chronicling america « library of congress · localmention. th«- mrnthrr....

LOCAL MENTION. Th«- M rnthrr. J> rl'mfim* fr>r Ih".'4 h <r> rommrn/Hnf nt 1 r». m. pnr the Dint rift of i o nnMa, I '..'.aware, Marv- laod ami Virginia, w<-sierly wind.-s becoming v rlaWe, Ur weather, aearly stationary temper¬ ature. Tea Gosmp, No. 7. I se He-No Tea becau-e 1' i* pur®. If you ques¬ tion it- purity. a>k your donor about It. The li' -No Tea of >7, now ing sold all over the city, b t he best you ever dr ink. If you like fln»- flavor la tea, then try He-No. 1;» flavor is the natural one, and the teiof 87 lb ta«* you ever drank. Every cent of tiv cost of He-No Tea Is to be f un ! in the drinking <iaallil>-*. Nothing L-. paid X >r appearance. Try th Tea of "KT. It may sur- prt>»- yon. Farmer.-*, buy your tea litce yoi buy »!. >.- ..f" he la a w'ood worker. iie-No 1 ; \m.i do twenty-tour boon' work a day and i Tire. YuU wiil be surprised when you try t *h7. Pure tea like He-No Is a great temperance T a ;. r. if will do more good than talking, aud t ue tea Of \Y7 Is the best of alL Pure tea Is the poor man's friend. It Is economy t i'.h-ii ii.Pi timesaday; It in.ikes food go tar- The He-No of >7 is better than ever before, cue trial will satisfy you of the truth of this. .MaHTIN GlLLET & CO., Established 1811, Baltimore, M J. $2.5 IUBY C AKKlA'.fc for $1N.50. S. Horowitz, 730 7< h street. Bargains In odd suits ut George Spransy's. Twelve Dollar Blue suits reduced to $7.50, at Nathan L. Kosenberg'a, 5u5 7th street northwest. Reduced to fio suits that are sold by other ri a.-r-at il?\ at Kiskmkn Bros"., manufacturing t.'jthlers aud tailors, eor. 7th aud E. Uahn s Make Down No. 3 begins to-morrow. Greatest Bargains ever known In Reliable Foot¬ wear. Mark Keg. Down Trice. Price. Gents' finest Custom-made Low Shoes In any style $4.50 $3.60 <ient.s fine Low Shoes :k25 ~.4j t.enulne Caif, Low Ties and Button.... 2.40 l.iH) H and-welt serviceable Low shoes. 1.75 1.35 1 i-xible Low Shoes for office wear 1.25 ws LatM Olthl llwl Mm Ties. 3.00 SUB Lotus' patent trimmed Oxfords 2.00 1.48 lkr.-t hand-sewed Newports, with low heels and broad toes 2.00 1.48 La li>~>' hand-made oxfords, common sen-e or opera shape 1.35 98 Oxiorl Ties, patent'leather tips Lii i*0 Dami-m i.!e Kid Oxford- 1.00 »w llongo.a ixld opera slip rs, French heeL 1.00 70 \Ym. IIamn & Co'S., RELIABLE SHOE HOUSE, 816 7th st. and 1U22 Pa. ave. IIam tick. 14 feet long, for 77 cents, at S. IIiiKuiUii, 7ikJ 7th street. ?n l^isvi vsauGg for $7.50, at S. Horowitz, 7iU^irt:ou Cnn.PKrVs Srrrs reduced to $2.50 that others t-'Hi al $a.5U. L'Sr.MAN Bros"., cor. 7th and £. N. Kkv; .n s. >ons. corner 12th st. and renn. nve.. t ni;-..i- li-t.-^, vianlcure, and Dermatologists. Corns an 1 i>un;-;ia 25 cents each, open until » p. in. ?is Ba»t Cahriae for $12, at S. Horowitz, 730 Tth MM i. 5"n'i <.;; >! vr Coat and Vest $1.50, at N-.i^.^n L. >;. g's, 505Tth strett northwest. ,\ it.;e Boys*Suit reduced to$5 which 1 i dl . Ue ip at $8.50. RiskXAJf Bros'., luuuuut iiu T", cor. 7till and E. Fine Link .>- Fancy Straw Mattings at 13V and IV. per j .ad. W. B. Moses & Son. $1.2." H immock, 14 feet long, guaranteed to hold t>«> ponnuo, 7 7 cents, at s. Horowitz, 730 7th st. Twkntv-uve Dollar Prince Albert Scits re¬ duces to $14.75. Nathan L. Rosenberg, 505 7th n.w. New style In summer clothlng. Geo. Spransy. Just Received a new lot of Garner's French Per- c ne Shirts, 3 collars and 1 pair of cutis with each shirt. Price, $1.50. Franc's. Cor. 7th and D. . >rncs <"oats, fast colors, 25c. Nathan L. Roa- enlierg, 5o5 7th street northwest. For spring lamb and Washington dressed beef to to jJLa K. keily, stall tS2«. 62» and »;30 center L-^iiwet, and 206 and 208 Northern Liberty market. Reduced to $10 suits that other dealers offer as Ixugaina al $15, at Kiskhas Brus'., corner 7th and £. Twxntt P7R Cent Saved by buying your boys' clothing at Nathan L. Rosenberg's, 505 7th St. n.w. Uumas artificial eyes. Hempler's, 453 Pa. ave. CITY AND DISTKICT. Imnwiuenio T<fnigltk Albaugh's.."La Belle Helene." National.."A Night In Venice." LtRNAN's Variety. Harris'.."Sam'l of Posen." Manassas Panorama..Day and evening. Condensed local*. At the commencement of Mt. St. Agnes Acad¬ emy, at Mt. Washington, Baltimore County, Md., ye sterday, the gi'Id medal in the senl-ir class of « nrlstlan doctrin^ was awarded to Miss .\lecla 0 Toole, of this city. Rev. T. B. Hughes, of this city, was among the clergymen present. At the eomnieneement <>f St. Joseph's Academy, Emmetabuiv, Md., ye-terday. Miss Mary F. Joyce, 01 this city, was among the graduates and re¬ ceived a goldmedaL Y^teraay afternoon Mary ^Vh!te, alias Henny W hue, ln<ilcred for housebreaking, was convicted in the criminal Court. In iho published list of eighth-grade pupils cer- tlfi- d for admission to the HUh School, the names «.: Mi^'cie I nderwootl and Mary Gl^eson. of school 2, division 4, M. E. Martin, teacher, were omitted, v. .i.. Andrew F'vem in Lodg" c». L. o. O. F., has >ugl J. sends ear'.r copies of Harper's v, intMy an< 1 s.-rlbn-r'-. M tgazln>- for July. \ ,t».re Is *lv-c through the advertising columns it The star by twenty retail cigar dealers that ttf-v will clo->e th-ir places of business on Sun- . ; . tbe8st .ire added tae names of three v. b agree t > close t* 3 o'clock on that day. Ta "Hubert Downing Saakspeare Club,. has l»- n ; riufl ironi among High Scuool pupils with : ng PTCStdent, Karl Pecker; Its, M 9S H. M. La.inb and 1C. W. s.Tt-i-rei ir> and treasurer, le K. I pton. H*-nry K. Bishop, the new excursion steamer t run to Lower Cedar Point, has arrived from .Vw lorlL The steamer, which Ls 220 feet long. "Attn i«.t U* tin, lu's new anu powerful engines, and it i=> exi>ectea v. iii make Its trip In very last tl!U''. lhe r urh '-litIon of the "Washington City 1 .-'a. "j1.!.!.*,'' has just been c<jmplet»-L a copy of v.unheal t»: obtali.'-d en appiicailon to 1'ost- l. .- i »nger or any letter-carrier. f. -waid \\ illlams, a colore^l beil-boy at the Me- tr .v.iltan lIot»l, given «0 days In Jail by Judge .1 U:-ua> lor assaulting hi (Lard Tyler, a col¬ or -<l porter in ih*i same hotel, with a stick oi wind. Tii ~e who l«'ave the city durlDg the summer can 1 r.e iar. star mailed to theia rorany length of t. e, and the address . han»<ed as often as dealn^d. ;<aL*=«;rlpUon muat be invariably paid in ad- Vance. ' Kr. ">Vkui.t Star's Pocket Atlas of the World is offer direr to every new subscriber for one year to i ..' W tta'.r star. It !s a handsomei/ printed b1191 puge-s profus.-ly illustrat-ai, with more t: nxt colored map .ma diagrams, and contains n .vea.tli of g> ncrai inr^ruiatioc. bee advertise¬ ment il anotiier column. A Niirtn Anml off Two Children* tme bovstaekn Him! ruKiR Lirri.E bed to assweb A iH.-.KSL OK TUKOW1.NU STONES. La-t rl^lit about 11:15 o'clock O^iceri Ellsworth a.. 1 (iorduo entered the sixth precinct station, fol¬ low i by two small colored boys and their father, th«- R- v. Mr. Anderson, p .stor of Oalbraith chapel, and h.s yjn-. Jo^-ph and Harvey, aged respectively eight and nine yeans. The boys w -re prisoners in ti - hands of the law. 'i >iey entered the station r .bbtng their ;¦> ey«s as they had at that late 1. ir ji-st !>een t »k»-n irom th»-lr little beds. They r mistered, a..-i tne oitf ers produced a warrant « .urging ti:> m vith throwing stones. Why the . iT: ers v.-em '.'ter tne boys at -ujh a late hour no- b«>i> kiiov.s, uni -^s th > were afraid mat the >o ing ones woual follow n4e example of the "boucue aluermen" anu s».lp to Canad;u The war¬ rant against ti:e boys sworn tiut by Maria s n irn»rig, of No. 44.^ W ishlngton street, who re- Md a :ie\i iloor to ihe-m. Tl.e b>j> s weredetalu'^l at t-i station «»nly a few minutes, when a $5 note was leit collateral, and they were permitted to re*urn to tneir cols, 'i his mornln,-, in the police «. urt, the case w ,vs calleU to tiie attention of Judge sn»-.l, and Mr. Hewlett entered a plea of -l ¦: gui:t> witn» w»-re heanl for the pn^se- CUtK»u, and the defenUanis were calie-i, one of t iem a.! outing pitching a small stotie at the p oao uwng witness after the latter had struck mm. The other one denied throwing a stone. Tt;eir la: :irr wait called to testify u> wnat occurred at ills lio »>e last night. Mr. Poux'-t ted, and the court thought it L ..i n thinK t > u<» witn tnat matter, and deenned to near iii' testimony. > r. Hewlett said he only wanted to snow that t m-mile chiMreti were dragged out of bed at 11 ov.ock U-t nighl w hike their laiher was al church. T- - ourt d'-ciined to hear the testimony, other wutes....^ !entitled 1>T the defens»*, and the court V joa tne personal bonds of tne bo> s. "he Meeki.t star's Pocket Atlas of the World Js orTereU ln-»- to ev«-ry new subscriber for one year ti ,n.* witKkL^ star. It 1m a handsomely printed Look of iui pages, profusely illustrated, with more than 100 colored mapn and diagrams, and contains a waiih of general lDlormaUon. see advertise¬ ment in another column. A Positive Auction Sale of splendid lnvest- n.*-:,t real estate, next to corner u and 1st streets n rihwtnt, taae> ploee to-morrow, Saturday, at ti p.m..&ee advertisement. Suburban Pbopkrtt on 10th street extended, ' i nfitf avenoe,.30,000 square feet,.wiu t- aoui to-morrow at 6 p.m. I»y Dun< anson Bros. in.-, ground overlook.* tne city and ls rapluiy 1in* prvving. . Attractiti Sale or Hordes..Thomas Dowling*s Kale ot horees to-morrow ai 12 o'clock, In front of hu auction rooma, ls worthy the attention of pri¬ vate buyers as well as contractors. See advertise, meni lor particulars. THE COnHEXCE^EXT SEASOJI. The CImIok Exercicn To-day off St. John'* C ollege* The annual commencement, of St. John's Collesre took place l his morning at Harris' Bijou Theater. The theater was tilled with the friends of the col¬ lege ard the students. The exercises of the pre¬ paratory and college classes were combined. The datamations and the essays were of a most cred¬ itable character. The following was the program: Preparatory classes: Overture, "Eureka," Boett- ger; Truth and Beauty, Dennis V. Murphy; The Sack of Luna, Win. C. Gwynn; selection, "The Army Chaplain," Milloecker; The Greek Partisan, Wm. Garland; You Put no Flow¬ ers on Papa's Grave, Walter D. Nolan; aria. "Forgot Me Not," Suppe; The Rescue or chlcago, Albert T. Ryan; llarmosan, Chas. F. tarusi; xylophone solo, "Irene,' Arodt; Rescued from the River, Wm. J. Scan Ion; The Death song «»r an Indian Chief, Owen J. Clarke; selection, "Martha,"' Flotow. college classes: The English In Ireland, essay, J no. J. Nolan; march, "The Standard Bearer," Faust; The church and Civilization, essay, Jno. J. Clark.-; selection, "Gasparone," Mllloecker; Cata- ilne Expelled, ttUaline, Edw. J.Walsh, Cicero, Jno. J. Nolan; IdyL "The Shepherd Boy," Wilson; A Page from the History of Spain, essay, Fred F. Murr; Comlque Patrol, Ellenberg. Granting of Diplomas; Address, Hon. Zach. Montgomery, assistant attorney general; galop, "The Amaranth," Gounod. HONORS AND MEDALS. Honors were conferred In the college classes as follows: Diplomas In course.Jno. J. Clarke, Frederick F. Marr, Jos. T. Ferry; commercial diplomas.Jno. J. Nolan, Francis H. Daly, Michael F. Brennan, Jno. F. Costello, Ed¬ ward J. Walsh. Medals were awarded In the col¬ lege classes as follows: A gold medal for mathe¬ matics and phonography to Jno. J. Clarke; a goid medal for English studies to Frederick F. Mair; a gold medal lor elocution to Jno. J. Nolan; a gold medal lor excellence In his studies to Wm. F. Wal¬ ter; a gold medal for Latin, Greek, and French to Michael A. Keane; a gold medal for excellence in his studies to owen J. Clarke; a medal for mathe¬ matics to Wm. J. Scanlon. In the preparatory de¬ partment medals were awarded as follows: A medal for Christian doctrine to Garrett Sullivan; medals for excellence to Wm. C. Gwynn, Michael Guiney, jno. M. l'oloni, and Jos. E. DowelL pri¬ mary department: A medal for excellence was awarded to Win. A. U11L Ciood Hope Institute. The commencement exercises of Good Hope In¬ stitute, at Anacostia.Miss A. T. L. Watklns, prin¬ cipal.came oft yesterday afternoon in the pres¬ ence of the families and friends of the pupils. The exercises were rendered by the members of the In¬ stitute, assisted by Miss Cecil F., of Wash- lngton, as pianist. The program comprised vocal and Instrumental music, recitations, dialogues, and a valedictory. At the close of the exercises the awards were distributed by the Rev. J. M. E. McKee to the following pupils: Misses May Elcli- elberger (the valedictorian and first graduate, the gold medal, &e\), Carrie Golden, Sallie Wortiilng- ton, Mary R. Peters, and L. E. Elohelberger, and Masters George A. Padgett, Harry W. crosier, Guy B. Elcheiberger, .Milton Pole, and Brooke Ridge- way. SC. Tlatthew'ii School. The closing exercises of St. Matthew's school were held yesterday. An interesting program was carried out in a creditable manner by the pupils. The pretty operetta of "The Berry- Pickers" was rendered In excellent style. The principal characters were taken by Miss M. Graves, E. Sherman, M. Robinson. J. McGuire, M* pus-, c. Granlger, K. Hanley, M. o'Connor, M. Me ouade and L. Doyle. Misses M. Young and M. O'Connor rendered the Instrumental music. The closing remarks were made by Rev. Dr. P. L. chapelle. Honors and premiums were distributed as follows: First premium in second Junior class of catechism, arithmetic, spelling, geography, w riling, grammar, history and reuuing, to Misses Maude O'Brien, Carrie Granlger, Mary Draley, Agnes K el ley, Annie Campbell, Mary Crowley, Miry Weigand, Maggie Mcliueeney, Mary O'Keefe, Agnes Buckholtz, Rosalie Hilton, Mamie Draley, Mary C. Murray, Mary N. Morlarlty, Mary E. Frisby, Mary Kelly, Delia Ganley, Maggie Han¬ ley, Lizzie McCormlc. First premium In mlnum class of catechism, arithmetic, reading, geography, spelling, and writing to Misses Laura Hughes, Mamie Hughes, Katie Fn=>by, Minnie Boyer, Sadie Crowley, Mary Campbell, Pauline Ratlgan, Emma Evans, Blanche Fowler, Irene creveline, Lillle O'Brien, Josie Car¬ roll, Maggie Skelley, Mary Relley, Nellie Bennet, Lillle Walsh, Sarah Waisb, Mary Callaghan, Mag¬ gie Leonard, Gerty MIckuoi, Lizzie Skelley, Nellie Draley, Annie McGuire, Mamie Clark, Mary Rider, Rosle Lainkln, Maggie Buckley, Clara Hanley, Ma¬ mie Shea, Maggie uraley, Vlrgie Mlckum, Willie Shea, Jos. Jonnson, Geo. Fowler, and Frank Clark. First premium in first division. Senior class of Christrlan doctrine, grammar, rhetoric, algebra, mental and practical arithmetic, philosophy, scripture and United States history, reading, writing, and bookkeeping.Misses Mattle Purcell, Mary O'Connor, Mamie Young, Ella Sherman, Maggie Robinson, May Graves, Mamie Donoghue, Katie Clancey, Mary Mc^viade, Marlon Poss, Mary Murphy, Mary Mlnior. and Mary Purcell. Second division, Christian doctrine, arithmetic, grammar, geography, Bible and United States his¬ tory, spelling, reading, and penmanship, to Misses Lizzie Doyle, Romania Watson, Rosie Clark, Nellie Ryan, Nellie Barry, Nora canty, Katie Han¬ ley, Mabel Edwards, Rosle McGulness, Mary Burke, Birdie Hurley, Lizzie McArdle, and Sarah McMahon. Third division. Christian doctrine, arithmetic, grammar, history, geography, reading, spelling, and writing.Misses Nellie Bannagan, Maggie Nelson, Mary Colliere, Mary Mooney, Ella Young, Susie Bannagan, Katie Parker, Nellie McNalley, Daisy Harvey, Mary Walsh, Winnie Ganley, Julia McGuire, Ella Kilmartln, Joanna cox, Susie Cum¬ berland, Fannie Nelson, Katie Clark, and Annie Mctyiade. special premiums were awarded as follows: Christian doctrine, Miss Mamie Donoghue; arith¬ metic, Miss Miry O'Connor; history, Miss Mamie Young; algebra. Miss Ella Sherman; Scripture history, Miss Katie Clancy; mental arithmetic, Miss Maggie Robinson; vocal music, Miss Marlon Poss: grammar. Miss Mary Murphy; bookkeeping, Miss Mary Mct^iade; attendance. Miss Nellie Bar¬ ry; attendance, Miss M;iggie Nelson; singing, Miss Carrie Granlger. Gold medals presented by Mr. L. Morrlsey, In senior department, for general excel¬ lence awarded to Ml-s Mattle Purcell; amlaole de¬ portment, Miss Lizzie Doyle; lessons. Miss Roma¬ nia Watson; penmanship, Miss Nelly Barry. Second division.Oeaeral excellence, Miss Mabel Edwards; lessons. MlsS Rosie McGinness. Third division.conduct, Miss Mary Kelly; at¬ tendance, Mary callaghan. The Kittenhou»e Academy. The closing exercises of Rlttenhouse Academy took place at the school-rooms, on Indiana ave¬ nue, yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Prof. Wight wa- highly complimented by the large number of friends and relatives of the students who were present, on the progress of his pupils during the past year. A very interesting pr< -gram, consisting or recitations and a mock debate, was furnished by the boys. Wright Rives, Jr., spoke "The Angels of Buena Vista," and Samuel J. Kandail, Jr., gave "Home and Carthage" with much effect. "1 he Par1 in? of Maruilon and Douglas" was si>oken by Richard T. Merrick, and "candesllna's Standard" by Robert \. Inch. A mock debate, the subject of Which was, "Are the Mental Capacities of the sexes Equal?' was participated in by Harrison J. 'leiler, Armlstead Pe'er, Jr., Franck H. Gray, Robert A. Inch, H. Bruce Teller, W. Scott Sclilev, G. Freeland Peter, A. E. 11. Mld- dleton, B. K**nnon Peter, Joseph Macfarland, Wright Rives, Jr., Richard T. Merrick. Samuel J. Randall, jr., and W. H. Duncanson. The debate, of course, was decided In the affirmative, and ex- dted lnu.-h laughter. Then Arthur Peter spoke ..tlcero Against Wrres," and Armlstead Peter, Jr., spoke "The Three Days of Columbus." "America Unconquerable." aj>oken by Ralph Hamilton, and "Union and Liberty," by Joseph Macfarland, were eacn received with much applause. Mr. Wight, in a short speech, pre.-x-ntcd the prizes to the suc¬ cessful pupils. Joseph Macfarland received the Drst and Arthur Peter the second scholarship prl/e. Prizes for excellence in recitations were given to B.Kenuon Peter,Alvah Godding and Free- land Pel er. Prizes for punctuality throughout the entire year were given to Armlstead Peter, Kennon peter, H .rrlson Teller and Bruce Teller. Robert Inch received the reward lor excellence in deportment. Among the patrons present were the Hon. Saml J. Randall, commodores Greer and Schley and capt. Inch, of the Navy: Dr. W. W. Godding, Col. Wright Rives, M. F. Morris, esq., (guardian of Richard T. Merrick), Dr. J. B. Hamilton and Hon. Geo. Peter, of Bockvilie, Md. The Victorious TVe*». Washington beaten bv l>ktkoit, boston bt INDIAN¬ APOLIS, AND NEW YOKE BY riTTSBCKO. The Washington* yesterday lost their third successive game to the hard-hitting Detrolts. It was an improvement over the two previous con¬ tests, however, lor the statesman put the Wolver¬ ines on their mettle, and the result was a score of 4 to 2. The Detrolts made 8 hits and 4 errors, and the visitors the same number of errors and but one less hit. O'Duy pitched very effectively, and l)ealy caught without an error. Daily, the new man from Philadelphia, played right held. OTHER UAHLS YESTERDAY. Philadelphia and Chicago played thirteen Inn¬ ings, and each side had scored 7 runs when dark¬ ness stopped the game. Boston and Indianapolis bad a ten-Inning contest, and the Hooslers came out ah-ad, 10 to », while the New York Giants got a check from Pittsburg, 3 to 2. There were three American Association games. Baltimore won irom the Athletics, 0 to 4, and the St. Louis Champions kept company with a victory over Cleveland. 11 to 3. Cincinnati held Its win¬ ning gait by beating Louisville, 3 to L Following is the standing of the clubs to date: NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost.! Won. Lost. Detroit 31 12 Boston 29 Jti New York 26 20 chlcago 23 18 Philadelphia., so 24 Pittsburg 10 23 Washington.. 14 25 Indianapolis.. 12 33 ATOUCAM ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. Won. Lost. St. Louis 38 13 Brooklyn. 25 20 Baltimore 30 10 Cincinnati.... 30 23 Athletic 20 24 Louisville. 23 23 Metropolitan^ 12 :i4 Cleveland 12 37 Me. Eon's New Hotei.M. L. Eder, of this city, is having T. F. Schneider, the architect, prepare plans for a new hotel to be erected at Ocean Grove, N. J. The building will be designed In the old colonial style. It will occupy a ground space 120 by 80 feet and will be nve stories high. Tne site adjoins Mr. Sder's present house, the "'Waverly," a name which Mr. Eder win carry with him to the new building. It Is about 100 feet from the beach, and Its towers, antique gables, high-pitched roofs, balconies, quaint chimney tops and verandas will give a a striking appearance. A HAITTED HOUSE. The Colored Tenant and His Nelfhbwa breatly Perplexed. A STAR REPORTER INVESTIGATE.BOTTLK8 AMD BRICKS AND PIECE8 OK OAS FIFE AND IRON SENT FT.YINQ OVER A THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL¬ ING. The inmates of the brick house on the northwest corner ot 4# street and Missouri avenue are kept in a constant state or trepidation day and night by the mysterious antics of some invisible agencies. The bouse is kept as a hotel by Pendleton, a col¬ ored man, who, when guests are scarce and busi¬ ness dull, adds to his earnings by cobbling. About the only occupants at present are Pendleton, his family, and one or two assistants. Until very recently unusual quiet bad prevailed about the premises for several months. A failure to procure a renewal of the license compelled the closing of the bar-room three or four months ago, and after that the house seemed to lose Its attractions for its for- mer colored patrons. Several nights ago the In¬ mates were startled at a sound betokening a crash ot glassware Just outside the house, several of them ran out to the Missouri avenue side, but they were glad to scurry back into the house. There was a sort of HAIL STORM OF GINGER-POP AND 80DA-WATER BOTTLES falling around the house. The bottles apparently came flying over the bouse from the north side, and to that side, where there is a yard Inclosed by a very high wall, Pendleton and his associates hastened with the view of ascertaining what force propelled the bottles. There was nobody in the yard, and, to the surprise and terror of Pendleton and his family, the shower of bottles begun to fall in the yard as If thrown from the street. The missiles were not confined to bottles, but brickbats, whole bricks, pieces of old iron, stones, &c. were sent flying over the ljotise, flrst from on<* side and then from the other. This was kept up at intervals during the entire night. Every now and then residents of adjoining houses would be awakened by the crash of bottles, apparently Jailing from a height of 60 or 70 feet to the pavement below. Early next morning almost the entire neighborhood gathered around the house, endeavoring TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY. The presence of a crowd did not check the myste¬ rious thrower, who had muscle euough to project bottles and other missiles over a large three-story house. When a Star reporter arrived at the cor¬ ner of Missouri avenue and 4# street, about 8 a.m., there were at least twenty persons assembled. In an instant a whirring noise caused everybody to look up. and In another instant a pop-bottle de¬ scended with a crash to the pavement. It had ap¬ parently come from the other side of the house. .Next a piece of iron gas-pipe, weighing about two pounds, came flying over the house. The crowd divided, some going to the yard on the opposite side. The missiles continued to fly, flrst from one side and then the other. Pendleton and one or two others who went to the roof declared that while up there they saw the bottles aud other ob¬ jects flying over the top. The star reporter made an examination of the f(remises. The sidewalk on Missouri avenue was iierully covered with the lragments of broken bottles. The pavement of the yard on the oppo¬ site side presented a similar spectacle. PENDLETON THINK9 IT IS SPOOKS. "Who is doing this7" Tuk Star reporter asked. Pendleton."Fo' God, I wlsht I knowed, sah. I dunno what ter make outen' It. I'se done all I could to fine out, but It beats ine. Tain't no human han's as duz It, dat I kno.' Wliar's de man dat could fling a bottle over dls hyar house? Dat's what I'd like ter know. Dey ain't nary man llvln' kin do it." Pendleton, with a countenance betraying fear and anxiety, picked up a piece of iron gas pipe and said: "See dls hyar. Well, It's been over dis hous' mo'en twenty times, fus one way, den de udder. I tuk dls (the gas pipe) and dls hyar (another piece of iron), and I put dem in my room and look de do'. Fo" God, by de time I got outen de house agin, dey bote cum a flyln' ober agin. Dey was gon' from de room, but de do' was still locked. I went In dar to see." BOTTLES WHICH GOT OCT OF A CLOSED ROOM. The bottles used, Pendleton says, were his. Some of them were In the basement and some in the hall of the flrst floor. He declared that when he discovered that the mysterious agency was destroying his bottles, he took those that were left and put them In a room. "But that didn't make no difference," he con¬ tinued, "Dey got 'em Jis de same." The reporter suggested that somebody was play¬ ing pranks on Pendleton, perhaps with the view of running him out of the house. "Den it's de smartes' sumbody dat eber I see," he replied. "Kase we bin watcliln' de top o' de house an on bofe sides, and still de bottles keep on a flyln'." He declared that he took some of the bottles In a room and shut the door and that be¬ fore he could turn round the bottles "was 'Jls dun gon' and a flying' ober de house." The top of the house can only be reached by means or a ladder from the attic of Pendleton's house, through a trap in the roof. All of the bottles In Pendleton s place were thrown and destroyed, but the bottle shower continued last night. When a Star reporter visited Pendleton this morning lie vowed he dlnd't know where the bottles now being used are procured from. He and his family are satisfied that It is a supernatural agency that is annoying them, and nothing can shake their be¬ lief. A SHOWER OF WATER FROM A DRV ROOM. Early this morning several of the family were in a room on the flrst floor, when suddenly a quantity of water, perhaps several gallons, came through a hole In the celling and floor above through which a stove pipe projected in cold weather. Pendleton vowed there was no water in the upper room, aftd took the reporter up there to show him that there was not only no water In that room, but no vessel there that would hold water. He says that there was no chance tor anj outsider to have got Into the upner room. The yard Is well protected by a wall over which only a cat could climb, so that Pendleton is certain no mischievous Intruder could ever have entered there. The flying missiles have been seen by numerous Individuals, and the general opinion is that some person must have been concealed upon the roof. But, as Pendleton maintains, it Is hard to explain, in the flrst place, how any person. Intent upon fun or revenge could have got to the root, aud In the seconc. Elace It is more difficult to explain how he could ave procured the bottles In such numbers rrom the lower floors without being seen. Many In the vicinity have made up their inlnds that the house 13 "haunted." The Fire Yesterday..A lire which broke out yesterday arternoon at the residence of Mr. W. F. Guindou, (rjl D street, as mentioned in The Star, was much more disastrous than at flrst reported. Mr. Gulndon was absent at the lime, but Ills wire, a delicate lady, rushed through the flames, close<, doors and windows to shut off the drart, aud thereby prevented greater damage, but she was severely burned about the race in her efforts. The clothing of Mr. Guindou and tamlly, including his children's wardrobes, was so damaged as to be practically useless, together with thtir household toods. The damage to the house, which Is owned by Mr. Stllson Hutch Ins, is estimated at and Mr. Guindou puts the whole loss at $1,050. The prompt arrival or the tire department and the skill and vliror with which the lormer worked pre¬ vented in all probability a very extensive confla¬ gration. Washington Clergymen Attend a Ceremony in Bai.timork..In Baltimore yesterday Kev. Ber¬ nard J. .Mc.uanus, pas', or ot St. John's Catholic church, Eager and Valley streets, was Invested with the rank and Insignia ol a monslgnor. The ceremony .was performed by Cardinal Gibbons. Among the clergy In attendance were Revs. Je¬ rome Dougherty, P. L. Chapelle, P. Burch, F. P. Kervlck, J. F. Macktn, J. McNaliy, J. F. Donohue, G. W. Devlne, J. Walter, and s. Ryan, of this city. The papal brief creating Father McManus a mon- slgnor was read during the ceremony by Rev. Dr. Chapelle, of this city, both In Latin and English. RRR OO T V A t R RO O YY AA 1. RRR O O YY A ? L R RO O Y AAAL R R OO Y A ALLLL r-l'.n A R KTINX N GOO HB AA K K II XN NO O BBB A A KK IINNSfi B B AAA K K U X N N O OO BBB A AK K1IN NX GGO PPP OO W W WDDD REE RRR P PO OWWWWD DE R R PPP O O W W WW D D EE RRR P O O WW WW D DK R RM V OO W w DDD KEER R. ABSOLUTELY PURE This Powder never varies. A marvel of parity, strength and wholesomenesa. Mora economical than the ordinary kind*, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low testa, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Solo only ix Caw* Royal Bajumo towuut wo., loo Wall aurooi. -x. a. Special Notice. During the months of June, July and August strictly cash customers who bur i 5.00 or over in L>nr Good« will receive a pair of handsome DAMASK TOWELS. These elegant Towels are all pure linen, very hue quality, immense size, one yard and a quar- ter long, aud decorated with a handsome wide border, worth 41 a pair. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. DRY GOODS AT ACTUAL COST. BEAUTIFUL LAWNS, nearly one yard wide, finest quality, worth ly V-» reduced to 8c. BEAUTIFUL LAW XS, new styles, 5c. FRENCH LAWNS, 15c. LINEN LAWNS, loc. FIGURE l> SATIN EH, In short ends, worth 25c., re¬ duced to 10c. BEAUTIFUL LACE DRBS8 GOODS, immense width, double the width of single width dress goods, all pure wool, worth 75c., reduced to 37jfc. CRINKLED GINGHAMS, beautiful styles, worth 12tec., reduced to 7}fc. ALBATROSS, pure wool, wide double width, worth 50c , reduced to 57 tec. FANCY SILKS, 37M.40and45c. BLACK S UKAH SILKS, cash value, S7tec. reduced to ay tec. BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, in Plaids. 8tripe* A kmh S"* L tA h i c. 1*1 S >23 711 MARKET SPACE. NEAR 7XH SZ. BLIND PATTERSON'S BIG PEWSIOlf Important Arrests by a Special Afeat of tlte Pension Office* DR. MILLS AND john LAIPLOW CAPTURED IK vuir OINIA.TO BE TAKEN TO ELHlRi, K. T., FOB TRIAL. There have recently appeared In Thb Star and other papers accounts of the payment of $13,000 pension arrearages to an old and sightless soldier known as "Blind" Patterson, of Elmira, N. Y., and the subsequent discovery that the claim was a fraudulent one. It appears that Dr. Robt. X. Mills, formerly of Greene County, Va., and well known In this city for some years past, was the agent In the case. It Is alleged that he promised a man $1,000 to make a certain false affidavit in the case, which affidavit was made; and that after Mills had secured the bulk of Patterson's money he left New York, neglecting to pay this $1,000, and that the affiant gave Information of the fraud. The police depart ment In this city received a telegram on the 17th Inst., asking that Mills be arrested. Detectives carter and Malion ascertained that Dr. Mills had been at the St, James Hotel that morn¬ ing, but had left on the Sou! hern tralD. Surmis¬ ing that he was on his way to his former home In Greene County, they gave the Information to the Pension office. One of the special agents of that omce. Mr. Jacobs, left here Wednesday and found that Mills and his wife and Jno. Laldlow, a shoe¬ maker, who Is alleged to have made the other fraudulent affidavit, had Joined Mills the day after his arrival In Greene county, and that they were all at the house of a sister of Mills, 14 miles from Orange Court-House. Calling In the aid of Sheriff Hlcketts, of Orange County, the arrest of Dr. Mills, Mrs. Mills and Laldlow was effected. Mr. Jacobs, with the sheriff and Mr. Waltork, arrived In this cltv with the prisoners last night, and tney were taken to the Sixth Precinct station an-1 the two men were locked up. There was found on Mrs. Mills' person $650, and It was ascertained that Dr. Mills had paid off a mortgage of $1,700 on Ills hotel in New York, and had bought a farm for his sister In Greene county, Virginia. Mrs. Mills as¬ serts that she knew nothing of Dr. Mills' connec¬ tion with the case, aDd did not know there was any suspicion of wrong about It till she read the statements In the papers last Sunday week. Dr. Mills does not deny Ills connection with the case, but asserts that as far as he was concerned there was no fraud about It, and that he can satisfac¬ torily explain everything, and adds tnat he Is anxious for a speedy and lull investigation. The two men will be taken by the officers to Elmira to¬ day. Mrs. Mills Is not held in custody, but will likely go with her husband. ? Should Not Curtail the Time. To the Editor of The Evening Stab: It Is respectfully suggested that there are two sides to every question, and the District commis¬ sioners will do the fair thing if they consider the side of the people before they make any such order as that said to be advocated by the water department under which the use of street sprink¬ lers would be restricted to thirty minutes. Those of our citizens occupying corner houses cannot sprinkle their lawns In the time named. If there is abuse in the use of water there is a remedy, and it should be applied by the police. Your sensible editorial advocating cleanliness during the hot months was probably based upon the assumption that there was an abundance of water available here, but the proposed order of the water board looks as though a water famine was Impending. Tne Potomac still flows by our doors; we have water works which cost, heaven only knows how many millions; we pay large taxes, and think we are entliled to something more than thirty min¬ utes' use of the water in hot weather. If the hon¬ orable water board will condescend to receive a suggestion I would invite Its attention to the waste of water in the Government Departments, navy- yard, engine houses, hotels and the somewhat too frequent breaks in pipes put down under the su¬ pervision of water board officials, as subjects more worthy of attention than occasional use of street sprinklers. G* W. M. CITY ITEMS. An Advertisement Worth Reading* If you get the chance!!! Won't you buyv Saturday only: Nice clear crystal tumblers for 3c. Large painted cuspadors for 9c. Seven pin hat rack for 4c. Ten pin hat rack lor He. Extra large scrub brush for 9c. 50 clothes pins for 5c. Good wooden potato mashers 3c. Mexican grass hammock for 98a 10 piece English-decorated toilet set for$2.3& 3 piece decorated tin toilet set for 98c._ 6 French China cups and saucers for 75c. 2-strlng broom for 9c.; 3-string for 14c. An elegant 4 string broom for 21c. Extra large-block tin dish pan 32c. Handsome cut glass berry sets 08c. Crystal salt ana pepper shakers 5c. Unique and new single tumbler trays 10c. Square shape colored berry saucers 5c. Colored glass berry bowls only 29c. Covered chamber palls In colors only 25c. Red folding garden chairs only 75c. Ash folding garden chairs only 69c. Japanned dust pan and brush for 17c. Whisk broom, blacking and shoe brush for 21c. Modern shades on patent tollers for 29c. Above goods on sale Saturday only. Above goods on sale Saturday only. At Thb Fair, H12 7th st. n. w., (Goldschmld's eld stand). Baby carriages at reduced prices. Kef rigerators at reduced prices. Trunks at reduced prices. Have you read all the Items? The Fair, 812 7th st. n.w., 1 Franele & Co., Proprietors. Gents' Percale Shirts,with 2 Collar*,50c. At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th <e H. 1 We are Offering fine old rye whisky (straight from the distillery), $2.50, $3 and $3.50 per gallon, according to age and quality. Black¬ berry brandv (Gordon & Dilworth'a), 75c. per l»ot- tle; a splendid article to have In the house during warm weather; a bottle may save a doctor's bill; secure a bottle. We have also secured tor the summer trade a small cigar for a short smoke; gentlemen who smoke will do well to secure a supply for to-morrow; 5c. straight. Zinfaudel claret, California Riesling wine, sugars strictly at cost. See advt. In Critic paper for other articles. N. T. Metzgkk & Bro., 1 417 7th St. n.w. "Gents' Ribbed Bicycle Hose. $1; Boys', 50c., at Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1 Read the following list of special bargains offered for to-morrow only at S. W. Augenstein's, 817, 819 and 821 7th street: Our prices on Refrig¬ erators and Trunks are fully 25 per cent lower than those of our would-be competitors. Call and see. Twelve-quart Block Tin Dishpan, 23c.; 17- quart, 31c.; halt dozen Crystal Table Tumblers. 17c.; hall dozen new shapes Colored Icecream Saucers, 19c.; half dozen large English China Din¬ ner Plates, 34c.; new styles Decorated Tea Sets, $2.94, worth $5; half dozen plain Crystal Goblets. 27c.; Hall and Window Shades, on spring rollers, all colors, 38c.; Dustpan and Brush, 17c.; Wooden Water Bucket and 50 Clothesplus, 16e.; Oarden Tools, with long handles, 14c. per set. No reason¬ able offer refused on balance of our stock of Baby Carriages. 1 Celluloid Collars Sc Cuffs, ">'o Washee." At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1 Rogers' Umbrella Factory, 613 D st. n.w. Branch store 14th st. near H n.w. 2 Attractive Advertising. We must have supplied the greater portion of the young population of Washington with Low Shoes and slippers judging from the quantity we have sold during our "Mark Down No. 2." While we have sacrificed our profits It Is extremely grat¬ ifying to see how well our advertisements attract; It must be on account ot our well-known rule, "to advertise only facts." We shall now give the big folks a chance for bargains by means ot our Mark Down No. 3. Read city Items. Win. Hahn £ Co., 816 7th st. and 1922 ave. 1 Fine Col'd Seamless Half Hose,2 pr. 35c. At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1 Great Reduction Sale In Ladles', Gent's, Misses', and children's Low Shoes and Slippers. This space does not allow us room to mention styles and prices, as they are so numerous, but a call at our store will convince you that you can save 50 to75c. on every pair you buy. Call early and select your choice. AH styles and sizes In stock. Boston Shoe House, H. Goldstein, Proprietor, 912 7th at. n. w., bet. I and K. 1 (Sign: Blue Slipper.) 5,000 Extra Fine straw Hats at 50c. At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. l Spectacles, steel and gold, 50c. to $3.50. 487 Pa. ave. 24A27 Board at a Pleasant, shady residence; good table; near mountains; mile from station; terms moderate. Address H. L., Gainesville, Prince William Co., Va. 3 men's Gray Sc Navy Blue FlannelShirts, Si; Boys', 50c., at Auerbach's, 7th & H. 1 Immense Assortment of Handsome Baby Carriages will be offered at private sale below manufacturers' prices at Walter B. Williams & Co.'s, auctioneers, cor. 10th st. and ra. ave. 6 Sewing machines for Bent, All Kinds. At Auerbach's, 7th & H. Telephone, 422-2. 1 Tooth extraction obviated by restoring root to beauty and usefulness. Filling, &c., done satis¬ factorily. Terms moderate. Dr. H. Mueller, den¬ tist, 42311th St. 6 Elegant Line Sumner Silk Scarfs, 95c. At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th &H. 1 Colbnrn's WORCESTERSHIRE TABLE BAtJCB. Piquant and appetizing. Has no equal In flavor.lm Gent's Fine Summer Underwear, 25c. At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1 An Extended Popularity. Brown's Bron¬ chial Thochks have been before the public many years. For relieving Coughs and Throat troubles they are superior to all other articles, doitl only in boxes. "Let's Talk 135 Harness.".Becker's, eo "The Queen of Beers.".Moerleln's pure, unadulterated Cincinnati Beer is especially adapted for family uae. 75c. per dot Agency, 1206 D sb n.w 6m "Royal Glue" mends 'em..Boston Varieties Colbnrn's PHILADELPHIA MUSTARD. King of condiments. Flavor, pungency, strength combined in perfection. Finest mustard maOeom Fresh Alderney Butter churned every morning and delivered in # lb. "Ward" prints, 40a per Un Also, Cottage Cheese and Buttermilk; sweet Milk 6c. per quart. UMmifis. BBB A U U MM MM ~ cSSo BB AA U U MMMM » g8 BBB A A V U M MM M SSSa B B AAA U U M M M BBB AA UU M MM GRAND CLEARING SALE. FROM THIS DAT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS IN 83®ss on°°oo ^ 00 00 00 00 «nP ooogoo different department*, enumerating special lota In each department, at such prices as will assure a ready sale. We don't mind the loss, we never carry {roods over, and they must be sold at even a great sacrifice. ft ft no^oo oo%> oo°°oo ?& 5o.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 .*5$ 00 tw 00 00 OU (II *1® ^56 «W» ""oo00 ^OO00 I We are willing to start out with a Ions of «5,000. If this loss will not move our goods we are ready for A STILL GREATER LOSS. We will not waste more words about this pale. The prices of the (roods advertised must do all the talking- This whole column is devoted to our Clearing Sale. Items will be changed FROM DAY TO DAT. New Sacrifices will be made FROM DAY TO DAT. Read This Advertisement FROM DAY TO DAT. DRT GOODS DEPARTMENT. All onr best French Koech- lin's Sat teens, beautiful pat¬ terns. some Held as high as 35c.; we will now let them *°- T . . ,.A. Clearing Price, 15a One Lot of eincle width Dress Goods, sold at 25c., enough for Dress Patterns, Clearing Price, 12J<a One Lot of Orey - mixed Checks, Stripes and Plain, Mohair and Worsted Dmss Goods, sold as high as 35c., Clearing Price, 20c. ll! OO^OO ppp eeerrr ccceeenn NTTTT i} Jw oo E Rhcce n nn t }} 0(1 00 Spp EK ,{RR c EE N N N T II m (H p K R R c C E N N N T III a»00W P EEER R CCO EEE N NN T OFF ON ALL STAPLE BLACK GOODS. Some Goods we have marked less than cost. We have also put the knife in our LINEN AND HOUSEFURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Oue Special Lot of Turkey Red Table Covers, fast col¬ ors; size 6-4, sold at 75c. Clearing Price, 45a One Lot 60-inch wide Cream Table Damask, beautiful Patterns, cheap at f>0c.. Clearing Price, 35c. One Lot of Bathing Towels, 18x36. sold at 18c., Clearing Price, 12)jc. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. One lot of Lace Curtains, Russian Border, good size. Regular Price, $1.25 Clearing Price, 90a A new lot of Spring Roller Holland Shades. Clearing Price, 22c. One lot ot Best Lngush Mo¬ nde Cretonne. Regular 25. goods. Clearing Price, 15a HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. One lot of Children's Plain and Ribbed Black Lisle Hose, sold for 45c. Clearing Price, 25a One lot of Ladies' Balbrig- gan Hose. iUigiilar 25a quality. Clearing Price, 19. One lot of Jersey-Fitting Un¬ dershirts. Regular Price, 35c. Clearing Price 25a LACE DEPARTMENT. A lot of 45-inch Oriental Flouncings. Were $1 a J"-.1-,..,, , T . Clearing Price, 50c. a yd. A lot of .All-Wool Laces, oil colors. Regular price 20 to 50c. Clearing Price 10c. a yd. A lot of 4o-inch Oriental Lace Flouncinirs, heavy- work. Worth $1.25 a yd. Clearing Price, 59a a yd. EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT. A lot of 22 and 45-inch Swiss Flounciugs,, we.e UOc. a yard. Clearing Price, 50c. a yd. A lot of odds and Ends in Cambric KmbV, some were as high as 25c a yard. Clearing Price, 10c. a yd. A lot of Remnants of Em¬ broideries, qprne worth as high as 50c. Clearing Price, 5a per remnant. NOTION DEPARTMENT. One lot of Covered Dress Steel.s(for waists),were 10c. Clearing Price, 3a a doz. One lot Ko}'al Insect Powder, was 10c Clearing Price, 2c. a box. One lot Infants' Powder (in Lubin'-J. was 10c. Clearing Price, 2c. a pkg. Oue lot 25c. Call-tells. Clearing Price, 10c. One lot 5 and 10c. Machine Oil. Clearing Price, 2a One lot 20c. Money Boxes. lock and key. Clearing Price, 3c. One lot ^Traveling Flasks, were 35 and 7oc. Clearing Price, 18a One lot Tourist Cases, were -H5?-. ,T . , . ,. , Clearing Price. 10c. One lot Metal Belts, regular price 68c. to $2. Cleari ng Price, 25a LADIES NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT. One lot of Ladies' finest Lin¬ en Collars, with capes, emb'd through center, (Lidenberg's goods), worth r»13c-, * ^ ,, Clearing Price, 9c.3for 25c. One lot Crepe. Lisse, and Canvas Ruchiug. Was 25c. a yd. ^ Clearing Price, 10c. a yd. One lot Black Spanish Fichus and Scarfs. Regular Price, #2.5010 *4. Clearing Price, $1.90. One lot Colored Chemisettes, Cuffs to Match. Were 50c. » set- Clearing Price, 25c. a set IMPORTED DRESS ROBES. Do not fail to examine our Imported Dress Kobes which we have placed on sa e. They contain 4% yds. of 45-inch Embroidered Flounciugs; 4x> yds. nar¬ row to match, and 8 to 10 yds. handsome Etamiue. The)" have sold from $10 to $20. Clearing Price, 95. 8UIT DEPARTMENT. Two Blaok-and-White Fig¬ ured Lawn Suits, sizes 34 and 3(5. Sold for $i>. Clearing Price, 84. One Light Gray Cloth Suit, with the newest style short drapery and basque. Suit sold for $18. Clearing Price, $12. One White Suit, handsomely trimmed with embroidery, size 36. Regular price, $27.50. Clearing Price, $18. One Misses' White India Liuen Suit, size 16 yrs., skirt elaborately trimmed with fine Embroidery, basque, with yoke of Ail- Over. Sold for $10 Clearing Price, $6. Three Misses' Suits. 14 and 1 ti years, that sold at $8. Clearing Price, $4.00. One lot of Children's Mohair Dusters, sizes 6 to 16 yrs. Were $2. Clearing Price, 45a JERSEYS. One lot of Imported Casti- mere Jerseys, with fancy fronts, iu black or colors; also a few with Fedora fronts. Sold for $3.50. Clearing Price. 81 98 SHIRT WAISTS. Our White Muslin Shirt Waists, with patent but¬ tons, plaited back and front. The best waist ever offered at 50c. Clearing Price, 40c. In Colors. Clearing Price, 3 for 50o. 10 per cent off on all our Shirt Waists. MILLINERT DEPARTMENT. Table 1. consisting of fine English Milan Hats in gray, brown, navy, tan, and good shapes. Sold from $1.50 to $3.25. Clearing Price, $L10. Table 2, consisting of large White Hats for ladies and children, in Fancy Straws. Sold from 75c. to $ 1. Clearing Price, 62a Table 3, consisting of 5 cases, Knowlton's best R. and R. Sailors, in black, navy, and ecru, sold for 35c., Clearing Price, 23a Tuble 4, consisting of 2a dozen White Modena Hats in large brim, and Poke. Worth 68c. Clearing Price, 25a Bin 1, consisting of 1 lot of ^ Imported Fancy Ribbons, Nos. 5,12 and 16,pirot and cord edge, sold from 35 to 50c. Clearing Price, 21a Bin 3.20c. boxes of Flowers, Poppies, Pinks. Valley Lil- lies. Worth 25 to 50c. Clearing Price, 23a PARASOL DEPARTMENT. One lot of 100 Fancy Satteen Coaches, Clearing Price, 50a One lot of Ladies' $2.25 Black Silk Umbrellas, with ivory or black handles. Clearing Price, $L50. 2o per cent discount on all of our Fancy Parasols. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. All of our $1 Unlaundered Dress Shirts, Clearing Price. 59a One lot of 50c. Patent Elas¬ tic Ankle Jean Drawers, in sizes 28,30 and 32. Clearing Price, 29a One lot of French Balbrig- fan Undershirts, sold at Clearing Price,29a, One lot of $1.25 Plain Blue °f * to' and English Striped Boys' Flannel Shirt Waists, sizes from 5 to 13 years. Clearing Price, 89a TRUNK DEPARTMENT. All of onr $2.25 and $2.50 Club Satchels, all new and fresh goods, Clearing Price, $L98. Examine our immense line of Trunks; price way down to clear them out; cannot be matched in town. CROQUET SETS AND HAMMOCKS. A large assortment of Cro¬ quet Sets, 20 per cent dis¬ count off marked prices. All onr $1 Mexican Ham¬ mocks, Clearing Price, 80a BBB A UU MM MM " BSS« B B AA UU MMMM » IS8 BBB A A U U MMM M &B AAA U U MM M s 5 BAA UU M M M S8 GGO G G O G GO GGG COOL EEE A RRR IINN If GOO COL K AA R RIIN N N G Q OO 0 L KB AA RRR IIN1TK OOO LLLLKKEA * AH RUN NN *OGO Q A | .3 n L EE Sei JM 7TH. 8TH AND D STREETS* EE See FOR SALE.HOUSEb. "pOE SALE-TW( V8TORY AND BASEMEN T BRICK ~"K"t J'r* modern improvements. near Vfherdica. luvjuire on premisea, 140 C st * e.. **" r i p.m. b0h1,3u ~th St n r'.'anl JLwis^'wir^.OOO 2^|^V^000 7^ ^^1^500 .'0 >+'t,r^V^-.ri,Vi 16-900 3328 to S334 P st n. *1 uk V My' st- w . r.h.. "»rs 3,500 "-iT't.;>-rv ;;,v 1 ^."oo 321 to 323s, d *ta.e «i Hh -WlwthM- f.h..6r 3.000 ^ 13,000 1961.1963 Linden st. «* «th st n.w., Uh..tir ;l.000 fl lrttn ,;»n vii 11 >300 2100 Vermont a ve. w h W~I<L av<" I n.w., b.h., Or 3.000 1 :V;.' f£Vv ¦1 «.000 12 i K lL'-r,* Madison r, w rt^i' L st n.w.. f.h.. 4r 2,000 lsorv. 9,000 837, 839. 841 2d st n « Wh-a> L st s.e-f.h..4r 2.400 iKvi^evrf'00" ><> »"><.¦-¦>.«..¦>* ,w liiFiifflLl**---*000'** ***** ^*v- **- -hi- 6th ». s.w.,th.,6rs 2,000 h 'VTu,' 'r" aud 1 '. 1414 Samson at. n.w. 4n«-^nK V.i 6.000 f h.. »«r 1.700 400 408 11th at a G16.618 Marion alley H*V7'oorl^i ; -..5.000 n.w.. f.h.. 4r 1.600 <V~ 8t* n w- bJl i 31 to 39 Myrtle at. n. u,',0 v ....5,600 e.. b.h . 7r., each... 1.600 W»^«e.iw.,nk, 1430 Samson st n. l«1U V . > i." 5.500 w.f.h.. Or 1.500 » . V n w" f"h .HOI to W07 V at. U.W.. 11-vt .7n.llol.l8e8 I*K'5'00° t».h.. 7r 1,500 1A~'J. JOth stn.w..f.h. 036 2d St. n.e.,f.h. 2r. 1.500 Or and >houses reai .5.000J31310th sts e..f h.0rl.400 h<3il-« "^sv^V8,,?!11!1^.* n°rtioii of the property on my flhTc*ll at office for bulletin issued ou 1 st and loth. Ue24i THUS. E. WAGoaMAN. fiARGAIX - NEW EIGHT-ROOM j~. nni- Iot 19*70; also adjoining corner il.TT*/*?' *°aUey - near Capitol n.e. Terms easy.* OW.sER, 513 »th st. n.w. SATE.AN ELEGANT PRIVATE RESIDENCE tfk n«w'; 'T*r 19th. 12 rooui6, cellar, south JwriilLi* first-class appointments: lot 23*«x89; iSS^ifo.r a few <**>" at *14.000. daVid d. s i on e. 1220 Fat. n. w. Je24-3t P*9R SALE-NEW HOUSE, TWO-STORY AND ' ' ,'IV3S hriok front. 8 moiiu; 4.'h st. hot. 4 o4^? w' A kanrain if sold at once. Je24-3t McKlBBlN & HERRING, 1331 F st "POR SALE.TWO HOUSES ON S 8T. N W HI lovely home* and prices low. f *6.000. House on New Jersey ave u w., McKIBBIN 4 HERRING. Je24-3t i:i:>l F st. TTOR SALE-GREAT BARGAIN, IF S«»LD AT iSn^C®m » Business property on 14th st.;lot 40 by i~_° ~?-fo.°t alley; improved by two houses. Also, a corner Lot in the northwest section. 100*100. No mvrl'L'tf'u'!. -V2id- to r,,&1 estate agents. ,a OWNER, Box .iS, Mar ottice. je'Jii-3t p,°^...8ALErFI\? NEW SIX-ROOM BRICKS IN ^- northwest; sold to net 15 j>er cent; water and S'i'i??,111 Hyatt*ville for sale or exchange. je23-3t* DA\ IDsON 4 DAVIDSON, 4* ami D n.w. For sale or rent.412 and 410 new jer- sey are. s.e ; two new two-story, 8 room Brick nouses. All modern improvements. For terms, &c.. afip.>o*i oa^ Gffice, 507 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. Je23-lm FOR SALE-CHEAP-TWO NICE FOUR-ROOM and kitchen hnck houses, on I. bet. 4 Hi und Otli sts. 8.w.; lot ^oxl^o, and »rood stall room lor two horses . ?»riUV4e.stmePl; *>nre *-800 for the two. c. H. 1 AnKtK, 4 ^ and L »ts. s.w. |e23«3V For ^.ale.$8.5oo~will purchase a si*b^ stantial Residence, with lanre Lot. and irood stable 'V ref?:uioH?ij!r2!ltiPS M 8t-' yih """1 10th sts. u. w. ALBERT F. loX, l)-,'0 F st. n.w. Je23-3t l^OB SALE.VERV CHEAP. ~ A -BV. p-r*. K r H- B- BA-W k CO ' ®2o F St. n.w. n . house, 5 rooms. l.»23 6th st. n.w.. bet. p and Q. square 418, lot 22.6x03.4 to alley. 1 his is a bar- Kiiin. Paved street; elegant neife-ul»orho<.Kl; terms ***y Je23-3t Ij*OB SALE-THAT DESIRABLE BUSINESS Lo¬ cation 82b !»tb street. irontaKe of 21 teet. with old ^-story and basement bri- k. well-rented. $8.o0'). Will pay as an investment, a id is an excellent location lor a business enterprise. JOHN SHERMAN A: CO., Je23-3t 1407 F st. FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL NINE-ROOM BRICK House; (,o00 feet of ground. price, £4.500. «ii.-ap. Je23-3t WESCOTT, WILCOX & WINE. I^OR SALii. " " Brick. 6r. and cellar on Caroline st. u.w. #3,000 10 rooms, on 13th. above Iowa circle 8,500 Hnck, 9 r., on I ,st., bet. loth and LOtii u.w O.OOO Hrick, / rooms, Wallai h Place j yOO Brick, 11 rooms. Kst.. bet. 10th and lltli sts. Vio.'ooo I rooms. Pierce Place, bet. 15tli and 16th..3J">00 31 rooms, v »t.. bet. 13th and 14 th sw 7.250 6 rooms. South Capitol st 1 " It rooms, on Corcoran st IiJ.J.4|750 . J rooms, 14th st., business property 7,t>00 . f rooms, leuton st., n'r Gov. .1,350 u . looms, o st.. bet. 4th and 5th n.w 3,300 More and dwelling, 14th st IO.OOO . t rwjiiis, on ItiKKust., l>et. 13th and 14th..6,250 J . rooms and stable on Rhode Island av S 500 Best business corner on i.. Cai . st., n r. Capitol.. .5.500 Brick, 10 rooms on N st.,bet.^0th & 21st sts., new house 10 nno Frame on Dunbarton ave .".'.V.V. L5O0 _ " on Congress st., near post office. !"2,000 14r. Brick, E, bet 5th and Oth. n'r Pension of. 10,500 Also, improved una unimproved proitertv in all i>sti is OjI the city. Apply to J. \v. P. M l EKS & ».<, Jlb-2w* 1428 New Vorkava. I^OR SALE.SPECIAL BARGAINS. , Several six-room Houses on A st. n. a- all modern 2HTOXei,M2,to; l>tr cellt investment Price only $2,000 each. Also. II room brick, 15th st., bet. T and U sts 7.500 8 rooms on L, b«t. 15th and 10th sts. n.w 0,(HJ0 uli Ib°iu,H aU(icetLi*rou. Co*x>r»u st 7,000 Brick, 1 Irs., East Capitol st., bet. Oth aaia 7th 0,t»'wJ 11 rooms, n.e. corner H and 21st sts. n.w 8 500 i rooms on Oth and 7th sts.u.w"""" 4'-'50 Apply atouceto J. W. P. M\ERS & SON. J*16-2w* 14^8 New \orkara. FOR SALE.CHEAP.A NICE6-ROOM HOUSE ON C it., between 0th and 7th s. e.; only 41.700. 4 .. 04. C. H PARKEit. _Je~2-3t 4j._, ami E sts. s.w. FOR SALE . CHEAP.5 NEW O-ROOM BRICK Hous<^ oi 4H. het. N and O sts. s.w.; all mod. imp.; cash, balance 1. 2, 3 and 4 years. Price $2,500. C, H. PARKER, 4)4 and E sts. s.w. Je22-3t* FOR SALE.CHEAP-^o ROOM BRICK HOUSE. ;il5 M st. s. w.; water and sewers; good investment. ±T'?,e., C. H PARKER, 4>t and E sts. a.w. I^OR SALE.CHEAP.6 ROOM HOUSE, 612 8th st s.w.; a (food baixain. $2,000. 00 C H. PARKER, _^e.--3t 454 and E sts. s.w. FOR S.ALE=CMA^3 6-ROOM BRlCKHOUSEii: 326. 328 and 330 N at.s.w.; water and tras. pressed brick fronts. & 1, # 50 each; one-third cash, balance 1.2 and 3 years. C. H. PARKEit, 4)a and E s.w. je22-3t* FOB 8ALE-CHEAP-6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE ALL mod imp.; 300 N st. s.w.; $2,200: >40t» cash, bal¬ ance $100 every four months. C. H. PARKER. 4x, and E sts. s.w. Je22-3t* For sale-thhee story brick7i2 rooms, E st.. bet. 2d and 3d n. w., $9.500; House 6 rooms, « w--"ear War Department, $5,200. H. W. TI R- PIN, Real Estate Broker, 1220 F st. u. w. je22-3t* I TOR SALE- IN VESTMENT - TWO SIX-ROOM brick houses, one square north Washimrton Circle- ; re."1 $18 30 per month. Apply WESCOI 1, WILCOX k \\ INK. 19(17 l*a. ave. Je22-3t FOR SALE-A VEHY DESIRABLE^ H^ >L'SE, 2313 M st. n.w., now beimr put in thorouirh order 3 stories and basement, pressed brick front bay window. 9 rooms and bath, 2 latrobes, rautre. 4tc. The house will be open lor a lew days while workmen are com¬ pleting improvements. Price $5,000. Je22-3t B. H. WARNEB & CO. For sale.a new brick house on c st. s^ e., near the Capitol: 2 story and basement, 8 rooms, mod. imps.; price $4,200 if sold at once. THOS. G. henset, lOOti 1 at. ii. w. FOR SALE.a 4-STORY 12-ROOM BBICK DWEL- lmtf, with all mod. imps., on south side H at., bet 4tii and oth sts. n.w.; lot 22x100. running- through to Washinjrton at.; rents for $35 per mouth. Price $o.o00. JOHN E. BKALL Jt CO, Je20-6t 1321 F st. n.w. FOR SALE-A 4-STORY BRICK DWELLING, with 11 rooms, mod. imps.; north side A 8t..*bet. 1st and2d sU. n.e. Lot 20x55, to 15-foot alley. Rents lor $35 pir month. $5,250. ,«nn.a> JOHN K BEALL k CO., Je20-6t 1321 F st. n. w. FOR SALE-A SPECIAL BARGAIN-T^BRICK Houses. 8 rooms each. Bath, djas, hall 4c., Nos. 203 JJOo and 207 B st. n.e^, froutinK 3d. avenue. ^H0MAS A- MITCHELL, Je~0-6t 934 F St., rooms 5 and 6. FOR SALE.AN ELEGANT 11-ROOM BAY WIN- dow Brick House, all modern improvements, 407 a 1st st. n.w., $7«500- THOMAS A. MITCHELL. Je20-6t* 934 E st., rooms 5 and 6. FOR 8ALE.AN ELEGANT 11-ROOM BAY WIN- dow Brick House, all modern improvements, 407 a 1st st. n.w., $7,500- THOMAS A. MITCHELL. _ Je20-6t* 934 F st., rooms 5 and 6. I^OR SALE-ONLY $2,500 ToB a^-rcxtm brick . ..r,h.°,u.^' baH, bath, 4c , 617 loth st. n. e. O-tit* MITCHELL, 934 F St., Rooms 5 and 6, For SALE-8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 117 2D ST ii. w.; modern conveniences; $4,750. THoMAS A. MI1CHELL, 934 F St., Rooms 5 and 6. Je20-6t* FOR SALE.$12,000 WILL BUY THE FINEST lot on Capitol Hill. 131x110, cor. 3d and Massa¬ chusetts ave. n.e. ;building now rents for $42 a month One-half cash, balance 1 and 2 years. THOMAS Al MITCHELL, 934 Fat,. Rooms 5 and 6. Je20-Ot* I TOR SALE . THE- NEW FOUR STORY BRICK ? i wellniK known as 1205 10th st. n.w.; will accept $4,o00 from an immediate purchaser; key at 1^09 Apply to JOHN T ARMS, Jel8-bt 810 F st. n.w. FOR SALE-A LARGE AND DESIRABLE BRICK house on 3d st.. near C n.w.; lot 25x150 to a wide alley; also adjoininif side lot same size. This is au opportunity to secure a residence with plenty of room near the business part of the city. If not sold in a reasonable tune the house will be put in contplete re¬ pair and offered for rent. . , bwormstedt A BRADLEY, _Jel8-lm 927 F at. n.w. FOP. SALE. Brick, N st., near 7th st n.w_ 7 rooms $ 3.000 Lrii t G st, near 4th st n.w., 12 rooms 7.500 Brick, M st, nfar Connecticut ave.n.w., 12 r.. 12,000 brick. H st., near 20th st n. w., 12 rooms 8.000 Brick, Sunderland Place n.w., 11 rooms. 11.000 Brick, 4th st, near B st n.w. 7 rtooms 3.300 Bn< k. 13th st., nwr Q st. n.w., 10 Qpjma 6,700 Brick, Columbia st. n.w., 0 rooms 3.000 JAMES W. TYLER, Jel5 929 F st n.w., (Second Floor). FOR SALE.8EVEN-ROOM BBICK. 10TH 8T_ bet Q and B, all mod. imps., renting lor $25.30. Price $3,500. Six-room brick, n.e., only $1,700, renting for 15.30. WRIGHT & BOLTON, 9th and # Jel5 JP»OR SALE. 3-«tory and cellar brick dwelling, near Dupont Circle, 13 rooms. 2 bath-rooms, laundry. 4c, all in. i., new and elegant #18.000 3-atory brick dwelling near Iowa Circle on Vt aye., 23 feet front, 3 rooms deep, 13 rooms, _ «11 m. i 14,500 3^*tory and cellar brick dwelling, 19th at. near Dupont Circle, 10 rooms and bath, all in. i.. 13^00 with furniture 15,500 3-story and basement brick dwelling, near Du¬ pont Circle, 11 rooms, furnace and ail in. L, handsomely finished. 1L000 8 2-atnry brick dwellings, northeast section at city, o rooms and m.i. Price, each 1,400 An 8 room brick dwelling, one square from British Minister's, afimJ. 7,600 9-rootn brick dwelling, M st n.w, near 9th. &J250 Several very attractive and well-located new brick dwellimra, northwest section, 7 rooms and cellar, with aU m. U at $6,000 and «SJMN> TYLER ft rutherford, my7-8W 1826Fstn.w. FOB SiU-CHKAP-BRICK HOUSE NEAR BU- reau of BngraTing and Feinting; 7 rooms, all mod. ern improvements: price, $3,700; and another la same locaUty for >2,200. AUSTIN P. BROWN, Jel4-2w Real Estate and Loana. 1496 F st n. w. P)R SALE.THREE NEW TWO-STOBY PRESS hzick front dwellings, with stone trimmings; six rooms and bath room: all mi.; on L st b_w. . each $3200. on mj7.7v* XXI^ftBUTHEBFO^^ FOB SALE.HOUSES. W»5R SALE.421 -'D 8t. S U A Nm Hay Win: J low l>riok houiw, containing- 6 rooms and i*llar, tut ill, ratitfv. 1st robe. slate niautela. wml k *, aud will hp acid <>u monthly or quarterly u\ menta, U< suit ruri'h»it.r; price, *3.1>00. DAN ENHow KK k SOK.1116K«t yl Im IJOR SALE-13241«TH ST. N.W $22.6»iO I WILL mU it ttiuTr price m l i«n term* to suit, th:» el.-- gsu: aud carefully constructed r»iulence. feci-btli built lor our u*o o>'cnwiM7 (John Eraser. arvhit*. t I'avid- .nu & Co., builders). hall a squar*- liorih of Scott Circle, on broad MHh St.. opposite Mr U-»..n'a aud Mr. Pendletou'a. bnek st«Me in rvar. Addr< *a Rev. DOUGLAS K. KOKKE8T. D.D., Calvary Rectory, I'ltf- ton. by Cincinnati. Ohio. >-4 I m* IJH'R SAU-TWKNTVTP nilllt K DW 11.LINOS ia th* northwest, now belli* bruit. tree from *3,IH>0 to f4.5(H) each; on easy term*. Ctli at "tlur tor bulletin aud examine plans D.ANEMii >W V It a SOS, 1115 F it. Je2-lB FOR 8ALE-TIH SEW BRICK l)«14.MNt.s, Just completed. elimbly Kvat.d. from *1 *o»t to »7..>00 each; ou easy terms. l'ANLNlloW I I; s s< »N, 1115F it, Je2-1 mo I^OR SALE-AT A BARGAIN. TWO S*I VLi. URIt'K . houses. northeast under rent at i1<l.50 ovli. * ill be avid lor (l.l.itlem'L. »r 9^,'JOO(orthi't«<>. Jel-lm SttORMSTEDI s bR M'i.l Y. F at - IfOR SALE.8PECIAL ATTENTION OF FAR TIES ilealrous of btiyiiur or e*clia »rii;»r tor handsome nwdeiiffn near Dupotit Circle, ia called to the two eieuant and beaiititully finished Houses Just c>.u- pleiel. Nos. 1740 and 174'.' 1* at. n. w . hard-»<>.«d tinisbeil. handsomely fresoxwsd, aud strictly nrst-das* in every parti.'liar. DAVID A WlSl>St)R t owners. (»03 14ih at. n.w. aii23-1 (>w* I^OR SALE.TWO-8TORY AND CELLAR. DOCBLE Maine Cot'.atre, ten rv» ms and batli. h t and old water; lot 50il50, Lanier lb nrhts. i nee $n.5ihi 1 Y LkK Jt lit I'lIElil OKD. inyl4-»iw* l'J'A F It. n.w J<V)K SALE. K st. n.w., corner-$38.500 HHh,n*rl>tipoiit cir.l 5.0(X) ISthst. n.w 35.000 M 8t..beLl»tliAl0th l'.'.Ot'O Vermont ave 35,tHKi M at., near J*th 1 l.O(H) Iowa Circle 30,(HH) Ost-near 12th 11 .000 H st., near 19th 20.000 Kith st . near s 5,.i0() M *u. near lstli lb.OOO 1 at., near 15th 5.000 Medium oinl low-priced Houaes in alt parts of the city. Choice ts on i u-ttsave., M St., 10til St., New York ave. J»ele« ¦! U'N al rest uleu Park, Whitney Close. MintWood and al! suburban sub- divisious. «¦!:< ¦ 1'. OOFF, >11-1111 1420 New York ave 1JOR SALE-20OS GST.. 14R..V I ICY CHEAP.tH.SOO 2014 H at.. »s r.. lot .¦(>:$ by 140.10 to alley.. 5J»O0 1411 N st. 11. w., with Mil.- lot 1 ."i.tKKI Fine new house on 'iOtli st.. near Blaine's liOlHI 2421 Fa. a\e ,Hrs. mod. mil's 5..VK1 DOii M st. n.w y. "«»<i Put. n.w., 7 rs. 1. t 1»> by 1:5."> l.OOO A number laivc and amall houses in all aectiona of the city. Call and see me bei » u> niu' iu)"J.)-3m i«LO. \\. LI N hi Ns, js»th and H ata. n.w. BUSINESS CHANCES. I^OR SA1.E-TWO VERY COSY COCN 1 RY HOMES, one at Anna|>olit> Junctiou. itishI .»-rooui house; lai*.- lot of ground; plenty anade, plenty of fruit. stable. Ac. Five lainutea troui station. Cash. i^S<'0. At ltranchville. new 0-rootu hou^e and K a> ri«. »ro."l water. 10 tiuiiutea lroiii station. $"J.:ioo. one-tourth cash, balance monthly. LOWE & DOXOHOE. H08 East Capitol st. Je'.'4-:tt* "I FINE BUILDINti LOT8 IN~THE BE>T1'AKT J. O Of I'nioDtOWU; tv!.">0 per lot as M whole. k «-le. J4.500; oii«-tliird cash. LOWE A lXiNOIl »E, yoS East (Capitol st. > 'J4 -di* i 1UHJERY AND PROVISION STORE F< 'R S ALE VJTat a sai-ntice, in a good location, nortLwest. rent lo« , owner enva«red in other business. Je2:i-:it OS 1 li.ANl'ER A S I A i.hY, 1410 N. Y*. ave. VF1NE BI SlNESS CHANCE! A PARTY WITH years ot n>eiienee lu a tirst-<-lass paying busiue-s d -sirec to secure a partner, active or Mlent, who can furnish .">001«. eiilartre and mere.the business. No better investment. Strict integrity aud square dealing iruaranteol. Adilress "BUSINESSCHANCE,Star office. J'OR SALE.GROCERY' AND PROVISION S I«(RE doiuir Komi liusineKH,including st<N'k aud other fix¬ tures; also iiorse aud wa^ruu. SAM'L LLE. N01 4 H vt. s. w. . ^ 130R LEA8B.VO& A PEBIOD or 1" <*K 15 years.a valuable Lot. frontmtr :i'.> leet «-n 12th st- n.w.. coiitikruou- to l'enu-ylvania avi mie. l^^s«-«' to tmi>rove by building- THOS. L. WAOUAMAN. 017 F st. n.w. >'j:i-:it ' 1»B BALK.A HALF ISTEBBST IK A v. |;LL~ Real Estate Oilii i. on F st. n.w. A rare baivaiu. Price <!OO0. Owner leavinir the city Julv L jeli.J-.'Jt 11L MPHREY A COLM AN. «1S 1 st. n.w. ASPLhNDID CHANCE FOR A BLS1NFS8 MAN; oneot the iiest stands 111 South WaMhimrioii; fint- class Grocery and Provision store; stock atid tiitures at a bun-'aiu. Imjuire of W. A. S1LW ART, W»*tern Union IcUvTaph office, 00:1 Peuu. ave. n.w. Je'.'d-'Jt* I^OR hALE.DRl'G STORE. «*«K)D LOCATION. 41.350;Tea and Coffee Store; has a i:»k1 trade; variety atore; a bargain . and a number of other -tores. Real Estate Offi e. O.IS F st., D. RAMEY. Ja'J J-:U I^OR SALE.THE FIVE YEAR LEASE A NINE- ruorn house and restaurant. Inquire at tfii D st. n.w. >>1S-Iw* I^OR LEASE.THE "CAPITAL THEATER. W. S. ABEKT, 40S 5th st. Je3-3m rilHK WASHINtiTON SAFE DF.POSIT COHi'ASif J. AND FIRE-PROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE. 010 PA. AVE. N. W. tSouth Side.) Persons Koing abroad, or ieaviu*r the city sliouM .vail themselves 01 the advantage* offered bv this c«)in- pany for the sale keepimr of Umd*. securities, jewelry, plate and other valuables. Clothing, pauitiuKs, Works 01 art, pianos, bric-a-brac, ru»rs, cari»-ts, Ac., Ac^cau be stored at low rales. Take action belore. ratner tuau alter, your valuables are stolen or buruea. Otiice Hours; O a. in. to 4 p. ta. FJG-Gm (Saturday s. U a. m. to 5 p. 111.) MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN. M M M No delay. $ 10,000 in sums to suit at 6 per cent, ryo.N a; TRACY. Je'-4-3t 513 7th st. n.w. Money to loan 95 any amount) ok av- proved real estate situate within the District of Columbia; low rates of interest charged aud 110 delay when security is ample. FRANCIS B. MoHl'N, lie&l Estate aud Loans. Jel8-lm F at. n.w. Money to loan on real estate pkumpt attention to all applications. SVIORMSTLDT A BRADLEY". Jel4-lm 0J7 F st. n.w. ONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Security. HOLLAND A THOMPSON. Jel3 1313 F st.. Adjoining Sun Binldiutr. ONEY TO LOAN TO ARMY OFFICERS AT Lt Kai rates of interest. JA.ML.S E. MACGSi je4-ltu !.:<.'{ F st. 11.w. Real estate uux&ur aid fibedimja auce pia<-eil. Army and Navy Pay Accounts . ashed. Loans on Buildiuir As-iH-iatiou Sii«-k or other k <..*! Collateral Security. W M. 11. DEMl'SEY, 14'.'4 New York ave. i30,000.TO LOAN " .O.OOO 15.000 ON REAL ESTATE, 5.000 "_',500 1.OO0 fmj'251 THOS. E. W AGO A MAN. Money to loan on real estate, a i & roe per cent per annum, any sum deam d. or on jro^d Collateral security. R. A. PHILLIPS, apll-3m 14*js Niw- i<<rk ave. MONEY AI.WAYS in OUR HANDS TO LOAN ON batistactory" real estate security, in sums to siuWat 5 and ti per cent interest. 13 HILL A JOHNSTON. 73R 15th st. n.w. ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE IA SU1U lo auit, al lowest rale 01 interest. It. O HOLTZMAN. sel5 pnmer 10th aud F sts. u w MONEY TO LOAN ON Ai'IUOVtDREALtaTATJi StCUlil l V. Moderate commiesioas. No delay. iiu30 GEO. U. LdNKINS, cor. H and lIHh st«. ONEY TO LOAN In sums to suiu at lowrrt rate*, on approvedr«*l .fctute security. FITCH, FOX A HKO* N. oc-O 14-1 Pennsylvania a vo. _ ONLY TOLOAN AT LOW Es»T RATES OF INTEREST OA REAL AbTA'lE SECURITY. THOS.J. FISHER A CO* W5 l;t'J4 F st. u.w,_ MONEYTOIX) AN ON REAL ESTATE Al LOWEST Rates. DANENH0WER A SON, Iip24r 1115 F«t ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE OR FIRST- class securities, at lowest rates of interest. No utlay where the secuiity is tr<x>d. inhoO O. C. GREEN. 303 7th at. u.w. $: M M Xhin Goods For ARM w EATHER. 20 pieces Striped and Figured CRAZY" CLOTH,l'-i)<c. 1 ca«; Cream CRINKLES, 5c., reduced from Sc. 2 cases Colored Stripe and Check SF-ERSUCKERS, 8. 10,12V. 500 yards CHAMBRAY, 8c . reduced trmi 12He. 50 pieces French ORGANDIE, 123»c . former pncw 18c. . 15 pieces Hair-Line TAKOAL, 10c. 5,000 yards Fifrured .LAWNS, 5c., 8c.. 10c., French and American SATTEENS. 20 pieces NUN'S VEILING, all colors. 25& 42-inch Albatross CLOTH. 50c. ALL OF OUtt DRESS GOODS AT REDUCED I-RICE& 4-4 Wamsutta Pride-of-the-West and Fruit-of-the- Loom COTTON, in 1 to 10 yards lemrtha, h VJ- Ladies' Gauze VESTS, 25c. and 37 He. Gents' Biibrivgan and Oauze SHIRTS, 25c. 200 pieces Elegant Quality Summer GINGHAMS, 10c. We are offering some Special Bargains in Plain and Fancy STRAW MATTINGS. FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS aud CARPETS. JOHNSON, GARNER A CO, 636 Pennsylvania ave., south side, Je21 Near 7th st. n.w. Another Big Reduction. FINE FRENCH PRINTED ONDINES, reduced from 20 to 15c. Light in weight, suit in nmsh, beauti¬ ful in designs. Our whole stock of PRINTED FRENCH SATTEENS, 25c.- PRINTED LINENS, warranted pure, 36 inches wide 25c. ALL-WOOL DRES8 GOODS, reduced to cost. PRINTED INDIA SILK, reduced to #1. WHITE CHINA SILKS, 27 inches wide, 75a FANCY HOSIERY at reduced prices. Full stock BLACK HOSIERY at low prices. PARASOLS at cost. UMBRELLAS in great variety. CREAM and WHITE DRESS GOODS all prices. EVENING SHADES SILKS and SURAiM, low prioea. WHITE ROBES greatly reduced. We are closing out oar summer Stock and offer in¬ ducements not fouud elsewhere. Our Semi-Annual Hills an ready and we trust to have prompt payments. wTm. bHUSTER A SONS, Sltt Pa. ave. One Price. Je22 Cooking St Ga& A full line of GAB COOKING STOVES Onl ¦mi vumonw ».tt ooktavx FOR RALE.LOTS. >>R SAI.I 1»U LOT* ON 4TH h i V I .N'EAB K.t&<.100(tt7lMt. a si. n-ar North Oa|«t i. Fi F <UV.. a bsawttfui lot on V st.. near |4th 7 h . two on Columbia Heights .*."> and 4.V Aim.. cheap lota M< rt Uan Hill. Oilffborn and i«ui«r H'n-Ms *C'.'»-3t ft STAKE* 14 1.' N. Y m t*OR SAI.K BY 1HK C4VOPt It A I 1A E 1 n>r>nt Coiunaii). va< ant Lota in tti<> eastern i«n «i a aiul on Columbia Height* at investment tlvurvn Ai pUT at on. * jo cbas. a shields, r.-ju r »u n. «. POBSALK AVFHAVl IN lttt s, n imvsi^RV r section of the city some ver> d*ain»t>ir chmar illrt- iitg lot* which are offered either its an invnituntt or for buililiiitr puri<ose* situate,! on M i «t and <* street*. Prices rsture from *4<H» to #W."» per lot. A splendid oppo!"t«nn> Oall at olios ! ir flat Je-^-Ot B. H W ARNF.H A < O . j»l ft f it. n w. l^OR SALE-CHEAP-A SIOK LOT on It. Hi T\ r 7th and Stli st*. s.w.. '*0 ».> 7.">de..p, -J -i t.-walls lot worth per foot, but will ta. . it «>M within ten days. C. H. I AlmiJl. | 4 H au>l 1. »u. ».w. 1JOR SAKE-SPECIAL BARGAIN** LOl ,,\C. Lamer Heights, coulaintnir sis.ut I S».« »t»«» -i |,t, 1 this lot l* lieautitullv locate,! at the corner , t J\«.i ui- l.ia road and fhamplaiu ave , price 4;t. p r ,t; trrouml adjoining i* held at ."»»» (*r s<| | .j terms. ft<\. apply to J. H. liKAt Jk < o. y:-:<n . «v.*v i- >i 1- >K SAL! LOTS I AM 1N>TRI«'IKI> lo>ll.£ it taken this wwk. two very tine l><ia >n It im. . »t , l*et. 14th and 15th st*^ Nortli IVllere t a »cr>'lo* tirun. A. P. FARIHtN. Cl .'il I *t :tt I^OR KALK-IN THE SOI THWKVr MVTloN ,f the city, on McCleau svan.n, bets < i .11 an.l . , sts. * w . some splendid lots near sotti hrxt rl iw im- Lavements. stnvt la concreted p: c .. i.ix - : f t 11. H ttACM li A t o. Je'-T'-St IHti » -t I. ». E 1'IM LV I.OOATFTi 1 i - ,\ v. L mrta of tti*'wfity. also OolUiubla H lirlito, (Vluiu- hia li. ad. Meridian 111 11. Vt hitti«-\ t'l.-c.i.arivtt l«rk. Hurl. itli. itosrmoiit I'ark. aud l-..r*««l <»l«>n Jc-1-V.'w IIIOS.O HI Nsl 1 <m! 1'it.n w 1^'ltSAI.r A 1 INI B1 11.1 'I No I < >T < >N I. Mr. 13th and 14tli ats. UOiltNi. two r»rt> walU. * J pet toot. . bHt)KMSTLDT * HHAMI.I Y. K-l-6t ii w. P'U tiAl.F. A l^ir Ml >1 Ml SAt'KU J ti.-«>dkt H.v. jwr foot, wit inn :mhi t of Juh« llarlanV rvaideiut1 on 141li -<t . «-vcrl km*: thecit» a r<>w of codara on Haul lot. ad), itinik.- jroi<«»rt> lioll at * I ijt-r loot. Adilr.-s* Uw owuer. J. K i , Mar oltiiv. JclW-Kt* 1^H)K SALE.1X>T8 AT TI'.KKA COTTA STA 1 'X »t 1 V- to 4c. Cull for |>lat. V TOI Ntl. *»¦« 1303 I «t ii w I^OHSM.r A S|'l.F.NT»m l.oToN 111! V El « *ldr d Laat Oaj-it..|-t . l«-tw . . V»> -Ill'.K. waiU u lo th-i t w - .1 ui IUK. l>n«v#l.tiU» loot, it sold in a few day» ,u lilOh. <. 111 NsEV. J<*ls-lw llHM! I' ,1. II w. K',U SAI;.K ^HEAP-T\V(» \ | KY 1»ES11:a1<LH M. Lou on M at. u w.. only 70c«'nt» |«*r l"»»t AI-¦ a Lot ou t'ofumhla liel^uta, facUitfuij t«.. slri'-n .!<». . i. K. 1111. I l < »lil». JelH-lw* I4*.!3fe K at I^OU SALK-OHKtl' A Dt MltABI.i; 1 «> 1 .V liiiitif v Ht . I'liiwrMty KTo'indn. ucar 14tli at. will 1* sold cbcap U pari lutsed boou. J. R. HKRTKorh, jmh-iw* UL'>Vrk '..hsvi.l A LOT IN I Asi W N M pT h> ientlj lutyc for lour li.>ii«>-*. iiu|-r>.v.-.i carnattw %iji . |'iv«-d Kidcwalk ; k'a> and wattT. E at.. In*;ut».*n 10th sua 1; ti! at... » .... price ioretiUre lot, (1 ,UN0, An . x'niordlnar> (>;nv»tn. J. is-<lf ALL! N <\CLARK. rto.» F «t. n w. I^oi; s ALL LOl <>N MAR^ LAND AM .IN fl.< »SK pmuuilty to Stanton S.|iur»>. ti'.' tot trout; Krad-'d. price, 00 < « i^ i l >t Vt-rj clieap. j-'is Ol* ALLEN < < l.AI.k. Oi I it m I^OR SALE-LOTS IN MtHNl PL! As A NT. sH< »KT dmtauo- troin ticrtiiern boimdan .>t .-nj aoceaaililn iitid on kTTBiie. The l»'<t lota lor MitiaH dwelliii^ra ui thj 1'lKtrict. l>eclded iMtlifain oflered. Jels tit* ALL! N t. CLARK,605 F at. n w 1^»"K SALE -4.'1.(HKJ s«v FT. t»l «»lt"t'ND. WITH tlirt!«. troiita, only throe aquarea tnni: the IVi'ilol. at a speculative thru re. T* 1.1.1; ft lil IHKlil'olil). »p-.:; S»w* lv»vtl |- Kt. ii.w. I^OR BAXJE.A N I lim OF I UUU 1Kb M .1 ALL, lil.M-kaoi trround in tile eautern aecttou .¦! tin-eitr HI Ulauve pricca. TVLLH ft ttl 1 III Hi ouu. 12» Fat. ui J,, in*. I^Oll S ALE.A VERY PHET'I V sill lH I it< INT l'.uildll^ Lot on *4 aU ti. W.; VJOtlOO to alhx.i r * 1.30t». TYLER ft HI 1 HLHFOhD. i»taw l-.-JH 1 St U.w. 1^'oH SALE..'t LOTS in sy. 10J. 1 A< H 10xs?S To I alley pri. e 75r. l*-r ay. toot. 1 V LLK ft lil 1 IIl.U- 1 OKli. 1 F at. n.w. 1 1 rjt« IX>R SAI.K «l NI HAL PROPERTY !<>R HI si- N'.SS PFUPOsEs. AT l:EAst >NMil l. i'RH'l ¦> . 1 lie eiiianreluelit ol tile elt> In ark* the rapid appr»i m- tionofauch pri-iwrty, ax tlie Halea duriior the paat t»o yeaix amply atteat, aud pentoua who In;i> e<>iit< iiiplat4 l ur liaj«'.iiir, ahould improve the pr> «< nt o|<i>-ctiiiilt>. is Tt ( HAS A Mcl ; I N. I4M i ,t. I^OR SALK IIW 111 U I II I L 1 1.1 1 FRONT lots near Dupobl Circle. CHAS A. McF.I'EN", Jel8-7t 1«*JU P«t I^olt SALE.SKA' 1.N DKSIKABI 1 I 11 s oN N! W llani|>Hhire avenue, at very tvanonalile pnc<«, auil accomuiodatuife- tcrii.a. CHAS. A. McKKF.N' JelS-Tt 14'J" f"«t. V^OR SALE.IA)T 37. SQI'ARK »»«SS«. VI *DMI, N £ A our. N<n t;i I apitol mm «.» etr>-< ta. a trood buaii cm corner. Price low, teruia eaa>. CHAS. A. MrKFF.S. jelS-11 14*JO F at. 1?OR s AIX- .A (iOOD LOT Fol; HI S1NI ss. oM we»t aide North Capitol st.. Ju«t north ol K *t.; thickly H**ttled neighborhood; m/> , W.tiilOO. Price low. !'. rina to auit. _JelK-7t _ CHAS. A. McKI EN. 14~rt Fit. I^OR SALE A VERY DKSIRAHLK LOl FoR I A! Ai ^ dlate iui|iroveineiit, on K. near N-rih t'apitol -t ; 07 Sil;I0 to wide alley. Fine opj.. .rtunii v ft>r it l> iiM«*. JelS-7t CHAS. A. Al. EI 1 N, 1 4-lt t «b IjHJR SALE.KAST HALF SOUAR1 77:1. Frontage .">!'l t«*et 4 inches <>n 4th «t. 104 leet s»v ini he* on M *t. " 144 leet S^ inched on I. ct. K),63<iw)URteet. One ol the t* it larp»iu« in tha nortoea^t part ol the city . Jelb-7t <11 AS. A. Mct l'UN. 1420 F »t. LMR SALE-SEA KRAL DESIRABLE FRONTAOES * for binlitinjc i'iiriHj>ea, northea»i, near H-anion Syliare. no betU-r opportunit} p'e«enled t<> builJ'-rv lo erect medium-priced houses in that part of the city CHAS. A. McKI EN, JelS-7t 14-,'OFiit. F*OR SALE.PROSPI criux- I HAVI REMAIN- in»r iniKold^UHt twelv< Lot* in M> l^ni*.hlin'« »ub- divi*ion. each. The future of this proi« rt> it assured beyoud all quewtiou by the advanc.- m pri. >4 aud saleti of aurrouiiUinK prois rt« for tne di^taui-e ol two mi lea. CHAS. A Moll IN, >'18-7t 14-.'«iE-t. yuKUIX-ABOOT 275.000 HQFARB 1111 O# J wrotnid in the il. e. section <-f the city, ii-ur ntr> -f cars. Fine opportunity lor aubdiviaion. only l'Jc. I-er foot, if aold this mouth. SWORMSTEDT ft BRADLEY. aplS-lm !i-.'7 I st n.w I^OR SALE.I HAVE KOI R M AI Til I K Al»- joiniu«r Lots 'J'J leet frout each by a d<-ptu of !«tl l<-et- MUrrotllMled by alle\s i>ml ati>*eta. <>n th« side ot P st., uear corner ol 'iOth at n w ..iir. . tlv ' | .>- c;te the residence ot Hon. Jane t O Hl*in<- This >t ii*. erty. if nc.ld at once, t an be ii ii\erc-a at the e\ti**moly low pruc ol tiS-.lo ier Rvjuar- foou J No. A. PRIX OTT. Jel4-llt 11 lii 1 «!. li iv. V^OR SAKK I.< HS-I HAVI t ill \\ III L M Itlts'k .>1 * situated at tie' north, ast corn.T f l'Jtli and LHts. s <.. 14<*tcet mi r.'th m. I>y H. :i L, and S7 lee t trffit on north aid. t 1.11^ Isrtw. - u 1'Jth and Kith sts s.e., by <l* plh ol lie.' ."i<l l«- t ail to |rood alleys.which 1 can sell as a w h'deat '_W | l ot. 4 No. A. I'Ki ts< ii| I, Jel4-llt 141(1 1 st n w. 1MR HALE VACANT OROFND IN VARIUL'S* oi the city. sUORMSTLDT ft BRAul.t l, t st. Je 11 Ui 1X)R KA1.E^ 1 Lo'l's on THE TKNKFYTOWN ROAD, OPPOSI TE PRESIDKNT «'KK\ KK.AND's ColTXTRV SKA 1 AND s>l AKliAN > CHI RCH. Staires will ruu shortly every hall hour Iimui Iltxh St.; fare. cents. Lots sold on easy terms. Monthly payments ac¬ cepted >.ti contracts I<.r d<-eda and del. rred |«) ni"iitt bear 5 per cent interest. '1 wenty lots have boua already sold. '1'hese lots immediately adjoin the Waehuigloa iuh. which will be open tor iruests Juno L Plat ot lota on ale in our office. John e. bkalk a co_ mvO-.lm 1.(21 F st. >R SALE.LOTS. l^ots 5 ft 0, blk. 15, H & E sub. dlv. Meridian Hill with fiaiues runtime ior * IS per month. Price 4'>c ,.r feu. It. Lots 47, 4S A 49, Denimon ft Leitrhtou sub. Uiv. Mm ndian Hill. 4t*c. Lots in s<4. 15*2 at 75c. Lots on Col um Gut road liet. 14th and 15th «ts. extends I. Lots in blks. 14, 15, l*i, 1H and "Al, Meridian Hill. Several fine lota ui Vhitney Close ft Mintwood 1'u.u aub. div. TYLER ft HKTHERFORD. my7-8w* 1','ai F str<«t north« st l^OR SALE.LOIS- THE NATIONAK CAPITAL A Investment Co., (Samuel H. talker, pr«siilei t. »i;ej Louisiana ave.. next door to City P.O.J A aiuabb- liuil.i- imr Lota lor aaus. bl<ecial terms to those who w ul build. myl^-3m The Xll SH For Our El<v*tit fiprinir and Smut Clothiue has commenced. Think care¬ fully. Decide wisely. Act promptly. Don't wait. Our Beautiful spring and hummer Ooods have come, and are«roiutf rapidly. In these days trood old-fash¬ ion honesty is rare, therefore you will ba pleased to see how we have combined old tune honesty in quality and price, wiui new, fresh styles In Men's and Boy's Clotliinir and Furnishing Goods. St j las the latest, quality excellent, prices low¬ est. Buyers cannot put their uione) m more liberal hands. You need not accept our statements as we back them with ^oods and prices. Our $12, SIS. $1(1 tints, must be seen: you cannot iuia«rtus Irom an advertisement. Can say ws have seen sui s sold at much mors money that will not hear comparison with these. Tailoring department on sscund ani thinl floors. % aoah WALKER a CO. my31 035 Pennsylvania svnon Are You Gtoinq On A Trip? If so, we can fit yon out la Clothing to rait your taste and purse. In PANTS our stock Is worthy at your In¬ spection. Prices, $3 to 97. In SUITS we have several styles st §10, All Wool and Fast Color. (Ws never handle goods that are not reliable.) In FINE SUITS, stub as yon wish to wear wh<tu visiting your Irisuda, our . nrliium Call and sss as. GEORGE SPRANKT.

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Post on 06-Oct-2020




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Page 1: Chronicling America « Library of Congress · LOCALMENTION. Th«- Mrnthrr. J>rl'mfim*fr>r Ih".'4 h  rommrn/Hnfnt1r». m. pnr theDintrift of i o nnMa, I '..'.aware,

LOCAL MENTION.Th«- M rnthrr.

J> rl'mfim* fr>r Ih".'4 h <r> rommrn/Hnf nt 1 r». m.pnr the Dint rift of i o nnMa, I '..'.aware, Marv-

laod ami Virginia, w<-sierly wind.-s becomingv rlaWe, Ur weather, aearly stationary temper¬ature.

Tea Gosmp, No. 7.I se He-No Tea becau-e 1' i* pur®. If you ques¬

tion it- purity. a>k your donor about It. Theli' -No Tea of >7, now b» ing sold all over the city,b t he best you ever dr ink.

If you like fln»- flavor la tea, then try He-No.1;» flavor is the natural one, and the teiof 87 lbta«* you ever drank.Every cent of tiv cost of He-No Tea Is to be

f un ! in the drinking <iaallil>-*. Nothing L-. paidX >r appearance. Try th Tea of "KT. It may sur-prt>»- yon. Farmer.-*, buy your tea litce yoi buy»!. >.- ..f" he la a w'ood worker. iie-No1 ; \m.i do twenty-tour boon' work a day andi Tire. YuU wiil be surprised when you tryt *h7.Pure tea like He-No Is a great temperanceT a ;. r. if will do more good than talking, audt ue tea Of \Y7 Is the best of alLPure tea Is the poor man's friend. It Is economyt i'.h-ii ii.Pi timesaday; It in.ikes food go tar- The He-No of >7 is better than ever before,cue trial will satisfy you of the truth of this.

.MaHTIN GlLLET & CO.,Established 1811,Baltimore, M J.

$2.5 IUBY C AKKlA'.fc for $1N.50. S. Horowitz, 7307< h street.

Bargains In odd suits ut George Spransy's.Twelve Dollar Blue suits reduced to $7.50, at

Nathan L. Kosenberg'a, 5u5 7th street northwest.Reduced to fio suits that are sold by other

ri a.-r-at il?\ at Kiskmkn Bros"., manufacturingt.'jthlers aud tailors, eor. 7th aud E.Uahn s Make Down No. 3

begins to-morrow.Greatest Bargains ever known In Reliable Foot¬


Keg. DownTrice. Price.

Gents' finest Custom-made Low ShoesIn any style $4.50 $3.60

<ient.s fine Low Shoes :k25 ~.4jt.enulne Caif, Low Ties and Button.... 2.40 l.iH)H and-welt serviceable Low shoes. 1.75 1.351 i-xible Low Shoes for office wear 1.25 wsLatMOlthlllwl Mm Ties. 3.00 SUBLotus' patent trimmed Oxfords 2.00 1.48lkr.-t hand-sewed Newports, with lowheels and broad toes 2.00 1.48

La li>~>' hand-made oxfords, commonsen-e or opera shape 1.35 98

Oxiorl Ties, patent'leather tips Lii i*0Dami-m i.!e Kid Oxford- 1.00»wllongo.a ixld opera slip rs, French heeL 1.00 70


816 7th st. and 1U22 Pa. ave.IIam tick. 14 feet long, for 77 cents, at S.

IIiiKuiUii, 7ikJ 7th street.

?n l^isvi vsauGg for $7.50, at S. Horowitz,7iU^irt:ou

Cnn.PKrVs Srrrs reduced to $2.50 that otherst-'Hi al $a.5U. L'Sr.MAN Bros"., cor. 7th and £.N. Kkv; .n s. >ons. corner 12th st. and renn.

nve.. t ni;-..i- li-t.-^, vianlcure, and Dermatologists.Corns an 1 i>un;-;ia 25 cents each, open until »p. in.

?is Ba»t Cahriae for $12, at S. Horowitz, 730TthMM i.

5"n'i <.;; >! vr Coat and Vest $1.50, atN-.i^.^n L. >;. g's, 505Tth strett northwest.

,\ it.;e Boys*Suit reduced to$5 which1 i dl . Ue ip at $8.50. RiskXAJf Bros'.,luuuuut iiu T", cor. 7till and E.Fine Link .>- Fancy Straw Mattings at 13V and

IV. per j .ad. W. B. Moses & Son.$1.2." H immock, 14 feet long, guaranteed to hold

t>«> ponnuo, 7 7 cents, at s. Horowitz, 730 7th st.Twkntv-uve Dollar Prince Albert Scits re¬

duces to $14.75. Nathan L. Rosenberg, 505 7th n.w.

New style In summer clothlng. Geo. Spransy.Just Received a new lot of Garner's French Per-

c ne Shirts, 3 collars and 1 pair of cutis with eachshirt. Price, $1.50. Franc's. Cor. 7th and D.

. >rncs <"oats, fast colors, 25c. Nathan L. Roa-enlierg, 5o5 7th street northwest.For spring lamb and Washington dressed beef

to to jJLa K. keily, stall tS2«. 62» and »;30 centerL-^iiwet, and 206 and 208 Northern Liberty market.Reduced to $10 suits that other dealers offer as

Ixugaina al $15, at Kiskhas Brus'., corner 7thand £.Twxntt P7R Cent Saved by buying your boys'

clothing at Nathan L. Rosenberg's, 505 7th St. n.w.Uumas artificial eyes. Hempler's, 453 Pa. ave.

CITY AND DISTKICT.Imnwiuenio T<fnigltk

Albaugh's.."La Belle Helene."National.."A Night In Venice."LtRNAN's Variety.Harris'.."Sam'l of Posen."Manassas Panorama..Day and evening.

Condensed local*.At the commencement of Mt. St. Agnes Acad¬

emy, at Mt. Washington, Baltimore County, Md.,ye sterday, the gi'Id medal in the senl-ir class of« nrlstlan doctrin^ was awarded to Miss .\lecla0 Toole, of this city. Rev. T. B. Hughes, of thiscity, was among the clergymen present.At the eomnieneement <>f St. Joseph's Academy,Emmetabuiv, Md., ye-terday. Miss Mary F. Joyce,01 this city, was among the graduates and re¬

ceived a goldmedaLY^teraay afternoon Mary ^Vh!te, alias HennyW hue, ln<ilcred for housebreaking, was convicted

in the criminal Court.In iho published list of eighth-grade pupils cer-

tlfi- d for admission to the HUh School, the names«.: Mi^'cie I nderwootl and Mary Gl^eson. of school2, division 4, M. E. Martin, teacher, were omitted,

v. .i.. Andrew F'vem in Lodg" c». L. o. O. F., has

>uglJ. sends ear'.r copies of Harper'sv, intMy an< 1 s.-rlbn-r'-. M tgazln>- for July.\ ,t».re Is *lv-c through the advertising columnsit The star by twenty retail cigar dealers that

ttf-v will clo->e th-ir places of business on Sun-. ; . tbe8st .ire added tae names of three

v. b agree t > close t* 3 o'clock on that day.Ta "Hubert Downing Saakspeare Club,. hasl»- n ; riufl ironi among High Scuool pupils with: ng PTCStdent, Karl Pecker;

Its, M 9S H. M. La.inb and 1C. W.s.Tt-i-rei ir> and treasurer, le K. I pton.H*-nry K. Bishop, the new excursion steamert run to Lower Cedar Point, has arrived from.Vw lorlL The steamer, which Ls 220 feet long."Attn i«.t U* tin, lu's new anu powerful engines,and it i=> exi>ectea v. iii make Its trip In very lasttl!U''.

lhe r urh '-litIon of the "Washington City1 .-'a. "j1.!.!.*,'' has just been c<jmplet»-L a copy ofv.unheal t»: obtali.'-d en appiicailon to 1'ost-l. .- i »nger or any letter-carrier.

f. -waid \\ illlams, a colore^l beil-boy at the Me-tr .v.iltan lIot»l, given«0 days In Jail by Judge.1 U:-ua> lor assaulting hi(Lard Tyler, a col¬or -<l porter in ih*i same hotel, with a stick oiwind.

Tii ~e who l«'ave the city durlDg the summer can1 r.e iar. star mailed to theia rorany length oft. e, and the address . han»<ed as often as dealn^d.

;<aL*=«;rlpUon muat be invariably paid in ad-Vance.


Kr. ">Vkui.t Star's Pocket Atlas of the World isoffer direr to every new subscriber for one year toi ..' W tta'.r star. It !s a handsomei/ printedb1191 puge-s profus.-ly illustrat-ai, with moret: nxt colored map .ma diagrams, and containsn .vea.tli of g> ncrai inr^ruiatioc. bee advertise¬ment il anotiier column.

A Niirtn Anml off Two Children*tme bovstaekn Him! ruKiR Lirri.E bed to assweb

A iH.-.KSL OK TUKOW1.NU STONES.La-t rl^lit about 11:15 o'clock O^iceri Ellsworth

a.. 1 (iorduo entered the sixth precinct station, fol¬low i by two small colored boys and their father,th«- R- v. Mr. Anderson, p .stor of Oalbraith chapel,and h.s yjn-. Jo^-ph and Harvey, aged respectivelyeight and nine yeans. The boys w -re prisoners inti - hands of the law. 'i >iey entered the stationr .bbtng their ;¦> ey«s as they had at that late1. ir ji-st !>een t »k»-n irom th»-lr little beds. Theyr mistered, a..-i tne oitf ers produced a warrant« .urging ti:> m vith throwing stones. Why the. iT: ers v.-em '.'ter tne boys at -ujh a late hour no-b«>i> kiiov.s, uni -^s th > were afraid mat the>o ing ones woual follow n4e example of the"boucue aluermen" anu s».lp to Canad;u The war¬rant against ti:e boys sworn tiut by Marias n irn»rig, of No. 44.^ W ishlngton street, who re-Md a :ie\i iloor to ihe-m. Tl.e b>j> s weredetalu'^l att-i station «»nly a few minutes, when a $5 notewas leit collateral, and they were permitted tore*urn to tneir cols, 'i his mornln,-, in the police«. urt, the case w ,vs calleU to tiie attention ofJudge sn»-.l, and Mr. Hewlett entered a plea of-l ¦: gui:t> witn» w»-re heanl for the pn^se-CUtK»u, and the defenUanis were calie-i, one oft iem a.! outing pitching a small stotie at thep oao uwng witness after the latter had struckmm. The other one denied throwing a stone.Tt;eir la: :irr waitcalled to testify u> wnat occurredat ills lio »>e last night.Mr. Poux'-t ted, and the court thought it

L ..i n thinK t > u<» witn tnat matter, and deennedto near iii' testimony.

> r. Hewlett said he only wanted to snow thatt m-mile chiMreti were dragged out of bed at 11ov.ock U-t nighl w hike their laiher was al church.T- - ourt d'-ciined to hear the testimony, otherwutes....^ !entitled 1>T the defens»*, and the courtV joa tne personal bonds of tne bo> s.

"he Meeki.t star's Pocket Atlas of the WorldJs orTereU ln-»- to ev«-ry new subscriber for one yearti ,n.* witKkL^ star. It 1m a handsomely printedLook of iui pages, profusely illustrated, with morethan 100 colored mapn and diagrams, and containsa waiih of general lDlormaUon. see advertise¬ment in another column.

A Positive Auction Sale of splendid lnvest-n.*-:,t real estate, next to corner u and 1st streetsn rihwtnt, taae> ploee to-morrow, Saturday, at tip.m..&ee advertisement.

Suburban Pbopkrtt on 10th street extended,' i nfitf avenoe,.30,000 square feet,.wiut- aoui to-morrow at 6 p.m. I»y Dun< anson, ground overlook.* tne city and ls rapluiy 1in*

prvving. .

Attractiti Sale or Hordes..Thomas Dowling*sKale ot horees to-morrow ai 12 o'clock, In front ofhu auction rooma, ls worthy the attention of pri¬vate buyers as well as contractors. See advertise,meni lor particulars.


The CImIok Exercicn To-day off St.John'* C ollege*The annual commencement, of St. John's Collesre

took place l his morning at Harris' Bijou Theater.The theater was tilled with the friends of the col¬lege ard the students. The exercises of the pre¬paratory and college classes were combined. Thedatamations and the essays were of a most cred¬itable character. The following was the program:Preparatory classes: Overture, "Eureka," Boett-

ger; Truth and Beauty, Dennis V. Murphy; TheSack of Luna, Win. C. Gwynn; selection,"The Army Chaplain," Milloecker; The GreekPartisan, Wm. Garland; You Put no Flow¬ers on Papa's Grave, Walter D. Nolan;aria. "Forgot Me Not," Suppe; The Rescueor chlcago, Albert T. Ryan; llarmosan, Chas. F.tarusi; xylophone solo, "Irene,' Arodt; Rescuedfrom the River, Wm. J. ScanIon; The Death song«»r an Indian Chief, Owen J. Clarke; selection,"Martha,"' classes: The English In Ireland, essay,

Jno. J. Nolan; march, "The Standard Bearer,"Faust; The church and Civilization, essay, Jno. J.Clark.-; selection, "Gasparone," Mllloecker; Cata-ilne Expelled, ttUaline, Edw. J.Walsh, Cicero,Jno. J. Nolan; IdyL "The Shepherd Boy," Wilson;A Page from the History of Spain, essay, Fred F.Murr; Comlque Patrol, Ellenberg.Granting of Diplomas; Address, Hon. Zach.

Montgomery, assistant attorney general; galop,"The Amaranth," Gounod.HONORS AND MEDALS.

Honors were conferred In the college classes asfollows: Diplomas In course.Jno. J. Clarke,Frederick F. Marr, Jos. T. Ferry; commercialdiplomas.Jno. J. Nolan, Francis H. Daly,Michael F. Brennan, Jno. F. Costello, Ed¬ward J. Walsh. Medals were awarded In the col¬lege classes as follows: A gold medal for mathe¬matics and phonography to Jno. J. Clarke; a goidmedal for English studies to Frederick F. Mair; agold medal lor elocution to Jno. J. Nolan; a goldmedal lor excellence In his studies to Wm. F. Wal¬ter; a gold medal for Latin, Greek, and French toMichael A. Keane; a gold medal for excellence inhis studies to owen J. Clarke; a medal for mathe¬matics to Wm. J. Scanlon. In the preparatory de¬partment medals were awarded as follows: Amedal for Christian doctrine to Garrett Sullivan;medals for excellence to Wm. C. Gwynn, MichaelGuiney, jno. M. l'oloni, and Jos. E. DowelL pri¬mary department: A medal for excellence wasawarded to Win. A. U11L

Ciood Hope Institute.The commencement exercises of Good Hope In¬

stitute, at Anacostia.Miss A. T. L. Watklns, prin¬cipal.came oft yesterday afternoon in the pres¬ence of the families and friends of the pupils. Theexercises were rendered by the members of the In¬stitute, assisted by Miss Cecil F., of Wash-lngton, as pianist. The program comprised vocaland Instrumental music, recitations, dialogues,and a valedictory. At the close of the exercisesthe awards were distributed by the Rev. J. M. E.McKee to the following pupils: Misses May Elcli-elberger (the valedictorian and first graduate, thegold medal, &e\), Carrie Golden, Sallie Wortiilng-ton, Mary R. Peters, and L. E. Elohelberger, andMasters George A. Padgett, Harry W. crosier, GuyB. Elcheiberger, .Milton Pole, and Brooke M» Ridge-way.

SC. Tlatthew'ii School.The closing exercises of St. Matthew's school

were held yesterday. An interesting programwas carried out in a creditable manner by thepupils. The pretty operetta of "The Berry-Pickers" was rendered In excellent style. Theprincipal characters were taken by Miss M.Graves, E. Sherman, M. Robinson. J. McGuire, M*pus-, c. Granlger, K. Hanley, M. o'Connor, M. Meouade and L. Doyle. Misses M. Young and M.O'Connor rendered the Instrumental music. Theclosing remarks were made by Rev. Dr. P. L.chapelle. Honors and premiums were distributedas follows: First premium in second Junior classof catechism, arithmetic, spelling, geography,w riling, grammar, history and reuuing, to MissesMaude O'Brien, Carrie Granlger, Mary Draley,Agnes Kelley, Annie Campbell, Mary Crowley,Miry Weigand, Maggie Mcliueeney, MaryO'Keefe, Agnes Buckholtz, Rosalie Hilton, MamieDraley, Mary C. Murray, Mary N. Morlarlty, MaryE. Frisby, Mary Kelly, Delia Ganley, Maggie Han¬ley, Lizzie McCormlc.First premium In mlnum class of catechism,

arithmetic, reading, geography, spelling, andwriting to Misses Laura Hughes, Mamie Hughes,Katie Fn=>by, Minnie Boyer, Sadie Crowley, MaryCampbell, Pauline Ratlgan, Emma Evans, BlancheFowler, Irene creveline, Lillle O'Brien, Josie Car¬roll, Maggie Skelley, Mary Relley, Nellie Bennet,Lillle Walsh, Sarah Waisb, Mary Callaghan, Mag¬gie Leonard, Gerty MIckuoi, Lizzie Skelley, NellieDraley, Annie McGuire, Mamie Clark, Mary Rider,Rosle Lainkln, Maggie Buckley, Clara Hanley, Ma¬mie Shea, Maggie uraley, Vlrgie Mlckum, WillieShea, Jos. Jonnson, Geo. Fowler, and FrankClark.First premium in first division. Senior class of

Christrlan doctrine, grammar, rhetoric, algebra,mental and practical arithmetic, philosophy,scripture and United States history, reading,writing, and bookkeeping.Misses Mattle Purcell,Mary O'Connor, Mamie Young, Ella Sherman,Maggie Robinson, May Graves, Mamie Donoghue,Katie Clancey, Mary Mc^viade, Marlon Poss, MaryMurphy, Mary Mlnior. and Mary Purcell.Second division, Christian doctrine, arithmetic,

grammar, geography, Bible and United States his¬tory, spelling, reading, and penmanship, toMisses Lizzie Doyle, Romania Watson, Rosie Clark,Nellie Ryan, Nellie Barry, Nora canty, Katie Han¬ley, Mabel Edwards, Rosle McGulness, MaryBurke, Birdie Hurley, Lizzie McArdle, and SarahMcMahon.Third division. Christian doctrine, arithmetic,

grammar, history, geography, reading, spelling,and writing.Misses Nellie Bannagan, MaggieNelson, Mary Colliere, Mary Mooney, Ella Young,Susie Bannagan, Katie Parker, Nellie McNalley,Daisy Harvey, Mary Walsh, Winnie Ganley, JuliaMcGuire, Ella Kilmartln, Joanna cox, Susie Cum¬berland, Fannie Nelson, Katie Clark, and AnnieMctyiade.special premiums were awarded as follows:

Christian doctrine, Miss Mamie Donoghue; arith¬metic, Miss Miry O'Connor; history, Miss MamieYoung; algebra. Miss Ella Sherman; Scripturehistory, Miss Katie Clancy; mental arithmetic,Miss Maggie Robinson; vocal music, Miss MarlonPoss: grammar. Miss Mary Murphy; bookkeeping,Miss Mary Mct^iade; attendance. Miss Nellie Bar¬ry; attendance, Miss M;iggie Nelson; singing, MissCarrie Granlger. Gold medals presented by Mr. L.Morrlsey, In senior department, for general excel¬lence awarded to Ml-s Mattle Purcell; amlaole de¬portment, Miss Lizzie Doyle; lessons. Miss Roma¬nia Watson; penmanship, Miss Nelly Barry.Second division.Oeaeral excellence, Miss Mabel

Edwards; lessons. MlsS Rosie McGinness.Third division.conduct, Miss Mary Kelly; at¬

tendance, Mary callaghan.The Kittenhou»e Academy.

The closing exercises of Rlttenhouse Academytook place at the school-rooms, on Indiana ave¬nue, yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Prof. Wightwa- highly complimented by the large number offriends and relatives of the students who werepresent, on the progress of his pupils during thepast year. A very interesting pr< -gram, consistingor recitations and a mock debate, was furnishedby the boys. Wright Rives, Jr., spoke "The Angelsof Buena Vista," and Samuel J. Kandail, Jr., gave"Home and Carthage" with much effect. "1 hePar1 in? of Maruilon and Douglas" was si>oken byRichard T. Merrick, and "candesllna's Standard"by Robert \. Inch. A mock debate, the subject ofWhich was, "Are the Mental Capacitiesof the sexes Equal?' was participated inby Harrison J. 'leiler, Armlstead Pe'er, Jr.,Franck H. Gray, Robert A. Inch, H. Bruce Teller,W. Scott Sclilev, G. Freeland Peter, A. E. 11. Mld-dleton, B. K**nnon Peter, Joseph Macfarland,Wright Rives, Jr., Richard T. Merrick. Samuel J.Randall, jr., and W. H. Duncanson. The debate,of course, was decided In the affirmative, and ex-dted lnu.-h laughter. Then Arthur Peter spoke..tlcero Against Wrres," and Armlstead Peter, Jr.,spoke "The Three Days of Columbus." "AmericaUnconquerable." aj>oken by Ralph Hamilton, and"Union and Liberty," by Joseph Macfarland, wereeacn received with much applause. Mr. Wight,in a short speech, pre.-x-ntcd the prizes to the suc¬cessful pupils. Joseph Macfarland received theDrst and Arthur Peter the second scholarshipprl/e. Prizes for excellence in recitations weregiven to B.Kenuon Peter,Alvah Godding and Free-land Pel er. Prizes for punctuality throughoutthe entire year were given to Armlstead Peter,Kennon peter, H .rrlson Teller and Bruce Teller.Robert Inch received the reward lor excellence indeportment.Among the patrons present were the Hon. Saml

J. Randall, commodores Greer and Schley andcapt. Inch, of the Navy: Dr. W. W. Godding, Col.Wright Rives, M. F. Morris, esq., (guardian ofRichard T. Merrick), Dr. J. B. Hamilton and Hon.Geo. Peter, of Bockvilie, Md.

The Victorious TVe*».Washington beaten bv l>ktkoit, boston bt INDIAN¬

APOLIS, AND NEW YOKE BY riTTSBCKO.The Washington* yesterday lost their third

successive game to the hard-hitting Detrolts. Itwas an improvement over the two previous con¬tests, however, lor the statesman put the Wolver¬ines on their mettle, and the result was a score of4 to 2. The Detrolts made 8 hits and 4 errors, andthe visitors the same number of errors and butone less hit. O'Duy pitched very effectively, andl)ealy caught without an error. Daily, the newman from Philadelphia, played right held.

OTHER UAHLS YESTERDAY.Philadelphia and Chicago played thirteen Inn¬

ings, and each side had scored 7 runs when dark¬ness stopped the game. Boston and Indianapolisbad a ten-Inning contest, and the Hooslers cameout ah-ad, 10 to », while the New York Giants gota check from Pittsburg, 3 to 2.There were three American Association games.Baltimore won irom the Athletics, 0 to 4, and theSt. Louis Champions kept company with a victoryover Cleveland. 11 to 3. Cincinnati held Its win¬ning gait by beating Louisville, 3 to LFollowing is the standing of the clubs to date:

NATIONAL LEAGUE.Won. Lost.! Won. Lost.Detroit 31 12

Boston 29 JtiNew York 26 20chlcago 23 18

Philadelphia., so 24Pittsburg 10 23Washington.. 14 25Indianapolis.. 12 33

ATOUCAM ASSOCIATION.Won. Lost. Won. Lost.St. Louis 38 13 Brooklyn. 25 20Baltimore 30 10

Cincinnati.... 30 23Athletic 20 24

Louisville. 23 23Metropolitan^ 12 :i4Cleveland 12 37

Me. Eon's New Hotei.M. L. Eder, of this city,is having T. F. Schneider, the architect, prepareplans for a new hotel to be erected at Ocean Grove,N. J. The building will be designed In the oldcolonial style. It will occupy a ground space 120by 80 feet and will be nve stories high. Tne siteadjoins Mr. Sder's present house, the "'Waverly," aname which Mr. Eder win carry with him to thenew building. It Is about 100 feet from the beach,and Its towers, antique gables, high-pitched roofs,balconies, quaint chimney tops and verandas willgive a a striking appearance.


The Colored Tenant and His Nelfhbwabreatly Perplexed.


The inmates of the brick house on the northwestcorner ot 4# street and Missouri avenue are keptin a constant state or trepidation day and night bythe mysterious antics of some invisible agencies.The bouse is kept as a hotel by Pendleton, a col¬ored man, who, when guests are scarce and busi¬ness dull, adds to his earnings by cobbling. Aboutthe only occupants at present are Pendleton, hisfamily, and one or two assistants. Until veryrecently unusual quiet bad prevailed about thepremises for several months. A failure toprocure a renewal of the license compelledthe closing of the bar-room three orfour months ago, and after thatthe house seemed to lose Its attractions for its for-mer colored patrons. Several nights ago the In¬mates were startled at a sound betokening a crashot glassware Just outside the house, several ofthem ran out to the Missouri avenue side, but theywere glad to scurry back into the house. Therewas a sort ofHAIL STORM OF GINGER-POP AND 80DA-WATER BOTTLESfalling around the house. The bottles apparentlycame flying over the bouse from the north side,and to that side, where there is a yard Inclosed bya very high wall, Pendleton and his associateshastened with the view of ascertaining what forcepropelled the bottles. There was nobody in theyard, and, to the surprise and terror of Pendletonand his family, the shower of bottles begun to fallin the yard as If thrown from thestreet. The missiles were not confined tobottles, but brickbats, whole bricks, piecesof old iron, stones, &c. were sent flying over theljotise, flrst from on<* side and then from the other.This was kept up at intervals during the entirenight. Every now and then residents of adjoininghouses would be awakened by the crash of bottles,apparently Jailing from a height of 60 or 70 feet tothe pavement below. Early next morning almostthe entire neighborhood gathered around thehouse,

endeavoring TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY.The presence of a crowd did not check the myste¬rious thrower, who had muscle euough to projectbottles and other missiles over a large three-storyhouse. When a Star reporter arrived at the cor¬ner of Missouri avenue and4# street, about 8 a.m.,there were at least twenty persons assembled. Inan instant a whirring noise caused everybody tolook up. and In another instant a pop-bottle de¬scended with a crash to the pavement. It had ap¬parently come from the other side of the house..Next a piece of iron gas-pipe, weighing about twopounds, came flying over the house. The crowddivided, some going to the yard on the oppositeside. The missiles continued to fly, flrst from oneside and then the other. Pendleton and one ortwo others who went to the roof declared thatwhile up there they saw the bottles aud other ob¬jects flying over the top.The star reporter made an examination of the

f(remises. The sidewalk on Missouri avenue wasiierully covered with the lragments of brokenbottles. The pavement of the yard on the oppo¬site side presented a similar spectacle.

PENDLETON THINK9 IT IS SPOOKS."Who is doing this7" Tuk Star reporter asked.Pendleton."Fo' God, I wlsht I knowed, sah. I

dunno what ter make outen' It. I'se done all Icould to fine out, but It beats ine. Tain't no humanhan's as duz It, dat I kno.' Wliar's de man datcould fling a bottle over dls hyar house? Dat'swhat I'd like ter know. Dey ain't nary man llvln'kin do it."Pendleton, with a countenance betraying fear

and anxiety, picked up a piece of iron gas pipe andsaid: "See dls hyar. Well, It's been over dis hous'mo'en twenty times, fus one way, den de udder.I tuk dls (the gas pipe) and dls hyar (another pieceof iron), and I put dem in my room and look de do'.Fo" God, by de time I got outen de house agin, deybote cum a flyln' ober agin. Dey was gon' from deroom, but de do' was still locked. I went In dar tosee."

BOTTLES WHICH GOT OCT OF A CLOSED ROOM.The bottles used, Pendleton says, were his.

Some of them were In the basement and some inthe hall of the flrst floor. He declared that whenhe discovered that the mysterious agency wasdestroying his bottles, he took those that wereleft and put them In a room."But that didn't make no difference," he con¬

tinued, "Dey got 'em Jis de same."The reporter suggested that somebody was play¬ing pranks on Pendleton, perhaps with the view

of running him out of the house."Den it's de smartes' sumbody dat eber I see,"he replied. "Kase we bin watcliln' de top o' de

house an on bofe sides, and still de bottles keepon a flyln'." He declared that he took some of thebottles In a room and shut the door and that be¬fore he could turn round the bottles "was 'Jls dungon' and a flying' ober de house."The top of the house can only be reached by

means or a ladder from the attic of Pendleton'shouse, through a trap in the roof. All of the bottlesIn Pendleton s place were thrown and destroyed,but the bottle shower continued last night. Whena Star reporter visited Pendleton this morning lievowed he dlnd't know where the bottles now beingused are procured from. He and his family aresatisfied that It is a supernatural agency that isannoying them, and nothing can shake their be¬lief.

A SHOWER OF WATER FROM A DRV ROOM.Early this morning several of the family were in

a room on the flrst floor, when suddenly a quantityof water, perhaps several gallons, came through ahole In the celling and floor above through whicha stove pipe projected in cold weather. Pendletonvowed there was no water in the upper room, aftdtook the reporter up there to show him thatthere was not only no water In that room, but novessel there that would hold water. He says thatthere was no chance tor anj outsider to have gotInto the upner room. The yard Is well protectedby a wall over which only a cat could climb, sothat Pendleton is certain no mischievous Intrudercould ever have entered there. The flying missileshave been seen by numerous Individuals, and thegeneral opinion is that some person must havebeen concealed upon the roof. But, as Pendletonmaintains, it Is hard to explain, in the flrst place,how any person. Intent upon fun or revengecould have got to the root, aud In the seconc.

Elace It is more difficult to explain how he couldave procured the bottles In such numbers rrom

the lower floors without being seen. Many In thevicinity have made up their inlnds that the house13 "haunted."

The Fire Yesterday..A lire which broke outyesterday arternoon at the residence of Mr. W. F.Guindou, (rjl D street, as mentioned in The Star,was much more disastrous than at flrst reported.Mr. Gulndon was absent at the lime, but Ills wire,a delicate lady, rushed through the flames, close<,doors and windows to shut off the drart, audthereby prevented greater damage, but she wasseverely burned about the race in her efforts. Theclothing of Mr. Guindou and tamlly, including hischildren's wardrobes, was so damaged as to bepractically useless, together with thtir householdtoods. The damage to the house, which Is ownedby Mr. Stllson HutchIns, is estimated at andMr. Guindou puts the whole loss at $1,050. Theprompt arrival or the tire department and the skilland vliror with which the lormer worked pre¬vented in all probability a very extensive confla¬gration.Washington Clergymen Attend a Ceremony

in Bai.timork..In Baltimore yesterday Kev. Ber¬nard J. .Mc.uanus, pas', or ot St. John's Catholicchurch, Eager and Valley streets, was Investedwith the rank and Insignia ol a monslgnor. Theceremony .was performed by Cardinal Gibbons.Among the clergy In attendance were Revs. Je¬rome Dougherty, P. L. Chapelle, P. Burch, F. P.Kervlck, J. F. Macktn, J. McNaliy, J. F. Donohue,G. W. Devlne, J. Walter, and s. Ryan, of this city.The papal brief creating Father McManus a mon-slgnor was read during the ceremony by Rev. Dr.Chapelle, of this city, both In Latin and English.




ABSOLUTELY PUREThis Powder never varies. A marvel of parity,

strength and wholesomenesa. Mora economical thanthe ordinary kind*, and cannot be sold in competitionwith the multitude of low testa, short weight, alum or

phosphate powders. Solo only ix Caw* RoyalBajumo towuut wo., loo Wall aurooi. -x. a.

Special Notice.During the months of June, July and Auguststrictly cash customers who bur i5.00 or over in L>nrGood« will receive a pair of handsome DAMASKTOWELS. These elegant Towels are all pure linen,very hue quality, immense size, one yard and a quar-ter long, aud decorated with a handsome wide border,worth 41 a pair.BARGAINS. BARGAINS. BARGAINS.

DRY GOODS AT ACTUAL COST.BEAUTIFUL LAWNS, nearly one yard wide, finestquality, worth lyV-» reduced to 8c.BEAUTIFUL LAW XS, new styles, 5c.FRENCH LAWNS, 15c.LINEN LAWNS, loc.FIGURE l> SATINEH, In short ends, worth 25c., re¬duced to 10c.BEAUTIFUL LACE DRBS8 GOODS, immensewidth, double the width of single width dress goods,all pure wool, worth 75c., reduced to 37jfc.CRINKLED GINGHAMS, beautiful styles, worth12tec., reduced to 7}fc.ALBATROSS, pure wool, wide double width, worth50c , reduced to 57 tec.FANCY SILKS, 37M.40and45c.BLACK SUKAH SILKS, cash value, S7tec. reducedto ay tec.BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, in Plaids. 8tripe*

A kmh S"*L tAh i c. 1*1S>23 711 MARKET SPACE. NEAR7XH SZ.


Important Arrests by a Special Afeatof tlte Pension Office*


There have recently appeared In Thb Star andother papers accounts of the payment of $13,000pension arrearages to an old and sightless soldierknown as "Blind" Patterson, of Elmira, N. Y., andthe subsequent discovery that the claim was afraudulent one. It appears that Dr. Robt. X. Mills,formerly of Greene County, Va., and well knownIn this city for some years past, was the agent Inthe case. It Is alleged that he promised a man$1,000 to make a certain false affidavit in the case,which affidavit was made; and that after Millshad secured the bulk of Patterson's money he leftNew York, neglecting to pay this $1,000, and thatthe affiant gave Information of the fraud. Thepolice department In this city received a telegramon the 17th Inst., asking that Mills be arrested.Detectives carter and Malion ascertained that Dr.Mills had been at the St, James Hotel that morn¬ing, but had left on the Sou! hern tralD. Surmis¬ing that he was on his way to his former home InGreene County, they gave the Information to thePension office. One of the special agents of thatomce. Mr. Jacobs, left here Wednesday and foundthat Mills and his wife and Jno. Laldlow, a shoe¬maker, who Is alleged to have made the otherfraudulent affidavit, had Joined Mills the day afterhis arrival In Greene county, and that they wereall at the house of a sister of Mills, 14 miles fromOrange Court-House. Calling In the aid of SheriffHlcketts, of Orange County, the arrest of Dr. Mills,Mrs. Mills and Laldlow was effected. Mr. Jacobs,with the sheriff and Mr. Waltork, arrived In thiscltv with the prisoners last night, and tney weretaken to the Sixth Precinct station an-1 the twomen were locked up. There was found on Mrs.Mills' person $650, and It was ascertained that Dr.Mills had paid off a mortgage of $1,700 on Illshotel in New York, and had bought a farm for hissister In Greene county, Virginia. Mrs. Mills as¬serts that she knew nothing of Dr. Mills' connec¬tion with the case, aDd did not know there wasany suspicion of wrong about It till she read thestatements In the papers last Sunday week. Dr.Mills does not deny Ills connection with the case,but asserts that as far as he was concerned therewas no fraud about It, and that he can satisfac¬torily explain everything, and adds tnat he Isanxious for a speedy and lull investigation. Thetwo men will be taken by the officers to Elmira to¬day. Mrs. Mills Is not held in custody, but willlikely go with her husband.

?Should Not Curtail the Time.

To the Editor of The Evening Stab:It Is respectfully suggested that there are two

sides to every question, and the District commis¬sioners will do the fair thing if they consider theside of the people before they make any suchorder as that said to be advocated by the waterdepartment under which the use of street sprink¬lers would be restricted to thirty minutes. Thoseof our citizens occupying corner houses cannotsprinkle their lawns In the time named. If thereis abuse in the use of water there is a remedy, andit should be applied by the police. Your sensibleeditorial advocating cleanliness during the hotmonths was probably based upon the assumptionthat there was an abundance of water availablehere, but the proposed order of the water boardlooks as though a water famine was Impending.Tne Potomac still flows by our doors; we havewater works which cost, heaven only knows howmany millions; we pay large taxes, and think weare entliled to something more than thirty min¬utes' use of the water in hot weather. If the hon¬orable water board will condescend to receive asuggestion I would invite Its attention to the wasteof water in the Government Departments, navy-yard, engine houses, hotels and the somewhat toofrequent breaks in pipes put down under the su¬pervision of water board officials, as subjects moreworthy of attention than occasional use of streetsprinklers. G* W. M.

CITY ITEMS.An Advertisement Worth Reading*If you get the chance!!!Won't you buyv Saturday only:Nice clear crystal tumblers for 3c.Large painted cuspadors for 9c.Seven pin hat rack for 4c.Ten pin hat rack lor He.Extra large scrub brush for 9c.50 clothes pins for 5c.Good wooden potato mashers 3c.Mexican grass hammock for 98a10 piece English-decorated toilet set for$2.3&3 piece decorated tin toilet set for 98c._6 French China cups and saucers for 75c.2-strlng broom for 9c.; 3-string for 14c.An elegant 4 string broom for 21c.Extra large-block tin dish pan 32c.Handsome cut glass berry sets 08c.Crystal salt ana pepper shakers 5c.Unique and new single tumbler trays 10c.Square shape colored berry saucers 5c.Colored glass berry bowls only 29c.Covered chamber palls In colors only 25c.Red folding garden chairs only 75c.Ash folding garden chairs only 69c.Japanned dust pan and brush for 17c.Whisk broom, blacking and shoe brush for 21c.Modern shades on patent tollers for 29c.Above goods on sale Saturday only.Above goods on sale Saturday only.

At Thb Fair, H12 7th st. n. w.,(Goldschmld's eld stand).

Baby carriages at reduced prices.Kefrigerators at reduced prices.Trunks at reduced prices.Have you read all the Items?The Fair, 812 7th st. n.w.,

1 Franele & Co., Proprietors.Gents' Percale Shirts,with2 Collar*,50c.At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th <e H. 1

We are Offering fine old rye whisky(straight from the distillery), $2.50, $3 and $3.50per gallon, according to age and quality. Black¬berry brandv (Gordon & Dilworth'a), 75c. per l»ot-tle; a splendid article to have In the house duringwarm weather; a bottle may save a doctor's bill;secure a bottle. We have also secured tor thesummer trade a small cigar for a short smoke;gentlemen who smoke will do well to secure asupply for to-morrow; 5c. straight. Zinfaudelclaret, California Riesling wine, sugars strictly atcost. See advt. In Critic paper for other articles.

N. T. Metzgkk & Bro.,1 417 7th St. n.w.

"Gents' Ribbed Bicycle Hose. $1; Boys',50c., at Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1Read the following list of special bargains

offered for to-morrow only at S. W. Augenstein's,817, 819 and 821 7th street: Our prices on Refrig¬erators and Trunks are fully 25 per cent lowerthan those of our would-be competitors. Call andsee. Twelve-quart Block Tin Dishpan, 23c.; 17-quart, 31c.; halt dozen Crystal Table Tumblers.17c.; hall dozen new shapes Colored IcecreamSaucers, 19c.; half dozen large English China Din¬ner Plates, 34c.; new styles Decorated Tea Sets,$2.94, worth $5; half dozen plain Crystal Goblets.27c.; Hall and Window Shades, on spring rollers, allcolors, 38c.; Dustpan and Brush, 17c.; WoodenWater Bucket and 50 Clothesplus, 16e.; OardenTools, with long handles, 14c. per set. No reason¬able offer refused on balance of our stock of BabyCarriages. 1

Celluloid Collars Sc Cuffs, ">'o Washee."At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1

Rogers' Umbrella Factory,613 D st. n.w. Branch store 14th st. near H n.w. 2Attractive Advertising.

We must have supplied the greater portion ofthe young population of Washington with LowShoes and slippers judging from the quantity wehave sold during our "Mark Down No. 2." Whilewe have sacrificed our profits It Is extremely grat¬ifying to see how well our advertisements attract;It must be on account ot our well-known rule, "toadvertise only facts." We shall now give the bigfolks a chance for bargains by means ot our MarkDown No. 3. Read city Items. Win. Hahn £ Co.,816 7th st. and 1922 ave. 1Fine Col'd Seamless Half Hose,2 pr. 35c.At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1

Great Reduction SaleIn Ladles', Gent's, Misses', and children's Low

Shoes and Slippers.This space does not allow us room to mentionstyles and prices, as they are so numerous, but acall at our store will convince you that you cansave 50 to75c. on every pair you buy.Call early and select your choice. AH styles andsizes In stock. Boston Shoe House,H. Goldstein, Proprietor,912 7th at. n. w., bet. I and K.

1 (Sign: Blue Slipper.)5,000 Extra Fine straw Hats at 50c.At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. l

Spectacles, steel and gold, 50c. to $3.50. 487Pa. ave. 24A27Board at a Pleasant,shady residence; good table; near mountains;mile from station; terms moderate. Address H. L.,Gainesville, Prince William Co., Va. 3

men's Gray Sc Navy Blue FlannelShirts,Si; Boys', 50c., at Auerbach's, 7th & H. 1Immense Assortment of Handsome BabyCarriages will be offered at private sale below

manufacturers' prices at Walter B. Williams &Co.'s, auctioneers, cor. 10th st. and ra. ave. 6Sewing machines for Bent, All Kinds.At Auerbach's, 7th & H. Telephone, 422-2. 1Tooth extraction obviated by restoring root to

beauty and usefulness. Filling, &c., done satis¬factorily. Terms moderate. Dr. H. Mueller, den¬tist, 42311th St. 6Elegant Line Sumner Silk Scarfs, 95c.At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th &H. 1


Piquant and appetizing. Has no equal In flavor.lmGent's Fine Summer Underwear, 25c.At Auerbach's Bicycle Shirt Depot, 7th & H. 1An Extended Popularity. Brown's Bron¬

chial Thochks have been before the public manyyears. For relieving Coughs and Throat troublesthey are superior to all other articles, doitl onlyin boxes."Let'sTalk 135 Harness.".Becker's, eo"The Queen of Beers.".Moerleln's pure,unadulterated Cincinnati Beer is especiallyadapted for family uae. 75c. per dot Agency, 1206D sb n.w 6m

"Royal Glue" mends 'em..Boston VarietiesColbnrn's

PHILADELPHIA MUSTARD.King of condiments. Flavor, pungency, strengthcombined in perfection. Finest mustard maOeomFresh Alderney Butter churned every morningand delivered in # lb. "Ward" prints, 40a per UnAlso, Cottage Cheese and Buttermilk; sweet Milk6c. per quart. UMmifis.





83®ss on°°oo^ 00 00j» 00 00

«nP ooogoodifferent department*, enumerating special lota Ineach department, at such prices as will assure a readysale. We don't mind the loss, we never carry {roodsover, and they must be sold at even a great sacrifice.

ftft g® no^oo oo%> oo°°oo?& 5o.0 00 00 00 00 00 00.*5$ 00 tw 00 00 OU (II*1® ^56 «W» ""oo00 ^OO00 I

We are willing to start out with a Ions of «5,000. Ifthis loss will not move our goods we are ready for


We will not waste more words about this pale. Theprices of the (roods advertised must do all the talking-This whole column is devoted to our Clearing Sale.

Items will be changedFROM DAY TO DAT.

New Sacrifices will be madeFROM DAY TO DAT.

Read This AdvertisementFROM DAY TO DAT.

DRT GOODS DEPARTMENT.All onr best French Koech-lin's Satteens,beautiful pat¬terns. some Held as high as35c.; we will now let them*°-

T . . ,.A. Clearing Price, 15aOne Lot of eincle widthDress Goods, sold at 25c.,enough for Dress Patterns, Clearing Price, 12J<aOne Lot of Orey - mixedChecks, Stripes and Plain,Mohair and Worsted DmssGoods, sold as high as 35c., Clearing Price, 20c.

ll! OO^OO ppp eeerrr ccceeenn NTTTTi} Jw oo E Rhcce n n n t}} 0(1 00 Spp EK ,{RR c EE N N N TII m (H p K R R c C E N N N TIII a»00W P EEE R R CCO EEE N NN T

OFF ON ALL STAPLE BLACK GOODS.Some Goods we have marked less than cost. We have

also put the knife in ourLINEN AND HOUSEFURNISHING DEPARTMENT.Oue Special Lot of TurkeyRed Table Covers, fast col¬ors; size 6-4, sold at 75c. Clearing Price, 45aOne Lot 60-inch wide CreamTable Damask, beautifulPatterns, cheap at f>0c.. Clearing Price, 35c.

One Lot of Bathing Towels,18x36. sold at 18c., Clearing Price, 12)jc.

UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT.One lot of Lace Curtains,Russian Border, good size.Regular Price, $1.25 Clearing Price, 90aA new lot of Spring RollerHolland Shades. Clearing Price, 22c.

One lot ot Best Lngush Mo¬nde Cretonne. Regular25.goods. Clearing Price, 15a

HOSIERY DEPARTMENT.One lot of Children's Plainand Ribbed Black LisleHose, sold for 45c. Clearing Price, 25aOne lot of Ladies' Balbrig-gan Hose. iUigiilar 25aquality. Clearing Price, 19.One lot ofJersey-FittingUn¬dershirts. Regular Price,35c. Clearing Price 25a

LACE DEPARTMENT.A lot of 45-inch OrientalFlouncings. Were $1 a

J"-.1-,..,, , T . Clearing Price, 50c. a yd.A lot of .All-Wool Laces, oilcolors. Regular price 20

to 50c. Clearing Price 10c. a yd.A lot of 4o-inch OrientalLace Flouncinirs, heavy-work. Worth $1.25 a yd. Clearing Price, 59a a yd.

EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT.A lot of 22 and 45-inchSwiss Flounciugs,, we.eUOc. ayard. Clearing Price, 50c. a yd.A lot of odds and Ends inCambric KmbV, some wereas high as 25c a yard. Clearing Price, 10c. a yd.A lot of Remnants of Em¬broideries, qprne worth ashigh as 50c. Clearing Price, 5a per


One lot of Covered DressSteel.s(for waists),were 10c.

Clearing Price, 3a a doz.One lot Ko}'al Insect Powder,

was 10c Clearing Price, 2c. a box.One lot Infants' Powder (inLubin'-J. was 10c. Clearing Price, 2c. a pkg.Oue lot 25c. Call-tells. Clearing Price, 10c.

One lot 5 and 10c. MachineOil. Clearing Price, 2aOne lot 20c. Money Boxes.

lock and key. Clearing Price, 3c.One lot ^Traveling Flasks,were 35 and 7oc. Clearing Price, 18aOne lot Tourist Cases, were

-H5?-. ,T . , . ,. ,Clearing Price. 10c.One lot Metal Belts, regular

price 68c. to $2. Clearing Price, 25aLADIES NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT.

One lot of Ladies' finest Lin¬en Collars, with capes,emb'd through center,(Lidenberg's goods), worth

r»13c-, * ^ ,, Clearing Price, 9c.3for 25c.One lot Crepe. Lisse, andCanvas Ruchiug. Was 25c.

a yd.^ Clearing Price, 10c. a yd.One lot Black Spanish Fichus

and Scarfs. Regular Price,#2.5010 *4. Clearing Price, $1.90.One lot Colored Chemisettes,Cuffs to Match. Were 50c.

» set- Clearing Price, 25c. a setIMPORTED DRESS ROBES.

Do not fail to examine ourImported Dress Kobeswhich we have placed onsa e. They contain 4% yds.of 45-inch EmbroideredFlounciugs; 4x> yds. nar¬row to match, and 8 to 10yds. handsome Etamiue.The)" have sold from $10to $20. Clearing Price, 95.

8UIT DEPARTMENT.Two Blaok-and-White Fig¬ured Lawn Suits, sizes 34and 3(5. Sold for $i>. Clearing Price, 84.

One Light Gray Cloth Suit,with the newest style shortdrapery and basque. Suitsold for $18. Clearing Price, $12.One White Suit, handsomelytrimmed with embroidery,size 36. Regular price,$27.50. Clearing Price, $18.One Misses' White IndiaLiuen Suit, size 16 yrs.,skirt elaborately trimmedwith fine Embroidery,basque, with yoke of Ail-Over. Sold for $10 Clearing Price, $6.Three Misses' Suits. 14 and1 ti years, that sold at $8. Clearing Price, $4.00.

One lot of Children's MohairDusters, sizes 6 to 16 yrs.Were$2. Clearing Price, 45a

JERSEYS.One lot of Imported Casti-mere Jerseys, with fancyfronts, iu black or colors;also a few with Fedorafronts. Sold for $3.50. Clearing Price. 81 98

SHIRT WAISTS.Our White Muslin ShirtWaists, with patent but¬tons, plaited back andfront. The best waist everoffered at 50c. Clearing Price, 40c.In Colors. Clearing Price, 3 for 50o.10 per cent off on all ourShirt Waists.

MILLINERT DEPARTMENT.Table 1. consisting of fineEnglish Milan Hats ingray, brown, navy, tan, andgood shapes. Sold from$1.50 to $3.25. Clearing Price, $L10.Table 2, consisting of largeWhite Hats for ladies andchildren, in Fancy Straws.Sold from 75c. to $ 1. Clearing Price, 62aTable 3, consisting of 5 cases,Knowlton's best R. and R.Sailors, in black, navy, andecru, sold for 35c., Clearing Price, 23aTuble 4, consisting of 2adozen White Modena Hatsin large brim, and Poke.Worth 68c. Clearing Price, 25aBin 1, consisting of 1 lot of ^

Imported Fancy Ribbons,Nos. 5,12 and 16,pirot andcord edge, sold from 35 to

50c. Clearing Price, 21aBin 3.20c. boxes of Flowers,Poppies, Pinks. Valley Lil-lies. Worth 25 to 50c. Clearing Price, 23a

PARASOL DEPARTMENT.One lot of 100 Fancy SatteenCoaches, Clearing Price, 50aOne lot of Ladies' $2.25Black Silk Umbrellas, withivory or black handles. Clearing Price, $L50.2o per cent discount on allof our Fancy Parasols.GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT.

All of our $1 UnlaunderedDress Shirts, Clearing Price. 59a

One lot of 50c. Patent Elas¬tic Ankle Jean Drawers, insizes 28,30 and 32. Clearing Price, 29a

One lot of French Balbrig-fan Undershirts, sold at Clearing Price,29a,

One lot of $1.25 Plain Blue°f * to'

and English Striped Boys'Flannel Shirt Waists, sizesfrom 5 to 13 years. Clearing Price, 89a

TRUNK DEPARTMENT.All of onr $2.25 and $2.50Club Satchels, all new andfresh goods, Clearing Price, $L98.Examine our immense lineof Trunks; price way downto clear them out; cannotbe matched in town.

CROQUET SETS AND HAMMOCKS.A large assortment of Cro¬quet Sets, 20 per cent dis¬count off marked prices.All onr $1 Mexican Ham¬

mocks, Clearing Price, 80a






Q A |.3 n L EESei




~"K"t J'r* modern improvements. near

Vfherdica. luvjuire on premisea, 140 C st * e..**" r i p.m.

b0h1,3u ~th St n r'.'anl JLwis^'wir^.OOO2^|^V^0007^ ^^1^500.'0 >+'t,r^V^-.ri,Vi 16-900 3328 to S334 P st n.

*1uk V My' st- w . r.h.. "»rs 3,500

"-iT't.;>-rv ;;,v 1 ^."oo 321 to 323s, d *ta.e«i Hh -WlwthM- f.h..6r 3.000

^ 13,000 1961.1963 Linden st.«* «th st n.w., Uh..tir ;l.000

fl lrttn ,;»n vii 11 >300 2100 Vermont ave.

w h W~I<L av<" I n.w., b.h., Or 3.0001:V;.' f£Vv ¦1«.000 12 iK lL'-r,* Madison

r, w rt^i' L "¦ st n.w.. f.h.. 4r 2,000lsorv. 9,000 837, 839. 841 2d stn « Wh-a> L st s.e-f.h..4r 2.400

iKvi^evrf'00" ><> »"><.¦-¦>.«..¦>* ,wliiFiifflLl**---*000'** ***** *¦ ^*v- **--hi- 6th ». s.w.,th.,6rs 2,000h 'VTu,' 'r" aud 1 '. 1414 Samson at. n.w.

4n«-^nK V.i 6.000 f h.. »«r 1.700400 408 11th at a G16.618 Marion alleyH*V7'oorl^i ; -..5.000 n.w.. f.h.. 4r 1.600<V~ 8t* n w- bJl i 31 to 39 Myrtle at. n.

u,',0 v ....5,600 e.. b.h . 7r., each... 1.600W»^«e.iw.,nk, 1430 Samson st n.

l«1U V . > i." 5.500 w.f.h.. Or 1.500» . V n w" f"h .HOI to W07 V at. U.W..

11-vt .7n.llol.l8e8 I*K'5'00° t».h.. 7r 1,5001A~'J.JOth stn.w..f.h. 036 2d St. n.e.,f.h. 2r. 1.500Orand >houses reai .5.000J31310th sts e..f h.0rl.400

h<3il-« "^sv^V8,,?!11!1^.* n°rtioii of the property on myflhTc*ll at office for bulletin issued ou

1 st and loth. Ue24i THUS. E. WAGoaMAN.fiARGAIX - NEW EIGHT-ROOM

j~. nni- Iot 19*70; also adjoining corneril.TT*/*?' *°aUey - near Capitol n.e. Terms* OW.sER, 513 »th st. n.w.

SATE.AN ELEGANT PRIVATE RESIDENCEtfk n«w'; 'T*r 19th. 12 rooui6, cellar, south

JwriilLi* first-class appointments: lot 23*«x89;iSS^ifo.r a few <**>" at *14.000. daVid d. s i on e.1220 Fat. n. w. Je24-3tP*9R SALE-NEW HOUSE, TWO-STORY AND

'' ,'IV3S hriok front. 8 moiiu; 4.'h st. hot.

4 o4^? w' A kanrain if sold at once.Je24-3t McKlBBlN & HERRING, 1331 F st"POR SALE.TWO HOUSES ON S 8T. N W HI

lovely home* and prices low.f a» *6.000. House on New Jersey ave u w.,

McKIBBIN 4 HERRING.Je24-3t i:i:>l F st.


Business property on 14th st.;lot 40 byi~_° ~?-fo.°t alley; improved by two houses. Also,a corner Lot in the northwest section. 100*100. Nomvrl'L'tf'u'!. -V2id- to r,,&1 estate agents. ,aOWNER, Box .iS, Mar ottice. je'Jii-3tp,°^...8ALErFI\? NEW SIX-ROOM BRICKS IN^- northwest; sold to net 15 j>er cent; water and

S'i'i??,111 Hyatt*ville for sale or exchange.je23-3t* DA\ IDsON 4 DAVIDSON, 4* ami D n.w.

For sale or rent.412 and 410 new jer-sey are. s.e ; two new two-story, 8 room Brick

nouses. All modern improvements. For terms, &c..afip.>o*i oa^ Gffice, 507 Pennsylvania ave. n.w.Je23-lm

FOR SALE-CHEAP-TWO NICE FOUR-ROOMand kitchen hnck houses, on I. bet. 4 Hi und Otli sts.

8.w.; lot ^oxl^o, and »rood stall room lor two horses .

?»riUV4e.stmePl; *>nre *-800 for the two. c. H.1 AnKtK, 4 ^ and L »ts. s.w. |e23«3V

For ^.ale.$8.5oo~will purchase a si*b^stantial Residence, with lanre Lot. and irood stable

'V ref?:uioH?ij!r2!ltiPS M 8t-' yih """1 10th sts. u.w. ALBERT F. loX, l)-,'0 F st. n.w. Je23-3tl^OB SALE.VERV CHEAP.


A -BV.p-r*. K r

H- B- BA-W k CO ' ®2o F St. n.w.n .

house, 5 rooms. l.»23 6th st. n.w.. bet. p andQ. square 418, lot 22.6x03.4 to alley. 1 his is a bar-Kiiin. Paved street; elegant neife-ul»orho<.Kl; terms

***y Je23-3t

Ij*OB SALE-THAT DESIRABLE BUSINESS Lo¬cation 82b !»tb street. irontaKe of 21 teet. with old

^-story and basement bri- k. well-rented. $8.o0'). Willpay as an investment, a id is an excellent location lora business enterprise. JOHN SHERMAN A: CO.,Je23-3t 1407 F st.

FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL NINE-ROOM BRICKHouse; (,o00 feet of ground. price, £4.500. «ii.-ap.


I^OR SALii." "

Brick. 6r. and cellar on Caroline st. u.w. #3,00010 rooms, on 13th. above Iowa circle 8,500

Hnck, 9 r., on I ,st., bet. loth and LOtii u.w O.OOOHrick, / rooms, Wallai h Place j yOOBrick, 11 rooms. Kst.. bet. 10th and lltli sts. Vio.'ooo

I rooms. Pierce Place, bet. 15tli and 16th..3J">0031 rooms, v »t.. bet. 13th and 14 th sw 7.2506 rooms. South Capitol st 1

" It rooms, on Corcoran st IiJ.J.4|750. J rooms, 14th st., business property 7,t>00.

f rooms, leuton st., n'r Gov. .1,350u

. looms, o st.. bet. 4th and 5th n.w 3,300More and dwelling, 14th st IO.OOO

.t rwjiiis, on ItiKKust., l>et. 13th and 14th..6,250

J . rooms and stable on Rhode Island av S 500Best business corner on i.. Cai . st., n r. Capitol.. .5.500Brick, 10 rooms on N st.,bet.^0th & 21st sts., new

house 10nnoFrame on Dunbarton ave .".'.V.V. L5O0_

" on Congress st., near post office. !"2,00014r. Brick, E, bet 5th and Oth. n'r Pension of. 10,500Also, improved una unimproved proitertv in all i>sti is

OjI the city. Apply to J. \v. P. M l EKS & S« ».<,Jlb-2w* 1428 New Vorkava.


Several six-room Houses on A st. n. a- all modern2HTOXei,M2,to; ?° l>tr cellt investment Price only$2,000 each. Also.II room brick, 15th st., bet. T and U sts 7.5008 rooms on L, b«t. 15th and 10th sts. n.w 0,(HJ0uli Ib°iu,H aU(icetLi*rou. Co*x>r»u st 7,000Brick, 1 Irs., East Capitol st., bet. Oth aaia 7th 0,t»'wJ11 rooms, n.e. corner H and 21st sts. n.w 8 500i rooms on Oth and 7th sts.u.w"""" 4'-'50Apply atouceto J. W. P. M\ERS & SON.J*16-2w* 14^8 New \orkara.

FOR SALE.CHEAP.A NICE6-ROOM HOUSE ONC it., between 0th and 7th s. e.; only 41.700.

4 .. 04.C. H PARKEit.

_Je~2-3t 4j._, ami E sts. s.w.

FOR SALE . CHEAP.5 NEW O-ROOM BRICKHous<^ oi 4H. het. N and O sts. s.w.; all mod. imp.;

cash, balance 1. 2, 3 and 4 years. Price $2,500.C, H. PARKER, 4)4 and E sts. s.w. Je22-3t*

FOR SALE.CHEAP-^o ROOM BRICK HOUSE. ;il5M st. s. w.; water and sewers; good investment.

±T'?,e., C. H PARKER,4>t and E sts. a.w.

I^OR SALE.CHEAP.6 ROOM HOUSE, 612 8th sts.w.; a (food baixain. $2,000.


_^e.--3t 454 and E sts. s.w.

FOR S.ALE=CMA^3 6-ROOM BRlCKHOUSEii:326. 328 and 330 N at.s.w.; water and tras. pressed

brick fronts. & 1, # 50 each; one-third cash, balance 1.2and 3 years. C. H. PARKEit, 4)a and E s.w. je22-3t*

FOB 8ALE-CHEAP-6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE ALLmod imp.; 300 N st. s.w.; $2,200: >40t» cash, bal¬

ance $100 every four months. C. H. PARKER. 4x,and E sts. s.w. Je22-3t*

For sale-thhee story brick7i2 rooms,E st.. bet. 2d and 3d n. w., $9.500; House 6 rooms,«

w--"ear War Department, $5,200. H. W. TI R-PIN, Real Estate Broker, 1220 F st. u. w. je22-3t*ITOR SALE- INVESTMENT- TWO SIX-ROOM

brick houses, one square north Washimrton Circle-; re."1 $18 30 per month. ApplyWESCOI 1, WILCOX k \\ INK. 19(17 l*a. ave. Je22-3t

FOR SALE-A VEHY DESIRABLE^ H^ >L'SE, 2313M st. n.w., now beimr put in thorouirh order 3

stories and basement, pressed brick front bay window.9 rooms and bath, 2 latrobes, rautre. 4tc. The housewill be open lor a lew days while workmen are com¬pleting improvements. Price $5,000.Je22-3t B. H. WARNEB & CO.

For sale.a new brick house on c st. s^e., near the Capitol: 2 story and basement, 8 rooms,

mod. imps.; price $4,200 if sold at once.THOS. G. henset,

lOOti 1 at. ii. w.

FOR SALE.a 4-STORY 12-ROOM BBICK DWEL-lmtf, with all mod. imps., on south side H at., bet

4tii and oth sts. n.w.; lot 22x100. running- throughto Washinjrton at.; rents for $35 per mouth. Price$o.o00. JOHN E. BKALL Jt CO,

Je20-6t 1321 F st. n.w.

FOR SALE-A 4-STORY BRICK DWELLING,with 11 rooms, mod. imps.; north side A 8t..*bet. 1st

and2d sU. n.e. Lot 20x55, to 15-foot alley. Rents lor$35 pir month. $5,250.,«nn.a>

JOHN K BEALL k CO.,Je20-6t 1321 F st. n. w.

FOR SALE-A SPECIAL BARGAIN-T^BRICKHouses. 8 rooms each. Bath, djas, hall 4c., Nos. 203

JJOo and 207 B st. n.e^, froutinK 3d. avenue.^H0MAS A- MITCHELL,Je~0-6t 934 F St., rooms 5 and 6.

FOR SALE.AN ELEGANT 11-ROOM BAY WIN-dow Brick House, all modern improvements, 407a

1st st. n.w., $7«500- THOMAS A. MITCHELL.Je20-6t* 934 E st., rooms 5 and 6.

FOR 8ALE.AN ELEGANT 11-ROOM BAY WIN-dow Brick House, all modern improvements, 407a

1st st. n.w., $7,500- THOMAS A. MITCHELL._Je20-6t* 934 F st., rooms 5 and 6.

I^OR SALE-ONLY $2,500ToB a^-rcxtm brick. ..r,h.°,u.^' baH, bath, 4c , 617 loth st. n. e.

O-tit*MITCHELL, 934 F St., Rooms 5 and 6,

For SALE-8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 117 2D STii. w.; modern conveniences; $4,750. THoMAS

A. MI1CHELL, 934 F St., Rooms 5 and 6. Je20-6t*

FOR SALE.$12,000 WILL BUY THE FINESTlot on Capitol Hill. 131x110, cor. 3d and Massa¬

chusetts ave. n.e. ;building now rents for $42 a monthOne-half cash, balance 1 and 2 years. THOMAS AlMITCHELL, 934 Fat,. Rooms 5 and 6. Je20-Ot*

ITOR SALE. THE-NEW FOUR STORY BRICK? i wellniK known as 1205 10th st. n.w.; will accept

$4,o00 from an immediate purchaser; key at 1^09Applyto JOHN T ARMS,

Jel8-bt 810 F st. n.w.

FOR SALE-A LARGE AND DESIRABLE BRICKhouse on 3d st.. near C n.w.; lot 25x150 to a wide

alley; also adjoininif side lot same size. This is auopportunity to secure a residence with plenty of roomnear the business part of the city. If not sold in areasonable tune the house will be put in contplete re¬pair and offered for rent.

. ,bwormstedt A BRADLEY,

_Jel8-lm 927 F at. n.w.

FOP. SALE.Brick, N st., near 7th st n.w_ 7 rooms $ 3.000Lriit G st, near 4th st n.w., 12 rooms 7.500Brick, M st, nfar Connecticut ave.n.w., 12 r.. 12,000brick. H st., near 20th st n. w., 12 rooms 8.000Brick, Sunderland Place n.w., 11 rooms. 11.000Brick, 4th st, nearB st n.w. 7 rtooms 3.300Bn< k. 13th st., nwr Q st. n.w., 10 Qpjma 6,700Brick, Columbia st. n.w., 0 rooms 3.000

JAMES W. TYLER,Jel5 929 F st n.w., (Second Floor).

FOR SALE.8EVEN-ROOM BBICK. 10TH 8T_bet Q and B, all mod. imps., renting lor $25.30.

Price $3,500. Six-room brick, n.e., only $1,700,renting for 15.30. WRIGHT & BOLTON, 9th and #



3-«tory and cellar brick dwelling, near DupontCircle, 13 rooms. 2 bath-rooms, laundry. 4c,all in. i., new and elegant #18.000

3-atory brick dwelling near Iowa Circle on Vtaye., 23 feet front, 3 rooms deep, 13 rooms,


«11 m. i 14,5003^*toryand cellar brick dwelling, 19th at.nearDupont Circle, 10 rooms andbath, all in. i.. 13^00with furniture 15,500

3-story and basement brick dwelling, nearDu¬pont Circle, 11 rooms, furnace and ail in. L,handsomely finished. 1L000

8 2-atnry brick dwellings, northeast section atcity, o rooms and m.i. Price, each 1,400

An 8 room brick dwelling, one square fromBritish Minister's, afimJ. 7,6009-rootn brick dwelling, M st n.w, near 9th. &J250

Several very attractive and well-located newbrick dwellimra, northwest section, 7 roomsand cellar, with aU m. U at $6,000 and «SJMN>

TYLER ft rutherford,my7-8W 1826Fstn.w.

FOB SiU-CHKAP-BRICK HOUSE NEAR BU-reau of BngraTing and Feinting; 7 rooms, all mod.

ern improvements: price, $3,700; and another lasame locaUty for >2,200. AUSTIN P. BROWN,Jel4-2w Real Estate and Loana. 1496F st n.w.

P)R SALE.THREE NEW TWO-STOBY PRESShzick front dwellings, with stone trimmings; six

rooms and bath room: all mi.; on L st b_w. . each$3200. on

mj7.7v* XXI^ftBUTHEBFO^^

FOB SALE.HOUSES.W»5R SALE.421 -'D 8t. S U A Nm Hay Win:J low l>riok houiw, containing- 6 rooms and i*llar,tut ill, ratitfv. 1strobe. slate niautela. wml k *,aud will hp acid <>u monthly or quarterly u\ menta, U<suit ruri'h»it.r; price, *3.1>00. DANENHow KK kSOK.1116K«t yl Im

IJOR SALE-13241«TH ST. N.W $22.6»iO I WILLmU it ttiuTr price m l i«n term* to suit, th:» el.--gsu: aud carefully constructed r»iulence. feci-btli builtlor our u*o o>'cnwiM7 (John Eraser. arvhit*. t I' & Co., builders). hall a squar*- liorih of ScottCircle, on broad MHh St.. opposite Mr K« U-»..n'a audMr. Pendletou'a. bnek st«Me in rvar. Addr< *a Rev.DOUGLAS K. KOKKE8T. D.D., Calvary Rectory, I'ltf-ton. by Cincinnati. Ohio. >-4 I m*

IJH'R SAU-TWKNTVTP nilllt K DW 11.LINOSia th* northwest, now belli* bruit. tree from*3,IH>0 to f4.5(H) each; on easy term*. Ctli at "tlurtor bulletin aud examine plans D.ANEMii >W V It aSOS, 1115 F it. Je2-lBFOR 8ALE-TIH SEW BRICK l)«14.MNt.s,Just completed. elimbly Kvat.d. from *1 *o»t to»7..>00 each; ou easy terms. l'ANLNlloW I I; s s< »N,1115F it, Je2-1 mo

I^OR SALE-AT A BARGAIN. TWO S*I VLi. URIt'K. houses. northeast under rent at i1<l.50 ovli. * illbe avid lor (l.l.itlem'L. »r 9^,'JOO(orthi't«<>.Jel-lm SttORMSTEDI s bR M'i.l Y. F at


IfOR SALE.8PECIAL ATTENTION OF FARTIESilealrous of btiyiiur or e*clia »rii;»r tor handsomenwdeiiffn near Dupotit Circle, ia called to the twoeieuant and beaiititully finished Houses Just c>.u-pleiel. Nos. 1740 and 174'.' 1* at. n. w . hard-»<>.«dtinisbeil. handsomely fresoxwsd, aud strictly nrst-das*in every parti.'liar. DAVID A WlSl>St)R towners. (»03 14ih at. n.w. aii23-1 (>w*

I^OR SALE.TWO-8TORY AND CELLAR. DOCBLEMaine Cot'.atre, ten rv» ms and batli. h t and old

water; lot 50il50, Lanier lb nrhts. i nee $n.5ihi1 Y LkK Jt lit I'lIElil OKD.inyl4-»iw* l'J'A F It. n.w

J<V)K SALE.K st. n.w., corner-$38.500 HHh,n*rl>tipoiit cir.l 5.0(X)ISthst. n.w 35.000 M 8t..beLl»tliAl0th l'.'.Ot'OVermont ave 35,tHKi M at., near J*th 1 l.O(H)Iowa Circle 30,(HH) Ost-near 12th 11 .000H st., near 19th 20.000 Kith st . near s 5,.i0()M *u. near lstli lb.OOO 1 at., near 15th 5.000Medium oinl low-priced Houaes in alt parts of the

city. Choice L« ts on i u-ttsave., MSt., 10til St., New York ave. J»ele« ¦! U'N al F« rest uleuPark, Whitney Close. MintWood and al! suburban sub-divisious. «¦!:< ¦ 1'. OOFF,>11-1111 1420 New York ave

1JOR SALE-20OS GST.. 14R..V I ICY CHEAP.tH.SOO2014 H at.. »s r.. lot .¦(>:$ by 140.10 to alley.. 5J»O01411 N st. 11. w., with Mil.- lot 1 ."i.tKKIFine new house on 'iOtli st.. near Blaine's liOlHI2421 Fa. a\e ,Hrs. mod. mil's 5..VK1DOii M st. n.w y. "«»<iG» Put. n.w., 7 rs. 1. t 1»> by 1:5."> l.OOOA number laivc and amall houses in all aectiona ofthe city. Call and see me bei » u> niu'iu)"J.)-3m i«LO. \\. LI N hi Ns, js»th and H ata. n.w.


one at Anna|>olit> Junctiou. itishI .»-rooui house;lai*.- lot of ground; plenty anade, plenty of fruit.stable. Ac. Five lainutea troui station. Cash. i^S<'0.At ltranchville. new 0-rootu hou^e and K a> ri«. »ro."lwater. 10 tiuiiutea lroiii station. $"J.:ioo. one-tourthcash, balance monthly. LOWE & DOXOHOE. H08East Capitolst. Je'.'4-:tt*"I FINE BUILDINti LOT8 IN~THE BE>T1'AKTJ. O Of I'nioDtOWU; tv!.">0 per lot as M whole. k«-le. J4.500; oii«-tliird cash. LOWE A lXiNOIl »E,yoS East (Capitol st. > 'J4 -di*

i 1UHJERY AND PROVISION STORE F< 'R SALEVJTat a sai-ntice, in a good location, nortLwest. rentlo« , owner enva«red in other business.Je2:i-:it OS 1 li.ANl'ER A S I A i.hY, 1410 N. Y*. ave.

VF1NE BI SlNESS CHANCE! A PARTY WITHyears ot n>eiienee lu a tirst-<-lass paying busiue-sd -sirec to secure a partner, active or Mlent, who canfurnish .">001«. eiilartre and mere.the business.No better investment. Strict integrity aud squaredealing iruaranteol. Adilress


J'OR SALE.GROCERY' AND PROVISION S I«(REdoiuir Komi liusineKH,including st<N'k aud other fix¬tures; also iiorse aud wa^ruu. SAM'L LLE. N01 4 H vt.s. w. . ^130R LEA8B.VO& A PEBIOD or 1" <*K 15

years.a valuable Lot. frontmtr :i'.> leet «-n 12th st-n.w.. coiitikruou- to l'enu-ylvania avi mie. l^^s«-«' totmi>rove by building- THOS. L. WAOUAMAN. 017F st.n.w. >'j:i-:it '

1»B BALK.A HALF ISTEBBST IK A v. |; Real Estate Oilii i. on F st. n.w. A rarebaivaiu. Price <!OO0. Owner leavinir the city Julv Ljeli.J-.'Jt 11L MPHREY A COLM AN. «1S 1 st. n.w.

ASPLhNDID CHANCE FOR A BLS1NFS8 MAN;oneot the iiest stands 111 South WaMhimrioii; fint-class Grocery and Provision store; stock atid tiituresat a bun-'aiu. Imjuire of W. A. S1LW ART, W»*ternUnion IcUvTaph office, 00:1 Peuu. ave. n.w. Je'.'d-'Jt*

I^OR hALE.DRl'G STORE. «*«K)D LOCATION.41.350;Tea and Coffee Store; has a i:»k1 trade;variety atore; a bargain . and a number of other -tores.Real Estate Offi e. O.IS F st., D. RAMEY. Ja'J J-:U

I^OR SALE.THE FIVE YEAR LEASE A NINE-ruorn house and restaurant. Inquire at tfii D st.

n.w. >>1S-Iw*


rilHK WASHINtiTON SAFE DF.POSIT COHi'ASifJ. AND FIRE-PROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE.010 PA. AVE. N. W. tSouth Side.)Persons Koing abroad, or ieaviu*r the city sliouM.vail themselves 01 the advantage* offered bv this c«)in-

pany for the sale keepimr of Umd*. securities, jewelry,plate and other valuables. Clothing, pauitiuKs, Works01 art, pianos, bric-a-brac, ru»rs, cari»-ts, Ac., Ac^caube stored at low rales. Take action belore. ratner tuaualter, your valuables are stolen or buruea.

Otiice Hours; O a. in. to 4 p. ta.FJG-Gm (Saturday s. U a. m. to 5 p. 111.)




M No delay. $ 10,000 in sums to suit at 6 per cent,ryo.N a; TRACY.Je'-4-3t 513 7th st. n.w.

Money to loan 95 any amount) ok av-proved real estate situate within the District ofColumbia; low rates of interest charged aud 110 delaywhen security is ample. FRANCIS B. MoHl'N,

lie&l Estate aud Loans.Jel8-lm F at. n.w.

Money to loan on real estate pkumptattention to all applications.


On Real Estate Security.HOLLAND A THOMPSON.Jel3 1313 F st.. Adjoining Sun Binldiutr.

ONEY TO LOAN TO ARMY OFFICERS AT LtKai rates of interest. JA.ML.S E. MACGSije4-ltu !.:<.'{ F st. 11.w.

Real estate uux&ur aidfibedimjaauce pia<-eil. Army and Navy Pay Accounts . ashed.

Loans on Buildiuir As-iH-iatiou Sii«-k or other k <..*!Collateral Security. W M. 11. DEMl'SEY, 14'.'4 NewYork ave.

i30,000.TO LOAN"

.O.OOO15.000 ON REAL ESTATE,5.000"_',5001.OO0 fmj'251 THOS. E. W AGO AMAN.

Money to loan on real estate, a i & roeper cent per annum, any sum deam d. or on jro^dCollateral security. R. A. PHILLIPS,apll-3m 14*js Niw- i<<rk ave.

MONEY AI.WAYS in OUR HANDS TO LOAN ONbatistactory" real estate security, in sums to siuWat5 and ti per cent interest.

13 HILL A JOHNSTON. 73R 15th st. n.w.

ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE IA SU1Ulo auit, al lowest rale 01 interest.

It. O HOLTZMAN.sel5pnmer 10th aud F sts. u w


Moderate commiesioas. No delay.iiu30 GEO. U. LdNKINS, cor. H and lIHh st«.ONEY TO LOANIn sums to suiu at lowrrt rate*, on approvedr«*l.fctute security. FITCH, FOX A HKO* N.

oc-O 14-1 Pennsylvania avo._


THOS.J. FISHER A CO*W5 l;t'J4 F st. u.w,_


Iip24r 1115 F«tONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE OR FIRST-class securities, at lowest rates of interest. No

utlay where the secuiity is tr<x>d.inhoO O. C. GREEN. 303 7th at. u.w.




Xhin Goods For ARMwEATHER.

20 pieces Striped and Figured CRAZY" CLOTH,l'-i)<c.1 ca«; Cream CRINKLES, 5c., reduced from Sc.2 cases Colored Stripe and Check SF-ERSUCKERS,

8. 10,12V.500 yards CHAMBRAY, 8c . reduced trmi 12He.50 pieces French ORGANDIE, 123»c . former pncw

18c. .

15 pieces Hair-Line TAKOAL, 10c.5,000 yards Fifrured .LAWNS, 5c., 8c.. 10c.,French and American SATTEENS.20 pieces NUN'S VEILING, all colors. 25&42-inch Albatross CLOTH. 50c.


4-4 Wamsutta Pride-of-the-West and Fruit-of-the-Loom COTTON, in 1 to 10 yards lemrtha, h VJ-Ladies' Gauze VESTS, 25c. and 37 He.Gents' Biibrivgan and Oauze SHIRTS, 25c.200 pieces Elegant Quality Summer GINGHAMS,

10c.We are offering some Special Bargains in Plain and


JOHNSON, GARNER A CO,636 Pennsylvania ave., south side,

Je21 Near 7th st. n.w.

Another Big Reduction.FINE FRENCH PRINTED ONDINES, reduced from

20 to 15c. Light in weight, suit in nmsh, beauti¬ful in designs.

Our whole stock of PRINTED FRENCH SATTEENS,25c.-

PRINTED LINENS, warranted pure, 36 inches wide25c.

ALL-WOOL DRES8 GOODS, reduced to cost.PRINTED INDIA SILK, reduced to #1.WHITE CHINA SILKS, 27 inches wide, 75aFANCY HOSIERY at reduced prices.Full stock BLACK HOSIERY at low prices.PARASOLS at cost. UMBRELLAS in great variety.CREAM and WHITE DRESS GOODS all prices.EVENING SHADES SILKS and SURAiM, low prioea.WHITE ROBES greatly reduced.We are closing out oar summer Stock and offer in¬

ducements not fouud elsewhere. Our Semi-AnnualHillsan ready and we trust to have prompt payments.

wTm. bHUSTER A SONS,Sltt Pa. ave.

One Price. Je22

Cooking St Ga&Afull lineof


¦mi vumonw ».tt ooktavx

FOR RALE.LOTS.>>R SAI.I 1»U LOT* ON 4TH h i V I .N'EABK.t&<.100(tt7lMt. a si. n-ar North Oa|«t i.


F<UV.. a bsawttfui lot on V st.. near |4th 7 h . two onColumbia Heights .*."> and 4.V Aim.. cheap lotaM< rt Uan Hill. Oilffborn and i«ui«r H'n-Ms*C'.'»-3t ft STAKE* 14 1.' N. Y mt*OR SAI.K BY 1HK C4VOPt It A I 1A E n>r>nt Coiunaii). va< ant Lota in tti<> eastern i«n «i aaiul on Columbia Height* at investment tlvurvn Ai pUTat on.*jo cbas. a shields, r.-ju r »u n. «.

POBSALK AVFHAVl IN lttt s, n imvsi^RVr section of the city some ver> d*ain»t>ir chmar l« illrt-iitg lot* which are offered either its an invnituntt orfor buililiiitr puri<ose* situate,! on M i «t and <*street*. Prices rsture from *4<H» to #W."» per lot.A splendid oppo!"t«nn> Oall at olios ! ir flatJe-^-Ot B. H W ARNF.H A < O . j»l ft f it. n w.

l^OR SALE-CHEAP-A SIOK LOT on It. Hi T\r 7th and Stli st*. s.w.. '*0 ».> 7.">de..p, -J -i t.-wallslot worth per foot, but will ta. . it «>Mwithin ten days. C. H. I AlmiJl.| 4 H au>l 1. »u. ».w.

1JOR SAKE-SPECIAL BARGAIN** LOl ,,\C.Lamer Heights, coulaintnir sis.ut I S».« »t»«» -i |,t,1 this lot l* lieautitullv locate,! at the corner , t J\«.i ui-l.ia road and fhamplaiu ave , price 4;t. p r ,t;trrouml adjoining i* held at ."»»» (*r s<| | .jterms. ft<\. apply to J. H. liKAt Jk < o.y:-:<n . «v.*v i- >i

1- >K SAL! LOTS I AM 1N>TRI«'IKI> lo>ll.£it taken this wwk. two very tine l><ia >n It im. . »t ,l*et. 14th and 15th st*^ Nortli IVllere t a

»cr>'lo* tirun. A. P. FARIHtN. Cl .'il I *t :tt

I^OR KALK-IN THE SOI THWKVr MVTloN ,fthe city, on McCleau svan.n, bets < i .11 an.l . ,

sts. * w . some splendid lots near sotti hrxt rl iw im-

Lavements. stnvt la concreted p: c .. i.ix - : ft 11. H ttACM li A t o.

Je'-T'-St IHti » -t I. ».

E 1'IM LV I.OOATFTi 1 i - ,\ v. Lmrta of tti*'wfity. also OolUiubla H lirlito, (Vluiu-

hia li. ad. Meridian 111 11. Vt hitti«-\ t'l.-c.i.arivtt l«rk.Hurl. itli. itosrmoiit I'ark. aud l-..r*««l <»l«>nJc-1-V.'w IIIOS.O HI Nsl 1 <m! 1'it.n w

1^'ltSAI.r A 1 INI B1 11.1 'I No I < >T < >N I. Mr.13th and 14tli ats. UOiltNi. two r»rt> walU. * J

pet toot.. bHt)KMSTLDT * HHAMI.I Y.K-l-6t ii w.

P'U tiAl.F. A l^ir Ml >1 Ml SAt'KUJ ti.-«>dkt H.v. jwr foot, wit inn :mhi t of Juh«llarlanV rvaideiut1 on 141li -<t . «-vcrl km*: thecit» ar<>w of codara on Haul lot. ad), itinik.- jroi<«»rt> lioll at* I ijt-r loot. Adilr.-s* Uw owuer. J. K i , Mar oltiiv.JclW-Kt*

1^H)K SALE.1X>T8 AT TI'.KKA COTTA STA 1 'X»t 1 V- to 4c. Cull for |>lat.V TOI Ntl.*»¦« 1303 I «t ii w

I^OHSM.r A S|'l.F.NT»m l.oToN 111! V El «*ldr d Laat Oaj-it..|-t . l«-tw . .

V»> -Ill'.K. waiU u lo th-i t w - .1 uiIUK. l>n«v#l.tiU» loot, it sold in a few day»

,u lilOh. <. 111 NsEV.J<*ls-lw llHM! I' ,1. II w.

K',U SAI;.K ^HEAP-T\V(» \ | KY 1»ES11:a1<LHM. Lou on M at. u w.. only 70c«'nt» |«*r l"»»t AI-¦ aLot ou t'ofumhla liel^uta, facUitfuij t«.. slri'-n .!<»..i. K. 1111. I l < »lil».JelH-lw* I4*.!3fe K at

I^OU SALK-OHKtl' A Dt MltABI.i; 1 «> 1 .Vliiiitif v Ht . I'liiwrMty KTo'indn. ucar 14tli at. will1* sold cbcap U pari lutsed boou.

J. R. HKRTKorh,jmh-iw* UL'>Vrk'..hsvi.l A LOT IN I Asi W N M pTh> ientlj lutyc for lour li.>ii«>-*. iiu|-r>.v.-.i carnattw

%iji . |'iv«-d Kidcwalk ; k'a> and wattT. E at.. In*;ut».*n10th sua 1; ti! at... » .... price ioretiUre lot, (1,UN0,An . x'niordlnar> (>;nv»tn.J. is-<lf ALL! N <\CLARK. rto.» F «t. n w.

I^oi; s ALL LOl <>N MAR^ LAND AM .IN fl.< »SKpmuuilty to Stanton S.|iur»>. ti'.' tot trout;Krad-'d. price, 00 < « i^ i l >t Vt-rj clieap.j-'is Ol* ALLEN < < l.AI.k. Oi I it m

I^OR SALE-LOTS IN MtHNl PL! As A NT. sH< »KTdmtauo- troin ticrtiiern boimdan .>t .-nj aoceaaililniitid on kTTBiie. The l»'<t lota lor MitiaH dwelliii^ra ui thj1'lKtrict. l>eclded iMtlifain oflered.Jels tit* ALL! N t. CLARK,605 F at. n w

1^»"K SALE -4.'1.(HKJ s«v FT. t»l «»lt"t'ND. WITHtlirt!«. troiita, only throe aquarea tnni: the IVi' a speculative thru re. T* 1.1.1; ft lil IHKlil'olil).

»p-.:; S»w* lv»vtl |- Kt. ii.w.

I^OR BAXJE.A N I lim OF I UUU 1Kb M .1 ALL,lil.M-kaoi trround in tile eautern aecttou .¦! tin-eitr

HI Ulauve pricca. TVLLH ft ttl 1 III Hi ouu.12» Fat. ui J,, in*.

I^Oll S ALE.A VERY PHET'I V sill lH I it< INTl'.uildll^ Lot on *4 aU ti.W.; VJOtlOO to alhx.i r

* 1.30t». TYLER ft HI 1 HLHFOhD.i»taw l-.-JH 1 St U.w.

1^'oH SALE..'t LOTS in sy. 10J. 1 A< H 10xs?S ToI alley pri. e 75r. l*-r ay. toot. 1 V LLK ft lil 1 IIl.U-1 OKli. 1 F at. n.w. 1 1 rjt«

IX>R SAI.K «l NI HAL PROPERTY !<>R HI si-N'.SS PFUPOsEs. AT l:EAst >NMil l. i'RH'l ¦> .

1 lie eiiianreluelit ol tile elt> In ark* the rapid appr»i m-tionofauch pri-iwrty, ax tlie Halea duriior the paat t»oyeaix amply atteat, aud pentoua who In;i> e<>iit< iiiplat4l ur liaj«'.iiir, ahould improve the pr> «< nt o|<i>-ctiiiilt>.is Tt ( HAS A Mcl ; I N. I4M i ,t.

I^OR SALK IIW 111 U I II I L 1 1.1 1 FRONTlots near Dupobl Circle.CHAS A. McF.I'EN",Jel8-7t 1«*JU P«t

I^olt SALE.SKA' 1.N DKSIKABI 1 I 11 s oN N! Wllani|>Hhire avenue, at very tvanonalile pnc<«, auil

accomuiodatuife- tcrii.a.CHAS. A. McKKF.N'

JelS-Tt 14'J" f"«t.V^OR SALE.IA)T 37. SQI'ARK »»«SS«. VI *DMI, N £A our. N<n t;i I apitol mm «.» etr>-< ta. a trood buaii cmcorner. Price low, teruia eaa>.

CHAS. A. MrKFF.S.jelS-11 14*JO F at.

1?OR s AIX- .A (iOOD LOT Fol; HI S1NI ss. oMwe»t aide North Capitol st.. Ju«t north ol K *t.;thickly H**ttled neighborhood; m/> , W.tiilOO. Pricelow. !'. rina to auit.

_JelK-7t _

CHAS. A. McKI EN. 14~rt Fit.

I^OR SALE A VERY DKSIRAHLK LOl FoR I A! Ai^ dlate iui|iroveineiit, on K. near N-rih t'apitol -t ;07 Sil;I0 to wide alley. Fine opj.. .rtunii v ft>r it l> iiM«*.JelS-7t CHAS. A. Al. EI 1 N, 1 4-lt t «b

IjHJR SALE.KAST HALF SOUAR1 77:1.Frontage .">!'l t«*et 4 inches <>n 4th «t.

104 leet s»v ini he* on M *t." 144 leet S^ inched on I. ct.

K),63<iw)URteet. One ol the t* it larp»iu« in thanortoea^t part ol the city .

Jelb-7t <11 AS. A. Mct l'UN. 1420 F »t.LMR SALE-SEA KRAL DESIRABLE FRONTAOES* for binlitinjc i'iiriHj>ea, northea»i, near H-anionSyliare. no betU-r opportunit} p'e«enled t<> builJ'-rv loerect medium-priced houses in that part of the city

CHAS. A. McKI EN,JelS-7t 14-,'OFiit.

F*OR SALE.PROSPI criux- I HAVI REMAIN-in»r iniKold^UHt twelv< Lot* in M> l^ni*.hlin'« »ub-

divi*ion. each. The future of this proi« rt> itassured beyoud all quewtiou by the advanc.- m pri. >4aud saleti of aurrouiiUinK prois rt« for tne di^taui-e oltwo mi lea. CHAS. A Moll IN,>'18-7t 14-.'«iE-t.

yuKUIX-ABOOT 275.000 HQFARB 1111 O#J wrotnid in the il. e. section <-f the city, ii-ur ntr> -fcars. Fine opportunity lor aubdiviaion. only l'Jc.I-er foot, if aold this mouth.

SWORMSTEDT ft BRADLEY.aplS-lm !i-.'7 I st n.w

I^OR SALE.I HAVE KOI R M AI Til I K Al»-joiniu«r Lots 'J'J leet frout each by a d<-ptu of !«tl

l<-et- MUrrotllMled by alle\s i>ml ati>*eta. <>n th«side ot P st., uear corner ol 'iOth at n w ..iir. . tlv ' | .>-

c;te the residence ot Hon. Jane t O Hl*in<- This >t ii*.erty. if nc.ld at once, t an be ii ii\erc-a at the e\ti**molylow pruc ol tiS-.lo ier Rvjuar- foou

J No. A. PRIX OTT.Jel4-llt 11 lii 1 «!. li iv.

V^OR SAKK I.< HS-I HAVI t ill \\ III LM Itlts'k .>1 * situated at tie' north, ast corn.T fl'Jtli and LHts. s <.. 14<*tcet mi r.'th m. I>y H. :iL, and S7 lee t trffit on north aid. t 1.11^ Isrtw. - u1'Jth and Kith sts s.e., by <l* plh ol lie.' ."i<l l«- t ail to|rood alleys.which 1 can sell as a w h'deat '_W | l ot.

4 No. A. I'Ki ts< ii| I,Jel4-llt 141(1 1 st n w.


t st. Je 11 Ui


SKA 1 AND s>l AKliAN > CHI RCH.Staires will ruu shortly every hall hour Iimui Iltxh

St.; fare. cents.Lots sold on easy terms. Monthly payments ac¬

cepted >.ti contracts I<.r d<-eda and del. rred |«) ni"iittbear 5 per cent interest. '1 wenty lots have bouaalready sold.

'1'hese lots immediately adjoin the Waehuigloa iuh.which will be open tor iruests Juno LPlat ot lota on ale in our office.

John e. bkalk a co_mvO-.lm 1.(21 F st.

>R SALE.LOTS.l^ots 5 ft 0, blk. 15, H & E sub. dlv. Meridian Hill

with fiaiues runtime ior * IS per month. Price 4'>c ,.rfeu. It.Lots 47, 4S A 49, Denimon ft Leitrhtou sub. Uiv. Mm

ndian Hill. 4t*c.Lots in s<4. 15*2 at 75c.Lots on Colum Gut road liet. 14th and 15th «ts.extends I.Lots in blks. 14, 15, l*i, 1H and "Al, Meridian Hill.

Several fine lota ui Vhitney Close ft Mintwood 1'u.uaub. div.

TYLER ft HKTHERFORD.my7-8w* 1','ai F str<«t north« st

l^OR SALE.LOIS- THE NATIONAK CAPITALA Investment Co., (Samuel H. talker, pr«siilei t. »i;ejLouisiana ave.. next door to City P.O.J A aiuabb- liuil.i-imr Lota lor aaus. bl<ecial terms to those who w ul

build. myl^-3m

The Xll SH

For Our El<v*tit fiprinir and SmutClothiue has commenced. Think care¬fully. Decide wisely. Act promptly.Don't wait. Our Beautiful spring andhummer Ooods have come, and are«roiutfrapidly. In these days trood old-fash¬ion honesty is rare, therefore you will bapleased to see how we have combined oldtune honesty in quality and price, wiuinew, fresh styles In Men's and Boy'sClotliinir and Furnishing Goods. St j lasthe latest, quality excellent, prices low¬est. Buyers cannot put their uione) mmore liberal hands. You need not acceptour statements as we back them with^oods and prices. Our $12, SIS. $1(1tints, must be seen: you cannot iuia«rtusIrom an advertisement. Can say wshave seen sui s sold at much morsmoney that will not hear comparisonwith these.Tailoring department on sscund ani

thinl floors.%

aoah WALKER a CO.my31 035 Pennsylvania svnon

Are You Gtoinq On A Trip?If so, we can fit yon out la Clothing to rait

your taste and purse.

In PANTS our stock Is worthy at your In¬spection. Prices, $3 to 97.

In SUITS we have several styles st §10, AllWool and Fast Color. (Ws never handle goodsthat are not reliable.)

In FINE SUITS, stub as yon wish to wearwh<tu visiting your Irisuda, our .nrliium t»

Call and sss as.