why ecommerce websites need a blog section

6 Reasons Why Ecommerce Websites Needs a blog Section?

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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6 ReasonsWhy Ecommerce Websites Needs a blog Section?

It will be a great surprise for youto know that majority of the ecommerce websites does not have a blog. Web Development Company India

In next slides! I have given few reasons to help you in understanding that why blog is beneficial for an e-commerce Store? Web Development Company India

1. SEO importance of Blog

Blog posts containing links, specific phrases, content related to your website aids in gettingcrawled by search engine efficiently. They also help to drive traffic to your website and climb SEO Google ranking.

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2. Value Your Reader

Consider the following point which will benefit an ecommerce website to have a blog section. Produce content that is enjoyable to readers Offer information that keep your readers returning for more Make first paragraphs of your post full of suspense

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3. Address a Problem or task readers may have.!

Always try to identify with a task or problem your reader face. Address an issue and share your experience Blog is the space to speak different problems and questions Blog allows to be more creative & give your brand a voice

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4. Answer or Start discussion about a popular question

Answers the questions under posts to demonstrate your care about reader. Answering queries is a good way to great a ongoing dialogue It also shows your attention is purposeful to help readers. This directly relates to customers/seller experience and people feels how you connect and give your customers priority. Web Development Company India

5. Share an experience or a relatable story

One thing that often separates an enjoyable post is telling story or sharing your personal experience. Write a post that have your personal practical, customers experience or any other incident in an opening paragraph Draw reader's attention to demonstrate you are an expert writing about the particular topic It also shows your first hand experience Web Development Company India

6. Without structure, you might come crumbling down!

Structure always makes or breaks a post. Always try to use Heading, bullet points, and new paragraph when necessary. While writing, opening of blog posts seals the deals of relationship. If there is anything to re-evaluate after finishing post, then go back and look at your opening sentences. Web Development Company India

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