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AIESEC Italy 1415

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Welcome!Hello to everyone!First of all, thank you for spending your time reading this Bible. This peak planning has been more than ever challenging for oGCDP

teams all around Italy. With the confirmation of the area, as expected, as driver for the Country, our national strategies needed a refresh that was not easy to find at some points.

Now, I am more than happy to introduce the new amazing peak that will see finally AIESEC in Italy grow in oGCDP in a peak when we were never performing so much.

We need it first of all for us, to understand our potential, to empower our LCs, to establish this program as mature and developped in our entity. But more than everything, we need to do oGCDP in a period of history in which our peers mentality seems closer than ever. oGCDP is a need for our Country, and I am honoured to lead the incredible commited teams all over Italy that will guide this small revolution.

Yes, it is a small revolution, but it is our contribution for a more sustainable future for everyone.

Let the italians travel and discover the world, make them aware, responsible and more consciuous, then let them come back.

It might be a small gesture, but remember “We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something”.

Let the Volcano Peak begin…Winter has never been so warm!

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Index• The concept• Premises• Strategy: the 3 pillars

• Timeline• HR Structure• Growth model• Tracking and recognitions• Conclusions

1. CEM2. The message/ Marketing & Communication3. IRM & NST support

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The concept.

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Volcano peakFall (Q4, i.e. October, November and December, and Q1, i.e. January, February

and March) is the summer for the southern part of the world, and for us it is the moment in which we optimize our market to take advantage of a specific audience.

We have the potential to explode like a volcano eruption. We can do it throught a specific market and product analysis, with a specific campaign, knwoing our projects, our CY partners and our market, focusing where our program can be better developped.

On (and then on GIS), the supply of TNs is huge, our CY partner are about to RA more than 1000 TNs and many of them are reserved to Italy. It is the moment to deliver more and better experiences, with structure and a concrete plan beyond.

Every year, in Italy there are 34000 students who graduates, 18000 of them in bachelor, and more than half of them graduates in fall/winter session. Considered that the number of profiles suitable for GIP is huge, but limited, our market potetion for GCDP is actually extremely wide, cosidering also the students who need GCDP as internship and the students who don’t attend classes in the first semester for different reasons.

We will analyse our concrete potential and the possible issues related to our Talent Capacity that we will analyse throught this bible.

We believe that GCDP is the experience that develops better the young students and graduates in our Country.

Given that, we are limitless and we can make the upcoming peak the best Fall/Winter peak ever in Italy.

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By numbers




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


Q4 Q1

2011-2012 37 RE 70 RE

2012-2013 54 RE 100 RE

2013-2014 77 RE 115 RE

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oGCDP is the driver (and this is what it deserves to be!)

For the first time ever, in July 2014 oGCDP became the driver program of AIESEC in Italy.

It is the most performing program at the national level and in more than half of the Local Commitees. Beside that it is the ‘easiest’ program that brings results in a faster time than any other program, the oGCDP culture that was developped during last years in Italuy that brought to this result is also due to the huge need of internationalization in our universities.

Our students want to travel and discover new cultures.

We spent the month of september planning, alligning not only with universities timeline needs but also with the network needs, something that was never done before.

Our timeline is becomimg more alligned to any of our stakeholders: students, universities, CY Partners, and I am becoming day by day more confident with the fact that we are truly understanding NOW how to do oGCDP and that we are re-discovering the why of oGCDP with everyday imputs.

Our Country needs oGCDP, and now more than ever we know than we have to provide these experiences to our Country.

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Gen2015 is already happening, already going on since almost 5 years, everyone who was involved in AIESEC from 2010 until now was part of this generation and contributed to achieve 2015 vision.

GEN2015 is now, GEN2015 is all of us!

Now, closer then ever to the year everyone is talking about, our vision of change, of big achievements and of impact throught our hard work, we do have the potential and skills to create something unique, repeat the incredible result of summer peak, deliver more than 300 experiences that matter!

We want to bring the impact our Country needs, we want to create the most effective and incredible pipeline ever for the months coming, for our successors and for 2015!

We are relevant, and we want to continue beign that, we want to keep our voice high and loud. It’s the moment for our organization, for our LCs, for our Country, it is our moment to shine like ner before.

We can and we will make it happen!

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It’s time for Global Citizens!We as OGX GCDP 2014 generation believe that our customers deserve


It is the moment to change, because change is good!

We are proudly the generation of change that will boost GCDP to a new brand meaning.

It is out time to exploit your synergies like you have never done before: • Marketing first of all, with a co-delivery strategy, with support on

brand switch, but also with our knowledge to make them understand the operation side to pass the message in the best way possible;

• TM, to ensure the right talent capacity to the right volume of operations, to exploit the new LEAD concept, to finally make it happen, to create together a path for EPs and develop their leadership (this time, for real!);

• iGCDP, to co-deliver the concept of GCDP as fundamental step for a better future of our society, and this is not only for a better understanding of projects creation for your EPs, but also for you team to be GCDP oriented, and not only oGCDP.

A global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and

whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and practices.

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Powered by (GIS)In the walk of innovation, for a better delivery of leadership development

model, a necessary and fundamental step is in the IM.We are not only changing platform, we are creating a different way of

selling oGCDP, of co-delivery of partnerships, of involving or stakeholders, of doing what we do.

On the new system, many things were already said and will be said, but our new customer flow might bring us the biggest number of applications ever received in a very short term. We will be ready to face it, together as we have always done.

We already adapted to the new customer flow, to the new selling ways and to the new operations system, and I can warmly say that we could not have done a better work.

For sure, without datas in our hands, we cannot plan the operations on the GIS system, but we will be ready to face the change with a smile on our face, knowning that we are ready for it, collecting datas for the next peak for a concrete planning and create, another time, something unique and enviable.

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Our 3 pillars.

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Volcano Peak 1415

Customer Experienc

e Managem

ent (CEM)

The right message

to the right



Relations Managem


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These 3 pillars (I will explain them in the next pages) are a point of reference for us to understand if we are having the right focuses. In AIESEC like in the corporate world, it is essential to understand which 20% of efforts will give you the 80% of results.

Based on previous performances, experience, and national trends, we defined those 3 as the main guidelines for our Fall/Winter 1415 peak.

How should we use them? Everytime we plan a strategy, an initiative, an action, we should ask ourself this question:

“Does it contribute to the achievement of one of the focuses? Does it belong to one of the pillars?”. If the answer is “yes”, probably this initiative will boost your performances and contribute to the growth of the program. If the answer is “no”, it might happen that you get involved in something that is not directly related with our focuses.

Nothing we present here is based on theories. It is all about empirical facts that proved to work in our realities, from the north, to the east, the west, to the south, from the top LC to the rising one.

The 3 pillars of Volcano Peak

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It is our main focus for this peak: we are moving our focus from selection process to management of the experience, reducing the selection phase to 20% of the job and focusing our energies on the delivery of the experience.

In order to increase our NPS, that is the main KPI we use to check the quality of our experiences, we have to focus on the people we choose after their MA, preparing them for the experience and assisting them during the RE. They need to clearly understand what GCDP is about and how it works, to make sure that they will enjoy and take advantage of the benefits during the whole delivery.

To do that, we need to be ready not only to sell and to do strategic promotion to set the expectation, but we need to be able in managing these people during the whole experience, that starts before the departure.

After the MA, they will have mandatory OPS (if you have few EP, you can choose to deliver OPS contents in another format that one day seminar, such as meetings with the EP and EPM and making them attend LCM and LC activities, in order to make them better understand what AIESEC is about). In any way you choose to prepare the EP, the contents of the OPS must be delivered.

Another mandatory step for every EP is the skype/hangout chat before the departure with the buddy/a responsible from the host entity.

Customer Experience Management (CEM)1st pillar


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This structure is not mandatory but recommended to make sure that your members in operations, that have also the JD as EPM, will follow the experience of you EP from the interview until the reintegration:

You can split your CYP focus and LC partners based on faculties focus of each team (if you have more than one team) and give the responsibility for each LC2LC to one of your members.

If you decide to adopt this structure, every member will keep his JD and, as a plus, as empowerment and development experience, will be responsible to follow up the LC2LC set by the VP. In other cases, the VP will be responsible for following up all the LC2LC set.

Suggested LC stucture for a better CEM



Manager CY/LC #5


Manager CY/LC #1


Manager CY/LC #2


Manager CY/LC #3


Manager CY/LC #4

1st pillar


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LC Urbino – 2 oGCDP teams

Suggested LC stucture for a better CEM - Example

MA Goals for Q4

Month MA Planned CY Focus Subproduct LC2LC

October 6 MA

2 Brasil Enterpreneurship Maringà

1 Brasil Education Uberlandia

1 Serbia Enterpreneurship Novi Sad

1 Poland Education Warwas Uni.

November 4 MA

1 Brasil Enterpreneurship Maringà

1 Greece Education NKUA

2 Bahrain Awareness Manama

December 2 MA

1 Greece Enterpreneurship NKUA

1 Bahrain Awareness Manama


TL Team Economics &

Political Science Faculty

TM Responsible

LC2LC Maringà

TM Responsible LC2LC Novi


TM Respnsible

LC2LC NKUA (for enterpr.


TL Team Languages

and Education Faculties

TM Responsible

LC2LC Uberlandia

TM Responsible

LC2LC Warsaw

TM Responsible LC2LC NKUA

(for education TN)

TM Responsible

LC2LC Manama

1st pillar


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Again, as it was during Summer peak, our main synergy is Marketing, that helps up to deier the message of the campaign and of the program and contributes to achieve the target we want.

We are about to face many challenges, such as GIS, and we want to be ready to get such a high volume of applicants, beside organisi and standardizing our processes, we need to be sure that we attract exacly our target, and that we do not confuse it with Global Talent target, that is way different from ours.

To achieve this goal, we set a brand new marketing campaign that is totally oriented to the experience and the issues beside the travel, plus the message of a volunteer project is extremely visible.

It is not enough. Offline promo will be the center of gravity of our promotion and for the first time ever it will be all delivered by oGCDP member, with the track of LCVP Marketing.

Why this choice? Because only those who work every day in operations, deal with CYP and manage preparation phase and RE, knows exacly what they are selling, and Marketing team here is a big help in terms of Market (ma và?), meaning that they know what is attracting and they know how to help you to reach your target offline, supporting also with the online promo. BUT the selling part, both at info events, info desks, flyering and with professors must be done by those who know exacly what we are talking about, because they work on it everyday, and these people are the oGCDPers!

Also, if you think about your teams splitted by faculties, it is even easier to do a target promotion offline, because every team will go and promote only the subproducts more saleable to their audience (ex. the team of languages sells only Education and some projects in awareness suitable for languages students, etc.).

The right message to the right target

2nd pillar

The Message

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The focus of this campaign, as said before, is to pass the message of the issues and of the volunteer experiece. For the first time in Italy, we want to pass the message that AIESEC does experiences, not travels, as it was in many previous campaign.

This campaign is extremely strategic, because of the new message we want to pass, but also for the transition we are doing: it is the last time, in fact, in which we use the brand MOVE (and as you might have seen, also in this bible the use of the word MOVE is very limited!) since from the next campaign for summer, that will start in March, the brand will the international one of Global Citizen (to know more about Global Citizen concept, please go back to page 1o).

The campaign is full of materials that you can use both online and offline, you have different options of printings of flyers, stickers in different colours and also brochures with different options of cover. Most of the materials are editable, it means that you don’t need a graphic to modify them, but basic photoshop knowledge is enough to personalize the materials as you prefer. Pay attention in using the same fonts and to don’t detouch from national guidelines from Maripaz in terms of message, both for online and offline promo.

Maketing & Communication: the campaign

2nd pillar

The Message

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We didn’t want an attractive campaign, also seen GIS implementation, we don’t need too much intense promotion with thousands of applications, but we need to attract our target (that is huge, even if it is not summer period) to optimize the selection phase and focus more on the people and on their experience, beside becoming machines and process people like cows in a milk factory! :P

For these reason, it is extremely important the message you pass, and the way in which you pass it: Summer teaches us that there isn’t a powerfull way to attract and create trust in us rather than a person who already experiences our product.


Optimize your resources, it doesn’t matter if you reintegrated 1 or 20 EPs from Summer, you can also count on other LCs’ EPs to promote the CY that you want. Beside all the descriptions that you can offer, a person who has experiences GCDP is always the best way to pass the message, allign expectations of new EPs and motivate more people to do this experience.

Don’t avoid to invite former EPs to your info events, info sessions and OPS!

Maketing & Communication: the campaign (2)

Current VPs 2014, please remember that until december 2014 the Kaplan Ambassador program is going on, so you know where to allocate the people you do not select!

2nd pillar

The Message

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As part of a bigger strategy, our 3rd pillar can be included in the CEM strategy as an advaced step of Customer Experience and Satisfaction Management.

With GIS, now more than even it is important to keep in contact with out CYP, also to establish continuous and lasting relationship with your LC partners.

To support it, we have an amazing task force ‘Global Citizen Crew 2014’, created as pilot for Q4 MA tracking, composed by 9 current LCVP and me, managing our 13 CYP for the first 3 months of our peak, which is the period in which our pipeline also for Q1 2015 is created.

Every LC in Italy selected from 3 to 6 CYP focus with which all the MA of Q4 and Q1 will be done, with a quarter planning done 2 months before the start of the quarter, i.e.:

• MA for Q4 are planned in august/september• MA for Q1 are planned in november/december

As weekly and monthly priorities, here is the timeline that our CY Managers from Global Citizen Crew 2014 follow:

International Relations Management (IRM)3rd



Weekly email to NST/CYM from assigned CYP to check current status MA & RE planned vs. achieved

Supply research & LC support in case the MA plan cannot be respected

Project purpose & materials check + report to all the LCs

NPS weekly check

Crisis Management

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• To ask for more info about the projects if they are not clear in the tracker

• To ask for help if I planned a MA with some CY in a period in which I suddenly understand I will not be able to MA any EP for that CY/LC

• To ask for help if I planned a LC2LC with a LC that is not answering me after we set the partnership

• In cases of crisis management during the RE of an EP

When should I contact CYM?3rd



• To update me about some specific info about a CY2CY• To ask me if and why I am late on a MA planned, to help me find an

EP to fullfill that LC2LC by the deadline we set with the CY & LC partner

• To remind me the stardards I have to respect and/or to ask me clarifications about NPS & comments (clarifications can be both for a promoter, such as for a detractor, we want to report all to our CYP!)

When should a CYM contact me?

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Since this peak, we changed the tracking tool used for generic RA-MA-RE to a specific one that is tracking weekly MA-RE-NPS with every specific CYP.

As it may seem scary, this is the best way to prevent out goal for the next peak in a very healthy way.

It is a brand new mentality that we need to bring in the area: from a ‘Marketing based’ planning (before we were planning a random number of LC2LC that we ‘hoped’ to MA some way during the peak), to an ‘CEM & Co-delivery planning’. Our plans are shared with CYP so that they can see what we planned and if we are reaching our goal or not.

If before we were planning a goal for RE with a random number of MA in LC2LC, now we plan our MA and RE goal based on the LC2LC. In this new system, the MA with a specific CYP & LC partner is the goal and all the activities before (online and offline promotion, info sessions, MA day) are planned to reach that goal.

If I am not able to reach the MA I planned, despite all the activities I planned to reach it, the weekly tracking helps me understand that I won’t MA that EP by the end of the month, and the CYM will track me and help me to find another EP in Italy that is willing to go for my LC2LC. In this way, we respect our promise with our CYP and we achieve a real collaboration in our entity, as our motto ‘Forward, Upward, Together’ says.

IRM Tracking3rd



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As our strategies from an LC to another are a bit disalligned, this year we introduced a brand new NST position as Consutancy Team to give specific support for Rising and Potential cluster LCs to grow and perfom in an healthy way.

For Q4, we confirm our dear Rebecca and Silvia, that already started working on the NST since August. They will take care of implementation plan for the two mentioned cluster and will support also with some specific webinars during Q4,bith for currents and also for newly elected VPs 2015.

There’s something more: the Consultancy team

Rebecca Silvia

Ancona Ferrara

Napoli Parthenope Genova

Pavia Bari

Trento Palermo

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The goals we set are a guide for you to understand how to plan your peak: if you try to adapt your goals to the national one (setting for example 4 times the RA/Apply in November than in December) you are going to benefit the indirect results of aligned national campaigns, and have easier work with the global network (the goals are based on that).

With GIS implementation, in this moment we are not able to make forecasts about any new way of calculating conversion rates, so we took the conversions with, i.e. the RA-MA-RE system, and we adapted it to our goals for Q4 and Q1, based on the informations that we have so far.

The general idea is to finish to MA people that want to leave until March by the end of February, so that the Fall/Winter teams in oGCDP in March will be focused only on the RE of the last EPs and on the transition for the Spring/Summer team that will start the LbD followed by the previous team.


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HR Structure.

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As you already know, a JD-based role, rather than a task-based role, is the key of efficiency, personal and professional growth, retention rate and success in every area of AIESEC.

Learning from the past, the strategy for Fall/Winter peak is strategy is planned on our talent capacity.

Since we have normally a huge retention during Summer (sadly) and during the first part of Fall, the biggest part of the LC is focused on TM recruiting, our Fall/Winter peak is planned to start slowly, with teams formed ongoing and extremely various, with Reintegrated memebers and Re-allocated members, who has started working in september, and that will be joined by the newbies from Fall Recruiting by October.

This is an added value for newbies, but also for the whole oGCDP team, because the new members can learn directly from those who are experiences, both for a previous term in AIESEC, both for have been on GCDP last summer.

For these reasons, now more than ever, a clear flow of the processes is needed, and each member should be responsible of a part of it. He/she should the sole final responsible for one process, but at the same time contribute t0 all the common responsibilities (you will see how this is possible looking the job descriptions).

HR Structure

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MC recomendation is to not have a promotion team (so far, it was called MOVE Sales), as it is extremely hard for them, expecially if they are new members, to sell something they are not into (for more on this topic, please go back to page 18).

We suggest a structure based on a various JD, that allows your TMs to experience all the skills we promoted trought the PLAY campaign and also during reintegration seminar: we need to fullfill our promise not only to the EPs, but also (and expecially!) to our members!!

This is why we recommend you a various JD, keeping them final responsible for a task in the flow of the process, but also giving them more responsibility and trust.

All the teams structures are based on the GM, and flexible to be adapted to any specific LC needs, but also to allow a growth of the area in an healthy way.

Area structure: promo in operations

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Growth Model.

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The growth model is an incredible tool to help our LCs to understand where it is successful to go and how to get there. It provides directions and strategies based on the level of each LC, that is located into clusters.

In the year 1314 for the first time AIESEC Italia built a Growth Model to understand and guide the development of the organization. It was born because AIESEC Italy grew a lot during the past year without knowing exactly where it was going and how to manage this huge number of operations in a wider and cross generational perspective.

So the Growth Model is a guide that helps LCs & MC to manage the growth of the organization, understanding and forecasting the results suggesting the right strategies, the right capacity and the structure required to achieve the expected results. Within the GM you will find a system of clusters that, according to the level of performances and current status, helps the LCs in adopting the right strategies, different for each cluster and each situation.

Growth Model

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The main goal of the GM is to allow a specialized approach while providing standard solutions according to the current development of LCs.

All the MC OD strategies are based on the GM to support the LCs in achieving the forecasted goals.

Keep in mind that the goals set per cluster are not the goals you must set in your plan!

These are the goals you have to reach if you want to pass to the next cluster.

Ex. AIESEC Urbino was in Cluster Potential during Q3 and wanted to pass to Growing Cluster. The goal for Summer for Potential Cluster was 15 based on the GM.

AIESEC Urbinoo planned and achieved 17 RE following GM strategies. Now AIESEC Urbino is in Growing and to stay there they need to keep the performances between the goal set for Potential Cluster and the goal set for Growing Cluster for Q4 .

Growth Model (2)

Q4 Potential Cl. Goal Q4 Growing Cl. Goal

8 10

AIESEC Urbino needs to plan (and achieve) #RE for Q4

between 8 and 10 to stay in Growing Cluster

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Wall Breakers





Roma Sapienza

Roma Tre

Napoli Federico II







Napoli Parthenope









Clusters for Q4

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3 1Members not needed

#Members in MKTG and TM are those who are needed for oGCDP support(this is not the whole suppot area structure!)

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Rising ClusterLC in Q4: Bari, PalermoGoal: 4 RE in Q4; 5 RE in Q1Focus on: Marketing (online)

1 Faculty for 1 Subproduct (recommended language faculty with Education)

KPIs.• Applications processed within: 48 hours• Interviews run within: 4 days from call/SMS/mail• Weekly meeting VP to members: 1• Monthly area meeting (VP oGCDP, oGCDP members, VP TM, VP

MKTG, MKTG member): 1

• No OPS as seminar, content delivered in min. #2 meetings with EPs

• 100% matching in CY2CY cooperations• No need for LC2LC

JDs at this link:

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Rising Cluster

JDs at this link:

Weekly Marketing KPIs

#facebook likes 20

#post on fb 4

#external newsletter 0

#EP stories pubblication 1

#media pubblications 0

#info desks 1 (monthly)

#info events 1 (monthly)

#professors involved 0

#external events 0

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Members not needed


*4th member is optional in both teams

#Members in MKTG and TM are those who are needed for oGCDP support(this is not the whole suppot area structure!)

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Potential ClusterLC in Q4: Ancona, Ferrara, Genova, Napoli Parthenope, Pavia, TrentoGoal: 8 RE in Q4; 9 RE in Q1Focus on: Marketing (online and offline), LC2LC (start implementation)

4 Faculties for max. 2 Subproducts(recommended language faculty with Education or law and political science faculties with Awareness and Enterpreneurship)

KPIs.• Applications processed within: 48 hours• Interviews run within: 4 days from call/SMS/mail• Weekly meeting VP to TL: 1• Weekly meeting TL to TM: 1• Monthly area meeting (VP oGCDP, oGCDP members, VP TM, VP

MKTG, MKTG member): 1

• #OPS: 1 in Q4, 1 in Q1• #meetings with EP before departure: 1• 100% matching in CY2CY cooperations

JDs at this link:

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Potential Cluster

JDs at this link:

Weekly Marketing KPIs

#facebook likes 30

#post on fb 6

#external newsletter 0

#EP stories pubblication Max. 2

#media pubblications 0

#info desks 1 (monthly)

#info events 2 (monthly)

#professors involved 0

#external events 0

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#Members in MKTG and TM are those who are needed for oGCDP support(this is not the whole suppot area structure!)



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Growing ClusterLC in Q4: Catania, Padova, Torino, TriesteGoal: 10 RE in Q4; 15 RE in Q1Focus on: Marketing & Sales, LC2LC (fully implemented), quality & crisis management

6 Faculties for all Subproducts (recommended language faculty with Education; economics, law and political science faculties with Awareness and Enterpreneurship)

KPIs.• Applications processed within: 24 hours• Interviews run within: 3 days from call/SMS/mail• Weekly meeting VP to TL: 1• Weekly meeting TL to TM: 1• Monthly area meeting (VP oGCDP, oGCDP members, VP TM, TM

member, VP MKTG, MKTG member): 1

• #OPS: 1 in Q4, 2 in Q1• #meetings with EP before departure: 1• 100% matching in CY2CY cooperations JDs at this link: https://

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Growing Cluster

JDs at this link:

Weekly Marketing KPIs

#facebook likes 40

#post on fb 6

#external newsletter 0

#EP stories pubblication 3

#media pubblications 1

#info desks 2 (monthly)

#info events 1

#professors involved 1 or 2

#external events 0

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#Members in MKTG and TM are those who are needed for oGCDP support(this is not the whole suppot area structure!)



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Top ClusterLC in Q4: Bologna, Napoli Federico II, Roma Sapienza, Roma Tre, VeneziaGoal: 15 RE in Q4; 25 RE in Q1Focus on: Marketing & Sales (for new markets), universities reations, LC2LC (fully implemented), quality & crisis management

All Faculties for all Subproduct (recommended focus on language, law and political science faculties; no offline promotion in economics)

KPIs.• Applications processed within: 24 hours• Interviews run within: 2 days from call/SMS/mail• Weekly meeting VP to TL: 1• Weekly meeting TL to TM: 1• Monthly area meeting (VP oGCDP, oGCDP members, VP TM, TM

member, VP MKTG, MKTG member): 1

• #OPS: 2 in Q4, 3 in Q1• #meetings with EP before departure: 1• 100% matching in CY2CY cooperations JDs at this link: https://

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Top Cluster

JDs at this link:

Weekly Marketing KPIs

#facebook likes 80

#post on fb 8

#external newsletter 1

#EP stories pubblication 4

#media pubblications 2

#info desks 1

#info events 1

#professors involved 4

#external events 1 (monthly)

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Wall Breakers

#Members in MKTG and TM are those who are needed for oGCDP support(this is not the whole suppot area structure!)



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Wall Breakers ClusterLC in Q4: MilanoGoal: 22 RE in Q4; 30 RE in Q1Focus on: Marketing & Sales (out of city), universities relations, LC2LC (fully implemented), quality & crisis management, PR events

All Faculties for all Subproduct – Focus on new universities and markets(recommended focus on language, law and political science faculties; no offline promotion in economics)

KPIs.• Applications processed within: 24 hours• Interviews run within: 2 days from call/SMS/mail• Weekly meeting VP to TL: 1• Weekly meeting TL to TM: 1• Monthly area meeting (VP oGCDP, oGCDP members, VP TM, TM

member, VP MKTG, MKTG member): 1

• #OPS: 2 in Q4, 3 in Q1• #meetings with EP before departure: 1• 100% matching in CY2CY cooperations JDs at this link: https://

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Wall Breakers Cluster

JDs at this link:

Weekly Marketing KPIs

#facebook likes 100

#post on fb 10

#external newsletter 1

#EP stories pubblication 6

#media pubblications 3 or 4

#info desks 1

#info events 2

#professors involved 6

#external events 1

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Tracking & Recognitions.

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You already know that tracking is the base of an operation area.

With the new planning system, it was not easy to figure out a system to track in order to make the cooperations happen properly.

We figured out a system that is less complex than as it appear at the first sight: our focus is no more the RA, but the MA, so we will track only the national number of RA, and we will focus on the MA and RE, togheter with the NPS.

For doing this, we will use only one tracking tool for the whole Fall/Winter peak:

This tool is completed now for the Q4 and we will add here our plans for Q1.Feel free to approach your MCVP to ask for further informations on the



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*To count, every MA must RE within the 31st of March;The date on every TN/Project page will be taken in consideration

Just as in Summer peak, we will have for Fall/Winter peak monthly and overall cluster-based recognitions.

For this peak, I imagined the oGCDP area as a Volcano ready to explode, as I said previously, and I divided the phases based on the 6 months of our peak:

PhasePoints for MA* with CY focus

Points for MA* out of CY focus

Points for RE

Fumarole Phase 3 1 2

Geyser Phase 4 2 3

Effusion Phase 4 2 3

Explosion Phase 4 2 4

Magma Phase 3 1 4

Solidification Phase 1 0 4

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This peak is the fundamental moment for AIESEC in Italy to demonstrate, first of all to ourselves, what we are able to do.

There is nothing that can stop us, we are ready to achieve the hugest Fall/Winter peak ever.

We have to do it for us, for our teams, for our successors, for our Country, because if you arrived at the end of this Bible by reading all the previous pages, it means that you feel that you have to do, that you have to do more for the environment you live in.

Without going on in further and fluffy quotes, I leave you with all my hearth this Bible, to use and to forward to your teams and EBs.

oGCDP, even better, GCDP is needed in our Country. It’s up to us t make it happen!

Forward, Upward, Together!


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Are you ready to explode like a


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Better Than Ever.