farmhouse recruitment booklet


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Farmhouse recruitment info


Page 1: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet



Page 2: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

The ObjectiveThe Object of our Fraternity is to

promote good fellowship, to

encourage studiousness, and to

inspire its men in seeking the best in

their chosen lines of study as well as

in life. Progress shall mark our every

step; the spirit of congeniality shall

reign at all times; and every member

shall be honest with himself as well

as with his brothers. Men elected to

our membership are considered to be

of good moral character, to be high in

scholarship, to have the capacity for

meeting and making friends, and to

give promise to their fellowmen and

to the world. To be and become

such may at times require sacrifices

of time, pleasures, and comforts.

The UncommonFraternity For over a century, FarmHouse Fraternity has stood out among the crowd of college Greek-Letter general fraternities. Our name has always set us apart – for it’s something our Founders and the 24,000 men who have since followed take great pride in. Since our founding at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1905, the Central Objective of FarmHouse has been Building the Whole Man

Intellectually…to sharpen the mind

Spiritually…to promote the opportunity for spiritual growth

Socially & Morally…to develop socially as a gentleman with good moral character

Physically…to enhance physical health and well-being

In today’s fast-paced world, FarmHouse remains steadfast to the ideals set forth by our Founders and strives to progress as a values-based fraternity.

FarmHouse Fraternity Builder of Men

Page 3: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

WelcomeYou have made a great decision by choosing the University of Illinois to further your education. Be

confident in this decision because Illinois has a time-honored tradition of academic excellence that is matched by very few.

Your decision to attend the U of I is just the first of many major decisions you will be making about your future. Housing is just one of these many decisions you will need to make soon. We ask you to consider FarmHouse Fraternity not only as a housing option but as a college “home” and as an avenue for personal growth.

We believe the opportunities and advantages FarmHouse has to offer you, go well beyond “just being a place to live.” It is lifelong friendships; it is a continual self-betterment; it is a better way of living. What we offer is not just a place to live—we offer a home. We believe in preparing each other for the future. From leadership skills to spiritual development, we attempt to build each man into the best he can be.

Each year when our seniors graduate and leave to continue their success at the next level, we have the opportunity to fill the vacancy created. We do this by inviting outstanding young men as yourself to join us so FarmHouse will continue to build on the traditions and values it was founded on. We think you have a lot to offer FarmHouse. The following pages will give you an overview of what FarmHouse has to offer.

We hope you feel as excited about FarmHouse as current members felt when they were in your position. We look forward to keeping in contact with you as you make the important decision of where to make your home at the University of Illinois.

The Men of FarmHouse

Page 4: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

ScholarshipWhen FarmHouse was founded in 1905, our

founding fathers deemed scholarship an intricate part of the Fraternity. Therefore, scholastic achievement has always been a pillar of success for the Fraternity, and the Illinois Chapter is no exception. At the Illinois Chapter, scholarship initiatives are not only encouraged, but also expected from the members.

FarmHouse members’ grade point averages have consistently ranked in the top ten of over fifty fraternities at the University of Illinois. In addition to that success, the grade point average of the pledge class is consistently ranked in the top five out of all fraternity pledge classes on campus. As a member of FarmHouse, you will be among the most academically successful students, and those students are always willing to share their experience and expertise to alleviate any scholastic complication that you may encounter. This commitment to our members has garnered many awards for our Chapter’s scholarship program among all fraternities on campus. At FarmHouse, we understand the importance of a quality education, and we hope to provide avenues that aid your future academic success.

FarmHouse’s commitment to scholarship goes well beyond our chapter members. Our Alumni Association continually provides programs and improvements in order to aid our determination for scholarship excellence.

Through the alumni funding, we are able to offer our members up-to-date computer facilities, resume workshops, etiquette dinners, and adequate study areas, including rooms with quiet hours all day. This extensive commitment from alumni is seldom found in today’s fraternities; the Illinois Chapter of FarmHouse has dedicated alumni who continue to believe in the academic program they helped establish when they were active members of FarmHouse.

The FarmHouse Foundation Council annually provides 14 scholarships totaling almost $8000 given exclusively to Illinois FarmHouse Chapter Members.

As a First-Year member you are eligible for several of these:Fred Francis Builder of Men Scholarship: Outstanding First-Year Member

Individuals are nominated by the active chapter based on campus and chapter involvement as well as their academic record

The "Builder of Men" scholarship is a $1,000 annual award for a term of four years ($4,000 total).

J. George Smith Scholarship: GPA Improvement (Pledges Only) Pledge with greatest GPA improvement during his pledge semester from 8 weeks to final

grades $500

Denny Mummert Award: Outstanding New Member Award Outstanding member of each year's pledge class chosen by members from within that

pledge class

Above: Several members are hard at work studying for their classes.

Below: A computer lab, free printing, wireless internet, and a class file system make it easy to study for any class

Page 5: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

FarmHouse strives to be a “Builder of Men” We understand that a critical part of building a man is the development of morality and spirituality.

The men of FarmHouse come from a variety of spiritual backgrounds and all are accepted as equals. Members are encouraged to attend church with their brothers and to become involved in campus fellowship. Several members now are very involved in Campus Crusade for Christ and Greek Intervarsity—organizations that unite Christians on campus.

A weekly house Bible Study is also offered to members, and is led by the house Chaplain. The Bible Study gives members the chance to share thoughts and ideas, and to grow stronger in their faith together.

FarmHouse is proud of the ideals upon which it was founded and continues to honor those ideals. The men of FarmHouse work to improve themselves in all aspects of their lives. Because of this, FarmHouse offers opportunities for spiritual and moral growth so that its members may truly become “whole men.”

Moral & Spiritual Development

Nearly A Century Of Building Men With Values










Above: A member who studied abroad also spent some time meeting the local people.

Below: Our members posing after cleaning up our Adopt-A-Highway road.

Bottom: FarmHouse members buttering sweetcorn at the Urbana Sweet Corn Festival.

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Each year FarmHouse men are presented with many social opportunities. From our four major dances, to exchanges with sororities, to impromptu parties, everyone stays busy.

Football season brings many chances for a social atmosphere. Each season FarmHouse cheers on the Fighting Illini in our football block. Home games begin with pre-game tailgating where members can socialize with other fans. Friends and family are also always welcome at this cookout. We then proceed on to Memorial Stadium to support the football team. Win or lose, a good time is had by all.

Throughout the year, FarmHouse participates in exchanges with sororities at different popular spots on campus and off. These events give FarmHouse men a chance to meet girls in the Greek system and to develop socially.

A highlight of the spring semester is the Atius-Sachem Mom’s Day Sing. This event is where a fraternity pairs up with a sorority and puts on a musical performance for their friends and family on Mom’s day weekend. FarmHouse has a long-standing tradition of excellence in this contest, making it to the finals the past 20 years.

Many other gatherings are planned throughout the year simply for guys in our house. FarmHouse men place a high emphasis on developing close friendship with their brothers and our tradition of brotherhood is one we take great pride in.

FarmHouse is a great opportunity to develop social skills and relationships that will last a lifetime.

Social Opportunities

Above: FarmHouse has its own football block where we can cheer on the Illini.

Below: Each year FarmHouse and a sorority team up to compete in the Atius-Sachem Mom’s Day Sing

Above & Right: FarmHouse holds several dances throughout the year including our Barndance, Winter and Spring Formals, and Initiation party

Page 7: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

Top Right: Members pose with Bruce Weber, Men’s Basketball Coach, after he came to visit the house and talk a little about the team.

Bottom Right: Fraternities and Sororities compete at our 5th annual Bags for Babes Philanthropy. This year we raised over $1300.

Campus InvolvementIntramural Sports

The intramural program at FarmHouse has always been very active on campus and has built a reputation for being strong contenders. The House is involved in a number of IM sports such as softball, flag football, and basketball. No matter what the game, each FarmHouse man is encouraged to join in the event, whether that is through active participation or just cheering on the team.

The men of FarmHouse are always conscience of the conduct of their teams on the playing field. We realize that no matter where we go, we represent FarmHouse. We strive to have fun as we participate in these sports, but never while ceasing to strive for excellence. Performing well in these sports is something FarmHouse takes great pride in. Philanthropy

Every FarmHouse man has spoken of a “commitment of service to his fellowmen and to the world,” and the Illinois Chapter lives up to that statement through our involvement in philanthropic projects. Each year, members of FarmHouse participate in Greek sponsored philanthropies that include, paintball competitions, dodgeball tournaments, water games, and basketball tournaments just to name a few. These events allow our members to get know other members of the Greek system, to participate in friendly competition, and to help all varieties of charities and organizations.

In addition, we sponsor a philanthropy called Bags for Babes, which involves a giant bags tournament for members of the Greek community and campus. This past year we had over 30 teams and donated over $1300 to the Crisis Nursery.

Our community involvement in volunteerism is just as reputable as our campus involvement. In the past, we have set up a petting zoo for the local retirement home, organized a blood drive with the Red Cross, and volunteered at the Urbana Sweet Corn Festival. This community involvement has continually made FarmHouse a revered community organization and that long-standing reputation is part of the honor our members feel with their association to the Fraternity.

FarmHouse Member Activities

 Illinois Student SenateLeadership in Action IFC Judicial Board

The Wildlife SocietyField and Furrow

Interfraternity Council ACE Club

Student Alumni AmbassadorsACES Student Advancement Committee

Waterskiing IlliniCollege of ACES Student Council

Collegiate FFAIllini PullersPre-Vet ClubHoof ‘n Horn Army ROTC

National Intercollegiate Flying Association - Team Captain Marching Illini Ag Mech Club Orange Krush

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers

Atius Sachem Leadership HonoraryIllini Homecoming Committee

ACES Global AmbassadorsHorticulture Club

Agricultural Communicators of TomorrowIllini Pride


Page 8: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

Housing Cost Comparison












FarmHouse Fraternity University Residence Halls



0 H


ng C


Financial Breakdown

FarmHouse *URH

Computer lab access

Cable Television

Study Facilities

Free Printing and Copying

Scholarship Opportunities

Free Laundry

24 Hour open Kitchen

Intramural Sports Funding

Expenses Paid for trips andConferences

Sponsored Social Functions

*University Residence Hall

Above: The house after a big snowfallBelow: A member uses the kitchen to cook up some lunch

Page 9: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

Room and Board Paid utilities Rent Cable television Free laundry with free detergent, bleach, and

dryer sheets 5 Lunches per week 4 Served dinners including a formal dinner each

week All meals prepared by our house cook, Rhonda

Ingram 2 Hot breakfasts per week 24-hour open kitchen with free cereal, bread,

fruit,eggs, milk, and juice

Conference room, library, and study facilities International Dues

Dues paying for membership in FarmHouse Fraternity International

Scholarship opportunities Chapter Dues

Participation in house-sponsored social functions Intramural Sports Unlimited Internet Usage (T1 ethernet and

wireless connections) InterFraternity Council dues House composite picture 8 House computers Free printing, copying, and faxing Paid expenses to attend conferences on

leadership, etc.Building Fund

Paid directly to FarmHouse Association for future house renovations and capital improvement projects

Chapter Improvement Fund Money set aside by the chapter for any activities

and long-range projects that current members

Above: FarmHouse participates in a campus Christmas Lighting ContestRight: Some members enjoying a St. Louis Cardinals Game

Above: U of I Chancellor Herman stopped by for dinner to talk about the university..

Below: Two members pose with the Illibuck, the traveling trophy that goes between Illinois and Ohio State each year

Page 10: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

Prominent FarmHouse Alumni

Max Lennon.....................................Former President of Clemson University

Reginald Gomes...............................Former Dean of the College of Agriculture at the University of Illinois

Ezra George Theim..........................Two-Time Pulitzer Prize Winner

Norman A. Brown............................Former President of Kellogg Corporation

Gary Ludwig....................................Owner and President of Heartland Insurance Group

Art Tenhouse....................................Former Representative Illinois House of Representatives

Dan Favrot.......................................Former University of Missouri Head Football Coach

Robert Walton..................................Founder and President of America Breeder Service

Earnest V. Stevenson.......................Former CEO of Growmark, Inc.

John Carlin.......................................Nobel Prize Winner

Willard Broom.................................Associate Dean of Students at the University of Illinois

Clifford R. Hope..............................Lawyer and Statesman; Former United States Congressman

E.S. Gandrud....................................Founder and President of Gandy Company Manufacturers of

Agricultural Equipment

Bruce Litchfield...............................Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of


Claude B. Hutchinson......................Former Mayor of Berkely, CA; Former Vice President of California;

Founder of FarmHouse Fraternity

Gordon Ropp....................................Former Illinois House of Representatives, Former Director of Illinois

Dept. of Agriculture

Richard Justice.................................Associate Dean of Students, University of Illinois

Richard Brock..................................Founder of Brock Associates, Marketing Advisory Service

Orville Bentley.................................Former Dean, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois

Douglas Sims...................................CEO, Co-Bank; Chairman of FarmHouse Foundation

Harold Steele....................................Past President, Illinois Farm Bureau; Former Board Member American

Farm Bureau Federation; Former Chairman (appointed by President

Reagan) National Commission on Agriculture Finance; Former

Chairman of Board and CEO Farm Credit Administration

Warren Wessels...............................Associate Dean of College of Agriculture*This list is in no specific order, nor is it a complete list of the many FarmHouse Alumni who have accomplished much in their lives and continue to represent FarmHouse Fraternity in their daily lives. We are proud to be able to call these gentlemen our brothers.

Page 11: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

An Alumni PerspectiveBy D.L. Uchtmann

Class of ‘68Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Law,

University of Illinois

Is living in FarmHouse a valuable experience? It was for this 1968 graduate of the University of Illinois. I certainly valued my FarmHouse association when I was an undergrad. I lived with a great bunch of guys. We worked hard, had fun, learned from each other, encouraged each other, and accomplished a lot. There were many late-night bull sessions, really fun social activities, intramural sports events, and numerous other activities that I would not have experienced otherwise.

I lived in an environment that supported my academic and personal growth, and I felt that I was also helping others in various ways, e.g., providing some late night tutoring in a subject that I really understood, or some brotherly advice about a really troubling problem. I received some helpful advice, too, from some really sharp people—members of my pledge class, upperclassmen, FH campus leaders, and FH alumni. These men had real insights into many of my questions and, just as importantly, took the time to talk with me. I view my undergrad experience with fond memories and with a sense of accomplishment. These positive feelings are all the stronger because I was a part of FarmHouse.

It has now been thirty-seven years since I graduated from Illinois, and I still view my FH experiences positively. Perhaps the most enduring lesson was the value of living and working together with others who share some of the same dreams, have many of the same values, and learn how to pull together to accomplish much more than could be accomplished if each were just working in isolation. Not only is more accomplished, but one’s life is all the richer because of the friendships that are developed and the experiences that are shared.

A Pledge’s PerspectiveBy Jacob Prather

Pledge Class of ‘12

When I was a senior in high school I had a lot of major decisions to make. I had to choose where I was going to school, what I was going to study, and most important to me- decide where I was going to live. It’s not easy to make these decisions because what you decide now will have a major impact on the rest of your college experience.

Coming from a small town just west of Champaign-Urbana, this campus had always been a home away from home. My family and I attended many Fighting Illini sporting events that were here on campus. Because I lived so close one option for me was to live at home and then move onto campus and find and apartment. This would work, however the only thing that I wanted to have when I went away to school was something to call my own and to find who I am. It wasn’t until I rushed FarmHouse and visited with my parents that I saw that this could be the place for me to live and still feel like it was home. When my parents saw what kind of place I would be living in they were thrilled that I could call this my home away from home.

After joining FarmHouse the fall of my freshman year the things that I had hoped for came to life. I was living in a place where the older members helped with my studies, and as soon as I walked into those doors on move-in day I immediately had 50 friends at the University of Illinois. Being from a small town, FarmHouse really helped me adjust to the size of the university by making it that much smaller. They helped me get around campus and meet new people that I now call my friends.

When I look back on my senior year and the day I signed my bid to live at FarmHouse I now realize what I have gained. I have gained life long friendships, study habits, and the social skills that will help me excel in this Fraternity, the University, and my eventual career. FarmHouse has impacted and changed my life for the positive in many ways in just one short year, and I hope that it can do the same for you.

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“If you want to grow as an individual, FarmHouse will offer the opportunity to do that”

“FarmHouse has been one of the Biggest factors in shapingMyself and my career”

“My years  in FarmHouse  were productive for my academic work and  extra curricular  activities.  The encouragement for improved scholastics was  fantastic. But, the most benefits came from the development  of  brotherhood. To this day the group we call the 40’s maintain contact through reunions, alumni activities and profession contacts.”

“I feel that I would not have succeeded without the support that I received from my FarmHouse brothers.”

“FarmHouse was one of those decisions that I look back on in life and think about how big of an impact it had on me.  My time in college was terrific, I had a great four years in the house.  It was an excellent way to start of life at college, with a house full of other men that always had your back and encouraged you to succeed.  I am convinced that this FarmHouse atmosphere helped provide me a leg up on my start to life at U of I.  And, no doubt, I had a lot of fun and created memories that will be with me the rest of my life.”

“But the impact goes far beyond those four years.  The friends I met there continue to be those that I hold among my closest now, 20 years after we started our FarmHouse time together.  Even though I don't live in IL or particularly near any of my FarmHouse brothers, and I may not see some of the guys for over a year at a time, when we get together in many ways its as if time has stood still.  We talk about our lives and our families, we talk about the brothers that sadly we've lost, we talk about IL sports.  We're all genuinely happy to celebrate one another's successes.”

“I graduated in May 1981 into an economy not much different than we have today. However, I believe in my heart that what got me my first job was the lessons I learned as a pledge at FarmHouse.  Responsibility, setting goals, getting active on campus, and the study habits all culminated in a good job/good start on my adult life.”

“My pledge class members are still friends after all these years.  We have gotten together multiple times each year to this day (27 years later).  I've stood up in weddings and been there for funerals.  We've tracked each other's kids and celebrated job successes.  It's been a lifelong benefit to be a part of FarmHouse.”

More than Just a Place to Live

Page 13: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

FarmHouseMom’s Association

FarmHouse Mom's Association, consisting of all FarmHouse member's moms, hold several activities throughout the year to raise money to purchase "the extras" that make life a little easier away from home while at college. The

Mom's Assocation hosts an annual basket auction to raise funds for items such as weight lifting equipment, printers, computers, couches, and other items

that the house budget might not neccessarily cover.

The association also supports FarmHouse during finals week Reading Day. Moms spend the day at the house cooking all kinds of food and snacks for the

men while they are studying for their finals.

We don't have to worry when our sons chose to pledge FarmHouse and start their college career with fellow members of their pledge class. This group of guys will probably

remain in contact with each other the rest of their lives...That bond can be in their friendships and in the classroom helping each other study and take notes.

-Nancy Briggs, Former FarmHouse Moms Assocation President

Page 14: FarmHouse Recruitment Booklet

For the ParentsThe transition to college is a life changing decision that not only affects the student but also the parents. The parents of the Men of FarmHouse realize that the Fraternity has helped make the college transition easier and provides a great environment for success at the University of Illinois. Here is what a few of them had to say...

"My son is a sophomore at the U of I. Sending him to a large university was very scary for my husband and I. We worried and wondered if he would be ok. Thank goodness for the Men of FarmHouse. They helped our freshmen boy find his comfort zone very early in his first semester. They took care of him and guided him to leadership opportunities. They demanded high expectations for his GPA, responsibilities and brotherhood. I would recommend the FH experience to any parent who wants to ensure an excellent academic, leadership, and social experience for their child. FarmHouse is truly a builder of men."

"FarmHouse has given my son a family away from home. I appreciate the brotherhood and commitment among the guys. I also think the responsibilities and duties of FarmHouse are great life lessons."

"My son has enjoyed the brotherhood he has found at the U of I FarmHouse. He is surrounded by a wonderful group of friends that share his interests and values. As a family, we have had an opportunity to share in his experiences through the FarmHouse events."

"My son has always made friends easily, but was never one to ask others to go do things. I think being at FarmHouse has helped him become involved in campus organizations and events that he might have otherwise missed out on. I also think that the help the upper classmen have offered with academics has been an asset. Knowing a little more of what to expect out of a class or professor has helped with planning a schedule. FarmHouse has really helped with university life."

"The house was especially helpful when you were trying to register for classes as you had someone in Engineering at FH that you could call to ask about classes you should take. It was also very helpful when you were looking for a computer as you could talk to an Engineering student who could tell you what hardware and software you needed. It was also very helpful after you started school as you had readily accessible people that you could ask questions when you needed help understanding something in a class. There were also people who could tell you what student organizations were available and let you know when the meetings were. I think the real benefits of living in a house come from the people you live with in the house who want to see you succeed at the U of I and are willing to help you make it. They're willing to take the time to help you with whatever you need."

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Builder of Men…






Closing ThoughtsHousing is a difficult decision to make, as well as an extremely important

one. It is a decision that should be made after much thought and research has been done. We hope we have made this decision easier by giving you an open and honest view of what we are about at FarmHouse.

Remember, choosing to live at FarmHouse is much more than just choosing a place to live. It means committing to building on nearly 100 years of tradition- a tradition of building men intellectually, spiritually, socially, morally, and physically.

This reputation of building men is something we are intensely proud of and something we would love for you to be a part of in the coming years.

-The Men of FarmHouse

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