ca2 group assignment complete.docx

FA CULT Y OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATHEMATICS BSc. (Hons) in Quani! Su"#$!in % Assignment 1 Cou"s$ co$ ' QUS *+ Cou"s$ Na$ ' Con"ac Ainis"aion L$cu"$" ' M"s On% -o Lin /a$ ' 0  F$1"ua"! *20 G"ou3 $ 1$"s ' Na$ Ma"ic nu1$" Mah Ker Yi I14005119 Yo ng Shu Teng I14004886 Ya pp Ka Chee I1200144 5 Cheung Memtem I12001276

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BSc. (Hons) in Quani! Su"#$!in%

Assignment 1

Cou"s$ co$ ' QUS *+

Cou"s$ Na$ ' Con"ac Ainis"aion

L$cu"$" ' M"s On% -o Lin

/a$ ' 0 F$1"ua"! *20

G"ou3 $1$"s '

Na$ Ma"ic nu1$"Mah Ker Yi I14005119

Yong Shu Teng I14004886

Yapp Ka Chee I12001445

Cheung Memtem I12001276

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List an e!p"ain the i##eren$e an simi"arit% &et'een the #o""o'ing

$"auses in the ()M stanar #orm o# *ui"ing Contra$t 2006 +'ith

,uantities- an the .K/ *ui"ing Contra$t 'ith *i""s o# uantit%

orm 203)a- Contra$t o$umentThe Contra$t o$uments as a#oresai sha"" remain in the $usto% o# the S an sha"" &e prou$e as

an 'hen re,uire &% the Contra$tor

Copies o# Contra$t o$uments

• ne $erti#ie true $op% o# the Contra$t o$uments

• T'o $opies o# the Contra$t ra'ings

• T'o $opies o# the unpri$e *i""s o# uantities

S sha"" hae t'o $opies o# su$h #urther 'oring ra'ings or etai"s as are reasona&"% ne$essar%

either to e!p"ain an amp"i#% the Contra$t ra'ings or the Spe$i#i$ation

Contra$tor sha"" eep one $op% o# the Contra$t ra'ings the Spe$i#i$ation +i# an%- unpri$e *i""s o# 

uantities an o$uments on the Site an the S sha"" at a"" reasona&"e times hae a$$ess to the


/eturn to the S a"" ra'ings etai"s spe$i#i$ations unpri$e $op% o# *i""s o# uantities an other 

o$uments o# "ie nature a#ter $omp"etion o# 'or

 one o# the o$uments herein&e#ore mentione sha"" &e use &% the Contra$tor #or an% purpose other 

than this Contra$t

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006



C"ause 80 ; Contra$t o$uments

C"ause 81 ; Custo% o# the Contra$t


C"ause 82 ; Su##i$ien$% o# Contra$t


C"ause 120 ; (rogramme o# :or 

C"ause 30 ; Contra$t o$uments

(rogramme an )s<&ui"t ra'ings

C"ause 31 ; Contra$t o$uments

C"ause 32 ; Custo% o# Tener


C"ause 33 ; Copies o# o$uments

C"ause 34 ; urther ra'ings or etai"s

C"ause 35 ; :or (rogramme

C"ause 36 ; (rogramme not part o#


C"ause 37 ; )r$hite$t=s a$$eptan$e o#


C"ause 38 ; )ai"a&i"it% o# o$uments

C"ause 39 ; Limitation o# use o#


C"ause 310 ; )s<&ui"t ra'ings

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The Simi"arit% &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006



orm o# Tener 

Letter o# )$$eptan$e o# Tener 

Contra$t ra'ings

*i""s o# uantitiesSpe$i#i$ations

Treasur%=s instru$tions

Letter o# )'ar

)rti$"es o# )greement

Conitions o# Contra$t

Contra$t ra'ingsContra$t *i""s

o""o'ing es$ening orer ie Letter 

o# )'ar et$ There#ore pa% more

attention to the ra#ting o# Letter o# 


Custo% o#


o$uments re,uire in 2 sets one

origina" 'ith S an $ontra$tor

Contra$tor sha"" return to S a""

ra'ings etai"s spe$i#i$ation an

unpri$e > pri$e *i""s o# uantities

rigina" sha"" remain 'ith $onsu"tants

2 sets o# origina" $op% sha"" signe an

ept &% S > S an Contra$tor

2 sets $op% o# Contra$t ra'ings ept

 &% Contra$tor

2 sets $op% o# unpri$e Contra$t *i""sgie to Contra$tor

2 sets $op% o# :oring ra'ings

#urther ra'ings an etai"s ra'ing

gie to Contra$tor to ena&"e $ontra$tor 

$an $arr% out the 'ors on time

Contra$tor 'i"" eep 1 $op% o# Contra$t

ra'ings Spe$i#i$ation unpri$e *i""s

o# uantites on the site an S hae

a$$ess to the same

The i##eren$e &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

Su##i$ien$% o#



S 'i"" issue instru$tion regaring an%

is$repan$ies in the Contra$t o$ument

 ot state

Copies o#



 ot state ne origina" signe $op% to Contra$tor 


ra'ings or


 ot state Contra$tor to re,uest in su##i$ient time

to ena&"e the )r$hite$t to issueinstru$tions 'ithin a perio 'hi$h

'ou" not materia""% e"a% the progress

o# the a##e$te 'ors haing regar to

the Comp"etion ate



) programme o# 'ors is not proie &%

the S the $ontra$tor sha"" 'ithin

#ourteen a%s a#ter the ate o# the Letter 

o# )$$eptan$e $ontra$tor must su&mit it

to the S to get his approa" #or the

'or in su$h #orms an etai"s as the S

reasona&"% etermine

Stanar time perio is 21a%s #rom

re$eipt o# L)

Stanar re,uirement is si! $opies

un"ess re,uire more

Sha"" proie to the )r$hite$t #or his

in#ormation #rom time to time

(rogramme ot state ot $onstitute part o# $ontra$t een

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not part o#


 ph%si$a""% in$orporate into Contra$t



a$$eptan$e or


 ot state The a$$eptan$e &% the )r$hite$t oes

not re"iee the Contra$tor #rom

responsi&i"ities uner the Contra$t

)ai"a&i"it% o# 


 ot state Contra$tor must eep a $op% o# Contra$t ra'ings an the unpri$e

Contra$t &i""s on the site to mae sure

)r$hite$t an Consu"tant an their 

authorise representaties at a""

reasona&"e times

Limitation o#

use o#


 ot state )$$oring to C"ause 31 the $ontra$tor 

sha"" use the $ontra$t o$ument a"" the

time other than use $ontra$t ?!$ept #or 

the purpose o# the Contra$t a"" parties

sha"" not is$"ose an% o# rates an pri$e

in the Contra$t *i""s


ra'ings an

operation an



 ot state Contra$tor must supp"% )s<&ui"t

ra'ings an operation an

maintenan$e manua"s to an% ominate

Su&<Contra$tor as spe$i#ie in the

Contra$t o$ument :hen these are not

spe$i#ie $ontra$tor sha"" supp"% an

ensure that the nominate su&

$ontra$tor supp"ies #our $opies o# the

a&oe items &e#ore the $omp"etion ate

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 &- (er#orman$e *on) per#orman$e &on a"so no'n as a $ontra$t &on is a suret% &on issue &% an insuran$e $ompan%

or a &an to guarantee satis#a$tor% $omp"etion o# a pro@e$t &% a $ontra$tor ) @o& re,uiring a pa%ment

an per#orman$e &on 'i"" usua""% re,uire a &i &on to &i the @o& :hen the @o& is a'are to the

'inning &i a pa%ment an per#orman$e &on 'i"" then &e re,uire as a se$urit% to the @o&


or e!amp"e a $ontra$tor ma% $ause a per#orman$e &on to &e issue in #aor o# a $"ient #or 'hom

the $ontra$tor is $onstru$ting a &ui"ing I# the $ontra$tor #ai"s to $onstru$t the &ui"ing a$$oring to

the spe$i#i$ations "ai out &% the $ontra$t +most o#ten ue to the &anrupt$% o# the $ontra$tor- the

$"ient is guarantee $ompensation #or an% monetar% "oss up to the amount o# the per#orman$e &on

(er#orman$e &ons are $ommon"% use in the $onstru$tion an ee"opment o# rea" propert% 'here

an o'ner or inestor ma% re,uire the ee"oper to assure that $ontra$tors or pro@e$t managers pro$ure

su$h &ons in orer to guarantee that the a"ue o# the 'or 'i"" not &e "ost in the $ase o# an

un#ortunate eent +su$h as inso"en$% o# the $ontra$tor- In other $ases a per#orman$e &on ma% &e

re,ueste to &e issue in other "arge $ontra$ts &esies $ii" $onstru$tion pro@e$ts )nother e!amp"e o# 

this use is in $ommoit% $ontra$ts 'here the se""er is ase to proie a *on to reassure the &u%er 

that i# the $ommoit% &eing so" is not in #a$t e"iere +#or 'hateer reason- the &u%er 'i"" at "eastre$eie $ompensation #or his "ost $osts

ne o# the per#orman$e &ons is (er#orman$e *on>(er#orman$e Auarantee Sum in (: orm

203) an (er#orman$e *on in ()M Contra$t 2006

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

C"ause 130 ; (er#orman$e *on>(er#orman$e

Auarantee Sum

C"ause 222 ; esign Auarantee *on

C"ause 421+#- ; (er#orman$e *on ot


C"ause 370 ; (er#orman$e *on

C"ause 371 ; Su&mission o# (er#orman$e *on

C"ause 372 ; orm o# (er#orman$e *on

C"ause 373 ; Ba"iit% o# the (er#orman$e *on

C"ause 374 ; ai"ure o# the (er#orman$e *on

C"ause 375 ; (a%ments #rom the (er#orman$e


C"ause 376 ; /eturn o# (er#orman$e *on

The Simi"arit% &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

Simi"arit% (: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

o$uments The (er#orman$e *on is the

$ompu"sor% o$ument 'hi$h must &e

su&mitte &% the Contra$tor uner

$"ause 131+a-

The (er#orman$e *on is the $ompu"sor%

o$ument that the Contra$tor re,uire

su&mit to the ?mp"o%er uner $"ause


)mount an

#un$tion o# 

The sum o# (er#orman$e *on sha""

 &e e,uia"ent to #ie per$ent o# the

The sum o# (er#orman$e *on sha""

e,uia"ent to the per$entage state in the

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tota" Contra$t Sum as spe$i#ie in

)ppeni! to se$ure the ue

 per#orman$e o# the o&"igation uner 

this Contra$t &% the Contra$tor uner 

$"ause 131+a-

)ppeni! +i# not state is 5 o# the

Contra$t Sum- as a se$urit% #or 

 per#orman$e an o&seran$e &% the

Contra$tor o# his o&"igation uner 

Contra$t up to (ra$ti$a" Comp"etion o# 

the :or uner 371



The Contra$tor sha"" e!ten the a"i

 perio o# the (er#orman$e *on ue

the e"a%e e#e$t Lia&i"it% (erio

or the issuan$e o# the Certi#i$ate o# 

Comp"etion o# Maing Aoos


The Contra$tor sha"" &e#ore the e!pir% o# 

the (er#orman$e *on e!ten the

uration o# the (er#orman$e *on to

e!pire three Months a#ter the pro@e$te

(ra$ti$a" Comp"etion o# :ors uner 

$"ause 373

The i##eren$e &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

i##eren$e (: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

Su&mission o# 


The Contra$tor sha"" proie the

(er#orman$e *on on the ate o# the possession o# Site uner $"ause


The Contra$tor sha"" su&mit the

(er#orman$e *on to the ?mp"o%er  &e#ore the ate o# Commen$ement uner 

$"ause 371

orm o#  



(er#orman$e *on sha"" &e in the

#orm as in )ppeni! issue &% an

approe "i$ense &an or #inan$ia"

institution in$orporate in Ma"a%sia

a$$oring to the C"ause 131+a-

(er#orman$e *on sha"" &e in the #orm as

spe$i#ie un"ess approe &% ?mp"o%er 

uner C"ause 372

Ba"iit% o# 


The (er#orman$e *on sha"" remain

a"i an e##e$tie unti" t'e"emonths a#ter the e!pir% o# the e#e$t

Lia&i"it% (erio or the issuan$e o# the

Certi#i$ate o# Comp"etion o# Maing

Aoos e#e$t uner $"ause 131+a-

The (er#orman$e *on sha"" &e

remaining a"i unti" three months a#terthe Comp"etion ate Contra$tor has the

ut% to e!ten the uration to e!pire a#ter 

the pro@e$te (ra$ti$a" Comp"etion o# the

:ors uner $"ause 373

ai"ure to

e!ten a"iit%

I# the Contra$tor #ai" to su&mit the

(er#orman$e *on on the ate o# 

 possession o# Site 'i"" eu$tion o# 

ten per$ent sha"" &e mae #or the #irst

interim pa%ments an su&se,uent

interim pa%ment unti" the tota"amount eu$te aggregate to sum

e,uia"ent to #ie per$ent o# the

Contra$t Sum uner $"ause 132

I# the $ontra$tor #ai"s to su&mit or

maintain the a"iit% o# (er#orman$e

*on ?mp"o%er sha"" &e entit"e to

'ithho" or eu$t an amount e,ua" #rom

Contra$tor=s progress pa%ments uner

C"ause 374

)$$oring to the C"ause 133 the

Aoernment sha"" &e entit"e at an%

time to $a"" upon the (er#orman$e

*on the $ontra$tor #ai"s to per#orm

their o&"igations uner the Contra$t

an su$h #ai"ure is not remeie in

a$$oran$e 'ith this Contra$t

 ot state

Dner the C"ause 134 i# the ot state

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 pa%ment is mae to the Aoernment

 pursuant to an% $"aim uner the

(er#orman$e *on the $ontra$tor 

sha"" issue a #urther se$urit% in the

#orm o# aitiona" per#orman$e &on

or &ons #or an amount not "ess thanthe amount so pai to Aoernment

on or prior to the ate o# su$h

 pa%ment so that the tota" sum o# the

(er#orman$e *on sha"" &e

maintaine at a"" times

i##eren$e (: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

(a%ment #rom



)$$oring the C"ause 136 in the

eent that this Contra$t is terminate

uner C"ause 51 +?ent an

$onse,uen$es o# e#au"t &% the

$ontra$tor- hereo# the sai

(er#orman$e *on or an% &a"an$e

thereo# sha"" &e #or#eite

*ase on the C"ause 375 in the eent the

?mp"o%er etermines the emp"o%ment o# 

the Contra$tor the ?mp"o%er ma% $a"" on

the (er#orman$e *on an uti"iEe su$h

amount to $omp"ete the :ors an

re$oer his "oss an>or e!penses an

re#un on"% the &a"an$e to Contra$tor 

upon $omp"etion o# :or

/eturn o#  (er#orman$e


)#ter the $omp"etion o# maing gooo# e#e$t an giing o# the Certi#i$ate

o# Comp"etion o# Maing Aoo

e#e$ts the (er#orman$e *on ma%

 &e re"ease or re#une to the

Contra$tor uner C"ause 135

It is iies the portion o# mone% retaineinto ha"# an re#un &a$ to $ontra$tor 

one uring the issuan$e o# $erti#i$ate o# 

(ra$ti$a" Comp"etion an the other one

uring the issuan$e o# $erti#i$ate o# 

Maing Aoo e#e$ts

In the eent the Contra$tor etermines his

o'n emp"o%ment the ?mp"o%er sha""

'ithin 28 a%s return the (er#orman$e

*on to Contra$tor #or $an$e""ation

or the (: orm 203) C"ause 222 an 421 +#- in=t mention in the ()M Contra$t 2006 it is the

i##eren$e &et'een this t'o #orms o# $ontra$t #or per#orman$e &on

C"ause 222 ; esign Auarantee *on

The Contra$tor sha"" proie a esign guarantee &on issue &% the "i$ense &an or #inan$ia"

institution &e#ore the issuan$e o# Certi#i$ate o# (ra$ti$a" Comp"etion the amount o# esign guarantee

 &on sti"" &e 5 o# the a"ue o# the sai part o# the 'ors as state in the appeni! The esign

guarantee &on sti"" remain a"i #or 5 %ears #rom the ate o# pra$ti$a" $omp"etion o# 'ors

I# the e#e$t or amage o$$ur to that parti$u"ar part o# 'ors as the resu"t o# an% e#e$t #au"t

insu##i$ien$% or inae,ua$% in the esign in$"uing 'ormanship materia"s an e,uipment 'hi$h has

 &e$ome e#e$tie ue to esign e#au"t The goernment hae the right to $"aim the esign guarantee

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 &on a$$oring to the amount "osses &% the goernment I# the esign guarantee &on is not proie

the goernment hae the right to $"aim on the per#orman$e &on 'hi$h is e,ua" to the 5 o# the a"ue

o# the sai part o# :ors that proie &% the $ontra$tor

C"ause 421 +#- ; (er#orman$e *on ot )##e$te

The (er#orman$e *on or &a"an$e 'i"" sa#et% re"ease or re#une to $ontra$tor on the $omp"etion o# Maing Aoo e#e$t It 'i"" more simi"ar 'ith the C"ause 135

:or (rogramme:or programme is a o$ument #or sho'ing ho' the 'or 'i"" &e $arr% out an sho'ing the uration

o# i##erent tas Thought this 'or programme the Main Contra$tor 'i"" p"an the "a&our #or$e #or 

i##erent perio 'hen to &ring in the ma$hiner% an 'hen the supp"iers re,uire to supp"% the

materia"s urthermore the uantit% sure%or $an p"an the s$heu"e o# per$entage 'or one an

s$heu"e o# issue interim $erti#i$ate &ase on 'or programme

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

• C"ause 12 ; (rogramme o# :or    • C"ause 35 ; :ors (rogramme

• C"ause 36 ; (rogramme not part o# 


C"ause 37 ; )r$hite$t=s a$$eptan$e o#  programme

The Simi"arit% &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

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The i##eren$e &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

i##eren$e (: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

ate o# 


I# the programme o# 'or is not

 proie &% the S the $ontra$tor 

sha"" proie 'ithin 14 a%s a#ter 

re$eie "etter o# a$$eptan$e an su&mit

to S #or approa" #or e!e$ute the


The $ontra$tor sha"" proie at "east 6

$opies o# 'or programme to )r$hite$t

'ithin 21 a%s a#ter re$eie "etter o# 



#or (art o# 


 ot state The :or (rogramme sha"" not &e

$onstitute part o# the Contra$t 'hether 

 ph%si$a""% or not into the Contra$t


ees o# ?!tra

o$ument #or 


 ot state I# the )r$hite$t re,uire the Contra$tor 

to proie a reise 'or programme

ue to the 'or is e"a%e in 'hateer 

reasons the Contra$tor sha"" proie

the 'or programme to the )r$hite$t

#rom time to time 'ithout $harging the$"ient

Simi"arit% (: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

o$uments (rogramme o# :or is a $ompu"sor%

o$ument 'hi$h must &e issue an

approe &% S a#ter the Contra$tor 

re$eie the Letter o# )$$eptan$e

:or (rogramme is the $ompu"sor%

o$ument 'hi$h must &e issue to

)r$hite$t a#ter Contra$tor re$eie the

Letter o# )'ar

(urpose It is the o$ument #or S to

monitoring the progress o# 'or it is

a"so the &asis #or assess the e!tension

o# time an e##e$t o# e"a% to the

 progress o# 'or

It is the o$ument #or )r$hite$t to

monitoring the progress o# 'or an

)r$hite$t $an use it as a &asis #or 

assessment the e!tension o# time an

the e##e$t o# the e"a% to 'or progress

/eise o# 



I# the a$tua" 'or progress an

 programme o# 'or are i##erent the

Contra$tor sha"" proie a reise

 programme o# 'or sho'ing

ne$essar% rati#i$ation to ensure the pro@e$t is $omp"ete 'ithin ate o# 

$omp"etion or an% e!tene time

I# the :ors or an% part o# the :ors is

e"a%e #or 'hateer reasons the

)r$hite$t ma% instru$t the Contra$tor to

reise the :or (rogramme

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$- Insuran$e :or>Insuran$e o# ne' &ui"ing>'or &% the $ontra$torInsuran$e :ors is a $ommon re,uirement an is a must in a &ui"ing $ontra$ts The purpose o# this

insuran$e is to $oer the &ui"ing 'ors in progress shou" "oss or amage o$$ur uring $onstru$tion

It is ne$essar% #or the pu&"i$ se$tor pro@e$t or priate pro@e$t It a"so guarantee #or the $"ient in $ase

the $ontra$tor e#au"t in insuring Insuran$e $an &e arrange spe$i#i$a""% #or ea$h pro@e$t or as an

annua" po"i$% $oering a"" pro@e$ts unertaen 'ith the insuran$e premium pai on 'ors turnoer

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006



C"ause 180 ; Insuran$e o# :ors

C"ause 181 ; Taing o# Insuran$e

C"ause 182 ; e#au"t in Insuring

C"ause 183 ; (a%ment o# Insuran$e in

the eent o# an% Loss>amage

C"ause 184 ; Can$e""ation o# Insuran$e

C"ause 421+e- ; Insuran$e o# :ors

C"ause 20) ; Insuran$e o# e'

*ui"ings>:ors ; &% the Contra$tor

C"ause 20)1 ; Contra$tor=s ris ; 

ne' &ui"ings>'ors

C"ause 20)2 ; )itioina" ris to &e

$oere uner the insuran$e

C"ause 20)3 ; ("a$ing o# insuran$e

'ith "i$ense insuran$e $ompanies

C"ause 2)4 ; )pp"i$ation o# insuran$e$"aim pro$ees

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The Simi"arit% &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

(a%ment o#  


I# an% o$$urren$es o# "oss or amage to

:or prior to the $omp"etion o# the:ors the Contra$tor sha"" restore the

amage 'or een &e#ore the pa% out

 &% the insuran$e $ompan% has &een

mae )"" monies re$eie #rom the

insuran$e sha"" &e pai to the

Aoernment #irst an then &e re"ease to

the Contra$tor &% insta""ments on the

$erti#i$ate #or pa%ment issue &% S

uner C"ause 183

Contra$tor start to restore "oss > amage

'or 'hi"e 'aiting #or insuran$e pa%ment so "ong as a"" ne$essar%

inestigation hae &een $omp"ete

Insuran$e mone% pai to ?mp"o%er 'ho

retain portion meant #or pro#essiona"

#ees an pa% a &a"an$e to Contra$tor 

 &ase on progress o# satis#a$tor%

restore 'ors $erti#ie &% )r$hite$t up

to "imit pai &% insuran$e $ompan%

uner C"ause 20)4

e#au"t inInsuring

I# $ontra$tor #ai"e to rene' su$hinsuran$e the Aoernment or S ma%

rene' su$h insuran$e an pa% the

 premium &% e$uting the amount #rom

an% monies ue to the $ontra$tor The

Aoernment a"so ma% e!tent the

insuran$es on &eha"# o# the $ontra$tor

the $ost o# on<$ost $harges uner C"ause


I# $ontra$tor #ai"e to insure or e!tenthe insuran$e $oerage perio

?mp"o%er ma% insure against an% ris 

an set<o## #rom mone% to $ontra$tor in

ne!t pa%ment $erti#i$ate uner C"ause


/is Coere The Contra$tor sha"" in the @oint names

o# the Aoernment an Contra$tor 

insure against "oss an amage &% #ire"ightning e!p"osion storm #"oo

groun su&sien$e an others in$"uing

materia"s an goos so insure unti" the

$omp"etion o# the 'ho"e :ors &ut

e!$"ue temporar% &ui"ings p"ant

too"s an e,uipment o'ne or hire &%

$ontra$tor uner C"ause 181

Contra$tor tae out Contra$tor )"" /is 

+C)/- Insuran$e in the @oints name o# 

the ?mp"o%er Contra$tor su&<$ontra$tors an a"" intereste parties

an the insuran$e sha"" hae

enorsements to $oer against "oss

an>or amagae &% #ire "ightning

e!p"osion earth,uae groun

su&sien$e an others an e!$"ue

$oer #or $onstru$iton p"ant too"s an

e,uipment o'ne or hire &% the

$ontra$tor un"ess other'ise state

uner C"ause 20)1

The i##eren$e &et'een (: orm 203) an ()M Contra$t 2006

(: orm 203) ()M Contra$t 2006

("a$ing o#  


The sai insuran$e 'ith or 'ithout an

e!$ess $"ause sha"" &e e##e$te 'ith an

insuran$e $ompan% that approe &% the

S a$$oring to C"ause 181+&-

)$$oring to C"ause 20)3 the

"i$ense insuran$e $ompan% shou" &e

approe &% ?mp"o%er


 perio o# Insuran$e

Can$e""ation o# insuran$e is mae 30 a%s

a#ter re$eipt o# noti$e &% the goernment:here $"aims e!$ee insure amount the

)$$oring to C"ause 20)1 insuran$e

'i"" &e a"i a#ter the e#e$t Insuran$e &e e!tene a$$oring"% 'hen

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surp"us sha"" &e &orne &% $ontra$tor It

stipu"ates a noti#i$ation pro$eure an

o&"igation the $ontra$tor to ensure a

manator% pro$eure is #o""o'e an%

$an$e""ation pro$ess uner $"ause 184

?!tension o# Time has &een grante

n the other han (artia" Comp"etion

or ear"% Certi#i$ate o# Comp"etion

re,uire proportionate reu$tion o# 

insuran$e $oerage

Ba"ue o#  insure sum

)$$oring to C"ause 181+a- #u"" a"uethereo# p"us an% amount 'hi$h ma%&e

spe$i#i$a""% state in appeni! or 

e"se'here in the $ontra$t o$uments

C)/ insuran$es po"i$% #or a a"ue not"ess than the $ontra$t sum p"us the sum

to $oer pro#essiona" #ees uner C"asue


?!tension o# 


 ot state Dner C"ause 20)1 the noti#i$ation

#or rene' the insurna$e shou" &e

gien one+1- month &e#ore the e!pir%

ate o# insuran$e


riss to &e

$oere uner 

the insuran$e

 ot state ther than riss $oere uner C"ause

20)1 aitiona" riss re,uire eg

Fi&ration $oerG #or pi"ing nee &e

spe$i#ie in Contra$t *i""s *esies theesign o# the &ui"ing ma% tae as a

ris &e$ause there might &e pro&"em to

the ra'ing in one a% Thus

$ontra$tor $an $oer #or aitiona"


Insuran$e o# 


)$$oring to C"ause 421+e- Insuran$e o# 

the :ors Contra$tor shou" gie a

noti$e to the insurer that the part o# the

 &ui"ing is partia" o$$upation>taing oer 

 &% the goernment

 ot state

Ba"iation (erio o# Insuran$eH



(erio3 months o# Insuran$e

ate o# Comp"etionate o# Commen$ement

Contra$t perio

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/e#eren$e1 Impa$ts n The *ui"ing )n Constru$tion Inustr% La' Tea$her 2016 Impa$ts n The

*ui"ing )n Constru$tion Inustr% La' Tea$her JLI? )ai"a&"e at


$onstru$tion<inustr%<$ontra$t<"a'<essa%php J)$$esse 28 .anuar% 2016

2 La'tea$hernet +2016- Impa$ts n The *ui"ing )n Constru$tion Inustr% La' Tea$her

Jon"ine )ai"a&"e at http>>'''"a'tea$hernet>#ree<"a'<essa%s>$ontra$t<

"a'>impa$ts<on<the<  &ui"ing<an<$onstru$tion<inustr%<$ontra$t<"a'<essa%php J)$$esse

2 e& 2016

Contra$t perio

ate o# Commen$ement

ate o# Comp"etion

3 months o# Insuran$e




 ?: ate o# 
