laerskool orkney

Laerskool Orkney Term/ Kwartaal 1. 2020 Public Speaking 2019 – Nationals These 3 learners went to the national public speaking event. We are very proud of your achievements! Keep up the hard work! Wakil Anthony, Buhle Sitali and Osegofetse Moroka. Athletics: Congratulations to all the athletes who placed during their items. We are looking forward to see more of you on the field! Congratulations to the Victor and Victrix Ludorum. Welcome back to every learner! Welcome to a year filled with new adventures, opportunities and challenges! An exceptionally warm welcome to all the new grade R’s and Grade 1’s! Embrace this new chapter in your lives! I hope you make the best of this experience. Remember, your success is in your own hands. You are responsible for your own happiness. Always seek to improve yourself in every way. Welcome back to all the teachers, new and old. Good luck with this term. Enjoy the year and be the best version of yourself! Welkom by 2020! Welkom by ‘n nuwe jaar waarvan die eerste kwartaal reeds agter die rug is! Sterkte aan al die nuwe graad 1 maatjies! Sterkte aan elke leerder en onderwyser vir die res van die jaar. Onthou, gebruik elke geleentheid wat na jou kant toe kom. Jou sukses is in jou eie hande!

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Page 1: Laerskool Orkney

Laerskool Orkney

Term/ Kwartaal 1. 2020

Public Speaking 2019 – Nationals

These 3 learners went to the national public speaking event. We are very proud of your achievements! Keep up the hard work!

Wakil Anthony, Buhle Sitali and Osegofetse Moroka.


Congratulations to all the athletes who placed during their items. We are looking forward to see more of you on the field! Congratulations to the Victor and Victrix Ludorum.

Welcome back to every learner! Welcome to a year filled with new adventures, opportunities and challenges! An exceptionally warm welcome to all the new grade R’s and Grade 1’s! Embrace this new chapter in your lives! I hope you make the best of this experience. Remember, your success is in your own hands. You are responsible for your own happiness. Always seek to improve yourself in every way. Welcome back to all the teachers, new and old. Good luck with this term. Enjoy the year and be the best version of yourself!

Welkom by 2020! Welkom by ‘n nuwe jaar waarvan die eerste kwartaal reeds agter die rug is! Sterkte aan al die nuwe graad 1 maatjies! Sterkte aan elke leerder en onderwyser vir die res van die jaar. Onthou, gebruik elke geleentheid wat na jou kant toe kom. Jou sukses is in jou eie hande!

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We would like to thank Mrs. Huibré Papenfus and Miss. Anaïs Kasselman for all their effort with the athletics. Thank you to all the other teachers for their effort with the practise and the athletic events.

The following athletes excelled in their items:

Zelda-Ann Erasmus: Javelin. Lerato Rakhale: Long jump and 80m hurdles. Tebello Motsoeneng: 150m Hurdles. Oratile Dipale: 80m.

Valentine’s picnic: On Friday, the 14th of February 2020, Laerskool Orkney celebrated Valentine ’s Day by having a picnic on our rugby field. The grade 7’s sold delicious food and sweet treats while the rest of the school had a blast on their picnic blankets. It was a day filled with love and friendship and everyone enjoyed it. Mrs. Bonita wants to thank the grade 7’s for the hard work and effort that they had put into making our Valentine’s picnic a success. Mrs. Bonita Fitzgerald.

Term highlights / Kwartaal hoogtepunte:

14 February Valentine’s picnic

22 February District athletics

2 March Test week begins.

5 March Grade 2 market day

6 March Provincial athletics

7 March Orkney Rugby and Netball day

14 March Meiringspark Rugby and Netball day.

18 March: School ends!

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Netball and Rugby: On Saturday, 7 March, Laerskool Orkney held its netball and rugby day. Schools that participated were Laerskool Orkney, Western Reefs and Eben Dönges. Congratulations to all the winning teams. Thank you to all the supporters and visitors. Thank you to all the teachers who helped to make this day a huge success. Op Saterdag, 7 Maart het Laerskool Orkney ‘n netbal –en

rugbydag gehou. Die skole wat deelgeneem het is

Laerskool Orkney, Western Reefs and Eben Dönges. Baie

geluk aan al die spanne wat gewen het. Dankie aan al

die harde werk van die onderwysers en ouers. Dankie ook

aan al die ondersteuners.

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Head leaders / Hoofleiers: Congratulations to the newly chosen head leaders for 2020. Geluk aan die verkose hoofleiers vir 2020. Message from the headboy: / Boodskap van die hoofseun:

Teachers’ news / Onderwysernuus:

Deputy headgirls: Kamogelo Kali & Zelda Erasmus Headgirl: Janél J.v. Rensburg. Deputy headboys: Leon Mtimkulu & Tumi Nkeeane Headboy: Wakil Anthony.

Welcome back to all the teachers after the well-deserved December holiday. We trust that you are well-rested and ready to work hard this year. Welcome to all the new teachers at Laerskool Orkney.

Mrs. Ellis (Grade 1), Miss. Mostert (Grade 4 & 5), Mr. De Klerk (Grade 5 & 7) and Mr. Faurie (Grade 6 & 7)

Welkom aan al die personeel na die lang vakansie. Welkom aan al die nuwe personeel. Ons sien uit na julle bydrae tot ons skool!

I would like to thank all the leaders for doing such a splendid job

on the school grounds! From my side, you can come to me for

any help you need. For the rest of the year, let your actions

inspire others to dream more, live more do more and become

more. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and

shows the way!

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Juf. Christané Jacobs Gr. 3A

1. Naam en Van/ Name and Surname:

Christané Jacobs.

2. Geboortedorp / Town you were born?


3. Waar het ge gamatrikuleer? / Where did you


Hoërskool Orkney / Orkney High School.

4. Waar het jy studeer? / Where did you study?

NWU – Potchefstroom.

5. Beste herrineringe van jou skooldae? / Best memories

about your school years?

We would like to welcome another new member of the school staff, Mr.

Jakes Zeely. Mr. Zeely is here to help with the general maintenance of

the school. Thank you for all the hard work you do!

Graag wil ons vir Meneer Zeely hartlik welkom heet by ons skool as die

faktotum. Dankie vir al die harde werk wat reeds gedoen word!

The Covid-19 virus has hit South African shores early March 2020.

Due to this virus, President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced a

national lockdown. This lockdown is to prevent the spread of this

disease. During lockdown, learners’ work will be available on the

school’s webpage. Make sure you do the work every day. What can

we do to stop the spread of Covid-19?

o Practise good hygiene; Wash your hands for 20 seconds with

soap and water.

o Use hand sanitizer to clean your hands.

o Maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between you and an

infected person.

o Sneeze or cough in a bent elbow or use a disposable tissue.

o Avoid touching your face.

o Stay at home, avoid all unnecessary travel.

Essential services will still be open during this time. Stay home and

stay safe.

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Herrineringe van my vriende en om nuwe dinge te leer. /

To make new memories with my friends and learn new


6. Waarom wou jy ‘n onderwyser word? / Why did you

decide to become a teacher?

Daar is niks beter om ‘n glimlag op ‘n kind se gesig te

sien nie, so dis vir my ‘n groot vreugde om skool toe te

kom. / Because nothing beats seeing a happy smile on a

child’s face. Therefore, coming to school brings me

nothing but joy.

7. Het jy enige troeteldiere? / Do you have any pets?

Ja, hulle name is Fido en Cody. / Yes their names are

Fido and Cody.

8. Wat is jou gnsteling kos? / What is your favourite food?

Pizza, pasta & sushi.

9. Gunstelling kleur? / Favourite colour?

Rose Gold.

10. Choose one:

A) 1 Week in Paris, France.

B) 1 Week on an idyllic


Answer: 1 Week in Paris,


Met hartseer groet ons Meneer De Klerk. Ons wens

hom sterkte toe op sy pad vorentoe. Dankie vir die

bydrae wat u by ons skool gemaak het. It is with a

sad heart that we bid farewell to Mr. De Klerk. We

wish him well on his journey ahead. Thank you for

the contribution you made to our school.

Ons verwelkom in die nuwe Kwartaal vir meneer Juan White by ons personeel. Ons sien na u bydrae tot ons skool. In the new term, we would like to welcome Mr. Juan White to our staff. We are looking forward to your contribution to our school.

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Activity Page: Colour the picture. / Kleur die prent in:

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