element K using (5.20), we find that

But by Lemma 5.10, we have

Now we use Lemma 5.22, and the fact that (I - wK)p = 0 for all p ∈ (Pk-1)3 to write(5.30)

for all p ∈ (Pk-1)3. By the Sobolev Imbedding Theorem 3.5, the value of each of the degrees of freedom of û on K can beestimated by the (Hs(K ))3 norm of û for 1/2 + δ ≤ s ≤ k. Furthermore, PK is a finite-dimensional vector space, so allnorms are equivalent and hence

Using the previous equality, equation (5.30) and Theorem 5.5, we have

Hence, combining the above estimates we obtain


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Mapping back to the reference element (using (5.20)) in the same way as in the proof of Lemma 5.9 we obtain

Squaring and adding this estimate over all K ∈ τh and using the regularity of the mesh to conclude that hK/ρK is boundedindependent of h completes the proof of (5.29). □

To complete our discussion of divergence conforming elements, let us consider in detail the important case k = 1. Inthis case, considering the reference element K , if we label the face opposite vertex âi as face fi with unit outward normalνi then the associated facial element ψi ∈ D1 satisfies

This implies that ψ i = 2(x - âi). Then using (5.20), we see that

A direct calculation shows that if det(BK) > 0

Thus, when det(BK) > 0,

and so the degrees of freedom are invariant under the affine map as we verified in general.

When k = 1, the dimension of the space Wh is exactly the number of faces in the mesh, and the interpolant satisfies theerror estimate

so the maximum rate of convergence is O(h).

5.5 The curl conforming edge elements of NédélecThe elements we shall define and analyze in this section will be used later to discretize the electric field in Maxwell'sequations and are due to Nédélec [233]. The lowest-order space (later k = 1) has also been discovered independentlyby a number of authors [295, 42, 26, 206, 3] (and maybe others!). In particular, Whitney


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[295] seems to have been the first to use the basic polynomial space for the lowest-order element. This explains whythe lowest-order element is sometimes termed the Whitney element (although Whitney discovered the element in adifferent context). More generally, elements of the type discussed in this chapter are termed edge elements because, atlowest-order (again when k = 1), the degrees of freedom are associated with edges of the mesh (see Fig. 5.7 ).

We shall present and analyze the elements in the manner of [143], which in turn follows Nédélec [233]. Of keyimportance is a relatively recent paper by Amrouche et al. [12] that provides the best characterization to date of thespace of vector fields on which the classical edge interpolant is well defined. An alternative construction of edgeelements (and the associated scalar spaces) which emphasizes a hierarchical and explicit description of the basisfunctions is given in [290, 13, 5] and a factorization is given in [149]. This family of elements includes the onesdescribed in this section as well as the second family of edge elements due to Nédélec which we describe in Section 8.2.Higher order elements can also be constructed using differential forms [162, 164].

In order to define this family of edge elements, we need to define a special space of polynomials. We start by defining asubspace Sk of homogeneous vector polynomials of degree k by(5.31)

We note that if p ∈ (P k)3, then x · p ∈ P k+1 and any polynomial in P k+1 may be written in this way. Thus, using (5.8) and(5.9),

Fig. 5.7. A graphical representation of the degrees of freedom for the first two curl conforming elements. Left: k = 1;degrees of freedom are the average value of tangential component of the vector field on each edge. Right: k = 2; thereare two degrees of freedom per edge (represented by the bold face vectors on each edge) and, in addition, two degreeson each face.


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Having defined Sk, we can now define the important space Rk by(5.32)

The dimension of Rk can be calculated from the dimension of Sk given above and (5.8) as follows:

In fact, Rk is quite a natural space of polynomials being part of a Helmholtz decomposition of (Pk)3, as is shown in thefollowing lemma:

Lemma 5.27The following algebraic decomposition holds:

Proof Suppose u ∈ Rk ∩ ∇P k+1. Then u = ∇p for some p ∈ P k+1. But, since p ∈ P k+1, it is easy to show that p = (k + 2)x ·∇p, and hence x · u = x · ∇p ≠ 0 unless p = 0. Thus Rk ∩ ∇P k+1 = {0}. But . This provesthe lemma. □

Edge finite element spaces depend on the use of the vector polynomial space Rk defined in (5.32). Before defining andanalyzing the elements, we need to prove a further auxiliary result concerning a discrete Helmholtz decomposition ofRk.

Lemma 5.28If u ∈ Rk satisfies ∇ x u = 0 then u = ∇p for some p ∈ Pk.

Remark 5.29There is an analogue of Rk for two-dimensional domains, or surfaces. In this case we define, for a triangle f in the (x1, x2)-plane,

and Rk(f) = (Pk-1(f))2 ⊕ Sk(f). The above lemma remains true for this space, provided we interpret the curl as the scalar surface curl on fdefined by ∇f x u = ∂u2/∂x1 - ∂u1/∂x2.

Proof ofLemma 5.28 Since ∇ x u = 0, we know that u = ∇p for some p ∈ H1(K) (see Theorem 3.37). But u ∈ (Pk)3, sowe know that p ∈ Pk + 1, and we can write p = p1 + p2, where p1 ∈ Pk and p2 ∈ P k + 1. However, u ∈ Rk so x · ∇p2 = 0 andsince p2 is homogeneous x · ∇p2 = kp2, which implies that p2 = 0. □

Our analysis of this element follows the same pattern as our analysis of the divergence conforming elements in theprevious section. In particular, we make use of the reference element K and transform between reference and targetelements. We first define the curl conforming elements on the reference element:


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Definition 5.30 (Curl conforming element) The curl conforming finite element is defined by

• K is the reference tetrahedron,• PK = Rk,• The degrees of freedom are of three types associated with edges ê of K , faces f of K and K itself. We denote by τ

a unit vector in the direction of ê. We define three different degrees of freedom as follows (see Fig. 5.7 ):(1) the first set is associated with edges of the element:

(2) the second set is associated with faces of the element:

(3) the last set of degrees of freedom are associated with the volume:

Then ∑K = Mê(û) ∪ Mf(û) ∪ MK(û).

Remark 5.31The degrees of freedom Mf need some comment since they appear to differ from those in [233]. If q ∈ (Pk-2(f))3and q · ν = 0then q = (ν x q ) x ν, so

But q x ν = r ∈ (Pk-2(f))2, where (Pk-2(f))2denotes the set of vector fields tangential to f with each component in Pk-2(f ). So the new degrees offreedom and the original ones from [233] are equivalent. However, we find the new set easier to manipulate from the point of view of provingaffine equivalence.

Because we are working in H(curl;K ), the general results of Section 3.9 show that vectors in Rk must be transformed ina special way. If û ∈ Rk on K , we define u on K by the transformation (3.76), which, in the special case of an affine map,becomes(5.33)

An important consequence of this formula is that the curl of u is related in an easy way to the curl of û (see Corollary3.58), i.e.


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We shall also need to show how tangent vectors transform under the affine map. Let τ be a unit vector in the directionof an edge ê of the tetrahedron K . Then the vector τ given by(5.35)

is a unit tangent vector to the edge e of K that is the image of ê under FK.

Our next lemma shows that Rk is indeed invariant under the transformation (5.33). This is the first step in proving theaffine invariance of the finite element space.

Lemma 5.32Rk is invariant under (5.33).

Proof If û ∈ Rk, then û = p1 + p 2, where p 1 ∈ (Pk - 1)3 and p2 ∈ Sk. Then

Since p2 ∈ (P k)3, we see that , where p 3 ∈ (Pk - 1)3. Hence

and . Furthermore,

and we conclude that u ∈ Rk. □

Now we can define the curl conforming element on a general tetrahedron K.

Definition 5.33 The curl conforming finite element on an element K is defined by

• K is a tetrahedron,• PK = Rk,• The degrees of freedom are of three types associated with edges ê of K, faces f of K and K itself. We denote by τ

a unit vector in the direction of e. There are three different degrees of freedom as follows:

(1) the set is associated with edges of the element:(5.36)


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(2) the second set is associated with faces of the element.(5.37)

(3) the last set is associated with the volume:(5.38)

Then ∑K = Me(u) ∪ Mf(u) ∪ MK(u).

These degrees of freedom are affine invariant under the transformation from K to K.

Lemma 5.34Suppose det(BK) > 0 and the tangent vectors τ on the edges of K are related to those on K by (5.35). Then each of the setsof degrees of freedom (5.36)-(5.38) for u on K are identical to the degrees of freedom for û on K (provided(5.33)is used).

Proof Using the change of variables (5.33), and canceling the determinant terms gives

Next we consider facial degrees of freedom (5.37). Then using the change of variables (5.33) we can write

To prove the result for edge degrees of freedom (5.36), we use (5.35) to show that, provided (5.33) is used,

Now τ = (b - a)/length(e), where a and b are the end points of e. Hence


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We need to establish that the element is curl conforming. Using Theorem 5.3 we know that it suffices to prove thatacross every face separating two elements in the mesh τh the tangential trace u x ν of a finite element is continuousacross the face. Since the degrees of freedom of type (5.37) agree across the common face, and for each edge of theface the degrees of freedom of type (5.36) also agree, we know that the degrees of freedom for the difference of thefunctions on each element all vanish. Thus it suffices to prove the following lemma (see the proof of Theorem 5.23 formore details of this type of argument in the context of divergence conforming elements). We shall prove the lemma forgeneral k ≥ 3. For k < 3 the proof terminates at an earlier stage.

Lemma 5.35If u ∈ Rk is such that the degrees of freedom of type(5.37)vanish on a given face f and such that the degrees of freedom oftype(5.36)vanish for each edge of f then u x ν = 0 on f.

Proof It is convenient to prove this result on the reference element, which is possible since Lemma 5.34 guaranteesthat all degrees of freedom associated with f (including edges) vanish simultaneously with those associated with f. Wecan also assume that f is the face of K in the plane x 3 = 0. Then the tangential component of u is

and by Stokes Theorem 3.21, for every q ∈ Pk - 1(f),

Since q ∈ Pk - 1(f), we have , so the fact that the degrees of freedom of type (5.37) and (5.36) vanish on f and ∂f implies that ∇f x ûT = 0 on f. Then since ûT ∈ Rk(f ) (using the analogue of Rk in two dimensions; see Remark 5.29),the analogue of Lemma 5.28 in two dimensions shows that ûT = ∇fp for some p ∈ Pk, where ∇f is the surface gradient onf. But for each q ∈ Pk - 1(e), using the vanishing of degrees of type (5.36) on each edge e,

Choosing q = ∂p/∂s shows that ∂p /∂ŝ = 0 on each edge ê of f and we can choose p = 0 on ∂f. Then using the geometryof f we see that, p = x 1x2(1 - x1 - x2)r


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for some r ∈ Pk-3(f), and so integration by parts shows that, for a fixed tangent vector τ,

We now select q to satisfy τ · ∇fq = r and, since τ is constant, we can assume that q ∈ Pk-1(f). Thus, using the face degreesof freedom,

and we can conclude that r = 0, which completes the proof. □

Since the number of degrees of freedom and the dimension of Rk are the same, the next result proves unisolvence ofthe element.

Lemma 5.36Suppose u ∈ Rk is such that all its degrees of freedom (5.36)–(5.38) vanish. Then u = 0.

Proof We first map to the reference element, where all degrees of freedom also vanish. By the previous lemma,û x ν = 0 on ∂K . Then the integration by parts result (3.51) together with the vanishing of the moments (5.38) showthat(5.39)

Using Corollary 3.21 (Stokes theorem in the plane) on each face f of K together with the vanishing of the moments(5.37) shows that

Hence ∇f x ûT = (∇ x û) · ν = 0 on f and hence on ∂K .

Since ∇ x û ∈ (Pk-1)3, we know that

where ψ = (ψ1, ψ2, ψ3)⊺ ∈ (Pk-2)3 and so picking q = ψ in (5.39) shows that ∇ x û = 0 in K . By Lemma 5.28, û = ∇p forsome p ∈ Pk. But the fact that û x ν = 0 on ∂K implies that we can take p = 0 on ∂K and so

The fact that the degrees of freedom (5.38) vanish implies that p = 0, and the lemma is proved. □

To summarize the situation so far, we have proved the following theorem:


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Theorem 5.37The finite element defined in Definition 5.33 is H(curl; Ω) conforming and unisolvent.

As a result of this theorem, we can characterize the global finite element space on a mesh τh by(5.40)

Using the degrees of freedom (5.36)–(5.38), we can define an interpolant for Vh. Assuming that u has the necessarysmoothness, the element-wise interpolant denoted by rKu ∈ Rk, where K ∈ τh, is characterized by the vanishing of thedegrees of freedom on u - rKu:(5.41)

The global interpolant rhu ∈ Vh is then defined element by element using

Unfortunately, because of the degrees of freedom (5.36) the interpolant is not defined for a general function in H(curl;Ω). To date, the best characterization of the functions for which the interpolant is defined is from [12]. We give aslightly simplified version.

Lemma 5.38Suppose there are constants δ > 0 and p > 2 such that u ∈ (H1/2 + δ(K))3and such that ∇ x u ∈ (Lp(K))3for each K in τh.Then rhu is well-defined and bounded.

Remark 5.39In fact, [12] gives an even weaker characterization requiring only that ∇ x u ∈ (Lp(Ω))3, u ∈ (Lp(K))3and u x ν ∈(Lp(∂K))3for some p > 2. This is implied by the result above, which is what we need for our analysis.

Proof ofLemma 5.38 We can assume that 0 < δ < 3/2. It is clear that (5.37) and (5.38) are well defined since u ∈

(L2(K))3 and, by the Trace Theorem 3.9, we have u ∈ (Hδ(∂K))3 ⊂ (Lp(∂K))3 for any 2 ≤ p ≤ 6/(3 - 2δ) (here we have alsoused Theorem 3.7).

It remains to show that (5.36) is well defined. We select p such that 2 < p ≤ 6/(3 - 2δ). Let p′ be such that 1/p + 1/p′ =1. Given a polynomial q ∈ Pk-1(e) we extend it by zero to a function, still denoted by q on ∂f, where f is a face containinge on its boundary. Such a function is in W1-1/p′, p′ (∂f) since 1-1/p′ < 1/2.

Now using the right inverse of the trace map (see Theorem 3.9), we see that q is the trace of a function (again denotedq!) in W1, p′(f). Then (see Corollary 3.21, using a density argument and noting that since u ∈ H(curl; K) we know ∇f x u =∇ x u · ν ∈ H−1/2(∂K)), we conclude that


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Extending q by zero to all of ∂K and finally extending q ∈ W1-1/p′, p′ (∂K) to a function in q ∈ W1, p′ (K), and using (3.23)extended by density to functions in W1, p′ (K), we have

Thus, using the boundedness of the extension operator in each step, we have

This proves the boundedness of the edge degrees of freedom for functions with the stated smoothness and completesthe proof. □

We can now proceed to analyze the properties of the interpolant. Our first result establishes a link between the curlconforming elements of this section and the divergence conforming element of first type defined in Definition 5.14.

Lemma 5.40Suppose Wh is the divergence conforming finite element space in(5.28)and Vh is the curl conforming space given by (5.40).Then ∇ x Vh ⊂ Wh, and if u is a function such that both the interpolants rhu and wh(∇ x u) are defined, then wh(∇ x u) = ∇ x rhu.

Proof Let uh ∈ Vh. Then ∇ x uh|K ∈ (Pk-1)3 for each K ∈ τh. Furthermore, ∇ · (∇ x uh) = 0. Thus ∇ x uh ∈ H(div;Ω) and soby characterization (5.28) we see that ∇ x uh ∈ Wh. It follows that ∇ x rhu ∈ Wh, and so it suffices to prove that thedivergence element degrees of freedom for wh ∇ x u and ∇ x rhu agree element by element. But, on a given element K ∈

τh with face f, for every q ∈ Pk - 1(f), first using the face degrees of freedom (5.22) for the divergence element, and thenusing the edge and face degrees of freedom for the curl element, we derive

In deriving the above equality, we have used the integration by parts result (3.28).


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For the internal degrees of freedom (5.23), we see that for every q ∈ (Pk-2)3, using the internal divergence elementdegrees of freedom, followed by the surface and internal degrees of freedom (5.37) and (5.38) for the curl conformingelement, that

Here we have used the integral identity (3.27). □

It follows from the previous lemma that we can expect good approximation properties for the curl of the interpolantsince we have already proved good error estimates for the divergence conforming interpolant wh.

Our next result provides error estimates for the interpolant.

Theorem 5.41Let τh be a regular mesh on Ω. Then

(1) If u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3and ∇ x u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3for 1/2 + ≤ s ≤ k for δ > 0 then(5.42)

(2) If u ∈ (H1/2+(K))3, 0 < δ ≤ 1/2 and ∇ x u|K ∈ Dk, where Dk is defined in (5.17), then


Remark 5.42The first estimate holds tetrahedron by tetrahedron (i.e. with Ω replaced by K and h replaced by hK). This is because it isproved element by element. Estimate(5.42)was proved in its current form by Alonso and Valli [9, 77]. Previous estimates along this lineinclude the original paper of Nédélec [233], Dubois [132] and myself [216]. Estimate(5.43)is a generalization of the estimate(2.4)in[18] and is proved in [167] for Lipschitz polyhedral domains. This estimate is vital to our later proofs of convergence of the finite elementmethod.

Note that a result of the proof of this theorem is the estimate

for 1/2 + δ ≤ s ≤ k and δ > 0.


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Before we can prove this estimate, we summarize how Sobolev norms of curl conforming functions (i.e. thosetransformed by (5.33)) change as the functions are mapped.

Lemma 5.43Suppose the mesh τh is regular and s ≥ 0. Then there is a constant C independent of ν such that if ν is transformedby(5.33)to obtain νcirc; then

Proof For non integer s, the proof is given in [9]. We shall confine ourselves to proving the first result in the case ofinteger s. Using the fact that we see that for any multi-index α

Thus the only difference between this and the classical mapping result in Lemma 5.9 is the presence of the matrix BK.Using Lemma 5.9 we see that if |α|1 = s then

and adding over all multi-indices |α|1 = s proves the result. For the curl estimates, we use transformation (5.34) in thesame way. □

Proof ofTheorem 5.41 We shall only prove the result for integer s, to avoid technical complications. Thus we assume sis an integer with 1 ≤ s ≤ k and the proof reduces to that in [233]. See [9] for more details particularly when 1/2 + δ ≤s < 1. We start by estimating the (L2(Ω))3 portion of (5.42) by decomposing the desired estimate into element-wisecontributions:

Next, for each element K, we transform to the reference element K using (5.33):

But, because of Lemmas 5.32 and 5.34, we have that . So, using the fact that (Pk - 1)3 ⊂ Rk,


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for every ϕ ∈ (Pk-1)3. But the degrees of freedom of u, given by (5.36)–(5.38), may be estimated using Lemma 5.38 sothat:

Now, using Theorem 5.5, we have (using the fact that s is an integer)(5.45)

Mapping back to the reference element (using Lemma 5.43) shows that, for any integer

and Using this estimate in (5.45) and then using (5.45) in (5.44) shows that(5.46)

In fact, for integer s > 1 this estimate can be proved without the need for the curl term.

To prove the curl estimate, we can use Lemma 5.40 and Theorem 5.25:

Combining this with (5.46) proves the H(curl; Ω) estimate.

The proof of (5.43) follows the same pattern. Mapping to the reference element and using Lemma 5.38, we see that allthe degrees of freedom of rKû can be estimated by ║û║(H

1/2 + δ(K))

3 + ║∇ x û║(Lp(K))

3, p > 2. But, since ∇ x û ∈ Dk, theequivalence of norms on a finite-dimensional vector space shows that rKû can be estimated by ║û║(H

1/2 + δ(K))

3 + ║∇ xû║(L


3. Thus we have

where ϕ vanishes from the curl part of the estimate because it is a constant function. Thus, by Theorem 5.5, we have

Now mapping back to the reference element using Lemma 5.43 completes the estimate. □


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We have seen how to construct subspaces Vh ⊂ H(curl; Ω) but we also need to construct subspaces of X. Fortunately,this is easy, as the following lemma shows.

Lemma 5.44Suppose u ∈ X and rhu is well defined. Then rhu ∈ X.

Remark 5.45This implies that it is sufficient to set the degrees of freedom associated with edges and face on Γ to zero in order to constructfinite element functions in X. Our proof uses the fact that Γ and ∑ are disjoint and covered completely by triangulations. Thus we can define

and for any suitably smooth function u in X we know that rhu ∈ Xh so the error estimates ofTheorem 5.41hold for interpolation in X aswell.

Proof ofLemma 5.44 Let f be a face of the mesh on Γ. The degrees of freedom (5.36) and (5.37) associated with f onlydepend on the tangential components of u on f which vanish. Hence all degrees of freedom associated with f vanishand so, by Lemma 5.35, rhu x ν = 0 on f. □

5.5.1 Linear edge elementBecause of their importance in practice, let us consider the linear elements (k = 1) in more detail. For k = 1, Nédélec[233] shows that

The six constants (the components of a and b) are determined from the moments ∫eu · τ ds on the six edges, e, of anelement K. It is for this reason that such elements (and by extension the entire family) are called edge elements(see Fig. 5.7 ).

Direct computation shows that the basis function with unit integral on the edge joining vertices i and j is given by(5.47)

where λi is the barycentric coordinate function corresponding to node ai. The function ψi, j also arises in the work ofWhitney [295] and so the k = 1 element is sometimes called the Whitney element (see [53, 54, 164] for a more extensivediscussion of this aspect of edge elements). It is easy to see, using mid-point quadrature on the edge joining vertices iand j and the fact that this quadrature is exact for quadratic polynomials, ∫eψi,j · τ ds = 1. We also remark that(5.48)

The Whitney representation of the basis function is a convenient way of programming the lowest-order edge element.

Note that, on each element K ∈ τh, a simple calculation shows that ∇ · (ψi,j|K) = 0. But this does not imply that ψi,j isglobally divergence free. Since the normal component of ψi,j is not continuous across faces in the mesh there is asingular contribution to the divergence at the faces in the mesh.


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5.5.2 Quadratic edge elementsNow we shall give details of how to compute a basis for quadratic edge elements k = 2 on a tetrahedron. The problemis to find a basis that is easily constructed and which yields conformity of the global finite element space withoutelaborate modifications. This is relatively easy because of the degrees of freedom defined previously in this chapter,once we have agreed on a global orientation for the various geometric elements (edges and faces) in the mesh.

A straightforward computation using MAPLE (or similar algebraic software — or even by hand!) shows that if wedefine the vectors pj, j = 1, 2, 3, as follows

then R2 is spanned by the following twenty vectors:

where ej, j = 1, 2, 3, are the usual Cartesian unit vectors. Thus any û ∈ R2 can be written as . We now wish tocompute the basis functions corresponding to the affine invariant degrees of freedom in Definition 5.30. As usual ourreference tetrahedron has vertices

and we label the edges and faces as in Fig. 5.8 .

To each edge [âi, âj], i < j we assign a unit tangent vector

The edge degrees of freedom on the reference element are thus

for q ∈ P1([âi, âj]). Since û · τijq ∈ P2(ê), we can compute the above integral by Gaussian quadrature


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Fig. 5.8. Labeling of the edges on the reference tetrahedron with the direction of the edge (the direction of theassociated tangent vector) marked. Vertex numbers are surrounded by a dashed circle. Faces are triangles with orientedvia the right-hand rule: face 1 is the triangle [1,2,3] (i.e. the triangle with vertices numbered 1,2 and 3) with normalvector in the direction (a2 - a1) x (a3 - a1), face 2 is the triangle [1,2,4], face 3 is the triangle [1,3,4] and face 4 is thetriangle [2,3,4].

where and are the two Gaussian quadrature points in arc length along [âi, âj] with closest to âi and , l = 1, 2,are the corresponding three-dimensional coordinate of the Gauss point on [âi, âj]. Now we choose the linearpolynomial q so that , (and vice versa), so the corresponding degrees of freedom are just(5.49)

For each face f with vertices {âi, âj, âk}, i < j < k, we choose (note these are not unit tangent vectors) and. Then the degrees of freedom associated with f are

For the purpose of computing the basis elements, it is convenient to compute these integrals by quadrature at themidpoints of the edges of the tetrahedron, so since û is at most quadratic,(5.50)

Using these degrees of freedom, we can now compute the basis functions for R2. For example, we could compute thebasis function that has degree of freedom


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Fig. 5.9. The choice of degrees of freedom and affine mapping guarantees that the direction of the tangent vectorsagree across element boundaries.

1 at the first Gauss point on the edge [â1, â2] but zero at all other degrees of freedom by using the expansionin the following equations:

where we use the discrete equations (5.50) to actually implement the area integral. Here fk is the kth face of thereference tetrahedron as defined in the caption to Fig. 5.8 . Using this procedure, we can successively compute thecoefficients of the 20 basis functions for K in terms of ν1, …, ν20 once and for all. To obtain basis functions on anyother element K, we need only transform to that element.

Our careful choice of tangent vector directions and degrees of freedom makes it possible to ensure that tangentdirections are always followed consistently on the target elements—provided we follow the following simple rule.Suppose the vertices in the mesh are enumerated and the set of vertices is written , where Nh is the total numberof the vertices in the mesh. Then a tetrahedron K in the mesh will have vertices ai1, ai2, ai3, ai4 and we assume that thevertices are ordered so that i1 < i2 < i3 < i4. We choose the affine map so as to map âl to , 1 ≤ l ≤ 4. Thus, thecomponent matrix and vector of the affine map are given by

In Fig. 5.9 we indicate how this forces the tangent directions to be consistent between the orientation of edges on thereference element K and the global orientation on K. To see this, suppose tetrahedra K1 and K2 meet at face f


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with vertices aj1, aj2, aj3, j1 < j2 < j3. Then, for example, the tangent vector will point from aj1 to aj2 along the appropriateedge, regardless of whether K1 or K2 is the target element. This trick is due to Paul Wesson.

Obviously, this procedure for computing basis functions can be extended (at the cost of some considerable labor) tohigher-order edge elements. The key point is that our choice of vertex order for edges, faces and tetrahedra establishesan intrinsic orientation for each geometric quantity which unambiguously forces the degrees of freedom to agree.

5.6H1(Ω) conforming nite elementsWe continue our description of the spaces of functions needed for Maxwell's equations by discussing the scalar spacesuitable for discretizing the potential p (or the space S given by (4.6)). This material is entirely classical, so we shallmainly give references to the appropriate literature. We start by defining the H1 conforming element:

Definition 5.46(Scalar finite element space) On a general tetrahedron K,

• K = tetrahedron;• PK = Pk;• the degrees of freedom ∑K fall into four classes (depending upon k, some may not be needed):

(1) vertex degrees of freedom: Let ai, 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 be the vertices of K, then(5.51)

(2) edge degrees of freedom:(5.52)

(3) face degrees of freedom:(5.53)

(4) volume degrees of freedom:(5.54)


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Then ∑K = Me(p) ∪ Mν(p) ∪ Mf(p) ∪ MK(p).

Of course, if k < 4 then MK(p) is not used, if k < 3 then Mf(p) is not used, and if k < 2 then Me(p) is not used. We notethat the total number of degrees of freedom is

so that there are the same number of degrees of freedom as the dimensions of Pk.

Lemma 5.47The element defined above is H1(Ω) conforming and unisolvent.

Proof First we prove conformance in the general case k ≥ 4 (for k < 4 the proof terminates early). Using Lemma 5.3this reduces to showing that if all vertex, edge and face degrees of freedom of p ∈ Pk vanish for a particular face f of thetetrahedron, then p = 0 on that face. Since the vertex degrees of freedom for p vanish, for each e ∈ ∂f we may write

for any q ∈ Pk-1(e). Choosing q = ∂p/∂s shows that ∂p/∂s = 0 along this edge and hence p = 0 along each edge. Sincep = 0 on ∂f, p = λ1λ2λ3r, where λ1, λ2, λ3 are the area barycentric coordinate functions for f. Then using the facts that r ∈Pk-3(f) and that the face degrees of freedom vanish, we have

Hence r = 0, and we have proved that p = 0 on f.

Now we prove unisolvence. This reduces to showing that if all degrees of freedom of the polynomial p ∈ Pk vanish,then p = 0. But from the previous conformance calculation, we know that the vanishing degrees imply p = 0 on ∂K.Thus, p = λ1λ2λ3λ4r for some r ∈ Pk-4, where λ1, …, λ4 are the volume barycentric coordinate functions for K. Using thevolume degrees of freedom (that vanish)

Hence r = 0, and we have proved that p = 0, as desired. □

For any p ∈ H3/2 + δ(K), δ > 0, we can now define an interpolation operator πK by requiring that

For piecewise linear functions, this just says that πKp interpolates p at the vertices, but for k ≥ 2 the interpolation is viathe moments or weighted integrals


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along the edges, over face and volumes (besides the usual vertex interpolation). The restriction on the regularity of pallows us to use the Sobolev Embedding Theorem 3.5 to show that that H3/2+δ(K) ⊂ C(K) and hence to ensure vertexvalues are well defined.

The conformance lemma above also allows us to define the space(5.55)

which is just the standard space of piecewise k-degree, continuous piecewise polynomials. Via the local interpolationoperators, we then define the global interpolation operator πh : H3/2+δ(Ω) → Uh, δ > 0, by(5.56)

The following theorem summarizes the accuracy properties of the interpolant.

Theorem 5.48Let τh be a regular family of meshes of Ω. Then there exists a constant C independent of h and p such that

Proof For 2 ≤ s ≤ k + 1, this theorem is entirely classical and may be found in [80]. For it may be proved, forexample, by using the techniques from [9]. We shall not provide the proof here, but the usual technique of mapping tothe reference element and using Theorem 5.5 suffices. □

Now we show that the scalar space Uh and curl conforming space Vh are connected in an intimate way.

Theorem 5.49Suppose Uh is defined by(5.55)and Vh is defined by (5.40), then ∇Uh ⊂ Vh and if p is sufficiently smooth that both πhpand rh ∇p are well defined (e.g. p ∈ H3/2+δ(Ω), δ > 0), we have

Proof This result is proved in [233]. First we see that if ph ∈ Uh, then ∇ph ∈ H(curl; Ω) and on each tetrahedron K,(∇ph)|K ∈ (Pk-1)3 ⊂ Rk. Hence ∇Uh ⊂ Vh.

To show that ∇πhp = rh∇p, it then suffices to show that all the degrees of freedom for ∇πhp and rh∇p agree tetrahedron bytetrahedron. We start with the edge degrees. For q ∈ Pk-1(e),(5.57)

where we have used the edge degrees (5.36) for rh∇p. Now for q = 1, and if e = [a, b],


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where we have used the vertex interpolation property of p from (5.52). For general q ∈ Pk-1(e), integrating the right handside of (5.57) by parts and using the vertex interpolation property and the degrees of freedom (5.52) of πh, we obtain

since ∂q/∂s ∈ Pk-2(e). For the face degrees of freedom, using a constant tangent vector τ and q ∈ Pk-2(f) we have

where we have used the face degrees of freedom (5.37) for rh to remove this operator. Using a general unit tangentvector τ, we conclude that

if and only if

Using the Divergence Theorem 3.19 in the plane containing f, we conclude that

where νf is the outward normal to f in the plane of f. But ∇f · ξ ∈ Pk-3(f) and νf · ξ ∈ Pk-2(e) for each edge, so the right-handside vanishes using the face and edge degrees of freedom (5.53) and (5.52) for πh. We have thus proved that the facedegrees of freedom (5.37) for ∇πhp and rh∇p agree.

Finally, for the volume degrees of freedom we use the degrees of freedom in (5.38) together with the integral identity(3.24) to show that if q ∈ (Pk-3)3 then

But ∇ · q ∈ Pk-4 and q · ν ∈ Pk-3(f) for each face f, so the right-hand side vanishes, using the face and volume degrees offreedom for πh. This completes the proof. □


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5.6.1 The Clément interpolantIn some situations, it is useful to have an interpolant defined on discontinuous functions. In particular, in Section 13.4,we shall need to interpolate a function p ∈ H1(Ω), where Ω ⊂ R3 is a bounded Lipschitz polyhedron. Functions in H1

(Ω) are not necessarily continuous and so the standard interpolant πhp is not well defined on this space (hence therestriction p ∈ Hs (Ω), in Theorem 5.48). In this section we shall define a generalized interpolant called the Clémentinterpolant [81] as generalized by Bernardi [40]. Other generalized interpolants are also available with many of thesame properties (see, e.g. Chapter 4.8 of [60]) so our choice of this interpolant is, to some extent, arbitrary. Thesegeneralized interpolants have the desirable property of interpolating less smooth functions than the standardinterpolant but have obvious defects which make them less desirable for general use. For example, the generalizedinterpolants all use average values of the function to be interpolated, and hence the value of the interpolant on onetetrahedron may depend on values of the function on other tetrahedra. This non-local behavior complicates the theoryand implies that the generalized interpolant of a finite element function does not necessarily reproduce the finiteelement function exactly.

We start by following [143] and describe the Clément interpolant without regard for boundary conditions. Let τh denotea regular tetrahedral mesh of Ω using elements of maximum diameter h. Let Uh denote the space of continuouspiecewise-linear finite element functions on τh given by (5.55) with k = 1 (higher-order generalizations are possible butwe shall not require them here—see [40]). The standard set of global degrees of freedom ∑h of Uh is given by functionvalues at the vertices of the mesh. Let a1, …, denote the Nh vertices of τh.

By the unisolvence property (Lemma 5.47), for each ai there is a unique finite element function θi ∈ Uh such that

and the functions θi, 1 ≤ i ≤ Nh, are a standard Lagrange basis for Uh.

For each i we then define the macro-element Δi by

Since the mesh τh is regular, the interior angles of the tetrahedra are bounded away from zero, independent of h and sothere is a maximum number M of tetrahedra that meet at any vertex (the number M depends on the regularity constantfor the mesh but is independent of h). In addition, the number of macro-elements containing a given element K is alsobounded independently of h. Using these facts, Bernardi [40] proves the following lemma, which makes critical use ofthe regularity of the mesh.

Lemma 5.50If K and K′ are contained in a macro-element Δiwe have hK ≤ ChK′ where C is independent of h and i.


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With this lemma, Bernardi argues that it is possible to construct a finite number of reference domains Δ l, 1 ≤ l ≤ L (Lindependent of h), consisting of unions of at most M tetrahedra such that each macro-element Δi is the image of someΔl. By this we mean that each tetrahedron in Δ l is mapped by an affine map to a distinct element in Δi and that theunion of mapped elements is all of Δi. The domains Δ l play the role of the reference domain K in the theory of theprevious sections of this chapter. In particular, because there are finitely many reference configurations Δ l independentof h, the various interpolation and continuity constants appearing in the theory for these domains are boundedindependently of h.

We can now define the Clément interpolation operator ΠClem : H1(Ω) → Uh. Let Δj be a macro-element with Δl itsreference configuration. Then let p ∈ H1(Ω) and define p j ∈ P1 to be the unique function such that

where, for each K ∈ Δj, we obtain p by the usual mapping. Thus p = p ∘ FK, K, where FK, K is the affine map between theappropriate K ∈ Δl and K ∈ Δj. Then, if âj ∈ Δl maps to aj ∈ Δj, we have(5.58)

This defines ΠClem on H1(Ω) (i.e. when no boundary conditions are present), but because of the averaging procedure,even if p = 0 on ∂Ω, it is possible that ΠClemp ≠ 0 on ∂Ω.

We have already encountered in Chapter 4 the situation where Ω is a connected domain with disconnected boundaryconsisting of two connected components Γ and ∑. Recall that

Note that Γ is exactly covered by a union of faces of the mesh (if Γ is just a portion of one component of ∂Ω, it wouldbe necessary that the mesh be chosen to exactly cover Γ — see [40]). In this case, for p ∈ S, we can define aconforming Clément interpolant, still denoted ΠClem, in the same way as (5.58) but omitting from the sum termscorresponding to vertices on Γ and enforcing the interpolant to be constant on ∑. In this case ΠClemp ∈ Sh = S ∩ Uh.Theorem 5.1 of [40] then gives the following estimates for any p ∈ S and K ∈ τh:

where DK is the union of all macro-elements Δj containing K.


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Using the interpolation estimate that for any u ∈ H1(K)

with constant C independent of K (this result is proved in two dimensions in [226] and the same proof, with obviousmodifications, proves it in three dimensions) allows us to obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 5.51Let τh be a regular mesh of Ω. Then the modified Clément operator with boundary data (i.e. respecting the boundaryconditions on Γ and Σ) denoted by ΠClem : S → Sh satisfies

where C is independent of h and p.

5.7 An L2(Ω) conforming spaceWe will now define a finite element space in L2(Ω) to complete the discrete de Rham complex. Let Zh denote the spaceof piecewise (k-1)-degree discontinuous scalar elements on τh, so

It is easy to see that the L2(Ω) projection P0, h : L2(Ω) → Zh is related to wh. In fact, for all sufficiently smooth functions,

since, for all q ∈ Pk-1, using the definition of P0, h followed by the integral identity (3.33), we obtain

Here, both integrals on the right-hand side vanish, owing to the face and volume degrees of freedom defining wh, so thecommuting property of wh and P0, h is established. Thus, if we define, for δ > 0,

then the above result and Theorems 5.40 and 5.49 show that the following discrete de Rham complex commutes:


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Here Uh is given by (5.55), Vh by (5.40), Wh by (5.28) and Zh as above.

We have established error estimates for πh, rh and wh. We could also easily establish such results for P0, h (this is standardfinite element theory) and hence establish the following result for wh:(5.60)

for 0 ≤ s ≤ k-1, provided u is sufficiently smooth such that ∇ · u ∈ Hs(Ω), and whu is well defined (u ∈ W is enough).This proves the estimate in the remark following Theorem 5.25.

We see that by establishing convergence in L2(Ω) for πh, in (L2(Ω))3 for rh and wh, and in L2(Ω) for P0, h, we can establishhigher norm convergence by using the commuting diagram. For example, using the estimates for rh, we have

5.8 Boundary spacesA tetrahedral mesh τh of Ω induces a triangular mesh on ∂Ω in the sense that the faces of the elements in τh that lie on∂Ω cover the boundary and obey the usual finite element meshing constraints (see Section 5.3). Furthermore if themesh on Ω is regular, then so is the mesh on the boundary (interpreting regularity in terms of the inscribed andcircumscribed circles in the same way as in Definition 5.11).

Let us denote the mesh induced by τh on ∂Ω as τh(∂Ω). For a suitably smooth function u, we shall need to estimate theerror in(5.61)

where γT is the trace operator defined in (3.46). This estimate can be performed in two ways. We could estimate theerror in terms of boundary norms of γT(u) nothing that γT(rhu) lies in the appropriate two-dimensional analogue of theset Rk (this is just the rotated Raviart–Thomas space). However, we wish to relate the convergence rate to volumenorms of the function u. We, therefore, prove the following (most likely suboptimal) result.


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Lemma 5.52Suppose u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3and ∇ x u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3for some ½ < s ≤ k. Then

Proof Using (5.61) we have

If we now map to the reference element using the usual volume change of variables (5.33) we can ensure that the face fmaps to the face of the reference element in the (x 1, x2)-plane. This is exactly the standard two-dimensional referenceelement. We obtain

Thus we see that

Now, using Theorem 3.9 on K , we obtain

We may now proceed as in the proof of Theorem 5.41 (following (5.45)) by using the Deny–Lions theorem 5.5 andmapping back to the element K having f as a face using Lemma 5.43. □

Putting together this lemma and Theorem 5.41 provides the following estimate for the error in X. This result is notoptimal, since we obtain at best an estimate of O(h1/2) for linear edge elements. At the expense of a higher norm on theright-hand side, we could improve the result, but this would not fit with our later theory.

Lemma 5.53Suppose u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3and ∇ x u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3for some ½ < s ≤ k then

Sometimes, we shall also need to assume that on boundaries where the impedance boundary condition is applied(denoted ∑), the mesh has an additional uniformity. For a given face f we define the diameter of f, denoted hf, to be thediameter of the largest circle in the plane of f containing f in its interior. Now we say that a mesh τh, h > 0, is quasi-uniform on ∑ if the following holds.


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Definition 5.54 A family of meshes τh, h > 0, is said to be quasi-uniform on ∑ if there are constants τ > 0 and h0 > 0independent of h such that

Effectively, this definition rules out an unbounded disparity in the diameter of the elements in the mesh on ∑ as h → 0.Usually, we would like the flexibility of allowing very small tetrahedra in some parts of the mesh (but maintaining aregular mesh of course), so we prefer to assume quasi-uniformity only when all else fails! However, in our problem ∑is an auxiliary boundary and we expect the solution to be smooth near ∑. Thus the restriction of quasi-uniformity on∑ is less significant than assuming the entire mesh τh is quasi-uniform. Nevertheless, it would be desirable to do awaywith this assumption.

We shall use the inverse assumption to bound certain norms of discrete functions as follows.

Lemma 5.55Suppose ph ∈ Pk for fixed k on a triangle T ∈ τh(∑). Then there is a constant C independent of h such that

Remark 5.56Results such as this are classical, and more general cases can be found in [80].

Proof ofLemma 5.55 Both estimates are proved the same way. We only provide details for the first estimate. Bymapping to the reference domain T using an affine map, we have

On the reference domain, since Pk is a finite-dimensional vector space, the equivalence of norms on this space showsthat there is a constant C such that

Now mapping back to the element T, we have

where B T is the matrix in the affine map that maps T to T, where T is the two-dimensional reference element in thesame plane as T. Using the two-dimensional analogue of Theorem 5.10, we have

and use of this estimate, together with the quasi-uniformity assumption, proves the desired result. □

The assumption of quasi-uniformity allows us to prove the following more technical inverse estimate from [58].


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Lemma 5.57Suppose τh(∑), h > 0 is a regular and quasi-uniform family of meshes on ∑. Let ph be a piecewise k-degree polynomial onτh(Σ). Then for any δ with 0 ≤ δ < ½ there is a constant C such that

Remark 5.58Note that this lemma shows that piecewise polynomials are in Hδ(∑) provided 0 ≤ δ < ½. Of course, by applying theestimate to each component of a piecewise polynomial vector function we see that quasi-uniformity implies an inverse inequality for vectorpiecewise polynomials. In particular,

when uh ∈ Vh.

Proof ofLemma 5.57 The proof is from [58] and uses the interpolation theory of Sobolev spaces which we have notdiscussed in this book. A good reference for an introduction to this theory is [60]. The difficulty with the proof is thatthe upper limit s = ½ is not included in the range of validity of the estimate. In addition the fractional Sobolev norminvolves a double integral over the boundary ∑. This complicates the use of a mapping approach to the proof. Instead,we give the proof from [58] which proceeds directly via function space interpolation. The fractional Sobolev norm isequivalent to the following norm:(5.62)


Here ν can depend on t.

For h ≤ t ≤ 1 we choose ν = 0 and obtain(5.64)

The choice for 0 ≤ t ≤ h is much more complex. We want to approximate ph on each triangle, but not up to theboundary of the triangle where the discontinuity of ph occurs. Suppose the faces of ∑ are f1, f2, …, . We use a non-negative cutoff function ϕl ∈ C(∑) such that and with the following properties:(5.65)


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where dist(x, ∂fl) is the distance of x from the boundary ∂fl. On fl such a function is just a standard cutoff function sinceeach face is planar. The function ν in (5.63) is taken to be

Of course, ν is a smooth function and using the arithmetic geometric mean inequality we have

Note that only non-zero in a strip of width t around the edge of the triangle (hence having an area O(ht)). Usingthis fact and the estimate (5.66) we obtain

The same idea is used in the following estimate:

Now using the above two estimates, and the inverse estimates in Lemma 5.55, we have


Using this estimate and (5.64) in (5.62) proves the result. □

Finally, let us remark that if uh ∈ Vh is an edge finite element function then γt(νh) ∈ H(Div; ∑) where

Similarly, γT(νh) ∈ H(Curl; ∑), where


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6.1 IntroductionIn this chapter we shall discuss the definition and properties of Nédélec's first family of finite elements on hexahedra[233]. The presentation follows his work closely, but, as in the previous chapter, we emphasize the connectionsbetween the various spaces. The outline of the chapter is roughly the same as the previous chapter, and, in particular, itis necessary to read Sections 5.2 (last part) and 5.3 before this chapter.

We assume a regular finite element mesh τh, h > 0 (see Section 5.3), of hexahedra of maximum diameter h with the verystrong assumption that all elements are parallelepipeds with edges parallel to the coordinate axes. This implies that eachelement K ∈ τh can be obtained from the reference element K = (0, 1)3 via a diagonal affine map FK(x ) = BKx + bK,where BK is an invertible diagonal matrix. In this case the conclusions of Lemma 5.9 concerning the change of normsunder FK still holds and the estimate for the norm of BK, , and its determinant in Lemma 5.10 also still hold.

Because of the simplicity of the mapping, it is usual to work directly with basis functions on the mapped element andnot work via the reference element and affine map as in the previous chapter, where we considered tetrahedralelements. Although we actually define the various elements on the reference domain K , the same definitions can beused on a target element K in the mesh. Our analysis of hexahedral elements is a little less thorough than fortetrahedra, but having seen the analysis for tetrahedra, the reader can fill in the details!

Hexahedral elements are popular in engineering and are the basis of a number of successful codes. The elements weshall describe here are due to Nédélec [233] (in this case of divergence elements they are a straightforwardgeneralization to three dimensions of the Raviart–Thomas mixed finite element [260]).

6.2 Divergence conforming elements on hexahedraOn the reference element K we define the element as follows (see Fig. 6.1 for a graphical representation of thesedegrees of freedom):

Definition 6.1 For given integer k ≥ 1 the divergence conforming element of Nédélec is defined as follows.

(1) The reference element is K = (0, 1)3.(2) The polynomial space is PK = Qk,k-1, k-1 x Qk-1, k,k-1 x Qk-1, k-1, k.

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Fig. 6.1. The degrees of freedom for the first two divergence conforming elements on hexahedra. For simplicity weonly show the degrees of freedom for the x1-component. Left: k = 1; the average value of the normal component ofthe finite element vector field is given on each face (represented by the bold face normal vectors on each face). Right: k= 2; there are four normal component degrees of freedom per face (denoted by thick arrows) and, in addition, fourinterior degrees of freedom represented by non-bold-face vectors.

(3) The degrees of freedom are given on faces f with normal ν and in the interior of K (they are well defined for û ∈(H1/2 + δ(K ))3, δ > 0, by Lemma 5.15):

(a) for the faces(6.1)

(b) for the volume(6.2)

Then ∑K = Mf(û) ∪ MK(û).

Using the transformation (5.20), a basis function on K can be mapped to a basis function on a general element K. Sincethe mapping is a diagonal affine map (BK is diagonal), this simply scales each component of û and so we do not definethe element on a general hexahedron K (but see the tetrahedral degrees of freedom in Definition 5.18 for how q on K must be mapped).


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We start our analysis of this element by showing that the element is divergence conforming and unisolvent.

Theorem 6.2A vector function u ∈ Qk, k-1, k-1 x Qk-1, k, k-1 x Qk-1, k-1, kdefined on the reference hexahedron K = (0, 1)3is uniquely determinedby the degrees of freedom(6.1)and (6.2). Moreover, the space Wh of finite elements on the mesh τh defined by mapping the element inDefinition 6.1 from the reference element using(5.20)is divergence conforming, so that Wh ⊂ H(div; Ω). In particular,(6.3)

Proof First we show conformity. Using Theorem 5.3 (as in the proof of Lemma 5.20), we need to prove that if all thedegrees of freedom of type (6.1) of û ∈ PK vanish on a particular face, then û · ν = 0 on that face. But, using the factthat the element has faces parallel to the coordinate planes, on f the normal component of u is such that û · ν ∈ Qk-1,k-1,and so we may choose q = û · ν in (6.1) and hence conclude the desired result.

To prove unisolvence, we first note that the dimension of PK is 3k2(k + 1), and this is also the number of degrees offreedom in ∑K. Hence it suffices to prove that if all degrees of freedom vanish for û ∈ PK then û = 0. But by theconformity proof, we know that û · ν = 0 on each face of K and hence (again using the fact that the faces are parallel tothe coordinate axes) we have

for some r ∈ Qk-2, k-1, k-1 x Qk-1, k-2, k-1 x Qk-1, k-1, k-2. Hence choosing q = r in (6.2) proves that r = 0 and we are done. □

Now that we have a well-defined finite element, we can define a global interpolation operator wh using the element-wiseinterpolation operator (see (5.26) and (5.27)). We have the following error estimate using the same argument as forTheorem 5.25 (but substantially simpler — owing to the fact that BK is diagonal).

Theorem 6.3Suppose τh is a regular family of hexahedral meshes on Ω with edges parallel to the coordinate axes. Assume . Thenif u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3, 1/2 + δ ≤ s ≤ k, there is a constant C independent of h and u such that(6.4)

Let us close by remarking that the simplest element in this family, when k = 1 (see Fig. 6.1 ) has


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Fig. 6.2. Degrees of freedom for the first two curl conforming elements on hexahedra. Left: k = 1; the average value oftangential component of the finite element vector field is given on each edge. Right: k = 2; only the degrees of freedomfor the second component u2 of the field are shown. There are two tangential component degrees of freedom per edge,two per face and two interior degrees of freedom.


The six degrees of freedom are the average flux on each face and these determine a and b in the above expression foru. Similar expansions are easy to write down for any k.

6.3 Curl conforming hexahedral elementsTo continue our discussion of finite elements on hexahedra, we now present the edge elements due to Nédélec [233].Again we shall restrict ourselves to right hexahedra with edges parallel to the coordinate axis. We assume that thedomain Ω is covered with a mesh of regular parallelepipeds of maximum diameter h to form the mesh τh. On thereference element K, we define the element as follows (see Fig. 6.2 for a graphical representation of these degrees offreedom):

Definition 6.4 For given integer k ≥ 1 the curl conforming element of Nédélec is defined as follows:

(1) the reference element is K = (0, 1)3;(2) the polynomial space is PK = Qk-1, k, k x Qk, k-1, k x Qk, k, k-1;(3) the degrees of freedom are given on edges ê with unit tangent τ, on faces f with normal ν and in the interior of K .

They are well defined for û ∈ (H1/2+δ(K ))3, δ > 0 such that ∇ x û ∈ (Lp(K))3 for some p > 2 (this follows fromLemma 5.38) as follows:

(a) for the edges:(6.5)


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(b) for the faces:(6.6)

where we note that û x ν is a vector in the plane of f and hence can be interpreted as a two dimensionalvector;

(c) for the volume:(6.7)

Then ∑K = Mê(û) ∪ Mf(û) ∪ MK(û).

Using the transformation (5.33) the basis function on K can be mapped to the basis function on a general element K.Since the mapping is a diagonal affine map (BK is diagonal), this simply scales each component of û and so we do notdefine the element on a general hexahedron K.

We start our analysis of this element by showing that the element is curl conforming and unisolvent.

Theorem 6.5A vector function u ∈ Qk-1, k, k x Qk, k-1, k x Qk, k, k-1, k ≥ 1, defined on the reference hexahedron K is uniquely determined bythe degrees of freedom (6.5)–(6.7). Moreover, the space Vh of finite elements on the mesh τh defined by mapping the element in Definition6.4 from the reference element using(5.33)is curl conforming, so that Vh ⊂ H(curl; Ω). In addition,(6.8)

Proof First we show conformity. Using Theorem 5.3 (as in the proof of Lemma 5.35), we need to prove that if all thedegrees of freedom of type (6.5) and (6.1) of û ∈ PK vanish on a particular face, then û x ν = 0 on that face. Suppose weconsider the face x 3 = 0. Then on this face the tangential components of û are û1 ∈ Qk-1, k and û2 ∈ Qk, k-1. On eachedge of this face, û · τ ∈ Pk-1, and


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hence choosing q = û · τ in the degrees of freedom in (6.5) shows that û · τ = 0 on each edge of this face.

Now consider the face f with x 3 = 0. Because û · τ = 0 on the edges of thus face, we know that the tangentialcomponents of û on this face have the factorization

Choosing q 1 = υ2 and q 2 = -υ1 in the degrees of freedom (6.6) shows that υ1 = υ2 = 0 on this face and hence û x νvanishes on this face, and we have verified conformity.

To prove unisolvence, we first note that the dimension of PK is 3k(k + 1)2, and this is also the number of degrees offreedom in ∑K. Hence, it suffices to prove that if all degrees of freedom vanish for û ∈ PK then û = 0. But by theconformity proof, we know that û x ν = 0 on each face of K and hence (using the fact that the faces are parallel to thecoordinate axes) we have

for some φ ∈ Qk-1, k-2, k-2 x Qk-2, k-1, k-2 x Qk-2, k-2, k-1. Hence, choosing q = φ in (6.7) proves that φ = 0 and we are done. □

Now that we have a well-defined finite element, we can define a global interpolant using the element-wise interpolationoperator as in (5.41). As in the previous chapter, we denote this operator by τh. We have the following error estimateusing the same argument as for Theorem 5.41.

Theorem 6.6Suppose τh is a regular family of hexahedral meshes on Ω with edges parallel to the coordinate axis. Provided u ∈

(Hs(Ω))3, and ∇ x u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3for there is a constant C independent of h and u such that(6.9)

for . In addition, if ∇ x u ∈ Qk, k-1, k-1 x Qk-1, k, k-1 x Qk-1, k-1, kon an element K then(6.10)

Our final result of is section links the space presented above with the divergence conforming space Wh from (6.3).

Theorem 6.7Let Wh be the space given by(6.3)and Vh be the space given by (6.8). Then ∇ x Vh ⊂ Wh. Furthermore, using the degreesof freedom in this chapter, if u is smooth enough such that rh u and wh ∇ x u are defined, then ∇ x rhu = wh ∇ x u.


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Proof The first part is clear since ∇ x Vh ⊂ H(div; Ω), and, if uh ∈ Vh, a direct calculation shows that ∇ x uh|K ∈ Qk, k-1, k-1

x Qk-1, k, k-1 x Qk-1, k-1, k.

The second part of the theorem is proved by verifying that the degrees of freedom given in (6.1) and (6.2) vanish for ∇x rhu - wh ∇ x u. The result then follows from the unisolvence of the element proved in Theorem 6.2. We perform theanalysis on the reference element. For degrees of the type given in (6.1) we let f be a face of K with normal ν, and let q ∈Qk-1, k-1(f). Then using the degrees of freedom for wK ∇ x û from (6.1), (3.52), (3.15) and integration by parts, we have

where νf is the unit outward normal to f in the plane of f. The first term on the right-hand side vanishes by using thedegrees of freedom (6.6) for rKu since ∇ fq ∈ Qk-2, k-1(f) x Qk-1, k-2(f). The second term vanishes using the degrees in (6.5)since ν x (νfq ) = ±r q and q ∈ Pk-1(ê) for each edge ê of f.

For the volume degrees of freedom in (6.2), if

we have, using the degrees of freedom (6.2) for ŵ and integration by parts,

Use of the degrees of freedom (6.7) and (6.6) shows that the right-hand side vanishes, and this completes the proof. □

Let us close by remarking that the simplest element in this family, when k = 1 (see Fig. 6.2 ) has u|K ∈ Q0, 1, 1 x Q1, 0, 1 x Q1,1, 0, so that


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The twelve degrees of freedom are given by the average of the tangential component on each edge and thesedetermine the coefficients in the above expression for u. Similar expansions are easy to write down for any k.

6.4H1(Ω) conforming elements on hexahedraNow we continue our study of finite elements on parallelepipeds with edges parallel to the coordinate axes bydescribing a standard family of scalar finite elements in H1(Ω). In keeping with our previous discussions of curl anddivergence conforming elements, we shall not provide a great deal of detail about these elements.

Definition 6.8 Let k ≥ 1. On the reference element the gradient conforming element is defined as follows.

(1) K = (0, 1)3.(2) PK = Qk, k, k.(3) Let ê be a general edge of K and f a general face. Let p ∈ H3/2 + δ(K ) for some δ > 0. There are four families of

degrees of freedom as follows:

(a) vertex degrees:(6.11)

(b) edge degrees:(6.12)

(c) face degrees:(6.13)

(d) volume degrees:(6.14)

Then ∑K = Mv(p ) ∪ Me(p ) ∪ Mf(p) ∪ MK(p).

Our first lemma proves that the element is H1(Ω) conforming using Lemma 5.3 in the usual way.

Lemma 6.9If all the degrees of freedom of a function p ∈ Qk, k, k associated with a face f of K vanish (including vertices, and edges of theface) then p = 0 on f.


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Proof We use the fact that the vertex degrees of freedom vanish on each edge ê of f. For example, on the edge x1 = x2= 0 we have p = x3(1 - x 3) r for some r ∈ Pk-2( ê). Choosing q = r in the degrees of freedom (6.12) for this edge showsthat r = 0.

Now using the fact that p = 0 on each edge of f, which we assume to be the face x 3 = 0, we have

for some r ∈ Qk-2, k-2(f). Choosing q = r in the degrees of freedom (6.13) shows that r = 0 and hence p = 0 on f, asrequired. □

Next we prove unisolvence of the element. The number of degrees of freedom and the dimension of Qk,k,k are both (k+ 1)3 and thus it suffices to show the following result:

Lemma 6.10If p ∈ Qk,k,k and all the degrees of freedom of p vanish, then p = 0.

Proof From the previous lemma we know that p = 0 on ∂K. Hence

where r ∈ Qk-2, k-2, k-2. Choosing q = r in (6.14) proves r = 0, as required. □

The finite element on a general element K can be obtained by mapping using the diagonal affine map FK via p ˚ FK = p in the usual way.

Using the degrees of freedom (5.51)–(5.54) transformed on K we can define an interpolant

by requiring the degrees of freedom of π Kp - p vanish. The global interpolant π hp is then defined element-wise by πhp| K

= πKp for all elements in the mesh.

Using the same proof as for Theorem 5.48, we have the following result:

Theorem 6.11The estimate ofTheorem 5.48holds for the element of this section.

We can summarize the space as follows:(6.15)

We have the following relation with Vh defined in (6.8).

Theorem 6.12If Uh is defined by(6.15)and Vh by(6.8)then ∇Uh ⊂ Vh. In addition, if p is such that rh∇p and πhp are defined then ∇πhp= rh∇ p.

Proof Clearly, if ph ∈ Uh then ∇ph ∈ H(curl; Ω); we see directly that ∇ph ∈ Qk-1, k, k x Qk, k-1, k x Qk, k, k-1, so ∇ph ∈ Vh.


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To prove the commuting property, we map to the reference element and show that all degrees of freedom of type(6.5)–(6.7) vanish for ∇πKp - rK∇ p. Then, via Lemma 6.10, we conclude that ∇πKp - rK∇p = 0.

For the edge degrees of freedom (6.5), if τ is tangent to ê = [ â, B] and if q ∈ Pk-1( ê) then using (6.5) and integration byparts we have

Since ∂q /∂ŝ ∈ Pk-2( ê) using (6.11) and (6.12) we conclude that the right-hand side above vanishes.

The face degrees (6.6) and volume degrees (6.7) are treated in the same way. We do not give the details. □

Finally, by mapping to the reference cube and using the Deny–Lions Theorem 5.5 we can verify the following theorem.

Theorem 6.13Assume that the mesh τh, h > 0, is regular and the elements in the mesh are parallelepipeds with edges parallel to thecoordinate axes. Then the error estimates ofTheorem 5.48hold for the hexahedral elements discussed in this section.

6.5 An L2(Ω) conforming space and a boundary spaceAs for the elements on tetrahedra considered in the previous chapter we can complete the de Rham diagram bydefining

and define P0, h to be the L2(Ω) orthogonal projection into Zh. It is then clear, using the same argument as in Section 5.7,that ∇ · whu = P0, h∇ · u for any u for which both sides are well defined.

Using this result and Theorems 6.7 and 6.12 proves that the discrete de Rham diagram in (5.59) also holds for thefinite elements on hexahedra in this chapter. Also, the same error estimates hold, so the accuracy properties of bothspaces are asymptotically the same.

In the same way as in Section 5.8, the volume mesh induces a regular mesh, denoted by τh(∂Ω), on the boundary of Ω.In this case the edges of the mesh are parallel to the coordinate axes. Hence the same mapping argument shows thatLemma 5.53 holds in this case.


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If the boundary mesh is quasi-uniform on some component ∑ of the boundary, the same arguments show thatLemmas 5.55 and 5.57 also hold.


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7.1 IntroductionIn Chapter 4 we showed that a standard Galerkin formulation for the Maxwell problem in a cavity has a uniquesolution. In performing this analysis, we encountered various function spaces (in particular, the spaces X and S definedin (4.3) and (4.6)). Then in Chapters 5 and 6 we saw how these spaces can be discretized using finite elements. In thischapter we shall see how these two themes can be combined to produce a finite element approximation of Maxwell'sequations posed on a bounded domain. As we saw in Chapter 4, there are two possibilities: for a given wavenumberκ > 0 there may be exactly one solution to the cavity problem or there may be non-trivial solutions to thehomogeneous problem. We shall analyze both cases.

The obvious choice of using vector continuous piecewise-linear elements is dangerous since, if the domain has re-entrant corners, it is possible to compute finite element solutions that converge to a field that is not a solution ofMaxwell's equations [105]. For this model problem, modifications to the bilinear form to restore convergence are givenin [113, 114], but further modifications are needed to handle, for example, discontinuous coefficients. We prefer to usethe edge finite elements of Nédélec [233]. These avoid the problem of spurious solutions at the cost of increasedcomplexity. Furthermore, these elements can be applied to problems involving discontinuous coefficients (modelingdifferent media) without modification. Indeed shortly after the publication of Nédélec's paper, these elements startedto be used in engineering codes [55].

In presenting the analysis there seem to be two possible paths. Either one can use a special theory of mixed methodsdeveloped by Daniele Boffi and his co-workers [48, 47, 46, 50] to handle Maxwell's equations, or one can use discreteanalogs of compactness arguments to derive the theory. The latter approach, which we shall follow, fits better with ourapproach in Chapter 4 of using compactness to analyze the continuous system. In fact, Boffi [46] has shown that theapproach we shall follow here, using the discrete compactness concept of Kikuchi [183–185], is equivalent to hisapproach.

Within the general approach of discrete analogs of compactness, we shall present two convergence proofs. The firstproof from [222] uses duality theory along the lines of [267] and is rather specialized, in that we need to simplify thecavity problem in order to apply the proof (it is likely that this proof can be extended to more general cases, but thatwould require a better understanding of Maxwell's equations). The advantage of the approach is that the argument

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is relatively simple, and the results are rather precise. The proof is based on early work in [217], convergence is provedusing duality via the ideas of Schatz [267] concerning the compact perturbation of coercive bilinear forms. Due tolimitations on the understanding of edge elements and the regularity theory for Maxwell's equations at that time,Ω wasassumed to be convex, and the mesh was quasi-uniform. Here we lift these restrictions.

The second approach uses the theory of collectively compact operators to produce a general convergence theoryapplicable for a general class of coefficients and the general domain considered in Section 4. This approach wasimplicit in the work of Kikuchi [185] and first explicitly suggested in [38, 178] for the analysis of waveguide problems.In [119], Demkowicz and I applied the theory of collectively compact operators to prove convergence on generalLipschitz polyhedra. We assumed quasi-uniformity of the mesh to provide a certain inverse inequality which, as weshall see, is not necessary. Moreover, using the results of [71], our proof extends to include rather general spatiallydependent coefficients in the equations (e.g. piecewise-constant coefficients). The drawback of this approach is itscomplexity.

A third compactness-based proof due to Hiptmair [164] will not be considered in this section. Instead, we shall use asimilar approach when we prove the convergence of edge element methods for the full scattering problem inChapter 10 .

A fourth and different approach is due to Boffi and Gastaldi [50]. They use the general convergence theory of Rappaz[123], together with their estimates of Maxwell eigenvalue convergence, to prove convergence on general regularmeshes. This is the approach also suggested in [122], where it is shown that the convergence of the discrete eigenvaluesis equivalent to the convergence of the source problem considered here (the proof can then be completed using theresults in [49]).

Let us now discuss the finite element method for the discretization of the general problem (4.4). We suppose that theinterior problem has a unique solution because either

(1) ∑ ≠ ∅, and λ strictly positive, or(2) ℑ(εr) is strictly positive definite on a a ball contained in Ω, or(3) ℑ(εr) = 0 and λ = 0 but κ is not a resonance or Maxwell eigenvalue for Ω.

In any of these cases, we know that the variational problem (4.4) has a unique solution depending continuously on thedata, and thus is suitable for finite element discretization (see Chapter 4 ).

From the previous two chapters, we know that edge finite elements on tetrahedral or rectilinear hexahedral meshessatisfy the discrete de Rham diagram (5.59) and have the same interpolation error estimates. Thus, from the point ofview of analysis, the choice of elements is immaterial. However, for the sake of clarity we shall assume the use of atetrahedral mesh. In particular, we suppose Ω has been covered by a regular mesh of tetrahedra, and that the elementspresented


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in Chapter 5.5 are used. Thus we define the finite element subspace of X consisting of degree-k edge elements by(7.1)

where k > 0 is an integer. We assume that the mesh is consistent with the coefficients μr and εr, by which we mean thatany surfaces where μr or εr are discontinuous are also unions of faces of the mesh. On each tetrahedron K thecoefficient μr is constant and the coefficient εr is an H3(K) function of position, so it is continuous (more precisely, itsatisfies the conditions in Section 4.2).

Given F ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and , we seek to approximate the solution E ∈ X of (4.4) by finding Eh ∈ Xh such that(7.2)

This variational problem should be compared with (4.4). Now we want to prove that (7.2) has a unique solution whichapproximates the solution E of (4.4) in a quasi-optimal way.

7.2 Error analysis via dualityIn this section we give a simple proof of convergence of edge finite element approximations to the cavity problem forMaxwell's equations. This analysis is from [222] and is motivated by the work of Gopalakrishnan and Pasciak [147],who use similar estimates in their analysis of Schwarz methods for Maxwell's equations. It is based on the use ofsolutions to the dual variational problem.

Unfortunately, in order to use the duality theory, we need to simplify (7.2). In particular, for this section, we assume εr

= μr = 1 in Ω, and, in addition, the boundary of Ω is assumed to have just one component Γ (thus, the boundarycondition is perfectly conducting). With these simplifications, we wish to approximate the electric field E that satisfiesthe Maxwell equations(7.3a)


As usual, F is a given function related to the imposed current sources and the parameter κ is the wavenumber assumedto be real and positive. Equation (7.3b) specifies a standard perfectly conducting boundary condition on the boundaryof Ω.

In this case, the space X given in (4.3) simplifies to X = H0(curl;Ω) and S given in (4.6) simplifies to


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With the above simplifications, problem (4.4) becomes the problem of finding E ∈ H0(curl; Ω) such that(7.4)

Because κ is real, we can assume that any solution of this problem is real, so all spaces and functions in this section arereal. From Chapter 4 we know that this problem has a unique solution unless κ is an interior Maxwell eigenvalue forΩ.We assume this is not the case in this section.

The problem of approximating E by finite elements then reduces to using the finite element space Xh defined in (7.1)and computing Eh ∈ Xh such that the following simplified version of (7.2) is satisfied:(7.5)

The remainder of this section is devoted to proving the following theorem.

Theorem 7.1Let Ω be a simply connected Lipschitz polyhedron with connected boundary Γ. Let τh be a regular mesh and suppose Xh isgiven by (7.1). In addition, suppose κ is not a Maxwell eigenvalue for Ω. Then if E satisfies(7.4)and Eh ∈ Xh satisfies (7.5), there is aconstant C independent of h, E and Eh and a constant h0 > 0 independent of E and Eh such that, for all 0 < h < h0,(7.6)

Here δ > 0 is the exponent inLemma 7.6.

Remark 7.2Choosing h small enough that (for example) proves quasi-optimal convergence of the edge element approximation.Furthermore, the constant 1/(1 - Ch1/2 + δ) can be made arbitrarily close to unity. Note that we do not use κ-dependent norms, but of coursethe constant C depends on κ via the a priori estimate for the dual problem. Later, in Section13.3, we shall see how this κ dependence can beincluded in the estimate.

If u ∈ Hs(curl; Ω) for some s with then Theorems 5.41 and 7.1 show that for all sufficiently small h there is a constant C suchthat ║E - Eh║H(curl; Ω) ≤ Chs. In general, the polyhedral boundary Γ causes singularities in the solution that prevent high global regularity[44, 106]. Nevertheless, as we have seen, we can expect sufficient regularity to guarantee a convergence rate of better than O(h1/2). The meshonly needs to be regular so that it can be refined strongly near boundary singularities in E. Nicaise has shown in detail how to this near anedge [238].

Assuming Theorem 7.1 is proved, we then have the following corollary.

Corollary 7.3For any F ∈ (L2(Ω))3, there is an h0 > 0 such that, for all h < h0, eqn(7.5)has a unique solution.


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Proof It suffices to prove uniqueness. Let F = 0. Then, since κ is not a Maxwell eigenvalue,E = 0 in (7.4) and Eh = 0 isone solution of the discrete problem. By the error estimate (7.6), for any solution Eh of the discrete problem, we havethe estimate . Hence Eh = 0, and uniqueness is proved. □

7.2.1 The discrete Helmholtz decompositionFor the simplified problem considered in this section (see (7.5)), we have already commented that and so wetake(7.7)

It follows from (5.59) that ∇Sh ⊂ Xh. Thus ∇Sh provides a large subspace of test functions in Xh. Using this space, wesay a function u ∈ (L2(Ω))3 is discrete divergence-free if

We then have the following discrete Helmholtz decomposition analogous to (4.7)(7.8)

where X0, h is the space of discrete divergence-free finite elements. In other words,(7.9)

Now let Yh denote the following space of degree-k divergence conforming finite elements (see Section 5.4):

First, we note that via (5.59) and taking into account the boundary conditions we have ∇ x Xh ⊂ Yh. Thus, as in [18], wecan regard the curl as a bounded operator from Xh into Yh. We denote the null-space of the curl operator in Xh byNh(curl). Let uh ∈ Nh(curl). Since the domain Ω is simply connected and the boundary Γ is connected, the fact that ∇ xuh = 0 inΩ implies uh = ∇p for some . In addition since uh ∈ Xh, we know that p ∈ Sh. Hence in Xh the null-spaceof the curl is given by Nh(curl) = ∇Sh.

The discrete divergence-free space X0, h is thus given by X0, h = Nh(curl)⊥, where Nh(curl)⊥ is the orthogonal complementof Nh(curl) ⊂ Xh in the (L2(Ω))3 inner product. Now, following [18], let ∇h x denote the discrete adjoint operator for thecurl by which we mean that for each zh ∈ Xh, the function ∇h x zh ∈ Xh is the unique function such that

By a standard theorem from functional analysis, Theorem 2.15, we know that

so that we have the following result.


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Lemma 7.4For each νh ∈ X0,hthere is a function zh ∈ ∇ x Xh ⊂ Yh such that νh = ∇h x zh, in the sense that

This lemma was first given in [18] where it is pointed out that an alternative way to write the discrete Helmholtzdecomposition is as follows. Any function νh ∈ Xh may be written as

for some zh ∈ ∇ x Xh ⊂ Yh and ph ∈ Sh.

Next we need to define the H0(curl;Ω) orthogonal projection. This is denoted Ph: H0(curl;Ω)→ Xh, and is such that ifu ∈ H0(curl; Ω) then Phu ∈ Xh satisfies(7.10)

Cea's Lemma 2.37 shows that this projection satisfies the optimal error estimate

If u ∈ Hs (curl; Ω), s > ½, Theorem 5.41 can then be used to provide order estimates for the right-hand side of theabove equality.

Using the test function φh = ∇ ξh, for some ξh ∈ Sh, in (7.10) shows that u - Phu is discrete divergence-free since(7.11)

7.2.2 Preliminary error analysisThis section is devoted to proving two lemmas that will be used in the proof of the our main theorem (Theorem 7.1).

Under the assumptions of this section, the general sesquilinear form a(·, ·) defined in (4.5) reduces to

At this stage, we do not know that Eh exists, but if it does exist we define eh = E - Eh. Then, by subtracting (7.5) from(7.4), we obtain the Galerkin error equation,(7.12)

In particular, choosing ψh = ∇ ξh for some ξh ∈ Sh shows that eh is discrete divergence-free.

In [217] the problem of estimating ║E - Eh║H(curl;Ω) was approached via a classical Gårding inequality. Our first lemma isa weaker form of the Gårding inequality as used in [147].


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Lemma 7.5There is a constant C independent of h, E and Eh such that(7.13)

Proof Using a very slight modification of the proof of Lemma 4.4 of [147] we see that by the definition of the curlnorm and the definition of a(·, ·) we have

Now using the Galerkin condition (7.12), the definition of the curl norm, and the definition of ║ · ║H(curl; Ω) we have

Hence, using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the boundedness of the projection Ph: H(curl; Ω) → Xh,

This proves the desired estimate with C = 1 + κ2. □

Our error estimate will be completed if we can estimate the supremum on the right-hand side of (7.13). This is done inLemma 7.7. Before we prove this lemma, we need to investigate discrete divergence-free functions in more detail. Forsuch functions we can construct a nearby exactly divergence-free function. This construction was used, for example,by Girault [142] and myself [217] with an ad hoc analysis. The solution operator for (7.14) which maps a discretedivergence free vector to its divergence free component is called the Hodge operator by Hiptmair [164]. Building on thework of Hiptmair, the clearest analysis is from Arnold et al. [18].


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For a given discrete divergence-free function νh ∈ X0, h, let us define νh ∈ H0(curl; Ω) by(7.14a)


Note that νh is the divergence-free component of νh in the Helmholtz decomposition.

In [18] it is suggested to view the solution νh of (7.14) as part of the solution of the mixed problem of finding νh ∈

H0(curl; Ω) and zh ∈ ∇ x H0(curl; Ω) such that(7.15a)


Both the coercivity condition and Babuška–Brezzi condition for mixed methods are obviously satisfied and so (νh, zh)exists. Thus we have the following lemma:

Lemma 7.6Let νh ∈ X0, h. Suppose νh ∈ H0(curl; Ω) satisfies (7.14). Then there are constants C and δ > 0 independent of h and νh

and νh, such that

Proof The proof follows [18]. From the characterization of νh we see that νh ∈ XN and hence, by Theorem 3.50, there isan exponent δ > 0 such that νh ∈ (H1/2 + δ(Ω))3, and since ∇ x νh = ∇ x νh, we see that ∇ x νh ∈ Wh ⊂ (Lp(Ω))3 for p > 2.Hence, using Lemma 5.38, the edge finite element interpolant rhνh is well defined. But then, using the commutingdiagram property of edge elements (5.59), if wh is the divergence conforming element interpolation operator,(7.16)

Since νh is discrete divergence-free, by Lemma 7.4 there is a function zh ∈ ∇ x Xh such that(7.17a)


Of course the second equation above is trivially satisfied! Thus (νh, zh) is nothing else than the mixed finite elementapproximation to (νh, zh) defined by (7.15). Now, selecting φ = rhνh - νh in (7.15a) and φh = rhνh - νh in (7.17a) and using thefact that ∇ x φh = 0 (see(7.16)) we have (νh - νh, rhνh - νh) = 0. Thus

Hence ║νh - νh║(L2(Ω))

3 ≤ ║νh - rhνh║(L2(Ω))

3 and, using Lemma 5.38, we have


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The a priori estimate ║νh║(H1/2 + δ

(Ω))3 ≤ C║ ∇ x νh║(L


3 completes the proof. □

7.2.3 Duality estimateNow we can estimate the troublesome term in (7.13).

Lemma 7.7For all h small enough, there exist constants C and δ with 0 < δ ≤ ½ such that

Proof This lemma is proved by a duality argument similar to the one in the proof of Lemma 4.3 of [147] and theduality argument in [217]. Using the continuous Helmholtz decomposition, there is a divergence-free function

and a scalar such that . Here satisfies

Thus, by choosing ξ = ph, we see that ║∇ph║(L2(Ω))

3 ≤ ║eh║(L2(Ω))


Using the discrete Helmholtz decomposition, we also can write νh = ν0,h + ∇ξh for some ν0, h ∈ X0, h and ξh ∈ Sh. Since wehave already shown that eh is discrete divergence-free, we have(7.18)

The first term on the right-hand side is estimated by(7.19)

where we have made use of the fact that ║∇ ξh║(L2(Ω))

3 ≤ ║νh║(L2(Ω))

3. Thus we can estimate this term by estimating, which we do next.

We define the adjoint variable z ∈ H0(curl; Ω) (unrelated to zh and zh in the previous section!) such that(7.20)

Clearly, z is the weak solution in H0(curl; Ω) of

and the assumption that κ is not an interior Maxwell eigenvalue implies that z is well defined and there is a constant Csuch that (see Corollary 4.19).

Since is divergence-free, it follows that z is also divergence-free (to see this, take φ = ∇ξ for in eqn (7.20)).Thus we have


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Hence z ∈ XN and, by Theorem 3.50 and the remark after Corollary 3.51, we have z ∈ (H1/2 + δ(Ω))3 for some δ with 0 <δ ≤ 1/2 together with the norm bound . In addition, we see that ∇ x z ∈ (L2(Ω))3 is the weaksolution of

Thus ∇ x z ∈ XT and again, by Theorem 3.50, we know that

with the norm bound . We conclude that z ∈ H1/2 + δ(curl; Ω). Hence, by Lemma 5.38, theinterpolant rhz is well defined, and we can use Theorem 5.41 to obtain the error estimate

Now using (7.20) and the fact that z is divergence-free, we have

Then, by the Galerkin condition (7.12), and the above estimate for z - Phz,

We have thus proved that(7.21)

Now we estimate the term (∇ph, ν0, h) in (7.18). Since, by construction, ν0, h is discrete divergence-free, Lemma 7.6 impliesthat there is a divergence-free function with


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Now using the fact that is divergence-free, and using the error estimate above, we have(7.22)

Using (7.21) in (7.19) and using the resulting estimate together with (7.22) in (7.18) proves the desired result. □

We now prove our main theorem.

Proof ofTheorem 7.1Lemma 7.7 shows that

Putting this together with (7.13) shows that

Choosing h small enough that 1 - Ch1/2 + δ > 0 proves the result. □

Our proof rests critically on regularity results for the dual problem and on the estimate in Lemma 7.4 for theapproximation of a discrete divergence-free function by a divergence-free function. For smooth coefficients theseresults still hold. For general coefficients εr and μr, both results might be difficult to obtain, However, it is possible thatusing arguments like those in [71], the explicit estimates used here could be replaced by uniform convergence estimatesbased on the compactness arguments of the type used by Schatz and Wang [268]. Indeed, this is essentially theapproach taken in the next section.

7.3 Error analysis via collective compactnessIn this section we shall apply the theory of convergence of collectively compact operators to prove convergence of thesolution of the general problem (7.2) to the solution of (4.4). This allows us to return to the full generality of theproblem discussed in Section 7.1. However, we shall need to restrict the class of finite element meshes. In particular,we need to assume that the mesh τh is quasiuniform on ∑.

We start by developing a discrete Helmholtz decomposition to reduce the problem to an operator equation suitable foranalysis. Then we prove pointwise convergence of the appropriate operators and finally apply the theory of collectivelycompact operators to prove convergence.

From the properties of scalar finite element spaces in Section 5.6 and the commuting diagram (5.59), we know thatif(7.23)

then Sh ⊂ S and ∇Sh ⊂ Sh. In fact, ∇Sh ⊂ Xh. To check this we need only check that the boundary conditions in thedefinition of Xh are satisfied. But these hold because any ph ∈ Sh is constant on Γ and ∑, and hence has vanishingsurface


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gradient there. Thus we can write the following discrete Helmholtz decomposition as


Obviously, if uh ∈ X0, h it is not necessarily the case that ∇ · (εruh) = 0, so X0, h ⊄ X0. This causes difficulties for analysis.However, the discrete functions in X0, h are orthogonal to the gradient of all scalar finite element functions in Sh. Nowwe write

Substituting into (7.2), selecting φh = ∇ξh for some ξh ∈ Sh and using the definition of X0, h, we find the discrete analogueof (4.11):(7.24)

Because εr has a positive real part, we can apply the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 to guarantee that (7.24) has a uniquesolution. Then Cea's Lemma 2.37 implies a quasi-optimal error estimate and we have proved the next lemma.

Lemma 7.8Let p ∈ S satisfy (4.11). There is a unique solution ph ∈ Sh of(7.24)and

Remark 7.9If p is a smooth solution of(4.10)then we can give explicit bounds on the error. For example if p ∈ Hs(Ω), , wehave, byTheorem 5.48, that

Now that ph is in hand, we may focus on the problem of finding E0, h ∈ X0, h such that(7.25)

for all φh ∈ X0, h. Paralleling the analysis of (4.13) in Chapter 4, we recall the sesquilinear form a+ given by (4.14) anddefine the discrete operator Kh : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3 and vector Fh ∈ (L2(Ω))3 by requiring, for any f ∈ (L2(Ω))3, that Khf ∈X0, h ⊂ (L2(Ω))3 satisfies(7.26)

and the function Fh ∈ X0, h satisfies(7.27)

where a+(·, ·) is given by (4.14). As in the proof of Theorem 4.11, using the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 now appliedwith X0, h in place of X0, we know that


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Kh and Fh are well defined. We can write the discrete problem (7.25) as the problem of finding E0, h ∈ (L2(Ω))3 suchthat(7.28)

Of course, a solution E0, h of this problem will satisfy

so we are effectively computing the same solution as before and have not changed the problem by posing the problemin (L2(Ω))3. The way ahead is now clear. From Section 4.5 we know that E0 ∈ (L2(Ω))3 satisfies (4.18) and by the aboveargument E0, h ∈ (L2(Ω))3 satisfies (7.28). We shall apply the theory of collectively compact operators (see [16, 193]) andSection 2.3.3 to prove that ║E0 - E0, h║(L


3 → 0, as h → 0.

7.3.1 Pointwise convergenceThe first step in applying the theory of collectively compact operators given in Section 2.3.3 is to verify the pointwiseconvergence of Khf to Kf in (L2(Ω))3. As a preliminary before doing this, we need to verify that the finite element spacesare dense in the appropriate way, which we do next.

Lemma 7.10The space Xh is dense in X, in the sense that for any u ∈ X

Similarly Sh is dense in S.

Proof Since the space χ defined in Theorem 4.1 is dense in X, we can approximate any u ∈ X to arbitrary accuracy by asmooth function χ ∈ χ. This function can be approximated to arbitrary accuracy by its interpolant in Xh if h is taken tobe sufficiently small (see Theorem 5.53).

Similarly, writing p ∈ S as p = p0 + p1, where and p1 is a smooth function, taking the constant value of p on ∑and vanishing on Γ and then using the density of in , we can verify the density of S ∩ C∞(Ω) in S. Then theerror estimates in Theorem 5.48 provide the desired result. □

Theorem 7.11Given a function f ∈ (L2(Ω))3, we have ║(K - Kh)f║X → 0 as h → 0. Furthermore, if f ∈ X0,

Proof We use the theory of mixed finite element methods given in Sections 2.2.3 and 2.3.2 to rewrite the variationalproblems for K and Kh. For the operator K


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this is done as follows. Given f ∈ (L2(Ω))3, we seek Kf ∈ X and q ∈ S such that(7.29)

To see that this is wellposed, we apply the Babuška–Brezzi theory of mixed methods given in Section 2.2. We note thatLemma 4.10 shows that a+(·, ·) is coercive on X. Furthermore, ∇S ⊂ X, thus the inf-sup condition is easily verified,since taking φ = ∇q we have (using the positive definiteness of the real part of εr)

where we have used the Poincaré inequality (Theorem 3.13) to bound the norm of q in H1(Ω) in terms of the semi-norm. Thus, (7.29) has a unique solution agreeing with the previous definition of Kf in (4.15), as we can see if we selectφ ∈ X0 in (7.29).

Similarly, the finite element operator Kh can be defined as the solution of the mixed finite element problem of findingKhf ∈ Xh and qh ∈ Sh such that

Again a+(·, ·) is coercive and, since ∇Sh ⊂ Xh, the same argument as above verifies the Babuška–Brezzi condition forthis discrete mixed problem. Choosing φh ∈ X0,h shows that the problem reduces to the previous definition of Kh givenin (7.26).

Hence, using Theorem 2.45, we have to estimate(7.30)

But, by Lemma 7.10, Sh is dense in S, and Xh is dense in X as h → 0. Hence the right-hand side converges to zero as hdecreases, and pointwise convergence is proved.

Now if f ∈ X0, choosing φ = ∇q in (7.29) we obtain (using also that K f ∈ X0) that (εr∇q, ∇q) = 0 and hence q = 0. Theestimate then follows from (7.30). □

Since we need to perform a similar analysis to estimate F - Fh, we do this next.

Lemma 7.12Let F be defined by(4.16)and Fh by (7.27). Then

where p ∈ S satisfies (4.11).


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Proof We write the definition of F as the mixed problem of finding F ∈ X, and r ∈ S such that

Selecting φ = ∇r, and using the definition of p, we see that the right-hand side vanishes, so that (εr∇r, ∇r) = 0 and sor = 0.

Next we define a new function F˜h ∈ Xh and rh ∈ Sh to satisfy

Exactly the same argument, choosing φh = ∇rh, shows that rh = 0. Performing the mixed method analysis as in the proofof the previous theorem shows that ║F - F˜h║X ≤ C infχh ∈ Xh║F - χh║X. But F˜h ∈ X0,h satisfies

so subtracting (7.27) from this equation gives a+(F˜h - Fh, φh) = κ2(εr∇(p - ph), φh) and selecting φh = F˜h - Fh shows that

Then the triangle inequality implies that ║F - Fh║X ≤ ║F - F˜h║X + ║F˜h - Fh║X, and the estimate follows from theestimate of ║∇(p - ph)║(L


3 in Lemma 7.8. □

7.3.2 Collective compactnessLet Λ denote a countable set of mesh sizes whose only accumulation point is zero. So and hn → 0 as n → 0.This set is a sequence of decreasing mesh sizes.

We need to show that {Kh}h∈Λ is a collectively compact set of operators. This will follow once we have proved that thefinite element space has a discrete compactness property which was first described by Kikuchi for the lowest-orderNédélec element [185]. Using more recent regularity theory, Leszek Demkowicz and myself were able to extend thediscrete compactness property to all orders of Nédélec elements on a reasonably large class of domains, but only if εr =1 [119]. To complete the picture Caorsi et al. [71] have shown that, once the discrete compactness property is provedfor εr = 1, it holds for a general class of coefficients including the ones in this book. Thus we shall now state and provethe discrete compactness property and show that this implies that {Kh}h ∈ Λ is collectively compact.


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Definition 7.13 We say X0,h, h ∈ Λ, has the discrete compactness property if for every sequence {uh}h ∈ Λ such that

• uh ∈ X0,h for each h ∈ Λ;• there is a constant C independent of uh such that ║uh║X ≤ C independent of h ∈ Λ,

there exists a subsequence, still denoted {uh}, and a function u ∈ X0 such that

Supposing for the moment that X0,h has the discrete compactness property, we can easily prove the collectivecompactness of {Kh}h ∈ Λ.

Theorem 7.14If X0,h, h ∈ Λ, has the discrete compactness property then {Kh}h ∈ Λis collectively compact as a set of maps from (L2(Ω))3to(L2(Ω))3.

Proof Let U be a bounded set in (L2(Ω))3. We need to show that K(U) is relatively compact in (L2(Ω))3. Letbe a sequence. Then for each n there is an hn ∈ Λ and un ∈ U such that wn = Khn(un). Hence and

║wn║X ≤ C║un║(L2(Ω))

3 ≤ C1. Without loss of generality, we can assume hn → 0 as n → ∞ (otherwise, we are in a finite-dimensional space and the convergence of a subsequence in is guaranteed). But is exactly as in thedefinition of discrete compactness and so the existence of a convergent subsequence is assured. □

Now it remains to prove the discrete compactness property. Unfortunately, we can only do this using regularity theoryfor Maxwell's equations. It would be highly desirable to obtain a proof without this constraint. The proof progresses intwo steps. First we prove discrete compactness when εr = μr = 1 and then, using an argument of Caorsi et al. [71] weextend the result to general εr.

We start with a regularity result from [167].

Lemma 7.15Suppose Ω is a bounded, simply connected Lipschitz polyhedron with boundary ∂Ω consisting of two connected components∑ and Γ. Let τh be a regular mesh that is also quasi-uniform on ∑. Let uh ∈ X0,hand suppose u ∈ X0satisfies

Then there is a δ > 0 with δ ≤ 1/2 such that u ∈ (H1/2+s(Ω))3, for 0 ≤ s < δ and

Remark 7.16InTheorem 3.47this result is proved for s = 0. The result is proved for ν x uh = 0 in [12]. The result here is possiblesince ν × uh is smoother than just square integrable. The proof combines features of [102] and [12], and is from [167].


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Proof ofLemma 7.15 In this proof we shall use the spaces Hl(∂Ω), l > 1 defined in (3.12). Let O denote a smoothbounded and simply connected domain with connected boundary containing Ω in its interior. First we construct avector potential w ∈ (H1(O))3 such that ∇ x w = ∇ x uh in Ω and ∇ · w = 0 in Ω. This is done as follows.

Let z be defined on O by

Here solves the boundary value problem

Note that ν · ∇ x uh ∈ H-1/2(∑) since ∇ x uh ∈ H(div; Ω), and the fact that ∇ · (∇ x uh) = 0 implies the necessarycompatibility condition (of course, ν · ∇ x uh = 0 on Γ since ν x uh = 0 there). Thus z has continuous normalcomponent across ∑ and Γ and ∇ · z = 0 in O. Hence, by Theorem 3.38, there is a function w ∈ (H1(O))3 with thedesired properties.

SinceΩ is simply connected and ∇ x (u - w) = 0 inΩ, there is, by Theorem 3.37, a scalar potential p ∈ H1(Ω) such that u- w = ∇p. But since ∇ · (u - w) = ∇ · u - ∇ · w = 0 in Ω we have ▵p = 0 in Ω. Now we follow [12] to show p ∈ H3/2+s(Ω)where s is the index in the statement of the theorem. Inside D we have ∇ x w = 0, so since w ∈ (H1(D))3, there is a scalarpotential η ∈ H2(D) with w = ∇η. On Γ

where ∇Γ denotes the surface gradient. But (ν x w) x ν = ∇Γη. Thus ∇Γη = ∇Γp and so, possibly adjusting η by a constant,η = p and we have p ∈ H3/2(Γ).

In the case of ∑, clearly p|∑ ∈ H1/2(∑) and w|∑ ∈ (H1/2(∑))3. Furthermore, (ν x (u - w)) x ν = -∇∑p (again ∇∑ is the surfacegradient of p). Hence on ∑ we have uT - wT = ∇∑p. In addition, uT = uhT. Now for each face F of ∑, the normal vector ν isconstant and uh is piecewise polynomial, so via Lemma 5.57,

Thus ∇∑p ∈ (Hs(F))3 and so p ∈ H1 + s(F), .

Since p ∈ H1+s(F), it is continuous on F and so must be continuous on ∑, otherwise we would not have p|∑ ∈ H1/2(∑).But by the characterization of traces for polyhedral domains in Theorem 3.10, we have p ∈ H1 + s(∑). Thus p


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is the trace of a function p ∈ H3/2+s(Ω). Now considering the function p - p we see that

By Theorem 3.18, there is a δ > 0 such that p - p ∈ H3/2+s(Ω) for 0 ≤ s < δ and we are done. □

Now we can prove the discrete compactness property for X0,h when εr = μr = 1. Note that in this theorem theboundary inverse property applies to ∑ only.

Theorem 7.17Suppose εr = μr = 1 and {τh}h∈Λis regular and possesses the boundary inverse property on ∑ (see Section5.8). ThenX0,hpossesses the discrete compactness property.

Proof ofTheorem 7.17 Let , n = 1, 2, … and suppose hn → 0 and , for all n. Let pn ∈ S satisfy (∇pn,∇ξ) = (wn, ∇ξ) for all ξ ∈ S. Then let wn = wn - ∇pn. Clearly, wn satisfies

Hence wn ∈ X0 and ║wn║X < C. So, by the continuous compactness result in Theorem 4.7, there is a subsequence, stilldenoted by and a function w ∈ X0 such that wn → w as n → ∞ strongly in (L2(Ω))3. Since, by our previouslemma, wn ∈ (H1/2+s(Ω))3, s > 0, and ∇ x wn = ∇ x wn ∈ Wh, we know by Theorem 5.41 that the interpolant is welldefined. Using the fact that , the interpolant of ∇pn is well defined and so, using the commuting diagram (5.59),we have . Hence, using the fact that w ∈ X0 and ,

Thus . But

Now we expand the second term and use the error estimate (5.43) to obtain


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Using the triangle inequality

But, from the previous lemma,

Using the boundary quasi-uniformity assumption, the inverse estimate for fractional order spaces from Lemma 5.57and the remark following that lemma, we have


The first term on the right-hand side converges to zero by construction and the second because hn → 0 and ║wn║X ≤C as n → ∞. Hence we have proved that wn → w in (L2(Ω))3 as n → ∞ and we are done. □

We now prove the discrete compactness property for general εr.

Theorem 7.18Let Ω be a bounded simply connected Lipschitz domain with boundary ∂Ω consisting of two connected components ∑and Γ. Suppose εrsatisfies the assumptions in Section4.2, and that the mesh is regular and quasi-uniform on ∑. Then {X0,h}h∈Λhas thediscrete compactness property.

Remark 7.19The proof is due to Caorsi et al. [71], who also investigate the connection between various properties of discrete spaces toclarify the relationship between the various convergence theories.

Proof ofTheorem 7.18 We again use the notation of Theorem 4.7, where the dependence on εr is explicitly recognizedby a superscript. In particular, let

for ε = 1 or ε = εr. We have the Helmholtz decomposition with respect to the standard (L2(Ω))3 inner product,(7.31)

and using the bilinear form from Section 4.7, we have the Helmholtz decomposition(7.32)


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where if and only if uh ∈ Xh and (εruh, ∇ξh) = 0 for all ξh ∈ Sh.

Now suppose we have a sequence such that

• for each n,• ║wn║x ≤ C for all n,

and hn → 0 as n → ∞. Using the decomposition (7.31) we have

and , so there exists a convergent subsequence (using Theorem 7.17) such that converges in(L2(Ω))3 to .

Now let

We shall now show that wn → w(εr, 0) in (L2(Ω))3 as n → ∞. Using the orthogonality of w(ε

r, 0) and wn to gradients of

functions in we have

for all . Hence

The first term on the right hand side converges to zero by the convergence of and the second by thedensity of in S as n → ∞. □

Now that we have verified the discrete compactness property, we can prove the following result that guarantees thatthe low-frequency limit of Maxwell's equations is well approximated by edge elements. This is the discrete version ofthe Friedrichs inequality in Corollary 4.8.

Lemma 7.20Under the assumptions ofTheorem 7.18, there exists a positive constant C independent of h ∈ Λ such that if uh ∈ X0,h,for h ∈ Λ small enough then

Remark 7.21It would be better to have a proof of this directly from the definition of the space. This is possible in some cases [233].

Proof ofLemma 7.20 Note that since ∇ x uh = 0 in Ω and ν x uh = 0 on ∂Ω implies uh = ∇ ph for some ph ∈ Sh. Henceuh = 0, we know that this estimate holds for any h > 0, but with C = C(h).


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The proof that C is independent of h is by contradiction. Suppose the result does not hold. Then there is a sequence ofmesh sizes hn ∈ Λ, n = 1, 2, … and functions such that and . But bydiscrete compactness, a subsequence, still denoted by , converges in (L2(Ω))3 to a function u ∈ X0. Clearly,║u║(L


3 = 1, but

Since ∇ x u = 0 in Ω ν x u = 0 on ∂Ω and u ∈ X0, we know that u = 0. But this is a contradiction and the proof iscomplete. □

Before continuing with our analysis of the finite element problem (7.2), we state and prove a result that will be usefullater when we analyze Schwarz iterative methods. Note that in this result we take εr to be a symmetric matrix.

Corollary 7.22Suppose the discrete Friedrichs inequality inLemma 7.20holds when εr = 1 with constant C1. Now suppose that εris areal, symmetric, positive-definite and continuous matrix-valued function of position on Ω. Let

then, for all , we have(7.33)

where ρ(εr) is the spectral radius of εr.

Remark 7.23This also holds for complex valued and discontinuous εr, but since we shall not need this case we do not prove it here.

Proof of Lemma 7.22 Let . Then using the standard discrete Helmholtz decomposition with εr = 1

Using the fact that εr νh is discrete divergence-free and using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we have(7.34)


Thus, using this estimate in (7.34) and then using the estimate from Lemma 7.20 on νtilde;h, we obtain


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Since ∇ x νh = ∇ x νh in Ω and ν x νh = ν x ν h on ∑, the estimate is proved. □

Now we continue with the analysis of (7.2). Having verified the discrete compactness, and hence the collectivecompactness of {Kh}h ∈ Λ we have, by Theorem (2.51), that the discrete finite element equations have a unique solutionand convergence occurs in (L2(Ω))3.

Theorem 7.24Let τh be a regular mesh which is, in addition, quasi-uniform on ∑. Then under the standard assumptions on the domainand data from Section4.2and for h ∈ Λ sufficiently small, (I + Kh)-1exists and is uniformly bounded as a map from (L2(Ω))3to (L2(Ω)3,thus(7.28)has a unique solution E0, h ∈ X0, h. Furthermore, the following error estimate holds:

Now, given the special properties of the finite element problem, we can actually prove the desired theorem onconvergence in X.

Theorem 7.25Under the assumptions forTheorem 7.24, and provided h ∈ Λ is small enough, the finite element discretization ofMaxwell's equations given by(7.2)has a unique solution Eh ∈ Xh. Furthermore,

where E0 ∈ X satisfies(4.13)and p satisfies (4.11).

Proof Recall that we wrote Eh = E0, h + ∇ph. We know by the previous theorem that E0, h ∈ X0, h exists. In addition,Lemma 7.8 shows that ph converges quasi-optimally. But, using the equations for E0, h and E0 we have

The uniform continuity of Kh implies

and this can now be estimated by the previous theorem. The remaining terms on the right-hand side can be estimatedusing the pointwise estimates of Theorem


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7.11 and Lemmas 7.12 and 7.8. Note that E0 ∈ X0, so we can use the estimate of Theorems 7.11 and 7.12. □

7.3.3 Numerical results for the cavity problemNow we present some very simple numerical results that suggest that the error analysis we have given reflects theconvergence rate seen in practice. We solve (7.2) with F = 0 and , where Ei = pexp(iκd · x), and d = D/|D|, where D = (11, 1, 5)⊺ and p = (0, -5, 1)⊺/10. The domain Ω = [0, 1]3 and Γ = ∅. The boundary ∑ is the surfaceof the unit cube. Thus the exact solution is Ei and is an analytic function of position. Hence we should see the optimalapproximation rate in the error (for k = 1 edge elements this is O(h), and for k = 2 we should see O(h2)). Starting with acoarse mesh of 96 tetrahedra, we subdivide the mesh by bisecting each edge in the mesh to provide successively finermeshes. On each mesh, we solve (7.2) with k = 1 or k = 2. For small numbers of degrees of freedom we use GMRESand incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioning [146]. Since this is a memory intensive algorithm, for the finer grids we usea symmetric successive over relaxation preconditioned biconjugate gradient scheme. In general, the low wavenumbercomputation when κ = 1 requires more fill-in in the ILU preconditioner than when κ = 5. It is often observed that forsmall κ the discrete problem becomes less well conditioned (most likely due to a diminishing weight on the discretedivergence condition). We shall comment more on this conditioning problem in the next section.

Having computed the solution, the error is computed by fifth order numerical quadrature on each element. The resultfor wavenumber κ = 1 and κ = 5, and for degrees k = 1 and k = 2 is shown in Figure 7.1. In the left panel of Fig. 7.1,we see that, when k = 1, the relative (L2(Ω))3 norm error is decreasing consistent with a convergence rate ofapproximately O(h). Similarly for k = 2 we observe O(h2), regardless of κ. However, when κ = 5 the error is now muchlarger than when κ = 1. We shall examine in detail the κ dependence of the error in Section 13.3. One further graph inFig. 7.1 (left panel) shows the result of computing the error at the vertices in the triangulation when κ = 1 and k = 1.We simply average the value of the finite element solution on each element meeting at each vertex. This graph suggestsquadratic convergence (O(h2)) even though k = 1, and may be evidence of “super-convergence”. Often, particularly forhighly refined meshes, there are positions in the mesh at which the solution converges at a faster rate than is expectedglobally. This is known to occur for edge elements on hexahedral grids [219, 211], and for two-dimensional edgeelements [59]. However for edge elements on tetrahedra the problem is open.

The right-hand panel of Fig. 7.1 shows the global relative (L2(Ω))3 error as a function of the total number of degrees offreedom (or unknowns) in the problem for k = 1 and 2 when κ = 1. Obviously the second order (k = 2) methodattains any given accuracy with fewer unknowns that the first order (k = 1) method. This indicates the superiority ofhigher order schemes when the solution is smooth, as is the case for this model problem.


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Fig. 7.1. Log–log graphs of the relative (L2(Ω))3 error. Top: Error against mesh parameter h. We show results for edgeelements with k = 1 and k = 2 and for wavenumber κ = 1 and κ = 5. We also show a graph of the error computed byaveraging the edge element solution to the vertices (marked V). Bottom: Error against the total number of degrees offreedom. These results are consistent with the error analysis in this chapter, and show that quadratic elements canapproximate the solution to higher accuracy than linear elements for the same number of degrees of freedom.

7.4 The ellipticized Maxwell systemIt is reasonable to think of using standard continuous piecewise degree-k finite elements to approximate Maxwell'sequations. Success in this would allow the use of standard software and graphical interfaces for the electromagneticproblem. Indeed such methods have been used successfully in engineering computations [56].

Consider, for example, the simplified problem considered in Section 7.2, and


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suppose again, for simplicity, that the right-hand side F ∈ H(div;Ω) is such that ∇ · F = 0, so that E ∈ X (see (4.3) forthe definition of X) satisfies(7.35)



We assume that κ is not a Maxwell eigenvalue for Ω so this problem has a unique solution in H0(curl;Ω). Multiplying(7.35) by a test function φ ∈ X and integrating by parts results in the usual problem of seeking E ∈ X such that(7.38)

As usual, for this simplified problem, we can assume that the fields are real.

One problem is that the sesquilinear form (∇ x E, ∇ x φ) in (7.38) is not coercive. It is thus often suggested to“ellipticize” the variational problem by adding a “penalty term” that helps to control the divergence of the field. Inparticular, we introduce a parameter γ > 0 such that E ∈ XN (see (3.65)) satisfies(7.39)

Here we have now restricted to XN since we need ∇ · E ∈ L2(Ω).

Our first observation is that if γ is large enough then the solution of (7.35)–(7.37) and of the solution of (7.39) areidentical. Of course, we have already shown that (7.35)–(7.37) have a unique solution in XN, 0 (see Corollary 4.19) andthis is also a solution of (7.39). We need only show that this is the only solution.

To show uniqueness of the solution of (7.39), we start by using the Helmholtz decomposition to write the solutionE ∈

XN as E = E0 + ∇p for some and E0 ∈ (∇G)⊥. Then choosing φ = ∇ξ, for some ξ ∈ G, we have

Using the fact that ∇ · E0 = ∇ · F = 0 we see that γ(Δp, Δξ) = κ2(∇p, ∇ξ) = 0 for all ξ ∈ G. Integrating by parts weobtain (Δp + (κ2/γ)p, Δξ) = 0. Hence, we conclude that p satisfies

Then, if γ is chosen so that κ2/γ is less than the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of Ω, the only solution of the above system isp = 0. It would also suffice to assume that κ2/γ is not a Dirichlet eigenvalue for Ω, but this would be difficult to ensurein practice. We have proved that E = E0, which satisfies (7.38) and we see that


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the addition of the term γ(∇ · E, ∇ · φ) does not change the solution of (7.38), but only provides a stabilization of thevariational formulation. In particular via Theorem 3.50 and Corollary 3.51 and using the simple geometry of Ω, wehave that there is a constant C > 0 such that, for all u ∈ XN,

Hence the differential operator in (7.39) is coercive. However, we need to be mindful of the warnings in Section 3.8regarding the use of finite elements in XN.

Now suppose we wish to discretize (7.39) using finite elements. Since XN ⊂ H0(curl;Ω) and XN ⊂ H(div; Ω), Theorem5.3 implies that any piecewise polynomial subspace must be continuous across faces between elements. Thus theresulting piecewise polynomial subspace must be a subset of (H1(Ω))3. For example, we could take

where Uh is given by (5.55). We could then try to compute the function Eh ∈ XN, h that satisfies

for all φ ∈ XN, h. Unfortunately, if Ω has re-entrant corners, we know that (H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN is a closed proper subspace ofXN (see Lemma 3.56). Thus, if we compute a sequence of fields Eh ∈ XN, h for h > 0, we will find that

However, E ≠ E! [105]. Thus we have the terrible situation that we compute a convergent solution (we can check this“in practice” by examining the solution on successively finer meshes) but the numerical solution converges to thewrong answer.

This bad state of affairs can be corrected either by adding suitable singular functions to the finite element space XN, h (atleast in two dimensions, see [51]) or by modifying the term (∇ · Eh, ∇ · φh) using weight functions that vanishsufficiently fast approaching re-entrant corners or edges on Γ [114]. This implies that we are no longer working in(H1(Ω))3 ∩ XN, and corrects the difficulty. Use of the method in [114] seems to be the best “fix” if continuous finiteelements are to be used.

7.4.1 Discrete ellipticized variational problemIn this section we continue with our assumption that Σ =∅, but now allow a general F ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and general εr and μr.We also assume that the wavenumber κ is not a Maxwell eigenvalue for Ω. Given that the addition of the term γ(∇ ·εrE, · εrφ) in (7.39) restores the coercivity of the differential operator for Maxwell's equations (at least if γ is largeenough and εr = 1), it is natural


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to ask if such a stabilization is possible with edge elements. The straightforward answer is ‘no’, because functions in Xh

do not have a well-defined divergence.

However, we can define a discrete divergence via the discrete Helmholtz decomposition. For any u ∈ (L2(Ω))3 wedefine ∇h · u ∈ Sh by(7.40)

The Lax–Milgram lemma guarantees that ∇h · u is well defined. Now using the test function φh = ∇ξh in (7.2) we seethat -κ2(εrEh, ∇ξh) = (F, ∇ξh). Thus,

and the solution Eh ∈ Xh of (7.2) satisfies(7.41)

for all φh ∈ Xh. Naturally, we may be concerned that the stabilization term has ruined uniqueness or otherwiseperturbed the solution. However, we have the following result:

Lemma 7.26Provided h is sufficiently small and γ is sufficiently large (independent of h), then(7.41)has a unique solution that is also asolution of (7.2).

Proof We need only prove uniqueness since we already know that the solution of (7.2) is also a solution of (7.41).Thus, we assume F = 0. Using the discrete Helmholtz decomposition we can write Eh = E h, 0 + ∇p h for some p h ∈ Sh,and E h, 0 ∈ X0, h where (εrE h, 0, ∇ξh) = 0 for all ξh ∈ Sh and hence ∇h · (εrE h, 0) = 0. Choosing φh = ∇ξh, for some ξh ∈ Sh, in(7.41) shows that

Now let qh = ∇h · εr∇ph. Then using the definition of the discrete divergence ∇h · to modify the second term on the left-hand side above, we obtain

Hence, again using the definition of the discrete divergence,(7.42)

The Poincaré inequality applied to the first term above shows that

Here C depends on the lower bound on ℜ(εr) assumed in Section 4.2 but is independent of h. So if κ2/γ < C weconclude that (7.42) shows that qh = 0. But, by the definition of qh and the discrete divergence,


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and another application of the Poincaré inequality shows that p h = 0. Hence Eh, 0 satisfies (7.2) with zero data and soEh,0 = 0. This completes the uniqueness proof. □

One advantage of the formulation in (7.41) is that it stabilizes the edge element method for low frequency. In thestandard edge element method given by (7.2), control over the discrete divergence of εrEh is via the lower-order term -κ2(εrEh, φh). As κ decreases this term becomes less significant and the conditioning of the discrete problem deteriorates[220]. With the stabilization term, the problem may be solved down to κ = 0 (at least in a special case).

Lemma 7.27Suppose ∑ = ∅ and so ∂Ω consists of one connected component Γ. Then for all Eh ∈ Xh there exists a constant C > 0independent of h and Eh such that

Remark 7.28This result shows that for all κ small enough (i.e. for 0 ≤ κ2 < C, where C is the constant in the above lemma) and if ∑ =∅ we know that(7.41)is uniquely solvable (i.e. down to κ = 0).

Proof ofLemma 7.27 Using the discrete Helmholtz decomposition Eh = Eh, 0 + ∇ph for some ph ∈ Sh, and Eh, 0 ∈ X0, h and∇h · εrEh, 0 = 0. By the discrete Friedrichs inequality (Lemma 7.20) there is a constant C > 0 such that ║∇ x Eh, 0║(L


3 ≥C║Eh, 0║(L


3. But

Thus, if ξh = ph,

Via this equality, the bounds on εr and the Poincaré inequality,

Hence ║∇ph║(L2(Ω))

3 ≤ C║∇h · εrEh║L2(Ω). Then, using the orthogonality of the Helmholtz decomposition in we


and using the above inequalities completes the proof. □

One obvious problem with the previous formulation in (7.41) is that ∇h· is defined via (7.40) and so the evaluation of∇h · εrEh would require to invert the mass matrix. This can be avoided by using mass lumping (for a detailed discussionof mass lumping see [82]).


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It is easier to do this if the data for the problem are divergence-free. Thus, we assume that ph ∈ Sh has been computedvia (7.24) and we now wish to compute E0, h ∈ X0, h that satisfies (7.25). Since ∇h · εrE0, h = 0, we can approximate it in thefollowing way. Suppose we are using linear edge elements (i.e. k = 1) on tetrahedra. Then we can approximate theL2(Ω) inner product for functions in Sh by quadrature as follows:(7.43)

where are the vertices of element K in the mesh τh, and vol(K) is the volume of K. This quadrature is exact if ph

and ξh are piecewise constant. In any case, it defines an inner product (·, ·)h on Sh x Sh. We can then define a newdiscrete divergence denoted using this quadrature. Thus, for u ∈ L2(Ω), the function satisfies

Since (·, ·)h is an inner product, the Lax–Milgram lemma proves that is well defined. However, since thequadrature points in (7.43) are also at the degrees of freedom for the piecewise linear basis functions for Sh, we see thatthe mass matrix corresponding to this inner product is diagonal. Thus, we can compute the degrees of freedom of

by simply inverting a diagonal matrix. We can then compute E0, h ∈ Xh by solving the following modified stabilizedproblem:(7.44)

for all φh ∈ Xh. In [220], Shangyou Zhang and myself showed how this problem (with κ = 0, ∑ =∅) could be solved bya multigrid method provided hexahedral elements with edges parallel to the coordinate axes are used.

Other methods of stabilizing the edge element method (7.2) are also possible. Demkowicz et al. [122, 286] haveadvocated the use of a stabilized problem in which the divergence constraint is explicitly enforced via a Lagrangemultiplier. For example, in order to solve (7.44) we can compute E0, h ∈ Xh and qh ∈ Sh such that(7.45)


for all φh ∈ Xh and ξh ∈ Sh. Choosing φh = ∇qh and using the definition of ph shows that qh = 0. Thus the solution of theabove mixed system is exactly


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the solution of (7.25). Given that qh = 0, we can further modify the system by replacing (7.46) by (εrE0, h, ∇ξh) = B(qh, ξh),where B (·, ·) is a positive-semi-definite bilinear form defined on Sh x Sh (i.e. B(qh, qh) ≥ 0 for all qh ∈ Sh). Possible choicesare

The choice of B(·, ·) is usually motivated by a desire to improve the conditioning of the problem to speed suitableiterative solvers. No definitive conclusion concerning the best choice seems to have been reached so far.

7.5 The discrete eigenvalue problemWe now wish to show that we can approximate the cavity resonator problem of Section 4.7. Our presentation willbarely scratch the surface of this important and interesting subject. Until recently, there has been a good deal ofconfusion surrounding finite element methods for this problem. In particular, standard piecewise-linear continuousfinite elements methods usually produce spurious modes by which we mean that the computed eigenvalues, or themultiplicity of the eigenvalues, is incorrect regardless of the size of the mesh parameter h. The situation was clarified bythe work of Boffi et al. [48, 46, 49], who showed that pointwise convergence of the solution of the discrete sourceproblem is not sufficient to guarantee good convergence of eigenvalues. They proposed an extension to mixed methodtheory that provides a sufficient condition for eigenvalue convergence. In particular, the work in [49] provides acomplete picture of why edge elements are successful for eigenvalue calculations.

Our approach to the cavity problem in the preceding sections has been based on discrete compactness to allow us totreat general coefficients. Thus, rather than take the mixed method approach to the eigenvalue problem, it is natural forus to invoke the theory of Section 2.3.4. Indeed Boffi [47] has shown that his new FortID property of mixed methodsis equivalent to discrete compactness.

The problem we wish to approximate is given in Section 4.7. Thus, as in that section, we assume ∑ = ∅ and ℑ(εr) = 0,together with the standard assumptions from Section 4.2. It follows from Theorem 4.18 that there are nontrivialeigenfunction E ∈ X = H0(curl;Ω) and eigenvalues κ ∈ R such that (4.24) is satisfied.

Now let Xh ⊂ X denote the edge finite element space given by (7.1). This is an edge element space of degree-kpiecewise polynomials on a regular tetrahedral mesh. Of course, we could also use edge elements on a mesh ofhexahedra with edges parallel to the coordinate axes as described in Chapter 6 .

The discrete eigenvalue problem is to find Eh ∈ Xh, Eh ≠ 0 and κh ∈ R such that(7.47)

We immediately see that Eh = ∇ph ≠ 0 for any ph ∈ Sh, is an eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue κh = 0. Underthe assumption that Ω has a


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boundary Γ consisting of just one component, the discrete Friedrichs inequality from Lemma 7.20 shows that the onlyeigenfunctions corresponding to κh = 0 lie in ∇Sh (recall Sh is given by (7.7)).

If κh ≠ 0 then choosing φh = ∇ξh for any ξh ∈ Sh in (7.47) shows that , for all ξh ∈ Sh. Thus, εrEh is discretedivergence-free and so Eh lies in X0, h (see (7.9)). For the purposes of analyzing the physically relevant eigenfunctionscorresponding to κh > 0, it suffices to analyze the problem of finding Eh ∈ X0, h, Eh ≠ 0, and κh ∈ R, κh > 0, such that

As in Section 4.7, we rewrite this variational problem as the problem of finding Eh ∈ X0, h, κh > 0, such that

for all φh ∈ X0, h.

Now we can define the operator analogously to K in (4.26), so that if then K hf ∈ X0, h


As is the case for K (using essentially the same proof), we can see that K h is self-adjoint using the inner product.Furthermore, since K h is related via a constant to the operator Kh defined in (7.26), Lemma 7.11 shows that {K h}h ∈ Λ ispointwise convergent. In addition, Theorems 7.14 and 7.18 show that {K h}h ∈ Λ is collectively compact (recall Λ is thediscrete set of mesh sizes defined in Section 7.3.2). Thus, if we define then the discrete eigenvalue problemis equivalent to finding μh and Eh ∈ X0, h, Eh ≠ 0 such that(7.49)

We can now apply Theorem 2.52 to prove the following result:

Theorem 7.29Suppose μ is an eigenvalue of K of multiplicity m. Then, under the conditions on the data given in Section4.2and, inaddition, under the restrictions noted in this section there are exactly m discrete eigenvalues μh, j, j = 1, …, m of(7.48)such that

Remark 7.30Using the error estimate for pointwise convergence inTheorem 7.11, we could derive the order of convergence estimates,depending on the regularity of the eigenfunctions. For example, if linear (k = 1) edge elements are used and if all the eigenfunctions lie in(H2(Ω))3, as occurs for a cube, we know that the error in the eigenvalues is O(h2). For a much more detailed analysis of eigenvalue problemssee [49].


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Proof ofTheorem 7.29 Using (4.7) and (7.48) we may write

Hence, since E(μ) is finite-dimensional, (2.23) may be rewritten as

The pointwise convergence of K h to K in H(curl;Ω) shown in Lemma 7.11 proves that both terms on the right-handside above vanish as h → 0. □

In Fig. 7.2 we show a convergence study for computing eigenvalues using a tetrahedral finite element code base onedge elements with k = 1 (from the Modulef library). The domain is Ω = [0, 1]3 and it is then known analytically thatthe first three non-zero eigenvalues are as follows:

Group index l Eigenvalue κl Multiplicity ml

1 2(2π)2 32 3(2π)2 23 5(2π)2 6

Having computed the first few (at least 11) non-zero eigenvalues, we plot the error(7.50)

where the ml discrete eigenvalues κj,l,h, 1 ≤ j ≤ ml, converge to κl. We see that, since the eigenfunctions are smoothfunctions of position in this case, the weighted average of discrete eigenvalues converges at a rate O(h2). This isconsistent with our theoretical prediction. For further numerical results, and details of implementation, see e.g. [205].

The result in Fig. 7.2 is from [289] where the h version of the finite element method (as described in this chapter) wascompared to the p-version (see Section 8.4 for an introduction to the more general hp version of the finite elementmethod). Unfortunately the theory in that paper was based on [210] which contains an error. Therefore the proof in[289] is not correct and convergence of the p-version is an open problem to date. For recent results on hp methods forthe eigenvalue problem see [4].

This section has shown that edge elements may be used successfully to compute solutions of eigenvalue problems inelectromagnetic applications. One area of considerable practical importance is the computation of modes in awaveguide. This problem reduces to a two-dimensional eigenvalue problem but with modified operators. Edgeelements have proved to be a useful discretization tool (see,


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Fig. 7.2. Error in approximating the first three normalized eigenvalues for the Maxwell eigenvalue problem on the unitcube. We show the error defined by (7.50) as a function of mesh size. Convergence with a rate O(h2) is observed asexpected for k = 1 edge elements.2

e.g. [38, 178, 39]). A second area that is currently very popular is the computation of modes in periodic structures.These structures have important applications in optical switching [108, 127].


2 Reprinted from IEEE Trans. Mag. , 32 , Computing cavity modes using the p -version of the finite element method, 1934-40, Y. Wang, P. Monk and B. Szabo, Copyright1996 IEEE, with permission from IEEE.

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8.1 IntroductionThe basic finite elements presented in Chapters 5 and 6 can be considerably elaborated to try to improve theirperformance. Of course, the edge elements presented in these chapters are not the only possible family of elementsobeying the discrete de Rham diagram. In this section, we start by quickly reviewing another family of elements(termed here the “second family”) also due to Nédélec [235]. These elements are defined for a tetrahedral mesh andhave been used extensively by Mur [231] for time domain electromagnetic modeling. Indeed, Mur independentlydiscovered the lowest-order element of this type. These elements have the attractive property of offering superiorapproximation properties in the (L2(Ω))3 norm compared to the first family (see Theorems 8.15 and 5.41). On theother hand, for a given grid, the second family uses more degrees of freedom than the first family (for k = 1 thesecond family on tetrahedra uses twice as many degrees of freedom as the first family). Having never directlycompared the two families in the frequency domain, I cannot recommend one over the other.

Continuing our development of edge elements, we then discuss the approximation of curved boundaries. Our goal isvery limited. In Chapters 10 and 11, we shall need to approximate Maxwell's equations on a domain with a sphericalouter boundary. We need to have a method that will provide optimal convergence in this simple case. As we shall see,the results for more general curved boundaries are by no means complete.

We end this chapter with a brief introduction to hp finite element methods for Maxwell's equations. The elements weshall discuss (from [120]) underlie the hp code of Demkowicz and co-workers [286, 255, 257]. There are manysubtleties involved in writing code for an hp finite element method [270] and this book, which focuses mainly on the hversion, is not the place for discussing such details. We note that it is currently an open problem to prove errorestimates for general hp methods for Maxwell's equations (see [218] for a start in this direction).

There are many more generalizations and modifications of edge elements in the literature. All are useful in certaincircumstances, but are too specialized for this book. Examples include

(1) Enhanced elements Various enhancements of edge elements have been proposed to obtain special properties. Forexample, the edge element of [135, 136] has additional basis functions designed to allow mass lumping for timedependent computations.

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(2) Non-conforming elements It is worth pointing out that standard non-conforming finite elements like those in [109]result in an inconsistent method when applied to Maxwell's equations [223]. A new family of non-conformingmethods suitable for Maxwell's equations has been proposed in [131]. So far this has only been analyzed forlow-frequency problems, but deserves to be looked at for the general Maxwell problem.

(3) Prism elements These elements are due to Nédélec [235] (see also [247, 150]) and have been used by Nicaise [238]for building refined meshes near singularities in the solution along edges of the domain. For these elements thereference domain is a product domain formed by the reference triangle T with vertices (0, 0)⊺, (1, 0)⊺, (0, 1)⊺ andthe unit interval Î = (0, 1) so K = T x Î. The elements on this domain are also tensor products. Let Rk(T ) denotethe set of edge basis functions on T of degree at most k (see Remark (5.29)). For example, if k = 1 and the firstfamily is used, then û ∈ R1(T ) if and only if

for some constants a, b and c. Then the finite element functions on K are drawn from

Degrees of freedom may then be specified as suitable line and surface integrals motivated by the productstructure of the element. We shall now give two examples.The lowest order element has k = 1. In this case, we have û ∈ P K provided

This gives nine degrees of freedom that are uniquely specified by the nine edge degrees of freedom

If k = 2, there are 36 basis functions in P K with the usual degrees of freedom for R2(T ) on the upper and lowertriangular faces of the prism and on the surface (this gives a total of 3 x 8 = 24 degrees of freedom). Inadditional there are 12 degrees of freedom along lines parallel to the ◯3-axis. More precisely, there are twointegral degrees of freedom along each of 12 lines positioned at the Lagrange interpolation points for P2(T ) (seeFig. 8.1 ). Provided every prismatic element K ∈ τh is a right prism (the triangular base is at right angles to therectangular faces) a combination of the techniques


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Fig. 8.1. Degrees of freedom for the two lowest order prism elements. Left: k = 1. Right: k = 2. The integral degrees offreedom are marked by arrows on the appropriate edges or faces. For the k = 2 element, only the degrees of freedomon the visible faces of the prism are shown, and multiple degrees per edge are shown with bold arrows.

in Chapters 5 and 6 can be used to verify the existence of an interpolant with the usual approximationproperties.

(4) Pyramidal elements Gradinaru and Hiptmair [148] have shown that it is possible to derive edge elements onpyramids (here the reference domain is the pyramid with vertices (0, 0, 0)⊺, (1, 0, 0)⊺, (0, 1, 0)⊺, (1, 1, 0)⊺ and

. Such elements might be useful for combining tetrahedral and hexahedral elements in one computation.(5) Super-convergence The global convergence rate of a finite element method depends on the norm used for

measuring the convergence rate and is limited by the smoothness of the solution and the maximum degree ofthe polynomial space contained in the element-wise basis. In general, when interpolating smooth functions, ifthe finite element space contains all polynomials of degree l on each element, the interpolation error in the Hs

norm is O(hl + 1 - s) (this is a rule of thumb and not a theorem — but the statement can be made rigorous using theBramble–Hilbert lemma, see [60]). For example, for edge elements with k = 1 and for a smooth function u,Theorem 5.41 implies that we have ║u - rhu║(L


3 = O(h) since (P0)3 ⊂ R1 but (P1)3 ⊄ R1. Similarly for k = 2 wehave (P1)3 ⊂ R2 but (P2)3 ⊄ R2, so ║u - rhu║(L


3 = O(h2) is the best possible rate. Frequently, however, there arecertain points in the mesh at which the solution is “super-convergent”, or convergent to higher order than theglobal rate. In [219] (see also [211] for an improvement on this result), it was shown that edge elements of thefirst kind on cubes can be super-convergent on special surfaces within the element. Whether this holds for thetime harmonic Maxwell system is not known. In addition, although super-convergence is known for triangularedge elements in two dimensions [59], there is no proof of super-convergence in R3 for tetrahedra. It is also notagreed if super-convergence is seen in computations, although Fig. 7.2 suggests that super-convergence may beobserved at the


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vertices of the mesh provided averaged values of the fields are used.

8.2 The second family of elements on tetrahedraA potential disadvantage of the first-type elements presented in Chapters 5 and 6 is that using the degree-k elements, itis only possible to obtain an O(hk) error estimate for the interpolant in the (L2(Ω))3 norm for the divergence or curlconforming elements. By analogy to error estimates for scalar piecewise k degree, continuous, finite elements, wemight hope for O(hk + 1). This can be obtained with the second family of curl or divergence conforming elements asdescribed by Nédélec [235]. We shall denote the relevant finite element spaces by and

to distinguish them from the first family spaces.

In keeping with our description of edge elements on hexahedra in Chapter 6, the presentation here is less detailed thanfor the first family of elements on tetrahedra presented in Chapter 5 . It would be a good idea to be familiar with thematerial in Sections 5.2 (last part) and 5.3 before starting this chapter.

We assume a regular finite element mesh τh, h > 0, (see Section 5.3) of tetrahedra of maximum diameter h. As usualeach element K ∈ τh can be obtained from the reference element K via an affine map FK◯ = BK◯ + bK where BK is aninvertible matrix.

8.2.1 Divergence conforming elementNow we define the second family of divergence conforming finite elements.

Definition 8.1 The second family of divergence conforming elements is defined as follows:

• K is a tetrahedron;• PK = (Pk)3;• the degrees of freedom ΣK is composed of two sets. For a vector function u on K such that u ∈ (H1/2 + δ(K))3, δ >

0, we define



where ν is the unit normal to f.

As in the case of the first-type family analyzed previously, we shall use the standard reference tetrahedron K andtransform between K and K using (5.20). We next prove the analogue of Lemma 5.18 for type 2 elements.


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Lemma 8.2The degrees of freedom(8.1)and(8.2)for u on K vanish if and only if the degrees of freedom for û on K vanish.

Proof If we change variables in the degrees of freedom (5.23) using (5.20), we obtain, assuming that det(BK) > 0,

Then using Lemma 5.32, we know that if q ∈ Rk on K, then on K . So we can be sure that if all the degrees offreedom (8.2) vanish on K, they also vanish on K (and, of course, vice versa).

The proof of the invariance of the degrees of freedom (8.1) follows using the same argument as used to prove Lemma5.18. □

Next we prove that the elements in Definition 8.1 are divergence conforming by proving the analogue of Lemma 5.20.

Lemma 8.3If u ∈ (Pk)3and all the degrees of freedom of type(8.1)for u associated with a given face f vanish, then u · ν = 0 on f.

Proof Since u · ν ∈ Pk(f), picking q = u · ν in (8.1) proves the result. □

The remaining result we need in order to know that the finite elements are well-defined is that the degrees of freedomare unisolvent. As in the case of the first family of divergence conforming elements (see Section 5.4), the number ofdegrees of freedom and the dimension of PK = (Pk)3 are the same and so it suffices to prove that the degrees offreedom uniquely determine a vector polynomial in PK.

Lemma 8.4If u ∈ (PK)3is such that all the degrees of freedom(8.1)and(8.2)vanish, then u = 0.

Proof We have already shown (in Lemma 8.3) that u · ν = 0 on each face f of K. As in the proof of Lemma 5.21, wecan then use Green's formula to show that ∇ · u = 0 in K. More precisely, using (3.24) and the vanishing of the normaltrace of u on ∂K, we obtain

so ∇ · u = 0. Hence the last equality above holds for any polynomial q and in particular for q ∈ P k. Now using Lemma5.27 to write (Pk-1)3 = Rk-1 + ∇P k we see that this implies (using also the the degrees of freedom (8.2)) that(8.3)

Mapping to the reference element and using the same argument as in proof of Lemma 5.21, the fact that û = 0 on thefaces of K now implies that u = (◯1φ1, ◯2φ2, ◯3φ3)T with (φ1, φ2, φ3)T ∈ (Pk-1)3. Choosing q = (φ1, φ2, φ3)T in (8.3) proves thatu = 0. □


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The previous lemmas show that the second family of elements in Definition 8.1 is divergence conforming andunisolvent as we summarize in the next theorem.

Theorem 8.5A vector field u ∈ (Pk)3is entirely determined by the degrees of freedom(8.1)and (8.2). Moreover, the space of finiteelement functions on a mesh τh of Ω defined by Definition 8.1 is divergence conforming so that .

Remark 8.6We can summarize the definition of the second family divergence conforming space without reference to degrees of freedomby(8.4)

Having proved the unisolvence and divergence conforming properties of second kind divergence conformingelements, we can define a local interpolant using the degrees of freedom (8.1) and (8.2). Thus, if u ∈ H(div;Ω), wedefine wKu ∈ (Pk)3 by requiring that

Then we can define a global interpolant wh from (H1/2 + δ(Ω))3, δ > 0, onto by

We have not used notation to distinguish between the interpolants for the two families of curl conforming finiteelement space, since in practice it will always be quite clear which space we use.

We have the following error estimate proved in the same way as for Lemma 5.25.

Theorem 8.7Let τh be a regular mesh. Then there is a constant C independent of h and u such that

for , δ > 0.

Remark 8.8The case k = 1 is of practical interest. In this case, assuming u is sufficiently regular,

This compares to a best case of O(h) for first kind elements in (5.25). On the other hand, this element has three times as many degrees offreedom as the first family on the same mesh.


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Proof ofTheorem 8.7 The proof of this result follows the same outline as the proof of Theorem 5.25. We note that theinvariance of the degrees of freedom in Lemma 8.2, and the invariance of (Pk)3 under the map (5.20), shows that

. Mapping to the reference element as before and using Theorem 5.5 proves the estimate. □

8.2.2 Curl conforming elementThe lowest order space of the second family of curl conforming elements was discovered independently by Mur [231]and Nédélec [233]. Mur has used the elements extensively in electromagnetic computations (see, e.g. [230]). Nédélec[235] provides an analysis of the interpolation error and extends the construction to arbitrary order. It is his analysis wefollow here.

As in the case of the divergence conforming elements in the previous section, it is possible to construct a space of curlconforming functions using vector polynomials of degree exactly k.

Definition 8.9 This second family of curl conforming finite elements is defined as follows:

(1) Each element K is a tetrahedron.(2) PK = (Pk)3 for some positive integer k.(3) If e denotes an edge of K with unit tangent vector τ and f denotes a face of K with unit normal ν, we define, for u

∈ (H1/2 + δ(K))3, δ > 0, and ∇ x u ∈ (Lq(K))3, q > 2,(8.5)




Here Dk-1(f) is the analogue of Dk-1 in two dimensions given by Dk-1(f) = (Pk-2(f))2 ⊕ P k-1(f) x of vector functionstangential to f, and uT (in (8.6)) is interpreted as a vector with two components in the plane of f.

As in the case of the first family of edge elements, we establish conformance and unisolvence first, and later turn to theerror estimates. Of course, the basis functions in (Pk)3 are invariant under the transformation (5.33). Furthermore, thenumber of basis functions is


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and this is exactly the number of degrees of freedom in (8.9). Curl conformance and unisolvence are established by aseries of results. First we show that even though the elements are not affine invariant it is still possible to handle theelements via affine maps.

Lemma 8.10The degrees of freedom (8.5)–(8.7) for a function u on K vanish if and only if they vanish for û on K .

Proof Using the change of variables (5.33) and (5.35), we have

where γe = ±1 is the constant resulting from the change of variables (see Chapter 5 ). Thus, the degrees of freedom(8.5) vanish on K and K simultaneously.

Next we consider facial degrees of freedom of type (8.6). In this case we must use the fact that functions in Dk-1(f) mustbe transformed using (5.20). Hence, up to a constant factor γf depending on f only,

where f is the usual two dimensional reference element in the same plane as f. From this, we see that the degrees offreedom (8.6) vanish simultaneously. The proof that the degrees of freedom (8.7) satisfy the lemma proceedsanalogously. □

The next lemma establishes curl conformance, via Theorem 5.3, by showing that the tangential component of thefinite element on a face is entirely determined by values of the degrees of freedom on the same face.

Lemma 8.11Suppose u ∈ (Pk)3is such that all degrees of freedom associated with a face f and the edges of f vanish. Then u x ν = 0 on f.

Proof This proof is similar to the proof of Lemma 5.35 and we shall only sketch the argument. The degrees offreedom (8.5) imply that u · τ = 0 on ∂f. Then Green's theorem for the two-dimensional curl and the degrees offreedom (8.6) imply that if uT is the tangential component of u on f, then

where ∇;f x is the surface curl defined in Section 3.4. This implies that uT = ∇fp where ∇f is the surface gradient on f andp ∈ Pk + 1(f). Since uT has vanishing tangential component on ∂f, we may choose p = 0 on ∂f and so

where λi, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3, are the barycentric functions for f and r ∈ Pk-2(f). Then the degrees of freedom (8.6) and theDivergence Theorem 3.19 in the plane imply that


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But, by Lemma 5.13, ∇ · Dk-1 = Pk-2 and so choosing ∇ · q = r we obtain r = 0. This proves the lemma. □

Now we establish unisolvence.

Lemma 8.12If u ∈ (Pk)3and all the degrees of freedom of type (8.5)–(8.7) vanish, then u = 0.

Proof This proof is similar to the proof of Lemma 5.21. By the previous lemma, u x v = 0 on ∂K. Using the threedimensional Stokes formula (3.51) and the volume degrees of freedom

since ∇ x q ∈ Dk-2(K). Selecting q = ∇ x u implies that ∇ x u = 0. Now we invoke Lemma 8.10 to conclude that alldegrees of freedom vanish on K and hence ∇ x û = 0 in K and û x υ = 0. The proof now follows the proof of Lemma5.36 to show that û = 0 and hence u = 0. □

As in the case of first type elements, the preceding lemmas imply that we can define a finite element subspace ofH(curl;Ω) as follows:(8.8)

The associated interpolation operator defined using the degrees of freedom (8.5)–s(8.7) is still denoted by rh(!). Thesecond-family divergence conforming space from the previous section and the space above are linked as before.

Lemma 8.13Let Wh be defined by(5.28)and be defined by(8.8)with their associated interpolation operators wh and rh.Then and if u is smooth enough that rhu is defined, then

Remark 8.14This result holds if Wh and wh are taken to be the second-kind spaces from this chapter (i.e. from Section8.2.1). Fordivergence-free functions, the interpolant is identical for these divergence conforming spaces.

Proof ofLemma 8.13 The assertion that is proved in exactly the same way as in the proof of Lemma 5.40.For the facial degrees of freedom, using the two dimensional Stokes formula (3.28) on a given face f,


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for all q ∈ Pk-1(f) where ∇f x (u - rhu) = υ · ∇ x (u - rhu). Thus, using the definition of rh, the face and edge degrees offreedom imply that the right-hand side vanishes, so that

But by the Stokes theorem (3.51), for all q ∈ (Pk-2)3,

Hence, using the face and volume degrees of freedom, wh ∇ x (u - rhu) = 0 and so wh ∇ x u = wh ∇ x rhu = ∇ rhu. □

Finally, we can state an error estimate for this element.

Theorem 8.15Let τh be a regular mesh of Ω. Then if u ∈ (Hs(Ω))3, 1 ≤ s ≤ k,

In addition, both estimates ofTheorem 5.41hold.

Remark 8.16Note that if k = 1, the first error estimate of the theorem shows that the (L2(Ω))3norm of the interpolation error for asmooth function is O(h2) instead of O(h) for the first family of elements.

Proof ofTheorem 8.15 The proof of this theorem follows the same lines as the proof of Theorem 5.41. Here we havethat (5.44) is replaced by

and this allows us to obtain an O(hs + 1) error bound in the (L2(Ω))3 norm. □

Let us again consider the case k = 1 in more detail. There are now two degrees of freedom on each edge and the twobasis functions associated with the edge from vertex i to vertex j are λi∇λj and -λj∇λi. Thus on a tetrahedron K the functionu ∈ (P1)3 may be written as


These expressions should be compared to those given for the first family of edge elements given in (5.47)–(5.48). Notethat the second family here differs from the


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first family only by the addition of gradients to the space (in particular ∇λiλj). On a given mesh, when k = 1, the secondfamily of elements has twice as many degrees of freedom as the first family, but the error in the (L2(Ω))3 norm is O(h2)rather than O(h).

8.2.3 Scalar functions and the de Rham diagramWe now need to discuss the appropriate scalar finite element space to complete the relevant parts of the de Rhamdiagram for second-type elements. This is easy since the spaces are the same as in Section 5.6. The difference now isthat the curl conforming space consists of piecewise (Pk)3 polynomials, so the scalar space must consist, at least, ofpiecewise Pk+1 polynomials. The appropriate scalar space turns out to be

With this choice of scalar space, and using the second-family edge space defined above and the face space Wh

defined in Section 5.4, we have the following discrete de Rham diagram:(8.9)

where we use the first-type edge space for Wh and for Zh. Of course, πh and rh are the and interpolants,respectively.

A final remark is necessary concerning the second-family. It is possible to define second family edge elements onhexahedra [235]. However, for this family, the discrete de Rham diagram does not hold and hence these elements donot fit the theory of this book. Despite this, elements of this type can be used (for an application in elasticity and amodification to mixed method theory to handle such elements, see [29, 30]). They have also been used in time domainMaxwell simulations [84] with considerable success, but there exists the possibility of spurious modes appearing in thecomputed solution.

8.3 Curved domainsIn the majority of this book, we assume that the computational domain Ω is a Lipschitz polyhedron. This is mainly sothat we can assert that Ω is exactly covered by a tetrahedral mesh. However, in Chapters 10 and 11 we wish to use anauxiliary boundary ∑ that is a sphere. Thus, we need to discuss how to approximate a simple curved domain of thistype.


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For Laplace's equation and first-order scalar elements, the usual way to approximate a curved domain Ω is toapproximate the domain by a polyhedron Ωh consisting of a union of regular tetrahedra with vertices in Ω. This meshis chosen so that the skin (Ω\Ωh) ∪ (Ωh\Ω) has small volume. In the case of Laplace's equation, it is then possible toshow that the “variational crime” of not using the exact computational domain does not affect the order of accuracy ofthe method. Of course, for higher-order elements this crude boundary approximation adversely impacts theconvergence rate. An analysis of this type has not been carried out for Maxwell's equations. It would be interestingbecause of the perturbation of the tangential boundary condition, the non-coercive nature of the Maxwell problem,and the perturbation of the divergence condition introduced by the approximation.

In view of the fact that the analysis is unavailable for edge element approximation on a perturbed domain, we nowoutline a strategy for dealing with a smooth curved boundary. This is certainly sufficient for the problems in this bookwhere we only consider a spherical curved boundary. For piecewise smooth Lipschitz domains, a more advancedstrategy would be needed (cf. Bernardi [40] for a start in this direction).

We start by presenting a method due to Dubois [132] for fitting smooth boundaries exactly. Error estimates are onlyproved for first-order edge elements of the first kind, and we shall summarize the known results in this area. However,we shall not use Dubois' method in the way he advocates, so we shall only sketch his theory. Instead, we make anessentially trivial observation that allows us to map the curvilinear domain, using Dubois methods, to a polyhedraldomain (and a perturbed Maxwell system) and hence apply our theory of edge elements on polyhedral domains. Itwould be interesting, and of practical interest, to examine isoparametric type mapping methods for edge elements. Inthis regard, we should note a warning. The method we advocate will work for tetrahedral elements. In addition, if thepolyhedral domain obtained by mapping the curvilinear domain can be meshed by rectilinear hexahedral elements asdiscussed in Chapter 6, these elements may also be used. However, if hexahedral elements are mapped to targetelements that are not parallelepipeds, recent results of [17] suggest that there are situations under which non-optimalconvergence rates (or even non-convergence) may be observed. Thus, mapped hexahedral elements are safest if usedin the manner we shall outline in Section 8.3.2. Nevertheless, curvilinear hexahedral elements are in common use inengineering codes [110, 272, 177]. As we shall see, the theory of edge elements on curvilinear domains is not welldeveloped. For example, the Dubois method, which is akin to an isoparametric technique, is only justified for smoothboundaries and the lowest-order vertex, edge and face elements described in Chapter 5 .

8.3.1 Locally mapped tetrahedral meshesIn this section we follow Dubois [132]. We suppose that the simply connected domain Ω has a boundary consisting oftwo disjoint connected components, one


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of which is denoted by Γ and is the boundary of a Lipschitz polyhedron and the other denoted by ∑ which is C2

regular. By this we mean that ∑ is such that the maps in Definition 3.1 are assumed to be C2 rather than just Lipschitz.We suppose Ω is covered by a family of curvilinear meshes τh, h > 0, of disjoint elements K ∈ τh of maximum diameterh such that

(1) if K is interior toΩ or K shares at most one point with ∑ or K ∩ Γ ≠ ∅, then K is a tetrahedron (we assume thath is small enough that no element intersects both Γ and ∑);

(2) if K shares a face or an edge with ∑, then it is the image of the reference tetrahedron under an invertible C2 mapFK : K → K, which we shall give shortly;

(3) the elements satisfy the usual finite element mesh geometric constraints given in Section 5.3.

We can summarize these properties by saying that τh is a tetrahedral mesh except for elements sharing an edge or facewith ∑ which are allowed to be curvilinear tetrahedra. Provided the mesh is refined appropriately, we can assume thatevery curvilinear element satisfying condition (2) above has at most one face or one edge on ∑.

In order to specify the map FK in part (2), we make use of a projection P∑ which projects points close to ∑ onto ∑.More precisely it is possible to show that there is a neighborhood Ω∑ ⊂ Ω of ∑ such that if x ∈ Ω∑, then there is aunique point y ∈ ∑ depending on x such that x - y is normal to ∑ at y. Then we define P∑x = y, so P∑ just projectspoints normally onto ∑. If ∑ is the sphere of radius R (as will be the case for our applications), then(8.10)

is well defined provided x ≠ 0. In general, the use of P∑ rules out piecewise smooth boundaries and this deficiencyneeds to be addressed in the future. We also need to assume that h is chosen sufficiently small so that all elementsintersecting ∑ lie in Ω∑, and define τh, ∑ = {K ∈ τh | K ∩ ∑ ≠ ∅}. Then we suppose that each K ∈ τh, ∑ is such that K ⊂

Ω∑. Since Ω∑ is open, this is always possible.

Now assume that K ∈ τh has one edge on ∑ and that the vertices a1 and a2 of K lie on ∑. This edge must be chosen tobe P∑([a1, a2]) where [a1, a2] is the straight line from a1 to a2. Thus,

In the the same way, if K ∈ τh shares a face with ∑, this face is also described using the projection P∑. Suppose the facehas vertices a1, a2 and a3 all on ∑. Then the curvilinear face is given by


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The reason for these specific assumptions is to provide a concrete method for constructing FK that ensures thatelements do not overlap or leave some part of Ω or ∑ uncovered.

Using the notions just described, we can give Dubois' definition of FK : K → K for a curvilinear tetrahedron (see also[208]). Let K be the reference tetrahedron with barycentric coordinate functions λj, 1 ≤ j ≤ 4. Then:

(1) if K has a single curved edge between a1 and a2 (obtained by mapping the vertices â1 and â2 of the referenceelement), we define(8.11)

(2) if K shares a single curvilinear face having vertices a1, a2 and a3 with ∑, then


Now that we have this careful definition of FK, we can show that τh does cover Ω and that the edges and faces aredefined without needing to explicitly use the tetrahedra that contain them.

Lemma 8.17The edges and faces of τhon ∑ are defined without explicit reference to the tetrahedra containing them.

Proof Suppose elements K1 and K2 meet at a face f and that one edge of f lies on ∑. If the end points of this edge are a1

and a2, then the edge is given by P∑(ta1 + (1 - t)a2) which does not depend on the choice of element. □

This is all of Dubois' theory that we need. But for completeness we outline his construction of edge elements on thecurvilinear grid and give the main results of his theory. Recall from Section 3.9 that dFK denotes the Jacobian matrix forFK. Then using the definition of D1 in (5.17) and R1 in (5.32), the appropriate local subspaces for an element K ∈ τh areobtained using the mappings (3.77) and (3.76) to obtain(8.13)


Note that it is vital to use the appropriate transformations here. With these subspaces in hand, the obviousgeneralization of the first kind spaces Wh and Vh defined in (5.28) and (5.40) to curvilinear domains is(8.15)


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Fig. 8.2. A summary of the various maps used in this section. For simplicity, we show the elements as triangles. Themap F0, K maps the reference triangle to a standard triangle K with two vertices on the curvilinear boundary (theboundary ∑ is shown as a dashed line). The map FK maps the triangle K to the curvilinear triangle K. The map FK mapsK to K directly.


In addition, we have the usual mapped scalar space(8.17)

Because we have used the appropriate transformations, the results of Section 3.9 show that the discrete de Rhamdiagram (5.59) still holds.

Now we need to define the interpolant in each case. For Uh ⊂ H1(Ω) we simply use standard point values at the verticesin the mesh. For Vh and Wh, we use the obvious degrees of freedom so that the degrees of freedom for Vh are

where τ is the unit tangent to e, and the degrees of freedom for Wh are

where ν is a normal to f. Because of the use of the mappings to define D1(K) and R1(K), and taking into account that νand τ are related to ν and τ by (3.79) and (3.80), we see that these degrees of freedom are mapped (up to sign) to thecorresponding degrees of freedom on the reference element K . Thus, unisolvence and conformance follow using thesame arguments as used in Sections 3.9, 5.4 and 5.5 (using eqns (3.81) and (3.82)). Furthermore, the same argumentsshow the commuting properties of the interpolants relative to the above degrees of freedom. Hence, we see that thediscrete de Rham diagram (5.59) holds with the obvious definition for Zh using the mapping (3.78).

To analyze the approximation properties of these spaces we need to analyze how the Jacobian dFK and Hessian (∂/∂◯1)dFK(◯), 1 ≤ l ≤ 3, depend on h. This can be done by first defining F0, K to be the affine map given by F0, K(◯) = BK◯+


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bK such that F0, K maps the vertices of K to those of K. Then F0,K(K ) = K is a true tetrahedron and |BK| and det(BK) canbe estimated using Lemma 5.10. We define , so FK = FK ∘ F0, K. See Fig. 8.2 for a graphical summary of thisnotation.

For a true tetrahedron K the map FK = I. For a curvilinear tetrahedron, if the mesh is regular and quasi-uniform (i.e. hK

≤ σρK and h ≤ γhK for fixed σ and γ and all K ∈ τh, h > 0), Dubois proves the following lemma.

Lemma 8.18The following estimates hold with constants independent of h: if dFK, i, j is the (i, j) entry of dFK then

This lemma allows the use of |BK| in place of |dFK| in the scaling estimates and allows Dubois to prove the followingoptimal approximation theorem (most likely the results of Theorems 5.41 and 5.25 also hold but this has not beenverified).

Theorem 8.19Assume that the mesh is regular and quasi-uniform. Then for all h small enough

where rh and wh are the interpolation operators for the curvilinear spaces Vh and Wh, respectively.

The problem with this approach is that only the lowest-order edge elements are covered by the theory. Since themapping FK depends on h, it is likely that the mapping procedure we have outlined would pollute error estimates forhigher-order elements (see Ciarlet [80] for isoparametric element error estimates in the scalar case up to cubicelements).

Note also that this analysis is restricted to tetrahedra. For hexahedra, the corresponding mapping procedure (even if FK

is restricted to be trilinear) can destroy the optimal convergence properties of the element in H(curl; Ω) (see [17] forthe two-dimensional case). This problem occurs because local mappings FK, dependent on h, are used. Since we wish toapproximate Maxwell's equations in the interior of a sphere, we can use a mapping independent of h and hencemaintain accuracy. This is done in the next section.

8.3.2 Large-element tting of domainsWe now discuss a method for exactly meshing a smooth curvilinear boundary which preserves the approximationproperties of any finite element method. Suppose ∑ is a smooth C2 curvilinear boundary (we have in mind the sphere)and


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Fig. 8.3. Figure showing the steps in creating a curvilinear grid. First, the domain is covered by large curvilinearelements (top left) obtained by mapping standard elements on a crude approximation of the domain (top right). Then thecrude approximate polygonal is meshed (bottom left) and the resulting grid mapped back to the curvilinear domain(bottom right).

Γ is a polyhedral boundary for the domain Ω. We first construct a curvilinear tetrahedral grid for Ω of elements ofdiameter at most H. This can be done by Dubois' method from the previous section, provided P∑ is known (see (8.10)for the case of a sphere).

Each curvilinear tetrahedron K ∈ τH is the image of a true tetrahedron K having the same vertices via FK. The element K is in turn obtained from the reference element by a standard affine map denoted by F0,K as in the previous section (seeFig. 8.2 ). Let τH denote the mesh of tetrahedra K covering the domain . Thus, ΩH is a crude tetrahedralmesh of Ω that can be mapped by a piecewise smooth mapping element by element to coverΩ with “large” elements.We now cover the polyhedral domain ΩH by regular elements on a finer mesh τh such that each element K h ∈ τh isentirely contained in some K ∈ τH. Mapping K to K transforms each K h ⊂ K to a curvilinear element Kh on Ω and theunion of these elements gives a curvilinear mesh of Ω in which


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curvilinear elements are used even away from the boundary.

Fig. 8.3 shows the idea in the two-dimensional context. In this example, the annular domain is first meshed by a fewcurvilinear triangles as shown in the top left panel. These fit the boundary ∑ exactly, thanks to the use of P∑ and thetwo-dimensional version of the construction of FK given in (8.11) and (8.12). The curvilinear triangles in τH are theimage under FK of the true triangles in τH forming ΩH and shown in the right-hand panel. The domain ΩH is thenmeshed as usual using a regular triangulation shown in the bottom left panel. Finally, the maps FK are used to map backto Ω and obtain a curvilinear triangulation of Ω as shown in the bottom right panel. We may also form a quasi-uniform mesh of ∑ by using a quasi-uniform mesh on the boundary of ΩH that is mapped to ∑ (see Fig. 8.2 ).

For notational convenience, we can define FH : ΩH → Ω to be the continuous piecewise smooth map such that if x ∈ K ∈ τH, then FH(x ) = FK(x ). Then the curvilinear mesh τh is defined by

Recalling that ΩH is a polyhedral domain, we may then define standard edge finite element spaces Ũh (vertex elementsin H1(ΩH)), V h (edge finite elements in H(curl; ΩH)) and Wh (face finite elements in H(div; ΩH)) in the usual way as inChapter 5 using the fine grid τh. The corresponding space on Ω is obtained by the usual mappings as follows:

Because we used the continuous piecewise smooth map FH in the way discussed in Section 3.9, we automatically have∇Uh ⊂ Vh and ∇ x Vh ⊂ Wh. The appropriate continuity conditions are also satisfied as in the case of a simple affinemap analyzed in Chapter 5 .

To obtain error estimates we note that if υ ∈ H(curl; Ω) there is a function v ∈ H(curl; ΩH) such that υ ∘ FH = (dFH)-⊺v,and since FH is piecewise smooth, v inherits the smoothness of υ element by element. Thus, using the invariance of thedegrees of freedom for Vh (see Lemma 5.34 for the affine case), we have rhυ = (dFH)-⊺r h v provided υ is smooth enoughthat rh is well defined. This implies that

The inequality holds since dFH is independent of h. A similar result holds for the curl of υ. Thus Vh (and in acorresponding way Uh and Wh) on Ω inherit all


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the approximation properties from the corresponding space V h (Ũh or Wh) on ΩH. We may summarize this as follows.

Theorem 8.20Theorems 5.25, 5.41 and 5.48 hold for the spaces Uh, Vh and Wh on the curvilinear grid τh of Ω.

Of course, this construction requires us to evaluate various integrals of curvilinear finite element functions on Ω. Thiscan be done by mapping back to ΩH. So for example if uh, υh ∈ Vh, then

where is defined element by element, and on each element inherits the smoothness of εr. Ingeneral, these integrals must be done numerically. Unfortunately, the analysis of integration rule accuracy needed tomaintain the order of the approximation in the numerical scheme (i.e. O(h) when k = 1, etc.) has yet to be performedfor edge elements. We presume that an integration rule that computes the integrals of polynomials of degree 2k - 1exactly on each element is sufficient (see Ciarlet [80]). This is the second variational crime (the first being theisoparametric approximation of Ω) that needs to be investigated for the Maxwell system.

Let us remark that this technique is probably not of practical interest in general but does cover the case of spherical ∑considered in later chapters. In addition, we could also use hexahedral elements if τH consists of curvilinear hexahedraand these can be mapped onto right hexahedra with edges parallel to the coordinate axis whose union forms ΩH (alimitation for sure!).

8.4hp nite elementsIn the hp version of the finite element method [275], a finite element grid τH is used, and in addition the degree of thepolynomial approximation on each element is varied to produce a good approximation of the solution. Typically, wherethe solution is smooth (e.g. in Maxwell's equations away from boundaries, interfaces or regions of non-smooth εr or μr),large elements can be used and high-degree piecewise polynomial basis functions ensure accuracy. In particular,analytic functions can be well approximated by high-order polynomials. In regions where the solution is less smooth(e.g. in the neighborhood of a re-entrant corner or edge of the domain), the mesh needs to be refined and thepolynomial degree decreased (see [238] for an analysis of mesh refinement towards an edge singularity). Theprogramming of an hp scheme is rather complex (see Demkowicz [255, 257]), but is rendered tractable by anappropriate definition of


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the degrees of freedom for hp finite elements. These have to be chosen so that it is convenient to allow the degree ofthe piecewise polynomial to change from element to element. Here we give a construction of hp finite elements from[120], for another construction see [149, 7, 6]. Unfortunately, while we can analyze the interpolation error in theseelements for fixed polynomial degree as the mesh is refined (h → 0), there is no analysis yet that provides errorestimates like part (b) of Theorem 5.41 that includes the influence of the polynomial degree, and hence there is, as yet,no hp error analysis available for the time-harmonic Maxwell's equations. We start with the simplest case of elements inH1(Ω) and proceed to if H(curl;Ω) and H(div;Ω). As usual, we consider a Lipschitz polyhedral domain Ω covered by aregular tetrahedral mesh τh, h > 0, where h is the maximum diameter of the elements in the mesh. Furthermore, werecall that K denotes the standard reference element.

8.4.1 H1(Ω) conforming hp elementThis element is quite standard being essentially the element defined in Section 5.6 but modified to allow p to vary fromelement to element. The basis functions in the space PK are defined by 11 integer parameters for each element K: kK, kf

for each face f, and ke for each edge e, as follows:(8.18)

We can now define the parameter p in the name “hp method”: . We choose the polynomial degree indices tosatisfy kf ≤ kK and ke ≤ kK. We also require ke ≤ kf for every edge e of a face f. Demkowicz et al. [255, 257] use thefollowing minimum rule to assign the appropriate indices. First, the elemental polynomial degree kK is assigned for eachK ∈ τh, then if f is a face of two tetrahedrons K1 and K2, the index kf is assigned to be the minimum of and (forboundary faces kf = kK). The edge degrees ke are then assigned to be the minimum of the face degrees kf for facesadjacent to this edge.

Now we can define the hp degrees of freedom for q ∈ H1(K), , on a tetrahedral element K by using the followingfour sets of degrees of freedom corresponding to those in Definition 5.46:

• Vertex degrees: Let ai, 1 ≤ i ≤ 4, be the vertices of K. Then

• Edge degrees: Let s denote arc length along e. Then


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• Face degrees:

• Volume degrees:

Then the element degrees of freedom are

Note that MK(q) = ∅ if kK < 4, Mf(q) = ∅ if kf < 3, and Me(q) = ∅ if ke < 2.

Using these degrees of freedom, we can prove unisolvence and H1 conformance as in the proof of Lemma 5.47.Suppose all degrees of freedom of a discrete function qh ∈ PK associated with vertices and edges of a face f vanish. Thedegrees Mυ(qh) = {0} imply that we can select φ = qh in the degrees of freedom Me(qh) so that ∫e(∂qh/∂s)2 ds = 0 and thusqh = 0 on each edge of f. But then we may choose φ = qh in the degrees for Mf(qh), so ∫f|∇fqh|2dA = 0. Using the fact thatqh = 0 on ∂f, we have qh = 0 on f as required for unisolvence.

Using these degrees of freedom we may define an hp interpolant πh, p, K : Hs(K) → PK, , as in Chapter 5 and hence aglobal interpolant πh,p via (5.56). The error estimates for this interpolant are technically challenging. It is possible toprove that if q ∈ Hs(Ω), s ≥ 2, and if a uniform degree p is used on all elements (i.e. p = kK = kf = ke for all K, f and e),then

as h → 0 and p → ∞ [227]. More complex estimates near singularities and for variable degree are also known [270].The set of all finite element functions of the type outlined in this section on a mesh τh with maximum h and minimumpolynomial degree is denoted by Uh,p.

8.4.2 hp curl conforming elementsNow we need to define a finite element subspace Vh,p of H(curl; Ω) such that ∇Uh,p ⊂ Vh,p and such that the appropriatepart of the discrete de Rham diagram commutes. Recall that uT denotes the tangential component of u on anappropriate surface. We define the space of basis functions PK on an element K by

Here, as before, kf ≤ kK and ke ≤ kf for all edges e of f and each f. Of course, we use here the same indices kK, kf and ke

as were used in (8.18).


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Note that if kK = k + 1 and kf = ke = k + 1, then PV = (Pk)3, and we are thus dealing with a generalization of the secondfamily of edge elements defined in Section 8.2. In general,

Now we can define degrees of freedom for this space. As in Section 5.5 this involves edge, face and volume degrees ingeneral. Let u ∈ (H1/2+δ(K))3, δ > 0, and ∇ x u ∈ (Lq(K))3, q > 2. Then the following degrees of freedom are well-defined.

• Edge degrees (recall that τ is the unit tanjent to edge e):

• Face degrees of freedom:

• Volume degrees of freedom:

Then, as usual, the total degrees of freedom on K are

Here MK(u) = ∅ if kK < 4 and Mf(u) = ∅ if kf < 3.

The degrees of freedom Mf(u) and MK(u) look unusual and perhaps might appear overdetermined. This is not the case.When we compute the local edge interpolant rh,p-1 of u, we need (e.g. using the degrees of freedom in MK(u)) that


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If we introduce a Lagrange multiplier, we see that this is equivalent to finding rh,p-1u ∈ PK and such that

Choosing φ = ∇λ shows that λ = 0 so the above two problems are equivalent and the stated degrees of freedom do notoverdetermine rh,p-1u. Again unisolvence and conformance are easy to prove using arguments like those verifyingLemmas 5.36 and 5.37. However, nothing is proved about the approximation properties of this operator when p varies.Computational evidence [256] suggests that optimal convergence rates are obtained.

8.4.3 hp divergence conforming spaceThe next space needed to complete the de Rham diagram is much simpler than the previous spaces. Let

As in the case of the curl conforming space, the indices kK and kf are those for the H1(Ω) conforming space Uh,p and kf

≤ kK. By using this choice, it is clear that ∇ x Vh,p-1 ⊂ Wh,p-2. To complete the definition of this space, we need to definethe degrees of freedom. These are analogous to those for the second family face space in Section 8.2. In particular,we have, for u ∈ (H1/2 + δ(K))3, δ > 0, the following degrees:

• Face degrees of freedom:

• Volume degrees of freedom:


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The element degrees of freedom are then ∑K = Mf(u) ∪ MK(u). As in the case of the curl conforming elements, thedegrees of freedom MK(u) are unusual and might appear to overdetermine a function uh ∈ Wh,p-2. However, using theappropriate mixed problem, we see that this is not the case. The interpolant wh,p-2u can now be defined using thesedegrees of freedom in the usual way. This definition only makes sense for kK > 2. Note that MK(u) = ∅, if kK < 3.

For completeness, we shall also define

which is well defined for kK ≥ 3 and denote by P0,h,p-3 the L2(Ω) orthogonal projection into Zh,p-3.

8.4.4 de Rham diagram for hp elementsSuppose kK ≥ 3 for all K ∈ τh (it is possible using first-type edge elements to extend this construction below kK = 3).Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 8.21Provided kK ≥ 3 for all K ∈ τh(i.e. p ≥ 3), the following discrete de Rham diagram commutes:(8.19)

where U, V and W are subspaces on which the appropriate interpolation operators are defined.

Proof We have already seen that the bottom row of the diagram is satisfied by the design of the spaces. The remainderof the proof mirrors that of Theorems 5.49 and 5.40 (see [120] for details). For example to prove that

for all q ∈ H3/2 + δ(Ω), δ > 0, we proceed to check that the degrees of freedom rh,p-1∇q agree with those of ∇πh,pq elementby element. We start with edge degrees. Let e be an edge of K ∈ τh with unit tangent τ. Then using the edge degrees forrh,p-1 ∇q, we have that for all (8.20)


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Choosing φ = 1 we have, if a and b are the end points of e,

where we have used the vertex degrees of freedom for πh,pq.

Now we write φ = φ0 + φ1 where φ0 ∈ P0 and ∫eφds = ∫eφ0ds. We have φ1 = ∂ξ/∂s for some and we may choose ξ(a) = 0. Then the fact that ∫eφ1ds = 0 shows that ξ(b) = 0. Using φ = ∂ξ/∂s in (8.20) and the edge degrees of freedom forπh,pq shows that the edge degrees of freedom for rh,p-1∇q and ∇πh,pq agree.

Now we proceed to the face degrees of freedom for rh,p-1∇q. Using the degrees of freedom for rh,p-1∇q, forwith vanishing tangential component on ∂f, we have

Next, we use the face degrees of freedom for rh,p-1∇q and the face degrees of freedom of πh,pq to show that for withξ = 0, we have

Finally, we need to check the volume degrees of freedom. At this stage we know, from the curl conforming conditionfor Vh,p-1, that(8.21)

where ν is the unit outward normal to K. In the same was as for the face degrees, using the degrees of freedom for rh,p-1,for all we have

Indeed, choosing φ = ∇πh,pq-rh,p-1∇q we see that ∇ x (∇πh,pq-rh,p-1∇q) = 0 in K, so there is a function with ξ = 0 on∂K such that ∇ξ =


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∇πh,pq-rh,p-1∇q (the boundary condition on ξ is necessary for (8.21) to hold). Hence, using the volume degrees for rh,p-1 andπh,p, we have

This completes the proof that ∇πh,pq = rh,p-1∇q. The proof that ∇ x rh,p-1u = wh,p-2∇ x u is similar. □


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9.1 IntroductionIn this chapter we shall present some material from classical scattering theory. The first part of the chapter is devotedto establishing an integral representation, called the Stratton–Chu formula, for the scattered field in a homogeneousisotropic exterior domain. For us this has three uses. First, we use it in Section 9.3.3 to prove that a separation-of-variables solution of Maxwell's equations converges. Second, in the same section, it will be used to derive arepresentation for the electromagnetic field at large distance from the scatterer. In radar applications this is often thedesired output from a numerical simulation. Finally, it will be used in Chapter 12.2 as the basis for another integralrepresentation of the scattered field that can be coupled to a finite element code. This material is entirely classical(except that the formula needs to be verified for a Lipschitz domain), and can be found in many books. Ourpresentation roughly follows [94].

After deriving the Stratton–Chu formula, we will analyze a scattering problem. In this case the scatterer is a sphere. Weshall develop a standard separation-of-variables solution using vector spherical harmonics. Again, this material isstandard in most textbooks, and we broadly follow [94]. Having established the separation-of-variables solution, wecan then use it to verify mapping properties of the exterior Calderon operator which maps electric boundary data tomagnetic boundary data. In particular, we verify the mapping properties in Sobolev spaces. This presentation follows[190, 192]. For a more general discussion of the exterior Calderon operator, see, for example, [73]. Finally, we derivethe famous Mei series solution for the scattered field due to the interaction of a plane wave with a perfectly conductingsphere.

9.2 Basic integral identitiesWe start by deriving a classical representation formula for solutions of the Maxwell system in a uniform, homogeneousand isotropic medium called the Stratton–Chu formula. Our presentation follows loosely that of Colton and Kress[94], which is a good reference for more details about proving these results. Note that in this section, in anticipation oflater applications, we are dealing with general Lipschitz domains.

Before starting our analysis, we recall that the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation is given by(9.1)

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This function satisfies the Helmholtz equation(9.2)

where Δy is the Laplacian with respect to y and δx is the Dirac-delta function concentrated at x, so that for any

(in other words, ). This can be extended to continuous functions by a density argument. In addition, Φsatisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condition, the appropriate radiation condition for the Helmholtz equation, asfollows:(9.3)

where ρy = |y| and the limit is uniform in ŷ = y/|y| for x in a compact subset of R3. This can be derived using theasymptotic estimates in the proof of Corollary 9.5. In general, we shall use the notation ▿y, ▿y. and ▿y x to denotegradient, divergence and curl with respect to y, and dA(y) and dV(y) to remind the reader that the appropriate integralsare with respect to y.

Clearly, ▿xΦ = -▿yφ if x ≠ y. In addition, using asymptotic estimates (see [94] or the proof of Corollary 9.5), we canshow that(9.4)

We start with a simple representation theorem for a suitably smooth vector function on a bounded Lipschitz domain G(see, e.g. Theorem 6.1 of [94]). For this theorem the vector functions do not need to satisfy Maxwell's equations.

Theorem 9.1Let G be a bounded Lipschitz domain in R3with boundary ∂G. Let υ denote the unit outward normal on ∂G. If E, H ∈

C(G ) ∩ C1(G) we have, for any x ∈ G,(9.5)


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Proof Let e ∈ R3 be a constant vector. Then, using the properties of the fundamental solution for the Helmholtzequation in (9.1)

But, using (B.6), ▿y(eΦ) = -▿y x (▿y x (eΦ)) + ▿y x (▿y · (eΦ)), so, using the Green's formulae (3.27) and (3.24), wehave(9.6)

But regrouping terms and applying the integration by parts formula (3.27) we have

Using this in (9.6), together with the fact that for any continuously differentiable vector function ξ on G we have


we obtain


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Since this holds for any e, we can remove e from the above equation and reordering the triple products gives theconclusion of this theorem. □

Now we assume that E and H satisfy the homogeneous isotropic Maxwell system(9.7a)


in the sense of distributions in a Lipschitz domain G. At first, G is assumed to be bounded, but later we shall generalizeto the unbounded complement of a bounded domain.

Under the assumption that E, H satisfy the Maxwell system (9.7), we obtain the following simplification of theprevious theorem, which states the famous Stratton–Chu formula on a bounded domain.

Theorem 9.2Let G be a bounded Lipschitz domain with unit outward normal ν. Let E, H ∈ H(curl;G) be solutions of (9.7) in G.Then, for any x ∈ G,(9.8)

Remark 9.3A similar formula holds for H:

(see [94] for a derivation).


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Proof ofTheorem 9.2 If we eliminate H from (9.7), we obtain(9.9)

Taking the divergence of this equation, we see that ▿ · E = 0 in G. Now using (B.6) we obtain(9.10)

so that each component of E satisfies the Helmholtz equation on compact subsets of G. Hence using interior regularityestimates for solutions of second-order elliptic problems (see, e.g. Theorem 4.16 of McLean [215]) we see that thecomponents of E are smooth functions of position away from the boundary (i.e. on compact subsets of G).

Let be a sequence of Lipschitz domains that are compactly contained in G and expand to fill G as n → ∞. Theprevious theorem holds on each Gn, and since Maxwell's equations hold in the classical sense in Gn, we can take thedivergence of each equation to show that ▿ · H = ▿ · E = 0 in Gn. Using this fact and the fact that E, H satisfy (9.7),we have(9.11)

Using the fact that x ∉ ∂Gn for n large enough, together with (9.2) and (9.10), we have(9.12)

By integration by parts using (3.27) and using Maxwell's equations (9.7) together with the fact that E is divergence free,we have(9.13)


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Using (9.13) in (9.12) and the result in (9.11) proves the desired identity on Gn. Another application of Greens formulaand the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem shows that

as n → ∞, with a similar convergence result for the other term. Hence, we have proved the desired result on G. □

Now we wish to extend this result to unbounded domains. This involves a limiting argument in which the outerboundary of G tends to infinity. The radiation condition can then be used to show that the contribution of thisboundary vanishes in the limit.

Let D be a bounded Lipschitz domain in R3 whose complement is connected. A solution E, H of the Maxwell system(9.7) in R3\D¯ is said to be radiating if it satisfies the Silver–Müller radiation condition,(9.14)

where ρ = |x| and the limit holds uniformly in all directions x = x/ρ.

Let Hloc(curl; R3\ D¯) denote the space of functions u ∈ H(curl; BR\D¯) for every ball BR containing D in its interior.The following theorem gives the Stratton–Chu formula for an unbounded domain.

Theorem 9.4Let υ denote the exterior normal to D (i.e. interior to R3 \ D¯), where D is the domain defined prior to this theorem. LetE, H ∈ Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) satisfy the Maxwell system (9.7) in R3\D¯ and, in addition, suppose E, H are radiating. Then for each x ∈


Proof LetΩR denoteΩ ∩ BR, where BR is the ball of radius R centered at the origin. We choose R sufficiently large thatD¯ ⊂ ΩR. The normal υ is chosen to point into ΩR on ∂Ω and out of ΩR on ∂BR. Using the previous two theorems,taking into account the direction of the normal, for each x ∈ ΩR,(9.16)


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where we have used the transformed boundary terms of Theorem 9.2 on ∂Ω and the boundary term of Theorem 9.1on ∂BR. We shall now show that the boundary terms on ∂BR vanish as R → ∞.

First we show that(9.17)

From the radiation condition (9.14) we have

as R → ∞. But (recalling the choice of the direction of the normal vectors) using (3.27) and the Maxwell system(9.7)(9.18)

so we obtain the conservation of energy result,(9.19)

and thus we conclude that


as R → ∞.


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Now using this result and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we have that(9.20)

as R → ∞, where we have also used the asymptotic estimate (9.4).

The remaining terms on ∂BR in (9.16) are estimated by expanding as follows:(9.21)

The last term on the right-hand side of this expansion tends to zero as R → ∞ since |Φ(x, y)| = O(1/R), and theradiation condition (9.14) estimates the term |ν x H + E| = o(1/R). The remaining terms in this expansion need evenmore manipulation using standard vector identities,(9.22)

The first term on the right-hand side above tends to zero as R → ∞ as can be seen by using the estimates (9.4), (9.17)and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality as in the proof of (9.20). The second term also vanishes using theCauchy–Schwarz inequality, (9.17) and the Sommerfeld radiation condition for Φ in (9.3). Combining (9.20)–(9.22)shows that the integrals over ∂BR in (9.16) vanish as R → ∞ and we have proved the desired result. □

Let us note that we could equally well have used the integral radiation condition

Note also that the result on conservation of energy (9.19), has a physical interpretation. Reordering the triple products,we have


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The quantity ℜ(E x H) is the classical Poynting vector and ℜ(ν · E x H ) gives the flux density of energy transportthrough a surface normal to ν (see p. 79 of [73]).

As a corollary of the previous result, we have the following asymptotic representation for E at great distances from thescatterer. This result expresses the intuitive fact that, far from a scatterer, the scattered field is an expanding sphericalwave with amplitude modulated in different directions.

Corollary 9.5Every radiating solution of Maxwell's equations (9.7) in R3\D¯ has the asymptotic behavior(9.23)

uniformly in ◯ = x/|x|. Furthermore,(9.24)

Remark 9.6There is a corresponding expansion for the magnetic field in terms of H∞(x). However, there is no need to compute bothE∞and H∞since H∞ = x x E∞. Note that E∞is tangential to the unit sphere, that is ◯ · E∞(x) = 0.

Definition 9.7 The vector function E∞(x) is called the electric far field pattern or the far field pattern of the electric field.

Frequently, particularly for radar computations, it is the far field pattern that is the desired output from a Maxwellsolver. We shall discuss this more in Chapter 13 .

Proof ofCorollary 9.5 Using the asymptotic expansion

we can derive the following estimates. For any constant vector a,



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as |x| → ∞ uniformly for all y ∈ ∂Ω. Using these formulae in (9.15) and taking limits we obtain the desired result. □

9.3 Scattering by a sphereWe start our discussion of electromagnetic scattering problems by restricting ourselves to a particularly simplegeometry: scattering by a sphere. Besides the fact that we shall need results for this problem in order to provide atruncation scheme for one of the finite element methods discussed in a later chapter, we can also use this problem toprove some preliminary theorems concerning uniqueness for the general scattering problem.

Let D = BR, i.e. the scatterer is a sphere of radius R centered at the origin. Then, given an incident field Ei that satisfiesthe homogeneous isotropic Maxwell's equations in all of R3, we seek to find a total electric field E and scattered field Es

such that(9.26a)




Here x = x/|x| and ρ = |x|. The limit in (9.26d) is uniform in x .

In this case it will be convenient to solve for Es, so we eliminate E using (9.26c) so that Es satisfies(9.27a)



We shall use separation of variables to solve this problem in a classical way. Our presentation is taken from [94], butthe material is very well known and can be found, for example, in [236, 284]. It turns out that the appropriate functionsto use in our solution are spherical harmonics and spherical Bessel functions. For complete details, see [203].

The idea is to use solutions of the simpler Helmholtz equation to build solutions of Maxwell's equations. In particular,let u be a classical solution of the Helmholtz equation(9.28)

Then the function u given by


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is a solution of (9.27a). The function u is called a Debye potential. To see that u in (9.29) is a solution of Maxwell'sequations, we rewrite (9.29), using the expression for the curl in spherical polar coordinates (ρ, θ, φ), noting that xu =ρueρ, where eρ is a unit vector in the x direction (see Section A.2) to obtain (9.30)

where eθ and eφ are unit vectors for spherical polar coordinates. Then, using the expression for the curl in thesecoordinates given by (A.1)(9.31)

where the Laplace–Beltrami operator for the surface of the unit sphere is given by

Hence, again using the formula for curl in spherical coordinates,

and, using this expansion in Maxwell's equations, we obtain

Thus, u satisfies Maxwell's equations if u satisfies the Helmholtz equation. We have not discussed the radiationcondition, but later it will turn out that if u satisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condition (9.3) then u will satisfy theSilver–Müller radiation condition (9.27c).

In order to use separation of variables to solve (9.28), we use spherical coordinates (ρ, θ, φ) and rewrite (9.28) as

If u = u1(ρ)u2(θ, φ), it follows that

Thus, we need to solve on ∂B1, for δ constant, or, equivalently, find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of theLaplace–Beltrami operator on ∂B1.


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These turn out to be the classical spherical harmonics, and we present a summary of their properties in the nextsection. Once u2 is known, we have(9.32)

Introducing t = κρ, this can be rewritten as

For appropriate choices of δ, this is the spherical Bessel differential equation. Solutions of this equation are thespherical Bessel functions, and these are studied in Section 9.3.2. Using these functions we shall obtain a series solutionof (9.27b) and (9.27c) in Section 9.3.3. The properties of this solution are studied in the remainder of the chapter.

9.3.1 Spherical harmonicsOn the surface of a sphere, the eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator turn out to be the classical sphericalharmonics which we define next. This section provides no proofs, since the results are rather standard. Goodreferences are [94, 236]. Recall that P n denotes the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree n in x1, x2 and x3.

Definition 9.8 The trace on ∂B1 of a function u ∈ P n such that ▵u = 0 in R3 is called a spherical harmonic of order n (recallthat P n is the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree exactly n, see (5.7)).

It turns out that there are exactly 2n + 1 linearly independent spherical harmonics of order n. Now we seek to writedown explicit formulae for the spherical harmonics using spherical polar coordinates (ρ, θ, φ) (see Section A.2). In thiscoordinate system, any polynomial u ∈ P n must have the form u = ρnYn(θ, φ). Using the standard expansion for theLaplacian in spherical polar coordinates, we see that ▵u = 0 implies(9.33)

or, using the Laplace–Beltrami operator for the surface of the unit sphere,

This tells us that the eigenvalues of on ∂B1 are -n(n + 1). Since is a self-adjoint compact operator from L2(∂B1)to L2(∂B1), we can apply the Hilbert–Schmidt theory (Theorem 2.36) to conclude that

Alternatively, this can be proved directly via Green's theorem [94].


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The easiest spherical harmonics to obtain explicitly are those that do not depend on the angle φ. In this case, using thesubstitution t = cosθ, and denoting the φ-independent spherical harmonic by Pn(t), we see that (9.33) becomes theLegendre differential equation(9.34)

The solutions of this equation that are polynomials of degree n in t are called Legendre polynomials. We summarize therelevant results concerning these polynomials next. The proof of this theorem can be found in [94] except forRodrigues' formula (9.35). This is proved in Lebedev [203].

Theorem 9.9A family of solutions of(9.34)is provided by the Legendre polynomials denoted Pn(t) and given by Rodrigues'formula(9.35)

These polynomials satisfy the recurrence relation

and have the orthogonality property

Finally for -1 ≤ t ≤ 1, |Pn(t)| ≤ 1, n = 0, 1, 2, ….

Remark 9.10Rodrigues' formula implies that

In fact, for n odd, Pn(t) is a polynomial of odd powers of t and, for n even, is a polynomial of even powers.

Using the Legendre polynomials we can now seek solutions of (9.33) that depend on θ and φ. Using separation ofvariables in (9.33) we see that the mth spherical harmonic of order n, denoted , must have the form

for some function f. Setting t = cosθ in (9.33) we see that f must satisfy the associated Legendre differential equation(9.36)


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By writing f(t) = (1 - t2)n/2g(t), we can prove (see [94] for details) that the solutions of (9.36) are given by , wheredenotes the mth associated Legendre function of order n given by the following extension of Rodrigues formula

Note that there does not seem to be a unique normalization for in the literature and we have adopted the one usedin [94]. Thus, the corresponding spherical harmonic is

where is a normalization constant given in the next theorem.

Theorem 9.11The spherical harmonics(9.37)

for m = -n, …, n and n = 0, 1, 2, … form a complete orthonormal system in L2(∂B1).

Remark 9.12It might appear that this theorem is a consequence of the Hilbert–Schmidt theory. However, this would only be a completeargument if we could show that(9.37)gives all eigenfunctions of . A direct verification of the theorem is given in [94].

Using spherical polar coordinates, we have denoted by the mth spherical harmonic of order n. We will find it convenient to also usethe notation , where ◯ is the unit vector with spherical polar coordinates (θ, φ).

A useful expansion using spherical harmonics is given by the addition theorem:

where ξ denotes the angle between the unit vectors x and ŷ.

9.3.2 Spherical Bessel functionsHaving determined that the spherical harmonics are the eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on the unitsphere we can now determine the radial dependence of solutions of the Helmholtz equation (i.e. the function u1 in(9.32)). Using the fact that δ = -n(n + 1) we can rewrite equation (9.32) as(9.38)


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Using the change of variable t = κρ, this can be rewritten as the spherical Bessel differential equation

The direct series solution of this differential equation gives two families of solutions:(9.39)


The function jn is called the spherical Bessel function of order n and is analytic for all t ∈ R. The function yn is thespherical Neumann function and is analytic for t ∈ (0, ∞). The corresponding spherical Hankel functions andare defined by

In fact, jn and yn can be expressed in terms of trigonometric functions. In particular,

and we see that

We have the following theorem summarizing the asymptotic properties of the spherical Hankel functions. The proofmay be found in [94, 203].

Theorem 9.13If fn = jn, fn = yn, or , the following recurrence relations hold(9.41)



For fixed n, the following asymptotic expansions hold:(9.44)


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as t → ∞. The following asymptotic relations hold for large n:(9.46)





where (2n - 1)!! = 1 · 3 · 5 ⋯ (2n - 1). We also have the Wronskian identity:(9.51)


uniformly for t on compact subsets of (0, ∞).

Note that the asymptotic expansions show that

Hence satisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condition,(9.52)

As we have seen, this is the radiation condition for the Helmholtz equation corresponding to the Silver–Müllercondition for Maxwell's equations.

We can now summarize our discussion of spherical harmonics and Bessel functions by the following theorem.

Theorem 9.14The function satisfies the Helmholtz equation ▵υ+κ2υ = 0 in all R3. The func-tion satisfies the Helmholtz equation in R3\{0} and the Sommerfeld radiation condition (9.52).


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Finally, we note two standard expansions. The first is for plane waves and is termed the Jacobi–Anger expansion:(9.53)

For a proof of this result, see [94]. The second is the Funk–Hecke formula(9.54)

for x ∈ ∂B1, ρ > 0 and all n ≥ 0, -n ≤ m ≤ n.

9.3.3 Series solution of the exterior Maxwell problemIn this section we shall use the separation-of-variables solutions of the Helmholtz equation developed in the previoustwo sections to solve Maxwell's equations in the exterior of the ball of radius R, i.e. in R3 \ B R. The material parallels thepresentation in [94], but with the emphasis on Sobolev spaces.

In particular, we want to solve the problem of finding Es such that(9.55a)



where λ is a suitable given tangential vector field on ∂BR. Choosing λ = g provides the solution of (9.27a)–(9.27c).

We start by expanding the boundary data in terms of suitable vector basis functions on ∂BR. Let , m = -n, …, n, n= 0, 1, …, denote an orthonormal sequence of spherical harmonics on the unit sphere normalized so that

We have in mind the explicit spherical harmonics given in Theorem 9.11. The basis functions for tangential fields on∂BR are then the vector spherical harmonics of order n given by(9.56)

for n = 1, 2, … and m = -n, …, n. Here, as usual, denotes the surface gradient on the surface of the unit sphere∂B1 (see Section 3.4). That these vector spherical harmonics are a good choice is shown next.

Lemma 9.15The vector spherical harmonics defined in(9.56)are a complete orthonormal basis for .


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Proof From the fact that , we see, using integration by parts, that

so is an orthonormal set in . In addition, again using integration by parts,

where we have used the fact that for any sufficiently smooth function p.


since . Thus, we have verified that the vector spherical harmonics are orthonormal.

Now we want to show that if we can expand a using the orthonormal set in (9.56). We do this by proving aHelmholtz decomposition for a. First define α ∈ H1(∂B1)/R as the solution of

This has a unique solution by the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21. We may expand α as

where since α has vanishing average value on ∂B1. Furthermore, since

we may be sure that


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Similarly, we define β ∈ H1(∂B1)/R by

for all ξ ∈ H1(∂B1)/R. Again this has a unique solution by the Lax–Milgram lemma. We may write


Then, since , we see that for some φ ∈ H1(∂B1)/R and, since

we see that , which completes the proof. □

By the preceding lemma we can expand any function by(9.57)

and Parseval's theorem shows that we can define (this differs by a constant factor R2 from the definition usingintegrals, and is thus strictly just equivalent to the usual definition)

Furthermore, if , it follows that the norm on the space can be characterized,equivalently, by

Still more generally, if


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For our purposes, we shall find that the correct space for the tangential vector field λ is H-1/2(Div;∂BR), which is thecompletion of in the norm

As we shall see, for a smooth boundary, in particular for ∂BR, we have

where Y(∂BR) is the trace space defined in (3.50) and

If and

we may equivalently express this norm (again ignoring factors of R) as(9.58)

Notice we use Div in place of div to indicate a surface divergence. Although it will turn out that suitable traces offunctions in H(curl;BR) lie in H-1/2(Div;∂BR), we can go further and define Hs(Div;∂BR) for any s as follows:(9.59)

with norm

or, equivalently, if λ is expanded as in (9.57),


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Now that we have an explicit representation for λ, as well as for norms on ∂BR, we need to develop a correspondingseries solution for the radiating solutions of Maxwell's equations (i.e. those satisfying (9.55a) and (9.55c)). Motivated bythe discussion of Debye potentials in Section 9.3, we define the vector wave functions(9.60)

for n = 1, 2, … and m = -n, …, n, where is the spherical Hankel function of first kind and order n presented inSection 9.3.2 (note that this notation differs from that in[94]).

Theorem 9.16The functions and defined in(9.60)are radiating solutions of Maxwell's equations inR3 \ {0} (i.e. theysatisfy(9.27a)except at x = 0 and (9.27c)).

Proof The argument in the introduction of this chapter, together with the fact that satisfies the Helmholtz equationin R3 \ {0} shows that satisfies Maxwell's equations in R3 \ {0}. Taking the curl of Maxwell's equationsshows that is also a solution.

Using (B.4), we may compute


The Silver–Müller radiation condition follows from the decay of for large |x| and the fact thatsatisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condition (see Theorem 9.14 and the discussion in Section 9.3.2). A similar

computation verifies this for by taking the curl of (9.61). □

Before we state and prove the main theorem of this section, we need to recall another well-known result for vectorspherical harmonics. Let use define(9.62)

These are the interior vector spherical harmonics used to expand a solution of Maxwell's equations inside the sphere. We alsoneed suitable solutions of the Helmholtz equation as defined in Theorem 9.14. Now recalling that Φ is thefundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation (see (9.1)), and letting p be any fixed vector, we have the followingformula, usually referred to as the vector addition theorem(9.63)


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convergent either with respect to y for fixed x or with respect to x for fixed y provided |x| > |y|. In addition thisseries and its term by term derivatives in x or y are uniformly and absolutely convergent on compact subsets of |x| >|y| [194].

Theorem 9.17Let Esbe a radiating solution of Maxwell's equations for |x| > R > 0. Then Eshas the representation(9.64)

The series converges uniformly (together with its derivatives) on compact subsets of |x| > R. Conversely, if the tangential component of theseries converges in then the series converges uniformly on compact subsets of R3 \ B R and represents a radiating solution of Maxwell'sequations.

Remark 9.18The corresponding series for Hs = (1/iκ)▿ x Esis

There is also an analogue of this theorem for interior problems. In this case, for any Lipschitz domain D, a solution of the interior Maxwellsystem can be represented on a ball B contained in D by(9.64)with replaced by and replaced by . Convergence is uniform oncompact subsets of B. This expansion is useful for representing incident electromagnetic fields in the neighborhood of the scatterer (seeSection9.5.2) or for computing a series solution of scattering from a dielectric sphere [284].

Proof ofTheorem 9.17 This proof follows Kress [194]. Suppose Es is a radiating solution of Maxwell's equations, andlet Hs = (1/iκ)▿ x Es. Using these functions, and substituting the expansion (9.63) for Φ in the Stratton–Chu formula(9.15) proves the expansion.

The converse of the theorem is proved by showing that the convergence of the series implies the uniformconvergence of tangential components of the series on any sphere of strictly larger radius. Applying the first part of thetheorem to the solution outside the sphere of radius R1 > R proves the result (see the proof of Theorem 6.25 in [94]for more details). □

Now let us suppose the boundary data λ ∈ H-1/2(Div;∂BR) has the representation (9.57). We want to compute thescattered field satisfying (9.55) in


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terms of the coefficients of this expansion. Theorem 9.17 shows that any radiating solution of Maxwell's equations canbe written (for |x| > R) in the form(9.65)

with uniform convergence on compact subsets of |x| > R. The corresponding magnetic field Hs is given by

We need to express x x Es and x x Hs on |x| = R in terms of the coefficients of the expansion for Es. Using (9.65), wehave

and using the definition of in (9.60) and the fact that for a suitably smooth vector function u and scalar function φthe identity ▿ x (φu) = (▿φ) x u + φ ▿ x u holds, we obtain

It follows from the definition of in (9.56) that(9.66)

Next we want to compute . Using the vector identity (B.8), the definition of , the fact that x and x areparallel, and (3.14), we obtain

Using the definition of , we have shown that(9.67)

Using this equality and (9.66), shows that, on |x| = R,(9.68)


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We also need to obtain the series for x x Hs on |x| = R. But Hs has the same form as Es, where now αn, m plays the roleof βn, m and -βn, m the role of αn, m. This yields(9.69)

Now we can solve the the boundary value problem (9.55) for arbitrary tangential boundary data λ. For given λ ∈

H-1/2(Div;∂BR), let (Es, Hs) satisfy(9.70a)




Equating terms in (9.57) and (9.68), we obtain a series for each field which converges in Hloc(curl; R3 \ BR) as follows.

Lemma 9.19For λ ∈ H-1/2(Div; ∂BR) given by (9.57), the unique solution Es, Hs ∈ Hloc(curl;R3 \ BR) of (9.70) is given by

9.4 Electromagnetic Calderon operatorsWe now wish to define analogs of the famous Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map for Maxwell's equations. These mapsare referred to as Calderon operators by Cessenat [73] and as boundary component maps (either electric-to-magnetic,or magnetic-to-electric) by Colton and Kress [94].


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9.4.1 The electric-to-magnetic Calderon operatorThe electric-to-magnetic Calderon operator takes electric field boundary data to magnetic field boundary data. Inparticular, for a given tangential vector field λ on ∂BR we define Geλ = x x Hs, where Es and Hs satisfy (9.70). We can use(9.69) to obtain an explicit representation for the map Ge from λ to x x Hs. For λ ∈ H-1/2(Div;∂BR) given by (9.57) andusing (9.68), (9.69) and Lemma 9.19, we have(9.71)


We now proceed to analyze Ge in a fashion similar to that followed by Masmoudi [213] in his analysis of seriessolutions of the Helmholtz equation. First we prove bounds for the coefficients δn defined in (9.72) which appear inthe expansion (9.71) of Geλ.

Lemma 9.20There exist positive constants c1and c2such that, for all n,

Proof This lemma is proved in [94]. Set z = κR. From the recurrence relation (9.43) with , we see that

Now we use the formula for the asymptotic behavior of the Hankel function, given by (9.46) for large values of n, andobtain

For small n we note that and have no real roots. This completes the proof. □

Our next result shows that Ge is continuous as a map


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Theorem 9.21There exists a constant C such that the following inequality holds:

Proof By (9.58), (9.71) and Lemma 9.20,

where C depends on κR, c1 and c2, from Lemma 9.20. □

Next we wish to analyze the operator Ge for a purely imaginary wavenumber. We start by analyzing δn for κ = i.

Lemma 9.22Let(9.73)

Then δ˜n is real and strictly negative for all n.

Proof In the proof of Lemma 9.20, we have derived the representation (now for κ = i)

But and using the expansions for jn and yn in (9.39) and (9.40), respectively, we see thatBut is a non-trivial solution of the Helmholtz equation ▵u - u = 0 in R3 \ BR with appropriate decay atinfinity and hence can have no real zeros as a function of r. Thus has one sign as a function of R for each n. Butthen


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From the large-r, asymptotics of the Hankel function given by (9.44) we obtain

Thus, δ˜n + n < 0 for each n, as claimed. □

Now we analyze the operator Ge for purely imaginary wavenumbers. Let

be defined by (9.71) with κ = i, so that if λ is given by (9.57) then(9.74)

where δ˜n is given by (9.73).

Lemma 9.23The operator G e is negative definite in the sense that

for any λ ∈ H-1/2(Div; ∂BR) with λ ≠ 0. Furthermore,

Proof Recall that if λ is given by (9.57) then


Now, using the fact that δ˜n = -n+O(1/n) and using the characterization of the norm on H-1/2(Div; ∂BR) given in (9.58)we can prove the coercivity estimate of the lemma. □

Our final lemma of this section shows that a suitable combination of Ge and G e is compact on a suitable set offunctions on ∂BR. Let


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Lemma 9.24Then the following operator is well defined and bounded:

where . Hence

is compact.

Proof From the series expansion of Ge and G e we know that if


From the asymptotics of δn and δ˜n we obtain

(in fact but we do not need this improved estimate).

If , then an,m = 0 for all n, m and

This ends the proof. □

9.4.2 The magnetic-to-electric Calderon operatorThe magnetic-to-electric Calderon operator is the analogue of the Neumann-to-Dirichlet (NtD) map. The propertiesof the exterior operator of this type follow


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directly from Theorem 9.21, given the symmetry between electric and magnetic fields for Maxwell's equations.However, we provide a direct proof since we need some slightly different properties when we apply this operator. Wealso analyze the interior magnetic-to-electric Calderon operator.

Proceeding formally, suppose that λ ∈ H-1/2(Div;∂BR) is a tangential vector field on ∂BR, then we define the exteriorCalderon operator ge by(9.75)

where u is the solution of(9.76a)



The interior Calderon operator is defined in a similar way by(9.77)

where w is the solution of(9.78a)


We have the following lemma summarizing the basic mapping properties of ge:

Lemma 9.25If λ ∈ Hs(Div;∂BR), s ∈ R, is given by(9.57)then the solution u of (9.76a)–(9.76c) is given by(9.79)

and the exterior Calderon operator has the representation(9.80)



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In particular, Ge : Hs(Div;∂BR) → Hs(Div;∂BR) and geis invertible.

Proof The representation of u in (9.79) in terms of and is proved in Theorem 9.19. The representation of u andgeλ in terms of the coefficients of λ then follows using the basis functions in (9.66) and (9.67). Finally, the mappingproperties follow from the definition of the norm on Hs(Div;∂BR) and the estimate for δn from Lemma 9.20. □

Now let g˜i denote the interior Calderon operator in the case when εr = μr = 1. We have the following lemma:

Lemma 9.26Let

and suppose R is chosen so that 0 < |δ˜n| < ∞. When εr = μr = 1 we have

The operator g˜i : Hs(Div;∂BR) → Hs(Div;∂BR) is bounded linear operator for any s.

Remark 9.27The condition that 0 < |δ^n| < ∞ implies a restriction on R. which can be checked a priori from a knowledge of thespherical Bessel functions.

Proof ofLemma 9.26 The proof is the same as for Lemma 9.25 once the conditions on δ^n are satisfied. □

9.5 Scattering of a plane wave by a sphereIn this section we shall derive a series solution for a particular scattering problem to illustrate the techniques used inthe preceding sections of this chapter. In particular, we shall solve the problem of scattering of a plane wave from aperfectly conducting sphere of radius R. The equations are given by (9.27a)–(9.27c), with(9.81)

In the first part of this section we shall prove that this scattering problem has at most one solution by proving auniqueness theorem for scattering by a sphere. This will be used in later sections to prove uniqueness of solutions ofgeneral scattering problems. Then, in Section 9.5.2, we will actually derive the famous Mei series solution for thisproblem. For us, it is valuable as a test problem for finite element scattering codes.

9.5.1 Uniqueness and Rellich's lemmaOur first result, termed Rellich's lemma, is a tool used to prove that scattering problems involving a bounded scattererhave a unique solution.


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Lemma 9.28(Rellich's lemma) Suppose that Esis a solution of Maxwell's equations(9.27a)in the exterior of a sphere of radius R subjectto the radiation condition(9.27c). Let Hs = (1/iκ)▿ x Es. If

for all ρ > R, then Es = Hs = 0 in R3 \ BR.

Proof Using the series for x x Es in (9.68) and computing (x x Hs) x x using (9.69) and (9.56) on a sphere of radius ρ,we obtain

Now, taking the real part of both sides, we obtain

where the Wronskian W is given by

From (9.51) we know that W = -2i/(κρ)2, so that

Hence, under the assumption of this lemma,

and thus αn, m = βn, m = 0 for all appropriate n and m. □

We also have the following result that follows from this proof.

Corollary 9.29Let E be a radiating solution of Maxwell's equations in the complement of BR. If E∞ = 0 then E = 0 in R3 \ BR.


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With the aid of the Lemma 9.28 we can show that (9.27a)–(9.27c) have a unique solution.

Corollary 9.30Given g ∈ H-1/2(Div; ∂BR), problem (9.27a)–(9.27c) has at most one solution Es ∈ Hloc(curl; R3 \ BR).

Proof By the linearity of the problem we only need prove that there is a unique solution to (9.27a)-(9.27c) when g = 0.Multiplying (9.27a) by Ēs and integrating over the annulus , and using (3.27), we obtain

where ν is the unit outward normal to . Using the vanishing boundary condition on ∂BR and the definition of Hs,we obtain

Taking the imaginary part of this equation (using the fact that κ is real) shows that


Taking complex conjugates, we see that the condition of Lemma 9.28 is satisfied for all R < R1 < ∞ and hence Es = 0.This completes the proof. □

9.5.2 Series solutionIn this subsection we shall derive the Mei series solution of (9.27a)–(9.27c) using g given by (9.81). We follow Ishimaru[172]. For the more general case of a dielectric sphere, see [172, 283]. For a more sophisticated treatment, see [194].

Our first goal is to determine a series representation for the incident field that is suitable for matching to the series forEs given in (9.64) on ∂BR. In this case we seek a representation in the same form as (9.64) but using basis functionsappropriate for the interior problem (see remark 9.18) since Ei is an analytic function of position in the neighborhoodof BR. Thus, we write


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where α˜n,m and β˜n,m are coefficients to be determined, and and are given by (9.62). Using the definition ofand , we may write this as(9.82)

where ρ = |x| and

Using the definition of in (9.37), we obtain

where , j = 1, 2, are coefficients related to the β˜n,m. A similar expansion can also be obtained for I(1).

A direct computation of the curl in spherical coordinates given by (9.31) shows that the radial component of Ei,denoted , is given by

where we have used the fact that I(2) is a solution of the Helmholtz equation. Using equation (9.38) we see that


Now we turn to the given incident field Ei = e1 exp(iκx3). Note that

Thus, using the Jacobi–Anger expansion (9.53), we obtain


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Noting that (d/dθ)(P0(cosθ)) = 0 and , we obtain

Comparing this equation with (9.83), we see that for j = 1, 2 provided m ≠ 1 and for all n. Finally,

This provides the expansion for I(2). The expansion for I(1) can be derived similarly. We thus obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 9.31If Ei = e1 exp(iκx3) then Eihas the series expansion (9.82), with(9.84)


Now that we have a suitable expansion for the incident field, we can match it to the scattered field. Using theexpression for Es given in (9.64) outside BR, we write

where αn,m and βn,m are constants depending on n and m. As before, using the definition of and , we may write thisas(9.86)


and , are coefficients to be determined (they are related to αn, m). A similar expansion can also be obtained forI(2),s. The boundary condition (9.27c) can be written as (Es + Ei) x x = 0 on ∂BR and this reduces to


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Fig. 9.1. A plot of |E∞| against θ for φ = 0 and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π (converted to degrees) when R = 1. The dashed line showsthe result for κ = 4.1 and the solid line shows the result when κ = 1.1. This should be compared to Fig. 11.11 of [284]allowing for differences in the angles.

for ρ = R and all x. Comparing (9.84) and (9.87) we thus obtain

and a similar calculation shows that

These formulae, when used in (9.86), give the famous Mei series for the scattered field. Although it may appearcomplicated, the series can be implemented in a few lines of MAPLE (a symbolic mathematics program) and so, bytruncating the series, an approximation to Es can be computed at any desired point in space.

The Mei series can also be used to approximate the far field pattern of the scattered field. Using the asymptoticestimates (9.44) and (9.45), it can be shown that (see [284])


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where ▿θ,φ is the surface gradient on the surface of the unit sphere in spherical coordinates. As an example, we show agraph of |E∞| for κ = 1.1 and κ = 4.1 when R = 1 for 0 ≤ θ ≤ π and φ = 0. This should be compared with Fig. 11.10of [284] allowing for the difference in the choice of angles. In this case we used a sum up to n = 6.


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10.1 IntroductionIn this chapter we shall present a variational formulation for the full scattering problem summarized in Section 1.4.3.In particular we shall allow both an inhomogeneous medium and a perfect conducting scatterer to be present. Theformulation uses the electromagnetic analogue of the DtN map called the electric-to-magnetic Calderon operatordescribed in Section 9.4.1. The method we shall describe is a generalization to Maxwell's equations of the variationalformulation for the Helmholtz equation underlying the DtN absorbing boundary conditions in [182, 153, 154].Understanding this method will provide a general existence result for weak solutions of the scattering problem whichwill be used later in Section 14. In addition, the variational formulation is suitable for applying finite elements todiscretize Maxwell's equations, as well as being a starting point for understanding infinite elements [121] and absorbingboundary conditions [291, 154, 152]. Concerning the finite element approximation of this problem, we shall only give apartial convergence result assuming the use of an exact Calderon operator. For a discussion of the discretization of theCalderon operator via series truncation, see [121], where an analysis of this aspect of the discretization is carried out.We shall consider an alternative approach in the next chapter. The contents of this chapter are based on [190] (and thecorrigendum [191]) together with [121].

The general idea of using boundary operators to truncate infinite domain problems has been used for sometime. Mywork with Andreas Kirsch on a similar method for the Helmholtz equation [188, 189] was motivated by the paper ofMasmoudi [213], who carried out a program of analysis for the Helmholtz equation in R2. In the case of Maxwell'sequations, Abboud and Nédélec [1] proved the existence and uniqueness for the continuous problem discussed here.They used the standard Sobolev space H1(Ω) as a basis for their variational problem, and so had to use a considerablymore complex variational formulation than we shall need. For reasons discussed in Section 3.8, it seems desirable toavoid (H1(Ω))3. Levillain [209] has analyzed the coupling of integral equations and variational methods for the problemwe study. He shows that his formulation is equivalent to the formulation of Abboud and Nédélec.

Once we have analyzed the continuous problem to show that the variational formulation provides a solution of thescattering problem we shall prove the convergence of a finite element discretization. At the risk of annoying the reader,we do not use either of the techniques detailed in Chapter 7 (duality and collective

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compactness). Instead, we shall verify the discrete version of the Babuška–Brezzi inf-sup condition of Theorem 2.22.Recently, Hiptmair [164] has used a similar approach to analyze edge element approximation of the perfectlyconducting cavity problem. He uses a more sophisticated choice of the discrete projection operator. Hiptmair's proofand the proof here rely upon many of the same theoretical tools as the other proofs presented in Chapter 7 . Incommon with the duality proof, the proof in this chapter results in a clean quasi-optimal error estimate, but alsorequires a restriction on εr that we would prefer to avoid. Once we have discussed this proof, we will have seen threewell-known proofs of convergence of edge elements in electromagnetism. After this chapter we shall use the collectivecompactness proof in the remainder of the book.

10.2 Reduction to a bounded domainWe wish to solve the time-harmonic scattering problem of computing a total field E that satisfies (1.26)-(1.29). Asusual, D is assumed to be a bounded Lipschitz polyhedron with connected complement. For simplicity, we shallassume that Γ = ∂D is connected, and that the complement of D is simply connected, but these assumptions could beweakened at the expense of considerable technical details. The coefficients εr and μr in Maxwell's equations areassumed to satisfy the conditions of Section 4.2 and, in addition, we assume that there is a radius R0 such that μr(x) =εr(x) = 1 when |x| > R0, and such that . Thus, the scatterer is assumed to be bounded.

Now we introduce a ball BR with R > R0 and let Ω = (R3\D) ∩ BR. This will be the computational domain. Theauxiliary boundary is the boundary of BR denoted ∑. We need to assume that the incident field Ei satisfies thehomogeneous isotropic Maxwell system (i.e. with εr = μr = 1) in for some R1 > R. This assumption can be removedby using a formulation based on the scattered field alone, so it is not essential. However, it is usually thought to bepreferable to compute with the total field since this avoids potential difficulties with subtractive cancelation error in theshadow region. In that region, the total field has small magnitude, which implies that the scattered and incident fieldmust almost cancel. Subtractive cancelation can lead to large relative errors.

The method we shall analyze is to use an exact non-local boundary conditions on the artificial boundary ∑. By virtueof our assumption on the incoming wave, we can assume that R is chosen so that Ei is analytic in a neighborhood ofΩ. In Ω we shall solve for the total field E, while exterior to this domain we shall only solve for the scattered field Es.Using Ω, and matching the electromagnetic field across Σ, we obtain the problem of solving(10.1a)





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Here we have used the facts that μr = εr = 1 for |x| > R0 and that x = x/|x|.

We derive the Galerkin formulation of this problem as follows. If we multiply (10.1a) by a smooth test function φ,integrate over Ω and formally use integration by parts, (3.51), we obtain

where (·, ·) is the usual (L2(Ω))3 inner product.

Now using (10.1e) on ∑ and requiring that ν × φ = 0 on Γ, we may write

where, as usual, 〈·, ·〉 is the (L2(∑))3 inner product.

To complete the derivation of the variational problem, we need to make precise how x × (1/iκ)▿ × (Es+Ei) dependson x × E. We use the Calderon operator Ge defined in Section 9.4.1. Choosing λ = x × (E - Ei) we see that thedefinition of Ge implies that on ∑ we have x × (1/iκ)( × Es) = Ge(x × (E - Ei)). Our variational problem now becomesthe problem of finding E such that ν × E = 0 on Γ and

for all smooth test functions φ such that ν × φ = 0 on Γ.

From this discussion, we can see that the appropriate space for the solution E on Ω is

equipped with the usual H(curl; Ω) norm. Note that this space contains the space X defined in (4.3). Now we can stateprecisely the variational problem we shall analyze in this paper: find the vector field E ∈ X such that(10.2)

for all φ ∈ X .

We shall show that this problem has a unique solution by applying an argument that generalizes our analysis of cavity


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problems in Chapter 4 . This provides a simple proof of the existence of solutions of the scattering problem. Thevariational formulation is suitable for discretization using edge elements. In the last section we perform an erroranalysis by verifying a discrete inf-sup condition.

10.3 Analysis of the reduced problemIn order to provide a rigorously justified variational formulation for the scattering problem, we must analyze in somedetail the variational problem (10.2). In particular, we shall prove the existence of a unique solution to this problem.First we show that the scattering problem has at most one solution.

Theorem 10.1Under the standing assumptions for this chapter, there is at most one solution

of the scattering problem (1.26)–(1.29).

Proof By linearity, we need only consider the case Ei = 0 whence E = Es and thus E is a radiating solution ofMaxwell's equations in the exterior of D. By taking the dot product of Maxwell's equations with E and integrating overΩ (defined in the previous section), and then integrating by parts using (3.51) we obtain

Using the fact that ν × E = 0 on Γ and recalling that , we obtain

Taking the complex conjugate of both sides, we obtain that

Hence, by the Rellich Lemma 9.28, we conclude E = 0 on R3\B R. We can now apply the unique continuation principlein Lemma 4.13 as in the proof of Theorem 4.12 to show that E = 0 on Ω. This completes the proof. □

Now suppose that the reduced problem (10.2) has a solution. The series solution constructed in Section 9.3.3 thenprovides an extension of this solution from the bounded domain Ω to R3\B R. Due to the use of the Calderon map Ge,this extended solution satisfies the Maxwell system (10.1a) in the weak sense in Hloc(curl; R3\D¯) together with theradiation condition. The general uniqueness result in Theorem 10.1 then implies that this extension is the only solutionof (10.2). Hence, once we have proved the existence of a solution of (10.2), we shall also have verified that(1.26)–(1.29) has a unique weak solution in Hloc(curl; R3\D¯).


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Now we shall start the analysis of the truncated problem. First, we write (10.2) as the problem of finding E ∈ X suchthat(10.3)



The sesquilinear form A(·, ·) is a generalization of the form a(·, ·) encountered in (4.5).

We now follow a path similar to that in Section 4.5, where we analyzed the cavity problem. We use a Helmholtzdecomposition to factor out the null-space of the curl operator. This is given by the gradient of the following scalarspace:

If there is no perfect conductor present, so D = ∅, we use

Then we seek p ∈ S such that(10.6)

This equation can be rewritten as(10.7)

where we define (using G e defined in (9.74))

Here we have used (3.14) to write the tangential component of the gradient of ξ in terms of the tangential gradient on∑. From Lemma 9.23 we know that G e is negative definite and thus a1(p, ξ) is a coercive sesquilinear form on S × S.

To analyze (10.7), we introduce the operator K1 : S → S defined by

and the function b ∈ S defined by


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Given the previous observation concerning the positive definiteness of a1 and the fact that G e is bounded fromH-1/2(Div; ∑) to H-1/2(Div; ∑), we can show that a1 is continuous on S × S and apply the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21. Weconclude that K1 and b are well defined. Furthermore, p ∈ S satisfies(10.8)

By Lemma 9.24, is compact, and since for all p ∈ S, so we see that K1 iscompact. Thus, we have a Fredholm equation.

We now need to prove uniqueness of any solution of (10.8). By linearity it suffices to consider the case when b = 0.Then p satisfies

Choosing ξ = p, we have

But by the definition of Ge, if u ∈ Hloc(curl; R3\BR) is the weak solution (whose existence is verified by Theorem 9.17)of(10.9)


together with the Silver–Müller radiation condition, then

where υ = (1/iκ)▿ × u (i.e. the magnetic field corresponding to the electric field u). The integral appearing in the Rellichuniqueness Lemma 9.28 is given by


and by the Rellich lemma, u = 0 in R3\B R. From (10.10), this implies that ▿∑p = 0 on ∑ and thus (εr ▿p, ▿p) = 0. Weconclude via the Poincaré inequality in Lemma 3.13 that p = 0.

Since (10.8) has at most one solution and is a Fredholm equation, the Fredholm alternative in Theorem 2.33 completesthe proof of the following result.

Theorem 10.2Under the conditions on the coefficients and data outlined in Section10.2and assuming that εr = μr = 1 in aneighborhood of ∑, the following hold:


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• The sesquilinear form a1is bounded and coercive on S × S. There exists a compact operator K1from S into itself with b1(p, ξ) =a1(K1p, ξ) for all p, ξ ∈ S.

• The operator I + K1is an isomorphism from S onto itself. The variational problem of finding p ∈ S such that A(▿p, ▿ξ) = B(▿ξ)for all ξ ∈ S is uniquely solvable in S and the solution is given by p = (I + K1)-1b, where b ∈ S satisfies a1(b, ξ) = B(▿ξ) for all ξ∈ S.

We are now in a position to factor out ▿S from X by using an extension of the Helmholtz decomposition. This is donein the next section.

10.3.1 Extended Helmholtz decompositionWe use an extended Helmholtz decomposition (described in Lemma 10.3) using the space X 0 defined by(10.11)

This space plays the role that X0 played in the variational theory of the cavity problem in Section 4. We then have thefollowing Helmholtz decomposition for these spaces.

Lemma 10.3The spaces ▿S and X 0are closed subspaces of X . The space X is the direct sum of the spaces ▿S and X 0, that is,

Furthermore, the projections onto the subspaces are bounded, that is there exist constants C1, C2 > 0 with

for all w ∈ X 0and p ∈ S.

Proof The closedness of ▿S is obvious. The subspace X 0 is closed since, for fixed ξ ∈ S, the linear functionals u ↦ (εru,▿ξ) and u ↦ 〈Ge(x × u), ▿Γξ) are bounded on H(curl;Ω) (the latter by the boundedness of the trace operator γt fromH(curl;Ω) into H-1/2(Div; ∑)).

To show that X = X 0 ⊕ ▿S, let u ∈ X be fixed. Define p ∈ S to be the solution of


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Theorem 10.2 shows that this problem is wellposed and that there exists C > 0 (independent of u) with

Furthermore, if w = u - ▿p then w ∈ X 0 as is seen directly from the variational equation. Finally, we have to show that▿S ∩ X 0 consists of the trivial function only. Suppose u = ▿p ∈ ▿S ∩ X 0. Then

which implies (again by Theorem 10.2) that p = 0. This completes the proof. □

As a consequence of the compact imbedding theorem (Theorem 4.7), we have:

Lemma 10.4The space X 0is compactly imbedded in (L2(Ω))3.

Proof Consider a bounded set of functions . Each function uj ∈ X 0 can be extended to all of R3 by solving theexterior Maxwell problem

together with the Silver–Müller radiation condition at infinity. The function defined by

is in Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) since the tangential components are continuous across ∑ (see Theorem 5.3). Furthermore, sinceuj ∈ X 0, we have the constraint that κ2x · uj = -iκ▿∑ · Ge(x × uj). But

and so using Maxwell's equations and (3.52) we have that x · uj = x · uj on ∑. Thus, the normal component of iscontinuous and this extended function has a well-defined divergence. The divergence free conditions inside Ω and inthe complement of BR then show that in R3 \ D¯.

Now we choose a cutoff function such that χ = 1 inΩ¯. We can apply the general compactness Theorem 4.7to the sequence and extract a subsequence converging strongly in (L2(Ω))3. This completes the proof. □


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10.3.2 An operator equation on X 0In order to complete our proof of the existence of a solution of (10.2) we now use the Helmholtz decomposition fromthe previous section to decompose E = w + ▿p for uniquely determined w ∈ X 0 and p ∈ S. We observe that A(w, ▿ξ) =0 for all ξ ∈ S by the definition of X 0. Therefore, we can decompose the variational equation (10.3) as(10.12)

for all ψ ∈ X 0 and ξ ∈ S.

Choosing ψ = 0 we see that p satisfies (10.6), and so Theorem 10.2 shows that p is well defined and continuouslydependent on the data. It thus remains to show that w ∈ X 0, which satisfies the equation(10.13)

exists and is continuously dependent on the data. This will be done by decomposing the sesquilinear form into acoercive and compact part. Define

At this point, we need to examine Ge in more detail. Suppose that λ ∈ H-1/2(Div;∑) has the expansion

Using the sequence {δ˜n} defined in Lemma 9.22 and the expansion for Ge in (9.71) we can write

where the two sums in the above expression define and respectively. Next we show that the first series on theright-hand side above defines a compact operator from X 0 into H-1/2(Div;∑).

Lemma 10.5Let γt : H(curl;Ω) → H-1/2(Div;∑) be the trace operator defined in (3.45). The operator , that is themapping , is compact from X 0into H-1/2(Div;∑).


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Proof We split into two parts:

Using the expansion for δn in the proof of Lemma 9.20 and for δ˜n in the proof of Lemma 9.22, the asymptoticbehavior of δn - δ˜n is given by

Thus is certainly compact from H-1/2(Div;∑) into itself. Therefore, from the boundedness of the trace operator γt :H(curl;Ω) → H-1/2(Div;∑), we conclude that is compact from X 0 into H-1/2(Div;∑).

From the definitions of the norm on H-1/2(Div;∑) in (9.58) and the definition of , we see that, for u ∈ X 0,

Now using the boundary condition satisfied by functions in X 0 on ∑ and the trace theorem in H(div;Ω) (Theorem3.24) we have that

The compactness of X 0 in (L2(Ω))3 (Lemma 10.4) yields the assertion. □

This lemma suggests to split the sesquilinear form A(·, ·) into A = a2 + b2 where

From the expansion for we obtain

Hence we conclude that a2 is coercive (see also Lemma 4.10); in addition, we shall show that b2 is compact. This givesrise to the compact operator K2 : X 0 → X 0 defined by


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We have the following result.

Theorem 10.6Under the same hypotheses asTheorem 10.2the following hold:

• The sesquilinear form a2is bounded and coercive on X 0 × X 0. There exists a compact operator K2from X 0into itself with b2(F, φ) =a2(K2F, φ) for all F, φ ∈ X 0.

• The operator I + K2is an isomorphism from X 0onto itself. The variational equation A(w, φ) = B(φ) for all φ ∈ X 0is uniquelysolvable in X 0and the solution is given by w = (I + K2)-1B, where B satisfies a2(B, φ) = B(φ) for all φ ∈ X 0.

Proof The sesquilinear form a2 is obviously bounded. By Lemma 9.23 and using the same argument as in the proof ofLemma 4.10 we can verify that

The Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 yields the existence of the operator K2 and the element B. Now we have to show thatK2 is compact and that I + K2 is one-to-one.

To prove compactness, let {Fn} ⊂ X 0 be a sequence converging to zero weakly in X . Then the trace x × Fn convergesto zero weakly in H-1/2(Div; ∑) and, by Lemma 10.5, converges to zero. Also, by Lemma 10.4,║Fn║(L


3 → 0. Altogether we estimate

with Cn → 0 as n → ∞. Then

which shows that ║K2Fn║H(curl;Ω) → 0. This proves that K2 is compact.

It remains to prove that (I + K2)w = 0 has only the trivial solution w = 0. If (I + K2)w = 0 then w satisfies

But since w ∈ X 0, we have, for any p ∈ S,

so that w (extended to as a solution of Maxwell's equations) is a weak solution of the exterior scattering problemwith vanishing incoming wave and hence w = 0 (see Theorem 10.1).

The Fredholm alternative now shows the existence of w for general data and completes the proof of the theorem. □


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We now combine these results in the following main theorem of this section:

Theorem 10.7Under the same hypotheses asTheorem 10.2the variational equation(10.2)is uniquely solvable in X for every incidentfield Eithat is a regular solution of the background Maxwell system in BR.

It will be useful later in this chapter, and in Chapter 14, to have a generalization of this theorem. Let λ ∈ Y(Γ) (Y(Γ) isdefined in (3.50)) and suppose that we wish to find Eλ ∈ Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) such that(10.14)


and Eλ satisfies the Silver–Müller radiation condition. We have the following theorem.

Theorem 10.8Problem (10.14)–(10.15), together with the Silver–Müller radiation condition, has a unique solution Eλ ∈

Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) for any λ ∈ Y(Γ). For any R > 0 sufficiently large there is a constant C depending on R such that

Proof Let R be large enough that the scatterer is contained in BR (i.e. R > R0 where R0 is defined in Section 10.2) and letΩ = (R3\D¯)∩BR. By the definition of λ ∈ Y(Γ) there is an F ∈ H(curl;Ω) such that ν × F = λ on Γ. Now let E = Eλ - F∈ X , which satisfies

The argument proving the previous theorem now yields the existence of E ∈ X and

Hence Eλ exists and ║Eλ║H(curl;Ω) ≤ C║F║H(curl;Ω) with C independent of F. Taking the infimum over all F ∈ H(curl;Ω)such that ν × F = λ proves the desired result (taking into account the definition of the norm on Y(Γ)). □

To motivate our proof of convergence of the finite element approximation to this problem, we next note that theresults we have obtained so far enable us to verify the Babuška–Brezzi condition of Theorem 2.22. It will be usefulhere and in the next section to define(10.16)

Lemma 10.9Under the assumptions ofTheorem 10.2, there exists α > 0 such that

The constant α is independent of u.


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Proof Let u ∈ X and use the generalized Helmholtz decomposition of Lemma 10.3 to write u = w + ▿p for unique w ∈

X0 and p ∈ S. Now we take, for arbitrary β > 0 independent of u,

where Aj, j = 1, 2, are defined in (10.16). We shall shortly make a particular choice for β.

Using the fact that A(w, ▿ξ) = 0 for all ξ ∈ S, we obtain(10.17)

For the first term on the right-hand side of (10.17) we use the definition of A2 and the results of Theorem 10.6 toobtain

for some positive constants C1 and C2. For the second term on the right-hand side of (10.17) we use the definition ofA1 and recall that a1(p, p) is non-positive for any p ∈ S to arrive at

for some positive constants C3 and C4. The last term on the right hand side of (10.17) is estimated by using thecontinuity of A on X × X , and the continuity of A2 as a map from X 0 to X 0:

Putting these estimates in (10.17) gives

Using the arithmetic geometric mean inequality, we arrive at

where γ is another arbitrary positive parameter. We now choose γ = C6/C2 and and conclude that(10.18)

Using Lemma 10.3 to write (║w║H(curl;Ω) + ║▿p║(L2(Ω))

3) ≥ C║u║H(curl;Ω) and using, in addition, the fact that Aj, j = 1, 2, areinvertible we obtain


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and hence from (10.18) we have A(u, φ) ≥ α║u║H(curl; Ω) ║φ║H(curl; Ω). This ends the proof.

10.4 The discrete problemTo prove convergence by the method used in this chapter, we need now to make a severe restriction on the function εr.We assume εr ∈ C1(R3\D). This will be a standing assumption for the remainder of this chapter. A slight generalizationof this assumption is used by Hiptmair [164] (in particular, he assumes that εr is uniformly Lipschitz continuous) in hisanalysis of cavity problems. It would be desirable to show that the necessary properties of the finite element spaces canbe obtained for less smooth refractive index εr.

We shall discretize (10.3) using the usual family of edge finite element subspaces Xh ⊂ X , where the parameter hmeasures the maximum diameter of the elements in the associated finite element mesh. We assume that the mesh τh isregular. We can use edge elements on tetrahedra (see Chapters 5 and 8 ) or on hexahedra (see Chapter 6 ). However,for definiteness, we shall assume the use of tetrahedra. Since the outer boundary of Ω is not a polyhedron, we assumethat the method of Section 8.3.2 has been used to obtain an exact curvilinear finite element covering of Ω. As usual,associated with Xh is a scalar space Sh ⊂ S such that ▿Sh ⊂ Xh. The most important implication of these assumptions isthat the commuting diagram (5.59) holds. Note that apart from the mapping used to fit the curved boundary ∑, thespaces Xh and Sh are exactly the same as those used in Chapter 7 .

As we have seen in Chapter 7, it is important to understand the Helmholtz decomposition of discrete functions. Weneed to discuss this further since X 0 is not the same space as X0 used in Chapter 7 . By virtue of Lemma 10.3, anyvector uh ∈ Xh can be written as(10.19)

for unique wh ∈ X 0 and ph ∈ S.

Since ▿ × uh = ▿ × wh and A(wh, ▿ξ) = 0 for all ξ ∈ S, the function wh ∈ X 0 is a weak solution of(10.20)




In Lemma 10.14 below, we shall show that wh ∈ (H1/2 + δ(Ω))3 for some δ > 0 provided εr ∈ C1(R3\D). With thisregularity, Lemma 5.38 implies that the edge finite element interpolant rhwh is well defined and Lemma 5.41 (or theequivalent lemma for other element types) shows that(10.24)

for some δ > 0.


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We shall need one more operator. We recall the projection operator Ph defined in (7.10). From the density of Xh in X

we obtain the following result.

Lemma 10.10For any φ ∈ X ,(10.25)

Proof By Cea's lemma applied to (7.10), if φ ∈ (H2(Ω))3 ∩ X then(10.26)

where rh is the edge element interpolation operator.

Furthermore, since Ph is an orthogonal projection, it is uniformly bounded in h. From the definition of Ph it followsthat

and thus ║Phφ║H(curl;Ω) ≤ C║φ║H(curl;Ω) for all φ ∈ H(curl; Ω) where C does not depend on h. The density of inX, which follows from the extension Theorem 3.34 and the use of a cutoff function, implies that any given φ ∈ X canbe approximated to arbitrary accuracy by a smooth function, which can in turn be approximated to arbitrary accuracyby a finite element function. This completes the proof. □

The finite element approximation of the solution E ∈ X of (10.2) is Eh ∈ Xh, which satisfies(10.27)

We need to show that Eh is well defined and has good approximation properties. In order to prove this result, we nowprove the following basic Babuška–Brezzi condition:

Lemma 10.11Under the assumption that εr ∈ C1(R3\D) and the assumptions ofTheorem 10.2, there exists α˜ > 0 such that, for allh sufficiently small independent of uh,

Proof Given uh ∈ Xh we first decompose uh using the continuous Helmholtz decomposition in Lemma 10.3. Thus wewrite uh = wh + ▿ph with ph ∈ S and wh ∈ X 0. Let Ph : X → Xh be the orthogonal projection analyzed in Lemma 10.10. Weset

with β > 0 independent of uh taking the value chosen in the proof of Lemma 10.9.


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Let φ = A2wh - β▿A1ph, which would be the appropriate choice for proving the continuous Babuška–Brezzi condition.From the definition of φ,(10.28)

From the proof of Lemma 10.9 and the fact that Ph is uniformly bounded (see the proof of Lemma 10.10)

Now we turn to the second term on the right-hand side of (10.28). We start by using the definition of A1 and A2 in(10.16). Then using the fact that

and that (Ph - I)υh = 0 for any υh ∈ Xh, we can expand A2 and A1 to obtain(10.29)

The first term on the right-hand side of this equation is estimated by continuity and the boundedness of Ph

But, using the same argument as in the proof of equation (7.16) of Lemma 7.6, we have ▿ × rhwh = ▿ × wh and hence║wh - rhwh║H(curl;Ω) = ║wh - rhwh║(L


3. Thus, using (10.24), we complete the estimation of the first term on the right-handside of (10.29):(10.30)

To estimate the second term on the right-hand side of (10.29), we note that the operators K2 and K1 are compact in X 0

and S, respectively. Therefore, ▿K1 is compact from S into H(curl; Ω). Since ║Phφ - φ║H(curl;Ω) converges to zero forevery φ ∈ H(curl; Ω) (see (10.25)), the convergence of (Ph - I)K2 → 0 in the operator norm of maps from X 0 intoH(curl; Ω) and (Ph - I)▿K1 → 0 in the operator norm of maps from S to H(curl; Ω) follows (see Lemma 2.50).

Estimate (10.30) together with the above considerations shows that from (10.29) we have


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Altogether we have proved an estimate of the following form (where Ch → 0 as h → 0)

where the last inequality follows if h is small enough.

From the definition of φh and the boundedness of Aj (j = 1, 2) and Ph, we conclude that

This finally proves that

from which the lemma follows. □

Using the above Babuška–Brezzi condition, we can prove the following error estimate

Theorem 10.12The discrete solution Eh ∈ Xh is well defined provided h is small enough and satisfies the error estimate

Remark 10.13If E is smooth enough, this theorem gives an optimal error estimate. For example, if Nédélec's first-type or second-typefinite elements of lowest order are used [233, 234], and provided the solution is smooth enough, we can prove that

Higher-order elements will give rise to higher-order convergence rates in the obvious way, provided the solution E is smooth.

In practice, the infinite sum in(9.71)would need to be truncated. This would produce an extra error in the computed solution. The erroranalysis for the corresponding problem for the Helmholtz equation may be found in [188], and an error analysis for truncation in Gebutnot using finite elements is in [121]. In the next chapter, we shall analyze a similar method with discretization using finite elements and atruncation of Ge.

This theorem is just the beginning for a practical use of finite elements to approximate the scattering problem. The theorem guarantees that,up to the constant C, the computed solution Eh will optimally approximate the true solution E. But, of course, the actual error will dependcritically on the mesh. Thus, the mesh will need to be refined towards edges and vertices of the domain D. For re-entrant edges, the design ofsuch meshes, and the necessary estimates to accompany the analysis of refined meshes, can be found in [238]. As far as I am aware, thereare no corresponding results for re-entrant vertices.


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Proof ofTheorem 10.12 Suppose that (10.27) has a solution Eh ∈ Xh. Let uh ∈ Xh and φh ∈ Xh. From A(Eh, φh) = B(φh) =A(E, φh) and Lemma 10.11, we conclude that

The triangle inequality yields

Now we prove that there is at most one solution to (10.27). It suffices to show that Eh = 0 is the only solution whenB(·) = 0. But, when B(·) = 0, the only solution of the continuous problem (10.3) is E = 0. Using the previouslyestablished a priori estimate, for any uh ∈ Xh,

which implies Eh = 0. Hence, uniqueness is verified. Since (10.27) is a linear system with as many equations asunknowns, this also implies the existence of Eh for a general B(·, ·) and completes the proof. □

It remains to prove the auxiliary lemma concerning the smoothness of wh.

Lemma 10.14Under the assumptions of this section, wh ∈ (H1/2 + δ(Ω))3for some δ > 0, and

Proof Let W ∈ Hloc(curl; R3\BR) satisfy

together with the Silver–Müller radiation condition. Now let we be defined by

Then, because of the continuity of the tangential component across ∑, we have we ∈ Hloc(curl; R3\D¯). In addition,using exactly the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 10.4, we see that the normal component of we is continuous


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across ∑. Since εrwh is divergence free in D and W is divergence free in R3 \ D¯, we can be sure that ▿·εrwe = 0 inR3\D¯. Now take a cutoff function that is unity on Ω. Let be a ball of radius R1 large enough to containthe support of χ. The function and so, by the regularity result in Theorem 3.50, we know that

for some δ > 0. Using the fact that εr▿·we + (▿εr)·we = ▿ · (εrwe) = 0, and the a priori estimate forsolutions of the scattering problem in Theorem 10.8 we haveusing also Theorem 3.50,(10.31)

But using Theorem 10.2, we see that the problem (10.20)–(10.23) has at most one solution and since, by Lemma 10.4,X0 is compactly imbedded in (L2(Ω))3, the proof of Corollary 3.51 shows that there is a constant C such that for all v ∈X0

Use of this estimate in (10.31) proves the desired a priori estimate and completes the proof of the lemma. □


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11.1 IntroductionIn the previous chapter we reduced the scattering problem to a problem posed on a bounded domain using anappropriate Calderon operator. The resulting finite element problem is not completely discrete, since we assume thatthe exterior Calderon operator is computed exactly. Here we shall show how to avoid this by decoupling the probleminto discrete interior and exterior problems using a Lagrange multiplier to enforce the desired continuity of thesolution on the artificial boundary. The problem we shall solve is that given in (1.26)–(1.29), with the importantmodification that there is no perfect conductor present (so D = ∅). This very much simplifies the presentation of theanalysis. Of course, in practice the numerical method we shall describe can be used when a perfect conductor ispresent. This chapter is mainly derived from [90] .

The motivation for this problem is to compute the interaction of microwave radiation with a dispersive medium (suchas biological tissue). In this case we can assume that the scatterer is a bounded inhomogeneous conductor with apotentially complicated distribution of permittivity and conductivity (the permeability is usually constant in thisapplication, but we shall allow it to vary). The scatterer is assumed to be illuminated by a time-harmonic microwavesource (e.g. from a cell-phone antenna). The microwave source produces an incident electromagnetic field thatinteracts with the scatterer and produces a scattered time-harmonic electromagnetic field.

Using a domain decomposition approach, we employ finite elements to discretize in the vicinity of the scatterer and anapproximate Calderon operator, expressed as a truncated series, to discretize the exterior domain. The idea of using atruncated special function expansion to approximately model the exterior domain has been used effectively for theHelmholtz equation (see, e.g. [182, 144, 168, 153]). A similar approach to obtaining artificial boundary conditions forMaxwell's equations has been proposed by Grote and Keller [154] using the special function expansion of the solutionthat we use in this chapter. They show how to implement the method efficiently for the time-dependent problem. Formore recent results in this direction (again for the time domain problem), see [152] . Our results show that, for thetime-harmonic problem, the use of truncated spherical harmonic expansions on the artificial boundary produces awell-posed discrete problem (under the conditions of Theorem 11.17) that converges to the exact solution.

Of course, we already know, from the previous chapter, that the problem

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(1.26)–(1.29) has a unique variational solution provided the coefficients satisfy the conditions in Section 4.2. Thetheory presented here will produce an alternative proof of this fact.

The layout of the chapter is as follows. In Section 11.2, we formulate the domain decomposition scheme for thecontinuous problem. Then we show that the domain-decomposed problem possesses a unique solution. To do this, weview the scattering problem as a compact perturbation of the free-space problem in a suitable sense. We also showthat, despite the fact that we do not explicitly handle the divergence condition explicitly, the solution is unique.

Section 11.3 is devoted to describing the finite-dimensional discrete problem based on using the edge finite elementsfrom Chapter 5 in the interior and a truncated Fourier series on the surface of the sphere. In Section 11.4, we analyzethe interior finite element problem and derive an error estimate for the interior scheme. Finally, in Section 11.5, weanalyze the overall discrete problem, prove that it possesses a unique solution and derive an error estimate. Theanalysis of this problem is complicated by the fact that we have been unable to write the boundary Calderon operatoras a compact perturbation of a coercive operator (see also [116]). Thus, we have to adopt a more general splitting,writing the operator as an invertible operator plus a compact perturbation. This is possible because of the very specialboundary space that we use on the artificial boundary.

11.2 Derivation of the domain-decomposed problemBefore we show how to reduce the scattering problem to a problem posed on a bounded domain, we shall makeexplicit the assumptions on the coefficients εr and μr. Later, in the section on numerical analysis, we shall further restrictthe class of coefficients to enable us to prove error estimates. The basic assumptions are given in Section 4.2. Here wemake one more assumption that is reasonable in the biological context. We assume that ℑ(εr) ≠ 0 on some subdomainin the scatterer. This is used to guarantee that a suitable interior problem has a unique solution.

Let BR be a ball of radius R containing the scatterer in its interior (i.e. there exists a < R such that εr(x) = μr (x) = 1 for|x| > a). The computational domainΩ = BR. The artificial boundary is ∑ = ∂BR and Γ =∅. InsideΩ, the electric fieldsatisfies the Maxwell system

Outside Ω, in R3\Ω¯, the scattered field Es satisfies the following constant coefficient Maxwell system together withthe Silver–Müller radiation condition:

As in the previous chapter, across the artificial boundary, these problems are linked by enforcing the continuity of thetangential components of the electric and magnetic fields:


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Here we view E as defined on Ω, and Es and Ei as defined on R3\Ω¯.

Next, we want to explicitly decouple the two fields and pose the problem as an operator equation on ∑. We use theinterior and exterior Calderon operators denoted ℊi and ℊe defined, respectively, by (9.77) and (9.75). Using the twoCalderon operators, we see that if λ = ◯ × (1/iκ)▿ × E on ∑ then, using the boundary relations (11.1) and (11.2), wehave

Now we can state the problem we wish to solve precisely. Given a function f ∈ H−1/2(Div;∑), we wish to find λ ∈ H−1/2

(Div;∑) such that(11.3)

As we have seen, in applications to the scattering problem,(11.4)

Once we have computed via (11.3), we can compute E onΩ by solving (9.78a) and (9.78b). Similarly, we can computeEs in R3\Ω by solving (9.76a)–(9.76c), with λ replaced by λ − x × (1/iκ)▿ × Ei.

Next, we shall establish the following theorem concerning the continuous Calderon operators for the coupledproblem. It is the cornerstone of our later analysis of the numerical method.

Theorem 11.1Suppose the coefficients εrand μrsatisfy the conditions outlined at the beginning of this section and that Ω is chosen suchthat κ is not an eigenvalue for the interior magnetic Maxwell eigenvalue problem when εr = μr = 1. Then,

where T is a bounded invertible operator from Hs(Div;∑) onto Hs(Div;∑), for any s, and K is a compact perturbation.

Remark 11.2The interior magnetic Maxwell eigenvalue problem is to find E ≠ 0 and κ such that

It seems odd that, when μr = εr = 1, the interior Maxwell eigenvalues enter the picture. They do so because of the use of an interior problemas a stepping stone in the analysis. By perturbing this problem, we could avoid this restriction so in fact this theorem holds for all κ > 0.


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The outline of the proof is as follows. First, we establish the theorem in the case when εr = μr = 1. Then we show howthe result can be extended to the general case. We denote by ℊ˜i the interior Calderon operator when εr = μr = 1 and usea suitable series solution to establish the result. Some preliminary properties for ℊ˜i, including its series representation,are given in Lemma 9.26.

Theorem 11.3Under the conditions on ∑ inLemma 9.26, if εr = μr = 1, then

where T : Hs(Div;∑) → Hs(Div;∑) is bounded and invertible and K1is compact for any s.

Proof By Lemmas 9.25 and9.26, if λ is given by (9.57) then

Using the asymptotic relations for spherical Hankel and Bessel functions (9.46)–(9.50) and the Wronskian identity(9.51), we can derive the following estimates

Hence, if we define the operator T by(11.5)

we have derived the desired decomposition. □

The next step is to extend the above result to the case of a general medium. To do this, we state the following regularityresult. In this result we choose ρ so that a < ρ < R. Then the scatterer is contained in the interior of the ball of radius ρ.Let Ωρ,R denote the annulus {x| ρ < |x| < R} having boundaries ∑ and ∑ρ where ∑ρ is the surface of the sphere ofradius ρ centered at the origin. We use the space of functions on ∑ defined in (9.59).

Theorem 11.4Assume that ρ is chosen so that κ is not a Maxwell eigenvalue for the annulus Ωρ,R(i.e. the following interior problempossesses a unique solution). Let the operator L : γ → x × E|∑be defined by

Then L is bounded from H−1/2(Div;∑ρ) into Hs(Div;∑) for any s.


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Proof Recall the tangential fields and defined in (9.56). Using the vector basis functions defined in (9.62) and(9.60), we know that

for suitable constants . For convenience we define

with a similar expression for j n Then, using the relationships between the boundary and volume basis in (9.66)–(9.67)with similar relationships for the interior fields we obtain that

where r = ρ or r = R, depending upon which boundary is under consideration. Furthermore, since H = (1/iκ)▿ × E,we have

and hence

where r = R or r = ρ, depending upon if we are at the inner or outer boundary of the annular region.

We determine the coefficients and , m = -n, …, n and n= 1, 2, … from the boundary conditions. Suppose

Using the boundary condition on r = ρ, we have


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On the boundary r = R, we have the vanishing tangential component of the magnetic field. Hence

These two systems can be solved for the unknown coefficients to yield


Now using the asymptotic estimates (9.46)–(9.50), we can easily show that

where λn, μn = O(1/n). The fact that ρ < R then implies the necessary decay in the coefficients in this expansion. □

Now we consider the interior problem with general coefficients. It might appear that this case is covered by the theoryof Chapter 4, but this is ruled out by our assumption that λ > 0. Our results here extend the previous theory to thecase where λ is identically zero (at least in the case D = ∅, but this assumption can be removed). The approach toproving existence is very like the one used in Chapter 4 and we only sketch it here.

Given λ ∈ H−1/2(Div; ∑), we recall that we can define the operator

by ℊiλ = ◯ × w|∑, where w ∈ H(curl; Ω) satisfies (9.78a) and (9.78b). To obtain a variational formulation of thisproblem suitable for later finite element


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discretization, we can multiply (9.78a) by a test function φ ∈ H(curl; Ω) and integrate by parts (using (9.78b) for theboundary term) to obtain(11.6)

for all φ ∈ H(curl; Ω). In order to show that ℊiλ is well defined and maps H−1/2(Div; ∑) into H−1/2(Div; ∑) it suffices toshow that a unique solution of (11.6) in H(curl; Ω) exists. As usual for problems of this type we do this in two steps.First we show uniqueness and then use the Fredholm alternative to obtain existence.

Lemma 11.5Assume that εrand μrsatisfy the conditions of Section4.2and, in addition, that ℑ(εr) ≠ 0 in some subdomain of Ω. Thenproblem(11.6)has at most one solution.

Proof By linearity, it suffices to consider the case when λ = 0 and choose φ = u in (11.6). Then

and hence (since μr is real symmetric) ℑ(εru, u) = 0. This implies that u = 0 in every subdomain in which ℑ(εr) ≠ 0 (atleast one such subdomain exists by assumption). Now using the unique continuation result of Theorem 4.13 as in theproof of Theorem 4.12, we conclude that u = 0 in Ω. □

Next we prove that u exists, using the Fredholm alternative. To do this, we first have to prove a compact imbeddingresult. We know that ▿H1(Ω)/R is a closed subspace of H(curl; Ω). Hence, if we define Ŝ = H1(Ω)/R, we have theHelmholtz decomposition(11.7)


This space plays the role that X0 played in Chapter 4 . The following result is well known (see, e.g. [207]).

Theorem 11.6The divergence free space X 0defined in(11.8)is compactly imbedded in (L2(Ω))3.

Proof When εr = μr = 1, this result follows from the second part of Costabel's regularity result in Theorem 3.47. Forgeneral εr and μr satisfying the conditions of Section 4.2, a slight modification of the proof of Theorem 4.7 proves theresult. We do not provide the details (for another proof of this result, see [159]). □

Now suppose that u ∈ X 0 and ▿ × u = 0 inΩ. Since u is curl free, there is a function p ∈ Ŝ such that u = ▿p and, since u∈ X 0, we have (εr▿p, ▿p) = 0. The positive definiteness of the real part of εr now implies p = 0. Combining thisuniqueness result with the above compactness result implies the following corollary:


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Corollary 11.7There exists a constant C > 0 such that, for all u ∈ X 0,

Using these results, we can prove the promised existence result.

Theorem 11.8There exists a unique solution u ∈ H(curl; Ω) to the interior boundary value problem(11.6)and hence ℊi : H−1/2(Div;∑) → H−1/2(Div; ∑) is well defined and bounded.

Proof For given λ ∈ H−1/2(Div; ∑), we define p ∈ Ŝ by(11.9)

For this problem, existence and uniqueness follow from the Lax–Milgram lemma, since ℜ(εr) is uniformly positivedefinite. Now we make the ansatz(11.10)

where z ∈ H(curl; Ω) satisfies(11.11)

for all φ H(curl; Ω). By choosing φ = ∇q for an arbitrary q ∈ Ŝ, we see that (εrz, ∇q) = 0 and thus z ∈ X 0. Since H(curl;Ω) is the direct sum of X 0 and ∇Ŝ, we can rewrite (11.11) as the problem of finding z ∈ X 0 such that(11.12)

for all φ ∈ X 0. By Corollary 11.7, the first term on the left-hand side of (11.12) defines a bounded and coercivesesquilinear form on X 0. Hence we can define the operator ℬ : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3 such that for f ∈ (L2(Ω))3 werequire ℬf ∈ X0 ⊂ (L2(Ω))3 to be the solution of(11.13)

for all φ ∈ X 0. The operatorℬ is compact since it is continuous from (L2(Ω))3 into X 0 and X 0 is compactly embeddedin (L2(Ω))3 (see Theorem 11.6).

We now define F ∈ X 0 ⊂ (L2(Ω))3 to be the solution of(11.14)

for all φ ∈ X 0. Then the original problem is equivalent to finding z ∈ (L2(Ω))3 such that

and the existence of a solution to this problem (and hence to the original problem) follows from the Fredholmalternative (Theorem 2.33) and the uniqueness result proved in Lemma 11.5. Using the same argument as in thediscussion following the proof of Theorem 4.11, we can then conclude that z ∈ X 0 with an appropriate a priori estimate.


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Now that we have verified the existence of the operator ℊi, we can prove Theorem 11.1.

Proof ofTheorem 11.1 Using Theorem 11.3 and the definition of ℊ˜i and ℊi, we can write

where u solves (11.6) and ũ solves (11.6) with εr = μr = 1. Now if we define w = ũ - u then w ∈ H(curl;Ω) satisfies

for all φ ∈ H(curl;Ω). Using exactly the same argument as in the previous theorem (but with a different right-handside), we can see that w is the unique solution of the above variational problem. Now let us choose ρ < R such that Bρ

contains the support of (μr - 1) and (εr - 1) in its interior. Then, by the trace theorem for H(curl;Ω), the function ◯ ×w|∑ρ ∈ H−1/2(Div;∑ρ) is bounded in terms of the curl norm of ũ and hence, by Theorem 11.8, in terms of the H−1/2(Div;∑) norm of λ. Then, using Theorem 11.4, we conclude that ◯ × w ∈ Hs(Div; ∑) for any s. Hence ℊ˜i - ℊi is a compactmap from H−1/2(Div; ∑) into H−1/2(Div; ∑). We have thus proved Theorem 11.1 since

and K = K1 + ℊ˜i - ℊi is compact. □

Theorem 11.1 can be used to prove the existence of a weak solution of the original scattering problem (of course, thisis already known from the previous chapter). To do this, it is necessary to prove that (11.3) has a unique solution.

Lemma 11.9Under the conditions ofTheorem 11.1, problem(11.3)has at most one solution.

Proof By linearity it suffices to consider the case f = 0. For a given solution λ we define u1 to satisfy (9.76a)–(9.76c) anddefine u2 to satisfy (9.78a)–(9.78b). Existence and uniqueness of u1 is given by Lemma 9.25 and we have proved theexistence and uniqueness of a weak solution of (9.78a)–(9.78b) in Theorem 11.8. Then eqn (11.3) ensures that if wedefine the function u by

then u is a solution of the Maxwell system (1.26)–(1.29) with vanishing incident field (and D = ). The classicaluniqueness result in Theorem 10.1 for the solution of the Maxwell system then shows that u = 0. Hence λ = 0. □

Using Theorem 11.1 and the above uniqueness lemma, by the application of the Fredholm alternative (Theorem 2.33),we can prove the following result:


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Theorem 11.10 For every f ∈ H−1/2(Div;∑) there exists a unique solution λ ∈ H−1/2(Div;∑) to(11.3)and

11.3 The nite-dimensional problemIn this section we describe the discrete problem derived from (11.3). The idea is to seek an approximation of λ on ∑using the space SN defined as follows

In other words, we seek to approximate λ by a finite Fourier series. We define PN : H−1/2(Div;∑) → SN to be theorthogonal projection onto SN in the H−1/2(Div;∑) inner product. Due to the orthogonality properties of the basisfunctions, this is nothing more than the truncation operator (see Section 9.3.3). Of course, for any λ ∈ H−1/2(Div;∑)

We also have the following error estimate(11.15)

for any σ; ≥ -½. This is seen by using the series definition of the norm and elementary manipulations as follows.

where . We also note that SN satisfies the following inverse estimate, for any λN ∈ SN,(11.16)


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This is again seen by using the series representation of λN:

Since T, defined by (11.5), is a diagonal operator when restricted to SN, it is easy to see that T and PN commute:

For any function λ ∈ SN, the function ℊeλN is easy to calculate using the truncation of (9.80).

The interior operator ℊi also needs to be discretized. For this, we apply the finite element method using the edgeelements of Nédélec [233] from Chapter 5 as modified for a spherical domain in Section 8.3.2. We shall limit ourselvesto the lowest-order edge space in the remainder of this chapter, so that the Dubois locally mapped elements (seeSection 8.3.1) can also be used. If the construction in Section 8.3.2 is used, there is no reason in principle not to usehigher-order elements.

Let τh be a regular curvilinear mesh for Ω and let Vh denote the corresponding space of degree k = 1 edge elements(defined in Section 8.3.2). Of course, Vh ⊂ H(curl;Ω). We now wish to discretize ℊi. For any function λ ∈ H−1/2(Div;∑),we define ℊi, hλ = ◯ × uh, where uh ∈ Vh satisfies the discrete analogue of (11.6):(11.17)

In Section 11.4 we shall show that this problem has a unique solution, and derive some error estimates.

Now that we have a discrete analogue of ℊi, we define the discrete analogue of (11.3) to be the problem of finding λN, h ∈

SN such that(11.18)

The remainder of the chapter is devoted to showing that this problem has a unique solution that converges at anoptimal rate to the exact solution.

11.4 Analysis of the interior nite element problemWe wish to allow the coefficients εr and μr to be piecewise smooth. At the interfaces where εr is discontinuous, we knowthat E is generally discontinuous.


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Similarly, where μr is discontinuous, we know that ▿ × E will generally be discontinuous (irrespective of thesmoothness of the interfaces). So we want to extend the function spaces to allow for such discontinuities. Let

where the domains Ωn, n = 0,1, …, N were introduced in Section 4.2. The norm on this space is

In addition, we define, for s ∈ N,

with the norm

We must assume that the interfaces where εr or μr are discontinuous (i.e. between the domains Ωn, n = 0, …, N) liealong the faces of the mesh. Of course, this means that either the interfaces are polyhedral, or we have used themethods of Section 8.3.2 to develop a curvilinear mesh in each Ωn.

Using Lemma 5.38, we know that the interpolation operator rh corresponding to the k = 1 edge space Vh is welldefined for functions in PH1(curl; Ω) and the following estimate holds for the curvilinear interpolant:(11.19)

Of course, the interpolation operator is well defined for much less regular functions but we wish to prove optimalerror estimates for which the above smoothness is sufficient.

Let Ŝh = Uh/R, where Uh is the mapped curvilinear space of continuous piecewise-linear scalar functions defined inSection 8.3.2. We can then define the space of discrete divergence-free fields to be

Now suppose we have a sequence of refinements of the mesh indexed by mesh sizes h1 > h2 > …. We assume hn → 0as n → ∞ and set(11.20)

We want to show convergence of to ℊi as n increases. In order to prove this, we proceed as in [119] using a discretecompactness argument. First we give the


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discrete compactness result for this case (a generalization of the original result of Kikuchi [185] to variable εr [71]).

Theorem 11.11Suppose is a bounded sequence such that for each n there is an m = m(n) such that and hm → 0as n → 0. Then there is a subsequence, also denoted by , which converges weakly in H(curl; Ω) to a function u ∈ X 0, that is,

and un → u strongly in (L2(Ω))3.

Proof The proof follows the same outline as the proof of Theorem 7.18. First we prove discrete compactness when εr= 1. For each n we define un ∈ X 0 by

Hence, by Theorem 3.47, we know that there is a subsequence of {un}, still denoted by {un}, and a function u ∈ X 0 suchthat un → u strongly in (L2(Ω))3 (and weakly in H(curl; Ω)). But since Ω is smooth, un ∈ (H1/2+δ(Ω))3 for some δ > 0 byTheorem 3.50. In this case is defined (see Lemma 5.38) and in Theorem 8.20 we note that the second estimate ofTheorem 5.41 holds for the curvilinear elements.

Now we may write, using the Helmholtz decomposition (11.7),

for some pn ∈ Ŝ and un ∈ X 0. Using the commuting diagram for the curvilinear space for some pn ∈ Ŝh, andusing the fact that u ∈ X 0 and , we may write


Hence the discrete compactness result is proved when εr = 1.

Now we follow [71] as in the proof of Theorem 7.18, allowing for the fact that εr is complex to complete the proof. □

Using this result as in the proof of Lemma 7.20 we have the following result which generalizes Lemma 11.7 to thefinite element context. We do not give the proof because it is so similar.


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Corollary 11.12 Provided h is sufficiently small, there is a constant C independent of h and uh such that

Now we show that ℊi,h is well defined by showing that (11.17) has a unique solution. We proceed along the same lines asin the proof of Theorem 7.25. Let ph ∈ Ŝh satisfy the discrete analogue of (11.9),(11.21)

Since the real part of εr is positive definite and the average value of ph is zero, this problem has a unique solution by theLax–Milgram lemma.

Next we make the ansatz(11.22)

where zh ∈ X 0,h satisfies(11.23)

for all φh ∈ X 0,h. To convert this to an operator equation, we defineℬh : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3 byℬhf = wh ∈ X 0,h, where wh


Note that ℬh is actually a bounded map from (L2(Ω))3 into X 0,h. We also define Fh ∈ X 0,h ⊂ (L2(Ω))3 as the solutionof(11.24)

for all φh ∈ X 0,h. By Corollary 11.12 and the Lax–Milgram lemma, these problems have a unique solution. Thus, weconsider the operator equation for finding υ ∈ (L2(Ω))3 such that(11.25)

Note that if we can uniquely solve this problem then υ = -ℬhυ + Fh ∈ X 0,h, so that υ ∈ X 0,h. In addition,

Now, using the definition of ℬh and Fh, we see that υ satisfies (11.23) and so, in fact, zh = υ. We have the followingresult:

Theorem 11.13 The collection of operators {ℬh}h ∈ ∧, where the discrete set ∧ is given by (11.20), converges pointwise to the operator ℬ

defined in(11.13)in (L2(Ω))3. In addition, the set of operators {ℬh}h∈∧is collectively compact when considered as maps from (L2(Ω))3to(L2(Ω))3.


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Proof This proof parallels the proof of similar results in Chapter 7, in particular Theorems 7.11 and 7.14. Thus, toprove pointwise convergence we rewrite the definition of ℬf as a mixed problem. For f ∈ (L2(Ω))3 we see that ℬf ∈H(curl; Ω) and q ∈ Ŝ satisfy(11.26)


The second equation ensures that ℬf ∈ X0. Similarly, we can see that ℬhf ∈ Vh and qh ∈ Ŝh satisfy(11.28)


The last equation ensures ℬhf ∈ X 0,h.

Now Corollary 11.12 shows that the bilinear form ( ) is coercive on X 0, h and the fact that ▿Ŝh ⊂ Vh can beused to verify the Babuška–Brezzi condition (as in the proof of Theorem 7.11). Thus, we know that(11.30)

Then the density of Vh in H(curl; Ω) and of Ŝh in H1(Ω)/R completes the proof (actually we have proved pointwiseconvergence in H(curl; Ω), which is more than sufficient).

Next we show that the set of operators is collectively compact. Let U ⊂ (L2(Ω))3 be a bounded set. Then, if u ∈ U, weknow that ℬhu ∈ X 0,h satisfies

It follows from Corollary 11.12 that ║▿ × ℬhu║(L2(Ω))

3 ≤ C║u║(L2(Ω))

3. But using the discrete Friedrichs inequality inCorollary 11.12, we have

Then, by the discrete compactness property, we can extract a convergent subsequence from ℬh(U). Thus, ℬh(U) ispre-compact in (L2(Ω))3, as required. □

We have written the finite element problem as an operator equation (see (11.25)) so that we can now prove the basicexistence and convergence theorem for ℊi,h:


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Theorem 11.14 For sufficiently small h, the operator ℊi, his well defined and

as h → 0.

Proof First we show that zh (see (11.22)) is well defined, using Theorem 2.51. Via the collective compactness andpointwise convergence ofℬh, we know that, provided h is small enough, (I +ℬh) is invertible with uniformly boundedinverse as a map from (L2(Ω))3 into itself. Hence zh and ph in (11.22) are well defined. Furthermore, the following errorestimate holds:

We estimate the first term on the right-hand side using (11.30) and the fact that q = 0 because z ∈ X 0. The samearguments as in the proof of Lemma 7.12 show that

for any ηh ∈ Vh and φh ∈ Ŝh. We have thus proved that(11.31)

It remains to derive an error estimate in the H(curl;Ω) norm. This is done as in the proof of Theorem 7.25. Weobtain(11.32)

To obtain an estimate for u - uh, we use (11.22) to write(11.33)

But ph converges to p in Ŝ and zh converges to z by the density of Ŝh in Ŝ and of X h in H(curl;Ω), respectively. Using thetrace theorem for H(curl;Ω) on smooth surfaces, we have(11.34)

We have proved the desired result. □

The above estimate shows that the ℊi, h converges to ℊi with very general assumptions on the smoothness of the data (εr,μr and Ω) to the problem but with no rate of convergence. To obtain optimal error estimates for the coupled problem,we need to establish a convergence rate. Hence, for the remainder of the Chapter, we shall assume that the coefficientsεr and μr are sufficiently smooth that the following a priori estimates hold.


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(1) For every p ∈ Ŝ satisfying ▿ · (εr ▿p) = 0 in Ω, we have


This is a typical elliptic regularity estimate for p for smooth data.

(2) Suppose f ∈ (L2(Ω))3 is such that ▿ · (μrf) = 0 in Ω. Let u ∈ H(curl;Ω) satisfy

Then u ∈ PH1(Ω) and(11.36)

(3) Let f ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and g ∈ H1/2(Div;∑) satisfy the compatibility condition that


Let v ∈ H(curl;Ω) satisfy

Then v ∈ PH1(Ω) and(11.38)

Obviously, these assumptions rule out rough boundaries between the domains Ωn where εr and μr are smooth (seeSection 4.2 for details on the assumptions on the data). Note that all the above estimates hold if εr and μr arecontinuously differentiable in Ω¯. For a discussion of regularity of Maxwell's equations in the presence of piecewisesmooth functions with smooth interfaces, see [293], and for the case of piecewise constant coefficients with non-smooth interfaces see [107] .

Using (11.36) and (11.38), if f and g satisfy the compatibility condition (11.37) and if u ∈ X 0 satisfies


The goal of the remainder of this section is to prove the following error estimate.


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Theorem 11.15 Assume that (11.35)–(11.38) hold. Then there exists a constant C such that

for all λ ∈ H1/2(Div;∑)

Before starting the proof of this theorem, note that if the functions p and Bf are smooth, we also have an error estimatefor ℬh as the next theorem shows (this follows from (11.30) and the approximation properties of Vh and Ŝh).

Theorem 11.16 If Bf ∈ PH1(curl;Ω) and p ∈ PH2(Ω) then

Proof of Theorem 11.15 We can simply use estimate (11.32) followed by (11.33) and (11.34). First we estimate p - φh.Note that p ∈ Ŝ is defined by (11.9) and so satisfies

Using assumption (11.35) and choosing φh to be the Ŝ projection of p, we have

Now we estimate ║F - ηh║ by choosing ηh = rh F. Then ║F - ηh║H(curl; Ω) ≤ Ch║F║PH1(curl; Ω). Using (11.39), we have

and thus

It remains only to estimate z - τh andℬz - ψh. We choose τh = rhz and ψh = rhℬz and, proceeding as for the other estimates,we can show that

Combining all the estimates in (11.32), (11.33) and (11.34) proves the theorem. □


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11.5 Error estimates for the fully discrete problemIn this section we shall analyze the fully discrete problem. In particular, we shall prove the following theorem.

Theorem 11.17 Assume that (11.35)–(11.38) hold. Then there is a δ > 0 such that, for N sufficiently large and hN < δ, there isunique solution λN, h ∈ SN of(11.18)satisfying

Remark 11.18 We can obtain a higher power of N in this estimate (at the expense of a higher norm of λ). For the Helmholtz equation intwo dimensions, using a similar method, Andreas Kirsch and I were able to prove optimal estimates without a stability relation between hand N [188] . Grote and Keller [153] proved the same result for the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions. Unfortunately, we havebeen unable to prove this for Maxwell's equations, and instead must require that the mesh size be sufficiently small compared to the numberof modes used on the boundary.

Proof of Theorem 11.17 Note first that by operating on (11.3) by PN and using the fact that ℊe and PN commute wehave(11.40)

Let us define eN,h = λN,h - PNλ. Then using (11.40) and (11.18) we have

where we have used the fact that PNℊe(PNλ - λ) = ℊePN(PNλ - λ) = 0. Using Theorem 11.1 we have the decomposition ℊi -ℊe = T + K, where T, K : H- 1/2(Div;∑) → H−1/2(Div;∑), T is an isomorphism and K, is compact. Using the fact that PN

and T commute, we obtain our fundamental error equation:

First we need to show that this equation has a solution. The operator on the left-hand side is

The operator T + K is invertible due to Theorem 11.10. We now apply Theorem 2.27 by showing that PNK → K andPN(ℊi,h - ℊi) → 0 considered as operators from H−1/2(Div; ∑) to H−1/2(Div; ∑).

Since PN is the orthogonal projection for H−1/2(Div; ∑) into SN and K is compact in this space, we know that PNK → Kin the operator norm of


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H−1/2(Div; ∑) (see Lemma 2.50). For the other term on the left-hand side above, we can use the error estimate for thefinite element solution in Theorem 11.15, together with the inverse estimate (11.16), to show that

Thus, for sufficiently large N and small Nh, the operator T + PNK + PN(ℊi, h - ℊi) is invertible with uniformly boundedinverse. This implies that eN, h, and hence λN, h, is well defined and we can obtain an error estimate simply by estimatingthe right-hand side using Theorem (11.15) and the estimate (11.15):

Putting these estimates together, we obtain the estimate

The use of the triangle equality then proves the estimate of the theorem. □

Our final result gives an error estimate for the field in the scatterer and near it. It follows from the previous result.

Corollary 11.19Assume that (11.35)–(11.38) hold. Let E ∈ Hloc(curl; R3) satisfy (1.26)–(1.29) with D = ∅. Define Eh ∈ Vh tosatisfy

where λN, h ∈ SN satisfies (11.18). Then, for h sufficiently small, Eh is well defined and

Looking through the proofs we have given in this chapter, we see that we have made almost no use of the fact that weused the lowest-order edge element space. This choice was made to simplify the assumptions on regularity for provingconvergence to obtain an optimal convergence rate. We could use higher-order curvilinear edge elements and gainhigher-order convergence for smooth solutions.

We now need to comment on how to compute with this scheme. The simplest implementation (attractive in twodimensions) is to compute the matrix representing PNℊi, h - ℊe on SN. To do this, we must solve the interior finite elementproblem (11.17) with right-hand side λ taken to be each basis function in SN


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(i.e. and , 1 ≤ n ≤ N and -n ≤ m ≤ n). For each basis function, after expressing the result as a series in SN, weobtain from this series the coefficients of one column of a matrix C called the capacitance matrix. Once C has beendetermined, it is only necessary to project f onto SN and solve a matrix problem to solve (11.18). Despite the fact that Cis a dense matrix, this can be an efficient strategy in two dimensions particularly if the problem is to be solved formany right hand sides (i.e. many incident waves). In three dimensions this becomes memory and time consuming.

Another approach is to write the equation (11.18) as(11.41)

Now we can apply an iterative method to this equation, for example the biconjugate gradient scheme (or the conjugategradient scheme for the normal equations for (11.41)). In these iterative schemes, there is no need to compute andstore the matrix representing . Instead, we must be able to compute the action of on a vector μ ∈ SN, whichcan be done by solving just one interior Maxwell problem (11.17). We also need to compute the adjoint of this operator(i.e. the conjugate transpose of the corresponding matrix) applied to a general vector μ ∈ SN. We now show how tocompute . By definition, for any λ ∈ H−1/2(Div; ∑) and μ ∈ H−1/2(Curl; ∑), we have

But ℊi, hλ = ◯ × wh, where wh ∈ Vh satisfies (11.17) and so, taking into account conjugation in the definition of 〈·, ·〉,

Now let υh ∈ Vh satisfy(11.42)

This has a unique solution (at least if h is small enough), by Theorem 11.14. Thus,

We see that . Hence we can compute at the cost of solving a second interior Maxwell problem like(11.17). For a two dimensional example including numerical results, see [189] .

Of course, the method we presented in this chapter is not the only possible way to solve the problem Since there is noperfect conductor, one way is by using suitable volume integral equations (see, e.g. [94, 177]). This method handles the


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infinite domain precisely, but requires the evaluation of singular integrals and the approximate inversion of a largedense system (of course, using a suitable iterative method).

There are many other possible methods for approximating this scattering problem. For example, the interior finiteelement method can be coupled to a boundary element method that effectively computes the Calderon operator (andallows a rather general artificial boundary) [177] . This method is very often used in practice and has been analyzed byHiptmair [163] . Other methods include the use of a perfectly matched layer of (see [36] and Section 13.5.3) andinfinite elements (see Section 13.5) to terminate the finite element region.

In the method presented here, the scattering problem is decomposed into two parts, one on the bounded domaininside the artificial boundary and the other on its infinite complement. Matching is done on the artificial boundary. Asa result, the method is said to be a non-overlapping domain decomposition scheme. An alternative scheme proposedin [159] is to use an overlapping method. This introduces a coupling between the solution at some interior points andthe solution at some points on the artificial boundary. The method allows a very general artificial boundary, whereasthe method we describe here is restricted to a spherical outer boundary. More general boundaries are possible (e.g.ellipsoidal boundaries), at the expense of working with suitable basis functions in more general coordinate systems. Weshall discuss the overlapping method in the next chapter.


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12.1 IntroductionIn this chapter we describe a method for approximating the electromagnetic field scattered from objects embedded in anon-uniform background medium. We have in mind scattering from buried objects. In the simple model for thisproblem presented in Chapter 1 and considered later in this chapter, the space ℝ3 is divided into two half spaces by theplane x3 = 0. In the lower half space is a uniform conducting medium modeling the earth. In the upper half space is anon-conducting medium modeling the air. This two-layered medium is the background medium. Buried objects areperturbations of the lower layer in this background (see Section 1.3).

The method we are going to describe uses an integral representation of the field away from the scatterer. In particular,this requires a knowledge of the Green's function for the background medium. Although complex, this is well knownfor the layered earth model just mentioned. Within the scatterers if necessary, and in a domain containing them, werepresent the field by finite elements. Thus, there is an overlapping region in which both the finite element method andintegral representation give an approximation to the electromagnetic field. The overlapping method is due to Hazardand Lenoir [159] for a homogeneous isotropic background and to Cutzach and Hazard [111] in the case of a layeredbackground medium. The work has its roots in the paper of Jami and Lenoir [173] .

In fact, this overlapping scheme is not the standard method for problems of this type. Instead it is usual to use anintegral formulation on the boundary of the scatterer to take care of the infinite region. This requires the use of anintegral equation with a singular kernel which complicates the implementation of the scheme, since a specialquadrature scheme is needed to take care of the singular integral. In the overlapping method no singular integrals areencountered. Of course, the overlapping method requires to mesh a larger domain than for the non-overlappingscheme (although not much larger) and the resulting linear system is less structured. However, Liu and Jin [212] haveshown that an overlapping scheme may have advantages from the point of view of implementation and we shall returnto this point later in the chapter.

The plan for this chapter is as follows. In the first section, we apply the overlapping scheme to our model scatteringproblem of scattering by a bounded perfectly conducting object in a homogeneous uniform background medium. Itturns out that a direct application of the Hazard and Lenoir approach leads to

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unwieldy matrices. Thus, we apply flux-recovery procedures [294, 21–23] in the discretization of the method resultingin a fully discrete problem that is better suited to implementation. We prove convergence using the technique from[167] and comment on implementation and on the relationship to Liu and Jin's scheme.

In Section 12.3 we comment on how the method must be modified when there is an infinite perfectly conductingground plane present. Finally in the last section, we formulate the problem for a buried perfectly conducting scatterer.

12.2 Homogeneous isotropic backgroundTo describe the overlapping method as simply as possible, we first consider our standard model problem consisting ofa perfectly conducting scatterer which occupies a bounded, Lipschitz, polyhedral region D in ℝ3 with connectedcomplement. In this case the background medium is isotropic and homogeneous. Thus, we wish to approximate thetotal field E ∈ Hloc(curl;ℝ3 \ D) such that (1.26)–(1.29) are satisfied in the special case εr = μr = 1.

We shall now derive an integral representation of the scattered field away from the scatterer in free space. It turns outthat the Stratton–Chu formula given in Theorem 9.4 is not suitable for our purposes, since we need a formula that wecan relate to the finite element variational problem. As we shall see, by rewriting the Stratton–Chu formula, we canachieve a better formula. In preparation for this, we define the matrix function(12.1)

where I is the 3 × 3 identity matrix and ∇y ∇yΦ(x, y) is the Hessian matrix for Φ defined by

Definition 12.1 The matrix G in (12.1) is called the dyadic Green's function for Maxwell's equations.

We shall shortly see that the dyadic Green's function arises naturally. We denote by gl(x, y) the lth column of G(x, y) anddefine ∇ × G to be the matrix with lth column ∇ × gl.

The dyadic Green's function is related to Maxwell's equations in the following way. A simple calculation shows thateach column satisfies the homogeneous Maxwell system when x ≠ y and we shall see that in fact each column satisfies

together with the Silver–Müller radiation condition (9.14) where el is the lth unit vector. Using the extension of curl tomatrices defined above, we can write this as


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The representation of G in (12.1) can be derived directly from Maxwell's equations using properties of Φ (seeTheorem 5.2.1 of [236]), but we only use the result of the next corollary so we have adopted a more round aboutapproach of using the Stratton–Chu formula.

Theorem 12.2 Under the conditions ofTheorem 9.4, for any x ∈ ℝ3 \ D,(12.2)

where ν is the unit outward normal to D, Γ = ∂D, and G⊺(x, y)(v × (∇ × E))(y) and (∇y × G)⊺(x, y)(v × E)(y) are understood asmatrix–vector multiplications.

Remark 12.3 Note that we assume that εr = μr = 1 in ℝ3 \ D. If either εr ≠ 1 or μr ≠ 1, we would need to replace Γ in this theoremwith another Lipschitz smooth surface S containing the scatterer (i.e. both D and the region where εror μrare not unity) in its interior.

Proof of Theorem 12.2 Using Theorem 9.4, we need to rewrite the expressions on the right-hand side of (9.15). First,using the fact that Φ is the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation and x ≠ y, we have(12.3)

But the lth entry of the gradient term is

Using this fact in (12.3) and the fact that H = (1/iκ)∇ × E shows that


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as required. For the other term, using the fact that ∇xΦ = -∇yΦ,

and we are done. □

The scattering problem we wish to solve is the standard model problem of finding E and Es such that(12.4a)




Note that Es can then be represented using the results of Theorem 12.2 and this was our reason for deriving the result.

As usual for the model scattering problem, we suppose there is a known incident field Ei that satisfies thehomogeneous, isotropic Maxwell's equations in the neighborhood of D and in D. It is thus an analytic function of x ina neighborhood of D. In particular, we have in mind two standard cases.

(1) Point source We suppose the incident field is due to a point dipole source located at xp ∈Ω with polarization p, |p|= 1. In this case we take


so that F = pδxp in (12.4a).(2) Plane Wave An incident plane wave with polarization p and direction of propagation d is given by (1.20). In this

case, (12.4a) is satisfied with F = 0.

The scattering problem is posed on an infinite region ℝ3 \ D. In order to apply a finite element method, we truncatethe domain. Following Hazard and Lenoir, we introduce a connected, Lipschitz, polyhedral surface ∑, with interior D∑,such that D ⊂ D∑. The outward unit normal on ∑ is again denoted by v. We define the truncated computationaldomain Ω = D∑ \ D, and we assume that D∑ and D are such that Ω is simply connected and that the boundary of Ωconsists of two disjoint, connected components ∑ and Γ.


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The goal is to use finite elements inΩ to approximate E, but we need a boundary condition on ∑. This is provided byusing the version of the Stratton–Chu formula given in Theorem 12.2. For x ∈ ℝ3 \ D, we define(12.5)

Using the fact that Ei and the columns of G are regular solutions of Maxwell's equations inside D (since x is outsideD), we have I(Ei) = 0 in Ω and thus

provided E is regular enough for I(E), defined in (12.5), to be well defined.

Unfortunately, the regularity requirement implicit in (12.5) is not met by functions in H(curl;Ω), since the term v × ∇ ×u is not defined if u is a general function in this space. We therefore need to extend the definition of I to allow for lessregular arguments.

Let denote a cutoff function such that χ = 1 on Γ and define G(x, ·) ∈ H(curl;Ω) by(12.6)

We can now define the regularized integral operator(12.7)

where the curl is again with respect to y and the integral is evaluated for x outside the support of the cutoff function χ(in particular for x in a neighborhood of ∑). Using integration by parts, we can verify that for a smooth solution Es of(12.4) we have ℐR(Es) = ℐ(Es), and thus(12.8)

Note also that, since ℐR(E) is evaluated outside the support of χ, a further integration by parts, and the use of theperfectly conducting boundary condition on Γ, shows that(12.9)

This is the form of ℐR we shall use for the first part of the upcoming analysis.


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Before stating the variational problem for Maxwell's equations, we define one further operator. For a sufficientlysmooth field u, we can define a tangential impedance boundary condition operator on ∑ as follows:(12.10)

Now we can apply the Galerkin method to obtain a variational formulation of (12.4) as we did in the introduction toChapter 4 . In particular we need to recall the subspace of H(curl; Ω) denoted by X and defined in (4.3). Then thetruncated version of problem (12.4) is to find E ∈ X such that(12.11)

Hazard and Lenoir [159] show that problem (12.11) has a unique solution for every κ > 0, and given incident field Ei.We shall shortly give a modified version of this proof suitable for our later numerical analysis. First we define the finiteelement approximation of the above equation.

We suppose that Ω has been covered by a regular mesh τh consisting of tetrahedra of maximum diameter h. Inaddition, as in Section 7.3, we need to assume that τh is quasi-uniform on ∑. On this mesh we have the standard spaceof kth-order edge elements denoted by Xh and defined in (7.1) that is derived from the space Vh of edge elementsdefined in (5.40).

For later use we need to discretize the operator ℐR defined in (12.7). Recall that we will only evaluate ℐR(E) in aneighborhood of ∑.

Definition 12.4 Let G h(x, ·) denote the matrix function for which gh,l(x, ·) is the lth column of Gh(x, ·). Then G h is anadmissible discrete dyadic Green's function if the following hold (where gl(x, ·) is the mth column of G(x, ·)) for 1 ≤ l ≤ 3:

(1) gh,l(x, ·) ∈ Vh;(2) (gh, l(x, ·))T interpolates (gl(x, ·))T on Γ (using edge and face degrees of freedom (5.36) and (5.37));(3) gh,l(x, ·) = 0 on all tetrahedra having a vertex, face or edge on ∑.

Obviously, this discretization of G(x, y) is not uniquely determined by the above requirements. For computationalconvenience, we use gh, l, l = 1, 2, 3, that decay to zero rapidly away from Γ. This minimizes the support of G h and is thereason for discretizing G.

We can now define the discretized version of the integral operator defined in (12.7) for u ∈ H(curlΩ) and x outside thesupport of Gh (in particular, for x ∈ ∑) by


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As long as x is on ∑, ℐh(u) is a smooth function of x. Hence, T(ℐh(u)) is a well defined and smooth (tangential) vectorfield on each face on ∑.

The fully discrete finite element analogue of (12.11) is to find Eh ∈ Xh such that(12.13)

Unfortunately, we have been unable to prove directly that Eh converges to E. Instead, we first analyze the convergenceof the solution of the following intermediate problem of finding E h ∈ Xh such that(12.14)

Here the operator ℐR is not discretized.

In the next section we shall show that E h is well defined and converges to the true solution E. In principle, we couldimplement (12.14) but the integral operator ℐR would become increasingly more expensive to evaluate as the mesh sizedecreases since a volume integral over a fixed volume must be evaluated. Hence we prefer to compute with (12.13),since ℐh can be constructed to only involve a skin of tetrahedra that share an edge with Γ.

12.2.1 Analysis of the schemeWe will prove that as the mesh size h decreases, the solutions of the discrete problem (12.14) approach the exactsolution of (12.11). The approach follows very closely that of Section 7.3 and is from [167] . In order to use theFredholm alternative in the analysis of the finite element formulation, we rewrite the continuous variational problem(12.11) and the discrete finite element problem (12.13) as operator equations. We recall the bilinear form a+ defined in(4.14) with εr = μr = 1 and λ = 1. Thus for u, v ∈ X we have(12.15)

Note that |a+(u, u)|1/2 is a norm on X equivalent to ║u║X.

Now recall the space X0 of divergence-free fields in X defined by (4.8). Define the operator A : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3such that for all f ∈ (L2(Ω))3, Af ∈ X0 ⊂ (L2(Ω))3 satisfies(12.16)

By the Lax–Milgram lemma, this problem is well posed. In particular, using the expression for ℐR in (12.9) shows that║T(ℐR(u))║(L


3 ≤ C║u║(L2(Ω))

3 which


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allows us to prove the continuity of a+(·, ·). The operator A plays the part of the operator K in (4.15) for the theoryhere.

Similarly, we define F ∈ X0 by(12.17)

We proceed to show that the operator problem of finding E (L2(Ω))3 such that(12.18)

is exactly equivalent to solving the Hazard–Lenoir equation (12.11). Any solution of (12.11) is divergence-free and thusif we pick a test function φ ∈ X0, we can recast (12.11) as the problem of finding E ∈ X0 such that

Hence, in X, E + AE - F = 0 and this certainly implies equality in (L2(Ω))3. Conversely, if we have a solution E ∈

(L2(Ω))3 of

then, since E = F - AE, we know that E ∈ X0. Therefore, E satisfies

which is the Hazard–Lenoir equation (12.11). This shows the equivalence of the operator equation (12.18) and theHazard–Lenoir equation (12.11).

Hazard and Lenoir prove the compactness of A as an operator from X0 to X0. We need to perform the analysis in(L2(Ω))3, since X0, h ⊄ X0. In fact, A is compact as a map from (L2(Ω))3 to (L2(Ω))3 as the next lemma shows.

Lemma 12.5 The map A : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3is compact.

Proof By the Lax–Milgram lemma, A is well defined and bounded as a map from (L2(Ω))3 into X0. Theorem 4.7 showsthat X0 is compactly embedded in (L2(Ω))3. This proves the compactness of A. □

Using this lemma we can see that (12.18) is a Fredholm equation on (L2(Ω))3. Theorem 10.1 implies that there is atmost one solution and hence (12.18) has a unique solution E in X (this is a third proof of the existence of a solution tothe exterior scattering problem in this book!).

Now we write the discrete problem (12.14) as an operator equation. We define the operator Ãh : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3 asthe straightforward discrete analogue of A. By this we mean that for a given f ∈ (L2(Ω))3, the function Ãhf ∈ X0, h


We can also define Fh ∈ X0, h by(12.20)

The operator Ãh and vector Fh are well defined by the Lax–Milgram lemma.


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We can now pose the problem of finding E h ∈ (L2(Ω))3 such that(12.21)

Assuming that such a solution can be found, Eh = Fh - ÃhE h ∈ X0,h. As a first step in our analysis of this problem, weneed to demonstrate that as the mesh size h decreases, the discrete operator Ãh converges pointwise to A. This is thecontent of the next lemma, the proof of which is rather classical (see [179]).

Lemma 12.6 For fixed f ∈ (L2(Ω))3, Ãhf → Af in X as h → 0.

Proof This follows by the same argument used to prove Theorem 7.11. □

As we saw in Section 7.3, the pointwise convergence of Ãh to A is not sufficient to conclude that the operator (I + Ãh)is invertible. We use collective compactness to provide the missing ingredient in the convergence proof (as in Section7.3.2).

Let ∧ be a countable set of positive real numbers whose only accumulation point is at zero. We assume that the meshsize h ∈ ∧ and hence that there is a sequence of mesh sizes hn → 0 as n → ∞.

Lemma 12.7 Assuming that the mesh is regular and quasi-uniform on ∑, the set of operators {Ãh}h∈∧is collectively compact considered asmaps from (L2(Ω))3to (L2(Ω))3.

Proof The proof is essentially that of Theorem 7.14 using Theorem 7.18. □

We can now analyze the operator-based problems (12.18) and (12.21) which are to find E ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and E h ∈ (L2(Ω))3such that

for h ∈ ∧. We have the following theorem.

Theorem 12.8 Let τh be a regular triangulation of Ω that is quasi-uniform on ∑. Under the conditions on the domain in Section4.2,and assuming εr = μr = 1, we have the following result. For h ∈ ∧ sufficiently small, (I + Ãh)-1exists and is uniformly bounded as a mapfrom (L2(Ω))3to (L2(Ω))3. The following error estimate

holds, with C independent of h, E and F.

Proof This follows the proof of Theorem 7.24. □

Theorem 12.9Under the conditions ofTheorem 12.8and provided h ∈ ∧ is small enough, the discrete variational problem (12.14) hasa unique solution E h ∈ Xh. Furthermore,

In general, E h → E in X as h → 0.


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Proof From the previous theorem, E h is proved to exist uniquely. It remains to estimate the error in X. The proof thenfollows that of Theorem 7.25. In this case, because of the special right-hand side, the function p appearing in Theorem7.25 vanishes. □

This result can be made more specific provided the solution is regular enough.


for some s ≥ 0 with norm

Then the error estimate of Theorem (12.9) can be written as shown below.

Corollary 12.10 If F, AE ∈ Hs(curl;Ω) for some , then

Remark 12.11 For a Lipschitz polyhedral domain, the best we can generally expect is that the above regularity requirements hold for somes with but possibly with s less than 1.

12.2.2 The fully discrete problemThe discretization we have considered to this point is not optimal for implementation, since ℐR is expensive tocompute. We prefer to use (12.13) in place of (12.14). Let us define Ah : (L2(Ω))3 → (L2(Ω))3 such that if f ∈ (L2(Ω))3,then Ahf ∈ X0, h satisfies(12.22)

Then (12.13) is equivalent to solving(12.23)

In order to prove convergence, we make a specific choice of G h. We choose Gh to interpolate G onΩ (as a function ofy). Using this choice, we can prove the following lemma.

Lemma 12.12There is a constant C such that for any u ∈ X,

where k is the order of the edge finite elements used to build Xh.


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Proof By the definition of Ah and Ãh,

Thus, ║(Ah - Ãh)u║X ≤ C ║T(ℐh(u) - ℐR(u))║(L2(∑))

3. However, for any derivative Dx with respect to x, for any x ∈ ∑,

But since DxG is smooth when x ≠ y, and G h interpolates G, we may use the first interpolation estimate in Theorem5.41 to show that ║Dx(Gh - G )║X ≤ Chk and we are done. □

Next we verify that (I + Ãh) is invertible as a map from X to X.

Lemma 12.13 For all h sufficiently small, the operator (I + Ãh) is invertible with a uniformly bounded inverse as a map from X to X.

Proof We have already seen that this lemma holds with (L2(Ω))3 in place of X. Now let u ∈ (L2(Ω))3 solve u + Ãhu = Ffor some F ∈ X. Then, since u = F - Ãhu ∈ X, we may estimate

Thus, ║(I + Ãh)-1F║X ≤ C║F║X, and we are done. □

Now we can prove that (12.23) has a unique solution that is close to the solution E h of (12.14).

Theorem 12.14 Under the conditions on the domain, mesh and data inTheorem 12.9and provided h is sufficiently small, eqn (12.23)(or, equivalently, (12.13)) has a unique solution Eh ∈ Xh, and if E h is the solution of (12.14) with G hchosen to interpolate G, then

Remark 12.15 As a result of this theorem, we can conclude that Eh satisfies the error estimates inTheorem 12.9andCorollary 12.10.

Proof of Theorem 12.14 In Lemma 12.13 we have already verified that (I +Ãh) is invertible as a map from X to X andthe inverse is uniformly bounded. Since

we have (I + Ch)Eh = (I + Ãh)-1Fh, where Ch = (I + Ãh)-1(Ah - Ãh) and hence using Lemma 12.12 ║Ch║X → X ≤ Chk < 1 forh sufficiently small. This


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implies, via Theorem 2.27, that (I + Ch) is invertible with bounded inverse in X and hence Eh exists.

We have

so that, using Lemma 12.12 and the boundedness of (I + Ãh)-1, we have

Thus, we can conclude that Theorem 12.9 holds for Eh. □

We now show that Eh is the unique solution of the discrete problem regardless of how the discrete Green's dyadic ischosen, providing it is admissible according to Definition 12.4.

Lemma 12.16Suppose Ghis admissible according to Definition 12.4. Then, under the conditions ofTheorem 12.9and provided h issmall enough, eqn (12.13) has a unique solution.

Proof Suppose Eh is the solution of (12.13) corresponding to the special choice of G h that interpolates G (shown to bethe unique solution of (12.13) with this discrete Green's dyadic by Theorem 12.14). We denote this choice of discreteGreen's dyadic by . Suppose that is another admissible discrete Green's dyadic. Let denote the operatorin (12.12) using . We first show that By definition

Now the lth column of and since interpolates gl on Γ, the tangential component ofthe difference vanishes there. Hence, , and so since on ∑ we have from the definition ofEh in (12.13) and using the test function

and so . Thus, Eh satisfies (12.13) with . Reversing the argument, we see that if satisfies (12.13)with , then it also satisfies (12.13) with . Hence by the uniqueness of the solution of (12.13) in this case,

, and we are done. □


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12.2.3 Computational considerationsNow we shall show why (12.13) helps in the discretization of this problem. Let be a basis for Xh. Usually thisbasis would be constructed using the degrees of freedom (5.33), but other choices are possible [234] . Then we canexpress Eh ∈ Xh as

and we may write the variational equation (12.13) as a matrix equation. Let and let S and L be Nh × Nn

matrices with

for 1 ≤ l, m ≤ Nh. Let be the vector with Fl = 〈T(Ei), ξl〉 for 1 ≤ l ≤ Nh. Then(12.24)

Our analysis guarantees that S + L is invertible for h sufficiently small, but S + L is not particularly well structuredfrom the point of view of numerical linear algebra. It is non-definite and non-symmetric.

The matrix S is somewhat better behaved than L. It is sparse and symmetric (but not Hermitian). It corresponds to thestandard discretization of the interior problem studied in Chapter 7 and is also invertible for h sufficiently small. Ingeneral, S has O(Nh) non-zero entries.

If we choose G h to interpolate zero away from Γ, then ℐh(ξj) vanishes when ξj is zero on all tetrahedra sharing an edgewith Γ. Thus, Ll,m ≠ 0 only if ξl is associated with an edge or face on ∑ and ξm is associated with a tetrahedron touchingΓ. For a quasi-uniform mesh, we expect edges and faces on ∑ and tetrahedra to touch Γ. Hence, L has

non-zero entries which is far more than S. Thus, L is very expensive to compute and store. This suggests that(12.24) should be solved by an iterative technique (e.g. GMRES) and then only the action of L needs to be computed.We expect that this can be computed rapidly using the fast multipole method [263] to yield a fast overall solver. In fact,Liu and Jin [212] have done this using a method that is closely related to the one outlined in this section. Liu and Jindivide the computational domain into two subdomains separated by a surface C containing the scatterer D in itsinterior. Then they use a variational formulation computing E inside C and H outside C. The integral representation(12.2) is used on C to obtain the boundary condition on the artificial boundary ∑. Since E has a tangential trace frominside C and H has a tangential trace from outside C, enough data are available on C to apply (12.2) directly. They thensolve the coupled problems


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by an iterative scheme. Applied to our case, this iterative scheme would require to guess and then compute, forsome γ with 0 < γ ≤ 1, and n = 0, 1, 2…,

At each step of this iterative scheme, the term can be evaluated using the fast multipole method (without theneed for evaluating near interactions in the fast multipole method). Then is evaluated by solving the interiorfinite element problem (in Liu and Jin's case using a multi-frontal solver). At least for Liu and Jin's formulation, fastconvergence is observed.

12.3 Perfectly conducting half spaceNext we consider the case where the electromagnetic field is confined to the upper half space denoted by

The lower half space is assumed to be occupied by a perfect conductor and that the scattered electric field Es in theupper half space satisfies the boundary condition(12.25)

where ∑0 = {x ∈ ℝ3 | x3 = 0}. We denote the lower half space by .

The choice of boundary condition in (12.25) requires some comment. We shall use an incident field Ei that satisfies theperfect conducting boundary condition on ∑0. Thus Ei × v = 0 on ∑0 and so if the total field E = Ei + Es, then Es × v= (Ei + Es) × v = E × v = 0.

Our goal is to obtain an integral representation of the electric field in outside any scatterers present there. Letbe a bounded Lipschitz domain with connected complement such that . We suppose that Es satisfies Maxwell'sequations in so that(12.26)

with the perfectly conducting boundary condition (12.25) on ∑0 and the Silver–Müller radiation condition (9.14)holding uniformly for all directions in (i.e. the upper half of the unit sphere).

This field can be represented by an integral of the form (12.2) provided we obtain a suitable dyadic Green's functionfor the half space problem. In particular we seek a 3 × 3 matrix function Gpec(x, y) such that for each fixed ,(12.27)

Here ∇y × Gpec is understood column by column as in the previous section. In addition, again defining the indicatedquantity column by column(12.28)


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where the limit holds uniformly for x in a compact subset of and for all directions ŷ in the upper half of the unitsphere.

This problem is considered by Sommerfeld in [273] where equations (12.27)–(12.29) are suggested as a model of adipole antenna over sea water (obviously a calm day!). Following Sommerfeld, we can construct Gpec from our existingGreen's dyadic G. To do this, we shall need to use mirror image points reflected by the plane ∑0 so that(12.30)

Suppose Gpec has columns gpec,1, gpec,2 and gpec,3 then(12.31a)




To verify that this Green's dyadic actually solves (12.27)–(12.29), we note that both G(x, ·) and G(x′, ·) satisfy (12.27)for y ≠ x, and G(x′, ·) is smooth for all so only G(x, ·) contributes to the singularity at y = x in (12.27). Also eachterm of Gpec satisfies the radiation condition (12.29). Finally, to show that (12.28) is satisfied, we can perform a directcalculation (by MAPLE preferably) or use the diagram in Fig. 12.1 (similar to Fig. 27 from [273]).

Now using essentially the proof of Theorem 12.2 (and using an argument like that in the proof of Theorem 9.1), wecan obtain the following result.

Theorem 12.17Suppose Es ∈ Hloc(curl;ℝ3 \ D) is a radiating solution of the homogeneous Maxwell's equations in satisfying theperfectly conducting boundary condition on ∑0. Then for each , the representation formula (12.2) holds with G replaced by Gpecandℝ3 \ D replaced by

Now we describe two commonly used incident waves. The incident waves must satisfy Maxwell's equations in thebackground medium (i.e. in the upper half plane) and obey the perfectly conducting boundary condition on ∑0.

(1) Point Source We suppose that a dipole point source with polarization p ∈ ℝ3, |p| ≠ 0, is located at Thefield due to this dipole point source is given by(12.32)

Clearly, this field satisfies(12.33)


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Fig. 12.1. How the dipole source and its mirror image sum to produce a field satisfying the perfect conductingboundary condition on ∑0 (i.e. where x3 = 0). Two cases are shown: a vertically polarized dipole, and a horizontallypolarized dipole. The vector construction indicates how the fields due to the dipole at x′ and its mirror point cancel on∑0. This explains why the sign change is needed comparing the expressions for gpec, 1 in (12.31a) and gpec, 3 in (12.31c).



Thus, Ei satisfies the homogeneous Maxwell's equations in D and in a neighborhood of D and the perfectlyconducting boundary condition on ∑0. It is important that the incident field satisfies Maxwell's equations andthe boundary condition on ∑0 for the method we shall describe to work. The Silver–Müller radiation conditionis specified just to allow a unique identification of Ei in terms of Gpec. Of course, by adding or integratingincident fields from point sources, we can also handle multiple sources or even a distributed current density.

(2) Plane Wave If the source point xp is very far from the scatterer D, the incident waves are approximately planewaves. The basic plane wave (1.20) has to be modified to allow for reflection at ∑0 to satisfy (12.34). In this case,we have the incident wave(12.36)

Here the polarization p and direction of propagation d satisfy |d| = 1, p ≠ 0 and p · d = 0. It is easy to see that

If x3 = 0, taking into account that υ = (0,0,1)⊺,


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Thus, the incident field given in (12.36) satisfies Maxwell's equations in a neighborhood of D together with theperfectly conducting boundary condition on ∑0 as required for our integral representation.

Now given an incident field Ei defined by (12.32) or (12.36) the total field E and scattered field Es satisfy(12.37a)




where F = pδx0, x0 ∉ D, if (12.32) is used and F = 0 if (12.36) is used. Note that on ∑0

so · Es also satisfies the perfectly conducting boundary condition on ∑0. Thus, Es can be represented by the integralformula in Theorem 12.17 which is our goal. We could now proceed to verify uniqueness of the solution of (12.37).Truncating the problem as in the previous section with G replaced by Gpec (see (12.11)), and then applying theFredholm theory as in the previous section, we could verify existence of a solution to this problem. The finite elementmethod given by (12.13) can then be used (and proved to converge), provided the finite element mesh is contained in

and G is replaced by Gpec.

12.4 Layered mediumIn this section, we study scattering from objects in a layered background medium. For simplicity (it also corresponds toour research interests), we will only study a medium with two layers. For multiple layers, see [288, 248, 67]. We start byderiving a special solution of Maxwell's equations in a layered medium (without scatterers). This will later be used as anincident or incoming wave for the scattering calculation. Next we derive the dyadic Green's function for the layeredmedium. As in the previous sections of this chapter, each column of the dyadic Green's function is the solution ofMaxwell's equations due to a dipole point source. Finally, we use the dyadic Green's function in a representationtheorem as in Corollary 12.2.

12.4.1 Incident plane wavesWe are going to calculate how a plane waves interact with the layered medium. This solution will serve as an incidentfield for the scattering problem. We emphasize that we must always use incident fields that satisfy the Maxwell'sequations for the background medium. The scattered field is then the perturbation of the incident field due to thescatterer alone (some authors differ on the splitting of incident and scattered fields). The geometry of the problem isshown in Fig. 12.2 .


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Fig. 12.2. The directions and geometry of scattering of plane waves from the interface between two different media inthe upper and lower half space.

A plane wave propagating with direction vector d (|d| = 1) is incident from above (so d3 < 0). It gives rise to areflected wave with direction d′ and a transmitted wave with direction d(-).

For now we assume that d × e3 ≠ 0. Then we can define vectors l and m by

The three-tuple (d, l, m) forms an orthonormal coordinate system in ℝ3. In the absence of the layered medium, theincident field (which must be polarized orthogonal to d) can be written as (α0l + β0m) exp(iκx · d), where κ is thewavenumber in the region x3 > 0 (assumed real and positive). With the layer present, this field will be reflected andtransmitted at the interface x3 = 0 and we want to compute this field in ℝ3. By linearity we can consider the twopolarizations l and m separately.

Parallel incidence In this case α0 = 0 and β0 ≠ 0. Again, in the absence of the layer, the incident magnetic field is given by

Thus, the polarization of the incident magnetic field is parallel to the plane x3 = 0 (hence the term “parallel incidence”)and it turns out to be easier to work in terms of the magnetic field. In the presence of the layer, the magnetic field Hi,now including reflected and transmitted components, is given by(12.38)

Here d = (d1, d2, d3)⊺ and, as usual, the image point d′ = (d1, d2, - d3)⊺. The index of refraction of the lower half plane iswith . The vector d(-) ∈ ℂ3 satisfies d(-) · d(-) = 1. The unknown coefficients β1 and β2 measure the

magnitude of the reflected and transmitted waves respectively.

To determine β1, β2 and d(-), we impose the continuity conditions. Continuity of e3 × Hi on ∑0 implies


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Since this must hold for all x1 and x2 we need(12.39)

From this we can compute d(-), since

Hence, is determined by requiring that and that the sign of and ℜ(d3) agree so that thetransmitted wave propagates downwards and does not grow as x3 tends to -∞.

In addition, we need(12.40)

Next we impose the boundary condition on Ei = -(1/iκεr)∇ × Hi (where εr = 1 if x3 > 0). Using (12.39), the continuityof e3 × Ei at x3 = 0 implies

Taking the dot product with l and using the fact that e3 · l = 0 gives(12.41)

Solving (12.40) and (12.41) for β1 and β2 gives

This completes our determination of Hi (and hence Ei) under parallel incidence.

Perpendicular Incidence: Now we consider the case when β0 = 0 and α0 ≠ 0. In the absence of the layer the full incidentelectric field is given by α0l exp(iκx · d). Then in the presence of the layer the full incident field, including transmittedand reflected waves, is given by(12.42)

with the same notation as in the previous section. Continuity of e3 × E at x3 = 0 implies that


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Hence, as before, (12.39) holds and we are correct in using the same notation d(−) in both cases. In addition, similarly to(12.40), we have

But Hi = (1/iκ)∇ × Ei, so continuity of e3 × Hi at x3 = 0 implies

Proceeding as in the previous section we compute

This completes our determination of plane wave scattering by a plane interface. The incident field includingtransmitted and reflected components is considered to be the “incident wave” for this formulation.

12.4.2 The dyadic Green's functionNext we turn our attention to computing the dyadic Green's function for the layered medium. First we need tounderstand the free space Green's dyadic G a little more. Suppose u is any locally smooth solution of the vectorHelmholtz equation so that ∇u + κ2u = 0 component-wise. Then if we define

and use the fact that ∇ × ∇ × v = −Δv + ∇∇ · v we can easily verify that v is a divergence free solution of Maxwell'sequations ∇ × (∇ × v) - κ2v = 0. The vector u is called a Hertz vector. For free space, the Green's dyadic is G, and wesee that the first column g1 is given by

where the Hertz vector Π is given by Π = (Φ(x, y), 0, 0)⊤. A similar representation can be given for the other twocolumns of G.

Thus, the columns of the free space dyadic Green's function can be constructed from solutions of the vectorHelmholtz equation which simplifies computing the expressions for this dyadic. Of course, this is essentially a formalprocess and once the Green's dyadic has been computed, it is then necessary to check its properties to ensure that theformal approach has computed the desired matrix. This is the approach followed by Sommerfeld [273] in the case weare considering, and generalized in [288] for multiple stratifications.


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Let us denote by GL the Green's dyadic for the layered medium with the lth column denoted by gL,l, 1 ≤ l ≤ 3. Weconsider two cases: the first is a vertically polarized dipole source (l = 3) and the second more complex case ishorizontally polarized (l = 1, 2). We follow [273] but modify the result in order to obtain the dyadic.

First we wish to compute the third column of the dyadic Green's function GL, denoted by gL,3, which satisfies(12.43)


where ŷ = y/|y|, and n(y) = n(y3), is the index of refraction given by

Here we are using y as the independent variable, since, by tradition, x denotes the position of the source (verticallypolarized since it is in the direction e3).

Because the source is normal to the interface ∑0, symmetry considerations suggest that the Hertz vectorΠ for gL,3 willbe Π = (0, 0, Π3)⊤. Near the source, we wish Π to have the singular behavior ofΦ(x, y), but this needs to be correctedby a “secondary field” to allow for reflections from the interface at y3 = 0. So we write

and , where is a smooth solution of the Helmholtz equation

Similarly, is a smooth solution of

Using cylindrical polar coordinates with origin at (x1, x2, 0)⊤ having coordinates denoted by (ρ, θ, y3), where

we see that and must satisfy(12.45a)


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Here we have used symmetry to conclude that and (i.e. there is no dependence on the angle θof the polar coordinates). If we define

with real part of μ± positive (take care: μ± is not magnetic permeability!), we see that the equations in (12.45) havelinearly independent solutions,

where J0 and Y0 are cylindrical Bessel functions of order zero (see [93]). Because the functions and are boundedat ρ = 0, we reject the solution involving Y0. Furthermore, for to be bounded as y3 → , we must choose thenegative exponential solution and write by superposition (a similar argument picks the function for )(12.46a)


Here we have introduced a convenient factor exp(-μ+x3) independent of y in both integrals. To complete ourdetermination of gL, 3 when x3 > 0, we need to express Φ(x, y) as an integral (Fourier-Bessel expansion). FromSommerfeld [273] (see Sections 21B and 31B),

where, as before, and (positive real part). Thus, for y3 > 0,(12.47)

Next, we determine a(λ) and b(λ) from the transmission conditions at y3 = 0. Recalling that(12.48a)


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and using the fact that Π has only a third component depending on ρ and y3, we see that the continuity of e3 × gL, 3 ande3 × (∇ × gL, 3) is implied by the conditions

Integrating with respect to ρ, we see that these conditions are satisfied if

Hence, using (12.46) and (12.47), we require

These equations can be solved to obtain


and this can be rewritten, for x3 > 0, y3 > 0, as

As we might expect, gL, 3 is a perturbation of the third column of the Green's dyadic Gpec for a perfectly conducting halfspace problem.

For x3 > 0 and y3 < 0,

A similar calculation gives gL, 3 for x3 < 0 and any y3. We obtain


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where we recall .

Now we want to compute the field due to a horizontal dipole. With no loss of generality, we can assume that the dipoleis directed along the e1-axis. The other case, directed along the e2-axis, is obtained by rotation. Thus, we want tocompute gL, 1 which satisfies(12.49a)


where gL, 1 is considered as a function of y and , is fixed. In this case, we cannot simply assume that the Hertzvector Π has one component as we did in the previous section. Instead, it turns out that Π = (Π1, 0, Π3)⊤. As before,we separate into primary (singular fields) and secondary fields. We write

Here we have again used the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation to provide the necessary singularity. Inaddition

The functions and are non-singular solutions of the Helmholtz equations in , inand so on (the solutions are smooth away from the plane y3 = 0). The components Π1 and Π3 are only coupled at

the interface and as before boundary conditions are provided by requiring that tangential components of gL, 1 given bythe analogue of (12.48) are continuous. By requiring continuity of the first component of gL, 1, we have, at y3 = 0,

and by enforcing continuity of the second component,

These conditions are satisfied if, at y3 = 0, we have(12.50)


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In addition, continuity of tangential components of ∇y × gL, 1 requires

These are satisfied if, at y3 = 0,(12.52)


The boundary conditions (12.50)–(12.53) are such that we can solve for and then compute . Furthermore, itturns out that we can assume that is independent of the angular coordinate θ.

As in our derivation of Π3 in the case of a vertical dipole, we can write, for y3 > 0,

and, for y3 > 0,

The transmission conditions (12.50) and (12.53) are satisfied if

Solving for a+(λ) and b(λ), we obtain

Again we see that Π1 is a perturbation of the corresponding Hertz vector for the perfectly conducting half space.


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We now wish to determine . The boundary condition (12.51) yields

But we are trying to solve (12.49) using cylindrical polar coordinates, so we need to express ∂/∂y1 in that coordinatesystem:

where θ is the angle coordinate (i.e. angle between e1 and y). So(12.54)

We thus cannot assume that has no angular dependence. Instead, we build the angular dependence by using J1(λρ)cosθ exp(-μy3) as the basic solution of the Helmholtz equations satisfied by . Hence,

Here c(λ), d(λ) are coefficients to be determined. Condition (12.52) yields c(λ) = d(λ) and condition (12.54) yields

Since J′0 = -J1 [203], we have

Multiplying top and bottom by μ+ - μ- and using the definition of μ+ and μ-, we have

This completes our determination of gL, 1 for x3 > 0 (and by rotation gL, 2 for x3 > 0). The case of gL, 1 and gL, 2 for x3 < 0 isleft to the reader!


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12.4.3 Reduction to a bounded domainWe now wish to use a representation theorem like that used in the previous sections to reduce the scattering problemto a problem posed on a bounded domain. We assume, as discussed in Section 1.3, that the background medium hastwo regions. In the upper half space , the medium is air, while the lower half space is occupied by earth, which ismodeled as a uniform conducting medium. We assume that the air and earth have the same magnetic properties, sothat μr = 1 [273] .

Let the refractive index n be defined by

with ℑ(n) ≥ 0. Then we seek to compute a total field E ∈ Hloc(curl; R3) such that(12.55)

Here F is a function of compact support in . In general, we could allow a distributed source, but we have in mindeither F = 0 (plane wave) or F = pδx0 for some p ∈ R3, p ≠ 0 and (point source). The scatterer is abounded, simply connected domain such that R3 \ D is simply connected. Extensions to more general topologicalsettings are possible. On the surface of the scatter Γ, we impose the perfect conducting boundary condition(12.56)

The total field E is the sum of the incident and scattered field (Ei and Es respectively)(12.57)

where Ei is a smooth solution of Maxwell's equations in a neighborhood of D and satisfies

Note that the usual transmission conditions are satisfied on ∑0. In the case F = 0, we have Ei given by (12.38) or(12.42), whereas if F = pδx0, we have where GL is the dyadic Green's function for the layered medium. Finally,Es satisfies the integral radiation condition(12.58)

To reduce this problem to a variational problem posed on a bounded domain we introduce a Lipschitz smooth andconnected surface ∑ containing D in its


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interior. We assume the added restrictions that and that the domain Ω inside ∑ and outside D is simplyconnected.

We now need to derive a boundary condition on ∑. For this we follow Cutzach and Hazard [111] and use the integralrepresentation proposed previously in Section 12.2. Using Γ = ∂D as the surface for the integral representation (12.2),we obtain, for x ∈ R3 \ D,

Now, since both the columns of GL and the function Ei are smooth solutions of the homogeneous Maxwell system inD we have

and so

But, using the perfectly conducting boundary condition, the last term in the integral vanishes, so we have(12.59)

This representation is not sufficient for deriving a finite element method, since we need to allow more general fields Ein H(curl; Ω). Hence, as in Section 12.2, we extend the domain of the integral operator in (12.59). To this end let

be such that χ = 0 in a neighborhood of ∑ and outside ∑ and suppose χ = 1 on Γ. Then

Here we have used the integration-by-parts formula (3.51) and have taken into account that v points out of D. As inSection 12.2, let G L(x, y) = χ(y)GL(x, y)


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where is such that X = 1 in a neighborhood of Γ and X = 0 in a neighborhood of ∑. Then using the fact thatE satisfies the Maxwell system (12.55) with F = 0 in Ω, we have

As before, we define, for u ∈ H(curl; Ω) and x outside the support of X,(12.60)

We have proved the following lemma.

Lemma 12.18 Let E ∈ Hloc(curl; ℝ3 \ D) satisfy (12.55)-(12.58). Then, for x outside the support of X, we have(12.61)

In order to apply the arguments developed in Section 12.2, we need to extend the operator ℐ to functions in (L2(Ω))3.We note that GL(x, y) is smooth when x is not in the support of X. Hence, using integration by parts, for u ∈ H(curl;Ω)such that v × u = 0 on Γ, we obtain the regularized operator ℐR defined by

Using this identity we see that ℐR(u) is well defined and continuous for u ∈ (L2(Ω))3 and agrees with ℐR(u) defined in(12.60) when u ∈ H(curl; Ω).

Now using the space X defined in (4.3), and using the representation for E given by (12.61), we see that we need tocompute E ∈ X such that(12.62)



where F = pδx0 in the case of a point source (in the upper half space) and F = 0 for a plane wave. Here we haveimposed the impedance boundary condition on ∑. Thus, the ℐR operator gives a perturbation of the absorbingboundary condition considered in Section 13.5.


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Using the standard Galerkin strategy of multiplying (12.62) by the complex conjugate of φ ∈ X and integrating byparts, then using (12.63) and (12.64), we obtain the problem of finding E ∈ X such that(12.65)

where the impedance operator Tn is given by

This is essentially the operator T from (12.10) but allowing for the fact that . Note that, if , then Ei(x) =GL(x0, x)p, and if Ei is a plane wave as constructed in Section 12.4.1 then F = 0. In either case Ei satisfies thebackground layered medium Maxwell system.

We could now proceed to analyze this variational problem as we did for the simpler problem in Section 12.2. Usingasymptotic methods, Cutzach and Hazard [111] show that any solution E of (12.65), extended to ℝ3\Ω by (12.61),satisfies the radiation condition (12.58). Hence, a solution of (12.65) is a weak solution of the scattering problem. As inSection 12.2, eqn (12.65) can then be expressed as a Fredholm equation on X0. The uniqueness result of [111] thenallows us to conclude the existence of a solution to (12.65). The finite element error analysis can be applied to thediscretization of (12.65) obtained by replacing X by Xh (see (7.1)), and we can conclude that Theorem 12.9 holdsprovided Ω is covered by a regular mesh of elements that are quasi-uniform on ∑.


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13.1 IntroductionThe intention of this rather ambitious chapter is to discuss some issues related to practical aspects of solving Maxwell'sequations. We start with a very important problem: how to solve the linear system resulting from an edge finite elementdiscretization of Maxwell's equations (see Section 13.2). This is a major problem since the matrix for this linear systemis complex and sparse (and often symmetric) but not Hermitian or definite. Hence many of the standard approachesare not applicable. We discuss the use of an overlapping Schwarz algorithm. Multigrid methods have also been tried[118] . Nevertheless, much remains to be done to arrive at a fast solver.

After discussing the solution of the linear system, we consider the problem of the wavenumber dependence of errorestimates. This forces us to confront the problem of “phase error” which is, perhaps, the dominant cause of error inthe computed solution for coarse grids. In particular, the wavelength of the wave in a numerical simulation will not beprecisely correct. Thus, the numerical wave will become out of phase with the true solution as the wave transits aregion (see Section 13.3).

Related to phase error is the difficulty of assessing the error in a numerical solution. There are many schemes forproviding an a posteriori error estimate for finite element methods for parabolic and uniformly elliptic problems. Thesetend not to work so well for time-harmonic problems on coarse grids, since constants in the a posteriori estimatesdepend on the wavenumber κ. In addition, local error indicators do not necessarily show where to refine a mesh, sincephase error can build up slowly across a domain. In Section 13.4 we derive a residual-based error estimator and discussthe problem further.

In Section 13.5 we return to the problem of how to approximate the solution of an exterior scattering problem via aboundary value problem posed on a bounded domain. In Chapters 10 - 12 this was done by using elaborate schemesfor approximating the Calderon operator. Here we consider three other approaches. In particular, we examine furtherthe standard absorbing boundary condition, a less standard infinite element approach and finally the justly celebratedBérenger perfectly matched layer (PML).

Lastly, in Section 13.6 we describe a special post-processing issue related to Maxwell's equations. Often the desiredoutput from a Maxwell solver is an estimate of the far field pattern of the scattered wave. We show how to apply fluxrecovery techniques to extract a high order approximation to the far field

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Necessarily a great deal of important work has been neglected in this section. I have tried to put the issues examinedhere into perspective, but there is much less analysis here, and much that remains to be done.

13.2 Solution of the linear systemWe now want to discuss how to solve the linear system derived from the finite element approximation of Maxwell'sequations. Unlike the situation for uniformly elliptic problems where methods such as multigrid [282] are available, theproblem of solving our linear system is less well understood.

For simplicity we shall not discuss the full scattering problem here. The principal difficulty is visible on a simple modelproblem. Thus, let us consider the perfect conducting cavity problem of finding E on a bounded domain Ω such that

As usual, this is cast into variational form as the problem of finding E ∈ H0(curl; Ω) such that

For this section we have no impedance boundary condition, and εr = μr = 1. Hence the general sesquilinear form adefined in (4.5) reduces to a(u, v) = (▿ x u, ▿ x υ) - κ2(u, υ). In Chapter 4 we presented a detailed existence anduniqueness study of this problem. In this chapter we assume that κ is not an interior Maxwell eigenvalue and Ω is asimply connected Lipschitz polyhedron with connected boundary Γ = ∂Ω.

As we have seen in Chapter 7 the problem of finding a finite element approximation is developed as follows. Wesuppose that we have a family of finite element meshes τh, h > 0, of regular geometric elements. For concreteness weassume that they are regular tetrahedra, but hexahedra with edges parallel to the coordinate axis are also permissible.Let Xh ⊂ H0(curl; Ω) be the degree-k edge space on these elements given by eqn (7.1). We then want to find Eh ∈ Xh

such that(13.1)

From Chapter 7 we know that this problem is well posed provided h is small enough, and Eh → E as h → 0 in H(curl;Ω).

Now let us expand Eh using the edge finite element space basis functions for Xh defined via the degrees of freedom forthe element (having first introduced a numbering of those degrees of freedom). Then we can write


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where Nh is the number of degrees of freedom for functions in Xh, and are the basis functions. For example whenk = 1, the degrees of freedom are associated with the edges in the mesh and hence Nh is given by the number ofinterior edges in the mesh. Using (13.2) in (13.1), we see that the problem of solving (13.1) is equivalent to solving thematrix problem(13.3)

where Ah is the Nh x Nh matrix with

The vector has lth entry Fl = (F, χl), 1 ≤ lh ≤ Nh, and

From Corollary 7.3, we know that Ah is invertible if h is small enough but although, in this case, Ah is symmetric it isnot positive definitive due to the presence of the term -κ2(χm, χl) in its definition. Usually, for scattering problems, Ah issparse, complex, but neither symmetric nor Hermitian. For the Helmholtz equation, the corresponding bilinear form ispositive definite for κ sufficiently small and only loses definiteness as κ increases beyond the first Dirichlet eigenvalueof the domain. For Maxwell's equations, due to the fact that the curl of the gradient of a function vanishes, the bilinearform is indefinite for any κ > 0, no matter how small.

One approach is to solve (13.3) using, for example, sparse LU factorization [146] . However, as Nh grows, the amountof work and memory (usually memory is the deciding factor) needed for the factorization renders this approachinfeasible. We are thus motivated to consider using an iterative solver. We could hope to use the simple Richardsonscheme of generating a sequence of vectors , n = 0, 1, 2, …, from an initial guess using the iteration

where αn > 0 is a parameter to be chosen. The iteration matrix for this procedure is M = I - αnAh, and since Ah isindefinite there is no reason to suppose it is possible to choose αn so that the spectral radius of I - αnAh, denoted by ρ(I -αnAh), satisfies the necessary condition for convergence that ρ(I - αnAh) < 1. Even if such a choice is possible, we need tochoose αn = O(h2), since the largest eigenvalues of Ah are O(1/h2), as is suggested by Gerschgorin's theorem. Thus,convergence will be extremely slow.


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One way around this is to construct a matrix Bh, called a preconditioner, and use the iteration(13.4)

We want to choose Bh such that BhAh ∼ I or, more precisely, such that ρ(I - BhAh) < 1 uniformly in h, so that the iterativemethod converges at roughly the same rate regardless of h. In order to be useful, Bh must also be easy to compute sothat each step of the iteration is relatively efficient. For example, it would be desirable to have the number of floatingpoint operations expended to compute be roughly the same as the number needed to compute for generalvectors and .

One easy method to construct Bh is the incomplete LU (ILU) decomposition. It is necessary to allow for considerablefill in for this approach to work (in particular, the level-zero ILU decomposition is often singular), but such apreconditioner can be effective. Of course, for large problems, this approach also becomes prohibitively expensive. Forstandard uniformly elliptic problems like Laplace's equation, typical methods for constructing Bh include the multigridmethod and the Schwarz methods.

Multigrid methods have been derived and analyzed for finite element subspaces in H(div;Ω) and H(curl;Ω), byHiptmair [161] and Arnold et al. [18] . The analysis of these methods, which uses tools like those found in Chapter 7,shows that for the coercive problem of finding E ∈ H0(curl;Ω) such that(13.5)

these multigrid methods can be very effective. There is also ample computational evidence to this effect [262] . Weshould point out that, although (13.5) does not arise in time-harmonic scattering theory, it arises as part of an implicitmethod for solving the time domain Maxwell equations.

For the non-coercive Helmholtz and Maxwell equations, a new problem appears. Due to the indefiniteness of theproblem there is a coarse level mesh below which the discrete equations lose the necessary properties for convergenceof the iterative scheme (we know they also lose accuracy if the number of grid points per wavelength drops too low —see Section 13.3). Thus, the multigrid mesh coarsening strategy must stop at a grid that is still fine enough to resolvethe wave and this has an adverse impact on multigrid efficiency. Non-standard methods have been suggested foravoiding this problem (see [204] for an interesting suggestion applied to the Helmholtz equation).

The same problem also afflicts the Schwarz methods for Maxwell's equations [68, 280, 281, 147]. In these methods, aglobal coarse grid (but not too coarse) is needed to obtain a convergent iteration. Here we choose to describe theoverlapping Schwarz method rather than the multigrid method, because one of the few general codes to use eithertechnique uses a Schwarz procedure [256] . In fact the one we shall present here is a little simpler than the one used inthat


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code. In particular, we present the method of Gopalkrishnan and Pasciak [147] and follow directly their proofs withthe exception that we check that they are applicable for a general Lipschitz polyhedron (rather than a convexpolyhedron assumed in [147]).3

The overlapping Schwarz algorithm is based on two levels of partitioning of Ω (at least in the variant proposed in[147]). The first level is based on a coarse mesh τH of regular elements of maximum diameter H with elements denoted

. Next, each coarse-level tetrahedron Km is partitioned into fine level tetrahedra where. This is obviously a fairly practical setup in which a coarse grid is generated first, and is then refined to

try to obtain a more accurate solution.

We denote by XH the subspace of H0(curl;Ω) constructed using edge elements of degree k on τH. To form theoverlapping grid, each Kl is enlarged to form by adding fine-level tetrahedra in such a way that is a union of facesof the level h mesh. Obviously, each is covered by a mesh of level h tetrahedra, and if Xh denotes the global edgeelement space of elements of degree k on the h level grid we may define

We can think of this edge finite element subspace as the intersection of Xh with where functions inare extended to Ω by zero. It is also convenient to introduce the corresponding space of scalar

so that roughly where Sh is the usual scalar space associated with Xh.

Of course, this overlapping grid has to obey some rules, and we make the following assumptions [147] :

(1) Generous overlap There exists δ > 0 such that dist for l = 1, 2, …, MH.(2) Finite covering Every point of Ω belongs to at most ρ subdomains independent of h and H.(3) H-independent uniformity There are a fixed number of Lipschitz polyhedral reference domains {K m} such that each

subdomain K′l is the image under an affine transformation Fm,l : K m → K′l of the form Fm, l(x ) = Bm, l x + bm, l whereBm, l is an invertible matrix and bm, l ∈ R3. The transformations are assumed to be such that there are constants c0and c1 independent of H such that


3 While proof reading this text, I found that a theory of Schwarz methods for general polyhedra has also been developed by Pasciak and Zhao. Their report “OverlappingSchwarz methods in H (curl) on nonconvex domains” is available at http//www.math.tamu.edu/~joe.pasciak ).

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Remark 13.1 It appears that the first two assumptions are rather standard in the Schwarz literature [147, 280]. The third assumptionis a generalization of the one in [147], although it has to be admitted that the generalization is not particularly useful, and that it isdifficult to satisfy this assumption (or the one in [147]) except for very special uniform meshes.

Now we define the two-level multiplicative Schwarz preconditioner. During the course of the iterative algorithm tocompute from via (13.4), we first compute the residual vector on the fine grid

In the two-level multiplicative Schwarz method, we apply the preconditioner Bh to in the following way. The vectorcorresponds, using the basis functions, to a function . We then solve the discrete Maxwell's equations on the

coarse grid to find υH ∈ XH such that

Of course, this requires inverting the coarse grid matrix AH (or, more precisely, solving a linear system involving AH)and this in itself is expensive. We could do this, for example, using an incomplete LU preconditioned Richardsonprocedure on the coarse grid space XH.

Now, for each l = 1, …, MH we solve the local fine grid problem of finding υh,l Xh,l such that

This corresponds to solving MH standard discrete Maxwell problems on each of the overlapping subdomains K′l usingthe fine level grid. If these subdomains are small (within the generous overlap assumption), each of these problemsshould be much more rapid to solve than the global problem.

Let and be the coefficients of vh,l and vH in the usual basis function expansion, then we define

As we can see from this discussion, it is easier to think of this algorithm in terms of functions and operators. In thisview the residual is thought of as a functional in the dual space K′l. More precisely, for φ ∈ Xh, we defineby

Since is obviously bounded and linear, . Then the preconditioner Bh is a map from X′h → Xh. To computeBh(Rh) for some , we carry out the following three steps (equivalent to the previously presented algorithm):


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1. Solve for v H ∈ XH,

2. For l = 1, …, MH define v h,l ∈ Xh,l by

3. Set

We shall prove the following theorem from [147] (but now extended to hold on Lipschitz polyhedral domains), whichshows that Bh is a good preconditioner.

Theorem 13.2There exists α0 > 0 such that for all α ≤ α0, there is a constant H2 > 0, H2 = H2(α), such that if H ≤ H2then

for all uh ∈ Xh with γ < 1 independent of h and H. Here Ah : Xh → X′his the operator such that (Ahφh)(ξh) = a(φh, ξh) for all φh ∈ Xh,and ξh ∈ Xh (i.e. the operator corresponding to the matrix Ah introduced previously).

To prove this theorem, we shall first prove a number of lemmas. Following [147] we define the operators TH : H(curl;Ω) → XH and Th,l : H(curl; Ω) → Xh,l such that THw ∈ XH satisfies(13.6)

and that Th,lw ∈ Xh,l satisfies(13.7)

for l = 1, 2, …, MH. From our study in Chapter 7, Theorem 7.1, we know that since κ is not an interior Maxwelleigenvalue for Ω, (13.6) can be uniquely solved provided H is small enough. We shall show later that Th,l, l = 1, …, MH,are also well defined for H small enough and derive a stability bound.

Assuming for the moment that these operators are well defined, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 13.3Using the operators defined in (13.6) and (13.7), we have



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Proof Take uh ∈ Xh and let Rh(φ) = a(uh, φ), for all φ ∈ X. We shall compute (I - BhAh)uh. In step (2) of the algorithm, υh,l ∈

Xh,l satisfies

so vh,l = Th,l(uh - vH). Hence, . But υH ∈ XH satisfies a(υH φH) = a(uh, φH) for all φH ∈ XH so υH = THuh and we are done. □

One of the main components of the analysis in [147] is to prove that the discrete Friedrichs inequality holds on eachsubdomain K′l and estimate the constant. We use the same approach but allow more general transformations; henceour proof uses different estimates on the local domain.

Lemma 13.4For l = 1, …, MH there is a constant C independent of h and H such that, provided H is small enough,(13.8)

for all vh,l ∈ X0,h,l, where X0,h,lis the space of discrete divergence-free functions in Xh,l. More precisely,

Proof As in [147] this is proved by mapping, but we adopt a slightly different approach to the one in that paper. By theH-independent uniformity assumption, there is a reference domain K m and as affine map Fm,l : K m → K′l. Scalarfunctions in are identified as usual with scalar in by ξ = ξ ˚ Fm,l, and according to (5.16) we have

Here ∇ denotes the gradient on K m and Fm,l(x) = Bm,lx + bm,l. Similarly, a vector function u0 ∈ H0(curl; K′l isidentified with û ∈ H0(curl;K m) by(13.9)

and, via Corollary 3.58, we have(13.10)

Now suppose vh,l ∈ X0,h,l is discrete divergence free and is mapped to v on K m. For all (mapped to ξ on K m),we have

Thus, u is discrete divergence free on K m but with the weight matrix


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This matrix is symmetric and positive definite so, provided h is small enough, Corollary 7.22 shows that

where ρ(ε) is the spectral radius of ε. Using (13.9) and (13.10) to map back to the domain K′l, we obtain

From the bounds in the definition of H-independent uniformity, we have

and hence the lemma is proved. □

Using the previous lemma in the same way as in [147], we can then prove the following a priori estimate for Th,l.

Lemma 13.5 For all H sufficiently small, the operators Th,l, l = 1, …, MH, are well defined and

for all uh ∈ Xh and C independent of h, H, l and uh, l.

Remark 13.6 This lemma is not surprising. If H is small enough, we expect that κ will become smaller than the smallest positiveMaxwell eigenvalue of K′lfor each l. In this case the Maxwell operator is coercive provided gradients are factored out of the function space.

Proof of Lemma 13.5 Using the discrete Helmholtz decomposition (7.8), we have(13.11)

where wh,l ∈ X0,h,l and ph,l ∈ Sh,l. By multiplying the above equation by ∇ph,l and integrating over Ω, we see that ph,l satisfies(∇ph,l, ∇ph,l) = (uh, ∇ph,l). Hence,(13.12)

To estimate the other function in (13.11), we choose φh,l = wh,l in (13.7) so that

Using the previous lemma, we obtain


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Choosing H small enough shows that(13.14)

and using (13.8) we obtain(13.15)

Putting together (13.13)–(13.15) proves that Note that ║Th, lUh║H(curl;Ω) ≤ C(║Wh, l║H(curl;Ω) + ║∇ph, l║(L

2(Ω))3). Using (13.12) and the above estimate for the norm of wh, l completes the proof. □

Lemma 13.7For H sufficiently small, we have(13.16)


for all vH ∈ XH and vh, l ∈ Xh, l, 1 ≤ l ≤ MH. Here δ is a constant depending on the domain with ½ ≥ δ > 0 (seeLemma 7.7).

Proof Estimate (13.16) is the result of Lemma 7.7. Estimate (13.17) follows from Lemma 13.4 in the following way.We use the discrete Helmholtz decomposition (7.8) to write υh, l = wh, l + ∇ph, l for some wh, l ∈ X0, h, l and ph, l ∈ Sh, l. Thenusing the test function φh, l = ∇ ξh, l for some ξh, l ∈ Sh, l in (13.7) shows that (uh - Th, luh, ∇ ξh, l) = 0 so that

and use of the Friedrichs inequality (13.8) completes the proof. □

Recall that the H(curl;Ω) inner product is defined by

and that the H0(curl;Ω) orthogonal projection PH : H(curl;Ω) → XH by

Similarly, Ph, l : H(curl;Ω) → Xh, l is defined by

We now state the following theorem from Toselli [281] concerning the relationship between the H(curl;Ω) norm of uh


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∈ Xh and its projections into the local subspaces. This is quite elaborate to prove, and we direct the interested reader toToselli's work.

Lemma 13.8There exists a constant C, independent of h and H, such that for all uh ∈ Xh,

The final lemma is related to the additive version of the Schwarz preconditioner in [147], and will be used in the proofof our main result.

Lemma 13.9Let ũh ∈ Xh be such that THũh = 0. Then there is a constant C, independent of H, such that

Proof Using Lemma 13.8, the definition of Th, l and of a(·, ·), and rearranging terms we obtain

Using the assumption on ũh, and rewriting a(·, ·) in terms of the (·, ·)H(curl;Ω) inner product, this may be rewritten as

Using Lemma 13.7 and the definition of the projection Ph, l we obtain

where δ > 0 is the parameter in Lemma 13.7. Then by Lemma 13.5 and Theorem 7.1, we can estimate ũh - Th, lũh and ũh

- THũh. In particular, using the


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boundedness of the projection we obtain, via the finite covering property, the following estimate holds.

So there is a constant C3 such that

If H is chosen so that C - C3H1/2 + δ is positive, we get the desired result. □

Now we can prove the main result of this section.

Proof ofTheorem 13.2 For uh ∈ Xh, set ũh = (I - TH)uh. Then(13.18)

By Lemma 13.5 and the finite covering property, there is a constant C1 such that

Lemma 13.7 estimates the second term in (13.18). We obtain

Now we choose α small enough that . Then using the boundedness of I - TH guaranteed by Theorem7.1, we have

where δ > 0 is the exponent in Lemma 7.6. Choosing H small enough shows that γ1/(1 - CH1/2 + δ) = γ < 1. Thiscompletes the proof. □

We have now verified that I - BhAh has norm less than one independent of h and thus the iteration scheme (13.4) willconverge at a rate independent of h. Of course, the Richardson scheme is not the preferred method for solving thistype, but was presented for ease of exposition. Many researchers use instead the GMRES method. In [147] it ispointed out that the multiplicative preconditioner (and an additive Schwarz preconditioner also analyzed in that paper)


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can be used in conjunction with GMRES. In their numerical tests of the above theory, Gopalkrishnan and Pasciak[147] found that the multiplicative method performed slightly better than the additive method (hence why we presentonly the multiplicative method). These numerical experiments also reveal that the constraint that H be “small enough”is necessary. An obvious question is just how small must H be chosen. A glance at the proof of the main theoremsuggests that H has to be small enough to provide a quasi-optimal error estimate for the Maxwell problem on thecoarse mesh with a constant sufficiently close to one. Thus, the coarse mesh must already be fine enough to providesome approximation to the solution of the scattering problem. In the next section we shall examine the question ofhow fine the mesh must be for this to happen in more detail. Concluding this section, we see that an important openproblem is how to avoid the “coarse” grid and still maintain optimal convergence rates (if, indeed, this is possible).

13.3 Phase error in nite element methodsThe error estimates we have proved so far guarantee quasi-optimal accuracy for a given problem provided all data arefixed and the mesh size h is sufficiently small (e.g. Theorem 7.1). In practice, we often want to solve scatteringproblems for a given geometry and incoming wave, but a variety of wavenumbers κ. Our error estimates do notinclude the effect of changing wavenumber. Generally, as the wavenumber increases, using a fixed grid, the error in thecomputed field increases [28, 249]. There seems to be very few papers that rigorously analyze the effect of changingwavenumber on error. In this section we shall provide some analysis motivated by the work of Ihlenburg and Babuška[169, 170] for a special model problem. For a more detailed discussion, see the book of Ihlenburg [168] . Another goalfor this section is to provide some heuristics for choosing the mesh size in a time-harmonic electromagneticcomputation.

Let us first recall that the Maxwell system

has the following plane wave solution E = p exp (iκx · d), where |d| = |p| = 1 and d · p = 1. The wavelength of thisplane wave is denoted by λ and given by λ = 2π/κ. Considerations of approximating sinusoidal waveforms bypiecewise linear functions suggests that in order to approximate a plane wave the mesh must be sufficiently finecompared to the wavelength. Typical engineering rules of thumb suggest that for piecewise linear functions, h shouldbe chosen so that λ ≃ 10h or hκ ≃ 2π/10 to provide “reasonable” accuracy. In Fig. 13.1 we show a graph of thepiecewise linear interpolant of sin(κx), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, for κ = 10π using equally spaced interpolation points for λ/h = 1, 4,10. It turns out that, at least for oscillatory functions such as this, choosing h such that κ h is a fixed value provides aroughly uniformly accurate interpolant as κ changes. Thus as κ increases, h must correspondingly decrease, and h =O(1/κ).


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Fig. 13.1. The interpolant of f(x) = sin(κx), κ = 10π using λ/h = 1, 4 and 10. When λ/h = 1 the approximation is verypoor (100% error — see the dottedline), while for λ/h = 10 the error is barely visible.

Of course for higher-order methods, we expect to be able to use a larger value of h and if we have a degree-ppolynomial space, then it is only necessary to control hκ/p in order to obtain satisfactory accuracy from the interpolant.

Unfortunately the approximation of Maxwell's equations by finite elements does not compute the interpolant. It turnsout that in order to control the error in the finite element solution as κ increases, it is necessary to decrease h fasterthan O(1/κ). Simply keeping κh fixed as κ increases does not give a sequence of solutions of fixed accuracy. Weexamine this in detail in the next section using a one dimensional model problem. The second section provides somefurther insight into multidimensional problems.

13.3.1 Wavenumber dependent error estimatesTo understand the wavenumber dependence of the error in the finite element solution, Ihlenburg and Babuška [169,170] have examined a one-dimensional time-harmonic problem. We shall follow their lead by analyzing the problem ofcomputing u ∈ H1(0, 1) such that(13.19a)



This problem has the advantage that the solution is easy to compute (just u = exp(iκx)) and there are no singularitiesdue to the geometry of the domain. Thus, the accuracy of the finite element method is only due to approximating thesmooth time-harmonic wave u. As part of the analysis we shall present, we also need to consider the solution z ∈ H1(0,1) of an adjoint problem given by(13.20a)


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for a special choice of f ∈ L2(0, 1). The solution of this problem can be written using a Green's function [169] and it ispossible to show that(13.21a)


where we recall that | · |H2(0, 1) is the semi-norm of order 2 on H2(0, 1).

Using the usual Galerkin strategy, we can derive a variational problem associated to (13.19). If φ is a smooth testfunction such that φ(0) = 0, then

Hence using the boundary condition (13.19c),

So if a1D(u, φ) denotes the left-hand side of this equation and

we can see that u ∈ H1(0, 1) satisfies u(0) = 1 and(13.22)

To construct the usual piecewise linear approximation to u, we introduce a mesh

where |xl - xl-1| = h, l = 1, …, N. Then let(13.23)

and define(13.24)

Thus, the standard continuous piecewise linear approximation uh ∈ Sh satisfies uh(0) = 1 and(13.25)

A unique solution to (13.25) exists. This follows from the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 7.1 andCorollary 7.3, and was shown by Babuška and Ihlenburg [169] . Furthermore, by the one-dimensional analogue of


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Theorem 7.1,

In Fig. 13.2 we plot the relative error ║u-uhH1(0, 1)/║u║H

1(0, 1) against κ keeping κh roughly fixed. Of course, keeping κh

fixed is not possible precisely, since 1/h

Fig. 13.2. Plot of relative H1(0,1) norm error against wavenumber κ using a mesh such that π/κh ≥ 4 (i.e. at least eightgrid calls per wavelength). The error grows even though κh is essentially fixed.

must be an integer. We choose the largest h such that there are at least least eight grid intervals per wavelength (thus κh≤ π/4). Clearly the error is not controlled by keeping κh bounded from above.

Heuristically, we can understand this effect as follows. At the left end of the interval (0, 1), we have uh,(0) = u(0) = 1,but the wavelength of the numerical solution uh(x) differs from the exact wavelength 2π/κ. In fact, it is slightly tooshort. Thus, after one oscillation, the peak of the wave is displaced. After one more oscillation the peak is furtherdisplaced (almost double the previous displacement) and so on. So with each oscillation of the solution, the wavesbecome progressively more and more out of phase and the error grows with x. This can be seen in Fig. 13.3 . Thephase error buildup depends on the number of wavelengths in the domain which increases as κ increases. Hence, hmust be decreased faster than O(1/κ) to control this error.

Mathematically, this error buildup is proved in the following theorem [169] . We derive the error in the following κ-dependent norm:(13.26)

Theorem 13.10Let uh ∈ Sh satisfy (13.25) and u ∈ S satisfy (13.22). Then, provided h2κ3is small enough, and κ ≥ κ0 > 0 for someconstant κ0there is a constant C independent of h, κ, u and uh (but depending on κ0) such that(13.27)

Remark 13.11In (13.27) the term hκcorresponds to polynomial interpolation error and gives the asymptotic O(h) rate of convergence. Theterm h2κ3must also be controlled and this accounts for phase error. For fixed h κ, if κ is increased, this term will eventually cause a blowupin the error. We need


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Fig. 13.3. The real part of the exact solution u and the approximate solution uh of the one-dimensional problem (leftpanel) and pointwise error (right panel). Here there are eight grid points per wavelength and κ = 50. Clearly the errorgrows from left to right as the numerical solution becomes progressively more and more out of phase with the exactsolution.

So the number of grid points per wavelength needed to control phase error increases .

Phase error causes linear finite element methods to become extremely expensive (particularly in three dimensions)when the domain of calculation spans many wavelengths.

For a fixed κ, as h is decreased, the error is first dominated by phase error governed by the term h2κ3. In this “pre-asymptotic” phase, the convergence rate can be quite different (here O(h2)) compared to the asymptotic convergencerate (here O(h)). As h is decreased still further the dominant term in the error becomes O(h), and we see the trueasymptotic rate of convergence.

Proof of Theorem 13.10 The proof is similar to that of the convergence of edge finite elements for Maxwell'sequations in Section 7.2. First we derive a Gårding inequality:

where πhu ∈ Sh is the interpolant of u. Here we have used the definition of a1D(u, φ) and the fact that if (13.25) issubtracted from (13.22), then(13.28)

Using the interpolant πhu of u in Sh removes the boundary term at x = 1 from a1D (.,u − πhu) and using theCauchy–Schwarz inequality, we have


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It now remains to estimate ║u - uh║L2(0,1) using a duality argument. Let z ∈ H1(0, 1) satisfy

This solution also exists and satisfies the a priori bound (13.21b) so that(13.30)

Now using z, integration by parts and the boundary conditions on z, we have(13.31)

where we have used the Galerkin orthogonality condition (13.28).

To obtain the correct estimate it is now necessary to use a trick from page 127 of [168] that relies on the fact that weare working in one dimension. By the definition of a1D(·, ·) and using integration by parts we may write

where we have used the fact that, since we are using a piecewise linear finite element space, (πhu - uh)″ = 0 on eachelement, and, since πhz interpolates z we also have for each l.

Now using using the above equality we have(13.32)


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The usual error estimate for piecewise linear interpolation (5.4) and the a priori estimate (13.30) now implies that

Using this estimate in (13.32) shows that

Note that C is just the constant from the interpolation estimate and therefore independent of κ, h and u. Provided h issmall enough that Ch2κ2(κ+1) ≤ 1/2 we have, using equality (13.31),

Using this estimate in (13.31) we have

Again using the standard estimate for the error in piecewise linear interpolation and (13.30) this estimate may bewritten as

Via the arithmetic geometric mean inequality, and using the definition of the triple-bar norm, we obtain that there is aconstant C independent of h, κ and u such that

Once more using error estimates for the piecewise linear interpolant and (13.21b) (this applies to u once the boundarycondition is lifted to (0,1) and the problem is rewritten as a source problem with homogeneous boundary data), weobtain for all κ bounded away from zero,

which completes the proof.

One way of controlling phase error is to use a higher order method. This is well recognized in the engineeringcommunity [149] . If continuous degree p


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elements are used to approximate the one-dimensional problem (13.19), and if u is smooth, Ihlenburg and Babuška[170] prove that if hκ ≤ α < π

where C= (½)p(πp)½ and C2 is independent of h, κ and p. Hence for oscillatory solutions, by which we mean that|u|H

p+1(0,1) ≤ C(1 + κ)p║f║L

2(0, 1), we have

It is thus clear that for higher-order methods the phase error term can be reduced both due to a larger p in (hκ/2p) anddue to a higher power of (hκ/2p). Note, however, that we still cannot decrease below a small integer number ofinterpolation points per wavelength (including interior nodes). For example, figures of four to five degrees of freedomper wavelength are mentioned for very high order methods. The goal of reducing the number of grid points perwavelength is one motivation for developing hp finite element codes [122, 286], spectral element methods in the time-domain [300, 34] and for using higher-order fixed degree edge elements in engineering codes (e.g. [149]).

13.3.2 Phase error in three dimensional edge elementsThe previous discussion focussed in detail on continuous piecewise linear elements in one dimension, so the results arejust suggestive of what happens to edge elements in three dimensions. Nevertheless, we do see phase error in finiteelement calculations for Maxwell's equations. This error is more serious for linear elements than quadratic elements.To my knowledge there has been little or no study of phase error for edge finite elements applied to time-harmonicproblems. For time-dependent problems there has been more progress, and some of these results can be reinterpretedin the context of time-harmonic problems. Numerical evidence suggests that the phase error is O(h2) for lineartetrahedral edge elements, and similarly for linear hexahedral edge elements (see [83, 84, 299]). Interestingly it seemsthat a uniform grid of cubes converted to a tetrahedral grid by subdividing into six tetrahedra is particularly poor fromthe point of view of dispersion error [299, 224]. For right hexahedral elements, it is possible to analyze the phase errorfor any order of polynomial subspace by relating the three-dimensional phase error to phase error for appropriate one-dimensional problems such as the one analyzed previously [83] .

To illuminate this discussion further, let us now derive the phase error for linear hexahedral elements. For a morecomplete discussion, see [83] . We consider

and in particular the plane wave solution E = pexp(iκx · d), for |d| = |p| = 1 and d · p = 0. Suppose ℝ3 is covered byan infinite mesh of cubes with sides of


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length h and with edges parallel to the coordinate axes as in Chapter 6 . Denote the mesh by τh, and let

In other words Xh is the standard linear edge finite element space on ℝ3. We seek Eh ∈ Xh such that(13.33)

In particular we are interested in discrete solutions that interpolate a plane wave.

In general, the numerical wavenumber κh is such that κh ≠ κ and so the wavelength of the numerical wave, denoted byλh, is such that λh = 2π/κh ≠ 2π/κ = λ. This accounts for phase error in the solution. We define a measure of phaseerror to be |κh – κ| and note that κh depends on d. Thus, the numerical wavenumber is anisotropic in that it dependson the direction of propagation of the wave. Waves propagating in different directions on the mesh have slightlydifferent wavelengths further complicating the phase error problem in three dimensions.

To simplify the presentation, we are going to analyze phase error for a masslumped approximation to (13.33). For ananalysis of (13.33) with a full mass matrix, see [83] . In this mass-lumped approximation we replace the integral over ℝ3

by a quadrature. Let denote the eight vertices of the parallelepiped K. For any sufficiently smooth function ofcompact support (continuous on each element), we write

where QK is given by the three-dimensional trapezoidal rule

This quadrature has the effect that the mass matrix corresponding to the term - κ2 ∫ Eh · φh dV is diagonal and certaincouplings in the curl–curl matrix are also absent. In fact, evaluating the integrals in (13.33) by this quadrature results inthe standard Yee finite difference scheme for this problem [301] .

By choosing φh in (13.33) to be a basis function for Xh with degrees of freedom that vanish except on one edge, we canwrite down the finite difference equation satisfied by the degrees of freedom of Eh. We suppose the grid to be a tensorproduct of grids x1, l = lh, l ∈ Z, x2, n = mh, m ∈ Z and x3, n = nh, n ∈ Z. Thus, nodes in the grid have coordinates (x1, l, x2, m,x3, n) for some integer l, m, n


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Fig. 13.4. Labeling of the vertices and degrees of freedom for elements surrounding the edge connecting node xl,m,n =(x1,l, x2,m, x3,n), to xl,m,n = (x1,l, x2,m, x3n+1). Here the bold arrow marks the position of the degree of freedom for each edge,and we have marked some of the labels for the degrees of freedom (some are left off so as not to overly clutter thefigure).

and we can index this node by (l, m, n). Edges in the mesh can be indexed by the midpoint of the edge (l + 1/2, m, n)for edges in the x1-direction (oriented in the positive x direction), (l, m,+1/2, n) in the x2-direction and (l, m, n+1/2) inthe x3-direction. With each edge is associated a degree of freedom which we take to be the value of thetangential component of the field at the midpoint of the edge (i.e. not scaled by the edge length although this ispossible). So El + 1/2, m, n denotes the value of (Eh)1 at (x1, l+1/2, ym, zn). See Fig. 13.4 for a summary of this convection for theedge connecting (x1,l, x2,m, x3,n) to (x1,l, x2,m,x3,n+1). Choosing φh to interpolate 1 on this edge and zero elsewhere gives anequation relating El, m, n+1/2 to surrounding values.

Tedious calculation then shows that the degrees of freedom satisfy the following difference equation:(13.34)

Similar equations hold for the x1-directed edge between (x1,l, x2,m+1, x3,n) and (x1l+1, x2,m, x3,n) relating El+1/2,m,n to degrees onsurrounding edges and on the edge connecting (x1,l, x2,m, x3,n) to (x1,l, x2,m + 1, x3,n) relating El, m+1/2, n to degrees onsurrounding edges. Since the mesh is translation invariant in the x1-, x2- and x3-directions, these equations describe theentire, infinite, set of equations satisfied by the degrees of freedom.


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We now seek plane wave solutions by substituting for the degrees of freedom, using (13.34) such that(13.35)

We repeat this for the equation on the other two edges and obtain a 3 x 3 matrix problem in which the coefficientmatrix A depends on κh, κ, h, d and there is an unknown vector ph = (p1,h, p2,h, p3,h)T related by

In order to have non-trivial solutions, A must have zero as an eigenvalue and MAPLE tells us that this implies

Letting μ = κh we obtain(13.36)

which emphasizes the role played by the product κh. Consider the case d = (1, 0, 0)T corresponding to one dimensionalwave propagation along the edges in the mesh. Then

If μ2 > 4, we see that κh must be complex. This corresponds to exponential decay (or growth) of the discrete planewave given by (13.35) and shows that the discrete scheme has become a very poor approximation to the true solution.This occurs when κh > 2 or λ/h < π, so we need at least four grid points per wavelength to maintain an oscillatorysolution. This gives some idea of the number of grid cells per wavelength needed for the finite element method tomaintain a realistic wave solution (and hence the size of “h sufficiently small” in our error estimates).

A Taylor series expansion of (13.36) shows that (13.34) implies(13.37)

Thus, the numerical wavenumber κh is larger than the true number and so the numerical wavelength is smaller. Thenumerical wave will slightly lag the true solution in phase. Fig. 13.5 shows a plot of λh as a function of d for λ/h = 5 andλ/h = 10. The propagation anisotropy is obvious. However, it should


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Fig. 13.5. A plot of κhd/κ when d = (cos(θ), sin(θ), 0)T as θ varies. We show results for five or ten grid cells perwavelength (and the exact result of a circle). For coarse grids there is noticeable grid anisotropy for this low-orderscheme.

be mentioned that usually anisotropy will not cause problems if phase error is controlled.

A more detailed analysis of the finite element method using exact integration, and hence a standard mass matrix,shows that the corresponding error κh/κ - 1 is the opposite sign to that in (13.36). In fact by taking a method that is aweighted average of the finite element difference equations with and without quadrature (with weight ½), we obtain anew scheme whose phase error κh/κ – 1 = O(h4). We shall not investigate this further since this result only applies touniform grids.

For higher order methods on uniform parallelepiped grids, we can also compute the relation between κ and κh as in(13.36). There are then parasitic solutions due to internal nodes with the element [83] . For tetrahedra onlycomputational results are available but the behavior of the phase velocity is even more complex. In some directions κh

> κ and in other κh < κ (see [224]).

13.4A posteriori error estimationUsing finite elements on a practical level, one is faced with the problem of determining the actual error in a givencalculation. This is difficult to ascertain. Of course, one should perform a mesh convergence study in which thesolution on a sequence of finer and finer meshes is compared. From the change in the solution as the mesh is refined,an indication of the overall accuracy can be obtained. Unfortunately we are often faced with the problem that wecannot afford to refine a three-dimensional mesh, say by halving the mesh size, many times before running out ofcomputing resources. In practical computations, after producing


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a grid, I usually check the phase accuracy of the solution by adjusting boundary conditions until a plane wave is theexact solution. The accuracy of the finite element method for approximating this problem is then easy to assess. Ifnecessary the grid can be refined to produce a good approximation to a variety of plane waves in different directions. Itis then likely that phase error is under control.

If we want to improve a solution computed on a given mesh, it would also be useful to refine the mesh in selectedareas, or non-uniformly, to decrease the error by refining in those parts of the domain that are currently causing themajority of the error.

In attempting to solve problems of the type raised in the previous paragraphs, we are led to questions of a posteriorierror analysis (estimation of the error in a given solution after computing the solution) and adaptivity (meshmodification to produce a more accurate solution). Obviously the goal is to adapt the mesh to produce a solution of adesired accuracy with close to minimum work. We are still far from the goal for Maxwell's equations.

This area is not very well developed for computational electromagnetics for high frequencies, although there have beensome notable successes in the work of Demkowicz and co-workers [256] . This work uses a different a posterioriindicator to the one proposed here. It has been particularly important in pointing out that singularities do crop up inelectromagnetic problems, and they can have a profound effect on the solution in the near field. The effect on the farfield is not so clear. For low frequency problems, the error estimation problem is relatively well studied [31, 33, 32].

The fact that, due to limits on computing resources, many computational electromagnetic calculations are performedon a coarse grid in the pre-asymptotic convergence regime, where the error is dominated by phase error (see Section13.3), implies that adaptive methods based on asymptotic estimates may be unreliable. In fact, the wavenumberdependence of a posteriori error estimates is an unsolved problem. In the next subsection we shall derive a residualbased error estimator, and then perform a few numerical experiments to illuminate the problem.

13.4.1 A residual-based error estimatorIn this section we derive an a posteriori estimator of Eriksson-Johnson type based on local residuals [138] . Forsimplicity, we restrict ourselves to the model problem from Chapter 4 rather than the full scattering problem inChapter 12 . The reader interested in a posteriori error indication for the full scattering problem can consult [256, 221].The material for this section is essentially from [221] .

The variational problem to be approximated is (4.4) where the coefficients satisfy the conditions of Section 4.2. Thediscrete edge element approximation to this problem is given by problem (7.2) using edge finite elements. We recallthat the mesh is regular and that discontinuities of the coefficients fall on faces of the mesh only. It is useful to recallthe bilinear form a(·, ·) defined in (4.5) and to define the linear functional


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In contrast to Chapter 7, in this section we shall assume that F ∈ H(div;Ω). We wish to estimate the (L2(Ω))3 norm of eh= E – Eh where Eh ∈ Xh satisfies (7.2) and E ∈ X satisfies (4.4). An estimate for the error in the H(curl; Ω) norm isthen possible via the G inequality.

We start by deriving a general lemma concerning the (L2(Ω))3 error. To this end, we define the function z ∈ X by

where X is given in (4.3). This solution exists since it is the weak solution of the adjoint problem

This problem can be analyzed via the Fredholm theory in exactly the same way as the standard problem for Maxwell'sequations analyzed in Chapter 4 (or note that Z¯ satisfies (4.4) with a suitable choice of data functions). Thus, z ∈ Xexists uniquely since we have assumed that ∑ ≠ ∅, and

Using the Helmholtz decomposition (4.7) we have(13.38)

where X0 is defined in (4.8) and S in (4.6). Of course,(13.39)

Choosing φ = eh we have α(eh, z0) + α(eh, ▽p) = (εreh, eh). Using the Galerkin property that α(eh, φh) = 0 for all φh ∈ Xh, weobtain(13.40)

where Sh and Xh are defined in (7.23) and (7.1), respectively.

Now using the notation that for an element K and face f,

we have, after integrating by parts over each tetrahedron K in the mesh τh,


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where νK is the outward normal to K.

For a piecewise smooth function υ, we now define the jump in the across a face f as follows. Suppose f is aface between two tetrahedra K1 and K2 in the mesh. Let and . Similarly, let μr,l=|Kl,l =1,2. In addition, letthe outward normal to Kl be denoted by νl, l = 1, 2. Then

For the true solution E of (4.4), [∇ x E]T = 0, and thus, using, in addition, the fact that in Ω, wehave

where FI is the set of all faces in the interior ofΩ and F∑ is the set of all faces of the mesh on ∑. We have also used thefact that ν x (z – φh) = 0 on Γ to eliminate these faces.

Using the fact that on ∑, the impedance trace we obtain, having also used the Cauchy–Schwarzinequality,(13.41)

The second term on the left-hand side of (13.40) is estimated similarly, using the fact that -iκ2∇ · (εrE) = ∇ · F,


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We now define, for a face f separating K1 and K2 and a piecewise smooth function υ, the normal jump as follows

where εr,l = εr|κl, l = 1, 2. Obviously [εrE]N = 0 on each face interior to Ω, and we may choose ξh = p on ∑ since bothfunctions are constants there. Hence,(13.42)

Using (13.41) and (13.42) in (13.40), we have proved the following basic lemma.

Lemma 13.12Assume that jumps in εror μrlie on faces of the regular mesh τh. Then for any φh ∈ Xh and ξh ∈ Sh with ξh = p on ∑, wehave

Here z0and p are given by the Helmholtz decomposition of the solution z of the adjoint problem in (13.38).

This estimate can be used directly. For example an approximation to z0 and p could be computed on a finer mesh, andthe estimate evaluated directly (see [141]).

To derive a classical residual based error estimator, we now need to make some specific choices of ξh, and φh. Thechoice of ξh is easiest. In general, we cannot expect p to be smoother than p ∈ H1(Ω) and so we choose ξh =Πclemξ whereΠclem is the Clément interpolant defined in Section 5.6.1. Recalling that


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hK denotes the diameter of an element K and letting Kf denote the element of largest diameter having f as a face, weobtain

But because of the regularity of the mesh, there is a constant C such that

Thus, using estimate (5.51) for the Clément interpolant, and the a priori estimate for p in (13.39), we have

The estimation of the terms involving z0 – φh is a little more tricky. It depends on the regularity of z (because we do notcurrently have an analogue of the Clément interpolant for edge elements). Let δK > 0 and δf > 0 be exponentsassociated with edges and faces to be given shortly. Then, proceeding as before,


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Away from boundaries and jumps in the coefficients ∈r and μr we expect z0 to be smooth, but near singularities causedby the boundary or by jumps in the coefficients it will be less smooth [106, 107]. To simplify the presentation, wesuppose ∈r and μr are smooth enough (continuously differentiable is enough!) that z0 ∈ Hs(curl; K), for some s with½< s ≤ 1, for all K ∈ τh. Then using the estimates in Theorem 5.41 and Lemma 5.53 for the interpolant rh andchoosing δK = s and δf = s –½we have

and we also need to assume that the following a priori estimate holds

Note that this estimate holds (with s = 1), if Ω is convex and the coefficients are smooth for example.

We thus we have the following theorem.

Theorem 13.13 Assume that τh is a regular mesh and that Ω, ∈rand μrsatisfy the conditions of Section4.2. In addition suppose that themesh is such that ∈rand μrare differentiable functions on each tetrahedron (jumps occur at faces of


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the mesh) and that F ∈ H(div; Ω). Assume that there is an exponent s with ½< s ≤ 1 such that z0 ∈ Hs(curl; K) for all K ∈ τh. Inaddition, we assume

Then there is a constant C independent of E, Eh and h such that

Remark 13.14If ∈rand μrare smooth, and Ω is convex, the estimate holds with s = 1.

The above estimate can be criticized for three things:

• First of course is the appearance of s. It seems likely that even for non-convex domains s = 1 is the correct choice, but without abetter interpolant (i.e. one defined on function with less regularity) this is as much as we can say without a detailed analysis of thesingularities of E.

• Second, the constant C is dependent on the wavenumber κ. It is expected (from experience in two dimensions) that C will grow withκ. Better results might be obtained using the dimensionless quantity hκ in place of h throughout the estimate. Of course, C is notknown even for a posteriori estimates of this type for simpler problems like the Dirichlet problem for Poisson's equation, but in thatcase C is at least constant.

• Third, the constant C will depend on the size of jumps in the coefficients. A more detailed analysis would include weights to takecare of regions where the coefficients are poorly behaved (see, e.g., [76] for the case of the Laplace equation with discontinuouscoefficients).

All these improvements have yet to be performed, and significant work would be needed to make them possible.

13.4.2 Numerical experimentsTo get some ideas of the issues involved with error estimation for time-harmonic problems, we can consider a simpleone-dimensional model problem. This problem has no singularities so that we can focus on the problem thatdistinguishes the boundary value problems for time-harmonic waves from simple uniformly elliptic problems namelypropagation error. We seek u ∈ H1(0, 1) such that


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The solution to this problem is u(x) = exp(iκx). Now we seek a numerical approximation uh ∈ Sh where Sh is thestandard space of piecewise linear functions on a uniform mesh of size h given by (13.23) (thus the mesh points arexj = (j - 1)h, j = 1, 2, …, N + 1, where N = 1/h). The discrete solution uh ∈ Sh satisfies

and uh(0) = 1, where S0,h is given by (13.24).

Applying the error estimation philosophy developed in the proof of the previous theorem to this problem shows thatwe should define z by

Here z ∈ H2(0, 1) and ║z║H2(0, 1) ≤ C║u - uh║L

2(0, 1). The a posteriori error estimator derived by taking zh = πhz (i.e. the

piecewise linear interpolant) is

Figure 13.6 shows that for fixed κ = 50, the indicator

parallels ║u - uh║L2(0, 1) as N increases. This is the result claimed in Theorem 13.13.

As we have commented previously, the constant of proportionality in Theorem 13.13 depends on the wavenumber κ.Figure 13.7 shows how the approximate constant of proportionality changes with κ. We choose a very finediscretization, N = 1000, and compute the ratio ║u - uh║L

2(0,1)/E1. On average, the constant of proportionality increases

with κ.

Figure 13.8 (a) shows the pointwise error |(u - uh)(x)| against x for κ = 50 and N = 1000. As is to be expected, theerror grows from left to right due to the accumulation of phase error, across the domain. A plot of the local errorindicator(13.43)

at (xj + 1 + xj)/2 is shown in Fig. 13.8 (b). The error indicator is roughly constant across the domain and does not haveany relation to the local error in the method.


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Fig. 13.6.Left: plot of the error indicator E1 against the number of grid points N when κ = 50. Right: plot of the ratio ║u- uh║L

2(0,1)/E1 against the number of grid points N. As expected this ratio approaches a constant value as N increases.

Fig. 13.7. The ratio ║u - uh║L2(0,1)/E1 as a function of wavenumber κ using N = 1000. This shows that the constant of

proportionality C in Theorem 13.13 is κ dependent (generally increasing with κ).

In this case, uniform refinement seems like a good strategy (as suggested by the roughly constant indicator). We seethat just refining those parts of the grid with a large local indicator is not sufficient for the model problem. How todecide when to refine globally (as would be the correct strategy for this problem) and when to refine locally (e.g. due toa singularity in the field) needs further examination.

13.5 Absorbing boundary conditionsA theme throughout this book has been the development of numerical methods, based on finite elements, that canapproximate scattering problems posed on unbounded domains. The first idea, proposed heuristically in Section 1.3, isto


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Fig. 13.8.Left: pointwise error |(u - uh)(x)| plotted against x for κ = 50 and N = 1000. Due to the accumulation ofphase error this increases from left to right. Right: the local error indicator E1 in (13.43) against x. This is approximatelyconstant, and is consistent with the fact that uniform refinement would be a good strategy for this problem.

observe that the scattered wave satisfies the Silver–Müller radiation condition to progressively better accuracy movingaway from the scatterer (as ρ → ∞ in (1.22)). Thus, if an auxiliary boundary ∑ is introduced sufficiently far from thescatterer, we expect that solving a boundary value problem on a bounded domain using the Silver–Müller radiationcondition as a boundary condition on ∑ will give rise to an approximate electromagnetic field that is close to the truesolution. Furthermore, moving the boundary ∑ further from the scatterer should result in an improved, or moreaccurate, solution.

We start this section by justifying this approach, but only for a special choice of auxiliary boundary ∑. The second partof this section is devoted to a description and some preliminary analysis of the infinite element method [72] . The finalpart of this section introduces the famous Bérenger PML.

13.5.1 Silver–Müller absorbing boundary conditionIn this section we assume that ∑ = ∑R = ∂BR, that is the surface of a sphere of radius R centered at the origin (here weinclude a subscript R to underline that ∑ will change as R changes). Let R0 be chosen big enough such that .Then we assume R ≥ R0 and let ΩR denote the region exterior to D and interior to BR (ΩR = BR \ D¯).

Let E ∈ Hloc(curl; R3\D¯) denote the weak solution of (12.4) when F = 0 (e.g. using a plane-wave as the incomingwave). We denote by ER the approximation to E obtained by finding the weak solution of ER ∈ X of the followingproblem (recall X is given by (4.3)):(13.44)


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Here Ei is a given incident field, assumed to be an analytic solution of Maxwell's equations in R3, (e.g. (1.20)). Asproved in Chapter 4, this problem has a unique solution in H(curl; Ω). We have the following estimate.

Theorem 13.15 Let B be a fixed bounded domain contained in . Then there exists a constant C independent of R such that for all Rlarge enough

The constant C depends on B.

Remark 13.16 The rather slow convergence in R shown in the above theorem accounts for the fact that, if high accuracy is needed, it isnecessary to take ∑Rfar from the scatterer. Since ΩRmust be filled with finite elements, this makes the method time consuming.

Note that if ER, h is a finite element approximation of ER, then we have

The first term on the right-hand side converges to zero as R → ∞, while the second term converges as h → 0. For a fixed mesh size h,increasing R can actually cause the total error on the left-hand side to increase if the increase in phase error in the second term offsetsthe decrease due to larger R in the first term. In general, when increasing R it is necessary to decrease h in order to keep the error ║ER -ER, h║H(curl;B)from growing (see our discussion of phase error in Section13.3of this chapter).

The theorem is proved by an argument due to Goldstein [145], who analyzed the corresponding method for theHelmholtz equation. Our proof follows his with the necessary modifications for handling Maxwell's equations. Firstwe need a lemma concerning the radial dependence of solutions of Maxwell's equations.

Lemma 13.17 Suppose E satisfies (12.4) with F = 0 and let Es = E - Ei. Define u = exp(-iκ|x|)Es for ρ = |x| ≥ R0. Then forall ρ > R0,(13.47)



Remark 13.18A direct computation shows that ∇ × u = exp(-iκ|x|)∇ × Es - iκ exp(-iκ|x|)x × Es, so |∇ × u) × x | = |∇ ×Es × x - iκET| where as usual x is a unit radial vector. Hence, (13.49) is an estimate of how well the Silver–Müller absorbing boundarycondition is satisfied by the solution of the problem (12.4).


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Proof of Lemma 13.17 Estimate (13.47) follows from the well-known Wilcox expansion of the solution [296] . Asimple but indirect proof is given in Theorem 4.8 of [93] . A direct proof is possible by using the Stratton–Chu formula(9.15), and expanding the fundamental solution Φ of the Helmholtz equation as a series in |x| as in the proof ofCorollary 9.5.

The second estimate (13.48) also follows from the Stratton–Chu formula (9.15), using the regularized form in (12.8).Again we use a series approximation of Φ valid for large ρ.

To prove the last inequality we again use the Stratton–Chu formula together with the boundary condition to obtain

and the asymptotic estimate (9.25) shows that(13.50)

We see that the first term above is just the far field pattern. Hence, using the notation of (13.47), we have

where is the far field pattern and is thus tangential to the unit sphere . Hence, a direct calculation inspherical polar coordinates shows that

and so

The norm estimate follows by an examination of the remainder term in (13.50) via the regularized Stratton–Chuformula (12.8). □

Now we can prove our main theorem. As usual, a fundamental tool is a suitable adjoint problem. Letand extend φ by zero to R3. Then we define z ∈ Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) to be the weak solution of the adjoint problem(13.51)



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Using the methods of Chapter 12, it is easy to see that this problem has a unique solution. Furthermore, there is aconstant C such that

Proof ofTheorem 13.15 The proof follows the proof of Theorem 3.1 of [145] . Let e = E - ER. Then, using Lemma3.4, we have

where (e, φ) = ∫ΩRe · φdV. Hence, using (13.51)(13.54)

Using integration by parts (3.51), we have

where we have used the boundary condition that e x ν = 0 on Γ. Expanding the above expression gives

Integrating by parts once more, and using the fact that e satisfies the homogeneous Maxwells equations in ΩR,

Using (13.54), this implies that(13.55)

The first term on the left-hand side is estimated by Lemma 13.17, parts (13.48) and (13.49). We see that z satisfies astandard scattering problem, so the estimates of Lemma 13.17 also apply to z. Hence,



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Similarly, the second term on the left-hand side of (13.55) can be estimated. Using these estimates in (13.55) proves thetheorem. □

An obvious question which has received considerable attention in the mathematics and engineering literature iswhether it is possible to obtain better absorbing boundary conditions than the Silver–Müller condition on ∑R. Inparticular, boundary operators B are sought such that

Using the Wilcox expansion (13.47), Webb and Kanellopoulos [291] have derived a family of operators of increasingorder. For their family, denoted by BN, N = 1, 2, …, the following estimate holds

The lowest-order operator is exactly the Silver–Müller condition. Higher-order operators require extra regularity forthe finite element space on ∑R. This can be achieved for some edge spaces by modifying the degrees of freedom on ∑,but seems difficult in general. Nevertheless, a computational test of this boundary condition [180, 75] shows that it canprovide considerable improvement.

An alternative approach, first proposed by Mur [229], is to recall that each component of Es satisfies the Helmholtzequation in free space. Furthermore, from the Stratton–Chu formula (9.15) we see that each component also satisfiesthe radiation condition appropriate for the Helmholtz equation. Hence, it is possible to use absorbing boundaryconditions appropriate for the Helmholtz equation on each component of the scattered field. This is difficult toimplement for general edge finite element spaces.

Rather than pursue these approaches here we instead point out that the method used in Chapter 10 gives a natural wayto implement progressively higher-order absorbing boundary conditions. Truncating the series expansion (9.71) to Nterms results in a boundary operator that annihilates the first N terms of the Fourier series for Es. Using this fact itshould be possible to derive an estimate like the one in estimate (13.49) of Lemma 13.17. Hence we might prove aconvergence result for fixed N as R → ∞. This is essentially the approach of Grote and Keller [152, 154]. Theyconstruct absorbing boundary conditions of arbitrary order for the time domain problem by a careful analysis of theseries expansion (9.71).

The major criticism of the approach of Webb and Kanellopoulos [291], Grote and Keller [154] or our suggestion inthe previous paragraph is that the auxiliary boundary ∑ must be spherical. Of course in the lowest-order case, we canapply the Silver–Müller absorbing boundary condition (1.22) on non-spherical boundaries by interpreting x as the unitoutward normal to ∑. Typical auxiliary boundaries in practice include parallelepipeds and ellipsoids. Again if theauxiliary boundary is sufficiently far from the scatterer, we can expect reasonable accuracy (although not necessarily aconvergence rate of R-2 as guaranteed in


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Theorem 13.15). Modifications to include curvature information are also possible (see, e.g., [156]).

13.5.2 Innite element methodAnother approach to infinite domain problems deserves mention. This is related to the Calderon operator approach inChapter 10 . The idea is to use infinite elements to fill all of R3\D¯ [65] . Cecot et al. [72] suggest basing this approachon the variational approach to scattering problems due to Leis [207] (see also [236, 121]). We now present the methodof Leis and then describe an infinite element scheme based on this variational formulation.

The variational formulation is easiest when applied to the scattered field. Recall that the total field and scattered fieldare related by

Let χ denote a cutoff function such that χ = 1 on Γ and χ = 0 outside a ball of radius R0 such that D¯ ⊂ BR0. Forconvenience, we shall assume the origin is in D and hence not in R3\D¯.

Now let


and we define

Note that F is of compact support and obviously in (L2(R3\D¯))3 (in fact, it is in . Thus, there is an R0 > 0such that D¯ ⊂ BR0 and F = 0 in R3\BR0.

On the boundary of D, χ = 1 and so(13.57)

and at infinity E s = Es, so(13.58)

To motivate the choice of space for E s, note that the Wilcox expansion (13.47) implies that E s = O(1/ρ) for large ρ(and the same estimate holds for ∇ x E s). Thus, we know that E s is contained in the space(13.59)


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Note that by (13.49) this space contains E s. Furthermore, this space is a Hilbert space when equipped with the norm

The space includes the radiation condition in its definition in an integral sense.

Now we wish to provide a variational characterization of E s ∈ XL. Multiplying (13.56) by a test functionand integrating by parts, we arrive at the equation

We note that

Let . Then a suitable space for test functions is

Thus, a possible variational characterization of E s ∈ XL is(13.60)

We know that this problem has a variational solution, since we know the original infinite domain problem has asolution (see Chapter 12 ). All that remains is to show that (13.60) has only one solution.

Lemma 13.19Problem (13.60) has at most one solution.

Proof The proof mimics the proof of Theorem 4.22 of [207] . Let F = 0, and let φ = χRE s where χR is a cutoff functionsuch that χ = 1 in BR and χ = 0 outside B2R. In proving this theorem we use the fact that E s satisfies the weakhomogeneous Maxwell system outside and hence E s is a classical solution


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(this follows from the Stratton–Chu formula, see [94]). Thus, the necessary integration by parts and trace results hold.In particular, considering (13.60) with F = 0 and using the integration by parts result in (3.51), we see that

Thus, taking imaginary parts

where contains D¯. Hence Rellich's Lemma 9.28 and the unique continuation principle (Theorem 4.13) imply thathave E s = 0. □

Now that we have a good variational formulation for the exterior Maxwell system, we can discretize it using suitableelements. Cecot et al. [72] suggest constructing the elements using mapped hexahedral hp elements. We shall suggestthe analogue for h-version tetrahedral elements in the following way.

We fix a radius R > R0 and divide R3\D¯ into R3\B R and BR\D¯. We mesh BR\D¯ in the normal way using a tetrahedralmesh except near ∂BR where we use mapped tetrahedra (see also Section 8.3). The mesh on BR\D¯ induces acurvilinear triangular mesh on ∂BR. The domain R3\B R is then meshed by infinite radial prismatic elements byextending mesh lines radially outward from each node on ∂BR (see Fig. 13.9 for a two-dimensional example). Onelements in BR\D¯, we can use standard edge elements, with the appropriate mapping on curvilinear tetrahedra. On aninfinite prismatic element K, we obtain the infinite element basic functions via mapping. In particular let

Here T is the standard two-dimensional triangular reference element with vertices (0, 0), (0, 1) and (1, 0). Then K canbe obtained by a map of the form, for x = (ξ, η, ρ)⊺ ∈ K ∞,


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Fig. 13.9. A sketch of two-dimensional infinite radial elements. The scatterer occupies the darker region containing theorigin. In the lighter shaded region standard finite elements are used (with curved boundaries near the circle). Outsidethe circle are infinite radial elements (their infinite extent is denoted by a dashed line).


where FT(ξ, η) is a parametric representation of ∂BR mapping T onto the base of the prism on ∂BR (see Section 8.3 for adiscussion of how the triangulation on ∂BR is obtained). Now using the usual curl conforming transformation, we canobtain finite element functions on K from functions defined on the reference element K .

We shall now construct a subspace XLh ⊂ XL. Let us assume for completeness that we are using mapped linear (k = 1)curvilinear elements as in Section 8.3. Then the basis functions on an infinite element K are obtained by mapping thefollowing functions on K ∞ to an infinite element K∞ using (13.61):

where êρ is a unit radial vector in the direction of increasing ρ ≥ R and


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Here the vector functions φ^m are the tangential basis functions obtained for the two-dimensional curl conformingedge finite element space. These functions are defined on the reference triangle and are just the tangential trace of edgefinite element functions defined on the three-dimensional reference element (see Section 5.8). In addition, thefunctions λ^m are the usual barycentric coordinate functions for piecewise linear scalar finite elements in twodimensions.

Some comments are needed on the choice of basis functions which follows the philosophy of [72] . The lowest-orderO (1/ρ) term in the expansion is a tangential vector field. This is suggested by the expansion in (13.47), where is thefar field pattern and hence a tangential vector field. This ensures (see (13.49)) that the resulting expansion satisfies theSilver–Müller radiation condition. The choice of functions for χn(ρ), n > 0, is motivated by the need to providecontinuity of the tangential component of the discrete field across ∂BR.

A corresponding basis for a subspace is also needed. We denote this subspace by . Again following Cecot et al.[72], we choose the elements in BR\D¯ to be standard edge finite element functions (in our discussion k = 1 edgeelements). On an infinite element K, the basic functions are obtained using mapping from the functions (of course,using curl conforming mapping)


This choice of functions satisfies the decay conditions for functions in (functions in differ from those in XL bya factor ρ-2) and is chosen so that the transformed gradient of a scalar function given on K ∞ by

is contained in . This allows a large set of gradient test functions in the discrete analogue of (13.60), namely to findsuch that

This is not a standard Galerkin method since . An error analysis has yet to be performed, but computationalresults given in [72] show good


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performance for the hp method on practical problems. The tetrahedral h-version we have outlined here has not beentried in practice yet!

Let us remark that the basic idea behind the infinite element method is to use a truncated Wilcox expansion

The functions are then discretized by finite elements that depend on x . Thus, the infinite element method issimilar to the method from Chapter 10 which consists in using an expansion of E s in terms of the spherical Besselfunctions. However, the infinite element method computes the coefficients rather than using a spherical harmonicexpansion. Hence, an indication of the likely error behavior as a function of h and N can be found in Corollary 11.19.Indeed, this is roughly the viewpoint of Demkowicz and Pal [121] .

One potential advantage of the infinite element is that it can be used with more general coordinate systems than simplespherical coordinates. For example if ellipsoidal coordinates are used, we can take the outer boundary of the finiteelement region to be the surface of an ellipsoid. The requirement from the point of view of theory is to prove aWilcox-like expansion in the ellipsoidal coordinate system and adequately characterizes the first few terms in theexpansion so that the radiation condition is satisfied. The infinite element scheme is then applicable without the use ofellipsoidal special functions [66] .

13.5.3 The perfectly matched layerAs we have seen above and in Chapters 10 - 12, the truncation of the infinite domain of a scattering problem to obtaina finite computational domain requires some suitable boundary condition be imposed on the artificial boundary. Wehave, to a greater or lesser degree, examined the use of artificial boundary conditions, the Calderon operator, Lagrangemultiplier methods, infinite element methods and the overlapping Schwarz method of Hazard and Lenoir. In thissection, we discuss another truncation procedure motivated from considerations of the scattering problem in the timedomain. In this method we view the scattered wave as propagating out from the scatterer (the incident field hits thescatterer creating a scattered field). If a convex auxiliary boundary is used, the scattered field must leave thecomputational domain and, in the time domain, there should be no reflection of the scattered wave at the auxiliaryboundary. Thus, the auxiliary boundary should “absorb” the scattered wave. One way to obtain such an absorber is tosurround the computational domain by an artificial “sponge” layer in which an artificial conducting medium is placed.Figure 13.10 shows a schematic of the situation. The problem with this classical approach is that the conductingsponge layer will produce a significant reflected wave at the interface between vacuum and conductor unless theconductivity is small at the interface. The need to limit reflection, while at the same time increasing the conductivity


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Fig. 13.10. Geometry of a typical sponge layer. The concave (viewed from the scatterer) sponge layer “absorbs” wavesscattered by the perfect conductor.

into the layer to provide sufficient absorption, implies that the classical sponge layer must be thick compared to thewavelength of the radiation and hence inefficient (for a sophisticated version of the sponge layer, see, e.g., [259]).

In 1994 Bérenger suggested a revolutionary approach to sponge layers [36, 37]. He suggested modifying the Maxwellsystem in the sponge layer so that the resulting Bérenger-Maxwell system has the following properties beforediscretization:

(1) exponential absorption of the scattered wave into the sponge layer;(2) no reflection at any wavenumber κ > 0 and any angle of incidence of the scattered wave at the vacuum/sponge

layer interface.

The second property explains the usual name for the Bérenger layer: the Perfectly Matched Layer or PML. Theseproperties are carried over approximately to the discrete Bérenger-Maxwell system and provide a very attractivemethod for implementing a sponge layer. Not surprisingly, this pioneering work has spawned an enormous number ofpapers investigating various aspects of the layer, modifications and alternative derivations (e.g. [264, 276, 277]).Although originally intended for time domain problems, the layer can be applied in the frequency domain. In order todo this with edge elements it is important that the resulting equations still fit into the curl-curl framework we have usedthroughout this book.

We shall now provide a formal derivation of the Bérenger-Maxwell system in the form suggested by Zhao andCangellaris [302] . In this derivation we use the idea that the Bérenger layer can be viewed as a continuation of thesolution of the Maxwell system into the upper half complex plane. This view is due to Chew and Wheadon [79] (seealso [86]).

The problem we wish to approximate is the model scattering problem of computing the electromagnetic field scatteredfrom a bounded perfectly conducting scatterer in an infinite homogeneous background. Let the scatterer occupy abounded domain D ⊂ R3 with a Lipschitz polyhedral boundary and connected complement. It is easiest to describe thePML if we work with the scattered


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field. The scattered electric field Es satisfies the time harmonic Maxwell system in R3 \ D¯ together with aninhomogeneous perfectly conducting boundary condition on Γ = Γ:(13.62)


where ν is the unit outward normal to D and Ei is a given incident field. In addition, the scattered field must satisfy theusual Silver–Müller radiation condition.

As we have seen in Theorem 10.8, this problem has a unique solution Es ∈ Hloc(curl;Ω). We wish to derive a truncatedproblem on a bounded domain with the goal that the solution of this modified problem approximates E well near D.As a first step we now derive the equations that hold in the sponge layer when the PML is used (see Fig. 13.10 ). The PML in rectilinear coordinatesWe start by using the change of variables approach to derive the Maxwell–Bérenger equations in Cartesian coordinates(i.e. the inner boundary of the sponge layer is along coordinate planes as shown in Fig. 13.10 ). We allow for generalcoordinate stretching in the x1-, x2- and x3-direction. Let x = (x1, x2, x3)⊺ and define, for i = 1, 2, 3,(13.64)

Here, for each i, ai is the point at which the PML begins and σi is the function that governs the absorption in the PMLsuch that σi(s) > 0 for s > ai. Of course, we also stretch in negative coordinate directions as well to provide a PML inthose directions. Other changes of variables could also be considered in place of (13.64). However, the one in (13.64)gives a PML like the original Bérenger layer [86] . For low-frequency work it may be that i/κ should be replaced by 1/(β-iκ) for some β > 0 on the right-hand side above [252] .

To obtain the Maxwell–Bérenger equations in the layer, let us suppose that E can be continued into the upper half ofthe complex plane in each of x1, x2 and x3 as a solution of Maxwell's equations so that(13.65)

where ∇˜ x denotes the curl with respect to the complex vector variable x = (x1, x 2, x3)⊺. We now wish to changevariables back to real coordinates using the expressions for x from (13.64). We define dj(xj) = 1 + iσj(xj)/κ, j = 1, 2, 3,and obtain by direct calculation that


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Rearranging this expression using the fact that dj = dj(xj), j = 1, 2, 3, we obtain

Thus, if we define the matrices A and B by

we may write ∇˜ x ũ = A∇(B ũ). Returning to (13.65), we can now use the above expression to write theMaxwell–Bérenger equation (13.65) for the field E in x -coordinates in terms of x as follows:

Defining μB = εB = B-1A-1 and defining a new variable Ê = BE , we conclude that Ê satisfies(13.66)



Page 394: Ebooksclub.org Finite Element Methods for Maxwell 039 s Equations Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation Series The PML in spherical coordinatesWe now repeat the derivation of the previous section in spherical coordinates (see Section A.2). The Maxwell–;rengersystem is again obtained by continuing the standard solution into the upper half plane, this time as a function of radius.To define the continuation variables, let R0 > 0 be the radius of a sphere containing the scatterer in its interior. Wechoose R > R0 and a real valued absorption function σ = σ(ρ) parametrized by ρ and satisfying σ(ρ) = 0 for ρ < R andσ(ρ) > 0 for ρ > R. Then

Note that

It will prove convenient to define σ¯ and D¯ by

Then ρ˜ and ρ are related by d¯ as follows(13.67)

Now suppose that Ē satisfies Maxwell's equations (13.65) using spherical polar coordinates (ρ˜, θ, φ). We wish torewrite (13.65) using standard spherical coordinates. If

we can write

Then changing back to the real coordinate ρ using the fact that ρ˜ = d¯ρ and ∂/∂ρ˜ = (1/d)∂/∂ρ, we obtain


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We define the operators A : R3 → R3 and B : R3 → R3 so that, if υ = υ ρeρ + υθeθ + υφeφ, thenz

The curl relation above can be written as ∇˜ x E = A∇ x (BE). Using this expression in (13.65), we obtain

Hence, if we define εB = μB = A-1B-1 and Ê = BE , we can write the above equations as(13.68)


Note that in spherical coordinates it is easy to see how the Bérenger PML absorbs outgoing waves using the coordinatestretching derivation. From Theorem 9.17, outgoing solutions of (13.65) can be expressed as a series involving thespherical Hankel function . This function decays exponentially as the imaginary part of ρ˜ increases (see theasymptotic estimate (9.44)). A bounded Bérenger mediumWe now return to the problem of approximating the solution E of (13.62) and (13.63) subject to the Silver–Müllerradiation condition. This will be easiest to describe in polar coordinates. Having seen this case, the reader can writedown the appropriate problem in the rectilinear case (in addition, the rectilinear case is standard in the literature,whereas the spherical case is less well known).

Let Bb be a ball of radius b > R containing D in its interior and let the computational domain be denoted by Ω =Bb\D¯. In the sponge layer (b > ρ > R), the Maxwell–Bérenger equation (13.68) is satisfied. In the remainder of Ω, thestandard Maxwell system is satisfied. Define μ^r and ε^r as follows, using (13.69):

Let EB denote the solution of the PML truncated problem (both in the PML and standard medium). Then using theabove definition, we see that(13.70)

On the surface of the scatterer we just require that EB satisfy (13.63).


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It remains to give a boundary condition on Γb. Most authors advocate the use of a simple perfectly conductingboundary condition there [251] . However in [86] we showed that there is an advantage in using a simple absorbingboundary condition (ABC). We now derive a Silver–Müller type ABC suitable for the outer boundary. The standardSilver–Müller ABC is (assuming εr = μr = 1 near this boundary)

where ν is the unit outward normal to Bb and ET denotes the tangential component of E on the boundary. If we nowapply this equation to E using ρ˜ as the radial variable we obtain

and changing variables back to the real radius ρ we obtain

Now replacing BE with EB, we have ν x A∇ x EB + iκB-1EB, T = 0 on ∂Bb. But B-1EB, T involves only tangentialcomponents of E, so ν x A∇ x EB + iκD¯-1EB, T = 0 on ∂Bb. Hence, multiplying through by D¯ and using the definitionof μB, we obtain the modified Silver–Müller condition(13.71)

Now we can derive the weak form of the problem. We multiply eqn (13.70) by a function φ ∈ X (see (4.3) for thedefinition of X) and proceed as in the derivation of (4.4). This results in the problem of finding EB ∈ H(curl; Ω) suchthat and(13.72a)



Superficially this problem is very close to the standard cavity problem (4.4), but because the coefficients μ^r and ε^r arederived from the PML, they do not obey the conditions for our theorems regarding existence and uniqueness of thesolution of (4.4). In particular, ℑ(ε^r) is not semi-definite. Thus, even the existence of a unique solution of thevariational problem (13.72) is not known. For the related problem of time-harmonic acoustic scattering modeled bythe Helmholtz equation in curvilinear coordinates, Lassas and Sommersalo [201, 200] have verified existence anduniqueness. In addition, they prove convergence of the continuous Helmholtz–Bérenger solution to the solution of thescattering problem as the total absorption in the layer increases. We do not give their proof here, since it does notpertain directly to the Maxwell equations and is rather technical. A


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proof of convergence of the discrete finite element solution to the solution of the scattering problem is an openproblem, as is any result about (13.72).

Assuming that the Lassas and Sommersalo result holds for Maxwell's equations, we would expect that EB approachs Ein the H(curl; Ω) norm exponentially fast as ds increases. This suggests that either σ can be taken large or b large.Taking σ large cuts down the volume of the PML to be meshed, but care must be taken as we shall discuss next. Notethat Teixeira et al. [277] argue that any PML must be concave as viewed from inside the computational domain.

Problem (13.72) can be approximated by standard edge finite elements as discussed in Chapter 7 . Indeed oneattraction of the PML approach to truncation is that, once a finite element code is written for general matrix-valued εrand μr, implementation of the PML just involves a careful definition of these coefficients. Care must be taken,however, in the following ways:

(1) Linear system solver The Maxwell-Bérenger μ^r and ε^r do not satisfy standard assumptions on the coefficients forMaxwell's equations, and hence may adversely affect matrix conditioning or the performance of the iterativesolver used to solve the linear system.

(2) Choice of σ It is critical to choose the layer function σ and the thickness of the layer correctly. In particular, for thediscrete problem, there will be some reflection at the layer interface ρ = R with magnitude depending on the sizeof of hσ(R+), where σ(R+) denotes the limiting value of σ at R from the layer (see [85] for more details in the caseof the Helmholtz equation). Thus, it is usual to choose σ(R+) small (perhaps even zero) and increase σ into thelayer. Many functional forms for σ have been suggested (see, e.g., [36, 37]). In [85], we used a numericalapproach to predict optimal absorption functions σ for the Helmholtz equation. This approach has beenextended to Maxwell's equations by Petropoulis [250] . Numerical results in two dimensionsThe purpose of this section is to show that the Bérenger PML layers can be used to compute near-field solutions ofMaxwell's equations in two dimensions. Suppose that the solution of (13.62) is independent of x3 and that the magneticfield can be written as H = (0, 0, H)⊺. This implies that E = (E1, E2, 0)⊺. The function H then satisfies the Helmholtzequation,

outside the scatterer which is now a two-dimensional Lipschitz polygon, still denoted by D. The perfectly conductingboundary condition reduces to a Neumann boundary condition for H on Γ. Thus, the scattering problem becomes theproblem of computing the weak solution of


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Fig. 13.11. The mesh used in the numerical experiments reported on the time-harmonic wave equation (Helmholtzequation) with PML.4

where the last equation is the Sommerfeld radiation condition. We take the incident field to be Hi = exp(iκx1).

We can now apply the coordinate stretching philosophy to the Helmholtz equation to obtain a PML (see [86]). Usingthe same notation as the previous section, we see that, within the PML, the Helmholtz–Bérenger solution HB satisfies

which is a generalized Helmholtz equation.

We shall now present examples of the use of the PML in the frequency domain [86] . We consider two cases: therectilinear PML just described and a cylindrical PML derived by change of variables in the same way. For this test, wecompute the field scattered from a perfectly conducting metal obstacle in transverse polarization. As we discussedabove, this corresponds to solving the Helmholtz equation with Neumann data imposed on the metal wall. Thescatterer is contained in a 4.2 x 1.4 box and κ = 6.2832. The grid used is shown in Fig. 13.11, where the outer radius ofthe circle is ρ = 5 and the maximum diameter of elements in the mesh is h = 0.279. Note that the grid is not alignedwith either the Cartesian or radial coordinate system. Cubic isoparametric H1 conforming finite elements are used todiscretize the problem [80] . For the Cartesian case we use a simple Neumann boundary condition on the outerboundary. For the


4 Reprinted from SIAM J. Sd. Comput. , 19 , The perfectly matched layer in curvilinear coordinates, 2061–2090, F. Collino and P. Monk, Copyright 1998, with permissionfrom SIAM Publications.

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Fig. 13.12. Contours of the the real part of the scattered field computed using the two PMLs outlined in the text. Upperleft: the field is computed using a capacitance matrix code that handles the infinite domain exactly. Upper right: The realpart of the field computed using the Cartesian PML. Bottom: The cylindrical PML is used. Near the scatterer the fieldsare similar, decaying away to zero in both PML layers.5

cylindrical PML, we use a modified Sommerfeld radiation condition analogous to (13.71).

We choose parameters for the Bérenger layer along the lines of those discussed in [37] . In particular, we use aparabolic layer, σ(s, a) = σ0(|s| - a)2 for |s| > a and σ = 0 for |s| ≤ a. In all cases we choose σ0 = 5. In the Cartesiancase, we use

This implies that the layer is 0.5 units from the scatterer. For the cylindrical layer, we use


5 Reprinted from SIAM J. Sci. Comput. , 19 , The perfectly matched layer in curvilinear coordinates, 2061–2090, F. Collino and P. Monk, Copyright 1998, with permissionfrom SIAM Publications.

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Fig. 13.13. The real part of the scattered field along the line x2 = 0 for the three solutions in Fig. 13.13. Note that inthese plots the point x1 = 0 corresponds to the left edge of the computational domain. The break in the solution is dueto the perfectly conducting scatterer. In the top left panel, we use the capacitance matrix approach. In the top rightpanel, we use the Cartesian PML. In the bottom panel, we plot the solution for the cylindrical Bérenger medium.6

The upper left panel of Fig. 13.12 shows contours of the real part of the scattered field H computed by a capacitancematrix technique that matches the finite element solution to an integral equation solution outside the grid (thushandling the infinite domain accurately) [189] . In Fig. 13.12, the upper right panel shows the real part of theHelmholtz–Bérenger solution HB using the Cartesian layer, and the bottom panel shows the real part of theHelmholtz–Bérenger solution HB using the cylindrical layer. Clearly, the near field (e.g. in the mouth of the scatterer)computed using both Bérenger layers is similar to the capacitance matrix solution. But, as expected, the Bérengersolution dies away rapidly in the absorbing layer. Furthermore, in both cases, the contours of the solution show that noabrupt curvature changes when the Bérenger layer is entered which indicate that the layer is “perfectly matched”. Inthis case the layer is too large, since HB has vanished well before the outer boundary.


6 Reprinted from SIAM J. Sci. Comput. , 19 , The perfectly matched layer in curvilinear coordinates, 2061–2090, F. Collino and P. Monk, Copyright 1998, with permissionfrom SIAM Publications.

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Figure 13.13 shows the real part of the scattered field along the x1-axis computed using the different schemes. In thetop left panel, we use the capacitance matrix approach. The remainder of Fig. 13.13 shows the corresponding result forthe Cartesian and cylindrical Helmholtz–Bérenger media. The solutions are similar for |x - 5| < 2.5, but theHelmholtz–Bérenger result dies away quickly once the PML is reached. These results give numerical support to theclaim that the PML can be used to compute time-harmonic solutions.

13.6 Far eld recoveryFrequently, the goal of solving Maxwell's equations is to compute the electric far field pattern of the scattered field (asimilar problem arises in computing the field at points outside the computational domain). For the methods ofChapters 10 - 12, the truncation scheme allows a direct computation of the far field pattern via the series or integralequation used in the truncation procedure. However, if the field has been computed using an absorbing boundarycondition or perfectly matched layer to truncate the domain (as discussed in Sections 13.5 and 13.5.3), we need aprocedure to compute the far field pattern from the near field. Here we present the method used in [224] which is anextension of the method in [226] to Maxwell's equations.

To fix ideas, suppose we want to compute an approximation to the far field pattern due to a perfectly conductingscatterer occupying a bounded Lipschitz smooth polyhedral domain D ⊂ R3. As we have seen in Chapter 1, this impliescomputing an approximation to the solution E of(13.73a)




where Ei is a given incident wave, and the unit outward normal to D is denoted by ν. We then have, according toTheorem 9.5,(13.74)

where x = x/|x| and(13.75)

In our model problem ν x E = 0 on Γ so this term can be dropped from (13.75), but in general for a penetrablescatterer or a surface away from Γ we will need to include this term.


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The first step in computing E∞ is to truncate the scattering problem. Here we assume the use of the simplest absorbingboundary condition as described in Chapter 1 and Section 13.5. Of course, for methods like those in Chapters 10 - 12there is no need to use the approach here, since the field in the exterior domain is explicitly modeled. We introduce anartificial boundary ∑ far enough from Γ such that Ei is smooth inside ∑. The solution E of the truncated problemsatisfies

where Ω is the region exterior to Γ and interior to ∑. We define on ∑.

On ∑ the normal υ is oriented outward to Ω. Hence, E ∈ X satisfies(13.76)

for all φ ∈ X. Existence and uniqueness for this problem is verified in Chapter 4 . If ∑ is far enough from Γ, Theorem13.15 assures us that we can assume that E is a good approximation of E (actually verifying the accuracy for a givencomputation is not easy!).

In practice, we compute Eh ∈ Xh where Xh is defined in (7.1) such that(13.77)

In Section 7.3 we studied the convergence of Eh to E . The main problem in using (13.75) with E replaced by Eh is thatν x (∇ x Eh) is not well defined since ∇ x Eh ∉ H(curl;Ω).

Thus, we must extend (13.75) so that we can apply it to finite element functions. To do this, we recall a(·, ·) defined in(4.5) with the choice εr = μr = λ = 1 so that

Now let υ ∈ H(curl;Ω) be any function of y such that,(13.78a)


where e is any unit vector. Then(13.79)

For each choice of x and e, there is a different function υ satisfying (13.78). Taking e to be each of the orthogonal unitvectors e1, e2 and e3 in (13.79), we


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can compute the three components of E∞. In fact since E∞ · x = 0, we need only use two tangential unit vectors foreach x .

We see that for a fixed x , the desired quantity e · E∞ is a functional of the field E. Thus, we can use the ideas of super-convergent flux recovery [294, 21–23] in the same way as was used in [226] for the Helmholtz equation toapproximate e · E∞ (see also Chapter 12 ). To start we use the definition of υ and integration by parts to obtain

where ν is the unit outward normal to Ω and we recall that the definition of a(·, ·) includes complex conjugation of itssecond argument.

Replacing E by E in the above equality, we define E ∞ by(13.80)

for any unit vector e. This allows us to use the solution of the truncated problem E ∈ X to approximate the far fieldpattern. A partial justification of this approach is that the far field pattern E ∞ does not depend on the choice of υ,provided (13.78) is satisfied. To see this, suppose υ(1) and υ(2) satisfy (13.78) and give rise to far field patterns and .Then

But υ(1) - υ(2) ∈ X, so that using (13.76) we have .

We can now define the approximate far field pattern for Eh based on (13.80). One possible approach, used in [220], isto simply substitute Eh for E in (13.80). However, it is then necessary to integrate over Ω which is a fixed volumeindependent of mesh size to evaluate a(Eh, υmacr;). This gets very time consuming for small h [220] . In addition, using(13.80) directly, the discrete far field pattern depends on the choice of υ which is undesirable.

Again using the ideas of super-convergent flux recovery, we instead use the method of Chapter 12 and define υh ∈ Vh

as follows (recall Vh is the subspace of H(curl;Ω) used to construct Xh in Chapter 7 ):(13.81)


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Then we define the approximate far field pattern Eh, ∞ by(13.82)

This definition is also independent of the choice of υh provided υh satisfies (13.81). The proof is exactly the same as forthe independence of E ∞ on υ but using (13.77) in place of (13.76).

In practice, we choose υh ∈ Vh to interpolate ((x x e) x x )T exp(-iκx · y) on Γ, and to interpolate zero elsewhere in Ω.Thus, υh is only non-zero on elements sharing a face or edge with Γ. To evaluate a(Eh, υ¯h¯) requires integration onlyover the elements in this “skin”, and the integrals can be computed precisely since υh is a finite element function. Onthe other hand, in our analysis of the error, we shall choose υh as a suitable interpolant of a function defined on Ω.

To start our analysis of this procedure, note that

Our assumption is that ∑ is chosen far enough from Γ to ensure that the error due to the absorbing boundarycondition e · E∞ - e · E ∞ is sufficiently small. It remains to estimate the term e·E ∞ - e · Eh, ∞. To do that we define twoauxiliary functions. First let ξ ∈ H(curl;Ω) be such that(13.83a)



Then let z ∈ H(curl;Ω) be such that(13.84a)


In both cases existence of the solution is shown by the use of the Fredholm alternative and unique continuation as inthe analysis of (13.76) given in Chapter 4 . Of course, ξ is the weak solution of

The function z satisfies the same problem but with υh omitted. We then have the following basic error estimate.

Lemma 13.20 Suppose E satisfies (13.76) and Eh satisfies (13.77). If E ∞is given by (13.80) and Eh, ∞by (13.82), then

where ξ satisfies (13.83) and z satisfies (13.84).


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Proof Let υ = υh + ξ, then

But, since E ∈ X, eqn (13.83) implies

Since E - Eh ∈ X, (13.84) implies that we may subtract z, and we are done. □

Using the estimate in the previous lemma, we can estimate the error in the computed far field pattern as follows.

Corollary 13.21 Under the conditions of the previous lemma, for any unit vector e,

where rh is the interpolation operator into the edge finite element space Vh.

Remark 13.22 The regularity of E and z is in general the same. Thus, if ║E - Eh║X = O(hδ), then ║rhz - z║X = O(hδ) so that thefirst term on the right hand side of this estimate converges at twice the rate of convergence of the finite element solution. This is the “super-convergence” referred to in superconvergent flux recovery. Since

and since ν is constant on each triangle, we have

where k is the degree of the edge finite element space used to compute E h. Hence, we obtain

which suggests only O(hk) as a maximum rate of convergence. However, the error ║ν x (rhυ - υ)║H(Div;Γ)can be controlled a priori since v is aknown function on Γ. Hence, the error from this term can be controlled by suitably refining the surface grid on Γ. Moreover, for smoothdomains, it may well be possible to use negative norm estimates of the error ν x (rhυ - υ) as was done for the Helmholtz equation in twodimensions in [226] . It is likely that this would provide a better estimate only for quadratic or higher order edge elements and has yet to bedone.


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Fig. 13.14. A slice through the tetrahedral mesh used in this study indicating the geometric resolution of the twomeshes: left, mesh 1; right, mesh 2. The maximum element diameter is roughly comparable in the two cases, but mesh 2approximates the boundary of the sphere better.7

Proof of Corollary 13.21 We select υh = rhz and use the continuity of a(·, ·) and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality toobtain(13.85)

Now we need to relate the norm to boundary data on Γ. Considering (13.83) we see that ν x (υ - υh) ∈ Y(Γ).Furthermore, using a cutoff function, we know that there is a function ξ0 ∈H(curl;Ω) such that v x ξ0 = ν x (υ - υh) on Γand ξ0,T = 0 on ∑. Thus if u = ξ - ξ0 ∈ X, we see that u satisfies

Using the a priori estimate obtained by applying the Fredholm alternative to (13.83), we obtain

Using this estimate in (13.85) completes the proof. □

Now we present the result of a numerical experiment to test this approach to computing the far field pattern takenfrom [224] . We use linear first kind edge elements (k = 1) on a tetrahedral mesh to approximate backscattering by asphere. The domain D is a sphere of radius 0.25 and ∑ is taken to be the surface of the cube [-1, 1]3. Of course, thesphere is not a Lipschitz polyhedron, but we


7 Reprinted from Journal of Computational Physics , 170 , Phase-accuracy comparisons and improved far-field estimates for 3-D edge elements on tetrahedral meshes, 614–641,P. Monk and A.K. Parrot, Copyright 2001, with permission from Elsevier Science.

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can expect that a surface triangulation will adequately approximate the sphere to the accuracy of linear elements (thishas not been proved).

The incoming wave is a plane wave in the direction d = (1, 0, 0)⊺ with p = (0, 1, 0)⊺. For an incoming plane wave Ei, theradar cross section in the direction x is denoted by RCS(x) and given by

For a sphere of radius a, we then define the normalized echo area by

Here RCS(-d), the backscattered RCS, is measured in the direction from which the plane wave is incident (i.e. -d). Usingthe MIE series from Section 9.5.2, it is possible to compute the exact RCS and hence the NEA for a range ofwavenumbers κ.

Using two meshes of tetrahedra with different surface approximate properties (mesh 1 has ≈ 70000 elements andmesh 2 has ≈ 110000 elements, see Fig. 13.14 ), we can find the time-harmonic linear (k = 1) edge element solution to(13.77). In fact, in the example presented here, the solution is computed using a broadband excitation in the timedomain. The time-harmonic solution is then extracted using the Fourier transform (see [224]). Using this field, we cancompute an approximation to the NEA either by using our proposed method in (13.82) or using (13.79) directly bysimply substituting Eh for E.

Figure 13.15 shows the results for mesh 1 and mesh 2. In both cases our proposed method (13.82) improves theaccuracy of the NEA. Ultimately for high κ the computed echo area becomes inaccurate most likely due to abreakdown in accuracy of the finite element method as the wavelength of the radiation decreases (see Section 13.3).The improved resolution of the sphere in mesh 2 explains the improved results for that mesh.!


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Fig. 13.15. Comparison of the computed NEA as a function of sphere radius in wavelengths (a/λ = κa/2π). In bothpanels, the solid line indicates the exact solution computed via the MIE series. The dashed line is computed via (13.79)and the improved dashed dot line is computed via (13.82). On the left is the result for mesh 1, on the right for mesh 2.8


8 Reprinted from Journal of Computational Physics , 170 , Phase-accuracy comparisons and improved far-field estimates for 3-D edge elements on tetrahedral meshes, 614–641,P. Monk and A.K. Parrot, Copyright 2001, with permission from Elsevier Science.

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14.1 IntroductionSo far, in this book we have studied the direct scattering problem of computing the interaction of incidentelectromagnetic fields with a known target. In this final chapter, we shall discuss the inverse scattering problem ofdetermining the shape of a scatterer from a knowledge of the incident field and the corresponding far field pattern. Onthe one hand, we shall not use finite element methods except to obtain data for testing the inverse algorithm. On theother hand, much of our previous theoretical work can be used to investigate the inverse algorithm. In addition, myown study of direct scattering has been largely motivated by work on inverse problems.

We shall limit ourselves to the inverse scattering problem for time-harmonic waves in the resonance region. By“resonance region” we mean that the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves (2π/κ) is the same order of magnitudeas the size of features we wish to detect (e.g. the diameter of the scatterer). Of course, this is exactly the frequencyrange we have been discussing in the preceding chapters.

Contrasting the direct and inverse scattering problems, we can summarize the situation as follows:

Direct Problem We assume that we know the relevant details of the scatterer such as its shape, electromagnetic parameters ε, σ and μ, and itsposition. We then seek to approximate the scattered field due to a given incident field. One example of this type of problem, as we have seen, isto predict the radar cross section of a given aircraft. This involves finding the far field pattern of the scattered field. The direct problem is alsosometimes referred to as the “forward problem”.

Inverse Problem By contrast, the model inverse scattering problem presented in this chapter assumes that measurements of the far field patterndue to a variety of incoming waves are available (typically at a number of different frequencies — although we shall only consider the singlefrequency case here). From these scattering data, it is desired to determine information about the scatterer.

As an example of an inverse problem, we could seek to determine the shape of a scatterer or perhaps the presence ofundesirable flaws inside the scatterer. The best known inverse problem is most likely the radar problem [52] . In thisproblem we seek to determine the velocity and position of an object from measurements

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of the far field pattern at the same position as the source of the incident field (termed backscattering data). Otherapplications include non-destructive testing of objects by microwave interrogation [199], microwave medical imaging[99, 100] and mine detection [27] . In these latter applications it is possible, in principle, to gather more than justbackscattered data. It may also be desirable to obtain more than just positional information. For example, in the non-destructive testing application it might be desirable to image flaws to determine if they threaten the integrity of theobject under investigation.

The inverse scattering problem we shall investigate is a model problem in that we have simplified certain practicalaspects. In particular, we have chosen an inverse problem that fits into the basic theoretical framework established inthe foregoing chapters. Considerable elaboration of the basic method is possible.

The problem we wish to discuss assumes that a bounded scatterer in a homogeneous, isotropic and infinitebackground medium is illuminated by plane waves with direction d ∈ R3 and polarization p ∈ ℂ3 given by(14.1)

where |d| = 1. This rather elaborate version of the plane wave (compared to (1.20)) allows us to use an arbitrarypolarization p and still have Ei as a solution of the background homogeneous Maxwell system. This incident fieldreduces to the standard one if p is perpendicular to d. The incident field Ei is scattered by an unknown bounded object,and we assume that the far field pattern of the scattered electric field E∞(x , d, p) is known for all observation directionsx ∈ ∂B1, all directions of incident field d ∈ ∂B1 and all polarizations p ∈ C3. In reality, only measurements of E∞ would beavailable, and so E∞ cannot be assumed exactly known. We shall deal with this problem later.

We have assumed the knowledge of a tremendous amount of data. In fact, we shall only use a discrete set of x and d.In addition, E∞ is linear in p and orthogonal to x, so for each d two measurements corresponding to linearlyindependent polarizations orthogonal to d suffice to determine E∞ for all p. Note that we assume that both theamplitude and phase of the components of E∞ are known. From this data, we wish to determine the shape of theunknown scatterer.

There are a variety of methods that can be used to attack this inverse problem. A good survey can be found in Colton[87] . A very flexible option is to use an optimization approach. Let S denote a scatterer of the type to bereconstructed. For example, S could denote the surface of a perfect conducting scatterer. Then we denote by E∞(x , d, p,S) the far field pattern of the scattered field due to S when the incident field (14.1) is used. Then we seek an optimal S*that gives the best fit to the data by solving, for example,(14.2)


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The reader will have noted that my description of S is rather imprecise, and that this approach begs the questionwhether S* actually exists. The first of these difficulties is a drawback of the optimization approach. We need specific apriori information about the unknown scatterer to make the formulation precise. For example, we might assume thatwe are reconstructing a perfectly conducting scatterer that is starlike with respect to the origin. Then S denotes theunknown boundary parametrized by a suitable function of angular polar coordinates. If in fact there are two scattererspresent, or the boundary of the scatter is imperfectly conducting, this approach might fail.

It is also necessary to establish conditions under which (14.2) has a minimizer S*. Often this requires modifying thebasic least-squares term in (14.2) to regularize the problem or limit the search for a minimizer to some compact set(see, e.g., [43]).

Numerically, it is necessary to establish that a suitable gradient of the functional in (14.2) with respect to the parametersdefining a discrete approximation to S can be computed in an efficient way (see, e.g., [126]). Then large-scaleoptimization methods are needed to actually compute an approximation to S* (see, e.g., [166] in the acoustic context).Efficient and special purpose optimization algorithms have been proposed in [129, 130] in the context ofelectromagnetics.

The advantage of this method is that it is rather general. The functional can be modified to incorporate incompletedata (e.g. measurements only on a portion of ∂B1), and even allow for measurements of the magnitude of E∞ alone.The general applicability of the method, and the fact that it is possible to reconstruct details of the scatterer (e.g. thefunction εr if the scatterer is a dielectric and εr is included as an unknown in the optimization scheme) are advantages ofthis approach. For more details, see, e.g., [130] .

Another fruitful approach is to linearize the map from the scattering data S to the far field pattern E∞(·, d, p, S) about areference configuration, and then predict S* by solving the linearized problem. For example, a linearization valid at lowfrequency and low contrast (εr close to unity) is given by the Born approximation (see, e.g., [45, 78, 124]). When theBorn approximation is applicable, extremely fast algorithms can be constructed (for example [45, 117]). However, ifthe approximation is applied outside its domain of applicability, poor reconstructions can result. Of course, it ispossible to iterate the linearization technique about successively improving estimates of the scatterer to obtain aNewton method for the inverse scattering problem (see, e.g., [254]). This method has a similar complexity to theoptimization technique outline in the previous paragraphs.

The linear sampling method (LSM), which is the subject of this chapter, attempts to provide the speed and simplicityof linearization methods without making any special assumptions or approximations. The LSM only reconstructs theboundary of the scatterer, so it does not immediately produce information about the nature of the scatterer such as theconductivity of the material. The LSM requires, at the least, data for x in some open subdomain of the unit


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sphere, for d in some possibly disjoint subdomain and for all p. But the method has important advantages. First, it onlyrequires the solution of linear ill-posed problems and, second, it does not require a priori information about thescatterer such as that needed, for example, to implement (14.2) (it is required to know the approximate position andsize of the scatterer).

The LSM has its roots in the study of far field patterns for acoustic waves by Colton and Kirsch [91] . This studyresulted in the dual space method of Colton and Monk [97, 98], again for acoustic problems. The dual space methodwas a variant of the optimization method discussed above. A crucial insight was then provided by Colton and Kirsch[92], who noted that the boundary could be determined without optimization. This idea was extensively developed inthe acoustic context (see, e.g., [96, 88]) and more recently in the electromagnetic context in [101, 194, 90, 155, 69].

In parallel to the development of the LSM, Kirsch (see, e.g., [187]) has introduced a family of sampling methods basedon various factorizations of the far field operator (we shall define this operator in the next section— see (14.4)). Thesemethods have a more complete mathematical justification than the LSM, but are more limited in applicability (at leastthe theoretical analysis cannot be established in as great a generality). Sampling methods have also been developed byother authors (see, e.g., [242, 171, 253, 254]).

14.2 The linear sampling methodIn this section we shall describe in a formal way the LSM and give a heuristic justification for its success. The theoremsto support this argument will follow after we have discussed how to implement the method and shown someexamples.

Regardless of the physics of the scatterer, provided certain resonances are avoided, the LSM is the same. We introducean artificial source point z ∈ R3 and artificial polarization q ∈ R3 with |q| = 1. Then we seek a function

such that(14.3)

for all x ∈ ∂B1. Note that E∞(x , d, p) is a linear function of the polarization p and hence the left hand side of (14.3)defines a linear operator. We shall discuss later how to actually solve (14.3), but for now, motivated by (14.3), merelydefine the far field operator by(14.4)

for x ∈ ∂B1. Note that, by superposition, Fg is the far field pattern for the electric field due to the incoming wave ofthe form(14.5)


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This is an example of an electric Herglotz wave function with kernel iκg. We shall study such functions more in Section14.3.2. Let us denote the corresponding scattered field by so that .

Turning now to the right-hand side of (14.3), we see that this is the far field pattern of an electric dipole at z withpolarization q so that if we define(14.6)

then Ee,∞ is the far field pattern of Ee given by

where Φ is the fundamental solution to the Helmholtz equation given by (9.1). We can thus rewrite (14.3) as(14.7)

Now let us assume that z ∈ D where D denotes the unknown support of the scatterer (i.e. we want to reconstruct Γ =∂D). Suppose also that (14.3) is solvable so that (14.7) holds. Since the two far field patterns agree, Corollary 9.29 ofRellich's lemma and the unique continuation result in Theorem 4.13 show that

Now let x ∈ Γ and let z ∈ D approach x. Due to the singularity inΦ at x = z, the norm of the right-hand side blows upin the Hloc(curl,R3\D). On the left-hand side, we have a weighted integral of scattered fields, and due to our assumptionthat ∂D is a Lipschitz polyhedron, the fields are in Hloc(curl,R3\D). The only way for the left-hand side to becomeunbounded is for to become unbounded as z → x. We see that the boundary of D is indicated by thegrowth of . Later, after we have discussed how to solve (14.3) in more detail, we shall show that if z ∉D, the procedure for computing g will also result in a function with large norm. Thus, we can say that D is indicated bythe region of z ∈ R3 where .

Note that nowhere have we used any a priori information about the boundary conditions on Γ or the scatteringmechanism in D (e.g. D could be a penetrable scatterer where εr ≠ 1 or μr ≠ 1). This makes clear that theimplementation of the method is independent (within some limitations we shall mention later in this chapter) of a prioriinformation on the scatterer.

The general scheme for finding Γ is now clear. We solve (14.3) for many z in the region of R3 where we expect D to lie.These sample points z must have sufficient density that some will lie in D (hence the need for a priori data on the sizeand approximate position of the scatterer). Regions where g has small norm establish an outline of D (this can then berefined by using further sample points in the neighborhood of this approximate reconstruction, see [89]). Note


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that (14.3) is a linear first kind integral equation. The combination of sampling and linearity gives rise to the name“linear sampling method” or LSM (clearly a major drawback of the scheme compared to other algorithms such asART (cf. [232]) or MUSIC (cf. [125]) is a poor acronym).

HEALTH WARNINGThe preceding paragraphs are the only place in this book where I have knowingly made a false argument! The heuristic argument supporting theLSM fails in general because for most scatterers(14.3)does not have a solution! There are some scatterers (e.g. a perfectly conducting sphere) where g does exist, but ingeneral we cannot be sure of existence.

In Section 14.3, we shall remedy this failing by giving a theoretical justification of the LSM. Next, however, we showhow to implement the method assuming certain properties for F that will be proved later.

14.2.1 Implementing the LSMIn view of our upcoming discussion we make the following definition.

Definition 14.1 Let A : U ⊂ χ → ν ⊂ Y be an operator from a subset U of a Hilbert space χ into a subset ν of aHilbert space Y. The problem of finding φ ∈ U such that

where f ∈ ν is wellposed if A : U → ν is bijective and the inverse operator A-1 : ν → U is continuous. Otherwise theequation is illposed.

We wish to compute solutions of (14.3) (in fact, in view of the Health Warning, only approximate solutions). But the farfield operator F is compact, since E∞ is a smooth (even analytic) function of its arguments. The next lemma shows thatthis compactness implies that F-1, even if it exists, cannot be bounded and hence (14.3) is illposed.

Lemma 14.2 The far field operator given by(14.4) is compact and the far field equation (14.3)is illposed.

Proof The fact that F is compact follows from the smoothness of the kernel E∞ and Theorem 3.6. Suppose F-1 exists,and is bounded. Then F-1F = I and so I is compact (since F-1 is bounded and F is compact, see Theorem 2.31). Hence,by Lemma 2.32, is finite dimensional. This is a contradiction, so (14.3) is illposed. □

Since F-1, if it exists, cannot be bounded, we must seek approximate but stable solutions by modifying (14.3) (shortlywe shall show that F is injective and so has an inverse on its range). This process is termed regularization and has beenstudied in great detail for many years (see, e.g., [137, 186]). Next, we shall outline enough of this theory to understandthe approach we have adopted.

The method we shall use to regularize (14.3), the Tikhonov regularization with Morozov's discrepancy principle, is butone of many possible regularization


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techniques. It has the virtue of giving reasonable reconstructions in practice. To understand the method, we first needto generalize the matrix singular value decomposition to operators in the standard way. Let F* denote the adjointof F so that

Then F* is bounded and so F*F is bounded and self-adjoint. In addition, F*F is compact, since F is compact. Hence bythe Hilbert-Schmidt theory (see Theorem 2.36), we know that F*F has an orthonormal sequence of eigenfunctions

and eigenvalues such that μ1 ≥ μ2 ≥ · · · ≥ μn → 0 as n → ∞, and

We can define a second sequence of vectors ξn = (1/μn)Fφn so that(14.8)

The set is called a singular system for F. Using this singular system, we have the following theorem (for amore general version and a discussion of the result, see Theorems 4.7 and 4.8 of [94]).

Theorem 14.3 Assuming F is injective and compact, any can be written as

The generalized far field equation of finding such that Fg = f where is solvable if and only if f ∈ N(F*)⊥ and satisfies

In this case, the solution is given by

Remark 14.4 In Lemma 14.14 we shall show that for at least one class of scattering problems, F is injective. In our application,f = Ee, ∞. The final equation of the theorem shows that the solution is very sensitive to perturbations of f in the higher Fourier modes, sinceμn → 0 as n → 0.

Now we can describe the first part of the regularization strategy for (14.3). As mentioned before, we choose to applythe Tikhonov regularization [137, 186, 279].


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Lemma 14.5 The operator , has a bounded inverse.

Proof Let . Then c(·, ·) satisfies the conditions of the Lax–Milgram Lemma 2.21 and theassertion of the lemma follows. □

Now we define the regularized solution of (14.3) by

Using the singular system (14.8)(14.9)

If α is chosen appropriately we can have for the first few modes (i.e. small n), but, since μn → 0 as n →∞, we have

so that the growth of the higher-order modes in expansion (14.9) are controlled. Clearly the choice of α is of criticalimportance to the method. If α is too large gα will be inaccurate, but if α is too small stability will be compromised. Weshould note that the Tikhonov regularization is a valid regularization in the sense that if a solution g to (14.3) existsthen in the limit as α → 0, we have, from (14.9), gα → g in .

Since we shall be solving the regularized version of (14.3) for many z with a wide range of norms expected for gα, weneed an automatic way to pick α in a reasonable way. We do this using the Morozov discrepancy principle [137, 279,157]. Let us define the norm of the residual,

If α is small we expect R(α) to be small, since many terms in the expansion (14.9) will be close to those for F-1Ee,∞ (butthe norm of gα may be large due to instability). More precisely,




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This is a continuous and monotone increasing function of α. In fact, as α→ ∞ and R(α)→ 0 as α→ 0.On the other hand,(14.11)

is monotone decreasing as α→ ∞. The idea of the Morozov discrepancy principle is to balance R(α) and , taking intoaccount possible errors in F and Ee,∞ (the former come from measurement errors in E∞, while the latter are needed forour upcoming theory). Suppose we have available only measurements Fδ of F (via its kernel) and an approximationto Ee,∞ such that

The magnitude of the residual generated by actually computing with Fδ and can be estimated formally as follows.Suppose gε,δ solves exactly . Then

So . It thus makes sense to choose α so that . Of course, gε,δ is notavailable. In addition, in our applications, ε is small compared to , so we actually choose α to satisfy thefollowing equality

Squaring both sides and using the expansions for R(α) and gα in (14.10) and (14.11), we see that this implies finding thezero of

The function μ(α) is obviously monotone increasing and so there is at most one zero (in fact, μ(α) is negative for αsmall enough and positive if α > δμ0, and there is one zero). Despite this nice property, solving μ(α) = 0 for all samplepoints z significantly slows the inverse algorithm. In addition, μ(α) is rather flat, so the magnitude of the zero can varyover many orders of magnitude in a single inverse problem. We usually work with ln(α) rather than α itself. Of course,we do not need a very accurate solution of this problem. For noisy data, F is not known and we must work with thesingular system for Fδ rather than F.

Now we discuss one method for solving (14.3) from [90] . The left-hand side of (14.3) is convenient for theory, butobscures the dependence of the far field


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operator on g. We first derive an equivalent form. Let (e1(x), e2(x ), x ) denote an orthonormal basis for R3. Since the farfield pattern E∞ is radial, we know that x · E∞(x, d, p) = 0 (see Corollary 9.5). Hence, (14.3) is equivalent to the twoscalar equations,(14.12)

for all x ∈ ∂B1 and j = 1, 2. Now we assume that the far field pattern satisfies the reciprocity relation: s · E∞(x , d, r) = r ·E∞(-d, -x, s) for all x , d ∈ ∂B1 and r, s ∈ C3. We shall prove this shortly in Theorem 14.15 for a particular class ofscatterers. Using the reciprocity relation, we may rewrite (14.12) as(14.13)

for all x ∈ ∂B1 and j = 1, 2. This clarifies the fact that the far field operator is linear in g.

For the numerical study we shall present shortly, we now replace the integral in (14.13) by a sum using a quadratureapproximation. We first approximate the surface ∂B1 using a triangulation. Each triangle T of this mesh corresponds,by radial projection, to a segment S of the unit sphere. Suppose T has vertices , Then for any smooth functionf on ∂B1, we approximate

If the triangulation has NH vertices given by dm, m = 1, …, NH, we obtain

where the quadrature weights are wm, m = 1, …, NH. In our numerical experiments, NH = 42 and we choose theevaluation points for E∞ to agree with the incident directions so that successively x = dm, 1 ≤ m ≤ NH. In view of thefact that dj · g(dj) = 0, we may write gj = g1, je1(dj) + g2,je2(dj) where g1, j, g2, j, ∈ C. Thus, the fully discrete problemcorresponding to (14.3) is to find g1, j, g2, j, 1 ≤ j ≤ NH, such that

for l = 1, 2 and m = 1, 2, …, NH. This gives rise to 2NH linear equations in 2NH unknowns. By enumerating theequations and unknowns in this problem, it may be written as


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where is a vector given by the right hand side above and A∞ is a 2NH x 2NH matrix.

In our forthcoming numerical study, we shall show results where E∞ is computed numerically. The use of computeddata for the inverse problem can give rise to unwitting “inverse crimes”. This phrase, coined in [94], refers to thepossibility that the computed data for an inverse algorithm can be especially well suited to the inversion scheme underinvestigation. To avoid such crimes and also to simulate measurement error, we actually replace A∞ by given by

where ε > 0 is an error parameter and R1 and R2 are (2NH) x (2NH) matrices of random numbers uniformly distributedin [-1,1]. Of course, for a physical measurement device, the error is unlikely to be uniform, but this suffices toinvestigate the numerical scheme. We chose ε = 0.01 in the results shown later.

Now we apply the Tikhonov regularization to (14.14) with A∞ replaced by so that the regularized solution, stilldenoted by , satisfies

where α > 0 is the regularization parameter. Using the singular value decomposition of , we can easily solve thisequation for . We then use the Morozov discrepancy principle described earlier in this section to find an appropriateα for each z and q by taking the Morozov parameter corresponding to the noise level (the spectral matrixnorm). Note that this choice of δ ignores errors due to the numerical scheme for computing the data A∞.

Once we have computed for a given z and q, we can compute given by

We expect that the boundary ∂D will be indicated by large values of , and that will also be large outside D.Of course, this statement begs the question of what is “large”.

In practice, this is a difficult question to answer. One approach is to first reconstruct a sphere or other known targetwith similar size and boundary conditions as the unknown scatterer. A parameter C is then chosen so that theboundary of the object is indicated by the surface of points z such that G(z) = C where(14.15)

Note that here we have combined data for each polarization q in a single function G(z), since ej, j = 1, 2, 3, are the threestandard unit vectors.


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Fig. 14.1. Reconstruction of two perfectly conducting spheres. (a) Surface of the true or exact scatterer. (b)Reconstruction using the LSM with criterion (14.16) used to choose the isosurface shown. Note that the wavelength ofthe incident field (shown in (b)) is larger than the diameter of either sphere.9

The “calibration” approach just outlined was studied in [89] and used in a number of subsequent publications [88] . Ifwe do not know the boundary condition on the unknown scatterer, this approach fails. In the numerical study reportedhere from [90] we just choose a value for C a posteriori.

14.2.2 Numerical results with the LSMMost of the numerical results we show are from [90] . In that study we choose the sampling points z to lie on auniform grid in the cube [-2, 2]3 with a mesh size of 0.1. Thus, we sampled at (41)3 points. We could have used theadaptive approach of [89], but preferred to spend computer time on the reconstruction rather than humanprogramming time on the more sophisticated algorithm. For this reason we do not report computer times.

Data for the inverse problem were obtained using a finite element like code for approximating the scattering problem(actually the perfectly conducting scattering problem) using a truncated domain and the Silver–Muller radiationcondition as described in Section 13.5. The method actually used was the “ultra weak variational formulation” ofMaxwell's equations discretized using plane-waves of [74] with four plane-wave directions per tetrahedron. This codewas conveniently available at the time of the study from which these results are reproduced.

We start with the problem of reconstructing two perfectly conducting spheres. The wavenumber is κ = 3, and so thetwo spheres are approximately one-half


9 Reprinted from SIAM J. Sci. Comput. , 24 , The linear sampling method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, 719–731, D. Colton, H. Haddar and P.Monk, Copyright 2002, with permission from SIAM.

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Fig. 14.2. To provide more details of the reconstruction shown in Fig. 14.14 we show here contour maps of g(z) onthree planes through the scatterer. We also superimpose the exact scatter for comparison. Clearly, the outlines of thescatterers are visible, but there is a slight pinching of the reconstruction towards one another.10

wavelength in diameter and their centers are separated by approximately one wavelength. This choice of κ was dictatedby limitations on the forward code, but results in a difficult inverse problem since the scatterers are less than awavelength in diameter. Generally, the fidelity of a reconstruction improves as κ increases and the wavelength of theincident field becomes smaller than the scatterers. However, the reconstruction shown in Fig. 14.1 is acceptable. Theseplots show the isosurface of given by(14.16)

where G(z) is given by (14.15) and includes information from all polarizations q. Figure 14.2 shows 20 contours ofG(z) on different cross-sections through the scatterer. These reveal that the reconstruction is slightly pinched towardseach other. This is typical of reconstructions of objects that are close together. If the balls were still closer together thepinching could become more obvious, even closer and the balls would be reconstructed as an elongated “dumbbell”.In these computations, the error parameter ε was set to 0.01.

It is reasonable to ask if it is helpful to use all polarization data (by this we mean different q). Next we show thereconstruction of a U-shaped scatterer in Fig. 14.3 . Parameters are as in the previous problem. Clearly, it is possiblefor the LSM to reconstruct non-convex scatterers. Of course the indentation of the ∪ is smoothed, but the indentation,which is much less than a wavelength deep and so is difficult to reconstruct, is evident. In Fig. 14.3 we used G(z) givenby (14.15), including data for all polarizations q. The contour level drawn is


10 Reprinted from SIAM J. Sci. Comput. , 24 , The linear sampling method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, 719–731, D. Colton, H. Haddar and P.Monk, Copyright 2002, with permission from SIAM.

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Fig. 14.3. (a) The exact U-shaped scatterer and (b) its reconstruction using criterion (14.17). In the remaining panels weshow contour maps of g(z) on surfaces through the scatterer. In this case, all polarization data are used (g is given by(14.15)). Clearly, it is possible to reconstruct non-convex objects.11


Figure 14.4 shows contour plots of for j = 1, 2, 3 on various sections through the scatterer. Theseindividual components of G each emphasize different aspects of the scatterer. For example, providesresolution of the vertical parts of ∪ and so on. It is clearly important to combine all these polarization data in order toget an accurate reconstruction.

We have commented a number of times that the LSM does not require a priori knowledge concerning the boundarydata on the unknown scatterer. Of course, the fidelity of the construction will depend on the properties of the actualscatterers present (and so on boundary data), but the method need not be


11 Reprinted from SIAM J. Sci. Comput. , 24 , The linear sampling method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, 719–731, D. Colton, H. Haddar and P.Monk, Copyright 2002, with permission from SIAM.

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Fig. 14.4. To investigate the influence of the polarization q on the reconstruction, we show the individual componentsof g. The top row of figures shows , etc. Combining the results for all three choices of q (see Figure 14.3)results in a better reconstruction than for any single choice of q·12

(indeed cannot be!) adjusted for this. In the next and last example, we show the reconstruction of two balls. One isperfectly conducting, but the other is penetrable conducting with εr = 2 + 2i. In this case, κ = 3. The reconstruction isshown in Fig. 14.5 . The penetrable sphere is reconstructed almost as well as the perfectly conducting ball. Criterion(14.16) (the same as for two perfectly conducting balls) is used to draw the three-dimensional pictures. This case is notcovered by the theory presented in the next section. For further details concerning this example, see [155] .


12 Reprinted from SIAM J. Sci. Comput. , 24 , The linear sampling method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, 719–731, D. Colton, H. Haddar and P.Monk, Copyright 2002, with permission from SIAM.

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Fig. 14.5. Reconstruction of a perfectly conducting sphere next to a penetrable sphere (with εr = 2 + 2i). (a) Surface ofthe true or exact scatterer. (b) Reconstruction using the LSM with criterion (14.16) used to choose the isosurfaceshown. In the remaining panels we show sections through the reconstruction. Clearly, the penetrable sphere is lesseasily visible than the perfectly conducting sphere.13

14.3 Mathematical aspects of inverse scatteringWe are now going to show that the heuristic arguments given in the previous section can be given a solid foundation.This requires that we make concrete assumptions about the scatterer. We shall consider only the simplest case when Dis a bounded perfectly conducting obstacle in a uniform background medium (for extensions to other situations, see[90, 155, 70]).

Thus, we assume that the total field E ∈ Hloc(curl;R3 \ D) satisfies(14.18)


13 Reprinted from Inverse Problems , 18 , The linear sampling method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, 891–906, H. Haddar and P. Monk, Copyright2002, with permission from IOP Publishing Ltd.

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where Ei is given by (14.1) and D is a Lipschitz polyhedral domain with simply connected complement.

Before we start our analysis we need to re-examine the space Y(Γ) where Γ = ∂D defined in (3.50). In particular, weneed to revert to the original definition of Chen et al. [77], since we need to consider traces on Γ of functions on D andon R3\D¯. We define(14.22)

where R is large enough, so that Γ ⊂ BR.

Note that the choice f ∈ (H-1/2(Γ))3 follows from Theorem 3.29. The space Y(Γ) is equipped with the norm

It is possible to show that Y(Γ) is a Banach space. Using the extension result for H(curl;D) functions in Theorem 3.34,we can prove that ║·║Y(Γ) is equivalent to the norm


and u ∈ H(curl;D) is any function such that ν x u = f on Γ. Using the extension theorem again, this time applied toH(curl;BR\D¯), shows that ║f║Y(Γ) is also equivalent to


and u ∈ H(curl;BR\D¯) is any function such that ν x u = f on Γ and ν x u = 0 on ∂BR Thus, traces of functions definedon either side of Γ suffice to characterize Y(Γ). In addition, Y(Γ) is in fact a Hilbert space. These facts are


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not surprising, since Y(Γ) can be given an intrinsic characterization. It is in fact the appropriate generalization (non-trivial indeed!) to Lipschitz boundaries of the space H-1/2(Div; Γ). Detailed results can be found in [63] . We do not givethe results here, because the indirect characterization in (14.22) suffices for us.

The plan of this section is now as follows. First, we show that the data used for the inverse problem uniquelydetermine the scatterer. Then, in Section 14.3.2 we examine in detail properties of the Herglotz wave functions definedin (14.5). Using these functions, we then verify various properties of the far field operator F defined in (14.4) thatjustify the use of regularization to solve (14.3) and our particular numerical implementation. Finally, we prove thedesired results justifying the LSM in Section 14.3.4. Our presentation follows [94, 95, 70].

14.3.1 Uniqueness for the inverse problemOur next result shows that an exact knowledge of the far field pattern for all measurement points ◯, all directions dand all polarizations p uniquely determines D. Thus, at least in theory, there is sufficient information in the data todetermine the boundary of D. This is a comforting result, if we are about to try to solve the inverse scattering problem(but, of course, the result says nothing about the stability of the reconstruction with respect to measurement error).This version of the theorem is taken from [194] .

Theorem 14.6 Let D1and D2be two perfectly conducting Lipschitz polyhedral scatterers such that at a fixed wavenumber κ the far fieldpatterns for both scatterers coincide for all directions d and polarizations p. Then D1 = D2.

This theorem is proved most easily using a remarkable reciprocity result first proved by Potthast [254], termed a“mixed reciprocity” result since it gives an equality between solutions of (14.18)–(14.21), and a solution of the sameproblem except that the incident wave is due to an incident field from a dipole source. Let Edp and be the total fieldand scattered field solutions of (14.18)–(14.21) when(14.23)

where Φ is, as usual, the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation (see (9.1)) and q ∈ C3, q ≠ 0, is thepolarization of the dipole source located at z ∈ R3.

We may write Edp = Edp(x, z, q) (or ). Similarly, we denote by E(x, d, p) or Es(x, d, p) the solutions of(14.18)–(14.21) with the incident plane wave given by (14.1).

Theorem 14.7 Suppose D is a perfect conductor, then

for all ◯ ∈ ∂B1, z ∈ R3\D¯ and p, q ∈ C3.


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Remark 14.8 In proving this theorem, it is useful to use the magnetic fields H = (1/iκ)▿ x E and Hi = (1/iκ)▿ x Ei, both for pointsource and plane wave solutions.

Proof of Theorem 14.7 The proof uses the representation theorem for the far field pattern and (3.51). By theStratton–Chu formula in Theorem 9.4, we have(14.24)

The term in parentheses on the last lines of the above equation evaluates to zero, since z ∉ D so that Ei satisfiesMaxwell's equations in D and Φ(z, y) satisfies the Helmholtz equation in D (see the proof of the first Stratton–Chuformula in Theorem 9.1). Furthermore, ν x E = 0 on Γ, so (14.24) may be written as

where we have used the fact that for constant vectors r, s ∈ C3, we have

and is given by (14.23). Again using the boundary condition on Γ, we have(14.25)


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The last integral here vanishes, because both and (Es, Hs) are solutions of Maxwell's equations in R3\D¯satisfying the radiation condition (see the proof of the Stratton–Chu formula in Theorem 9.1 for example). Hence,using the definition of Ei and Hi and comparing the first integral on the right hand side to the representation for Edp, ∞

given in Corollary 9.5 shows that

Use of this in (14.25) proves the result. □

We are now in a position to prove the uniqueness theorem. Besides the previously proved result on mixed reciprocity,this proof also makes use of the well-posedness of the forward problem in the exterior of D guaranteed by Theorem10.8. In particular, let X be the space defined in (4.3). We know that ║E║X is bounded in terms of the data for thescattering problem. We use the spaces X1 where the domain is Ω1 exterior to D1, and X2 where Ω2 is exterior to D2

chosen large enough that Ω1 ∩ Ω2 contains a neighbourhood of D1 and D2.

Proof of Theorem 14.6 By Rellich's lemma in the form of Corollary 9.29 and unique continuation (see Theorem 4.13),the equality of the far field patterns implies that the scattered field due to D1, denoted by , equals the scattered fielddue to D2 in G which denotes the unbounded component of R3\(D¯1 ∪ D¯2). This holds for all directions d and allpolarizations. Hence, via the mixed reciprocity result of Lemma 14.7, we see that E1,dp,∞ (the far field pattern due to adipole point source at z ∈ G scattered from D1) equals the far field pattern E2,dp,∞ due to the same source and domainD2. Again, by Rellich's lemma and unique continuation, we conclude that in G, for all source points z ∈ G.

Now suppose D1 ≠ D2. Then (perhaps after renumbering the domains!) there is a point x* ∈ ∂D1, x* ∉ D¯2. Since D1 is aLipschitz polyhedron, we can also choose x* to lie in the interior of a face of ∂D1, which then has a well-defined normalν(x*). Let

for n ≥ N0, such that zn ∈ G. Denoting by the scattered field due to a point source at z and D2, we have


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The right-hand side tends to zero as n → ∞ due to the well-posedness of the forward problem for scattering from D2

in the X2 norm (see Theorem 10.8 and recall x* ∉ D¯2, so the boundary data on D2 converges in Y(∂D2)).

On the other hand, because of the boundary condition

where is the dipole source at zn and the fact that we have

This is a contraction. Thus, it must be impossible to find such a point x* and we conclude that D1 = D2 as required. □

14.3.2 Herglotz wave functionsA principal tool of the analysis of the LSM is the Herglotz wave function. Let us recall the definition.

Definition 14.9 A field Eg is an electric Herglotz wave function if there is a function such that

Surprisingly such functions appear frequently in scattering applications. Note that Eg is defined (and analytic) for any x.In fact, Eg is characterized by the following lemma due to Hartmann and Wilcox [158] .

Lemma 14.10 A function E is a solution of Maxwell's equation(14.18)in all ofR3subject to the growth condition ║E║H(curl;BR) = O(R1/2) if and only if E is an electric Herglotz wave function.

Proof Suppose Eg is an electric Herglotz wave function. Then

where we have used the fact that g is a tangential vector field. Hence,

The fact that Eg satisfies the growth condition is obvious. For the proof of the reverse implication of the lemma, seeTheorem 6.30 of [94] . □

Lemma 14.11 Suppose Eg is an electric Herglotz wave function. Then Eg = 0 for all x if and only if g = 0.


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Proof Following Colton and Kress [94], we note that each component of Eg satisfies the Helmholtz equation and

Using the Funk–Hecke formula (9.54), we obtain

and the completeness of the spherical harmonics in L2(∂B1) guaranteed by Lemma 9.11 shows that gl = 0. □

We now state and prove a critical result for our upcoming theory. Indeed, this result is usually the most difficult resultto prove when verifying the LSM in a particular situation. Our proof is taken from [95] with slight modifications toapply to Lipschitz domains.

Theorem 14.12 Let D be a bounded Lipschitz domain with connected complement. Then any function E ∈ H(curl;D) satisfying ▿ x▿ x E - κ2E = 0 in D (in the sense of distributions) can be approximated by an electric Herglotz wave function Eg to arbitrary accuracyin the H(curl;D) norm.

Remark 14.13 The assumption that D has connected complement is essential. Indeed it is possible to show, via simple examples, that thetheorem does not hold on domains for which the complement is disconnected. On the other hand, we allow the scatterer to be disconnected.Note also that the theorem holds even if κ is a Maxwell eigenvalue.

Proof of Theorem 14.12 Let

We consider the map defined, for by

We want to show that is dense in M(D). This is done by characterizing a suitable adjoint operator andshowing is injective. Once we have shown that is injective, the result follows by Lemma 2.15.

In particular, is defined by requiring that, if h ∈ M(D), then

for all . We start by characterizing . Using the definition of the H(curl;D) inner product and the integrationby parts identity (3.51), we obtain


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Here we have used the fact that ▿ x ▿ x h = κ2h ∈ (L2(D))3 to justify the integration by parts. Since ▿ x ▿ x h - κ2h = 0 inD in the usual weak sense, we have

Now from the proof of Corollary 9.5, we see that this is the far field pattern of(14.26)

Using the fact that h satisfies Maxwell's equations in D and that ▿Γ · (ν x ▿ x h) = -κ2ν · h for h ∈ M(D) (note that ν · h iswell defined in H-1/2(Γ), since ▿ · h = 0 in D), we obtain

This formula defines V for any y ∈ R3\D¯. Then, using the fact that Φ is the fundamental solution of the Helmholtzequation (proceeding along the lines of the proof of Theorem 9.1), we see that the same formula defines V for y ∈ D.Then, if V+ = V|R

3\D¯ and V- = V|D, we have

As y → Γ = ∂D, the integrand on Γ in the definition of V becomes singular. This results in the classical jumpproperties relating traces of V+ to V- on Γ. Since this is the only place we shall use such properties we have notdiscussed them in detail. However, they are well known (see, e.g., [94]) for smooth boundaries


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and the same relations also hold for Lipschitz boundaries (see [215, 62, 64]). In particular, it can be shown that

Now suppose H*Dh=0. Since H*Dh is the far field pattern of V+, this implies, by Corollary 9.29 of Rellich's lemma andthe unique continuation result in Theorem 4.13, that V+ = 0. But using the equations satisfied by h and V - and theintegration by parts result (3.51), we have

where we have used the fact that ν x V+ = 0 and ν x ▿ x V+ = 0 on Γ. Thus, h = 0 and so H*:D is injective. By Lemma2.15 we have thus proved . This completes the proof. □

14.3.3 The far eld operators F and BNow we study the far field operator F and a related operator B which we shall define shortly. Of course, F is definedby (14.4). Our first task is to verify that the far field operator is injective with dense range. This implies that theTikhonov regularization is an appropriate procedure for solving (14.3). Again the fact that D has connectedcomplement is a critical assumption.

Theorem 14.14 Suppose κ is not an interior Maxwell eigenvalue for D. Then the far field operator is injective withdense range.

Proof Suppose Fg = 0, then

where E∞ is the far field pattern of the solution E Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) satisfying (14.18)–(14.21). The left-hand side is thefar field pattern of the scattered field due to the incoming wave given by the Herglotz wave function


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This follows by superposition of the solutions of the scattering problem. Since the far field vanishes, we conclude that,due to Corollary 9.29 of Rellich's lemma and the unique continuation result in Theorem 4.13, the scattered field due tothis incident field vanishes identically outside D. Hence satisfies

The second equation follows from the perfect conducting boundary condition on Γ. Since κ is not an interior Maxwelleigenvalue, . Hence, by Lemma 14.11, g = 0 and injectivity is proved.

Now we prove that F has dense range. Let denote the adjoint to F. By definition,

Thus, (F*h)(d) = (Fh)(-d), where . Since F is injective, it follows that F* is injective, so that Lemma 2.15shows that is dense in . □

In fact, the proof has shown a slightly stronger result than that stated in the theorem. We see that F is injective withdense range unless κ is a Maxwell eigenvalue of D and the corresponding eigenfunction is a Herglotz wave function.

We next show that the reciprocity result used in the formulation of the numerical scheme (see the derivation of (14.13))is valid.

Theorem 14.15 The electric far field pattern due to the scattering of plane wave of the form(14.1)by a perfect conductor satisfies thereciprocity relation

for all ◯, d ∈ ∂B1and all q, p ∈ R3.

Remark 14.16 Colton and Kress [94] point out that this result holds for imperfect conductors as well.

Proof of Theorem 14.15 From Corollary 9.5, we see that

where Hi = (1/iκ)▿ x Ei and Hs = (1/iκ)▿ x Es.


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Subtracting these expressions and adding and subtracting suitable combinations of incident fields, we obtain

The second and fourth integral vanish. To see that the second integral vanishes, we can use (3.51) and the fact thatboth Ei and Hi are smooth solutions of Maxwell's equations in D. A similar argument in R3\D¯ shows that the fourthintegral vanishes. In this case, it is necessary to use an argument like that in the proof of Theorem 9.2 (via the radiationcondition) to show that there is no contribution from infinity.

Combining the remaining integrals shows that

The fact that ν x E = 0 on Γ and hence ET = 0 on Γ shows that the right hand side of this equation vanishes andcompletes the proof. □

Now we need some results concerning the far field operator B which we define next. For λ ∈ Y(Γ) let Eλ ∈ Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) satisfy(14.27)



Then we define by Bλ = Eλ, ∞. Thus, B maps boundary data to the corresponding far field pattern.

Lemma 14.17 The operator B is a bounded, compact and linear map.


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Proof The operator B is the composition of two operators. The first is the operator mapping λ to the solution E in theneighborhood of Γ (bounded as a map from Y(Γ) into X by Theorem 10.8). The second operator maps this data tothe far field using the integral representation in (13.80) (choosing υ = 0 in a neighborhood of ∑). This is clearlybounded and compact and hence the composition of these two functions yields the conclusion of this lemma. □

Lemma 14.18 The operator B is injective with dense range.

Proof The injectivity of B is implied by Corollary 9.29 of Rellich's lemma and the unique continuation result inTheorem 4.13.

To prove density, we will show that the dual operator is injective. The dual is defined by(14.30)

for all and λ ∈ Y(∂D) where 《·, ·》∂Ω1 represents the bilinear form on given by

and 《·, ·》Γ is the corresponding duality pairing on Γ.

From the representation for E∞ in Corollary 9.5, we have(14.31)

where Eλ solves the scattering problem (14.27)–(14.29). Because Eλ satisfies Maxwell's equations in the exterior of D,we know that ν x ▿ x Eλ is well defined in Y(Γ).

Interchanging order of integration in (14.31), we have(14.32)

Now let us define a Herglotz wave function Eg by

and note that, since


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we have

Also, since g(x^) · x^ = 0,

Putting these equations in (14.32), we obtain the formula

Now define E ∈ Hloc(curl;R3\D¯) to satisfy

Then we may write

Using Green's formula (3.51) and arguments similar to those used to prove the Stratton–Chu formula in Theorem 9.2,we can show that since Eλ and E are both radiating solutions of Maxwell's equations, we have


and we have shown that

Now suppose B⊺ (g) = 0. Then


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Since Eg is a solution of Maxwell's equation in D and E is a solution in R3\D¯, these relations imply that E can beextended by Eg into D and the extended function satisfies the homogeneous Maxwell's equation in all of R3 togetherwith the radiation condition. Hence, by Corollary 9.29 of Rellich's lemma and the unique continuation result inTheorem 4.13, we have E = 0 and so Eg = 0. This implies, by Lemma 14.11, that g = 0. Hence, we have proved that B⊺

is injective. The density result of this theorem now follows from Lemma 2.15. □

It will be useful in the next section to note that we may rewrite the far field equation (14.3) as

where γtEg = ν x Eg on Γ.

14.3.4 Mathematical justication of the LSMHere we prove our main theorem justifying the LSM.

Theorem 14.19 Assume that κ is not a Maxwell eigenvalue for D. Then if F is the far field operator(14.4)corresponding to the perfectlyconducting scattering problem (14.18)–(14.21), we have:

(1) If z ∈ D, then for every ε > 0 there exists a solution satisfying the inequality

Moreover, this solution satisfies

where Egε(·, z) is the electric Herglotz wave function with kernel gε.

(2) If z ∈ R3\D¯, then for every ε > 0 and δ > 0 there exists a solution such that

and, in addition,

where Egδ, ε(·, z, p) is the electric field of the electromagnetic Herglotz pair with kernel gδ, ε.

Remark 14.20 It is important to verify that both the norms of g and Eg blow up as z approaches the boundary.

Proof ofTheorem 14.19 First, let z ∈ D. In this case E e,∞(·, z, p) is in the range of B since it is the far field pattern ofthe electric dipole Ee(x, z, p) which is the solution of the exterior mixed boundary problem (14.18)–(14.21)


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with incoming wave Ei = Ee|Γ. Let E ∈ H(curl; D) be the weak solution of the interior boundary value problem

From Theorem 14.12 and the definition of Y(Γ) for every ε > 0 there is a such that the correspondingelectric Herglotz function satisfies

The continuity of the operator B (see Theorem 14.17) and the fact that γtE = γtEe implies that(14.33)

for some positive constant C. Furthermore, if z → Γ then

The well-posedness of the exterior perfectly conducting boundary value problem implies

Hence the kernel and the corresponding electric Herglotz function blow up in norm as z → Γ.

Now let z ∈ R3\D¯. For these points Ee,∞(·,z, p) is not in the range of B. To see this, suppose it is in the range of B.Then, due to Rellich's lemma and unique continuation, the field due to electric dipole Ee(x, z, p) has to be a solution toMaxwell's equation in R3 \ D¯ which is not possible since it has a singularity at z.

However from Theorem 14.18, using Tikhonov regularization, we can construct a regularized solution to the far fieldequation (14.3). In particular, if is the regularized solution of

corresponding to the regularization parameter α chosen by the Morozov discrepancy principle we may choose α smallenough so that(14.34)

for an arbitrary small δ > 0. In addition, because Ee, ∞ is not in the range of B,


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Using Theorem 14.18 and the continuity of the operator B, we can find an electric Herglotz functionsuch that(14.36)

Now combining (14.34) and (14.36), we obtain

Furthermore, since γtEgα, ε(·,z,p) approximates in Y(Γ), (14.35) implies that


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A.1 Cartesian coordinates(1) Unit vectors:

(2) x = (x1, x2, x3)⊺ = x1e1 + x2e2 + x3e3.

(3) Gradient:

(4) Divergence:

(5) Curl:

(6) Laplacian:

A.2 Spherical coordinates(1) Unit vectors:

(2) x = ρ sinθ cosφ e1 + ρ sinθ sinφ e2 + ρ cosθ e3.

(3) Gradient:

(4) Divergence:

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(5) Curl:(A.1)

(6) Laplacian:


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B.1 Vector identities(1) a x b = -b x a.

(2) a · (b x c = (a x b) · c = (c x a) · b.

B.2 Differential identitiesThese differential identities are valid for smooth functions/vector functions:(B.1)








In the (B.6) and (B.8), ▵u = (▵u1, ▵u2, ▵u3) in Cartesian coordinates only.

B.3 Differential identities on a surfaceLet S be a smooth surface with unit normal υ and let v and p be smooth functions defined a neighborhood of S. Thefollowing identities hold:

The differntial equalities in this and the previous subsection can be extended to less smooth functions as discussed inthe text.

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a posteriori error estimate, 355; duality estimate, 359; numericalresults, 363; residual estimate, 361

ABC, see absorbing boundary conditionabsorbing boundary condition, 11, 365; error estimate, 366annihilator, 19arithmetic geometric mean inequality, 16assumptions on data; coefficients, 83; domain, 83; impe-

dance, 84; source fields, 84asymptotic expansion of Φ, 233Babus ka–Brezzi condition; continuous, 22; discrete, 27backscattered RCS, 392barycentric coordinate, 109Bessel differential equation, 236; spherical, 239boundary component map, see Calderon operatorboundary condition; impedance, 9; perfectly conducting, 9boundary inverse estimate, 152boundary projection P∑, 211boundary spaces, 150boundary to far field map ℬ, 419buried object, see scattering problem, layered mediumCalderon Extension, 40Calderon operator; electric-to-magnetic, 249; exterior coercive

G e, 251; exterior electric-to-magnetic Ge, 249; exteriormagnetic-to-electric Ge, 253; interior magnetic-to-electricGi, 253; interior magnetic-to-electric G i, 254; magnetic-to-electric, 252

Cartesian coordinates, 425Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, 16cavity problem, 12; collective compactness, 180; discrete,

168; eigenvalues continuous, 13, 96 discrete, 195;ellipticized, 189 discrete, 191; error analysis via collectivecompactness, 176; error analysis via duality, 168; errorestimate, 169, 187; existence, 95; numerical results, 188;scalar potential, 89; uniqueness, 92; variational, 83

cavity resonances, see cavity problem, eigenvaluesCea's lemma, 25Clément interpolant, 147Clément macro-element, 147closed Hilbert space, 17closure, 17collectively compact, 32compact imbedding; X 0 into (L2(Ω))3, 286; X 0 into (L2(Ω))3,

268; X0 into (L2(Ω))3, 87conditioning for small κ, 193conductivity, 6conforming finite element, 105constitutive equations, 5

continuity required of elements, 107continuous elements, danger, 191curl, 50curved domains, 209, 213; large elements, 214; method of

Dubois, 210de Rham diagram; continuous, 65; discrete, 149Debye potential, 235degrees of freedom; H1(Ω) conforming hexahedra, 162 hp, 219

tetrahedra, 143, 209; curl conforming hexahedra, 158 hp,220

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tetrahedra, 129, 205; definition, 102; divergence conforminghexahedra, 156 hp, 222 tetrahedra, 119, 202; shorthand,102

dense subspace, 17density, Xh in X, 178Deny–Lions Theorem, 109dielectric, 6dipole source; explicit formula, 411; free space, 305; half

space, 316; horizontal polarization, 325; vertical polar-ization, 322

discrete compactness, 181, 292; of X0,h, 183, 184discrete divergence, 192discrete divergence-free, 170; approximation by divergence-

free, 173discrete Helmholtz decomposition, 170, 177dispersion error, see phase errordistributional derivative, 37divergence, 50divergence theorem, 50domain, 37dot product, 2DtN map, see Calderon operatordual pairing, 19dual space, 19duality estimate, 174dyadic Green's function, see Green's dyadicedge element, 127, 158, 219; linear, 139; quadratic, 140eigenfunction, 24eigenvalue, 24element size parameters: hK and ρk, 112enhanced elements, 199Euclidean norm, 2far field equation, 397far field operator F, 397far field pattern, 233far field recovery, 386finite covering, 336finite element spaces; on curved domains, 216; Sh, l, 336;

Uh, 145, 163; , 209; Uh, p, 219; Vh, 134, 159; ,207; Vh, p-1, 220; Wh, 124, 157; , 204; Wh, p-2, 221; Xh,168; Xh, l, 336; Zh, 149, 164; Zh, p-3, 222

finite element, general definition, 101finite elements; H1(Ω) conforming hp, 218 hexahedra, 162

tetrahedra, 143, 209; curl conforming hp, 219 hexahedra,158 tetrahedra, 126, 205; divergence conforming hexahe-dra, 155 hp, 221 tetrahedra, 118, 202; L2(Ω) conforminghexahedra, 164 tetrahedra, 149; one dimensional, 101estimates, 106

first family of elements; hexahedra, 155; tetrahedra, 99Fourier space; error estimate, 289; inverse estimate, 290; on

∑, 289Fredholm alternative, 24

Friedrichs inequality, 72, 88, 185function spaces; classical Ck(Ω), 36 , 36 , 36 Lp(Ω),

36; polynomial D1(K), R1(K), 212 Dk, 119 Pk, P k, 108 Pk(e),Pk(f), 108 P k, 108 Ql, m, n, 109 Rk, 128 Sk,

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128; Sobolev H±1/2(∂Ω), 44 H-1(Ω), 42 Hs(Ω), 38, 38 , 45 S, 85 Ŝ286 S265 Ws, p(Ω), 37, 38 Ws, p(∂Ω)43; vector H0(curl; Ω), 55 H0(div; Ω),

54 H(curl; Ω), 55 H(div; Ω), 52 Himp(curl; Ω), 69 Hloc

(curl; ℝ3\D), 230 H−1/2(Curl; γ), 59 H−1/2(Curl; Γ), 59H−1/2(Div; Γ), 244 Hs(curl; Ω), 55 Hs(Div; Γ), 244 KN

(Ω), 67 KT(Ω), 67 , 48 X, 82 X0, 86 X0286 WN, WT,XN, XN, 0, XT,XT, 0, 71 X˜, 263 X0, 267 Y(Γ), 58, 410

fundamental solution Φ225Funk–Hecke formula, 241generalized Lax–Milgram lemma, 21generous overlap, 336geometric constraints on elements, 112gradient, 43Green's dyadic, 303; discrete, admissible, 307; layered

medium, 321 first column, 325 third column, 322;perfectly conducting half space, 316

Gårding inequality, 171health warning, 399Helmholtz decomposition, 65, 69, 86, 267, 286Herglotz wave function, 398, 414; approximation property,

415; characterization, 414; uniqueness, 414Hertz vector, 321Hilbert space, 16; compact, 23; relatively compact, 23Hilbert–Schmidt theorem, 24H-independent uniformity, 336Hodge operator, 172hp-fnite elements, 217ill-posed/well-posed, 399imbedding, 40incident field, 9infinite element method, 370; discrete problem, 374inner product; boundary ⟨·, ·⟩S, 44 ⟨·, ·⟩, 82; volume (·, ·), 49integral identities, 50interface condition, 8interior cut, 65interpolant; definition Πciem, 148 πh, 145, 163 πh, p, 219 rh, 134,

160, 207 rh, p−1, 220 ωh, 124, 157, 204 ωh, p−2, 222; errorestimate πh, 163 ΠClem, 149 πh, 145, 164 rh, 136, 160, 208 ωh,124, 157, 204

inverse problem, 394; linear sampling method, 397; unique-ness, 411

Jacobi–Anger expansion, 241jump across a face [·]N, 359jump across a face [·]T, 358Laplace-Beltrami operator δ∂Ω, 49Lax–Milgram lemma, 20Legendre differential equation, 237; associated, 237Legendre function, associated, 238Legendre polynomials, 237Leis' variational method, 371linear sampling method,

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397; implementation, 402; mathematics, 422; numericalresults, 405

Lipschitz domain, 38LSM, see linear sampling methodmatrix problem, 334Maxwell's equations; time dependent, 2; time harmonic, 7Mei series, 256, 259mesh parameter h, 112minimum rule, 218mixed problem, 22mixed reciprocity, 411Morozov discrepancy principle, 402NEA, see normalized echo areaNeumann series, 23non-conforming elements, 200normal vector, 39normalized echo area, 392NtD map, see Calderon operatorOhm's law, 6operator; adjoint, 18; bounded, 18; collectively compact, 32;

compact, 23; continuous, 18; dual, 19; linear, 18;norm, 18; nullspace, 18; pointwise convergent, 33;range, 18; self-adjoint, 24

orthogonal complement, 17perfectly matched layer, 375; numerical results, 382; recti-

linear, 377; spherical, 378; truncated domain, 380permeability, 5permeability, relative μr, 6permittivity, 5permittivity, relative εr, 6phase error, 344; κ dependence, 347; three dimensional edge

elements, 351, 354plane wave, 9; polarization, 9PML, see perfectly matched layerPoincaré inequality, 46pointwise convergence, 178Poisson problem; Dirichlet boundary condition, 45; Neumann

boundary condition, 46Poynting vector, 233preasymptotic convergence, 348preconditioned iteration, 335prismatic elements, 200projection Ph, 171, 275projection theorem, 17properties of H(curl; Ω), 55properties of H(div, Ω), 52pyramidal elements, 201quasi-uniform mesh on ∑, 152radar cross section, 392radiating solution, 230radiation condition; integral for layered medium, 12; Silver

M¨ller, 10; Sommerfeld, 226, 240

RCS, see radar cross sectionreciprocity, 418regular mesh, 116regularity; divergence-free projection, 182; elliptic problems,

45; Maxwell's equations, 69, 71, 283regularization, 399Rellich's lemma, 255Rellich's uniqueness theorem, 255residual based error estimator, 356resonance region, 1, 10Richardson iteration, 334Riesz theorem, 19Rodrigues' formula, 237scalar potential, 61Scalar product, 15scattered field, 9scattering problem; Babuška–Brezzi condition, 273; bounded

scatterer, 13; convergence, 277; discrete, 275; discreteBabuška–Brezzi condition, 275; domain decomposition,281; existence, 272, 289; half space, 315; layeredmedium, 14, 318; non-homogeneous, 272; overlappingscheme,

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307; overlapping, discrete, 308; uniqueness, 256, 264,288; variational, 263

Schwarz iteration, 337second family of elements, tetrahedra, 202series expansion for Es, 246, 248sesquilinear form; bounded, 20; coercive, 20; definition, 20;

A, 265; a, 83; a1, b1, 265; a2, b2, 270; a+, 89; ã, 87; b, 89singular system, 400Sobolev imbedding theorem, 41solution of the linear system, 333speed of light, 5spherical Bessel function; asymptotics, 239, 240spherical Bessel functions, 239spherical coordinates, 425spherical harmonic, 236, 238starlike, 56Stoke's theorem, 52Stratton–Chu formula, 228, 230, 304strong convergence, 16super-convergence, 188, 201surface divergence ∇∂Ω·, 48surface gradient ∇∂Ω, 48surface scalar curl ∇∂Ω ×, 49surface vector curl , 49Tikhonov regularization, 400time harmonic field, 3total field, 10trace; γ0 for H1(Ω), 43; γt, γT for H(curl;Ω), 57; γn for H(div;

Ω), 53transformation; affine, 113; curl preserving, 77; divergence

preserving, 79; for scalar functions, 77unique continuation, 92unisolvent element, 102vector addition theorem, 245vector potential, 63vector spherical harmonics, 241vector wave functions; exterior, 245; interior, 245wavelength, 10, 344wavenumber, 7wavenumber dependence of error, 345weak convergence, 16Wesson's trick for orienting edges, 143Whitney element, 139Wilcox expansion, 366Wronskian identity, 240Z-coercivity, 21Z-coercivity, 26