trichoderma in brazil: history, research...

Biulugical control o(jimgal and bacterial plant pathogens IOB C/\\prs Bulletin Vol. 43. 2009 pp. 235-237 Trichoderma in Brazil: history, research, commercialization and perspectives Wagner Bettiol, Marcelo A.B. Morandi Embrapa Environment, CP 69, 13820-000, Jaguariuna, SP, Brazil, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract : In 1987, thirty-seven years since the first publication on biocontrol of plant diseases by Trichodermil in Brazil, a pioneer product arrived on the market against Phytophfhora cactorum in apple trees. At t hat time, the biocontrol agent (BCA) used to be supplied in polypropylene bags containing 24 g of sorghum seeds colonized by Trichoderma viride. The first enterprise specialized in production and commerciali zation of Trichoderma started to operate in 1992. Since then, other products came out and nowadays there are more than ten commercial trademarks. In April 2008, we di d a su rvey to check th e state-of-the-art of the use of Trichoderma in Brazil and verified: (I) main species in the market are T. asperellum, T. harzianum, T. stromaticum, and T. viride; (2) pathogen targets include Fusarium, Pyfhium, Rhizocfonia, Macrophomina, Sclerolinia, Sclerotium, BOlrytis, and Crinipellis perniciosa; (3) recommended crops are bean, soybean, cotton, tobacco, strawberry, tomato, onion, ga rlic, ornamentals, and cacao; (4) Trichoderma are mostly produced by solid fermentation on ri ce or mi ll et grains (approximately 550 ton/year); and (5) formulations include wettable powder and granules, suspension concentrates, emulsion oil, grain+spores, and dry spores. The average cost of treatment, for example, against bean white-mold with Trichoderma is US$ 54.00/ha while with fungicides is about US$ 92.00/ha. The area treated with Trichoderma has highly increased during the last three years. The recent organization of a Brazilian Biocontrol Association and the enhancement of the legislation for registration and commercialization of BCAs are boosting the market, particularly for Trichoderma that is in fr ank expansion. Key words: bi ological control, conunercial products, plant diseases Introduction The first publication on biocontrol of plant diseases by Trichoderma in Brazil is dated to the 50's (Foster, 1950) and reported the inactivation of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) by Trichoderma sp. Culture filtrates of the antagonist caused up to 90% reduction in the infection capacity of the TMV, measured in number of local lesions on Nicotiana glutinosa half-leaf inoculations. Only in 1987, however, thirty-seven years since the first publication, a pioneer product against Phytophthora cactorum in apple trees arrived on the market (Valdebenito- Sanhueza, 1991). The biological control agent was designed to colonize the soil and protect the apple seedling following replant. At that time, the biocontrol agent (BCA) used to be supplied in polypropylene bags containing 24 g of sorghum seeds colonized by T viride. In the years of 1989 and 1990, more than 50.000 units were produced by Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research 'Corporation) and used in South Brazil. The first private company specialized in mass production and commercialization of Trichoderma started to operate in 1992 in Sao Paulo State, southeast Brazil. Since then, several other companies launched new products and nowadays there are more than ten commercial trademarks in Brazilian market. Trichoderma is the most studied agent against plant pathogens in Brazil and in other countries of Latin America (Bettiol et aI., 2008a). 235

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Page 1: Trichoderma in Brazil: history, research · At that time, the biocontrol agent (BCA) used to be supplied

;aci6n y Transferencia de >gicas, D.A.P., Junta de his help in various part of

for biological control of 'vfeloidogyne javanica on

Jtophthora cinnamoml In

ted animal manures. -

, R., Lugtenberg, B.J.J. , (ocado Dematophora root lates with the production 10: 79-86. rma as a biocontrol agent

, fungi and oomycetes. -

mceau, P. 2007: Soil son, J.K. & Trevors, J.T. ;-478.

Biulugical control o(jimgal and bacterial plant pathogens IOBC/\\prs Bulletin Vol. 43. 2009

pp. 235-237

Trichoderma in Brazil: history, research, commercialization and perspectives

Wagner Bettiol, Marcelo A.B. Morandi Embrapa Environment, CP 69, 13820-000, Jaguariuna, SP, Brazil, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract: In 1987, thirty-seven years since the first publication on biocontrol of plant diseases by Trichodermil in Brazi l, a pioneer product arrived on the market against Phytophfhora cactorum in apple trees. At that time, the biocontrol agent (BCA) used to be supplied in polypropylene bags containing 24 g of sorghum seeds colonized by Trichoderma viride. The first enterprise specialized in production and commercialization of Trichoderma started to operate in 1992. Since then, other products came out and nowadays there are more than ten commercial trademarks. In April 2008, we did a survey to check the state-of-the-art of the use of Trichoderma in Brazil and verified: (I) main species in the market are T. asperellum, T. harzianum, T. stromaticum, and T. viride; (2) pathogen targets include Fusarium, Pyfhium, Rhizocfonia, Macrophomina, Sclerolinia, Sclerotium, BOlrytis, and Crinipellis perniciosa; (3) recommended crops are bean, soybean, cotton, tobacco, strawberry, tomato, onion, garlic, ornamentals, and cacao; (4) Trichoderma are mostly produced by solid fermentation on rice or millet grains (approximately 550 ton/year); and (5) formulations include wettable powder and granules, suspension concentrates, emulsion oil, grain+spores, and dry spores. The average cost of treatment, for example, against bean white-mold with Trichoderma is US$ 54.00/ha while with fungicides is about US$ 92.00/ha. The area treated with Trichoderma has highly increased during the last three years. The recent organization of a Brazilian Biocontrol Association and the enhancement of the legislation for registration and commercialization of BCAs are boosting the market, particularly for Trichoderma that is in frank expansion.

Key words: biological control , conunercial products, plant diseases


The first publication on biocontrol of plant diseases by Trichoderma in Brazil is dated to the 50's (Foster, 1950) and reported the inactivation of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) by Trichoderma sp. Culture filtrates of the antagonist caused up to 90% reduction in the infection capacity of the TMV, measured in number of local lesions on Nicotiana glutinosa half-leaf inoculations. Only in 1987, however, thirty-seven years since the first publication, a pioneer product against Phytophthora cactorum in apple trees arrived on the market (Valdebenito­Sanhueza, 1991). The biological control agent was designed to colonize the soil and protect the apple seedling following replant. At that time, the biocontrol agent (BCA) used to be supplied in polypropylene bags containing 24 g of sorghum seeds colonized by T viride. In the years of 1989 and 1990, more than 50.000 units were produced by Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research 'Corporation) and used in South Brazil.

The first private company specialized in mass production and commercialization of Trichoderma started to operate in 1992 in Sao Paulo State, southeast Brazil. Since then, several other companies launched new products and nowadays there are more than ten commercial trademarks in Brazilian market. Trichoderma is the most studied agent against plant pathogens in Brazil and in other countries of Latin America (Bettiol et aI., 2008a).


Page 2: Trichoderma in Brazil: history, research · At that time, the biocontrol agent (BCA) used to be supplied


During the IX Brazilian meeting about biological control of plant disease (Campinas, SP, November 6-9, 2007), 33% of the submitted abstracts were on the subject of Trichoderma as biocontrol agent (Bettiol et aI., 2008b). The objective of this study was verifying the state-of­the-art of the use of Trichoderma against plant pathogens in Brazil.

Material and methods

In April , 2008 we did a survey to check the state-of-the-art of the use of Trichoderma in Brazil. A questionnaire was prepared and submitted to the companies that commercialize Trichoderma for biological control of plant diseases. Besides that, a literature survey was done in order to get historical information about the use of the biocontrol agent.

Results and discussion

The compiled results of the survey are presented hereinafter: Companies: - Number of companies that produce and commercialize Trichoderma in Brazil: 13 ; - Number of companies that responded to the questionnaire: 8 (61.5%); - The companies are restricted to six states, mainly in Southeast Brazil (Fig. 1)


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Fig. I. Localization of companies that commercialize Trichoderma in Brazil

The main species of the biological control agent that have been commercialized in Brazil are T asperellum, T harzianum, T stromaticum, and T viride. The main pathogen targets of biocontrol are Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Sclerotinia sclerotium, Sclertoium ro(fsii, Botrytis cinerea, and Crinipellis perniciosa. The recommended crops are bean, soybean, cotton, tobacco, strawberry, tomato, onion, garlic, ornamentals, and cacao. Besides that, several products are recommended for substrate treatment.

Mass productio[ (approximately 550 t, powder), WG (wetta grain+spores, and dr~ (minimum 1 x 108 con cfu/ g) tests.

The shelf-life of and from 180 to 360 dl

The average cost US$ 188.00).

The treated art Environmental and c( biological control mar white-mold with Trich (Pomella, 2008).

The recent orgar during the IX BraziliaI of the legislation for . particularly for Tricho,


We thank the compan Amparo it Pesquisa do


Bettiol, W., Ghini , R. A.M.C. 2008a: Alves, S.B. & L A vanryos e Desaf

Bettiol, W., Morandi, Anais da IX Re Summa Phytopa"

Foster, R. 1950: Inati' Trichoderma sp.

Pomella, A.W.V. 20 experiencia do g


macieira. - In. EMBRAPNCN

Page 3: Trichoderma in Brazil: history, research · At that time, the biocontrol agent (BCA) used to be supplied

disease (Campinas, SP, )ject of Trichoderma as IS verifying the state-of-

use of Trichoderma in lies that commercialize a literature survey was rol agent.

in Brazil: 13 ; I; (Fig. 1)

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leen commercialized in 'de. The main pathogen crophomina phaseolina, rzipellis perniciosa . The , tomato, onion, garlic, mmended for substrate


Mass production method is usually solid fermentation on rice or millet grains (approximately 550 ton/year). Formulations available on the market are WP (wettable powder), WG (wettable granules), SC (suspension concentrates), EC (emulsion oil); grain+spores, and dry conidia. Quality control methods applied are counts of conidia (minimum 1 x 108 conidia/g), germination (minimum 85%) and viability (minimum 8.5 x 107

cfu/g) tests. The shelf-life of products ranges from 30 to 180 days at room temperature (about 26°C)

and from 180 to 360 days at 4-6°C. The average cost for treatment is US$ 53.001ha/application (ranging from US$ 12.00 to

US$ 188.00). The treated area with Trichoderma is increasing since the last three years.

Environmental and cost concerns are the main reasons for the current expansion of the biological control market in Brazil. The average cost of treatment, for example, against bean white-mold with Trichoderma is US$54.00Iha while with fungicides it is about US$92.00Iha (Pomella, 2008).

The recent organization of a Brazilian Biocontrol Association (ABCbio) that occurred during the IX Brazilian meeting about biological control of plant disease and the enhancement of the legislation for registration and commercialization of BCAs are boosting the market, particularly for Trichoderma that is in frank expansion.


We thank the companies that collaborated with the survey and the FAPESP (,Funda9ao de Amparo it Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo' ) for the financial support.


Bettiol, W., Ghini, R. , Morandi , M.A.B. , Stadnik, MJ., Kraus, U., Stefanova, M. & Prado, A.M.C. 2008a: Controle biol6gico de doen9as de plantas na America Latina. - In: Alves, S.B. & Lopes, R.B. (eds). Controle Microbiano de Pragas na America Latina -Avan90s e Desafios: 303-331.

Bettiol, W., Morandi, M.A.B., Ghini, R., Melo, I.S., Valarini , P.J. & Stefanova, M. 2008b: Anais da IX Reuniao Brasileira sobre Controle Biol6gico de Doen9as de Plantas. -Summa Phytopathol. 34: 156-203.

Foster, R. 1950: Inativa9ao do virus do mosaico comum do fumo pelo filtrado de culturas de Trichoderma sp. - Bragantia 10: 139-148.

Pomella, A.W.V. 2008: A utiliza9ao do controle biol6gico para grandes culturas - a experiencia do grupo Sementes Farroupilha. - Summa Phytopathol. 34: 195-196.

Valdebenito-Sanhueza, R.M. 1991: Possibilidades do controle biol6gico de Phytophthora em macieira. - In : Bettiol, W. (ed.). Controle Biol6gico de Doen9as de Plantas. EMBRAPAlCNPDA, Jaguariuna, Brazil: 303-305.