top ranking crossfit gloves(part 1)

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Top Ranking Crossfit Gloves(Part 1)

HarbingerPro WristWrap Gloves

Rank 9

HarbingerPro WristWrap Gloves

HarbingerPro WristWrap Gloves - Suited for a traditional gym product

this gloves perform very well in isolation exercises with bar work such as the bench press.

They protect the hands of many users but in Crossfit this gloves falls short to perform in the dynamic nature of the movement found in Crossfit.

Your hands may be protected from scratches and harsh friction against the bar, but it wont protect you from ending up with hand fatigue due to the excess padding.

This particular pair may be used in the normal lifting motions but you may want to reconsider a pair that is really meant for the intensity of CrossFit.

Overall use as a Crossfit Glove is adequate.

Gorilla Grips

Being a pair of grips and not a pair of gloves, comfort is definitely out of the question. Comparing it to one of the better pairs of CrossFit hand wears . You can get a pair from

(Rank 8)

Gorilla Grips

Despite it’s simplicity in terms of design, the Gorilla-Grips, a product and at the same time a brand on its own, promises its users a farewell to sweaty palms,

calluses, slippage, and basically anything that restrains the everyday athlete from getting the best out of each workout.

The Gorilla-Grips, brands itself as an “all-around” workout partner, regardless of the sport – may it be mountain biking, weight-lifting , or kettle bell training.

For those CrossFit enthusiast out there, you may ask “does the Gorilla-Grips suitable for CrossFit as well?”.   Yes, tried and tested from our end, this pair of grips

may be best recommended for lifting kettle bells or even doing a couple reps of pull-ups, but for WoDing – that’s a whole different story, hence, placing itself in the

near bottom position in our charts.

Mechanix Gloves

(Rank 7)

Mechanix GlovesBuilt for racing and hardcore construction activities the glove performs somewhat well in crossfit.

This company builds gloves built for heavy workmanship.

Your hands feel safe in heavy movements such as sledgehammer work and tire flips yet it lacks the proper grip and protection on many bars.

It is important to know that unlike racing, the sport of CrossFit demands full range motions of the body which the Mechanix Gloves perform adequately.

Furthermore, many users have reported the lack of protection the gloves deliver in some cases. Torn hands would still be a probably result from using this pair in some cases which brings the ranking lower in our scale.

The Nike Alpha Structure Lifting Glove

THE NIKE ALPHA STRUCTURE LIFTING GLOVES dominates 6th place in our books.

We know Nike as one of the pioneering brands in the sports department, not only that, Nike is also popular for its quality and great looking products.

Although, with the Nike Alpha Structure Lifting gloves look just like any other lifting gloves with a check on them, if you ask us. The gloves are well snug and feels great when worn.

The fabric on the gloves are well crafted as to serve protection to the hands, mainly the palm area.

(Rank 6)

The Nike Alpha Structure Lifting Glove

Here’s the verdict, if you’re a person who loves hitting the gym and work on some sets of presses and curls, then this pair would definitely be a good workout partner for you.

But if you are the person who would take frequent visits to the local box and hit a couple of kips, pull-ups and even muscle ups, then you would be better off with a different pair. In one review, the material used in the Nike Alpha Structure Lifting Gloves would, in time, tear and expose the inner layer – when used regularly of course.

You can easily grab a pair from and experience the pros and cons yourself.

If you want to read our article, you can visit it at following link:

For more reviews on Crossfit Gloves, do visit us at:

Thank You

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