ncr ca2 unsur faperta.doc

Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6 Client Certification No. Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381 Type of audit Standard (s) Accreditation CA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert Management System Representative: Ir. Endah Lisarini, SE., MM Audit Team Leader: Rachmat Kurniawan Auditor(s)/Expert: Rahmawati Noor Audit Date: 2010-09-06 2010-09-06 Rachmat Kurniawan Ir. Endah Lisarini, SE., MM Date Audit Team Leader Management System Representative The client is required to analyse the root cause of the nonconformities. This results and the correction(s) and corrective action(s) has (have) to be described in the nonconformity report and has (have) to be forwarded to the audit team leader rapidly. Documents, which prove the elimination of the nonconformities have to be submitted Correction(s) and corrective action(s) are appropriate. Correction(s) has (have) been verified, including documents submitted later. A re-audit was performed. The client is required to analyse the root cause of the nonconformities. This results and the correction(s) and corrective action(s) has (have) to be described in the nonconformity report and has (have) to be forwarded to the audit team leader rapidly. Documents, which prove the el e mination of the nonconformities have to be submitted until the completion date to the audit team leader. The review of the implementation of the corrective action(s) will take place during the next audit. Rev. 1.0

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Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

Management System Representative: Ir. Endah Lisarini, SE., MM

Audit Team Leader: Rachmat Kurniawan

Auditor(s)/Expert: Rahmawati Noor

Audit Date: 2010-09-06


Rachmat Kurniawan Ir. Endah Lisarini, SE., MMDate Audit Team Leader Management System Representative

The client is required to analyse the root cause of the nonconformities. This results and the correction(s) and corrective action(s) has (have) to be described in the nonconformity report and has (have) to be forwarded to the audit team leader rapidly. Documents, which prove the elimination of the nonconformities have to be submitted

Correction(s) and corrective action(s) are appropriate. Correction(s) has (have) been verified, including documents submitted later.

A re-audit was performed.

The client is required to analyse the root cause of the nonconformities. This results and the correction(s) and corrective action(s) has (have) to be described in the nonconformity report and has (have) to be forwarded to the audit team leader rapidly. Documents, which prove the elemination of the nonconformities have to be submitted until the completion date to the audit team leader. The review of the implementation of the corrective action(s) will take place during the next audit.

Date, processing auditor

Rev. 1.0


Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

No Ref Nonconformity

[Discussed with whom and where?]

proof Cause analysis

[by whom?]

Corrections and Corrective Action

[by whom?]

Completion date

Rev. 1.0


Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

1 5.4.1 Discuss with:

Bapak. Rizal

Dept.: PD III


Sasaran mutu sebagai indikator keberhasilan program kerja belum ditetapkan.


Program Kerja PD III

Responsible person:Bapak Rizal

Cause Analysis:

Indikator keberhasilan program kerja terkait pencapaian sasaran mutu belum ditetapkan

Responsible person/dept.:Bapak Rizal


Dibuat atau ditetapkan Indikator keberhasilan program kerja terkait pencapaian sasaran mutu pada tanggal 7 September 2010

Responsible person/dept.:Bapak Rizal

Corrective Action:

Efektivitas program kerja PD III berikutnya diukur berdasarkan indikator pencapaian sasaran mutu

Corr. Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

CA Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

No Ref Nonconformity

[Discussed with whom and where?]

proof Cause analysis

[by whom?]

Corrections and Corrective Action

[by whom?]

Completion date

Rev. 1.0


Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

2 4.2.3 Discuss with:

Ibu Endah Lisarini, Ibu Rosda

Dept.: MR, Lembaga Penelitian


Instruksi Kerja belum teridentifikasi dengan baik mengenai status revisi dan kodifikasinya. Contoh: IK Bahan Ajar, IK KBM.

Ditemukan Prosedur Penelitian Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unsur Cianjur merupakan dokumen tidak terkendali karena tidak ada no revisi maupun tanggal berlakunya prosedur.


Semua IK Faperta UNSUR

Pedoman Penelitian Dosen Faperta UNSUR

Responsible person:Ibu Endah Lisarini, Ibu Rosda

Cause Analysis:

1. Semua Instruksi Kerja yang berlaku di Faperta UNSUR belum diberi status revisi dan kodifikasi.

2. Pedoman Penelitian Dosen belum diverifikasi, validasi dan tanggal berlakunya

Responsible person/dept.:Ibu Endah Lisarini, Ibu Rosda


1. Semua Instruksi Kerja yang berlaku di Faperta UNSUR diberi status revisi dan kodifikasi pada tanggal 7 September 2010.

2. Pedoman Penelitian Dosen diverifikasi, validasi dan tanggal berlakunya sejak 7 September 2010.

Responsible person/dept.:

Ibu Endah Lisarini, Ibu Rosda

Corrective Action:

Semua IK dan dokumen harus dikendalikan mengacu pada POS 4.2.3

Corr. Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

CA Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

No Ref Nonconformity

[Discussed with whom and where?]

proof Cause analysis

[by whom?]

Corrections and Corrective Action

[by whom?]

Completion date

Rev. 1.0


Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

3. 5.4.2 Discuss with:

Ibu Rosda

Dept.: Lembaga Penelitian


Salah satu rencana SMM adalah pembuatan tim evaluasi proposal penelitian pada Juni 2010, namun belum ada bukti bahwa pembentukan tim evaluasi telah dilakukan sesuai jadwal yang direncanakan.

Persyaratan / kualifikasi tim evaluasi proposal penelitian belum ditetapkan.


Tim evaluasi proposal penelitian dan kualifikasinya

Responsible person:Ibu Rosda

Cause Analysis:

- Belum ada bukti pembentukan tim evaluasi proposal penelitian sesuai jadwal pada Juni 2010

- Belum ditetapkan persyaratan / kualifikasi tim evaluasi proposal

Responsible person/dept.:Ibu Rosda


- Dibentuk tim evaluasi proposal penelitian sesuai jadwal pada Juni 2010 pada tanggal 7 September 2010

- Ditetapkan persyaratan / kualifikasi tim evaluasi proposal pada tanggal 7 September 2010

Responsible person/dept.:

Ibu Rosda

Corrective Action:

Semua proposal penelitian dosen dievaluasi oleh tim evaluasi yang sah

Corr. Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

CA Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

No Ref Nonconformity

[Discussed with whom and where?]

proof Cause analysis

[by whom?]

Corrections and Corrective Action

[by whom?]

Completion date

Rev. 1.0


Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

4. 8.2.3 Discuss with:

Ibu Endah Lisarini

Dept.: PD I


Verifikasi proses KBM dilakukan minimal 1 kali oleh Dekan, PD1/Ka. Prodi, namun tidak ada jadwal yang jelas sehingga belum dipastikan semua dosen diverifikasi dan belum ada bukti verifikasinya.

IK Pelaksanaan Sidang Komperehensif (10/IK Pelaksanaan Sidang Komperehensif/PDi/Mei 2010) menyatakan verifikasi ujian minimal 1 kali oleh PD 1, tidak ada catatan mutu yang menyatakan verifikasi ini telah dilakukan.


-Jadwal pemantauan KBM

-IK Sidang Komprehensif yang direvisi

Responsible person:Ibu Endah Lisarini

Cause Analysis:

- Belum dijadwalkan pemantauan KBM

- IK Sidang Komprehensif belum sesuai dengan prosesnya

Responsible person/dept.:Ibu Endah Lisarini


- Dijadwalkan pemantauan KBM sejak tanggal 7 September 2010

- Merivisi IK Sidang Komprehensif pada tanggal 7 September 2010

Responsible person/dept.:

Ibu Endah Lisarini

Corrective Action:

- Pemantauan KBM dilakukan sesuai jadwal yang telah ditetapkan

- Pelaksanaan Sidang Komprehensif yang akan datang mengacu pada IK Sidang Komprehensif yang sudah direvisi per tanggal 7 September 2010

Corr. Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

CA Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

No Ref Nonconformity

[Discussed with whom and where?]

proof Cause analysis

[by whom?]

Corrections and Corrective Action

[by whom?]

Completion date

Rev. 1.0


Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

5 7.5.1 Discuss with:

Bapak Erwin, Bapak Johan

Dept.: Prodi PSP dan Agribisnis


IK tentang KBM (05/IK KBM/PD1/Mei 2010), menyatakan bahwa Silabus dibuat untuk 16 kali pertemuan. Namun ditemukan Fisika Dasar /FIS 3201 hanya dibuat untuk 14 kali pertemuan. Surat Kesanggupan Mengajar yang ditandatangani dosen hanya menyebutkan 12-14 kali perkuliahan dan dalam surat itu juga disebutkan keharusan dosen mengajar 6 kali pertemuan sebelum UTS dan 6 kali pertemuan sebeluam UAS.


Silabus Fisika Dasar, IK KBM dan Surat Kesanggupan Mengajar

Responsible person:Bapak Erwin, Bapak Johan

Cause Analysis:

Tidak ada kesesuaian jumlah pertemuan perkuliahan antara Silabus MK Fisika Dasar, IK KBM dan Surat Kesanggupan Mengajar.

Responsible person/dept.:Bapak Erwin, Bapak Johan


Dilakukan revisi pada silabus Fisika Dasar, IK KBM dan Surat Kesanggupan Mengajar pada jumlah pertemuan perkuliahan sejak tanggal 7 September 2010

Responsible person/dept.:

Bapak Erwin, Bapak Johan

Corrective Action:

Jumlah pertemuan perkuliahan semua mata kuliah SKS minimal 3 SKS adalah 14-16 kali pertemuan.

Corr. Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

CA Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

No Ref Nonconformity

[Discussed with whom and where?]

proof Cause analysis

[by whom?]

Corrections and Corrective Action

[by whom?]

Completion date

Rev. 1.0


Nonconformity Report (list of nonconformities) No. 1 to 6

Client Certification No.Universitas Suryakancana 01 100 106381

Type of audit Standard (s) AccreditationCA2 ISO 9001:2008 TR Cert

6 8.2.3 Discuss with:

Bapak Erwin dan Bapak Johan

Dept.: Prodi PSP dan Agribisnis


Form Silabus Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 tidak tersedia di Ka. Prodi Agribisnis dan PSP, sehingga proses verifikasi bahan ajar tidak dilakukan untuk mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan IK tentang Bahan Ajar, demikian pula dengan mata kuliah Fisika Dasar


Silabus Bahasa Inggris

Responsible person:Bapak Erwin dan Bapak Johan

Cause Analysis:

Belum dibuat silabus mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris untuk Program Studi Agribisnis dan PSP

Responsible person/dept.:Bapak Erwin dan Bapak Johan


Dibuat silabus mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris untuk Program Studi Agribisnis dan PSP pada tanggal 7 September 2010

Responsible person/dept.:

Bapak Erwin dan Bapak Johan

Corrective Action:

Distribusi rekaman silabus dikendalikan sesuai dengan POS 4.2.4

Corr. Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

CA Comp. Date:

7 September 2010

Rev. 1.0