bureros bert mary(pruitt) 1984 philippines

Our Dear Friends, CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST 1440 SO, OAKDALE AVE, MEDFORD, OREGON 97501 January 19, 1984 if3 O 3 JAN 24 m We have a new newsletter with MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT to share with you. After expressing belated Christinas greetings, and praise, they say "we do praise and thank the Lord for each of you and your love for Him and for us, as you have so wondrously given of yourselves, time, and money for this work of the Lord, You are special people! CHRISTMAS H^PENINGS: "We have had a busy, interesting, blessed Christmas, full of joy and surprises. All the children, kindergarten age and above, drew names and made Christmas presents. We also presented a program for all our neighbors and had many more visitors than we expected. We praise the Lord that it did not rain the day of the program, so people would come. There was a great turn-out, and we pray that their love for the Lord was encouraged by our simple but fun program. Of course, as children's programs go, there were mistakes, changes, and surprises, but we all enjoyed it and everyone said it was really great. On the 21st we had a visiter from SIL(Wycliff) in Manila come and share Christmas with us. So we put Becky to work, helping make gifts, cookies, and wrapping gifts. She was a great help in getting everything done on time, Christmas day started with our regular Sunday service, dinner and gift opening planned for after noon, A group of carolers from the near-by Church of God came by at 4:00 and presented a small program. While that was happening a doctor from near here came with a big group of people and brought a big merlenda(snack) for the children. So the snack ended up being their supper, gifts were started about 6:30 and after that the children were served dessert and sent to bed, and the aunties(staff)and visitors had their Christmas dinner after 8:00 P.M. The children had theirs for breakfast the next morning, I have always wanted to have fried chicken for breakfast and finally got it. It would have been a little better still hot from cooking, but was still very delicious. We want to say a "thank you" to each of you who contributed in a special way for our Christmas, We had a great dinner because of special gifts; many games were given to the child— ren(which they are really enjoying) because of gifts of love; new clothes for everyone because they were given to us (we only had to buy one pair of long pants and 6 shirts); and much joy and excitement as a result of all the love you have shown to us. Thank you all so much!!!" OUR FA,Y[ILY: "Last newsletter we had 42 children. Then a family of 5 joined us,,,home destroyed by a typhoon, mother receiving medical treatments, father unemployed. So Norma, 7 years. Feline and Felimon(boys)4 years, Marilyn 2 years, and Reymunde, 6 months were added to our family. Then ^ Manila for Roiity's check-up in Oct. we gained little Ronnie, 2 yrs, old, but only 12 lbs. He is the son of a hospitality girl, (Now he is a little chubby, but not walking yet.) The same day the other two children of the lady who died from cerebral malaria came(4 in all). The grandparents were not able to care for them, Emelyn is 4 yrs, old and Gilbert 2 on Christmas Day, Then came Nelia, a Negrito girl who had stayed with us before. Her mother took her back(along with her sister»Lydia) li yrs, Lydia came back here last June and now Nelia, 5^ yrs, and both will probably stay. After that, when all of our beds were full and running o- ver(our carpenter has been very busy making beds & cribs), we received 4 more children, all mal-nourished cases, who will only be with us temporarily. How thankful we are that we could keep these children, Paula, 4^ and 14 lbs; Fran cisco 2i and 10 lbs; and Jose, 8 mos and 10 lbs,,,all one family. They were accompanied by James, who will be 3 in Feb. and also weighed 14 lbs. These children were refered to us by Foster Parents Plan, For sure Francisco would have been dead soon and maybe Paula, She was barely able to walk, Francisco barely able to sit up, Paula picked up real fast and now Francisco is acting interested in life & moving around on his stomach like a baby. Jose was the strongest of the three and is nice and rounded out now, James has picked up fast and is almost walking. But he has another problen, and that Is that he is deaf. After the first of the year we will take him to a local specialist for recommendations about treatment and surgery. Please be in prayer with us that James will be able to hear, and that we will have the funds if there are extra expenses," "Just a few days before Christmas 2 month old Liza joined our family^ weight 6i lbs. She is from a family of 10 mal-nourshied children. One of the couples that works for us have been holding Bible Studies in their area and saw the condition of the children, and that the mother had no milk for the baby, and so with MSSD(welfare services) recommedation Liza joined us just in time to be baby Jesus in our program(no one but us knew she was a girl!) That brought us to 56 child ren," Left: Jed Plettner(parents mis sionaries to India) 18 months Ronnie, 2 years. Stuffing it in to catch up,

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missionary newsletters


Page 1: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines

Our Dear Friends,


January 19, 1984

if 3 O 3

JAN 24 m

We have a new newsletter with MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT to share with you. After expressingbelated Christinas greetings, and praise, they say "we do praise and thank the Lord for each ofyou and your love for Him and for us, as you have so wondrously given of yourselves, time, andmoney for this work of the Lord, You are special people!

CHRISTMAS H^PENINGS: "We have had a busy, interesting, blessed Christmas, full of joy andsurprises. All the children, kindergarten age and above, drew names and made Christmas presents.We also presented a program for all our neighbors and had many more visitors than we expected.We praise the Lord that it did not rain the day of the program, so people would come. Therewas a great turn-out, and we pray that their love for the Lord was encouraged by our simple butfun program. Of course, as children's programs go, there were mistakes, changes, and surprises,but we all enjoyed it and everyone said it was really great. On the 21st we had a visiter fromSIL(Wycliff) in Manila come and share Christmas with us. So we put Becky to work, helping makegifts, cookies, and wrapping gifts. She was a great help in getting everything done on time,

Christmas day started with our regular Sunday service, dinner and gift opening planned for afternoon, A group of carolers from the near-by Church of God came by at 4:00 and presented a smallprogram. While that was happening a doctor from near here came with a big group of people andbrought a big merlenda(snack) for the children. So the snack ended up being their supper, giftswere started about 6:30 and after that the children were served dessert and sent to bed, and theaunties(staff)and visitors had their Christmas dinner after 8:00 P.M. The children had theirsfor breakfast the next morning, I have always wanted to have fried chicken for breakfast andfinally got it. It would have been a little better still hot from cooking, but was still verydelicious. We want to say a "thank you" to each of you who contributed in a special way for ourChristmas, We had a great dinner because of special gifts; many games were given to the child—ren(which they are really enjoying) because of gifts of love; new clothes for everyone becausethey were given to us (we only had to buy one pair of long pants and 6 shirts); and much joyand excitement as a result of all the love you have shown to us. Thank you all so much!!!"

OUR FA,Y[ILY: "Last newsletter we had 42 children. Then a family of 5 joined us,,,home destroyedby a typhoon, mother receiving medical treatments, father unemployed. So Norma, 7 years. Felineand Felimon(boys)4 years, Marilyn 2 years, and Reymunde, 6 months were added to our family. Then

^ Manila for Roiity's check-up in Oct. we gainedlittle Ronnie, 2 yrs, old, but only 12 lbs. He is the sonof a hospitality girl, (Now he is a little chubby, but notwalking yet.) The same day the other two children of thelady who died from cerebral malaria came(4 in all). Thegrandparents were not able to care for them, Emelyn is 4yrs, old and Gilbert 2 on Christmas Day, Then came Nelia,a Negrito girl who had stayed with us before. Her mothertook her back(along with her sister»Lydia) li yrs,Lydia came back here last June and now Nelia, 5^ yrs, andboth will probably stay.After that, when all of our beds were full and running o-ver(our carpenter has been very busy making beds & cribs),we received 4 more children, all mal-nourished cases, whowill only be with us temporarily. How thankful we are thatwe could keep these children, Paula, 4^ and 14 lbs; Francisco 2i and 10 lbs; and Jose, 8 mos and 10 lbs,,,all onefamily. They were accompanied by James, who will be 3 inFeb. and also weighed 14 lbs. These children were referedto us by Foster Parents Plan, For sure Francisco wouldhave been dead soon and maybe Paula, She was barely ableto walk, Francisco barely able to sit up, Paula picked upreal fast and now Francisco is acting interested in life &moving around on his stomach like a baby. Jose was thestrongest of the three and is nice and rounded out now,James has picked up fast and is almost walking. But he has

another problen, and that Is that he is deaf. After the first of the year we will take him toa local specialist for recommendations about treatment and surgery. Please be in prayer with usthat James will be able to hear, and that we will have the funds if there are extra expenses,"

"Just a few days before Christmas 2 month old Liza joined our family^ weight 6i lbs. She is froma family of 10 mal-nourshied children. One of the couples that works for us have been holdingBible Studies in their area and saw the condition of the children, and that the mother had nomilk for the baby, and so with MSSD(welfare services) recommedation Liza joined us just in timeto be baby Jesus in our program(no one but us knew she was a girl!) That brought us to 56 children,"

Left: Jed Plettner(parents missionaries to India) 18 monthsRonnie, 2 years. Stuffing it into catch up,

Page 2: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines

"We were saddened on Dec. 18 when 2 of our babies left us. Anthony ^ illegitimate baby of college students, went home because his parents were getting married. He was such a sweety & wemiss him. Also that day Daniel, li, returned home to his father after being here more than ayear. We miss him also, but it is nice he can be with his father and brother.

'So we are now down to 5A children, and it keeps us all hopping, especially during the rainyseason, keeping them all busy. We praise the Lord that our rains have come. We only missedone harvest in our area."

"We were happy that Ariel could be home for Christmas,also won a bronze medal in their area athletic meet.

He is still 3rd place in his class and

INFLATION: "Not only are people suffering because of the drought, but also there have beengreat price increases in Nov. and Dec., with many things doubling in price. It is hard to knowhow to help all these people and it really makes us thankful to the Lord that our stomachs arefull and we have plenty. We thank the Lord and you. Even with the price increases and the salary increases we still are not suffering financially and we thank you for that, as you have beenso faithful to supply the needed funds."

JOY IS BACK! "We were very happy in October when Joy Collins returned from her furlough. Thesame day she arrived she got busy sewing and mending. She has been busy ever since! She is also heading up the planting of flowers and fruit trees on our terraces and we are happy to seethings being accomplished in that area also. The rains have really made it nice because thingsjust keep growing."

"Also in Oct. we were visited by Dr. Steve and Ann(Tolliver) Plettnerand children on their wayback to India. Ann used to work in Aparri. We surely enjoyed the fellowship."

REJOICING IN HEAVEN: "Dec. 18th we praised the Lord as Zenaida, 11 yrs. old, accepted the Lordand was baptized. She has problems in school(cannot read yet) and is a little immature, but itseems her love for the Lord is real. Pray for her to be a strong servant of the Lord. The weekbefore that, we rejoiced as Rosana, our neighbor girl, accepted Christ as her Saviour and wasbaptized. She is the first baptism we have had from outside the Home. Pray she will be abright light for the Lord in her home and to her neighbors."

"With some special funds that came in and donations from us and the others we were able to buya nice stereo system. We have really been enjoying the music. We still have to get speakersto put throughout the house. It has been a real pleasure to listen to good Christian and classical music. I think it helps the children to be more calm also, and to relax and enjoy.Thank you to those who helped make this possible."

"If there are any who would like to "adopt" or support a certain child, write us and let usknow, as we have plenty now who have not been claimed. We are so thankful to all of you whohave "adapted" a child and have been so faithful in your support, prayers, letters, and evengifts. Also those who give general support, how thankful we are for your faithfulness,"

NEEDS: "We can always use more bibs and plastic pants, color books, strong pull toys, games,etc., as well as good used clothing. One need in particular is pajamas for boys and girls, forhot and cold weather."

"Again we say thank you to all of you who are partners with us in this work. We could not do itwithout your support, prayers, and the strength of the Lord to keep us all going. How we praiseHim for the opportunity to help these special children, and for His giving us the neededstrength, wisdom and love, and for the needed funds, through you, our brothers and sisters inChi^it. We would be glad for any of you to come and visit us also, if you need somewhere to#sp^nd your vacation. May the Lord bless all of you with a wonderful and joyous 198A in Hislove And service."


The Lord's people working together can do beautiful things! Thank you for your prayers and action that makes this wrk possible. If you would like to write to Mary and Bert, their addressis: M/M Bert Bureros, P.O. Box 49, Aparri, Cagayan 1118, Philippines. If you need to contacttheir forwarding agents they are; Bob and Jean Pruitt, 2784 S. River Rd., Grants Pass, OR 97527.


1440 S, Oakdale 773-3144MEDFORD, OREGON 97501


Horizons MagazineMissions ServicesBox 2427

Knoxvllle, TW 37901

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Permit No, 561

Medford, Oregon

Page 3: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines



MEnrORI), OREGON 97501May 4, 1984

Beirt" *">Mary CPru\if) fiurero.-;VdjLi^ CA'ti^re^ fltr/we

Pk)t.fp,nes MAY 8 1984

As you read the following ^fESSAGES FROM MARY ANT) BERT that are included in the latest newsletter, you can look at their happy smiling faces and know they have joy in serving the Lordtogether. Their first thoughts arc for you as they say "Again we want to express our thank-

fulness for each of you who are so important to this•'work of the Lord in your own special ways. How we« praise the Lord for each one of you..those who pray,

send financial support, write letters, send gifts ofall kinds; you are each one so important in makingpossible life for these children and showing them God*s

"OUR POPULATION EXPLOSION here at the Home has sloweddown for a while. In January two little boys, Noel, 3

, months, and Wilfrey, 4 months, joined our family.We are always so happy to have babies. They are grow-

I very fast. Both were in good condition when they< came, products of broken homes. In Fcbruary-we learn-

j ed that the father of Noel was killed in an accident,i y > This last March 6 we were given a beautiful little Ne-

, grito girl, just 1 month old, weighing 4 lbs. Her par-• A <ents had been killed 10 days before and her 8 year oldmwm /f sister had been caring for her. Needless to say Alma

was sick and suffering from dehydration, diarrhea, andmalnutrition. We had Alma in the hospital for about 4 days before she left to be with ourLord. Even though we had her such a short time we really felt the loss, but can praise theLord that she is with Him and will not have any more sickness or pain and we can see heragain some day. Praise Cod for the assurance of eternal life with Him through His Son, Jesus,who died that we might have life. At the time of remembering His death and resurrection, itmakes us more and more thankful as we realize His undeserved love."

"In February we took James, 3 years old, to Manila for testing because he appears deaf. Inthe testing there seemed to be a very slight response on his right ear. But becuase he hasbeen badly mal-nourlshed and physically behind, the doctor suggested waiting a year and seeif anything improves. Pray that he will improve at least to the point he can use a hearingaid. To me it seems awful not to hear the birds sing, the wind blow, beautiful music andpraises, and the Word of God spoken. But we also know that there are other wavs to hear andjust trust the Lord in this."

SCHOOL REPORT: "The schools all closed the last of March. | ^Of our 17 in elementary we had quite a number receivingribbons. We had several honorable mention also. We hadno first honor students this year, but really expectsome next year. Sherry Ann graduated from 6th grade (andis nervous about high school). She received a ribbon forBest Gymnast. This is the first year for gymnasticshere and she and her sister JoAnn did very well. Sherrywent to the Provincial contest and placed 3rd. Ariel,our high school boy at Southern Isabela Academy, placed3rd in his class with high honorsalso in athletics. Hehas also grown a lot this year in his love and faith inthe Lord and we are so thankful for that. He has one more

year of high school. Pray for him as he decides aboutfurther education. Our Minda finished her first year inthe Seminary and seems to have grown and matured in thatyear. We pray that she will go back for another." Sherry Ann on the Balance Beam

"It was great to have Bill Green from Vancouver, WA visit us in February. His visit was tooshort, but we are looking forward to another one. Anyone else who would like to come visitwould be very welcome."

REST AND RE-CHARGE: "In March Bert and I praised the Lord that wh were able to join theother missionaries for our retreat in Baguio. It was a great time of fellowship. Therewere about 36(Including 8 children) and a lot of love and laughter were shared. We werevery blessed to have Robert and Elenor Hanson as our guests, Robert was our Bible lecturerand Elenor, who is the daughter of Leslie and Carrie Wolfe(pioneer missionaries here).sharedwith us of their life and work in the early 1900*8 and through the War. We are all lookingforward to next year's retreat with even more of our missionary families, new and old."The Lord has been using us in some special ways. One of them has been to help the Negritopeople in our area. Right now they have had to evacuate their homes and moved some distanceaway. They are in great need of clothing and other helps. If anyone would like to give somespecial help for them, just mark it "for Negritos" and we will get it to them. They are asmall-sized people with big hearts and needs."

Page 4: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines

"In April I made a trip to Manila to see about a school for our Elena, who comes from a background of emotionally disturbed mother, neglectful father, mal-nourishraent, etc. When Elenacame two years ago she was like a wild animal. V7e praise the Lord she is doing much better,but she still needs so much love and teaching. So I took her to see if we could find aschool for her. She was diagnosed as moderately retarded. The only place they could recommend was a home run by the government. When I visited there my eyes were opened to a greatneed. As I saw their condition it made me all the more thankful to our Lord for all of youwho so wonderfully and faithfully support this Home. They care, and are doing the best theycan do, but I could see that Elena has a lot more hope for help here at home than there.That is the only home for abandoned, orphaned, neglected, mentally retarded children on theisland of Luzon(as far as we know). The saddest part was the room of about AO Cerebral Pal-siec^ from babies up to young men and women, all just lying in bed with only one or two to carefor them all. They also just eat soft rice, with little or no vegetable or meat. Our children are all fat and healthy and even some over-fed. If someone has a special touch with mentally retarded and/or C P children, what a service there could be here. They need more homesof this type(we have 4 CP*s of varying degrees and 3 mentally retarded, 2 of them CP)."

HELP NEEDED: "This also brings me to another specialneed. Maria Delores is a beautiful 3 1/2 year oldwho has CP, We have had her since she was 5 monthsold and she has improved. But because of our lack ofknowledge and no near help, we cannot give her whatwould be available to her in many towns in the U.S.She has a bright mind, but cannot talk(although shetries) and needs much more physical therapy. We arepraying that there is some Christian family who livesnear the needed facilities and schools who could a-

dopt Delores and help her to get the help she needs.It would take special people, but Delores is a specialgirl."

"We are busy with our summer activities now, with DVBScamps, conventions and special evangelistic meetingsgoing on. Joy Collins is very busy trying to getclothes ready for camp for all of our quickly growingchildren. We will have around 12 in Jr. camp alone.It is great to have her to do that. Pray that thesesummer months will be ones of great harvest for theLord's kingdom. We had a great harvest this year inthe two high schools-as-309 students and tsacherR accepted the Lord as their Savior and were baptized. Ihad the Joy in January of baptizing 3 of our childreninto the Lord. May they all become great servants forHim." Maria Delores, Cerebral Palsy victim

"Thanks again so much to all of you who make it possible for us to help these 56 childrenand to share the Lord's love with them and others. May the Lord give each of you a specialblessing as you have been a special blessing to us. We ask your continued prayers as weface the needs and decisions of each day and strive to lead these special children to aspecial relationship with the Lord."

And so Mary and Bert express their love and gratitude and joy that your partnership in Hiswork creates in them. If you would like to write to them, their address Is; M/M BertBureros, P.O. Box 49, Aparri, Cagayan 1118, Philippines. If you need to contact theirforwarding agents they are: Bob and Jean Pruitt, 2784 S, Kiver Rd., Grants Pass, OR 97527.






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Page 5: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines




July 23, 198A


^ 303


Newsletter time again, and we have MESSAGES FROM MARY ANT) BERT addressed to their dear Christian friends. Filipino time appears to move rapidly also, for they say "Where has the timegone so quickly that it can already be well into July? We praise the Lord that He has beenwith us in all this time and has continued to provide our needs, because of yoti who love andtrust I!im and so willingly and sacrificially give. Prices continue to rise (we have anothersalary Increase this month), our population grows, but we alwavs have enough. Thank you somuch to all of you who have a part in this work of the Lord's."

"our family has changed some -since the last letter. When school was out the last of March ourboy Marino went home for the summer and did not come back when school started again in June.Marino is 17 years old and the last few months his attitude really changed, making us suspectdrugs, although there was never concrete evidence. We heard that he is helping his parentsfarm some land, and we always pray for him, that he will renew his faith and love for the Lord.(Marino came at almost 13 years of age. His father is paralyzed and the mother has to care forhim and find food.) Please remember him in your pravers."

"in May our oldest, Minda, about 20 vears old, left us to go live near her mother and relatives.We were sorry to see her go as we love her and were hoping for another year at the Seminary,and then college. Minda was the second child to come live in the Home. We heard that on July1 Minda married a boy from her place that she has known a while. We pray that she will continue in her Christian faith and be a light to her husband and neighbors, v/ho are not Christians.We may even be grandparents in the not too distant future with our first daughter married."

"On June 26 Alfredo, 10 years old(about the size of a 6 year old) and Norman, 5, loined us. Theparents are separated &. the boys were living with the father, but he was very cruel to themand so they ran away. These two boys have adjusted very well and are thriving with the loveand attention given them. They are from a family of 11 children, some already grovm, andothers living with relatives or friends. Both boys are in kindergarten and doing very well.How happy we are v;e can save them from an unhappy life and give them joy and hope. With thetwo that left and the 3 that have arrived, we now have 57 children. We praise the Lord, andthank you, that we can give life, love and the T.ord to these children."


April and May arc cur—summer vaca*"tion. We had 15 children in camp,and we are so thankful that duringthat time Amboli accepted the Lordas his Savior and was baptized.Pray for his spiritual growth. Amboli is 10 and a little slow, butcertainly understands God's lovefor him."

"Also during the summer we tookthe older children to visit Calao

Caves, about 2 to 2 1/2 hrs, drivefrom here. We really had a greattime visiting the caves, taking aboat ride, picnicking, and swimming in the river. We are so

thankful for our good Toyota Tama-raw and that we have had very fewproblems with it. Thank you toyou who helped us purchase it."

Swim time at Calao Caves

"Bert and I were very happy that we were able to attend part of the 75th National Convention ofChurches of Christ in the Philippines. After that Bert was able to go to Cebu to attend theCebuano Convention and a leadership seminar. Now he is busy on Saturdays with classes for hisMasters degree, majoring ii administration.

"As soon as JOY COLLINS had fixed clothes for the kids for camp, she started on uniforms forschool. Some of the children really grew through the summer." (We have received later wordfrom Mary that Joy has been sick with malaria, but is now improving. Her first medication didnot help her, but she is now gaining strength. Please keep her in your prayers. It would bea pleasure to her, I'm sure, if many let her know how much they appreciate the hard work shedoes to keep the children clothed. She is a very vital cog in the machinery that keeps theHome running smoothly, J.P.)


Page 6: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines

"Our school started June 18, We have 3 in

hlRh school (one ^n each of our high schoolsin Tsahela province and one in the localhleh school), 18 in elementary and 11 in hln-dcrgarten (plus 3 staff children), '-'e haveused almost every white T-shirt in our possession, He are so thankful that we have tohuv verv few (since so many have been given tous.)"

"V.liile on the subject of clothes, we co\ild useiti< >I «• -tl i< 11 f M, r -ill f I I PI , <<nil I Ii|i.-i .-Mil! I <>n 1- i>:in I n

sizes 6-12 (male and female), '̂.'e have manvchildren the same sizes and also that is theago where they wear their clothes out whichmeans fewer used clothes that size coming in).Thank you to all who have been so good to send ^clothes, plastic pants, toys, etc,, to meetthe needs of the children. We could also usesome 1/2" and 3/4" elastic. We can get elastichere but itwearsout quickly."

T - _

How would you like to get this manyready for school every morning?

"Because of the number of children now in school we decided to purchase a motorcycle and havea car made for it, making what is called a motorella. "e have a trlcy, but it should onlycarry 5 or 6 at a time (although we stack more on). The motorella can carrv 12-15 or more iftliey are small. It is also a bigger bike so it is better for carrving home the load from themarket. Since it is not yet finished T will have to nut a picture in the next letter','

PLEASE PRAY: "How we praise the Lord for hearing our prayers and working in our lives. Inotir last newsletter we asked for someone to adopt Pelorcs, a cerebral palsied child. We havereally been praying about this and it seems the Lord has answered our prayers, Foreign adop*-tions can take a lot of time, expense and red tape. He ask your prayers that this will goquickly and all expenses will be met for the family who wants Delores."

"We have, and a lot of you have also, been praying for spiritual growth in our children. Weare delighted for the many signs of growth we see In them. Pray that they will he especiallybright lights at school to their teachers and classmates. The children have not always lefta good impression, but we pray they will now make up for it,"

^We^ are now looking into building a klndergarten/chapel/multi-purpose building. Also includedin this building, (or maybe separately) v;lll be an apartment for our staff now living in theHome, and a clinic or isolation room. Building costs have gone way up, but this is a definiteneed, and we ask your prayers as we make plans and step out on faith to construct this building."-

"Again, we want to thank all of you who have had any part in this work. He could not do itwithout you. We thank the Lord for His people and their love and concern, and that we are allconnected together hv His love into a big familv. ^^lat a wonderful familv! We praise His forour special family here and prav they will grow to great workers in spreading His Word 5ndlove to others. Thank you for helping us to teach and provide for them. May the Lord blesseach one'of : you for the special part you have with us,"

Your love to them warms their hearts, and Mary aiicL Bert send expressions of their love to you.If you would like to write to them, their address is: '̂/^^ Bert Pureros, P,0, Box 49 Aparrl,Cagayan 1118 Philippines, If you need to contact their fon^rardlng agents they are; Bob andJean Prultt, 2784 S. River Road, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527



1440 S. OAKDALE 773-3144


Horizons MagazineMissions ServicesBox 2427

Knoxville, TN 37901

Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage Paid

. Permit No*. 561Medford, Oregon

Page 7: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines


MEDFORD, OREGON 97501October 19, 1984

- 1984

: V


Time has kept its rapid pace, and it is time for MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT, a letter oflove to you from an appreciative couple who say, "we do not know bow to adequately expressour thanks for all of you who are partners with us in this work of our Lord's. Your prayers,tinancial gifts, clothes, toys, letters—all are a very important part of this work, and weare thankful to each one of you for your part. We do not even know who all of you are,especially those who are our partners in prayer, but we praise the Lord for you and pray Hisblessings on each of you also,"

Not a whole lot of earthshaking or exciting things have happened since the last newsletter.It was rather earthshaking for us when our little ABRAHAM left. He had been abandoned andbrought to us last July, and how we had all enjoyed him and watched him grow and improve aswe prayed for him. We had given him the name Abraham after Abraham in th^ Rible, and becausewe thought he was possibly;^ born in February. ^ j-His mother returned in September to get him.It was really hard on all of us when he left?"

Mary expresses the heart and depth of theirconcern for the children when she says: "Thething that bothers me most is that even if heis loved and cared for physically, who is going to teach him spiritually? Many of ourchildren are from far places and so it isreally hard to have a follow-up on them. Butthese are the Lord's children that He bringsto us and we just pray that some day someonewill teach Abraham the truth of God's loveand that Christ died for his sins and wantsto be his Saviour. I gave the mother a HewTestament and told her how important it wasto us that she read and follow it and teachit to Abraham. He is now in the Lord's hands,"

"Just before Abraham left we were blessed withthe arrival of REDENTOR( Ra Dan Tor) whom wecall RE(Ra), What a little sweet thing he is. ^mother died when he was about 1 month old and the grandmother did her best to care for him,but having no money for milk, she could see that she was fighting a losing battle. BecauseOne of our staff is holding a Bible study near their place they heard about the Home andthat we could help them. So we were blessed with Re. How quickly he has grown! In 2 daysbis cheeks were filling out and he gained 1/2 lb, every week. The grandmother and fatherwere both amazed at how quickly he has improved. We just tell them the Lord is blessinghim. How the children have enjoyed having this little baby, who now laughs and talks andplays. We are thankful that his family is attending the Bible study. We pray for theirsalvation, and for Re to grow to love and serve the Lord,"


This vehicle is the "school bus" for theHome(can carry 12-15), and also transportssupplies from Market.

He was 3 months old and weighed 5 lbs. The

CHRISTIAN GROWTH: "Everyone else is doing fine. We praise the Lord that our children continue to grow in. Him, Thank you to all of you who have been praying for their spiritualgrowth, and we ask your continued prayers. Reports from school this year are of Improvedattitudes, helpful and good students—just the opposite of a lot of reports last year. So,continue to pray for their improvment and that they will be bright lights for the Lord infront of their teachers and classmates,"

THE GENERATOR: "We also have other bright lights, thanks to all of you who so generouslyand lovingly gave so that we might purchase and install the generator. Of course, sincewe got it hooked up, the electricity has been just fine. We did use it one night whan wehad our birthday party(and the missionaries from Aparri came out) and there was no electricity. A great big and special THANK YOU to all of you for the generator. It works greatand is a special blessing,(I was going to include a picture of it, but my camera was notworking,)"

"Another blessing has been Sandra Kemzie, who came last June to teach Carolyn Boudreaux andalso to teach some Christian Education classes in the Seminary. She is from Kansas and agraduate from Ozark Bible College. She comes out to the Home every Saturday morning andteaches 6 piano lessons and a guitar class to the children. What a blessing it has beentime-wise not to have to take the children in to town, and also this way more can have lessons. And Sandra is a great anddedicated teacher and the children really like her. Sandrahas also agreed to help us vith our Christimas program this year and is even writing onefor us. Pray that it will be a great witness to our neighbors of God's love for us shownby the giving of His Son,

Page 8: Bureros Bert Mary(Pruitt) 1984 Philippines

BUILDING: "We have ordered the materials for buildlnR our klndergarten/chapel/multl-purposebuilding. We are hoping to be able to start the construction very soon. We will go as thefunds are available."

SPECIAL BLESSINGS: "We are thankful to the

Vacation Bible Schools that made us their

project and for the special projects theytook on. One church bought an electricceiling fan for our nursery, and a carabao(Philippine tractor) for our garden. Another church sent a generous fund foreducational and fun toys to replenish oursupply. Several other VRS*s sent generousofferings for other needs of the Home.These special offerings have been a greatlielp through the years and wc thank youand the Lord for then."

!!!!!!!!!!!!"Most of our children come

unexpectedly, but there is one coming inNovember that is eagerly anticipated.We will include a picture of the newestmember of the Bureros family in the nextNewsletter," (Mary's parents say she willbe in Manila for the birth of the baby.

The carcboa~Philippine tractor—purchased byVBS offerings working in the garden area.

and they covet your prayers for this wonderful time for Mary and Bert), They are excitedand grateful that they are going to be able to be on hand for the big event, and help Maryand Bert# (And be able to bold the baby!!)

The last two newsletters have mentioned the need to place Maria Delores, a cerebral palsied child, in a home that could meet her special needs. A wonderful family in Oregon isin the process of adopting her—a process that can be very long and drawn out. Mary says.Please keep praying for the adoption of Delores, that all will go quickly and smoothly.

The Lord is providing for the extra financial expense to the adopting family by way of.somevery loving and concerned supporters of the Home, and we praise Him and thank them for that,"

''As I am writing this I am again in Manila. Teresa is getting new shoes, with short braces_.this time. We have been here longer than anticipated as the braces had .to_be readjusted.

But because of the longer stay we were blessed to be able to see Jason and Dionisio, thetwo boys who were adopted from our Home, That was a great joy."

Again Mary expresses their gratitude to you wonderful people who support them in theirphysical, spiritual, and emotional needs. The work would not be possible without all whohelp Iji-thetr-multitide of ways. If you would like to write them, their address is:M/M^rt Burefo.^.'P.O. Box A9, Aparri, Cagayan 1118, Philippines, If you need to contacttheir torwarding agents they are: Bob and Jean Pruitt, 2784 S. River Rd., Grants Pass, OR97527.

Mary's parents want to share with you who have accepted Bert so lovingly and whole-heartedlyfrom a personal letter from the Selbys, who started the mission in Aparri. This was unexpected and unsolicited and their thoughtfulness in expressing themsleves was much appreciated. ,To quote: "We wanted to tell you how much we appreciate and love Bert. Heand Mary seem to be very happy together, and he is so very good with the children, and withthe business he has to handle with the government agencies, visiting the parents, and generally keeping a check on things. He is also very good in keeping up of the physical thingsat the Home, and his love for the "kids", as he calls them, is very evident. He is defi--nitely the right person for Mary and also to fill the place of her companion for the workshe is doing in the Home. He has a lot of spiritual depth, also, and a real love and compassion for the people. We think-he is super,"



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