org structure exercise

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  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise


  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise


  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise




    EXHIBIT 27.2 Schematic illustrations of the six moo.i6

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    odel 2: The Bureaucracy with a senior"management" team.


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    ',..-'~ 4: The Matrix Organization

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    MOOe/ 5: The Project Organization

    -..odel 6: The Loosely-coupled Organic Network

    Model 3: The Bureaucracy withProjectTeam. and TISk F~s.

  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise


    EXHIBIT 27.1Model 6odel] Model Z M

  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise


    OrganizationalStructureExerciseWorksheetName: OrganizationalModel #

    1 What was your role within the organizational tructure?

    2. How did you experience ommunication n your organizational ole?

    3. How do you feel your group could havecommunicated etter n an attempt osolve he organizational roblem?

    4. What do you feel your group did well in tenDS f communicating o solve heorganizational roblem?

    OrganizationalStructureExerciseWorksheetName: OrganizationalModel #

    1 What was your role within the organizational tructure?

    2. How did you experience ommunicationn your organizational ole?

    3. How do you feel your groupcould havecommunicated etter n an attempt osolve he organizational roblem?

    4. What do you feel your group did well in tenns of communicating o solve heorganizationalproblem?

  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise



  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise


    f'.-~'.' ,~ ",', ,. -.s'" , ".' ,1-':," "- -.,' " , e' .-~~ ., "-L . I". ,.' '. '~'. ~'.- " ,','_,, A ' ~" ~" - " " ~'.", ,~' e, ,, I , , , 8 ' ". , , , ", ,~. ,, ,.,~ ~~ .. ,, ."'f ,"",. , " '" , , "' ..") ' , , '~. ' " ,-.,I" ~ ,~' ' .. :~ ')' ", . , \, " .','.'.~.' !e '~",. " " ,"'. ,','" "." ... '"" ~ '), " ," )... " . " " ,. " . '" ~ "..~, .", . .,,- , ), , ., '. ,', ",. . ' .,',. ' .t . J, , "Model 3: The Bureaucracy with \:.' ,"'. '~I:"Model 3: Project Teams and Task Forces. "" :'.. :1"This organiia"fionas ound hat he seniormanagement '::~-~.'.Jteamcannot andle ll the ssueshat require n ' . - -'

    interdepartmentalerspective,ndhascreated number f Model4: MOdel : The MatrixOrganizationproject eams nd ask orces nvolvingstaff at lower This organization asdecidedo organiulevelsof the organization. hedepanmentaltrucwreand itselfin a matrix orm. ts special haractersense f organizationalierarchy, owever. revery rests n the act hat t hasdecidedo givestrong.Themembers f the eams nd~k forces end o moreor lessequalpriority to functionalsee heir primary oyaltyas~ing to their department ,ead departmentsuchas inan

  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise



    Model &: The rwoject Org8.u-lionModel 5: -This organization bas d~ided to tackle most of its core~vities through project teams. Notionally. there may bet'unctional departments- but they only playa supporting role.Key ~ialists belong to teams. and make their maincontributions through their team. The organization ~izesthat its future lies in the dynamism and innovativeness of theseteams. and tries to give them a. ree reign within parametersand values that senior managers have used to define thestrategic direction of the ganization. The organization ismuch more like a netWork of interaction than a bur~aticstructure. The teams are powerful. exciting. and dynamicentities. Coc.odination s informal There is frequent cross-fenilization of ideas, aM a regular exchange of information,especially between team leaders and the senior managementgroup Much effort is devoted to creatins shared appreciationsand under~din8S of the nature and identity oflheorganization and its mission, but always within a context6 thaiencouragesa learning-oricnted approac:h.The organization isconstantly trying 1o ind aIxt create the new initiatives. aM p~ses lhat will contribute to its succeIs.

  • 8/6/2019 Org Structure Exercise


    _. ..8i '".odel 6; The loosely-coupledOrganIC kModel 6:This orpni:zation hasd~ided to become, nd staya looselycou~ netWork Railer thanemploy arge oombers fpeople, t hasdecided o ~ in a M1bcodracting ode. thasa small ooreof It&tTwho seta .-rategicdirection andp-ovide he oper8ionaJ upponnecesury o sustain henetwoB. t it conU'KtI ilxiividuals orpnizationsoperformkey op~naI ~ivities. Its nelwork t any giventime oper.ajORalizeshe ~ideu" that the CeIKraI roup wishesto develop or example, ie organiDtioo may be n the fashion

    industry.U hu created nameand mage-~it's label"- butcontracts ut marketauveys, p-odua design,procklction,distrit.Jtion, ., on. In the piblic eye he tlnn hasa clearidentity. But in reality, t is a ndWork of firms held Oletherby the prockJCtftbe day It dlanges tom month o nOIth udifferent deasaooproductscome00 line, aIMi s h ooreorsanization xperimentswith diffa-ent panoers The firm isreally a sy.em affirms- an open-cIMIedystem fideu andactivities, ather t.n an entity with a clar .~ anddefinableboundary.