the business value of metrics driven information governance

Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science 1 The Business Value of Metrics-Driven Information Governance Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science Paul Wlodarczyk, EIS Seth Maislin, EIS Ryan Loechl, EIS

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science1

The Business Value of Metrics-Driven Information Governance

Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science

Paul Wlodarczyk, EISSeth Maislin, EISRyan Loechl, EIS

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science2

Today’s Agenda

• Welcome & Housekeeping• Session duration & questions

• Session recording & materials

• Take the survey!

• Foundation Concepts• Dave Zwicker, CMO, Earley Information Science (@davezwicker)

• The Panelist Point of View• Paul Wlodarczyk, VP, Client Services

Earley Information Science (@twitcontentguy)

• Ryan Loechl, Sr. Taxonomy Consultant, Earley Information Science

• Seth Maislin, Principal Consultant, Earley Information Science (@sethmaislin)

• Expert Panel Discussion• Questions & Answers• Join the conversation: #earleyroundtable

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The Business Value of Metrics-Driven Information Governance

Foundation Concepts and Introductions

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Information Governance (Gartner Definition)

• “Information governance is the collectionof decision rights, processes, standards, policies and technologies required to manage, maintain and exploit information as an enterprise resource.”

• “The purpose of governance is to implement mechanisms that ensure the accuracy, integrity, accessibility and security of information across the enterprise. Successful governance requires accountability.”

• “Information governance provides a structured mechanism to select content enhancement requests and provideoversight for enhancementimplementation.”

• “A governance model balances the subject matter expertise that resides in the various departments and business units with the benefits of centralized standardsthat assure preservation of user experience, site structure, enhanced productivity, and overall business value.”

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• Optimize Revenue– Business Objectives & Outcomes

• Control Cost– Data Quality & Integrity

• Manage Risk– Compliance & Security

Information Governance: Benefits and Drivers

How Governance Can Benefit the Business

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• Answer the CEO question: How can governance increase revenue?

• Who is responsible for enterprise information (IT or business units)?

• What metrics & measurements drive business outcomes?

• How to align information owners, stewards & stakeholders?

• How to establish centralized authority & decentralized accountability?

• What is your current information governance maturity level?

• What are the most important next steps to take?

Key Issues and Considerations

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Panelist Introductions

Paul WlodarczykVP, Client Services Earley Information Science

How to organize information governance for success

Why implement metrics-driven governance

What metrics, scorecards and dashboards are used

30 years experience in unstructured content lifecycle and related technologies (search, content management, classification, taxonomy, localization)

Currently working with enterprises leading digital transformation projects

Ryan LoechlSr. Taxonomy ConsultantEarley Information Science

Seth MaislinPrincipal ConsultantEarley Information Science

6+ years experience in taxonomy and content working with retail and industrial supply clients.

Joined EIS as a consultant after having managed product content management teams responsible for introducing millions of products and developing hundreds of taxonomies.

20+ years experience in information management: taxonomy, indexing and content modeling, information architecture, search, and usability.

Dedicated to providing sustaining information management solutions to clients facing real and complex findability challenges.

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Q: What is your level of information governance maturity? No governance Local governance only (pockets) Shared, cross-functional decision-making Decisions assisted by dashboard metrics A governance dashboard that prioritizes actions

Poll Question #1

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science9 Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science

Panelist Points of View

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Maximizing the Business Value of Governance

Paul WlodarczykVP, Client Services Earley Information Science

How to organize information governance for success

Why implement metrics-driven governance

What metrics, scorecards and dashboards are used

30 years experience in unstructured content lifecycle and related technologies (search, content management, classification, taxonomy, localization)

Currently working with enterprises leading digital transformation projects

Ryan LoechlSr. Taxonomy ConsultantEarley Information Science

Seth MaislinPrincipal ConsultantEarley Information Science

6+ years experience in taxonomy and content working with retail and industrial supply clients.

Joined EIS as a consultant after having managed product content management teams responsible for introducing millions of products and developing hundreds of taxonomies.

20+ years experience in information management: taxonomy, indexing and content modeling, information architecture, search, and usability.

Dedicated to providing sustaining information management solutions to clients facing real and complex findability challenges.

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Measuring here (business outcomes)

Measuring here (process indicators)

Digital Content

Working & Measuring here (content, IA, taxonomy, search,

data fill, etc.)

Enterprise Strategy

Business Unit Objectives

New Business Opportunities

Average Order Size Total Account Revenue

Business Processes Site Traffic Search Relevance

SearchWebContent CRM

Processes enable objectives




Revenue Growth

Content supports processes

Objectives align with strategy

Using Metrics & KPIs to Focus Governance

CEO: “How will this increase revenue?”


Content Scorecards

Process Scorecards

Outcome Scorecards

CTR Fill Rate Content Quality etc.

Digital Team: “How do I know taxonomy / content / search is working?”

KPI = key performance indicator

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Publish / Update

Collect Metrics & Outcomes

Assess vs. Target

Improve / Curate

Test / Evaluate

• Metrics-driven governance defines key metrics and KPIs to assure that digital content is driving business outcomes.

• Develop hypotheses about customer goals and success – and what success looks like (outcome & behavior)

• Measure…– Web Analytics / Click-path– Search Analytics– Business Analytics (e.g. purchase patterns, call

center stats, etc.)– Content / Data Quality (e.g. fill rate)… to determine if your customer is successful, and if not, why not.

The Core Idea: Metrics-Driven Governance

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science13

What to analyze:• Developing a complete 360-

degree view of customer success requires cross-disciplined teams

• Industry leaders are organizing their digital teams to facilitate more collaboration

Business Analytics

Search Analytics

Usability Analysis

Web Analytics

360-degree View of Customer Success

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A metrics-driven playbook defines what actions to take based on what’s observedTypical improvements:• Search curation• Taxonomy• Tagging / metadata• Content / data quality• Search tuning• UX design / usability• Platform upgrades

What Levers to Pull – Driving Digital Success










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• Sales Knowledge ManagementIA/Content/Search Curation Self-service Call Center DeflectionIA/Content/Search Curation Sales Agent Uptake Revenue Growth

• B2B Product CatalogFill Rate / Usability / Taxonomy / Search CTR Conversion Leads Related Product Taxonomy / Search CTR Related Products Upsell

• Business Analytics Data GovernanceProvenance / Documentation / Reuse Data Authority Risk Prevention

Examples of Metrics-Driven Governance

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science16

Maximizing the Business Value of Governance

Paul WlodarczykVP, Client Services Earley Information Science

How to organize information governance for success

Why implement metrics-driven governance

What metrics, scorecards and dashboards are used

30 years experience in unstructured content lifecycle and related technologies (search, content management, classification, taxonomy, localization)

Currently working with enterprises leading digital transformation projects

Ryan LoechlSr. Taxonomy ConsultantEarley Information Science

Seth MaislinPrincipal ConsultantEarley Information Science

6+ years experience in taxonomy and content working with retail and industrial supply clients.

Joined EIS as a consultant after having managed product content management teams responsible for introducing millions of products and developing hundreds of taxonomies.

20+ years experience in information management: taxonomy, indexing and content modeling, information architecture, search, and usability.

Dedicated to providing sustaining information management solutions to clients facing real and complex findability challenges.

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science17

Where the Rubber Hits the Road

How do I Action these insights? InsightReporting

Governance Metrics Can:1. Target areas of improvement2. Identify causes of poor quality or performance

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Where the Rubber Hits the Road

The “What” The “Where” The ActionTaxonomy Level 1

Taxonomy Level 2

• Product 1• Product 2• Product 3

Taxonomy Level 2

• Product 1• Product 2• Product 3

High-Level Metrics- Bounce rate is high- Conversions are low

Detailed Metrics

- Product Click-Through Rate

- Filter Click-Through Rate

- Product Data Fill Rate

Launch new initiative to improve the quality and completeness of

product data.

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science19

Maximizing the Business Value of Governance

Paul WlodarczykVP, Client Services Earley Information Science

How to organize information governance for success

Why implement metrics-driven governance

What metrics, scorecards and dashboards are used

30 years experience in unstructured content lifecycle and related technologies (search, content management, classification, taxonomy, localization)

Currently working with enterprises leading digital transformation projects

Ryan LoechlSr. Taxonomy ConsultantEarley Information Science

Seth MaislinPrincipal ConsultantEarley Information Science

6+ years experience in taxonomy and content working with retail and industrial supply clients.

Joined EIS as a consultant after having managed product content management teams responsible for introducing millions of products and developing hundreds of taxonomies.

20+ years experience in information management: taxonomy, indexing and content modeling, information architecture, search, and usability.

Dedicated to providing sustaining information management solutions to clients facing real and complex findability challenges.

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science20

Governance Dynamic




behavior change

governance activity (perpetual) process work (ongoing)

Governance Project Management


project work (temporary)

running the businessreporting

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science21

Governance Program Health Metrics

organizational health

• steward representation• expenditures and savings• projects (approved, ongoing, backlog)• policies established

people health

• headcount• specialization breadth and coverage• education, training completed, training written• participant opinion

process health• process efficiency• decision-making efficiency• escalation frequency and efficiency

taxonomy scope• size and scope of taxonomy• clear ownership coverage• taxonomy conflicts needing reconciliation

technology health• percent integration with taxonomy• term synchronization health• presence of unique identifiers

compliance health & risk• audits completed, pass/fail• number of known issues• number of negative incidents

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science22

Traditional Governance Models

The democratic modeluses a single all-hands core team with modest executive oversight. When all stakeholders are equal, decision-making can be difficult, leading to project stagnation and desynchronization of systems.

democratic multi-domain gatekeeper collaborative service

The multi-domain model is comprised of several self-governed business areas, guided by a company-wide committee. Best approach for driving change through strategy policy and planning, but inherently bureaucratic and stifling when treated as mandate.

The collaborative modelrecognizes multiple, operationally separate business areas, who can collaborate but generally make their own decisions. Consistent with agile; failure likely without total, consistent commitment at all levels of the firm.

The service modelleverages the resources and knowledge of a single team of specialists across teams, domains, and projects. Works well in highly fluid or fractured environments, but not strategically scalable.

The gatekeeper modelis designed around a single decision-making body responsible for approving all actions and decisions. Highly risk-averse but also non-collaborative, prone to operational bottlenecks.

The best governance approach leverages the best features of all models.

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Q: Which of these do you think are your best next steps toward achieving greater maturity in information governance?

Assess governance maturity level Design top-down decision-making structure Governance standup and tuning Metrics & KPI selection & dashboard Governance technology exploration

Poll Question #2

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Your Questions and Answers

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Copyright © 2015 Earley Information Science25

Your Questions and Answers

Paul WlodarczykVP, Client Services Earley Information Science

How to organize information governance for success

Why implement metrics-driven governance

What metrics, scorecards and dashboards are used

30 years experience in unstructured content lifecycle and related technologies (search, content management, classification, taxonomy, localization)

Currently working with enterprises leading digital transformation projects

Ryan LoechlSr. Taxonomy ConsultantEarley Information Science

Seth MaislinPrincipal ConsultantEarley Information Science

6+ years experience in taxonomy and content working with retail and industrial supply clients.

Joined EIS as a consultant after having managed product content management teams responsible for introducing millions of products and developing hundreds of taxonomies.

20+ years experience in information management: taxonomy, indexing and content modeling, information architecture, search, and usability.

Dedicated to providing sustaining information management solutions to clients facing real and complex findability challenges.

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• What is Information Governance? And Why is it So Hard?

• Information Governance: Not A Product, Not A Technology, Not A Market

• A Simple Model for Information Governance

• The Data Asset: How Smart Companies Govern Their Data for Business Success

• Five Common Challenges of Implementing Information Governance

• Information Governance and Data Quality

• Automating Information Governance - Assuring Compliance

Suggested Resources

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Call to Action

“Meet the Experts” for a 1-hour Q&A via conference call about the topics of your choice…

– Diagnosing a Governance Issue– Governance Models – Which one is right for you?– Making governance practical & sustainable– Selecting Metrics & Building a Dashboard– Exploring Governance Technology

To set up your call contact us at [email protected] respond to the survey

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Earley Information Science helps organizations establish a strong

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Realize your digital transformation vision with EIS.

Earley Information Science (EIS)Information Architects for the Digital Age

Founded – 1994

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