bureros bert mary(pruitt) 1989 philippines

Forwarding Agents M/M Bob Pruitt 270'* S. River Road Grants Pass, OR 97527 CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST 1440 SO. OAKDALE MEDFORD, OREGON 97501 Feb. 1989 M/M Bert Bureros P.O. Box 49 3515 Aparri, Cagayan Riilippines Hard to come by were the MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT this time. Anewsletter prepared to mail was stolen with some other things in Manila. It took a while for Bert and Mary to find this out and preoare another, so this newsletter is almost a month late. That does not lessen their enthusiasm as they says "Greetings to you in this new year of 1989. As we come into this year we praise the Lord that we can look forward in the assurance of His love, care and protection, and as we look back over 1988 we also praise Him for His love, care and protection, and for His provision through you wonderful people. Although there were many things that happened last year that we hope we never have to go through again, wo can only praise the Lord for His constant protection, wisdom, and guidance. We also want to express our thanks, insufficient as it is, to each of you who are in any way a part of this ministry. Without each one of you this ministry could not be tdiat it is. Again we give the Lord praise. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Vfe want to thank each of you ^0 contributed to our Christmas. Your love will teach our children to love. We had a delicious dinner with everyone overstuffed. Two roasted pigs, fried chicken, salad, rice, juice and cookies made everyone waddle. Then we dismissed to the Christmas tree and what fun and joy as the children received and opened their 3 presents. Our Christmas this year had a special "joy" in it as Joy Collins and her friend Eileen Alder were with us. Joy had lived with us for 5 years and is still a special part of our family. A special thanks to Joy and Eileen and all their friends vdio made, gathered, prepared, and sent many Christmas gifts for the children and staff. Things have been unbelievably busy these last few months and without their help Christmas would not have been as exciting. Of course the joy of knowing and living in the love of our Heavenly Father and His Son, our Saviour, makes the Christ^- mas season special. And His love is so evident through you all. Another joy at Christmas was having all our children home. Jessie was home from Silliman Univer sity ^idiere he is studying, hoping to be a doctor some day. He has found university fun, but a lot of hard work and study. Please pray for him. James and Maureen were home from school at M)AF, Inc. They have both grown in confidence and ability to sign. Wb are thankful for this Christian school. In Nov. idien we went to meet Joy and Eileen we said good-bye to Faye Burton who had been with us for 8 months. Our thanks to her for her faithfulness in taking our Dolores (cerebral-palsied) to school and helping her so she had more chance to leam. (We are looking for some way to get Dolores and Julio—also CP—the special help they need.) GUESTS In Oct. we were visited by friends Rick and Janet Norquist. They came to the Hiilippines to pick up some children they were adopting (from the Manila area) and came to visit us. We had a great visit. Unfortunately their return to Manila became quite an unforgettable experience as their fli^t was cancelled due to weather. They took a bus instead and their 12-hr. bus ride turned into a hr. ride, caught in floods and land slides. But the Lord's care was very appar ent, and they learned to trust ffl.m more. Hope this won't discourage them or others from visiting. FAREWELLS As us ual, our family changes. Four of our children have gone home. Janice, went home to live with her grandparents. Sie does not live far away, s0 maybe we can see her off and on. Brothers Mark and Jerry. 4 and 3» wont back home—far away. ^ pray that the seed that" has been planted in these young minds will some how be watered and grow. Arbie, almost 2, just left. He came to us 4 days old. We are not worried about Arbie, although we will miss him. He is from a strong Christian homo and we know he will even be joining us for services from time to time. He is from the same olace as Janice and maybe they will be able to teach her also. WELCOME ! We have also received 4 new children, keeping our count at 87. Joel. 12 years old, is from Ifugao. His father is a drunkard and beat his wife. Joel came to her defense, attacking the father, and then ran away in fe ar. He was picked up stealing in a market several days later and then was staying at the police station. He is older than we usually accept, but we pray that he will learn to love and accept the Lord and then take His love back to his people. Kharen. 2, is an illegitimate child, a product of rape by the mother's^ grandfather. She was very weak from mal-nourishment,also has double pjPHHv congenital cataracts, and seems to be deaf. She has responded well ^ ' to the feeding and love and is much stronger. Soon we will see what ? can be done about her eyes and ears. Annilin. 20 months, is the ' Jr . . •• product of a broken homo. She was very mal-nourished and suffering neglect. Now she is about to walk on her own and is a happy,smiley i' if-w| girl. Meldred, is a veiy special case. She is from a broken home jj « »'• and was living with her father and stop-mother. About 1-|- yrs. ago .J .. x jBs she either fell or was i«shed down the stairs. The father returned ] her to her mother, vrfio had her checked. About one month later she BPlifyW quit talking and responding normally. Then, over a year ago, the 3 K mother left her with an aunt, who was already hard up financially. ^ •* ¥ Also the children were mean to Maldred. She is mal-nourished and -J \ weak, but in the short time we have had her she is responding to the love and attention. The children have made her their special prayer 8 ^ Jh 'I and show her lots of love. She smiles a lot, eats well, sleeps well, S I |S|I I and is generally responding well. Please keep her in your prayers. THE BUILDING AND THE CHURCH (CHRIST'S BODY) Our chapel building Is going UP as funds are available. Right now it is at a standstill.

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missionary newsletters


  • Forwarding AgentsM/M Bob Pruitt270'* S. River RoadGrants Pass, OR 97527


    MEDFORD, OREGON 97501Feb. 1989

    M/M Bert BurerosP.O. Box 493515 Aparri, CagayanRiilippines

    Hard to come by were the MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT this time. Anewsletter prepared to mailwas stolen with some other things in Manila. It took a while for Bert and Mary to find thisout and preoare another, so this newsletter is almost a month late. That does not lessen theirenthusiasm as they says"Greetings to you in this new year of 1989. As we come into this year we praise the Lord thatwe can look forward in the assurance of His love, care and protection, and as we look back over1988 we also praise Him for His love, care and protection, and for His provision through youwonderful people. Although there were many things that happened last year that we hope we neverhave to go through again, wo can only praise the Lord for His constant protection, wisdom, andguidance. We also want to express our thanks, insufficient as it is, to each of you who are inany way a part of this ministry. Without each one of you this ministry could not be tdiat itis. Again we give the Lord praise.MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Vfe want to thank each of you ^0 contributed to our Christmas. Your love willteach our children to love. We had a delicious dinner with everyone overstuffed. Two roastedpigs, fried chicken, salad, rice, juice and cookies made everyone waddle. Then we dismissed tothe Christmas tree and what fun and joy as the children received and opened their 3 presents.Our Christmas this year had a special "joy" in it as Joy Collins and her friend Eileen Alder werewith us. Joy had lived with us for 5 years and is still a special part of our family. A specialthanks to Joy and Eileen and all their friends vdio made, gathered, prepared, and sent manyChristmas gifts for the children and staff. Things have been unbelievably busy these last fewmonths and without their help Christmas would not have been as exciting. Of course the joy ofknowing and living in the love of our Heavenly Father and His Son, our Saviour, makes the Christ^-mas season special. And His love is so evident through you all.Another joy at Christmas was having all our children home. Jessie was home from Silliman University ^idiere he is studying, hoping to be a doctor some day. He has found university fun, but alot of hard work and study. Please pray for him. James and Maureen were home from school atM)AF, Inc. They have both grown in confidence and ability to sign. Wb are thankful for thisChristian school.In Nov. idien we went to meet Joy and Eileen we said good-bye to Faye Burton who had been withus for 8 months. Our thanks to her for her faithfulness in taking our Dolores (cerebral-palsied)to school and helping her so she had more chance to leam. (We are looking for some way to getDolores and Julioalso CPthe special help they need.)GUESTS In Oct. we were visited by friends Rick and Janet Norquist. They came to the Hiilippinesto pick up some children they were adopting (from the Manila area) and came to visit us. Wehad a great visit. Unfortunately their return to Manila became quite an unforgettable experienceas their fli^t was cancelled due to weather. They took a bus instead and their 12-hr. bus rideturned into a hr. ride, caught in floods and land slides. But the Lord's care was very apparent, and they learned to trust ffl.m more. Hope this won't discourage them or others from visiting.FAREWELLS As us ual, our family changes. Four of our children have gone home. Janice, 3 wenthome to live with her grandparents. Sie does not live far away, s 0 maybe we can see her offand on. Brothers Mark and Jerry. 4 and 3 wont back homefar away. ^ pray that the seed that"has been planted in these young minds will some how be watered and grow. Arbie, almost 2, justleft. He came to us 4 days old. We are not worried about Arbie, although we will miss him. Heis from a strong Christian homo and we know he will even be joining us for services from time totime. He is from the same olace as Janice and maybe they will be able to teach her also.WELCOME ! We have also received 4 new children, keeping our count at87. Joel. 12 years old, is from Ifugao. His father is a drunkardand beat his wife. Joel came to her defense, attacking the father,and then ran away in fe ar. He was picked up stealing in a marketseveral days later and then was staying at the police station. He isolder than we usually accept, but we pray that he will learn to loveand accept the Lord and then take His love back to his people.Kharen. 2, is an illegitimate child, a product of rape by the mother's^grandfather. She was very weak from mal-nourishment,also has double pjPHHvcongenital cataracts, and seems to be deaf. She has responded well ^ 'to the feeding and love and is much stronger. Soon we will see what ?can be done about her eyes and ears. Annilin. 20 months, is the ' Jr . . product of a broken homo. She was very mal-nourished and sufferingneglect. Now she is about to walk on her own and is a happy,smiley i' if-w|girl. Meldred, 7 is a veiy special case. She is from a broken home jj 'and was living with her father and stop-mother. About 1-|- yrs. ago .J .. x jBsshe either fell or was ished down the stairs. The father returned ]her to her mother, vrfio had her checked. About one month later she BPlifyWquit talking and responding normally. Then, over a year ago, the 3 Kmother left her with an aunt, who was already hard up financially. ^ * Also the children were mean to Maldred. She is mal-nourished and -J \weak, but in the short time we have had her she is responding to thelove and attention. The children have made her their special prayer 8 ^ Jh ' Iand show her lots of love. She smiles a lot, eats well, sleeps well, S I |S|I Iand is generally responding well. Please keep her in your prayers.THE BUILDING AND THE CHURCH (CHRIST'S BODY) Our chapel building Isgoing UP as funds are available. Right now it is at a standstill.

  • Any wanting to help with this project please designate your gift for such* We praise the Lordthat in the last Jy rocs* 10 of our nei^bors have accepted the Lord and been baptized* Two ofthem are part-time workers at the Home* Two are parents of a girl who has worked for us forseveral years* She is slow mentally (but a good laundress) but loves the Lord and has prayedfor her parents* She was the first . of our neighbors to accept Christ and be baptized* Thefather has been a drunkard and really needs ouir prayers to remain strong*Our FURLOUGH is now scheduled* Hiarch 6 we leave Manila for Taipei, Taiwan, to visit missionaryfriends there* Then March 10 we leave Taiwan and land in Los Angeles at 9:00 AM (10th)* Weleave L*A* at ^:00 PM, arriving in Portland, OR at 8:55 P*M* on American Wast Jli^t #HP 676*Our apologies to our Seattle friends for not landing there this time* Wia will see you sometime.Usually all of our speaking has been on the Wast Coast, since the bulk of our support comesfrom there* Bit if there are others in areas east of Oregon who would like to have us speakwe are open to it* However, we would need enou^ speaking dates to be good stewardship for thetravel expenses* Wa are receiving more and more support from MissouriIndiana way and couldtravel that area* If you are interested please write to the Forwarding Agents and tell them ofyour times and -sdiat you would want. A route to the Mid-west might materialize* Time limitswould be May to mid-July*We are so thankful for all our supportersfinances, prasrer, and other giftsand would love tobe able to speak to all individually and personally give you our thanks* But if we never seeyou face-to-face we pray that the life and service of our children will show the thanks as theybring glory to our Lord*

    PRAYER NEEDS:1* fVirlough scheduling and other needs

    For our staff as we leave them in charge (we have no replacements)Time to complete all that must be done before our departurePossible Home extension work in Ifugao Pro-^nce (more on this in future letters)Sponsors, for the childrenFor love,wisdom, and strength for us all in our day-to-day activitiesFor our many adolescents and the problems and pressures they face each day



    PRAISE ITEMS:1* No problems during the hearing for visa renewal* We have not yet heard the results, but

    seems promising*2* Our wonderful Christmas celebration time3 Good health and strength^* The wonderful love of our Lord Jesus Christ

    vision as we serve Him heroand His continual protection, care and pro-

    ASPECIAL NO^: Please do not send any checks (^rectly to us* Wb cannot cash them here andthere is a possibility of them being stolen enroute. Send all checks direct to the forwardingagents*

    Again wo want to express our thanks to each oflord bless each of 3rou as much as you have blessed us*

    you who are a part of this ministry* May the

    In His love,Bert and Mary

    Would you like Mary and Bert, Jordan and Jacob, Ito visit-your church? Available dates at thiswriting: WASHINGTON AND OREGON: Mid-April through summer and fall* NORTHERN AND SOUTHERNCALIFORIA : They id.ll be traveling to the National Missionary Convention at Anaheim late Octoberand return after November 8* Vfe would beglad to work out the timing with you if you want themto come* We'd be delighted to hear interest from anyidierewho knows what exciting things mightdevelop? o * * * * ^itt. Forwarding Agents Address on front



    wfcr" MagazineMissions ServicesBox 2427Knoxville, TN 37901

    Non-Profit OrganizationU*S* Postage Paid

    Permit No* 56IMedford, Oregon

  • Forwarding AgentsJ'i/M Bob Pruitt278^ S, River RoadGrants Pass, OR 9752?


    ^lEDFORD, OREGON 975OIApril 1989

    MESSACffiS FROM MARY AND BERT**For the Lord God is a sun and shieldj the Lord bestows favor and honor, no good thing does Hewithhold from those idiose walk is blameless. 0 Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trustsin you." (Ps 84:11 &12) And the Lord has blessed us and given all needs through you who alsotrust Him, and we pray His many blessings on you also.We are enjoying fellowship and sharing with the Lord's family in the States. After a nice visitin Taioei, Taiwan,with the Rick Merrill family, and with Anna Fletcher and the Steve Taylors inLo-Tung (at the Home of God's Love) we had a good flight and arrivedin Portland, OR xMarch 10.How nice to be met in LA by ny sister. Holly, to spend a few hours with her and family before ourfli^t north. We have been enjoying the hospitality and joy of fellowship with relatives andfamily in the Lord. We had a wonderful Sunday in Mlwaukie, OR, and have enjoyed being withmany churches in the Rogue Valley (^ere I grew up) while staying with ray parents. Jordan andJacob are having a good time getting to know Grandma and Grandpa Pruitt (and vice versa) andhelping plant garden, etc. Soon we will begin traveling other areas. Here's our itinerary forthe next 3 months. If we are in your area please come see us. gyi rMY 7 Church of Christ, Christian (2nd &B), PM, Ashland, OR J'T

    10 flogue Valley Christian, Missionary Grp.,Noon, Msdford, OR11 So. Dinpqua Church of Christ, Canyonville,OR, Mother-Daughter PM21 Shelton Christian Church, Sielton, WA |U|dK. .24 McKinley Park,PM, Tacoma, WA25 Lincoln Park Missionary Grp (11 AM) Tacoma, WA26-29 Memorial Weekend, Wi-Ne-Ma Camp, Cloverdale, OR

    JUNE 11 Central Point Church of Christ, Central Point, OR J 112-16 VBS Redwood Christian Church, Grants Pass, OR ^18 White City, OR, Church of Christ, AM fci^25 Vd-Ne-Ma Church, Cloverdale, OR26-July 1, Jr. Hi^i Camp, Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp

    JULY 9-14 Camp Koinania, sireet Home, OR jir15-16 Estacada Christian Church, Estacada, OR17-21 VBS Somerset Christian, Beaverton, OR23 Turner Christian Church, Turner, OR PM Bureros Family24-29 Jr. High Camp, Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp

    Mp. Eldon Potts, Box 1092, Joplin, MO, 64801, is arranging a schedule for us in the Mid-West inSeptember and October.COOL WATER As per usual we have been very busy. In January we took a trip to Cebu to visitBert's family and friends before going to the States. When we returned to the Home we foundsevere water problems. In the past we had planned to drill a new wellj a auLittersible pump wasdonated for the Home, but we needed a 4" hole and no one in our area could drill it. One timewhen Bert was visiting his home he learned of a man in the church near-by who drilled wells forbig companies and could drill ours. He estimated the cost (materials, labor, etc.) at $3,000.00.Right after we received the driller's estimate we received a check in the mail for $3,000,001Again, before we knew the need the Lord, working through His people, had begun to supply. Theybegan drilling right after we left for the States. Ihe well is now drilled and there is a goodwater supply. Last word was that they are using the old pump on the new well idiile waiting forthe power company to put in a 3"phase transformer for the new pump. How we thank each of you >rtiohave given through the years for this project. Monies given in the past have been used to keepthe original pump and well going until we were able to put in the new one. Our thanks to thedonor of the pump and the monies for the new well. Again, without the help of God's people, wewould not be able to accomplish this. Our thanks also to Jfr. Villamill and Bert's brother, Ely,who left their families for the time to come help us with the well.We enjoyed many VISITORS be fore leaving. X am afraid we were not able to give them the hospitality due, since we were busy packing, sorting, training, etc. as we took care of last minutedetails. Our auditor Cynthia and her companion Ina were with us for a week as they finished theaudit for the years I986-88. We appreciate their patience and service. John and Chris came fromTokyo Union Church for a visit and to visit some of the income-generating projects that are beingsponsored . by the Philippine Self-Help Program with the families of some of our children. Vfeleft them in the middle of their visit. Virginia Fleenor, missionary to Japan, came for her 2ndvisit the day we were leaving. We were able to see her in Manila and again here in the States.The Fleenors soonsor one of our children and have also begun or instigated other projects andhelp. We appreciate each of these visitors and their part in the work of the Children's Home.In Manila we met Elizabeth Scriba from the States, an occupa tional therapist. She visited theHome also and was able to give some good suggestions for helping our children with cerebralpalsy and other problems.The CHAPEL building goes up slowly, as funds are available. The church itself is giving and alsothere have been some designated funds from the States. Thank you to those who have given to thisspecial project. We anticipate even more community interest and growth in the church when wehave a separate building in \diich to worship (at present we hold Sunday services in the Home'sdining room). We praise the Lord that His family is growing in the community as a result of theHome being there and our chaplain being able to call in the homes and hold Bible studies, etc.Anyone desiring to help in this construction please designate it on your check.

  • As usual things are changing and busy in the Honie* As no one came to relieve us while we are inthe States we left the staff in charge. They are getting along well, but aporeciate and needour prayers

    FAMILY NEWS In January Rio. ^ mos. old, joined our family. His father abandoned the family andthe mother needed to work to support the family Rio will be with us until the mother is ableto suoport them, and he is old enough to be cared for by the older siblings. lively andCarlito Jove, 18 mos. and 4 years old, joined us early April. Their mother had worked for uspart-time. In February the father was killed and since they are a very poor family, she wasunable' to continue to support all h children. &e does have a job, but it does not pay much.They live near the Home and worship with us so the mother sees her children often. We are happyto be able to help our family in Christ as well as those do not know our Savior yet.As we were increasing we also decreased by 2. Msnchita. -who was with us in the past, placed ina rehabilitation home while we were in t he States last time, and returned home again in January(with her 10 yr. old sister Sonia). has taken her sister and left again. We have given Menchitaher last chance, life prayed forher, taught her^ gave her many chances and are saddened by herdeparture. We wiU continue to pray for her and her sister, that Msnchita will grow in the Lordand follow His leading, and will also teach and share His love with her sister and others sheis with. The Lord has promised His Word will not return to Him void and we claim this inMsnchita'S case. She accepted Christ as her Savior when she was 10. Ws have trained her inHis way and pray she will follow it. |SCHOOL closed the end of March. Our Joyce received 1st. honors in her first grade class. OurMagie received a medal for "Best in Attendance"! in her dress-making class. We are proud ofthese girls and the others who have done well in their classes, even though they did not receivehonors. Jessie is home from Siliman University for the summer and we look forward to his goodinfluence and encouragement, for the older boysj especially.The summer is a busy time. Many of our children make visits to their homes or relatives. Theyenjoy this but always seem happy to be back and we are hapoy to have them back. Summer BibleCamps and Vacation Bible School are also exciting times, anticipated by the children all yearlong. Those who do not go on vacation are busy helping around the Home and enjoying specialoutings planned for them. We pray that the children will continue to grow in appreciation for^at the Lord has given them. |NEW PLANS Because our Home is growing and we are seeing more areas of need, we are beginning toset plans for a satellite home. This would be located in Ifugao province, and area of differenttribal groups and a lot of poverty. Wa have l6[ children from that area and have heard of those

    ^Q_died.bei'ore thev could be brought to our Home in Anarrl. This will also be a gre^at chanceto evangelize in this area, as the people are interested in the Word. Ws see the Lord preparing missionaries and staff for this new area of ministry, but there are many details to beworked out. Please keep this in your prayers.

    Again we express our heart-felt thanks to each one of you \dio is a part of this ministry inany way. This ministry could not go on, nor thlese children bo helped (both physically andspiritually) if it wore not for you. Thank you| for your partnership.PRAY FOR: The Home staff; the children to walk close to the Lord; the chapel building; the

    satellite home plans; our family as [we travel; Bert's naturalization; the politicalsituation; Mary's visa renewal.

    PRAISE FOR: The new well; safe travel to the ^ates; joy of fellowship with the Lord's peoplein the States and their hospitality; His continual supply of our needs; His continued protection for the Home and children.

    In His love,Bert and Mary

    NOTICE. Central Church of Christ has changed dJts name to Rogue Valley Christian Church, whichwill be on all letterheads now.


    Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Pbstage Paid

    MEDPORD, OREGON 97501 Permit No. 56lMedford, Oregon


    Horizons MagazineMissions ServicesBox 2427Knoxville, TN 37901

  • Forwarding AgentsM/M Bob Pruitt2784- S. River RoadGrants Pass, OR 97527


    WEDFORD, OREGON 97501July 1989

    (a3o3M/M Bert BurerosP.O. Box ^93515 Aparri, CagayanPhilippines

    MSSAGES FROin MARY AND BERT"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth onhim should not perish, but have eternal life." "Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all^the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit;teaching them to observe all things vdiatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always,even unto the end of the world."

    We have been using these verses a lot in our busy summer, with our involvement in several VBS'sas well as camps and weekend speaking, '/fe praise God for safety and provision and for thewonderful fellowship we have enjoyed with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We praise Godfor those who went out and taught so the we know Christ, so that we can now share His lovewith others.

    SUMMiR was very busy at the Children's Home also. Many of the older children were able tovisit their relatives and as far as we know all returned safely. The summer vacation is fromApril to mid-June, There was a VBS held at the Home for our children and neighbors, and thenour teachers went out and held 3 i^ore VBS's. Our children also attended camp, several in eachof the 3 weeks. They always enjoy that and are encouraged and grow spiritually. We are thankful that we are able to afford to send them.

    ANNUAL PARTY TII^-iEl June 17 Eldon Ftotts and his gang arrived for another party. Unfortunatelynot all their gifts arrived with them, but after some phone calls and working together withPhilippine Air Lines, they were able to continue the party early Sinday morning. I'm sure itwas another wonderful time for the children. We want to thank all those involved in makingthis special oarty possible.

    DAILY MEEDSDAILY SUPPLY We also want to express our deepest thanks to all of you who makeour daily living possible. We thank God for you faithful contributors who give every month,and those who give special gifts, for those who pray for us, give clothes, etc. It takes allof you to make our ministry possible.

    We have heard that daily expenses have gone up quite a bit recently, causing a large increasein our $

  • The new Tsumn (submersible) should be installedj and running well now, as the new 3-phase transformer has been installed by the power company (at a big price). Vfe praise the Lord that weare now able to have a strong, trustworthy water system without running the pump for close to2^ hours a day. This should bring good savings in our electric bill(help pay for the transformerSchool started in the middle of June, with many of ours out and going. We have 6 in highschool or vocational school, Jessie in his second year at Siliman University, almost 3^ i*!elementary and 15 in kindergarten, plus 2 in E'.E.A.F., Inc. Early June, I'm sure, was busygetting supplies and uniforms ready.

    EXPAMDIMG OPPORTUNITIES OF SERVICE I In our last letter we mentioned a Satellite Home. Lordwilling, in 1990 we will begin a satellite home in the Ifugao Province, a mountainous areaabout half way to Manila from Aparri(7 hours).! It is off the main highway a few miles. Dickand Kay Davidson, who have been working with Ambassadors for CJhrist in Davao, Philippines,will be coming in early 1990 to join us in the work, specifically in the satellite home whenit starts. Wb are laying some ground work, but there is a lot to be done and we wouldaopreciate your prayers. This will be a great opport\inity to help many more people, as wellas a great evangelistic opportunity. We now have l6 children in our home from this area, andthere are many more there who need help. Plea,se pray as we make decisions and for the extrafunds that will be needed (rent or construction, staff, etc.). We are excited about thisnew area of out-reach, and excited to see the Lord working in it.

    PARTIAL ITINERARY |AUG. Z Southside Christian, Lebanon, OR 7:00 P.M.

    7-12 Wi-Ne-Ma Week of Missions20 St. Johns Christian, Portland, OR 9:3^ A.M.21-25 VBS St Johns27 MacArthur ELvd. Christian, Vancouver, WA A.M.

    SEPT. 17 Elkhart, KS A.M. IBoise City, OK P.M.

    20 Grenola, KS24 Foulkner, KS A.M.

    Prairie Grove AR P.M.OCT. 8 Kimberling City, MO A.M. !

    15 Thttle, OK P.M. |There are other dates being scheduled in Sept. and Oct. Eldon Potts (Box 1092, Joplin, MO,64801) is working on this schedule and can be contacted for further information. !

    iPRAYER: Just received word that 3 year old Ian had an eye injury that may entail expensive |

    surggry. [ 1Fhnds for Satellite i^mePHinds for budget increase

    PRAISES: Staff is functioning smoothlySafety and health in our travelsLove, hospitality, and generosity of God's people.

    Again we want to express our thanks to all who have opened their homes and hearts to us as wehave been traveling. Each person has been a blessing to us. Please continue to pray for ourhealth and strength and safety, and that we will be a blessing to those we are with. (Pleaseadd an extra prayer for two little boys \Aio r^st travel about .so muchthe Forwarding Agents)

    In His loveBert and Mary



    Horizons MagazineMissions ServicesBox 2427Knoxville, TN 37901


    Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage Paid

    Permit No. 561Msdford, Oregon

  • Forwarding AgentsM/M Bob Pruitt278i+ S. River HoadGrants Pass, OR 97527

    ROGUE Valley Christian church1440 so. OAKDALE

    I-iEDFORD, OREGON 97501October 1989

    Ps. 34:9 &10 starts our MiSSAGES FROH i-iARY AND 3nT: Fear the Lord, you his saints, for "^bosewho fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lackno good things." Read this whole Psalm for joy and encouragement! We praise the ixjrd for Hisgoodness to us. We left a-ants Pass, OR Sent. 11, heading east. It has been a wonderful trip!We have met many new friends, gotten to know passing acquaintences,to see old friends in unexpected places. We have greatly enjoyed spending time with old friendsalong the way, and getting to know relatives we never met before. The lord has surely blessedus on this trip. Thank you to all of you vrtio have been praying for us as we travel. We havebeen kept safe'and healthy. We also want to express our thanks to Eldon andsetting up our schedule in the Mid-West. We plan to arrive back in Grants Pass Oct. 21. At ineend of this letter is our itinerary for the next 3 months.

    INFLATION! I mentioned in our last letter that expenses in the Home have increased. The increase in cost of commodities has gone up 20-30^ (from March to July). In July there was amandatory wage increase, which will most likely cause higher ^"ts in coraaodities agai^^^cause of the increase in expenses, our budget has gone up from $^500 in ^^00 in July.We were able to borrow some money to help meet this increase, and there have been new donationsgiven. But we have had to lay off some of our workers because of the lack in budget, we aretrying to keep enough child-care workers to insure that the children are getting all the attention and care they need. Reports are that they need to get back 1 or 2 workers. Please praywith us for wisdom and trust in making these decisions.Of course, we are not the only ones feeling the increase in costs. Many peoole were alreadyha ving a hard time keening alive, and now it is worse. (Recently someone stole all ^ ofour turkeys.) Of course these orobleras may increase the number of children needing our help.In July, exactly one year to the date of the tyohoon that tock our roof, we had another strongtynhoon. Praise the Lord there was nodamage except a small amount to an out-building.hLrd on the news yesterday that there was another one in the northern Philippines and Taiwan.We pray it was not destructive to buildings or crops.

    INSPECTION Recently a lady from the DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Itevelopment) cameto the Home to inspect and research for the accreditation of the Home. She was impressed byour facilities, but concerned about the handicapped, because we are not equipped to care ^rthem. That shows more our need for a physical therapist and special education teacher. Praythat we will "be accredited. WILI .jflHUBk ~ ~"i

    Bjt IFAMtT.Y NEWS Our family continues to grow and change. Threechildren have returned to their families. Armilin,2'2, was HTf*able to return home after her separated parents were recon-ciled (our chaplain was able to help them quite^a b^).^ ^ "is> ^love and they are away from our teaching. We have 4 newchildren. Sarkar Simoliciano was about 4mos. whe^he c^e; ythe younger brother of Joel Ayuman who joined us last year, Itwhose father was a drunkard and abused his wife and child- K. |PCren. Our latest is Edgar, 1 mo., whose mother is confined ^in a mental hosnital. No one knows who the father is andnone of his relatives wanted him. Praise the Lxjrd we are | -^ ^there to orovide the home and love he needs. ^

    We want to express our thanks to all of you who have made ^V ^it nossible for us to have the Cagayan Valley Oiildren'sHome and to be able to give these children their physical K i*needs and to teach them of the Lord who loves them and gave | jpt #His life for them. We so appreciate all of you and your R ^ Ilove and faith. Please continue to pray with us for the I i' in W^i ^Lord's continuing supply of all our needs. He owns thecattle on a thousand hills and can supply all our needs. |||kHOLIDAYS Our plans are to return to the Philipoines rightafter Christmas. This will depend on how quickly Bert's , o tnaturalization is completed. We are just waiting the word Joel Regualosfor Bert to apoear for his hearing. We will miss being ^ 0+ + with the children at the Home for Christmas, but will enjoy very much being in the States withfamily. It would be great if we should have a ^diite Christmas !Right now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving when all the Pruitt family (6 ^their srouses and 14 grandchildren) plan to be together. There is so much to be thankful for,the greatest being the joy and salvation we have in Jesus. May we always remember to give

  • thanks to God for the many ohysical and material blessings He has given this country, and maywe all do our part to make known to all in this country and around the world the love of HisSon, and that gift that God gave us the first Christmas so many years ago. And that love neverchanges.

    PRAISgS: New sponsors and supportersSafety and health in our travels and the wonderful love and hospitality we have

    received.That our staff is doing well and working hardThat Ian*s eye (the one who had an accident) is getting better without surgery!

    PRATERS: Satellite Home plans jStaff, especially with the lay-offsThe Philippine GovernmentFamily of Mr. MarcosThat the children stay strong in the LordComplete recovery for lan's eyeBert's naturalization (be finished by Christmas)Sponsors for children and other financial needs



    day Center, Nebraska Ladies' Meeting P.M.Cascade Gorge Christian Church, Prospect, OR A.M.Hugo Coimminity Baptist Church, Grants Pass, OR A.M.


    OR P.M.




    Christ's Church of the Valley, GrantsFirst Christian Church, Fairfield, CANational Missionary Convention, Anaheim, CA

    First Christian Qiurch, Yucca Valley, CA A.M.Area Ladies' Meeting, Sacramento, CAPuget Sound Christian College Chapel serviceWest Seattle Christian Church A.M. Bible School hourMbuntlake Terrace Christian Church P.M.West Seattle Ladies' Council

    Look for our booth


    Again may we express our thanks to all of you. Those of you who have opened your homes to us,prayed for us, given financially, given clothesy gifts, etc.. You are all a part of theministry and a blessing to us. Thank you and may the Lord bless you. Ps. 27S13 & l^s "I amstill confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait

    -be strong take-hear-t-and wait -for-_t.he_Lordl ^

    In His loveBert and Mary



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