under attack the appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. while some...

Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change is misguided and produces a worse condition. Serious change is underway on a large scale in many churches of Christ.

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change is misguided and produces a worse condition. Serious change is underway on a large scale in many churches of Christ.

Page 2: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

“There are many ‘tools’ (dare I say ‘weapons’) employed in the promotion of legalistic patternism, but one of the favorites is a humanly devised, and inconsistently applied, precept known to most as The Law of Silence. In essence it declares that biblical silence should always be interpreted as prohibitive in nature, rather than permissive. In other words, if the Bible says nothing about something, then that which is never mentioned is ipso facto proscribed. ‘Do it and DIE!’ is their motto….

Page 3: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

…Thus, using the same ‘laws,’ they justify themselves and condemn all others. It is such an absurd display of illogic, that the worldly (and even other Christians) shake their heads in wonder that such people actually exist. And yet, they do ... and they are bringing death in the wake of their preposterous theology. As Jesus told the Pharisees (the legalistic patternists of His day), ‘You travel about on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves’ [Matt. 23:15]….

Page 4: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

…Brethren, I'll make a confession -- nothing gets my blood pressure up any quicker than seeing these ‘voices of legalistic patternism’ drag out the old ‘law of silence,’ dust it off, and seek to pawn it off once again upon an unsuspecting public. I will boldly challenge such persons every time I encounter their attempts to beguile my fellow disciples. I can not, and I will not, remain silent in the face of such attempts to shackle my spiritual siblings. Freedom in Christ is literally at stake, and for us to remain silent as lamb after precious lamb is dragged off by the wolves is unconscionable….

Page 5: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

…Thus, in an effort to get around this obvious inconsistency, they had to devise yet another precept -- The Law of Expediency. Through some creative manipulation of texts and logic, they have managed to placate themselves. ‘The Bible is silent about what WE do, but that is okay. What WE do is expedient. However, because the Bible is silent about what YOU do, you are an apostate bound straight for hell.’ Well, as you might imagine, each party of patternists ‘reasons’ exactly the same….”

Page 6: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

“But it's absurb to be of the mindset that you have to find authority in the Bible for everything we do. That mindset is not a product of a relationship with a God who is our loving Abba. Our actions should spring for a love for God, not a fear that we will break the (some quite carefully hidden) laws and commandments. Where in the Bible does it say 'thou shouldst have authority for everything thou doest’?“

See Colossians 3: 17 and I John 5: 3.

Page 7: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

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“The power to judge, act, or command” (R.H.C.D., p.91).

“A commandment or revelation from God…divinely appointed order of system” (Ibid., p. 759).

Page 8: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack



“Law of silence.”


“Freedom in Christ.”


Page 9: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack


“2: Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ” (Gal. 6).

“25: But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed” (Jas. 1).

Page 10: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack


“5: Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount” (Heb. 8, cp. Acts 7: 44).

Page 11: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

“Law of silence.”

“14: For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood” (Heb. 7).

Page 12: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

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They were denounced because they taught but did not do (Matt. 23: 3, 7: 24ff.).

Page 13: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

“Freedom in Christ.”

“29: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30: For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11, Gal. 5: 13).

Page 14: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack


The command to not forsake assembling together implies a place (Heb. 10: 25). The place, then, can be an expedient, a means of carrying out the command.

Page 15: Under Attack The appeal to “change” is being observed everywhere we look today. While some change can be good and needed, much of the obsession with change

Under Attack

We are witnessing a new in that it is more intense rebellion today against Bible authority. They are attacking all phases of Bible authority including, but not limited to the “law of silence.”

“23: And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matt. 7).