the review of serbian raspberry production predrag oreščanin frikos d.o.o

Download THE REVIEW OF SERBIAN RASPBERRY PRODUCTION Predrag Oreščanin Frikos d.o.o

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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THE REVIEW OF SERBIAN RASPBERRY PRODUCTION Predrag Oreanin Frikos d.o.o. Slide 2 Raspberry growing is mostly concentrated in the hilly- mountainous area of the Republic of Serbia, on south from the rivers Sava and Danube. Slide 3 About 90% of harvested fruit is frozen and placed on world markets as four major products: IQF raspberry whole,IQF whole and broken,IQF raspberry crumble & IQF raspberry block. Slide 4 RASPBERRY Serbian Red Raspberries are prized for their color, flavor and firmness. CARBOHYDRATES ANTIOXIDANTS ORGANIC ACIDS VITAMIN C ANTHOCYANINS ELAGIC ACID Slide 5 CULTIVARS Slide 6 The cultivar Willamette has the greatest share in raspberry varietal structure (over 90 %) Slide 7 Meeker Over past decade the share of cv. Meeker has been increased in the regions suitable for raspberry growing Slide 8 Heritage Polana Cv Tulameen PRIMOCANE RED RASPBERRY CULTIVARS There are few plantings with primocane fruiting raspberry cultivars and they are introduced into the production at slow rate. Slide 9 System of two wire vertical trellis Vertical trellis system is formed with 2 m high pools and two lines of single wire to which canes are fastened. Meeker and Tulameen cultivars require additional support because their fruitfull branches can grow to over 1m. They are extremely tender and often break due to the fruit load. Slide 10 HARVESTING MODES Manual raspberry harvesting Mechanized raspberry harvesting Slide 11 Harvesting is mostly manual and almost all raspberryes are harvested into shallow open crates, no more than 2 kg each. Slide 12 In Serbia, only 3-5 % of areas planted with raspberry are irrigated. The most common irrigation method is drip system. Slide 13 INTEGRATED RASPBERRY PRODUCTION Agricultural methods Genetic potential of cultivars Biotehnologic al methods Minimal pesticides application Slide 14 COLD STORAGE There are over two hundred cold storage with deep freezing regime (- 18C), 100 10.000 t capacity. Slide 15 Tipical cold storage Slide 16 In order to improve frozen fruit quality, attention should be paid to: cultivar selection, production and harvest modes, transportation of fruits to cold stores. Slide 17 Fractions of frozen raspberry IQF whole 45%-60% IQF Crumble 30%-45% IQF whole & broken 5%-20% IQF Block 3%-5% Slide 18 IQF Raspberry whole Slide 19 IQF Raspberry crumble Slide 20 Statistics YearArea (ha)Production (t ) 200415.49562.580 200515.41384.309 200615.45072.650 200715.55065.720 200815.49572.550 200915.41374.300 201015.85075.640 201116.34084.050 201215.74865.376 201315.43365.000 Slide 21 PRESENT SITUATION With last year production of 65.000 t, the Republic of Serbia is one of major world producers and exporters of raspberries. In Serbia, raspberry is grown on about 16 thous. ha. About 90% of produced quantity is frozen and exported, and the remainder is sold as fresh fruit or is processed into other products. Raspberry fruits are of strategic importance for the Serbian economy. Slide 22 Yield estimation for 2014? The yield is anticipated to be larger then last year. Slide 23 PRODUCTION STRATEGY introduction of new cultivars suitable for fresh consumption exclusive use of certified planting material for establishing plantings growing raspberry out of season in tunnels increasing the participation of organic production creating recognizable brands improving design and quality of packaging harvesting technology permanent education of agricultural producers