nmr — an eye to the plant breeder

277 Letter to the Editor NMR -- An Eye to the Plant Breeder Sir, Srinivasan et al. (1) have misled readers by pointing out that while estimating oil in oilseeds by pulsed NMR, the effect of relaxation time has not been con- sidered in our Institute. The fact is, the effect of iodine value (IV) of oils on NMR response has been men- tioned (2,4) by stating that for correct NMR analysis of the oil content of seed, the instrument must be cali- brated with seed of the same variety as the samples and their fatty acid composition should be similar. A correlation between relaxation time and IV by Tiwari et al. (3) has been established. Based on that, the error introduced on oil estimation due to such varia- tion in relaxation times has been calculated and reported (4). Further from the data presented by Srinivasan et al. (1), a linear correlation coefficient of +0.72 between oil content and relaxation times of cottonseed sam- ples has been obtained by me. It may be due to protein-oil interaction (5) and quality of oil in oilseeds (3,4). Based on that, oil and protein content and water and protein content in oilseeds (due to protein water interaction) can be estimated from their relaxation times by a suitable calibration graph. The standardization work done by Tiwari and Burk (6) and Gambhir and Agarwala (7) is based on the assumption that the relaxation times of oil in oilseed remains constant, which is contrary to the histogram of relaxation times variation vs number of oilseed samples presented (8). In addition, Gambhir and Agarwala (7) have never taken into consideration the point made (9), that is, "It is not clear if the derived components represent different phases of water or merely to paramaterize a continuous distribution of water molecule mobilities and relaxation times." Gambhir et al. (10) have re- produced the work of Yu. G. Kulesh and A.M. Cher- nityn (11) without acknowledging their work. Tiwari et al. (12), while correlating the drought-resistant var- iety of millet pearl, wheat and rice with the relaxation time have mentioned that the effect of paramagnetic ions on spin lattice relaxation time of many plant tissues was fbund to be almost negligible, which is contrary to the findings of Sujata Gopalakrishna et al. (13) and Gambhir (14). In spite of the limitation of oil estimation by NMR due to the variation in relaxation times, NMR can still be used as an eye to the plant breeder. T.S. Rajan 12/4 W.E.A. Karol Bagh New Delhi PIN 110005 India REFERENCES 1. Srinivasan, V.T., B.B. Singh, P.R. Chidambaraeswaran and V. Sundaram, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 62:1021 (1985). 2. Robertson, J.A., and W.H. Morrison, Ibid. 62:961 (1979). 3. Tiwari, P.N., P.N. Gambhir and T.S. Rajan, J. Magn. Reson. 15:292 (1974). 4. Rajan, T.S., National Academy Science Letters 2, No. 3, 109 (1979). 5. Deese, A.J., Edward A. Dartz, Lizz Hymal and Sidney Fleisher, Biophys. J. 37:207 (1982). 6. Tiwari, P.N. and W. Burk, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 57:119 (1980). 7. Gambhir, P.N., and A.K. Agarwala, Ibid. 62:103 (1985). 8. Tiwari, P.N., P.N. Gambhir and T.S. Rajan, Ibid. 51:104 (1974). 9. Proceedings of the second international conference on water and ions in Biological systems -- held September 6-11, 1982 in Bucharest Romania, under the auspices of UNESCO (pages 10,41, 269 and 295) edited by Alberte Pullman, V. Valilescu and L. Packer -- Plenum Press N.Y. -- London. 10. Gambhir, P.N., B.C. Panda and R.K. Purl, Ind. J. Expl. Biology 19:790 (1981). 11. Kulesh, ¥u. G., and A.M. Chernityn, Soviet Plant Physiol- ogy 51:881 (1971). 12. Tiwari, P.N., P.N. Gambhir, K.K. Nath and S.S. Chahal, J. Nuclear Agric. Biol. 15:128 (1986). 13. Gopalakrishna, Sujata, S.S. Ranade, V.T. Srinivasan, B.B. Singh, V.K. Panday and G.V. Talwalkar, Indian J. Exp. Biology 22:407 (1984), 14. Gambhir, P.N., J. Nucl. Agric. Biol. I0:39 (1981). [Received April 7, 1987; accepted April 29, 1987] JAOCS, Vol, 65, no. 2 (February 1988)

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Letter to the Editor

NMR -- An Eye to the Plant Breeder


S r i n i v a s a n et al. (1) have misled readers by po in t ing out t h a t while e s t ima t ing oil in oilseeds by pulsed NMR, the effect of r e l axa t ion t ime ha s no t been con- sidered in our Inst i tute . The fact is, the effect of iodine va lue (IV) of oils on NMR response ha s been men- t ioned (2,4) by s t a t i ng t ha t for correct NMR ana lys i s of the oil con ten t of seed, the i n s t r u m e n t mus t be cali- b ra ted wi th seed of the same va r i e ty as the samples and thei r f a t t y acid composi t ion should be similar. A corre la t ion between re laxa t ion t ime and IV by Tiwar i et al. (3) has been established. Based on that , the e r ror in t roduced on oil es t imat ion due to such varia- t ion in re laxa t ion t imes has been calculated a n d repor ted (4).

F u r t h e r f rom the da t a presented by S r i n i v a s a n et al. (1), a l inear corre la t ion coefficient of +0.72 between oil con ten t and re l axa t ion t imes of co t tonseed sam- ples has been ob ta ined by me. I t m a y be due to protein-oil in te rac t ion (5) and qual i ty of oil in oilseeds (3,4). Based on that , oil and protein content and wa te r a n d protein conten t in oilseeds (due to protein wa te r in terac t ion) can be es t imated f rom thei r r e l axa t ion t imes by a sui table ca l ibra t ion graph .

T h e s t and a rd i za t i on work done by T iwar i an d Burk (6) a n d G a m b h i r and A g a r w a l a (7) is based on the a s sumpt ion t h a t the r e l axa t ion t imes of oil in oilseed r e m a i n s cons tan t , which is con t r a ry to the h i s tog ram of r e l axa t ion t imes var ia t ion vs number of oilseed samples presented (8).

In addi t ion, G a m b h i r and A g a r w a l a (7) have never t a k e n into cons idera t ion the po in t m a d e (9), t h a t is, " I t is not clear if the der ived componen t s represen t d i f fe ren t phases of wa te r or mere ly to p a r a m a t e r i z e a con t inuous d is t r ibut ion of wa te r molecule mobil i t ies a n d r e l axa t ion t imes ." G a m b h i r et al. (10) h a v e re- p roduced the work of Yu. G. Kulesh and A.M. Cher- n i t y n (11) wi thou t acknowledg ing the i r work. T iwar i et al. (12), while cor re la t ing the d rough t - res i s t an t var- ie ty of millet pearl , whea t and rice wi th the re laxa t ion t ime hav e men t ioned t ha t the effect of p a r a m a g n e t i c ions on spin lat t ice r e l axa t ion t ime of m a n y p l an t

t issues was fbund to be a lmos t negligible, which is c o n t r a r y to the f ind ings of Su ja t a G o p a l a k r i s h n a et al. (13) and G a m b h i r (14).

In spi te of the l imi ta t ion of oil e s t imat ion by NMR due to the va r i a t i on in r e l axa t ion t imes, N MR can still be used as a n eye to the p lan t breeder.

T.S. Ra j an 12/4 W.E.A. Karol B a g h New Delhi P I N 110005 Ind ia


1. Srinivasan, V.T., B.B. Singh, P.R. Chidambaraeswaran and V. Sundaram, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 62:1021 (1985).

2. Robertson, J.A., and W.H. Morrison, Ibid. 62:961 (1979). 3. Tiwari, P.N., P.N. Gambhir and T.S. Rajan, J. Magn.

Reson. 15:292 (1974). 4. Rajan, T.S., National Academy Science Letters 2, No. 3, 109

(1979). 5. Deese, A.J., Edward A. Dartz, Lizz Hymal and Sidney

Fleisher, Biophys. J. 37:207 (1982). 6. Tiwari, P.N. and W. Burk, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 57:119

(1980). 7. Gambhir, P.N., and A.K. Agarwala, Ibid. 62:103 (1985). 8. Tiwari, P.N., P.N. Gambhir and T.S. Rajan, Ibid. 51:104

(1974). 9. Proceedings of the second international conference on water

and ions in Biological systems -- held September 6-11, 1982 in Bucharest Romania, under the auspices of UNESCO (pages 10,41, 269 and 295) edited by Alberte Pullman, V. Valilescu and L. Packer -- Plenum Press N.Y. -- London.

10. Gambhir, P.N., B.C. Panda and R.K. Purl, Ind. J. Expl. Biology 19:790 (1981).

11. Kulesh, ¥u. G., and A.M. Chernityn, Soviet Plant Physiol- ogy 51:881 (1971).

12. Tiwari, P.N., P.N. Gambhir, K.K. Nath and S.S. Chahal, J. Nuclear Agric. Biol. 15:128 (1986).

13. Gopalakrishna, Sujata, S.S. Ranade, V.T. Srinivasan, B.B. Singh, V.K. Panday and G.V. Talwalkar, Indian J. Exp. Biology 22:407 (1984),

14. Gambhir, P.N., J. Nucl. Agric. Biol. I0:39 (1981).

[Received April 7, 1987; accepted April 29, 1987]

JAOCS, Vol, 65, no. 2 (February 1988)