missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ori and a submitting ori number. it is important...

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specification Manual September 30, 2001 Missouri State Highway Patrol UCR Program 1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

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Page 1: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

MissouriUniform Crime ReportingRepository Specification Manual

September 30, 2001

Missouri State Highway PatrolUCR Program1510 East Elm St.Jefferson City, MO 65101

Page 2: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Table of Contents page 2 of 3

Table of Contents

Adobe Acrobat filename

User Instructions ................................................................................................READMEFIRST.pdf

Table of ContentsCover SheetTable of ContentsIntroduction..................................................................................................................TOC.pdf

Chapter IReturn A ................................................................................................. Chapter I Return A.pdf

Chapter IISupplement to Return A.......................................................... Chapter II Supplement A.pdf

Chapter IIISupplemental Homicide Report .................................................Chapter III Homicide.pdf

Chapter IVArson Offenses.......................................................................................Chapter IV Arson.pdf

Chapter VLaw Enforcement Employees ....................................................Chapter V Employees.pdf

Chapter VIPersons Arrested Under the age of 18.....................................Chapter VI Under 18.pdf

Chapter VIIPersons Arrested Over the age of 18.........................................Chapter VII Over 18.pdf

Chapter VIIILaw Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted................... Chapter VIII LEOKA.pdf

Chapter IXMissouri Domestic Violence...........................................Chapter IX Domestic Violence.pdf

Appendix AQualified Agency ORIs and County Codes .............................................Appendix A.pdf

Page 3: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Introduction page 3 of 3

IntroductionThe Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specification manual was created toassist agencies in gathering their MoUCR statistics and properly formatting the data beforesubmitting it to the MoUCR program. Each agency may choose their best method forgathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agencymust comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. It is imperative thatcompliance with the MoUCR electronic file formats be met to allow the agencies data to beforwarded to the FBI. To help facilitate this compliance, the repository specification manualdefines all of the MoUCR requirements.

Each of the nine UCR reports that an agency may use to record their statistics has beendocumented in detail within this manual. Each report is outlined in a separate file andlabeled as a chapter within the complete manual. Each file has been saved in an AdobeAcrobat pdf file format and attached in a Lotus Notes document, which can be downloadedfrom the UCR web site at http://www.mshp.state.mo.us .

Each form/chapter is outlined with the following sections:

Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use the documentation and any “special”considerations that may be required for the reports data to be excepted into theMoUCR program.

Section II - Example Form

To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web basedform is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide theagency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numberedon each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to helpensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended torepresent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions

Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the fielddefinitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of saiddata in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a columnby column or row by row, format. It is important to follow this format in order tocomply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format

All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic fileformat that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from eachfield (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submissionto the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document,please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected].

Page 4: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter I - Return A

The Return A consists of a count of all Part I, Index Crime incidents and clearances (excluding arson) which occur within a political subdivision each month. This form serves as the nucleus of the MoUCR Program and many other reporting forms are either directly or indirectly related to the Return A form. This Return A Report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the “most local” jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency’s jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and Federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error records will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved, federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the following sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be excepted into the MoUCR program.

Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been

Chapter I – Return A Page 1 of 1 Section I - Introduction

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected]. For help with questions about the MoUCR program in general, please contact the UCR program department at [email protected].

Chapter I – Return A Page 2 of 2 Section I - Introduction

Page 6: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter I – Return Page 3 of 3 Section II – Example Form

9 10

6 8




5 4


137 139

136 138 140

130 132 134

129 131 133 135

117 119 121 123 125 127

116 118 120 122 124 126 128


111 113

110 112 114

104 106 108

103 105 107 109

91 93 95 97 99


90 92 94 96 98

102 100


85 87

84 86 88

78 80 82

77 79 81 83

65 67 69 71 73 75

64 66 68 70 72 74 76


59 61

58 60 62

52 54 56

51 53 55 57

39 41 43 45 47 49

38 40 42 44 46 48 50


33 35

32 34 36

27 29 31

26 28 30


13 15 17 19 21 23

12 14 16 18 20 22 24


Page 7: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Return A field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting Agency ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MM/YYYY month is reported numerically, as January

is 01, year is 2000.

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/CityHeadquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 Y Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository text 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y=Yes


Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y=Yes


Chapter I – Return A page 4 of 4 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 2

11 Y Murder Number of “founded”, "unfounded" and attempted criminal homicide offenses

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

12 Y Manslaughter Number of "founded", “unfounded, and attempted manslaughter by negligence offenses

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

13 Y Total Rape Total Number of "founded”, unfounded", and attempted rapes and attempted rapes

number 5 value must equal fields 14 and 15 added together

14 Y Rape by Force Number of "founded" and “unfounded” offenses of rape by force number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

15 Y Attempted Rape Number of "unfounded" and "founded" offenses of attempted rape by force number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

16 Y Robbery Total Total Number of “founded”, "unfounded", and attempted robberies number 5 value must equal fields 17, 18, 19 and 20 added


17 Y Robbery Firearm Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted robberies with a gun number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

18 Y Robbery Knife Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted robberies with a knife number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

19 Y Robbery Other Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted robberies with other weapons

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

20 Y Robbery Strong Number of "founded", "unfounded", and attempted strong arm robberies number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

21 Y Assault Total Total Number of "founded", "unfounded", and attempted assaults number 5 value must equal fields 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 added


22 Y Assault Firearm Number of "founded", "unfounded", and attempted assaults with a gun number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter I – Return A page 5 of 5 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 2 continued

23 Y Assault Knife Number of "founded", "unfounded", and attempted assaults with a knife number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

24 Y Assault Other Number of "founded", "unfounded", and attempted assaults with other weapons

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

25 Y Assault Hands Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted assaults with hands, feet, etc.,

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

26 Y Assault Simple Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted simple assaults with a knife

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

27 Y Total Burglary Total Number of “founded”, "unfounded" and attempted burglaries number 5 value must equal fields 28, 29, 30 added together

28 Y Forcible Entry Number of “founded", "unfounded" and attempted burglaries involving forcible entry

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

29 Y Unlawful Entry No Force Number of "founded", "unfounded", and attempted burglaries not involving forcible entry

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

30 Y Attempted Forcible Entry Number of “founded", "unfounded", and attempted burglaries involving forcible entry

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

31 Y Total Larceny Total Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted larceny-thefts

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

32 Y Total Motor Theft Total Number of "founded", unfounded”, and attempted motor vehicle thefts

number 5 value must equal fields 33, 34, 35 added together

33 Y Auto Theft Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted motor vehicle thefts involving an automobile

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter I – Return A page 6 of 6 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 2 continued

34 Y Trucks and Buses Number of "founded", "unfounded" and attempted motor vehicle thefts involving a truck or a bus

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

35 Y Other Vehicles

Number of “founded”, “unfounded”, and attempted offenses of a motor vehicle that is not an automobile, truck, or bus

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

36 Y Grand Total Column 2

Total Number of “founded”, “unfounded” and attempted offenses which are reported in column 2 on the Return A form

number 5 value must total fields 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 27, 31 and 32 added together

Column 3 Unfounded Complaints

37 Y Murder Number of "unfounded" criminal homicide number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

38 Y Manslaughter Number of "unfounded" manslaughter by negligence offenses number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

39 Y Total Rape Total Number of "unfounded" rapes number 5 value must equal fields 40 and 41 added together

40 Y Rape by Force Number of "unfounded" offenses of rape by force number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

41 Y Attempted Rape Number of "unfounded" offenses of rape by force number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

42 Y Robbery Total Total Number of "unfounded" robberies number 5 value must equal fields 43,44,45 and 46 added


43 Y Robbery Firearm Number of "unfounded" robberies with a gun number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

44 Y Robbery Knife Number of "unfounded" robberies with a knife number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

45 Y Robbery Other Number of "unfounded" robberies with other weapons number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter I – Return A page 7 of 7 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 3 continued

46 Y Robbery Strong Number of "unfounded" strong arm robberies number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

47 Y Assault Total Total Number of “unfounded” assaults number 5 Value must equal fields 48, 49, 50, 51, and 52 added together

48 Y Assault Firearm Number of "unfounded" assaults with a gun number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

49 Y Assault Knife Number of "unfounded" assaults with a knife number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

50 Y Assault Other Number of "unfounded" assaults with other weapons number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

51 Y Assault Hands Number of "unfounded" assaults with hands, feet, etc., number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

52 Y Assault Simple Number of "unfounded" simple assaults with a knife number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

53 Y Total Burglary Total Number of "unfounded" burglaries number 5 value must equal fields 54, 55 and 56 added together

54 Y Forcible Entry Number of "unfounded" burglaries involving forcible entry number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

55 Y Unlawful Entry No Force Number of "unfounded" burglaries not involving forcible entry number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

56 Y Attempted Forcible Entry Number of "unfounded" burglaries involving forcible entry number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

57 Y Total Larceny Total Number of "unfounded" larceny-thefts number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter I – Return A page 8 of 8 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 3 continued

58 Y Total Motor Theft Total Number of "unfounded" motor vehicle thefts number 5 value must equal fields 59, 60, and 61 added


59 Y Auto Theft Number of "unfounded" motor vehicle thefts involving an automobile number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

60 Y Trucks and Buses Number of "unfounded" motor vehicle thefts involving a truck or a bus known to an agency

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

61 Y Other Vehicles

Number of "unfounded" offenses of a motor vehicle that is not an automobile, truck or bus known to an agency

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

62 Y Grand Total Column 3 Total Number of "unfounded" offenses which are reported in column 3 on the Return A form

number 5 value must total fields 37, 38, 39, 42, 47, 53, 57 and 58 added together

Column 4 Number of Actual Offenses

63 Y Murder Number of “founded” and attempted criminal homicides. number 5 value must equal field 11 less field 37

64 Y Manslaughter Number of “founded” and attempted manslaughter by negligence offenses. number 5 value must equal field 12 less field 38

65 Y Total Rape Total Number of “founded” and attempted rape offenses. number 5 value must equal the total of field 66 and 67 and be

equal to field 13 less field 39

66 Y Rape by Force Number of "founded" and attempted offenses of rape by force number 5 value must equal field 14 less field 40

67 Y Attempted Rape Number of "founded" and attempted attempts to commit rape by force number 5 value must equal field 15 less field 41

Chapter I – Return A page 9 of 9 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 4 continued

68 Y Total Robbery Total Number of "founded" and attempted robberies number 5 value must equal the total of fields 69, 70, 71, and 72

and be equal to field 16 less field 42

69 Y Robbery Gun Number of "founded" and attempted robberies with a gun number 5 value must equal field 17 less field 43

70 Y Robbery Knife Number of "founded" and attempted robberies with a knife number 5 value must equal field 18 less field 44

71 Y Robbery Other Number of "founded" and attempted robberies with other weapons number 5 value must equal field 19 less field 45

72 Y Robbery Strong Number of "founded" and attempted strong arm robberies number 5 value must equal field 20 less field 46

73 Y Total Assault Total Number of "founded" and attempted assaults number 5

value must equal the total of fields 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 added together and be equal to field 21 less field 47

74 Y Assault Gun Number of "founded" and attempted assaults with a gun Number 5 value must equal field 22 less field 48

75 Y Assault Knife Number of "founded" and attempted assaults with a knife Number 5 value must equal field 23 less field 49

76 Y Assault Other Number of "founded" assaults and attempted assaults with other weapons

Number 5 value must equal field 24 less field 50

77 Y Assault Hands Number of "founded" and attempted assaults with hands, feet, etc., Number 5 value must equal field 25 less field 51

78 Y Assault Simple Number of "founded" and attempted simple assaults Number 5 value must equal field 26 less field 52

Chapter I – Return A page 10 of 10 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 4 continued

79 Y Total Burglary Total Number of "founded" and attempted burglaries Number 5 must total fields 80, 81 and 82 added together and

be equal to field 27 less field 53

80 Y Forcible Entry Number of "founded" and attempted burglaries involving forcible entry Number 5 value must equal field 28 less field 54

81 Y Unlawful Entry No Force Number of "founded" and attempted burglaries not involving forcible entry Number 5 value must equal field 29 less field 55

82 Y Attempted Forcible Entry Number of "founded" and attempted burglaries involving forcible entry Number 5 value must equal field 30 less field 56

83 Y Total Larceny Total Number of "founded" and attempted larceny-thefts or attempted larceny-thefts

Number 5 value must equal field 31 less field 57

84 Y Total Motor Theft Total Number of "founded" and attempted motor vehicle thefts Number 5 value must equal the sum of fields 85, 86, and 87

and equal field 32 less field 58

85 Y Auto Theft Number of "founded" and attempted motor vehicle thefts involving an automobile

Number 5 value must equal field 33 less field 59

86 Y Trucks and Buses Number of "founded" and attempted motor vehicle thefts involving a truck or a bus known to an agency

Number 5 value must equal field 34 less field 60

87 Y Other Vehicles Number of "founded" and attempted offenses of a motor vehicle that is not an automobile, truck or bus

number 5 value must equal field 35 less field 61

88 Y Grand Total Column 3

Total Number of "founded" and attempted offenses which are reported in column 4 on the Return A form

number 5 value must equal the sum of fields 63, 64, 65, 68, 73, 79, 83 and 84 and equal field 36 less field 62

Chapter I – Return A page 11 of 11 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 5 Total Cleared Offenses

89 Y Murder Number of criminal homicide offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 115

90 Y Manslaughter

Number of manslaughter by negligence offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 116

91 Y Total Rape Total Number of rape offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 92 and 93 and be >= field 117

92 Y Rape by Force Number of offenses of rape by force which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 118

93 Y Attempted Rape Number of attempts to commit rape by force which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 119

94 Y Total Robbery Total Number of robberies which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 95, 96, 97 and 98 and be >= field 120

95 Y Robbery Gun Number of robberies with a gun which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 121

96 Y Robbery Knife Number of robberies with a knife which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 122

97 Y Robbery Other Number of robberies with a other weapons which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 123

98 Y Robbery Strong Number of strong arm robberies which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 124

Chapter I – Return A page 12 of 12 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 5 continued

99 Y Total Assault

Total Number of assaults or attempted assaults which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 100, 101, 102, 103, and 104 and be >= field 125

100 Y Assault Gun

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with a gun which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 126

101 Y Assault Knife

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with a knife which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 127

102 Y Assault Other

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with other weapons which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 128

103 Y Assault Hands

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with hands, feet, etc., which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 129

104 Y Assault Simple

Number of simple assaults or attempted simple assaults which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 130

105 Y Total Burglary

Total Number of burglaries or attempted burglaries which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 106, 107 and 108 and be >= field 131

106 Y Forcible Entry Number of burglaries involving forcible entry which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 132

107 Y Unlawful Entry No Force Number of burglaries not involving forcible entry which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 133

Chapter I – Return A page 13 of 13 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 5 continued

108 Y Attempted Forcible Entry

Number of attempted burglaries involving forcible entry which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 134

109 Y Total Larceny

Total Number of larceny-thefts or attempted larceny-thefts which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 135

110 Y Total Motor Theft

Total Number of motor vehicle thefts or attempted motor vehicle thefts which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 111, 112 and 113 added together and be >= field 136

111 Y Auto Theft

Number of motor vehicle thefts involving an automobile or attempted motor vehicle thefts involving an automobile which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 137

112 Y Trucks and Buses

Number of motor vehicle thefts involving a truck or a bus or attempted motor vehicle thefts involving a truck or a bus which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 138

113 Y Other Vehicles

Number of motor vehicle thefts or attempted motor vehicle thefts of a motor vehicle that is not an automobile, truck or bus which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

number 5 value must be >= field 139

114 Y Grand Total Column 3

Total Number of offenses and attempted offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and have been reported in column 5 on the Return A form

number 5 value must equal the sum of fields 89, 90, 91, 94, 99, 105, 109 and 110 and be >= field 140

Chapter I – Return A page 14 of 14 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 6 Number of Clearances involving persons under 18

115 Y Murder

Number of criminal homicide offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 89

116 Y Manslaughter

Number of manslaughter by negligence offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 90

117 Y Total Rape

Total Number of rape offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 118 and 119 and be <= field 91

118 Y Rape by Force

Number of offenses of rape by force which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 92

119 Y Attempted Rape

Number of attempts to commit rape by force which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 93

120 Y Total Robbery

Total Number of robberies which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 121, 122, 123 and 124 and be <= field 94

121 Y Robbery Gun

Number of robberies with a gun which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 95

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 6 continued

122 Y Robbery Knife

Number of robberies with a knife which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 96

123 Y Robbery Other

Number of robberies with a other weapons which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 97

124 Y Robbery Strong

Number of strong arm robberies which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 98

125 Y Total Assault

Total Number of assaults or attempted assaults which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 126, 127, 128, 129, and 130 added together and be <= field 99

126 Y Assault Gun

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with a gun which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 100

127 Y Assault Knife

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with a knife which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 101

128 Y Assault Other

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with other weapons which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 102

Chapter I – Return A page 16 of 16 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 6 continued

129 Y Assault Hands

Number of assaults or attempted assaults with hands, feet, etc., which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 103

130 Y Assault Simple

Number of simple assaults or attempted simple assaults which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 104

131 Y Total Burglary

Total Number of burglaries or attempted burglaries which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 Value must equal the sum of fields 132, 133 and 134 and be <= field 105

132 Y Forcible Entry

Number of burglaries involving forcible entry which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 106

133 Y Unlawful Entry No Force

Number of burglaries not involving forcible entry which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 107

134 Y Attempted Forcible Entry

Number of attempted burglaries involving forcible entry which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 108

135 Y Total Larceny

Total Number of larceny-thefts or attempted larceny-thefts which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 109

Chapter I – Return A page 17 of 17 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 6 continued

136 Y Total Motor Theft

Total Number of motor vehicle thefts or attempted motor vehicle thefts which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 Value must total fields 137, 138 and 139 added together and be <= 110

137 Y Auto Theft

Number of motor vehicle thefts involving an automobile or attempted motor vehicle thefts involving an automobile which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 111

138 Y Trucks and Buses

Number of motor vehicle thefts involving a truck or a bus or attempted motor vehicle thefts involving a truck or a bus which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 112

139 Y Other Vehicles

Number of motor vehicle thefts or attempted motor vehicle thefts of a motor vehicle that is not an automobile, truck or bus which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18

number 5 value must be <= field 113

140 Y Grand Total Column 3

Total Number of offenses and attempted offenses which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the ages of 18 and have been reported in column 5 on the Return A form

number 5 value must equal the sum of fields 115, 116, 117, 120, 125, 131, 135 and 136 and be <= field 114

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Return A electronic file format Data being reported from your Return A for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program 1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Or Email [email protected]

Send Return A in a flat ASCII file name: returna.txt Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

2 Date 1-6

1 Submitting ORI 7-15

10 Date Submitted 16-23

Update Flag 24

Column 2

11 Murder 25-29

12 Manslaughter 30-34

13 Total Rape 35-39

14 Rape by Force 40-44

15 Attempted Rape 45-49

16 Robbery Total 50-54

17 Robbery Firearm 55-59

18 Robbery Knife 60-64

19 Robbery Other 65-69

20 Robbery Strong 70-74

21 Assault Total 75-79

22 Assault Firearm 80-84

23 Assault Knife 85-89

24 Assault Other 90-94

25 Assault Hands 95-99

26 Assault Simple 100-104

27 Total Burglary 105-109

28 Forcible Entry 110-114

29 Unlawful Entry No Force 115-119

30 Attempted Forcible Entry 120-124

31 Total Larceny 125-129

32 Total Motor Theft 130-134

33 Auto Theft 135-139

34 Trucks and Buses 140-144

Chapter I – Return A page 19 of 19 Section IV – Electronic File Format

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

35 Other Vehicles 145-149

36 Grand Total Column 2 150-154

Column 3

37 Murder 155-159

38 Manslaughter 160-164

39 Total Rape 165-169

40 Rape by Force 170-174

41 Attempted Rape 175-179

42 Robbery Total 180-184

43 Robbery Firearm 185-189

44 Robbery Knife 190-194

45 Robbery Other 195-199

46 Robbery Strong 200-204

47 Total Assault 205-209

48 Assault Firearm 210-214

49 Assault Knife 215-219

50 Assault Other 220-224

51 Assault Hands 225-229

52 Assault Simple 230-234

53 Total Burglary 235-239

54 Forcible Entry 240-244

55 Unlawful Entry No Force 245-249

56 Attempted Forcible Entry 250-254

57 Total Larceny 255-259

58 Total Motor Theft 260-264

59 Auto Theft 265-269

60 Trucks and Buses 270-274

61 Other Vehicles 275-279

62 Grand Total Column 3 280-284

Column 4

63 Murder 285-289

64 Manslaughter 290-294

65 Total Rape 295-299

66 Rape by Force 300-304

67 Attempted Rape 305-309

68 Total Robbery 310-314

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

69 Robbery Gun 315-319

70 Robbery Knife 320-324

71 Robbery Other 325-329

72 Robbery Strong 330-334

73 Total Assault 335-339

74 Assault Gun 340-344

75 Assault Knife 345-349

76 Assault Other 350-354

77 Assault Hands 355-359

78 Assault Simple 360-364

79 Total Burglary 365-369

80 Forcible Entry 370-374

81 Unlawful Entry No Force 375-379

82 Attempted Forcible Entry 380-384

83 Total Larceny 385-389

84 Total Motor Theft 390-394

85 Auto Theft 395-399

86 Trucks and Buses 400-404

87 Other Vehicles 405-409

88 Grand Total Column 3 410-414

Column 5

89 Murder 415-419

90 Manslaughter 420-424

91 Total Rape 425-429

92 Rape by Force 430-434

93 Attempted Rape 435-439

94 Total Robbery 440-444

95 Robbery Gun 445-449

96 Robbery Knife 450-454

97 Robbery Other 455-459

98 Robbery Strong 460-464

99 Total Assault 465-469

100 Assault Gun 470-474

101 Assault Knife 475-479

102 Assault Other 480-484

103 Assault Hands 485-489

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

104 Assault Simple 490-494

105 Total Burglary 495-499

106 Forcible Entry 500-504

107 Unlawful Entry No Force 505-509

108 Attempted Forcible Entry 510-514

109 Total Larceny 515-519

110 Total Motor Theft 520-524

111 Auto Theft 525-529

112 Trucks and Buses 530-534

113 Other Vehicles 535-539

114 Grand Total Column 3 540-544

Column 6

115 Murder 545-549

116 Manslaughter 550-554

117 Total Rape 555-559

118 Rape by Force 560-564

119 Attempted Rape 565-569

120 Total Robbery 570-574

121 Robbery Gun 575-579

122 Robbery Knife 580-584

123 Robbery Other 585-589

124 Robbery Strong 590-594

125 Total Assault 595-599

126 Assault Gun 600-604

127 Assault Knife 605-609

128 Assault Other 610-614

129 Assault Hands 615-619

130 Assault Simple 620-624

131 Total Burglary 625-629

132 Forcible Entry 630-634

133 Unlawful Entry No Force 635-639

134 Attempted Forcible Entry 640-644

135 Total Larceny 645-649

136 Total Motor Theft 650-654

137 Auto Theft 655-659

138 Trucks and Buses 660-664

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139 Other Vehicles 665-669

140 Grand Total Column 3 670-674

3 Jurisdiction ORI 675-683

Initial Report Flag 684

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter II - Supplement to Return A The Supplement to Return A is a two-part form that asks for the reporting agency to list the type and value of property stolen by category of the Part I, Index Crime. This form deals with the nature of crime and the monetary values of property stolen and recovered. This report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before a Supplement A can be submitted. This Supplement to Return A Report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved, federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be excepted into the MoUCR program.

Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the

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agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected]. For help with questions about the MoUCR program in general, please contact the UCR program department at [email protected].

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7 6


10 8


2 3



Column 2 Column 1

51 50 48 47


45 44 46

43 42

20 18 17


14 16





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Chapter II - Supplement to Return A page 4 of 4 Section II – Example Form

XX 73

72 71

70 69

68 67

66 65

77 76

75 74

41 40

39 38

37 36

35 34



64 63

62 61

60 59

58 57

56 55

54 53


32 31

30 29


27 26

25 24

23 22


Column 2 Column 1

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Column 2 Column 1

101 100

99 98

97 96

95 94

93 92

91 90

89 88

87 86

85 84

83 82

81 80

79 78

NOTE: Column number 1 and 2 have been assigned to this example illustration as a field number guide for the

following definition tables only. The web based Supplement Return A form does not contain these column numbers.

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Supplement to Return A field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MMYYYY month and year are reported numerically,

as January is 01 and year is 2000

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/CityHeadquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 N Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Column 1 Number of actual offenses

11 Y Murders and Nonnegligent Manslaughter

Number of murder offenses including nonnegligent manslaughter number 5 value must equal the total value of fields 63 and 64

from the Return A.

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Column 1 continued

12 Y Forcible Rape Number of forcible rape offenses number 5 value must equal field 65 from the Return A

13 Y Robbery Highway

Number of robbery offenses, which occurred on the streets, in alleys and generally in view of law enforcement patrol but outside of structures

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

14 Y Robbery Commercial House

Number of robbery offenses within commercial establishments except gas stations, convenience stores, and banking-type institutions

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

15 Y Robbery Gas Station

Number of robbery offenses in establishments with the primary functions of selling gasoline, petroleum and related products

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

16 Y Robbery Convenience Store

Number of robbery offenses occurring in any convenience store number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

17 Y Robbery Residence Number of robbery offenses occurring in dwellings which are utilized for human habitation

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

18 Y Robbery Bank

Number of robbery offenses occurring in banks, savings and loan associations, building and loan associations, credit unions and other such institutions

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

19 Y Robbery Miscellaneous Number of robbery offenses that were not included in the above mentioned fields

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

20 Y Robbery Total Total Number of robberies occurring in the designated month number 5

value must equal fields 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 added together and equal the value in field 68 on the Return A

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 1 continued

21 Y Burglary Residence - Night Number of burglary offenses in a dwelling occurring during the hours of 6pm to 6am

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

22 Y Burglary Residence - Day Number of burglary offenses in a dwelling occurring during the hours of 6am to 6pm

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

23 Y Burglary Residence - Unknown

Number of burglary offenses in a dwelling during the designated month, where it is impossible to determine exactly when they occurred

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

24 Y Burglary Non Resident - Night

Number of burglary offenses in a non-residence, such as store or office occurring during the hours of 6pm to 6am

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

25 Y Burglary Non Resident - Day

Number of burglary offenses in a non-residence, such as store or office occurring during the hours of 6am to 6pm

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

26 Y Burglary Non Residence - Unknown

Number of burglary offenses in a non-residence, such as a store or office during the designated month, where it is impossible to determine exactly when they occurred

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

27 Y Burglary Total Total Number of burglaries occurring in the designated month Number 5

value must equal fields 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 added together and equal the value in field 79 on the Return A

28 Y Larceny over $200 Number of actual offenses of larceny theft in which property over $200 was stolen

number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

29 Y Larceny $50 to $200 Number of actual offenses of larceny theft in which property between $50 and $200 was stolen

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Column 1 continued

30 Y Larceny under $50 Number of actual or attempted offenses of larceny theft in which property under $50 was stolen

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

31 Y Larceny Total Number of actual offenses of larceny thefts occurring in the designated month

Number 5 value must equal fields 28, 29 and 30 added together and equal the value in field 83 on the Return A

32 Y Motor Vehicle Theft Number of actual offenses of motor vehicle theft, including alleged joy rides for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

33 Y Larceny – Pocket Picking Number of larceny thefts involving pocket-picking for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

34 Y Larceny – Purse Snatching Number of larceny thefts involving pocket-picking for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

35 Y Larceny – Shoplifting Number of larceny thefts involving shoplifting for the designated month Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

36 Y Larceny – From Auto

Number of larceny thefts involving motor vehicles, except theft of motor vehicle parts and accessories, for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

37 Y Larceny – Auto Accessory

Number of larceny thefts involving the theft of motor vehicle parts and accessories, for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Column 1 continued

38 Y Larceny – Bicycle Number of larceny thefts involving bicycle thefts for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

39 Y Larceny – From Building

Number of larceny thefts involving thefts from buildings, this does not include thefts from shoplifting or coin machines, for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

40 Y Larceny – Coin Machines Number of larceny thefts involving thefts from coin-operated devices or machines for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

41 Y Larceny – All others Number of larceny thefts not specifically classified for the designated month

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Column 2 Monetary value of property stolen

42 Y Murder Value The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the murders committed

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

43 Y Rape Value The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the rapes committed

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

44 Y Robbery Value- Highway The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the robberies which were classified as highway

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Column 2 continued

45 Y Robbery Value – Commercial House

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the robberies which were classified as commercial house

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

46 Y Robbery Value – Gas Station

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the robberies which were classified as gas or service station

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

47 Y Robbery Value – Chain Store

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the robberies which were classified as convenience store

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

48 Y Robbery Value – Residence

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the robberies which were classified as residence

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

49 Y Robbery Value – Bank The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the robberies which were classified as bank

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

50 Y Robbery Value – Miscellaneous

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the robberies which were classified as miscellaneous

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

51 Y Robbery Value – Total Total monetary value of any property stolen incidental to all the robbery types listed previously

Number 8 value must equal fields 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 added together

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Column 2 continued

52 Y Burglary Value – Residence Night

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the burglaries which were classified as residence night

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

53 Y Burglary Value – Residence Day

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the burglaries which were classified as residence day

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

54 Y Burglary Value – Residence Unknown

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the burglaries which were classified as residence unknown

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

55 Y Burglary Value – Non-Residence Night

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the burglaries which were classified as non-residence night

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

56 Y Burglary Value – Non-Residence Day

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the burglaries which were classified as non-residence day

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

57 Y Burglary Value – Non-Residence Unknown

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the burglaries which were classified as non-residence unknown

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

58 Y Burglary Value – Total Total monetary value of any property stolen incidental to all the burglary types listed previously

Number 8 value must equal fields 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57 added together

Chapter II - Supplement to Return A page 12 of 12 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 2 continued

59 Y Larceny Value – Over $200 The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny theft which were $200 and over

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

60 Y Larceny Value - $50 to $200

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny theft which involved $50 to $200

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

61 Y Larceny Value – under $50 The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny theft which involved under $50

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

62 Y Larceny Value – Total Total monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny theft listed previously

Number 8 value must equal fields 59, 60 and 61 added together

63 Y Motor Vehicle Theft Value The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the motor vehicle thefts listed

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

64 Y Grand Total Value

Total value of property stolen in the murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, burglary, larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft categories

Number 8 value must equal fields 42, 43, 51, 58, 62 and 63 added together

65 Y Larceny Value – Pocket Picking

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of pocket-picking

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

66 Y Larceny Value – Purse Snatching

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of purse snatching

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 2 continued

67 Y Larceny Value – Shoplifting The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of shoplifting

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

68 Y Larceny Value – From Auto The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of motor vehicle

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

69 Y Larceny Value – Auto Accessory

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of motor vehicle parts and accessories

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

70 Y Larceny Value – Bicycle The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of bicycle

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

71 Y Larceny Value – Buildings The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of buildings

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

72 Y Larceny Value – Coin Machines

The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of coin-operated machines

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

73 Y Larceny Value – All Other The monetary value of any property stolen incidental to the larceny category of all other

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 1 Motor Vehicles Recovered

74 Y Auto Stolen/Recovered – Locally

Number of actual offenses of motor vehicles which were both stolen and recovered locally

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

75 Y Auto Stolen/Recovered – Other Jurisdictions

Number of actual offenses of motor vehicles which were stolen locally and recovered by other jurisdictions

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

76 Y Total Auto Theft

Total number of actual offenses of locally stolen motor vehicles which were recovered either locally or by other jurisdictions

Number 5 value must equal fields 74 and 75 added together

77 Y Auto Stolen Other/ Recovered Local

Number of actual offenses of motor vehicles which were stolen in other jurisdictions and recovered locally

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Column 1 Monetary Value of property STOLEN in your jurisdiction

78 Y Stolen – Currency The monetary value of all currency notes, etc. which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

79 Y Stolen – Jewelry & Precious Metals

The monetary value of all jewelry and precious metals which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

80 Y Stolen – Clothing The monetary value of all clothing and furs which was stolen in a jurisdiction Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 1 continued Monetary Value of property STOLEN in your jurisdiction

81 Y Locally Stolen – Motor Vehicle

The monetary value of all locally stolen motor vehicles which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

82 Y Stolen – Office Equipment The monetary value of office equipment which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

83 Y Stolen – TV, Radios, Etc The monetary value of televisions, radios, stereos, etc, which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

84 Y Stolen – Firearms The monetary value of firearms which was stolen in a jurisdiction Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

85 Y Stolen – Household Goods The monetary value of household goods which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

86 Y Stolen – Consumable Goods

The monetary value of consumable goods which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

87 Y Stolen – Livestock The monetary value of livestock which was stolen in a jurisdiction Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

88 Y Stolen – Miscellaneous The monetary value of miscellaneous property which was stolen in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 2 Monetary Value of property RECOVERED in your jurisdiction

89 Y Total Value Stolen Total value of all property which was stolen in a jurisdiction Number 8

value must equal fields 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 and 88 added together and equal the value in field 64 on this Supplemental A form

90 Y Recovered – Currency The monetary value of all currency notes, etc. which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

91 Y Recovered – Jewelry & Precious Metals

The monetary value of all jewelry and precious metals which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

92 Y Recovered – Clothing The monetary value of all clothing and furs which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

93 Y Recovered Locally Stolen – Motor Vehicle

The monetary value of all locally stolen motor vehicles which was recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

94 Y Recovered – Office Equipment

The monetary value of office equipment which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

95 Y Recovered – TV, Radios, Etc

The monetary value of televisions, radios, stereos, etc, which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

96 Y Recovered – Firearms The monetary value of firearms which were recovered in a jurisdiction Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 2 continued Monetary Value of property RECOVERED in your jurisdiction

97 Y Recovered – Household Goods

The monetary value of household goods which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

98 Y Recovered – Consumable Goods

The monetary value of consumable goods which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

99 Y Recovered – Livestock The monetary value of livestock which were recovered in a jurisdiction Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

100 Y Recovered – Miscellaneous

The monetary value of miscellaneous property which were recovered in a jurisdiction

Number 8 value must be zero if nothing to report

101 Y Total Value Recovered Total value of all property which was recovered in a jurisdiction Number 8 value must equal fields 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,

98, 99 and 100 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Supplement to Return A electronic file format Data being reported from your Supplement Return A for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program

1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101


Send Supplement Return A data in a flat ASCII file named: supplema.txt Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

10 Date Submitted 1-8 Update Flag 9

Column 1 11 Murders and Nonnegligent Manslaughter 10-14 12 Forcible Rape 15-19 13 Robbery Highway 20-24 14 Robbery Commercial House 25-29 15 Robbery Gas Station 30-34 16 Robbery Convenience Store 35-39 17 Robbery Residence 40-44 18 Robbery Bank 45-49 19 Robbery Miscellaneous 50-54 20 Robbery Total 55-59 21 Burglary Residence - Night 60-64 22 Burglary Residence - Day 65-69 23 Burglary Residence - Unknown 70-74 24 Burglary Non Resident - Night 75-79 25 Burglary Non Resident - Day 80-84 26 Burglary Non Residence - Unknown 85-89 27 Burglary Total 90-94 28 Larceny over $200 95-99 29 Larceny $50 to $200 100-104 30 Larceny under $50 105-109 31 Larceny Total 110-114 32 Motor Vehicle Theft 115-119 33 Larceny – Pocket Picking 120-124 34 Larceny – Purse Snatching 125-129 35 Larceny – Shoplifting 130-134 36 Larceny – From Auto 135-139

Chapter II - Supplement to Return A page 19 of 19 Section IV– Electronic File Format

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37 Larceny – Auto Accessory 140-144 Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

38 Larceny – Bicycle 145-149 39 Larceny – From Building 150-154 40 Larceny – Coin Machines 155-159 41 Larceny – All others 160-164

Column 2 42 Murder Value 165-172 43 Rape Value 173-180 44 Robbery Value- Highway 181-188 45 Robbery Value – Commercial House 189-196 46 Robbery Value – Gas Station 197-204 47 Robbery Value – Chain Store 205-212 48 Robbery Value – Residence 213-220 49 Robbery Value – Bank 221-228 50 Robbery Value – Miscellaneous 229-236 51 Robbery Value – Total 237-244 52 Burglary Value – Residence Night 245-252 53 Burglary Value – Residence Day 253-260 54 Burglary Value – Residence Unknown 261-268 55 Burglary Value – Non-Residence Night 269-276 56 Burglary Value – Non-Residence Day 277-284 57 Burglary Value – Non-Residence Unknown 285-292 58 Burglary Value – Total 293-300 59 Larceny Value – Over $200 301-308 60 Larceny Value - $50 to $200 309-316 61 Larceny Value – under $50 317-324 62 Larceny Value – Total 325-332 63 Motor Vehicle Theft Value 333-340 64 Grand Total Value 341-348 65 Larceny Value – Pocket Picking 349-356 66 Larceny Value – Purse Snatching 357-364 67 Larceny Value – Shoplifting 365-372 68 Larceny Value – From Auto 373-380 69 Larceny Value – Auto Accessory 381-388 70 Larceny Value – Bicycle 389-396 71 Larceny Value – Buildings 397-404 72 Larceny Value – Coin Machines 405-412

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Chapter II - Supplement to Return A page 21 of 21 Section IV– Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

73 Larceny Value – All Other 413-420 Column 1

74 Auto Stolen/Recovered – Locally 421-425 75 Auto Stolen/Recovered – Other Jurisdictions 426-430 76 Total Auto Theft 431-435 77 Auto Stolen Other/ Recovered Local 436-440 78 Stolen – Currency 441-448 79 Stolen – Jewelry & Precious Metals 449-456 80 Stolen – Clothing 457-464 81 Locally Stolen – Motor Vehicle 465-472 82 Stolen – Office Equipment 473-480 83 Stolen – TV, Radios, Etc 481-488 84 Stolen – Firearms 489-496 85 Stolen – Household Goods 497-504 86 Stolen – Consumable Goods 505-512 87 Stolen – Livestock 513-520 88 Stolen – Miscellaneous 521-528 89 Total Value Stolen 529-536

Column 2 90 Recovered – Currency 537-544 91 Recovered – Jewelry & Precious Metals 545-552 92 Recovered – Clothing 553-560 93 Recovered Locally Stolen – Motor Vehicle 561-568 94 Recovered – Office Equipment 569-576 95 Recovered – TV, Radios, Etc 577-584 96 Recovered – Firearms 585-592 97 Recovered – Household Goods 593-600 98 Recovered – Consumable Goods 601-608 99 Recovered – Livestock 609-616

100 Recovered – Miscellaneous 617-624 101 Total Value Recovered 625-632

3 Jurisdiction ORI 633-641 2 Date 642-647 1 Submitting ORI 648-656 Initial report flag 657

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide The Supplemental Homicide Report form is provided for documenting all homicides, including domestic violence related homicides and suicides. The Missouri form provides agencies with a two-digit code system for summarizing homicide types, situations, victims, offenders, weapons, relationships and circumstances. This report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before a Supplemental Homicide Report can be submitted. This Supplemental Homicide Report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be excepted into the MoUCR program.

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Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV – Code Tables The Supplemental Homicide report requires the use of special codes to complete some of the fields as outlined in the field definitions section. All necessary codes are defined within code tables in this section.

Section V - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected].

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7 6


10 8


2 3



Row 5

Row 4

Row 3

Row 2

Row 1

97 98 99

81 80 79














72 71

89 88










63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48







46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29

28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

NOTE: Row numbers 1 – 5 have been assigned to this example illustration as a field number guide for the following definition tables only. The web based

Supplemental Homicide form does not contain these row numbers.

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Supplemental Homicide Report field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MMYYYY month and year are reported numerically,

as January is 01 and year is 2000

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/CityHeadquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 N Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Row 1 / Columns 1-3 Incident/Type/Situation

11 Y Agency Incident Number A unique number assigned to an incident by the reporting agency text 10 One number per incident. One incident may involve

more than one victim and/or offender.

12 Y Homicide Type Type of Homicide offense text 1 See table Homicide Type for applicable codes

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Field # Required Field Name Field Description Field

Value Field Size Special Edits

13 Y Situation A code describing the data relative to the number of victims/offenders involved

Text 1 See table Homicide Situation for applicable codes

Note: Only one victim/offender code is used per situation. The use of new code will signify the beginning of a new situation and a new data set. See example Situations starting on page 8

Row 1 / Columns 4-7 Victim info

14 Y Age A code describing the Age of the Victim of the Homicide Text 2 See table Homicide Age for applicable codes

15 Y Sex A code describing the Sex of the Victim of the Homicide Text 1

Applicable codes are M = Male F = Female U = Unknown

16 Y Race A code describing the Race of the Victim of the Homicide Text 1 See table Homicide Race for applicable codes

17 Y Ethnicity A code describing the Ethnic origin of the Victim of the Homicide Text 1

Applicable codes are H = Hispanic Origin N = Not Hispanic U = Unknown Origin

Note: If the choice for field 13 (Situation) is D, E or F, indicating multiple Victims, then fields 11 - 17 must be repeated for each victim. See example Situations starting on page 8

Row 1 / Columns 4-7 Offender info

18 Y Age A code describing the Age of the Offender of the Homicide Text 2 See table Homicide Age for applicable codes

19 Y Sex A code describing the Sex of the Offender of the Homicide Text 1

Applicable codes are M = Male F = Female U = Unknown

20 Y Race A code describing the Race of the Offender of the Homicide Text 1 See table Homicide Race for applicable codes

21 Y Ethnicity A code describing the Ethnic origin of the Offender of the Homicide Text 1

Applicable codes are H = Hispanic Origin N = Not Hispanic U = Unknown Origin

Note: If the choice for field 13 (Situation) is C, E or F, indicating multiple Offenders. Then fields 11 – 13 and 18 – 21 must be repeated for each offender.

See example Situations starting on page 8

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# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

Row 1 / Columns 8 and 9 Weapons and Relationships

22 Y Weapons A code describing the type of weapon or force associated with the crime. Text 3 See table Homicide Weapons for applicable codes

23 Y Relationships A code describing the relationship of the victim to the offender Text 2

Enter the single most descriptive code for each victim in relationship to the offender. See table Homicide Relationships for applicable codes

Row 1 / Columns 10-14 Circumstances

24 Y Circumstances A code describing the circumstances of the homicide Text 2 See table Homicide Circumstances for applicable


25 * Y Sub Circumstance A special modifier code for Justifiable Homicide or Domestic Violence text 1 See table Homicide Modifier for 80/81 and table

Homicide Modifier for 40 for applicable codes

* Field 25 is required only if the choice for field 24 (Circumstance) is equal to code 40 or 80/81 only See example Circumstances starting on page 11

26 * Y Domestic Violence - Order of Protection

A special modifier code for Domestic Violence text 1 See table Homicide Modifier for 40 Order of

Protection for applicable codes

* Field 26 is required only if the choice for field 24 (Circumstance) and field 25 (Sub-Circumstance) is equal to code 40 and the modifier “Order of Protection” is applicable

See example Circumstances starting on page 11

27 * Y Domestic Violence – Victim by Offender

A special modifier code for Domestic Violence text 1 See table Homicide Modifier for 40 Victim by

Offender for applicable codes

* Field 27 is required only if the choice for field 24 (Circumstance) and field 25 (Sub-Circumstance) is equal to code 40 and the “Victim by Offender” modifier is applicable

See example Circumstances starting on page 11

Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide Report page 6 of 6 Section III – Field Definitions

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28 * Y Domestic Violence – Offender by Victim

A special modifier code for Domestic Violence text 1 See table Homicide Modifier for 40 Offender by

Victim for applicable codes

* Field 28 is required only if the choice for field 24 (Circumstance) and field 25 (Sub-Circumstance) is equal to code 40 and the “Offender by Victim” modifier is applicable

See example Circumstances starting on page 8

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Situation A = One Victim / One Offender

New Offender info on a new row

New Weapon, Relationship and Circumstance info on a new row

New Victim info on a new row

New Incident number starts a new data set

Situation B = One Victim / Unknown Offender Use 00 for Age and Unknown (U)

for Sex, Race and Ethnicity of Unknown offender

Use Unknown (U) for Relationship of Unknown offender

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Situation C = One Victim / Multiple Offenders Weapon, Relationship and Circumstance

may be different for each offender Do not repeat Victim info for each Offender

New Offender info on a new row

Repeat Incident / Type / Situation for each offender

Situation D = Multiple Victims / One Offender Weapon, Relationship and Circumstance

may be different for each victim Repeat Offender info for each victim

Repeat Incident / Type / Situation for each victim

New Victim info on a new row

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Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide Report page 10 of 10 Section III – Field Definitions

Situation E = Multiple Victims / Multiple Offenders Weapon, Relationship and Circumstance

may be different for each victim and each offender

Do not repeat Victim info for each Offender. New victim info with the same incident number designates multiple victims for this incident

Repeat Offender info for each Victim.

Repeat Incident / Type / Situation for each victim and each offender. A new Incident number will start a new set of data

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Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide Report page 11 of 11 Section III – Field Definitions

Situation F = Multiple Victims / Unknown Offender

Use Unknown (U) for Relationship for each Unknown offender

Repeat Incident / Type / Situation for each victim

New Victim info on a new row

Use 00 for Age and Unknown (U) for Sex, Race and Ethnicity for each Unknown offender

Note: Situation F should be used only if all Offender information in Unknown

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Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide Report page 12 of 12 Section III – Field Definitions

Circumstances 80 = Justifiable Homicide

Circumstance 80 or 81 requires Sub Circumstance (column 11) of A – G to be selected

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide Report page 13 of 13 Section III – Field Definitions

Circumstance 40 requires a Sub Circumstance (column 11) of H - Q to be selected Sub Circumstances H - Q requires the Modifiers (columns 12 -14) to be completed

Circumstance 40 = Domestic Violence

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Note: Each Homicide Intermediate record can be broken down into 35 separate Homicide Supplemental records. Data for each Supplemental record should be collected within the appropriate field numbers as defined in the field definition tables above. Row numbers 1 – 5 have been assigned to the example illustration (page 2) as a field number guide for the definition tables only. The following groups of field numbers replicate the field definitions for fields 11-28 as described above.

Supplemental Homicide Report field definitions continued Row # From Field # To Field #

2 29 463 47 644 65 825 83 1006 101 1187 119 1368 137 1549 155 17210 173 19011 191 20812 209 22613 227 24414 245 26215 263 28016 281 29817 299 31618 317 33419 335 35220 353 37021 371 38822 389 406

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Note: Each Homicide Intermediate record can be broken down into 35 separate Homicide Supplemental records. Data for each Supplemental record should be collected within the appropriate field numbers as defined in the field definition tables above. Row numbers 1 – 5 have been assigned to this example illustration (page 2) as a field number guide for the definition tables only. The following groups of field numbers replicate the field definitions for fields 11-28 as described above.

Supplemental Homicide Report field definitions continued Row # From Field # To Field #

23 407 42424 425 44225 443 46026 461 47827 479 49628 497 51429 515 53230 533 55031 551 56832 569 58633 587 60434 605 62235 623 640

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Supplemental Homicide Report code tables Homicide Type – column 2 on example form illustration

Code Description Special edits per code used

A Murder and Non-Negligent Homicide Not applicable if Column 10 (Circumstance) is equal to codes 50, 51, 52, 53, or 59

B Manslaughter by Negligence Type must be B if Column 10 (Circumstance) is equal to codes 50, 51, 52, 53 or 59

C Justifiable Homicide Not applicable if Column 10 (Circumstance) is equal to codes 50, 51, 52, 53, or 59

D Domestic-Related Suicide Type must be D if Column 10 (Circumstance) is equal to code 40

Homicide Situation – column 3 on example form illustration

Code Description Special edits per code used A One Victim / One Offender NA

B One Victim / Unknown Offender NA

C One Victim / Multiple Offenders

D Multiple Victims / Single Offender

E Multiple Victims / Multiple Offenders

F Multiple Victims / Unknown Offender(s)

Age, Sex, Race and Ethnicity, must be completed for each Victim Age, Sex, Race and Ethnicity, Weapons, Relationship and Circumstances must but be completed for each Offender

Homicide Age – column 4 on example form illustration

Code Description Special edits per code used

IN In Vitro This code may be used at the discretion of the department. IN will not be reported to the FBI

NB Newborn up to 1 week old NA

BB Over 1 week, but less than 1 year old NA

01-99 Enter actual age NA

00 Unknown age NA Homicide Race – column 6 on example form illustration

Code Description Special edits per code used W White NA

B Black NA

I American Indian / Alaskan Native NA

A Asian or Pacific Islander NA

U Race Unknown NA

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Homicide Weapons – column 8 on example form illustration

Code Description Special edits per code used 11 Unknown Firearm NA

11A Unknown Firearm – full automatic NA

12 Handgun NA

12A Handgun – full automatic NA

13 Rifle NA

13A Rifle – full automatic NA

14 Shotgun NA

14A Shotgun – full automatic NA

15 Other Firearm NA

15A Other Firearm – full automatic NA

20 Cutting instrument NA

30 Blunt instrument NA

35 Motor vehicle NA

40 Personal weapons NA

50 Poison NA

60 Explosives NA

65 Fire \ Incendiary NA

70 Drugs \ Narcotics NA

75 Drowning NA

80 Strangling \ Hanging NA

85 Asphyxiation NA

90 Other (Unknown) NA Homicide Relationships – column 9 on example form illustration

Code Description Special edits per code used HU Husband NA

WI Wife NA

CH Common-Law Husband NA

CW Common-Law Wife NA

MO Mother NA

FA Father NA


DA Daughter NA

BR Brother NA

SI Sister NA

IL In-Law NA

SF Stepfather NA

SM Stepmother NA

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Homicide Relationships – column 9 on example form illustration – continued

SS Stepson NA

SD Stepdaughter NA

OF Other family member NA

Outside Family but known to victim

AQ Acquaintance NA

FR Friend NA

NE Neighbor NA

BF Boyfriend NA

GF Girlfriend NA

XH Ex-Husband NA

XW Ex-Wife NA

HO Homosexual \ Lesbian Partner NA

EE Employee NA

ER Employer NA

OK Victim Otherwise known to Offender NA

Other Relationships

UN Relationship Unknown NA

ST Victim was a Stranger NA

VO Victim was Offender NA Homicide Circumstances – column 10 on example form illustration

Code Description Special edits per code used 01 Independent Act of Murder NA

02 Rape NA

03 Robbery NA

05 Burglary NA

06 Larceny NA

07 Motor Vehicle Theft NA

09 Arson NA

10 Prostitution \ Commercial Vice NA

17 Other Sex Offenses NA

18 Narcotics \ Drug Laws NA

19 Gambling NA

40 Domestic Violence If Code 40 is selected as the Circumstance code, then a Sub Circumstance of code from the table Modifier for 40 must be selected as well.

41 Child Killed by Babysitter NA

42 Brawl – Under the influence of Alcohol NA

43 Brawl – Under the influence of Drugs NA

44 Argument over Money \ Property NA

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Homicide Circumstances – column 10 on example form illustration – continued

45 Other Argument NA

46 Gangland Killing NA

47 Juvenile Gang Killing NA

48 Institutional Killing NA

49 Sniper Attack \ Ambush NA

26 Other Felony Involved NA

60 Non-Felony Suspected NA

70 Other Felony Suspected NA

99 Can Not Determine from known facts NA

For Justifiable Homicide

80 Criminal Killed by Private Citizen

81 Criminal Killed by Police

If Code 80 or 81 is selected as the Circumstance code, then a Sub Circumstance of code from the table Modifier for 80/81 must be selected as well.

For Negligent Manslaughter

50 Hunting Accident NA

51 Gun-Cleaning Incident NA

52 Child Playing with Weapon NA

53 Other Negligent Handling of Gun NA

59 All Other Negligent Manslaughter (except for traffic fatalities) NA

Homicide Sub Circumstance – Modifier for 80/81 field 25 column 11 on example form illustration

Use this table if the Circumstance code (field 24 on Row 1 and each subsequent fields in column 10 per row/incident) is equal to code 80 or 81, only.

Code Description Special edits per code used A Felon attacked Police Officer NA

B Felon attacked a fellow Police Officer NA

C Felon attacked a Victim NA

D Felon attempted flight from a crime NA

E Felon killed during commission of a crime NA

F Felon killed resisting arrest NA

G Not enough information to determine NA

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Homicide Sub Circumstance – Modifier for 40 field 25 column 11 on example form illustration

Use this table if the Circumstance code (field 24 on Row 1 and each subsequent field in column 10 per row/incident) is equal to code 40, only.

Code Description Special edits per code used H Spouses

J Former Spouses

K Persons related by blood

L Persons related by marriage

M Persons who are presently residing together or have resided together in the past

N Persons who are or who have been in a continuing social relationships of a romantic nature with the victim

P Persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have resided together at any time

Q Same person

If a Modifier for 40 code is selected as the Sub Circumstance code, then an applicable code from the tables Modifier for 40 Order of Protection, Modifier for 40 Victim by Offender and Modifier for 40 Offender by Victim must be selected as well.

Homicide Modifier for 40 Order of Protection field 26 column 12 on example form illustration

Use this table if the Sub Circumstance code (field 25 on Row 1 and each subsequent field in column 11 per row/incident) is equal to code 40, only.

This table answers the question “Had the victim or offender previously filed a court order of protection?”

Code Description Special edits per code used Y Yes NA


U Unknown NA Homicide Modifier for 40 Victim by Offender field 27 column 13 on example form illustration

Use this table if the Sub Circumstance code (field 25 on Row 1 and each subsequent field in column 11 per row/incident) is equal to code 40, only.

This table answers the question “Had there been a previous investigation or report of an alleged incident of domestic related violence against the victim by the offender?”

Code Description Special edits per code used Y Yes NA


U Unknown NA

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Homicide Modifier for 40 Offender by Victim field 28 column 14 on example form illustration

Use this table if the Sub Circumstance code (field 25 on Row 1 and each subsequent field in column 11 per row/incident) is equal to code 40, only.

This table answers the question “Had there been a previous investigation or report of an alleged incident of domestic related violence against the offender by the victim?”

Code Description Special edits per code used Y Yes NA


U Unknown NA

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Supplemental Homicide Report electronic file format Data being reported from your Supplemental Homicide Report for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program

1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Or Email [email protected] Send Supplemental Homicide data in a flat ASCII file named: homicide.txt

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

3 Jurisdiction ORI 1-9 2 Date 10-15 1 Submitting ORI 16-24 10 Date Submitted 25-32

Update flag 33 Row 1 / Columns 1 – 14

11 Agency Incident Number 34-43 12 Homicide Type 44 13 Situation 45 14 Age – Victim 46-47 15 Sex – Victim 48 16 Race – Victim 49 17 Ethnicity – Victim 50 18 Age – Offender 51-52 19 Sex – Offender 53 20 Race – Offender 54 21 Ethnicity - Offender 55 22 Weapons 56-58 23 Relationships 59-60 24 Circumstances 61-62 25 Sub Circumstances 63 26 DV – Order of Protection 64 27 DV – Victim by Offender 65 28 DV – Offender by Victim 66

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Each Homicide Intermediate record can be broken down into 35 separate Homicide Supplemental records. Data for each Supplemental record should be collected within the appropriate field numbers as defined in the field definition tables. Field data for up to 35 separate Homicide Supplemental records, should be positioned within the electronic file as follows. Fields not used to record incidents should be left blank in the electronic file. Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

Row 2 / Columns 1 – 14 29 Agency Incident Number 67-76 30 Homicide Type 77 31 Situation 78 32 Age – Victim 79-80 33 Sex - Victim 81 34 Race - Victim 82 35 Ethnicity - Victim 83 36 Age – Offender 84-85 37 Sex – Offender 86 38 Race – Offender 87 39 Ethnicity - Offender 88 40 Weapons 89-91 41 Relationships 92-93 42 Circumstances 94-95 43 Sub Circumstances 96 44 DV – Order of Protection 97 45 DV – Victim by Offender 98 46 DV – Offender by Victim 99

Row 3 / Columns 1 – 14 47 Agency Incident Number 100-109 48 Homicide Type 110 49 Situation 111 50 Age – Victim 112-113 51 Sex – Victim 114 52 Race – Victim 115 53 Ethnicity – Victim 116 54 Age – Offender 117-118 55 Sex – Offender 119 56 Race – Offender 120 57 Ethnicity - Offender 121 58 Weapons 122-124 59 Relationships 125-126

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

60 Circumstances 127-128 61 Sub Circumstances 129 62 DV – Order of Protection 130 63 DV – Victim by Offender 131 64 DV – Offender by Victim 132

Row 4 / Columns 1 – 14 65 Agency Incident Number 133-142 66 Homicide Type 143 67 Situation 144 68 Age – Victim 145-146 69 Sex – Victim 147 70 Race – Victim 148 71 Ethnicity – Victim 149 72 Age – Offender 150-151

73 Sex – Offender 152

74 Race – Offender 153 75 Ethnicity - Offender 154 76 Weapons 155-157 77 Relationships 158-159 78 Circumstances 160-161 79 Sub Circumstances 162 80 DV – Order of Protection 163 81 DV – Victim by Offender 164 82 DV – Offender by Victim 165

Row 5 / Columns 1 – 14 83 Agency Incident Number 166-175 84 Homicide Type 176 85 Situation 177 86 Age – Victim 178-179 87 Sex – Victim 180 88 Race – Victim 181 89 Ethnicity – Victim 182 90 Age – Offender 183-184 91 Sex – Offender 185 92 Race – Offender 186 93 Ethnicity - Offender 187 94 Weapons 188-190 95 Relationships 191-192

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

96 Circumstances 193-194 97 Sub Circumstances 195 98 DV – Order of Protection 196 99 DV – Victim by Offender 197 100 DV – Offender by Victim 198

Row 6 / Columns 1 – 14 101 Agency Incident Number 199-208 102 Homicide Type 209 103 Situation 210 104 Age – Victim 211-212 105 Sex – Victim 213 106 Race – Victim 214 107 Ethnicity – Victim 215 108 Age – Offender 216-217 109 Sex – Offender 218 110 Race – Offender 219 111 Ethnicity - Offender 220 112 Weapons 221-223 113 Relationships 224-225 114 Circumstances 226-227 115 Sub Circumstances 228 116 DV – Order of Protection 229 117 DV – Victim by Offender 230 118 DV – Offender by Victim 231

Row 7 / Columns 1 – 14 119 Agency Incident Number 232-241 120 Homicide Type 242 121 Situation 243 122 Age – Victim 244-245 123 Sex – Victim 246 124 Race – Victim 247 125 Ethnicity – Victim 248 126 Age – Offender 249-250 127 Sex – Offender 251 128 Race – Offender 252 129 Ethnicity - Offender 253 130 Weapons 254-256 131 Relationships 257-258

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

132 Circumstances 259-260 133 Sub Circumstances 261 134 DV – Order of Protection 262 135 DV – Victim by Offender 263 136 DV – Offender by Victim 264

Row 8 / Columns 1 – 14 137 Agency Incident Number 265-274 138 Homicide Type 275 139 Situation 276 140 Age – Victim 277-278 141 Sex – Victim 279 142 Race – Victim 280 143 Ethnicity – Victim 281 144 Age – Offender 282-283 145 Sex – Offender 284 146 Race – Offender 285 147 Ethnicity - Offender 286 148 Weapons 287-289 149 Relationships 290-291 150 Circumstances 292-293 151 Sub Circumstances 294 152 DV – Order of Protection 295 153 DV – Victim by Offender 296 154 DV – Offender by Victim 297

Row 9 / Columns 1 – 14 155 Agency Incident Number 298-307 156 Homicide Type 308 157 Situation 309 158 Age – Victim 310-311 159 Sex – Victim 312 160 Race – Victim 313 161 Ethnicity – Victim 314 162 Age – Offender 315-316 163 Sex – Offender 317 164 Race – Offender 318 165 Ethnicity - Offender 319 166 Weapons 320-322 167 Relationships 323-324

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

168 Circumstances 325-326 169 Sub Circumstances 327 170 DV – Order of Protection 328 171 DV – Victim by Offender 329 172 DV – Offender by Victim 330

Row 10 / Columns 1 – 14 173 Agency Incident Number 331-340 174 Homicide Type 341 175 Situation 342 176 Age – Victim 343-344 177 Sex – Victim 345 178 Race – Victim 346 179 Ethnicity – Victim 347 180 Age – Offender 348-349 181 Sex – Offender 350 182 Race – Offender 351 183 Ethnicity - Offender 352 184 Weapons 353-355 185 Relationships 356-357 186 Circumstances 358-359 187 Sub Circumstances 360 188 DV – Order of Protection 361 189 DV – Victim by Offender 362 190 DV – Offender by Victim 363

Row 11 / Columns 1 – 14 191 Agency Incident Number 364-373 192 Homicide Type 374 193 Situation 375 194 Age – Victim 376-377 195 Sex – Victim 378 196 Race – Victim 379 197 Ethnicity – Victim 380 198 Age – Offender 381-382 199 Sex – Offender 384 200 Race – Offender 385 201 Ethnicity - Offender 385 202 Weapons 386-388 203 Relationships 389-390

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

204 Circumstances 391-392 205 Sub Circumstances 393 206 DV – Order of Protection 394 207 DV – Victim by Offender 395 208 DV – Offender by Victim 396

Row 12 / Columns 1 – 14 209 Agency Incident Number 397-406 210 Homicide Type 407 211 Situation 408 212 Age – Victim 409-410 213 Sex – Victim 411 214 Race – Victim 412 215 Ethnicity – Victim 413 216 Age – Offender 414-415 217 Sex – Offender 416 218 Race – Offender 417 219 Ethnicity - Offender 418 220 Weapons 419-421 221 Relationships 422-423 222 Circumstances 424-425 223 Sub Circumstances 426 224 DV – Order of Protection 427 225 DV – Victim by Offender 428 226 DV – Offender by Victim 429

Row 13 / Columns 1 – 14 227 Agency Incident Number 430-439 228 Homicide Type 440 229 Situation 441 230 Age – Victim 442-443 231 Sex – Victim 444 232 Race – Victim 445 233 Ethnicity – Victim 446 234 Age – Offender 447-448 235 Sex – Offender 449 236 Race – Offender 450 237 Ethnicity - Offender 451 238 Weapons 452-454 239 Relationships 455-456

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

240 Circumstances 457-458 241 Sub Circumstances 459 242 DV – Order of Protection 460 243 DV – Victim by Offender 461 244 DV – Offender by Victim 462

Row 14 / Columns 1 – 14 245 Agency Incident Number 463-472 246 Homicide Type 473 247 Situation 474 248 Age – Victim 475-476 249 Sex – Victim 477 250 Race – Victim 478 251 Ethnicity – Victim 479 252 Age – Offender 480-481 253 Sex – Offender 482 254 Race – Offender 483 255 Ethnicity - Offender 484 256 Weapons 485-487 257 Relationships 488-489 258 Circumstances 490-491 259 Sub Circumstances 492 260 DV – Order of Protection 493 261 DV – Victim by Offender 494 262 DV – Offender by Victim 495

Row 15 / Columns 1 – 14 263 Agency Incident Number 496-505 264 Homicide Type 506 265 Situation 507 266 Age – Victim 508-509 267 Sex – Victim 510 268 Race – Victim 511 269 Ethnicity – Victim 512 270 Age – Offender 513-514 271 Sex – Offender 515 272 Race – Offender 516 273 Ethnicity - Offender 517 274 Weapons 518-520 275 Relationships 521-522

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Field Numbers Data position

276 Circumstances 523-524 277 Sub Circumstances 525 278 DV – Order of Protection 526 279 DV – Victim by Offender 527 280 DV – Offender by Victim 528

Row 16 / Columns 1 – 14 281 Agency Incident Number 529-538 282 Homicide Type 539 283 Situation 510 284 Age – Victim 541-542 285 Sex – Victim 543 286 Race – Victim 544 287 Ethnicity – Victim 545 288 Age – Offender 546-547 289 Sex – Offender 548 290 Race – Offender 549 291 Ethnicity - Offender 550 292 Weapons 551-553 293 Relationships 554-555 294 Circumstances 556-557 295 Sub Circumstances 558 296 DV – Order of Protection 559 297 DV – Victim by Offender 560 298 DV – Offender by Victim 561

Row 17 / Columns 1 – 14 299 Agency Incident Number 562-571 300 Homicide Type 572 301 Situation 573 302 Age – Victim 574-575 303 Sex – Victim 576 304 Race – Victim 577 305 Ethnicity – Victim 578 306 Age – Offender 579-580 307 Sex – Offender 581 308 Race – Offender 582 309 Ethnicity - Offender 583 310 Weapons 584-586 311 Relationships 587-588

Field Descriptions

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Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

312 Circumstances 589-590 313 Sub Circumstances 591 314 DV – Order of Protection 592 315 DV – Victim by Offender 593 316 DV – Offender by Victim 594

Row 18 / Columns 1 – 14 317 Agency Incident Number 595-604 318 Homicide Type 605 319 Situation 606 320 Age – Victim 607-608 321 Sex – Victim 609 322 Race – Victim 610 323 Ethnicity – Victim 611 324 Age – Offender 612-613 325 Sex – Offender 614 326 Race – Offender 615 327 Ethnicity - Offender 616 328 Weapons 617-619 329 Relationships 620-621 330 Circumstances 622-623 331 Sub Circumstances 624 332 DV – Order of Protection 625 333 DV – Victim by Offender 626 334 DV – Offender by Victim 627

Row 19 / Columns 1 – 14 335 Agency Incident Number 628-637 336 Homicide Type 638 337 Situation 639 338 Age – Victim 640-641 339 Sex – Victim 642 340 Race – Victim 643 341 Ethnicity – Victim 644 342 Age – Offender 645-646 343 Sex – Offender 647 344 Race – Offender 648 345 Ethnicity - Offender 649 346 Weapons 650-652 347 Relationships 653-654

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Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

348 Circumstances 655-656 349 Sub Circumstances 657 350 DV – Order of Protection 658 351 DV – Victim by Offender 659 352 DV – Offender by Victim 660

Row 20 / Columns 1 – 14 353 Agency Incident Number 661-670 354 Homicide Type 671 355 Situation 672 356 Age – Victim 673-674 357 Sex – Victim 675 358 Race – Victim 676 359 Ethnicity – Victim 677 360 Age – Offender 678-679 361 Sex – Offender 680 362 Race – Offender 681 363 Ethnicity - Offender 682 364 Weapons 683-685 365 Relationships 686-687 366 Circumstances 688-689 367 Sub Circumstances 690 368 DV – Order of Protection 691 369 DV – Victim by Offender 692 370 DV – Offender by Victim 693

Row 21 / Columns 1 – 14 371 Agency Incident Number 694-703 372 Homicide Type 704 373 Situation 705 374 Age – Victim 706-707 375 Sex – Victim 708 376 Race – Victim 709 377 Ethnicity – Victim 710 378 Age – Offender 711-712 379 Sex – Offender 713 380 Race – Offender 714 381 Ethnicity - Offender 715 382 Weapons 716-718 383 Relationships 719-720

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Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

384 Circumstances 721-722 385 Sub Circumstances 723 386 DV – Order of Protection 724 387 DV – Victim by Offender 725 388 DV – Offender by Victim 726

Row 22 / Columns 1 – 14 389 Agency Incident Number 727-736 390 Homicide Type 737 391 Situation 738 392 Age – Victim 739-740 393 Sex – Victim 741 394 Race – Victim 742 395 Ethnicity – Victim 743 396 Age – Offender 744-745 397 Sex – Offender 746 398 Race – Offender 747 399 Ethnicity - Offender 748 400 Weapons 749-751 401 Relationships 752-753 402 Circumstances 754-755 403 Sub Circumstances 756 404 DV – Order of Protection 757 405 DV – Victim by Offender 758 406 DV – Offender by Victim 759

Row 23 / Columns 1 – 14 407 Agency Incident Number 760-769 408 Homicide Type 770 409 Situation 771 410 Age – Victim 772-773 411 Sex – Victim 774 412 Race – Victim 775 413 Ethnicity – Victim 776 414 Age – Offender 777-778 415 Sex – Offender 779 416 Race – Offender 780 417 Ethnicity - Offender 781 418 Weapons 782-784 419 Relationships 785-786

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Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

420 Circumstances 787-788 421 Sub Circumstances 789 422 DV – Order of Protection 790 423 DV – Victim by Offender 791 424 DV – Offender by Victim 792

Row 24 / Columns 1 – 14 425 Agency Incident Number 793-802 426 Homicide Type 803 427 Situation 804 428 Age – Victim 805-806 429 Sex – Victim 807 430 Race – Victim 808 431 Ethnicity – Victim 809 432 Age – Offender 810-811 433 Sex – Offender 812 434 Race – Offender 813 435 Ethnicity - Offender 814 436 Weapons 815-817 437 Relationships 818-819 438 Circumstances 820-821 439 Sub Circumstances 822 440 DV – Order of Protection 823 441 DV – Victim by Offender 824 442 DV – Offender by Victim 825

Row 25 / Columns 1 – 14 443 Agency Incident Number 826-835 444 Homicide Type 836 445 Situation 837 446 Age – Victim 838-839 447 Sex – Victim 840 448 Race – Victim 841 449 Ethnicity – Victim 842 450 Age – Offender 843-844 451 Sex – Offender 845 452 Race – Offender 846 453 Ethnicity - Offender 847 454 Weapons 848-850 455 Relationships 851-852

Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide Report page 34 of 34 Section V– Electronic File Formats

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

456 Circumstances 853-854 457 Sub Circumstances 855 458 DV – Order of Protection 856 459 DV – Victim by Offender 857 460 DV – Offender by Victim 858

Row 26 / Columns 1 – 14 461 Agency Incident Number 859-868 462 Homicide Type 869 463 Situation 870 464 Age – Victim 871-872 465 Sex – Victim 873 466 Race – Victim 874 467 Ethnicity – Victim 875 468 Age – Offender 876-877 469 Sex – Offender 878 470 Race – Offender 879 471 Ethnicity - Offender 880 472 Weapons 881-883 473 Relationships 884-885 474 Circumstances 886-887 475 Sub Circumstances 888 476 DV – Order of Protection 889 477 DV – Victim by Offender 890 478 DV – Offender by Victim 891

Row 27 / Columns 1 – 14 479 Agency Incident Number 892-901 480 Homicide Type 902 481 Situation 903 482 Age – Victim 904-905 483 Sex – Victim 906 484 Race – Victim 907 485 Ethnicity – Victim 908 486 Age – Offender 909-910 487 Sex – Offender 911 488 Race – Offender 912 489 Ethnicity - Offender 913 490 Weapons 914-916 491 Relationships 917-918

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

492 Circumstances 919-920 493 Sub Circumstances 921 494 DV – Order of Protection 922 495 DV – Victim by Offender 923 496 DV – Offender by Victim 924

Row 28 / Columns 1 – 14 497 Agency Incident Number 925-934 498 Homicide Type 935 499 Situation 936 500 Age – Victim 937-938 501 Sex – Victim 939 502 Race – Victim 940 503 Ethnicity – Victim 941 504 Age – Offender 942-943 505 Sex – Offender 944 506 Race – Offender 945 507 Ethnicity - Offender 946 508 Weapons 947-949 509 Relationships 950-951 510 Circumstances 952-953 511 Sub Circumstances 954 512 DV – Order of Protection 955 513 DV – Victim by Offender 956 514 DV – Offender by Victim 957

Row 29 / Columns 1 – 14 515 Agency Incident Number 958-967 516 Homicide Type 968 517 Situation 969 518 Age – Victim 970-971 519 Sex – Victim 972 520 Race – Victim 973 521 Ethnicity – Victim 974 522 Age – Offender 975-976 523 Sex – Offender 977 524 Race – Offender 978 525 Ethnicity - Offender 979 526 Weapons 980-982 527 Relationships 983-984

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

528 Circumstances 985-986 529 Sub Circumstances 987 530 DV – Order of Protection 988 531 DV – Victim by Offender 989 532 DV – Offender by Victim 990

Row 30 / Columns 1 – 14 533 Agency Incident Number 991-1000 534 Homicide Type 1001 535 Situation 1002 536 Age – Victim 1003-1004 537 Sex – Victim 1005 538 Race – Victim 1006 539 Ethnicity – Victim 1007 540 Age – Offender 1008-1009 541 Sex – Offender 1010 542 Race – Offender 1011 543 Ethnicity - Offender 1012 544 Weapons 1013-1015 545 Relationships 1016-1017 546 Circumstances 1018-1019 547 Sub Circumstances 1020 548 DV – Order of Protection 1021 549 DV – Victim by Offender 1022 550 DV – Offender by Victim 1023

Row 31 / Columns 1 – 14 551 Agency Incident Number 1024-1033 552 Homicide Type 1034 553 Situation 1035 554 Age – Victim 1036-1037 555 Sex – Victim 1038 556 Race – Victim 1039 557 Ethnicity – Victim 1040 558 Age – Offender 1041-1042 559 Sex – Offender 1043 560 Race – Offender 1044 561 Ethnicity - Offender 1045 562 Weapons 1046-1048 563 Relationships 1049-1050

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

564 Circumstances 1051-1052 565 Sub Circumstances 1053 566 DV – Order of Protection 1054 567 DV – Victim by Offender 1055 568 DV – Offender by Victim 1056

Row 32 / Columns 1 – 14 569 Agency Incident Number 1057-1066 570 Homicide Type 1067 571 Situation 1068 572 Age – Victim 1069-1070 573 Sex – Victim 1071 574 Race – Victim 1072 575 Ethnicity – Victim 1073 576 Age – Offender 1074-1075 577 Sex – Offender 1076 578 Race – Offender 1077 579 Ethnicity - Offender 1078 580 Weapons 1079-1081 581 Relationships 1082-1083 582 Circumstances 1084-1085 583 Sub Circumstances 1086 584 DV – Order of Protection 1087 585 DV – Victim by Offender 1088 586 DV – Offender by Victim 1089

Row 33 / Columns 1 – 14 587 Agency Incident Number 1090-1099 588 Homicide Type 1100 589 Situation 1101 590 Age – Victim 1102-1103 591 Sex – Victim 1104 592 Race – Victim 1105 593 Ethnicity – Victim 1106 594 Age – Offender 1107-1108 595 Sex – Offender 1109 596 Race – Offender 1110 597 Ethnicity - Offender 1111 598 Weapons 1112-1114 599 Relationships 1115-1116

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

600 Circumstances 1117-1118 601 Sub Circumstances 1119 602 DV – Order of Protection 1120 603 DV – Victim by Offender 1121 604 DV – Offender by Victim 1122

Row 34 / Columns 1 – 14 605 Agency Incident Number 1123-1132 606 Homicide Type 1133 607 Situation 1134 608 Age – Victim 1135-1136 609 Sex – Victim 1137 610 Race – Victim 1138 611 Ethnicity – Victim 1139 612 Age – Offender 1140-1141 613 Sex – Offender 1142 614 Race – Offender 1143 615 Ethnicity - Offender 1144 616 Weapons 1145-1147 617 Relationships 1148-1149 618 Circumstances 1150-1151 619 Sub Circumstances 1152 620 DV – Order of Protection 1153 621 DV – Victim by Offender 1154 622 DV – Offender by Victim 1155

Row 35 / Columns 1 – 14 623 Agency Incident Number 1156-1165 624 Homicide Type 1166 625 Situation 1167 626 Age – Victim 1168-1169 627 Sex – Victim 1170 628 Race – Victim 1171 629 Ethnicity – Victim 1172 630 Age – Offender 1173-1174 631 Sex – Offender 1175 632 Race – Offender 1176 633 Ethnicity - Offender 1177 634 Weapons 1178-1180 635 Relationships 1181-1182

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter III - Supplemental Homicide Report page 40 of 40 Section V– Electronic File Formats

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

636 Circumstances 1183-1184 637 Sub Circumstances 1185 638 DV – Order of Protection 1186 639 DV – Victim by Offender 1187 640 DV – Offender by Victim 1188

Initial Report flag 1189

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter IV - Arson Offenses The Monthly Return of Arson Offenses Known to Law Enforcement report is a one-page, two-part report similar to the Return A report. Two specific sets of data are reported, the number of structures which were uninhabited, abandoned or not normally in use at the time of the crime and the estimated value of the damage to the property. This report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before an Arson report can be submitted. This Arson Offenses Report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved, federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be excepted into the MoUCR program.

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Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected]. For help with questions about the MoUCR program in general, please contact the UCR program department at [email protected].

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7 6


10 8


2 3



101 100












88 87












75 74












62 61












49 48












36 35













22 21











Chapter IV – Arson page 3 of 3 Section II – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Arson Offenses field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MMYYYY month and year are reported numerically,

as January is 01 and year is 2000

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/CityHeadquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 N Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Column 2 Offenses reported or known to Police

11 Y Single Occupancy

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in a single occupancy dwelling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Column 2 continued

12 Y Other Residence

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in other residential structures

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

13 Y Storage

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in a storage structure of any type

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

14 Y Industrial & Manufacturing

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in any type of industrial and/or manufacturing structure

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

15 Y Other Commercial

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in any type of other commercial structures

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

16 Y Community or Public Buildings

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in any type of community and/or public structures

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

17 Y All Other Structures

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in any type of structure not already accounted for

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

18 Y Total Structural

Total number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in a structure of any type

Number 5 value must total fields 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 added together

19 Y Motor Vehicles

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in or involved motor vehicles

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Column 2 continued

20 Y Other Mobile

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in or involved mobile property other than motor vehicle

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

21 Y Total Mobile

Total number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in motor vehicles and other mobile property

Number 5 value must total fields 19 and 20 added together

22 Y Total Other

Number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in any type of property not classified as structural or mobile

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

23 Y Grand Total

Total number of all actual and attempted arson offenses both founded and unfounded, which occurred in all of the previously described fields

Number 5 value must total fields 18, 21 and 22 added together

Column 3 Unfounded Complaints

24 Y Single Occupancy Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in a single occupancy residential structure

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

25 Y Other Residence Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in other residential structures

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

26 Y Storage Buildings Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in a storage structure of any type

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

27 Y Industrial & Manufacturing

Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in any type of industrial and/or manufacturing structure

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Column 3 continued

28 Y Other Commercial Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in any type of other commercial structure

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

29 Y Community or Public Buildings

Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in any type of community and/or public structures

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

30 Y All Other Structures Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in any type of structures not already accounted for

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

31 Y Total Structural Total number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in a structure of any type

Number 5 value must total fields 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 added together

32 Y Motor Vehicle Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in or involved motor vehicle

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

33 Y Other Mobile

Number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in or involved mobile property other than motor vehicles

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

34 Y Total Mobile Total number of all unfounded arson offenses which involved motor vehicles and other mobile property

Number 5 value must total fields 32 and 33 added together

35 Y Total Other

Total number of all unfounded arson offenses which involved any type of property not classified as structural or mobile

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

36 Y Grand Total Total number of all unfounded arson offenses which occurred in all of the previously described fields

Number 5 value must equal fields 31, 34 and 35 added together

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Column 4 Number of Actual Offenses

37 Y Single Occupancy Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in a single occupancy residential structure

Number 5 value must equal field 11 less field 24

38 Y Other Residence Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in other residential structure

Number 5 value must equal field 12 less field 25

39 Y Storage Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in a storage structure of any type

Number 5 value must equal field 13 less field 26

40 Y Industrial & Manufacturing

Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in any type of industrial and/or manufacturing structure

Number 5 value must equal field 14 less field 27

41 Y Other Commercial Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in any type of other commercial structure

Number 5 value must equal field 15 less field 28

42 Y Community or Public Buildings

Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in any type of community and/or public structures

Number 5 value must equal field 16 less field 29

43 Y All Other Structures Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in all other structures not already accounted for

Number 5 value must equal field 17 less field 30

44 Y Total Structures Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in all structures Number 5 value must equal fields 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43

added together and equal field 18 less field 31

45 Y Motor Vehicle Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in or involved motor vehicles

Number 5 value must equal field 19 less field 32

46 Y Other Mobile Number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in or involved mobile property other than motor vehicles

Number 5 value must equal field 20 less field 33

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Column 4 continued

47 Y Total Mobile Number of all founded arson offenses which involved motor vehicles and other mobile property

Number 5 value must equal fields 45 and 46 added together and equal field 21 less field 34

48 Y Total Other Number of all founded arson offenses which involved all types of property not classified as structural or mobile

Number 5 value must equal field 22 less field 35

49 Y Grand Total Total number of all founded arson offenses which occurred in all of the previously described fields

Number 5 value must equal fields 44, 47 and 48 added together and equal field 23 less field 36

Column 5 Total Offenses Cleared

50 Y Single Occupancy

Number of arson offenses occurring in a single occupancy residential structure which were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 63

51 Y Other Residence

Number of arson offenses occurring in a other residential structure which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 64

52 Y Storage

Number of arson offenses occurring in a storage structure of any type which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 65

53 Y Industrial & Manufacturing

Number of arson offenses occurring in any type of industrial and/or manufacturing structure which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 66

54 Y Other Commercial

Number of arson offenses occurring in any type of commercial structure which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 67

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Column 5 continued

55 Y Community or Public Buildings

Number of arson offenses occurring in any type of community and/or public structures which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 68

56 Y All Other Structures

Number of arson offenses occurring in all other structures which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 69

57 Y Total Structures

Total Number of arson offenses occurring in all previously described structures which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must equal fields 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56 added together and must be >= field 70

58 Y Motor Vehicle

Number of arson offenses occurring in or involving motor vehicles which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 71

59 Y Other Mobile

Number of arson offenses occurring in or involving mobile property other than motor vehicles which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 72

60 Y Total Mobile

Total Number of arson offenses which involved motor vehicles and other mobile property which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must equal fields 58 and 59 added together and must be >= field 73

61 Y Total Other

Total Number of arson offenses which involved all types of property not classified as structural or mobile which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must be >= field 74

62 Y Grand Total

Total Number of arson offenses which occurred in all of the previously described fileds which were cleared either by arrest of exceptional means

Number 5 value must equal fields 57, 60 and 61 added together and must be >= field 75

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Column 6 Number of Clearances involving persons under 18

63 Y Single Occupancy

Number of arson offenses occurring in a single occupancy residential structure which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 50

64 Y Other Residence

Number of arson offenses occurring in a other residential structures which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 51

65 Y Storage

Number of arson offenses occurring in a storage structure of any type which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 52

66 Y Industrial & Manufacturing

Number of arson offenses occurring in any type of industrial and/or manufacturing structure which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 53

67 Y Other Commercial

Number of arson offenses occurring in any type of other commercial structure which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 54

68 Y Community or Public Buildings

Number of arson offenses occurring in any type of community and/or public structures which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 55

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Column 6 continued

69 Y All Other Structures

Number of arson offenses occurring in all other structures which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 56

70 Y Total Structural

Total Number of arson offenses occurring in all previously described structures which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must equal fields 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69 added together and must be <= field 57

71 Y Motor Vehicle

Number of arson offenses occurring in or involving motor vehicles which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 58

72 Y Other Mobile

Number of arson offenses occurring in or involving mobile property other than motor vehicles which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 59

73 Y Total Mobile

Total Number of arson offenses involving motor vehicles and other mobile property previously described which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must equal fields 71 and 72 added together and must be <= field 60

74 Y Total Other

Total Number of arson offenses involving all types of property not classified as structural or mobile which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must be <= field 61

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Column 6 continued

75 Y Grand Total

Total Number of arson offenses which occurred in all of the previously described fields which were cleared either by exceptional means and where all persons arrested or cleared were under the age of 18

Number 5 value must equal fields 70, 73 and 74 added together and must be <= field 62

Column 7 Offenses where structures where uninhabited

76 Y Single Occupancy

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in a single occupancy residential structure that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted or not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

77 Y Other Residence

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in other residential structures that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

78 Y Storage

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in storage structure of any type that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

79 Y Industrial & Manufacturing

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in any type industrial and/or manufacturing structure that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

80 Y Other Commercial

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in any type of other commercial structure that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

81 Y Community or Public Buildings

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in any type of community and/or public structures that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter IV – Arson page 13 of 13 Section II – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 7 continued

82 Y All Other Structures

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in any type of structure not already accounted for that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

83 Y Total Structural

Total Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in a structure of any type that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must total fields 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 and 82 added together

84 Y Motor Vehicle

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in or involved motor vehicles that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

85 Y Other Mobile

Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in or involved mobile property other than motor vehicles that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

86 Y Total Mobile

Total Number of all founded arson offenses, which involved motor vehicles and other mobile property that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must total fields 84 and 85 added together

87 Y Total Other

Number of all founded arson offenses, which involved any type of property not classified as structural or mobile that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

88 Y Grand Total

Total Number of all founded arson offenses, which occurred in all of the previously described fields that, was uninhabited, abandoned, deserted of not normally used

Number 5 value must total fields 83, 86 and 87 added together

Chapter IV – Arson page 14 of 14 Section II – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 8 Estimated Value of Property

89 Y Single Occupancy

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with a single occupancy residential structure

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

90 Y Other Residence

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with a other residential structures

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

91 Y Storage

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with storage structures

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

92 Y Industrial & Manufacturing

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated any industrial and/or manufacturing structures

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

93 Y Other Commercial

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with other commercial structures

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

94 Y Community or Public Buildings

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with community and/or public buildings

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

95 Y All Other Structures

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with any type of structure not already accounted for

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

96 Y Total Structural

Total estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with all of the structures previously mentioned

Number 10 value must total fields 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 and 95 added together

Chapter IV – Arson page 15 of 15 Section II – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Column 8 Continued

97 Y Motor Vehicle

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with motor vehicles

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

98 Y Other Mobile

Estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with other mobile property

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

99 Y Total Mobile

Total estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with motor vehicles and other mobile property

Number 10 must total fields 97 and 98 added together

100 Y Total Other

Total estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses associated with any type of property not classified as structural or mobile

Number 10 value must be zero if nothing to report

101 Y Grand Total

Total estimated dollar value of all property damage that was a result of founded arson offenses which occurred in all of the previously described fields

Number 10 must total fields 96, 99 and 100 added together

Chapter IV – Arson page 16 of 16 Section II – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Arson Offenses electronic file format Data being reported from your Arson Offenses report for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program 1510 East Elm St.

Jefferson City, MO 65101


Send Arson Offenses data in a flat ASCII file named: arson.txt Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

3 Jurisdiction ORI 1-9

2 Date 10-15

1 Submitting ORI 16-24

10 Date Submitted 25-32

Update Flag 33

Column 2

11 Single Occupancy 34-38

12 Other Residence 39-43

13 Storage 44-48

14 Industrial & Manufacturing 49-53

15 Other Commercial 54-58

16 Community or Public Buildings 59-63

17 All Other Structures 64-68

18 Total Structural 69-73

19 Motor Vehicles 74-78

20 Other Mobile 79-83

21 Total Mobile 84-88

22 Total Other 89-93

23 Grand Total 94-98

Column 3

24 Single Occupancy 99-103

25 Other Residence 104-108

26 Storage Buildings 109-113

27 Industrial & Manufacturing 114-118

28 Other Commercial 119-123

29 Community or Public Buildings 124-128

30 All Other Structures 129-133

31 Total Structural 134-138

32 Motor Vehicle 139-143

Chapter IV - Arson page 17 of 17 Section IV – Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

33 Other Mobile 144-148

34 Total Mobile 149-153

35 Total Other 154-158

36 Grand Total 159-163

Column 4

37 Single Occupancy 164-168

38 Other Residence 169-173

39 Storage 174-178

40 Industrial & Manufacturing 179-183

41 Other Commercial 184-188

42 Community or Public Buildings 189-193

43 All Other Structures 194-198

44 Total Structures 199-203

45 Motor Vehicle 204-208

46 Other Mobile 209-213

47 Total Mobile 214-218

48 Total Other 219-223

49 Grand Total 224-228

Column 5

50 Single Occupancy 229-233

51 Other Residence 234-238

52 Storage 239-243

53 Industrial & Manufacturing 244-248

54 Other Commercial 249-253

55 Community or Public Buildings 254-258

56 All Other Structures 259-263

57 Total Structures 264-268

58 Motor Vehicle 269-273

59 Other Mobile 274-278

60 Total Mobile 279-283

61 Total Other 284-288

62 Grand Total 289-293

Column 6

63 Single Occupancy 294-298

64 Other Residence 299-303

65 Storage 304-308

Chapter IV - Arson page 18 of 18 Section IV – Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

66 Industrial & Manufacturing 309-313

67 Other Commercial 314-318

68 Community or Public Buildings 319-323

69 All Other Structures 324-328

70 Total Structural 329-333

71 Motor Vehicle 334-338

72 Other Mobile 339-343

73 Total Mobile 344-348

74 Total Other 349-353

75 Grand Total 354-358

Column 7

76 Single Occupancy 359-363

77 Other Residence 364-368

78 Storage 369-373

79 Industrial & Manufacturing 374-378

80 Other Commercial 379-383

81 Community or Public Buildings 384-388

82 All Other Structures 389-393

83 Total Structural 394-398

84 Motor Vehicle 399-403

85 Other Mobile 404-408

86 Total Mobile 409-413

87 Total Other 414-418

88 Grand Total 419-423

Column 8

89 Single Occupancy 424-433

90 Other Residence 434-443

91 Storage 444-453

92 Industrial & Manufacturing 454-463

93 Other Commercial 464-473

94 Community or Public Buildings 474-483

95 All Other Structures 484-493

96 Total Structural 494-503

97 Motor Vehicle 504-513

98 Other Mobile 514-523

99 Total Mobile 524-533

Chapter IV - Arson page 19 of 19 Section IV – Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter IV - Arson page 20 of 20 Section IV – Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

100 Total Other 534-543

101 Grand Total 544-553

Initial Report Flag 554

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter V - Law Enforcement Employees page 1 of 7 Section I – Introduction

Chapter V - Annual Count of Law Enforcement Employees This report asks for a simple count of all full-time paid employees, both sworn officers and civilians, on the payroll as of October 31, of the reported year. Agencies should report all full-time sworn personnel with full arrest power. Civilian employees counted and reported on this report should include persons paid from law enforcement funds. Count those employees who may be on leave with pay. This report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before an Annual Count of Law Enforcement Employees report can be submitted. This Annual Count of Law Enforcement Employees requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved, federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be excepted into the MoUCR program.

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter V - Law Enforcement Employees page 2 of 7 Section I – Introduction

Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected].

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Chapter V - Law Enforcement Employees page 3 of 7 Section III –Example Forms


4 3



8 10


6 7

12 11 13

14 15 16

17 18 19

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter V - Law Enforcement Employees page 4 of 7 Section III –Field Definitions

Law Enforcement Employees field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting Agency ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9 Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MM/YYYY month is reported numerically, as January

is 01, February is 02.

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9 Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/City Headquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 N Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter V - Law Enforcement Employees page 5 of 7 Section III –Field Definitions

11 Y Male Officers

Number of all male full-time sworn law enforcement officers who were on your department’s payroll as of October 31 and who work your normal full-time workweek.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

12 Y Female Officers

Number of all female full-time sworn law enforcement officers who were on your department’s payroll as of October 31 and who work your normal full-time workweek.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

13 Y Total Officers

Total number of all male and female full-time sworn law enforcement officers who were on your department’s payroll as of October 31 and who work your normal full-time workweek.

Number 5 value must equal fields 11 and 12 added together

14 Y Male Civilians

Number of all male full-time civilian employees who were on your department’s payroll as of October 31 and who work your normal full-time workweek.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

15 Y Female Civilians

Number of all female full-time civilian employees who were on your department’s payroll as of October 31 and who work your normal full-time workweek.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

16 Y Total Civilian Employees

Total number of male and female full-time civilian employees who were on your department’s payroll as of October 31 and who work your normal full-time workweek.

Number 5 value must equal fields 14 and 15 added together

17 Y Male Total

Total number of male full-time law enforcement officers and civilians on your department’s payroll as of October 31.

Number 5 value must equal fields 11 and 14 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter V - Law Enforcement Employees page 6 of 7 Section III –Field Definitions

18 Y Female Total

Total number of female full-time law enforcement officers and civilians on your department’s payroll as of October 31.

Number 5 value must equal fields 12 and 15 added together

19 Y Total Male and Female Employees

Total number of male and female employees for a law enforcement agency as October 31 of a given year.

Number 5 value must equal fields 13 and 16 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter V - Law Enforcement Employees page 7 of 7 Section IV – Electronic File Format

Law Enforcement Employees electronic file format Data being reported from your Annual Count of Law Enforcement Employees for the month of October should be sent to the following address: UCR Program

1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Or Email [email protected]

Send Annual Count of Law Enforcement Employees data in a flat ASCII file named: lawenemp.txt Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

2 Date 1-6 10 Date Submitted 7-14

Update Flag 15

11 Male Officers 16-20 12 Female Officers 21-25 13 Total Officers 26-30 14 Male Civilians 31-35 15 Female Civilians 36-40 16 Total Civilian Employees 41-45 17 Male Total 46-50 18 Female Total 51-55 19 Total Male and Female Employees 56-60

Initial Report Flag 61 3 Jurisdiction ORI 62-76 Initial Report Flag 77

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VI - Age, Sex and Race of Persons Arrested Under 18 Years of Age

The Age, Sex and Race of Persons Arrested Under 18 Years of Age (Persons Arrested Under 18) report is used for the monthly collection of arrest data. Data is collected for the total number of persons under 18 years of age who are arrested, cited or summoned for criminal acts in all of the crime classes. Basic data concerning the personal characteristics of persons arrested is also collected. This Persons Arrested Under 18 report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before a Persons Arrested Under 18 Report can be submitted. The Persons Arrested Under 18 report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved, federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be accepted into the MoUCR program.

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 1 of 1 Section I - Introduction

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected]. For help with questions about the MoUCR program in general, please contact the UCR program department at [email protected].

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 2 of 2 Section I - Introduction

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4 3



8 10


6 7

11 12 13 14 15

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 3 of 3 Section II – Example Form

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 4 of 4 Section II – Example Form

18 20 22 24 26 28 30 31 32 33

16 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

36 38 40 42 44 46 48 49 50 51


35 37 39 41 43 45 47 52 54 56 58 60 62 64

66 67 68 69 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 70


72 74 76 78 80 82 84 85 86 87

73 75 77 79 81 83 88 90 92 94 96 98 100

102 103 104 105 89 91 93 95 97 99 101

106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 121 122 123

107 109 111 113 115 117 119 124 126 128 130 132 134 136

138 139 140 141 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 142 144 146 148 150 152 154

156 157 158 159 143 145 147 149 151 153 155

160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 175 176 177

161 163 165 167 169 171 173 178 180 182 184 186 188 190

192 193 194 195 179 181 183 185 187 189 191

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 211 212 213

197 199 201 203 205 207 209 214 216 218 220 222 224 226

228 229 230 231 215 217 219 221 223 225 227

232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 247 248 249 233 235 237 239 241 243 245

250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 265 266 267

251 253 255 257 259 261 263 268 270 272 274 276 278 280

282 283 284 285 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 286 288 290 292 294 296 298

300 301 302 303 287 289 291 293 295 297 299


304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 319 320 321

307 309 311 313 315 317 322 324 326 328 330 332 334

336 337 338 339 323 325 327 329 331 333 335

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 5 of 5 Section II – Example Form

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 6 of 6 Section II – Example Form

340 342 344 346 348 350 352 354 355 356 357

341 343 345 347 349 351 353 358 360 362 364 366 368 370

372 373 374 375 359 376

361 363 365 367 369 371 378 380 382 384 386 388

390 391 392 393 377 379 381 383 385 387 389

395 396 398 400 402 404 406

408 409 410 411 397 399 401 403 405 407 394

412 414 416 418 420 422 424 426 427 428 429

413 415 419 421 423 425

430 432 434 436 438 440 442 444 445 446 447

433 435 437 439 441 443 431

448 450 452 454 456 458 460 462 463 464 465 449 451 453 455 457 459 461

466 468 470 472 474 476 478 480 481 482 483

467 469 471 473 475 477 479 484 486 488 490 492 494 496

498 499 500 501 485 487 489 491 493 495 497

502 504 506 508 510 512 514 516 517 518 519

503 505 507 509 511 513 515

520 522 524 526 528 530 532 534 535 536 537

521 523 525 527 529 531 533


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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

538 540 542 544 546 548 550 552 553 554 555

539 541 543 545 547 549 551 556 558 560 562 564 566 568

570 571 572 573 557 559 561 563 565 567 569

574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 589 590 591

575 577 579 581 583 585 587 592 594 596 598 600 602 604

606 607 608 609 593 595 597 599 601 603 605 610 612 614 616 618 620 622

624 635 626 627 611 613 615 617 619 621 623 628 630 632 634 636 638 640

642 643 644 645 629 631 633 635 637 639 641 646 648 650 652 654 656 658

660 661 662 663 647 649 651 653 655 657 659

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 7 of 7 Section II – Example Form

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 8 of 8 Section II – Example Form

664 666 668 670 672 674 676 678 679 680 681

665 667 669 671 673 675 677 682 684 686 688 690 692 694

696 697 698 699 683 685 687 689 691 693 695 700 702 704 706 708 710 712

714 715 716 717 701 703 705 707 709 711 713 718 720 722 724 726 728 730

732 733 734 735 719 721 723 725 727 729 731 736 738 740 742 744 746 748

750 751 752 753 737 739 741 743 745 747 749 754 756 758 760 762 764 766

768 769 770 771 755 757 759 761 763 765 767 772 774 776 778 780 782 784

786 787 788 789 773 775 777 779 781 783 785 790 792 794 796 798 800 802

804 805 806 807 791 793 795 797 799 801 803

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Persons Arrested Under 18 field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting Agency ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MMYYYY month is reported numerically, as January

is 01, year is 2000.

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/CityHeadquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 Y Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 9 of 9 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

11 Y Total Handled and Releases

Number of persons under the age of 18 that were handled within the department and released.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

12 Y Total Referred to Juvenile Court or Probation

Number of persons under the age of 18 that were referred to juvenile court or probation department.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

13 Y Total Referred to Welfare Number of persons under the age of 18 that were referred to welfare agency.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

14 Y Total Referred to Other Police Agency

Number of persons under the age of 18 that were referred to other police agency.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

15 Y Total Referred to Criminal of Adult Court

Number of persons under the age of 18 that were referred to criminal or adult court.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 01a - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter

16 Y Male Under 10 – Murder Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

17 Y Female Under 10 – Murder Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

18 Y Male 10-12 – Murder Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

19 Y Female 10-12 – Murder Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

20 Y Male 13-14 – Murder Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 10 of 10 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 01a - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter continued

21 Y Female 13-14 – Murder Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

22 Y Male 15 – Murder Number of males age 15 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

23 Y Female 15 – Murder Number of females age 15 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

24 Y Male 16 – Murder Number of males age 16 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

25 Y Female 16 – Murder Number of females age 16 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

26 Y Male 17 – Murder Number of males age 17 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

27 Y Female 17 – Murder Number of females age 17 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

28 Y Total Male Under 18 – Murder

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 6 Value must equal fields 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 added together

29 Y Total Female Under 18 – Murder

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 6 Value must equal fields 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 and 27 added together

30 Y White total under 18 - Murder

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 11 of 11 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 01a - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter continued

31 Y Black total under 18 - Murder

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

32 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Murder

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

33 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Murder

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 01b - Manslaughter by Negligence

34 Y Male Under 10 – Manslaughter

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

35 Y Female Under 10 – Manslaughter

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

36 Y Male 10-12 – Manslaughter

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

37 Y Female 10-12 – Manslaughter

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

38 Y Male 13-14 – Manslaughter

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

39 Y Female 13-14 – Manslaughter

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

40 Y Male 15 – Manslaughter Number of males age 15 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 12 of 12 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 01b - Manslaughter by Negligence continued

41 Y Female 15 – Manslaughter Number of females age 15 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

42 Y Male 16 – Manslaughter Number of males age 16 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

43 Y Female 16 – Manslaughter Number of females age 16 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

44 Y Male 17 – Manslaughter Number of males age 17 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

45 Y Female 17 – Manslaughter Number of females age 17 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

46 Y Total Male Under 18 – Manslaughter

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 6 Value must equal fields 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 added together

47 Y Total Female Under 18– Manslaughter

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 6 Value must equal fields 35, 37, 39, 41, 43 and 45 added together

48 Y White total under 18 - Manslaughter

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

49 Y Black total under 18 - Manslaughter

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

50 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Manslaughter

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

51 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Manslaughter

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 13 of 13 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 02 - Forcible Rape

52 Y Male Under 10 – Forcible Rape

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

53 Y Female Under 10 – Forcible Rape

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

54 Y Male 10-12 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

55 Y Female 10-12 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

56 Y Male 13-14 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

57 Y Female 13-14 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

58 Y Male 15 – Forcible Rape Number of males age 15 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

59 Y Female 15 – Forcible Rape Number of females age 15 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

60 Y Male 16 – Forcible Rape Number of males age 16 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

61 Y Female 16 – Forcible Rape Number of females age 16 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

62 Y Male 17 – Forcible Rape Number of males age 17 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

63 Y Female 17 – Forcible Rape Number of females age 17 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

64 Y Total Male Under 18 – Forcible Rape

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 6 Value must equal fields 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 and 62

added together

65 Y Total Female Under 18– Forcible Rape

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 6 Value must equal fields 53, 55, 57, 59, 61 and 63

added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 14 of 14 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 02 - Forcible Rape continued

66 Y White total under 18 - Forcible Rape

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

67 Y Black total under 18 - Forcible Rape

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

68 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Forcible Rape

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

69 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Forcible Rape

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 03 - Robbery

70 Y Male Under 10 – Robbery Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

71 Y Female Under 10 – Robbery

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

72 Y Male 10-12 – Robbery Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

73 Y Female 10-12 – Robbery Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

74 Y Male 13-14 – Robbery Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

75 Y Female 13-14 – Robbery Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

76 Y Male 15 – Robbery Number of males age 15 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

77 Y Female 15 – Robbery Number of females age 15 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

78 Y Male 16 – Robbery Number of males age 16 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 15 of 15 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 03 – Robbery continued

79 Y Female 16 – Robbery Number of females age 16 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

80 Y Male 17 – Robbery Number of males age 17 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

81 Y Female 17 – Robbery Number of females age 17 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

82 Y Total Male Under 18 – Robbery

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for robbery Number 6 Value must equal fields 70, 72, 74, 76, 78 and 80

added together

83 Y Total Female Under 18– Robbery

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for robbery Number 6 Value must equal fields 71, 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81

added together

84 Y White total under 18 - Robbery

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for robbery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

85 Y Black total under 18 - Robbery

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for robbery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

86 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Robbery

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for robbery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

87 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Robbery

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for robbery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 04 – Aggravated Assault

88 Y Male Under 10 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

89 Y Female Under 10 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 16 of 16 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 04 – Aggravated Assault continued

90 Y Male 10-12 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

91 Y Female 10-12 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

92 Y Male 13-14 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

93 Y Female 13-14 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

94 Y Male 15 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

95 Y Female 15 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

96 Y Male 16 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

97 Y Female 16 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

98 Y Male 17 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

99 Y Female 17 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

100 Y Total Male Under 18 – Aggravated Assault

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 6 Value must equal fields 88, 90, 92, 94, 96 and 98

added together

101 Y Total Female Under 18– Aggravated Assault

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 6 Value must equal fields 89, 91, 93, 95, 97 and 99

added together

102 Y White total under 18 - Aggravated Assault

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

103 Y Black total under 18 - Aggravated Assault

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 17 of 17 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 04 – Aggravated Assault continued

104 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Aggravated Assault

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

105 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Aggravated Assault

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 05 – Burglary

106 Y Male Under 10 – Burglary Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

107 Y Female Under 10 – Burglary

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

108 Y Male 10-12 – Burglary Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

109 Y Female 10-12 – Burglary Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

110 Y Male 13-14 – Burglary Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

111 Y Female 13-14 – Burglary Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

112 Y Male 15 – Burglary Number of males age 15 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

113 Y Female 15 – Burglary Number of females age 15 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

114 Y Male 16 – Burglary Number of males age 16 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

115 Y Female 16 – Burglary Number of females age 16 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 18 of 18 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 05 – Burglary continued

116 Y Male 17 – Burglary Number of males age 17 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

117 Y Female 17 – Burglary Number of females age 17 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

118 Y Total Male Under 18 – Burglary

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for burglary Number 6 Value must equal fields 106, 108, 110, 112, 114 and

116 added together

119 Y Total Female Under 18– Burglary

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for burglary Number 6 Value must equal fields 107, 109, 111, 113, 115 and

117 added together

120 Y White total under 18 – Burglary

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

121 Y Black total under 18 – Burglary

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

122 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Burglary

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

123 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Burglary

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 06 – Larceny-Theft

124 Y Male Under 10 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

125 Y Female Under 10 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

126 Y Male 10-12 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

127 Y Female 10-12 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 19 of 19 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 06 – Larceny-Theft continued

128 Y Male 13-14 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

129 Y Female 13-14 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

130 Y Male 15 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age 15 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

131 Y Female 15 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age 15 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

132 Y Male 16 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age 16 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

133 Y Female 16 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age 16 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

134 Y Male 17 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age 17 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

135 Y Female 17 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age 17 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

136 Y Total Male Under 18 – Larceny-Theft

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 6 Value must equal fields 124, 126, 128, 130, 132 and

134 added together

137 Y Total Female Under 18– Larceny-Theft

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 6 Value must equal fields 125, 127, 129, 131, 133 and

135 added together

138 Y White total under 18 – Larceny-Theft

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

139 Y Black total under 18 – Larceny-Theft

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

140 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Larceny-Theft

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 20 of 20 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 06 – Larceny-Theft continued

141 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Larceny-Theft

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 07 – Motor Vehicle Theft

142 Y Male Under 10 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

143 Y Female Under 10 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

144 Y Male 10-12 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

145 Y Female 10-12 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

146 Y Male 13-14 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

147 Y Female 13-14 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

148 Y Male 15 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

149 Y Female 15 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

150 Y Male 16 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

151 Y Female 16 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

152 Y Male 17 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

153 Y Female 17 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 21 of 21 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 07 – Motor Vehicle Theft continued

154 Y Total Male Under 18– Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 6 Value must equal fields 142, 144, 146, 148, 150 and

152 added together

155 Y Total Female Under 18– Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 6 Value must equal fields 143, 145, 147, 149, 151 and

153 added together

156 Y White total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

157 Y Black total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

158 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

159 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 08 – Other Assaults

160 Y Male Under 10 – Other Assaults

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

161 Y Female Under 10 – Other Assaults

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

162 Y Male 10-12 – Other Assaults

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

163 Y Female 10-12 – Other Assaults

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

164 Y Male 13-14 – Other Assaults

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 22 of 22 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 08 – Other Assaults continued

165 Y Female 13-14 – Other Assaults

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

166 Y Male 15 – Other Assaults Number of males age 15 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

167 Y Female 15 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

168 Y Male 16 – Other Assaults Number of males age 16 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

169 Y Female 16 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

170 Y Male 17 – Other Assaults Number of males age 17 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

171 Y Female 17 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

172 Y Total Male Under 18 – Other Assaults

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for other assaults Number 6 Value must equal fields 160, 162, 164, 166, 168 and

170 added together

173 Y Total Female Under 18– Other Assaults

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for other assaults Number 6 Value must equal fields 161, 163, 165, 167, 169 and

171 added together

174 Y White total under 18 – Other Assaults

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

175 Y Black total under 18 – Other Assaults

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

176 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Other Assaults

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

177 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Other Assaults

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 23 of 23 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 09 – Arson

178 Y Male Under 10 – Arson Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

179 Y Female Under 10 – Arson Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

180 Y Male 10-12 – Arson Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

181 Y Female 10-12 – Arson Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

182 Y Male 13-14 – Arson Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

183 Y Female 13-14 – Arson Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

184 Y Male 15 – Arson Number of males age 15 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

185 Y Female 15 – Arson Number of females age 15 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

186 Y Male 16 – Arson Number of males age 16 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

187 Y Female 16 – Arson Number of females age 16 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

188 Y Male 17 – Arson Number of males age 17 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

189 Y Female 17 – Arson Number of females age 17 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

190 Y Total Male Under 18 – Arson

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for arson Number 6 Value must equal 178, 180, 182, 184, 186 and 188

added together

191 Y Total Female Under 18– Arson

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for arson Number 6 Value must equal fields 179, 181, 183, 185, 187 and

189 added together

192 Y White total under 18 – Arson

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for arson

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 24 of 24 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 09 – Arson continued

193 Y Black total under 18 – Arson

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for arson

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

194 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Arson

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for arson

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

195 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Arson

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for arson

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

196 Y Male Under 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

197 Y Female Under 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

198 Y Male 10-12 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

199 Y Female 10-12 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

200 Y Male 13-14 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

201 Y Female 13-14 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

202 Y Male 15 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

203 Y Female 15 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

204 Y Male 16 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 25 of 25 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting continued

205 Y Female 16 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

206 Y Male 17 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

207 Y Female 17 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

208 Y Total Male Under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 6 value must equal fields 196, 198, 200, 202, 204 and 206 added together

209 Y Total Female Under 18– Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 6 value must equal fields 197, 199, 201, 203, 205 and 207 added together

210 Y White total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

211 Y Black total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

212 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

213 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 11– Fraud

214 Y Male Under 10 – Fraud Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

215 Y Female Under 10 – Fraud Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

216 Y Male 10-12 – Fraud Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 26 of 26 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 11– Fraud continued

217 Y Female 10-12 – Fraud Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

218 Y Male 13-14 – Fraud Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

219 Y Female 13-14 – Fraud Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

220 Y Male 15 – Fraud Number of males age 15 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

221 Y Female 15 – Fraud Number of females age 15 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

222 Y Male 16 – Fraud Number of males age 16 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

223 Y Female 16 – Fraud Number of females age 16 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

224 Y Male 17 – Fraud Number of males age 17 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

225 Y Female 17 – Fraud Number of females age 17 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

226 Y Total Male Under 18 – Fraud

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for fraud Number 6 value must equal fields 214, 216, 218, 220, 222 and

224 added together

227 Y Total Female Under 18– Fraud

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for fraud Number 6 value must equal fields 215, 217, 219, 221, 223 and

225 added together

228 Y White total under 18 – Fraud

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for fraud

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

229 Y Black total under 18 – Fraud

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for fraud

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

230 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Fraud

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for fraud

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 27 of 27 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 11– Fraud continued

231 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Fraud

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for fraud

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 12– Embezzlement

232 Y Male Under 10 – Embezzlement

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

233 Y Female Under 10 – Embezzlement

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

234 Y Male 10-12 – Embezzlement

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

235 Y Female 10-12 – Embezzlement

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

236 Y Male 13-14 – Embezzlement

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

237 Y Female 13-14 – Embezzlement

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

238 Y Male 15 – Embezzlement Number of males age 15 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

239 Y Female 15 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

240 Y Male 16 – Embezzlement Number of males age 16 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

241 Y Female 16 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

242 Y Male 17 – Embezzlement Number of males age 17 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

243 Y Female 17 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

244 Y Total Male Under 18 – Embezzlement

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 6 value must equal fields 232, 234, 236, 238, 240 and

242 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 28 of 28 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 12– Embezzlement continued

245 Y Total Female Under 18– Embezzlement

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 6 value must equal fields 233, 235, 237, 239, 241 and

243 added together

246 Y White total under 18 – Embezzlement

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

247 Y Black total under 18 – Embezzlement

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

248 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Embezzlement

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

249 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Embezzlement

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 13– Stolen Property

250 Y Male Under 10 – Stolen Property

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

251 Y Female Under 10 – Stolen Property

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for stolen property

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

252 Y Male 10-12 – Stolen Property

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

253 Y Female 10-12 – Stolen Property

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

254 Y Male 13-14 – Stolen Property

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

255 Y Female 13-14 – Stolen Property

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

256 Y Male 15 – Stolen Property Number of males age 15 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

257 Y Female 15 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 29 of 29 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 13– Stolen Property continued

Y Male 16 – Stolen Property Number of males age 16 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Y Female 16 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report



Y 260 Male 17 – Stolen Property Number of males age 17 that were arrested for stolen property 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

261 Y Female 17 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for stolen property 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

262 Y Total Male Under 18 – Stolen Property

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for stolen property 6 value must equal fields 250, 252, 254, 256, 258 and

260 added together

263 Y Total Female Under 18– Stolen Property

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for stolen property 6 value must equal fields 251, 253, 255, 257, 259 and

261 added together

264 Y White total under 18 – Stolen Property

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for stolen property

5 value must be zero if nothing to report

265 Y Black total under 18 – Stolen Property

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for stolen property

5 value must be zero if nothing to report







266 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Stolen Property

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for stolen property

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

267 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Stolen Property

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for stolen property

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 14– Vandalism

268 Y Male Under 10 – Vandalism

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

269 Y Female Under 10 – Vandalism

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for vandalism 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

270 Y Male 10-12 – Vandalism Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report


Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 30 of 30 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 14– Vandalism continued

271 Y Female 10-12 – Vandalism Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

272 Y Male 13-14 – Vandalism Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

273 Y Female 13-14 – Vandalism Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

274 Y Male 15 – Vandalism Number of males age 15 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

275 Y Female 15 – Vandalism Number of females age 15 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

276 Y Male 16 – Vandalism Number of males age 16 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

277 Y Female 16 – Vandalism Number of females age 16 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

278 Y Male 17 – Vandalism Number of males age 17 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

279 Y Female 17 – Vandalism Number of females age 17 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

280 Y Total Male Under 18 – Vandalism

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for vandalism Number 6 value must equal fields 268, 270, 272, 274, 276 and

278 added together

281 Y Total Female Under 18– Vandalism

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for vandalism Number 6 value must equal fields 269, 271, 273, 275, 277 and

279 added together

282 Y White total under 18 – Vandalism

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

283 Y Black total under 18 – Vandalism

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

284 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Vandalism

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 31 of 31 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 14– Vandalism continued

285 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Vandalism

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 15– Weapons

286 Y Male Under 10 – Weapons Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

287 Y Female Under 10 – Weapons

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

288 Y Male 10-12 – Weapons Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

289 Y Female 10-12 – Weapons Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

290 Y Male 13-14 – Weapons Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

291 Y Female 13-14 – Weapons Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

292 Y Male 15 – Weapons Number of males age 15 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

293 Y Female 15 – Weapons Number of females age 15 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

294 Y Male 16 – Weapons Number of males age 16 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

295 Y Female 16 – Weapons Number of females age 16 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

296 Y Male 17 – Weapons Number of males age 17 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

297 Y Female 17 – Weapons Number of females age 17 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

298 Y Total Male Under 18 – Weapons

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for weapons Number 6 value must equal fields 286, 288, 290, 292, 294 and

296 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 32 of 32 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 15– Weapons continued

299 Y Total Female Under 18– Weapons

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for weapons Number 6 value must equal fields 287, 289, 291, 293, 295 and

297 added together

300 Y White total under 18 – Weapons

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

301 Y Black total under 18 – Weapons

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

302 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Weapons

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

303 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Weapons

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 16– Prostitution

304 Y Male Under 10 – Prostitution

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

305 Y Female Under 10 – Prostitution

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

306 Y Male 10-12 – Prostitution Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

307 Y Female 10-12 – Prostitution

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

308 Y Male 13-14 – Prostitution Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

309 Y Female 13-14 – Prostitution

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

310 Y Male 15 – Prostitution Number of males age 15 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

311 Y Female 15 – Prostitution Number of females age 15 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 33 of 33 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 16– Prostitution continued

312 Y Male 16 – Prostitution Number of males age 16 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

313 Y Female 16 – Prostitution Number of females age 16 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

314 Y Male 17 – Prostitution Number of males age 17 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

315 Y Female 17 – Prostitution Number of females age 17 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

316 Y Total Male Under 18 – Prostitution

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for prostitution Number 6 value must equal fields 304, 306, 308, 310, 312 and

314 added together

317 Y Total Female Under 18– Prostitution

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for prostitution Number 6 value must equal fields 305, 307, 309, 311, 313 and

315 added together

318 Y White total under 18 – Prostitution

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

319 Y Black total under 18 – Prostitution

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

320 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Prostitution

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

321 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Prostitution

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 17– Sex Offenses

322 Y Male Under 10 – Sex Offenses

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

323 Y Female Under 10 – Sex Offenses

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

324 Y Male 10-12 – Sex Offenses Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 34 of 34 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 17 – Sex Offenses continued

325 Y Female 10-12 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

326 Y Male 13-14 – Sex Offenses

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

327 Y Female 13-14 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

328 Y Male 15 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 15 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

329 Y Female 15 – Sex Offenses Number of females age 15 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

330 Y Male 16 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 16 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

331 Y Female 16 – Sex Offenses Number of females age 16 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

332 Y Male 17 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 17 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

333 Y Female 17 – Sex Offenses Number of females age 17 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

334 Y Total Male Under 18 – Sex Offenses

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 6 value must equal fields 322, 324, 326, 328, 330 and

332 added together

335 Y Total Female Under 18– Sex Offenses

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 6 value must equal fields 323, 325, 327, 329, 331 and

333 added together

336 Y White total under 18 – Sex Offenses

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

337 Y Black total under 18 – Sex Offenses

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

338 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sex Offenses

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 35 of 35 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 17 – Sex Offenses continued

339 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sex Offenses

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 18 – Drug Abuse Violations - Grand Totals

340 Y Male Under 10 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 358 and 448 added together

341 Y Female Under 10 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 359 and 449 added together

342 Y Male 10-12 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 360 and 450 added together

343 Y Female 10-12 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 361 and 451 added together

344 Y Male 13-14 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 362 and 452 added together

345 Y Female 13-14 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 363 and 453 added together

346 Y Male 15 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age 15 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 364 and 454 added together

347 Y Female 15 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age 15 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 365 and 455 added together

348 Y Male 16 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age 16 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 366 and 456 added together

349 Y Female 16 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age 16 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 367 and 457 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 36 of 36 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 18 – Drug Abuse Violations - Grand Totals continued

350 Y Male 17 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age 17 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 368 and 458 added together

351 Y Female 17 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age 17 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 369 and 459 added together

352 Y Total Male Under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 6 value must equal fields 370 and 460 added together

353 Y Total Female Under 18– Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 6 value must equal fields 371and 461 added together

354 Y White total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 372 and 462 added together

355 Y Black total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 373 and 463 added together

356 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 374 and 464 added together

357 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 375 and 465 added together

Row 180 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Subtotal

358 Y Male Under 10 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 376, 394, 412 and 430 added together

359 Y Female Under 10 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 377, 395, 413 and 431 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 37 of 37 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Subtotal continued

360 Y Male 10-12 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 378, 396, 414 and 432 added together

361 Y Female 10-12 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 379, 397, 415 and 433 added together

362 Y Male 13-14 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 380, 398, 416 and 434 added together

363 Y Female 13-14 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 381, 399, 417 and 435 added together

364 Y Male 15 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age 15 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 382, 400, 418 and 436 added together

365 Y Female 15 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age 15 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 383, 401, 419 and 437 added together

366 Y Male 16 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age 16 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 384, 402, 420 and 438 added together

367 Y Female 16 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age 16 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 385, 403, 421 and 439 added together

368 Y Male 17 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age 17 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 386, 404, 422 and 440 added together

369 Y Female 17 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age 17 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 387, 405, 423 and 441 added together

370 Y Total Male Under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males under 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 6 value must equal fields 388, 406, 424 and 442 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 38 of 38 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Subtotal continued

371 Y Total Female Under 18– Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females under 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 6 value must equal fields 389, 407, 425 and 443 added together

372 Y White total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 390, 408, 426 and 444 added together

373 Y Black total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 391, 409, 427 and 445 added together

374 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 392, 410, 428 and 446 added together

375 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 393, 411, 429 and 447 added together

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine

376 Y Male Under 10 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

377 Y Female Under 10 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

378 Y Male 10-12 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

379 Y Female 10-12 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

380 Y Male 13-14 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 39 of 39 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine continued

381 Y Female 13-14 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

382 Y Male 15 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

383 Y Female 15 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

384 Y Male 16 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

385 Y Female 16 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

386 Y Male 17 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

387 Y Female 17 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

388 Y Total Male Under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 376, 378, 380, 382, 384 and 386 added together

389 Y Total Female Under 18– Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 377, 379, 381, 383, 385 and 387 added together

390 Y White total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

391 Y Black total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 40 of 40 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine continued

392 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

393 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 180 b – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Marijuana

394 Y Male Under 10 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

395 Y Female Under 10 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

396 Y Male 10-12 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

397 Y Female 10-12 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

398 Y Male 13-14 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

399 Y Female 13-14 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

400 Y Male 15 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

401 Y Female 15 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 41 of 41 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 b – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Marijuana continued

402 Y Male 16 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

403 Y Female 16 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

404 Y Male 17 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

405 Y Female 17 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

406 Y Total Male Under 18 – Sale Marijuana

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 6 value must equal fields 394, 396, 398, 400, 402 and 404 added together

407 Y Total Female Under 18– Sale Marijuana

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 6 value must equal fields 395, 397, 399, 401, 403 and 405 added together

408 Y White total under 18 – Sale Marijuana

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

409 Y Black total under 18 – Sale Marijuana

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

410 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Marijuana

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

411 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Marijuana

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 42 of 42 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 c – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Synthetic Narcotics

412 Y Male Under 10 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

413 Y Female Under 10 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

414 Y Male 10-12 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

415 Y Female 10-12 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

416 Y Male 13-14 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

417 Y Female 13-14 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

418 Y Male 15 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

419 Y Female 15 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

420 Y Male 16 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

421 Y Female 16 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

422 Y Male 17 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 43 of 43 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 c – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Synthetic Narcotics continued

423 Y Female 17 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

424 Y Total Male Under 18 – Sale Narcotics

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 412, 414, 416, 418, 420 and 422 added together

425 Y Total Female Under 18– Sale Narcotics

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 413, 415, 417, 419, 421 and 423 added together

426 Y White total under 18 – Sale Narcotics

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

427 Y Black total under 18 – Sale Narcotics

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

428 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Narcotics

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

429 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Narcotics

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 180 d – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs

430 Y Male Under 10 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

431 Y Female Under 10 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 44 of 44 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 d – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

432 Y Male 10-12 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

433 Y Female 10-12 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

434 Y Male 13-14 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

435 Y Female 13-14 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

436 Y Male 15 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

437 Y Female 15 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

438 Y Male 16 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

439 Y Female 16 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

440 Y Male 17 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

441 Y Female 17 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

442 Y Total Male Under 18 – Sale Other Drugs

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 6 value must equal fields 430, 432, 434, 436, 438 and 440 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 45 of 45 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 180 d – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

443 Y Total Female Under 18– Sale Other Drugs

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 6 value must equal fields 431, 433, 435, 437, 439 and 441 added together

444 Y White total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

445 Y Black total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

446 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

447 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 185 – Drug Possession – Subtotal

448 Y Male Under 10 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 466, 484, 502 and 520 added together

449 Y Female Under 10 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 467, 485, 503 and 521 added together

450 Y Male 10-12 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 468, 486, 504 and 522 added together

451 Y Female 10-12 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 469, 487, 505 and 523 added together

452 Y Male 13-14 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 470, 488, 506 and 524 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 46 of 46 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 – Drug Possession – Subtotal continued

453 Y Female 13-14 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 471, 489, 507 and 525 added together

454 Y Male 15 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age 15 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 472, 490, 508 and 526 added


455 Y Female 15 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age 15 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 473, 491, 509 and 527 added together

456 Y Male 16 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age 16 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 474, 492, 510 and 528 added


457 Y Female 16 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age 16 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 475, 493, 511 and 529 added together

458 Y Male 17 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age 17 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 476, 494, 512 and 530 added


459 Y Female 17 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age 17 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 477, 495, 513 and 531 added together

460 Y Total Male Under 18 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males under 18 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 6 value must equal fields 478, 496, 514 and 532 added together

461 Y Total Female Under 18– Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females under 18 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 6 value must equal fields 479, 497, 515 and 533 added together

462 Y White total under 18 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 480, 498, 516 and 534 added together

463 Y Black total under 18 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 481, 499, 517 and 535 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 47 of 47 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 – Drug Possession – Subtotal continued

464 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 482, 500, 518 and 536 added together

465 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 483, 501, 519 and 537 added together

Row 185 e – Drug Possession – Opium or Cocaine

466 Y Male Under 10 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

467 Y Female Under 10 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

468 Y Male 10-12 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

469 Y Female 10-12 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

470 Y Male 13-14 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

471 Y Female 13-14 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

472 Y Male 15 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

473 Y Female 15 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 48 of 48 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 e – Drug Possession – Opium or Cocaine continued

474 Y Male 16 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

475 Y Female 16 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

476 Y Male 17 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

477 Y Female 17 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

478 Y Total Male Under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 466, 468, 470, 472, 474 and 476 added together

479 Y Total Female Under 18– Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 467, 469, 471, 473, 475 and 477 added together

480 Y White total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

481 Y Black total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

482 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

483 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 49 of 49 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 f – Drug Possession – Marijuana

484 Y Male Under 10 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

485 Y Female Under 10 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

486 Y Male 10-12 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

487 Y Female 10-12 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

488 Y Male 13-14 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

489 Y Female 13-14 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

490 Y Male 15 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

491 Y Female 15 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

492 Y Male 16 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

493 Y Female 16 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

494 Y Male 17 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

495 Y Female 17 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

496 Y Total Male Under 18 – Possession Marijuana

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 6 value must equal fields 484, 486, 488, 490, 492 and 494 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 50 of 50 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 f – Drug Possession – Marijuana continued

497 Y Total Female Under 18– Possession Marijuana

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 6 value must equal fields 485, 487, 489, 491, 493 and 495 added together

498 Y White total under 18 – Possession Marijuana

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

499 Y Black total under 18 – Possession Marijuana

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

500 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Possession Marijuana

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

501 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Possession Marijuana

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 185 g – Drug Possession – Synthetic Narcotics

502 Y Male Under 10 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

503 Y Female Under 10 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

504 Y Male 10-12 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

505 Y Female 10-12 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

506 Y Male 13-14 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 51 of 51 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 g – Drug Possession – Synthetic Narcotics continued

507 Y Female 13-14 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

508 Y Male 15 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

509 Y Female 15 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

510 Y Male 16 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

511 Y Female 16 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

512 Y Male 17 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

513 Y Female 17 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

514 Y Total Male Under 18 – Possession Narcotics

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 502, 504, 506, 508, 510 and 512 added together

515 Y Total Female Under 18– Possession Narcotics

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 503, 505, 507, 509, 511 and 513 added together

516 Y White total under 18 – Possession Narcotics

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

517 Y Black total under 18 – Possession Narcotics

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 52 of 52 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 g – Drug Possession – Synthetic Narcotics continued

518 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Possession Narcotics

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

519 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Possession Narcotics

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 185 h – Drug Possession – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs

520 Y Male Under 10 – Other Drugs

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

521 Y Female Under 10 – Other Drugs

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

522 Y Male 10-12 – Other Drugs Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

523 Y Female 10-12 – Other Drugs

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

524 Y Male 13-14 – Other Drugs Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

525 Y Female 13-14 – Other Drugs

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

526 Y Male 15 – Other Drugs Number of males age 15 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

527 Y Female 15 – Other Drugs Number of females age 15 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

528 Y Male 16 – Other Drugs Number of males age 16 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 53 of 53 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 185 h – Drug Possession – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

529 Y Female 16 – Other Drugs Number of females age 16 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

530 Y Male 17 – Other Drugs Number of males age 17 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

531 Y Female 17 – Other Drugs Number of females age 17 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

532 Y Total Male Under 18 – Other Drugs

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 6 value must equal fields 520, 522, 524, 526, 528 and 530 added together

533 Y Total Female Under 18– Other Drugs

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 6 value must equal fields 521, 523, 525, 527, 529, and 531 added together

534 Y White total under 18 – Other Drugs

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

535 Y Black total under 18 – Other Drugs

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

536 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Other Drugs

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

537 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Other Drugs

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 19 – Gambling –Total

538 Y Male Under 10 – Gambling

Total number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 556, 574 and 592 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 54 of 54 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 19 – Gambling –Total continued

539 Y Female Under 10 – Gambling

Total number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 557, 575 and 593 added together

540 Y Male 10-12 – Gambling

Total number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 558, 576 and 594 added together

541 Y Female 10-12 – Gambling

Total number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 559, 577 and 595 added together

542 Y Male 13-14 – Gambling

Total number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 560, 578 and 596 added together

543 Y Female 13-14 – Gambling

Total number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 561, 579 and 597 added together

544 Y Male 15 – Gambling Total number of males age 15 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 562, 580 and 598 added together

545 Y Female 15 – Gambling Total number of females age 15 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 563, 581 and 599 added together

546 Y Male 16 – Gambling Total number of males age 16 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 564, 582 and 600 added together

547 Y Female 16 – Gambling Total number of females age 16 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 565, 583 and 601 added together

548 Y Male 17 – Gambling Total number of males age 17 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 566, 584 and 602 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 55 of 55 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 19 – Gambling –Total continued

549 Y Female 17 – Gambling Total number of females age 17 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 567, 585 and 603 added together

550 Y Total Male Under 18 – Gambling

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 6 value must equal fields 538, 540, 542, 544, 546 and 548 added together

551 Y Total Female Under 18– Gambling

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 6 value must equal fields 539, 541, 543, 545, 547 and 549 added together

552 Y White total under 18 – Gambling

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 570, 588 and 606 added together

553 Y Black total under 18 – Gambling

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 571, 589 and 607 added together

554 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Gambling

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 572, 590 and 608 added together

555 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Gambling

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 573, 591 and 609 added together

Row 19 a – Gambling – Bookmaking

556 Y Male Under 10 – Bookmaking

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

557 Y Female Under 10 – Bookmaking

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

558 Y Male 10-12 – Bookmaking Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 56 of 56 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 19 a – Gambling – Bookmaking continued

Female 10-12 – Bookmaking

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for bookmaking Y 559 Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for bookmaking Y 560 Male 13-14 – Bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Female 13-14 – Bookmaking

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for bookmaking Y 561 Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for bookmaking Y 562 Male 15 – Bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for bookmaking Y 563 Female 15 – Bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Y 564 Male 16 – Bookmaking Number of males age 16 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

565 Y Female 16 – Bookmaking Number of females age 16 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

566 Y Male 17 – Bookmaking Number of males age 17 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

567 Y Female 17 – Bookmaking Number of females age 17 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

568 Total Male Under 18 – Bookmaking

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 6 value must equal fields 556, 558, 560, 562, 564 and

566 added together

569 Y Total Female Under 18– Bookmaking

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 6 value must equal fields 557, 559, 561, 563, 565 and

567 added together

570 Y White total under 18 – Bookmaking

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

571 Y Black total under 18 – Bookmaking

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

572 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Bookmaking

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report


Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 57 of 57 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 19 a – Gambling – Bookmaking continued

573 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Bookmaking

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 19 b – Gambling – Number and Lottery

574 Y Male Under 10 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

575 Y Female Under 10 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

576 Y Male 10-12 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

577 Y Female 10-12 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

578 Y Male 13-14 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

579 Y Female 13-14 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

580 Y Male 15 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

581 Y Female 15 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

582 Y Male 16 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

583 Y Female 16 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

584 Y Male 17 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

585 Y Female 17 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

586 Y Total Male Under 18 – Numbers and Lottery

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 6 value must equal fields 574, 576, 578, 580, 582 and

584 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 58 of 58 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 19 b – Gambling – Number and Lottery continued

587 Y Total Female Under 18– Numbers and Lottery

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 6 value must equal fields 575, 577, 579, 581, 583 and

585 added together

588 Y White total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

589 Y Black total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

590 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

591 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 19 c – Gambling – All Other Gambling

592 Y Male Under 10 – All Other Gambling

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

593 Y Female Under 10 – All Other Gambling

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

594 Y Male 10-12 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

595 Y Female 10-12 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

596 Y Male 13-14 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

597 Y Female 13-14 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

598 Y Male 15 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 59 of 59 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 19 c – Gambling – All Other Gambling continued

599 Y Female 15 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

600 Y Male 16 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

601 Y Female 16 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

602 Y Male 17 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

603 Y Female 17 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

604 Y Total Male Under 18 – All Other Gambling

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 6 value must equal fields 592, 594, 596, 598, 600 and

602 added together

605 Y Total Female Under 18– All Other Gambling

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 6 value must equal fields 593, 595, 597, 599, 601 and

603 added together

606 Y White total under 18 – All Other Gambling

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

607 Y Black total under 18 – All Other Gambling

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

608 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – All Other Gambling

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

609 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – All Other Gambling

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children

610 Y Male Under 10 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 60 of 60 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children continued

611 Y Female Under 10 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

612 Y Male 10-12 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

613 Y Female 10-12 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

614 Y Male 13-14 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

615 Y Female 13-14 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

616 Y Male 15 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

617 Y Female 15 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

618 Y Male 16 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

619 Y Female 16 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

620 Y Male 17 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

621 Y Female 17 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 61 of 61 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children continued

622 Y Total Male Under 18 – Offenses Family/Children

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 6 value must equal fields 610, 612, 614, 616, 618 and 620 added together

623 Y Total Female Under 18– Offenses Family/Children

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 6 value must equal fields 611, 613, 615, 167, 619 and 621 added together

624 Y White total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

625 Y Black total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

626 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

627 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 21a – Driving under the Influence

628 Y Male Under 10 – DUI Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

629 Y Female Under 10 – DUI Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

630 Y Male 10-12 – DUI Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

631 Y Female 10-12 – DUI Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 62 of 62 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 21a – Driving under the Influence continued

632 Y Male 13-14 – DUI Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

633 Y Female 13-14 – DUI Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

634 Y Male 15 – DUI Number of males age 15 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

635 Y Female 15 – DUI Number of females age 15 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

636 Y Male 16 – DUI Number of males age 16 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

637 Y Female 16 – DUI Number of females age 16 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

638 Y Male 17 – DUI Number of males age 17 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

639 Y Female 17 – DUI Number of females age 17 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

640 Y Total Male Under 18 – DUI Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 628, 630, 632, 634, 636 and 638 added together

641 Y Total Female Under 18– DUI

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 629, 631, 633, 635, 637 and 639 added together

642 Y White total under 18 – DUI

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 63 of 63 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 21a – Driving under the Influence continued

643 Y Black total under 18 – DUI

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

644 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – DUI

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

645 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – DUI

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 21ab– Boating under the Influence

646 Y Male Under 10 – BUI Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

647 Y Female Under 10 – BUI

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

648 Y Male 10-12 – BUI Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

649 Y Female 10-12 – BUI Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

650 Y Male 13-14 – BUI Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

651 Y Female 13-14 – BUI Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 64 of 64 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 21ab– Boating under the Influence continued

652 Y Male 15 – BUI Number of males age 15 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

653 Y Female 15 – BUI Number of females age 15 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

654 Y Male 16 – BUI Number of males age 16 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

655 Y Female 16 – BUI Number of females age 16 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

656 Y Male 17 – BUI Number of males age 17 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

657 Y Female 17 – BUI Number of females age 17 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

658 Y Total Male Under 18 – BUI Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 646, 648, 650, 652, 654 and 656 added together

659 Y Total Female Under 18– BUI

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 647, 649, 651, 653, 655 and 657 added together

660 Y White total under 18 – BUI

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

661 Y Black total under 18 – BUI

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 65 of 65 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 21ab– Boating under the Influence continued

662 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – BUI

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

663 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – BUI

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 22 – Liquor Laws

664 Y Male Under 10 – Liquor Laws

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

665 Y Female Under 10 – Liquor Laws

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

666 Y Male 10-12 – Liquor Laws Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

667 Y Female 10-12 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

668 Y Male 13-14 – Liquor Laws Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

669 Y Female 13-14 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

670 Y Male 15 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 15 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

671 Y Female 15 – Liquor Laws Number of females age 15 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

672 Y Male 16 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 16 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

673 Y Female 16 – Liquor Laws Number of females age 16 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 66 of 66 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 22 – Liquor Laws continued

674 Y Male 17 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 17 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

675 Y Female 17 – Liquor Laws Number of females age 17 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

676 Y Total Male Under 18 – Liquor Laws

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 6 value must equal fields 664, 666, 668, 670, 672 and

674 added together

677 Y Total Female Under 18– Liquor Laws

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 6 value must equal fields 665, 667, 669, 671, 673 and

675 added together

678 Y White total under 18 – Liquor Laws

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

679 Y Black total under 18 – Liquor Laws

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

680 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Liquor Laws

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

681 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Liquor Laws

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 23 – Drunkenness

682 Y Male Under 10 – Drunkenness

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

683 Y Female Under 10 – Drunkenness

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

684 Y Male 10-12 – Drunkenness Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

685 Y Female 10-12 – Drunkenness

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

686 Y Male 13-14 – Drunkenness

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 67 of 67 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 23 – Drunkenness continued

687 Y Female 13-14 – Drunkenness

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

688 Y Male 15 – Drunkenness Number of males age 15 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

689 Y Female 15 – Drunkenness Number of females age 15 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

690 Y Male 16 – Drunkenness Number of males age 16 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

691 Y Female 16 – Drunkenness Number of females age 16 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

692 Y Male 17 – Drunkenness Number of males age 17 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

693 Y Female 17 – Drunkenness Number of females age 17 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

694 Y Total Male Under 18 – Drunkenness

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 6 value must equal fields 682, 684, 686, 688, 690 and

692 added together

695 Y Total Female Under 18– Drunkenness

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 6 value must equal fields 683, 685, 687, 689, 691 and

693 added together

696 Y White total under 18 – Drunkenness

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

697 Y Black total under 18 – Drunkenness

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

698 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drunkenness

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

699 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drunkenness

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 68 of 68 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 24 - Disorderly Conduct

700 Y Male Under 10 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

701 Y Female Under 10 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

702 Y Male 10-12 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

703 Y Female 10-12 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

704 Y Male 13-14 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

705 Y Female 13-14 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

706 Y Male 15 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

707 Y Female 15 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

708 Y Male 16 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

709 Y Female 16 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

710 Y Male 17 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

711 Y Female 17 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

712 Y Total Male Under 18 – Disorderly Conduct

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 6 value must equal fields 700, 702, 704, 706, 708 and

710 added together

713 Y Total Female Under 18– Disorderly Conduct

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 6 value must equal fields 701, 703, 705, 707, 709 and

711 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 69 of 69 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 24 - Disorderly Conduct continued

714 Y White total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

715 Y Black total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

716 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

717 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 25 – Vagrancy

718 Y Male Under 10 – Vagrancy Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

719 Y Female Under 10 – Vagrancy

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

720 Y Male 10-12 – Vagrancy Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

721 Y Female 10-12 – Vagrancy Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

722 Y Male 13-14 – Vagrancy Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

723 Y Female 13-14 – Vagrancy Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

724 Y Male 15 – Vagrancy Number of males age 15 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

725 Y Female 15 – Vagrancy Number of females age 15 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

726 Y Male 16 – Vagrancy Number of males age 16 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 70 of 70 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 25 – Vagrancy continued

727 Y Female 16 – Vagrancy Number of females age 16 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

728 Y Male 17 – Vagrancy Number of males age 17 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

729 Y Female 17 – Vagrancy Number of females age 17 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

730 Y Total Male Under 18 – Vagrancy

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 6 value must equal fields 718, 720, 722, 724, 726 and

728 added together

731 Y Total Female Under 18– Vagrancy

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 6 value must equal fields 719, 721, 723, 725, 727 and

729 added together

732 Y White total under 18 – Vagrancy

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

733 Y Black total under 18 – Vagrancy

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

734 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Vagrancy

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

735 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Vagrancy

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 26 – All Other Offenses

736 Y Male Under 10 – All Other Offenses

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

737 Y Female Under 10 – All Other Offenses

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

738 Y Male 10-12 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 26 – All Other Offenses continued

739 Y Female 10-12 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

740 Y Male 13-14 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

741 Y Female 13-14 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

742 Y Male 15 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

743 Y Female 15 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

744 Y Male 16 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

745 Y Female 16 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

746 Y Male 17 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

747 Y Female 17 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

748 Y Total Male Under 18 – All Other Offenses

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 6 value must equal fields 736, 738, 740, 742, 744 and 746 added together

749 Y Total Female Under 18– All Other Offenses

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 6 value must equal fields 737, 739, 741, 743, 745, 747 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 72 of 72 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 26 – All Other Offenses continued

750 Y White total under 18 – All Other Offenses

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

751 Y Black total under 18 – All Other Offenses

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

752 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – All Other Offenses

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

753 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – All Other Offenses

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 27 – Suspicion

754 Y Male Under 10 – Suspicion Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

755 Y Female Under 10 – Suspicion

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

756 Y Male 10-12 – Suspicion Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

757 Y Female 10-12 – Suspicion Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

758 Y Male 13-14 – Suspicion Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

759 Y Female 13-14 – Suspicion Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

760 Y Male 15 – Suspicion Number of males age 15 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

761 Y Female 15 – Suspicion Number of females age 15 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 73 of 73 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 27 – Suspicion continued

762 Y Male 16 – Suspicion Number of males age 16 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

763 Y Female 16 – Suspicion Number of females age 16 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

764 Y Male 17 – Suspicion Number of males age 17 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

765 Y Female 17 – Suspicion Number of females age 17 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

766 Y Total Male Under 18 – Suspicion

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for suspicion Number 6 value must equal fields 754, 756, 758, 760, 762 and

764 added together

767 Y Total Female Under 18– Suspicion

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for suspicion Number 6 value must equal fields 755, 757, 759, 761, 763 and

765 added together

768 Y White total under 18 – Suspicion

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

769 Y Black total under 18 – Suspicion

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

770 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Suspicion

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

771 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Suspicion

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 28 – Curfew and Loitering Law Violations

772 Y Male Under 10 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

773 Y Female Under 10 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 74 of 74 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 28 – Curfew and Loitering Law Violations continued

774 Y Male 10-12 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

775 Y Female 10-12 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

776 Y Male 13-14 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

777 Y Female 13-14 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

778 Y Male 15 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of males age 15 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

779 Y Female 15 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of females age 15 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

780 Y Male 16 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of males age 16 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

781 Y Female 16 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of females age 16 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

782 Y Male 17 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of males age 17 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

783 Y Female 17 – Curfew and Loitering

Number of females age 17 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

784 Y Total Male Under 18 – Curfew and Loitering

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 6 value must equal fields 772, 774, 776, 778, 780 and 782 added together

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 75 of 75 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 28 – Curfew and Loitering Law Violations continued

785 Y Total Female Under 18– Curfew and Loitering

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 6 value must equal fields 773, 775, 777, 779, 781 and 783 added together

786 Y White total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

787 Y Black total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

788 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

789 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for violations of curfew and loitering ordinances

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 29 – Runaways

790 Y Male Under 10 – Runaways

Number of males under the age of 10 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

791 Y Female Under 10 – Runaways

Number of females under the age of 10 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

792 Y Male 10-12 – Runaways Number of males age of 10-12 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

793 Y Female 10-12 – Runaways Number of females age of 10-12 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

794 Y Male 13-14 – Runaways Number of males age of 13-14 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

795 Y Female 13-14 – Runaways Number of females age of 13-14 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 76 of 76 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 29 – Runaways

796 Y Male 15 – Runaways Number of males age 15 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

797 Y Female 15 – Runaways Number of females age 15 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

798 Y Male 16 – Runaways Number of males age 16 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

799 Y Female 16 – Runaways Number of females age 16 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

800 Y Male 17 – Runaways Number of males age 17 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

801 Y Female 17 – Runaways Number of females age 17 that were arrested for runaways Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

802 Y Total Male Under 18 – Runaways

Total number of males under 18 that were arrested for runaways Number 6 value must equal fields 790, 792, 794, 796, 798 and

800 added together

803 Y Total Female Under 18– Runaways

Total number of females under 18 that were arrested for runaways Number 6 value must equal fields 791, 793, 795, 797, 799 and

801 added together

804 Y White total under 18 – Runaways

Total number of White males and females under 18 that were arrested for runaways

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

805 Y Black total under 18 – Runaways

Total number of Black males and females under 18 that were arrested for runaways

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

806 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Runaways

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females under 18 that were arrested for runaways

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

807 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Runaways

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females under 18 that were arrested for runaways

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 77 of 77 Section III–- Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Persons Arrested Under 18 electronic file format Data being reported from your Persons Arrested Under 18 report for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program

1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Or Email [email protected]

Send Return A in a flat ASCII file named: under18.txt

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

3 Jurisdiction ORI 1-9 2 Date 10-15 1 Submitting Agency ORI 16-24 10 Date Submitted 25-32

Update Flag 33

11 Total Handled and Releases 34-38

12 Total Referred to Juvenile Court or Probation 39-43

13 Total Referred to Welfare 44-48

14 Total Referred to Other Police Agency 49-53

15 Total Referred to Criminal of Adult Court 54-58

Row 01a

16 Male Under 10 – Murder 59-63

17 Female Under 10 – Murder 64-68

18 Male 10-12 – Murder 69-73

19 Female 10-12 – Murder 74-78

20 Male 13-14 – Murder 79-83

21 Female 13-14 – Murder 84-88

22 Male 15 – Murder 89-93

23 Female 15 – Murder 94-98

24 Male 16 – Murder 99-103

25 Female 16 – Murder 104-108

26 Male 17 – Murder 109-113

27 Female 17 – Murder 114-118

28 Total Male Under 18 – Murder 119-124

29 Total Female Under 18 – Murder 125-130

30 White total under 18 - Murder 131-135

31 Black total under 18 - Murder 136-140

32 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Murder 141-145

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 78 of 78 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

33 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Murder 146-150

Row 01b

34 Male Under 10 – Manslaughter 151-155

35 Female Under 10 – Manslaughter 156-160

36 Male 10-12 – Manslaughter 161-165

37 Female 10-12 – Manslaughter 166-170

38 Male 13-14 – Manslaughter 171-175

39 Female 13-14 – Manslaughter 176-180

40 Male 15 – Manslaughter 181-185

41 Female 15 – Manslaughter 186-190

42 Male 16 – Manslaughter 191-195

43 Female 16 – Manslaughter 196-200

44 Male 17 – Manslaughter 201-205

45 Female 17 – Manslaughter 206-210

46 Total Male Under 18 – Manslaughter 211-216

47 Total Female Under 18– Manslaughter 217-222

48 White total under 18 - Manslaughter 223-227

49 Black total under 18 - Manslaughter 228-232

50 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Manslaughter 233-237

51 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Manslaughter 238-242

Row 02

52 Male Under 10 – Forcible Rape 243-247

53 Female Under 10 – Forcible Rape 248-252

54 Male 10-12 – Forcible Rape 253-257

55 Female 10-12 – Forcible Rape 258-262

56 Male 13-14 – Forcible Rape 263-267

57 Female 13-14 – Forcible Rape 268-272

58 Male 15 – Forcible Rape 273-277

59 Female 15 – Forcible Rape 278-282

60 Male 16 – Forcible Rape 283-287

61 Female 16 – Forcible Rape 288-292

62 Male 17 – Forcible Rape 293-297

63 Female 17 – Forcible Rape 298-302

64 Total Male Under 18 – Forcible Rape 303-308

65 Total Female Under 18– Forcible Rape 309-314

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 79 of 79 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

66 White total under 18 - Forcible Rape 315-319

67 Black total under 18 - Forcible Rape 320-324

68 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Forcible Rape 325-329

69 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Forcible Rape 330-334

Row 03

70 Male Under 10 – Robbery 335-339

71 Female Under 10 – Robbery 340-344

72 Male 10-12 – Robbery 345-349

73 Female 10-12 – Robbery 350-354

74 Male 13-14 – Robbery 355-359

75 Female 13-14 – Robbery 360-364

76 Male 15 – Robbery 365-369

77 Female 15 – Robbery 370-374

78 Male 16 – Robbery 375-379

79 Female 16 – Robbery 380-384

80 Male 17 – Robbery 385-389

81 Female 17 – Robbery 390-394

82 Total Male Under 18 – Robbery 395-400

83 Total Female Under 18– Robbery 401-406

84 White total under 18 – Robbery 407-411

85 Black total under 18 – Robbery 412-416

86 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Robbery 417-421

87 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Robbery 422-426

Row 04

88 Male Under 10 – Aggravated Assault 427-431

89 Female Under 10 – Aggravated Assault 432-436

90 Male 10-12 – Aggravated Assault 437-441

91 Female 10-12 – Aggravated Assault 442-446

92 Male 13-14 – Aggravated Assault 447-451

93 Female 13-14 – Aggravated Assault 452-456

94 Male 15 – Aggravated Assault 457-461

95 Female 15 – Aggravated Assault 462-466

96 Male 16 – Aggravated Assault 467-471

97 Female 16 – Aggravated Assault 472-476

98 Male 17 – Aggravated Assault 477-481

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 80 of 80 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

99 Female 17 – Aggravated Assault 482-486

100 Total Male Under 18 – Aggravated Assault 487-492

101 Total Female Under 18– Aggravated Assault 493-498

102 White total under 18 - Aggravated Assault 499-503

103 Black total under 18 - Aggravated Assault 504-508

104 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 - Aggravated Assault 509-513

105 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 - Aggravated Assault 514-518

Row 05

106 Male Under 10 – Burglary 519-523

107 Female Under 10 – Burglary 524-528

108 Male 10-12 – Burglary 529-533

109 Female 10-12 – Burglary 534-538

110 Male 13-14 – Burglary 539-543

111 Female 13-14 – Burglary 544-548

112 Male 15 – Burglary 549-553

113 Female 15 – Burglary 554-558

114 Male 16 – Burglary 559-563

115 Female 16 – Burglary 564-568

116 Male 17 – Burglary 569-573

117 574-578

118 Total Male Under 18 – Burglary 579-584

119 Total Female Under 18– Burglary 585-590

120 White total under 18 – Burglary 591-595

121 Black total under 18 – Burglary 596-600

122 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Burglary 601-605

123 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Burglary 606-610

Row 06

124 Male Under 10 – Larceny-Theft 611-615

125 Female Under 10 – Larceny-Theft 616-620

126 Male 10-12 – Larceny-Theft 621-625

127 Female 10-12 – Larceny-Theft 626-630

128 Male 13-14 – Larceny-Theft 631-635

129 Female 13-14 – Larceny-Theft 636-640

130 Male 15 – Larceny-Theft 641-645

131 Female 15 – Larceny-Theft 646-650

Female 17 – Burglary

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 81 of 81 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

132 Male 16 – Larceny-Theft 651-655

133 Female 16 – Larceny-Theft 656-660

134 Male 17 – Larceny-Theft 661-665

135 Female 17 – Larceny-Theft 666-670

136 Total Male Under 18 – Larceny-Theft 671-676

137 Total Female Under 18– Larceny-Theft 677-682

138 White total under 18 – Larceny-Theft 683-687

139 Black total under 18 – Larceny-Theft 688-692

140 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Larceny-Theft 693-697

141 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Larceny-Theft 698-702

Row 07

142 Male Under 10 – Motor Vehicle Theft 703-707

143 Female Under 10 – Motor Vehicle Theft 708-712

144 Male 10-12 – Motor Vehicle Theft 713-717

145 Female 10-12 – Motor Vehicle Theft 718-722

146 Male 13-14 – Motor Vehicle Theft 723-727

147 Female 13-14 – Motor Vehicle Theft 728-732

148 Male 15 – Motor Vehicle Theft 733-737

149 Female 15 – Motor Vehicle Theft 738-742

150 Male 16 – Motor Vehicle Theft 743-747

151 Female 16 – Motor Vehicle Theft 748-752

152 Male 17 – Motor Vehicle Theft 753-757

153 Female 17 – Motor Vehicle Theft 758-762

154 Total Male Under 18– Motor Vehicle Theft 763-768

155 Total Female Under 18– Motor Vehicle Theft 769-774

156 White total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft 775-779

157 Black total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft 780-784

158 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft 785-789

159 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft 790-794

Row 08

160 Male Under 10 – Other Assaults 795-799

161 Female Under 10 – Other Assaults 800-804

162 Male 10-12 – Other Assaults 805-809

163 Female 10-12 – Other Assaults 810-814

164 Male 13-14 – Other Assaults 815-819

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 82 of 82 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

165 Female 13-14 – Other Assaults 820-824

166 Male 15 – Other Assaults 825-829

167 Female 15 – Other Assaults 830-834

168 Male 16 – Other Assaults 835-839

169 Female 16 – Other Assaults 840-844

170 Male 17 – Other Assaults 845-849

171 Female 17 – Other Assaults 850-854

172 Total Male Under 18 – Other Assaults 855-860

173 Total Female Under 18– Other Assaults 861-866

174 White total under 18 – Other Assaults 867-871

175 Black total under 18 – Other Assaults 872-876

176 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Other Assaults 877-881

177 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Other Assaults 882-886

Row 09

178 Male Under 10 – Arson 887-891

179 Female Under 10 – Arson 892-896

180 Male 10-12 – Arson 897-901

181 Female 10-12 – Arson 902-906

182 Male 13-14 – Arson 907-911

183 Female 13-14 – Arson 912-916

184 Male 15 – Arson 917-921

185 Female 15 – Arson 922-926

186 Male 16 – Arson 927-931

187 Female 16 – Arson 932-936

188 Male 17 – Arson 937-941

189 Female 17 – Arson 942-946

190 Total Male Under 18 – Arson 947-952

191 Total Female Under 18– Arson 953-958

192 White total under 18 – Arson 959-963

193 Black total under 18 – Arson 964-968

194 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Arson 969-973

195 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Arson 974-978

Row 10

196 Male Under 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 979-983

197 Female Under 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 984-988

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 83 of 83 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

198 Male 10-12 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 989-993

199 Female 10-12 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 994-998

200 Male 13-14 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 999-1003

201 Female 13-14 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1004-1008

202 Male 15 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1009-1013

203 Female 15 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1014-1018

204 Male 16 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1019-1023

205 Female 16 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1024-1028

206 Male 17 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1029-1033

207 Female 17 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1034-1038

208 Total Male Under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1039-1044

209 Total Female Under 18– Forgery and Counterfeiting 1045-1050

210 White total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1051-1055

211 Black total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1056-1060

212 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1061-1065

213 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1066-1070

Row 11

214 Male Under 10 – Fraud 1071-1075

215 Female Under 10 – Fraud 1076-1080

216 Male 10-12 – Fraud 1081-1085

217 Female 10-12 – Fraud 1086-1090

218 Male 13-14 – Fraud 1091-1095

219 Female 13-14 – Fraud 1096-1100

220 Male 15 – Fraud 1101-1105

221 Female 15 – Fraud 1106-1110

222 Male 16 – Fraud 1111-1115

223 Female 16 – Fraud 1116-1120

224 Male 17 – Fraud 1121-1125

225 Female 17 – Fraud 1126-1130

226 Total Male Under 18 – Fraud 1131-1136

227 Total Female Under 18– Fraud 1137-1142

228 White total under 18 – Fraud 1143-1147

229 Black total under 18 – Fraud 1148-1152

230 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Fraud 1153-1157

231 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Fraud 1158-1162

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 84 of 84 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

Row 12

232 Male Under 10 – Embezzlement 1163-1167

233 Female Under 10 – Embezzlement 1168-1172

234 Male 10-12 – Embezzlement 1173-1177

235 Female 10-12 – Embezzlement 1178-1182

236 Male 13-14 – Embezzlement 1183-1187

237 Female 13-14 – Embezzlement 1188-1192

238 Male 15 – Embezzlement 1193-1197

239 Female 15 – Embezzlement 1198-1202

240 Male 16 – Embezzlement 1203-1207

241 Female 16 – Embezzlement 1208-1212

242 Male 17 – Embezzlement 1213-1217

243 Female 17 – Embezzlement 1218-1222

244 Total Male Under 18 – Embezzlement 1223-1228

245 Total Female Under 18– Embezzlement 1229-1234

246 White total under 18 – Embezzlement 1235-1239

247 Black total under 18 – Embezzlement 1240-1244

248 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Embezzlement 1245-1249

249 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Embezzlement 1250-1254

Row 13

250 Male Under 10 – Stolen Property 1255-1259

251 Female Under 10 – Stolen Property 1260-1264

252 Male 10-12 – Stolen Property 1265-1269

253 Female 10-12 – Stolen Property 1270-1274

254 Male 13-14 – Stolen Property 1275-1279

255 Female 13-14 – Stolen Property 1280-1284

256 Male 15 – Stolen Property 1285-1289

257 Female 15 – Stolen Property 1290-1294

258 Male 16 – Stolen Property 1295-1299

259 Female 16 – Stolen Property 1300-1304

260 Male 17 – Stolen Property 1305-1309

261 Female 17 – Stolen Property 1310-1314

262 Total Male Under 18 – Stolen Property 1315-1320

263 Total Female Under 18– Stolen Property 1321-1326

264 White total under 18 – Stolen Property 1327-1331

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

265 Black total under 18 – Stolen Property 1332-1336

266 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Stolen Property 1337-1341

267 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Stolen Property 1342-1346

Row 14

268 Male Under 10 – Vandalism 1347-1351

269 Female Under 10 – Vandalism 1352-1356

270 Male 10-12 – Vandalism 1357-1361

271 Female 10-12 – Vandalism 1362-1366

272 Male 13-14 – Vandalism 1367-1371

273 Female 13-14 – Vandalism 1372-1376

274 Male 15 – Vandalism 1377-1381

275 Female 15 – Vandalism 1382-1386

276 Male 16 – Vandalism 1387-1391

277 Female 16 – Vandalism 1392-1396

278 Male 17 – Vandalism 1397-1401

279 Female 17 – Vandalism 1402-1406

280 Total Male Under 18 – Vandalism 1407-1412

281 Total Female Under 18– Vandalism 1413-1418

282 White total under 18 – Vandalism 1419-1423

283 Black total under 18 – Vandalism 1424-1428

284 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Vandalism 1429-1433

285 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Vandalism 1434-1438

Row 15

286 Male Under 10 – Weapons 1439-1443

287 Female Under 10 – Weapons 1444-1448

288 Male 10-12 – Weapons 1449-1453

289 Female 10-12 – Weapons 1454-1458

290 Male 13-14 – Weapons 1459-1463

291 Female 13-14 – Weapons 1464-1468

292 Male 15 – Weapons 1469-1473

293 Female 15 – Weapons 1474-1478

294 Male 16 – Weapons 1479-1483

295 Female 16 – Weapons 1484-1488

296 Male 17 – Weapons 1489-1493

297 Female 17 – Weapons 1494-1498

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

298 Total Male Under 18 – Weapons 1499-1504

299 Total Female Under 18– Weapons 1505-1510

300 White total under 18 – Weapons 1511-1515

301 Black total under 18 – Weapons 1516-1520

302 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Weapons 1521-1525

303 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Weapons 1526-1530

Row 16

304 Male Under 10 – Prostitution 1531-1535

305 Female Under 10 – Prostitution 1536-1540

306 Male 10-12 – Prostitution 1541-1545

307 Female 10-12 – Prostitution 1546-1550

308 Male 13-14 – Prostitution 1551-1555

309 Female 13-14 – Prostitution 1556-1560

310 Male 15 – Prostitution 1561-1565

311 Female 15 – Prostitution 1566-1570

312 Male 16 – Prostitution 1571-1575

313 Female 16 – Prostitution 1576-1580

314 Male 17 – Prostitution 1581-1585

315 Female 17 – Prostitution 1586-1590

316 Total Male Under 18 – Prostitution 1591-1596

317 Total Female Under 18– Prostitution 1597-1602

318 White total under 18 – Prostitution 1603-1607

319 Black total under 18 – Prostitution 1608-1612

320 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Prostitution 1613-1617

321 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Prostitution 1618-1622

Row 17

322 Male Under 10 – Sex Offenses 1623-1627

323 Female Under 10 – Sex Offenses 1628-1632

324 Male 10-12 – Sex Offenses 1633-1637

325 Female 10-12 – Sex Offenses 1638-1642

326 Male 13-14 – Sex Offenses 1643-1647

327 Female 13-14 – Sex Offenses 1648-1652

328 Male 15 – Sex Offenses 1653-1657

329 Female 15 – Sex Offenses 1658-1662

330 Male 16 – Sex Offenses 1663-1667

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

331 Female 16 – Sex Offenses 1668-1672

332 Male 17 – Sex Offenses 1673-1677

333 Female 17 – Sex Offenses 1678-1682

334 Total Male Under 18 – Sex Offenses 1683-1688

335 Total Female Under 18– Sex Offenses 1689-1694

336 White total under 18 – Sex Offenses 1695-1699

337 Black total under 18 – Sex Offenses 1700-1704

338 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sex Offenses 1705-1709

339 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sex Offenses 1710-1714

Row 18

340 Male Under 10 – Drug Abuse Violations 1715-1719

341 Female Under 10 – Drug Abuse Violations 1720-1724

342 Male 10-12 – Drug Abuse Violations 1725-1729

343 Female 10-12 – Drug Abuse Violations 1730-1734

344 Male 13-14 – Drug Abuse Violations 1735-1739

345 Female 13-14 – Drug Abuse Violations 1740-1744

346 Male 15 – Drug Abuse Violations 1745-1749

347 Female 15 – Drug Abuse Violations 1750-1754

348 Male 16 – Drug Abuse Violations 1755-1759

349 Female 16 – Drug Abuse Violations 1760-1764

350 Male 17 – Drug Abuse Violations 1765-1769

351 Female 17 – Drug Abuse Violations 1770-1774

352 Total Male Under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations 1775-1780

353 Total Female Under 18– Drug Abuse Violations 1781-1786

354 White total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations 1787-1791

355 Black total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations 1792-1796

356 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations 1797-1801

357 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drug Abuse Violations 1802-1806

Row 180

358 Male Under 10 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1807-1811

359 Female Under 10 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1812-1816

360 Male 10-12 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1817-1821

361 Female 10-12 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1822-1826

362 Male 13-14 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1827-1831

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

363 Female 13-14 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1832-1836

364 Male 15 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1837-1841

365 Female 15 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1842-1846

366 Male 16 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1847-1851

367 Female 16 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1852-1856

368 Male 17 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1857-1861

369 Female 17 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1862-1866

370 Total Male Under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1867-1872

371 Total Female Under 18– Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1873-1878

372 White total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1879-1883

373 Black total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1884-1888

374 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1889-1893

375 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 1894-1898

Row 180a

376 Male Under 10 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1899-1903

377 Female Under 10 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1904-1908

378 Male 10-12 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1909-1913

379 Female 10-12 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1914-1918

380 Male 13-14 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1919-1923

381 Female 13-14 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1924-1928

382 Male 15 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1929-1933

383 Female 15 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1934-1938

384 Male 16 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1939-1943

385 Female 16 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1944-1948

386 Male 17 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1949-1953

387 Female 17 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1954-1958

388 Total Male Under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1959-1964

389 Total Female Under 18– Sale Opium or Cocaine 1965-1970

390 White total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1971-1975

391 Black total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1976-1980

392 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1981-1985

393 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 1986-1990

Row 180b

394 Male Under 10 – Sale Marijuana 1991-1995

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

395 Female Under 10 – Sale Marijuana 1996-2000

396 Male 10-12 – Sale Marijuana 2001-2005

397 Female 10-12 – Sale Marijuana 2006-2010

398 Male 13-14 – Sale Marijuana 2011-2015

399 Female 13-14 – Sale Marijuana 2016-2020

400 Male 15 – Sale Marijuana 2021-2025

401 Female 15 – Sale Marijuana 2026-2030

402 Male 16 – Sale Marijuana 2031-2035

403 Female 16 – Sale Marijuana 2036-2040

404 Male 17 – Sale Marijuana 2041-2045

405 Female 17 – Sale Marijuana 2046-2050

406 Total Male Under 18 – Sale Marijuana 2051-2056

407 Total Female Under 18– Sale Marijuana 2057-2062

408 White total under 18 – Sale Marijuana 2063-2067

409 Black total under 18 – Sale Marijuana 2068-2072

410 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Marijuana 2073-2077

411 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Marijuana 2078-2082

Row 180c

412 Male Under 10 – Sale Narcotics 2083-2087

413 Female Under 10 – Sale Narcotics 2088-2092

414 Male 10-12 – Sale Narcotics 2093-2097

415 Female 10-12 – Sale Narcotics 2098-2102

416 Male 13-14 – Sale Narcotics 2103-2107

417 Female 13-14 – Sale Narcotics 2108-2112

418 Male 15 – Sale Narcotics 2113-2117

419 Female 15 – Sale Narcotics 2118-2122

420 Male 16 – Sale Narcotics 2123-2127

421 Female 16 – Sale Narcotics 2128-2132

422 Male 17 – Sale Narcotics 2133-2137

423 Female 17 – Sale Narcotics 2138-2142

424 Total Male Under 18 – Sale Narcotics 2143-2148

425 Total Female Under 18– Sale Narcotics 2149-2154

426 White total under 18 – Sale Narcotics 2155-2159

427 Black total under 18 – Sale Narcotics 2160-2164

428 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Narcotics 2165-2169

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

429 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Narcotics 2170-2174

Row 180d

430 Male Under 10 – Sale Other Drugs 2175-2179

431 Female Under 10 – Sale Other Drugs 2180-2184

432 Male 10-12 – Sale Other Drugs 2185-2189

433 Female 10-12 – Sale Other Drugs 2190-2194

434 Male 13-14 – Sale Other Drugs 2195-2199

435 Female 13-14 – Sale Other Drugs 2200-2204

436 Male 15 – Sale Other Drugs 2205-2209

437 Female 15 – Sale Other Drugs 2210-2214

438 Male 16 – Sale Other Drugs 2215-2219

439 Female 16 – Sale Other Drugs 2220-2224

440 Male 17 – Sale Other Drugs 2225-2229

441 Female 17 – Sale Other Drugs 2230-2234

442 Total Male Under 18 – Sale Other Drugs 2235-2240

443 Total Female Under 18– Sale Other Drugs 2241-2246

444 White total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs 2247-2251

445 Black total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs 2252-2256

446 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs 2257-2261

447 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Sale Other Drugs 2262-2266

Row 185

448 Male Under 10 – Drug Possession 2267-2271

449 Female Under 10 – Drug Possession 2272-2276

450 Male 10-12 – Drug Possession 2277-2281

451 Female 10-12 – Drug Possession 2282-2286

452 Male 13-14 – Drug Possession 2287-2291

453 Female 13-14 – Drug Possession 2292-2296

454 Male 15 – Drug Possession 2297-2301

455 Female 15 – Drug Possession 2302-2306

456 Male 16 – Drug Possession 2307-2311

457 Female 16 – Drug Possession 2312-2316

458 Male 17 – Drug Possession 2317-2321

459 Female 17 – Drug Possession 2322-2326

460 Total Male Under 18 – Drug Possession 2327-2332

461 Total Female Under 18– Drug Possession 2333-2338

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

462 White total under 18 – Drug Possession 2339-2343

463 Black total under 18 – Drug Possession 2344-2348

464 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drug Possession 2349-2353

465 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drug Possession 2354-2358

Row 185e

466 Male Under 10 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2359-2363

467 Female Under 10 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2364-2368

468 Male 10-12 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2369-2373

469 Female 10-12 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2374-2378

470 Male 13-14 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2379-2383

471 Female 13-14 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2384-2388

472 Male 15 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2389-2393

473 Female 15 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2394-2398

474 Male 16 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2399-2403

475 Female 16 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2404-2408

476 Male 17 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2409-2413

477 Female 17 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2414-2418

478 Total Male Under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2419-2424

479 Total Female Under 18– Possession Opium or Cocaine 2425-2430

480 White total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2431-2435

481 Black total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2436-2440

482 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2441-2445

483 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 2446-2450

Row 185f

484 Male Under 10 – Possession Marijuana 2451-2455

485 Female Under 10 – Possession Marijuana 2456-2460

486 Male 10-12 – Possession Marijuana 2461-2465

487 Female 10-12 – Possession Marijuana 2466-2470

488 Male 13-14 – Possession Marijuana 2471-2475

489 Female 13-14 – Possession Marijuana 2476-2480

490 Male 15 – Possession Marijuana 2481-2485

491 Female 15 – Possession Marijuana 2486-2490

492 Male 16 – Possession Marijuana 2491-2495

493 Female 16 – Possession Marijuana 2496-2500

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

494 Male 17 – Possession Marijuana 2501-2505

495 Female 17 – Possession Marijuana 2506-2510

496 Total Male Under 18 – Possession Marijuana 2511-2516

497 Total Female Under 18– Possession Marijuana 2517-2522

498 White total under 18 – Possession Marijuana 2523-2527

499 Black total under 18 – Possession Marijuana 2528-2532

500 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Possession Marijuana 2533-2537

501 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Possession Marijuana 2538-2542

Row 185g

502 Male Under 10 – Possession Narcotics 2543-2547

503 Female Under 10 – Possession Narcotics 2548-2552

504 Male 10-12 – Possession Narcotics 2553-2557

505 Female 10-12 – Possession Narcotics 2558-2562

506 Male 13-14 – Possession Narcotics 2563-2567

507 Female 13-14 – Possession Narcotics 2568-2572

508 Male 15 – Possession Narcotics 2573-2577

509 Female 15 – Possession Narcotics 2578-2582

510 Male 16 – Possession Narcotics 2583-2587

511 Female 16 – Possession Narcotics 2588-2592

512 Male 17 – Possession Narcotics 2593-2597

513 Female 17 – Possession Narcotics 2598-2602

514 Total Male Under 18 – Possession Narcotics 2603-2608

515 Total Female Under 18– Possession Narcotics 2609-2614

516 White total under 18 – Possession Narcotics 2615-2619

517 Black total under 18 – Possession Narcotics 2620-2624

518 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Possession Narcotics 2625-2629

519 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Possession Narcotics 2630-2634

Row 185h

520 Male Under 10 – Other Drugs 2635-2639

521 Female Under 10 – Other Drugs 2640-2644

522 Male 10-12 – Other Drugs 2645-2649

523 Female 10-12 – Other Drugs 2650-2654

524 Male 13-14 – Other Drugs 2655-2659

525 Female 13-14 – Other Drugs 2660-2664

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

526 Male 15 – Other Drugs 2665-2669

527 Female 15 – Other Drugs 2670-2674

528 Male 16 – Other Drugs 2675-2679

529 Female 16 – Other Drugs 2680-2684

530 Male 17 – Other Drugs 2685-2689

531 Female 17 – Other Drugs 2690-2694

532 Total Male Under 18 – Other Drugs 2695-2700

533 Total Female Under 18– Other Drugs 2701-2706

534 White total under 18 – Other Drugs 2707-2711

535 Black total under 18 – Other Drugs 2712-2716

536 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Other Drugs 2717-2721

537 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Other Drugs 2722-2726

Row 19

538 Male Under 10 – Gambling 2727-2731

539 Female Under 10 – Gambling 2732-2736

540 Male 10-12 – Gambling 2737-2741

541 Female 10-12 – Gambling 2742-2746

542 Male 13-14 – Gambling 2747-2751

543 Female 13-14 – Gambling 2752-2756

544 Male 15 – Gambling 2757-2761

545 Female 15 – Gambling 2762-2766

546 Male 16 – Gambling 2767-2771

547 Female 16 – Gambling 2772-2776

548 Male 17 – Gambling 2777-2781

549 Female 17 – Gambling 2782-2786

550 Total Male Under 18 – Gambling 2787-2792

551 Total Female Under 18– Gambling 2793-2798

552 White total under 18 – Gambling 2799-2803

553 Black total under 18 – Gambling 2804-2808

554 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Gambling 2809-2813

555 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Gambling 2814-2818

Row 19a

556 Male Under 10 – Bookmaking 2819-2823

557 Female Under 10 – Bookmaking 2824-2828

558 Male 10-12 – Bookmaking 2829-2833

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

559 Female 10-12 – Bookmaking 2834-2838

560 Male 13-14 – Bookmaking 2839-2843

561 Female 13-14 – Bookmaking 2844-2848

562 Male 15 – Bookmaking 2849-2853

563 Female 15 – Bookmaking 2854-2858

564 Male 16 – Bookmaking 2859-2863

565 Female 16 – Bookmaking 2864-2868

566 Male 17 – Bookmaking 2869-2873

567 Female 17 – Bookmaking 2874-2878

568 Total Male Under 18 – Bookmaking 2879-2884

569 Total Female Under 18– Bookmaking 2885-2890

570 White total under 18 – Bookmaking 2891-2895

571 Black total under 18 – Bookmaking 2896-2900

572 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Bookmaking 2901-2905

573 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Bookmaking 2906-2910

Row 19b

574 Male Under 10 – Numbers and Lottery 2911-2915

575 Female Under 10 – Numbers and Lottery 2916-2920

576 Male 10-12 – Numbers and Lottery 2921-2925

577 Female 10-12 – Numbers and Lottery 2926-2930

578 Male 13-14 – Numbers and Lottery 2931-2935

579 Female 13-14 – Numbers and Lottery 2936-2940

580 Male 15 – Numbers and Lottery 2941-2945

581 Female 15 – Numbers and Lottery 2946-2950

582 Male 16 – Numbers and Lottery 2951-2955

583 Female 16 – Numbers and Lottery 2956-2960

584 Male 17 – Numbers and Lottery 2961-2965

585 Female 17 – Numbers and Lottery 2966-2970

586 Total Male Under 18 – Numbers and Lottery 2971-2976

587 Total Female Under 18– Numbers and Lottery 2977-2982

588 White total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery 2983-2987

589 Black total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery 2988-2992

590 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery 2993-2997

591 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Numbers and Lottery 2998-3002

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

Row 19c

592 Male Under 10 – All Other Gambling 3003-3007

593 Female Under 10 – All Other Gambling 3008-3012

594 Male 10-12 – All Other Gambling 3013-3017

595 Female 10-12 – All Other Gambling 3018-3022

596 Male 13-14 – All Other Gambling 3023-3027

597 Female 13-14 – All Other Gambling 3028-3032

598 Male 15 – All Other Gambling 3033-3037

599 Female 15 – All Other Gambling 3038-3042

600 Male 16 – All Other Gambling- 3043-3047

601 Female 16 – All Other Gambling 3048-3052

602 Male 17 – All Other Gambling 3053-3057

603 Female 17 – All Other Gambling 3058-3062

604 Total Male Under 18 – All Other Gambling 3063-3068

605 Total Female Under 18– All Other Gambling 3069-3074

606 White total under 18 – All Other Gambling 3075-3079

607 Black total under 18 – All Other Gambling 3080-3084

608 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – All Other Gambling 3085-3089

609 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – All Other Gambling 3090-3094

Row 20

610 Male Under 10 – Offenses Family/Children 3095-3099

611 Female Under 10 – Offenses Family/Children 3100-3104

612 Male 10-12 – Offenses Family/Children 3105-3109

613 Female 10-12 – Offenses Family/Children 3110-3114

614 Male 13-14 – Offenses Family/Children 3115-3119

615 Female 13-14 – Offenses Family/Children 3120-3124

616 Male 15 – Offenses Family/Children 3125-3129

617 Female 15 – Offenses Family/Children 3130-3134

618 Male 16 – Offenses Family/Children 3135-3139

619 Female 16 – Offenses Family/Children 3140-3144

620 Male 17 – Offenses Family/Children 3145-3149

621 Female 17 – Offenses Family/Children 3150-3154

622 Total Male Under 18 – Offenses Family/Children 3155-3160

623 Total Female Under 18– Offenses Family/Children 3161-3166

624 White total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children 3167-3171

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

625 Black total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children 3172-3176

626 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children 3177-3181

627 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Offenses Family/Children 3182-3186

Row 21a

628 Male Under 10 – DUI 3187-3191

629 Female Under 10 – DUI 3192-3196

630 Male 10-12 – DUI 3197-3201

631 Female 10-12 – DUI 3202-3206

632 Male 13-14 – DUI 3207-3211

633 Female 13-14 – DUI 3212-3216

634 Male 15 – DUI 3217-3221

635 Female 15 – DUI 3222-3226

636 Male 16 – DUI 3227-3231

637 Female 16 – DUI 3232-3236

638 Male 17 – DUI 3237-3241

639 Female 17 – DUI 3242-3246

640 Total Male Under 18 – DUI 3247-3252

641 Total Female Under 18– DUI 3253-3258

642 White total under 18 – DUI 3259-3263

643 Black total under 18 – DUI 3264-3268

644 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – DUI 3269-3273

645 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – DUI 3274-3278

Row 21b

646 Male Under 10 – BUI 3279-3283

647 Female Under 10 – BUI 3284-3288

648 Male 10-12 – BUI 3289-3293

649 Female 10-12 – BUI 3294-3298

650 Male 13-14 – BUI 3299-3303

651 Female 13-14 – BUI 3304-3308

652 Male 15 – BUI 3309-3313

653 Female 15 – BUI 3314-3318

654 Male 16 – BUI 3319-3323

655 Female 16 – BUI 3324-3328

656 Male 17 – BUI 3329-3333

657 Female 17 – BUI 3334-3338

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

658 Total Male Under 18 – BUI 3339-3344

659 Total Female Under 18– BUI 3345-3350

660 White total under 18 – BUI 3351-3355

661 Black total under 18 – BUI 3356-3360

662 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – BUI 3361-3365

663 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – BUI 3366-3370

Row 22

664 Male Under 10 – Liquor Laws 3371-3375

665 Female Under 10 – Liquor Laws 3376-3380

666 Male 10-12 – Liquor Laws 3381-3385

667 Female 10-12 – Liquor Laws 3386-3390

668 Male 13-14 – Liquor Laws 3391-3395

669 Female 13-14 – Liquor Laws 3396-3400

670 Male 15 – Liquor Laws 3401-3405

671 Female 15 – Liquor Laws 3406-3410

672 Male 16 – Liquor Laws 3411-3415

Female 16 – Liquor Laws

Male 17 – Liquor Laws

Female 17 – Liquor Laws

Total Male Under 18 – Liquor Laws

Total Female Under 18– Liquor Laws

White total under 18 – Liquor Laws

Black total under 18 – Liquor Laws American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Liquor Laws Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Liquor Laws

Male Under 10 – Drunkenness

Female Under 10 – Drunkenness

Male 10-12 – Drunkenness

Female 10-12 – Drunkenness

Male 13-14 – Drunkenness

Female 13-14 – Drunkenness

Male 15 – Drunkenness

Female 15 – Drunkenness

Male 16 – Drunkenness

Female 16 – Drunkenness

673 3416-3420

674 3421-3425

675 3426-3430

676 3431-3436

677 3437-3442

678 3443-3447

679 3448-3452

680 3453-3457

681 3458-3462

Row 23

682 3463-3467

683 3468-3472

684 3473-3477

685 3478-3482

686 3483-3487

687 3488-3492

688 3493-3497

689 3498-3502

690 3503-3507

691 3508-3512

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

692 Male 17 – Drunkenness 3513-3517

693 Female 17 – Drunkenness 3518-3522

694 Total Male Under 18 – Drunkenness 3523-3528

695 Total Female Under 18– Drunkenness 3529-3534

696 White total under 18 – Drunkenness 3535-3539

697 Black total under 18 – Drunkenness 3540-3544

698 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Drunkenness 3545-3549

699 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Drunkenness 3550-3554

Row 24

700 Male Under 10 – Disorderly Conduct 3555-3559

701 Female Under 10 – Disorderly Conduct 3560-3564

702 Male 10-12 – Disorderly Conduct 3565-3569

703 Female 10-12 – Disorderly Conduct 3570-3574

704 Male 13-14 – Disorderly Conduct 3575-3579

705 Female 13-14 – Disorderly Conduct 3580-3584

706 Male 15 – Disorderly Conduct 3585-3589

707 Female 15 – Disorderly Conduct 3590-3594

708 Male 16 – Disorderly Conduct 3595-3599

709 Female 16 – Disorderly Conduct 3600-3604

710 Male 17 – Disorderly Conduct 3605-3609

711 Female 17 – Disorderly Conduct 3610-3614

712 Total Male Under 18 – Disorderly Conduct 3615-3620

713 Total Female Under 18– Disorderly Conduct 3621-3626

714 White total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct 3627-3631

715 Black total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct 3632-3636

716 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct 3637-3641

717 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Disorderly Conduct 3642-3646

Row 25

718 Male Under 10 – Vagrancy 3647-3651

719 Female Under 10 – Vagrancy 3652-3656

720 Male 10-12 – Vagrancy 3657-3661

721 Female 10-12 – Vagrancy 3662-3666

722 Male 13-14 – Vagrancy 3667-3671

723 Female 13-14 – Vagrancy 3672-3676

724 Male 15 – Vagrancy 3677-3681

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

725 Female 15 – Vagrancy 3682-3686

726 Male 16 – Vagrancy 3687-3691

727 Female 16 – Vagrancy 3692-3696

728 Male 17 – Vagrancy 3697-3701

729 Female 17 – Vagrancy 3702-3706

730 Total Male Under 18 – Vagrancy 3707-3712

731 Total Female Under 18– Vagrancy 3713-3718

732 White total under 18 – Vagrancy 3719-3723

733 Black total under 18 – Vagrancy 3724-3728

734 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Vagrancy 3729-3733

735 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Vagrancy 3734-3738

Row 26

736 Male Under 10 – All Other Offenses 3739-3743

737 Female Under 10 – All Other Offenses 3744-3748

738 Male 10-12 – All Other Offenses 3749-3753

739 Female 10-12 – All Other Offenses 3754-3758

740 Male 13-14 – All Other Offenses 3759-3763

741 Female 13-14 – All Other Offenses 3764-3768

742 Male 15 – All Other Offenses 3769-3773

743 Female 15 – All Other Offenses 3774-3778

744 Male 16 – All Other Offenses 3779-3783

745 Female 16 – All Other Offenses 3784-3788

746 Male 17 – All Other Offenses 3789-3793

747 Female 17 – All Other Offenses 3794-3798

748 Total Male Under 18 – All Other Offenses 3799-3804

749 Total Female Under 18– All Other Offenses 3805-3810

750 White total under 18 – All Other Offenses 3811-3815

751 Black total under 18 – All Other Offenses 3816-3820

752 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – All Other Offenses 3821-3825

753 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – All Other Offenses 3826-3830

Row 27

754 Male Under 10 – Suspicion 3831-3835

755 Female Under 10 – Suspicion 3836-3840

756 Male 10-12 – Suspicion 3841-3845

757 Female 10-12 – Suspicion 3846-3850

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 100 of 100 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

758 Male 13-14 – Suspicion 3851-3855

759 Female 13-14 – Suspicion 3856-3860

760 Male 15 – Suspicion 3861-3865

761 Female 15 – Suspicion 3866-3870

762 Male 16 – Suspicion 3871-3875

763 Female 16 – Suspicion 3876-3880

764 Male 17 – Suspicion 3881-3885

765 Female 17 – Suspicion 3886-3890

766 Total Male Under 18 – Suspicion 3891-3896

767 Total Female Under 18– Suspicion 3897-3902

768 White total under 18 – Suspicion 3903-3907

769 Black total under 18 – Suspicion 3908-3912

770 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Suspicion 3913-3917

771 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Suspicion 3918-3922

Row 28

772 Male Under 10 – Curfew and Loitering 3923-3927

773 Female Under 10 – Curfew and Loitering 3928-3932

774 Male 10-12 – Curfew and Loitering 3933-3937

775 Female 10-12 – Curfew and Loitering 3938-3942

776 Male 13-14 – Curfew and Loitering 3943-3947

777 Female 13-14 – Curfew and Loitering 3948-3952

778 Male 15 – Curfew and Loitering 3953-3957

779 Female 15 – Curfew and Loitering 3958-3962

780 Male 16 – Curfew and Loitering 3963-3967

781 Female 16 – Curfew and Loitering 3968-3972

782 Male 17 – Curfew and Loitering 3973-3977

783 Female 17 – Curfew and Loitering 3978-3982

784 Total Male Under 18 – Curfew and Loitering 3983-3988

785 Total Female Under 18– Curfew and Loitering 3989-3994

786 White total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering 3995-3999

787 Black total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering 4000-4004

788 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering 4005-4009

789 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Curfew and Loitering 4010-4014

Row 29

790 Male Under 10 – Runaways 4015-4019

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 101 of 101 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VI – Persons Arrested Under 18 page 102 of 102 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

791 Female Under 10 – Runaways 4020-4024

792 Male 10-12 – Runaways 4025-4029

793 Female 10-12 – Runaways 4030-4034

794 Male 13-14 – Runaways 4035-4039

795 Female 13-14 – Runaways 4040-4044

796 Male 15 – Runaways 4045-4049

797 Female 15 – Runaways 4050-4054

798 Male 16 – Runaways 4055-4059

799 Female 16 – Runaways 4060-4064

800 Male 17 – Runaways 4065-4069

801 Female 17 – Runaways 4070-4074

802 Total Male Under 18 – Runaways 4075-4080

803 Total Female Under 18– Runaways 4081-4086

804 White total under 18 – Runaways 4087-4091

805 Black total under 18 – Runaways 4092-4096

806 American Indian or Alaskan Native total under 18 – Runaways 4097-4101

807 Asian or Pacific Islander total under 18 – Runaways 4102-4106

Initial Report flag 4107

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 1 of 1 Section I - Introduction

Chapter VII - Age, Sex and Race of Persons Arrested Over 18 Years of Age

The Age, Sex and Race of Persons Arrested Over 18 Years of Age (Persons Arrested Over 18) report is used for the monthly collection of arrest data. Data is collected for the total number of persons over 18 years of age who are arrested, cited or summoned for criminal acts in all of the crime classes. Basic data concerning the personal characteristics of persons arrested is also collected. This Persons Arrested Over 18 report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before a Persons Arrested Over 18 Report can be submitted. The Persons Arrested Over 18 report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be accepted into the MoUCR program.

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 2 of 2 Section I - Introduction

Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected]. For help with questions about the MoUCR program in general, please contact the UCR program department at [email protected].

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 3 of 3 Section II – Example Form


4 3



8 10


6 7

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 4 of 4 Section II – Example Form

11 12

49 50

87 88

125 126

163 164

201 202

239 240

277 278

315 316

353 354

13 14

51 52

89 90

127 128

165 166

203 204 241 242

279 280

317 318

355 356



















































































































































































































































































































































385 377

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 5 of 5 Section II – Example Form

391 392

429 430

467 468

505 506

543 544

581 582

619 620

657 658

393 394

431 432

469 470

507 508

545 546

583 584

621 622

659 660

395 396

433 434

471 472

509 510

547 548

585 586

623 624

661 662

397 398

435 436

473 474

511 512

549 550

587 588

625 626

663 664

399 400

437 438

475 476

513 514

551 552

589 590

627 628

665 666

401 402

439 440

477 478

515 516

553 554

591 592

629 630

667 668

403 404

441 442

479 480

517 518

555 556

593 594

631 632

669 670

405 406

443 444

481 482

519 520

557 558

595 596

633 634

671 672

407 408

445 446

483 484

521 522

559 560

597 598

635 636

673 674

409 410

447 448

485 486

523 524

561 562

599 600

637 638

675 676

411 412

449 450

487 488

525 526

563 564

601 602

639 640

677 678

413 414

451 452

489 490

527 528

565 566

603 604

641 642

679 680

415 416

453 454

491 492

529 530

567 568

605 606

643 644

681 682

417 418

455 456

493 494

531 532

569 570

607 608

645 646

683 684

419 420

457 458

495 496

533 534

571 572

609 610

647 648

685 686

421 422

459 460

497 498

535 536

573 574

611 612

649 650

687 688

423 424 461 462 499 500











































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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 6 of 6 Section II – Example Form





















1075 1076





















1077 1078





















1079 1080





















1081 1082





















1083 1084





















1085 1086





















1087 1088





















1089 1090





















1091 1092





















1093 1094





















1095 1096





















1097 1098





















1099 1100





















1101 1102





















1103 1104





















1105 1106





















1107 1108

729 731

767 769

805 807

843 845

730 732

768 770

806 808

844 846

881 883 882 884

919 921 920 922

957 959 958 960

995 997 996 998

1033 1035 1034 1036

1071 1073 1072 1074

1109 1111 1110 1112

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 7 of 7 Section II – Example Form




















1456 1493 1494 1531 1532

1569 1570




















1458 1495 1496 1533 1534

1571 1572




















1460 1497 1498 1535 1536

1573 1574




















1462 1499 1500 1537 1538

1575 1576




















1464 1501 1502 1539 1540

1577 1578




















1466 1503 1504 1541 1542

1579 1580




















1468 1505 1506 1543 1544

1581 1582




















1470 1507 1508 1545 1546

1583 1584




















1472 1509 1510 1547 1548

1585 1586




















1474 1511 1512 1549 1550

1587 1588




















1476 1513 1514 1551 1552

1589 1590




















1478 1515 1516 1553 1554

1591 1592




















1480 1517 1518 1555 1556

1593 1594




















1482 1519 1520 1557 1558

1595 1596




















1484 1521 1522 1559 1560

1597 1598




















1486 1523 1524 1561 1562

1599 1600




















1488 1525 1526 1563 1564

1601 1602

1147 1148 1149 1150

1185 1186 1187 1188

1223 1224 1225 1226

1261 1262 1263 1264

1299 1300 1301 1302

1337 1338 1339 1340

1375 1376 1377 1378

1413 1414 1415 1416

1451 1452 1453 1454

1489 1490 1491 1492

1527 1528 1529 1530

1565 1566 1567 1568

1603 1604 1605 1606

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 8 of 8 Section III–- Field Definitions

Persons Arrested Over 18 field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting Agency ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9 Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MMYYYY month is reported numerically, as January

is 01, year is 2000.

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9 Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/City Headquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 Y Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 21 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 9 of 9 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 01a - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter

11 Y Male 18 – Murder Number of males 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

12 Y Female 18 – Murder Number of females 18 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

13 Y Male 19 – Murder Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

14 Y Female 19 – Murder Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

15 Y Male 20 – Murder Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

16 Y Female 20 – Murder Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

17 Y Male 21 – Murder Number of males age 21 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

18 Y Female 21 – Murder Number of females age 21 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

19 Y Male 22 – Murder Number of males age 22 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

20 Y Female 22 – Murder Number of females age 22 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

21 Y Male 23 – Murder Number of males age 23 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 10 of 10 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 01a - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter continued

22 Y Female 23 – Murder Number of females age 23 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

23 Y Male 24 – Murder Number of males 24 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

24 Y Female 24 – Murder Number of females 24 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

25 Y Male 25-29 – Murder Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

26 Y Female 25-29 – Murder Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

27 Y Male 30-34 – Murder Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

28 Y Female 30-34 – Murder Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

29 Y Male 35-39 – Murder Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

30 Y Female 35-39 – Murder Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

31 Y Male 40-44 – Murder Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

32 Y Female 40-44 – Murder Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 11 of 11 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 01a - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter continued

33 Y Male 45-49 – Murder Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

34 Y Female 45-49 – Murder Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

35 Y Male 50-54 – Murder Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

36 Y Female 50-54 – Murder Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

37 Y Male 55-59 – Murder Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

38 Y Female 55-59 – Murder Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

39 Y Male 60-64 – Murder Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

40 Y Female 60-64 – Murder Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

41 Y Male 65 and over – Murder Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

42 Y Female 65 and over – Murder

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

43 Y Total Male – Murder Total number of males that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 6 value must equal fields 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39 and 41 added together

44 Y Total Female – Murder Total number of females that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 6 value must equal fields 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 12 of 12 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 01a - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter continued

45 Y White total - Murder Total number of White males and females that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

46 Y Black total - Murder Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

47 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Murder

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

48 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Murder

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for criminal homicide offenses.

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 01b - Manslaughter by Negligence

49 Y Male 18 – Manslaughter Number of males 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

50 Y Female 18 – Manslaughter Number of females 18 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

51 Y Male 19 – Manslaughter Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

52 Y Female 19 – Manslaughter Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

53 Y Male 20 – Manslaughter Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

54 Y Female 20 – Manslaughter Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 13 of 13 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 01b - Manslaughter by Negligence continued

55 Y Male 21 – Manslaughter Number of males age 21 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

56 Y Female 21 – Manslaughter Number of females age 21 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

57 Y Male 22 – Manslaughter Number of males age 22 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

58 Y Female 22 – Manslaughter Number of females age 22 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

59 Y Male 23 – Manslaughter Number of males age 23 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

60 Y Female 23 – Manslaughter Number of females age 23 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

61 Y Male 24 – Manslaughter Number of males 24 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

62 Y Female 24 – Manslaughter Number of females 24 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

63 Y Male 25-29 – Manslaughter

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

64 Y Female 25-29 – Manslaughter

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

65 Y Male 30-34 – Manslaughter

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 14 of 14 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 01b - Manslaughter by Negligence continued

66 Y Female 30-34 – Manslaughter

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

67 Y Male 35-39 – Manslaughter

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

68 Y Female 35-39 – Manslaughter

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

69 Y Male 40-44 – Manslaughter

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

70 Y Female 40-44 – Manslaughter

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

71 Y Male 45-49 – Manslaughter Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

72 Y Female 45-49 – Manslaughter

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

73 Y Male 50-54 – Manslaughter Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

74 Y Female 50-54 – Manslaughter

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

75 Y Male 55-59 – Manslaughter Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

76 Y Female 55-59 – Manslaughter

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 15 of 15 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 01b - Manslaughter by Negligence continued

77 Y Male 60-64 – Manslaughter Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

78 Y Female 60-64 – Manslaughter

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

79 Y Male 65 and over – Manslaughter

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

80 Y Female 65 and over – Manslaughter

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

81 Y Total Male – Manslaughter

Total number of males that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 6 value must equal fields 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77 and 79 added together

82 Y Total Female – Manslaughter

Total number of females that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 6 value must equal fields 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78 and 80 added together

83 Y White total - Manslaughter Total number of White males and females that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

84 Y Black total - Manslaughter Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

85 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Manslaughter

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

86 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Manslaughter

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for manslaughter by negligence

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 16 of 16 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 02 - Forcible Rape

87 Y Male 18 – Forcible Rape Number of males 18 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

88 Y Female 18 – Forcible Rape Number of females 18 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

89 Y Male 19 – Forcible Rape Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

90 Y Female 19 – Forcible Rape Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

91 Y Male 20 – Forcible Rape Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

92 Y Female 20 – Forcible Rape Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

93 Y Male 21 – Forcible Rape Number of males age 21 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

94 Y Female 21 – Forcible Rape Number of females age 21 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

95 Y Male 22 – Forcible Rape Number of males age 22 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

96 Y Female 22 – Forcible Rape Number of females age 22 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

97 Y Male 23 – Forcible Rape Number of males age 23 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

98 Y Female 23 – Forcible Rape Number of females age 23 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

99 Y Male 24 – Forcible Rape Number of males 24 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

100 Y Female 24 – Forcible Rape Number of females 24 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

101 Y Male 25-29 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 17 of 17 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 02 - Forcible Rape continued

102 Y Female 25-29 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

103 Y Male 30-34 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

104 Y Female 30-34 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

105 Y Male 35-39 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

106 Y Female 35-39 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

107 Y Male 40-44 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

108 Y Female 40-44 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

109 Y Male 45-49 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

110 Y Female 45-49 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

111 Y Male 50-54 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

112 Y Female 50-54 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

113 Y Male 55-59 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

114 Y Female 55-59 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

115 Y Male 60-64 – Forcible Rape

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

116 Y Female 60-64 – Forcible Rape

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 18 of 18 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 02 - Forcible Rape continued

117 Y Male 65 and over – Forcible Rape

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

118 Y Female 65 and over – Forcible Rape

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for forcible rape Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

119 Y Total Male – Forcible Rape

Total number of males that were arrested for forcible rape Number 6

value must equal fields 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115 and 117 added together

120 Y Total Female – Forcible Rape

Total number of females that were arrested for forcible rape Number 6

value must equal fields 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116 and 118 added together

121 Y White total - Forcible Rape Total number of White males and females that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

122 Y Black total - Forcible Rape Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

123 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Forcible Rape

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

124 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Forcible Rape

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for forcible rape

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 03 - Robbery

125 Y Male 18 – Robbery Number of males 18 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

126 Y Female 18 – Robbery Number of females 18 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

127 Y Male 19 – Robbery Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

128 Y Female 19 – Robbery Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

129 Y Male 20 – Robbery Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 19 of 19 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 03 – Robbery continued

130 Y Female 20 – Robbery Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

131 Y Male 21 – Robbery Number of males age 21 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

132 Y Female 21 – Robbery Number of females age 21 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

133 Y Male 22 – Robbery Number of males age 22 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

134 Y Female 22 – Robbery Number of females age 22 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

135 Y Male 23 – Robbery Number of males age 23 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

136 Y Female 23 – Robbery Number of females age 23 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

137 Y Male 24 – Robbery Number of males 24 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

138 Y Female 24 – Robbery Number of females 24 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

139 Y Male 25-29 – Robbery Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

140 Y Female 25-29 – Robbery Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

141 Y Male 30-34 – Robbery Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

142 Y Female 30-34 – Robbery Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

143 Y Male 35-39 – Robbery Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

144 Y Female 35-39 – Robbery Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 20 of 20 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 03 – Robbery continued

145 Y Male 40-44 – Robbery Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

146 Y Female 40-44 – Robbery Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

147 Y Male 45-49 – Robbery Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

148 Y Female 45-49 – Robbery Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

149 Y Male 50-54 – Robbery Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

150 Y Female 50-54 – Robbery Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

151 Y Male 55-59 – Robbery Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

152 Y Female 55-59 – Robbery Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

153 Y Male 60-64 – Robbery Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

154 Y Female 60-64 – Robbery Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

155 Y Male 65 and over – Robbery

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

156 Y Female 65 and over – Robbery

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

157 Y Total Male – Robbery Total number of males that were arrested for robbery Number 6

value must equal fields 125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, 153 and 155 added together

158 Y Total Female – Robbery Total number of females that were arrested for robbery Number 6

value must equal fields 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152,154 and 156 added together

159 Y White total - Robbery Total number of White males and females that were arrested for robbery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 21 of 21 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 03 – Robbery continued

160 Y Black total - Robbery Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for robbery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

161 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Robbery

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for robbery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

162 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Robbery

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for robbery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 04 – Aggravated Assault

163 Y Male 18 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

164 Y Female 18 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females 18 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

165 Y Male 19 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

166 Y Female 19 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

167 Y Male 20 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

168 Y Female 20 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

169 Y Male 21 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

170 Y Female 21 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

171 Y Male 22 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

172 Y Female 22 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

173 Y Male 23 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 22 of 22 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 04 – Aggravated Assault continued

174 Y Female 23 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

175 Y Male 24 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males 24 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

176 Y Female 24 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females 24 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

177 Y Male 25-29 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

178 Y Female 25-29 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

179 Y Male 30-34 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

180 Y Female 30-34 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

181 Y Male 35-39 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

182 Y Female 35-39 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

183 Y Male 40-44 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

184 Y Female 40-44 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

185 Y Male 45-49 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

186 Y Female 45-49 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

187 Y Male 50-54 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

188 Y Female 50-54 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 23 of 23 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 04 – Aggravated Assault continued

189 Y Male 55-59 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

190 Y Female 55-59 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

191 Y Male 60-64 – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

192 Y Female 60-64 – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

193 Y Male 65 and over – Aggravated Assault

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

194 Y Female 65 and over – Aggravated Assault

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

195 Y Total Male – Aggravated Assault

Total number of males that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 6

value must equal fields 163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191 and 193 added together

196 Y Total Female – Aggravated Assault

Total number of females that were arrested for aggravated assault Number 6

value must equal fields 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, 192 and 194 added together

197 Y White total - Aggravated Assault

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

198 Y Black total - Aggravated Assault

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

199 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Aggravated Assault

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

200 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Aggravated Assault

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for aggravated assault

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 24 of 24 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 05 – Burglary

201 Y Male 18 Burglary Number of males 18 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

202 Y Female 18 – Burglary Number of females 18 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

203 Y Male 19 – Burglary Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

204 Y Female 19 – Burglary Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

205 Y Male 20 – Burglary Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

206 Y Female 20 – Burglary Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

207 Y Male 21 – Burglary Number of males age 21 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

208 Y Female 21 – Burglary Number of females age 21 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

209 Y Male 22 – Burglary Number of males age 22 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

210 Y Female 22 – Burglary Number of females age 22 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

211 Y Male 23 – Burglary Number of males age 23 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

212 Y Female 23 – Burglary Number of females age 23 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

213 Y Male 24 – Burglary Number of males 24 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

214 Y Female 24 – Burglary Number of females 24 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

215 Y Male 25-29 – Burglary Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 25 of 25 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 05 – Burglary continued

216 Y Female 25-29 – Burglary Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

217 Y Male 30-34 – Burglary Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

218 Y Female 30-34 – Burglary Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

219 Y Male 35-39 – Burglary Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

220 Y Female 35-39 – Burglary Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

221 Y Male 40-44 – Burglary Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

222 Y Female 40-44 – Burglary Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

223 Y Male 45-49 – Burglary Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

224 Y Female 45-49 – Burglary Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

225 Y Male 50-54 – Burglary Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

226 Y Female 50-54 – Burglary Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

227 Y Male 55-59 – Burglary Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

228 Y Female 55-59 – Burglary Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

229 Y Male 60-64 – Burglary Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

230 Y Female 60-64 – Burglary Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 26 of 26 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 05 – Burglary continued

231 Y Male 65 and over – Burglary

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

232 Y Female 65 and over – Burglary

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for burglary Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

233 Y Total Male – Burglary Total number of males that were arrested for burglary Number 6

value must equal fields 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225, 227, 229 and 231 added together

234 Y Total Female – Burglary Total number of females that were arrested for burglary Number 6

value must equal fields 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 230 and 232 added together

235 Y White total - Burglary Total number of White males and females that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

236 Y Black total - Burglary Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

237 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Burglary

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

238 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Burglary

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for burglary

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 06 – Larceny-Theft

239 Y Male 18 – Larceny-Theft Number of males 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

240 Y Female 18 – Larceny-Theft Number of females 18 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

241 Y Male 19 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

242 Y Female 19 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

243 Y Male 20 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 27 of 27 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 06 – Larceny-Theft continued

244 Y Female 20 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

245 Y Male 21 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age 21 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

246 Y Female 21 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age 21 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

247 Y Male 22 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age 22 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

248 Y Female 22 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age 22 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

249 Y Male 23 – Larceny-Theft Number of males age 23 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

250 Y Female 23 – Larceny-Theft Number of females age 23 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

251 Y Male 24 – Larceny-Theft Number of males 24 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

252 Y Female 24 – Larceny-Theft Number of females 24 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

253 Y Male 25-29 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

254 Y Female 25-29 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

255 Y Male 30-34 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

256 Y Female 30-34 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

257 Y Male 35-39 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

258 Y Female 35-39 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 28 of 28 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 06 – Larceny-Theft continued

259 Y Male 40-44 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

260 Y Female 40-44 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

261 Y Male 45-49 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

262 Y Female 45-49 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

263 Y Male 50-54 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

264 Y Female 50-54 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

265 Y Male 55-59 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

266 Y Female 55-59 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

267 Y Male 60-64 – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

268 Y Female 60-64 – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

269 Y Male 65 and over – Larceny-Theft

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

270 Y Female 65 and over – Larceny-Theft

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

271 Y Total Male – Larceny-Theft

Total number of males that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 6

value must equal fields 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253, 255, 257, 259, 261, 263, 265, 267 and 269 added together

272 Y Total Female – Larceny-Theft

Total number of females that were arrested for larceny-theft Number 6

value must equal fields 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252, 254, 256, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266, 268 and 270 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 29 of 29 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 06 – Larceny-Theft continued

273 Y White total - Larceny-Theft Total number of White males and females that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

274 Y Black total - Larceny-Theft Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

275 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Larceny-Theft

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

276 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Larceny-Theft

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for larceny-theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 07 – Motor Vehicle Theft

277 Y Male 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

278 Y Female 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females 18 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

279 Y Male 19 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

280 Y Female 19 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

281 Y Male 20 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

282 Y Female 20 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

283 Y Male 21 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

284 Y Female 21 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

285 Y Male 22 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

286 Y Female 22 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 30 of 30 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 07 – Motor Vehicle Theft continued

287 Y Male 23 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

288 Y Female 23 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

289 Y Male 24 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males 24 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

290 Y Female 24 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females 24 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

291 Y Male 25-29 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

292 Y Female 25-29 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

293 Y Male 30-34 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

294 Y Female 30-34 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

295 Y Male 35-39 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

296 Y Female 35-39 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

297 Y Male 40-44 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

298 Y Female 40-44 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

299 Y Male 45-49 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

300 Y Female 45-49 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

301 Y Male 50-54 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 31 of 31 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 07 – Motor Vehicle Theft continued

302 Y Female 50-54 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

303 Y Male 55-59 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

304 Y Female 55-59 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

305 Y Male 60-64 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

306 Y Female 60-64 – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

307 Y Male 65 and over – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

308 Y Female 65 and over – Motor Vehicle Theft

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

309 Y Total Male – Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of males that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 6

value must equal fields 277, 279, 281, 283, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 295, 297, 299, 301, 303, 305 and 307 added together

310 Y Total Female – Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of females that were arrested for motor vehicle theft Number 6

value must equal fields 278, 280, 282, 284, 286, 288, 290, 292, 294, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306 and 308 added together

311 Y White total - Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

312 Y Black total - Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

313 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

314 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Motor Vehicle Theft

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for motor vehicle theft

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 32 of 32 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 08 – Other Assaults

315 Y Male 18 – Other Assaults Number of males 18 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

316 Y Female 18 – Other Assaults

Number of females 18 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

317 Y Male 19 – Other Assaults Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

318 Y Female 19 – Other Assaults

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

319 Y Male 20 – Other Assaults Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

320 Y Female 20 – Other Assaults

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

321 Y Male 21 – Other Assaults Number of males age 21 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

322 Y Female 21 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

323 Y Male 22 – Other Assaults Number of males age 22 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

324 Y Female 22 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

325 Y Male 23 – Other Assaults Number of males age 23 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

326 Y Female 23 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

327 Y Male 24 – Other Assaults Number of males 24 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

328 Y Female 24 – Other Assaults

Number of females 24 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

329 Y Male 25-29 – Other Assaults

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 33 of 33 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 08 – Other Assaults continued

330 Y Female 25-29 – Other Assaults

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

331 Y Male 30-34 – Other Assaults

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

332 Y Female 30-34 – Other Assaults

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

333 Y Male 35-39 – Other Assaults

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

334 Y Female 35-39 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

335 Y Male 40-44 – Other Assaults

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

336 Y Female 40-44 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

337 Y Male 45-49 – Other Assaults

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

338 Y Female 45-49 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

339 Y Male 50-54 – Other Assaults

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

340 Y Female 50-54 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

341 Y Male 55-59 – Other Assaults

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

342 Y Female 55-59 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

343 Y Male 60-64 – Other Assaults

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

344 Y Female 60-64 – Other Assaults

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 34 of 34 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 08 – Other Assaults continued

345 Y Male 65 and over – Other Assaults

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

346 Y Female 65 and over – Other Assaults

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for other assaults Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

347 Y Total Male – Other Assaults

Total number of males that were arrested for other assaults Number 6

value must equal fields 315, 317, 319, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329, 331, 333, 335, 337, 339, 341, 343 and 345 added together

348 Y Total Female – Other Assaults

Total number of females that were arrested for other assaults Number 6

value must equal fields 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, 344 and 346 added together

349 Y White total - Other Assaults

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

350 Y Black total - Other Assaults

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

351 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Other Assaults

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

352 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Other Assaults

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for other assaults

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 09 – Arson

353 Y Male 18 – Arson Number of males 18 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

354 Y Female 18 – Arson Number of females 18 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

355 Y Male 19 – Arson Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

356 Y Female 19 – Arson Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

357 Y Male 20 – Arson Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 35 of 35 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 09 – Arson continued

358 Y Female 20 – Arson Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

359 Y Male 21 – Arson Number of males age 21 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

360 Y Female 21 – Arson Number of females age 21 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

361 Y Male 22 – Arson Number of males age 22 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

362 Y Female 22 – Arson Number of females age 22 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

363 Y Male 23 – Arson Number of males age 23 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

364 Y Female 23 – Arson Number of females age 23 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

365 Y Male 24 – Arson Number of males 24 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

366 Y Female 24 – Arson Number of females 24 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

367 Y Male 25-29 – Arson Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

368 Y Female 25-29 – Arson Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

369 Y Male 30-34 – Arson Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

370 Y Female 30-34 – Arson Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

371 Y Male 35-39 – Arson Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

372 Y Female 35-39 – Arson Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 36 of 36 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 09 – Arson continued

373 Y Male 40-44 – Arson Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

374 Y Female 40-44 – Arson Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

375 Y Male 45-49 – Arson Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

376 Y Female 45-49 – Arson Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

377 Y Male 50-54 – Arson Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

378 Y Female 50-54 – Arson Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

379 Y Male 55-59 – Arson Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

380 Y Female 55-59 – Arson Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

381 Y Male 60-64 – Arson Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

382 Y Female 60-64 – Arson Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

383 Y Male 65 and over – Arson Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

384 Y Female 65 and over – Arson

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

385 Y Total Male – Arson Total number of males that were arrested for arson Number 6

value must equal fields 353, 355, 357, 359, 361, 363, 365, 367, 369, 371, 373, 375, 377, 379, 381 and 383 added together

386 Y Total Female – Arson Total number of females that were arrested for arson Number 6

value must equal fields 354, 356, 358, 360, 362, 364, 366, 368, 370, 372, 374, 376, 378, 380, 382 and 384 added together

387 Y White total - Arson Total number of White males and females that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 37 of 37 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 09 – Arson continued

388 Y Black total - Arson Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for arson Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

389 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Arson

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for arson

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

390 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Arson

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for arson

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

391 Y Male 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

392 Y Female 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females 18 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

393 Y Male 19 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

394 Y Female 19 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

395 Y Male 20 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

396 Y Female 20 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

397 Y Male 21 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

398 Y Female 21 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

399 Y Male 22 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

400 Y Female 22 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 38 of 38 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting continued

401 Y Male 23 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

402 Y Female 23 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

403 Y Male 24 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males 24 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

404 Y Female 24 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females 24 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

405 Y Male 25-29 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

406 Y Female 25-29 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

407 Y Male 30-34 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

408 Y Female 30-34 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

409 Y Male 35-39 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

410 Y Female 35-39 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

411 Y Male 40-44 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

412 Y Female 40-44 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

413 Y Male 45-49 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 39 of 39 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting continued

414 Y Female 45-49 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

415 Y Male 50-54 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

416 Y Female 50-54 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

417 Y Male 55-59 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

418 Y Female 55-59 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

419 Y Male 60-64 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

420 Y Female 60-64 – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

421 Y Male 65 and over – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

422 Y Female 65 and over – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

423 Y Total Male – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of males that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 6

value must equal fields 391, 393, 395, 397, 399, 401, 403, 405, 407, 409, 411, 413, 415, 417, 419 and 421 added together

424 Y Total Female – Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of females that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting Number 6

value must equal fields 392, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402, 404, 406, 408, 410, 412, 414, 416, 418, 420 and 422 added together

425 Y White total - Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 40 of 40 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 10 – Forgery and Counterfeiting continued

426 Y Black total - Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

427 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

428 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Forgery and Counterfeiting

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 11– Fraud

429 Y Male 18 – Fraud Number of males 18 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

430 Y Female 18 – Fraud Number of females 18 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

431 Y Male 19 – Fraud Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

432 Y Female 19 – Fraud Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

433 Y Male 20 – Fraud Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

434 Y Female 20 – Fraud Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

435 Y Male 21 – Fraud Number of males age 21 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

436 Y Female 21 – Fraud Number of females age 21 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

437 Y Male 22 – Fraud Number of males age 22 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

438 Y Female 22 – Fraud Number of females age 22 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 41 of 41 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 11– Fraud continued

439 Y Male 23 – Fraud Number of males age 23 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

440 Y Female 23 – Fraud Number of females age 23 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

441 Y Male 24 – Fraud Number of males 24 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

442 Y Female 24 – Fraud Number of females 24 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

443 Y Male 25-29 – Fraud Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

444 Y Female 25-29 – Fraud Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

445 Y Male 30-34 – Fraud Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

446 Y Female 30-34 – Fraud Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

447 Y Male 35-39 – Fraud Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

448 Y Female 35-39 – Fraud Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

449 Y Male 40-44 – Fraud Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

450 Y Female 40-44 – Fraud Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

451 Y Male 45-49 – Fraud Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

452 Y Female 45-49 – Fraud Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

453 Y Male 50-54 – Fraud Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 42 of 42 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 11– Fraud continued

454 Y Female 50-54 – Fraud Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

455 Y Male 55-59 – Fraud Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

456 Y Female 55-59 – Fraud Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

457 Y Male 60-64 – Fraud Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

458 Y Female 60-64 – Fraud Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

459 Y Male 65 and over – Fraud Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

460 Y Female 65 and over – Fraud

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

461 Y Total Male – Fraud Total number of males that were arrested for fraud Number 6

value must equal fields 429, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, 443, 445, 447, 449, 451, 453, 455, 457 and 459 added together

462 Y Total Female – Fraud Total number of females that were arrested for fraud Number 6

value must equal fields 430, 432, 434, 436, 438, 440, 442, 444, 446, 448, 450, 452, 454, 456, 458 and 460 added together

463 Y White total - Fraud Total number of White males and females that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

464 Y Black total - Fraud Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for fraud Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

465 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Fraud

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for fraud

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

466 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Fraud

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for fraud

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 43 of 43 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 12– Embezzlement

467 Y Male 18 – Embezzlement Number of males 18 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

468 Y Female 18 – Embezzlement

Number of females 18 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

469 Y Male 19 – Embezzlement Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

470 Y Female 19 – Embezzlement

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

471 Y Male 20 – Embezzlement Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

472 Y Female 20 – Embezzlement

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

473 Y Male 21 – Embezzlement Number of males age 21 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

474 Y Female 21 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

475 Y Male 22 – Embezzlement Number of males age 22 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

476 Y Female 22 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

477 Y Male 23 – Embezzlement Number of males age 23 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

478 Y Female 23 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

479 Y Male 24 – Embezzlement Number of males 24 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

480 Y Female 24 – Embezzlement

Number of females 24 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

481 Y Male 25-29 – Embezzlement

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 44 of 44 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 12– Embezzlement continued

482 Y Female 25-29 – Embezzlement

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

483 Y Male 30-34 – Embezzlement

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

484 Y Female 30-34 – Embezzlement

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

485 Y Male 35-39 – Embezzlement

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

486 Y Female 35-39 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

487 Y Male 40-44 – Embezzlement

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

488 Y Female 40-44 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

489 Y Male 45-49 – Embezzlement

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

490 Y Female 45-49 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

491 Y Male 50-54 – Embezzlement

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

492 Y Female 50-54 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

493 Y Male 55-59 – Embezzlement

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

494 Y Female 55-59 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

495 Y Male 60-64 – Embezzlement

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

496 Y Female 60-64 – Embezzlement

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 45 of 45 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 12– Embezzlement continued

497 Y Male 65 and over – Embezzlement

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

498 Y Female 65 and over – Embezzlement

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for embezzlement Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

499 Y Total Male – Embezzlement

Total number of males that were arrested for embezzlement Number 6

value must equal fields 467, 469, 471, 473, 475, 477, 479, 481, 483, 485, 487, 489, 491, 493, 495 and 497 added together

500 Y Total Female – Embezzlement

Total number of females that were arrested for embezzlement Number 6

value must equal fields 468, 470, 472, 474, 476, 478, 480, 482, 484, 486, 488, 490, 492, 494, 496 and 498 added together

501 Y White total - Embezzlement

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

502 Y Black total - Embezzlement

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

503 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Embezzlement

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

504 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Embezzlement

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for embezzlement

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 13– Stolen Property

505 Y Male 18 – Stolen Property Number of males 18 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

506 Y Female 18 – Stolen Property

Number of females 18 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

507 Y Male 19 – Stolen Property Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

508 Y Female 19 – Stolen Property

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 46 of 46 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 13– Stolen Property continued

509 Y Male 20 – Stolen Property Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

510 Y Female 20 – Stolen Property

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

511 Y Male 21 – Stolen Property Number of males age 21 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

512 Y Female 21 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

513 Y Male 22 – Stolen Property Number of males age 22 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

514 Y Female 22 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

515 Y Male 23 – Stolen Property Number of males age 23 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

516 Y Female 23 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

517 Y Male 24 – Stolen Property Number of males 24 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

518 Y Female 24 – Stolen Property

Number of females 24 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

519 Y Male 25-29 – Stolen Property

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

520 Y Female 25-29 – Stolen Property

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

521 Y Male 30-34 – Stolen Property

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

522 Y Female 30-34 – Stolen Property

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

523 Y Male 35-39 – Stolen Property

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 47 of 47 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 13– Stolen Property continued

524 Y Female 35-39 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

525 Y Male 40-44 – Stolen Property

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

526 Y Female 40-44 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

527 Y Male 45-49 – Stolen Property

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

528 Y Female 45-49 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

529 Y Male 50-54 – Stolen Property

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

530 Y Female 50-54 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

531 Y Male 55-59 – Stolen Property

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

532 Y Female 55-59 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

533 Y Male 60-64 – Stolen Property

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

534 Y Female 60-64 – Stolen Property

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

535 Y Male 65 and over – Stolen Property

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

536 Y Female 65 and over – Stolen Property

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for stolen property Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

537 Y Total Male – Stolen Property

Total number of males that were arrested for stolen property Number 6

value must equal fields 505, 507, 509, 511, 513, 515, 517, 519, 521, 523, 525, 527, 529, 531, 533 and 535 added together

538 Y Total Female – Stolen Property

Total number of females that were arrested for stolen property Number 6

value must equal fields 506, 508, 510, 512, 514, 516, 518, 520, 522, 524, 526, 528, 530, 532, 534 and 536 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 48 of 48 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 13– Stolen Property continued

539 Y White total - Stolen Property

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for stolen property

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

540 Y Black total - Stolen Property

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for stolen property

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

541 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Stolen Property

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for stolen property

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

542 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Stolen Property

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for stolen property

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 14– Vandalism

543 Y Male 18 – Vandalism Number of males 18 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

544 Y Female 18 – Vandalism Number of females 18 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

545 Y Male 19 – Vandalism Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

546 Y Female 19 – Vandalism Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

547 Y Male 20 – Vandalism Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

548 Y Female 20 – Vandalism Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

549 Y Male 21 – Vandalism Number of males age 21 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

550 Y Female 21 – Vandalism Number of females age 21 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

551 Y Male 22 – Vandalism Number of males age 22 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 49 of 49 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 14– Vandalism continued

552 Y Female 22 – Vandalism Number of females age 22 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

553 Y Male 23 – Vandalism Number of males age 23 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

554 Y Female 23 – Vandalism Number of females age 23 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

555 Y Male 24 – Vandalism Number of males 24 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

556 Y Female 24 – Vandalism Number of females 24 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

557 Y Male 25-29 – Vandalism Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

558 Y Female 25-29 – Vandalism Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

559 Y Male 30-34 – Vandalism Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

560 Y Female 30-34 – Vandalism Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

561 Y Male 35-39 – Vandalism Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

562 Y Female 35-39 – Vandalism Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

563 Y Male 40-44 – Vandalism Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

564 Y Female 40-44 – Vandalism Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

565 Y Male 45-49 – Vandalism Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

566 Y Female 45-49 – Vandalism Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 50 of 50 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 14– Vandalism continued

567 Y Male 50-54 – Vandalism Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

568 Y Female 50-54 – Vandalism Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

569 Y Male 55-59 – Vandalism Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

570 Y Female 55-59 – Vandalism Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

571 Y Male 60-64 – Vandalism Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

572 Y Female 60-64 – Vandalism Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

573 Y Male 65 and over – Vandalism

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

574 Y Female 65 and over – Vandalism

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for vandalism Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

575 Y Total Male – Vandalism Total number of males that were arrested for vandalism Number 6

value must equal fields 543, 545, 547, 549, 551, 553, 555, 557, 559, 561, 563, 565, 567, 569, 571,and 573 added together

576 Y Total Female – Vandalism Total number of females that were arrested for vandalism Number 6

value must equal fields 544, 546, 548, 550, 552, 554, 556, 558, 560, 562, 564, 566, 568, 570, 572 and 574 added together

577 Y White total - Vandalism Total number of White males and females that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

578 Y Black total - Vandalism Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

579 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Vandalism

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

580 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Vandalism

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for vandalism

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 51 of 51 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 15 – Weapons

581 Y Male 18 – Weapons Number of males 18 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

582 Y Female 18 – Weapons Number of females 18 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

583 Y Male 19 – Weapons Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

584 Y Female 19 – Weapons Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

585 Y Male 20 – Weapons Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

586 Y Female 20 – Weapons Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

587 Y Male 21 – Weapons Number of males age 21 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

588 Y Female 21 – Weapons Number of females age 21 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

589 Y Male 22 – Weapons Number of males age 22 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

590 Y Female 22 – Weapons Number of females age 22 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

591 Y Male 23 – Weapons Number of males age 23 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

592 Y Female 23 – Weapons Number of females age 23 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

593 Y Male 24 – Weapons Number of males 24 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

594 Y Female 24 – Weapons Number of females 24 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

595 Y Male 25-29 – Weapons Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 52 of 52 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 15 – Weapons continued

596 Y Female 25-29 – Weapons Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

597 Y Male 30-34 – Weapons Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

598 Y Female 30-34 – Weapons Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

599 Y Male 35-39 – Weapons Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

600 Y Female 35-39 – Weapons Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

601 Y Male 40-44 – Weapons Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

602 Y Female 40-44 – Weapons Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

603 Y Male 45-49 – Weapons Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

604 Y Female 45-49 – Weapons Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

605 Y Male 50-54 – Weapons Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

606 Y Female 50-54 – Weapons Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

607 Y Male 55-59 – Weapons Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

608 Y Female 55-59 – Weapons Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

609 Y Male 60-64 – Weapons Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

610 Y Female 60-64 – Weapons Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 53 of 53 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 15 – Weapons continued

611 Y Male 65 and over – Weapons

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

612 Y Female 65 and over – Weapons

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for weapons Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

613 Y Total Male – Weapons Total number of males that were arrested for weapons Number 6

value must equal fields 581, 583, 585, 587, 589, 591, 593, 595, 597, 599, 601, 603, 605, 607, 609 and 611 added together

614 Y Total Female – Weapons Total number of females that were arrested for weapons Number 6

value must equal fields 582, 584, 586, 588, 590, 592, 594, 596, 598, 600, 602, 604, 606, 608, 610 and 612 added together

615 Y White total - Weapons Total number of White males and females that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

616 Y Black total - Weapons Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

617 Y American Indian or Weapons Alaskan Native total - Weapons

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

618 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Weapons

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for weapons

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 16 – Prostitution

619 Y Male 18 – Prostitution Number of males 18 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

620 Y Female 18 – Prostitution Number of females 18 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

621 Y Male 19 – Prostitution Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

622 Y Female 19 – Prostitution Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

623 Y Male 20 – Prostitution Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 54 of 54 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 16 – Prostitution continued

624 Y Female 20 – Prostitution Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

625 Y Male 21 – Prostitution Number of males age 21 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

626 Y Female 21 – Prostitution Number of females age 21 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

627 Y Male 22 – Prostitution Number of males age 22 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

628 Y Female 22 – Prostitution Number of females age 22 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

629 Y Male 23 – Prostitution Number of males age 23 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

630 Y Female 23 – Prostitution Number of females age 23 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

631 Y Male 24 – Prostitution Number of males 24 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

632 Y Female 24 – Prostitution Number of females 24 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

633 Y Male 25-29 – Prostitution Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

634 Y Female 25-29 – Prostitution

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

635 Y Male 30-34 – Prostitution Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

636 Y Female 30-34 – Prostitution

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

637 Y Male 35-39 – Prostitution Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

638 Y Female 35-39 – Prostitution

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 55 of 55 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 16 – Prostitution continued

639 Y Male 40-44 – Prostitution Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

640 Y Female 40-44 – Prostitution

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

641 Y Male 45-49 – Prostitution Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

642 Y Female 45-49 – Prostitution

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

643 Y Male 50-54 – Prostitution Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

644 Y Female 50-54 – Prostitution

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

645 Y Male 55-59 – Prostitution Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

646 Y Female 55-59 – Prostitution

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

647 Y Male 60-64 – Prostitution Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

648 Y Female 60-64 – Prostitution

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

649 Y Male 65 and over – Prostitution

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

650 Y Female 65 and over – Prostitution

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for prostitution Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

651 Y Total Male – Prostitution Total number of males that were arrested for prostitution Number 6

value must equal fields 619, 621, 623, 625, 627, 629, 631, 633, 635, 637, 639, 641, 643, 645, 647 and 649 added together

652 Y Total Female – Prostitution

Total number of females that were arrested for prostitution Number 6

value must equal fields 620, 622, 624, 626, 628, 630, 632, 634, 636, 638, 640, 642, 644, 646, 648 and 650 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 56 of 56 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 16 – Prostitution continued

653 Y White total - Prostitution Total number of White males and females that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

654 Y Black total - Prostitution Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

655 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Prostitution

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

656 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Prostitution

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for prostitution

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 17 – Sex Offenses

657 Y Male 18 – Sex Offenses Number of males 18 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

658 Y Female 18 – Sex Offenses Number of females 18 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

659 Y Male 19 – Sex Offenses Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

660 Y Female 19 – Sex Offenses Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

661 Y Male 20 – Sex Offenses Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

662 Y Female 20 – Sex Offenses Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

663 Y Male 21 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 21 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

664 Y Female 21 – Sex Offenses Number of females age 21 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

665 Y Male 22 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 22 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 57 of 57 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 17 – Sex Offenses continued

666 Y Female 22 – Sex Offenses Number of females age 22 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

667 Y Male 23 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 23 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

668 Y Female 23 – Sex Offenses Number of females age 23 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

669 Y Male 24 – Sex Offenses Number of males 24 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

670 Y Female 24 – Sex Offenses Number of females 24 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

671 Y Male 25-29 – Sex Offenses

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

672 Y Female 25-29 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

673 Y Male 30-34 – Sex Offenses

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

674 Y Female 30-34 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

675 Y Male 35-39 – Sex Offenses

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

676 Y Female 35-39 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

677 Y Male 40-44 – Sex Offenses

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

678 Y Female 40-44 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

679 Y Male 45-49 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

680 Y Female 45-49 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 58 of 58 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 17 – Sex Offenses continued

681 Y Male 50-54 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

682 Y Female 50-54 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

683 Y Male 55-59 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

684 Y Female 55-59 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

685 Y Male 60-64 – Sex Offenses Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

686 Y Female 60-64 – Sex Offenses

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

687 Y Male 65 and over – Sex Offenses

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

688 Y Female 65 and over – Sex Offenses

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for sex offenses Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

689 Y Total Male – Sex Offenses

Total number of males that were arrested for sex offenses Number 6

value must equal fields 657, 659, 661, 663, 665, 667, 669, 671, 673, 675, 677, 679, 681, 683, 685 and 687 added together

690 Y Total Female – Sex Offenses

Total number of females that were arrested for sex offenses Number 6

value must equal fields 658, 660, 662, 664, 666, 668, 670, 672, 674, 676, 678, 680, 682, 684, 686 and 688 added together

691 Y White total - Sex Offenses Total number of White males and females that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

692 Y Black total - Sex Offenses Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

693 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sex Offenses

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 59 of 59 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 17 – Sex Offenses continued

694 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sex Offenses

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for sex offenses

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 18 – Drug Abuse Violations - Grand Totals

695 Y Male 18 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 733 and 923 added together

696 Y Female 18 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females 18 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 734 and 924 added together

697 Y Male 19 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age of 19 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 735 and 925 added together

698 Y Female 19 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age of 19 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 736 and 926 added together

699 Y Male 20 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age of 20 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 737 and 927 added together

700 Y Female 20 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age of 20 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 738 and 928 added together

701 Y Male 21 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age 21 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 739 and 929 added together

702 Y Female 21 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age 21 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 740 and 930 added together

703 Y Male 22 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age 22 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 741 and 931 added together

704 Y Female 22 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age 22 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 742 and 932 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 60 of 60 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 18 – Drug Abuse Violations - Grand Totals continued

705 Y Male 23 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males age 23 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 743 and 933 added together

706 Y Female 23 – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females age 23 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 744 and 934 added together

707 Y Male 24 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males 24 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 745 and 935 added together

708 Y Female 24 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females 24 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 746 and 936 added together

709 Y Male 25-29 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 747 and 937 added together

710 Y Female 25-29 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 748 and 938 added together

711 Y Male 30-34 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 749 and 939 added together

712 Y Female 30-34 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 750 and 940 added together

713 Y Male 35-39 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 751 and 941 added together

714 Y Female 35-39 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 752 and 942 added together

715 Y Male 40-44 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 753 and 943 added together

716 Y Female 40-44 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 754 and 944 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 61 of 61 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 18 – Drug Abuse Violations - Grand Totals continued

717 Y Male 45-49 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 755 and 945 added together

718 Y Female 45-49 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 756 and 946 added together

719 Y Male 50-54 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 757 and 947 added together

720 Y Female 50-54 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 758 and 948 added together

721 Y Male 55-59 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 759 and 949 added together

722 Y Female 55-59 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 760 and 950 added together

723 Y Male 60-64 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 5 value must equal fields 761 and 951 added together

724 Y Female 60-64 – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 762 and 952 added together

725 Y Male 65 and over – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 763 and 953 added together

726 Y Female 65 and over – Drug Abuse Violations

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 764 and 954 added together

727 Y Total Male – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of males that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 6 value must equal fields 765 and 955 added together

728 Y Total Female – Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of females that were arrested for drug abuse violations Number 6 value must equal fields 766 and 956 added together

729 Y White total - Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 767 and 957 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 62 of 62 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 18 – Drug Abuse Violations - Grand Totals continued

730 Y Black total - Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 768 and 958 added together

731 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 769 and 959 added together

732 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drug Abuse Violations

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for drug abuse violations

Number 5 value must equal fields 770 and 960 added together

Row 180 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Subtotal

733 Y Male 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 771, 809, 847 and 885 added together

734 Y Female 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females 18 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 772, 810, 848 and 886 added together

735 Y Male 19 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age of 19 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 773, 811, 849 and 887 added together

736 Y Female 19 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age of 19 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 774, 812, 850 and 888 added together

737 Y Male 20 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age of 20 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 775, 813, 851 and 889 added together

738 Y Female 20 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age of 20 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 776, 814, 852 and 890 added together

739 Y Male 21 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age 21 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 777, 815, 853 and 891 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 63 of 63 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Subtotal continued

740 Y Female 21 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age 21 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 778, 816, 854 and 892 added together

741 Y Male 22 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age 22 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 779, 817, 855 and 893 added together

742 Y Female 22 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age 22 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 780, 818, 856 and 894 added together

743 Y Male 23 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of males age 23 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 781, 819, 857 and 895 added together

744 Y Female 23 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Subtotal number of females age 23 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 782, 820, 858 and 896 added together

745 Y Male 24 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males 24 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 783, 821, 859 and 897 added


746 Y Female 24 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females 24 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 784, 822, 860 and 898 added


747 Y Male 25-29 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 785, 823, 861 and 899 added together

748 Y Female 25-29 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 786, 824, 862 and 900 added together

749 Y Male 30-34 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 787, 825, 863 and 901 added together

750 Y Female 30-34 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 788, 826, 864 and 902 added together

751 Y Male 35-39 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 789, 827, 865 and 903 added


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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 64 of 64 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Subtotal continued

752 Y Female 35-39 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 790, 828, 866 and 904 added together

753 Y Male 40-44 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 791, 829, 867 and 905 added


754 Y Female 40-44 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 792, 830, 868 and 906 added together

755 Y Male 45-49 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 793, 831, 869 and 907 added


756 Y Female 45-49 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 794, 832, 870 and 908 added together

757 Y Male 50-54 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 795, 833, 871 and 909 added


758 Y Female 50-54 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 796, 834, 872 and 910 added together

759 Y Male 55-59 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 797, 835, 873 and 911 added


760 Y Female 55-59 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 798, 836, 874 and 912 added together

761 Y Male 60-64 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 5 value must equal fields 799, 837, 875 and 913 added


762 Y Female 60-64 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 800, 838, 876 and 914 added together

763 Y Male 65 and over – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 801, 839, 877 and 915 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 65 of 65 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Subtotal continued

764 Y Female 65 and over – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 802, 840, 878 and 916 added together

765 Y Total Male – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Total number of males that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 6 value must equal fields 803, 841, 879 and 917 added


766 Y Total Female – Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Total number of females that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing Number 6 value must equal fields 804, 842, 880 and 918 added


767 Y White total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 805, 843, 881 and 919 added together

768 Y Black total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 806, 844, 882 and 920 added together

769 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 807, 845, 883 and 921 added together

770 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for drug sale/manufacturing

Number 5 value must equal fields 808, 846, 884 and 922 added together

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine

771 Y Male 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

772 Y Female 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

773 Y Male 19 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

774 Y Female 19 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 66 of 66 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine continued

775 Y Male 20 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

776 Y Female 20 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

777 Y Male 21 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

778 Y Female 21 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

779 Y Male 22 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

780 Y Female 22 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

781 Y Male 23 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

782 Y Female 23 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

783 Y Male 24 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

784 Y Female 24 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

785 Y Male 25-29 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 67 of 67 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine continued

786 Y Female 25-29 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

787 Y Male 30-34 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

788 Y Female 30-34 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

789 Y Male 35-39 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

790 Y Female 35-39 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

791 Y Male 40-44 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

792 Y Female 40-44 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

793 Y Male 45-49 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

794 Y Female 45-49 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

795 Y Male 50-54 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

796 Y Female 50-54 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 68 of 68 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine continued

797 Y Male 55-59 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

798 Y Female 55-59 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

799 Y Male 60-64 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

800 Y Female 60-64 – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

801 Y Male 65 and over – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

802 Y Female 65 and over – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

803 Y Total Male – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of males that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 771, 773, 775, 777, 779, 781, 783, 785, 787, 789, 791, 793, 795, 797, 799 and 801 added together

804 Y Total Female – Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 772, 774, 776, 778, 780, 782, 784, 786, 788, 790, 792, 794, 796, 798, 800 and 802 added together

805 Y White total - Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

806 Y Black total - Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

807 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 69 of 69 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 a – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Opium or Cocaine continued

808 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 180 b – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Marijuana

809 Y Male 18 – Sale Marijuana Number of males 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

810 Y Female 18 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

811 Y Male 19 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

812 Y Female 19 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

813 Y Male 20 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

814 Y Female 20 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

815 Y Male 21 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

816 Y Female 21 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

817 Y Male 22 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 70 of 70 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 b – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Marijuana continued

818 Y Female 22 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

819 Y Male 23 – Sale Marijuana Number of males age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

820 Y Female 23 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

821 Y Male 24 – Sale Marijuana Number of males 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

822 Y Female 24 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

823 Y Male 25-29 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

824 Y Female 25-29 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

825 Y Male 30-34 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

826 Y Female 30-34 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

827 Y Male 35-39 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

828 Y Female 35-39 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 71 of 71 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 b – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Marijuana continued

829 Y Male 40-44 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

830 Y Female 40-44 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

831 Y Male 45-49 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

832 Y Female 45-49 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

833 Y Male 50-54 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

834 Y Female 50-54 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

835 Y Male 55-59 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

836 Y Female 55-59 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

837 Y Male 60-64 – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

838 Y Female 60-64 – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

839 Y Male 65 and over – Sale Marijuana

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 72 of 72 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 b – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Marijuana continued

840 Y Female 65 and over – Sale Marijuana

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

841 Y Total Male – Sale Marijuana

Total number of males that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 6 value must equal fields 809, 811, 813, 815, 817, 819, 821, 823, 825, 827, 829, 831, 833, 835, 837 and 839 added together

842 Y Total Female – Sale Marijuana

Total number of females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 6 value must equal fields 810, 812, 814, 816, 818, 820, 822, 824, 826, 828, 830, 832, 834, 836, 838 and 840 added together

843 Y White total - Sale Marijuana

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

844 Y Black total - Sale Marijuana

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

845 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Marijuana

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

846 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Marijuana

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 180 c – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Synthetic Narcotics

847 Y Male 18 – Sale Narcotics Number of males 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

848 Y Female 18 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

849 Y Male 19 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 73 of 73 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 c – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Synthetic Narcotics continued

850 Y Female 19 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

851 Y Male 20 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

852 Y Female 20 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

853 Y Male 21 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

854 Y Female 21 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

855 Y Male 22 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

856 Y Female 22 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

857 Y Male 23 – Sale Narcotics Number of males age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

858 Y Female 23 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

859 Y Male 24 – Sale Narcotics Number of males 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

860 Y Female 24 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 74 of 74 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 c – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Synthetic Narcotics continued

861 Y Male 25-29 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

862 Y Female 25-29 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

863 Y Male 30-34 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

864 Y Female 30-34 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

865 Y Male 35-39 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

866 Y Female 35-39 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

867 Y Male 40-44 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

868 Y Female 40-44 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

869 Y Male 45-49 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

870 Y Female 45-49 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

871 Y Male 50-54 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 75 of 75 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 c – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Synthetic Narcotics continued

872 Y Female 50-54 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

873 Y Male 55-59 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

874 Y Female 55-59 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

875 Y Male 60-64 – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

876 Y Female 60-64 – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

877 Y Male 65 and over – Sale Narcotics

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

878 Y Female 65 and over – Sale Narcotics

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

879 Y Total Male – Sale Narcotics

Total number of males that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 847, 849, 851, 853, 855, 857, 859, 861, 863, 865, 867, 869, 871, 873, 875 and 877 added together

880 Y Total Female – Sale Narcotics

Total number of females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 848, 850, 852, 854, 856, 858, 860, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876 and 878 added together

881 Y White total - Sale Narcotics

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

882 Y Black total - Sale Narcotics

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 76 of 76 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 c – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Synthetic Narcotics continued

883 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Narcotics

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

884 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Narcotics

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 180 d – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs

885 Y Male 18 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

886 Y Female 18 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females 18 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

887 Y Male 19 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

888 Y Female 19 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

889 Y Male 20 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

890 Y Female 20 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

891 Y Male 21 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

892 Y Female 21 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 77 of 77 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 d – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

893 Y Male 22 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

894 Y Female 22 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

895 Y Male 23 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

896 Y Female 23 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

897 Y Male 24 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

898 Y Female 24 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females 24 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

899 Y Male 25-29 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

900 Y Female 25-29 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

901 Y Male 30-34 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

902 Y Female 30-34 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

903 Y Male 35-39 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 78 of 78 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 d – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

904 Y Female 35-39 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

905 Y Male 40-44 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

906 Y Female 40-44 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

907 Y Male 45-49 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

908 Y Female 45-49 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

909 Y Male 50-54 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

910 Y Female 50-54 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

911 Y Male 55-59 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

912 Y Female 55-59 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

913 Y Male 60-64 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

914 Y Female 60-64 – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 79 of 79 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 180 d – Drug Sale/Manufacturing – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

915 Y Male 65 and over – Sale Other Drugs

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

916 Y Female 65 and over – Sale Other Drugs

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

917 Y Total Male – Sale Other Drugs

Total number of males that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 6 value must equal fields 885, 887, 889, 891, 893, 895, 897, 899, 901, 903, 905, 907, 909, 911, 913 and 915 added together

918 Y Total Female – Sale Other Drugs

Total number of females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 6 value must equal fields 886, 888, 890, 892, 894, 896, 898, 900, 902, 904, 906, 908, 910, 912, 914 and 916 added together

919 Y White total - Sale Other Drugs

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

920 Y Black total - Sale Other Drugs

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

921 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Other Drugs

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

922 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Other Drugs

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for selling or manufacturing other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 185 – Drug Possession – Subtotal

923 Y Male 18 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males 18 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 961, 999, 1037 and 1075

added together

924 Y Female 18 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females 18 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 962, 1000, 1038 and 1076

added together

925 Y Male 19 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age of 19 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 963, 1001, 1039 and 1077 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 80 of 80 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 – Drug Possession – Subtotal continued

926 Y Female 19 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age of 19 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 964, 1002, 1040 and 1078 added together

927 Y Male 20 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age of 20 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 965, 1003, 1041 and 1079 added together

928 Y Female 20 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age of 20 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 966, 1004, 1042 and 1080 added together

929 Y Male 21 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age 21 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 967, 1005, 1043 and 1081

added together

930 Y Female 21 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age 21 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 968, 1006, 1044 and 1082 added together

931 Y Male 22 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age 22 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 969, 1007, 1045 and 1083

added together

932 Y Female 22 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age 22 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 970, 1008, 1046 and 1084 added together

933 Y Male 23 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of males age 23 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 971, 1009, 1047 and 1085

added together

934 Y Female 23 – Drug Possession

Subtotal number of females age 23 that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 972, 1010, 1048 and 1086 added together

935 Y Male 24 – Drug Possession

Number of males 24 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 973, 1011, 1049 and 1087

added together

936 Y Female 24 – Drug Possession

Number of females 24 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 974, 1012, 1050 and 1088

added together

937 Y Male 25-29 – Drug Possession

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 975, 1013, 1051 and 1089

added together

938 Y Female 25-29 – Drug Possession

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 976, 1014, 1052 and 1090

added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 81 of 81 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 – Drug Possession – Subtotal continued

939 Y Male 30-34 – Drug Possession

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 977, 1015, 1053 and 1091

added together

940 Y Female 30-34 – Drug Possession

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 978, 1016, 1054 and 1092

added together

941 Y Male 35-39 – Drug Possession

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 979, 1017, 1055 and 1093

added together

942 Y Female 35-39 – Drug Possession

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 980, 1018, 1056 and 1094

added together

943 Y Male 40-44 – Drug Possession

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 981, 1019, 1057 and 1095

added together

944 Y Female 40-44 – Drug Possession

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 982, 1020, 1058 and 1096

added together

945 Y Male 45-49 – Drug Possession

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 983, 1021, 1059 and 1097

added together

946 Y Female 45-49 – Drug Possession

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 984, 1022, 1060 and 1098

added together

947 Y Male 50-54 – Drug Possession

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 985, 1023, 1061 and 1099

added together

948 Y Female 50-54 – Drug Possession

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 986, 1024, 1062 and 1100

added together

949 Y Male 55-59 – Drug Possession

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 987, 1025, 1063 and 1101

added together

950 Y Female 55-59 – Drug Possession

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 988, 1026, 1064 and 1102

added together

951 Y Male 60-64 – Drug Possession

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 989, 1027, 1065 and 1103

added together

952 Y Female 60-64 – Drug Possession

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for drug possession Number 5 value must equal fields 990, 1028, 1066 and 1104

added together

953 Y Male 65 and over – Drug Possession

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 991, 1029, 1067 and 1105 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 82 of 82 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 – Drug Possession – Subtotal continued

954 Y Female 65 and over – Drug Possession

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 992, 1030, 1068 and 1106 added together

955 Y Total Male – Drug Possession

Total number of males that were arrested for drug possession Number 6 value must equal fields 993, 1031, 1069 and 1107

added together

956 Y Total Female – Drug Possession

Total number of females that were arrested for drug possession Number 6 value must equal fields 994, 1032, 1070 and 1108

added together

957 Y White total - Drug Possession

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 995, 1033, 1071 and 1109 added together

958 Y Black total - Drug Possession

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 996, 1034, 1071 and 1110 added together

959 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drug Possession

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 997, 1035, 1072 and 1111 added together

960 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drug Possession

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for drug possession

Number 5 value must equal fields 998, 1036, 1074 and 1112 added together

Row 185 e – Drug Possession – Opium or Cocaine

961 Y Male 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

962 Y Female 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females 18 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

963 Y Male 19 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 83 of 83 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 e – Drug Possession – Opium or Cocaine continued

964 Y Female 19 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

965 Y Male 20 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

966 Y Female 20 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

967 Y Male 21 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

968 Y Female 21 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

969 Y Male 22 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

970 Y Female 22 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

971 Y Male 23 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

972 Y Female 23 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

973 Y Male 24 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males 24 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

974 Y Female 24 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females 24 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 84 of 84 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 e – Drug Possession – Opium or Cocaine continued

975 Y Male 25-29 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

976 Y Female 25-29 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

977 Y Male 30-34 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

978 Y Female 30-34 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

979 Y Male 35-39 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

980 Y Female 35-39 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

981 Y Male 40-44 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

982 Y Female 40-44 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

983 Y Male 45-49 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

984 Y Female 45-49 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

985 Y Male 50-54 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 85 of 85 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 e – Drug Possession – Opium or Cocaine continued

986 Y Female 50-54 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

987 Y Male 55-59 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

988 Y Female 55-59 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

989 Y Male 60-64 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

990 Y Female 60-64 – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

991 Y Male 65 and over – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

992 Y Female 65 and over – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

993 Y Total Male – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of males that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 961, 963, 965, 967, 969, 971, 973, 975, 977, 979, 981, 983, 985, 987, 989 and 991 added together

994 Y Total Female – Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of females that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 6 value must equal fields 962, 964, 966, 968, 970, 972, 974, 976, 978, 980, 982, 984, 986, 988, 990 and 992 added together

995 Y White total - Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

996 Y Black total - Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 86 of 86 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 e – Drug Possession – Opium or Cocaine continued

997 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

998 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Possession Opium or Cocaine

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for possession of opium or cocaine

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 185 f – Drug Possession – Marijuana

999 Y Male 18 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1000 Y Female 18 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females 18 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1001 Y Male 19 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1002 Y Female 19 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1003 Y Male 20 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1004 Y Female 20 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1005 Y Male 21 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1006 Y Female 21 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1007 Y Male 22 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1008 Y Female 22 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1009 Y Male 23 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 87 of 87 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 f – Drug Possession – Marijuana continued

1010 Y Female 23 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1011 Y Male 24 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males 24 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1012 Y Female 24 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females 24 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1013 Y Male 25-29 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1014 Y Female 25-29 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1015 Y Male 30-34 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1016 Y Female 30-34 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1017 Y Male 35-39 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1018 Y Female 35-39 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1019 Y Male 40-44 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1020 Y Female 40-44 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1021 Y Male 45-49 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1022 Y Female 45-49 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 88 of 88 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 f – Drug Possession – Marijuana continued

1023 Y Male 50-54 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1024 Y Female 50-54 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1025 Y Male 55-59 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1026 Y Female 55-59 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1027 Y Male 60-64 – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1028 Y Female 60-64 – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1029 Y Male 65 and over – Possession Marijuana

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1030 Y Female 65 and over – Possession Marijuana

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1031 Y Total Male – Possession Marijuana

Total number of males that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 6

value must equal fields 999, 1001, 1003, 1005, 1007, 1009, 1011, 1013, 1015, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1023, 1025, 1027 and 1029 added together

1032 Y Total Female – Possession Marijuana

Total number of females that were arrested for possession of marijuana Number 6

value must equal fields 1000, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1020, 1022, 1024, 1026, 1028 and 1030 added together

1033 Y White total - Possession Marijuana

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1034 Y Black total - Possession Marijuana

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 89 of 89 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 f – Drug Possession – Marijuana continued

1035 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Possession Marijuana

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1036 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Possession Marijuana

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for possession of marijuana

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 185 g – Drug Possession – Synthetic Narcotics

1037 Y Male 18 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1038 Y Female 18 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females 18 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1039 Y Male 19 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1040 Y Female 19 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1041 Y Male 20 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1042 Y Female 20 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1043 Y Male 21 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1044 Y Female 21 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 90 of 90 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 g – Drug Possession – Synthetic Narcotics continued

1045 Y Male 22 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1046 Y Female 22 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1047 Y Male 23 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1048 Y Female 23 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1049 Y Male 24 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males 24 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1050 Y Female 24 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females 24 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1051 Y Male 25-29 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1052 Y Female 25-29 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1053 Y Male 30-34 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1054 Y Female 30-34 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1055 Y Male 35-39 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 91 of 91 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 g – Drug Possession – Synthetic Narcotics continued

1056 Y Female 35-39 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1057 Y Male 40-44 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1058 Y Female 40-44 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1059 Y Male 45-49 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1060 Y Female 45-49 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1061 Y Male 50-54 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1062 Y Female 50-54 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1063 Y Male 55-59 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1064 Y Female 55-59 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1065 Y Male 60-64 – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1066 Y Female 60-64 – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 92 of 92 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 g – Drug Possession – Synthetic Narcotics continued

1067 Y Male 65 and over – Possession Narcotics

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1068 Y Female 65 and over – Possession Narcotics

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1069 Y Total Male – Possession Narcotics

Total number of males that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 1037, 1039, 1041, 1043, 1045, 1047, 1049, 1051, 1053, 1055, 1057, 1059, 1061, 1063, 1065 and 1067 added together

1070 Y Total Female – Possession Narcotics

Total number of females that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 1038, 1040, 1042, 1044, 1046, 1048, 1050, 1052, 1054, 1056, 1058, 1060, 1062, 1064, 1066 and 1068 added together

1071 Y White total - Possession Narcotics

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1072 Y Black total - Possession Narcotics

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1073 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Possession Narcotics

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1074 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Possession Narcotics

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for possession of synthetic narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 185 h – Drug Possession – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs

1075 Y Male 18 – Other Drugs Number of males 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1076 Y Female 18 – Other Drugs Number of females 18 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1077 Y Male 19 – Other Drugs Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 93 of 93 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 h – Drug Possession – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

1078 Y Female 19 – Other Drugs Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1079 Y Male 20 – Other Drugs Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1080 Y Female 20 – Other Drugs Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1081 Y Male 21 – Other Drugs Number of males age 21 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1082 Y Female 21 – Other Drugs Number of females age 21 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1083 Y Male 22 – Other Drugs Number of males age 22 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1084 Y Female 22 – Other Drugs Number of females age 22 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1085 Y Male 23 – Other Drugs Number of males age 23 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1086 Y Female 23 – Other Drugs Number of females age 23 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1087 Y Male 24 – Other Drugs Number of males 24 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1088 Y Female 24 – Other Drugs Number of females 24 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1089 Y Male 25-29 – Other Drugs Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1090 Y Female 25-29 – Other Drugs

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1091 Y Male 30-34 – Other Drugs Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 94 of 94 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 h – Drug Possession – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

1092 Y Female 30-34 – Other Drugs

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1093 Y Male 35-39 – Other Drugs Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1094 Y Female 35-39 – Other Drugs

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1095 Y Male 40-44 – Other Drugs Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1096 Y Female 40-44 – Other Drugs

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1097 Y Male 45-49 – Other Drugs Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1098 Y Female 45-49 – Other Drugs

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1099 Y Male 50-54 – Other Drugs Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1100 Y Female 50-54 – Other Drugs

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1101 Y Male 55-59 – Other Drugs Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1102 Y Female 55-59 – Other Drugs

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1103 Y Male 60-64 – Other Drugs Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1104 Y Female 60-64 – Other Drugs

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 95 of 95 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 185 h – Drug Possession – Other Dangerous NonNarcotic Drugs continued

1105 Y Male 65 and over – Other Drugs

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1106 Y Female 65 and over – Other Drugs

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1107 Y Total Male – Other Drugs Total number of males that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 6

value must equal fields 1075, 1077, 1079, 1081, 1083, 1085, 1087, 1089, 1091, 1093, 1095, 1097, 1099, 1101, 1103 and 1105 added together

1108 Y Total Female – Other Drugs

Total number of females that were arrested for possession of other drugs Number 6

value must equal fields 1076, 1078, 1080, 1082, 1084, 1086, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1094, 1096, 1098, 1100, 1102, 1104 and 1106 added together

1109 Y White total - Other Drugs Total number of White males and females that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1110 Y Black total - Other Drugs Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1111 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Other Drugs

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1112 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Other Drugs

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for possession of other drugs

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 19 – Gambling –Total

1113 Y Male 18 – Gambling Total number of males 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1151, 1189 and 1227 added together

1114 Y Female 18 – Gambling Total number of females 18 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1152, 1190 and 1228 added together

1115 Y Male 19 – Gambling Total number of males age of 19 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1153, 1191 and 1229 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 96 of 96 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 – Gambling –Total continued

1116 Y Female 19 – Gambling

Total number of females age of 19 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1154, 1192 and 1230 added together

1117 Y Male 20 – Gambling Total number of males age of 20 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1155, 1193 and 1231 added together

1118 Y Female 20 – Gambling

Total number of females age of 20 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1156, 1194 and 1232 added together

1119 Y Male 21 – Gambling Total number of males age 21 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1157, 1195 and 1233 added together

1120 Y Female 21 – Gambling Total number of females age 21 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1158, 1196 and 1234 added together

1121 Y Male 22 – Gambling Total number of males age 22 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1159, 1197 and 1235 added together

1122 Y Female 22 – Gambling Total number of females age 22 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1160, 1198 and 1236 added together

1123 Y Male 23 – Gambling Total number of males age 23 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1161, 1199 and 1237 added together

1124 Y Female 23 – Gambling Total number of females age 23 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1162, 1200 and 1238 added together

1125 Y Male 24 – Gambling Number of males 24 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1163, 1201 and 1239 added together

1126 Y Female 24 – Gambling Number of females 24 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1164, 1202 and 1240 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 97 of 97 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 – Gambling –Total continued

1127 Y Male 25-29 – Gambling Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1165, 1203 and 1241 added together

1128 Y Female 25-29 – Gambling Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1166, 1204 and 1242 added together

1129 Y Male 30-34 – Gambling Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1167, 1205 and 1243 added together

1130 Y Female 30-34 – Gambling Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1168, 1206 and 1244 added together

1131 Y Male 35-39 – Gambling Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1169, 1207 and 1245 added together

1132 Y Female 35-39 – Gambling Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1170, 1208 and 1246 added together

1133 Y Male 40-44 – Gambling Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1171, 1209 and 1247 added together

1134 Y Female 40-44 – Gambling Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1172, 1210 and 1248 added together

1135 Y Male 45-49 – Gambling Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1173, 1211 and 1249 added together

1136 Y Female 45-49 – Gambling Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1174, 1212 and 1250 added together

1137 Y Male 50-54 – Gambling Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1175, 1213 and 1251 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 98 of 98 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 – Gambling –Total continued

1138 Y Female 50-54 – Gambling Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1176, 1214 and 1252 added together

1139 Y Male 55-59 – Gambling Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1177, 1215 and 1253 added together

1140 Y Female 55-59 – Gambling Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1178, 1216 and 1254 added together

1141 Y Male 60-64 – Gambling Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1179, 1217 and 1255 added together

1142 Y Female 60-64 – Gambling Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1180, 1218 and 1256 added together

1143 Y Male 65 and over – Gambling

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1181, 1219 and 1257 added together

1144 Y Female 65 and over – Gambling

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1182, 1220 and 1256 added together

1145 Y Total Male – Gambling Total number of males that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 6 value must equal fields 1183, 1221 and 1259 added together

1146 Y Total Female – Gambling Total number of females that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 6 value must equal fields 1184, 1221 and 1260 added together

1147 Y White total - Gambling

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1185, 1223 and 1261 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 99 of 99 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 – Gambling –Total continued

1148 Y Black total - Gambling

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1186, 1224 and 1262 added together

1149 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Gambling

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1187, 1225 and 1263 added together

1150 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Gambling

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for promoting permitting or engaging in illegal gambling

Number 5 value must equal fields 1188, 1226 and 1264 added together

Row 19 a – Gambling – Bookmaking

1151 Y Male 18 – Bookmaking Number of males 18 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1152 Y Female 18 – Bookmaking Number of females 18 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1153 Y Male 19 – Bookmaking Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1154 Y Female 19 – Bookmaking Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1155 Y Male 20 – Bookmaking Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1156 Y Female 20 – Bookmaking Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1157 Y Male 21 – Bookmaking Number of males age 21 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1158 Y Female 21 – Bookmaking Number of females age 21 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1159 Y Male 22 – Bookmaking Number of males age 22 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 100 of 100 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 a – Gambling – Bookmaking continued

1160 Y Female 22 – Bookmaking Number of females age 22 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1161 Y Male 23 – Bookmaking Number of males age 23 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1162 Y Female 23 – Bookmaking Number of females age 23 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1163 Y Male 24 – Bookmaking Number of males 24 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1164 Y Female 24 – Bookmaking Number of females 24 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1165 Y Male 25-29 – Bookmaking Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1166 Y Female 25-29 – Bookmaking

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1167 Y Male 30-34 – Bookmaking Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1168 Y Female 30-34 – Bookmaking

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1169 Y Male 35-39 – Bookmaking Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1170 Y Female 35-39 – Bookmaking

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1171 Y Male 40-44 – Bookmaking Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1172 Y Female 40-44 – Bookmaking

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1173 Y Male 45-49 – Bookmaking Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1174 Y Female 45-49 – Bookmaking

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 101 of 101 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 a – Gambling – Bookmaking continued

1175 Y Male 50-54 – Bookmaking Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1176 Y Female 50-54 – Bookmaking

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1177 Y Male 55-59 – Bookmaking Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1178 Y Female 55-59 – Bookmaking

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1179 Y Male 60-64 – Bookmaking Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1180 Y Female 60-64 – Bookmaking

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1181 Y Male 65 and over – Bookmaking

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1182 Y Female 65 and over – Bookmaking

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for bookmaking Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1183 Y Total Male – Bookmaking Total number of males that were arrested for bookmaking Number 6

value must equal fields 1151, 1153, 1155, 1157, 1159, 1161, 1163, 1165, 1167, 1169, 1171, 1173, 1175, 1177, 1179 and 1181 added together

1184 Y Total Female – Bookmaking

Total number of females that were arrested for bookmaking Number 6

value must equal fields 1152, 1154, 1156, 1158, 1160, 1162, 1164, 1166, 1168, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1178, 1180 and 1182 added together

1185 Y White total - Bookmaking Total number of White males and females that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1186 Y Black total - Bookmaking Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1187 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Bookmaking

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 102 of 102 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 a – Gambling – Bookmaking continued

1188 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Bookmaking

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for bookmaking

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 19 b – Gambling – Number and Lottery

1189 Y Male 18 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1190 Y Female 18 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females 18 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1191 Y Male 19 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1192 Y Female 19 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1193 Y Male 20 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1194 Y Female 20 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1195 Y Male 21 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1196 Y Female 21 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1197 Y Male 22 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1198 Y Female 22 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1199 Y Male 23 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1200 Y Female 23 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1201 Y Male 24 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males 24 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 103 of 103 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 b – Gambling – Number and Lottery continued

1202 Y Female 24 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females 24 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1203 Y Male 25-29 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1204 Y Female 25-29 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1205 Y Male 30-34 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1206 Y Female 30-34 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1207 Y Male 35-39 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1208 Y Female 35-39 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1209 Y Male 40-44 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1210 Y Female 40-44 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1211 Y Male 45-49 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1212 Y Female 45-49 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1213 Y Male 50-54 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1214 Y Female 50-54 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1215 Y Male 55-59 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1216 Y Female 55-59 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 104 of 104 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 b – Gambling – Number and Lottery continued

1217 Y Male 60-64 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1218 Y Female 60-64 – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1219 Y Male 65 and over – Numbers and Lottery

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1220 Y Female 65 and over – Numbers and Lottery

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1221 Y Total Male – Numbers and Lottery

Total number of males that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 6

value must equal fields 1189, 1191, 1193, 1195, 1197, 1199, 1201, 1203, 1205, 1207, 1209, 1211, 1213, 1215, 1217 and 1219 added together

1222 Y Total Female – Numbers and Lottery

Total number of females that were arrested for numbers and lottery Number 6

value must equal fields 1190, 1192, 1194, 1196, 1198, 1200, 1202, 1204, 1206, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1218 and 1220 added together

1223 Y White total - Numbers and Lottery

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1224 Y Black total - Numbers and Lottery

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1225 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Numbers and Lottery

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1226 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Numbers and Lottery

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for numbers and lottery

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 19 c – Gambling – All Other Gambling

1227 Y Male 18 – All Other Gambling

Number of males 18 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1228 Y Female 18 – All Other Gambling

Number of females 18 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 105 of 105 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 c – Gambling – All Other Gambling continued

1229 Y Male 19 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1230 Y Female 19 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1231 Y Male 20 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1232 Y Female 20 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1233 Y Male 21 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1234 Y Female 21 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1235 Y Male 22 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1236 Y Female 22 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1237 Y Male 23 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1238 Y Female 23 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1239 Y Male 24 – All Other Gambling

Number of males 24 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1240 Y Female 24 – All Other Gambling

Number of females 24 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1241 Y Male 25-29 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1242 Y Female 25-29 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1243 Y Male 30-34 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 106 of 106 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 c – Gambling – All Other Gambling continued

1244 Y Female 30-34 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1245 Y Male 35-39 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1246 Y Female 35-39 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1247 Y Male 40-44 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1248 Y Female 40-44 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1249 Y Male 45-49 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1250 Y Female 45-49 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1251 Y Male 50-54 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1252 Y Female 50-54 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1253 Y Male 55-59 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1254 Y Female 55-59 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1255 Y Male 60-64 – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1256 Y Female 60-64 – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for all other gambling Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1257 Y Male 65 and over – All Other Gambling

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1258 Y Female 65 and over – All Other Gambling

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 107 of 107 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 19 c – Gambling – All Other Gambling continued

1259 Y Total Male – All Other Gambling

Total number of males that were arrested for all other gambling Number 6

value must equal fields 1227, 1229, 1231, 1233, 1235, 1237, 1239, 1241, 1243, 1245, 1247, 1249, 1251, 1253, 1255 and 1257 added together

1260 Y Total Female – All Other Gambling

Total number of females that were arrested for all other gambling Number 6

value must equal fields 1228, 1230, 1232, 1234, 1236, 1238, 1240, 1242, 1244, 1246, 1248, 1250, 1252, 1254, 1256 and 1258 added together

1261 Y White total - All Other Gambling

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1262 Y Black total - All Other Gambling

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1263 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - All Other Gambling

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1264 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - All Other Gambling

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for all other gambling

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children

1265 Y Male 18 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1266 Y Female 18 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females 18 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1267 Y Male 19 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1268 Y Female 19 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 108 of 108 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children continued

1269 Y Male 20 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1270 Y Female 20 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1271 Y Male 21 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1272 Y Female 21 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1273 Y Male 22 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1274 Y Female 22 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1275 Y Male 23 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1276 Y Female 23 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1277 Y Male 24 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males 24 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1278 Y Female 24 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females 24 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1279 Y Male 25-29 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 109 of 109 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children continued

1280 Y Female 25-29 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1281 Y Male 30-34 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1282 Y Female 30-34 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1283 Y Male 35-39 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1284 Y Female 35-39 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1285 Y Male 40-44 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1286 Y Female 40-44 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1287 Y Male 45-49 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1288 Y Female 45-49 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1289 Y Male 50-54 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1290 Y Female 50-54 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 110 of 110 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children continued

1291 Y Male 55-59 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1292 Y Female 55-59 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1293 Y Male 60-64 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1294 Y Female 60-64 – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1295 Y Male 65 and over – Offenses Family/Children

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1296 Y Female 65 and over – Offenses Family/Children

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1297 Y Total Male – Offenses Family/Children

Total number of males that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 6 value must equal fields 1265, 1267, 1269, 1271, 1273, 1275, 1277, 1279, 1281, 1283, 1285, 1287, 1289, 1291, 1293 and 1295 added together

1298 Y Total Female – Offenses Family/Children

Total number of females that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 6 value must equal fields 1266, 1268, 1270, 1272, 1274, 1276, 1278, 1280, 1282, 1284, 1286, 1288, 1290, 1292, 1294 and 1296 added together

1299 Y White total - Offenses Family/Children

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1300 Y Black total - Offenses Family/Children

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1301 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Offenses Family/Children

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 111 of 111 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 20 – Offenses Against Family and Children continued

1302 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Offenses Family/Children

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for offenses against family and children

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 21a – Driving under the Influence

1303 Y Male 18 – DUI Number of males 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1304 Y Female 18 – DUI Number of females 18 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1305 Y Male 19 – DUI Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1306 Y Female 19 – DUI Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1307 Y Male 20 – DUI Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1308 Y Female 20 – DUI Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1309 Y Male 21 – DUI Number of males age 21 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1310 Y Female 21 – DUI Number of females age 21 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1311 Y Male 22 – DUI Number of males age 22 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 112 of 112 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 21a – Driving under the Influence continued

1312 Y Female 22 – DUI Number of females age 22 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1313 Y Male 23 – DUI Number of males age 23 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1314 Y Female 23 – DUI Number of females age 23 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1315 Y Male 24 – DUI Number of males 24 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1316 Y Female 24 – DUI Number of females 24 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1317 Y Male 25-29 – DUI Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1318 Y Female 25-29 – DUI Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1319 Y Male 30-34 – DUI Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1320 Y Female 30-34 – DUI Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1321 Y Male 35-39 – DUI Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1322 Y Female 35-39 – DUI Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 113 of 113 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 21a – Driving under the Influence continued

1323 Y Male 40-44 – DUI Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1324 Y Female 40-44 – DUI Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1325 Y Male 45-49 – DUI Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1326 Y Female 45-49 – DUI Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1327 Y Male 50-54 – DUI Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1328 Y Female 50-54 – DUI Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1329 Y Male 55-59 – DUI Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1330 Y Female 55-59 – DUI Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1331 Y Male 60-64 – DUI Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1332 Y Female 60-64 – DUI Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1333 Y Male 65 and over – DUI Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 114 of 114 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 21a – Driving under the Influence continued

1334 Y Female 65 and over – DUI Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1335 Y Total Male – DUI Total number of males that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 1303, 1305, 1307, 1309, 1311, 1313, 1315, 1317, 1319, 1321, 1323, 1325, 1327, 1329, 1331 and 1333 added together

1336 Y Total Female – DUI Total number of females that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 1304, 1306, 1308, 1310, 1312, 1314, 1316, 1318, 1320, 1322, 1324, 1326, 1328, 1330, 1332 and 1334 added together

1337 Y White total - DUI

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1338 Y Black total - DUI

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1339 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - DUI

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1340 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - DUI

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 21b– Boating under the Influence

1341 Y Male 18 – BUI Number of males 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1342 Y Female 18 – BUI Number of females 18 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1343 Y Male 19 – BUI Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 115 of 115 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 21b– Boating under the Influence continued

1344 Y Female 19 – BUI Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1345 Y Male 20 – BUI Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1346 Y Female 20 – BUI Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1347 Y Male 21 – BUI Number of males age 21 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1348 Y Female 21 – BUI Number of females age 21 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1349 Y Male 22 – BUI Number of males age 22 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1350 Y Female 22 – BUI Number of females age 22 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1351 Y Male 23 – BUI Number of males age 23 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1352 Y Female 23 – BUI Number of females age 23 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1353 Y Male 24 – BUI Number of males 24 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1354 Y Female 24 – BUI Number of females 24 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 116 of 116 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 21b– Boating under the Influence continued

1355 Y Male 25-29 – BUI Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1356 Y Female 25-29 – BUI Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1357 Y Male 30-34 – BUI Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1358 Y Female 30-34 – BUI Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1359 Y Male 35-39 – BUI Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1360 Y Female 35-39 – BUI Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1361 Y Male 40-44 – BUI Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1362 Y Female 40-44 – BUI Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1363 Y Male 45-49 – BUI Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1364 Y Female 45-49 – BUI Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1365 Y Male 50-54 – BUI Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 117 of 117 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 21b– Boating under the Influence continued

1366 Y Female 50-54 – BUI Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1367 Y Male 55-59 – BUI Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1368 Y Female 55-59 – BUI Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1369 Y Male 60-64 – BUI Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1370 Y Female 60-64 – BUI Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1371 Y Male 65 and over – BUI Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1372 Y Female 65 and over – BUI Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1373 Y Total Male – BUI Total number of males that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 1341, 1343, 1345, 1347, 1349, 1351, 1353, 1355, 1357, 1359, 1361, 1363, 1365, 1367, 1369 and 1371 added together

1374 Y Total Female – BUI Total number of females that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 6 value must equal fields 1342, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1350, 1352, 1354, 1356, 1358, 1360, 1362, 1364, 1366, 1368, 1370 and 1372 added together

1375 Y White total - BUI

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1376 Y Black total - BUI

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 118 of 118 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 21b– Boating under the Influence continued

1377 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - BUI

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1378 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - BUI

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for boating under the influence of liquor or narcotics

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 22 – Liquor Laws

1379 Y Male 18 – Liquor Laws Number of males 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1380 Y Female 18 – Liquor Laws Number of females 18 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1381 Y Male 19 – Liquor Laws Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1382 Y Female 19 – Liquor Laws Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1383 Y Male 20 – Liquor Laws Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1384 Y Female 20 – Liquor Laws Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1385 Y Male 21 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 21 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1386 Y Female 21 – Liquor Laws Number of females age 21 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1387 Y Male 22 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 22 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1388 Y Female 22 – Liquor Laws Number of females age 22 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1389 Y Male 23 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 23 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 119 of 119 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 22 – Liquor Laws continued

1390 Y Female 23 – Liquor Laws Number of females age 23 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1391 Y Male 24 – Liquor Laws Number of males 24 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1392 Y Female 24 – Liquor Laws Number of females 24 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1393 Y Male 25-29 – Liquor Laws Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1394 Y Female 25-29 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1395 Y Male 30-34 – Liquor Laws Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1396 Y Female 30-34 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1397 Y Male 35-39 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1398 Y Female 35-39 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1399 Y Male 40-44 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1400 Y Female 40-44 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1401 Y Male 45-49 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1402 Y Female 45-49 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1403 Y Male 50-54 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1404 Y Female 50-54 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 120 of 120 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 22 – Liquor Laws continued

1405 Y Male 55-59 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1406 Y Female 55-59 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1407 Y Male 60-64 – Liquor Laws Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1408 Y Female 60-64 – Liquor Laws

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1409 Y Male 65 and over – Liquor Laws

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1410 Y Female 65 and over – Liquor Laws

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1411 Y Total Male – Liquor Laws Total number of males that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 6

value must equal fields 1379, 1381, 1383, 1385, 1387, 1389, 1391, 1393, 1395, 1397, 1399, 1401, 1403, 1405, 1407, and 1409 added together

1412 Y Total Female – Liquor Laws

Total number of females that were arrested for liquor law violations Number 6

value must equal fields 1380, 1382, 1384, 1386, 1388, 1390, 1392, 1394, 1396, 1398, 1400, 1402, 1404, 1406, 1408 and 1410 added together

1413 Y White total - Liquor Laws Total number of White males and females that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1414 Y Black total - Liquor Laws Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1415 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Liquor Laws

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1416 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Liquor Laws

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for liquor law violations

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 121 of 121 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 23 – Drunkenness

1417 Y Male 18 – Drunkenness Number of males 18 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1418 Y Female 18 – Drunkenness Number of females 18 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1419 Y Male 19 – Drunkenness Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1420 Y Female 19 – Drunkenness Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1421 Y Male 20 – Drunkenness Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1422 Y Female 20 – Drunkenness Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1423 Y Male 21 – Drunkenness Number of males age 21 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1424 Y Female 21 – Drunkenness Number of females age 21 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1425 Y Male 22 – Drunkenness Number of males age 22 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1426 Y Female 22 – Drunkenness Number of females age 22 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1427 Y Male 23 – Drunkenness Number of males age 23 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1428 Y Female 23 – Drunkenness Number of females age 23 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1429 Y Male 24 – Drunkenness Number of males 24 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1430 Y Female 24 – Drunkenness Number of females 24 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1431 Y Male 25-29 – Drunkenness

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 122 of 122 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 23 – Drunkenness continued

1432 Y Female 25-29 – Drunkenness

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1433 Y Male 30-34 – Drunkenness

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1434 Y Female 30-34 – Drunkenness

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1435 Y Male 35-39 – Drunkenness

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1436 Y Female 35-39 – Drunkenness

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1437 Y Male 40-44 – Drunkenness

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1438 Y Female 40-44 – Drunkenness

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1439 Y Male 45-49 – Drunkenness Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1440 Y Female 45-49 – Drunkenness

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1441 Y Male 50-54 – Drunkenness Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1442 Y Female 50-54 – Drunkenness

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1443 Y Male 55-59 – Drunkenness Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1444 Y Female 55-59 – Drunkenness

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1445 Y Male 60-64 – Drunkenness Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1446 Y Female 60-64 – Drunkenness

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 123 of 123 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 23 – Drunkenness continued

1447 Y Male 65 and over – Drunkenness

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1448 Y Female 65 and over – Drunkenness

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for drunkenness Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1449 Y Total Male – Drunkenness

Total number of males that were arrested for drunkenness Number 6

value must equal fields 1417, 1419, 1421, 1423, 1425, 1427, 1429, 1431, 1433, 1435, 1437, 1439, 1441, 1443, 1445, and 1447 added together

1450 Y Total Female – Drunkenness

Total number of females that were arrested for drunkenness Number 6

value must equal fields 1418, 1420, 1422, 1424, 1426, 1428, 1430, 1432, 1434, 1436, 1438, 1440, 1442, 1444, 1446 and 1448 added together

1451 Y White total - Drunkenness Total number of White males and females that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1452 Y Black total - Drunkenness Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1453 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drunkenness

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1454 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drunkenness

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for drunkenness

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 24 - Disorderly Conduct

1455 Y Male 18 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1456 Y Female 18 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females 18 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1457 Y Male 19 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1458 Y Female 19 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1459 Y Male 20 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 124 of 124 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 24 - Disorderly Conduct continued

1460 Y Female 20 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1461 Y Male 21 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1462 Y Female 21 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1463 Y Male 22 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1464 Y Female 22 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1465 Y Male 23 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1466 Y Female 23 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1467 Y Male 24 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males 24 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1468 Y Female 24 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females 24 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1469 Y Male 25-29 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1470 Y Female 25-29 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1471 Y Male 30-34 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1472 Y Female 30-34 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1473 Y Male 35-39 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1474 Y Female 35-39 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 125 of 125 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 24 - Disorderly Conduct continued

1475 Y Male 40-44 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1476 Y Female 40-44 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1477 Y Male 45-49 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1478 Y Female 45-49 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1479 Y Male 50-54 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1480 Y Female 50-54 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1481 Y Male 55-59 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1482 Y Female 55-59 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1483 Y Male 60-64 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1484 Y Female 60-64 – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1485 Y Male 65 and over – Disorderly Conduct

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1486 Y Female 65 and over – Disorderly Conduct

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1487 Y Total Male – Disorderly Conduct

Total number of males that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 6

value must equal fields 1455, 1457, 1459, 1461, 1463, 1465, 1467, 1469, 1471, 1475, 1475, 1477, 1479, 1481, 1483 and 1485 added together

1488 Y Total Female – Disorderly Conduct

Total number of females that were arrested for disorderly conduct Number 6

value must equal fields 1456, 1458, 1460, 1462, 1464, 1466, 1468, 1470, 1472, 1474, 1476, 1478, 1480, 1482, 1484 and 1486 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 126 of 126 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 24 - Disorderly Conduct continued

1489 Y White total - Disorderly Conduct

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1490 Y Black total - Disorderly Conduct

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1491 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Disorderly Conduct

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1492 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Disorderly Conduct

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for disorderly conduct

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 25 – Vagrancy

1493 Y Male 18 – Vagrancy Number of males 18 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1494 Y Female 18 – Vagrancy Number of females 18 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1495 Y Male 19 – Vagrancy Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1496 Y Female 19 – Vagrancy Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1497 Y Male 20 – Vagrancy Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1498 Y Female 20 – Vagrancy Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1499 Y Male 21 – Vagrancy Number of males age 21 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1500 Y Female 21 – Vagrancy Number of females age 21 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1501 Y Male 22 – Vagrancy Number of males age 22 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 127 of 127 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 25 – Vagrancy continued

1502 Y Female 22 – Vagrancy Number of females age 22 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1503 Y Male 23 – Vagrancy Number of males age 23 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1504 Y Female 23 – Vagrancy Number of females age 23 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1505 Y Male 24 – Vagrancy Number of males 24 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1506 Y Female 24 – Vagrancy Number of females 24 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1507 Y Male 25-29 – Vagrancy Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1508 Y Female 25-29 – Vagrancy Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1509 Y Male 30-34 – Vagrancy Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1510 Y Female 30-34 – Vagrancy Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1511 Y Male 35-39 – Vagrancy Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1512 Y Female 35-39 – Vagrancy Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1513 Y Male 40-44 – Vagrancy Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1514 Y Female 40-44 – Vagrancy Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1515 Y Male 45-49 – Vagrancy Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1516 Y Female 45-49 – Vagrancy Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 128 of 128 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 25 – Vagrancy continued

1517 Y Male 50-54 – Vagrancy Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1518 Y Female 50-54 – Vagrancy Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1519 Y Male 55-59 – Vagrancy Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1520 Y Female 55-59 – Vagrancy Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1521 Y Male 60-64 – Vagrancy Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1522 Y Female 60-64 – Vagrancy Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1523 Y Male 65 and over – Vagrancy

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1524 Y Female 65 and over – Vagrancy

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for vagrancy Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1525 Y Total Male – Vagrancy Total number of males that were arrested for vagrancy Number 6

value must equal fields 1493, 1495, 1497, 1499, 1501, 1503, 1505, 1507, 1509, 1511, 1513, 1515, 1517, 1519, 1521 and 1523 added together

1526 Y Total Female – Vagrancy Total number of females that were arrested for vagrancy Number 6

value must equal fields 1494, 1496, 1498, 1500, 1502, 1504, 1506, 1508, 1510, 1512, 1514, 1516, 1518, 1520, 1522 and 1524 added together

1527 Y White total - Vagrancy Total number of White males and females that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1528 Y Black total - Vagrancy Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1529 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Vagrancy

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 129 of 129 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 25 – Vagrancy continued

1530 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Vagrancy

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for vagrancy

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 26 – All Other Offenses

1531 Y Male 18 – All Other Offenses

Number of males 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1532 Y Female 18 – All Other Offenses

Number of females 18 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1533 Y Male 19 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1534 Y Female 19 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1535 Y Male 20 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1536 Y Female 20 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1537 Y Male 21 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 21 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1538 Y Female 21 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 21 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1539 Y Male 22 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 22 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1540 Y Female 22 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 22 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 130 of 130 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 26 – All Other Offenses continued

1541 Y Male 23 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 23 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1542 Y Female 23 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 23 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1543 Y Male 24 – All Other Offenses

Number of males 24 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1544 Y Female 24 – All Other Offenses

Number of females 24 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1545 Y Male 25-29 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1546 Y Female 25-29 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1547 Y Male 30-34 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1548 Y Female 30-34 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1549 Y Male 35-39 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1550 Y Female 35-39 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1551 Y Male 40-44 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 131 of 131 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 26 – All Other Offenses continued

1552 Y Female 40-44 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1553 Y Male 45-49 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1554 Y Female 45-49 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1555 Y Male 50-54 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1556 Y Female 50-54 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1557 Y Male 55-59 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1558 Y Female 55-59 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1559 Y Male 60-64 – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1560 Y Female 60-64 – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1561 Y Male 65 and over – All Other Offenses

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1562 Y Female 65 and over – All Other Offenses

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 132 of 132 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 26 – All Other Offenses continued

1563 Y Total Male – All Other Offenses

Total number of males that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 6 value must equal fields 1531, 1533, 1535, 1537, 1539, 1541, 1543, 1545, 1547, 1549, 1551, 1553, 1555, 1557, 1559 and 1561 added together

1564 Y Total Female – All Other Offenses

Total number of females that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 6 value must equal fields 1532, 1534, 1536, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1548, 1550, 1552, 1554, 1556, 1558, 1560 and 1562 added together

1565 Y White total - All Other Offenses

Total number of White males and females that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1566 Y Black total - All Other Offenses

Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1567 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - All Other Offenses

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1568 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - All Other Offenses

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for all other offenses not otherwise classified

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 27 – Suspicion

1569 Y Male 18 – Suspicion Number of males 18 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1570 Y Female 18 – Suspicion Number of females 18 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1571 Y Male 19 – Suspicion Number of males age of 19 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1572 Y Female 19 – Suspicion Number of females age of 19 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1573 Y Male 20 – Suspicion Number of males age of 20 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1574 Y Female 20 – Suspicion Number of females age of 20 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 133 of 133 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 27 – Suspicion continued

1575 Y Male 21 – Suspicion Number of males age 21 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1576 Y Female 21 – Suspicion Number of females age 21 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1577 Y Male 22 – Suspicion Number of males age 22 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1578 Y Female 22 – Suspicion Number of females age 22 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1579 Y Male 23 – Suspicion Number of males age 23 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1580 Y Female 23 – Suspicion Number of females age 23 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1581 Y Male 24 – Suspicion Number of males 24 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1582 Y Female 24 – Suspicion Number of females 24 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1583 Y Male 25-29 – Suspicion Number of males age of 25-29 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1584 Y Female 25-29 – Suspicion Number of females age of 25-29 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1585 Y Male 30-34 – Suspicion Number of males age of 30-34 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1586 Y Female 30-34 – Suspicion Number of females age of 30-34 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1587 Y Male 35-39 – Suspicion Number of males age 35-39 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1588 Y Female 35-39 – Suspicion Number of females age 35-39 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1589 Y Male 40-44 – Suspicion Number of males age 40-44 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 134 of 134 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 27 – Suspicion continued

1590 Y Female 40-44 – Suspicion Number of females age 40-44 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1591 Y Male 45-49 – Suspicion Number of males age 45-49 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1592 Y Female 45-49 – Suspicion Number of females age 45-49 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1593 Y Male 50-54 – Suspicion Number of males age 50-54 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1594 Y Female 50-54 – Suspicion Number of females age 50-54 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1595 Y Male 55-59 – Suspicion Number of males age 55-59 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1596 Y Female 55-59 – Suspicion Number of females age 55-59 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1597 Y Male 60-64 – Suspicion Number of males age 60-64 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1598 Y Female 60-64 – Suspicion Number of females age 60-64 that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1599 Y Male 65 and over – Suspicion

Number of males age 65 and over that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1600 Y Female 65 and over – Suspicion

Number of females age 65 and over that were arrested for suspicion Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1601 Y Total Male – Suspicion Total number of males that were arrested for suspicion Number 6

value must equal fields 1569, 1571, 1573, 1575, 1577, 1579, 1581, 1583, 1585, 1587, 1589, 1591, 1593, 1595, 1597 and 1599 added together

1602 Y Total Female – Suspicion Total number of females that were arrested for suspicion Number 6

value must equal fields 1570, 1572, 1574, 1576, 1578, 1580, 1582, 1584, 1586, 1588, 1590, 1592, 1594, 1596, 1598 and 1600 added together

1603 Y White total - Suspicion Total number of White males and females that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 135 of 135 Section III–- Field Definitions

Row 27 – Suspicion continued

1604 Y Black total - Suspicion Total number of Black males and females that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1605 Y American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Suspicion

Total number of American Indian or Alaskan Native males and females that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

1606 Y Asian or Pacific Islander total - Suspicion

Total number of Asian or Pacific Islander males and females that were arrested for suspicion

Number 5 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 136 of 136 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Persons Arrested Over 18 electronic file format Data being reported from your Persons Arrested Over 18 report for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program

2110 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Or Email [email protected]

Send Return A in a flat ASCII file named: over18.txt

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

3 Jurisdiction ORI 1 - 9 2 Date 10 - 15 1 Submitting Agency ORI 16 - 24

10 Date Submitted 25 - 32 Update Flag 33

Row 01a 11 Male 18 – Murder 34 - 38

12 Female 18 – Murder 39 - 43

13 Male 19 – Murder 44 - 48

14 Female 19 – Murder 49 - 53

15 Male 20 – Murder 54 - 58

16 Female 20 – Murder 59 - 63

17 Male 21 – Murder 64 - 68

18 Female 21 – Murder 69 - 73

19 Male 22 – Murder 74 - 78

20 Female 22 – Murder 79 - 83

21 Male 23 – Murder 84 - 88

22 Female 23 – Murder 89 - 93

23 Male 24 – Murder 94 - 98

24 Female 24 – Murder 99 - 103

25 Male 25-29 – Murder 104 - 108

26 Female 25-29 – Murder 109 - 113

27 Male 30-34 – Murder 114 - 118

28 Female 30-34 – Murder 119 - 123

29 Male 35-39 – Murder 124 - 128

30 Female 35-39 – Murder 129 - 133

31 Male 40-44 – Murder 134 - 138

32 Female 40-44 – Murder 139 - 143

33 Male 45-49 – Murder 144 - 148

34 Female 45-49 – Murder 149 - 153

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 137 of 137 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

35 Male 50-54 – Murder 154 - 158

36 Female 50-54 – Murder 159 - 163

37 Male 55-59 – Murder 164 - 168

38 Female 55-59 – Murder 169 - 173

39 Male 60-64 – Murder 174 - 178

40 Female 60-64 – Murder 179 - 183

41 Male 65 and over – Murder 184 - 188

42 Female 65 and over – Murder 189 - 193

43 Total Male – Murder 194 - 199

44 Total Female – Murder 200 - 205

45 White total - Murder 206 - 210

46 Black total - Murder 211 - 215

47 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Murder 216 - 220

48 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Murder 221 - 225

Row 01b 49 Male 18 – Manslaughter 226 - 230

50 Female 18 – Manslaughter 231 - 235

51 Male 19 – Manslaughter 236 - 240

52 Female 19 – Manslaughter 241 - 245

53 Male 20 – Manslaughter 246 - 250

54 Female 20 – Manslaughter 251 - 255

55 Male 21 – Manslaughter 256 - 260

56 Female 21 – Manslaughter 261 - 265

57 Male 22 – Manslaughter 266 - 270

58 Female 22 – Manslaughter 271 - 275

59 Male 23 – Manslaughter 276 - 280

60 Female 23 – Manslaughter 281 - 285

61 Male 24 – Manslaughter 286 - 290

62 Female 24 – Manslaughter 291 - 295

63 Male 25-29 – Manslaughter 296 - 300

64 Female 25-29 – Manslaughter 301 - 305

65 Male 30-34 – Manslaughter 306 - 310

66 Female 30-34 – Manslaughter 311 - 315

67 Male 35-39 – Manslaughter 316 - 320

68 Female 35-39 – Manslaughter 321 - 325

69 Male 40-44 – Manslaughter 326 - 330

70 Female 40-44 – Manslaughter 331 - 335

71 Male 45-49 – Manslaughter 336 - 340

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 138 of 138 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

72 Female 45-49 – Manslaughter 341 - 345

73 Male 50-54 – Manslaughter 346 - 350

74 Female 50-54 – Manslaughter 351 - 355

75 Male 55-59 – Manslaughter 356 - 360

76 Female 55-59 – Manslaughter 361 - 365

77 Male 60-64 – Manslaughter 366 - 370

78 Female 60-64 – Manslaughter 371 - 375

79 Male 65 and over – Manslaughter 376 - 380

80 Female 65 and over – Manslaughter 381 - 385

81 Total Male – Manslaughter 386 - 391

82 Total Female – Manslaughter 392 - 397

83 White total - Manslaughter 398 - 402

84 Black total - Manslaughter 403 - 407

85 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Manslaughter 408 - 412

86 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Manslaughter 413 - 417

Row 02 87 Male 18 – Forcible Rape 418 - 422

88 Female 18 – Forcible Rape 423 - 427

89 Male 19 – Forcible Rape 428 - 432

90 Female 19 – Forcible Rape 433 - 437

91 Male 20 – Forcible Rape 438 - 442

92 Female 20 – Forcible Rape 443 - 447

93 Male 21 – Forcible Rape 448 - 452

94 Female 21 – Forcible Rape 453 - 457

95 Male 22 – Forcible Rape 458 - 462

96 Female 22 – Forcible Rape 463 - 467

97 Male 23 – Forcible Rape 468 - 472

98 Female 23 – Forcible Rape 473 - 477

99 Male 24 – Forcible Rape 478 - 482

100 Female 24 – Forcible Rape 483 - 487

101 Male 25-29 – Forcible Rape 488 - 492

102 Female 25-29 – Forcible Rape 493 - 497

103 Male 30-34 – Forcible Rape 498 - 502

104 Female 30-34 – Forcible Rape 503 - 507

105 Male 35-39 – Forcible Rape 508 - 512

106 Female 35-39 – Forcible Rape 513 - 517

107 Male 40-44 – Forcible Rape 518 - 522

108 Female 40-44 – Forcible Rape 523 - 527

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 139 of 139 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

109 Male 45-49 – Forcible Rape 528 - 532

110 Female 45-49 – Forcible Rape 533 - 537

111 Male 50-54 – Forcible Rape 538 - 542

112 Female 50-54 – Forcible Rape 543 - 547

113 Male 55-59 – Forcible Rape 548 - 552

114 Female 55-59 – Forcible Rape 553 - 557

115 Male 60-64 – Forcible Rape 558 - 562

116 Female 60-64 – Forcible Rape 563 - 567

117 Male 65 and over – Forcible Rape 568 - 572

118 Female 65 and over – Forcible Rape 573 - 577

119 Total Male – Forcible Rape 578 - 583

120 Total Female – Forcible Rape 584 - 589

121 White total - Forcible Rape 590 - 594

122 Black total - Forcible Rape 595 - 599

123 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Forcible Rape 600 - 604

124 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Forcible Rape 605 - 609

Row 03 125 Male 18 – Robbery 610 - 614

126 Female 18 – Robbery 615 - 619

127 Male 19 – Robbery 620 - 624

128 Female 19 – Robbery 625 - 629

129 Male 20 – Robbery 630 - 634

130 Female 20 – Robbery 635 - 639

131 Male 21 – Robbery 640 - 644

132 Female 21 – Robbery 645 - 649

133 Male 22 – Robbery 650 - 654

134 Female 22 – Robbery 655 - 659

135 Male 23 – Robbery 660 - 664

136 Female 23 – Robbery 665 - 669

137 Male 24 – Robbery 670 - 674

138 Female 24 – Robbery 675 - 679

139 Male 25-29 – Robbery 680 - 684

140 Female 25-29 – Robbery 685 - 689

141 Male 30-34 – Robbery 690 - 694

142 Female 30-34 – Robbery 695 - 699

143 Male 35-39 – Robbery 700 - 704

144 Female 35-39 – Robbery 705 - 709

145 Male 40-44 – Robbery 710 - 714

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 140 of 140 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

146 Female 40-44 – Robbery 715 - 719

147 Male 45-49 – Robbery 720 - 724

148 Female 45-49 – Robbery 725 - 729

149 Male 50-54 – Robbery 730 - 734

150 Female 50-54 – Robbery 735 - 739

151 Male 55-59 – Robbery 740 - 744

152 Female 55-59 – Robbery 745 - 749

153 Male 60-64 – Robbery 750 - 754

154 Female 60-64 – Robbery 755 - 759

155 Male 65 and over – Robbery 760 - 764

156 Female 65 and over – Robbery 765 - 769

157 Total Male – Robbery 770 - 775

158 Total Female – Robbery 776 - 781

159 White total - Robbery 782 - 786

160 Black total - Robbery 787 - 791

161 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Robbery 792 - 796

162 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Robbery 797 - 801

Row 04 163 Male 18 – Aggravated Assault 802 - 806

164 Female 18 – Aggravated Assault 807 - 811

165 Male 19 – Aggravated Assault 812 - 816

166 Female 19 – Aggravated Assault 817 - 821

167 Male 20 – Aggravated Assault 822 - 826

168 Female 20 – Aggravated Assault 827 - 831

169 Male 21 – Aggravated Assault 832 - 836

170 Female 21 – Aggravated Assault 837 - 841

171 Male 22 – Aggravated Assault 842 - 846

172 Female 22 – Aggravated Assault 847 - 851

173 Male 23 – Aggravated Assault 852 - 856

174 Female 23 – Aggravated Assault 857 - 861

175 Male 24 – Aggravated Assault 862 - 866

176 Female 24 – Aggravated Assault 867 - 871

177 Male 25-29 – Aggravated Assault 872 - 876

178 Female 25-29 – Aggravated Assault 877 - 881

179 Male 30-34 – Aggravated Assault 882 - 886

180 Female 30-34 – Aggravated Assault 887 - 891

181 Male 35-39 – Aggravated Assault 892 - 896

182 Female 35-39 – Aggravated Assault 897 - 901

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 141 of 141 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

183 Male 40-44 – Aggravated Assault 902 - 906

184 Female 40-44 – Aggravated Assault 907 - 911

185 Male 45-49 – Aggravated Assault 912 - 916

186 Female 45-49 – Aggravated Assault 917 - 921

187 Male 50-54 – Aggravated Assault 922 - 926

188 Female 50-54 – Aggravated Assault 927 - 931

189 Male 55-59 – Aggravated Assault 932 - 936

190 Female 55-59 – Aggravated Assault 937 - 941

191 Male 60-64 – Aggravated Assault 942 - 946

192 Female 60-64 – Aggravated Assault 947 - 951

193 Male 65 and over – Aggravated Assault 952 - 956

194 Female 65 and over – Aggravated Assault 957 - 961

195 Total Male – Aggravated Assault 962 - 967

196 Total Female – Aggravated Assault 968 - 973

197 White total - Aggravated Assault 974 - 978

198 Black total - Aggravated Assault 979 - 983

199 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Aggravated Assault 984 - 988

200 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Aggravated Assault 989 - 993

Row 05 201 Male 18 Burglary 994 - 998

202 Female 18 – Burglary 999 - 1003

203 Male 19 – Burglary 1004 - 1008

204 Female 19 – Burglary 1009 - 1013

205 Male 20 – Burglary 1014 - 1018

206 Female 20 – Burglary 1019 - 1023

207 Male 21 – Burglary 1024 - 1028

208 Female 21 – Burglary 1029 - 1033

209 Male 22 – Burglary 1034 - 1038

210 Female 22 – Burglary 1039 - 1043

211 Male 23 – Burglary 1044 - 1048

212 Female 23 – Burglary 1049 - 1053

213 Male 24 – Burglary 1054 - 1058

214 Female 24 – Burglary 1059 - 1063

215 Male 25-29 – Burglary 1064 - 1068

216 Female 25-29 – Burglary 1069 - 1073

217 Male 30-34 – Burglary 1074 - 1078

218 Female 30-34 – Burglary 1079 - 1083

219 Male 35-39 – Burglary 1084 - 1088

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 142 of 142 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

220 Female 35-39 – Burglary 1089 - 1093

221 Male 40-44 – Burglary 1094 - 1098

222 Female 40-44 – Burglary 1099 - 1103

223 Male 45-49 – Burglary 1104 - 1108

224 Female 45-49 – Burglary 1109 - 1113

225 Male 50-54 – Burglary 1114 - 1118

226 Female 50-54 – Burglary 1119 - 1123

227 Male 55-59 – Burglary 1124 - 1128

228 Female 55-59 – Burglary 1129 - 1133

229 Male 60-64 – Burglary 1134 - 1138

230 Female 60-64 – Burglary 1139 - 1143

231 Male 65 and over – Burglary 1144 - 1148

232 Female 65 and over – Burglary 1149 - 1153

233 Total Male – Burglary 1154 - 1159

234 Total Female – Burglary 1160 - 1165

235 White total - Burglary 1166 - 1170

236 Black total - Burglary 1171 - 1175

237 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Burglary 1176 - 1180

238 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Burglary 1181 - 1185

Row 06 239 Male 18 – Larceny-Theft 1186 - 1190

240 Female 18 – Larceny-Theft 1191 - 1195

241 Male 19 – Larceny-Theft 1196 - 1200

242 Female 19 – Larceny-Theft 1201 - 1205

243 Male 20 – Larceny-Theft 1206 - 1210

244 Female 20 – Larceny-Theft 1211 - 1215

245 Male 21 – Larceny-Theft 1216 - 1220

246 Female 21 – Larceny-Theft 1221 - 1225

247 Male 22 – Larceny-Theft 1226 - 1230

248 Female 22 – Larceny-Theft 1231 - 1235

249 Male 23 – Larceny-Theft 1236 - 1240

250 Female 23 – Larceny-Theft 1241 - 1245

251 Male 24 – Larceny-Theft 1246 - 1250

252 Female 24 – Larceny-Theft 1251 - 1255

253 Male 25-29 – Larceny-Theft 1256 - 1260

254 Female 25-29 – Larceny-Theft 1261 - 1265

255 Male 30-34 – Larceny-Theft 1266 - 1270

256 Female 30-34 – Larceny-Theft 1271 - 1275

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 143 of 143 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

257 Male 35-39 – Larceny-Theft 1276 - 1280

258 Female 35-39 – Larceny-Theft 1281 - 1285

259 Male 40-44 – Larceny-Theft 1286 - 1290

260 Female 40-44 – Larceny-Theft 1291 - 1295

261 Male 45-49 – Larceny-Theft 1296 - 1300

262 Female 45-49 – Larceny-Theft 1301 - 1305

263 Male 50-54 – Larceny-Theft 1306 - 1310

264 Female 50-54 – Larceny-Theft 1311 - 1315

265 Male 55-59 – Larceny-Theft 1316 - 1320

266 Female 55-59 – Larceny-Theft 1321 - 1325

267 Male 60-64 – Larceny-Theft 1326 - 1330

268 Female 60-64 – Larceny-Theft 1331 - 1335

269 Male 65 and over – Larceny-Theft 1336 - 1340

270 Female 65 and over – Larceny-Theft 1341 - 1345

271 Total Male – Larceny-Theft 1346 - 1351

272 Total Female – Larceny-Theft 1352 - 1357

273 White total - Larceny-Theft 1358 - 1362

274 Black total - Larceny-Theft 1363 - 1367

275 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Larceny-Theft 1368 - 1372

276 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Larceny-Theft 1373 - 1377

Row 07 277 Male 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1378 - 1382

278 Female 18 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1383 - 1387

279 Male 19 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1388 - 1392

280 Female 19 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1393 - 1397

281 Male 20 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1398 - 1402

282 Female 20 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1403 - 1407

283 Male 21 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1408 - 1412

284 Female 21 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1413 - 1417

285 Male 22 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1418 - 1422

286 Female 22 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1423 - 1427

287 Male 23 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1428 - 1432

288 Female 23 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1433 - 1437

289 Male 24 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1438 - 1442

290 Female 24 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1443 - 1447

291 Male 25-29 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1448 - 1452

292 Female 25-29 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1453 - 1457

293 Male 30-34 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1458 - 1462

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 144 of 144 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

294 Female 30-34 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1463 - 1467

295 Male 35-39 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1468 - 1472

296 Female 35-39 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1473 - 1477

297 Male 40-44 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1478 - 1482

298 Female 40-44 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1483 - 1487

299 Male 45-49 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1488 - 1492

300 Female 45-49 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1493 - 1497

301 Male 50-54 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1498 - 1502

302 Female 50-54 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1503 - 1507

303 Male 55-59 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1508 - 1512

304 Female 55-59 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1513 - 1517

305 Male 60-64 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1518 - 1522

306 Female 60-64 – Motor Vehicle Theft 1523 - 1527

307 Male 65 and over – Motor Vehicle Theft 1528 - 1532

308 Female 65 and over – Motor Vehicle Theft 1533 - 1537

309 Total Male – Motor Vehicle Theft 1538 - 1543

310 Total Female – Motor Vehicle Theft 1544 - 1549

311 White total - Motor Vehicle Theft 1550 - 1554

312 Black total - Motor Vehicle Theft 1555 - 1559

313 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Motor Vehicle Theft 1560 - 1564

314 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Motor Vehicle Theft 1565 - 1569

Row 08 315 Male 18 – Other Assaults 1570 - 1574

316 Female 18 – Other Assaults 1575 - 1579

317 Male 19 – Other Assaults 1580 - 1584

318 Female 19 – Other Assaults 1585 - 1589

319 Male 20 – Other Assaults 1590 - 1594

320 Female 20 – Other Assaults 1595 - 1599

321 Male 21 – Other Assaults 1600 - 1604

322 Female 21 – Other Assaults 1605 - 1609

323 Male 22 – Other Assaults 1610 - 1614

324 Female 22 – Other Assaults 1615 - 1619

325 Male 23 – Other Assaults 1620 - 1624

326 Female 23 – Other Assaults 1625 - 1629

327 Male 24 – Other Assaults 1630 - 1634

328 Female 24 – Other Assaults 1635 - 1639

329 Male 25-29 – Other Assaults 1640 - 1644

330 Female 25-29 – Other Assaults 1645 - 1649

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 145 of 145 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

331 Male 30-34 – Other Assaults 1650 - 1654

332 Female 30-34 – Other Assaults 1655 - 1659

333 Male 35-39 – Other Assaults 1660 - 1664

334 Female 35-39 – Other Assaults 1665 - 1669

335 Male 40-44 – Other Assaults 1670 - 1674

336 Female 40-44 – Other Assaults 1675 - 1679

337 Male 45-49 – Other Assaults 1680 - 1684

338 Female 45-49 – Other Assaults 1685 - 1689

339 Male 50-54 – Other Assaults 1690 - 1694

340 Female 50-54 – Other Assaults 1695 - 1699

341 Male 55-59 – Other Assaults 1700 - 1704

342 Female 55-59 – Other Assaults 1705 - 1709

343 Male 60-64 – Other Assaults 1710 - 1714

344 Female 60-64 – Other Assaults 1715 - 1719

345 Male 65 and over – Other Assaults 1720 - 1724

346 Female 65 and over – Other Assaults 1725 - 1729

347 Total Male – Other Assaults 1730 - 1735

348 Total Female – Other Assaults 1736 - 1741

349 White total - Other Assaults 1742 - 1746

350 Black total - Other Assaults 1747 - 1751

351 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Other Assaults 1752 - 1756

352 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Other Assaults 1757 - 1761

Row 09 353 Male 18 – Arson 1762 - 1766

354 Female 18 – Arson 1767 - 1771

355 Male 19 – Arson 1772 - 1776

356 Female 19 – Arson 1777 - 1781

357 Male 20 – Arson 1782 - 1786

358 Female 20 – Arson 1787 - 1791

359 Male 21 – Arson 1792 - 1796

360 Female 21 – Arson 1797 - 1801

361 Male 22 – Arson 1802 - 1806

362 Female 22 – Arson 1807 - 1811

363 Male 23 – Arson 1812 - 1816

364 Female 23 – Arson 1817 - 1821

365 Male 24 – Arson 1822 - 1826

366 Female 24 – Arson 1827 - 1831

367 Male 25-29 – Arson 1832 - 1836

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 146 of 146 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

368 Female 25-29 – Arson 1837 - 1841

369 Male 30-34 – Arson 1842 - 1846

370 Female 30-34 – Arson 1847 - 1851

371 Male 35-39 – Arson 1852 - 1856

372 Female 35-39 – Arson 1857 - 1861

373 Male 40-44 – Arson 1862 - 1866

374 Female 40-44 – Arson 1867 - 1871

375 Male 45-49 – Arson 1872 - 1876

376 Female 45-49 – Arson 1877 - 1881

377 Male 50-54 – Arson 1882 - 1886

378 Female 50-54 – Arson 1887 - 1891

379 Male 55-59 – Arson 1892 - 1896

380 Female 55-59 – Arson 1897 - 1901

381 Male 60-64 – Arson 1902 - 1906

382 Female 60-64 – Arson 1907 - 1911

383 Male 65 and over – Arson 1912 - 1916

384 Female 65 and over – Arson 1917 - 1921

385 Total Male – Arson 1922 - 1927

386 Total Female – Arson 1928 - 1933

387 White total - Arson 1934 - 1938

388 Black total - Arson 1939 - 1943

389 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Arson 1944 - 1948

390 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Arson 1949 - 1953

Row 10 391 Male 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1954 - 1958

392 Female 18 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1959 - 1963

393 Male 19 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1964 - 1968

394 Female 19 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1969 - 1973

395 Male 20 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1974 - 1978

396 Female 20 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1979 - 1983

397 Male 21 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1984 - 1988

398 Female 21 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1989 - 1993

399 Male 22 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1994 - 1998

400 Female 22 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 1999 - 2003

401 Male 23 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2004 - 2008

402 Female 23 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2009 - 2013

403 Male 24 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2014 - 2018

404 Female 24 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2019 - 2023

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 147 of 147 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

405 Male 25-29 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2024 - 2028

406 Female 25-29 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2029 - 2033

407 Male 30-34 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2034 - 2038

408 Female 30-34 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2039 - 2043

409 Male 35-39 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2044 - 2048

410 Female 35-39 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2049 - 2053

411 Male 40-44 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2054 - 2058

412 Female 40-44 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2059 - 2063

413 Male 45-49 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2064 - 2068

414 Female 45-49 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2069 - 2073

415 Male 50-54 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2074 - 2078

416 Female 50-54 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2079 - 2083

417 Male 55-59 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2084 - 2088

418 Female 55-59 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2089 - 2093

419 Male 60-64 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2094 - 2098

420 Female 60-64 – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2099 - 2103

421 Male 65 and over – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2104 - 2108

422 Female 65 and over – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2109 - 2113

423 Total Male – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2114 - 2119

424 Total Female – Forgery and Counterfeiting 2120 - 2125

425 White total - Forgery and Counterfeiting 2126 - 2130

426 Black total - Forgery and Counterfeiting 2131 - 2135

427 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Forgery and Counterfeiting 2136 - 2140

428 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Forgery and Counterfeiting 2141 - 2145

Row 11 429 Male 18 – Fraud 2146 - 2150

430 Female 18 – Fraud 2151 - 2155

431 Male 19 – Fraud 2156 - 2160

432 Female 19 – Fraud 2161 - 2165

433 Male 20 – Fraud 2166 - 2170

434 Female 20 – Fraud 2171 - 2175

435 Male 21 – Fraud 2176 - 2180

436 Female 21 – Fraud 2181 - 2185

437 Male 22 – Fraud 2186 - 2190

438 Female 22 – Fraud 2191 - 2195

439 Male 23 – Fraud 2196 - 2200

440 Female 23 – Fraud 2201 - 2205

441 Male 24 – Fraud 2206 - 2210

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 148 of 148 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

442 Female 24 – Fraud 2211 - 2215

443 Male 25-29 – Fraud 2216 - 2220

444 Female 25-29 – Fraud 2221 - 2225

445 Male 30-34 – Fraud 2226 - 2230

446 Female 30-34 – Fraud 2231 - 2235

447 Male 35-39 – Fraud 2236 - 2240

448 Female 35-39 – Fraud 2241 - 2245

449 Male 40-44 – Fraud 2246 - 2250

450 Female 40-44 – Fraud 2251 - 2255

451 Male 45-49 – Fraud 2256 - 2260

452 Female 45-49 – Fraud 2261 - 2265

453 Male 50-54 – Fraud 2266 - 2270

454 Female 50-54 – Fraud 2271 - 2275

455 Male 55-59 – Fraud 2276 - 2280

456 Female 55-59 – Fraud 2281 - 2285

457 Male 60-64 – Fraud 2286 - 2290

458 Female 60-64 – Fraud 2291 - 2295

459 Male 65 and over – Fraud 2296 - 2300

460 Female 65 and over – Fraud 2301 - 2305

461 Total Male – Fraud 2306 - 2311

462 Total Female – Fraud 2312 - 2317

463 White total - Fraud 2318 - 2322

464 Black total - Fraud 2323 - 2327

465 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Fraud 2328 - 2332

466 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Fraud 2333 - 2337

Row 12 467 Male 18 – Embezzlement 2338 - 2342

468 Female 18 – Embezzlement 2343 - 2347

469 Male 19 – Embezzlement 2348 - 2352

470 Female 19 – Embezzlement 2353 - 2357

471 Male 20 – Embezzlement 2358 - 2362

472 Female 20 – Embezzlement 2363 - 2367

473 Male 21 – Embezzlement 2368 - 2372

474 Female 21 – Embezzlement 2373 - 2377

475 Male 22 – Embezzlement 2378 - 2382

476 Female 22 – Embezzlement 2383 - 2387

477 Male 23 – Embezzlement 2388 - 2392

478 Female 23 – Embezzlement 2393 - 2397

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 149 of 149 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

479 Male 24 – Embezzlement 2398 - 2402

480 Female 24 – Embezzlement 2403 - 2407

481 Male 25-29 – Embezzlement 2408 - 2412

482 Female 25-29 – Embezzlement 2413 - 2417

483 Male 30-34 – Embezzlement 2418 - 2422

484 Female 30-34 – Embezzlement 2423 - 2427

485 Male 35-39 – Embezzlement 2428 - 2432

486 Female 35-39 – Embezzlement 2433 - 2437

487 Male 40-44 – Embezzlement 2438 - 2442

488 Female 40-44 – Embezzlement 2443 - 2447

489 Male 45-49 – Embezzlement 2448 - 2452

490 Female 45-49 – Embezzlement 2453 - 2457

491 Male 50-54 – Embezzlement 2458 - 2462

492 Female 50-54 – Embezzlement 2463 - 2467

493 Male 55-59 – Embezzlement 2468 - 2472

494 Female 55-59 – Embezzlement 2473 - 2477

495 Male 60-64 – Embezzlement 2478 - 2482

496 Female 60-64 – Embezzlement 2483 - 2487

497 Male 65 and over – Embezzlement 2488 - 2492

498 Female 65 and over – Embezzlement 2493 - 2497

499 Total Male – Embezzlement 2498 - 2503

500 Total Female – Embezzlement 2504 - 2509

501 White total - Embezzlement 2510 - 2514

502 Black total - Embezzlement 2515 - 2519

503 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Embezzlement 2520 - 2524

504 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Embezzlement 2525 - 2529

Row 13 505 Male 18 – Stolen Property 2530 - 2534

506 Female 18 – Stolen Property 2535 - 2539

507 Male 19 – Stolen Property 2540 - 2544

508 Female 19 – Stolen Property 2545 - 2549

509 Male 20 – Stolen Property 2550 - 2554

510 Female 20 – Stolen Property 2555 - 2559

511 Male 21 – Stolen Property 2560 - 2564

512 Female 21 – Stolen Property 2565 - 2569

513 Male 22 – Stolen Property 2570 - 2574

514 Female 22 – Stolen Property 2575 - 2579

515 Male 23 – Stolen Property 2580 - 2584

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 150 of 150 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

516 Female 23 – Stolen Property 2585 - 2589

517 Male 24 – Stolen Property 2590 - 2594

518 Female 24 – Stolen Property 2595 - 2599

519 Male 25-29 – Stolen Property 2600 - 2604

520 Female 25-29 – Stolen Property 2605 - 2609

521 Male 30-34 – Stolen Property 2610 - 2614

522 Female 30-34 – Stolen Property 2615 - 2619

523 Male 35-39 – Stolen Property 2620 - 2624

524 Female 35-39 – Stolen Property 2625 - 2629

525 Male 40-44 – Stolen Property 2630 - 2634

526 Female 40-44 – Stolen Property 2635 - 2639

527 Male 45-49 – Stolen Property 2640 - 2644

528 Female 45-49 – Stolen Property 2645 - 2649

529 Male 50-54 – Stolen Property 2650 - 2654

530 Female 50-54 – Stolen Property 2655 - 2659

531 Male 55-59 – Stolen Property 2660 - 2664

532 Female 55-59 – Stolen Property 2665 - 2669

533 Male 60-64 – Stolen Property 2670 - 2674

534 Female 60-64 – Stolen Property 2675 - 2679

535 Male 65 and over – Stolen Property 2680 - 2684

536 Female 65 and over – Stolen Property 2685 - 2689

537 Total Male – Stolen Property 2690 - 2695

538 Total Female – Stolen Property 2696 - 2701

539 White total - Stolen Property 2702 - 2706

540 Black total - Stolen Property 2707 - 2711

541 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Stolen Property 2712 - 2716

542 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Stolen Property 2717 - 2721

Row 14 543 Male 18 – Vandalism 2722 - 2726

544 Female 18 – Vandalism 2727 - 2731

545 Male 19 – Vandalism 2732 - 2736

546 Female 19 – Vandalism 2737 - 2741

547 Male 20 – Vandalism 2742 - 2746

548 Female 20 – Vandalism 2747 - 2751

549 Male 21 – Vandalism 2752 - 2756

550 Female 21 – Vandalism 2757 - 2761

551 Male 22 – Vandalism 2762 - 2766

552 Female 22 – Vandalism 2767 - 2771

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 151 of 151 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

553 Male 23 – Vandalism 2772 - 2776

554 Female 23 – Vandalism 2777 - 2781

555 Male 24 – Vandalism 2782 - 2786

556 Female 24 – Vandalism 2787 - 2791

557 Male 25-29 – Vandalism 2792 - 2796

558 Female 25-29 – Vandalism 2797 - 2801

559 Male 30-34 – Vandalism 2802 - 2806

560 Female 30-34 – Vandalism 2807 - 2811

561 Male 35-39 – Vandalism 2812 - 2816

562 Female 35-39 – Vandalism 2817 - 2821

563 Male 40-44 – Vandalism 2822 - 2826

564 Female 40-44 – Vandalism 2827 - 2831

565 Male 45-49 – Vandalism 2832 - 2836

566 Female 45-49 – Vandalism 2837 - 2841

567 Male 50-54 – Vandalism 2842 - 2846

568 Female 50-54 – Vandalism 2847 - 2851

569 Male 55-59 – Vandalism 2852 - 2856

570 Female 55-59 – Vandalism 2857 - 2861

571 Male 60-64 – Vandalism 2862 - 2866

572 Female 60-64 – Vandalism 2867 - 2871

573 Male 65 and over – Vandalism 2872 - 2876

574 Female 65 and over – Vandalism 2877 - 2881

575 Total Male – Vandalism 2882 - 2887

576 Total Female – Vandalism 2888 - 2893

577 White total - Vandalism 2894 - 2898

578 Black total - Vandalism 2899 - 2903

579 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Vandalism 2904 - 2908

580 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Vandalism 2909 - 2913

Row 15 581 Male 18 – Weapons 2914 - 2918

582 Female 18 – Weapons 2919 - 2923

583 Male 19 – Weapons 2924 - 2928

584 Female 19 – Weapons 2929 - 2933

585 Male 20 – Weapons 2934 - 2938

586 Female 20 – Weapons 2939 - 2943

587 Male 21 – Weapons 2944 - 2948

588 Female 21 – Weapons 2949 - 2953

589 Male 22 – Weapons 2954 - 2958

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 152 of 152 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

590 Female 22 – Weapons 2959 - 2963

591 Male 23 – Weapons 2964 - 2968

592 Female 23 – Weapons 2969 - 2973

593 Male 24 – Weapons 2974 - 2978

594 Female 24 – Weapons 2979 - 2983

595 Male 25-29 – Weapons 2984 - 2988

596 Female 25-29 – Weapons 2989 - 2993

597 Male 30-34 – Weapons 2994 - 2998

598 Female 30-34 – Weapons 2999 - 3003

599 Male 35-39 – Weapons 3004 - 3008

600 Female 35-39 – Weapons 3009 - 3013

601 Male 40-44 – Weapons 3014 - 3018

602 Female 40-44 – Weapons 3019 - 3023

603 Male 45-49 – Weapons 3024 - 3028

604 Female 45-49 – Weapons 3029 - 3033

605 Male 50-54 – Weapons 3034 - 3038

606 Female 50-54 – Weapons 3039 - 3043

607 Male 55-59 – Weapons 3044 - 3048

608 Female 55-59 – Weapons 3049 - 3053

609 Male 60-64 – Weapons 3054 - 3058

610 Female 60-64 – Weapons 3059 - 3063

611 Male 65 and over – Weapons 3064 - 3068

612 Female 65 and over – Weapons 3069 - 3073

613 Total Male – Weapons 3074 - 3079

614 Total Female – Weapons 3080 - 3085

615 White total - Weapons 3086 - 3090

616 Black total - Weapons 3091 - 3095

617 American Indian or Weapons Alaskan Native total - Weapons 3096 - 3100

618 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Weapons 3101 - 3105

Row 16 619 Male 18 – Prostitution 3106 - 3110

620 Female 18 – Prostitution 3111 - 3115

621 Male 19 – Prostitution 3116 - 3120

622 Female 19 – Prostitution 3121 - 3125

623 Male 20 – Prostitution 3126 - 3130

624 Female 20 – Prostitution 3131 - 3135

625 Male 21 – Prostitution 3136 - 3140

626 Female 21 – Prostitution 3141 - 3145

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 153 of 153 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

627 Male 22 – Prostitution 3146 - 3150

628 Female 22 – Prostitution 3151 - 3155

629 Male 23 – Prostitution 3156 - 3160

630 Female 23 – Prostitution 3161 - 3165

631 Male 24 – Prostitution 3166 - 3170

632 Female 24 – Prostitution 3171 - 3175

633 Male 25-29 – Prostitution 3176 - 3180

634 Female 25-29 – Prostitution 3181 - 3185

635 Male 30-34 – Prostitution 3186 - 3190

636 Female 30-34 – Prostitution 3191 - 3195

637 Male 35-39 – Prostitution 3196 - 3200

638 Female 35-39 – Prostitution 3201 - 3205

639 Male 40-44 – Prostitution 3206 - 3210

640 Female 40-44 – Prostitution 3211 - 3215

641 Male 45-49 – Prostitution 3216 - 3220

642 Female 45-49 – Prostitution 3221 - 3225

643 Male 50-54 – Prostitution 3226 - 3230

644 Female 50-54 – Prostitution 3231 - 3235

645 Male 55-59 – Prostitution 3236 - 3240

646 Female 55-59 – Prostitution 3241 - 3245

647 Male 60-64 – Prostitution 3246 - 3250

648 Female 60-64 – Prostitution 3251 - 3255

649 Male 65 and over – Prostitution 3256 - 3260

650 Female 65 and over – Prostitution 3261 - 3265

651 Total Male – Prostitution 3266 - 3271

652 Total Female – Prostitution 3272 - 3277

653 White total - Prostitution 3278 - 3282

654 Black total - Prostitution 3283 - 3287

655 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Prostitution 3288 - 3292

656 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Prostitution 3293 - 3297

Row 17 657 Male 18 – Sex Offenses 3298 - 3302

658 Female 18 – Sex Offenses 3303 - 3307

659 Male 19 – Sex Offenses 3308 - 3312

660 Female 19 – Sex Offenses 3313 - 3317

661 Male 20 – Sex Offenses 3318 - 3322

662 Female 20 – Sex Offenses 3323 - 3327

663 Male 21 – Sex Offenses 3328 - 3332

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 154 of 154 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

664 Female 21 – Sex Offenses 3333 - 3337

665 Male 22 – Sex Offenses 3338 - 3342

666 Female 22 – Sex Offenses 3343 - 3347

667 Male 23 – Sex Offenses 3348 - 3352

668 Female 23 – Sex Offenses 3353 - 3357

669 Male 24 – Sex Offenses 3358 - 3362

670 Female 24 – Sex Offenses 3363 - 3367

671 Male 25-29 – Sex Offenses 3368 - 3372

672 Female 25-29 – Sex Offenses 3373 - 3377

673 Male 30-34 – Sex Offenses 3378 - 3382

674 Female 30-34 – Sex Offenses 3383 - 3387

675 Male 35-39 – Sex Offenses 3388 - 3392

676 Female 35-39 – Sex Offenses 3393 - 3397

677 Male 40-44 – Sex Offenses 3398 - 3402

678 Female 40-44 – Sex Offenses 3403 - 3407

679 Male 45-49 – Sex Offenses 3408 - 3412

680 Female 45-49 – Sex Offenses 3413 - 3417

681 Male 50-54 – Sex Offenses 3418 - 3422

682 Female 50-54 – Sex Offenses 3423 - 3427

683 Male 55-59 – Sex Offenses 3428 - 3432

684 Female 55-59 – Sex Offenses 3433 - 3437

685 Male 60-64 – Sex Offenses 3438 - 3442

686 Female 60-64 – Sex Offenses 3443 - 3447

687 Male 65 and over – Sex Offenses 3448 - 3452

688 Female 65 and over – Sex Offenses 3453 - 3457

689 Total Male – Sex Offenses 3458 - 3463

690 Total Female – Sex Offenses 3464 - 3469

691 White total - Sex Offenses 3470 - 3474

692 Black total - Sex Offenses 3475 - 3479

693 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sex Offenses 3480 - 3484

694 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sex Offenses 3485 - 3489

Row 18 695 Male 18 – Drug Abuse Violations 3490 - 3494

696 Female 18 – Drug Abuse Violations 3495 - 3499

697 Male 19 – Drug Abuse Violations 3500 - 3504

698 Female 19 – Drug Abuse Violations 3505 - 3509

699 Male 20 – Drug Abuse Violations 3510 - 3514

700 Female 20 – Drug Abuse Violations 3515 - 3519

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 155 of 155 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

701 Male 21 – Drug Abuse Violations 3520 - 3524

702 Female 21 – Drug Abuse Violations 3525 - 3529

703 Male 22 – Drug Abuse Violations 3530 - 3534

704 Female 22 – Drug Abuse Violations 3535 - 3539

705 Male 23 – Drug Abuse Violations 3540 - 3544

706 Female 23 – Drug Abuse Violations 3545 - 3549

707 Male 24 – Drug Abuse Violations 3550 - 3554

708 Female 24 – Drug Abuse Violations 3555 - 3559

709 Male 25-29 – Drug Abuse Violations 3560 - 3564

710 Female 25-29 – Drug Abuse Violations 3565 - 3569

711 Male 30-34 – Drug Abuse Violations 3570 - 3574

712 Female 30-34 – Drug Abuse Violations 3575 - 3579

713 Male 35-39 – Drug Abuse Violations 3580 - 3584

714 Female 35-39 – Drug Abuse Violations 3585 - 3589

715 Male 40-44 – Drug Abuse Violations 3590 - 3594

716 Female 40-44 – Drug Abuse Violations 3595 - 3599

717 Male 45-49 – Drug Abuse Violations 3600 - 3604

718 Female 45-49 – Drug Abuse Violations 3605 - 3609

719 Male 50-54 – Drug Abuse Violations 3610 - 3614

720 Female 50-54 – Drug Abuse Violations 3615 - 3619

721 Male 55-59 – Drug Abuse Violations 3620 - 3624

722 Female 55-59 – Drug Abuse Violations 3625 - 3629

723 Male 60-64 – Drug Abuse Violations 3630 - 3634

724 Female 60-64 – Drug Abuse Violations 3635 - 3639

725 Male 65 and over – Drug Abuse Violations 3640 - 3644

726 Female 65 and over – Drug Abuse Violations 3645 - 3649

727 Total Male – Drug Abuse Violations 3650 - 3655

728 Total Female – Drug Abuse Violations 3656 - 3661

729 White total - Drug Abuse Violations 3662 - 3666

730 Black total - Drug Abuse Violations 3667 - 3671

731 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drug Abuse Violations 3672 - 3676

732 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drug Abuse Violations 3677 - 3681

Row 180 733 Male 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3682 - 3686

734 Female 18 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3687 - 3691

735 Male 19 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3692 - 3696

736 Female 19 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3697 - 3701

737 Male 20 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3702 - 3706

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 156 of 156 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

738 Female 20 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3707 - 3711

739 Male 21 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3712 - 3716

740 Female 21 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3717 - 3721

741 Male 22 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3722 - 3726

742 Female 22 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3727 - 3731

743 Male 23 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3732 - 3736

744 Female 23 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3737 - 3741

745 Male 24 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3742 - 3746

746 Female 24 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3747 - 3751

747 Male 25-29 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3752 - 3756

748 Female 25-29 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3757 - 3761

749 Male 30-34 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3762 - 3766

750 Female 30-34 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3767 - 3771

751 Male 35-39 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3772 - 3776

752 Female 35-39 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3777 - 3781

753 Male 40-44 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3782 - 3786

754 Female 40-44 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3787 - 3791

755 Male 45-49 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3792 - 3796

756 Female 45-49 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3797 - 3801

757 Male 50-54 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3802 - 3806

758 Female 50-54 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3807 - 3811

759 Male 55-59 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3812 - 3816

760 Female 55-59 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3817 - 3821

761 Male 60-64 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3822 - 3826

762 Female 60-64 – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3827 - 3831

763 Male 65 and over – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3832 - 3836

764 Female 65 and over – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3837 - 3841

765 Total Male – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3842 - 3847

766 Total Female – Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3848 - 3853

767 White total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3854 - 3858

768 Black total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3859 - 3863

769 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3864 - 3868

770 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drug Sale/Manufacturing 3869 - 3873

Row 180a 771 Male 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3874 - 3878

772 Female 18 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3879 - 3883

773 Male 19 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3884 - 3888

774 Female 19 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3889 - 3893

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 157 of 157 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

775 Male 20 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3894 - 3898

776 Female 20 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3899 - 3903

777 Male 21 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3904 - 3908

778 Female 21 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3909 - 3913

779 Male 22 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3914 - 3918

780 Female 22 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3919 - 3923

781 Male 23 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3924 - 3928

782 Female 23 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3929 - 3933

783 Male 24 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3934 - 3938

784 Female 24 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3939 - 3943

785 Male 25-29 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3944 - 3948

786 Female 25-29 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3949 - 3953

787 Male 30-34 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3954 - 3958

788 Female 30-34 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3959 - 3963

789 Male 35-39 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3964 - 3968

790 Female 35-39 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3969 - 3973

791 Male 40-44 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3974 - 3978

792 Female 40-44 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3979 - 3983

793 Male 45-49 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3984 - 3988

794 Female 45-49 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3989 - 3993

795 Male 50-54 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3994 - 3998

796 Female 50-54 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 3999 - 4003

797 Male 55-59 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4004 - 4008

798 Female 55-59 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4009 - 4013

799 Male 60-64 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4014 - 4018

800 Female 60-64 – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4019 - 4023

801 Male 65 and over – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4024 - 4028

802 Female 65 and over – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4029 - 4033

803 Total Male – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4034 - 4039

804 Total Female – Sale Opium or Cocaine 4040 - 4045

805 White total - Sale Opium or Cocaine 4046 - 4050

806 Black total - Sale Opium or Cocaine 4051 - 4055

807 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Opium or Cocaine 4056 - 4060

808 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Opium or Cocaine 4061 - 4065

Row 180b 809 Male 18 – Sale Marijuana 4066 - 4070

810 Female 18 – Sale Marijuana 4071 - 4075

811 Male 19 – Sale Marijuana 4076 - 4080

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 158 of 158 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

812 Female 19 – Sale Marijuana 4081 - 4085

813 Male 20 – Sale Marijuana 4086 - 4090

814 Female 20 – Sale Marijuana 4091 - 4095

815 Male 21 – Sale Marijuana 4096 - 4100

816 Female 21 – Sale Marijuana 4101 - 4105

817 Male 22 – Sale Marijuana 4106 - 4110

818 Female 22 – Sale Marijuana 4111 - 4115

819 Male 23 – Sale Marijuana 4116 - 4120

820 Female 23 – Sale Marijuana 4121 - 4125

821 Male 24 – Sale Marijuana 4126 - 4130

822 Female 24 – Sale Marijuana 4131 - 4135

823 Male 25-29 – Sale Marijuana 4136 - 4140

824 Female 25-29 – Sale Marijuana 4141 - 4145

825 Male 30-34 – Sale Marijuana 4146 - 4150

826 Female 30-34 – Sale Marijuana 4151 - 4155

827 Male 35-39 – Sale Marijuana 4156 - 4160

828 Female 35-39 – Sale Marijuana 4161 - 4165

829 Male 40-44 – Sale Marijuana 4166 - 4170

830 Female 40-44 – Sale Marijuana 4171 - 4175

831 Male 45-49 – Sale Marijuana 4176 - 4180

832 Female 45-49 – Sale Marijuana 4181 - 4185

833 Male 50-54 – Sale Marijuana 4186 - 4190

834 Female 50-54 – Sale Marijuana 4191 - 4195

835 Male 55-59 – Sale Marijuana 4196 - 4200

836 Female 55-59 – Sale Marijuana 4201 - 4205

837 Male 60-64 – Sale Marijuana 4206 - 4210

838 Female 60-64 – Sale Marijuana 4211 - 4215

839 Male 65 and over – Sale Marijuana 4216 - 4220

840 Female 65 and over – Sale Marijuana 4221 - 4225

841 Total Male – Sale Marijuana 4226 - 4231

842 Total Female – Sale Marijuana 4232 - 4237

843 White total - Sale Marijuana 4238 - 4242

844 Black total - Sale Marijuana 4243 - 4247

845 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Marijuana 4248 - 4252

846 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Marijuana 4253 - 4257

Row 180c 847 Male 18 – Sale Narcotics 4258 - 4262

848 Female 18 – Sale Narcotics 4263 - 4267

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

849 Male 19 – Sale Narcotics 4268 - 4272

850 Female 19 – Sale Narcotics 4273 - 4277

851 Male 20 – Sale Narcotics 4278 - 4282

852 Female 20 – Sale Narcotics 4283 - 4287

853 Male 21 – Sale Narcotics 4288 - 4292

854 Female 21 – Sale Narcotics 4293 - 4297

855 Male 22 – Sale Narcotics 4298 - 4302

856 Female 22 – Sale Narcotics 4303 - 4307

857 Male 23 – Sale Narcotics 4308 - 4312

858 Female 23 – Sale Narcotics 4313 - 4317

859 Male 24 – Sale Narcotics 4318 - 4322

860 Female 24 – Sale Narcotics 4323 - 4327

861 Male 25-29 – Sale Narcotics 4328 - 4332

862 Female 25-29 – Sale Narcotics 4333 - 4337

863 Male 30-34 – Sale Narcotics 4338 - 4342

864 Female 30-34 – Sale Narcotics 4343 - 4347

865 Male 35-39 – Sale Narcotics 4348 - 4352

866 Female 35-39 – Sale Narcotics 4353 - 4357

867 Male 40-44 – Sale Narcotics 4358 - 4362

868 Female 40-44 – Sale Narcotics 4363 - 4367

869 Male 45-49 – Sale Narcotics 4368 - 4372

870 Female 45-49 – Sale Narcotics 4373 - 4377

871 Male 50-54 – Sale Narcotics 4378 - 4382

872 Female 50-54 – Sale Narcotics 4383 - 4387

873 Male 55-59 – Sale Narcotics 4388 - 4392

874 Female 55-59 – Sale Narcotics 4393 - 4397

875 Male 60-64 – Sale Narcotics 4398 - 4402

876 Female 60-64 – Sale Narcotics 4403 - 4407

877 Male 65 and over – Sale Narcotics 4408 - 4412

878 Female 65 and over – Sale Narcotics 4413 - 4417

879 Total Male – Sale Narcotics 4418 - 4423

880 Total Female – Sale Narcotics 4424 - 4429

881 White total - Sale Narcotics 4430 - 4434

882 Black total - Sale Narcotics 4435 - 4439

883 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Narcotics 4440 - 4444

884 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Narcotics 4445 - 4449

Row 180d 885 Male 18 – Sale Other Drugs 4450 - 4454

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 160 of 160 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

886 Female 18 – Sale Other Drugs 4455 - 4459

887 Male 19 – Sale Other Drugs 4460 - 4464

888 Female 19 – Sale Other Drugs 4465 - 4469

889 Male 20 – Sale Other Drugs 4470 - 4474

890 Female 20 – Sale Other Drugs 4475 - 4479

891 Male 21 – Sale Other Drugs 4480 - 4484

892 Female 21 – Sale Other Drugs 4485 - 4489

893 Male 22 – Sale Other Drugs 4490 - 4494

894 Female 22 – Sale Other Drugs 4495 - 4499

895 Male 23 – Sale Other Drugs 4500 - 4504

896 Female 23 – Sale Other Drugs 4505 - 4509

897 Male 24 – Sale Other Drugs 4510 - 4514

898 Female 24 – Sale Other Drugs 4515 - 4519

899 Male 25-29 – Sale Other Drugs 4520 - 4524

900 Female 25-29 – Sale Other Drugs 4525 - 4529

901 Male 30-34 – Sale Other Drugs 4530 - 4534

902 Female 30-34 – Sale Other Drugs 4535 - 4539

903 Male 35-39 – Sale Other Drugs 4540 - 4544

904 Female 35-39 – Sale Other Drugs 4545 - 4549

905 Male 40-44 – Sale Other Drugs 4550 - 4554

906 Female 40-44 – Sale Other Drugs 4555 - 4559

907 Male 45-49 – Sale Other Drugs 4560 - 4564

908 Female 45-49 – Sale Other Drugs 4565 - 4569

909 Male 50-54 – Sale Other Drugs 4570 - 4574

910 Female 50-54 – Sale Other Drugs 4575 - 4579

911 Male 55-59 – Sale Other Drugs 4580 - 4584

912 Female 55-59 – Sale Other Drugs 4585 - 4589

913 Male 60-64 – Sale Other Drugs 4590 - 4594

914 Female 60-64 – Sale Other Drugs 4595 - 4599

915 Male 65 and over – Sale Other Drugs 4600 - 4604

916 Female 65 and over – Sale Other Drugs 4605 - 4609

917 Total Male – Sale Other Drugs 4610 - 4615

918 Total Female – Sale Other Drugs 4616 - 4621

919 White total - Sale Other Drugs 4622 - 4626

920 Black total - Sale Other Drugs 4627 - 4631

921 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Sale Other Drugs 4632 - 4636

922 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Sale Other Drugs 4637 - 4641

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 161 of 161 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

Row 185 923 Male 18 – Drug Possession 4642 - 4646

924 Female 18 – Drug Possession 4647 - 4651

925 Male 19 – Drug Possession 4652 - 4656

926 Female 19 – Drug Possession 4657 - 4661

927 Male 20 – Drug Possession 4662 - 4666

928 Female 20 – Drug Possession 4667 - 4671

929 Male 21 – Drug Possession 4672 - 4676

930 Female 21 – Drug Possession 4677 - 4681

931 Male 22 – Drug Possession 4682 - 4686

932 Female 22 – Drug Possession 4687 - 4691

933 Male 23 – Drug Possession 4692 - 4696

934 Female 23 – Drug Possession 4697 - 4701

935 Male 24 – Drug Possession 4702 - 4706

936 Female 24 – Drug Possession 4707 - 4711

937 Male 25-29 – Drug Possession 4712 - 4716

938 Female 25-29 – Drug Possession 4717 - 4721

939 Male 30-34 – Drug Possession 4722 - 4726

940 Female 30-34 – Drug Possession 4727 - 4731

941 Male 35-39 – Drug Possession 4732 - 4736

942 Female 35-39 – Drug Possession 4737 - 4741

943 Male 40-44 – Drug Possession 4742 - 4746

944 Female 40-44 – Drug Possession 4747 - 4751

945 Male 45-49 – Drug Possession 4752 - 4756

946 Female 45-49 – Drug Possession 4757 - 4761

947 Male 50-54 – Drug Possession 4762 - 4766

948 Female 50-54 – Drug Possession 4767 - 4771

949 Male 55-59 – Drug Possession 4772 - 4776

950 Female 55-59 – Drug Possession 4777 - 4781

951 Male 60-64 – Drug Possession 4782 - 4786

952 Female 60-64 – Drug Possession 4787 - 4791

953 Male 65 and over – Drug Possession 4792 - 4796

954 Female 65 and over – Drug Possession 4797 - 4801

955 Total Male – Drug Possession 4802 - 4807

956 Total Female – Drug Possession 4808 - 4813

957 White total - Drug Possession 4814 - 4818

958 Black total - Drug Possession 4819 - 4823

959 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drug Possession 4824 - 4828

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 162 of 162 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

Row 185 960 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drug Possession 4829 - 4833

Row 185e 961 Male 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4834 - 4838

962 Female 18 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4839 - 4843

963 Male 19 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4844 - 4848

964 Female 19 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4849 - 4853

965 Male 20 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4854 - 4858

966 Female 20 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4859 - 4863

967 Male 21 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4864 - 4868

968 Female 21 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4869 - 4873

969 Male 22 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4874 - 4878

970 Female 22 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4879 - 4883

971 Male 23 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4884 - 4888

972 Female 23 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4889 - 4893

973 Male 24 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4894 - 4898

974 Female 24 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4899 - 4903

975 Male 25-29 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4904 - 4908

976 Female 25-29 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4909 - 4913

977 Male 30-34 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4914 - 4918

978 Female 30-34 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4919 - 4923

979 Male 35-39 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4924 - 4928

980 Female 35-39 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4929 - 4933

981 Male 40-44 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4934 - 4938

982 Female 40-44 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4939 - 4943

983 Male 45-49 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4944 - 4948

984 Female 45-49 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4949 - 4953

985 Male 50-54 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4954 - 4958

986 Female 50-54 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4959 - 4963

987 Male 55-59 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4964 - 4968

988 Female 55-59 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4969 - 4973

989 Male 60-64 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4974 - 4978

990 Female 60-64 – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4979 - 4983

991 Male 65 and over – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4984 - 4988

992 Female 65 and over – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4989 - 4993

993 Total Male – Possession Opium or Cocaine 4994 - 4999

994 Total Female – Possession Opium or Cocaine 5000 - 5005

995 White total - Possession Opium or Cocaine 5006 - 5010

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 163 of 163 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

996 Black total - Possession Opium or Cocaine 5011 - 5015

997 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Possession Opium or Cocaine 5016 - 5020

998 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Possession Opium or Cocaine 5021 - 5025

Row 185f 999 Male 18 – Possession Marijuana 5026 - 5030

1000 Female 18 – Possession Marijuana 5031 - 5035

1001 Male 19 – Possession Marijuana 5036 - 5040

1002 Female 19 – Possession Marijuana 5041 - 5045

1003 Male 20 – Possession Marijuana 5046 - 5050

1004 Female 20 – Possession Marijuana 5051 - 5055

1005 Male 21 – Possession Marijuana 5056 - 5060

1006 Female 21 – Possession Marijuana 5061 - 5065

1007 Male 22 – Possession Marijuana 5066 - 5070

1008 Female 22 – Possession Marijuana 5071 - 5075

1009 Male 23 – Possession Marijuana 5076 - 5080

1010 Female 23 – Possession Marijuana 5081 - 5085

1011 Male 24 – Possession Marijuana 5086 - 5090

1012 Female 24 – Possession Marijuana 5091 - 5095

1013 Male 25-29 – Possession Marijuana 5096 - 5100

1014 Female 25-29 – Possession Marijuana 5101 - 5105

1015 Male 30-34 – Possession Marijuana 5106 - 5110

1016 Female 30-34 – Possession Marijuana 5111 - 5115

1017 Male 35-39 – Possession Marijuana 5116 - 5120

1018 Female 35-39 – Possession Marijuana 5121 - 5125

1019 Male 40-44 – Possession Marijuana 5126 - 5130

1020 Female 40-44 – Possession Marijuana 5131 - 5135

1021 Male 45-49 – Possession Marijuana 5136 - 5140

1022 Female 45-49 – Possession Marijuana 5141 - 5145

1023 Male 50-54 – Possession Marijuana 5146 - 5150

1024 Female 50-54 – Possession Marijuana 5151 - 5155

1025 Male 55-59 – Possession Marijuana 5156 - 5160

1026 Female 55-59 – Possession Marijuana 5161 - 5165

1027 Male 60-64 – Possession Marijuana 5166 - 5170

1028 Female 60-64 – Possession Marijuana 5171 - 5175

1029 Male 65 and over – Possession Marijuana 5176 - 5180

1030 Female 65 and over – Possession Marijuana 5181 - 5185

1031 Total Male – Possession Marijuana 5186 - 5191

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 164 of 164 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1032 Total Female – Possession Marijuana 5192 - 5197

1033 White total - Possession Marijuana 5198 - 5202

1034 Black total - Possession Marijuana 5203 - 5207

1035 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Possession Marijuana 5208 - 5212

1036 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Possession Marijuana 5213 - 5217

Row 185g 1037 Male 18 – Possession Narcotics 5218 - 5222

1038 Female 18 – Possession Narcotics 5223 - 5227

1039 Male 19 – Possession Narcotics 5228 - 5232

1040 Female 19 – Possession Narcotics 5233 - 5237

1041 Male 20 – Possession Narcotics 5238 - 5242

1042 Female 20 – Possession Narcotics 5243 - 5247

1043 Male 21 – Possession Narcotics 5248 - 5252

1044 Female 21 – Possession Narcotics 5253 - 5257

1045 Male 22 – Possession Narcotics 5258 - 5262

1046 Female 22 – Possession Narcotics 5263 - 5267

1047 Male 23 – Possession Narcotics 5268 - 5272

1048 Female 23 – Possession Narcotics 5273 - 5277

1049 Male 24 – Possession Narcotics 5278 - 5282

1050 Female 24 – Possession Narcotics 5283 - 5287

1051 Male 25-29 – Possession Narcotics 5288 - 5292

1052 Female 25-29 – Possession Narcotics 5293 - 5297

1053 Male 30-34 – Possession Narcotics 5298 - 5302

1054 Female 30-34 – Possession Narcotics 5303 - 5307

1055 Male 35-39 – Possession Narcotics 5308 - 5312

1056 Female 35-39 – Possession Narcotics 5313 - 5317

1057 Male 40-44 – Possession Narcotics 5318 - 5322

1058 Female 40-44 – Possession Narcotics 5323 - 5327

1059 Male 45-49 – Possession Narcotics 5328 - 5332

1060 Female 45-49 – Possession Narcotics 5333 - 5337

1061 Male 50-54 – Possession Narcotics 5338 - 5342

1062 Female 50-54 – Possession Narcotics 5343 - 5347

1063 Male 55-59 – Possession Narcotics 5348 - 5352

1064 Female 55-59 – Possession Narcotics 5353 - 5357

1065 Male 60-64 – Possession Narcotics 5358 - 5362

1066 Female 60-64 – Possession Narcotics 5363 - 5367

1067 Male 65 and over – Possession Narcotics 5368 - 5372

1068 Female 65 and over – Possession Narcotics 5373 - 5377

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 165 of 165 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1069 Total Male – Possession Narcotics 5378 - 5383

1070 Total Female – Possession Narcotics 5384 - 5389

1071 White total - Possession Narcotics 5390 - 5394

1072 Black total - Possession Narcotics 5395 - 5399

1073 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Possession Narcotics 5400 - 5404

1074 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Possession Narcotics 5405 - 5409

Row 185h 1075 Male 18 – Other Drugs 5410 - 5414

1076 Female 18 – Other Drugs 5415 - 5419

1077 Male 19 – Other Drugs 5420 - 5424

1078 Female 19 – Other Drugs 5425 - 5429

1079 Male 20 – Other Drugs 5430 - 5434

1080 Female 20 – Other Drugs 5435 - 5439

1081 Male 21 – Other Drugs 5440 - 5444

1082 Female 21 – Other Drugs 5445 - 5449

1083 Male 22 – Other Drugs 5450 - 5454

1084 Female 22 – Other Drugs 5455 - 5459

1085 Male 23 – Other Drugs 5460 - 5464

1086 Female 23 – Other Drugs 5465 - 5469

1087 Male 24 – Other Drugs 5470 - 5474

1088 Female 24 – Other Drugs 5475 - 5479

1089 Male 25-29 – Other Drugs 5480 - 5484

1090 Female 25-29 – Other Drugs 5485 - 5489

1091 Male 30-34 – Other Drugs 5490 - 5494

1092 Female 30-34 – Other Drugs 5495 - 5499

1093 Male 35-39 – Other Drugs 5500 - 5504

1094 Female 35-39 – Other Drugs 5505 - 5509

1095 Male 40-44 – Other Drugs 5510 - 5514

1096 Female 40-44 – Other Drugs 5515 - 5519

1097 Male 45-49 – Other Drugs 5520 - 5524

1098 Female 45-49 – Other Drugs 5525 - 5529

1099 Male 50-54 – Other Drugs 5530 - 5534

1100 Female 50-54 – Other Drugs 5535 - 5539

1101 Male 55-59 – Other Drugs 5540 - 5544

1102 Female 55-59 – Other Drugs 5545 - 5549

1103 Male 60-64 – Other Drugs 5550 - 5554

1104 Female 60-64 – Other Drugs 5555 - 5559

1105 Male 65 and over – Other Drugs 5560 - 5564

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 166 of 166 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1106 Female 65 and over – Other Drugs 5565 - 5569

1107 Total Male – Other Drugs 5570 - 5575

1108 Total Female – Other Drugs 5576 - 5581

1109 White total - Other Drugs 5582 - 5586

1110 Black total - Other Drugs 5587 - 5591

1111 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Other Drugs 5592 - 5596

1112 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Other Drugs 5597 - 5601

Row 19 1113 Male 18 – Gambling 5602 - 5606

1114 Female 18 – Gambling 5607 - 5611

1115 Male 19 – Gambling 5612 - 5616

1116 Female 19 – Gambling 5617 - 5621

1117 Male 20 – Gambling 5622 - 5626

1118 Female 20 – Gambling 5627 - 5631

1119 Male 21 – Gambling 5632 - 5636

1120 Female 21 – Gambling 5637 - 5641

1121 Male 22 – Gambling 5642 - 5646

1122 Female 22 – Gambling 5647 - 5651

1123 Male 23 – Gambling 5652 - 5656

1124 Female 23 – Gambling 5657 - 5661

1125 Male 24 – Gambling 5662 - 5666

1126 Female 24 – Gambling 5667 - 5671

1127 Male 25-29 – Gambling 5672 - 5676

1128 Female 25-29 – Gambling 5677 - 5681

1129 Male 30-34 – Gambling 5682 - 5686

1130 Female 30-34 – Gambling 5687 - 5691

1131 Male 35-39 – Gambling 5692 - 5696

1132 Female 35-39 – Gambling 5697 - 5701

1133 Male 40-44 – Gambling 5702 - 5706

1134 Female 40-44 – Gambling 5707 - 5711

1135 Male 45-49 – Gambling 5712 - 5716

1136 Female 45-49 – Gambling 5717 - 5721

1137 Male 50-54 – Gambling 5722 - 5726

1138 Female 50-54 – Gambling 5727 - 5731

1139 Male 55-59 – Gambling 5732 - 5736

1140 Female 55-59 – Gambling 5737 - 5741

1141 Male 60-64 – Gambling 5742 - 5746

1142 Female 60-64 – Gambling 5747 - 5751

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 167 of 167 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1143 Male 65 and over – Gambling 5752 - 5756

1144 Female 65 and over – Gambling 5757 - 5761

1145 Total Male – Gambling 5762 - 5767

1146 Total Female – Gambling 5768 - 5773

1147 White total - Gambling 5774 - 5778

1148 Black total - Gambling 5779 - 5783

1149 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Gambling 5784 - 5788

1150 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Gambling 5789 - 5793

Row 19a 1151 Male 18 – Bookmaking 5794 - 5798

1152 Female 18 – Bookmaking 5799 - 5803

1153 Male 19 – Bookmaking 5804 - 5808

1154 Female 19 – Bookmaking 5809 - 5813

1155 Male 20 – Bookmaking 5814 - 5818

1156 Female 20 – Bookmaking 5819 - 5823

1157 Male 21 – Bookmaking 5824 - 5828

1158 Female 21 – Bookmaking 5829 - 5833

1159 Male 22 – Bookmaking 5834 - 5838

1160 Female 22 – Bookmaking 5839 - 5843

1161 Male 23 – Bookmaking 5844 - 5848

1162 Female 23 – Bookmaking 5849 - 5853

1163 Male 24 – Bookmaking 5854 - 5858

1164 Female 24 – Bookmaking 5859 - 5863

1165 Male 25-29 – Bookmaking 5864 - 5868

1166 Female 25-29 – Bookmaking 5869 - 5873

1167 Male 30-34 – Bookmaking 5874 - 5878

1168 Female 30-34 – Bookmaking 5879 - 5883

1169 Male 35-39 – Bookmaking 5884 - 5888

1170 Female 35-39 – Bookmaking 5889 - 5893

1171 Male 40-44 – Bookmaking 5894 - 5898

1172 Female 40-44 – Bookmaking 5899 - 5903

1173 Male 45-49 – Bookmaking 5904 - 5908

1174 Female 45-49 – Bookmaking 5909 - 5913

1175 Male 50-54 – Bookmaking 5914 - 5918

1176 Female 50-54 – Bookmaking 5919 - 5923

1177 Male 55-59 – Bookmaking 5924 - 5928

1178 Female 55-59 – Bookmaking 5929 - 5933

1179 Male 60-64 – Bookmaking 5934 - 5938

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 168 of 168 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1180 Female 60-64 – Bookmaking 5939 - 5943

1181 Male 65 and over – Bookmaking 5944 - 5948

1182 Female 65 and over – Bookmaking 5949 - 5953

1183 Total Male – Bookmaking 5954 - 5959

1184 Total Female – Bookmaking 5960 - 5965

1185 White total - Bookmaking 5966 - 5970

1186 Black total - Bookmaking 5971 - 5975

1187 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Bookmaking 5976 - 5980

1188 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Bookmaking 5981 - 5985

Row 19b 1189 Male 18 – Numbers and Lottery 5986 - 5990

1190 Female 18 – Numbers and Lottery 5991 - 5995

1191 Male 19 – Numbers and Lottery 5996 - 6000

1192 Female 19 – Numbers and Lottery 6001 - 6005

1193 Male 20 – Numbers and Lottery 6006 - 6010

1194 Female 20 – Numbers and Lottery 6011 - 6015

1195 Male 21 – Numbers and Lottery 6016 - 6020

1196 Female 21 – Numbers and Lottery 6021 - 6025

1197 Male 22 – Numbers and Lottery 6026 - 6030

1198 Female 22 – Numbers and Lottery 6031 - 6035

1199 Male 23 – Numbers and Lottery 6036 - 6040

1200 Female 23 – Numbers and Lottery 6041 - 6045

1201 Male 24 – Numbers and Lottery 6046 - 6050

1202 Female 24 – Numbers and Lottery 6051 - 6055

1203 Male 25-29 – Numbers and Lottery 6056 - 6060

1204 Female 25-29 – Numbers and Lottery 6061 - 6065

1205 Male 30-34 – Numbers and Lottery 6066 - 6070

1206 Female 30-34 – Numbers and Lottery 6071 - 6075

1207 Male 35-39 – Numbers and Lottery 6076 - 6080

1208 Female 35-39 – Numbers and Lottery 6081 - 6085

1209 Male 40-44 – Numbers and Lottery 6086 - 6090

1210 Female 40-44 – Numbers and Lottery 6091 - 6095

1211 Male 45-49 – Numbers and Lottery 6096 - 6100

1212 Female 45-49 – Numbers and Lottery 6101 - 6105

1213 Male 50-54 – Numbers and Lottery 6106 - 6110

1214 Female 50-54 – Numbers and Lottery 6111 - 6115

1215 Male 55-59 – Numbers and Lottery 6116 - 6120

1216 Female 55-59 – Numbers and Lottery 6121 - 6125

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 169 of 169 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1217 Male 60-64 – Numbers and Lottery 6126 - 6130

1218 Female 60-64 – Numbers and Lottery 6131 - 6135

1219 Male 65 and over – Numbers and Lottery 6136 - 6140

1220 Female 65 and over – Numbers and Lottery 6141 - 6145

1221 Total Male – Numbers and Lottery 6146 - 6151

1222 Total Female – Numbers and Lottery 6152 - 6157

1223 White total - Numbers and Lottery 6158 - 6162

1224 Black total - Numbers and Lottery 6163 - 6167

1225 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Numbers and Lottery 6168 - 6172

1226 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Numbers and Lottery 6173 - 6177

Row 19c 1227 Male 18 – All Other Gambling 6178 - 6182

1228 Female 18 – All Other Gambling 6183 - 6187

1229 Male 19 – All Other Gambling 6188 - 6192

1230 Female 19 – All Other Gambling 6193 - 6197

1231 Male 20 – All Other Gambling 6198 - 6202

1232 Female 20 – All Other Gambling 6203 - 6207

1233 Male 21 – All Other Gambling 6208 - 6212

1234 Female 21 – All Other Gambling 6213 - 6217

1235 Male 22 – All Other Gambling 6218 - 6222

1236 Female 22 – All Other Gambling 6223 - 6227

1237 Male 23 – All Other Gambling 6228 - 6232

1238 Female 23 – All Other Gambling 6233 - 6237

1239 Male 24 – All Other Gambling 6238 - 6242

1240 Female 24 – All Other Gambling 6243 - 6247

1241 Male 25-29 – All Other Gambling 6248 - 6252

1242 Female 25-29 – All Other Gambling 6253 - 6257

1243 Male 30-34 – All Other Gambling 6258 - 6262

1244 Female 30-34 – All Other Gambling 6263 - 6267

1245 Male 35-39 – All Other Gambling 6268 - 6272

1246 Female 35-39 – All Other Gambling 6273 - 6277

1247 Male 40-44 – All Other Gambling 6278 - 6282

1248 Female 40-44 – All Other Gambling 6283 - 6287

1249 Male 45-49 – All Other Gambling 6288 - 6292

1250 Female 45-49 – All Other Gambling 6293 - 6297

1251 Male 50-54 – All Other Gambling 6298 - 6302

1252 Female 50-54 – All Other Gambling 6303 - 6307

1253 Male 55-59 – All Other Gambling 6308 - 6312

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 170 of 170 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1254 Female 55-59 – All Other Gambling 6313 - 6317

1255 Male 60-64 – All Other Gambling 6318 - 6322

1256 Female 60-64 – All Other Gambling 6323 - 6327

1257 Male 65 and over – All Other Gambling 6328 - 6332

1258 Female 65 and over – All Other Gambling 6333 - 6337

1259 Total Male – All Other Gambling 6338 - 6343

1260 Total Female – All Other Gambling 6344 - 6349

1261 White total - All Other Gambling 6350 - 6354

1262 Black total - All Other Gambling 6355 - 6359

1263 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - All Other Gambling 6360 - 6364

1264 Asian or Pacific Islander total - All Other Gambling 6365 - 6369

Row 20 1265 Male 18 – Offenses Family/Children 6370 - 6374

1266 Female 18 – Offenses Family/Children 6375 - 6379

1267 Male 19 – Offenses Family/Children 6380 - 6384

1268 Female 19 – Offenses Family/Children 6385 - 6389

1269 Male 20 – Offenses Family/Children 6390 - 6394

1270 Female 20 – Offenses Family/Children 6395 - 6399

1271 Male 21 – Offenses Family/Children 6400 - 6404

1272 Female 21 – Offenses Family/Children 6405 - 6409

1273 Male 22 – Offenses Family/Children 6410 - 6414

1274 Female 22 – Offenses Family/Children 6415 - 6419

1275 Male 23 – Offenses Family/Children 6420 - 6424

1276 Female 23 – Offenses Family/Children 6425 - 6429

1277 Male 24 – Offenses Family/Children 6430 - 6434

1278 Female 24 – Offenses Family/Children 6435 - 6439

1279 Male 25-29 – Offenses Family/Children 6440 - 6444

1280 Female 25-29 – Offenses Family/Children 6445 - 6449

1281 Male 30-34 – Offenses Family/Children 6450 - 6454

1282 Female 30-34 – Offenses Family/Children 6455 - 6459

1283 Male 35-39 – Offenses Family/Children 6460 - 6464

1284 Female 35-39 – Offenses Family/Children 6465 - 6469

1285 Male 40-44 – Offenses Family/Children 6470 - 6474

1286 Female 40-44 – Offenses Family/Children 6475 - 6479

1287 Male 45-49 – Offenses Family/Children 6480 - 6484

1288 Female 45-49 – Offenses Family/Children 6485 - 6489

1289 Male 50-54 – Offenses Family/Children 6490 - 6494

1290 Female 50-54 – Offenses Family/Children 6495 - 6499

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 171 of 171 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1291 Male 55-59 – Offenses Family/Children 6500 - 6504

1292 Female 55-59 – Offenses Family/Children 6505 - 6509

1293 Male 60-64 – Offenses Family/Children 6510 - 6514

1294 Female 60-64 – Offenses Family/Children 6515 - 6519

1295 Male 65 and over – Offenses Family/Children 6520 - 6524

1296 Female 65 and over – Offenses Family/Children 6525 - 6529

1297 Total Male – Offenses Family/Children 6530 - 6535

1298 Total Female – Offenses Family/Children 6536 - 6541

1299 White total - Offenses Family/Children 6542 - 6546

1300 Black total - Offenses Family/Children 6547 - 6551

1301 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Offenses Family/Children 6552 - 6556

1302 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Offenses Family/Children 6557 - 6561

Row 21a 1303 Male 18 – DUI 6562 - 6566

1304 Female 18 – DUI 6567 - 6571

1305 Male 19 – DUI 6572 - 6576

1306 Female 19 – DUI 6577 - 6581

1307 Male 20 – DUI 6582 - 6586

1308 Female 20 – DUI 6587 - 6591

1309 Male 21 – DUI 6592 - 6596

1310 Female 21 – DUI 6597 - 6601

1311 Male 22 – DUI 6602 - 6606

1312 Female 22 – DUI 6607 - 6611

1313 Male 23 – DUI 6612 - 6616

1314 Female 23 – DUI 6617 - 6621

1315 Male 24 – DUI 6622 - 6626

1316 Female 24 – DUI 6627 - 6631

1317 Male 25-29 – DUI 6632 - 6636

1318 Female 25-29 – DUI 6637 - 6641

1319 Male 30-34 – DUI 6642 - 6646

1320 Female 30-34 – DUI 6647 - 6651

1321 Male 35-39 – DUI 6652 - 6656

1322 Female 35-39 – DUI 6657 - 6661

1323 Male 40-44 – DUI 6662 - 6666

1324 Female 40-44 – DUI 6667 - 6671

1325 Male 45-49 – DUI 6672 - 6676

1326 Female 45-49 – DUI 6677 - 6681

1327 Male 50-54 – DUI 6682 - 6686

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1328 Female 50-54 – DUI 6687 - 6691

1329 Male 55-59 – DUI 6692 - 6696

1330 Female 55-59 – DUI 6697 - 6701

1331 Male 60-64 – DUI 6702 - 6706

1332 Female 60-64 – DUI 6707 - 6711

1333 Male 65 and over – DUI 6712 - 6716

1334 Female 65 and over – DUI 6717 - 6721

1335 Total Male – DUI 6722 - 6727

1336 Total Female – DUI 6728 - 6733

1337 White total - DUI 6734 - 6738

1338 Black total - DUI 6739 - 6743

1339 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - DUI 6744 - 6748

1340 Asian or Pacific Islander total - DUI 6749 - 6753

Row 21b 1341 Male 18 – BUI 6754 - 6758

1342 Female 18 – BUI 6759 - 6763

1343 Male 19 – BUI 6764 - 6768

1344 Female 19 – BUI 6769 - 6773

1345 Male 20 – BUI 6774 - 6778

1346 Female 20 – BUI 6779 - 6783

1347 Male 21 – BUI 6784 - 6788

1348 Female 21 – BUI 6789 - 6793

1349 Male 22 – BUI 6794 - 6798

1350 Female 22 – BUI 6799 - 6803

1351 Male 23 – BUI 6804 - 6808

1352 Female 23 – BUI 6809 - 6813

1353 Male 24 – BUI 6814 - 6818

1354 Female 24 – BUI 6819 - 6823

1355 Male 25-29 – BUI 6824 - 6828

1356 Female 25-29 – BUI 6829 - 6833

1357 Male 30-34 – BUI 6834 - 6838

1358 Female 30-34 – BUI 6839 - 6843

1359 Male 35-39 – BUI 6844 - 6848

1360 Female 35-39 – BUI 6849 - 6853

1361 Male 40-44 – BUI 6854 - 6858

1362 Female 40-44 – BUI 6859 - 6863

1363 Male 45-49 – BUI 6864 - 6868

1364 Female 45-49 – BUI 6869 - 6873

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1365 Male 50-54 – BUI 6874 - 6878

1366 Female 50-54 – BUI 6879 - 6883

1367 Male 55-59 – BUI 6884 - 6888

1368 Female 55-59 – BUI 6889 - 6893

1369 Male 60-64 – BUI 6894 - 6898

1370 Female 60-64 – BUI 6899 - 6903

1371 Male 65 and over – BUI 6904 - 6908

1372 Female 65 and over – BUI 6909 - 6913

1373 Total Male – BUI 6914 - 6919

1374 Total Female – BUI 6920 - 6925

1375 White total - BUI 6926 - 6930

1376 Black total - BUI 6931 - 6935

1377 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - BUI 6936 - 6940

1378 Asian or Pacific Islander total - BUI 6941 - 6945

Row 22 1379 Male 18 – Liquor Laws 6946 - 6950

1380 Female 18 – Liquor Laws 6951 - 6955

1381 Male 19 – Liquor Laws 6956 - 6960

1382 Female 19 – Liquor Laws 6961 - 6965

1383 Male 20 – Liquor Laws 6966 - 6970

1384 Female 20 – Liquor Laws 6971 - 6975

1385 Male 21 – Liquor Laws 6976 - 6980

1386 Female 21 – Liquor Laws 6981 - 6985

1387 Male 22 – Liquor Laws 6986 - 6990

1388 Female 22 – Liquor Laws 6991 - 6995

1389 Male 23 – Liquor Laws 6996 - 7000

1390 Female 23 – Liquor Laws 7001 - 7005

1391 Male 24 – Liquor Laws 7006 - 7010

1392 Female 24 – Liquor Laws 7011 - 7015

1393 Male 25-29 – Liquor Laws 7016 - 7020

1394 Female 25-29 – Liquor Laws 7021 - 7025

1395 Male 30-34 – Liquor Laws 7026 - 7030

1396 Female 30-34 – Liquor Laws 7031 - 7035

1397 Male 35-39 – Liquor Laws 7036 - 7040

1398 Female 35-39 – Liquor Laws 7041 - 7045

1399 Male 40-44 – Liquor Laws 7046 - 7050

1400 Female 40-44 – Liquor Laws 7051 - 7055

1401 Male 45-49 – Liquor Laws 7056 - 7060

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1402 Female 45-49 – Liquor Laws 7061 - 7065

1403 Male 50-54 – Liquor Laws 7066 - 7070

1404 Female 50-54 – Liquor Laws 7071 - 7075

1405 Male 55-59 – Liquor Laws 7076 - 7080

1406 Female 55-59 – Liquor Laws 7081 - 7085

1407 Male 60-64 – Liquor Laws 7086 - 7090

1408 Female 60-64 – Liquor Laws 7091 - 7095

1409 Male 65 and over – Liquor Laws 7096 - 7100

1410 Female 65 and over – Liquor Laws 7101 - 7105

1411 Total Male – Liquor Laws 7106 - 7111

1412 Total Female – Liquor Laws 7112 - 7117

1413 White total - Liquor Laws 7118 - 7122

1414 Black total - Liquor Laws 7123 - 7127

1415 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Liquor Laws 7128 - 7132

1416 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Liquor Laws 7133 - 7137

Row 23 1417 Male 18 – Drunkenness 7138 - 7142

1418 Female 18 – Drunkenness 7143 - 7147

1419 Male 19 – Drunkenness 7148 - 7152

1420 Female 19 – Drunkenness 7153 - 7157

1421 Male 20 – Drunkenness 7158 - 7162

1422 Female 20 – Drunkenness 7163 - 7167

1423 Male 21 – Drunkenness 7168 - 7172

1424 Female 21 – Drunkenness 7173 - 7177

1425 Male 22 – Drunkenness 7178 - 7182

1426 Female 22 – Drunkenness 7183 - 7187

1427 Male 23 – Drunkenness 7188 - 7192

1428 Female 23 – Drunkenness 7193 - 7197

1429 Male 24 – Drunkenness 7198 - 7202

1430 Female 24 – Drunkenness 7203 - 7207

1431 Male 25-29 – Drunkenness 7208 - 7212

1432 Female 25-29 – Drunkenness 7213 - 7217

1433 Male 30-34 – Drunkenness 7218 - 7222

1434 Female 30-34 – Drunkenness 7223 - 7227

1435 Male 35-39 – Drunkenness 7228 - 7232

1436 Female 35-39 – Drunkenness 7233 - 7237

1437 Male 40-44 – Drunkenness 7238 - 7242

1438 Female 40-44 – Drunkenness 7243 - 7247

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1439 Male 45-49 – Drunkenness 7248 - 7252

1440 Female 45-49 – Drunkenness 7253 - 7257

1441 Male 50-54 – Drunkenness 7258 - 7262

1442 Female 50-54 – Drunkenness 7263 - 7267

1443 Male 55-59 – Drunkenness 7268 - 7272

1444 Female 55-59 – Drunkenness 7273 - 7277

1445 Male 60-64 – Drunkenness 7278 - 7282

1446 Female 60-64 – Drunkenness 7283 - 7287

1447 Male 65 and over – Drunkenness 7288 - 7292

1448 Female 65 and over – Drunkenness 7293 - 7297

1449 Total Male – Drunkenness 7298 - 7303

1450 Total Female – Drunkenness 7304 - 7309

1451 White total - Drunkenness 7310 - 7314

1452 Black total - Drunkenness 7315 - 7319

1453 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Drunkenness 7320 - 7324

1454 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Drunkenness 7325 - 7329

Row 24 1455 Male 18 – Disorderly Conduct 7330 - 7334

1456 Female 18 – Disorderly Conduct 7335 - 7339

1457 Male 19 – Disorderly Conduct 7340 - 7344

1458 Female 19 – Disorderly Conduct 7345 - 7349

1459 Male 20 – Disorderly Conduct 7350 - 7354

1460 Female 20 – Disorderly Conduct 7355 - 7359

1461 Male 21 – Disorderly Conduct 7360 - 7364

1462 Female 21 – Disorderly Conduct 7365 - 7369

1463 Male 22 – Disorderly Conduct 7370 - 7374

1464 Female 22 – Disorderly Conduct 7375 - 7379

1465 Male 23 – Disorderly Conduct 7380 - 7384

1466 Female 23 – Disorderly Conduct 7385 - 7389

1467 Male 24 – Disorderly Conduct 7390 - 7394

1468 Female 24 – Disorderly Conduct 7395 - 7399

1469 Male 25-29 – Disorderly Conduct 7400 - 7404

1470 Female 25-29 – Disorderly Conduct 7405 - 7409

1471 Male 30-34 – Disorderly Conduct 7410 - 7414

1472 Female 30-34 – Disorderly Conduct 7415 - 7419

1473 Male 35-39 – Disorderly Conduct 7420 - 7424

1474 Female 35-39 – Disorderly Conduct 7425 - 7429

1475 Male 40-44 – Disorderly Conduct 7430 - 7434

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 176 of 176 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1476 Female 40-44 – Disorderly Conduct 7435 - 7439

1477 Male 45-49 – Disorderly Conduct 7440 - 7444

1478 Female 45-49 – Disorderly Conduct 7445 - 7449

1479 Male 50-54 – Disorderly Conduct 7450 - 7454

1480 Female 50-54 – Disorderly Conduct 7455 - 7459

1481 Male 55-59 – Disorderly Conduct 7460 - 7464

1482 Female 55-59 – Disorderly Conduct 7465 - 7469

1483 Male 60-64 – Disorderly Conduct 7470 - 7474

1484 Female 60-64 – Disorderly Conduct 7475 - 7479

1485 Male 65 and over – Disorderly Conduct 7480 - 7484

1486 Female 65 and over – Disorderly Conduct 7485 - 7489

1487 Total Male – Disorderly Conduct 7490 - 7495

1488 Total Female – Disorderly Conduct 7496 - 7501

1489 White total - Disorderly Conduct 7502 - 7506

1490 Black total - Disorderly Conduct 7507 - 7511

1491 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Disorderly Conduct 7512 - 7516

1492 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Disorderly Conduct 7517 - 7521

Row 25 1493 Male 18 – Vagrancy 7522 - 7526

1494 Female 18 – Vagrancy 7527 - 7531

1495 Male 19 – Vagrancy 7532 - 7536

1496 Female 19 – Vagrancy 7537 - 7541

1497 Male 20 – Vagrancy 7542 - 7546

1498 Female 20 – Vagrancy 7547 - 7551

1499 Male 21 – Vagrancy 7552 - 7556

1500 Female 21 – Vagrancy 7557 - 7561

1501 Male 22 – Vagrancy 7562 - 7566

1502 Female 22 – Vagrancy 7567 - 7571

1503 Male 23 – Vagrancy 7572 - 7576

1504 Female 23 – Vagrancy 7577 - 7581

1505 Male 24 – Vagrancy 7582 - 7586

1506 Female 24 – Vagrancy 7587 - 7591

1507 Male 25-29 – Vagrancy 7592 - 7596

1508 Female 25-29 – Vagrancy 7597 - 7601

1509 Male 30-34 – Vagrancy 7602 - 7606

1510 Female 30-34 – Vagrancy 7607 - 7611

1511 Male 35-39 – Vagrancy 7612 - 7616

1512 Female 35-39 – Vagrancy 7617 - 7621

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Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 177 of 177 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1513 Male 40-44 – Vagrancy 7622 - 7626

1514 Female 40-44 – Vagrancy 7627 - 7631

1515 Male 45-49 – Vagrancy 7632 - 7636

1516 Female 45-49 – Vagrancy 7637 - 7641

1517 Male 50-54 – Vagrancy 7642 - 7646

1518 Female 50-54 – Vagrancy 7647 - 7651

1519 Male 55-59 – Vagrancy 7652 - 7656

1520 Female 55-59 – Vagrancy 7657 - 7661

1521 Male 60-64 – Vagrancy 7662 - 7666

1522 Female 60-64 – Vagrancy 7667 - 7671

1523 Male 65 and over – Vagrancy 7672 - 7676

1524 Female 65 and over – Vagrancy 7677 - 7681

1525 Total Male – Vagrancy 7682 - 7687

1526 Total Female – Vagrancy 7688 - 7693

1527 White total - Vagrancy 7694 - 7698

1528 Black total - Vagrancy 7699 - 7703

1529 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Vagrancy 7704 - 7708

1530 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Vagrancy 7709 - 7713

Row 26 1531 Male 18 – All Other Offenses 7714 - 7718

1532 Female 18 – All Other Offenses 7719 - 7723

1533 Male 19 – All Other Offenses 7724 - 7728

1534 Female 19 – All Other Offenses 7729 - 7733

1535 Male 20 – All Other Offenses 7734 - 7738

1536 Female 20 – All Other Offenses 7739 - 7743

1537 Male 21 – All Other Offenses 7744 - 7748

1538 Female 21 – All Other Offenses 7749 - 7753

1539 Male 22 – All Other Offenses 7754 - 7758

1540 Female 22 – All Other Offenses 7759 - 7763

1541 Male 23 – All Other Offenses 7764 - 7768

1542 Female 23 – All Other Offenses 7769 - 7773

1543 Male 24 – All Other Offenses 7774 - 7778

1544 Female 24 – All Other Offenses 7779 - 7783

1545 Male 25-29 – All Other Offenses 7784 - 7788

1546 Female 25-29 – All Other Offenses 7789 - 7793

1547 Male 30-34 – All Other Offenses 7794 - 7798

1548 Female 30-34 – All Other Offenses 7799 - 7803

1549 Male 35-39 – All Other Offenses 7804 - 7808

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 178 of 178 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1550 Female 35-39 – All Other Offenses 7809 - 7813

1551 Male 40-44 – All Other Offenses 7814 - 7818

1552 Female 40-44 – All Other Offenses 7819 - 7823

1553 Male 45-49 – All Other Offenses 7824 - 7828

1554 Female 45-49 – All Other Offenses 7829 - 7833

1555 Male 50-54 – All Other Offenses 7834 - 7838

1556 Female 50-54 – All Other Offenses 7839 - 7843

1557 Male 55-59 – All Other Offenses 7844 - 7848

1558 Female 55-59 – All Other Offenses 7849 - 7853

1559 Male 60-64 – All Other Offenses 7854 - 7858

1560 Female 60-64 – All Other Offenses 7859 - 7863

1561 Male 65 and over – All Other Offenses 7864 - 7868

1562 Female 65 and over – All Other Offenses 7869 - 7873

1563 Total Male – All Other Offenses 7874 - 7879

1564 Total Female – All Other Offenses 7880 - 7885

1565 White total - All Other Offenses 7886 - 7890

1566 Black total - All Other Offenses 7891 - 7895

1567 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - All Other Offenses 7896 - 7900

1568 Asian or Pacific Islander total - All Other Offenses 7901 - 7905

Row 27 1569 Male 18 – Suspicion 7906 - 7910

1570 Female 18 – Suspicion 7911 - 7915

1571 Male 19 – Suspicion 7916 - 7920

1572 Female 19 – Suspicion 7921 - 7925

1573 Male 20 – Suspicion 7926 - 7930

1574 Female 20 – Suspicion 7931 - 7935

1575 Male 21 – Suspicion 7936 - 7940

1576 Female 21 – Suspicion 7941 - 7945

1577 Male 22 – Suspicion 7946 - 7950

1578 Female 22 – Suspicion 7951 - 7955

1579 Male 23 – Suspicion 7956 - 7960

1580 Female 23 – Suspicion 7961 - 7965

1581 Male 24 – Suspicion 7966 - 7970

1582 Female 24 – Suspicion 7971 - 7975

1583 Male 25-29 – Suspicion 7976 - 7980

1584 Female 25-29 – Suspicion 7981 - 7985

1585 Male 30-34 – Suspicion 7986 - 7990

1586 Female 30-34 – Suspicion 7991 - 7995

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VII – Persons Arrested Over 18 page 179 of 179 Section IV–- Electronic File Format

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

1587 Male 35-39 – Suspicion 7996 - 8000

1588 Female 35-39 – Suspicion 8001 - 8005

1589 Male 40-44 – Suspicion 8006 - 8010

1590 Female 40-44 – Suspicion 8011 - 8015

1591 Male 45-49 – Suspicion 8016 - 8020

1592 Female 45-49 – Suspicion 8021 - 8025

1593 Male 50-54 – Suspicion 8026 - 8030

1594 Female 50-54 – Suspicion 8031 - 8035

1595 Male 55-59 – Suspicion 8036 - 8040

1596 Female 55-59 – Suspicion 8041 - 8045

1597 Male 60-64 – Suspicion 8046 - 8050

1598 Female 60-64 – Suspicion 8051 - 8055

1599 Male 65 and over – Suspicion 8056 - 8060

1600 Female 65 and over – Suspicion 8061 - 8065

1601 Total Male – Suspicion 8066 - 8071

1602 Total Female – Suspicion 8072 - 8077

1603 White total - Suspicion 8078 - 8082

1604 Black total - Suspicion 8083 - 8087

1605 American Indian or Alaskan Native total - Suspicion 8088 - 8092

1606 Asian or Pacific Islander total - Suspicion 8093 - 8097

Initial Report Flag 8098

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VIII - Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted (LEOKA)

The LEOKA report is used to report line-of-duty felonies or accidental killings/death and assaults. The main purpose of the LEOKA report is to identify situations and statistically describe what has happened in these incidents. If no officers are killed or assaulted during a given month, this form should not be submitted, however the “no law enforcement officer killed or assaulted” block should be marked on the Return A. This report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before a LEOKA report can be submitted. This LEOKA Report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved, federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be excepted into the MoUCR program.

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section. Electronic File Format

Section IV – Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected]. For help with questions about the MoUCR program in general, please contact the UCR program department at [email protected].

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7 6


10 8


2 3








74 73



34 33



72 71







31 30 29 28 27 26 25



69 68


42 41


67 66


40 39


65 64









24 23

Chapter VIII - LEOKA page 3 of 3 Section II – example form

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152 165 178

139 126 113

186 187 188 189 190

184 183 182 181 180

22 21 20 19

17 16 15 14

167 164 177

163 176

163 175

161 174

160 173

159 172

158 171

157 170

156 169

155 168

154 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141

138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102

100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89

87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78





153 166


127 114 101


77 76 75

Note: Be careful of fields 13 through 22. These fields are intentionally positioned near the end of the form for the convenience of design layout, only. The

actual data will be posted to the electronic file format starting at position 31 (electronic file format data positions begin on page 27). On the web-based form, the row labeled “TOTAL (13-14)” will automatically calculate the total of rows 13 and 14. It is not necessary to send the total of these rows within the electronic file being sent to the UCR repository.

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

LEOKA field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MMYYYY month and year are reported numerically,

as January is 01 and year is 2000

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/CityHeadquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 N Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

Y Update Flag Indicate if this report is an update to a previously submitted report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

Y Initial Report Flag Indicate if this is the initial submission of this report text 1 Y = Yes

N = No

11 Y Officer Killed by Felonious Act

Number of police officers killed by felonious acts Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

12 Y Officer Killed by Accident Number of police officers killed by accident Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 13 Assaults with personal injury

13 Y Assaults with Injury - Total Total number of police officers assaulted by any type of weapon in which the officer was injured.

Number 4 value must equal fields 14, 15, 16 and 17 added together

14 Y Assaults with Injury - Firearm Number of police officers assaulted by a firearm in which the officer was injured

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

15 Y Assaults with Injury - Knife Number of police officers assaulted by a knife in which the officer was injured Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

16 Y Assaults with Injury - Other Number of police officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons in which the officer was injured

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

17 Y Assaults with Injury - Hands etc.

Number of police officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., in which the officer was injured

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 14 Assaults without personal injury

18 Y Assaults without Injury - Total Total number of police officers assaulted by any type of weapon in which the officer was not injured

Number 4 value must equal fields 19, 20, 21 and 22 added together

19 Y Assaults without Injury - Firearm

Number of police officers assaulted by a firearm in which the officer was not injured

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

20 Y Assaults with Injury - Knife Number of police officers assaulted by a knife in which the officer was not injured

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

21 Y Assaults with Injury - Other Number of police officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons in which the officer was not injured

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

22 Y Assaults with Injury - Hands etc.

Number of police officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., in which the officer was not injured

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 1 Responding to Disturbance calls

23 Y Disturbance Calls - Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must equal fields 24, 25, 26 and 27 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 1 continued Responding to Disturbance calls

24 Y Disturbance Calls – Firearm

Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

25 Y Disturbance Calls - Knife Number of officers assaulted by a knife during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

26 Y Disturbance Calls – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

27 Y Disturbance Calls - Hands Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

28 Y Disturbance Calls – Two Man

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

29 Y Disturbance Calls – One Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

30 Y Disturbance Calls – One Assist

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

31 Y Disturbance Calls – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

32 Y Disturbance Calls – Detective Assist

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VIII - LEOKA page 7 of 7 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 1 continued Responding to Disturbance calls

33 Y Disturbance Calls – Other Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

34 Y Disturbance Calls – Other Assisted

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a Disturbance call

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

35 Y Disturbance Calls – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers during a response to a Disturbance call that are cleared offenses

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 2 Responding to Burglaries

36 Y Burglaries – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must equal fields 37, 38, 39 and 40 added together

37 Y Burglaries - Firearms

Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

38 Y Burglaries – Knife

Number of officers assaulted by a knife during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

39 Y Burglaries – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

40 Y Burglaries - Hands

Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Chapter VIII - LEOKA page 8 of 8 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 2 continued Responding to Burglaries

41 Y Burglaries – Two Man

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

42 Y Burglaries – One Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

43 Y Burglaries – One Assisted

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

44 Y Burglaries – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

45 Y Burglaries –Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

46 Y Burglaries – Other Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 2 continued Responding to Burglaries

47 Y Burglaries – Other Assisted

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

48 Y Burglaries – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers during a response to a burglary in progress or pursuing burglary suspects, that are cleared offenses

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 3 Responding to Robberies

49 Y Robbery – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must equal fields 50, 51, 52 and 53 added together

50 Y Robbery – Firearms

Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

51 Y Robbery – Knife

Number of officers assaulted by a knife during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

52 Y Robbery – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

53 Y Robbery – Hands

Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 3 continued Responding to Robberies

54 Y Robbery – Two Man

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

55 Y Robbery – One Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

56 Y Robbery – One Assisted

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

57 Y Robbery – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

58 Y Robbery –Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

59 Y Robbery – Other Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

60 Y Robbery – Other Assisted

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Row 3 continued Responding to Robberies

61 Y Robbery – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers during a response to a robbery in progress or pursuing robbery suspects, that are cleared offenses

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 4 Attempting Other Arrests

62 Y Attempting Other Arrests – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must equal fields 63, 64, 65 and 66 added together

63 Y Attempting Other Arrests - Firearms

Number of officers assaulted by a firearm while attempting other arrests Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

64 Y Attempting Other Arrests - Knife

Number of officers assaulted by a knife while attempting other arrests Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

65 Y Attempting Other Arrests – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

66 Y Attempting Other Arrests - Hands

Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

67 Y Attempting Other Arrests – Two Man

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

68 Y Attempting Other Arrests – One Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

69 Y Attempting Other Arrests – One Assisted

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 4 continued Attempting Other Arrests

70 Y Attempting Other Arrests – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

71 Y Attempting Other Arrests –Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

72 Y Attempting Other Arrests – Other Alone

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

73 Y Attempting Other Arrests – Other Assisted

Number of uniformed officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, while attempting other arrests

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

74 Y Attempting Other Arrests – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers while attempting other arrests, that are cleared offenses

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 5 Civil Disorder

75 Y Civil Disorder – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must equal fields 76, 77, 78 and 79 added together

76 Y Civil Disorder – Firearm Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

77 Y Civil Disorder – Knife Number of officers assaulted by a knife during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

78 Y Civil Disorder – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by any other weapons during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 5 continued Civil Disorder

79 Y Civil Disorder – Hands Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

80 Y Civil Disorder – Two Man Number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

81 Y Civil Disorder – One Alone

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

82 Y Civil Disorder – One Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

83 Y Civil Disorder –Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

84 Y Civil Disorder – Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

85 Y Civil Disorder – Other Alone

Number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

86 Y Civil Disorder – Other Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a response to a civil disorder call.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

87 Y Civil Disorder – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers during a response to a civil disorder call, that are cleared offenses.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Row 6 Prisoner Custody

88 Y Prisoner Custody – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must equal fields 89, 90, 91 and 92 added together

89 Y Prisoner Custody – Firearm

Number of officers assaulted by a firearm while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

90 Y Prisoner Custody – Knife Number of officers assaulted by a knife while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

91 Y Prisoner Custody – Hands Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet etc., while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

92 Y Prisoner Custody – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons., while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

93 Y Prisoner Custody –Two Man

Number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

94 Y Prisoner Custody – One Alone

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

95 Y Prisoner Custody – One Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

96 Y Prisoner Custody – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 6 continued Prisoner Custody

97 Y Prisoner Custody – Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

98 Y Prisoner Custody – Other Alone

Number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

99 Y Prisoner Custody – Other Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

100 Y Prisoner Custody – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers while handling, transporting, and custody of prisoners, that are cleared offenses.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 7 Suspicious Persons

101 Y Suspicious Persons – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must equal fields 102, 103, 104 and 105 added together

102 Y Suspicious Persons – Firearms

Number of officers assaulted by a firearm while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

103 Y Suspicious Persons – Knife Number of officers assaulted by a knife while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

104 Y Suspicious Persons – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

105 Y Suspicious Persons – Hands

Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 7 continued Suspicious Persons

106 Y Suspicious Persons – Two Man

Number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

107 Y Suspicious Persons – One Alone

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

108 Y Suspicious Persons – One Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

109 Y Suspicious Persons – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

110 Y Suspicious Persons – Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

111 Y Suspicious Persons – Other Alone

Number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

112 Y Suspicious Persons – Other Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

113 Y Suspicious Persons – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers, while investigating suspicious persons or circumstances, that are cleared offenses

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 8 Ambush

114 Y Ambush – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon during an ambush. Number 3 value must equal fields 115, 116, 117 and 118 added


115 Y Ambush – Firearms Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during an ambush. Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

116 Y Ambush – Knife Number of officers assaulted by a knife during an ambush. Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

117 Y Ambush – Other Weapons Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons during an ambush.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

118 Y Ambush – Hands Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., during an ambush.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

119 Y Ambush – Two-Man Number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment during an ambush.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

120 Y Ambush – One Alone Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment during an ambush.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

121 Y Ambush – One Assisted Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment during an ambush.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

122 Y Ambush – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone during an ambush

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

123 Y Ambush – Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted during an ambush

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

124 Y Ambush – Other Alone Number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, during an ambush.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 8 continued Ambush

125 Y Ambush – Other Assisted Number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, during an ambush.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

126 Y Ambush – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on officers during an ambush that are cleared offenses. Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 9 Mentally Deranged

127 Y Mentally Deranged – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged.

Number 3 value must equal fields 128, 129, 130 and 131 added together

128 Y Mentally Deranged – Firearm

Number of officers assaulted by a firearm occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

129 Y Mentally Deranged – Knife Number of officers assaulted by a knife occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

130 Y Mentally Deranged – Other Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

131 Y Mentally Deranged – Hands

Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

132 Y Mentally Deranged – Two Man

Number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

133 Y Mentally Deranged – One Alone

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

134 Y Mentally Deranged – One Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 9 continued Mentally Deranged

135 Y Mentally Deranged – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

136 Y Mentally Deranged – Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

137 Y Mentally Deranged – Other Alone

Number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

138 Y Mentally Deranged – Other Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

139 Y Mentally Deranged – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on an officer occurring in an activity entitled mentally deranged, that are cleared.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 10 Traffic Pursuits

140 Y Traffic Pursuits – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapon during a traffic pursuit or stop..

Number 3 value must equal fields 141, 142, 143 and 144 added together

141 Y Traffic Pursuits – Firearm Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during a traffic pursuit or stop.. Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

142 Y Traffic Pursuits – Knife Number of officers assaulted by a knife during a traffic pursuit or stop.. Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

143 Y Traffic Pursuits – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

144 Y Traffic Pursuits – Hands Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 10 continued Traffic Pursuits

145 Y Traffic Pursuits – Two Man Number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

146 Y Traffic Pursuits – One Alone

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

147 Y Traffic Pursuits – One Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

148 Y Traffic Pursuits – Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

149 Y Traffic Pursuits – Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

150 Y Traffic Pursuits – Other Alone

Number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

151 Y Traffic Pursuits – Other Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, during a traffic pursuit or stop.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

152 Y Traffic Pursuits – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on an officer occurring during a traffic pursuit or stop that are cleared.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 11 All Other Activity

153 Y All Other Activity – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapons during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must equal fields 154, 155, 156 and 157 added together

154 Y All Other Activity – Firearm Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

155 Y All Other Activity – Knife Number of officers assaulted by a firearm during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

156 Y All Other Activity – Other Weapons

Number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapons during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

157 Y All Other Activity – Hands Number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

158 Y All Other Activity – Two Man

Number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

159 Y All Other Activity – One Alone

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

160 Y All Other Activity – One Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignments during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

161 Y All Other Activity –Detective Alone

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 11 continued All Other Activity

162 Y All Other Activity – Detective Assisted

Number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, during any type of activity that is entitled all other.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

163 Y All Other Activity – Other Alone

Number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, during any type of activity that is entitled all other

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

164 Y All Other Activity – Other Assisted

Number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, during any type of activity that is entitled all other

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

165 Y All Other Activity – Assaults Cleared

Number of assaults on an officer occurring during any type of activity that is entitled all other that are cleared.

Number 3 value must be zero if nothing to report

Row 12 Total

166 Y Total – Total Assaults by Weapons

Total number of officers assaulted by any weapons as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 23, 36, 49, 62, 75, 88, 101, 114, 127, 140 and 153 added together

167 Y Total – Firearms Total number of officers assaulted by a firearm as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 24. 37, 50, 63, 76, 89, 102, 115, 128, 141 and 154 added together

168 Y Total – Knife Total number of officers assaulted by a knife reported for all categories. Number 4 value must equal fields 25, 38, 51, 64, 77, 90, 103,

116, 129, 142 and 155 added together

169 Y Total –Other Weapons Total number of officers assaulted by other dangerous weapon as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117, 130, 143, and 156 added together

170 Y Total – Hands Total number of officers assaulted by hands, fists, feet, etc., as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 27, 40, 53, 66, 79, 92, 105, 118, 131, 144 and 157 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 12 continued Total

171 Y Total – Two Man

Total number of officers assaulted while on a two-man vehicle assignment as reported for all categories..

Number 4 value must equal fields 28, 41, 54, 67, 80, 93, 106, 119, 132, 145 and 158 added together

172 Y Total – One Alone

Total number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle alone assignment as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 29, 42, 55, 68, 81, 94, 107, 120, 133, 146 and 159 added together

173 Y Total – One Assisted

Total number of officers assaulted while on a one-man vehicle assisted assignment as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 30, 43, 56, 69, 82, 95, 108, 121, 134, 147 and 160added together

174 Y Total – Detective Alone

Total number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while alone, as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 31, 44, 57, 70, 83, 96, 109, 122, 135, 148 and 161 added together

175 Y Total – Detective Assisted

Total number of non-uniformed detectives or special assignment personnel assaulted while assisted, as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 32, 45, 58, 71, 84, 97, 110, 123, 136, 149 and 162 added together

176 Y Total – Other Alone

Total number of officers assaulted while alone in a capacity not previously mentioned, as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 33, 46, 59, 72, 85, 98, 111, 124, 137, 150 and 163 added together

177 Y Total – Other Assisted

Total number of officers assaulted while assisted in a capacity not previously mentioned, as reported for all categories.

Number 4 value must equal fields 34, 47, 60, 73, 86, 99, 112, 125, 138, 151 and 164 added together

178 Y Total – Assaults Cleared Total number of assaults on an officer as reported for all categories that are cleared.

Number 4 value must equal fields 35, 48, 61, 74, 87, 100, 113, 126, 139, 152 and 165 added together

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 15 Time of Assaults

179 Y Time of Assaults – AM 12:01 – 2:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 0001-0200.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

180 Y Time of Assaults – AM 2:01 – 4:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 0201-0400

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

181 Y Time of Assaults – AM 4:01 – 6:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 0401-0600

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

182 Y Time of Assaults – AM 6:01 – 8:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 0601-0800.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

183 Y Time of Assaults – AM 8:01 – 10:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 0801-01000

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

184 Y Time of Assaults – AM 10:01 – 12:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 1001-1200

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

185 Y Time of Assaults – PM 12:01 – 2:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 1201-1400.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

186 Y Time of Assaults – PM 14:01 – 16:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 1401-1600.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

187 Y Time of Assaults – PM 16:01 – 18:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 1601-1800.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

188 Y Time of Assaults – PM 18:01 – 20:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 1801-2000.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Row 15 continued Time of Assaults

189 Y Time of Assaults – PM 20:01 – 22:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 2001-2200.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

190 Y Time of Assaults – PM 22:01 – 24:00

The number of assaults which occurred during the two-hour period of 2201-2400.

Number 4 value must be zero if nothing to report

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

LEOKA electronic file format Data being reported from your Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted report for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program

1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Or Email: [email protected]

Send LEOKA data in a flat ASCII file named: leoka.txt Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

2 Date 1-6 1 Submitting Agency ORI 7-15 Update Flag 16

10 Date Submitted 17-24 11 Officer Killed by Felonious Act 25-27 12 Officer Killed by Accident 28-30

Row 13

13 Assaults with Injury - Total 31-34

14 Assaults with Injury - Firearm 35-38 15 Assaults with Injury - Knife 39-42 16 Assaults with Injury - Other 43-46 17 Assaults with Injury - Hands etc. 47-50

Row 14 18 Assaults without Injury - Total 51-54 19 Assaults without Injury - Firearm 55-58 20 Assaults with Injury - Knife 59-62 21 Assaults with Injury - Other 63-66 22 Assaults with Injury - Hands etc. 67-70

Row 1 23 Disturbance Calls - Total Assaults by Weapons 71-73 24 Disturbance Calls – Firearm 74-76 25 Disturbance Calls - Knife 77-79 26 Disturbance Calls – Other Weapons 80-82 27 Disturbance Calls - Hands 83-85 28 Disturbance Calls – Two Man 86-88 29 Disturbance Calls – One Alone 89-91 30 Disturbance Calls – One Assist 92-94 31 Disturbance Calls – Detective Alone 95-97 32 Disturbance Calls – Detective Assist 98-100

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Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field

Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

33 Disturbance Calls – Other Alone 101-103 34 Disturbance Calls – Other Assisted 104-106 35 Disturbance Calls – Assaults Cleared 107-109

Row 2 36 Burglaries – Total Assaults by Weapons 110-112 37 Burglaries - Firearms 113-115 38 Burglaries – Knife 116-118 39 Burglaries – Other Weapons 119-121 40 Burglaries - Hands 122-124 41 Burglaries – Two Man 125-127 42 Burglaries – One Alone 128-130 43 Burglaries – One Assisted 131-133 44 Burglaries – Detective Alone 134-136 45 Burglaries –Detective Assisted 137-139 46 Burglaries – Other Alone 140-142 47 Burglaries – Other Assisted 143-145 48 Burglaries – Assaults Cleared 146-148

Row 3 49 Robbery – Total Assaults by Weapons 149-151 50 Robbery – Firearms 152-154 51 Robbery – Knife 155-157 52 Robbery – Other Weapons 158-160 53 Robbery – Hands 161-163 54 Robbery – Two Man 164-166 55 Robbery – One Alone 167-169 56 Robbery – One Assisted 170-172 57 Robbery – Detective Alone 173-175 58 Robbery –Detective Assisted 176-178 59 Robbery – Other Alone 179-181 60 Robbery – Other Assisted 182-184 61 Robbery – Assaults Cleared 185-187

Row 4 62 Attempting Other Arrests – Total Assaults by Weapons 188-190 63 Attempting Other Arrests - Firearms 191-193 64 Attempting Other Arrests - Knife 194-196 65 Attempting Other Arrests – Other Weapons 197-199

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

66 Attempting Other Arrests - Hands 200-202 67 Attempting Other Arrests – Two Man 203-205 68 Attempting Other Arrests – One Alone 206-208 69 Attempting Other Arrests – One Assisted 209-211 70 Attempting Other Arrests – Detective Alone 212-214 71 Attempting Other Arrests –Detective Assisted 215-217 72 Attempting Other Arrests – Other Alone 218-220 73 Attempting Other Arrests – Other Assisted 221-223 74 Attempting Other Arrests – Assaults Cleared 224-226

Row 5 75 Civil Disorder – Total Assaults by Weapons 227-229 76 Civil Disorder – Firearm 230-232 77 Civil Disorder – Knife 233-235 78 Civil Disorder – Other Weapons 236-238 79 Civil Disorder – Hands 239-241 80 Civil Disorder – Two Man 242-244 81 Civil Disorder – One Alone 245-247 82 Civil Disorder – One Assisted 248-250 83 Civil Disorder –Detective Alone 251-253 84 Civil Disorder – Detective Assisted 254-256 85 Civil Disorder – Other Alone 257-259 86 Civil Disorder – Other Assisted 260-262 87 Civil Disorder – Assaults Cleared 263-265

Row 6 88 Prisoner Custody – Total Assaults by Weapons 266-268 89 Prisoner Custody – Firearm 269-271 90 Prisoner Custody – Knife 272-274 91 Prisoner Custody – Hands 275-277 92 Prisoner Custody – Other Weapons 278-280 93 Prisoner Custody –Two Man 281-283 94 Prisoner Custody – One Alone 284-286 95 Prisoner Custody – One Assisted 287-289 96 Prisoner Custody – Detective Alone 290-292 97 Prisoner Custody – Detective Assisted 293-295 98 Prisoner Custody – Other Alone 296-298 99 Prisoner Custody – Other Assisted 299-301

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

100 Prisoner Custody – Assaults Cleared 302-304 Row 7

101 Suspicious Persons – Total Assaults by Weapons 305-307 102 Suspicious Persons – Firearms 308-310 103 Suspicious Persons – Knife 311-313 104 Suspicious Persons – Other Weapons 314-316 105 Suspicious Persons – Hands 317-319 106 Suspicious Persons – Two Man 320-322 107 Suspicious Persons – One Alone 323-325 108 Suspicious Persons – One Assisted 326-328 109 Suspicious Persons – Detective Alone 329-331 110 Suspicious Persons – Detective Assisted 332-334 111 Suspicious Persons – Other Alone 335-337 112 Suspicious Persons – Other Assisted 338-340 113 Suspicious Persons – Assaults Cleared 341-343

Row 8 114 Ambush – Total Assaults by Weapons 344-346 115 Ambush – Firearms 347-349 116 Ambush – Knife 350-352 117 Ambush – Other Weapons 353-355 118 Ambush – Hands 356-358 119 Ambush – Two-Man 359-361 120 Ambush – One Alone 362-364 121 Ambush – One Assisted 365-367 122 Ambush – Detective Alone 368-370 123 Ambush – Detective Assisted 371-373 124 Ambush – Other Alone 374-376 125 Ambush – Other Assisted 377-379 126 Ambush – Assaults Cleared 380-382

Row 9 127 Mentally Deranged – Total Assaults by Weapons 383-385 128 Mentally Deranged – Firearm 386-388 129 Mentally Deranged – Knife 389-391 130 Mentally Deranged – Other 392-394 131 Mentally Deranged – Hands 395-397 132 Mentally Deranged – Two Man 398-400

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

133 Mentally Deranged – One Alone 401-403 134 Mentally Deranged – One Assisted 404-406 135 Mentally Deranged – Detective Alone 407-409 136 Mentally Deranged – Detective Assisted 410-412 137 Mentally Deranged – Other Alone 413-415 138 Mentally Deranged – Other Assisted 416-418 139 Mentally Deranged – Assaults Cleared 419-421

Row 10 140 Traffic Pursuits – Total Assaults by Weapons 422-424 141 Traffic Pursuits – Firearm 425-427 142 Traffic Pursuits – Knife 428-430 143 Traffic Pursuits – Other Weapons 431-433 144 Traffic Pursuits – Hands 434-436 145 Traffic Pursuits – Two Man 437-439 146 Traffic Pursuits – One Alone 440-442 147 Traffic Pursuits – One Assisted 443-445 148 Traffic Pursuits – Detective Alone 446-448 149 Traffic Pursuits – Detective Assisted 449-451 150 Traffic Pursuits – Other Alone 452-454 151 Traffic Pursuits – Other Assisted 455-457 152 Traffic Pursuits – Assaults Cleared 458-460

Row 11 153 All Other Activity – Total Assaults by Weapons 461-463 154 All Other Activity – Firearm 464-466 155 All Other Activity – Knife 467-469 156 All Other Activity – Other Weapons 470-472 157 All Other Activity – Hands 473-475 158 All Other Activity – Two Man 476-478 159 All Other Activity – One Alone 479-481 160 All Other Activity – One Assisted 482-484 161 All Other Activity –Detective Alone 485-487 162 All Other Activity – Detective Assisted 488-490 163 All Other Activity – Other Alone 491-493 164 All Other Activity – Other Assisted 494-496 165 All Other Activity – Assaults Cleared 497-499

Row 12 166 Total – Total Assaults by Weapons 500-503

Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements Field Field Descriptions Data position

Chapter VIII - LEOKA page 31 of 31 Section IV – Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter VIII - LEOKA page 32 of 32 Section IV – Electronic File Format


167 Total – Firearms 504-507 168 Total – Knife 508-511 169 Total –Other Weapons 512-515 170 Total – Hands 516-519 171 Total – Two Man 520-523 172 Total – One Alone 524-527 173 Total – One Assisted 528-531 174 Total – Detective Alone 532-535 175 Total – Detective Assisted 536-539 176 Total – Other Alone 540-543 177 Total – Other Assisted 544-547 178 Total – Assaults Cleared 548-551

Row 15 179 Time of Assaults – AM 12:01 – 2:00 552-555 180 Time of Assaults – AM 2:01 – 4:00 556-559 181 Time of Assaults – AM 4:01 – 6:00 560-563 182 Time of Assaults – AM 6:01 – 8:00 564-567 183 Time of Assaults – AM 8:01 – 10:00 568-571 184 Time of Assaults – AM 10:01 – 12:00 572-575 185 Time of Assaults – PM 12:01 – 2:00 576-579 186 Time of Assaults – PM 14:01 – 16:00 580-583 187 Time of Assaults – PM 16:01 – 18:00 584-587 188 Time of Assaults – PM 18:01 – 20:00 588-591 189 Time of Assaults – PM 20:01 – 22:00 592-595 190 Time of Assaults – PM 22:01 – 24:00 596-599

3 Jurisdiction ORI 600-608 Initial Report Flag 609

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Chapter IX – Missouri Domestic Violence Incident

The Missouri Domestic Violence Incident report is a supplemental report, which may be voluntarily submitted by the state’s law enforcement agencies. All incidents of domestic violence should be reported, whether or not an arrest is made. Responding agencies should select the single, highest number (one being the highest) for each incident, regardless of the number of persons or potential multiple relationships during the incident. This report supplements the monthly Return A report. Agencies must submit a Return A for the given month, before a Missouri Domestic Violence Incident Report can be submitted. The Missouri Domestic Violence Incident Report requires you to provide the MoUCR program with a Jurisdiction ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction ORI is to attribute crime to the "most local" jurisdiction as requested by the FBI. Generally, the Submitting ORI and Jurisdiction ORI are identical. In certain instances, however, these may vary. For example, when one agency investigates a crime outside of its normal jurisdiction and in another agency's jurisdiction, the Submitting ORI would reflect the first agency while the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the second agency. An agency may contract with another agency to submit its UCR data. The Submitting ORI would reflect the contracted agency and the Jurisdiction ORI would reflect the contracting agency. Prior to acceptance of electronically transferred data to the State UCR repository, a submitting law enforcement agency will be required to pass data compliance testing procedures. Compliance testing of these data will ensure that submitted records meet both State and federal data specifications. Data submitted to the State Program on an electronic media such as diskette or cartridge will be initially transferred to a MSHP UCR temporary file. At this point, data required by Missouri only, such as domestic violence information, will be tested for compliance. To meet Missouri compliance, 95% of submitted records must meet data specifications published in this document. Error reports will be returned to the submitting agency and testing will continue until Missouri required data meet published specifications. Once Missouri compliance is achieved, federally required data will be copied to a cartridge and shipped to the FBI to undergo their standard compliance testing. Copies of error reports created by the FBI’s testing process will be sent to both the submitting agency and to the State UCR Program. The submitting agency will continue to undergo compliance testing until FBI compliance, hence State compliance, is met. The submitting agency will then be allowed to submit monthly UCR data to the State Program on a production schedule. Each agency may choose their best method for gathering the counts of their data. In order to submit the final counts of all data, the agency must comply with the MoUCR required electronic file formats. This documentation serves to assists agencies in gathering their statistics and properly formatting the data before submitting it to the MoUCR program. To facilitate using this documentation, the sections are described as follows: Section I - Introduction

This section introduces each form, how to use this documentation and any “special” considerations that may be required in order for this data to be excepted into the MoUCR program.

Chapter IX - Domestic Violence page 1 of 1 Section I - Introduction

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Section II - Example Form To assist in the gathering of all required data, an example of the MoUCR web based form is illustrated in this section. The purpose of this illustration is only to provide the agency with a visual reference for each required field. All fields have been numbered on each form. Field numbers are to be used, as a guide for the agency to help ensure that all the necessary data is collected. The example form is not intended to represent that an agency must use this form for data collection.

Section III - Field Definitions Each numbered field, as illustrated on the example form, is outlined in the field definitions section. All requirements of the collected data and the reporting of said data in a file format, is explained in detail. Requirements are described in a column by column format. It is important to follow this format in order to comply with the electronic file formats as described in the next section.

Section IV - Electronic File Format All final counts of data must be reported to the MoUCR program in an electronic file format that meets specific requirements. This section defines how the data from each field (see field definitions) must be stored within an electronic file before submission to the MoUCR program.

For help with any of the information and requirements that are outlined in this document, please contact the ISD Help Desk at [email protected].

Chapter IX - Domestic Violence page 2 of 2 Section I - Introduction

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

7 6


10 8


2 3



11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Chapter IX - Domestic Violence page 3 of 3 Section II – Example Form

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Domestic Violence Incidents field definitions Field

# Required Field Name Field Description Field Value Field Size Special Edits

1 Y Submitting ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency submitting information to the UCR repository

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

2 Y Date Month and Year that the totals are captured for. text 6 MMYYYY month and year are reported numerically,

as January is 01 and year is 2000

3 Y Jurisdiction ORI Originating Agency Identifier of the agency that the current information is being reported about

text 9Must use the unique ORI agency number that has been assigned by the NCIC center. See appendix A for agency numbers to be used.

4 N Agency Name Originating Agency Name text Not required

5 N County 3 digit county code text 3 Not required

6 N HQ/CityHeadquarters or City of the ORI submitting information to the UCR repository

text Not required

7 N Population Population of the county in which the ORI is located text Not required

8 N Chief/Sheriff text Not required

9 N Submitted By Name of person submitting data to the UCR repository text Not required

10 Y Date Submitted Date this data is sent to the UCR repository date 8

MMDDYYYY month, day and year are reported numerically, as January is 01, day is 15 and year is 2000

11 Y Total Between Spouses Total number of incidents for the reported month, between persons who are spouses

Number 5 Use the Domestic Violence Incident Ranking table to determine the count of incidents

12 Y Total Between Former Spouses

Total number of incidents for the reported month, between persons who are former spouses

Number 5 Use the Domestic Violence Incident Ranking table to determine the count of incidents

Chapter IX - Domestic Violence page 4 of 4 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

13 N Total Between Child In Common

Total number of Incidents for the reported month, between persons who have a child in common regardless of whether or not they have been married or have resided together in the past.

Number 5

Use the Domestic Violence Incident Ranking table to determine the count of incidents Note: This field is not required

14 Y Total Between Blood Relations

Total Number of Incidents for the reported month, between persons of any age related by blood.

Number 5 Use the Domestic Violence Incident Ranking table to determine the count of incidents

15 Y Total Between Marriage Relative

Total number of Incidents for the reported month, between persons, of any age, related by marriage, excluding spouses

Number 5 Use the Domestic Violence Incident Ranking table to determine the count of incidents

16 Y Total Between Residing Together

Total number of Incidents for the reported month, between persons, not married, but presently residing together.

Number 5 Use the Domestic Violence Incident Ranking table to determine the count of incidents

17 Y Total Between Residing Past

Total number of Incidents for the reported month, between persons, not married, but who have resided together in the past.

Number 5 Use the Domestic Violence Incident Ranking table to determine the count of incidents

18 Y Total Domestic Disputes The Total number of domestic violence-related Incidents for the reported month between all persons

Number 5 Value must equal fields 14, 15, 16 and 17 added together

Domestic Violence Incident Ranking - Select single highest classification of household members

Rank Description1 Between persons who are spouses

2 Between persons who are former spouses

3 Between persons who have a child in common regardless of whether or not they have been married or have resided together in the past

4 Between persons (of any age) related by blood

5 Between persons (of any age) related by marriage, excluding spouses

6 Between persons, not married, but presently residing together

7 Between persons, not married, but who have resided together in the past Chapter IX - Domestic Violence page 5 of 5 Section III – Field Definitions

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Domestic Violence electronic file format Data being reported from your Domestic Violence information for the current month should be sent to the following address: UCR Program

1510 East Elm St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Or Email: [email protected]

Send Domestic Violence data in a flat ASCII file named: domeviol.txt Use these columns as a guide for data collection only File format requirements

Field Numbers Field Descriptions Data position

2 Date 1-6 1 Submitting Agency ORI 7-15 10 Date Submitted 16-23

11 Total Between Spouses 24-28 12 Total Between Former Spouses 29-33 13 Total Between Child In Common 34-38 14 Total Between Blood Relations 39-43 15 Total Between Marriage Relative 44-48 16 Total Between Residing Together 49-53 17 Total Between Residing Past 54-58 18 Total Domestic Disputes 59-63 3 Jurisdiction ORI 64-72

Chapter IX - Domestic Violence page 6 of 6 Section IV – Electronic File Format

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 1 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Appendix A - Qualified Agency ORIs and County CodesAgency ORI County



ADRIAN PD MO0070100 007

ADVANCE PD MO1040100 104


ALMA PD MO0540100 054

ALTENBURG PD MO0790200 079

ALTON PD MO0750100 075

ANDERSON PD MO0600100 060




ARBYRD PD MO0350900 035

ARCADIA PD MO0470400 047

ARCHIE PD MO0190100 019

ARMSTRONG PD MO0450400 045

ARNOLD PD MO0500700 050

ARROW ROCK ST PK MO0981300 098

ASH GROVE PD MO0390100 039

ASHLAND PD MO0100500 010



AUGUSTA PD MO0920600 092

AURORA PD MO0550100 055

AUXVASSE PD MO0140100 014

AVA PD MO0340100 034

BABLER ST PK MO0950F00 095

BALLWIN PD MO0950200 095




BATES CITY PD MO0541100 054




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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 2 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County


BEL NOR PD MO0950500 095

BEL RIDGE PD MO0950600 095

BELLA VILLA PD MO0950300 095

BELLE PD MO0630100 063


BELLERIVE PD MO0959200 095


BELTON PD MO0190200 019



BENTON PD MO1010700 101


BERKELEY PD MO0950700 095

BERNIE PD MO1040200 104

BETHANY PD MO0410100 041


BIG LAKE ST PARK MO0440900 044

BIG OAK TREE ST PK MO0670700 067

BILLINGS PD MO0220100 022

BIRCH TREE PD MO1020100 102

BISMARCK PD MO0940100 094

BLACK JACK PD MO0959400 095

BLAND PD MO0370100 037




BOLIVAR PD MO0840100 084



BONNE TERRE PD MO0940200 094



BOONVILLE PD MO0270100 027


BOSWORTH PD MO0170500 017


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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 3 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

BOURBON PD MO0280100 028


BRANSON PD MO1070100 107


BRAYMER PD MO0130100 013



BRENTWOOD PD MO0950900 095

BRIDGETON PD MO0951000 095





BRUNSWICK PD MO0210100 021


BUCHANAN CO SO MO0110000 011

BUCKLIN PD MO0580200 058

BUCKNER PD MO0480200 048

BUFFALO PD MO0300100 030

BUNCETON PD MO0270200 027

BUNKER PD MO0900200 090

BURNS PD MO0840500 084



BUTLER PD MO0070200 007

BYRNES MILL PD MO0501500 050

CABOOL PD MO1080100 108


CALHOUN PD MO0420700 042






CAMDENTON PD MO0150100 015

CAMERON PD MO0250100 025

CAMPBELL PD MO0350100 035

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 4 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

CANALOU PD MO0720700 072

CANTON PD MO0560100 056



CARDWELL PD MO0350200 035







CARTHAGE PD MO0490300 049


CASS COUNTY SO MO0190000 019

CASSVILLE PD MO0050100 005





CENTER PD MO0870100 087


CENTRALIA PD MO0100100 010

CHAFFEE PD MO1010100 101

CHAMOIS PD MO0760200 076

CHAMP PD MO0959500 095


CHARLACK PD MO0951200 095




CHILHOWEE PD MO0510600 051




CLARENCE PD MO1030200 103



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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 5 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County


CLARKTON PD MO0350300 035


CLAY COUNTY SO MO0240000 024

CLAYCOMO PD MO0240200 024

CLAYTON PD MO0951400 095

CLEVELAND PD MO0191100 019

CLEVER PD MO0220400 022


CLINTON PD MO0420100 042

CLIQUOT PD MO0840700 084

CMSU - DPS MO0510400 051

COLE CAMP PD MO0080100 008

COLE COUNTY SO MO0260000 026


COLUMBIA PD MO0100200 010

CONCORDIA PD MO0540200 054


CONWAY PD MO0530100 053

COOL VALLEY PD MO0951500 095


COOTER PD MO0780200 078

CORDER PD MO0540300 054






CRANE PD MO1050100 105


CRESTWOOD PD MO0951800 095

CREVE COEUR PD MO0951900 095

CROCKER PD MO0850100 085

CROWDER ST PK MO0400700 040




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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 6 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

CUBA PD MO0280200 028



DADE COUNTY SO MO0290000 029




DE SOTO PD MO0500200 050

DEEPWATER PD MO0420200 042

DEERING PD MO0780900 078


DEKALB PD MO0110300 011

DELLWOOD PD MO0952100 095

DELTA PD MO0160300 016

DENT COUNTY SO MO0330000 033

DENTON PD MO0781000 078

DES PERES DPS MO0952200 095

DESLOGE PD MO0940300 094

DEWITT PD MO0170700 017

DEXTER PD MO1040400 104

DIAMOND PD MO0730100 073



DIXON PD MO0850200 085

DOE RUN PD MO0941100

DONIPHAN PD MO0910100 091


DREXEL PD MO0190300 019

DUENWEG PD MO0491400 049


DUNNEGAN PD MO0840800 084

DUQUESNE PD MO0491500 049

EAST LYNNE PD MO0191200 019


EASTON PD MO0110400 011

EDGERTON PD MO0831100 083

EDINA PD MO0520200 052

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 7 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

EDMUNDSON PD MO0952300 095



ELDON PD MO0660100 066


ELLINGTON PD MO0900100 090


ELSBERRY PD MO0570100 057

ELVINS PD MO0940400 094

EMINENCE PD MO1020300 102

ENON PD MO0680300

ESTHER PD MO0940500 094


EUGENE PD MO0260400 026

EUREKA PD MO0952600 095

EVERTON PD MO0290600 029


FAIR GROVE PD MO0390700 039

FAIR PLAY PD MO0840900 084


FAIRVIEW PD MO0730600 073

FARBER PD MO0040100 004


FAUCETT PD MO0110500 011

FAYETTE PD MO0450100 045

FENTON PD MO0952700 095

FERGUSON PD MO0952800 095


FESTUS PD MO0500300 050



FLAT RIVER PD MO0940700 094



FOLEY PD MO0570600 057


FORDLAND PD MO1130400 113

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 8 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County


FORISTELL PD MO0921200 092


FORSYTH PD MO1070200 107





FRANKFORD PD MO0820800 082




FREEMAN PD MO0191300 019

FROHNA PD MO0790300 079

FRONTENAC PD MO0953100 095

FULTON PD MO0140300 014


GALENA PD MO1050200 105

GALLATIN PD MO0310100 031

GARDEN CITY PD MO0190800 019



GERALD PD MO0360200 036

GIDEON PD MO0720100 072

GILMAN CITY PD MO0410500 041

GLADSTONE PD MO0240400 024

GLASGOW PD MO0450200 045


GLENDALE PD MO0953200 095


GOLDEN CITY PD MO0060800 006


GOODMAN PD MO0600500 060


GOWER PD MO0250200 025



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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 9 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

GRANBY PD MO0730200 073

GRAND GULF ST PK MO0750400 075

GRANDIN PD MO0180300 018

GRANDVIEW PD MO0480400 048



GREEN CITY PD MO1060200 106

GREEN RIDGE PD MO0800400 080

GREENDALE PD MO0953600 095



GREENWOOD PD MO0480500 048


HA HA TONKA ST PK MO0151000 015


HAMILTON PD MO0130300 013


HANNIBAL PD MO0640100 064

HARDIN PD MO0890100 089



HARTVILLE PD MO1150100 115

HAWK POINT PD MO0570700 057

HAWN ST PK MO0970400 097


HAYTI PD MO0780300 078

HAZELWOOD PD MO0953800 095

HENLEY PD MO0260500 026

HENRIETTA PD MO0890800 089



HERMANN PD MO0370200 037


HIGBEE PD MO0880100 088


HIGH HILL PD MO0700600 070


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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 10 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County


HILLSBORO PD MO0500400 050

HILLSDALE PD MO0953900 095

HOLCOMB PD MO0350800 035

HOLDEN PD MO0510100 051

HOLLAND PD MO0780400 078

HOLLISTER PD MO1070300 107

HOLT COUNTY SO MO0440000 044

HOLT PD MO0250300 025



HOMESTOWN PD MO0781300 078



HOUSTON PD MO1080200 108







HUNTLEIGH PD MO0954000 095


HURON PD MO0841300



ILLMO PD MO1010300

IMPERIAL PD MO0501200 050


IRON COUNTY SO MO0470000 047





IRONTON PD MO0470100 047

IRWIN PD MO0060400

JACKSON CO SO MO0480000 048

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 11 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County



JACKSON PD MO0160200 016

JAMESTOWN PD MO0680500 068

JASCO Metro PD MO0492600 049


JASPER PD MO0490400 049



JENNINGS PD MO0954100 095



JONESBURG PD MO0700100 070

JOPLIN PD MO0490700 049

KAHOKA PD MO0230100 023




KEARNEY PD MO0240500 024

KENNETT PD MO0350500 035



KIMMSWICK PD MO0500500 050

KING CITY PD MO0380200 038


KINLOCH PD MO0954200 095


KIRKWOOD PD MO0954300 095


KNOB NOSTER PD MO0510200 051


KNOX COUNTY SO MO0520000 052

LA BELLE PD MO0560200 056

LA GRANGE PD MO0560300 056

LA PLATA PD MO0610200 061


LADUE PD MO0954400 095

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 12 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County




LAKE OZARK PD MO0660300 066

LAKE OZARK ST PK MO0661100 066

LAKE ST LOUIS PD MO0920900 092






LAKELAND PD MO0661200 066

LAKESHIRE PD MO0954500 095

LAMAR PD MO0060100 006


LAMONTE PD MO0800200 080

LANAGAN PD MO0600600 060

LATHROP PD MO0250400 025

LATOUR PD MO0510800 051

LAURIE PD MO0710700 071


LAWSON PD MO0890300 089


LEADWOOD PD MO0940800 094

LEBANON PD MO0530200 053

LEE'S SUMMIT PD MO0480800 048

LEETON PD MO0510900 051



LEXINGTON PD MO0540500 054

LIBERAL PD MO0060900 006

LIBERTY PD MO0240600 024


LICKING PD MO1080300 108

LILBOURN PD MO0720200 072


LINCOLN PD MO0080200 008

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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 13 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County


LINN COUNTY SO MO0580000 058

LINN CREEK PD MO0150600 015

LINN PD MO0760300 076


LITHIUM PD MO0790400 079


LOCKWOOD PD MO0290200 029

LONE JACK PD MO0481200 048


LONGTOWN PD MO0790500 079

LOUISIANA PD MO0820300 082

LOWRY CITY PD MO0930500 093


MACKENZIE PD MO0954600 095


MACON PD MO0610300 061

MADISON CO SO MO0620000 062

MALDEN PD MO0350600 035



MANSFIELD PD MO1150200 115


MAPLEWOOD PD MO0954800 095

MARBLE HILL PD MO0090200 009

MARCELINE PD MO0580300 058




MARK TWAIN ST PK MO0690600 069


MARQUAND PD MO0620300 062

MARSHALL PD MO0980100 098


MARSTON PD MO0721000 072



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Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 14 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County





MASTODON ST PK MO0501400 050

MATTHEWS PD MO0721100 072

MAYSVILLE PD MO0320100 032



MEMPHIS PD MO1000100 100





MEXICO PD MO0040400 004


MILAN PD MO1060100 106



MINER PD MO1010900 101






MOBERLY PD MO0880300 088

MOKANE PD MO0140700 014


MONETT PD MO0050200 005


MONROE CITY PD MO0690200 069


MONTAUK ST PK MO0330200 033



MONTROSE PD MO0420400 042

MOREHOUSE PD MO0720300 072

Page 448: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 15 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County


MORLEY PD MO1010800 101

MORRIS ST PK MO0351000 035

MOSBY PD MO0241500 024


MOUND CITY PD MO0440400 044






NAPOLEON PD MO0540900 054

NAYLOR PD MO0910200 091


NEOSHO PD MO0730300 073

NEVADA PD MO1090100 109





NEW HAVEN PD MO0360300 036

NEW LONDON PD MO0870200 087


NEW MADRID PD MO0720400 072

NEWBURG PD MO0810400 081


NIXA PD MO0220200 022


NOEL PD MO0600200 060

NORBORNE PD MO0170300 017



NORMANDY PD MO0955200 095





Page 449: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 16 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

NORTHMOOR PD MO0830700 083





NORWOOD PD MO1150400 115

O'FALLON PD MO0920100 092

OAK GROVE PD MO0480900 048


OAKLAND PD MO0959700 095



ODESSA PD MO0540600 054

OLD MONROE PD MO0570200 057

OLIVETTE PD MO0955500 095



ORAN PD MO1010400 101


OREGON PD MO0440500 044

ORRICK PD MO0890900 089



OSCEOLA PD MO0930200 093


OVERLAND PD MO0955600 095



OZARK PD MO0220300 022



PACIFIC PD MO0360400 036

PAGEDALE PD MO0955700 095

PALMYRA PD MO0640200 064

PARK HILLS PD MO0942200 094



Page 450: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 17 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

PARKVILLE PD MO0830100 083

PARMA PD MO0720500 072




PECULIAR PD MO0190600 019





PERRY PD MO0870300 087


PERSHING ST PK MO0580900 058



PEVELY PD MO0500600 050

PHELPS CITY PD MO0030500 003


PIEDMONT PD MO1120100 112

PIERCE CITY PD MO0550500 055

PIKE COUNTY SO MO0820000 082

PILOT GROVE PD MO0270500 027

PILOT KNOB PD MO0470200 047

PINE LAWN PD MO0956100 095

PINEVILLE PD MO0600300 060

PLATTE CITY PD MO0830200 083







POLK COUNTY SO MO0840000 084

POLK PD MO0841500 084

POLO PD MO0130700 013



Page 451: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 18 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County


POTOSI PD MO1110300 111


PRAIRIE ST PK MO0061100 006


PURDY PD MO0050400 005


PUXICO PD MO1040500 104




RANDOLPH PD MO0241700 024

RAY COUNTY SO MO0890000 089

RAYMORE PD MO0190700 019

RAYTOWN PD MO0481000 048


REPUBLIC PD MO0390200 039

REVERE PD MO0230400 023


RICH HILL PD MO0070400 007


RICHLAND PD MO0850300 085


RICHMOND PD MO0890200 089

RIMBY PD MO0841600


RISCO PD MO0721400 072


RIVERSIDE PD MO0830500 083

RIVERVIEW PD MO0956300 095




ROCK HILL PD MO0956400 095

ROCK PORT PD MO0030200 003



Page 452: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 19 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

ROCKY RIDGE PD MO0970500 097


ROLLA PD MO0810100 081

RONDO PD MO0841800 084

ROSEBUD PD MO0370400 037

ROUTE 66 ST PK MO0950L00 095


SALEM PD MO0330100 033


SALISBURY PD MO0210400 021

SAM A BAKER ST PK MO1120500 112


SARCOXIE PD MO0490500 049

SAVANNAH PD MO0020100 002



SCOTT CITY PD MO1010500 101


SEDALIA PD MO0800300 080

SELIGMAN PD MO0050500 005

SENATH PD MO0350700 035

SENECA PD MO0730400 073


SEYMOUR PD MO1130200 113


SHELBINA PD MO1030400 103



SHELDON PD MO1090200 109

SHELL KNOB PD MO0050600 005


SIKESTON DPS MO1010600 101

SILEX PD MO0570300 057

SLATER PD MO0980200 098

SMITHTON PD MO0800600 080



Page 453: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 20 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County




SPARTA PD MO0220500 022



ST ANN PD MO0956500 095





ST CHARLES PD MO0920300 092


ST CLAIR PD MO0360500 036



ST GEORGE PD MO0956600 095

ST JAMES PD MO0810200 081

ST JOHN PD MO0956700 095

ST JOSEPH PD MO0110100 011



ST LOUIS CITY SO MO1160000 116




ST MARYS PD MO0970200 097

ST PETERS PD MO0920400 092

ST PETERS PD - MDT MO0920401 092

STANBERRY PD MO0380300 038




STEELE PD MO0780500 078


STET PD MO0170900

STOCKTON PD MO0200200 020

Page 454: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 21 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

STOCKTON ST PK MO0200400 020



STOVER PD MO0710100 071

STRAFFORD PD MO0390800 039

STURGEON PD MO0100300 010


SUGAR CREEK PD MO0481100 048


SULLIVAN PD MO0281000 028







TABLE ROCK ST PK MO1070500 107



TARKIO PD MO0030300 003


TERRE DU LAC PD MO0941000 094


THAYER PD MO0750200 075




TIPTON PD MO0680200 068


TOWN & COUNTRY PD MO0957200 095

TRACY PD MO0831400 083


TRENTON PD MO0400100 040

TRIMBLE PD MO0250700 025

TROY PD MO0570400 057

TRUESDALE PD MO1100200 110


Page 455: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 22 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County

TRUMAN ST PK MO0080500 008


TWIN OAKS PD MO0959900 095




UNION PD MO0360700 036









URBANA PD MO0300200 030

URICH PD MO0420800 042

VALLEY PARK PD MO0957400 095

VAN BUREN PD MO0180100 018

VAN METER ST PK MO0981400 098

VANDALIA PD MO0040500 004

VELDA CITY PD MO0957500 095



VERONA PD MO0551000 055


VIBURNUM PD MO0470500 047

VICHY PD MO0630300

VIENNA PD MO0630400 063








VINITA PARK PD MO0957700 095

Page 456: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 23 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County





WAKONDA ST PK MO0560800 056

WALKER PD MO1090500 109

WALLACE ST PK MO0250900 025


WARDELL PD MO0780600 078



WARRENTON PD MO1100300 110

WARSAW PD MO0080300 008







WAVERLY PD MO0540700 054




WEBB CITY PD MO0490600 049




WELLSTON PD MO0958100 095



WEST PLAINS PD MO0460200 046


WESTON PD MO0830400 083

WESTWOOD PD MO0959000 095

WHEATON PD MO0050800 005

WILBUR PARK PD MO0958200 095

WILLARD PD MO0390900 039

Page 457: Missouriucr.mshp.dps.mo.gov/ucr/ucrhome.nsf... · ORI and a Submitting ORI number. It is important to post the correct ORI designation where it is needed. The purpose of the Jurisdiction

Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Repository Specifications Manual

Appendix A page 24 of 24Qualified Agency ORIs and County Codes

Agency ORI County




WINDSOR PD MO0420300 042

WINFIELD PD MO0570500 057

WINIGAN PD MO1060800 106

WINONA PD MO1020200 102



WOOD HEIGHTS PD M00891100 089



WRIGHT CITY PD MO1100400 110