marketing [3.0] in the moment

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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The new paradigm of marketing 3.0 when value and meaning is the main aim how to winning customer's heart


welcome in web 3.0 marketing

THE WORLDS IS FLAT – Thomas L. Friedman

marketing chronicle

Before 21st century(till the end 1990’s) ↗ Selling concept ↗ Product orientation

marketing chronicle

Fenomena: ↗ Digital marketing ↗ Green marketing ↗ Marketing with meaning

After 1990’s ↗ Marketing as a whole new concept ↗ Customer orientation

↗ Zero economy phenomena ↗ Online survey methodology ↗ engage customer in social media ↗ Online shopper ↗ Ad campaign ↗ Rich media ↗ Ad serving

Internet Uses ↘ Most common products researched online and bought

offline: Cars, computers, travel, electronics, books appliances, music, sporting goods and clothing.

Internet Uses

↘ 25% of all business-business purchases are done online

↘ 54% of email users have responded to e-mail advertisements (2004)

↘ Internet retail is 2.5% of all retail sales

Impact of Internet on Marketing

The following 3 functions can cost up to 30% of COGS, expectations are that these costs can be reduced to 10-20% via e-commerce.

↘ Sales ↘ Marketing ↘ Distribution Systems

Impact of Internet on Marketing

operating costs can be substantially lowered, the business must have:

↘ Infrastructure (perhaps vested technology as a fixed cost or leased as an added operating expense (can void net gain))

↘ Focus and design of company (bricks and mortar vs. virtual?)

Design of Website must be conducive to the IMC plan and established to the benefits of the target audience:

Trend: Benefit keys:

↘ Muncul berbagai keinginan orang untuk, berbagi ide, kreativitas

↘ Tersegmentasinya masyarakat dalam menggunakan teknologi dan internet

↘ Social media

↘ facebook, Linkedln ,My space—merubah paradigma periklanan

↘ Youtube, scribd, flickr-----harapan membangun awareness

↘ Squidoo, blog, wikipedia----User generated content

↘ Digg, delicious, stumbleupon(book marking)---memungkinkan pengguna utk mengorganisasikan web pengalaman


Tren yang tidak akan pernah berubah adalah: Orang-orang akan terus mendapat kesibukan dan memiliki sedikit waktu untuk interaksi

Bagaimana bisa mentarget dalam kondisi lalu lintas yang padat?


Web 2.0 menciptakan cara2 baru/metode baru dlm interaksi Tapi kemudian tujuan ini akan menurunkan sentuhan manusiawi Ex: wikipedia

Menurunnya sentuhan manusiawi dalam berinteraksi


Facebook, my space, flickr,----Sebagianbesar orang kini telah menjadi pribadi secara alami sehingga privasi akan menurun dengan cepat

Keterbukaan web 2.0 menjadi keterbatasan yg mencolok

Marketing web 3.0

Merupakan konvergensi dari teknologi baru dan perubahan cepat pola pembelian konsumen

Ditandai dg 5 komponen: 1. Micro blogging----kemampuan utk berbagi pemikiran dg

seperangkat kareakter yg singk---twitter, jaiku, plurk 2. Kelahiran dunia realitas virtual—interasi dalam settingan 3D---

rapat digantikan dg virtual realty show—second life, funsite 3. Kustomisasi---memungkinkan pengunjung membuat

pengalaman yg lebih personmal 4. mobile device 5. Collaboration on demand








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Thank You ©2010. Ekhard

Presented on National Youth Interaction Forum @ Li Zhen Dao, UMC

About Me

The young protégé, Marketer & Business Scholar

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