tana railway and pipeline bridge - university of...

UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge By KANYIRI ANDREW F. KAGO F16/2439/2000 A project submitted as a partial fulfillment for the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL&STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING -

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Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge




A project submitted as a partial fulfillment for the requirement for the award of the degree of



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I am extremely grateful to my project supervisor Dr., Eng. S. O Abuodha. Senior lecturer in the

University of Nairobi, whose inspiring guidance at all stages has led to the completion of this project.

I also wish to express my gratitude to my parents and family for their unconditional love and support

towards my academic endeavors. I also remember my lectures and classmates of whom we have toiled

through this road shoulder to shoulder.

“It takes a country to make an Engineer”

May God Bless you all

Kanyiri Andrew F. Kago

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Chapter one: Introduction …………………………………………………………………..……………….1


Economic Goals………………………………………………………………………..………………2

Social goals……………………………………………………………………………….……………..3

Legal and Environmental Standards……………………………………………..………....7

Chapter two: Literature Review......………………………………………………………………..……26

History of Simple Truss Bridges……………………………………………………………….27

Principles of Designing……………………………………………………………………….……41

Chapter Three: Theoretical Analysis ……..……………………………………………………..……55

Design Standards………………………………………………………………………….…………56


Chapter four: Analysis..………………………………………………………………………………..………71

K-Truss Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………….72


Wind and Braking analysis for Pier Design………………………………………………227

Wind Analysis…………………………………………………………………………….228


Pier Design………………………………………………………………………….………234


Piles and Pile Cap……………………………………..…………………………………………....257

Fatigue Analysis……………………………………………………………..……………………….263

Chapter five:Conclusions……………………………………………………………..…………………….…267


Chapter Six: References…………………………………………………………………..……………….….274

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Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….276

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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Engineering is all about making the hypothesis a practicality and a reality.

It is my hypothetic submission that a railway and pipeline link to connect the coastal town of Mombasa to the Port Island city of Lamu is a practical solution that caters for the national economic, sociologic, technologic, legal and environmental needs. Along this link we encounter The River Tana. This project provides a bridge to cross The River Tana hence it is called Tana Railway Bridge.

ECONOMIC GOALS The economic benefits of this Project are divided into two

1. Pipeline

2. Double track railwayline


Here, we have both short term economic benefits as well as long term economic benefits


1. To economically supply refined petroleum products to Lamu.

2. To create employment during and after its construction.

3. To attract investors to the region.


1. To link regional oil to the Mombasa Refinery. Since the discovery of oil in Uganda and Turkana, it is

projected that Kenya may no longer import oil. The pipeline in the LAPSSET Project only delivers the oil

to Lamu.

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2. To link refined oil from The Lamu Refinery to the existing Kenyan Pipeline Company’s network for

storage or consumption. This is the pipeline network that links Mombasa to Kisumu through the towns

of Nairobi, Nakuru and Eldoret.

3. To offer Mombasa Refinery as a substitute to the Lamu Refinery during surplus or break downs.

Sudanese oil is projected to be locally refined as well as that from Kenya and Uganda.

4. To link a pipeline to offer Aviation fuel depots of the airports and fuel supply to the deports at the resort

cities within the LAPSSET Project.


Similarly, we have both short term and long term economic benefits:


1. Growth of Lamu’s infrastructure as the largest port city in Africa demands an economical and efficient

transport system to supply building labour, materials and component parts. This can be achieved by

offering railway transport.

2. The presence of a railway offers an incentive to investors and entrepreneurs from the public and private

sector and also from the international spheres.

3. Land in the coastal region is relatively cheap for railway construction since it is partly owned by the

Government and major permanent structures on course are few if any. Railway reserve required is lesser

than that required for road reserve.


1. To link Lamu Port to The East African Railway. Lamu Port is projected to be the busiest port hence,

connecting it to Nairobi, the capital city, is inevitable and railway is the way to go as the government policy is

against truck overloading on roads.

2. To offer flexibility of choice of port (between Lamu Port and Mombasa Port) to both importers and


3. To offer both importers and exporters economies of scale by making use of large ships (Super Post Panamax

vessels ) with capacity of 8,000 teu which can only dock at Lamu Port without interior railway restrictions as

Mombasa port can only dock vessels of 3,000 teu capacity due to harbor depth.

4. To create a competitive edge over the proposed US$10 bn. Port project in Dar es Salam, Tanzania who’s

potential in the region threatens business in Kenyan Ports as the main regional hub.

5. To involve double railway track system to ease Traffic since expected traffic is relatively high…a simple

estimate can be got by projecting a comparison of 2 berths of Mombasa Port to 22 berths of the Lamu Port

of which each has a 266.7% higher capacity(8000 teu to 3000 teu).


Employment opportunities

The project will create numerous employment opportunities for both for skilled and unskilled labor alike during the construction and

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operational phases and be trained to take up jobs during operation stage. This will be a source of income for several individuals and households and hence is expected to boost the GDP and improve the living standards of Kenyans. Increased Business Opportunities

Small scale business people such as food vendors and kiosk owners will benefit greatly during construction. Mining of building materials will greatly improve due to cheap and affordable transport. Increased Security Security will generally be improved in various regions where the railway passes through, especially during construction and operation stage. Provision of a cheaper and faster means of transport

The proposed railway line will provide a faster and cheaper means of transport of freight and passengers, from Mombasa to Lamu. This will be the best means of travel compared to the water transport which is very expensive to ordinary people and road transport which most people use. Improved Tourism With the proposed railway, tourism would be improved. They agreed that with the railway going through the park, it would be a very convenient means of transport for tourists visiting the Tsavo National Parks. Improved Road Safety The road safety from Mombasa to Lamu Road highway to improve since most long-distance trucks will be removed. This will drastically improve the safety of public road users and reduce number of road accidents in the long run.

Improved Agricultural Production

Agricultural products will be able to reach the market easily, hence improved rural incomes. They indicated that cultivation of sisal, fruits and other food crops for ASALs will greatly be improved. NEGATIVE attributes Noise and Vibrations There is concern over the possibility of high noise and vibration levels at the project site as a result of excavation, construction and

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demolition works. The source of noise pollution will include; transport vehicles, construction machinery, metal grinding and cutting equipment. Excavations will cause vibrations. However, steps to minimize noise impacts as ballasted decking, including provision of appropriate protective equipment to construction workers, planning and minimizing the frequency materials transport and ensuring that all equipment are well maintained. Dust Generation

Generation of large amounts of dust within the project site and surrounding areas as a result of demolition, excavation works and transportation of building materials. Dust levels at the site are minimized through sprinkling water in areas being excavated and along the tracks used by the transport trucks within the site.. Waste disposal Generation of large volumes of waste during the construction phase. Loss of Vegetation and Agricultural Crops

Some trees and vegetation cover will be cleared to pave way for the proposed development thus creating negative impacts to the environment. Those who benefit from the current condition of the area will be affected for example those who practice small scale farming along the railway line.

Displacement of People and loss of Property

The proposed project may demand land acquisitions which will lead to displacement of persons and loss of property in the area. The main concern is that the affected persons be informed in good time and compensations should be done fairly, using the law and best practices.. Loss of Jobs

Since the cargo trains will transport containers and other goods from the port to their various destinations, the number of long distance trucks plying the Mombasa-Lamu highway will reduce in the long-term hence loss of jobs for truck drivers, reduced revenue for truck owners and mechanics. Other people that will lose jobs are those working in hotels and other forms of businesses that depend on the long-distance trucks.

Emergence of Diseases

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The residents along the proposed line feared that there would be emergence of new diseases such as HIV/AIDS especially during construction of the railway line since many people would be working at the site. There would also be possibility of prostitution.

Interference of other infrastructure The proposed project may interfere with other infrastructure already existing such as the pipeline, water pipes, power lines, roads, electric fences, etc. This, they said, is likely to happen since there has never been an integrated system of planning for infrastructure. The proposed railway is likely to run over the KPC pipeline or water systems hence cause damage of these structures which may then need to be relocated. The final designs must be done in consultation with affected parties like KWS, KENHA, KURA, KERRA, KPC, KETRACO, etc. Expansion of the railway stations The proposed project will require expansion of some railway stations which will demand more land for acquisition. Some of the existing stations are just within the town and therefore if the expansion is done, then a lot of people and buildings will be affected. Resettlement of Affected Persons The government has a right of compulsory acquisition of land, and the acquisition will be done according to the law, ensuring that all affected persons are resettled.



Until the enactment of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) 1999, Kenya did not have a consolidated legislation for the protection and management of the environment.

Kenyan law has made provisions for the establishment of the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), which has the statutory mandate to supervise and co-ordinate all environmental activities.

Policies and legislation highlighting the legal and administrative requirements pertinent to this study are presented below.

An EIA is a legal requirement in Kenya for all development projects.

The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act 1999, is the legislation that governs ESIA studies.

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This project falls under the Second Schedule that lists the type of projects that are required to undergo EIA studies in accordance with section 58 (1- 4) of the Act.

Projects under the Second Schedule comprise those considered to pose potentially negative environmental impacts. Laws governing environmental protection and conservation in Kenya are derived from the constitutional statutes and the ratified international conventions. These laws regulate the establishment and operation of development projects and their associated activities, which may impact negatively on the environment, human health and socioeconomic well-being of the people who interact with such projects. Policies and legislation highlighting the legal and administrative requirements pertinent to this study are presented below 1 The Constitution of Kenya

Every person has a legal duty to cooperate with State organs and other persons to protect and conserve the environment and ensure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources as enshrined in the constitution as follows.

1. The provisions of Chapter IV (Protection of Fundamental Rights

and Freedoms of The Individual) protects citizens from deprivation of property. No property of any description shall be compulsorily taken possession of, and no interest in or right over property of any description shall be compulsorily acquired, except where it is necessary for public interest.

2. Every person has also the right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures.

3. Chapter V (Land and Environment) of the constitution gives provisions of protecting land, environment and natural resources. The State is required to:—

a) Ensure sustainable exploitation, utilization, management and conservation of the environment and natural resources, and ensure the equitable sharing of the accruing benefits; b) Work to achieve and maintain a tree cover of at least ten percent of the land area of Kenya; c) Protect and enhance intellectual property in, and indigenous knowledge of, biodiversity and the genetic resources of the communities; d) Encourage public participation in the management, protection and conservation of the environment; e) Protect genetic resources and biological diversity; f)Establish systems of EIA, environmental audit and monitoring of the environment;

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g) Eliminate processes and activities that are likely to endanger the environment; and h) Utilize the environment and natural resources for the benefit of the people of Kenya.

2 Kenya Vision 2030

Kenya Vision 2030 is the new country’s development blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030. It aims at making Kenya a newly industrializing ‘middle income country providing high quality life for all its citizens by the year 2030. The vision has been developed through an all-inclusive stakeholder consultative process, involving Kenyans from all parts of the country. The vision is based on three ‘pillars’ namely; the Economic Pillar, the Social Pillar and the Political Pillar. The vision 2030 comes after the successful implementation of the Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS) for Wealth and Employment Creation 2003-2007.

The Kenya Vision 2030 economic pillar aims at providing prosperity of all Kenyans through an economic development programme aimed at achieving an average GDP growth rate of 10% per annum over the next 5 years from the year 2008. The social pillar seeks to build ‘a just and cohesive society with social equity in a clean and secure environment’. On the other hand, the political pillar aims at realizing a democratic political system founded on issue-based politics that respects the rule of law, and protects the rights and freedoms of every individual in the Kenyan society.

The proposed project has the potential to fit in one of the flagship projects that falls under the Economic Pillar whereby Kenya plans to construct more new standard gauge railways in 12 years in order to form a modern railway network within the country by 2030. 3 Institutional Framework

There are 21 institutions, which deal with environmental issues in Kenya. Some of the key institutions include;

1 National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), 2 The Department of Resource Surveys and Remote sensing

(DRSRS), 3 The Water Department, 4 The Kenya Forest Service (KFS), 5 The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) 6 The Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), 7 The National Museums of Kenya (NMK), 8 The Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), 9 The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) among others.

There are also local and international NGOs involved in environmental issues in the country. 1 National Environmental Council (NEC) EMCA 1999 No. 8 part iii section 4 outlines the establishment of the National Environment Council (NEC).

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Top most in the administration of EMCA is National Environment Council (NEC), which is responsible for policy formulation and directions for purposes of EMCA; set national goals and objectives and determines policies and priorities for the protection of the environment and promote cooperation among public departments, local authorities, private sector, nongovernmental organizations and such other organizations engaged in environmental protection programmes. NEC also performs such other functions as assigned under EMCA.

The implementing organ is National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)

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2 National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)

The object and purpose for which NEMA is established is to exercise general supervision and co-ordinate over all matters relating to the environment and to be the principal instrument of the government in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment. A Director General appointed by the president heads NEMA. The Authority shall:

Co-ordinate the various environmental management activities being undertaken by the lead agencies and promote the integration of environmental considerations into development policies, plan, programmes and projects with a view to ensuring the proper management and rational utilization of the environmental resources on a sustainable yield basis for the improvement of the quality of human life in Kenya.

Take stock of the natural resources in Kenya and their utilization’s and consultation, with the relevant lead agencies, land use guidelines.

Examine land use patterns to determine their impact on the quality and quantity of the natural resources.

Carry out surveys, which will assist in the proper management and conservation of the environment.

Advise the government on legislative and other measures for the management of the environment or the implementation of relevant international conservation treaties and agreements in the field of environment as the case may be.

Advise the government on regional and international environmental convention treaties and agreements to which Kenya should be a

party and follow up the implementation of such agreements where Kenya is a party. Undertake and co-ordinate research, investigation and surveys in the field of environment and collect and disseminate information about the findings of such research, investigation or survey.

Mobilize and monitor the use of financial and human resources for environmental management.

Identify projects and programmes or types of projects and programmes, plans and policies for which environmental audit or environmental monitoring must be conducted under EMCA.

Initiate and evolve procedures and safeguards for the prevention of accidents, which may cause environmental degradation and evolve remedial measures where accidents occur.

Monitor and assess activities, including activities being carried out by relevant lead agencies in order to ensure that the environment is not

degraded by such activities, environmental management objectives are adhered to and adequate early warning on impeding environmental emergencies is given. Undertake, in co-operation with relevant lead agencies programmes intended to enhance environmental education and public awareness about the need for sound environmental management as well as for enlisting public support and encouraging the effort made by other

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entities in that regard.

Publish and disseminate manuals, codes or guidelines relating to environmental management and prevention or abatement of environmental degradation.

Render advice and technical support, where possible to entities engaged in natural resources management and environmental protection so as to enable them to carry out their responsibilities satisfactorily.

Prepare and issue an annual report on the state of the environment in Kenya and in this regard may direct any lead agency to prepare and submit to it a report on the state of the sector of the environment under the administration of that lead agency and,

Perform such other functions as government may assign to the Authority or as are incidental or conducive to the exercise by the authority of any or all of the functions provided under EMCA.

However, NEMA mandate is designated to the following committees:

3 Provincial and District Environment Committees According to EMCA, 1999 No. 8, the Minister by notice in the gazette appoints Provincial and District Environment Committees of the Authority in respect of every province and district respectively.

District Environment Committee: District Environment Committees are responsible for the proper management of the environment within the District in respect of which they are appointed. They are also to perform such additional functions as are prescribed by the Act or as may, from time to time be assigned by the Minister by notice in the gazette. The decisions of these committees are legal and it is an offence not to implement them.

Provincial Environment Committee: Like in the case of District Environment Committees, the Provincial Environment Committee is responsible for the proper management of the environment within the province, which they are appointed. They are also to perform such additional functions as prescribed by this Act or as may from time to time be assigned by the Minister by notice in the gazette

4 Public Complaints Committee The Committee performs the following functions:

Investigate any allegations or complaints against any person or against the authority in relation to the condition of the environment in Kenya and on its own motion, any suspected case of environmental degradation and to make a report of its findings together with its recommendations thereon to the Council.

Prepare and submit to the Council periodic reports of its activities which shall form part of the annual report on the state of the environment under section 9 (3) and

To perform such other functions and excise such powers as may be assigned to it by the council.

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5 National Environment Action Plan Committee

This Committee is responsible for the development of a 5-year Environment Action plan among other things. The National Environment Action Plan shall: Contain analysis of the Natural Resources of Kenya with an indication as to any pattern of change in their distribution and quantity over time.

Contain analytical profile of the various uses and value of the natural resources incorporating considerations of intergenerational and intra-generational equity.

Recommend appropriate legal and fiscal incentives that may be used to encourage the business community to incorporate

environmental requirements into their planning and operational processes. Recommend methods for building national awareness through environmental education on the importance of sustainable use of the environment and natural resources for national development.

Set out operational guidelines for the planning and management of the environment and natural resources.

Identify actual or likely problems as may affect the natural resources and the broader environment context in which they exist.

Identify and appraise trends in the development of urban and rural settlements, their impact on the environment, and strategies for the amelioration of their negative impacts.

Propose guidelines for the integration of standards of environmental protection into development planning and management.

Identify and recommend policy and legislative approaches for preventing, controlling or mitigating specific as well as general diverse impacts on the environment.

Prioritize areas of environmental research and outline methods of using such research findings.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, be reviewed and modified from time to time to incorporate emerging knowledge and realities and;

Be binding on all persons and all government departments, agencies, States Corporation or other organ of government upon adoption by the national assembly.

6 Standards and Enforcement Review Committee This is a technical Committee responsible for environmental standards formulation methods of analysis, inspection, monitoring and technical advice on necessary mitigation measures.

Standards and Enforcement Review Committee consists of the members set out in the third schedule to the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act. The Permanent Secretary under the Minister is the Chairman of the Standard and Enforcement Review Committee. The Director General appoints a Director of the Authority to be a member of the Standards and Enforcement Review Committee who is the Secretary to the committee and who provides secretarial services to the Committee. The Committee also regulates its own procedure. The Standard and Enforcement Review Committee may co-

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opt any person to attend its meetings and a person so co-opted shall participate at the liberations of the committee but shall have no vote. Finally, the Committee shall meet at least once every three months for the transactions of its business. 7 National Environmental Tribunal

This tribunal guides the handling of cases related to environmental offences in the Republic of Kenya. If disputes related to environmental matters to this project arise, they are supposed to be presented here for hearing and legal direction. 4 Environmental Policy and Legal Framework 1 National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) The NEAP for Kenya was prepared in mid 1990s. It was a deliberate policy effort to integrate environmental considerations into the country’s economic and social development. The integration process was to be achieved through a multi-sectoral approach to develop a comprehensive framework to ensure that environmental management and the conservation of natural resources are an integral part of societal decision-making.

2 Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (EMCA) 1999 Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act No. 8 of 1999, provide a legal and institutional framework for the management of the environmental related matters. It is the framework law on environment, which was enacted on the 14th of January 1999 and commenced in January 2002.

The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, 1999, is the legislation that governs ESIA studies. The Proponent carried out an ESIA as per the second schedule of this act. This schedule lists the projects required to undergo EIA studies in accordance with section 58 (1-4) of the act.

Transport is covered in part 3 of this schedule and this includes railway lines. The proposed Mombasa - Lamu Standard Gauge Railway line falls in this category of projects for which EIA is mandatory.

This railway line can also be classified as rural per-urban and urban development.

The Act provides for the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) whose objective and purpose is to exercise general supervision and coordination over all matters relating to the environment and to be the principal instrument of the Government in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment. Following the introduction of EIA and Audit Regulations, (2003) issued through Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 56 of 13 June 2003, the submission of environmental reports became mandatory. According to these regulations no proponent shall implement a project likely to have a negative environmental impact or for which an ESIA has not been concluded and approved in accordance with

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these regulation.

This Project falls within Schedule 2 of EMCA 1999 and therefore requires an EIA prior to being issued an EIA license. 1 Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations, 2003

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a critical examination of the effects of a project on the environment. 2 Water Quality Regulations, 2006 (Legal notice No. 121) Water Quality Regulations apply to water used for domestic, industrial, agricultural, and recreational purposes; water used for fisheries and wildlife purposes, and water used for any other purposes

3 Waste Management Regulations, 2006 (Legal notice No. 121) These Regulations may be cited as the Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Waste Management) Regulations, 2006. Waste Management Regulations are meant to streamline the handling, transportation and disposal of various types of waste.

4 Controlled Substances Regulations, 2007 (Legal Notice No.73 of 2007) The Controlled Substances Regulations defines controlled substances and provides guidance on how to handle them. 5 Conservation of Biodiversity Regulations 2006

These are supposed to ensure Conservation of Biodiversity in the country because, Kenya has a large diversity of ecological zones and habitats including lowland and mountain forests, wooded and open grasslands, semi-arid scrubland, dry woodlands, and inland aquatic, and coastal and marine ecosystems. 6 Air Quality Regulations, 2008

The objective these Regulations is to provide for prevention, control and abatement of air pollution to ensure clean and healthy ambient air 7 Noise and Excessive Vibration Pollution Control Regulations, 2009 These regulations were published as legal Notice No. 61 being a subsidiary legislation to the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, 1999. The regulations provide information on the following:

Prohibition of excessive noise and vibration Provisions relating to noise from certain sources Provisions relating to licensing procedures for certain

activities with a potential of emitting excessive noise and/or vibrations and

Noise and excessive vibrations mapping

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8 Wetlands, River Banks, Lake Shores and Sea Shore Management Regulation, 2009

This Act applies to all wetlands in Kenya whether occurring in private or public land. It contains provisions for the utilization of wetland resources in a sustainable manner compatible with the continued presence of wetlands and their hydrological, ecological, social and economic functions and services

9 Prevention of pollution in coastal Zone and other Segments of the Environment) Regulation, 2003

The objective of these Regulations is to provide for prevention, control and abatement measures of shipping activities to ensure harmful substances or effluents are not released into the sea or ocean. The Proponent shall comply with the provisions of the regulation in protecting coastal environment.

10 Wildlife Management and Conservation Act, Cap 376 This Act provides for the protection, conservation and management of wildlife in Kenya. The provisions of this Act should be applied in the management of the project. 11 The Agricultural Act (Cap 318)

Legislative control over soil conversation and land development are mainly controlled within this Act, and many of the provisions can be generally applied beyond those lands suitable for agriculture.

12 Energy Act, 2006

The Energy Act 2006 became law on 2nd January 2007. The Act establishes an energy commission, which is expected to become the main policy maker and enforcer in the energy sector. 13 The Water Act, 2002

The Water Act, 2002 provides the legal framework for the management, conservation, use and control of water resources and for the acquisition and regulation of right to use water in Kenya

14 Forest Act, 2005

The Act highlights the integration of the community on the management, utilization and conservation of forests and its resources

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15 The Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007

. The purpose of this Act is to secure the safety, health and welfare of persons at work, and protect persons other than persons at work against risks to safety and health arising out of, or in connection with, the activities of persons at work. 16 Public Health Act 1986 The public Health Act regulates activities detrimental to human Health. An environmental nuisance is one that causes danger, discomfort or annoyance to the local inhabitants or which is hazardous to human health. 17 Physical Planning Act (Cap 286)

An Act of Parliament to provide for the preparation and implementation of physical development plans and for connected purposes enacted by the Parliament of Kenya

18 Way Leaves Act (Cap. 292)

The Act provides for certain undertakings to be constructed e.g. rail lines transmission lines, pipelines, canals, pathways etc., through, over or under any lands. This project is under the provision of the Act. Section 3 of the Act states that the Government may carry any works through, over or under any land whatsoever provided it shall not interfere with any existing building or structures of an ongoing activity. In accordance with the Act (section 4), notice will be given before carrying out works with full description of the intended works and targeted place for inspection. Any damages caused by the works would then be compensated to the owner as per section. 19 Trust Lands Act, 2010

This Act applies to all land which for the time being is Trust land. Under Section 38, a way leave license may be granted to any person empowering him and his servants and agents to enter upon Trust land vested in the Council and to lay pipes, make canals, aqueducts, weirs and dams and execute any other works required for the supply and use of water, to set up electric power or telephone lines, cables or aerial ropeways and erect poles and pylons therefore, and to make such excavations as may be necessary for the carrying out of any such purposes, and to maintain any such works as aforesaid. However, compensation for loss of the use of land in any case where the usefulness of the land for agricultural purposes is impaired must be made before the license is awarded. 20 The Land Registration Act, 2012

The Land Registration Act is place to revise, consolidate and rationalize the registration of titles to land, to give effect to the principles and objects of devolved government in land registration, and for connected purposes. This Act applies to Subject to section 4, this Act shall apply to:

(a) Registration of interests in all public land as declared by

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Article 62 of the Constitution; (b) Registration of interests in all private land as declared by Article 64 of the Constitution; and (c) Registration and recording of community interests in land.

Section 24 states that: (a) the registration of a person as the proprietor of land shall vest in that person the absolute ownership of that land together with all rights and privileges belonging or appurtenant thereto; and (b) the registration of a person as the proprietor of a lease shall vest in that person the leasehold interest described in the lease, together with all implied and expressed rights and privileges belonging or appurtenant thereto and subject to all implied or expressed agreements, liabilities or incidents of the lease. 21 The Environment and Land Court Act, 2011 This Act is in place to give effect to Article 162(2) (b) of the Constitution; to establish a superior court to hear and determine disputes relating to the environment and the use and occupation of, and title to, land, and to make provision for its jurisdiction functions and powers, and for connected purposes.

22 The National Land Commission Act, 2012 (No. 5 of 2012)

Section 5 of the Act outlines the Functions of the Commission, pursuant to Article 67(2) of the Constitution as follows 5(1):-

(a) to manage public land on behalf of the national and county governments; (b) to recommend a national land policy to the national government; (c) to advise the national government on a comprehensive programme for the registration of title in land throughout Kenya; (d) to conduct research related to land and the use of natural resources, and make recommendations to appropriate authorities;

(e) to initiate investigations, on its own initiative .or on a complaint, into present or historical land injustices, and recommend appropriate redress; (f) to encourage the application of traditional dispute resolution mechanisms in land conflicts; (g) to assess tax on land and premiums on immovable property in any area designated by law; and (h) to monitor and have oversight responsibilities over land use planning throughout the country.

23 The Land Act, 2012

This is an ACT of Parliament to give effect to Article 68 of the Constitution, to revise, consolidate and rationalize land laws; to provide for the sustainable administration and management of land and land based resources, and for connected purposes. Part viii of this ACT provides procedures for compulsory acquisition of interests in land. Section 111 (1) States that if land is acquired compulsorily under this Act, just compensation shall be paid promptly in full to all persons whose interests in the land have been determined. The Act also provides for settlement programmes. Any dispute arising out of any matter provided for under this Act may be referred to the Land and

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Environment Court for determination.

24 Land Adjudication Act, 2010

This Act applies to any area of Trust land where the County Council in whom the land is vested so requests; and the Minister considers it expedient that the rights and interests of persons in the land should be ascertained and registered.

25 The Standards Act Cap 496 The Act is meant to promote the standardization of the specification of commodities, and to provide for the standardization of commodities and codes of practice; to establish a Kenya Bureau of Standards, to define its functions and provide for its management and control. Code of practice is interpreted in the Act as a set of rules relating to the methods to be applied or the procedure to be adopted in connection with the construction, installation, testing, sampling, operation or use of any article, apparatus, instrument, device or process

26 Kenya Railways Corporation Act (Cap. 397), 1979 The Kenya Railways Corporation was established by an Act of Parliament (Cap 397) of the Laws of Kenya, and commenced operations on January 20, 1978. The overall mandate of the Corporation then was to provide a coordinated and integrated system within Kenya of rail and inland waterways transport services and inland port facilities. Rail transport is the second most important mode of transport in Kenya, after road transport. The nature of Kenya Railways, its operations and business are defined by this Act. Currently, operations of Kenya Railways lie on a national network of railway tracks covering a total distance of 2,778 km. The land corridor on which the rail tracks are laid belongs to Kenya Railways. Under the Vesting of Land Order of 1996 made under the Act, Kenya Railways owns the land corridor of 60 metres on for the main running line.

The Act was amended through The Kenya Railways (Amendment) Act 2005 to make it possible for the Board of Directors to enter into concession agreements or other forms of management for the provision of rail transport services. Following this Amendment, KRC conceded railway operations to Rift Valley Railways Ltd (K) from November 1, 2006 for 25 years for freight services and 5 years for passenger services.

The railway network handed over to the Concessionaire comprised of 2,156 route kilometers of Metre Gauge track. The railway line runs across from the coast of Mombasa to Malaba with principal branch lines connecting Nakuru-Kisumu, Nairobi-Nanyuki, Kisumu-Butere, Eldoret-Kitale, Gilgil- Nyahururu, Voi-Moshi and Konza- Magadi.

The Kenya Railways (Amendment Act of 2005) amends Cap 397 in so far as concession arrangements are concerned. Specifically this relates to facilitation of concession of railway

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operations and business only, otherwise the original statute is still operational in its aims, objectives and jurisdiction. The proposed project calls for consultations between CRBC, KRC and RVR. 27 Local Authority Act (Cap. 265)

The Local Government Act is concerned with a wide range of matters that affect the day to day activities of individuals and organizations. The Sections, which have the most direct relevance, are Sections 145, 146, 147 and 163.

a. Section 145 is concerned with the miscellaneous powers of local authorities. Section 146, Subsection (d) empowers a local authority, with the consent of the Minister, to make grants for the establishment and maintenance of various infrastructural facilities.

b. Section 147, Subsection (d) controls the cutting of timber and the destruction of trees and shrubs.

c. Section 163, Subsection (e) empowers municipal councils, town councils and urban councils to control or prohibit all businesses, factories and workshops which by reason of smoke, fumes, chemicals, gases, dust, smell, noise or vibration or other cause may be a source of danger discomfort or annoyance to the neighbourhood and to prescribe the conditions subject to which business, factories and workshops shall be carried on.

The Proponent shall comply with the provisions of the Act in seeking the required authorizations from the Local Authorities as stipulated in the Act. 28 Public Roads and Roads of Access Act (Cap. 399)

Sections 8 and 9 of the Act provides for the dedication, conversion or alignment of public travel lines including construction of access roads adjacent lands from the nearest part of a public road. Section 10 and 11 allows for notices to be served on the adjacent land owners seeking permission to construct the respective roads. During the construction phase of the project, access to the site areas will be required for the construction vehicles. Where existing roads do not exist, the Proponent shall seek permission from the appropriate authorities to create such access during the construction phase. 29 Use of Poisonous Substances Act Rev. 1983, Cap 247 This Act under Sections 3,4,6,8 imposes restrictions and conditions on the use of poisonous substances and requires that persons concerned with storage, transportation and disposal or use of poisonous substances be registered or licensed. It also requires observance of precautions against poisoning and provides for periods of exposure to risk of poisoning. This will be very important during the

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rail operation stage.

30 Traffic Act Cap 403

This Act specifies that motor vehicles use proper fuel. The Traffic regulations promulgated under the Act specifies that every vehicle is required to be so constructed, maintained and used so as not to emit any smoke or visible vapour. 31 The Kenya Civil Aviation Act, Cap 394 Under this Act, the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) has to authorize and approve the usage of the flight for the purpose of ensuring the safety of flying aircraft over the proposed project area. 32Building Code 1997

The Local Government By-Laws include Building By-Laws that give the Municipalities or County Councils powers to approve building plans. Such plans covers factory chimney shafts, stairs, lifts, rain water disposal, refuse disposal, ventilation of buildings, drainage, sanitary conveniences, sewers, septic and conservancy tanks, fire and means of escape in case of fire

Section 194 requires that where sewer exists, the occupants of the nearby premises shall apply to the local authority for a permit to connect to the sewer line and all the wastewater must be discharged into sewers. The code also prohibits construction of structures or buildings on sewer lines and under power lines. This act will apply to the terminals and stations to be established along the proposed standard gauge line which will also have some staff housing facilities. 33 Penal Code Cap 63

Section 191 of the penal code states that if any person or institution that voluntarily corrupts or foils water from public springs or reservoirs, rendering it less fit for its ordinary use is guilty of an offence.

Section 192 of the same act says a person who makes or vitiates the atmosphere in any place to make it noxious to health of persons /institution, dwelling or business premises in the neighbourhood or those passing along public way, commit an offence. The Proponent shall observe the guidelines as set out in the environmental management and monitoring plan laid out in this report as well as the recommendation provided for mitigation/ minimization/ avoidance of adverse impacts arising from the project activities. 34 The Antiquities and Monuments Act, 1983 Cap 215 The Act aim to preserve Kenya’s national heritage. Kenya is rich in its antiquities, monuments and cultural and natural sites which are spread all over the country. The National Museums of Kenya is the custodian of the country’s cultural heritage, its principal mission being to collect,

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document, preserve and enhance knowledge, appreciation, management and the use of these resources for the benefit of Kenya and the world. Through the National Museums of Kenya many of these sites are protected by law by having them gazetted under the Act. The proponent will ensure the cultural sites near or along the proposed railway line are preserved.

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World Bank Safeguards

the objectives of the World Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policiesis to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people and their environmentin the development process. These policies provide guidelines for bank and borrower staffs in identification, preparation and implementation of programs and projects. Safeguard policies have often provided a platform for the participation of stakeholders in project design, and have been an important instrument for building ownership among local populations (World Bank, 1999-2006). The World Bank’s best practices will be used where local regulations are not sufficient especially of rail projects EHS issues.

1 Environmental Assessment: OP/BP 4.01

The environmental assessment process provides insights to ascertain the applicability of other WB safeguard policies to specific projects. This is especially the case for the policies on natural habitats, pest management, and physical cultural resources that are typically considered within the EA process. The policy describes an environmental assessment (EA) process for the proposed project. The breadth, depth, and type of analysis of the EA process depend on the nature, scale, and potential environmental impact of the proposed project. The policy favours preventive measures over migratory or compensatory measures, whenever feasible. The requirements of the policy are similar to those of EMCA which aims to ensure sustainable project implementation. Most of the requirements of this safeguard policy have been responded to in this report by evaluating the impact of the project, its alternatives, existing legislative framework and public consultation.

2 Forests: OP/BP 4.36

This safeguard policy provides measures for protection of forests through impact evaluation and conservation of forest during project development. This policy is triggered because the proposed railway passing adjacent the highly valued Kaya forests, the impact on the forest will be negligible since no clearance will be done.

3 Natural Habitats: OP/BP 4.04

This safeguard policy requires that the study use precautionary approach to natural resources management to ensure environmental sustainability. The policy requires conservation of critical habitat during project development. To ensure conservation and project sustainability the policy requires that:

Project alternative be sought when working in fragile environment areas; Key stakeholders be engaged in project design, implementation, monitoring

and evaluation including mitigation planning.

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The requirements of this policy were observed as much as possible during the design. Despite this, the line shall traverse several areas with swamps, rivers and streams though preliminary surveys indicated that the project impact on them will be minimal.

4 Physical Cultural Resources: OP/BP 4.11

This policy assists in preserving physical cultural resources and helps reduce chances of their destruction or damage. The policy considers Physical Cultural Resources (PCR) to be resources of archeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, and religious (including graveyards and burial sites), aesthetic or other cultural significance. The project shall traverse several homes in rural Kenya thus it shall stumble onto several burial sites within the affected homesteads; since the tradition of burying the deceased within the homesteads is practiced in the project area. The community members likely to be affected by the project have suggested that such sites should be avoided as much as possible through consultations with individual home owners before project implementation to enable develop appropriate mitigation measures. The proposed project will have no effect to the physical cultural resources because they are not present in the proposed route for the railway line.

5 Indigenous Peoples: OP/BP 4.10

The objective of this policy is to ensure that development projects identify indigenous peoples, consult with them, ensure that they participate in, and benefit from the operations in a culturally appropriate way; and that adverse impacts on them are avoided, or where not feasible, minimized or mitigated. This policy is triggered since there are some indigenous people who live along the proposed line that will be affected by the project.

6 Involuntary Resettlement: OP/BP 4.12

Resettlement due to infrastructure development is not a new phenomenon in Kenya but the government has no Policy Document or Act (it is still under consideration by relevant authorities before it becomes law) that aims at ensuring that persons who suffer displacement and resettlement arising from such development activities can be compensated adequately for their losses at replacement costs.

The proponent may implement the World Bank’s Operational Policy 4.12 which has been designed to mitigate against impoverishment risks associated with Involuntary Resettlement and the restoration or improvement of income-earning capacity of the Project Affected People (PAP).

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The policy requires full public participation in resettlement planning and implementation and describes the conditions that borrowers are obliged to meet in operations involving involuntary resettlement. The proposed project triggers resettlement and relocation in the project area especially for community members with small parcels of land.

7 Projects in International Waters: OP 7.50

The objective of this policy is to ensure that Bank-financed projects affecting international waterways would not affect: Relations between the Bank and its borrowers and between states (whether members of the Bank or not); and the efficient utilization and protection of international waterways.

This policy is triggered if Any river, canal, lake or similar body of water that forms a boundary between, or any river or body of surface water that flows through two or more states, whether Bank members or not; Any tributary or other body of surface water that is a component of any waterway described under Any bay, gulf strait, or channel bounded by two or more states, or if within one state recognized as a necessary channel of communication between the open sea and other states, and any river flowing into such waters. This policy is partly triggered since the proposed project will terminate at the Mombasa and Lamu Port which are on an international water body, Indian Ocean.

8 Projects in Disputed Areas: OP 7.60

The objective of this policy is to ensure that projects in disputed areas are dealt with at the earliest possible stage. The proposed railway line will pass through some disputed areas which are currently settled by squatters.

9 World Bank Safeguard Policy BP 17.50- Public Disclosure

This policy encourages Public Disclosure (PD) or Involvement as a means of improving the planning and implementation process of projects. This procedure gives governmental agencies responsibility of monitoring and managing the nvironmental and social impacts of development projects particularly those impacting on natural resources and local communities. The policy provides information that ensures that effective PD is carried out by project proponents and their representatives. The BP requires that Public Involvement should be integrated with resettlement, compensation and indigenous peoples’ studies. Monitoring and grievances address mechanism should also be incorporated in the

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project plan. The proposed project incorporated public participation and stakeholders’ consultation as part of the ESIA studies in order to collect the views of the local communities and their leaders for incorporation in the project mitigation plan. The consultation was successful and the community members gave a number of views that have been considered in the mitigation plan.

5 Relevant International Conventions and Treaties

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs deals with international treaties at the primary stages of negotiation. The ministry offers advisory guide to the government on the need to ratify such a treaty if considered to be of national interest.

Implementation portfolio then moves to the line ministry, relevant departments and co-operating agencies. If some international issues arise, various international agreements listed above or that exist will be applied for this project. Kenya is signatory to several international conventions and treaties that would need to be adhered to in implementing this project and are geared towards environmental protection and conservation. Some of these include;

ILO Conventions ratified by Government of Kenya Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988

Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention, 1936 (No.50)

Convention on Wetlands or the Ramsar Convention Convention on Biodiversity The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

United Nations Convention to Combat desertification

Important Bird Areas

The World Heritage Convention, among others

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 34: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 35: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 36: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 37: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 38: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 39: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 40: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge


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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 41: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 42: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 43: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 44: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 45: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 46: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

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Principle I

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Principle II

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Principle III

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Simplicity is One of the Highest Attributes of Good Designing.

It is generally by means of a wide experience only that the young bridge engineer learns the truth of this assertion; but the older he grows and the more knowledge he acquires the more convinced does he become that simplicity, not only in design but also in methods of execution of work, is one of the most important desiderata. Other things being equal, that design which is the most simple, or contains the fewest parts, or involves the easiest connections, is the one which will be preferred by competent judges.

Principle II

The Easiest Way's the Best.

Although this principle was not enunciated originally in relation to

structural work, it nevertheless applies to it just as well, for the most

successful engineer is he who in a given time can accomplish in a

satisfactory manner the greatest amount of work. This he can do only by

the use of every labor-saving device of real value, by systematizing to the

greatest practicable extent all that he does, and by making a thorough study

of true economy of time and labor.

Principle III

The Systemization of All that One Does in Connection with His Professional

Work is One of the Most Important Steps that can be Token Toward

the Attainment of Success.

Nor is this by any means all that can be said in Javor of establishing a

thorough system of doing work; because, in the first place, such a sys¬ tem

enables one to accomplish a great deal in a very short time, and, in the

second place, it is a subject of the deepest satisfaction and gratification to

the man by whom it was evolved.

Principle IV

There is an Inherent Sense of Fitness in the Mind of a Well Trained and

Well-Balanced Designer, which Sense of Fitness is of the Greatest

Importance in all that He Does.

It is this sense of fitness which enables him often, when inspecting the

work of other designers, to see at a glance faults and flaws that would

escape the observation of an untrained man. This faculty of rapid and

correct judgment is one which can be developed, and one that should receive

constant attention throughout an engineer's entire career. It is of special

value in an office which employs a large number of draftsmen and

computers, all of whose work has to be checked by the head of the office or

by a reliable assistant. Nor is it only in connection with the work of others

that this faculty is valuable, for it is often serviceable to an engineer on his

own personal work, perhaps even without his being conscious thereof,

saving him from making errors which pure theory might not enable him

to detect, or which the authorities in his line have not yet recognized as

errors. An example of this occurred some years ago in the author's practice

which will- serve to illustrate the point.

In proportioning reinforcing plates at pin-holes, especially for hinged

ends, the author had made a practice of instructing his draftsmen to extend

these plates considerably beyond the length required by the thee-

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recital number of rivets necessary for the connection, without his being

able to give any valid or scientific reason for so doing. By some experiments made later upon the ultimate strength of certain columns with hinged ends, the results of which were published in the Transactions of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, Thomas H. Johnson showed that such pin-plates, unless extended beyond the length required by the theoretic number of rivets, fail before the full strength of the compression member is developed.

Principle V

There are No Bridge Specifications Yet Written, and there Probably Never

Will be Any, which will Enable an Engineer to Make a Complete

Design for an important Bridge without Using His Judgment to Settle

Many Points which the Specifications Do Not thoroughly Cover; or as

Theodore Cooper Puts It: " The most Perfect System of Rides to Insure

Success Must be Interpreted upon the Broad Grounds of Professional

Intelligence and Common Sense."

At first thought one might conclude that this speaks badly for modern

standard bridge specifications, and to a certain limited extent he would be

right; for while it is quite true that railway-bridge specifications generally

fail to cover the entire ground of ordinary bridge-designing at all

adequately, or nearly as thoroughly as they might readily be made to do,

nevertheless it is also true that the science of bridge-designing is such a

profound and intricate one that it is absolutely impossible in any

specification to cover the entire field and to make rules governing the

scientific proportioning of all parts of all structures.

The author, however, has done his best in Chapter LXXVIII of this

treatise to render the last statement incorrect.

Principle VI

In Every Detail of Bridge-Designing the Principles of True Economy Must

be applied by Every One who desires to be a Successful Bridge Engineer.

This subject is such an important one that to its consideration a whole chapter has been devoted.

Principle VII

In Bridge-Designing Rigidity is Quite as Important an Element as is Mere Strength.

In fact, each of these properties is dependent upon the other, because if a

structure be amply proportioned in its main members for the assumed loads,

but improperly sway-braced, the actual dynamic stresses will be greatly in

excess of the live-load stresses provided for, and the metal

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Will be overstressed in consequence; while, on the other hand, if rigidity is

provided for by ample sway-bracing, but at the same time the main

members of the structure be not adequately proportioned, the overstressed

metal of the latter will cause vibration to be set up in spite of the

sufficiency of sway-bracing. Both of these faults are to be found in

existing structures. The effect of the first fault is usually the gradual

wearing out of the structure by impact and rack, and that of the second the

sudden collapse of the bridge without previous warning.

Principle VIII

The Strength of a Structure is measured by the Strength of its Weakest Part.

This statement is as old as the hills, but is just as valid today as it

ever was. The ignoring of its prime importance is constantly the source of

waste of metal in structures, fundamentally weak in certain portions, by

increasing the weights of other portions, and thus adding to the total load

that the weak parts have to carry.

Principle IX

In Bridge-Designing Provision Must Always be Made for the Effect of Impact,

either by Increasing the Calculated Total Stresses by a Varying

Percentage of the Live-Load Stresses, or by Decreasing the Intensities

of Working Stresses below those Allowed for Statically Applied Loads.

Different specifications accomplish this result differently, but the

former method is undoubtedly the more scientific and rational one.

Principle X

In Making the General Layout of any Structure, Due Attention Should is

given to the Architectural Effect, even if the Result be to Increase the

Cost Somewhat.

There is no feature of bridge-designing which has been ignored in

America to such an extent as has this; and it is only of late years that

even a few American engineers have paid any attention whatsoever to

aesthetics in that branch of engineering. The subject is such an important

one that to its consideration an entire chapter of this book has been specially


Principle XI

For the Sake of Uniformity, and to Conform to the Unwritten Laws of Fitness,

It Is Often Necessary in Bridge-Designing to Employ Metal which Is Not

Really Needed for either Strength or Rigidity.

The designer who recognizes this fact will usually produce structures

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Of inner appearance than the designer who ignores it because of false

notions of economy.

Principle XII

Before Starting a Design, One Should Obtain Complete Data Therefore.

If he fails to do so, he will generally have to make alteration after

alteration as the work progresses; and, as one change usually entails

several others, it will result that, by the time the work is finished, enough

labor will have been expended thereon to complete two such designs for

which proper data were furnished at the outset.

Principle XIII

The Building of a Skew-Bridge Should Always Be Avoided when it is


It is often possible to square the crossing either by swinging the center

line or by lengthening the span and squaring the piers or abutments.

Sometimes, however, it is not practicable to do either, in which case the

engineer must make the best of a bad business. The objections to a skew

bridge are these: First, it is fully twice as troublesome to design as a square

structure; second, the liability to error in both shop and field is greatly

increased by the skew; and, third, the resulting bridge is never so rigid,

nor is it so satisfactory in a number of other particulars as a bridge

without this objectionable feature.

Principle XIV

The Best Modern Practice in Bridge Engineering Does Not Countenance the

Building of Structures Having More than a Single System of Cancellation,

Except in Lateral Systems where the Resulting Ambiguity of Stress

Distribution is of Minor Importance.

Some engineer may question the correctness of this assertion; but if he

will glance through the author's paper on "Some Disputed Points in

Railway-Bridge Designing," published in the February and March, 1892,

number of the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and

reproduced in Mr. Harington's book entitled "Principal Professional Papers,"

he will see that, as a whole, the engineering profession endorses the


Principle XV

The Employment of a Redundant Member in a Truss or Girder is Never

Allowable under Any Circumstances, unless it be in the Mid-Panel of

a Span Having an Odd Number of Panels, in Which Case, for the Sake

of Appearance, Two Stiff Diagonals Should be Used.

The reason for this is perfectly clear when one considers that it takes

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Extra metal to build the said redundant member and that its use upsets

the calculations of stresses, rendering them in fact insolvable. A lengthy

treatise was published some years ago in India upon a method of ending

stresses in redundant members, in which much good mental energy was

wasted, for the entire book might have been written in these four words:

"Never use such members." It is not often that an American engineer is

found guilty of employing unnecessary pieces in his designs, but one

cannot say the same of his European brethren.

Principle XVI

The Use of a Curved Strut or Tie in Bridge-Designing for the Sake of

Appearance (or for Any Other Reason) is an Abomination that cannot

for an Instant be tolerated by a Good Designer.

It is hardly necessary to make such a forcible remark as this to American

engineers, although in traveling about the United States one occasionally runs

across a violation of the self-evident underlying principle involved in this

statement; but the published records of some of the greatest bridges

designed by English engineers show the use of pieces of trusses so curved

that actually there is compression on one extreme fiber and tension on the

other. Architectural effect is undoubtedly a very commendable feature in

bridge-designing; but its adoption is no excuse for the violation of the

fundamental principle that every compression or tension member of a truss or

open-webbed girder should be absolutely straight from end to end. It seems

almost unnecessary to state that the appearance of curvature can be obtained

by employing short panels and making each chord-length straight between

panel points.

Principle XVII

In All Structural Metalwork, Excepting only the Machinery for Operating

Movable Parts, no Torsion on Any Member Should be Allowed if it

Can Possibly be Avoided; Otherwise, the Greatest Care Must be Taken

to Provide Ample Strength and Rigidity for Every Portion of the Structure

Affected by Such Torsion.

It is not often that this question arises; nevertheless it is sometimes

forced upon the consideration of the engineer. It came up once in the

author's practice in the case where an elevated-railroad exit-stairway,

having at mid-height a landing and a 180-degree turn, had to be supported by

a single column in order to comply with the demands of adjacent

property owners.

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Principle XVIII

The Gravity Axes of All the Main Members of Trusses and Lateral Systems

Coming Together at Any Apex of a Truss or Girder Should Intersect in

a Point whenever such an Arrangement is Practicable; Otherwise, the

Greatest Care Must be Employed to Insure that All the Induced Stresses

and Bending Moments Caused by the Eccentricity be Properly Provided


This is an important rule that has been more often honored in the

breach than in the observance; in fact, it is only lately that American

bridge designers have begun to recognize its importance. Even today

there are not built many ordinary steel highway bridges in which the

desired intersection in a single point of the axes of all members assembling

at each apex is accomplished; and in most of these structures where

eccentricity exists for want of such intersection, its prejudicial effects are not

duly recognized and provided for.

Principle XIX

Truss Members and Portions of Truss Members Should Always be Arranged

in Pairs Symmetrically about the Plane of the Truss, Except in the Case

of Single Members, the Axes of Which Lie in the Said Plane of Truss.

One occasionally sees a violation of this principle, especially in old

bridges; but experience with structures in which it was ignored has been

such as to show most clearly that this cannot be done with impunity, for the

torsion resulting from eccentrically connected members is patent even to the


Principle XX

In Proportioning Main Members of Bridges, Symmetry of Section about Two

Principal Planes at Right Angles To Each Other is a Desideratum to

be Attained Whenever Practicable.

Of course, in top-chord and inclined end-post sections, which almost

always should be designed with a cover-plate, symmetry about both

principal planes is not attainable. The objectionable features caused by

want of it, however, are provided against by the next "principle."

Principle XXI

In Both Tension and Compression Members the Centre Line of Applied

Stress Must Invariably coincide with the Axial Right Line Passing

through the Centers of Gravity of all Cross-Sections of the Member Taken

at Right Angles Thereto.

Until a few years ago this important principle was simply ignored,

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the effect being that the allowed intensities of working stresses were often

exceeded by from fifty to one hundred per cent because of the eccentricity

thus involved.

Principle XXII

The Principle of Symmetry in Designing Must be Carried Even into the

Riveting; and Groups of Rivets Must be Made to Balance about Central

Lines and Central Planes to as Great an Extent as is Practicable.

The violation of this principle was exceedingly common not very

long ago; and even today, when checking the shop drawings of some of the

leading bridge-manufacturing companies, the author's assistants have to

correct occasional departures from it.

Principle XXIII

Unless there be Some Good Constructive Reason Necessitating the Contrary,

Every Compression Member Should be So Designed Thai the Metal is

Kept as Far from the Two Principal Axial Planes as the Rules of

Good Proportioning Will Permit, in Order to Make the Radii of

Gyration as Large as Practicable. For Economic Reasons the Two

Principal Radii of Gyration Should be Made as Nearly Equal to

Each Other as the Controlling Conditions Will Allow.

It was a violation of this principle that was the underlying reason for

the mistake in design which caused the great Quebec Bridge disaster.

Principle XXIV

Every Compression Member Should be So Well Provided with Lacing or

Latticing and Stay Plates, that Were the Piece Tested to Destruction

it would Fail as a Whole and Not by Reason of the Details. For Chord

Sections a Continuous Cover-Plate Should be Used Whenever Practicable,

and for Very Large Chord Sections Two Covers Should be Adopted, One

above and One Below, Provision being Made to Permit Thorough Interior


Defective latticing, combined with the violation of Principle XXIII, was

the mistake in design referred to in the comment on that " Principle."

Principle XXV

In Proportioning Members of Bridges to Meet Stresses and Combinations

of Stresses it is Important to Consider Duly the Quality, Frequency,

and Probability of the Action of the Said Stresses or Combinations of


As a rule, standard specifications take care fairly well of this subject;

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Nevertheless there will often occur in one's practice cases which they do

not cover, for instance, in the designing of high trestles. In such cases the

frequency of application of stress should be considered; because, if a certain

stress or combination of stresses be of frequent occurrence, the usual

intensity of working stress should be adopted, while for very in¬ frequent

occurrences the said intensity can, with perfect safety, be taken considerably

higher. Again, the probability of the application of a certain load or loads

should be considered; because for inevitable loads or combinations of loads

the metal should be stressed as is usual, while for highly improbable loads or

combinations of loads it is legitimate to stress it much higher.

Principle XXVI

In All Main Members Having an Excess of Section above that Called for by

the Greatest Combination of Stresses, the Entire Detailing Should be

Proportioned to Correspond with the Utmost Working Capacity of the

Member, and Not Merely for the Greatest Total Stress to Which it May

be Subjected. In this Connection, though, the Reduced Capacity of

Single Angles Connected by One Leg only Must Not be Forgotten.

It is almost needless to state that most engineers, especially those

connected with contracting companies, will disagree with the author on the

correctness of this statement; nevertheless the latter has yet to see the first

case where adherence to the principle would involve improper, clumsy, or

inappropriate construction. If it be right, for any reason, to use an

extra amount of metal in the section of a member, why is it not also right

to design that member throughout so that, if tested to destruction, it

would fail as a whole and not in a detail? It seems to the author that the

considerations which require extra section would demand either extra

strength or extra rigidity, or both, in the details as well as in the section


Principle XXVII

In Every Bridge and Trestle Adequate Provision Must be Made for Contraction

and Expansion.

Neglecting to comply with this principle has often been the cause of

failure and disaster.

Principle XXVIII

No Matter How Great Its Weight May Be, Every Ordinary Fixed Span

Should be Anchored Effectively to its Supports at Each Bearing Thereon.

At one end it should be anchored immovably, and at the other so as to

provide for longitudinal expansion and contraction. Such anchorage

prevents the dislodging of the structure by wind-pressure or by an

accidental blow from a moving object. It also prevents the structure from

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Principle XXIX

The Bridge-Designer Should Never Forget that it is Essential throughout

Every Design to Provided Adequate Clearance for Packing, and to Leave

Ample Room for Assembling Members in Confined Spaces.

There is no more fruitful source of profanity for bridge-erectors than

the neglect of this principle; and as nearly every designer has to spend a

year or two in learning to allow enough clearance, it follows that the said

bridge-erectors should be given the benefit of "extenuating circumstances"

when brought to judgment for their notorious addiction to the use of strong


Principle XXX

Although for Various Reasons Engineers are Agreed that Field-Riveting

Should be Reduced to a Minimum, such an Opinion Should not be

Allowed to Militate Against the Employment of Rigid lateral Systems.

All Designs Should be Arranged so that the Field-Rivets May be

Driven Readily.

One of the main reasons for the unsatisfactory condition of most of the

older elevated railroads of this country is that their designers endeavored in

every possible way to avoid field-riveting, in order to keep down the cost

of erection; and in so doing they failed to develop the requisite amount

of rigidity in the structures. The result is that many parts of those

structures have to be either reinforced or removed, as can be seen at

almost any time in New York City.

Principle XXXI

Rivets Should Not be Used in Direct Tension.

In the days of iron rivets this was an important requirement, for the

reason that the shanks were often so overstressed in cooling that the heads

would fly off; but this does not occur with steel rivets. Nevertheless it

is advisable to adhere to the rule, except for very unimportant members

where there is a great excess in the number of rivets above the theoretical


Principle XXXII

For Members of Any Importance Two Rivets do not Make an

Adequate Connection.

For such details as lattice bars, of course, two rivets or even one rivet

at each end will suffice; but where a direct calculable stress comes on

the piece and only two rivets at each end are used, it will be found that

they will work loose, while if three are employed, they will not, unless

they are overstressed by the calculated stress on the piece.

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Principle XXXIII

Designs Must Invariably be Made so that All Metalwork after Erection

Shall be Accessible to the Paint-Brush, Except, of course, Those Sur¬

faces Which Are in Close Contact either with Each Other or with the


This clause very properly cuts out the use of ordinary closed columns, which

used to be a fruitful source of condemnation of old bridges.

Principle XXXIV

In Multiple-Track Structures, if Any Bracing-Frames be Used between

Panel Points or Bearings to Connect the Adjacent Stringers or

Longitudinal Girders of Adjoining Tracks, they Must be Designed without

Diagonals, in order to Prevent the Transference of Any Appreciable

Portion of the Live Load from One Pair of Girders to Any Other Pair.

Such a transference would be doubly injurious, because it would

throw on some of the girders more live load than they were proportioned to

carry, and at the same time it would probably overstress the diagonals and

their connections, and would certainly tend to distort laterally the flange

angles of the longitudinal girders on account of the induced torsion.

Principle XXXV

In Bridges, Trestles, and Elevated Railroads the Thrust from Braked Trains

and the Traction Should be Carried from the Stingers or Longitudinal

Girders to the Posts or Columns without Producing Any Horizontal

Bending Moment of the Cross-Girders.

This is a requirement of the author's that has been employed in his

designs for many years. Its correctness was established in his paper on

Elevated Railroads.*

Principle XXXVI

In Trestles and Elevated Railroads the Columns Should be Carried up to

the Tops of the Cross-Girders or Longitudinal Girders and be Effectively

Riveted Thereto.

The correctness of this proposition also was established in the said

paper on Elevated Railroads.

Principle XXXVII

Every Column That Ads as a Beam also Should Have Solid Webs at Right

Angles to Each Other, as No Reliance Can be Placed on Lacing to Carry

a Transverse Load Down the Column.

The truth of this proposition is evident when one reflects that a single

loose rivet or single bent lacing-bar in the whole line of lacing will pre¬

vent the latter from carrying as a web a transverse load. Loose rivets

and bent lacing-bars are, unfortunately, not uncommon in structural


Principle XXXVIII

In Trestles and Elevated Railroads Every Column should be Anchored so

Firmly to its Pedestal that Failure by Overturning or Rupture Could

Not Occur in the Neighborhood of the Foot, if the Bent Were Tested to


As long ago as 1891 the author designed pedestals which involved

truly fixed ends for column feet; but it was several years later before

such a detail began to come into general use. The ordinary old-style

connection of columns to pedestals by an anchor-bolt at each of the four

corners of the bed-plate is extremely weak and ineffective.

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Principle XXXIX

All Pedestals for Trestles, Viaducts, and Elevated Railroads should be

Raised to such an Elevation as to Prevent the Accumulation of Dirt and

Moisture about the Column Feet; and All Boxed Spaces in the Latter

Should be Filled with Extra-Rich Portland-Cement Concrete.

The neglect of these precautions causes the rapid deterioration of the

metal at bases of columns, and thus shortens the life of the structure.

Principle XL

In Designing Short Members of Open-Webbed, Riveted Work, it is Better

to Increase the Sectional Area of the Piece from Ten to Twenty-Five

Per Cent than to Try to Develop the Theoretical Strength by Using

Supplementary Angles at the Ends to Connect to the Plates.

This principle is based upon the results of some tests of the author's on

the strength of single angles and pairs of angles attached by one leg only,

by which it was found that 6" X 3J^" angles connected by the long leg

developed ninety per cent of the ultimate strength of a flat bar of equal

net section, and that 3" X 3" angles connected by one leg only developed

seventy-five per cent thereof.

Principle XLI

S tar-Struts formed of Two Angles with Occasional Short Pieces of Angle or

Plate for Staying them Do Not Make Satisfactory Compression Members.

Better Results are Obtained by Placing the Angles in the Form

of a "T."

The truth of this statement was established by another series of

experiments of the author's made at the same time as were the last-

mentioned tests. The specimen columns did not develop on the average

more than seventy-five per cent of the resistance they should have

realized according to the usual straight-line formula for metal of the same

tensile strength.

Principle XLII

In Making Estimates of Weights of Metal the Computer Should Always be

Liberal in Allowing for the Weight of Details

It is the author's experience that, in nearly every case, the weight of

the finished structure exceeds slightly the estimated weight, and mainly on

account of the use of more metal for details than was figured upon. Of

course, if one sets out deliberately to "skin" a bridge so as to save all

the metal he can, the actual weights of details may be made to under run

the estimate; but such a practice is most reprehensible.

Principle XLIII

In the Design of Any Monolithic Concrete Structure, Proper Consideration

Should be Given to the Stresses Resulting from the Continuity Thereof,

and Reinforcement Should be Placed Wherever Required to Prevent the

Formation of Unsightly or Dangerous Cracks.

It is not to be inferred from the above principle that the author is

in favor of spending a great amount of time in an attempt to make an

exact analysis of the stresses in the various parts of such a structure;

but the approximate values of such stresses should be computed, and

due provision should be made therefore.

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Principle XLIV

In Designing Any Reinforced Concrete Structure, Proper Consideration

Should be Given to All the Construction Joints which will be Required;

and if it is Found Impracticable to Avoid Shearing Stresses on any

Such Joint, these Stresses Must be Fully Provided For, either by

Keying or by the Use of Properly Placed Reinforcing Bars.

Reinforced concrete structures are usually monoliths; but construction

joints are nearly always required at various stages of the work, and

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The concrete at such joints is to be relied on for little else than direct


Principle XLV

Care Must Be Taken to See that the Full Strength of Every Reinforcing

Bar is Properly Developed at the Point where the Said Strength is


Principle XLVI

Sharp Bends in Reinforcing Bars Carrying Stress should Always be Avoided.

Principle XLVII

Loose Stirrups Placed Diagonally in Reinforced Concrete Beams arc of Very Little Value.

Principle XLVIII

In General, Details Must Always be Proportioned to Resist Every Direct

and Indirect Stress that May Ever Come upon them under Any Possible

Condition without Subjecting Any Portion of their Material to a

Stress Greater than the Legitimate Corresponding Working Stress.

This principle involves the whole theory of bridge detailing.

Principle XLIX

The Science of Bridge Designing Lies Mainly in The Detailing.

If the reader who has perused carefully the preceding "principles" is

not convinced of the correctness of this statement, he certainly will be¬

come so after a few years spent in making bridge computations.

Principle L

There is But One Correct Method of Checking thoroughly the Entire Detailing

of a Finished Design for a Structure, viz.: "Follow Each Stress Given

on the Stress-Diagram from its Point of Application on One Main

Member until it is Transferred Completely either to Other Main Members

or to the Substructure, and See That Each Plate, Pin, Rivet, or

Other Detail by which it Travels has Sufficient Strength in Every

Particular to Resist Properly the Stress that it thus Carries; Check also

the Sizes of such Parts as Stay-Plates and Lacing, which Are Not

Affected by the Stresses Given on the Diagram, and See that the Said

Sizes are in Conformity with the Best Modern Practice."

But to do all this as it should be done necessitates the computer's

being, in the truest sense of the term, an expert of the highest order in

all branches of bridge designing.

This paper was originally published in the Transaction of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1807

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BS 5400 The design and construction of bridges in the UK is covered by British Standard BS 5400: Steel, concrete and composite bridges. The document combines codes of practice to cover the design and construction of bridges and specifications for the loads, materials and workmanship. It is based on the principles of limit state design. It comprises the following Parts:

Part 1 General statement Part 2 Specification for loads Part 3 Code of practice for design of steel bridges Part 4 Code of practice for design of concrete bridges Part 5 Code of practice for design of composite

bridges Part 6 Specification for materials and workmanship,

steel Part 7 Specification for materials and workmanship,

concrete, reinforcement and prestressing tendons

Part 8 Recommendations for materials and workmanship, concrete, reinforcement and prestressing tendons

Part 9 Bridge bearings Part 10 Code of practice for fatigue

The general principles of the limit state design approach are given in Part 1; it states that two limit states are adopted in BS 5400, the ultimate limit state (ULS) and the serviceability limit state (SLS).

Part 2 specifies loads that are to be taken into account in the design. Parts 3, 4, 5 and 10 are Codes, which are manuals of good practice for the design of bridges. Implicit in the Codes is the assumption that workmanship and materials will be in accordance with the Specifications of Parts 6 and 7. These two Parts are written in a form suitable for incorporation in contract documents. In particular, Part 6 provides a comprehensive specification for the various forms of steel (plates, sections, bolts, welds, etc.) And the quality of Workmanship employed in fabrication and erection.

In Part 3 (as amended in 2000), reference is made to a number of product standards for the steel material, the most commonly recognized of which is BS EN 10025. Part 6 refers to these and other supporting standards for materials, workmanship, inspection and testing, etc.

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Interrelation of Parts 3, 4 and 5 of BS 5400

Part 5 of BS 5400 deals with the design of composite bridges, but provides detailed requirements only for the interaction between steel and composite elements. Design of the separate elements is referred to Parts 3 and 4 of the Standard.

Revised versions of Parts 2 and 5 of BS 5400

Since Parts 2 and 5 of BS 5400 were published by BSI, there have been technical changes to those documents that have been implemented not through the revision of the documents but by issue of new documents by the Highways Agency (those documents are now part of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

(DMRB), see below). In both cases, the revised documents are applicable to railway bridges as well as to highway bridges



The design process encompasses the whole range of activities from: 1. Initial selection of the basic form of the bridge, through 2. The sizing of individual elements to detailed numerical checking against

recognized criteria in accordance to the standards.

Adequacy of structural performance is measured against three basic criteria:

1. Strength, 2. Fatigue endurance and 3. Deformation performance.

For railway bridges, all three criteria can have a strong influence on design. It was therefore important for the railway bridge design to take all these three considerations from the earliest stages of design.

Design basis

BS 5400 adopts a limit state approach, in which ‘nominal loads’ are multiplied by ‘load factors’ (γfL) to derive ‘design loads’. These design loads are then applied to the structure in isolation or in combination to determine the most adverse internal forces (bending moments, shears etc.), which are in turn utilized to calculate resultant ‘design load effects’. The design resistance is in turn based on ‘characteristic’ material properties, reduced slightly by the application of another partial factor on material strength (γm). The criterion for structural adequacy is expressed as:

R* ≥ S*

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i.e. the design resistance R* shall be at least equal to the design load effects S* - see Clauses 2.3 and 5 of Part 1.

In this verification process, in addition to the partial factors γm and γfL, there is a third factor γf3 to be applied. Unfortunately, there is an inconsistency between Parts 3, 4 and 5 of BS 5400 in applying that factor. In Part 3 (steel bridges), the calculation of design resistance involves division by γf3 whereas in Part 4 (concrete bridges) the calculation of design load effects involves multiplication by γf3. It is not important whether γf3 is applied as a divisor on the strength side or as a multiplier on the loading side but, clearly, care must be taken when considering a composite structure that γf3 is neither omitted nor applied on both sides. It is recommended here that γf3 always be applied as a divisor on the strength side.

Attention is also drawn to the different treatments of the partial factor γm. Part 3 gives values for γm that are to be applied in various circumstances to expressions for design strengths (resistances); the factor is explicitly applied in the calculation. In Part 4, γm is often implicitly included in expressions for design strength (such as ULS moment resistance of a slab).

Loading The loading to be used for railway bridge design is essentially that specified in BS 5400-2. However, that document was modified by BD 37/88 and more recently by the updated BD 37/01. For mainline railways, document GC/RT5112 specifies that BD 37/88 shall be used and document GC/RC5510 gives recommendations that further modify BD 37/88.

The principal types of loading to be considered are:

• Dead load.

• Superimposed dead loads.

• Railway Live Loading.

• Accidental loading. Dead load

The dead load is the weight of the structural elements. It can be calculated from the specified geometry and the densities of the materials

Superimposed dead load

Superimposed dead load covers the weight of the waterproofing layer, the ballast, the track and any walkways, parapets, services etc. Again, this is calculated from the specified geometry and densities of the materials

Ballast depth is usually taken to the top of the sleepers; allowance should be made for increased ballast depth where the deck is sloped for drainage or precambered. Weights of track

To avoid ‘double-counting’, track weights are often quoted as ‘extra over’ values i.e. the weight of the sleepers, rails, etc. minus the weight of the displaced ballast.

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Railway live loading

There are two classes of live load - primary live load and secondary live load. The primary live loads are the weight of the traffic (i.e. vertical loads) and the secondary live loads are horizontal loads that may or may not coexist with the primary loads. However, both primary and secondary loads must be considered together in combinations 1, 2 and 3 because railway secondary live loads frequently do coexist. Type RU loading is not the weight of a real train but is a simplified model developed by the International Union of Railways (UIC) that, when applied to a simply supported beam, would produce load effects approximately equal to or slightly in excess of those that would be derived if the (static) weight of ‘real’ trains were applied.

Dynamic effects of vertical loading

RU load represent the static weight of the traffic. To take account of the magnification in load effects that may develop under the approach, passage and departure of a train travelling at speeds up to 200 km/h, a ‘dynamic factor’ is applied

Secondary live loads

Secondary live loads are those caused by the change in speed/direction of the train that causes primary loading. The three types of secondary load are: centrifugal loading, nosing and longitudinal loading (braking/traction).


Lateral oscillation of the train on the track also gives rise to lateral forces. The value of 100 kN given in Part 2 was deduced for this dynamic wheel/rail interaction force from measurements of forces on rails. It should be applied on both straight and curved track.

Longitudinal Loads

Forces due to traction and braking both act along the rails simultaneously in different directions. Traction and braking differ in that there are usually only a small number of driving axles, but wheels are braked all along the train. For long loaded lengths, the braking loads are therefore significantly higher than the traction loads.

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It is the business of the architect to express structure and purpose with beauty. It is the business of the engineer, as I understand it, to make structures strong durable, rigid, and economical; to apply pure science, excluding, as a matter of principle, any device of art which, for the sake of mere ornamentation, may add to his fabric a shilling of unnecessary weight or a dollar of unnecessary cost. Models of excellence in respect to the principles of aesthetics have evolved due to the following reasons:

1. Very few technical schools instruct their engineering students at all in architecture; and not one of them gives to that important branch of constructive engineering the attention it merits giving rise to original designs.

2. There are seldom any funds to employ in decorating the work. 3. Bridge engineers, as a rule, appear to regard with more or less contempt all efforts

to ingraft architectural ideas upon engineering construction. 4. The monetary factor where it is custom to award winning bridge tenders upon

competitive designs and the lowest bidder.

One mathematical investigation concerning economic truss depths in bridge aesthetics, which is approximately correct, is based on the following assumptions; Let A= weight of the chords, B = weight of the web, C = weight of the truss, and D = depth of truss. Then C = A+B. But the weight of the chords varies inversely as the depth, or


and the weight of the web varies directly as the depth, or B = bD, where a and b are constants; and therefore C ba


It C is to be made a minimum, we shall have, by differentiation

2 0


bdC adD





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From this it is evident that, for trusses with parallel chords, the greatest economy of material will prevail when the weight of the chords is equal to the weight of the web. This bridges has adapted the following in its truss design

1. In any given truss the amount of bending, or the sharpness of curvature, produced in the members is proportional to the intensity of the primary stresses. The larger the primary stresses the greater the deformation, both longitudinally and in bending It follows that in any given truss, for any given method of loading, the secondary stresses bear a fixed percentage to the primary stresses, no matter what the amount of the load may be.

2. Other things being held constant, the percentage of the secondary stress is proportional to the distance to outer fiber in the plane of bending, and inversely proportional to the lengths of the members. When the members are symmetrical the secondary stresses will be proportional to the ratios of widths to lengths.

3. The secondary stresses in any particular member are dependent upon the distortions of all the members of the truss, but, primarily, upon the distortions of the members of the particular triangles of which this member is a part and of the members of the adjoining triangles.

4. Bearing in mind the above principles, it is possible to predict from calculations of typical trusses the secondary stresses in any particular type of truss in terms of ratio of depths to lengths of members with a considerable degree of accuracy.

5. The more uniform the proportions of a truss the less, in general, will be the secondary stresses. Sudden changes in length, width, or moment of inertia are likely to result in relatively large secondary stresses.

6. Trusses consisting of approximately equilateral triangles, and without hangers or vertical struts, present the most uniform conditions and will have, in general, the lowest secondary stresses. A truss composed of right-angle triangles will show relatively higher secondary stresses, and such stresses will be large if the ratio of height to panel length is large.

7. Wherever hangers or vertical struts are used to support single joint loads, as in a Warren girder with verticals, or in a Pratt truss (at the hip vertical, or at the center vertical in the case of a deck bridge) the secondary stresses in the adjacent chord members are likely to be considerably larger than elsewhere. The best arrangement, so far as secondary stresses are concerned, is where each web member forms an integral part of the entire truss so that its stress will gradually change as the load progresses.

8. Considering the fact that secondary stresses are, in general, proportional to the ratios of depths to lengths and considering the principles stated in the preceding paragraphs, it follows that the secondary stresses in trusses where the panels are subdivided, as in the Baltimore or Petit system, are likely to be very high. In the case of pin-connected trusses this may also be the case with the top chord.

The K-webbing system of trussing, which is being used for this Bridge, is quite free from severe secondary stresses, it permits economical panel lengths with great truss depths. The fact of its having no secondary members explains its immunity from excessive secondary stresses. It has also a patriotic appearance as K stands for Kenya, our motherland.

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The proposed site is near Idsowe Bridge which is located in C112 Kenya Roads. This site is most favorable as The River Tana tends to have a straight intersecting section just after meandering upstream the site and diverging into a distribution as it nears the Indian Ocean.

The following are pictorial views of the proposed site from Remote Sensing surveys from Google Earth

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The white cloud “majestically” marks the location.

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This portrays the settlement around the site.

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This is the existing Idsowe Highway Bridge.

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Analysis for a 1x10 m one way spanning continuous slab

Influence line for a simply supported length of 4 m

Concentrated loading from RU loading on a 4x10 m one way slab

BS 5400-2


T. 15

Dynamic effect


( 0.2)l

Where L = 7 =3+4


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TOTAL 4 871.6XM x kNm

4 644YM x kNm

For 1 m span, divide by 4;



Loading for UDL

LOAD LOAD (kN) αmx αmy MX MY


181.8 0.3 0.221 54.5 40.2


90.1 0.3 0.221 27.3 20.1


181.8 0.3 0.221 54.5 40.2


45.5 0.3 0.221 13.6 10.1


45.5 0.3 0.221 13.6 10.1


181.8 0.3 0.221 54.5 40.2

3P 217.9XM 161YM

slab 0.4 24 1.5x x 14.4 kN/m2

Ballast 0.5 21 1.75x x 18.4 kN/m2

waterproofing/concrete joint 0.6 1.75x 1.05 kN/m2

Steel rail 0.025 24 1.5x x 0.9 kN/m2

Walkway/pipeline 2.13 1.5x 3.2 kN/m2

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20.11 38 4 66.88 /x x kNm m


20.056 38 4 34.1 /x x kNm m

Superimpose the concentrated loads to UDL.

Factor in end restraints, of a continuous slab


-ve mmt

(217.9 0.521) (66.9 0.67) 157.8 /x x kNm m

+ve mmt

(217.9 0.479) (66.9 0.33) 99.2 /x x kNm m


-ve mmt

161 34 195 /kNm m

Analysis for a 1x10 m one way spanning end slab (fixed at one end)


-ve mmt

(217.9 0.778) (66.9 1) 236.4 /x x kNm m

+ve mmt

(217.9 0.618) (66.9 0.56) 172.2 /x x kNm m


-ve mmt

161 34 195 /kNm m

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Reinforcements for continuous slab






Reinforcements for end slab






-MX 2157.8 6 1185.9 /

0.87 460 0.95 350mm m

x x x



+MX 299 6 745.5 /

0.87 460 0.95 350mm m

x x x



-MY 2195 6 1465.4 /

0.87 460 0.95 350mm m

x x x



-MX 2236.4 6 1776.5 /

0.87 460 0.95 350mm m

x x x



+MX 2172.2 6 1294 /

0.87 460 0.95 350mm m

x x x



-MY 2195 6 1465.4 /

0.87 460 0.95 350mm m

x x x



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Cross beam/ transverse beam



SLAB 0.4 24x 9.6 1.5 14.4

ballast 0.5 21x 10.5 1.75 18.375

Steel rail 0.58 0.58 1.5 0.87


0.025 24x

0.6 1.5 0.9


LIVE LOAD Cross beam


walkway 2.13 2.13 1.5 3.2

RU track load 181.8/1.17 155.4 155.4

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Truss analysis

Manual analysis compared to computer analysis.
















This is a typical example of the trussing arrangement showing the loading and the reactions

Each panel has a length of 4 meters and the distance from chord to chord is 10 meters

Total length is;

12 4 48x m

Determine support reactions

Consider the rotational equilibrium of the frame: (clockwise rotation is +ve)


60 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 ( 48) 0390





x V xV kN

Consider Horizontal equilibrium of the frame

Consider vertical equilibrium of the frame

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(60 13) 0(60 x13) V(60 x13) 390390







Determine the member forces

Consider a section of the frame cutting through a point just before the midpoint of the truss














Forces in members (top)HJF and (bottom)HJF are equal in magnitude and opposite in sense. Conversely Forces in

the two members (top)RJF and (bottom)RJF must also be equal in magnitude and opposite in sense since there is no

horizontal components of force.

Taking moments about point R

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )


390 (4 5) (60 4 5) 60 4 4 60 4 3 60 4 2 60 4 1 5 5 0

4200 5 5 0



HJ top HJ bottom

HJ top HJ bottom

HJ top HJ bottom


x x x x x x x x x x x x F x F x

F x F x

F F kN

This resolves for the top and bottom chords (tension is –ve to be consistent with computer analysis)

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Evaluating the vertical equilibrium, to solve for the diagonal web members

(top) (bottom)

2 2

(top) (bottom)

(top) (bottom)

(bottom) (bottom)

(bottom) (top)


390 60 6 sin sin

5sin 0.78095 4

30 sin sin 0

30 0.7809 0.7809 0

30 0.7809 0.7809 0









x F F







2 0.7809kN


Finally, to solve for the vertical web members; a typical example been member H.

Consider cutting a section diagonally as shown













A cut

Evaluating the vertical equilibrium, to solve for the vertical member HF , we realize that due to symmetry, the only

unknown member is member HF

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(bottomchord) (bottomchord) (topchord)

(bottomdiagonal) (topdiagonal)

(bottomdiagonal) (topdiagonal)

2 2

(topdiagonal) (b


390 60 6 sin sin 0

5sin 0.78095 4

30 sin








x F F F




(topdiagonal) (bottomdiagonal)

(bottomdiagonal) (bottomdiagonal)

sin 0

30 0.7809 0.7809 0

30 0.7809 0.7809 0









F kN

The above manual analysis has been analysed using a computer package, PROKON, as follows

The figure below shows the node locations, members, loads and the supports.

Self-weight was not included in this analysis

Member Design for Axial Force S01 ===========================================================================

Task Title: task3

Data read from: C:\Prokon\data\demo\Sf.out

Code of practice: BS5950 - 2000

Design approach: Select lightest sections

Profile: I-sections (Web vert)

Design parameters Maximum L/r ratios Kv factor 0.85 L Case Compr. Tension Kx factor 0.85 1 180 350 Ky factor 1.00

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Ane/Ag 1.00 Py (MPa) 350.00

Element Length L.C. Force L/R Crit Section Pc c Result

(m) (kN) Axis (MPa) (MPa)


GROUP TCHORD I-sections (Web vert)

201-202 4.000 1 -0.20 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 0.2 OK

202-203 4.000 1 131.59 179 Y IPE200A 56.0 56.0 OK

203-204 4.000 1 239.79 129 Y 203x133x25 101.7 74.9 OK

204-205 4.000 1 323.55 129 Y 203x133x25 101.7 101.1 OK

205-206 4.000 1 383.47 126 Y 203x133x30 105.7 100.4 OK

206-207 4.000 1 419.18 119 Y 254x146x31 116.8 105.6 OK

207-208 4.000 1 419.18 119 Y 254x146x31 116.8 105.6 OK

208-209 4.000 1 383.47 126 Y 203x133x30 105.7 100.4 OK

209-210 4.000 1 323.55 129 Y 203x133x25 101.7 101.1 OK

210-211 4.000 1 239.79 129 Y 203x133x25 101.7 74.9 OK

211-212 4.000 1 131.59 179 Y IPE200A 56.0 56.0 OK

212-213 4.000 1 -0.20 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 0.2 OK

Group mass = 1093.9 kg

GROUP BCHORD I-sections (Web vert)

1- 2 4.000 1 -1.29 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 1.5 OK

2- 3 4.000 1 -132.43 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 150.8 OK

3- 4 4.000 1 -240.01 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 273.4 OK

4- 5 4.000 1 -323.90 323 Y IPE100 350.0 314.5 OK

5- 6 4.000 1 -383.80 282 Y IPE120A 350.0 348.9 OK

6- 7 4.000 1 -419.50 276 Y IPE120 350.0 317.8 OK

7- 8 4.000 1 -419.50 276 Y IPE120 350.0 317.8 OK

8- 9 4.000 1 -383.80 282 Y IPE120A 350.0 348.9 OK

9- 10 4.000 1 -323.90 323 Y IPE100 350.0 314.5 OK

10- 11 4.000 1 -240.01 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 273.4 OK

11- 12 4.000 1 -132.43 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 150.8 OK

12- 13 4.000 1 -1.29 328 Y IPE100A 350.0 1.5 OK

Group mass = 382.1 kg

GROUP DIAG I-sections (Web vert)

101-202 6.403 1 211.02 166 Y 305x165x40 64.7 41.1 OK

2-101 6.403 1 -208.27 350 Y IPE160A 350.0 128.6 OK

102-203 6.403 1 172.93 166 Y 305x165x40 64.7 33.7 OK

3-102 6.403 1 -171.51 350 Y IPE160A 350.0 105.9 OK

103-204 6.403 1 134.17 166 Y 305x165x40 64.7 26.2 OK

4-103 6.403 1 -133.66 350 Y IPE160A 350.0 82.5 OK

104-205 6.403 1 96.17 166 Y 305x165x40 64.7 18.7 OK

5-104 6.403 1 -95.48 350 Y IPE160A 350.0 58.9 OK

105-206 6.403 1 57.72 166 Y 305x165x40 64.7 11.3 OK

6-105 6.403 1 -57.06 350 Y IPE160A 350.0 35.2 OK

108-207 6.403 1 20.70 166 Y 305x165x40 64.7 4.0 OK

7-108 6.403 1 -20.04 350 Y IPE160A 350.0 12.4 OK

109-208 6.403 1 57.72 166 Y 305x165x40 64.7 11.3 OK

8-109 6.403 1 -57.06 350 Y IPE160A 350.0 35.2 OK

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110-209 6.403 1 96.17 166 Y

9-110 6.403 1 -95.48 350 Y

111-210 6.403 1 134.17 166 Y

10-111 6.403 1 -133.66 350 Y

112-211 6.403 1 172.93 166 Y

11-112 6.403 1 -171.51 350 Y

113-212 6.403 1 211.02 166 Y

12-113 6.403 1 -208.27 350 Y

106-207 6.403 1 20.70 166 Y

7-106 6.403 1 -20.04

350 Y Group mass =

4071.3 kg

GROUP VERT I-sections (Web


101-201 5.000 1 59.65 161 Y

1-101 5.000 1 387.03 144 Y

102-202 5.000 1 -103.22 345 Y

2-102 5.000 1 165.72 161 Y

103-203 5.000 1 -76.19 345 Y

3-103 5.000 1 132.91 161 Y

4-104 5.000 1 104.77 161 Y

104-204 5.000 1 -44.84 345 Y

105-205 5.000 1 -15.14 345 Y

5-105 5.000 1 74.45 161 Y

6-106 5.000 1 45.62 161 Y

106-206 5.000 1 13.93 161 Y

107-207 5.000 1 29.59 161 Y

7-107 5.000 1 29.59 161 Y

8-108 5.000 1 45.62 161 Y

108-208 5.000 1 13.93 161 Y

109-209 5.000 1 -15.14 345 Y

9-109 5.000 1 74.45 161 Y

10-110 5.000 1 104.77 161 Y

110-210 5.000 1 -44.84 345 Y

111-211 5.000 1 -76.19 345 Y

11-111 5.000 1 132.91 161 Y

12-112 5.000 1 165.72 161 Y

112-212 5.000 1 -103.22 345 Y

113-213 5.000 1 59.65 161 Y

13-113 5.000 1 387.03

144 Y Group mass =

2794.6 kg

Total mass for task = 8341.9 kg

305x165x40 64.7 18.7 OK

IPE160A 350.0 58.9 OK

305x165x40 64.7 26.2 OK

IPE160A 350.0 82.5 OK

305x165x40 64.7 33.7 OK

IPE160A 350.0 105.9 OK

305x165x40 64.7 41.1 OK

IPE160A 350.0 128.6 OK

305x165x40 64.7 4.0 OK

IPE160A 350.0 12.4 OK

203x133x25 68.2 18.6 OK

254x146x37 84.1 82.0 OK

IPE120 350.0 78.2 OK

203x133x25 68.2 51.8 OK

IPE120 350.0 57.7 OK

203x133x25 68.2 41.5 OK

203x133x25 68.2 32.7 OK

IPE120 350.0 34.0 OK

IPE120 350.0 11.5 OK

203x133x25 68.2 23.3 OK

203x133x25 68.2 14.3 OK

203x133x25 68.2 4.4 OK

203x133x25 68.2 9.2 OK

203x133x25 68.2 9.2 OK

203x133x25 68.2 14.3 OK

203x133x25 68.2 4.4 OK

IPE120 350.0 11.5 OK

203x133x25 68.2 23.3 OK

203x133x25 68.2 32.7 OK

IPE120 350.0 34.0 OK

IPE120 350.0 57.7 OK

203x133x25 68.2 41.5 OK

203x133x25 68.2 51.8 OK

IPE120 350.0 78.2 OK

203x133x25 68.2

18.6 OK

254x146x37 84.1

82.0 OK

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Node Lcase X-force Y-force Z-force X-moment Y-moment Z-


kN kN kN kNm kNm


1 1 0.00 390.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


13 1 0.00 390.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

The highlighted computer results are very precise to the manual results calculated earlier; therefore computer analysis will be adopted henceforth. Limitations to computer analysis Using PROKON for the truss analysis.

1. PROKON MEMBER DESIGN FOR AXIAL STRESS calculates compression strength due to lateral buckling resistance but does not distinguish for a

member in tension.

2. PROKON MEMBER DESIGN FOR COMBINED STRESSES is limited to universal sections therefore customized sections are not supported by the


3. PROKON MEMBER DESIGN in general does not support reduced member capacity due to connections. Specifically, reduced cross section area

due to bolt holes is not supported.

The transverse beams transfer the deck load by a simple connection to the bottom chords of the truss

The following are the sections for the truss.

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G01Section Properties : 3 PLATE 670X1270

Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations


3 PLATE 670X1270

0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ 670 1270 -670 -1270- 250 35 170 35 110 110 35 910 -35 110 -110 35 -170 -35 -110 -110 -35 -910 35 -110 110

Bending Properties




3 PLATE 670X1270







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A mm2 334.60E3

Ixx mm4 59.039E9

Iyy mm4 23.333E9

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 59.039E9

Ivv mm4 23.333E9

Ir mm4 82.372E9

Ang deg 0.0000°

Zxx(T) mm3 92.975E6

Zxx(B) mm3 92.975E6

Zyy(L) mm3 69.652E6

Zyy(R) mm3 69.652E6

Zuu mm3 92.975E6

Zvv mm3 69.652E6

Zplx mm3 124.24E6

Zply mm3 85.516E6

Yc mm 635.00

Xc mm 335.00

rx mm 420.06

ry mm 264.07

ru mm 420.06

rv mm 264.07

Xpl mm 335.00

Ypl mm 635.00

Perim. mm 3.8800E3

J mm4 45.483E9

Zt mm3 27.138E6

Cw mm6 97.545E12

A-shear mm2 240.50E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 606.77E-3


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G01Section Properties : 4 PLATE 670x1270

Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations


4 PLATE 670x1270

0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ 670 1270 -670 -1270- 285 35 100 35 110 110 35 910 -35 110 -110 35 -100 -35 -110 -110 -35 -910 35 -110 110

Bending Properties




4 PLATE 670x1270







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A mm2 418.60E3

Ixx mm4 69.119E9

Iyy mm4 26.726E9

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 69.119E9

Ivv mm4 26.726E9

Ir mm4 95.845E9

Ang deg 0.0000°

Zxx(T) mm3 108.85E6

Zxx(B) mm3 108.85E6

Zyy(L) mm3 79.779E6

Zyy(R) mm3 79.779E6

Zuu mm3 108.85E6

Zvv mm3 79.779E6

Zplx mm3 149.44E6

Zply mm3 102.12E6

Yc mm 635.00

Xc mm 335.00

rx mm 406.35

ry mm 252.68

ru mm 406.35

rv mm 252.68

Xpl mm 335.00

Ypl mm 635.00

Perim. mm 3.8800E3

J mm4 50.162E9

Zt mm3 32.448E6

Cw mm6 152.32E12

A-shear mm2 314.49E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 508.05E-3


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G01Section Properties : 530x610 post

Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations


530x610 post

0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ 30 250 610 -250 30 530 -30 -250 -610 250 -30

Bending Properties




530x610 post







A mm2 50.100E3

Ixx mm4 745.76E6

Iyy mm4 3.8262E9

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 3.8262E9

Ivv mm4 745.76E6

Ir mm4 4.5719E9

Ang deg 90.000°

Zxx(T) mm3 2.8142E6

Zxx(B) mm3 2.8142E6

Zyy(L) mm3 11.421E6

Zyy(R) mm3 11.421E6

Zuu mm3 11.421E6

Zvv mm3 2.8142E6

Zplx mm3 4.3507E6

Zply mm3 12.967E6

Yc mm 265.00

Xc mm 335.00

rx mm 122.01

ry mm 276.35

ru mm 276.35

rv mm 122.01

Xpl mm 335.00

Ypl mm 265.00

Perim. mm 3.4000E3

J mm4 15.202E6

Zt mm3 151.64E3

Cw mm6 75.875E12

A-shear mm2 27.062E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 858.91E-3


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G01Section Properties : 70X530x670post

Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations



0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ 70 250 530 -250 70 530 -70 -250 -530 250 -70

Bending Properties











A mm2 90.100E3

Ixx mm4 1.7381E9

Iyy mm4 7.0805E9

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 7.0805E9

Ivv mm4 1.7381E9

Ir mm4 8.8186E9

Ang deg 90.000°

Zxx(T) mm3 6.5588E6

Zxx(B) mm3 6.5588E6

Zyy(L) mm3 21.136E6

Zyy(R) mm3 21.136E6

Zuu mm3 21.136E6

Zvv mm3 6.5588E6

Zplx mm3 9.9507E6

Zply mm3 24.367E6

Yc mm 265.00

Xc mm 335.00

rx mm 138.89

ry mm 280.33

ru mm 280.33

rv mm 138.89

Xpl mm 335.00

Ypl mm 265.00

Perim. mm 3.4000E3

J mm4 118.40E6

Zt mm3 798.65E3

Cw mm6 156.22E12

A-shear mm2 62.375E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 746.27E-3


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G01Section Properties : 105X530x670 post

Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations


105X530x670 post

0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ 105 250 460 -250 105 530 -105 -250 -460 250 -105

Bending Properties




105X530x670 post







A mm2 125.10E3

Ixx mm4 2.6064E9

Iyy mm4 9.2280E9

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 9.2280E9

Ivv mm4 2.6064E9

Ir mm4 11.834E9

Ang deg 90.000°

Zxx(T) mm3 9.8354E6

Zxx(B) mm3 9.8354E6

Zyy(L) mm3 27.546E6

Zyy(R) mm3 27.546E6

Zuu mm3 27.546E6

Zvv mm3 9.8354E6

Zplx mm3 14.851E6

Zply mm3 33.029E6

Yc mm 265.00

Xc mm 335.00

rx mm 144.34

ry mm 271.60

ru mm 271.60

rv mm 144.34

Xpl mm 335.00

Ypl mm 265.00

Perim. mm 3.4000E3

J mm4 366.92E6

Zt mm3 1.3839E6

Cw mm6 209.54E12

A-shear mm2 92.936E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 647.70E-3


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G01Section Properties : 530x610 post

Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations


530x610 post

0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ 30 250 610 -250 30 530 -30 -250 -610 250 -30

Bending Properties




530x610 post







A mm2 50.100E3

Ixx mm4 745.76E6

Iyy mm4 3.8262E9

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 3.8262E9

Ivv mm4 745.76E6

Ir mm4 4.5719E9

Ang deg 90.000°

Zxx(T) mm3 2.8142E6

Zxx(B) mm3 2.8142E6

Zyy(L) mm3 11.421E6

Zyy(R) mm3 11.421E6

Zuu mm3 11.421E6

Zvv mm3 2.8142E6

Zplx mm3 4.3507E6

Zply mm3 12.967E6

Yc mm 265.00

Xc mm 335.00

rx mm 122.01

ry mm 276.35

ru mm 276.35

rv mm 122.01

Xpl mm 335.00

Ypl mm 265.00

Perim. mm 3.4000E3

J mm4 15.202E6

Zt mm3 151.64E3

Cw mm6 75.875E12

A-shear mm2 27.062E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 858.91E-3


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Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations



0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ C 203 - 0 C 196.7 + 0 -203 12.5 -700 -25 700+ 0 -903C 203 - -903 0 C 196.7

Bending Properties











A mm2 33.322E3

Ixx mm4 4.3415E9

Iyy mm4 316.95E6

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 4.3415E9

Ivv mm4 316.95E6

Ir mm4 4.6585E9

Ang deg 0.0000°

Zxx(T) mm3 6.1327E6

Zxx(B) mm3 7.2200E6

Zyy(L) mm3 1.5603E6

Zyy(R) mm3 1.5603E6

Zuu mm3 6.1327E6

Zvv mm3 1.5603E6

Zplx mm3 10.206E6

Zply mm3 2.1225E6

Yc mm 601.32

Xc mm 203.13

rx mm 360.96

ry mm 97.529

ru mm 360.96

rv mm 97.529

Xpl mm 203.13

Ypl mm 553.14

Perim. mm 4.0018E3

J mm4 0.0000

Zt mm3 151.64E3

Cw mm6 75.875E12

A-shear mm2 27.062E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 937.35E-3


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G01Section Properties : TRUSS X SECTION

Input Tables Settings


Rotation Angle

Poisson's Ratio

Number of equations



0 Clockwise positive

0.3 0.0 Minimum, 0.5 Maximum

5000 200 Minimum, 30000 Maximum

mm Optional

Code X/Radius Y/Angle

+ 670 1270 -670 -1270- 285 35 100 35 110 110 35 910 -35 110 -110 35 -100 -35 -110 -110 -35 -910 35 -110 110 + 335 0 11.3 -8730 -22.6 8730 + 0 -10000 670 1270 -670 -1270- 285 -9965 100 35 110 110 35 910 -35 110 -110 35 -100 -35 -110 -110 -35 -910 35 -110 110

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Bending Properties










A mm2 1.0345E6

Ixx mm4 22.321E12

Iyy mm4 53.460E9

Ixy mm4 0.0000

Iuu mm4 22.321E12

Ivv mm4 53.460E9

Ir mm4 22.375E12

Ang deg 0.0000°

Zxx(T) mm3 3.9612E9

Zxx(B) mm3 3.9612E9

Zyy(L) mm3 159.58E6

Zyy(R) mm3 159.58E6

Zuu mm3 3.9612E9

Zvv mm3 159.58E6

Zplx mm3 4.6166E9

Zply mm3 205.35E6

Yc mm 5.6350E3

Xc mm 335.00

rx mm 4.6451E3

ry mm 227.33

ru mm 4.6451E3

rv mm 227.33

Xpl mm 335.00

Ypl mm 5.6350E3

Perim. mm 25.265E3

J mm4 0.0000

Zt mm3 151.64E3

Cw mm6 75.875E12

A-shear mm2 27.062E3

Bx 0.0000

Vr 863.00E-3


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========== S p a c e - F r a m e A n a l y s i s - P R O K O N =========== Ver W2.4.49


========================== NODAL POINT COORDINATES ============================

Node No X-coord Y-coord Z-coord Node No X-coord Y-coord Z-coord m m m m m m

1 0.000 0.000 10.000 2 1.000 0.000 10.000 3 2.000 0.000 10.000 4 3.000 0.000 10.000 5 4.000 0.000 10.000 6 5.000 0.000 10.000 7 6.000 0.000 10.000 8 7.000 0.000 10.000 9 8.000 0.000 10.000 10 9.000 0.000 10.000 11 10.000 0.000 10.000 12 11.000 0.000 10.000 13 12.000 0.000 10.000 14 13.000 0.000 10.000 15 14.000 0.000 10.000 16 15.000 0.000 10.000 17 16.000 0.000 10.000 18 17.000 0.000 10.000 19 18.000 0.000 10.000 20 19.000 0.000 10.000 21 20.000 0.000 10.000 22 21.000 0.000 10.000 23 22.000 0.000 10.000 24 23.000 0.000 10.000 25 24.000 0.000 10.000 26 25.000 0.000 10.000 27 26.000 0.000 10.000 28 27.000 0.000 10.000 29 28.000 0.000 10.000 30 29.000 0.000 10.000 31 30.000 0.000 10.000 32 31.000 0.000 10.000 33 32.000 0.000 10.000 34 33.000 0.000 10.000 35 34.000 0.000 10.000 36 35.000 0.000 10.000 37 36.000 0.000 10.000 38 37.000 0.000 10.000 39 38.000 0.000 10.000 40 39.000 0.000 10.000 41 40.000 0.000 10.000 42 41.000 0.000 10.000 43 42.000 0.000 10.000 44 43.000 0.000 10.000 45 44.000 0.000 10.000 46 45.000 0.000 10.000 47 46.000 0.000 10.000 48 47.000 0.000 10.000 49 48.000 0.000 10.000 50 49.000 0.000 10.000 51 50.000 0.000 10.000 52 51.000 0.000 10.000 53 52.000 0.000 10.000 54 53.000 0.000 10.000 55 54.000 0.000 10.000 56 55.000 0.000 10.000 57 56.000 0.000 10.000 58 57.000 0.000 10.000 59 58.000 0.000 10.000 60 59.000 0.000 10.000 61 60.000 0.000 10.000 62 61.000 0.000 10.000 63 62.000 0.000 10.000 64 63.000 0.000 10.000 65 64.000 0.000 10.000 66 65.000 0.000 10.000 67 66.000 0.000 10.000 68 67.000 0.000 10.000 69 68.000 0.000 10.000 70 69.000 0.000 10.000 71 70.000 0.000 10.000 72 71.000 0.000 10.000 73 72.000 0.000 10.000 74 73.000 0.000 10.000 75 74.000 0.000 10.000 76 75.000 0.000 10.000 77 76.000 0.000 10.000 78 77.000 0.000 10.000 79 78.000 0.000 10.000 80 79.000 0.000 10.000 81 80.000 0.000 10.000 82 81.000 0.000 10.000 83 82.000 0.000 10.000 84 83.000 0.000 10.000 85 84.000 0.000 10.000 86 85.000 0.000 10.000 87 86.000 0.000 10.000 88 87.000 0.000 10.000 89 88.000 0.000 10.000 90 89.000 0.000 10.000 91 90.000 0.000 10.000 92 91.000 0.000 10.000 93 92.000 0.000 10.000 94 93.000 0.000 10.000 95 94.000 0.000 10.000 96 95.000 0.000 10.000 97 96.000 0.000 10.000 98 97.000 0.000 10.000 99 98.000 0.000 10.000 100 99.000 0.000 10.000 101 100.000 0.000 10.000 102 101.000 0.000 10.000 103 102.000 0.000 10.000 104 103.000 0.000 10.000 105 104.000 0.000 10.000 106 105.000 0.000 10.000 107 106.000 0.000 10.000 108 107.000 0.000 10.000 109 108.000 0.000 10.000 110 109.000 0.000 10.000 111 110.000 0.000 10.000 112 111.000 0.000 10.000 113 112.000 0.000 10.000 114 113.000 0.000 10.000 115 114.000 0.000 10.000 116 115.000 0.000 10.000 117 116.000 0.000 10.000 118 117.000 0.000 10.000 119 118.000 0.000 10.000 120 119.000 0.000 10.000 121 120.000 0.000 10.000 122 121.000 0.000 10.000 123 122.000 0.000 10.000 124 123.000 0.000 10.000 125 124.000 0.000 10.000 126 125.000 0.000 10.000 127 126.000 0.000 10.000 128 127.000 0.000 10.000 129 128.000 0.000 10.000 130 129.000 0.000 10.000 131 130.000 0.000 10.000 132 131.000 0.000 10.000

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133 132.000 0.000 10.000 134 133.000 0.000 10.000 135 134.000 0.000 10.000 136 135.000 0.000 10.000 137 136.000 0.000 10.000 138 137.000 0.000 10.000 139 138.000 0.000 10.000 140 139.000 0.000 10.000 141 140.000 0.000 10.000 142 141.000 0.000 10.000 143 142.000 0.000 10.000 144 143.000 0.000 10.000 145 144.000 0.000 10.000 146 145.000 0.000 10.000 147 146.000 0.000 10.000 148 147.000 0.000 10.000 149 148.000 0.000 10.000 150 149.000 0.000 10.000 151 150.000 0.000 10.000 152 151.000 0.000 10.000 153 152.000 0.000 10.000 154 153.000 0.000 10.000 155 154.000 0.000 10.000 156 155.000 0.000 10.000 157 156.000 0.000 10.000 158 157.000 0.000 10.000 159 158.000 0.000 10.000 160 159.000 0.000 10.000 161 160.000 0.000 10.000 162 161.000 0.000 10.000 163 162.000 0.000 10.000 164 163.000 0.000 10.000 165 164.000 0.000 10.000 166 165.000 0.000 10.000 167 166.000 0.000 10.000 168 167.000 0.000 10.000 169 168.000 0.000 10.000 170 169.000 0.000 10.000 171 170.000 0.000 10.000 172 171.000 0.000 10.000 173 172.000 0.000 10.000 174 173.000 0.000 10.000 175 174.000 0.000 10.000 176 175.000 0.000 10.000 177 176.000 0.000 10.000 178 177.000 0.000 10.000 179 178.000 0.000 10.000 180 179.000 0.000 10.000 181 180.000 0.000 10.000 182 181.000 0.000 10.000 183 182.000 0.000 10.000 184 183.000 0.000 10.000 185 184.000 0.000 10.000 186 185.000 0.000 10.000 187 186.000 0.000 10.000 188 187.000 0.000 10.000 189 188.000 0.000 10.000 190 189.000 0.000 10.000 191 190.000 0.000 10.000 192 191.000 0.000 10.000 193 192.000 0.000 10.000 194 193.000 0.000 10.000 195 194.000 0.000 10.000 196 195.000 0.000 10.000 197 196.000 0.000 10.000 198 197.000 0.000 10.000 199 198.000 0.000 10.000 200 199.000 0.000 10.000 201 200.000 0.000 10.000 301 0.000 5.000 10.000 302 4.000 5.000 10.000 303 8.000 5.000 10.000 304 12.000 5.000 10.000 305 16.000 5.000 10.000 306 20.000 5.000 10.000 307 24.000 5.000 10.000 308 28.000 5.000 10.000 309 32.000 5.000 10.000 310 36.000 5.000 10.000 311 40.000 5.000 10.000 312 44.000 5.000 10.000 313 48.000 5.000 10.000 314 52.000 5.000 10.000 315 56.000 5.000 10.000 316 60.000 5.000 10.000 317 64.000 5.000 10.000 318 68.000 5.000 10.000 319 72.000 5.000 10.000 320 76.000 5.000 10.000 321 80.000 5.000 10.000 322 84.000 5.000 10.000 323 88.000 5.000 10.000 324 92.000 5.000 10.000 325 96.000 5.000 10.000 326 100.000 5.000 10.000 327 104.000 5.000 10.000 328 108.000 5.000 10.000 329 112.000 5.000 10.000 330 116.000 5.000 10.000 331 120.000 5.000 10.000 332 124.000 5.000 10.000 333 128.000 5.000 10.000 334 132.000 5.000 10.000 335 136.000 5.000 10.000 336 140.000 5.000 10.000 337 144.000 5.000 10.000 338 148.000 5.000 10.000 339 152.000 5.000 10.000 340 156.000 5.000 10.000 341 160.000 5.000 10.000 342 164.000 5.000 10.000 343 168.000 5.000 10.000 344 172.000 5.000 10.000 345 176.000 5.000 10.000 346 180.000 5.000 10.000 347 184.000 5.000 10.000 348 188.000 5.000 10.000 349 192.000 5.000 10.000 350 196.000 5.000 10.000 351 200.000 5.000 10.000 401 0.000 10.000 10.000 402 4.000 10.000 10.000 403 8.000 10.000 10.000 404 12.000 10.000 10.000 405 16.000 10.000 10.000 406 20.000 10.000 10.000 407 24.000 10.000 10.000 408 28.000 10.000 10.000 409 32.000 10.000 10.000 410 36.000 10.000 10.000 411 40.000 10.000 10.000 412 44.000 10.000 10.000 413 48.000 10.000 10.000 414 52.000 10.000 10.000 415 56.000 10.000 10.000 416 60.000 10.000 10.000 417 64.000 10.000 10.000 418 68.000 10.000 10.000 419 72.000 10.000 10.000 420 76.000 10.000 10.000 421 80.000 10.000 10.000 422 84.000 10.000 10.000 423 88.000 10.000 10.000 424 92.000 10.000 10.000 425 96.000 10.000 10.000 426 100.000 10.000 10.000 427 104.000 10.000 10.000 428 108.000 10.000 10.000 429 112.000 10.000 10.000 430 116.000 10.000 10.000 431 120.000 10.000 10.000 432 124.000 10.000 10.000 433 128.000 10.000 10.000 434 132.000 10.000 10.000 435 136.000 10.000 10.000 436 140.000 10.000 10.000 437 144.000 10.000 10.000 438 148.000 10.000 10.000

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439 152.000 10.000 10.000 440 156.000 10.000 10.000 441 160.000 10.000 10.000 442 164.000 10.000 10.000 443 168.000 10.000 10.000 444 172.000 10.000 10.000 445 176.000 10.000 10.000 446 180.000 10.000 10.000 447 184.000 10.000 10.000 448 188.000 10.000 10.000 449 192.000 10.000 10.000 450 196.000 10.000 10.000 451 200.000 10.000 10.000 501 0.000 0.000 0.000 502 1.000 0.000 0.000 503 2.000 0.000 0.000 504 3.000 0.000 0.000 505 4.000 0.000 0.000 506 5.000 0.000 0.000 507 6.000 0.000 0.000 508 7.000 0.000 0.000 509 8.000 0.000 0.000 510 9.000 0.000 0.000 511 10.000 0.000 0.000 512 11.000 0.000 0.000 513 12.000 0.000 0.000 514 13.000 0.000 0.000 515 14.000 0.000 0.000 516 15.000 0.000 0.000 517 16.000 0.000 0.000 518 17.000 0.000 0.000 519 18.000 0.000 0.000 520 19.000 0.000 0.000 521 20.000 0.000 0.000 522 21.000 0.000 0.000 523 22.000 0.000 0.000 524 23.000 0.000 0.000 525 24.000 0.000 0.000 526 25.000 0.000 0.000 527 26.000 0.000 0.000 528 27.000 0.000 0.000 529 28.000 0.000 0.000 530 29.000 0.000 0.000 531 30.000 0.000 0.000 532 31.000 0.000 0.000 533 32.000 0.000 0.000 534 33.000 0.000 0.000 535 34.000 0.000 0.000 536 35.000 0.000 0.000 537 36.000 0.000 0.000 538 37.000 0.000 0.000 539 38.000 0.000 0.000 540 39.000 0.000 0.000 541 40.000 0.000 0.000 542 41.000 0.000 0.000 543 42.000 0.000 0.000 544 43.000 0.000 0.000 545 44.000 0.000 0.000 546 45.000 0.000 0.000 547 46.000 0.000 0.000 548 47.000 0.000 0.000 549 48.000 0.000 0.000 550 49.000 0.000 0.000 551 50.000 0.000 0.000 552 51.000 0.000 0.000 553 52.000 0.000 0.000 554 53.000 0.000 0.000 555 54.000 0.000 0.000 556 55.000 0.000 0.000 557 56.000 0.000 0.000 558 57.000 0.000 0.000 559 58.000 0.000 0.000 560 59.000 0.000 0.000 561 60.000 0.000 0.000 562 61.000 0.000 0.000 563 62.000 0.000 0.000 564 63.000 0.000 0.000 565 64.000 0.000 0.000 566 65.000 0.000 0.000 567 66.000 0.000 0.000 568 67.000 0.000 0.000 569 68.000 0.000 0.000 570 69.000 0.000 0.000 571 70.000 0.000 0.000 572 71.000 0.000 0.000 573 72.000 0.000 0.000 574 73.000 0.000 0.000 575 74.000 0.000 0.000 576 75.000 0.000 0.000 577 76.000 0.000 0.000 578 77.000 0.000 0.000 579 78.000 0.000 0.000 580 79.000 0.000 0.000 581 80.000 0.000 0.000 582 81.000 0.000 0.000 583 82.000 0.000 0.000 584 83.000 0.000 0.000 585 84.000 0.000 0.000 586 85.000 0.000 0.000 587 86.000 0.000 0.000 588 87.000 0.000 0.000 589 88.000 0.000 0.000 590 89.000 0.000 0.000 591 90.000 0.000 0.000 592 91.000 0.000 0.000 593 92.000 0.000 0.000 594 93.000 0.000 0.000 595 94.000 0.000 0.000 596 95.000 0.000 0.000 597 96.000 0.000 0.000 598 97.000 0.000 0.000 599 98.000 0.000 0.000 600 99.000 0.000 0.000 601 100.000 0.000 0.000 602 101.000 0.000 0.000 603 102.000 0.000 0.000 604 103.000 0.000 0.000 605 104.000 0.000 0.000 606 105.000 0.000 0.000 607 106.000 0.000 0.000 608 107.000 0.000 0.000 609 108.000 0.000 0.000 610 109.000 0.000 0.000 611 110.000 0.000 0.000 612 111.000 0.000 0.000 613 112.000 0.000 0.000 614 113.000 0.000 0.000 615 114.000 0.000 0.000 616 115.000 0.000 0.000 617 116.000 0.000 0.000 618 117.000 0.000 0.000 619 118.000 0.000 0.000 620 119.000 0.000 0.000 621 120.000 0.000 0.000 622 121.000 0.000 0.000 623 122.000 0.000 0.000 624 123.000 0.000 0.000 625 124.000 0.000 0.000 626 125.000 0.000 0.000 627 126.000 0.000 0.000 628 127.000 0.000 0.000 629 128.000 0.000 0.000 630 129.000 0.000 0.000 631 130.000 0.000 0.000 632 131.000 0.000 0.000 633 132.000 0.000 0.000 634 133.000 0.000 0.000 635 134.000 0.000 0.000 636 135.000 0.000 0.000 637 136.000 0.000 0.000 638 137.000 0.000 0.000 639 138.000 0.000 0.000 640 139.000 0.000 0.000 641 140.000 0.000 0.000 642 141.000 0.000 0.000 643 142.000 0.000 0.000 644 143.000 0.000 0.000 645 144.000 0.000 0.000

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646 145.000 0.000 0.000 647 146.000 0.000 0.000 648 147.000 0.000 0.000 649 148.000 0.000 0.000 650 149.000 0.000 0.000 651 150.000 0.000 0.000 652 151.000 0.000 0.000 653 152.000 0.000 0.000 654 153.000 0.000 0.000 655 154.000 0.000 0.000 656 155.000 0.000 0.000 657 156.000 0.000 0.000 658 157.000 0.000 0.000 659 158.000 0.000 0.000 660 159.000 0.000 0.000 661 160.000 0.000 0.000 662 161.000 0.000 0.000 663 162.000 0.000 0.000 664 163.000 0.000 0.000 665 164.000 0.000 0.000 666 165.000 0.000 0.000 667 166.000 0.000 0.000 668 167.000 0.000 0.000 669 168.000 0.000 0.000 670 169.000 0.000 0.000 671 170.000 0.000 0.000 672 171.000 0.000 0.000 673 172.000 0.000 0.000 674 173.000 0.000 0.000 675 174.000 0.000 0.000 676 175.000 0.000 0.000 677 176.000 0.000 0.000 678 177.000 0.000 0.000 679 178.000 0.000 0.000 680 179.000 0.000 0.000 681 180.000 0.000 0.000 682 181.000 0.000 0.000 683 182.000 0.000 0.000 684 183.000 0.000 0.000 685 184.000 0.000 0.000 686 185.000 0.000 0.000 687 186.000 0.000 0.000 688 187.000 0.000 0.000 689 188.000 0.000 0.000 690 189.000 0.000 0.000 691 190.000 0.000 0.000 692 191.000 0.000 0.000 693 192.000 0.000 0.000 694 193.000 0.000 0.000 695 194.000 0.000 0.000 696 195.000 0.000 0.000 697 196.000 0.000 0.000 698 197.000 0.000 0.000 699 198.000 0.000 0.000 700 199.000 0.000 0.000 701 0.000 5.000 0.000 702 4.000 5.000 0.000 703 8.000 5.000 0.000 704 12.000 5.000 0.000 705 16.000 5.000 0.000 706 20.000 5.000 0.000 707 24.000 5.000 0.000 708 28.000 5.000 0.000 709 32.000 5.000 0.000 710 36.000 5.000 0.000 711 40.000 5.000 0.000 712 44.000 5.000 0.000 713 48.000 5.000 0.000 714 52.000 5.000 0.000 715 56.000 5.000 0.000 716 60.000 5.000 0.000 717 64.000 5.000 0.000 718 68.000 5.000 0.000 719 72.000 5.000 0.000 720 76.000 5.000 0.000 721 80.000 5.000 0.000 722 84.000 5.000 0.000 723 88.000 5.000 0.000 724 92.000 5.000 0.000 725 96.000 5.000 0.000 726 100.000 5.000 0.000 727 104.000 5.000 0.000 728 108.000 5.000 0.000 729 112.000 5.000 0.000 730 116.000 5.000 0.000 731 120.000 5.000 0.000 732 124.000 5.000 0.000 733 128.000 5.000 0.000 734 132.000 5.000 0.000 735 136.000 5.000 0.000 736 140.000 5.000 0.000 737 144.000 5.000 0.000 738 148.000 5.000 0.000 739 152.000 5.000 0.000 740 156.000 5.000 0.000 741 160.000 5.000 0.000 742 164.000 5.000 0.000 743 168.000 5.000 0.000 744 172.000 5.000 0.000 745 176.000 5.000 0.000 746 180.000 5.000 0.000 747 184.000 5.000 0.000 748 188.000 5.000 0.000 749 192.000 5.000 0.000 750 196.000 5.000 0.000 751 200.000 5.000 0.000 801 0.000 10.000 0.000 802 4.000 10.000 0.000 803 8.000 10.000 0.000 804 12.000 10.000 0.000 805 16.000 10.000 0.000 806 20.000 10.000 0.000 807 24.000 10.000 0.000 808 28.000 10.000 0.000 809 32.000 10.000 0.000 810 36.000 10.000 0.000 811 40.000 10.000 0.000 812 44.000 10.000 0.000 813 48.000 10.000 0.000 814 52.000 10.000 0.000 815 56.000 10.000 0.000 816 60.000 10.000 0.000 817 64.000 10.000 0.000 818 68.000 10.000 0.000 819 72.000 10.000 0.000 820 76.000 10.000 0.000 821 80.000 10.000 0.000 822 84.000 10.000 0.000 823 88.000 10.000 0.000 824 92.000 10.000 0.000 825 96.000 10.000 0.000 826 100.000 10.000 0.000 827 104.000 10.000 0.000 828 108.000 10.000 0.000 829 112.000 10.000 0.000 830 116.000 10.000 0.000 831 120.000 10.000 0.000 832 124.000 10.000 0.000 833 128.000 10.000 0.000 834 132.000 10.000 0.000 835 136.000 10.000 0.000 836 140.000 10.000 0.000 837 144.000 10.000 0.000 838 148.000 10.000 0.000 839 152.000 10.000 0.000 840 156.000 10.000 0.000 841 160.000 10.000 0.000 842 164.000 10.000 0.000 843 168.000 10.000 0.000 844 172.000 10.000 0.000 845 176.000 10.000 0.000 846 180.000 10.000 0.000 847 184.000 10.000 0.000 848 188.000 10.000 0.000 849 192.000 10.000 0.000 850 196.000 10.000 0.000 851 200.000 10.000 0.000 900 200.000 0.000 0.000

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901 0.000 10.000 5.000 902 4.000 10.000 5.000 903 8.000 10.000 5.000 904 12.000 10.000 5.000 905 16.000 10.000 5.000 906 20.000 10.000 5.000 907 24.000 10.000 5.000 908 28.000 10.000 5.000 909 32.000 10.000 5.000 910 36.000 10.000 5.000 911 40.000 10.000 5.000 912 44.000 10.000 5.000 913 48.000 10.000 5.000 914 52.000 10.000 5.000 915 56.000 10.000 5.000 916 60.000 10.000 5.000 917 64.000 10.000 5.000 918 68.000 10.000 5.000 919 72.000 10.000 5.000 920 76.000 10.000 5.000 921 80.000 10.000 5.000 922 84.000 10.000 5.000 923 88.000 10.000 5.000 924 92.000 10.000 5.000 925 96.000 10.000 5.000 926 100.000 10.000 5.000 927 104.000 10.000 5.000 928 108.000 10.000 5.000 929 112.000 10.000 5.000 930 116.000 10.000 5.000 931 120.000 10.000 5.000 932 124.000 10.000 5.000 933 128.000 10.000 5.000 934 132.000 10.000 5.000 935 136.000 10.000 5.000 936 140.000 10.000 5.000 937 144.000 10.000 5.000 938 148.000 10.000 5.000 939 152.000 10.000 5.000 940 156.000 10.000 5.000 941 160.000 10.000 5.000 942 164.000 10.000 5.000 943 168.000 10.000 5.000 944 172.000 10.000 5.000 945 176.000 10.000 5.000 946 180.000 10.000 5.000 947 184.000 10.000 5.000 948 188.000 10.000 5.000 949 192.000 10.000 5.000 950 196.000 10.000 5.000 951 200.000 10.000 5.000

=============================== ELEMENT DATA ==================================

Beam Secn. type Fixity Length ß Group no. m (°)

801-802 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 802-803 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 803-804 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 804-805 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 805-806 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 806-807 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 807-808 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 808-809 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 809-810 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 810-811 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 811-812 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 812-813 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 813-814 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 814-815 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 815-816 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 816-817 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 817-818 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 818-819 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 819-820 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 820-821 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 821-822 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 830-831 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 831-832 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 832-833 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 833-834 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 834-835 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 835-836 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 836-837 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 837-838 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 838-839 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 839-840 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 840-841 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 841-842 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 842-843 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 843-844 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 844-845 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 845-846 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 846-847 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 847-848 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 848-849 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 849-850 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 850-851 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 822-823 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 823-824 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 824-825 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 825-826 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 826-827 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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827-828 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 828-829 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 829-830 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 85-86 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 86-87 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 87-88 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 88-89 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 89-90 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 90-91 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 91-92 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 92-93 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 93-94 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 94-95 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 95-96 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 96-97 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 97-98 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 98-99 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 99-100 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 100-101 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 101-102 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 102-103 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 103-104 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 104-105 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 105-106 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 106-107 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 107-108 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 108-109 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 109-110 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 110-111 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 111-112 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 112-113 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 113-114 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 114-115 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 115-116 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 116-117 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 1-2 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 2-3 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 3-4 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 4-5 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 5-6 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 6-7 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 7-8 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 8-9 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 9-10 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 10-11 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 11-12 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 12-13 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 13-14 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 14-15 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 15-16 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 16-17 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 17-18 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 18-19 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 19-20 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 20-21 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 21-22 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 22-23 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 23-24 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 24-25 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 25-26 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 26-27 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 27-28 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 28-29 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 29-30 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 30-31 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 31-32 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 32-33 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 33-34 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 34-35 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 35-36 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 36-37 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 37-38 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 38-39 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 39-40 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 40-41 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 41-42 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 42-43 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 43-44 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 44-45 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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45-46 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 46-47 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 47-48 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 48-49 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 49-50 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 50-51 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 51-52 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 52-53 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 53-54 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 54-55 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 55-56 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 56-57 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 57-58 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 58-59 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 59-60 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 60-61 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 61-62 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 62-63 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 63-64 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 64-65 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 65-66 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 66-67 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 67-68 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 68-69 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 69-70 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 70-71 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 71-72 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 72-73 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 73-74 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 74-75 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 75-76 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 76-77 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 77-78 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 78-79 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 79-80 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 80-81 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 81-82 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 82-83 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 83-84 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 84-85 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 117-118 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 118-119 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 119-120 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 120-121 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 121-122 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 122-123 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 123-124 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 124-125 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 125-126 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 126-127 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 127-128 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 128-129 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 129-130 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 130-131 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 131-132 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 132-133 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 133-134 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 134-135 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 135-136 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 136-137 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 137-138 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 138-139 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 139-140 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 140-141 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 141-142 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 142-143 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 143-144 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 144-145 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 145-146 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 146-147 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 147-148 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 148-149 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 149-150 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 150-151 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 151-152 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 152-153 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 153-154 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 154-155 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 155-156 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 109: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

156-157 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 157-158 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 158-159 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 159-160 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 160-161 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 161-162 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 162-163 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 163-164 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 164-165 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 165-166 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 166-167 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 167-168 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 168-169 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 169-170 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 170-171 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 171-172 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 172-173 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 173-174 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 174-175 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 175-176 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 176-177 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 177-178 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 178-179 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 179-180 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 180-181 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 181-182 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 182-183 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 183-184 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 184-185 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 185-186 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 186-187 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 187-188 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 188-189 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 189-190 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 190-191 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 191-192 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 192-193 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 193-194 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 194-195 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 195-196 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 196-197 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 197-198 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 198-199 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 199-200 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 200-201 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 422-423 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 423-424 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 424-425 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 425-426 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 426-427 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 427-428 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 428-429 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 429-430 TCHD 2 00 4.000 0.00 0 401-402 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 402-403 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 403-404 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 404-405 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 405-406 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 406-407 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 407-408 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 408-409 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 409-410 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 410-411 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 411-412 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 412-413 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 413-414 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 414-415 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 415-416 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 416-417 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 417-418 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 418-419 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 419-420 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 420-421 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 421-422 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 430-431 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 431-432 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 432-433 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 433-434 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 434-435 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


Page 110: Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge - University of Nairobicivil.uonbi.ac.ke/sites/default/files/cae/engineering/civil/TANA... · UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI . Tana Railway and Pipeline Bridge

435-436 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 436-437 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 437-438 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 438-439 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 439-440 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 440-441 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 441-442 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 442-443 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 443-444 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 444-445 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 445-446 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 446-447 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 447-448 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 448-449 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 449-450 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 450-451 TCHORD 00 4.000 0.00 0 585-586 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 586-587 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 587-588 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 588-589 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 589-590 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 590-591 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 591-592 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 592-593 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 593-594 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 594-595 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 595-596 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 596-597 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 597-598 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 598-599 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 599-600 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 600-601 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 601-602 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 602-603 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 603-604 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 604-605 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 605-606 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 606-607 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 607-608 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 608-609 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 609-610 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 610-611 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 611-612 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 612-613 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 613-614 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 614-615 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 615-616 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 616-617 BCHD 2 00 1.000 0.00 0 501-502 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 502-503 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 503-504 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 504-505 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 505-506 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 506-507 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 507-508 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 508-509 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 509-510 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 510-511 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 511-512 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 512-513 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 513-514 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 514-515 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 515-516 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 516-517 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 517-518 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 518-519 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 519-520 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 520-521 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 521-522 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 522-523 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 523-524 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 524-525 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 525-526 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 526-527 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 527-528 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 528-529 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 529-530 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 530-531 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 531-532 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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532-533 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 533-534 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 534-535 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 535-536 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 536-537 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 537-538 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 538-539 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 539-540 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 540-541 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 541-542 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 542-543 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 543-544 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 544-545 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 545-546 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 546-547 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 547-548 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 548-549 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 549-550 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 550-551 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 551-552 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 552-553 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 553-554 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 554-555 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 555-556 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 556-557 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 557-558 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 558-559 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 559-560 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 560-561 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 561-562 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 562-563 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 563-564 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 564-565 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 565-566 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 566-567 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 567-568 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 568-569 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 569-570 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 570-571 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 571-572 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 572-573 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 573-574 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 574-575 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 575-576 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 576-577 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 577-578 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 578-579 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 579-580 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 580-581 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 581-582 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 582-583 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 583-584 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 584-585 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 617-618 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 618-619 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 619-620 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 620-621 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 621-622 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 622-623 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 623-624 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 624-625 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 625-626 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 626-627 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 627-628 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 628-629 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 629-630 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 630-631 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 631-632 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 632-633 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 633-634 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 634-635 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 635-636 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 636-637 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 637-638 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 638-639 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 639-640 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 640-641 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 641-642 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 642-643 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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643-644 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 644-645 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 645-646 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 646-647 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 647-648 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 648-649 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 649-650 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 650-651 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 651-652 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 652-653 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 653-654 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 654-655 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 655-656 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 656-657 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 657-658 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 658-659 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 659-660 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 660-661 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 661-662 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 662-663 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 663-664 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 664-665 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 665-666 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 666-667 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 667-668 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 668-669 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 669-670 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 670-671 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 671-672 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 672-673 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 673-674 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 674-675 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 675-676 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 676-677 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 677-678 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 678-679 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 679-680 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 680-681 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 681-682 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 682-683 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 683-684 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 684-685 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 685-686 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 686-687 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 687-688 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 688-689 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 689-690 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 690-691 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 691-692 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 692-693 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 693-694 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 694-695 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 695-696 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 696-697 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 697-698 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 698-699 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 699-700 BCHORD 00 1.000 0.00 0 701-801 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 501-701 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 701-802 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 505-701 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 505-702 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 702-802 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 702-803 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 509-702 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 509-703 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 703-803 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 703-804 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 513-703 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 513-704 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 704-804 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 704-805 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 517-704 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 517-705 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 705-805 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 705-806 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 521-705 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 521-706 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 706-806 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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706-807 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 525-706 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 525-708 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 708-807 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 707-807 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 525-707 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 708-808 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 529-708 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 709-808 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 529-709 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 709-809 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 533-709 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 710-809 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 533-710 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 710-810 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 537-710 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 711-810 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 541-711 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 537-711 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 711-811 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 712-811 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 541-712 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 545-712 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 712-812 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 713-812 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 545-713 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 549-713 POST 00 5.000 0.00 0 713-813 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 713-814 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 553-713 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 553-714 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 714-814 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 714-815 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 557-714 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 557-715 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 715-815 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 715-816 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 561-715 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 561-716 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 716-816 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 716-817 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 565-716 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 565-717 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 717-817 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 717-818 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 569-717 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 569-718 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 718-818 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 718-819 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 573-718 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 573-719 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 719-819 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 719-820 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 577-719 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 577-720 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 720-820 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 720-821 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 581-720 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 581-721 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 721-821 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 721-822 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 585-721 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 585-722 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 722-822 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 722-823 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 589-722 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 589-723 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 723-823 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 723-824 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 593-723 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 593-724 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 724-824 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 724-825 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 597-724 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 597-725 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 725-825 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 725-826 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 601-725 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 601-726 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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726-826 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 727-826 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 601-727 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 727-827 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 605-727 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 728-827 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 605-728 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 728-828 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 609-728 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 729-828 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 609-729 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 729-829 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 613-729 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 730-829 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 613-730 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 617-730 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 730-830 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 731-830 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 617-731 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 731-831 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 621-731 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 732-831 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 621-732 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 732-832 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 625-732 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 733-832 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 625-733 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 733-833 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 629-733 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 734-833 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 629-734 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 734-834 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 633-734 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 735-834 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 633-735 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 735-835 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 637-735 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 736-835 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 637-736 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 736-836 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 641-736 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 737-836 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 641-737 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 737-837 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 645-737 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 738-837 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 645-738 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 738-838 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 739-838 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 739-839 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 649-738 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 653-739 POST 00 5.000 0.00 0 649-739 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 739-840 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 657-739 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 657-740 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 740-840 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 740-841 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 661-740 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 661-741 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 741-841 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 741-842 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 665-741 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 665-742 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 742-842 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 742-843 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 669-742 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 669-743 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 743-843 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 743-844 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 673-743 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 673-744 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 744-844 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 744-845 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 677-744 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 677-745 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 745-845 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 746-845 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 677-746 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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746-846 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 681-746 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 747-846 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 681-747 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 747-847 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 685-747 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 748-847 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 685-748 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 748-848 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 689-748 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 749-848 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 689-749 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 749-849 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 693-749 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 750-849 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 693-750 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 750-850 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 697-750 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 751-850 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 697-751 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 751-851 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 751-900 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 301-401 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 1-301 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 301-402 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 5-301 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 302-402 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 5-302 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 302-403 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 9-302 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 303-403 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 9-303 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 303-404 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 13-303 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 13-304 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 304-404 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 304-405 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 17-304 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 17-305 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 305-405 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 305-406 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 21-305 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 21-306 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 306-406 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 306-407 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 25-306 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 25-307 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 307-407 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 308-407 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 25-308 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 308-408 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 29-308 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 309-408 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 29-309 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 309-409 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 33-309 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 310-409 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 33-310 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 310-410 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 37-310 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 311-410 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 37-311 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 311-411 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 41-311 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 312-411 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 41-312 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 312-412 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 45-312 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 313-412 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 45-313 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 313-413 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 49-313 POST 00 5.000 0.00 0 313-414 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 53-313 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 53-314 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 314-414 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 314-415 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 57-314 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 57-315 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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315-415 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 315-416 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 61-315 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 61-316 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 316-416 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 316-417 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 65-316 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 65-317 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 317-417 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 317-418 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 69-317 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 69-318 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 318-418 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 318-419 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 73-318 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 73-319 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 319-419 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 319-420 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 77-319 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 77-320 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 320-420 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 320-421 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 81-320 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 81-321 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 321-421 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 321-422 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 85-321 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 85-322 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 322-422 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 322-423 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 89-322 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 89-323 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 323-423 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 323-424 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 93-323 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 93-324 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 324-424 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 324-425 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 97-324 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 97-325 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 325-425 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 325-426 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 101-325 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 101-326 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 326-426 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 105-327 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 327-427 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 327-426 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 101-327 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 328-427 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 105-328 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 328-428 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 109-328 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 329-428 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 109-329 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 329-429 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 113-329 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 330-429 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 113-330 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 330-430 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 117-330 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 331-430 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 117-331 DIAG 3 00 6.403 0.00 0 331-431 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 121-331 DIAG 3 00 5.000 0.00 0 332-431 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 121-332 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 332-432 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 125-332 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 333-432 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 125-333 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 333-433 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 129-333 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 334-433 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 129-334 DIAG 2 00 6.403 0.00 0 334-434 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 133-334 DIAG 2 00 5.000 0.00 0 335-434 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 133-335 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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335-435 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 137-335 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 336-435 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 137-336 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 336-436 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 141-336 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 337-436 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 141-337 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 337-437 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 145-337 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 338-437 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 145-338 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 338-438 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 149-338 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 339-438 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 149-339 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 339-439 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 153-339 POST 00 5.000 0.00 0 339-440 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 157-339 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 157-340 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 340-440 DIAG 1 00 5.000 0.00 0 340-441 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 161-340 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 161-341 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 341-441 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 341-442 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 165-341 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 165-342 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 342-442 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 342-443 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 169-342 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 343-443 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 169-343 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 343-444 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 173-343 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 173-344 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 344-444 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 344-445 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 177-344 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 345-445 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 177-345 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 346-445 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 177-346 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 346-446 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 181-346 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 347-446 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 181-347 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 347-447 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 185-347 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 348-447 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 185-348 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 348-448 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 189-348 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 349-448 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 189-349 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 349-449 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 193-349 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 350-449 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 193-350 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 350-450 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 197-350 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 351-450 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 197-351 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 351-451 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 201-351 DIAG 00 5.000 0.00 0 1-501 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 2-502 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 3-503 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 4-504 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 5-505 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 6-506 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 7-507 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 8-508 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 9-509 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 11-511 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 12-512 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 13-513 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 10-510 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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14-514 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 15-515 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 16-516 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 17-517 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 18-518 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 19-519 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 20-520 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 21-521 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 22-522 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 23-523 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 24-524 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 25-525 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 26-526 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 27-527 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 28-528 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 29-529 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 30-530 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 31-531 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 32-532 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 33-533 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 34-534 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 35-535 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 36-536 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 37-537 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 38-538 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 39-539 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 40-540 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 41-541 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 42-542 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 43-543 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 44-544 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 45-545 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 46-546 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 47-547 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 48-548 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 49-549 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 50-550 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 51-551 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 52-552 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 53-553 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 54-554 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 55-555 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 56-556 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 57-557 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 58-558 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 59-559 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 60-560 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 61-561 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 62-562 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 63-563 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 64-564 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 65-565 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 66-566 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 67-567 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 68-568 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 69-569 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 70-570 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 71-571 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 72-572 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 73-573 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 74-574 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 75-575 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 76-576 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 77-577 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 78-578 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 79-579 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 80-580 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 81-581 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 82-582 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 83-583 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 84-584 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 85-585 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 86-586 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 87-587 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 88-588 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 89-589 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 90-590 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 91-591 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 92-592 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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93-593 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 94-594 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 95-595 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 96-596 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 97-597 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 98-598 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 99-599 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 100-600 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 101-601 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 102-602 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 103-603 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 104-604 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 105-605 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 106-606 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 107-607 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 108-608 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 109-609 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 110-610 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 111-611 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 112-612 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 113-613 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 114-614 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 115-615 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 116-616 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 117-617 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 118-618 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 119-619 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 120-620 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 121-621 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 122-622 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 123-623 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 124-624 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 125-625 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 126-626 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 127-627 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 128-628 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 129-629 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 130-630 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 131-631 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 132-632 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 133-633 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 134-634 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 135-635 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 136-636 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 137-637 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 138-638 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 139-639 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 140-640 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 141-641 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 142-642 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 143-643 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 144-644 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 145-645 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 146-646 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 147-647 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 148-648 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 149-649 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 150-650 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 151-651 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 152-652 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 153-653 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 154-654 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 155-655 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 156-656 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 157-657 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 158-658 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 159-659 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 160-660 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 161-661 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 162-662 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 163-663 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 164-664 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 165-665 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 166-666 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 167-667 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 168-668 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 169-669 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 170-670 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 171-671 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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172-672 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 173-673 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 174-674 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 175-675 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 176-676 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 177-677 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 178-678 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 179-679 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 180-680 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 181-681 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 182-682 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 183-683 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 184-684 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 185-685 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 186-686 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 187-687 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 188-688 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 189-689 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 190-690 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 191-691 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 192-692 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 193-693 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 194-694 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 195-695 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 196-696 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 197-697 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 198-698 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 199-699 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 200-700 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 201-900 BHORZ 00 10.000 0.00 0 549-714 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 553-715 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 715-814 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 714-813 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 712-813 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 549-712 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 711-812 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 545-711 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 49-314 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 53-315 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 315-414 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 314-413 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 312-413 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 311-412 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 45-311 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 49-312 DIAG 00 6.403 0.00 0 653-740 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 657-741 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 741-840 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 740-839 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 738-839 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 737-838 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 649-737 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 653-738 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 153-340 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 157-341 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 341-440 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 340-439 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 338-439 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 337-438 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 149-337 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 153-338 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 57-316 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 145-336 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 336-437 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 316-415 DIAG 1 00 6.403 0.00 0 826-926 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 426-926 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 826-925 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 426-925 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 425-925 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 825-925 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 825-924 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 425-924 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 424-924 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 824-924 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 824-923 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 424-923 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 423-923 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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823-923 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 823-922 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 423-922 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 422-922 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 822-922 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 822-921 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 422-921 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 421-921 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 821-921 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 821-920 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 421-920 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 420-920 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 820-920 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 820-919 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 420-919 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 419-919 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 819-919 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 819-918 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 419-918 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 418-918 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 818-918 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 818-917 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 418-917 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 417-917 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 817-917 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 817-916 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 417-916 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 416-916 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 816-916 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 816-915 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 416-915 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 415-915 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 815-915 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 815-914 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 415-914 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 414-914 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 814-914 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 814-913 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 414-913 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 413-913 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 813-913 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 813-912 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 413-912 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 412-912 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 812-912 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 812-911 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 412-911 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 411-911 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 811-911 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 811-910 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 411-910 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 410-910 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 810-910 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 810-909 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 410-909 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 409-909 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 809-909 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 809-908 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 409-908 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 408-908 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 808-908 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 808-907 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 408-907 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 407-907 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 807-907 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 807-906 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 407-906 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 406-906 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 806-906 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 806-905 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 406-905 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 405-905 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 805-905 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 805-904 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 405-904 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 404-904 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 804-904 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 804-903 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 404-903 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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403-903 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 803-903 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 803-902 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 403-902 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 402-902 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 802-902 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 802-901 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 402-901 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 401-901 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 801-901 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 826-927 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 426-927 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 827-927 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 427-927 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 427-928 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 827-928 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 828-928 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 428-928 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 828-929 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 428-929 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 429-929 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 829-929 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 829-930 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 429-930 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 430-930 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 830-930 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 830-931 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 430-931 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 431-931 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 831-931 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 831-932 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 431-932 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 432-932 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 832-932 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 832-933 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 432-933 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 433-933 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 833-933 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 833-934 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 433-934 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 434-934 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 834-934 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 834-935 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 434-935 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 435-935 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 835-935 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 835-936 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 435-936 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 436-936 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 836-936 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 836-937 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 436-937 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 437-937 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 837-937 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 837-938 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 437-938 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 438-938 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 838-938 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 838-939 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 438-939 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 439-939 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 839-939 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 839-940 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 439-940 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 440-940 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 840-940 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 840-941 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 440-941 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 441-941 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 841-941 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 841-942 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 441-942 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 442-942 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 842-942 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 842-943 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 442-943 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 443-943 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 843-943 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 843-944 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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443-944 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 444-944 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 844-944 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 844-945 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 444-945 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 445-945 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 845-945 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 845-946 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 445-946 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 446-946 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 846-946 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 846-947 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 446-947 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 447-947 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 847-947 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 847-948 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 447-948 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 448-948 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 848-948 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 848-949 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 448-949 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 449-949 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 849-949 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 849-950 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 449-950 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 450-950 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 850-950 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 850-951 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 450-951 THORZ 00 6.403 0.00 0 451-951 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0 851-951 THORZ 00 5.000 0.00 0

============================ SECTION PROPERTIES ===============================

Section : TCHD 2 Section designation: 4 PLATE 670x12 US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

418.6E-3 0.000 0.000 69.1E-3 26.7E-3 50.2E-3 Steel:275

Section : TCHORD Section designation: 3 PLATE 670X12 US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

334.6E-3 0.000 0.000 59.0E-3 23.3E-3 45.5E-3 Steel:275

Section : BCHORD Section designation: 3 PLATE 670X12 US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

334.6E-3 0.000 0.000 59.0E-3 23.3E-3 45.5E-3 Steel:275

Section : BCHD 2 Section designation: 4 PLATE 670x12 US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

418.6E-3 0.000 0.000 69.1E-3 26.7E-3 50.2E-3 Steel:275

Section : DIAG 1 Section designation: 70X530x670post US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

90.10E-3 0.000 0.000 1.74E-3 7.08E-3 118E-6 Steel:275

Section : DIAG 2 Section designation: 530x610 post US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

50.10E-3 0.000 0.000 746E-6 3.83E-3 15.2E-6 Steel:350W

Section : DIAG 3 Section designation: 356x406x287 H2----------------

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

36.60E-3 0.000 0.000 387E-6 999E-6 15.0E-6 Steel:275

Section : POST Section designation: 105X530x670 po US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

125.1E-3 0.000 0.000 2.61E-3 9.23E-3 367E-6 Steel:275

Section : THORZ Section designation: LATERAL RESTRA US---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

33.32E-3 0.000 0.000 4.34E-3 317E-6 0.00 Steel:350W

Section : BHORZ Section designation: 762x267x147 I1---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

18.70E-3 0.000 0.000 1.69E-3 54.6E-6 1.63E-6 Steel:275

Section : DIAG Section designation: 356x406x634 H2---------------- A Ay Ax Ixx Iyy J Material m^2 m^2 m^2 m^4 m^4 m^4

80.80E-3 0.000 0.000 981E-6 2.75E-3 140E-6 Steel:275

================================== MATERIALS ==================================

Designation E poisson Density Exp. coeff. kPa kN/m^3 Steel:275 200.0E6 0.30 78.50 11.70E-6 Steel:350W 200.0E6 0.30 77.00 11.70E-6

=============================== SUPPORT DATA ==================================

Prescribed displacements Node Fixity X Y Z X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot Orien node m m m rad. rad. rad.

1 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 501 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 49 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 549 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 153 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 653 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 201 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 900 XYZxyz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

Spring constants Node Fixity X Y Z X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot kN/m kN/m kN/m kNm/rad kNm/rad kNm/rad

=================================== LOADS =====================================

Load Case Description


Add own weight to load case : 1

============================= LOAD CASE 1 ================================


Node Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz kN kN kN kNm kNm kNm

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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1 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 76 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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80 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 93 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 96 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 97 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 103 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 106 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 108 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 111 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 113 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 116 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 117 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 118 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 119 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 121 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 123 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 126 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 127 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 128 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 129 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 130 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 131 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 132 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 133 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 136 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 138 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 142 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 143 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 144 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 145 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 146 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 147 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 149 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 151 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 152 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 153 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 154 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 155 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 156 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 158 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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159 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 161 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 162 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 167 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 168 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 169 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 170 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 171 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 172 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 173 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 174 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 175 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 176 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 177 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 178 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 179 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 182 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 184 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 185 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 186 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 188 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 189 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 190 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 191 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 192 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 193 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 194 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 197 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 198 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 201 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 501 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 502 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 503 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 504 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 505 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 506 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 507 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 508 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 510 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 511 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 512 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 513 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 514 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 515 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 516 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 517 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 518 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 519 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 520 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 521 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 522 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 523 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 524 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 525 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 526 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 527 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 528 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 529 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 530 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 531 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 532 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 533 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 534 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 535 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 536 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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537 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 538 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 539 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 540 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 541 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 542 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 543 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 544 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 545 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 546 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 547 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 548 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 549 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 550 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 551 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 552 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 553 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 554 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 555 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 556 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 557 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 558 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 559 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 560 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 561 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 562 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 563 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 564 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 565 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 566 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 567 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 568 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 569 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 570 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 571 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 572 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 573 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 574 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 575 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 576 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 577 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 578 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 579 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 580 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 581 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 582 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 583 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 584 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 585 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 586 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 587 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 588 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 589 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 590 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 591 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 593 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 594 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 595 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 596 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 597 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 598 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 599 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 602 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 603 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 606 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 607 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 608 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 609 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 610 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 612 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 613 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 614 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 615 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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616 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 617 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 618 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 619 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 620 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 621 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 622 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 623 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 624 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 625 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 626 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 627 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 628 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 629 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 630 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 631 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 632 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 633 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 634 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 635 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 636 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 637 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 638 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 639 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 640 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 641 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 642 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 643 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 644 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 645 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 646 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 647 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 648 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 649 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 650 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 651 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 652 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 653 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 654 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 655 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 656 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 657 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 658 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 659 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 660 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 661 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 662 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 663 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 664 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 665 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 666 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 667 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 668 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 669 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 670 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 671 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 672 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 673 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 674 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 675 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 676 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 677 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 678 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 679 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 680 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 681 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 682 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 683 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 684 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 685 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 686 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 687 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 688 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 689 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 690 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 691 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 692 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 693 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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695 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 696 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 697 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 698 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 699 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 700 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 900 0.00 -391.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

============================= LOAD COMBINATIONS ===============================

Load Comb Description


Comb. Load factor for each load case: Ultimate Limit State


C1 1.40

Comb. Load factor for each load case: Serviceability Limit State


C1 1.00

========================== OWN WEIGHT ACCELERATIONS ===========================

Direction Acceleration (g) X 0.00 Y -1.00 Z 0.00

========================== OUTPUT: LINEAR ANALYSIS ============================ ============================== REACTIONS at ULS =============================== (In rotated axes where applicable) Note:Only load combinations have ULS load factors. Factor for Load Cases = 1

Node Lcase X-force Y-force Z-force X-moment Y-moment Z-moment kN kN kN kNm kNm kNm

1 1 -4453.97 6871.44 -17.39 17.36 44.15 10177.70 C1 -6235.56 9620.01 -24.35 24.30 61.81 14248.79 501 1 -4360.84 7263.54 -9.07 -78.81 37.45 10271.12 C1 -6105.18 10168.95 -12.70 -110.34 52.43 14379.57 49 1 18664.47 43207.03 -29.91 35.63 171.87 18427.52 C1 26130.26 60489.84 -41.87 49.88 240.61 25798.53 549 1 17750.85 43014.96 -11.25 -61.12 166.61 18497.63 C1 24851.19 60220.94 -15.75 -85.57 233.26 25896.68 153 1 -17672.42 43094.96 -3.26 176.14 -295.34 -18599.73 C1 -24741.39 60332.95 -4.57 246.60 -413.47 -26039.62 653 1 -14555.19 43183.85 14.39 90.40 -295.55 -19227.69 C1 -20377.27 60457.39 20.15 126.56 -413.78 -26918.77 201 1 4568.56 6792.05 35.83 312.60 118.80 -10072.73 C1 6395.99 9508.87 50.17 437.64 166.32 -14101.82 900 1 58.54 6849.44 20.66 76.06 0.08 -177.34 C1 81.95 9589.22 28.92 106.48 0.11 -248.28


Elem Lcase Axial Y-Shear X-Shear Torsion M-yy M-xx kN kN kN kNm kNm kNm

801- 1 9.82 42.56 0.42 4.49 -0.04 33.56 802 -9.82 62.50 -0.42 -4.49 -1.64 -73.45 C1 13.75 59.58 0.59 6.28 -0.06 46.98 -13.75 87.51 -0.59 -6.28 -2.30 -102.83 802- 1 1148.55 227.29 -0.56 9.57 2.95 157.44 803 -1148.55 -122.22 0.56 -9.57 -0.71 541.57 C1 1607.97 318.20 -0.78 13.39 4.14 220.42 -1607.97 -171.11 0.78 -13.39 -1.00 758.20 803- 1 2614.68 165.99 -0.60 11.97 2.25 -457.00 804 -2614.68 -60.92 0.60 -11.97 0.15 910.83 C1 3660.55 232.38 -0.84 16.75 3.14 -639.80 -3660.55 -85.29 0.84 -16.75 0.21 1275.16 804- 1 3295.56 54.43 -0.70 7.99 1.51 -865.60 805 -3295.56 50.64 0.70 -7.99 1.30 873.17

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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C1 4613.79 76.20 -0.99 11.18 2.12 -1211.84 -4613.79 70.89 0.99 -11.18 1.82 1222.44 805- 1 3191.48 33.31 -0.93 3.67 1.22 -875.89 806 -3191.48 71.75 0.93 -3.67 2.51 799.02 C1 4468.08 46.64 -1.31 5.14 1.71 -1226.25 -4468.08 100.45 1.31 -5.14 3.51 1118.63 806- 1 2303.74 -4.32 -1.02 0.95 1.42 -842.94 807 -2303.74 109.39 1.02 -0.95 2.68 615.52 C1 3225.24 -6.05 -1.43 1.33 1.98 -1180.11 -3225.24 153.14 1.43 -1.33 3.75 861.73 807- 1 -1797.88 -1.91 -0.06 -3.81 -0.63 -760.31 808 1797.88 106.98 0.06 3.81 0.85 542.53 C1 -2517.04 -2.68 -0.08 -5.34 -0.88 -1064.43 2517.04 149.77 0.08 5.34 1.19 759.54 808- 1 -5028.23 -24.53 -0.13 -1.86 -2.25 -747.83 809 5028.23 129.60 0.13 1.86 2.77 439.57 C1 -7039.53 -34.34 -0.18 -2.60 -3.15 -1046.96 7039.53 181.44 0.18 2.60 3.88 615.40 809- 1 -8838.58 -179.38 -0.89 -2.83 -0.87 -691.90 810 8838.58 284.44 0.89 2.83 4.43 -235.73 C1 -12374.02 -251.13 -1.25 -3.96 -1.22 -968.67 12374.02 398.22 1.25 3.96 6.20 -330.02 810- 1 -12960.62 -965.30 -0.53 -22.65 2.54 -45.61 811 12960.62 1070.37 0.53 22.65 -0.41 -4025.73 C1 -18144.87 -1351.42 -0.75 -31.72 3.56 -63.85 18144.87 1498.51 0.75 31.72 -0.57 -5636.02 811- 1 -16946.09 712.84 -1.46 15.83 -6.19 3804.38 812 16946.09 -607.78 1.46 -15.83 12.02 -1163.14 C1 -23724.53 997.98 -2.04 22.16 -8.67 5326.14 23724.53 -850.89 2.04 -22.16 16.83 -1628.39 812- 1 -23275.62 -34.66 -2.68 17.70 5.23 1143.95 813 23275.62 139.73 2.68 -17.70 5.51 -1492.72 C1 -32585.87 -48.53 -3.76 24.78 7.32 1601.53 32585.87 195.62 3.76 -24.78 7.71 -2089.81 813- 1 -22714.65 221.82 -3.40 18.66 9.99 1572.78 814 22714.65 -116.75 3.40 -18.66 3.62 -895.64 C1 -31800.51 310.54 -4.76 26.12 13.98 2201.89 31800.51 -163.45 4.76 -26.12 5.07 -1253.90 814- 1 -14462.22 -999.18 1.47 1.45 -4.26 1049.84 815 14462.22 1104.25 -1.47 -1.45 -1.62 -5256.70 C1 -20247.11 -1398.86 2.06 2.03 -5.96 1469.78 20247.11 1545.95 -2.06 -2.03 -2.27 -7359.39 815- 1 -8463.82 1417.67 -6.28 102.10 30.25 5928.34 816 8463.82 -1312.60 6.28 -102.10 -5.11 -467.80 C1 -11849.35 1984.73 -8.80 142.94 42.35 8299.68 11849.35 -1837.64 8.80 -142.94 -7.15 -654.93 816- 1 -442.98 648.83 4.28 120.20 5.64 1273.73 817 442.98 -543.76 -4.28 -120.20 -22.75 1111.45 C1 -620.18 908.36 5.99 168.27 7.89 1783.22 620.18 -761.27 -5.99 -168.27 -31.85 1556.04 817- 1 6595.74 222.19 6.03 50.51 -1.96 -483.63 818 -6595.74 -117.13 -6.03 -50.51 -22.14 1162.28 C1 9234.03 311.07 8.44 70.71 -2.75 -677.08 -9234.03 -163.98 -8.44 -70.71 -31.00 1627.19 818- 1 13176.33 -532.03 -1.76 -43.04 -0.49 -680.13 819 -13176.33 637.10 1.76 43.04 7.54 -1658.12 C1 18446.86 -744.84 -2.47 -60.25 -0.69 -952.18 -18446.86 891.93 2.47 60.25 10.55 -2321.37 819- 1 19552.81 945.50 2.59 -14.95 -7.61 2091.03 820 -19552.81 -840.43 -2.59 14.95 -2.75 1480.84 C1 27373.93 1323.70 3.62 -20.93 -10.65 2927.44 -27373.93 -1176.61 -3.62 20.93 -3.85 2073.17 820- 1 24011.71 233.74 3.70 4.39 -7.28 -1156.92 821 -24011.71 -128.68 -3.70 -4.39 -7.51 1881.76 C1 33616.39 327.24 5.18 6.15 -10.19 -1619.69 -33616.39 -180.15 -5.18 -6.15 -10.52 2634.46 821- 1 28237.33 128.92 4.35 -15.10 -10.08 -1652.44 822 -28237.33 -23.86 -4.35 15.10 -7.32 1958.00 C1 39532.26 180.49 6.09 -21.13 -14.11 -2313.41 -39532.26 -33.40 -6.09 21.13 -10.24 2741.20 830- 1 28535.66 55.24 -0.73 59.33 -6.88 -1317.99 831 -28535.66 49.83 0.73 -59.33 9.79 1328.80 C1 39949.92 77.33 -1.02 83.07 -9.63 -1845.19 -39949.92 69.76 1.02 -83.07 13.70 1860.32 831- 1 24775.82 -710.27 -1.72 67.42 -0.63 -1589.75 832 -24775.82 815.33 1.72 -67.42 7.51 -1461.46 C1 34686.15 -994.38 -2.41 94.39 -0.88 -2225.65 -34686.15 1141.47 2.41 -94.39 10.51 -2046.04 832- 1 19261.50 559.36 0.99 94.19 -10.24 1096.72

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833 -19261.50 -454.30 -0.99 -94.19 6.27 930.60 C1 26966.10 783.11 1.39 131.87 -14.33 1535.41 -26966.10 -636.02 -1.39 -131.87 8.77 1302.84 833- 1 13450.92 -140.98 -3.96 32.48 11.54 -1334.28 834 -13450.92 246.04 3.96 -32.48 4.30 560.25 C1 18831.28 -197.37 -5.54 45.47 16.16 -1868.00 -18831.28 344.46 5.54 -45.47 6.01 784.35 834- 1 6882.19 -90.29 -8.73 -57.52 29.50 -1045.24 835 -6882.19 195.35 8.73 57.52 5.44 473.95 C1 9635.07 -126.41 -12.23 -80.52 41.30 -1463.34 -9635.07 273.50 12.23 80.52 7.61 663.53 835- 1 -127.94 -542.18 -6.30 -131.52 27.20 -1098.72 836 127.94 647.24 6.30 131.52 -2.01 -1280.11 C1 -179.12 -759.05 -8.82 -184.13 38.09 -1538.21 179.12 906.14 8.82 184.13 -2.81 -1792.15 836- 1 -8133.26 -1313.23 4.92 -113.18 6.65 471.13 837 8133.26 1418.29 -4.92 113.18 -26.33 -5934.16 C1 -11386.56 -1838.52 6.89 -158.46 9.31 659.58 11386.56 1985.61 -6.89 158.46 -36.86 -8307.83 837- 1 -14092.95 1104.79 -2.66 -7.93 0.62 5256.17 838 14092.95 -999.73 2.66 7.93 10.00 -1047.14 C1 -19730.13 1546.71 -3.72 -11.10 0.87 7358.64 19730.13 -1399.62 3.72 11.10 14.01 -1465.99 838- 1 -22327.97 -132.69 2.37 -20.75 -8.08 882.47 839 22327.97 237.76 -2.37 20.75 -1.41 -1623.37 C1 -31259.15 -185.77 3.32 -29.06 -11.32 1235.46 31259.15 332.86 -3.32 29.06 -1.97 -2272.72 839- 1 -22886.08 116.17 2.47 -16.65 -14.46 1530.30 840 22886.08 -11.10 -2.47 16.65 4.58 -1275.76 C1 -32040.52 162.63 3.46 -23.31 -20.25 2142.41 32040.52 -15.54 -3.46 23.31 6.41 -1786.07 840- 1 -16527.06 -484.36 0.30 -15.59 -14.81 1296.99 841 16527.06 589.42 -0.30 15.59 13.59 -3444.56 C1 -23137.88 -678.10 0.42 -21.83 -20.73 1815.79 23137.88 825.19 -0.42 21.83 19.03 -4822.38 841- 1 -12421.77 905.69 -1.74 1.37 -3.08 3729.54 842 12421.77 -800.62 1.74 -1.37 10.05 -316.92 C1 -17390.47 1267.96 -2.44 1.91 -4.32 5221.36 17390.47 -1120.87 2.44 -1.91 14.07 -443.69 842- 1 -8062.10 375.53 -1.95 -5.01 -1.13 638.25 843 8062.10 -270.46 1.95 5.01 8.93 653.74 C1 -11286.93 525.74 -2.73 -7.01 -1.58 893.54 11286.93 -378.65 2.73 7.01 12.50 915.24 843- 1 -4260.65 127.51 -0.63 3.64 -7.01 -407.04 844 4260.65 -22.45 0.63 -3.64 9.53 706.96 C1 -5964.91 178.52 -0.88 5.09 -9.81 -569.86 5964.91 -31.43 0.88 -5.09 13.34 989.74 844- 1 -983.21 115.58 -0.23 13.75 -5.50 -507.48 845 983.21 -10.52 0.23 -13.75 6.43 759.69 C1 -1376.49 161.82 -0.32 19.25 -7.70 -710.47 1376.49 -14.73 0.32 -19.25 9.00 1063.56 845- 1 3174.42 100.17 1.13 14.90 -9.29 -616.04 846 -3174.42 4.89 -1.13 -14.90 4.77 806.60 C1 4444.19 140.24 1.58 20.86 -13.01 -862.45 -4444.19 6.85 -1.58 -20.86 6.67 1129.24 846- 1 4102.72 64.79 1.32 19.04 -10.31 -761.32 847 -4102.72 40.28 -1.32 -19.04 5.05 810.34 C1 5743.81 90.70 1.84 26.65 -14.44 -1065.85 -5743.81 56.39 -1.84 -26.65 7.07 1134.48 847- 1 4241.81 38.43 1.48 21.76 -11.09 -806.44 848 -4241.81 66.64 -1.48 -21.76 5.15 750.03 C1 5938.53 53.80 2.08 30.46 -15.52 -1129.02 -5938.53 93.29 -2.08 -30.46 7.21 1050.04 848- 1 3595.16 54.45 1.82 17.62 -12.40 -785.03 849 -3595.16 50.61 -1.82 -17.62 5.12 792.71 C1 5033.23 76.23 2.55 24.67 -17.36 -1099.04 -5033.23 70.86 -2.55 -24.67 7.17 1109.79 849- 1 2496.61 -195.82 2.59 9.76 -14.59 -883.19 850 -2496.61 300.89 -2.59 -9.76 4.22 -110.23 C1 3495.26 -274.15 3.63 13.66 -20.42 -1236.47 -3495.26 421.24 -3.63 -13.66 5.91 -154.32 850- 1 42.22 17.02 5.30 13.97 -21.32 -33.87 851 -42.22 88.04 -5.30 -13.97 0.10 -108.18 C1 59.10 23.83 7.42 19.56 -29.84 -47.42 -59.10 123.26 -7.42 -19.56 0.15 -151.45 822- 1 31772.17 53.05 2.31 -46.08 -7.84 -1787.20 823 -31772.17 78.39 -2.31 46.08 -1.39 1736.52 C1 44481.04 74.27 3.23 -64.51 -10.98 -2502.09 -44481.04 109.75 -3.23 64.51 -1.94 2431.13

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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823- 1 34601.82 214.32 4.74 -48.94 -11.99 -1591.98 824 -34601.82 -82.88 -4.74 48.94 -6.95 2186.36 C1 48442.55 300.04 6.63 -68.51 -16.78 -2228.77 -48442.55 -116.03 -6.63 68.51 -9.74 3060.90 824- 1 36449.26 150.96 5.13 -22.10 -13.91 -2144.41 825 -36449.26 -19.52 -5.13 22.10 -6.62 2485.37 C1 51028.96 211.34 7.18 -30.95 -19.48 -3002.18 -51028.96 -27.33 -7.18 30.95 -9.26 3479.52 825- 1 37596.78 -69.88 5.65 -2.84 -15.39 -2472.68 826 -37596.78 201.32 -5.65 2.84 -7.21 1930.29 C1 52635.49 -97.83 7.91 -3.97 -21.55 -3461.76 -52635.49 281.85 -7.91 3.97 -10.10 2702.41 826- 1 37610.42 261.07 -6.73 -35.64 9.46 -1936.11 827 -37610.42 -129.63 6.73 35.64 17.47 2717.51 C1 52654.59 365.50 -9.43 -49.89 13.25 -2710.55 -52654.59 -181.48 9.43 49.89 24.45 3804.51 827- 1 36482.83 17.56 -5.91 -23.21 7.45 -2735.88 828 -36482.83 113.88 5.91 23.21 16.21 2543.24 C1 51075.96 24.58 -8.28 -32.49 10.43 -3830.24 -51075.96 159.43 8.28 32.49 22.69 3560.54 828- 1 34655.87 -100.65 -5.45 6.06 6.09 -2596.30 829 -34655.87 232.09 5.45 -6.06 15.72 1930.83 C1 48518.22 -140.91 -7.64 8.49 8.53 -3634.82 -48518.22 324.92 7.64 -8.49 22.01 2703.16 829- 1 32121.64 -163.70 -3.87 56.04 3.91 -2020.12 830 -32121.64 295.15 3.87 -56.04 11.57 1102.42 C1 44970.29 -229.19 -5.42 78.46 5.48 -2828.17 -44970.29 413.20 5.42 -78.46 16.20 1543.39 85- 1 -17710.66 957.79 6.56 -17.64 -10.00 -450.08 86 17710.66 -924.93 -6.56 17.64 3.45 1391.44 C1 -24794.93 1340.90 9.18 -24.70 -14.01 -630.12 24794.93 -1294.90 -9.18 24.70 4.83 1948.02 86- 1 -17710.53 525.46 5.22 -28.38 -4.10 -1391.44 87 17710.53 -492.60 -5.22 28.38 -1.12 1900.47 C1 -24794.74 735.64 7.31 -39.73 -5.74 -1948.01 24794.74 -689.64 -7.31 39.73 -1.57 2660.65 87- 1 -17710.40 93.64 3.93 -36.29 0.46 -1900.46 88 17710.40 -60.78 -3.93 36.29 -4.39 1977.67 C1 -24794.56 131.09 5.51 -50.80 0.65 -2660.65 24794.56 -85.09 -5.51 50.80 -6.15 2768.74 88- 1 -17710.27 -337.66 2.61 -41.36 3.74 -1977.67 89 17710.27 370.52 -2.61 41.36 -6.35 1623.58 C1 -24794.38 -472.72 3.66 -57.90 5.23 -2768.73 24794.38 518.73 -3.66 57.90 -8.89 2273.01 89- 1 -20269.12 800.81 3.66 -32.99 8.12 -1541.23 90 20269.12 -767.95 -3.66 32.99 -11.77 2325.61 C1 -28376.77 1121.13 5.12 -46.18 11.37 -2157.73 28376.77 -1075.13 -5.12 46.18 -16.48 3255.86 90- 1 -20268.99 370.19 3.07 -34.15 11.13 -2325.61 91 20268.99 -337.33 -3.07 34.15 -14.20 2679.37 C1 -28376.59 518.27 4.30 -47.81 15.58 -3255.85 28376.59 -472.26 -4.30 47.81 -19.89 3751.12 91- 1 -20268.87 -60.33 2.62 -34.49 13.57 -2679.37 92 20268.87 93.19 -2.62 34.49 -16.19 2602.61 C1 -28376.41 -84.47 3.67 -48.29 19.00 -3751.12 28376.41 130.47 -3.67 48.29 -22.66 3643.65 92- 1 -20268.74 -490.83 2.14 -34.45 15.57 -2602.61 93 20268.74 523.69 -2.14 34.45 -17.70 2095.35 C1 -28376.24 -687.16 2.99 -48.23 21.79 -3643.65 28376.24 733.16 -2.99 48.23 -24.78 2933.49 93- 1 -22126.48 670.98 3.13 -25.09 19.29 -2042.93 94 22126.48 -638.12 -3.13 25.09 -22.42 2697.48 C1 -30977.07 939.37 4.38 -35.13 27.00 -2860.10 30977.07 -893.37 -4.38 35.13 -31.38 3776.47 94- 1 -22126.37 240.40 2.77 -25.08 21.83 -2697.48 95 22126.37 -207.54 -2.77 25.08 -24.60 2921.45 C1 -30976.91 336.56 3.88 -35.11 30.57 -3776.47 30976.91 -290.56 -3.88 35.11 -34.45 4090.02 95- 1 -22126.25 -190.26 2.38 -25.25 24.04 -2921.44 96 22126.25 223.12 -2.38 25.25 -26.42 2714.76 C1 -30976.75 -266.36 3.33 -35.35 33.66 -4090.02 30976.75 312.36 -3.33 35.35 -36.99 3800.66 96- 1 -22126.15 -620.98 1.92 -25.66 25.88 -2714.76 97 22126.15 653.84 -1.92 25.66 -27.81 2077.35 C1 -30976.60 -869.37 2.69 -35.93 36.24 -3800.66 30976.60 915.38 -2.69 35.93 -38.93 2908.28 97- 1 -23306.76 534.03 2.62 -18.16 29.59 -2060.88 98 23306.76 -501.17 -2.62 18.16 -32.21 2578.47 C1 -32629.46 747.64 3.67 -25.42 41.43 -2885.23

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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32629.46 -701.64 -3.67 25.42 -45.09 3609.86 98- 1 -23306.66 103.20 2.41 -18.93 31.74 -2578.47 99 23306.66 -70.34 -2.41 18.93 -34.15 2665.25 C1 -32629.33 144.49 3.38 -26.50 44.43 -3609.86 32629.33 -98.48 -3.38 26.50 -47.81 3731.35 99- 1 -23306.57 -327.65 2.19 -19.80 33.71 -2665.25 100 23306.57 360.51 -2.19 19.80 -35.91 2321.17 C1 -32629.20 -458.71 3.07 -27.72 47.20 -3731.35 32629.20 504.72 -3.07 27.72 -50.27 3249.63 100- 1 -23306.49 -758.52 1.83 -20.75 35.51 -2321.17 101 23306.49 791.38 -1.83 20.75 -37.34 1546.22 C1 -32629.09 -1061.92 2.57 -29.05 49.71 -3249.63 32629.09 1107.93 -2.57 29.05 -52.28 2164.71 101- 1 -23349.37 796.32 3.09 -9.99 36.00 -1544.97 102 23349.37 -763.46 -3.09 9.99 -39.09 2324.86 C1 -32689.11 1114.85 4.33 -13.99 50.40 -2162.95 32689.11 -1068.85 -4.33 13.99 -54.73 3254.80 102- 1 -23349.30 365.38 2.48 -11.27 38.78 -2324.86 103 23349.30 -332.52 -2.48 11.27 -41.26 2673.81 C1 -32689.02 511.53 3.47 -15.78 54.29 -3254.80 32689.02 -465.53 -3.47 15.78 -57.77 3743.33 103- 1 -23349.25 -65.62 1.98 -12.77 41.00 -2673.81 104 23349.25 98.48 -1.98 12.77 -42.98 2591.76 C1 -32688.95 -91.87 2.77 -17.88 57.39 -3743.33 32688.95 137.87 -2.77 17.88 -60.17 3628.46 104- 1 -23349.21 -496.65 1.57 -14.39 42.76 -2591.76 105 23349.21 529.51 -1.57 14.39 -44.32 2078.68 C1 -32688.89 -695.30 2.19 -20.15 59.86 -3628.46 32688.89 741.31 -2.19 20.15 -62.05 2910.15 105- 1 -22199.50 666.26 2.10 -8.11 41.20 -2093.18 106 22199.50 -633.40 -2.10 8.11 -43.31 2743.02 C1 -31079.30 932.77 2.94 -11.36 57.69 -2930.46 31079.30 -886.76 -2.94 11.36 -60.63 3840.22 106- 1 -22199.48 235.32 1.57 -9.36 43.19 -2743.02 107 22199.48 -202.46 -1.57 9.36 -44.76 2961.91 C1 -31079.27 329.45 2.20 -13.10 60.46 -3840.22 31079.27 -283.45 -2.20 13.10 -62.67 4146.67 107- 1 -22199.46 -195.50 1.11 -10.04 44.69 -2961.91 108 22199.46 228.36 -1.11 10.04 -45.81 2749.98 C1 -31079.25 -273.70 1.56 -14.05 62.57 -4146.67 31079.25 319.70 -1.56 14.05 -64.13 3849.97 108- 1 -22199.46 -626.14 0.67 -9.93 45.79 -2749.98 109 22199.46 659.00 -0.67 9.93 -46.46 2107.41 C1 -31079.24 -876.59 0.94 -13.90 64.11 -3849.97 31079.24 922.60 -0.94 13.90 -65.05 2950.37 109- 1 -20307.53 614.00 0.81 -3.11 44.38 -2157.75 110 20307.53 -581.14 -0.81 3.11 -45.19 2755.32 C1 -28430.54 859.60 1.14 -4.36 62.14 -3020.85 28430.54 -813.60 -1.14 4.36 -63.27 3857.45 110- 1 -20307.55 183.82 0.22 -0.97 45.28 -2755.32 111 20307.55 -150.96 -0.22 0.97 -45.51 2922.71 C1 -28430.57 257.35 0.31 -1.35 63.40 -3857.45 28430.57 -211.35 -0.31 1.35 -63.71 4091.80 111- 1 -20307.58 -246.09 -0.25 2.35 45.65 -2922.71 112 20307.58 278.95 0.25 -2.35 -45.40 2660.19 C1 -28430.61 -344.53 -0.35 3.29 63.91 -4091.80 28430.61 390.53 0.35 -3.29 -63.56 3724.27 112- 1 -20307.61 -675.71 -0.65 6.92 45.59 -2660.19 113 20307.61 708.57 0.65 -6.92 -44.94 1968.05 C1 -28430.66 -946.00 -0.91 9.68 63.83 -3724.27 28430.66 992.00 0.91 -9.68 -62.92 2755.27 113- 1 -17713.53 519.87 -0.85 15.89 44.21 -2055.23 114 17713.53 -487.01 0.85 -15.89 -43.36 2558.67 C1 -24798.94 727.82 -1.19 22.24 61.89 -2877.32 24798.94 -681.81 1.19 -22.24 -60.70 3582.13 114- 1 -17713.59 90.77 -1.40 22.54 43.65 -2558.67 115 17713.59 -57.91 1.40 -22.54 -42.25 2633.01 C1 -24799.03 127.08 -1.95 31.56 61.11 -3582.13 24799.03 -81.08 1.95 -31.56 -59.16 3686.21 115- 1 -17713.66 -338.14 -1.98 29.78 42.60 -2633.01 116 17713.66 371.00 1.98 -29.78 -40.61 2278.44 C1 -24799.12 -473.40 -2.78 41.70 59.64 -3686.22 24799.12 519.41 2.78 -41.70 -56.86 3189.81 116- 1 -17713.74 -766.95 -2.83 37.18 41.00 -2278.44 117 17713.74 799.81 2.83 -37.18 -38.17 1495.06 C1 -24799.23 -1073.73 -3.97 52.05 57.40 -3189.81 24799.23 1119.73 3.97 -52.05 -53.44 2093.08 1- 1 -4430.16 3468.21 -10.55 34.62 44.19 10093.15 2 4430.16 -3441.94 10.55 -34.62 -33.64 -6638.08

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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C1 -6202.22 4855.49 -14.77 48.47 61.87 14130.42 6202.22 -4818.71 14.77 -48.47 -47.09 -9293.32 2- 1 -4430.17 3043.03 -10.78 22.58 33.69 6638.08 3 4430.17 -3016.77 10.78 -22.58 -22.91 -3608.18 C1 -6202.24 4260.25 -15.10 31.61 47.17 9293.31 6202.24 -4223.47 15.10 -31.61 -32.07 -5051.46 3- 1 -4430.19 2617.70 -11.56 10.38 23.00 3608.18 4 4430.19 -2591.43 11.56 -10.38 -11.44 -1003.62 C1 -6202.26 3664.78 -16.18 14.53 32.20 5051.46 6202.26 -3628.01 16.18 -14.53 -16.02 -1405.06 4- 1 -4430.21 2192.18 -12.88 -2.28 11.56 1003.62 5 4430.21 -2165.92 12.88 2.28 1.32 1175.43 C1 -6202.29 3069.06 -18.04 -3.19 16.19 1405.06 6202.29 -3032.28 18.04 3.19 1.85 1645.61 5- 1 -5616.41 577.79 -4.38 30.79 11.83 -983.40 6 5616.41 -551.53 4.38 -30.79 -7.45 1548.05 C1 -7862.97 808.91 -6.13 43.10 16.57 -1376.75 7862.97 -772.14 6.13 -43.10 -10.44 2167.28 6- 1 -5616.44 152.12 -5.76 18.12 7.60 -1548.05 7 5616.44 -125.85 5.76 -18.12 -1.84 1687.04 C1 -7863.01 212.96 -8.06 25.37 10.64 -2167.28 7863.01 -176.19 8.06 -25.37 -2.57 2361.85 7- 1 -5616.47 -273.54 -7.27 5.91 1.99 -1687.04 8 5616.47 299.81 7.27 -5.91 5.28 1400.36 C1 -7863.05 -382.96 -10.17 8.27 2.79 -2361.85 7863.05 419.73 10.17 -8.27 7.39 1960.51 8- 1 -5616.50 -699.20 -8.99 -6.14 -5.13 -1400.36 9 5616.50 725.47 8.99 6.14 14.11 688.03 C1 -7863.10 -978.88 -12.58 -8.60 -7.18 -1960.51 7863.10 1015.65 12.58 8.60 19.76 963.24 9- 1 -7039.72 571.76 -1.85 24.22 -2.38 -643.45 10 7039.72 -545.49 1.85 -24.22 4.23 1202.08 C1 -9855.61 800.47 -2.59 33.91 -3.34 -900.83 9855.61 -763.69 2.59 -33.91 5.92 1682.91 10- 1 -7039.75 146.16 -3.22 12.89 -4.10 -1202.08 11 7039.75 -119.90 3.22 -12.89 7.31 1335.11 C1 -9855.65 204.63 -4.50 18.05 -5.73 -1682.91 9855.65 -167.86 4.50 -18.05 10.24 1869.15 11- 1 -7039.78 -279.37 -4.64 2.10 -7.19 -1335.11 12 7039.78 305.63 4.64 -2.10 11.83 1042.61 C1 -9855.69 -391.12 -6.50 2.94 -10.06 -1869.15 9855.69 427.89 6.50 -2.94 16.56 1459.65 12- 1 -7039.80 -704.87 -6.26 -8.47 -11.71 -1042.61 13 7039.80 731.13 6.26 8.47 17.97 324.61 C1 -9855.72 -986.82 -8.76 -11.86 -16.40 -1459.65 9855.72 1023.59 8.76 11.86 25.16 454.45 13- 1 -7695.33 643.98 -0.34 18.44 -7.87 -336.89 14 7695.33 -617.71 0.34 -18.44 8.22 967.74 C1 -10773.46 901.57 -0.48 25.82 -11.02 -471.65 10773.46 -864.80 0.48 -25.82 11.50 1354.83 14- 1 -7695.34 218.56 -1.62 8.49 -8.13 -967.74 15 7695.34 -192.30 1.62 -8.49 9.76 1173.17 C1 -10773.48 305.99 -2.27 11.88 -11.39 -1354.83 10773.48 -269.21 2.27 -11.88 13.66 1642.43 15- 1 -7695.36 -206.80 -2.98 -1.06 -9.69 -1173.17 16 7695.36 233.07 2.98 1.06 12.66 953.23 C1 -10773.50 -289.52 -4.17 -1.48 -13.56 -1642.43 10773.50 326.30 4.17 1.48 17.73 1334.52 16- 1 -7695.37 -632.14 -4.54 -10.45 -12.61 -953.23 17 7695.37 658.40 4.54 10.45 17.14 307.96 C1 -10773.52 -884.99 -6.35 -14.62 -17.65 -1334.52 10773.52 921.76 6.35 14.62 24.00 431.15 17- 1 -7566.22 629.71 0.46 13.52 -8.43 -359.46 18 7566.22 -603.45 -0.46 -13.52 7.97 976.04 C1 -10592.70 881.60 0.65 18.93 -11.81 -503.24 10592.70 -844.83 -0.65 -18.93 11.16 1366.45 18- 1 -7566.22 204.45 -0.77 4.55 -7.94 -976.04 19 7566.22 -178.18 0.77 -4.55 8.71 1167.35 C1 -10592.71 286.23 -1.07 6.37 -11.12 -1366.45 10592.71 -249.45 1.07 -6.37 12.19 1634.29 19- 1 -7566.22 -220.78 -2.04 -4.15 -8.70 -1167.35 20 7566.22 247.05 2.04 4.15 10.74 933.44 C1 -10592.71 -309.09 -2.86 -5.81 -12.17 -1634.29 10592.71 345.87 2.86 5.81 15.04 1306.81 20- 1 -7566.22 -645.98 -3.47 -12.78 -10.74 -933.44 21 7566.22 672.25 3.47 12.78 14.21 274.32 C1 -10592.71 -904.38 -4.86 -17.89 -15.03 -1306.81 10592.71 941.15 4.86 17.89 19.89 384.04 21- 1 -6650.32 586.28 1.10 8.89 -6.55 -366.85

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22 6650.32 -560.02 -1.10 -8.89 5.45 940.00 C1 -9310.45 820.80 1.55 12.45 -9.17 -513.59 9310.45 -784.02 -1.55 -12.45 7.63 1316.00 22- 1 -6650.32 161.13 0.14 0.49 -5.47 -940.00 23 6650.32 -134.86 -0.14 -0.49 5.33 1088.00 C1 -9310.45 225.58 0.19 0.68 -7.66 -1316.00 9310.45 -188.81 -0.19 -0.68 7.46 1523.20 23- 1 -6650.31 -264.00 -0.83 -7.75 -5.36 -1088.00 24 6650.31 290.26 0.83 7.75 6.19 810.87 C1 -9310.44 -369.60 -1.16 -10.85 -7.51 -1523.20 9310.44 406.37 1.16 10.85 8.66 1135.21 24- 1 -6650.30 -689.11 -2.00 -16.01 -6.23 -810.87 25 6650.30 715.37 2.00 16.01 8.23 108.63 C1 -9310.43 -964.75 -2.80 -22.41 -8.72 -1135.21 9310.43 1001.52 2.80 22.41 11.52 152.08 25- 1 -2500.24 622.31 3.65 11.89 -8.43 -245.99 26 2500.24 -596.04 -3.65 -11.89 4.78 855.16 C1 -3500.33 871.23 5.10 16.64 -11.80 -344.38 3500.33 -834.46 -5.10 -16.64 6.70 1197.23 26- 1 -2500.23 197.24 2.46 3.81 -4.84 -855.16 27 2500.23 -170.97 -2.46 -3.81 2.38 1039.27 C1 -3500.32 276.14 3.45 5.33 -6.77 -1197.23 3500.32 -239.36 -3.45 -5.33 3.33 1454.98 27- 1 -2500.22 -227.81 1.49 -4.07 -2.44 -1039.27 28 2500.22 254.08 -1.49 4.07 0.95 798.32 C1 -3500.30 -318.94 2.09 -5.70 -3.41 -1454.98 3500.30 355.71 -2.09 5.70 1.33 1117.65 28- 1 -2500.20 -652.85 0.52 -11.90 -1.01 -798.32 29 2500.20 679.12 -0.52 11.90 0.50 132.34 C1 -3500.28 -913.99 0.72 -16.66 -1.42 -1117.65 3500.28 950.76 -0.72 16.66 0.70 185.28 29- 1 760.29 566.14 4.69 8.13 -7.80 -274.89 30 -760.29 -539.88 -4.69 -8.13 3.10 827.90 C1 1064.41 792.60 6.57 11.38 -10.92 -384.84 -1064.41 -755.83 -6.57 -11.38 4.35 1159.06 30- 1 760.31 141.15 3.27 0.50 -3.18 -827.90 31 -760.31 -114.88 -3.27 -0.50 -0.10 955.91 C1 1064.43 197.60 4.58 0.71 -4.45 -1159.06 -1064.43 -160.83 -4.58 -0.71 -0.14 1338.27 31- 1 760.32 -283.83 2.02 -6.95 0.02 -955.91 32 -760.32 310.09 -2.02 6.95 -2.04 658.95 C1 1064.45 -397.36 2.82 -9.73 0.03 -1338.27 -1064.45 434.13 -2.82 9.73 -2.85 922.53 32- 1 760.34 -708.77 0.83 -14.37 1.97 -658.95 33 -760.34 735.03 -0.83 14.37 -2.80 -62.95 C1 1064.47 -992.27 1.16 -20.11 2.75 -922.53 -1064.47 1029.04 -1.16 20.11 -3.92 -88.13 33- 1 4609.54 182.32 4.71 5.08 -4.46 -134.01 34 -4609.54 -156.06 -4.71 -5.08 -0.24 303.20 C1 6453.35 255.25 6.59 7.11 -6.25 -187.62 -6453.35 -218.48 -6.59 -7.11 -0.34 424.48 34- 1 4609.55 -242.54 3.28 -2.09 0.17 -303.20 35 -4609.55 268.81 -3.28 2.09 -3.45 47.53 C1 6453.37 -339.56 4.59 -2.93 0.24 -424.48 -6453.37 376.33 -4.59 2.93 -4.83 66.54 35- 1 4609.57 -667.36 2.08 -9.07 3.38 -47.53 36 -4609.57 693.63 -2.08 9.07 -5.46 -632.97 C1 6453.39 -934.31 2.91 -12.69 4.73 -66.54 -6453.39 971.08 -2.91 12.69 -7.64 -886.16 36- 1 4609.58 -1092.12 0.98 -15.96 5.39 632.97 37 -4609.58 1118.39 -0.98 15.96 -6.37 -1738.23 C1 6453.41 -1528.97 1.37 -22.34 7.55 886.16 -6453.41 1565.75 -1.37 22.34 -8.92 -2433.52 37- 1 9274.53 393.00 4.95 3.22 -1.37 1545.43 38 -9274.53 -366.74 -4.95 -3.22 -3.58 -1165.56 C1 12984.34 550.20 6.93 4.51 -1.92 2163.60 -12984.34 -513.43 -6.93 -4.51 -5.01 -1631.78 38- 1 9274.54 -31.64 3.47 -3.40 3.52 1165.56 39 -9274.54 57.91 -3.47 3.40 -6.99 -1210.33 C1 12984.35 -44.30 4.85 -4.76 4.93 1631.78 -12984.35 81.07 -4.85 4.76 -9.78 -1694.46 39- 1 9274.55 -456.22 2.08 -9.88 6.94 1210.33 40 -9274.55 482.49 -2.08 9.88 -9.02 -1679.69 C1 12984.37 -638.71 2.91 -13.83 9.71 1694.46 -12984.37 675.49 -2.91 13.83 -12.62 -2351.56 40- 1 9274.56 -880.75 0.48 -16.37 8.97 1679.69 41 -9274.56 907.01 -0.48 16.37 -9.45 -2573.57 C1 12984.38 -1233.05 0.67 -22.92 12.56 2351.56 -12984.38 1269.82 -0.67 22.92 -13.24 -3602.99

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41- 1 11033.42 2012.15 4.60 3.82 1.84 2491.87 42 -11033.42 -1985.89 -4.60 -3.82 -6.44 -492.85 C1 15446.78 2817.02 6.44 5.34 2.58 3488.62 -15446.78 -2780.24 -6.44 -5.34 -9.02 -689.99 42- 1 11033.42 1587.65 1.68 -3.11 6.42 492.85 43 -11033.42 -1561.38 -1.68 3.11 -8.10 1081.67 C1 15446.79 2222.71 2.36 -4.35 8.99 689.99 -15446.79 -2185.94 -2.36 4.35 -11.34 1514.33 43- 1 11033.42 1163.09 -1.20 -10.49 8.09 -1081.67 44 -11033.42 -1136.83 1.20 10.49 -6.89 2231.63 C1 15446.79 1628.33 -1.68 -14.69 11.32 -1514.33 -15446.79 -1591.56 1.68 14.69 -9.65 3124.28 44- 1 11033.43 738.48 -3.98 -18.59 6.89 -2231.63 45 -11033.43 -712.21 3.98 18.59 -2.91 2956.97 C1 15446.80 1033.87 -5.57 -26.03 9.64 -3124.28 -15446.80 -997.09 5.57 26.03 -4.07 4139.76 45- 1 15820.67 -1851.63 0.78 1.51 2.76 -3197.51 46 -15820.67 1877.89 -0.78 -1.51 -3.54 1332.75 C1 22148.94 -2592.28 1.09 2.11 3.86 -4476.51 -22148.94 2629.05 -1.09 -2.11 -4.95 1865.85 46- 1 15820.67 -2276.49 -1.26 -8.45 3.54 -1332.75 47 -15820.67 2302.75 1.26 8.45 -2.28 -956.87 C1 22148.93 -3187.08 -1.77 -11.83 4.96 -1865.85 -22148.93 3223.86 1.77 11.83 -3.19 -1339.62 47- 1 15820.66 -2701.47 -2.36 -19.28 2.29 956.87 48 -15820.66 2727.74 2.36 19.28 0.07 -3671.48 C1 22148.93 -3782.06 -3.30 -26.99 3.21 1339.62 -22148.93 3818.83 3.30 26.99 0.09 -5140.07 48- 1 15820.66 -3126.52 -2.67 -30.88 -0.06 3671.48 49 -15820.66 3152.79 2.67 30.88 2.73 -6811.13 C1 22148.93 -4377.13 -3.74 -43.23 -0.08 5140.07 -22148.93 4413.90 3.74 43.23 3.83 -9535.58 49- 1 32772.68 7954.42 -18.30 37.90 156.00 24518.99 50 -32772.68 -7928.15 18.30 -37.90 -137.70 -16577.71 C1 45881.75 11136.19 -25.62 53.06 218.39 34326.59 -45881.75 -11099.41 25.62 -53.06 -192.77 -23208.79 50- 1 32772.64 7529.56 -18.61 27.05 137.89 16577.71 51 -32772.64 -7503.29 18.61 -27.05 -119.28 -9061.28 C1 45881.69 10541.38 -26.05 37.87 193.05 23208.79 -45881.69 -10504.61 26.05 -37.87 -167.00 -12685.80 51- 1 32772.56 7105.00 -19.72 18.00 119.65 9061.28 52 -32772.56 -7078.73 19.72 -18.00 -99.93 -1969.42 C1 45881.59 9947.00 -27.61 25.21 167.51 12685.80 -45881.59 -9910.23 27.61 -25.21 -139.90 -2757.18 52- 1 32772.46 6680.96 -21.91 11.61 100.44 1969.42 53 -32772.46 -6654.70 21.91 -11.61 -78.53 4698.41 C1 45881.45 9353.35 -30.68 16.25 140.62 2757.19 -45881.45 -9316.57 30.68 -16.25 -109.95 6577.77 53- 1 25441.23 -24.71 -13.71 46.86 104.71 -3715.25 54 -25441.23 50.97 13.71 -46.86 -91.01 3677.41 C1 35617.72 -34.59 -19.19 65.60 146.60 -5201.35 -35617.72 71.36 19.19 -65.60 -127.41 5148.37 54- 1 25441.08 -446.82 -17.29 50.37 91.77 -3677.41 55 -25441.08 473.09 17.29 -50.37 -74.48 3217.45 C1 35617.51 -625.55 -24.21 70.52 128.47 -5148.37 -35617.51 662.33 24.21 -70.52 -104.27 4504.43 55- 1 25440.91 -867.80 -21.20 59.83 75.33 -3217.45 56 -25440.91 894.07 21.20 -59.83 -54.14 2336.52 C1 35617.27 -1214.92 -29.68 83.76 105.47 -4504.43 -35617.27 1251.69 29.68 -83.76 -75.79 3271.12 56- 1 25440.72 -1288.02 -25.27 73.13 55.07 -2336.52 57 -25440.72 1314.28 25.27 -73.13 -29.80 1035.37 C1 35617.01 -1803.22 -35.38 102.38 77.10 -3271.13 -35617.01 1840.00 35.38 -102.38 -41.73 1449.52 57- 1 17920.20 -660.64 -26.28 105.18 67.94 -954.85 58 -17920.20 686.91 26.28 -105.18 -41.66 281.07 C1 25088.27 -924.90 -36.79 147.25 95.11 -1336.79 -25088.27 961.67 36.79 -147.25 -58.32 393.50 58- 1 17919.98 -1082.35 -28.80 111.16 42.75 -281.08 59 -17919.98 1108.62 28.80 -111.16 -13.95 -814.40 C1 25087.97 -1515.29 -40.31 155.62 59.84 -393.52 -25087.97 1552.07 40.31 -155.62 -19.53 -1140.16 59- 1 17919.75 -1506.32 -31.23 105.97 15.11 814.39 60 -17919.75 1532.59 31.23 -105.97 16.12 -2333.84 C1 25087.64 -2108.85 -43.72 148.36 21.15 1140.15 -25087.64 2145.62 43.72 -148.36 22.57 -3267.38 60- 1 17919.51 -1932.87 -34.01 87.79 -14.93 2333.83 61 -17919.51 1959.13 34.01 -87.79 48.94 -4279.83 C1 25087.31 -2706.01 -47.61 122.91 -20.90 3267.36

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-25087.31 2742.79 47.61 -122.91 68.51 -5991.76 61- 1 14359.44 1479.24 -21.20 144.59 -13.60 4568.84 62 -14359.44 -1452.98 21.20 -144.59 34.80 -3102.73 C1 20103.22 2070.94 -29.68 202.43 -19.04 6396.38 -20103.22 -2034.17 29.68 -202.43 48.73 -4343.82 62- 1 14359.21 1048.82 -23.56 107.12 -33.67 3102.72 63 -14359.21 -1022.55 23.56 -107.12 57.23 -2067.04 C1 20102.90 1468.35 -32.99 149.96 -47.13 4343.81 -20102.90 -1431.57 32.99 -149.96 80.12 -2893.85 63- 1 14359.00 617.34 -26.03 64.56 -56.16 2067.03 64 -14359.00 -591.07 26.03 -64.56 82.19 -1462.82 C1 20102.60 864.28 -36.44 90.39 -78.63 2893.84 -20102.60 -827.50 36.44 -90.39 115.06 -2047.95 64- 1 14358.81 185.08 -28.81 18.08 -81.22 1462.82 65 -14358.81 -158.81 28.81 -18.08 110.03 -1290.87 C1 20102.33 259.11 -40.34 25.31 -113.71 2047.95 -20102.33 -222.34 40.34 -25.31 154.05 -1807.22 65- 1 7277.11 736.52 -3.62 97.34 -73.44 1845.97 66 -7277.11 -710.25 3.62 -97.34 77.06 -1122.59 C1 10187.96 1031.12 -5.07 136.28 -102.81 2584.36 -10187.96 -994.35 5.07 -136.28 107.88 -1571.62 66- 1 7276.97 304.03 -5.87 49.96 -76.34 1122.59 67 -7276.97 -277.76 5.87 -49.96 82.21 -831.69 C1 10187.75 425.64 -8.22 69.94 -106.87 1571.62 -10187.75 -388.86 8.22 -69.94 115.09 -1164.37 67- 1 7276.84 -127.96 -8.12 5.36 -81.60 831.70 68 -7276.84 154.23 8.12 -5.36 89.71 -972.79 C1 10187.58 -179.15 -11.36 7.50 -114.24 1164.37 -10187.58 215.92 11.36 -7.50 125.60 -1361.91 68- 1 7276.75 -559.26 -10.52 -35.73 -89.23 972.79 69 -7276.75 585.53 10.52 35.73 99.75 -1545.19 C1 10187.45 -782.97 -14.73 -50.02 -124.92 1361.91 -10187.45 819.74 14.73 50.02 139.65 -2163.26 69- 1 474.49 1380.16 5.49 11.98 -72.65 2031.25 70 -474.49 -1353.89 -5.49 -11.98 67.16 -664.22 C1 664.29 1932.23 7.69 16.77 -101.72 2843.75 -664.29 -1895.45 -7.69 -16.77 94.03 -929.91 70- 1 474.44 951.66 3.89 -14.85 -66.91 664.23 71 -474.44 -925.39 -3.89 14.85 63.02 274.30 C1 664.22 1332.32 5.44 -20.79 -93.67 929.92 -664.22 -1295.54 -5.44 20.79 88.23 384.01 71- 1 474.41 525.05 2.12 -31.97 -62.87 -274.29 72 -474.41 -498.78 -2.12 31.97 60.74 786.21 C1 664.17 735.07 2.97 -44.76 -88.01 -384.00 -664.17 -698.30 -2.97 44.76 85.04 1100.69 72- 1 474.40 100.11 -0.01 -40.75 -60.67 -786.20 73 -474.40 -73.84 0.01 40.75 60.68 873.18 C1 664.15 140.15 -0.01 -57.04 -84.94 -1100.68 -664.15 -103.38 0.01 57.04 84.96 1222.45 73- 1 -4864.24 629.78 5.15 -6.11 -54.05 -465.07 74 4864.24 -603.51 -5.15 6.11 48.90 1081.71 C1 -6809.93 881.69 7.21 -8.55 -75.67 -651.09 6809.93 -844.91 -7.21 8.55 68.46 1514.39 74- 1 -4864.22 206.26 3.61 -7.51 -49.00 -1081.71 75 4864.22 -179.99 -3.61 7.51 45.39 1274.83 C1 -6809.91 288.76 5.05 -10.51 -68.60 -1514.39 6809.91 -251.99 -5.05 10.51 63.54 1784.77 75- 1 -4864.18 -217.52 2.05 -10.00 -45.56 -1274.84 76 4864.18 243.79 -2.05 10.00 43.51 1044.18 C1 -6809.86 -304.53 2.87 -14.01 -63.79 -1784.77 6809.86 341.30 -2.87 14.01 60.92 1461.86 76- 1 -4864.13 -641.86 0.26 -15.27 -43.76 -1044.18 77 4864.13 668.13 -0.26 15.27 43.50 389.19 C1 -6809.79 -898.61 0.37 -21.37 -61.26 -1461.86 6809.79 935.38 -0.37 21.37 60.89 544.86 77- 1 -9979.81 935.24 4.13 7.52 -37.95 -84.67 78 9979.81 -908.97 -4.13 -7.52 33.82 1006.77 C1 -13971.74 1309.33 5.78 10.53 -53.13 -118.54 13971.74 -1272.56 -5.78 -10.53 47.34 1409.48 78- 1 -9979.74 509.82 2.73 -2.83 -34.19 -1006.77 79 9979.74 -483.56 -2.73 2.83 31.46 1503.46 C1 -13971.63 713.75 3.82 -3.96 -47.87 -1409.48 13971.63 -676.98 -3.82 3.96 44.04 2104.85 79- 1 -9979.65 84.10 1.23 -14.52 -31.88 -1503.46 80 9979.65 -57.83 -1.23 14.52 30.65 1574.43 C1 -13971.51 117.74 1.73 -20.33 -44.64 -2104.85 13971.51 -80.97 -1.73 20.33 42.91 2204.20 80- 1 -9979.56 -341.84 -0.51 -27.22 -31.12 -1574.43 81 9979.56 368.10 0.51 27.22 31.63 1219.46

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C1 -13971.38 -478.57 -0.71 -38.11 -43.57 -2204.20 13971.38 515.34 0.71 38.11 44.28 1707.25 81- 1 -14087.85 566.76 4.84 -3.67 -25.04 -987.85 82 14087.85 -540.50 -4.84 3.67 20.20 1541.48 C1 -19723.00 793.47 6.77 -5.13 -35.06 -1382.98 19723.00 -756.70 -6.77 5.13 28.29 2158.07 82- 1 -14087.74 140.55 3.44 -17.51 -20.76 -1541.48 83 14087.74 -114.28 -3.44 17.51 17.32 1668.89 C1 -19722.84 196.76 4.81 -24.52 -29.06 -2158.07 19722.84 -159.99 -4.81 24.52 24.25 2336.44 83- 1 -14087.63 -285.75 1.88 -31.52 -17.91 -1668.89 84 14087.63 312.02 -1.88 31.52 16.03 1370.00 C1 -19722.68 -400.05 2.63 -44.13 -25.07 -2336.44 19722.68 436.82 -2.63 44.13 22.45 1918.00 84- 1 -14087.50 -712.04 0.03 -45.41 -16.65 -1370.00 85 14087.50 738.30 -0.03 45.41 16.62 644.83 C1 -19722.50 -996.85 0.04 -63.57 -23.31 -1918.00 19722.50 1033.63 -0.04 63.57 23.27 902.76 117- 1 -14593.64 207.15 -3.90 46.96 38.35 -1617.60 118 14593.64 -180.88 3.90 -46.96 -34.46 1811.61 C1 -20431.09 290.01 -5.46 65.74 53.70 -2264.64 20431.09 -253.23 5.46 -65.74 -48.24 2536.26 118- 1 -14593.74 -215.51 -5.69 51.60 34.95 -1811.61 119 14593.74 241.77 5.69 -51.60 -29.25 1582.97 C1 -20431.23 -301.71 -7.97 72.24 48.92 -2536.26 20431.23 338.48 7.97 -72.24 -40.95 2216.16 119- 1 -14593.84 -638.63 -7.26 53.75 29.79 -1582.98 120 14593.84 664.90 7.26 -53.75 -22.53 931.21 C1 -20431.38 -894.09 -10.16 75.25 41.70 -2216.17 20431.38 930.86 10.16 -75.25 -31.54 1303.70 120- 1 -14593.96 -1062.11 -8.65 53.86 23.10 -931.21 121 14593.96 1088.38 8.65 -53.86 -14.45 -144.03 C1 -20431.54 -1486.96 -12.11 75.41 32.34 -1303.70 20431.54 1523.73 12.11 -75.41 -20.22 -201.64 121- 1 -10351.12 616.28 -8.31 58.97 14.50 -30.91 122 10351.12 -590.01 8.31 -58.97 -6.19 634.06 C1 -14491.56 862.79 -11.63 82.56 20.30 -43.28 14491.56 -826.01 11.63 -82.56 -8.67 887.68 122- 1 -10351.24 192.70 -10.01 58.20 6.80 -634.06 123 10351.24 -166.43 10.01 -58.20 3.21 813.63 C1 -14491.73 269.78 -14.02 81.48 9.52 -887.68 14491.73 -233.01 14.02 -81.48 4.50 1139.08 123- 1 -10351.36 -230.67 -11.45 58.34 -2.61 -813.63 124 10351.36 256.93 11.45 -58.34 14.05 569.83 C1 -14491.90 -322.93 -16.02 81.67 -3.65 -1139.08 14491.90 359.71 16.02 -81.67 19.67 797.76 124- 1 -10351.48 -653.82 -12.87 59.23 -13.47 -569.83 125 10351.48 680.09 12.87 -59.23 26.33 -97.13 C1 -14492.07 -915.35 -18.01 82.92 -18.85 -797.76 14492.07 952.13 18.01 -82.92 36.86 -135.98 125- 1 -5305.30 715.35 -10.04 85.57 -25.71 -200.43 126 5305.30 -689.08 10.04 -85.57 35.75 902.65 C1 -7427.42 1001.49 -14.06 119.79 -35.99 -280.61 7427.42 -964.71 14.06 -119.79 50.05 1263.71 126- 1 -5305.41 291.58 -12.38 83.17 -35.24 -902.65 127 5305.41 -265.32 12.38 -83.17 47.62 1181.10 C1 -7427.57 408.22 -17.33 116.44 -49.33 -1263.71 7427.57 -371.45 17.33 -116.44 66.66 1653.55 127- 1 -5305.50 -133.13 -14.33 76.00 -47.16 -1181.11 128 5305.50 159.40 14.33 -76.00 61.49 1034.84 C1 -7427.70 -186.39 -20.06 106.41 -66.02 -1653.55 7427.70 223.16 20.06 -106.41 86.08 1448.78 128- 1 -5305.57 -559.11 -15.95 62.40 -61.11 -1034.85 129 5305.57 585.38 15.95 -62.40 77.05 462.61 C1 -7427.80 -782.75 -22.33 87.36 -85.55 -1448.79 7427.80 819.53 22.33 -87.36 107.88 647.65 129- 1 -40.74 -51.86 -5.34 99.94 -84.41 -862.82 130 40.74 78.12 5.34 -99.94 89.74 797.83 C1 -57.03 -72.60 -7.47 139.92 -118.17 -1207.95 57.03 109.37 7.47 -139.92 125.64 1116.97 130- 1 -40.77 -480.78 -7.18 71.43 -89.58 -797.84 131 40.77 507.05 7.18 -71.43 96.76 303.93 C1 -57.08 -673.09 -10.05 100.01 -125.41 -1116.98 57.08 709.86 10.05 -100.01 135.46 425.50 131- 1 -40.78 -911.25 -8.63 35.20 -96.71 -303.93 132 40.78 937.51 8.63 -35.20 105.34 -620.44 C1 -57.09 -1275.74 -12.08 49.29 -135.40 -425.51 57.09 1312.52 12.08 -49.29 147.48 -868.62 132- 1 -40.76 -1343.26 -9.95 -8.96 -105.44 620.44

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133 40.76 1369.53 9.95 8.96 115.39 -1976.83 C1 -57.07 -1880.56 -13.93 -12.55 -147.61 868.61 57.07 1917.34 13.93 12.55 161.54 -2767.56 133- 1 6689.41 585.10 12.51 49.68 -147.47 1497.52 134 -6689.41 -558.83 -12.51 -49.68 134.96 -925.56 C1 9365.17 819.14 17.51 69.55 -206.45 2096.53 -9365.17 -782.37 -17.51 -69.55 188.94 -1295.78 134- 1 6689.50 151.25 10.15 -3.95 -135.40 925.55 135 -6689.50 -124.99 -10.15 3.95 125.25 -787.43 C1 9365.30 211.75 14.21 -5.52 -189.56 1295.78 -9365.30 -174.98 -14.21 5.52 175.35 -1102.41 135- 1 6689.62 -282.83 7.87 -58.88 -125.87 787.43 136 -6689.62 309.10 -7.87 58.88 117.99 -1083.40 C1 9365.47 -395.97 11.02 -82.44 -176.21 1102.41 -9365.47 432.74 -11.02 82.44 165.19 -1516.76 136- 1 6689.78 -717.10 5.55 -115.01 -118.78 1083.40 137 -6689.78 743.36 -5.55 115.01 113.22 -1813.63 C1 9365.69 -1003.93 7.78 -161.02 -166.29 1516.76 -9365.69 1040.71 -7.78 161.02 158.51 -2539.08 137- 1 13720.34 -149.79 34.56 -22.47 -153.38 1264.42 138 -13720.34 176.06 -34.56 22.47 118.83 -1427.34 C1 19208.48 -209.71 48.38 -31.46 -214.73 1770.19 -19208.48 246.48 -48.38 31.46 166.36 -1998.28 138- 1 13720.57 -583.25 31.66 -74.89 -119.95 1427.35 139 -13720.57 609.52 -31.66 74.89 88.29 -2023.73 C1 19208.79 -816.56 44.33 -104.85 -167.93 1998.29 -19208.79 853.33 -44.33 104.85 123.60 -2833.23 139- 1 13720.82 -1015.66 29.13 -122.03 -89.55 2023.74 140 -13720.82 1041.93 -29.13 122.03 60.42 -3052.54 C1 19209.15 -1421.93 40.79 -170.85 -125.38 2833.24 -19209.15 1458.70 -40.79 170.85 84.59 -4273.55 140- 1 13721.09 -1446.82 26.76 -163.09 -61.79 3052.55 141 -13721.09 1473.08 -26.76 163.09 35.03 -4512.50 C1 19209.53 -2025.55 37.46 -228.32 -86.51 4273.57 -19209.53 2062.32 -37.46 228.32 49.04 -6317.50 141- 1 17269.66 1943.49 40.96 -100.79 -73.50 4225.08 142 -17269.66 -1917.23 -40.96 100.79 32.53 -2294.72 C1 24177.53 2720.89 57.35 -141.10 -102.90 5915.11 -24177.53 -2684.12 -57.35 141.10 45.55 -3212.61 142- 1 17269.96 1516.54 38.31 -120.93 -34.00 2294.73 143 -17269.96 -1490.27 -38.31 120.93 -4.31 -791.33 C1 24177.94 2123.16 53.63 -169.30 -47.60 3212.63 -24177.94 -2086.38 -53.63 169.30 -6.03 -1107.86 143- 1 17270.25 1092.31 36.06 -127.36 2.86 791.34 144 -17270.25 -1066.04 -36.06 127.36 -38.93 287.83 C1 24178.34 1529.23 50.49 -178.31 4.01 1107.88 -24178.34 -1492.46 -50.49 178.31 -54.50 402.97 144- 1 17270.52 670.44 33.75 -122.05 37.55 -287.82 145 -17270.52 -644.18 -33.75 122.05 -71.30 945.13 C1 24178.73 938.62 47.25 -170.88 52.57 -402.95 -24178.73 -901.85 -47.25 170.88 -99.82 1323.19 145- 1 24745.36 1309.51 32.62 -93.44 24.91 -1025.90 146 -24745.36 -1283.24 -32.62 93.44 -57.54 2322.27 C1 34643.51 1833.31 45.67 -130.82 34.88 -1436.26 -34643.51 -1796.54 -45.67 130.82 -80.55 3251.18 146- 1 24745.60 889.31 28.50 -79.95 56.33 -2322.27 147 -24745.60 -863.04 -28.50 79.95 -84.83 3198.45 C1 34643.84 1245.03 39.91 -111.94 78.86 -3251.18 -34643.84 -1208.26 -39.91 111.94 -118.76 4477.83 147- 1 24745.83 468.43 24.52 -69.91 83.71 -3198.45 148 -24745.83 -442.17 -24.52 69.91 -108.24 3653.75 C1 34644.16 655.81 34.33 -97.88 117.20 -4477.83 -34644.16 -619.03 -34.33 97.88 -151.53 5115.25 148- 1 24746.02 46.52 20.88 -65.32 107.25 -3653.75 149 -24746.02 -20.25 -20.88 65.32 -128.13 3687.14 C1 34644.43 65.12 29.24 -91.45 150.15 -5115.25 -34644.43 -28.35 -29.24 91.45 -179.38 5161.99 149- 1 32026.86 -6595.11 29.02 -44.48 92.37 -4658.14 150 -32026.86 6621.38 -29.02 44.48 -121.39 -1950.10 C1 44837.61 -9233.16 40.63 -62.28 129.32 -6521.40 -44837.61 9269.93 -40.63 62.28 -169.95 -2730.15 150- 1 32027.00 -7018.83 26.82 -49.20 120.72 1950.10 151 -32027.00 7045.09 -26.82 49.20 -147.54 -8982.06 C1 44837.80 -9826.36 37.55 -68.88 169.00 2730.14 -44837.80 9863.13 -37.55 68.88 -206.55 -12574.89 151- 1 32027.09 -7443.07 25.71 -56.66 147.05 8982.06 152 -32027.09 7469.34 -25.71 56.66 -172.76 -16438.27 C1 44837.93 -10420.30 35.99 -79.32 205.87 12574.89 -44837.93 10457.07 -35.99 79.32 -241.86 -23013.57

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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152- 1 32027.15 -7867.71 25.40 -66.38 172.50 16438.27 153 -32027.15 7893.98 -25.40 66.38 -197.90 -24319.11 C1 44838.00 -11014.79 35.56 -92.93 241.50 23013.57 -44838.00 11051.57 -35.56 92.93 -277.06 -34046.75 153- 1 15781.96 3073.50 13.50 41.91 -78.27 6427.70 154 -15781.96 -3047.23 -13.50 -41.91 64.76 -3367.33 C1 22094.74 4302.89 18.91 58.68 -109.57 8998.78 -22094.74 -4266.12 -18.91 -58.68 90.67 -4714.27 154- 1 15781.97 2648.63 13.17 31.10 -64.84 3367.33 155 -15781.97 -2622.37 -13.17 -31.10 51.66 -731.83 C1 22094.76 3708.09 18.44 43.54 -90.77 4714.27 -22094.76 -3671.31 -18.44 -43.54 72.33 -1024.57 155- 1 15782.00 2223.99 12.00 21.71 -51.79 731.84 156 -15782.00 -2197.72 -12.00 -21.71 39.79 1479.02 C1 22094.80 3113.58 16.80 30.39 -72.51 1024.57 -22094.80 -3076.81 -16.80 -30.39 55.71 2070.63 156- 1 15782.03 1799.60 9.76 13.74 -39.95 -1479.02 157 -15782.03 -1773.34 -9.76 -13.74 30.20 3265.49 C1 22094.84 2519.44 13.66 19.24 -55.93 -2070.62 -22094.84 -2482.67 -13.66 -19.24 42.27 4571.68 157- 1 11024.57 -736.28 12.00 14.08 -32.59 -2873.38 158 -11024.57 762.54 -12.00 -14.08 20.59 2123.97 C1 15434.39 -1030.79 16.80 19.71 -45.62 -4022.73 -15434.39 1067.56 -16.80 -19.71 28.82 2973.55 158- 1 11024.60 -1160.43 8.68 7.71 -20.77 -2123.97 159 -11024.60 1186.69 -8.68 -7.71 12.09 950.41 C1 15434.44 -1624.60 12.16 10.79 -29.08 -2973.55 -15434.44 1661.37 -12.16 -10.79 16.92 1330.57 159- 1 11024.64 -1584.59 5.17 1.61 -12.26 -950.41 160 -11024.64 1610.86 -5.17 -1.61 7.10 -647.32 C1 15434.49 -2218.43 7.23 2.25 -17.17 -1330.57 -15434.49 2255.20 -7.23 -2.25 9.94 -906.25 160- 1 11024.67 -2008.69 1.51 -4.02 -7.26 647.32 161 -11024.67 2034.96 -1.51 4.02 5.75 -2669.15 C1 15434.54 -2812.17 2.11 -5.63 -10.16 906.25 -15434.54 2848.94 -2.11 5.63 8.05 -3736.80 161- 1 9352.90 934.74 5.57 8.29 0.98 2731.46 162 -9352.90 -908.48 -5.57 -8.29 -6.56 -1809.85 C1 13094.06 1308.64 7.80 11.60 1.38 3824.04 -13094.06 -1271.87 -7.80 -11.60 -9.18 -2533.79 162- 1 9352.92 510.79 3.18 3.86 6.46 1809.85 163 -9352.92 -484.52 -3.18 -3.86 -9.64 -1312.19 C1 13094.09 715.10 4.45 5.41 9.04 2533.79 -13094.09 -678.33 -4.45 -5.41 -13.49 -1837.07 163- 1 9352.93 86.89 1.04 0.08 9.58 1312.19 164 -9352.93 -60.62 -1.04 -0.08 -10.61 -1238.44 C1 13094.10 121.64 1.45 0.11 13.41 1837.07 -13094.10 -84.87 -1.45 -0.11 -14.86 -1733.82 164- 1 9352.93 -336.92 -1.06 -3.01 10.60 1238.44 165 -9352.93 363.18 1.06 3.01 -9.54 -1588.49 C1 13094.11 -471.68 -1.48 -4.22 14.84 1733.82 -13094.11 508.46 1.48 4.22 -13.36 -2223.89 165- 1 4697.23 1127.77 0.82 8.09 14.74 1782.69 166 -4697.23 -1101.51 -0.82 -8.09 -15.57 -668.05 C1 6576.12 1578.88 1.15 11.33 20.64 2495.76 -6576.12 -1542.11 -1.15 -11.33 -21.80 -935.27 166- 1 4697.21 703.99 -0.04 5.58 15.65 668.05 167 -4697.21 -677.72 0.04 -5.58 -15.61 22.81 C1 6576.10 985.59 -0.06 7.81 21.91 935.27 -6576.10 -948.81 0.06 -7.81 -21.86 31.93 167- 1 4697.18 280.11 -0.86 2.84 15.75 -22.81 168 -4697.18 -253.84 0.86 -2.84 -14.89 289.78 C1 6576.06 392.15 -1.20 3.98 22.04 -31.93 -6576.06 -355.38 1.20 -3.98 -20.84 405.69 168- 1 4697.15 -143.86 -1.92 -0.22 15.07 -289.78 169 -4697.15 170.13 1.92 0.22 -13.15 132.78 C1 6576.01 -201.41 -2.69 -0.30 21.10 -405.69 -6576.01 238.18 2.69 0.30 -18.41 185.90 169- 1 838.14 734.54 0.30 13.18 18.17 65.50 170 -838.14 -708.27 -0.30 -13.18 -18.47 655.91 C1 1173.40 1028.35 0.42 18.45 25.44 91.70 -1173.40 -991.58 -0.42 -18.45 -25.86 918.27 170- 1 838.08 310.37 -0.71 9.41 18.77 -655.91 171 -838.08 -284.11 0.71 -9.41 -18.06 953.15 C1 1173.32 434.52 -1.00 13.17 26.27 -918.27 -1173.32 -397.75 1.00 -13.17 -25.28 1334.41 171- 1 838.01 -113.89 -1.87 5.29 18.41 -953.15 172 -838.01 140.15 1.87 -5.29 -16.54 826.13 C1 1173.22 -159.44 -2.62 7.41 25.77 -1334.41

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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-1173.22 196.22 2.62 -7.41 -23.15 1156.58 172- 1 837.93 -538.22 -3.24 0.84 16.95 -826.13 173 -837.93 564.48 3.24 -0.84 -13.71 274.78 C1 1173.11 -753.50 -4.53 1.17 23.73 -1156.58 -1173.11 790.28 4.53 -1.17 -19.20 384.69 173- 1 -2438.22 678.48 -0.05 17.98 20.59 -131.11 174 2438.22 -652.21 0.05 -17.98 -20.54 796.45 C1 -3413.51 949.87 -0.07 25.17 28.83 -183.55 3413.51 -913.10 0.07 -25.17 -28.76 1115.03 174- 1 -2438.33 254.04 -1.01 12.98 21.06 -796.45 175 2438.33 -227.77 1.01 -12.98 -20.05 1037.36 C1 -3413.66 355.66 -1.42 18.18 29.49 -1115.04 3413.66 -318.88 1.42 -18.18 -28.07 1452.30 175- 1 -2438.44 -170.45 -1.98 7.78 20.63 -1037.36 176 2438.44 196.72 1.98 -7.78 -18.65 853.78 C1 -3413.82 -238.63 -2.77 10.90 28.89 -1452.31 3413.82 275.40 2.77 -10.90 -26.12 1195.29 176- 1 -2438.57 -594.97 -3.15 2.35 19.30 -853.78 177 2438.57 621.23 3.15 -2.35 -16.15 245.68 C1 -3414.00 -832.95 -4.41 3.29 27.01 -1195.29 3414.00 869.73 4.41 -3.29 -22.60 343.95 177- 1 -6625.92 714.59 1.87 27.48 19.58 -107.09 178 6625.92 -688.32 -1.87 -27.48 -21.46 808.55 C1 -9276.29 1000.43 2.62 38.47 27.42 -149.93 9276.29 -963.65 -2.62 -38.47 -30.04 1131.97 178- 1 -6626.07 290.06 0.70 21.95 22.22 -808.55 179 6626.07 -263.79 -0.70 -21.95 -22.92 1085.47 C1 -9276.50 406.08 0.98 30.73 31.11 -1131.97 9276.50 -369.31 -0.98 -30.73 -32.09 1519.66 179- 1 -6626.24 -134.47 -0.26 16.55 23.75 -1085.47 180 6626.24 160.74 0.26 -16.55 -23.49 937.87 C1 -9276.73 -188.26 -0.36 23.17 33.25 -1519.66 9276.73 225.03 0.36 -23.17 -32.89 1313.02 180- 1 -6626.42 -558.96 -1.22 11.26 24.38 -937.87 181 6626.42 585.23 1.22 -11.26 -23.17 365.78 C1 -9276.98 -782.55 -1.70 15.76 34.14 -1313.02 9276.98 819.32 1.70 -15.76 -32.43 512.09 181- 1 -7564.53 671.46 1.95 27.50 19.44 -272.17 182 7564.53 -645.19 -1.95 -27.50 -21.39 930.50 C1 -10590.34 940.04 2.73 38.50 27.22 -381.04 10590.34 -903.27 -2.73 -38.50 -29.95 1302.69 182- 1 -7564.73 247.01 0.53 22.42 22.41 -930.50 183 7564.73 -220.75 -0.53 -22.42 -22.94 1164.38 C1 -10590.62 345.82 0.74 31.38 31.38 -1302.69 10590.62 -309.05 -0.74 -31.38 -32.11 1630.13 183- 1 -7564.95 -177.41 -0.75 17.46 24.02 -1164.38 184 7564.95 203.67 0.75 -17.46 -23.28 973.84 C1 -10590.93 -248.37 -1.04 24.45 33.63 -1630.13 10590.93 285.14 1.04 -24.45 -32.59 1363.37 184- 1 -7565.18 -601.78 -1.97 12.62 24.42 -973.84 185 7565.18 628.04 1.97 -12.62 -22.46 358.93 C1 -10591.25 -842.49 -2.75 17.67 34.19 -1363.37 10591.25 879.26 2.75 -17.67 -31.44 502.50 185- 1 -7719.79 657.00 0.53 26.44 20.05 -306.20 186 7719.79 -630.73 -0.53 -26.44 -20.58 950.07 C1 -10807.71 919.80 0.74 37.02 28.07 -428.69 10807.71 -883.03 -0.74 -37.02 -28.81 1330.10 186- 1 -7720.05 232.73 -0.98 21.87 21.86 -950.07 187 7720.05 -206.46 0.98 -21.87 -20.87 1169.67 C1 -10808.07 325.82 -1.38 30.62 30.60 -1330.10 10808.07 -289.05 1.38 -30.62 -29.22 1637.54 187- 1 -7720.32 -191.47 -2.26 17.52 22.21 -1169.67 188 7720.32 217.74 2.26 -17.52 -19.95 965.06 C1 -10808.44 -268.06 -3.16 24.53 31.10 -1637.54 10808.44 304.83 3.16 -24.53 -27.94 1351.09 188- 1 -7720.60 -615.56 -3.41 13.51 21.36 -965.06 189 7720.60 641.83 3.41 -13.51 -17.95 336.37 C1 -10808.84 -861.78 -4.77 18.91 29.90 -1351.09 10808.84 898.56 4.77 -18.91 -25.13 470.92 189- 1 -7094.56 727.21 -1.81 22.05 17.87 -322.70 190 7094.56 -700.94 1.81 -22.05 -16.06 1036.78 C1 -9932.39 1018.09 -2.54 30.87 25.02 -451.78 9932.39 -981.32 2.54 -30.87 -22.48 1451.49 190- 1 -7094.87 303.39 -3.17 18.86 17.58 -1036.78 191 7094.87 -277.13 3.17 -18.86 -14.41 1327.04 C1 -9932.82 424.75 -4.43 26.41 24.61 -1451.49 9932.82 -387.98 4.43 -26.41 -20.17 1857.86 191- 1 -7095.18 -120.28 -4.33 16.08 15.98 -1327.04 192 7095.18 146.55 4.33 -16.08 -11.65 1193.63

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C1 -9933.26 -168.39 -6.06 22.52 22.38 -1857.86 9933.26 205.17 6.06 -22.52 -16.31 1671.08 192- 1 -7095.51 -543.81 -5.55 13.59 13.28 -1193.63 193 7095.51 570.07 5.55 -13.59 -7.73 636.69 C1 -9933.71 -761.33 -7.76 19.02 18.59 -1671.08 9933.71 798.10 7.76 -19.02 -10.83 891.36 193- 1 -5705.39 723.44 -6.04 12.59 10.90 -679.29 194 5705.39 -697.18 6.04 -12.59 -4.86 1389.60 C1 -7987.55 1012.82 -8.45 17.63 15.26 -951.00 7987.55 -976.05 8.45 -17.63 -6.81 1945.44 194- 1 -5705.73 299.85 -8.51 8.64 6.58 -1389.60 195 5705.73 -273.58 8.51 -8.64 1.93 1676.32 C1 -7988.02 419.79 -11.91 12.10 9.21 -1945.44 7988.02 -383.02 11.91 -12.10 2.70 2346.85 195- 1 -5706.08 -124.26 -11.73 1.45 -0.18 -1676.32 196 5706.08 150.53 11.73 -1.45 11.91 1538.93 C1 -7988.51 -173.97 -16.42 2.03 -0.26 -2346.85 7988.51 210.74 16.42 -2.03 16.68 2154.50 196- 1 -5706.43 -549.50 -15.96 -12.24 -10.15 -1538.93 197 5706.43 575.76 15.96 12.24 26.10 976.30 C1 -7989.01 -769.30 -22.34 -17.14 -14.20 -2154.51 7989.01 806.07 22.34 17.14 36.54 1366.82 197- 1 -4543.71 -2125.55 -21.71 -50.63 -22.15 -1164.61 198 4543.71 2151.81 21.71 50.63 43.86 -974.07 C1 -6361.19 -2975.77 -30.39 -70.88 -31.00 -1630.46 6361.19 3012.54 30.39 70.88 61.40 -1363.69 198- 1 -4544.06 -2556.18 -26.80 -93.80 -42.07 974.05 199 4544.06 2582.45 26.80 93.80 68.87 -3543.37 C1 -6361.69 -3578.66 -37.52 -131.31 -58.90 1363.68 6361.69 3615.43 37.52 131.31 96.42 -4960.72 199- 1 -4544.42 -2990.58 -29.22 -157.36 -67.10 3543.36 200 4544.42 3016.84 29.22 157.36 96.31 -6547.07 C1 -6362.19 -4186.81 -40.91 -220.31 -93.93 4960.71 6362.19 4223.58 40.91 220.31 134.84 -9165.90 200- 1 -4544.77 -3428.19 -24.09 -238.97 -94.58 6547.07 201 4544.77 3454.45 24.09 238.97 118.66 -9988.39 C1 -6362.68 -4799.46 -33.72 -334.55 -132.41 9165.89 6362.68 4836.24 33.72 334.55 166.13 -13983.74 422- 1 31592.75 286.88 -6.21 -43.35 9.18 -1097.03 423 -31592.75 -155.44 6.21 43.35 15.65 1981.66 C1 44229.86 401.63 -8.69 -60.68 12.86 -1535.84 -44229.86 -217.61 8.69 60.68 21.91 2774.32 423- 1 34117.83 226.37 -6.33 -62.44 8.26 -1891.19 424 -34117.83 -94.93 6.33 62.44 17.07 2533.78 C1 47764.96 316.92 -8.87 -87.41 11.57 -2647.67 -47764.96 -132.90 8.87 87.41 23.90 3547.30 424- 1 35945.73 86.81 -6.59 -58.45 9.28 -2484.99 425 -35945.73 44.63 6.59 58.45 17.06 2569.34 C1 50324.02 121.53 -9.22 -81.83 13.00 -3478.99 -50324.02 62.49 9.22 81.83 23.89 3597.07 425- 1 37096.65 -60.98 -5.62 -52.14 10.84 -2560.02 426 -37096.65 192.42 5.62 52.14 11.62 2053.24 C1 51935.31 -85.37 -7.86 -73.00 15.18 -3584.03 -51935.31 269.38 7.86 73.00 16.27 2874.53 426- 1 37082.56 200.08 4.51 10.18 -9.01 -2046.67 427 -37082.56 -68.64 -4.51 -10.18 -9.03 2584.11 C1 51915.59 280.11 6.31 14.26 -12.61 -2865.34 -51915.59 -96.09 -6.31 -14.26 -12.64 3617.75 427- 1 35905.60 73.64 5.92 17.41 -16.05 -2585.44 428 -35905.60 57.80 -5.92 -17.41 -7.65 2617.13 C1 50267.85 103.10 8.29 24.38 -22.48 -3619.61 -50267.85 80.92 -8.29 -24.38 -10.70 3663.98 428- 1 33987.75 20.89 5.87 35.81 -17.15 -2650.37 429 -33987.75 110.55 -5.87 -35.81 -6.33 2471.06 C1 47582.85 29.25 8.22 50.13 -24.01 -3710.52 -47582.85 154.77 -8.22 -50.13 -8.86 3459.48 429- 1 31369.04 -83.15 5.27 65.84 -17.68 -2545.16 430 -31369.04 214.59 -5.27 -65.84 -3.39 1949.66 C1 43916.65 -116.41 7.38 92.18 -24.75 -3563.22 -43916.65 300.43 -7.38 -92.18 -4.75 2729.53 401- 1 10.25 46.05 2.29 -2.56 0.15 34.51 402 -10.25 59.02 -2.29 2.56 -9.29 -60.45 C1 14.35 64.47 3.20 -3.58 0.20 48.32 -14.35 82.62 -3.20 3.58 -13.01 -84.63 402- 1 1152.40 229.90 2.19 -6.50 -2.56 155.08 403 -1152.40 -124.84 -2.19 6.50 -6.19 554.41 C1 1613.37 321.87 3.06 -9.09 -3.59 217.11 -1613.37 -174.78 -3.06 9.09 -8.67 776.17 403- 1 2586.10 165.20 1.57 -9.16 -2.58 -462.96

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404 -2586.10 -60.14 -1.57 9.16 -3.69 913.63 C1 3620.54 231.28 2.20 -12.83 -3.61 -648.14 -3620.54 -84.19 -2.20 12.83 -5.17 1279.09 404- 1 3235.44 55.29 1.14 -6.77 -2.33 -864.12 405 -3235.44 49.78 -1.14 6.77 -2.21 875.15 C1 4529.62 77.40 1.59 -9.48 -3.27 -1209.77 -4529.62 69.69 -1.59 9.48 -3.09 1225.21 405- 1 3095.10 33.52 0.98 -4.50 -2.46 -875.17 406 -3095.10 71.54 -0.98 4.50 -1.46 799.13 C1 4333.14 46.93 1.37 -6.30 -3.45 -1225.24 -4333.14 100.16 -1.37 6.30 -2.04 1118.79 406- 1 2168.32 -3.83 0.71 -3.63 -3.07 -841.57 407 -2168.32 108.89 -0.71 3.63 0.25 616.13 C1 3035.65 -5.36 0.99 -5.08 -4.30 -1178.20 -3035.65 152.45 -0.99 5.08 0.35 862.59 407- 1 -1991.79 -2.60 -0.42 0.60 -1.33 -760.83 408 1991.79 107.67 0.42 -0.60 3.02 540.29 C1 -2788.50 -3.65 -0.59 0.84 -1.86 -1065.17 2788.50 150.74 0.59 -0.84 4.23 756.40 408- 1 -5262.77 -25.60 -0.30 -1.09 -0.45 -746.54 409 5262.77 130.66 0.30 1.09 1.63 434.02 C1 -7367.88 -35.84 -0.41 -1.53 -0.63 -1045.16 7367.88 182.93 0.41 1.53 2.28 607.63 409- 1 -9115.09 -184.46 0.44 2.41 -2.77 -688.37 410 9115.09 289.53 -0.44 -2.41 1.02 -259.62 C1 -12761.12 -258.25 0.61 3.37 -3.88 -963.71 12761.12 405.34 -0.61 -3.37 1.43 -363.46 410- 1 -13327.28 -901.67 1.82 30.18 -7.52 -23.24 411 13327.28 1006.74 -1.82 -30.18 0.22 -3793.57 C1 -18658.19 -1262.34 2.55 42.25 -10.52 -32.54 18658.19 1409.43 -2.55 -42.25 0.31 -5311.00 411- 1 -17252.62 658.16 3.36 5.89 -6.76 3626.78 412 17252.62 -553.10 -3.36 -5.89 -6.68 -1204.26 C1 -24153.66 921.43 4.70 8.25 -9.46 5077.49 24153.66 -774.34 -4.70 -8.25 -9.35 -1685.97 412- 1 -23570.30 -52.64 5.23 -5.76 -13.51 1191.35 413 23570.30 157.71 -5.23 5.76 -7.43 -1612.04 C1 -32998.42 -73.70 7.33 -8.07 -18.92 1667.89 32998.42 220.79 -7.33 8.07 -10.40 -2256.86 413- 1 -22963.02 -0.62 2.83 11.81 -2.97 1704.11 414 22963.02 105.69 -2.83 -11.81 -8.36 -1916.74 C1 -32148.22 -0.87 3.96 16.53 -4.16 2385.75 32148.22 147.96 -3.96 -16.53 -11.70 -2683.43 414- 1 -15705.58 459.61 13.62 29.67 -19.89 2219.48 415 15705.58 -354.55 -13.62 -29.67 -34.60 -591.17 C1 -21987.81 643.46 19.07 41.54 -27.84 3107.28 21987.81 -496.37 -19.07 -41.54 -48.43 -827.63 415- 1 -4463.10 -539.40 7.33 109.43 -1.26 853.44 416 4463.10 644.46 -7.33 -109.43 -28.06 -3221.16 C1 -6248.34 -755.16 10.26 153.20 -1.77 1194.81 6248.34 902.25 -10.26 -153.20 -39.28 -4509.62 416- 1 69.10 995.24 10.79 90.99 -9.93 3714.51 417 -69.10 -890.17 -10.79 -90.99 -33.23 56.30 C1 96.74 1393.33 15.10 127.38 -13.90 5200.32 -96.74 -1246.24 -15.10 -127.38 -46.52 78.82 417- 1 6753.12 -122.49 8.02 41.78 -6.77 576.48 418 -6753.12 227.55 -8.02 -41.78 -25.29 -1276.56 C1 9454.37 -171.48 11.22 58.49 -9.48 807.07 -9454.37 318.57 -11.22 -58.49 -35.41 -1787.18 418- 1 13472.93 788.67 0.23 -43.12 -4.56 1725.80 419 -13472.93 -683.61 -0.23 43.12 3.65 1218.77 C1 18862.11 1104.14 0.32 -60.36 -6.39 2416.12 -18862.11 -957.05 -0.32 60.36 5.11 1706.28 419- 1 18783.23 64.52 -0.49 -31.25 -3.84 -841.06 420 -18783.23 40.54 0.49 31.25 5.80 889.01 C1 26296.53 90.33 -0.68 -43.75 -5.38 -1177.49 -26296.53 56.76 0.68 43.75 8.12 1244.62 420- 1 23917.58 369.43 -4.05 -23.03 5.60 -522.13 421 -23917.58 -264.36 4.05 23.03 10.61 1789.71 C1 33484.62 517.20 -5.67 -32.24 7.83 -730.99 -33484.62 -370.11 5.67 32.24 14.85 2505.60 421- 1 27995.39 -2.91 -4.28 -29.74 8.82 -1541.26 422 -27995.39 107.97 4.28 29.74 8.29 1319.49 C1 39193.55 -4.07 -5.99 -41.64 12.35 -2157.76 -39193.55 151.16 5.99 41.64 11.61 1847.29 430- 1 28223.80 -408.73 6.19 79.70 -18.51 -2077.78 431 -28223.80 513.79 -6.19 -79.70 -6.24 232.74 C1 39513.32 -572.22 8.66 111.58 -25.91 -2908.89 -39513.32 719.31 -8.66 -111.58 -8.74 325.84

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431- 1 23966.16 61.14 4.19 62.74 -15.24 -444.97 432 -23966.16 43.93 -4.19 -62.74 -1.50 479.39 C1 33552.62 85.59 5.86 87.83 -21.34 -622.96 -33552.62 61.50 -5.86 -87.83 -2.10 671.14 432- 1 18852.32 57.47 2.82 94.25 -13.30 -855.50 433 -18852.32 47.59 -2.82 -94.25 2.01 875.27 C1 26393.25 80.46 3.95 131.95 -18.62 -1197.70 -26393.25 66.63 -3.95 -131.95 2.81 1225.37 433- 1 13565.83 -686.24 -4.43 55.42 9.28 -1271.18 434 -13565.83 791.31 4.43 -55.42 8.44 -1683.92 C1 18992.16 -960.74 -6.20 77.59 12.99 -1779.65 -18992.16 1107.83 6.20 -77.59 11.81 -2357.49 434- 1 6862.77 222.42 -11.34 -54.25 35.06 1231.83 435 -6862.77 -117.36 11.34 54.25 10.32 -552.26 C1 9607.88 311.39 -15.88 -75.94 49.08 1724.56 -9607.88 -164.30 15.88 75.94 14.45 -773.16 435- 1 187.37 -883.64 -12.84 -104.49 38.08 -77.14 436 -187.37 988.70 12.84 104.49 13.28 -3667.55 C1 262.32 -1237.09 -17.98 -146.28 53.31 -107.99 -262.32 1384.18 17.98 146.28 18.59 -5134.57 436- 1 -4365.73 639.98 -9.22 -121.14 29.93 3180.13 437 4365.73 -534.92 9.22 121.14 6.96 -830.33 C1 -6112.02 895.98 -12.91 -169.59 41.90 4452.18 6112.02 -748.89 12.91 169.59 9.75 -1162.46 437- 1 -15571.49 -355.40 -15.35 -40.00 35.71 574.68 438 15571.49 460.46 15.35 40.00 25.70 -2206.41 C1 -21800.08 -497.56 -21.49 -55.99 49.99 804.55 21800.08 644.65 21.49 55.99 35.98 -3088.97 438- 1 -22861.29 159.37 -5.86 -21.54 4.88 1920.46 439 22861.29 -54.31 5.86 21.54 18.56 -1493.10 C1 -32005.81 223.12 -8.20 -30.16 6.83 2688.64 32005.81 -76.03 8.20 30.16 25.99 -2090.35 439- 1 -23501.03 130.63 -6.64 -7.39 2.34 1438.12 440 23501.03 -25.57 6.64 7.39 24.20 -1125.73 C1 -32901.44 182.88 -9.29 -10.34 3.28 2013.37 32901.44 -35.79 9.29 10.34 33.88 -1576.02 440- 1 -17180.83 -614.48 -4.20 -8.17 4.79 1159.35 441 17180.83 719.54 4.20 8.17 12.00 -3827.40 C1 -24053.17 -860.27 -5.87 -11.44 6.70 1623.09 24053.17 1007.36 5.87 11.44 16.79 -5358.36 441- 1 -13201.93 1075.99 -2.90 -38.35 -4.12 4058.89 442 13201.93 -970.92 2.90 38.35 15.74 34.93 C1 -18482.70 1506.38 -4.07 -53.69 -5.77 5682.45 18482.70 -1359.29 4.07 53.69 22.03 48.91 442- 1 -9073.75 287.68 -1.81 -2.06 -3.67 255.40 443 9073.75 -182.62 1.81 2.06 10.92 685.20 C1 -12703.25 402.76 -2.54 -2.88 -5.13 357.56 12703.25 -255.67 2.54 2.88 15.28 959.28 443- 1 -5245.96 131.49 -0.31 8.23 -5.94 -427.57 444 5245.96 -26.43 0.31 -8.23 7.18 743.41 C1 -7344.34 184.09 -0.43 11.52 -8.32 -598.60 7344.34 -37.00 0.43 -11.52 10.06 1040.77 444- 1 -1993.02 108.95 0.24 12.43 -7.58 -534.80 445 1993.02 -3.89 -0.24 -12.43 6.63 760.48 C1 -2790.23 152.53 0.33 17.40 -10.61 -748.73 2790.23 -5.44 -0.33 -17.40 9.28 1064.68 445- 1 2170.81 109.34 -0.37 22.12 -7.35 -613.33 446 -2170.81 -4.28 0.37 -22.12 8.83 840.57 C1 3039.13 153.08 -0.52 30.97 -10.29 -858.67 -3039.13 -5.99 0.52 -30.97 12.36 1176.79 446- 1 3087.06 71.99 -0.37 29.38 -6.79 -795.34 447 -3087.06 33.07 0.37 -29.38 8.25 873.18 C1 4321.88 100.79 -0.51 41.13 -9.51 -1113.47 -4321.88 46.30 0.51 -41.13 11.56 1222.45 447- 1 3221.60 50.64 -0.00 37.97 -8.05 -869.66 448 -3221.60 54.43 0.00 -37.97 8.07 862.08 C1 4510.24 70.89 -0.01 53.16 -11.27 -1217.53 -4510.24 76.20 0.01 -53.16 11.29 1206.91 448- 1 2573.27 -56.87 0.22 41.66 -9.18 -907.43 449 -2573.27 161.93 -0.22 -41.66 8.32 469.82 C1 3602.58 -79.62 0.30 58.33 -12.85 -1270.41 -3602.58 226.71 -0.30 -58.33 11.64 657.75 449- 1 1148.91 -120.51 0.02 31.69 -10.30 -553.83 450 -1148.91 225.57 -0.02 -31.69 10.22 -138.32 C1 1608.47 -168.71 0.03 44.37 -14.42 -775.37 -1608.47 315.80 -0.03 -44.37 14.31 -193.65 450- 1 10.33 58.36 4.02 19.15 -16.04 57.54 451 -10.33 46.70 -4.02 -19.15 -0.05 -34.23 C1 14.47 81.70 5.63 26.81 -22.45 80.56

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-14.47 65.39 -5.63 -26.81 -0.08 -47.93 585- 1 -18060.09 619.95 7.29 -68.16 -15.88 -1243.18 586 18060.09 -587.09 -7.29 68.16 8.59 1846.70 C1 -25284.13 867.92 10.21 -95.43 -22.24 -1740.46 25284.13 -821.92 -10.21 95.43 12.03 2585.38 586- 1 -18060.22 189.01 8.63 -64.39 -9.24 -1846.70 587 18060.22 -156.15 -8.63 64.39 0.61 2019.28 C1 -25284.31 264.62 12.08 -90.15 -12.94 -2585.38 25284.31 -218.61 -12.08 90.15 0.85 2827.00 587- 1 -18060.35 -242.42 9.92 -58.42 -1.27 -2019.29 588 18060.35 275.28 -9.92 58.42 -8.65 1760.44 C1 -25284.49 -339.39 13.88 -81.79 -1.78 -2827.00 25284.49 385.40 -13.88 81.79 -12.11 2464.61 588- 1 -18060.48 -674.39 11.24 -50.01 7.99 -1760.44 589 18060.48 707.25 -11.24 50.01 -19.23 1069.62 C1 -25284.68 -944.14 15.73 -70.01 11.19 -2464.61 25284.68 990.15 -15.73 70.01 -26.92 1497.47 589- 1 -20858.60 890.22 4.85 -84.59 2.15 -933.96 590 20858.60 -857.36 -4.85 84.59 -7.00 1807.75 C1 -29202.03 1246.30 6.80 -118.43 3.01 -1307.54 29202.03 -1200.30 -6.80 118.43 -9.81 2530.84 590- 1 -20858.72 457.58 5.44 -73.32 6.36 -1807.75 591 20858.72 -424.72 -5.44 73.32 -11.80 2248.90 C1 -29202.21 640.61 7.61 -102.65 8.91 -2530.85 29202.21 -594.60 -7.61 102.65 -16.52 3148.45 591- 1 -20858.85 24.84 5.89 -61.91 11.16 -2248.90 592 20858.85 8.02 -5.89 61.91 -17.05 2257.31 C1 -29202.39 34.78 8.25 -86.67 15.63 -3148.46 29202.39 11.23 -8.25 86.67 -23.87 3160.23 592- 1 -20858.98 -407.92 6.37 -50.60 16.43 -2257.31 593 20858.98 440.78 -6.37 50.60 -22.80 1832.95 C1 -29202.57 -571.09 8.92 -70.85 23.00 -3160.23 29202.57 617.10 -8.92 70.85 -31.92 2566.14 593- 1 -22679.62 730.20 3.94 -56.23 16.60 -1785.90 594 22679.62 -697.34 -3.94 56.23 -20.53 2499.67 C1 -31751.47 1022.28 5.51 -78.72 23.23 -2500.26 31751.47 -976.28 -5.51 78.72 -28.75 3499.54 594- 1 -22679.74 297.52 4.30 -45.77 19.95 -2499.67 595 22679.74 -264.66 -4.30 45.77 -24.24 2780.76 C1 -31751.63 416.53 6.01 -64.08 27.93 -3499.54 31751.63 -370.53 -6.01 64.08 -33.94 3893.07 595- 1 -22679.85 -135.08 4.69 -35.87 23.68 -2780.76 596 22679.85 167.94 -4.69 35.87 -28.37 2629.25 C1 -31751.79 -189.11 6.57 -50.22 33.15 -3893.07 31751.79 235.12 -6.57 50.22 -39.72 3680.95 596- 1 -22679.95 -567.62 5.14 -26.39 27.84 -2629.25 597 22679.95 600.48 -5.14 26.39 -32.98 2045.20 C1 -31751.94 -794.67 7.20 -36.94 38.97 -3680.95 31751.94 840.67 -7.20 36.94 -46.17 2863.29 597- 1 -23797.77 515.14 2.67 -34.40 27.14 -2029.34 598 23797.77 -482.28 -2.67 34.40 -29.81 2528.06 C1 -33316.88 721.20 3.73 -48.16 38.00 -2841.08 33316.88 -675.20 -3.73 48.16 -41.73 3539.28 598- 1 -23797.86 82.71 2.87 -25.58 29.34 -2528.06 599 23797.86 -49.85 -2.87 25.58 -32.21 2594.34 C1 -33317.01 115.79 4.02 -35.81 41.07 -3539.28 33317.01 -69.79 -4.02 35.81 -45.09 3632.07 599- 1 -23797.95 -349.69 3.09 -16.97 31.77 -2594.34 600 23797.95 382.55 -3.09 16.97 -34.86 2228.21 C1 -33317.13 -489.57 4.33 -23.75 44.48 -3632.07 33317.13 535.58 -4.33 23.75 -48.81 3119.50 600- 1 -23798.03 -782.09 3.45 -8.39 34.46 -2228.21 601 23798.03 814.95 -3.45 8.39 -37.91 1429.69 C1 -33317.24 -1094.92 4.83 -11.74 48.25 -3119.50 33317.24 1140.93 -4.83 11.74 -53.08 2001.57 601- 1 -23749.69 866.29 -0.79 -28.07 41.92 -1414.69 602 23749.69 -833.43 0.79 28.07 -41.13 2264.55 C1 -33249.56 1212.81 -1.10 -39.30 58.69 -1980.56 33249.56 -1166.81 1.10 39.30 -57.59 3170.37 602- 1 -23749.75 433.98 -0.17 -19.92 40.82 -2264.55 603 23749.75 -401.12 0.17 19.92 -40.65 2682.10 C1 -33249.65 607.57 -0.24 -27.89 57.15 -3170.37 33249.65 -561.56 0.24 27.89 -56.91 3754.94 603- 1 -23749.80 1.72 0.32 -12.14 40.38 -2682.10 604 23749.80 31.14 -0.32 12.14 -40.70 2667.39 C1 -33249.73 2.41 0.45 -17.00 56.53 -3754.94 33249.73 43.60 -0.45 17.00 -56.99 3734.34 604- 1 -23749.85 -430.51 0.74 -4.47 40.49 -2667.39 605 23749.85 463.37 -0.74 4.47 -41.23 2220.44

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C1 -33249.79 -602.72 1.04 -6.26 56.68 -3734.34 33249.79 648.72 -1.04 6.26 -57.72 3108.62 605- 1 -22599.45 631.88 -1.12 -13.15 45.80 -2229.81 606 22599.45 -599.02 1.12 13.15 -44.68 2845.26 C1 -31639.22 884.63 -1.56 -18.40 64.12 -3121.73 31639.22 -838.63 1.56 18.40 -62.56 3983.36 606- 1 -22599.47 199.56 -0.59 -5.01 44.56 -2845.26 607 22599.47 -166.70 0.59 5.01 -43.98 3028.39 C1 -31639.26 279.38 -0.82 -7.02 62.39 -3983.36 31639.26 -233.38 0.82 7.02 -61.57 4239.74 607- 1 -22599.48 -232.88 -0.13 3.75 43.91 -3028.39 608 22599.48 265.74 0.13 -3.75 -43.78 2779.08 C1 -31639.28 -326.03 -0.18 5.25 61.47 -4239.74 31639.28 372.03 0.18 -5.25 -61.29 3890.71 608- 1 -22599.49 -665.50 0.31 13.55 43.76 -2779.08 609 22599.49 698.36 -0.31 -13.55 -44.08 2097.15 C1 -31639.28 -931.70 0.44 18.97 61.27 -3890.71 31639.28 977.70 -0.44 -18.97 -61.71 2936.01 609- 1 -20746.05 521.62 -2.96 3.06 50.06 -2148.84 610 20746.05 -488.76 2.96 -3.06 -47.10 2654.03 C1 -29044.47 730.26 -4.14 4.29 70.08 -3008.38 29044.47 -684.26 4.14 -4.29 -65.94 3715.64 610- 1 -20746.04 88.54 -2.37 15.42 47.19 -2654.03 611 20746.04 -55.68 2.37 -15.42 -44.82 2726.13 C1 -29044.45 123.95 -3.32 21.58 66.07 -3715.64 29044.45 -77.95 3.32 -21.58 -62.75 3816.58 611- 1 -20746.01 -344.81 -1.90 29.23 44.96 -2726.13 612 20746.01 377.67 1.90 -29.23 -43.07 2364.89 C1 -29044.41 -482.73 -2.65 40.93 62.95 -3816.59 29044.41 528.73 2.65 -40.93 -60.29 3310.85 612- 1 -20745.97 -778.45 -1.50 44.76 43.26 -2364.90 613 20745.97 811.31 1.50 -44.76 -41.76 1570.02 C1 -29044.36 -1089.83 -2.09 62.67 60.56 -3310.85 29044.36 1135.83 2.09 -62.67 -58.47 2198.03 613- 1 -18183.14 367.58 -5.44 38.54 48.96 -1652.21 614 18183.14 -334.72 5.44 -38.54 -43.52 2003.36 C1 -25456.39 514.62 -7.62 53.95 68.55 -2313.10 25456.39 -468.61 7.62 -53.95 -60.93 2804.71 614- 1 -18183.08 -66.58 -4.90 57.22 43.82 -2003.36 615 18183.08 99.44 4.90 -57.22 -38.92 1920.36 C1 -25456.31 -93.21 -6.86 80.10 61.34 -2804.71 25456.31 139.21 6.86 -80.10 -54.49 2688.50 615- 1 -18183.01 -500.92 -4.31 77.10 39.26 -1920.35 616 18183.01 533.78 4.31 -77.10 -34.95 1403.00 C1 -25456.21 -701.29 -6.03 107.93 54.97 -2688.50 25456.21 747.29 6.03 -107.93 -48.94 1964.20 616- 1 -18182.93 -935.38 -3.46 97.95 35.34 -1403.00 617 18182.93 968.24 3.46 -97.95 -31.88 451.20 C1 -25456.11 -1309.53 -4.84 137.13 49.48 -1964.20 25456.11 1355.53 4.84 -137.13 -44.63 631.67 501- 1 -4337.82 3512.96 -7.62 -55.76 37.38 10189.37 502 4337.82 -3486.70 7.62 55.76 -29.77 -6689.54 C1 -6072.94 4918.15 -10.66 -78.07 52.34 14265.12 6072.94 -4881.37 10.66 78.07 -41.67 -9365.36 502- 1 -4337.81 3088.06 -7.38 -45.09 29.82 6689.54 503 4337.81 -3061.80 7.38 45.09 -22.43 -3614.61 C1 -6072.93 4323.29 -10.34 -63.12 41.74 9365.36 6072.93 -4286.51 10.34 63.12 -31.41 -5060.46 503- 1 -4337.79 2663.32 -6.61 -35.87 22.52 3614.61 504 4337.79 -2637.06 6.61 35.87 -15.91 -964.42 C1 -6072.90 3728.65 -9.26 -50.22 31.53 5060.46 6072.90 -3691.88 9.26 50.22 -22.27 -1350.19 504- 1 -4337.76 2238.77 -5.29 -28.01 16.03 964.42 505 4337.76 -2212.50 5.29 28.01 -10.74 1261.22 C1 -6072.87 3134.28 -7.40 -39.22 22.44 1350.19 6072.87 -3097.50 7.40 39.22 -15.04 1765.70 505- 1 -5510.97 556.33 -5.34 -25.34 9.39 -1064.16 506 5510.97 -530.06 5.34 25.34 -4.05 1607.36 C1 -7715.35 778.86 -7.48 -35.48 13.15 -1489.83 7715.35 -742.09 7.48 35.48 -5.67 2250.30 506- 1 -5510.94 131.93 -3.97 -19.07 4.19 -1607.36 507 5510.94 -105.67 3.97 19.07 -0.23 1726.16 C1 -7715.31 184.71 -5.55 -26.70 5.87 -2250.30 7715.31 -147.93 5.55 26.70 -0.32 2416.62 507- 1 -5510.91 -292.48 -2.46 -13.07 0.37 -1726.16 508 5510.91 318.75 2.46 13.07 2.08 1420.54 C1 -7715.27 -409.48 -3.44 -18.29 0.52 -2416.62 7715.27 446.25 3.44 18.29 2.92 1988.76 508- 1 -5510.88 -716.89 -0.74 -7.26 -1.94 -1420.54

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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509 5510.88 743.16 0.74 7.26 2.67 690.51 C1 -7715.23 -1003.65 -1.03 -10.16 -2.71 -1988.76 7715.23 1040.43 1.03 10.16 3.74 966.72 509- 1 -6951.04 568.82 -2.31 -15.82 -6.39 -645.48 510 6951.04 -542.55 2.31 15.82 8.70 1201.16 C1 -9731.46 796.34 -3.24 -22.15 -8.94 -903.67 9731.46 -759.57 3.24 22.15 12.18 1681.62 510- 1 -6951.01 144.34 -0.94 -10.09 -8.57 -1201.16 511 6951.01 -118.07 0.94 10.09 9.51 1332.37 C1 -9731.42 202.08 -1.32 -14.13 -11.99 -1681.62 9731.42 -165.30 1.32 14.13 13.31 1865.31 511- 1 -6950.99 -280.20 0.48 -4.27 -9.39 -1332.37 512 6950.99 306.46 -0.48 4.27 8.91 1039.03 C1 -9731.39 -392.28 0.67 -5.98 -13.14 -1865.31 9731.39 429.05 -0.67 5.98 12.47 1454.65 512- 1 -6950.97 -704.77 2.10 1.65 -8.79 -1039.03 513 6950.97 731.04 -2.10 -1.65 6.70 321.13 C1 -9731.35 -986.68 2.94 2.32 -12.31 -1454.65 9731.35 1023.45 -2.94 -2.32 9.37 449.58 513- 1 -7619.38 643.99 -0.54 -12.74 -12.15 -332.57 514 7619.38 -617.73 0.54 12.74 12.68 963.43 C1 -10667.13 901.59 -0.75 -17.84 -17.01 -465.60 10667.13 -864.82 0.75 17.84 17.76 1348.80 514- 1 -7619.36 219.34 0.75 -6.61 -12.60 -963.43 515 7619.36 -193.08 -0.75 6.61 11.85 1169.64 C1 -10667.11 307.08 1.04 -9.25 -17.64 -1348.80 10667.11 -270.31 -1.04 9.25 16.59 1637.50 515- 1 -7619.35 -205.36 2.10 -0.36 -11.78 -1169.64 516 7619.35 231.63 -2.10 0.36 9.68 951.14 C1 -10667.09 -287.51 2.94 -0.50 -16.49 -1637.50 10667.09 324.28 -2.94 0.50 13.55 1331.60 516- 1 -7619.34 -630.10 3.66 6.06 -9.63 -951.14 517 7619.34 656.37 -3.66 -6.06 5.97 307.91 C1 -10667.07 -882.15 5.12 8.48 -13.48 -1331.60 10667.07 918.92 -5.12 -8.48 8.35 431.07 517- 1 -7505.69 629.82 0.38 -11.52 -12.47 -358.29 518 7505.69 -603.56 -0.38 11.52 12.09 974.98 C1 -10507.96 881.75 0.53 -16.13 -17.45 -501.61 10507.96 -844.98 -0.53 16.13 16.93 1364.98 518- 1 -7505.68 205.02 1.61 -4.85 -12.06 -974.98 519 7505.68 -178.75 -1.61 4.85 10.46 1166.87 C1 -10507.95 287.03 2.25 -6.80 -16.89 -1364.98 10507.95 -250.25 -2.25 6.80 14.64 1633.62 519- 1 -7505.68 -219.82 2.88 1.91 -10.44 -1166.87 520 7505.68 246.09 -2.88 -1.91 7.56 933.91 C1 -10507.95 -307.75 4.04 2.67 -14.62 -1633.62 10507.95 344.53 -4.04 -2.67 10.58 1307.48 520- 1 -7505.68 -644.69 4.31 8.86 -7.56 -933.91 521 7505.68 670.96 -4.31 -8.86 3.24 276.09 C1 -10507.95 -902.57 6.04 12.41 -10.58 -1307.48 10507.95 939.34 -6.04 -12.41 4.54 386.52 521- 1 -6606.95 586.00 0.49 -10.14 -10.24 -367.45 522 6606.95 -559.74 -0.49 10.14 9.76 940.33 C1 -9249.73 820.41 0.68 -14.19 -14.34 -514.44 9249.73 -783.63 -0.68 14.19 13.66 1316.46 522- 1 -6606.95 161.09 1.45 -2.91 -9.78 -940.33 523 6606.95 -134.82 -1.45 2.91 8.33 1088.28 C1 -9249.73 225.52 2.03 -4.08 -13.69 -1316.46 9249.73 -188.75 -2.03 4.08 11.66 1523.59 523- 1 -6606.96 -263.86 2.42 4.41 -8.36 -1088.28 524 6606.96 290.12 -2.42 -4.41 5.94 811.29 C1 -9249.74 -369.40 3.38 6.17 -11.70 -1523.59 9249.74 406.17 -3.38 -6.17 8.32 1135.80 524- 1 -6606.97 -688.82 3.59 11.95 -5.98 -811.29 525 6606.97 715.09 -3.59 -11.95 2.39 109.33 C1 -9249.75 -964.35 5.03 16.73 -8.38 -1135.80 9249.75 1001.12 -5.03 -16.73 3.35 153.07 525- 1 -2493.21 623.68 -1.94 -15.45 -2.58 -245.48 526 2493.21 -597.41 1.94 15.45 4.52 856.02 C1 -3490.49 873.15 -2.72 -21.63 -3.61 -343.67 3490.49 -836.38 2.72 21.63 6.33 1198.43 526- 1 -2493.22 198.68 -0.76 -7.72 -4.57 -856.02 527 2493.22 -172.41 0.76 7.72 5.33 1041.57 C1 -3490.51 278.15 -1.06 -10.81 -6.40 -1198.43 3490.51 -241.38 1.06 10.81 7.47 1458.20 527- 1 -2493.23 -226.34 0.21 -0.02 -5.39 -1041.57 528 2493.23 252.61 -0.21 0.02 5.18 802.10 C1 -3490.53 -316.87 0.30 -0.02 -7.55 -1458.20 3490.53 353.65 -0.30 0.02 7.25 1122.94

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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528- 1 -2493.25 -651.38 1.19 7.82 -5.25 -802.10 529 2493.25 677.64 -1.19 -7.82 4.06 137.59 C1 -3490.54 -911.93 1.66 10.95 -7.35 -1122.94 3490.54 948.70 -1.66 -10.95 5.68 192.62 529- 1 748.94 566.47 -2.98 -12.18 3.11 -279.35 530 -748.94 -540.21 2.98 12.18 -0.13 832.69 C1 1048.51 793.06 -4.17 -17.05 4.35 -391.08 -1048.51 -756.29 4.17 17.05 -0.18 1165.76 530- 1 748.92 141.40 -1.55 -4.15 0.06 -832.69 531 -748.92 -115.13 1.55 4.15 1.50 960.95 C1 1048.49 197.96 -2.18 -5.81 0.08 -1165.76 -1048.49 -161.18 2.18 5.81 2.10 1345.33 531- 1 748.91 -283.70 -0.30 3.95 -1.57 -960.95 532 -748.91 309.97 0.30 -3.95 1.87 664.11 C1 1048.47 -397.18 -0.42 5.53 -2.20 -1345.33 -1048.47 433.96 0.42 -5.53 2.62 929.76 532- 1 748.89 -708.83 0.89 12.32 -1.94 -664.11 533 -748.89 735.10 -0.89 -12.32 1.06 -57.85 C1 1048.45 -992.37 1.24 17.24 -2.72 -929.76 -1048.45 1029.14 -1.24 -17.24 1.48 -81.00 533- 1 4578.83 174.49 -3.21 -7.23 6.38 -138.55 534 -4578.83 -148.22 3.21 7.23 -3.17 299.90 C1 6410.37 244.28 -4.50 -10.13 8.93 -193.97 -6410.37 -207.51 4.50 10.13 -4.43 419.87 534- 1 4578.82 -250.72 -1.78 1.64 3.09 -299.90 535 -4578.82 276.99 1.78 -1.64 -1.31 36.05 C1 6410.35 -351.01 -2.49 2.30 4.33 -419.87 -6410.35 387.78 2.49 -2.30 -1.84 50.47 535- 1 4578.81 -675.97 -0.58 10.79 1.25 -36.05 536 -4578.81 702.24 0.58 -10.79 -0.66 -653.05 C1 6410.33 -946.36 -0.82 15.11 1.74 -50.47 -6410.33 983.13 0.82 -15.11 -0.93 -914.28 536- 1 4578.79 -1101.28 0.52 20.41 0.60 653.05 537 -4578.79 1127.55 -0.52 -20.41 -1.11 -1767.47 C1 6410.31 -1541.79 0.72 28.58 0.83 914.28 -6410.31 1578.57 -0.72 -28.58 -1.56 -2474.46 537- 1 9209.97 369.95 -4.40 1.55 10.19 1574.95 538 -9209.97 -343.68 4.40 -1.55 -5.79 -1218.14 C1 12893.96 517.92 -6.16 2.17 14.26 2204.93 -12893.96 -481.15 6.16 -2.17 -8.10 -1705.39 538- 1 9209.96 -55.48 -2.92 12.10 5.73 1218.14 539 -9209.96 81.75 2.92 -12.10 -2.82 -1286.75 C1 12893.94 -77.68 -4.08 16.94 8.03 1705.39 -12893.94 114.45 4.08 -16.94 -3.95 -1801.46 539- 1 9209.95 -480.97 -1.52 23.10 2.77 1286.75 540 -9209.95 507.24 1.52 -23.10 -1.24 -1780.86 C1 12893.93 -673.36 -2.13 32.34 3.88 1801.46 -12893.93 710.13 2.13 -32.34 -1.74 -2493.20 540- 1 9209.94 -906.52 0.07 34.72 1.20 1780.86 541 -9209.94 932.79 -0.07 -34.72 -1.27 -2700.51 C1 12893.91 -1269.13 0.10 48.61 1.68 2493.20 -12893.91 1305.90 -0.10 -48.61 -1.78 -3780.72 541- 1 10867.48 2028.87 -7.55 6.51 20.15 2638.70 542 -10867.48 -2002.60 7.55 -6.51 -12.61 -622.96 C1 15214.47 2840.42 -10.56 9.11 28.22 3694.18 -15214.47 -2803.65 10.56 -9.11 -17.65 -872.15 542- 1 10867.48 1603.30 -4.63 18.74 12.58 622.96 543 -10867.48 -1577.04 4.63 -18.74 -7.96 967.21 C1 15214.47 2244.62 -6.48 26.23 17.62 872.15 -15214.47 -2207.85 6.48 -26.23 -11.14 1354.09 543- 1 10867.47 1177.79 -1.75 30.93 7.94 -967.21 544 -10867.47 -1151.52 1.75 -30.93 -6.20 2131.86 C1 15214.46 1648.90 -2.45 43.30 11.12 -1354.09 -15214.46 -1612.13 2.45 -43.30 -8.67 2984.60 544- 1 10867.47 752.33 1.03 43.20 6.19 -2131.86 545 -10867.47 -726.07 -1.03 -43.20 -7.22 2871.06 C1 15214.46 1053.27 1.44 60.49 8.67 -2984.60 -15214.46 -1016.49 -1.44 -60.49 -10.11 4019.48 545- 1 15619.78 -1800.19 -9.02 5.93 15.89 -3262.59 546 -15619.78 1826.45 9.02 -5.93 -6.86 1449.27 C1 21867.69 -2520.26 -12.63 8.30 22.24 -4567.63 -21867.69 2557.04 12.63 -8.30 -9.61 2028.98 546- 1 15619.78 -2225.40 -6.99 17.62 6.88 -1449.27 547 -15619.78 2251.66 6.99 -17.62 0.11 -789.26 C1 21867.70 -3115.56 -9.78 24.67 9.63 -2028.98 -21867.70 3152.33 9.78 -24.67 0.15 -1104.96 547- 1 15619.78 -2650.48 -5.89 28.95 -0.10 789.26 548 -15619.78 2676.75 5.89 -28.95 5.99 -3452.87 C1 21867.70 -3710.68 -8.25 40.53 -0.13 1104.96

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-21867.70 3747.45 8.25 -40.53 8.38 -4834.02 548- 1 15619.79 -3075.51 -5.58 40.43 -5.98 3452.88 549 -15619.79 3101.77 5.58 -40.43 11.55 -6541.52 C1 21867.70 -4305.71 -7.81 56.61 -8.37 4834.03 -21867.70 4342.48 7.81 -56.61 16.17 -9158.12 549- 1 32038.69 8135.89 -16.36 -14.82 147.71 24346.08 550 -32038.69 -8109.63 16.36 14.82 -131.36 -16223.31 C1 44854.17 11390.25 -22.90 -20.75 206.80 34084.51 -44854.17 -11353.48 22.90 20.75 -183.90 -22712.64 550- 1 32038.73 7710.68 -16.05 -2.23 131.55 16223.31 551 -32038.73 -7684.42 16.05 2.23 -115.50 -8525.76 C1 44854.22 10794.96 -22.47 -3.12 184.17 22712.64 -44854.22 -10758.19 22.47 3.12 -161.70 -11936.07 551- 1 32038.80 7285.17 -14.94 11.61 115.86 8525.76 552 -32038.80 -7258.90 14.94 -11.61 -100.92 -1253.73 C1 44854.32 10199.24 -20.91 16.25 162.20 11936.07 -44854.32 -10162.46 20.91 -16.25 -141.29 -1755.22 552- 1 32038.90 6859.14 -12.75 27.97 101.43 1253.72 553 -32038.90 -6832.87 12.75 -27.97 -88.68 5592.28 C1 44854.46 9602.79 -17.84 39.16 142.00 1755.21 -44854.46 -9566.02 17.84 -39.16 -124.16 7829.19 553- 1 23818.66 -1435.31 -20.74 -0.52 112.21 -4752.29 554 -23818.66 1461.58 20.74 0.52 -91.47 3303.84 C1 33346.12 -2009.44 -29.04 -0.73 157.09 -6653.20 -33346.12 2046.21 29.04 0.73 -128.05 4625.38 554- 1 23818.81 -1863.27 -17.16 25.15 92.22 -3303.84 555 -23818.81 1889.53 17.16 -25.15 -75.06 1427.45 C1 33346.33 -2608.57 -24.02 35.21 129.11 -4625.38 -33346.33 2645.35 24.02 -35.21 -105.09 1998.42 555- 1 23818.98 -2292.36 -13.25 56.28 75.92 -1427.45 556 -23818.98 2318.63 13.25 -56.28 -62.67 -878.05 C1 33346.57 -3209.31 -18.55 78.80 106.29 -1998.43 -33346.57 3246.08 18.55 -78.80 -87.74 -1229.27 556- 1 23819.17 -2722.22 -9.18 91.18 63.61 878.05 557 -23819.17 2748.48 9.18 -91.18 -54.43 -3613.40 C1 33346.83 -3811.10 -12.85 127.66 89.05 1229.27 -33346.83 3847.88 12.85 -127.66 -76.20 -5058.76 557- 1 21101.72 1187.55 -26.08 71.72 56.30 3860.80 558 -21101.72 -1161.28 26.08 -71.72 -30.22 -2686.38 C1 29542.40 1662.56 -36.52 100.40 78.83 5405.11 -29542.40 -1625.79 36.52 -100.40 -42.31 -3760.94 558- 1 21101.94 759.18 -23.57 99.00 31.31 2686.39 559 -21101.94 -732.92 23.57 -99.00 -7.74 -1940.34 C1 29542.71 1062.86 -33.00 138.60 43.84 3760.95 -29542.71 -1026.08 33.00 -138.60 -10.84 -2716.48 559- 1 21102.17 333.08 -21.14 114.89 8.90 1940.36 560 -21102.17 -306.81 21.14 -114.89 12.24 -1620.41 C1 29543.03 466.31 -29.60 160.84 12.45 2716.50 -29543.03 -429.54 29.60 -160.84 17.14 -2268.58 560- 1 21102.40 -90.45 -18.36 117.95 -11.06 1620.42 561 -21102.40 116.71 18.36 -117.95 29.42 -1724.00 C1 29543.37 -126.63 -25.70 165.13 -15.48 2268.59 -29543.37 163.40 25.70 -165.13 41.19 -2413.60 561- 1 14003.39 1254.27 -22.79 104.53 -18.78 2262.28 562 -14003.39 -1228.00 22.79 -104.53 41.57 -1021.14 C1 19604.74 1755.98 -31.91 146.34 -26.29 3167.19 -19604.74 -1719.20 31.91 -146.34 58.19 -1429.60 562- 1 14003.62 834.62 -20.43 88.11 -40.43 1021.15 563 -14003.62 -808.36 20.43 -88.11 60.86 -199.66 C1 19605.06 1168.47 -28.60 123.35 -56.60 1429.61 -19605.06 -1131.70 28.60 -123.35 85.20 -279.52 563- 1 14003.83 416.03 -17.96 66.24 -59.79 199.66 564 -14003.83 -389.76 17.96 -66.24 77.75 203.23 C1 19605.36 582.44 -25.15 92.73 -83.70 279.53 -19605.36 -545.67 25.15 -92.73 108.85 284.52 564- 1 14004.02 -1.78 -15.18 40.47 -76.79 -203.23 565 -14004.02 28.05 15.18 -40.47 91.97 188.31 C1 19605.63 -2.49 -21.25 56.66 -107.50 -284.52 -19605.63 39.27 21.25 -56.66 128.75 263.64 565- 1 6965.12 866.34 -4.70 49.16 -78.49 416.91 566 -6965.12 -840.08 4.70 -49.16 83.19 436.30 C1 9751.16 1212.88 -6.59 68.83 -109.88 583.67 -9751.16 -1176.11 6.59 -68.83 116.46 610.82 566- 1 6965.26 448.76 -2.46 22.00 -82.46 -436.30 567 -6965.26 -422.50 2.46 -22.00 84.92 871.93 C1 9751.36 628.27 -3.44 30.80 -115.45 -610.82 -9751.36 -591.49 3.44 -30.80 118.89 1220.70 567- 1 6965.38 30.68 -0.21 -2.92 -84.31 -871.93 568 -6965.38 -4.41 0.21 2.92 84.52 889.47

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C1 9751.53 42.95 -0.29 -4.09 -118.04 -1220.70 -9751.53 -6.18 0.29 4.09 118.33 1245.26 568- 1 6965.48 -388.09 2.19 -24.49 -84.04 -889.48 569 -6965.48 414.36 -2.19 24.49 81.84 488.25 C1 9751.67 -543.33 3.07 -34.29 -117.65 -1245.27 -9751.67 580.10 -3.07 34.29 114.58 683.55 569- 1 410.67 158.18 7.58 -28.24 -83.21 23.99 570 -410.67 -131.92 -7.58 28.24 75.64 121.05 C1 574.93 221.45 10.61 -39.54 -116.50 33.59 -574.93 -184.68 -10.61 39.54 105.89 169.48 570- 1 410.72 -263.38 9.18 -36.11 -75.38 -121.06 571 -410.72 289.65 -9.18 36.11 66.20 -155.46 C1 575.00 -368.74 12.86 -50.55 -105.54 -169.49 -575.00 405.51 -12.86 50.55 92.68 -217.64 571- 1 410.75 -686.85 10.95 -34.68 -66.04 155.45 572 -410.75 713.12 -10.95 34.68 55.10 -855.43 C1 575.05 -961.59 15.33 -48.55 -92.46 217.63 -575.05 998.36 -15.33 48.55 77.13 -1197.61 572- 1 410.76 -1111.98 13.08 -24.96 -55.03 855.43 573 -410.76 1138.25 -13.08 24.96 41.94 -1980.54 C1 575.06 -1556.77 18.31 -34.94 -77.04 1197.60 -575.06 1593.55 -18.31 34.94 58.72 -2772.76 573- 1 -5934.59 1496.17 5.44 -47.41 -60.77 2354.41 574 5934.59 -1469.90 -5.44 47.41 55.33 -871.38 C1 -8308.43 2094.64 7.62 -66.37 -85.08 3296.18 8308.43 -2057.87 -7.62 66.37 77.46 -1219.93 574- 1 -5934.61 1069.62 6.98 -30.81 -55.42 871.37 575 5934.61 -1043.35 -6.98 30.81 48.44 185.11 C1 -8308.45 1497.46 9.77 -43.13 -77.59 1219.92 8308.45 -1460.69 -9.77 43.13 67.82 259.15 575- 1 -5934.64 643.32 8.54 -15.75 -48.62 -185.11 576 5934.64 -617.06 -8.54 15.75 40.08 815.30 C1 -8308.50 900.65 11.96 -22.05 -68.07 -259.15 8308.50 -863.88 -11.96 22.05 56.11 1141.42 576- 1 -5934.69 217.60 10.33 -3.57 -40.33 -815.30 577 5934.69 -191.33 -10.33 3.57 30.00 1019.76 C1 -8308.57 304.63 14.46 -5.00 -56.46 -1141.41 8308.57 -267.86 -14.46 5.00 42.00 1427.66 577- 1 -10362.33 812.59 4.29 -30.98 -43.40 -730.45 578 10362.33 -786.32 -4.29 30.98 39.10 1529.91 C1 -14507.26 1137.62 6.01 -43.37 -60.76 -1022.63 14507.26 -1100.85 -6.01 43.37 54.74 2141.87 578- 1 -10362.41 387.93 5.69 -24.41 -39.47 -1529.91 579 10362.41 -361.66 -5.69 24.41 33.78 1904.70 C1 -14507.37 543.10 7.97 -34.18 -55.26 -2141.87 14507.37 -506.33 -7.97 34.18 47.29 2666.59 579- 1 -10362.49 -36.42 7.19 -19.60 -34.21 -1904.70 580 10362.49 62.68 -7.19 19.60 27.01 1855.15 C1 -14507.49 -50.98 10.07 -27.43 -47.89 -2666.58 14507.49 87.76 -10.07 27.43 37.82 2597.21 580- 1 -10362.58 -460.55 8.93 -15.89 -27.49 -1855.15 581 10362.58 486.82 -8.93 15.89 18.55 1381.47 C1 -14507.62 -644.78 12.51 -22.24 -38.48 -2597.21 14507.62 681.55 -12.51 22.24 25.97 1934.05 581- 1 -14559.64 715.27 5.53 -43.12 -31.32 -1152.04 582 14559.64 -689.00 -5.53 43.12 25.79 1854.18 C1 -20383.50 1001.38 7.74 -60.37 -43.85 -1612.86 20383.50 -964.61 -7.74 60.37 36.11 2595.85 582- 1 -14559.76 291.42 6.93 -41.10 -26.34 -1854.18 583 14559.76 -265.15 -6.93 41.10 19.42 2132.46 C1 -20383.66 407.98 9.70 -57.54 -36.88 -2595.85 20383.66 -371.21 -9.70 57.54 27.18 2985.45 583- 1 -14559.87 -132.36 8.49 -39.69 -20.00 -2132.46 584 14559.87 158.63 -8.49 39.69 11.52 1986.97 C1 -20383.82 -185.30 11.88 -55.57 -28.01 -2985.45 20383.82 222.08 -11.88 55.57 16.12 2781.76 584- 1 -14560.00 -556.14 10.34 -38.32 -12.13 -1986.97 585 14560.00 582.41 -10.34 38.32 1.80 1417.70 C1 -20384.00 -778.60 14.47 -53.65 -16.99 -2781.76 20384.00 815.37 -14.47 53.65 2.52 1984.77 617- 1 -14579.91 707.17 -14.95 46.71 55.57 -646.23 618 14579.91 -680.90 14.95 -46.71 -40.62 1340.26 C1 -20411.88 990.04 -20.93 65.40 77.79 -904.72 20411.88 -953.26 20.93 -65.40 -56.86 1876.37 618- 1 -14579.81 279.75 -13.15 65.88 41.10 -1340.26 619 14579.81 -253.49 13.15 -65.88 -27.95 1606.88 C1 -20411.74 391.65 -18.41 92.23 57.55 -1876.36 20411.74 -354.88 18.41 -92.23 -39.13 2249.63 619- 1 -14579.71 -147.19 -11.59 82.83 28.49 -1606.88

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620 14579.71 173.46 11.59 -82.83 -16.90 1446.55 C1 -20411.59 -206.07 -16.22 115.96 39.89 -2249.63 20411.59 242.84 16.22 -115.96 -23.66 2025.17 620- 1 -14579.59 -573.79 -10.19 98.29 17.47 -1446.55 621 14579.59 600.05 10.19 -98.29 -7.28 859.63 C1 -20411.43 -803.30 -14.27 137.61 24.46 -2025.17 20411.43 840.07 14.27 -137.61 -10.19 1203.48 621- 1 -10802.73 -55.55 -19.18 56.11 29.10 -1095.49 622 10802.73 81.81 19.18 -56.11 -9.92 1026.81 C1 -15123.83 -77.77 -26.85 78.55 40.74 -1533.68 15123.83 114.54 26.85 -78.55 -13.89 1437.53 622- 1 -10802.61 -482.04 -17.47 71.50 10.53 -1026.81 623 10802.61 508.31 17.47 -71.50 6.94 531.63 C1 -15123.66 -674.86 -24.46 100.09 14.74 -1437.53 15123.66 711.63 24.46 -100.09 9.72 744.28 623- 1 -10802.49 -908.75 -16.04 88.05 -6.34 -531.63 624 10802.49 935.02 16.04 -88.05 22.37 -390.25 C1 -15123.49 -1272.25 -22.45 123.27 -8.87 -744.28 15123.49 1309.02 22.45 -123.27 31.32 -546.36 624- 1 -10802.37 -1335.66 -14.62 105.93 -21.79 390.26 625 10802.37 1361.93 14.62 -105.93 36.41 -1739.05 C1 -15123.32 -1869.93 -20.47 148.31 -30.51 546.36 15123.32 1906.70 20.47 -148.31 50.97 -2434.67 625- 1 -5272.49 1065.09 -24.12 66.71 -3.73 1426.92 626 5272.49 -1038.82 24.12 -66.71 27.85 -374.96 C1 -7381.49 1491.13 -33.77 93.39 -5.22 1997.68 7381.49 -1454.35 33.77 -93.39 38.99 -524.94 626- 1 -5272.39 638.78 -21.78 81.84 -27.33 374.96 627 5272.39 -612.51 21.78 -81.84 49.12 250.68 C1 -7381.35 894.29 -30.49 114.57 -38.27 524.95 7381.35 -857.52 30.49 -114.57 68.76 350.96 627- 1 -5272.30 213.43 -19.83 92.18 -48.65 -250.68 628 5272.30 -187.16 19.83 -92.18 68.49 450.97 C1 -7381.22 298.80 -27.77 129.05 -68.12 -350.95 7381.22 -262.03 27.77 -129.05 95.89 631.36 628- 1 -5272.22 -210.67 -18.21 96.39 -68.11 -450.96 629 5272.22 236.94 18.21 -96.39 86.32 227.16 C1 -7381.11 -294.94 -25.50 134.94 -95.35 -631.35 7381.11 331.71 25.50 -134.94 120.85 318.03 629- 1 552.97 489.27 -17.43 83.02 -67.70 -663.89 630 -552.97 -463.00 17.43 -83.02 85.13 1140.02 C1 774.15 684.98 -24.40 116.23 -94.79 -929.44 -774.15 -648.20 24.40 -116.23 119.19 1596.03 630- 1 553.00 68.12 -15.59 72.66 -84.96 -1140.01 631 -553.00 -41.85 15.59 -72.66 100.55 1195.00 C1 774.20 95.37 -21.82 101.73 -118.95 -1596.02 -774.20 -58.59 21.82 -101.73 140.77 1673.00 631- 1 553.01 -351.49 -14.14 54.60 -100.51 -1194.99 632 -553.01 377.75 14.14 -54.60 114.64 830.37 C1 774.21 -492.08 -19.79 76.45 -140.71 -1672.99 -774.21 528.86 19.79 -76.45 160.50 1162.52 632- 1 552.99 -769.54 -12.81 28.98 -114.74 -830.37 633 -552.99 795.81 12.81 -28.98 127.55 47.69 C1 774.18 -1077.36 -17.94 40.57 -160.63 -1162.51 -774.18 1114.13 17.94 -40.57 178.57 66.76 633- 1 7154.24 390.23 -0.43 42.75 -128.65 -578.86 634 -7154.24 -363.97 0.43 -42.75 129.08 955.96 C1 10015.94 546.33 -0.61 59.85 -180.10 -810.41 -10015.94 -509.55 0.61 -59.85 180.71 1338.35 634- 1 7154.15 -25.99 1.93 8.26 -129.52 -955.96 635 -7154.15 52.26 -1.93 -8.26 127.59 916.83 C1 10015.81 -36.39 2.70 11.57 -181.32 -1338.34 -10015.81 73.16 -2.70 -11.57 178.63 1283.57 635- 1 7154.03 -441.98 4.20 -27.29 -128.21 -916.84 636 -7154.03 468.24 -4.20 27.29 124.01 461.72 C1 10015.64 -618.77 5.88 -38.21 -179.49 -1283.57 -10015.64 655.54 -5.88 38.21 173.61 646.41 636- 1 7153.87 -857.79 6.52 -63.43 -124.79 -461.73 637 -7153.87 884.05 -6.52 63.43 118.27 -409.20 C1 10015.42 -1200.90 9.13 -88.81 -174.71 -646.42 -10015.42 1237.68 -9.13 88.81 165.58 -572.87 637- 1 14224.13 21.70 20.48 -44.20 -134.43 -201.55 638 -14224.13 4.57 -20.48 44.20 113.95 210.12 C1 19913.78 30.38 28.67 -61.89 -188.20 -282.17 -19913.78 6.40 -28.67 61.89 159.53 294.16 638- 1 14223.90 -394.91 23.37 -76.06 -115.08 -210.12 639 -14223.90 421.18 -23.37 76.06 91.71 -197.92 C1 19913.47 -552.88 32.71 -106.48 -161.11 -294.17 -19913.47 589.65 -32.71 106.48 128.39 -277.09

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639- 1 14223.65 -812.57 25.90 -102.66 -92.97 197.91 640 -14223.65 838.84 -25.90 102.66 67.08 -1023.62 C1 19913.11 -1137.60 36.26 -143.72 -130.16 277.08 -19913.11 1174.37 -36.26 143.72 93.91 -1433.07 640- 1 14223.38 -1231.49 28.27 -122.79 -68.45 1023.61 641 -14223.38 1257.76 -28.27 122.79 40.17 -2268.23 C1 19912.73 -1724.09 39.58 -171.91 -95.83 1433.06 -19912.73 1760.86 -39.58 171.91 56.24 -3175.53 641- 1 21336.94 113.26 25.03 -131.91 -53.74 1727.58 642 -21336.94 -87.00 -25.03 131.91 28.71 -1627.45 C1 29871.72 158.57 35.04 -184.67 -75.23 2418.61 -29871.72 -121.80 -35.04 184.67 40.19 -2278.43 642- 1 21336.65 -309.85 27.69 -130.95 -30.17 1627.44 643 -21336.65 336.12 -27.69 130.95 2.48 -1950.42 C1 29871.31 -433.79 38.76 -183.33 -42.24 2278.41 -29871.31 470.57 -38.76 183.33 3.48 -2730.59 643- 1 21336.36 -735.69 29.93 -116.49 -3.93 1950.41 644 -21336.36 761.96 -29.93 116.49 -26.00 -2699.24 C1 29870.90 -1029.97 41.90 -163.08 -5.50 2730.58 -29870.90 1066.74 -41.90 163.08 -36.40 -3778.93 644- 1 21336.08 -1163.90 32.24 -90.07 24.61 2699.23 645 -21336.08 1190.17 -32.24 90.07 -56.86 -3876.26 C1 29870.51 -1629.46 45.14 -126.09 34.46 3778.92 -29870.51 1666.23 -45.14 126.09 -79.60 -5426.76 645- 1 24064.45 2766.37 15.76 -109.95 51.61 3627.96 646 -24064.45 -2740.10 -15.76 109.95 -67.37 -874.73 C1 33690.24 3872.91 22.06 -153.93 72.25 5079.14 -33690.24 -3836.14 -22.06 153.93 -94.31 -1224.62 646- 1 24064.21 2336.49 19.88 -75.05 66.15 874.72 647 -24064.21 -2310.23 -19.88 75.05 -86.03 1448.64 C1 33689.90 3271.09 27.83 -105.07 92.61 1224.61 -33689.90 -3234.32 -27.83 105.07 -120.44 2028.09 647- 1 24063.99 1907.30 23.86 -43.50 84.91 -1448.64 648 -24063.99 -1881.03 -23.86 43.50 -108.77 3342.80 C1 33689.58 2670.22 33.40 -60.91 118.88 -2028.09 -33689.58 -2633.45 -33.40 60.91 -152.28 4679.92 648- 1 24063.79 1479.14 27.50 -16.90 107.79 -3342.80 649 -24063.79 -1452.88 -27.50 16.90 -135.28 4808.81 C1 33689.31 2070.80 38.50 -23.66 150.90 -4679.92 -33689.31 -2034.03 -38.50 23.66 -189.40 6732.33 649- 1 32266.68 -6953.99 19.88 -59.13 102.38 -5655.96 650 -32266.68 6980.26 -19.88 59.13 -122.26 -1311.17 C1 45173.36 -9735.59 27.83 -82.78 143.33 -7918.34 -45173.36 9772.36 -27.83 82.78 -171.16 -1835.63 650- 1 32266.55 -7380.35 22.08 -41.18 121.59 1311.17 651 -32266.55 7406.62 -22.08 41.18 -143.67 -8704.65 C1 45173.17 -10332.49 30.92 -57.65 170.23 1835.63 -45173.17 10369.26 -30.92 57.65 -201.14 -12186.51 651- 1 32266.45 -7806.18 23.20 -25.81 143.20 8704.65 652 -32266.45 7832.44 -23.20 25.81 -166.39 -16523.96 C1 45173.04 -10928.65 32.47 -36.14 200.48 12186.51 -45173.04 10965.42 -32.47 36.14 -232.95 -23133.54 652- 1 32266.40 -8231.61 23.50 -12.11 166.14 16523.96 653 -32266.40 8257.88 -23.50 12.11 -189.64 -24768.70 C1 45172.96 -11524.25 32.90 -16.96 232.59 23133.54 -45172.96 11561.03 -32.90 16.96 -265.49 -34676.18 653- 1 18858.62 3033.72 16.16 -16.07 -87.41 6284.73 654 -18858.62 -3007.45 -16.16 16.07 71.26 -3264.15 C1 26402.07 4247.20 22.62 -22.50 -122.38 8798.62 -26402.07 -4210.43 -22.62 22.50 99.76 -4569.81 654- 1 18858.60 2608.51 16.49 -3.54 -71.33 3264.15 655 -18858.60 -2582.24 -16.49 3.54 54.85 -668.77 C1 26402.05 3651.91 23.08 -4.95 -99.87 4569.81 -26402.05 -3615.14 -23.08 4.95 76.79 -936.28 655- 1 18858.58 2183.08 17.66 9.75 -54.98 668.77 656 -18858.58 -2156.82 -17.66 -9.75 37.32 1501.18 C1 26402.01 3056.32 24.72 13.65 -76.98 936.28 -26402.01 -3019.54 -24.72 -13.65 52.25 2101.65 656- 1 18858.55 1757.40 19.90 24.23 -37.49 -1501.18 657 -18858.55 -1731.13 -19.90 -24.23 17.59 3245.44 C1 26401.96 2460.35 27.86 33.92 -52.49 -2101.65 -26401.96 -2423.58 -27.86 -33.92 24.62 4543.62 657- 1 14051.14 -685.07 5.14 -41.85 -25.98 -2857.13 658 -14051.14 711.34 -5.14 41.85 20.84 2158.93 C1 19671.59 -959.10 7.20 -58.58 -36.37 -3999.98 -19671.59 995.87 -7.20 58.58 29.17 3022.50 658- 1 14051.10 -1110.99 8.46 -26.65 -21.02 -2158.93 659 -14051.10 1137.25 -8.46 26.65 12.56 1034.81 C1 19671.54 -1555.38 11.85 -37.30 -29.43 -3022.50

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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-19671.54 1592.16 -11.85 37.30 17.58 1448.73 659- 1 14051.07 -1536.90 11.98 -11.84 -12.74 -1034.81 660 -14051.07 1563.16 -11.98 11.84 0.76 -515.22 C1 19671.49 -2151.65 16.77 -16.57 -17.83 -1448.73 -19671.49 2188.43 -16.77 16.57 1.06 -721.31 660- 1 14051.03 -1962.87 15.64 3.18 -0.92 515.22 661 -14051.03 1989.14 -15.64 -3.18 -14.72 -2491.22 C1 19671.45 -2748.02 21.89 4.45 -1.29 721.31 -19671.45 2784.79 -21.89 -4.45 -20.60 -3487.71 661- 1 12544.15 840.84 5.16 -50.31 -6.24 2593.51 662 -12544.15 -814.58 -5.16 50.31 1.08 -1765.80 C1 17561.81 1177.18 7.23 -70.43 -8.74 3630.92 -17561.81 -1140.41 -7.23 70.43 1.51 -2472.12 662- 1 12544.13 414.73 7.56 -35.08 -1.17 1765.80 663 -12544.13 -388.46 -7.56 35.08 -6.39 -1364.21 C1 17561.78 580.62 10.58 -49.11 -1.64 2472.12 -17561.78 -543.85 -10.58 49.11 -8.94 -1909.89 663- 1 12544.12 -11.44 9.70 -19.97 6.33 1364.21 664 -12544.12 37.71 -9.70 19.97 -16.03 -1388.78 C1 17561.76 -16.02 13.58 -27.95 8.86 1909.89 -17561.76 52.79 -13.58 27.95 -22.44 -1944.29 664- 1 12544.11 -437.71 11.80 -4.54 16.02 1388.78 665 -12544.11 463.98 -11.80 4.54 -27.81 -1839.62 C1 17561.76 -612.79 16.52 -6.36 22.42 1944.29 -17561.76 649.57 -16.52 6.36 -38.94 -2575.47 665- 1 7856.21 1189.86 3.51 -39.10 3.69 2064.37 666 -7856.21 -1163.59 -3.51 39.10 -7.21 -887.64 C1 10998.70 1665.80 4.92 -54.74 5.17 2890.11 -10998.70 -1629.03 -4.92 54.74 -10.09 -1242.70 666- 1 7856.23 763.57 4.38 -24.05 7.29 887.64 667 -7856.23 -737.30 -4.38 24.05 -11.67 -137.21 C1 10998.72 1068.99 6.13 -33.66 10.21 1242.70 -10998.72 -1032.22 -6.13 33.66 -16.34 -192.10 667- 1 7856.26 337.38 5.20 -9.78 11.81 137.21 668 -7856.26 -311.11 -5.20 9.78 -17.00 187.03 C1 10998.76 472.33 7.27 -13.69 16.53 192.10 -10998.76 -435.56 -7.27 13.69 -23.80 261.85 668- 1 7856.29 -88.72 6.26 3.92 17.19 -187.03 669 -7856.29 114.99 -6.26 -3.92 -23.45 85.18 C1 10998.81 -124.21 8.77 5.48 24.06 -261.85 -10998.81 160.98 -8.77 -5.48 -32.83 119.25 669- 1 4069.75 740.93 0.58 -17.51 14.41 119.50 670 -4069.75 -714.67 -0.58 17.51 -14.99 608.30 C1 5697.66 1037.31 0.82 -24.51 20.17 167.30 -5697.66 -1000.53 -0.82 24.51 -20.99 851.62 670- 1 4069.81 315.03 1.60 -5.03 15.29 -608.30 671 -4069.81 -288.76 -1.60 5.03 -16.88 910.20 C1 5697.74 441.04 2.23 -7.05 21.40 -851.62 -5697.74 -404.27 -2.23 7.05 -23.64 1274.27 671- 1 4069.88 -110.78 2.75 6.82 17.23 -910.19 672 -4069.88 137.05 -2.75 -6.82 -19.99 786.28 C1 5697.84 -155.10 3.85 9.55 24.13 -1274.27 -5697.84 191.87 -3.85 -9.55 -27.98 1100.79 672- 1 4069.96 -536.53 4.12 18.36 20.39 -786.28 673 -4069.96 562.79 -4.12 -18.36 -24.51 236.62 C1 5697.95 -751.14 5.77 25.70 28.55 -1100.79 -5697.95 787.91 -5.77 -25.70 -34.32 331.27 673- 1 814.21 691.30 -0.82 -2.53 17.33 -87.14 674 -814.21 -665.04 0.82 2.53 -16.51 765.32 C1 1139.90 967.83 -1.15 -3.54 24.26 -122.00 -1139.90 -931.05 1.15 3.54 -23.11 1071.44 674- 1 814.32 265.67 0.15 8.41 17.03 -765.32 675 -814.32 -239.41 -0.15 -8.41 -17.18 1017.86 C1 1140.05 371.94 0.20 11.78 23.85 -1071.44 -1140.05 -335.17 -0.20 -11.78 -24.05 1425.00 675- 1 814.44 -159.91 1.11 19.06 17.76 -1017.86 676 -814.44 186.17 -1.11 -19.06 -18.87 844.82 C1 1140.21 -223.87 1.56 26.69 24.87 -1425.00 -1140.21 260.64 -1.56 -26.69 -26.42 1182.74 676- 1 814.56 -585.46 2.28 29.69 19.51 -844.82 677 -814.56 611.73 -2.28 -29.69 -21.80 246.22 C1 1140.39 -819.65 3.19 41.57 27.32 -1182.74 -1140.39 856.42 -3.19 -41.57 -30.51 344.71 677- 1 -3321.59 704.26 -3.69 1.24 25.41 -109.22 678 3321.59 -677.99 3.69 -1.24 -21.72 800.35 C1 -4650.23 985.96 -5.17 1.74 35.57 -152.91 4650.23 -949.18 5.17 -1.74 -30.40 1120.48 678- 1 -3321.44 278.72 -2.52 11.80 22.48 -800.34 679 3321.44 -252.45 2.52 -11.80 -19.96 1065.93

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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C1 -4650.02 390.20 -3.53 16.51 31.47 -1120.48 4650.02 -353.43 3.53 -16.51 -27.94 1492.30 679- 1 -3321.28 -146.83 -1.56 22.29 20.78 -1065.93 680 3321.28 173.10 1.56 -22.29 -19.22 905.97 C1 -4649.79 -205.56 -2.19 31.21 29.10 -1492.30 4649.79 242.33 2.19 -31.21 -26.91 1268.35 680- 1 -3321.10 -572.41 -0.60 33.00 20.11 -905.97 681 3321.10 598.67 0.60 -33.00 -19.51 320.43 C1 -4649.54 -801.37 -0.85 46.19 28.15 -1268.35 4649.54 838.14 0.85 -46.19 -27.31 448.60 681- 1 -4227.93 678.28 -5.74 10.23 30.30 -235.24 682 4227.93 -652.02 5.74 -10.23 -24.56 900.39 C1 -5919.10 949.60 -8.04 14.32 42.43 -329.33 5919.10 -912.83 8.04 -14.32 -34.39 1260.55 682- 1 -4227.72 252.66 -4.32 21.23 25.58 -900.39 683 4227.72 -226.39 4.32 -21.23 -21.26 1139.91 C1 -5918.81 353.72 -6.05 29.72 35.81 -1260.55 5918.81 -316.95 6.05 -29.72 -29.77 1595.88 683- 1 -4227.51 -172.99 -3.05 32.34 22.35 -1139.91 684 4227.51 199.26 3.05 -32.34 -19.30 953.79 C1 -5918.51 -242.19 -4.27 45.27 31.28 -1595.88 5918.51 278.96 4.27 -45.27 -27.02 1335.30 684- 1 -4227.28 -598.70 -1.83 43.85 20.44 -953.79 685 4227.28 624.96 1.83 -43.85 -18.62 341.96 C1 -5918.19 -838.18 -2.56 61.39 28.62 -1335.30 5918.19 874.95 2.56 -61.39 -26.07 478.74 685- 1 -4346.38 669.41 -7.42 19.48 31.13 -298.81 686 4346.38 -643.14 7.42 -19.48 -23.71 955.09 C1 -6084.93 937.17 -10.39 27.27 43.58 -418.34 6084.93 -900.39 10.39 -27.27 -33.19 1337.12 686- 1 -4346.12 243.60 -5.91 31.73 24.99 -955.09 687 4346.12 -217.34 5.91 -31.73 -19.08 1185.55 C1 -6084.57 341.04 -8.27 44.42 34.98 -1337.12 6084.57 -304.27 8.27 -44.42 -26.71 1659.78 687- 1 -4345.85 -182.27 -4.63 44.39 20.42 -1185.55 688 4345.85 208.53 4.63 -44.39 -15.79 990.15 C1 -6084.20 -255.17 -6.48 62.15 28.59 -1659.77 6084.20 291.94 6.48 -62.15 -22.11 1386.22 688- 1 -4345.57 -608.25 -3.48 57.90 17.19 -990.15 689 4345.57 634.52 3.48 -57.90 -13.71 368.77 C1 -6083.80 -851.55 -4.88 81.07 24.07 -1386.21 6083.80 888.32 4.88 -81.07 -19.19 516.28 689- 1 -3680.01 607.83 -10.19 32.60 28.52 -371.86 690 3680.01 -581.57 10.19 -32.60 -18.34 966.56 C1 -5152.01 850.97 -14.26 45.64 39.93 -520.60 5152.01 -814.19 14.26 -45.64 -25.67 1353.18 690- 1 -3679.71 181.57 -8.83 48.01 19.86 -966.56 691 3679.71 -155.31 8.83 -48.01 -11.03 1135.00 C1 -5151.59 254.20 -12.37 67.21 27.80 -1353.18 5151.59 -217.43 12.37 -67.21 -15.44 1589.00 691- 1 -3679.39 -244.82 -7.67 64.38 12.60 -1135.00 692 3679.39 271.09 7.67 -64.38 -4.93 877.04 C1 -5151.15 -342.75 -10.74 90.13 17.64 -1589.00 5151.15 379.52 10.74 -90.13 -6.91 1227.86 692- 1 -3679.06 -671.37 -6.45 81.97 6.56 -877.04 693 3679.06 697.63 6.45 -81.97 -0.10 192.54 C1 -5150.69 -939.91 -9.04 114.76 9.18 -1227.86 5150.69 976.68 9.04 -114.76 -0.14 269.56 693- 1 -2550.34 -20.59 -13.77 58.63 17.21 -250.57 694 2550.34 46.86 13.77 -58.63 -3.43 216.85 C1 -3570.48 -28.83 -19.28 82.09 24.09 -350.80 3570.48 65.60 19.28 -82.09 -4.81 303.59 694- 1 -2550.00 -447.07 -11.30 76.99 5.14 -216.85 695 2550.00 473.34 11.30 -76.99 6.16 -243.36 C1 -3570.00 -625.90 -15.82 107.78 7.20 -303.58 3570.00 662.67 15.82 -107.78 8.62 -340.70 695- 1 -2549.65 -873.03 -8.08 93.41 -4.41 243.36 696 2549.65 899.30 8.08 -93.41 12.49 -1129.52 C1 -3569.51 -1222.24 -11.31 130.77 -6.18 340.71 3569.51 1259.01 11.31 -130.77 17.49 -1581.33 696- 1 -2549.30 -1297.87 -3.85 105.11 -10.73 1129.53 697 2549.30 1324.13 3.85 -105.11 14.59 -2440.53 C1 -3569.02 -1817.01 -5.40 147.15 -15.02 1581.34 3569.02 1853.78 5.40 -147.15 20.42 -3416.74 697- 1 -1.07 1247.57 -2.38 87.00 -10.85 2448.75 698 1.07 -1221.31 2.38 -87.00 13.23 -1214.31 C1 -1.50 1746.60 -3.33 121.80 -15.19 3428.25 1.50 -1709.83 3.33 -121.80 18.52 -1700.03 698- 1 -0.71 828.14 2.71 74.16 -11.44 1214.32

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699 0.71 -801.87 -2.71 -74.16 8.73 -399.31 C1 -1.00 1159.39 3.79 103.82 -16.01 1700.05 1.00 -1122.62 -3.79 -103.82 12.22 -559.04 699- 1 -0.35 412.46 5.13 44.15 -6.93 399.32 700 0.35 -386.19 -5.13 -44.15 1.80 0.01 C1 -0.50 577.44 7.18 61.81 -9.70 559.05 0.50 -540.67 -7.18 -61.81 2.52 0.01 701- 1 89.87 -9.83 -1.62 -0.09 8.84 -15.57 801 -58.15 9.83 1.62 0.09 -0.75 -33.56 C1 125.81 -13.76 -2.27 -0.13 12.38 -21.80 -81.41 13.76 2.27 0.13 -1.06 -46.98 501- 1 3351.80 23.02 -1.45 0.07 10.81 81.75 701 -3320.09 -23.02 1.45 -0.07 -3.55 33.37 C1 4692.53 32.23 -2.03 0.09 15.14 114.45 -4648.13 -32.23 2.03 -0.09 -4.98 46.71 701- 1 1803.59 11.59 1.09 -0.10 -3.20 17.24 802 -1771.88 13.78 -1.09 0.10 -3.80 -24.26 C1 2525.03 16.23 1.53 -0.13 -4.49 24.14 -2480.63 19.29 -1.53 0.13 -5.32 -33.97 505- 1 -1798.32 34.70 -0.93 0.03 2.32 105.94 701 1830.03 -9.33 0.93 -0.03 3.62 35.04 C1 -2517.64 48.58 -1.30 0.05 3.25 148.31 2562.04 -13.06 1.30 -0.05 5.07 49.05 505- 1 2640.65 -22.73 0.62 0.01 -2.17 -91.12 702 -2608.94 22.73 -0.62 -0.01 -0.93 -22.53 C1 3696.91 -31.82 0.87 0.01 -3.04 -127.57 -3652.51 31.82 -0.87 -0.01 -1.30 -31.55 702- 1 -1026.25 -17.01 0.69 -0.07 5.14 -27.06 802 1057.97 17.01 -0.69 0.07 -8.58 -58.00 C1 -1436.75 -23.82 0.96 -0.10 7.20 -37.88 1481.15 23.82 -0.96 0.10 -12.01 -81.20 702- 1 2318.87 10.28 1.35 -0.10 -2.64 15.56 803 -2287.15 15.09 -1.35 0.10 -6.02 -30.96 C1 3246.42 14.39 1.89 -0.14 -3.69 21.78 -3202.02 21.13 -1.89 0.14 -8.43 -43.35 509- 1 -2284.27 10.08 -1.42 -0.02 6.23 17.32 702 2315.98 15.30 1.42 0.02 2.86 -34.04 C1 -3197.98 14.11 -1.99 -0.03 8.72 24.25 3242.38 21.41 1.99 0.03 4.00 -47.65 509- 1 67.33 -5.35 1.80 -0.01 -9.32 -27.72 703 -35.62 5.35 -1.80 0.01 0.34 0.95 C1 94.26 -7.49 2.51 -0.02 -13.05 -38.80 -49.86 7.49 -2.51 0.02 0.48 1.33 703- 1 -1672.20 -18.69 2.12 -0.05 2.53 -35.48 803 1703.92 18.69 -2.12 0.05 -13.14 -57.96 C1 -2341.09 -26.16 2.97 -0.07 3.54 -49.67 2385.48 26.16 -2.97 0.07 -18.40 -81.14 703- 1 1066.95 9.48 1.38 -0.09 -1.84 4.58 804 -1035.23 15.89 -1.38 0.09 -7.00 -25.12 C1 1493.73 13.27 1.93 -0.13 -2.58 6.41 -1449.33 22.25 -1.93 0.13 -9.80 -35.17 513- 1 -1066.75 7.76 -1.71 -0.05 8.99 -1.59 703 1098.46 17.61 1.71 0.05 1.95 -29.95 C1 -1493.45 10.86 -2.39 -0.08 12.58 -2.22 1537.84 24.66 2.39 0.08 2.73 -41.93 513- 1 -945.20 4.02 2.46 -0.02 -13.39 9.85 704 976.92 -4.02 -2.46 0.02 1.11 10.23 C1 -1323.28 5.62 3.44 -0.03 -18.75 13.79 1367.68 -5.62 -3.44 0.03 1.56 14.32 704- 1 -745.30 -12.68 2.85 -0.03 0.74 -30.66 804 777.01 12.68 -2.85 0.03 -14.98 -32.74 C1 -1043.42 -17.75 3.99 -0.04 1.03 -42.92 1087.82 17.75 -3.99 0.04 -20.97 -45.84 704- 1 -177.41 10.94 1.46 -0.08 -1.23 -0.63 805 209.12 14.43 -1.46 0.08 -8.11 -10.56 C1 -248.37 15.31 2.04 -0.12 -1.73 -0.88 292.77 20.21 -2.04 0.12 -11.36 -14.78 517- 1 173.87 7.62 -1.85 -0.07 10.60 -11.40 704 -142.16 17.75 1.85 0.07 1.26 -21.06 C1 243.42 10.66 -2.59 -0.10 14.83 -15.96 -199.02 24.86 2.59 0.10 1.77 -29.48 517- 1 -1825.21 10.97 2.91 -0.02 -15.91 38.99 705 1856.92 -10.97 -2.91 0.02 1.34 15.89 C1 -2555.29 15.36 4.08 -0.03 -22.27 54.58 2599.69 -15.36 -4.08 0.03 1.88 22.24 705- 1 315.77 -4.84 3.27 -0.01 -0.37 -23.47 805 -284.06 4.84 -3.27 0.01 -15.96 -0.72 C1 442.08 -6.77 4.57 -0.02 -0.51 -32.85 -397.68 6.77 -4.57 0.02 -22.35 -1.01

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705- 1 -1420.14 11.95 1.52 -0.08 -0.70 -6.76 806 1451.86 13.42 -1.52 0.08 -9.04 2.04 C1 -1988.20 16.73 2.13 -0.11 -0.98 -9.46 2032.60 18.79 -2.13 0.11 -12.66 2.86 521- 1 1418.34 6.86 -1.87 -0.09 11.32 -22.95 705 -1386.63 18.51 1.87 0.09 0.68 -14.34 C1 1985.68 9.61 -2.62 -0.12 15.85 -32.13 -1941.28 25.91 2.62 0.12 0.95 -20.07 521- 1 -2767.41 18.06 3.24 -0.02 -17.35 68.42 706 2799.12 -18.06 -3.24 0.02 1.16 21.88 C1 -3874.37 25.28 4.53 -0.02 -24.30 95.78 3918.77 -25.28 -4.53 0.02 1.62 30.63 706- 1 1269.02 2.52 3.49 0.00 -0.94 -17.08 806 -1237.31 -2.52 -3.49 -0.00 -16.52 29.70 C1 1776.63 3.53 4.89 0.00 -1.32 -23.91 -1732.24 -3.53 -4.89 -0.00 -23.13 41.57 706- 1 -2634.21 12.54 1.53 -0.07 -0.23 -13.11 807 2665.92 12.83 -1.53 0.07 -9.59 12.20 C1 -3687.89 17.56 2.15 -0.10 -0.32 -18.36 3732.29 17.96 -2.15 0.10 -13.43 17.08 525- 1 2632.70 6.14 -1.79 -0.09 11.27 -33.59 706 -2600.98 19.23 1.79 0.09 0.18 -8.31 C1 3685.77 8.60 -2.50 -0.12 15.78 -47.03 -3641.37 26.92 2.50 0.12 0.25 -11.63 525- 1 -3924.34 10.21 1.68 0.09 -11.05 30.35 708 3956.05 15.16 -1.68 -0.09 0.27 -46.20 C1 -5494.07 14.29 2.36 0.13 -15.47 42.49 5538.47 21.22 -2.36 -0.13 0.38 -64.68 708- 1 3923.51 8.44 -1.46 0.07 -0.22 24.71 807 -3891.80 16.93 1.46 -0.07 9.54 -51.87 C1 5492.92 11.82 -2.04 0.10 -0.31 34.59 -5448.52 23.70 2.04 -0.10 13.36 -72.62 707- 1 -770.81 14.44 3.40 -0.00 -0.74 -0.01 807 802.52 -14.44 -3.40 0.00 -16.27 72.22 C1 -1079.13 20.22 4.76 -0.00 -1.04 -0.01 1123.53 -20.22 -4.76 0.00 -22.78 101.11 525- 1 -739.10 14.44 3.40 -0.00 -17.76 72.20 707 770.81 -14.44 -3.40 0.00 0.74 0.01 C1 -1034.74 20.22 4.76 -0.00 -24.86 101.08 1079.13 -20.22 -4.76 0.00 1.04 0.01 708- 1 -3835.62 38.15 3.85 -0.00 -1.27 54.55 808 3867.34 -38.15 -3.85 0.00 -17.99 136.19 C1 -5369.87 53.41 5.39 -0.01 -1.78 76.37 5414.27 -53.41 -5.39 0.01 -25.18 190.67 529- 1 2363.74 23.07 3.62 0.01 -18.90 98.99 708 -2332.03 -23.07 -3.62 -0.01 0.79 16.36 C1 3309.24 32.30 5.07 0.01 -26.46 138.58 -3264.84 -32.30 -5.07 -0.01 1.10 22.90 709- 1 5140.32 8.41 -1.60 0.08 0.03 34.77 808 -5108.61 16.96 1.60 -0.08 10.19 -62.17 C1 7196.45 11.77 -2.23 0.11 0.04 48.68 -7152.05 23.75 2.23 -0.11 14.26 -87.04 529- 1 -5139.64 10.78 1.83 0.10 -11.72 42.77 709 5171.35 14.59 -1.83 -0.10 0.01 -54.94 C1 -7195.49 15.10 2.56 0.14 -16.41 59.88 7239.89 20.42 -2.56 -0.14 0.02 -76.92 709- 1 -4681.39 46.60 3.82 -0.00 -0.97 63.40 809 4713.10 -46.60 -3.82 0.00 -18.14 169.59 C1 -6553.95 65.24 5.35 -0.01 -1.36 88.77 6598.35 -65.24 -5.35 0.01 -25.40 237.42 533- 1 3416.75 32.04 3.59 0.01 -18.82 133.89 709 -3385.04 -32.04 -3.59 -0.01 0.87 26.31 C1 4783.45 44.85 5.02 0.01 -26.34 187.45 -4739.05 -44.85 -5.02 -0.01 1.22 36.83 710- 1 6053.16 6.47 -1.61 0.08 0.05 38.36 809 -6021.45 18.90 1.61 -0.08 10.23 -78.18 C1 8474.43 9.05 -2.25 0.12 0.07 53.70 -8430.03 26.47 2.25 -0.12 14.32 -109.45 533- 1 -6062.33 13.84 1.90 0.09 -12.15 62.51 710 6094.05 11.53 -1.90 -0.09 -0.05 -55.12 C1 -8487.27 19.38 2.67 0.13 -17.00 87.52 8531.67 16.14 -2.67 -0.13 -0.07 -77.16 710- 1 -5697.94 52.49 3.74 0.00 -0.44 70.45 810 5729.66 -52.49 -3.74 -0.00 -18.26 192.02 C1 -7977.12 73.49 5.24 0.00 -0.61 98.64 8021.52 -73.49 -5.24 -0.00 -25.56 268.82 537- 1 3830.39 30.91 3.44 -0.01 -17.61 131.53 710 -3798.68 -30.91 -3.44 0.01 0.41 23.02 C1 5362.55 43.27 4.82 -0.01 -24.65 184.14

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-5318.15 -43.27 -4.82 0.01 0.57 32.23 711- 1 6536.17 1.30 -0.74 0.08 -3.07 23.55 810 -6504.46 24.07 0.74 -0.08 7.81 -96.43 C1 9150.64 1.83 -1.03 0.12 -4.30 32.97 -9106.24 33.69 1.03 -0.12 10.93 -135.00 541- 1 -1293.82 22.23 4.05 -0.01 -16.88 87.23 711 1325.54 -22.23 -4.05 0.01 -3.36 23.94 C1 -1811.35 31.13 5.67 -0.02 -23.63 122.12 1855.75 -31.13 -5.67 0.02 -4.71 33.52 537- 1 -7345.80 14.59 2.83 0.08 -14.72 60.99 711 7377.51 10.78 -2.83 -0.08 -3.43 -48.79 C1 -10284.12 20.43 3.97 0.12 -20.61 85.39 10328.52 15.09 -3.97 -0.12 -4.80 -68.31 711- 1 -3030.19 32.47 4.82 0.00 -0.30 47.68 811 3061.90 -32.47 -4.82 -0.00 -23.81 114.67 C1 -4242.26 45.46 6.75 0.00 -0.41 66.75 4286.66 -45.46 -6.75 -0.00 -33.34 160.54 712- 1 6324.26 -19.79 -5.16 0.09 -2.42 -40.16 811 -6288.89 48.08 5.16 -0.09 35.46 -177.14 C1 8853.96 -27.71 -7.22 0.13 -3.39 -56.22 -8804.45 67.32 7.22 -0.13 49.65 -248.00 541- 1 -2635.76 -14.38 5.95 0.05 -30.33 -25.42 712 2671.13 42.68 -5.95 -0.05 -7.77 -157.26 C1 -3690.07 -20.14 8.33 0.07 -42.47 -35.58 3739.58 59.75 -8.33 -0.07 -10.88 -220.17 545- 1 -583.98 12.92 6.59 -0.02 -26.19 112.70 712 619.35 -12.92 -6.59 0.02 -6.74 -48.11 C1 -817.58 18.09 9.22 -0.03 -36.67 157.78 867.09 -18.09 -9.22 0.03 -9.43 -67.35 712- 1 1479.42 66.97 7.09 -0.02 7.78 156.71 812 -1444.06 -66.97 -7.09 0.02 -43.25 178.14 C1 2071.19 93.76 9.93 -0.02 10.90 219.39 -2021.68 -93.76 -9.93 0.02 -60.55 249.39 713- 1 3776.81 36.55 -2.77 0.06 -10.67 107.04 812 -3741.44 -8.26 2.77 -0.06 28.40 36.42 C1 5287.53 51.17 -3.88 0.08 -14.93 149.86 -5238.02 -11.56 3.88 -0.08 39.76 50.99 545- 1 -2039.30 36.79 4.72 0.04 -21.99 162.23 713 2074.66 -8.50 -4.72 -0.04 -8.23 -17.23 C1 -2855.02 51.51 6.61 0.05 -30.79 227.12 2904.53 -11.90 -6.61 -0.05 -11.52 -24.12 549- 1 17173.55 78.39 2.68 -0.00 -11.65 300.23 713 -17124.45 -78.39 -2.68 0.00 -1.74 91.71 C1 24042.97 109.74 3.75 -0.00 -16.31 420.32 -23974.23 -109.74 -3.75 0.00 -2.44 128.39 713- 1 7259.20 1.26 4.47 -0.04 10.20 7.49 813 -7223.84 -1.26 -4.47 0.04 -32.55 -1.19 C1 10162.88 1.76 6.26 -0.06 14.29 10.48 -10113.37 -1.76 -6.26 0.06 -45.57 -1.66 713- 1 4207.53 40.80 1.26 -0.07 2.68 125.87 814 -4172.17 -12.51 -1.26 0.07 -10.73 44.80 C1 5890.54 57.12 1.76 -0.10 3.76 176.22 -5841.03 -17.51 -1.76 0.10 -15.03 62.72 553- 1 -2528.94 84.18 -1.10 -0.12 -9.16 347.62 713 2564.31 -55.89 1.10 0.12 16.18 100.80 C1 -3540.52 117.85 -1.54 -0.16 -12.82 486.67 3590.03 -78.24 1.54 0.16 22.66 141.11 553- 1 1693.50 -70.72 9.03 -0.12 -34.88 -300.43 714 -1658.13 70.72 -9.03 0.12 -10.28 -53.19 C1 2370.90 -99.01 12.64 -0.16 -48.83 -420.60 -2321.39 99.01 -12.64 0.16 -14.39 -74.46 714- 1 2680.69 -86.54 3.65 -0.10 16.53 -198.88 814 -2645.32 86.54 -3.65 0.10 -34.80 -233.84 C1 3752.96 -121.16 5.12 -0.14 23.14 -278.43 -3703.45 121.16 -5.12 0.14 -48.71 -327.37 714- 1 9385.13 -32.46 8.79 -0.14 -20.65 -63.12 815 -9349.77 60.75 -8.79 0.14 -35.66 -235.30 C1 13139.18 -45.44 12.31 -0.20 -28.91 -88.36 -13089.67 85.05 -12.31 0.20 -49.93 -329.42 557- 1 -4273.68 -10.17 -5.67 -0.14 -0.95 13.40 714 4309.04 38.46 5.67 0.14 37.26 -169.11 C1 -5983.15 -14.24 -7.94 -0.20 -1.33 18.76 6032.66 53.85 7.94 0.20 52.16 -236.75 557- 1 -996.02 -55.85 14.68 -0.18 -54.88 -233.99 715 1031.38 55.85 -14.68 0.18 -18.54 -45.23 C1 -1394.43 -78.18 20.56 -0.25 -76.83 -327.59 1443.94 78.18 -20.56 0.25 -25.95 -63.33 715- 1 -4627.78 -89.44 19.29 -0.16 -3.24 -135.83 815 4663.14 89.44 -19.29 0.16 -93.22 -311.36

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C1 -6478.89 -125.21 27.01 -0.22 -4.54 -190.16 6528.39 125.21 -27.01 0.22 -130.50 -435.91 715- 1 12620.77 -27.68 1.29 -0.12 -6.97 7.90 816 -12585.41 55.97 -1.29 0.12 -1.28 -275.70 C1 17669.08 -38.75 1.80 -0.17 -9.75 11.05 -17619.57 78.36 -1.80 0.17 -1.79 -385.98 561- 1 -11183.06 10.85 -2.79 -0.07 -14.86 119.75 715 11218.43 17.44 2.79 0.07 32.72 -140.87 C1 -15656.29 15.19 -3.90 -0.10 -20.81 167.66 15705.80 24.42 3.90 0.10 45.80 -197.22 561- 1 6959.91 -104.78 4.39 -0.12 -16.22 -418.51 716 -6924.55 104.78 -4.39 0.12 -5.71 -105.37 C1 9743.88 -146.69 6.14 -0.16 -22.71 -585.91 -9694.37 146.69 -6.14 0.16 -7.99 -147.51 716- 1 -10390.82 -113.07 6.16 -0.21 16.30 -111.40 816 10426.19 113.07 -6.16 0.21 -47.08 -453.96 C1 -14547.15 -158.30 8.62 -0.30 22.81 -155.96 14596.66 158.30 -8.62 0.30 -65.91 -635.55 716- 1 11070.70 -5.13 -3.83 -0.09 -6.64 87.96 817 -11035.34 33.43 3.83 0.09 31.14 -211.42 C1 15498.98 -7.19 -5.36 -0.13 -9.29 123.15 -15449.47 46.80 5.36 0.13 43.60 -295.99 565- 1 -11065.71 19.76 2.06 0.04 -20.14 164.72 716 11101.07 8.54 -2.06 -0.04 6.96 -128.80 C1 -15491.99 27.66 2.88 0.06 -28.19 230.61 15541.50 11.95 -2.88 -0.06 9.75 -180.33 565- 1 7343.22 -110.96 -5.74 -0.10 21.63 -440.50 717 -7307.85 110.96 5.74 0.10 7.06 -114.29 C1 10280.51 -155.34 -8.03 -0.13 30.28 -616.70 -10231.00 155.34 8.03 0.13 9.88 -160.00 717- 1 -8886.53 -107.06 -2.22 -0.12 10.00 -100.79 817 8921.90 107.06 2.22 0.12 1.09 -434.50 C1 -12441.15 -149.88 -3.11 -0.17 14.01 -141.11 12490.66 149.88 3.11 0.17 1.52 -608.30 717- 1 10361.47 2.35 -1.37 -0.03 -10.84 91.84 818 -10326.11 25.94 1.37 0.03 19.59 -167.38 C1 14506.06 3.29 -1.91 -0.04 -15.18 128.57 -14456.55 36.32 1.91 0.04 27.43 -234.34 569- 1 -10331.13 16.93 -2.15 0.05 2.81 141.07 717 10366.50 11.36 2.15 -0.05 10.98 -123.24 C1 -14463.59 23.70 -3.01 0.08 3.93 197.50 14513.10 15.91 3.01 -0.08 15.38 -172.53 569- 1 7090.68 -87.86 -5.46 -0.06 15.05 -371.18 718 -7055.31 87.86 5.46 0.06 12.23 -68.10 C1 9926.95 -123.00 -7.64 -0.09 21.07 -519.65 -9877.44 123.00 7.64 0.09 17.13 -95.34 718- 1 -8674.93 -85.41 -4.76 -0.01 9.42 -65.24 818 8710.29 85.41 4.76 0.01 14.37 -361.81 C1 -12144.90 -119.57 -6.66 -0.01 13.19 -91.33 12194.41 119.57 6.66 0.01 20.11 -506.54 718- 1 10072.14 -16.37 6.17 -0.04 -13.91 41.54 819 -10036.78 44.66 -6.17 0.04 -25.62 -236.93 C1 14101.00 -22.92 8.64 -0.06 -19.47 58.16 -14051.49 62.53 -8.64 0.06 -35.87 -331.71 573- 1 -10051.37 29.85 -6.87 -0.00 30.13 192.37 718 10086.74 -1.56 6.87 0.00 13.87 -91.80 C1 -14071.92 41.79 -9.62 -0.01 42.19 269.32 14121.43 -2.19 9.62 0.01 19.42 -128.52 573- 1 4795.76 -43.00 2.76 0.00 -14.32 -181.50 719 -4776.48 43.00 -2.76 -0.00 0.52 -33.48 C1 6714.07 -60.19 3.86 0.00 -20.05 -254.10 -6687.07 60.19 -3.86 -0.00 0.73 -46.87 719- 1 -6161.88 -43.36 3.56 0.00 0.05 -35.96 819 6181.17 43.36 -3.56 -0.00 -17.86 -180.85 C1 -8626.63 -60.71 4.99 0.00 0.07 -50.35 8653.64 60.71 -4.99 -0.00 -25.00 -253.19 719- 1 7000.32 -6.56 2.53 -0.01 -0.37 21.23 820 -6981.04 21.99 -2.53 0.01 -15.80 -112.64 C1 9800.45 -9.18 3.54 -0.01 -0.52 29.72 -9773.45 30.79 -3.54 0.01 -22.13 -157.69 577- 1 -6992.11 13.60 -3.33 -0.00 20.94 85.92 719 7011.40 1.83 3.33 0.00 0.37 -48.22 C1 -9788.95 19.05 -4.66 -0.00 29.31 120.29 9815.95 2.56 4.66 0.00 0.52 -67.50 577- 1 4431.30 -49.02 4.39 0.01 -20.34 -203.38 720 -4412.01 49.02 -4.39 -0.01 -1.62 -41.70 C1 6203.82 -68.62 6.15 0.01 -28.47 -284.74 -6176.82 68.62 -6.15 -0.01 -2.27 -58.38 720- 1 -5986.71 -50.85 5.97 0.01 -5.68 -46.45

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820 6005.99 50.85 -5.97 -0.01 -24.16 -207.78 C1 -8381.39 -71.18 8.36 0.01 -7.95 -65.02 8408.39 71.18 -8.36 -0.01 -33.83 -290.89 720- 1 6649.16 -1.18 0.76 -0.00 4.67 30.47 821 -6629.87 16.61 -0.76 0.00 -9.51 -87.45 C1 9308.83 -1.66 1.06 -0.00 6.54 42.66 -9281.82 23.26 -1.06 0.00 -13.31 -122.43 581- 1 -6643.47 8.07 -2.33 -0.00 19.61 59.98 720 6662.76 7.36 2.33 0.00 -4.67 -57.67 C1 -9300.86 11.30 -3.27 -0.00 27.45 83.97 9327.87 10.30 3.27 0.00 -6.54 -80.74 581- 1 3582.84 -40.51 2.72 0.01 -14.91 -169.45 721 -3563.55 40.51 -2.72 -0.01 1.30 -33.09 C1 5015.98 -56.71 3.81 0.01 -20.87 -237.23 -4988.98 56.71 -3.81 -0.01 1.82 -46.32 721- 1 -5122.13 -42.52 4.64 0.01 -8.35 -37.95 821 5141.42 42.52 -4.64 -0.01 -14.84 -174.66 C1 -7170.99 -59.53 6.49 0.01 -11.69 -53.13 7197.99 59.53 -6.49 -0.01 -20.78 -244.52 721- 1 5551.51 -0.03 0.74 0.00 4.51 22.30 822 -5532.23 15.46 -0.74 -0.00 -9.23 -71.87 C1 7772.12 -0.04 1.03 0.00 6.31 31.22 -7745.12 21.64 -1.03 -0.00 -12.92 -100.62 585- 1 -5545.75 7.22 -2.66 -0.00 21.52 45.54 721 5565.04 8.22 2.66 0.00 -4.52 -48.74 C1 -7764.05 10.10 -3.72 -0.01 30.13 63.75 7791.06 11.50 3.72 0.01 -6.33 -68.23 585- 1 2725.97 -29.93 2.11 0.01 -15.21 -128.98 722 -2706.69 29.93 -2.11 -0.01 4.65 -20.66 C1 3816.36 -41.90 2.96 0.01 -21.29 -180.57 -3789.36 41.90 -2.96 -0.01 6.51 -28.93 722- 1 -4242.16 -34.97 3.82 0.01 -8.94 -33.34 822 4261.45 34.97 -3.82 -0.01 -10.17 -141.52 C1 -5939.03 -48.96 5.35 0.02 -12.51 -46.67 5966.03 48.96 -5.35 -0.02 -14.24 -198.13 722- 1 4437.03 -0.03 1.97 0.00 2.73 13.51 823 -4417.74 15.46 -1.97 -0.00 -15.33 -63.09 C1 6211.84 -0.04 2.76 0.00 3.82 18.92 -6184.84 21.64 -2.76 -0.00 -21.47 -88.32 589- 1 -4436.04 7.28 -3.68 -0.01 26.30 37.67 722 4455.33 8.16 3.68 0.01 -2.75 -40.49 C1 -6210.46 10.19 -5.15 -0.01 36.82 52.73 6237.47 11.42 5.15 0.01 -3.85 -56.68 589- 1 1462.37 -21.13 3.73 0.01 -24.79 -98.00 723 -1443.08 21.13 -3.73 -0.01 6.12 -7.63 C1 2047.32 -29.58 5.23 0.01 -34.71 -137.20 -2020.32 29.58 -5.23 -0.01 8.57 -10.69 723- 1 -3096.99 -27.93 4.31 0.01 -6.87 -25.62 823 3116.28 27.93 -4.31 -0.01 -14.67 -114.01 C1 -4335.78 -39.10 6.03 0.02 -9.62 -35.87 4362.79 39.10 -6.03 -0.02 -20.53 -159.61 723- 1 2894.02 2.90 0.75 -0.00 0.46 8.17 824 -2879.66 8.59 -0.75 0.00 -5.28 -26.38 C1 4051.63 4.06 1.05 -0.00 0.65 11.44 -4031.52 12.03 -1.05 0.00 -7.39 -36.93 593- 1 -2896.98 3.44 -1.33 -0.02 8.98 10.32 723 2911.34 8.05 1.33 0.02 -0.49 -25.08 C1 -4055.77 4.82 -1.86 -0.02 12.57 14.44 4075.88 11.27 1.86 0.02 -0.68 -35.12 593- 1 689.14 -8.11 1.56 0.01 -9.70 -36.74 724 -674.77 8.11 -1.56 -0.01 1.93 -3.80 C1 964.79 -11.35 2.18 0.01 -13.58 -51.43 -944.68 11.35 -2.18 -0.01 2.70 -5.32 724- 1 -2125.68 -12.31 2.15 0.01 -3.35 -14.86 824 2140.05 12.31 -2.15 -0.01 -7.40 -46.71 C1 -2975.95 -17.24 3.01 0.02 -4.70 -20.80 2996.06 17.24 -3.01 -0.02 -10.36 -65.40 724- 1 1781.76 2.47 0.60 -0.00 0.89 -0.17 825 -1767.40 9.02 -0.60 0.00 -4.71 -20.81 C1 2494.47 3.46 0.84 -0.00 1.25 -0.23 -2474.36 12.63 -0.84 0.00 -6.60 -29.13 597- 1 -1781.52 3.11 -1.19 -0.02 8.56 1.96 724 1795.88 8.38 1.19 0.02 -0.92 -18.83 C1 -2494.12 4.36 -1.67 -0.03 11.99 2.74 2514.24 11.73 1.67 0.03 -1.29 -26.36 597- 1 -126.07 -2.38 1.64 0.00 -10.58 -13.91 725 140.43 2.38 -1.64 -0.00 2.37 2.02 C1 -176.50 -3.33 2.30 0.00 -14.81 -19.47 196.61 3.33 -2.30 -0.00 3.31 2.82

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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725- 1 -1418.56 -7.12 2.31 0.01 -3.88 -9.94 825 1432.93 7.12 -2.31 -0.01 -7.67 -25.68 C1 -1985.99 -9.97 3.24 0.02 -5.43 -13.91 2006.10 9.97 -3.24 -0.02 -10.74 -35.95 725- 1 806.36 2.60 0.36 0.00 0.94 -5.64 826 -792.00 8.89 -0.36 -0.00 -3.23 -14.49 C1 1128.91 3.64 0.50 0.00 1.32 -7.90 -1108.80 12.45 -0.50 -0.00 -4.53 -20.29 601- 1 -807.11 2.88 -1.03 -0.02 7.55 -4.77 725 821.47 8.61 1.03 0.02 -0.98 -13.57 C1 -1129.95 4.04 -1.44 -0.03 10.58 -6.67 1150.06 12.05 1.44 0.03 -1.38 -18.99 601- 1 -766.76 -0.22 1.61 0.00 -10.72 -1.06 726 781.13 0.22 -1.61 -0.00 2.67 -0.02 C1 -1073.47 -0.30 2.25 0.01 -15.01 -1.49 1093.58 0.30 -2.25 -0.01 3.74 -0.02 726- 1 -781.13 -0.22 1.61 0.00 -2.67 0.02 826 795.49 0.22 -1.61 -0.00 -5.38 -1.09 C1 -1093.58 -0.30 2.25 0.01 -3.74 0.02 1113.69 0.30 -2.25 -0.01 -7.54 -1.53 727- 1 874.02 0.91 -0.22 -0.00 -0.62 -12.60 826 -859.65 10.58 0.22 0.00 2.02 -18.36 C1 1223.62 1.28 -0.31 -0.00 -0.87 -17.64 -1203.51 14.81 0.31 0.00 2.83 -25.70 601- 1 -882.09 5.17 2.17 0.25 -14.83 -18.71 727 913.81 20.20 -2.17 -0.25 0.96 -29.42 C1 -1234.93 7.24 3.03 0.36 -20.76 -26.20 1279.33 28.28 -3.03 -0.36 1.35 -41.19 727- 1 -1485.73 10.84 3.27 -0.01 -5.40 20.64 827 1500.10 -10.84 -3.27 0.01 -10.93 33.55 C1 -2080.03 15.17 4.57 -0.01 -7.56 28.90 2100.14 -15.17 -4.57 0.01 -15.31 46.97 605- 1 -62.12 1.05 1.32 0.01 -10.60 9.05 727 76.49 -1.05 -1.32 -0.01 4.00 -3.83 C1 -86.97 1.46 1.85 0.01 -14.84 12.67 107.08 -1.46 -1.85 -0.01 5.61 -5.36 728- 1 1835.96 2.87 -0.46 0.01 -1.07 1.12 827 -1821.60 8.62 0.46 -0.01 4.03 -19.52 C1 2570.35 4.02 -0.65 0.01 -1.49 1.56 -2550.24 12.07 0.65 -0.01 5.64 -27.32 605- 1 -1836.64 2.63 1.02 0.03 -7.64 0.31 728 1851.01 8.87 -1.02 -0.03 1.10 -20.30 C1 -2571.30 3.68 1.43 0.04 -10.69 0.44 2591.41 12.41 -1.43 -0.04 1.54 -28.42 728- 1 -2221.12 13.61 3.08 -0.01 -3.34 16.65 828 2235.48 -13.61 -3.08 0.01 -12.05 51.40 C1 -3109.56 19.05 4.31 -0.01 -4.68 23.31 3129.67 -19.05 -4.31 0.01 -16.86 71.96 609- 1 679.62 8.89 2.52 -0.00 -14.23 39.70 728 -665.26 -8.89 -2.52 0.00 1.64 4.77 C1 951.47 12.45 3.53 -0.00 -19.92 55.59 -931.36 -12.45 -3.53 0.00 2.29 6.67 729- 1 2948.29 1.81 -0.90 0.01 -1.17 5.56 828 -2933.93 9.69 0.90 -0.01 6.94 -30.79 C1 4127.61 2.53 -1.26 0.01 -1.64 7.79 -4107.50 13.56 1.26 -0.01 9.71 -43.11 609- 1 -2947.96 3.79 1.30 0.03 -9.55 11.98 729 2962.32 7.70 -1.30 -0.03 1.20 -24.51 C1 -4127.14 5.30 1.83 0.04 -13.37 16.77 4147.25 10.78 -1.83 -0.04 1.68 -34.32 729- 1 -3036.53 18.50 3.19 -0.01 -2.88 20.50 829 3050.89 -18.50 -3.19 0.01 -13.07 72.02 C1 -4251.14 25.90 4.47 -0.01 -4.03 28.70 4271.25 -25.90 -4.47 0.01 -18.30 100.82 613- 1 1599.20 14.34 2.79 -0.01 -14.94 62.14 729 -1584.83 -14.34 -2.79 0.01 1.01 9.58 C1 2238.87 20.08 3.90 -0.01 -20.91 87.00 -2218.76 -20.08 -3.90 0.01 1.41 13.41 730- 1 4071.65 2.35 -1.31 0.01 -0.65 14.43 829 -4057.28 9.14 1.31 -0.01 9.06 -36.18 C1 5700.30 3.29 -1.84 0.01 -0.90 20.20 -5680.19 12.80 1.84 -0.01 12.68 -50.65 613- 1 -4074.52 3.98 1.64 0.02 -11.15 20.05 730 4088.88 7.52 -1.64 -0.02 0.67 -31.38 C1 -5704.33 5.57 2.29 0.03 -15.62 28.07 5724.44 10.52 -2.29 -0.03 0.93 -43.93 617- 1 2373.45 30.45 7.82 -0.01 -43.55 138.24 730 -2354.17 -30.45 -7.82 0.01 4.47 14.01 C1 3322.84 42.63 10.94 -0.02 -60.97 193.54

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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-3295.83 -42.63 -10.94 0.02 6.26 19.62 730- 1 -4024.30 37.19 8.14 -0.01 -5.51 31.80 830 4043.59 -37.19 -8.14 0.01 -35.19 154.14 C1 -5634.02 52.06 11.40 -0.02 -7.72 44.51 5661.03 -52.06 -11.40 0.02 -49.27 215.79 731- 1 5711.85 -2.36 -4.08 0.01 -4.17 18.20 830 -5692.56 17.79 4.08 -0.01 30.26 -82.72 C1 7996.59 -3.30 -5.71 0.01 -5.83 25.49 -7969.59 24.91 5.71 -0.01 42.37 -115.81 617- 1 -5706.94 9.46 5.16 0.02 -37.23 56.79 731 5726.22 5.97 -5.16 -0.02 4.18 -45.60 C1 -7989.71 13.25 7.23 0.02 -52.13 79.51 8016.71 8.36 -7.23 -0.02 5.86 -63.84 731- 1 -5245.48 41.17 7.02 -0.02 -7.98 35.12 831 5264.77 -41.17 -7.02 0.02 -27.14 170.73 C1 -7343.67 57.64 9.83 -0.02 -11.17 49.16 7370.68 -57.64 -9.83 0.02 -37.99 239.02 621- 1 3707.70 38.69 5.94 -0.02 -31.13 164.78 731 -3688.41 -38.69 -5.94 0.02 1.44 28.69 C1 5190.78 54.17 8.31 -0.02 -43.58 230.69 -5163.78 -54.17 -8.31 0.02 2.02 40.17 732- 1 5976.88 -5.38 -3.57 0.00 -3.95 13.45 831 -5957.60 20.81 3.57 -0.00 26.84 -97.30 C1 8367.64 -7.53 -5.00 0.00 -5.53 18.83 -8340.63 29.14 5.00 -0.00 37.57 -136.22 621- 1 -5968.09 12.56 4.69 0.01 -33.97 71.08 732 5987.38 2.87 -4.69 -0.01 3.96 -40.04 C1 -8355.33 17.59 6.56 0.01 -47.55 99.52 8382.33 4.01 -6.56 -0.01 5.55 -56.06 732- 1 -5363.54 35.58 4.48 -0.02 -6.70 27.59 832 5382.83 -35.58 -4.48 0.02 -15.68 150.33 C1 -7508.96 49.82 6.27 -0.03 -9.38 38.62 7535.96 -49.82 -6.27 0.03 -21.96 210.46 625- 1 3996.70 35.47 3.37 -0.01 -17.34 151.44 732 -3977.41 -35.47 -3.37 0.01 0.52 25.90 C1 5595.37 49.65 4.71 -0.02 -24.28 212.01 -5568.37 -49.65 -4.71 0.02 0.72 36.26 733- 1 8782.03 -14.01 -6.51 -0.02 1.07 26.25 832 -8746.66 42.30 6.51 0.02 40.61 -206.52 C1 12294.84 -19.61 -9.11 -0.03 1.50 36.74 -12245.33 59.22 9.11 0.03 56.85 -289.13 625- 1 -8761.18 27.19 8.17 0.00 -51.42 160.70 733 8796.55 1.10 -8.17 -0.00 -0.91 -77.15 C1 -12265.66 38.07 11.44 0.00 -71.99 224.98 12315.17 1.54 -11.44 -0.00 -1.28 -108.02 733- 1 -7713.85 71.32 -2.53 -0.14 -7.01 49.71 833 7749.21 -71.32 2.53 0.14 19.63 306.87 C1 -10799.39 99.84 -3.54 -0.19 -9.81 69.59 10848.90 -99.84 3.54 0.19 27.49 429.62 629- 1 6040.01 74.04 -4.19 -0.05 12.38 316.52 733 -6004.65 -74.04 4.19 0.05 8.57 53.69 C1 8456.02 103.66 -5.87 -0.08 17.33 443.12 -8406.51 -103.66 5.87 0.08 12.00 75.17 734- 1 9222.47 1.84 -0.58 -0.06 4.30 71.25 833 -9187.11 26.45 0.58 0.06 -0.60 -150.02 C1 12911.46 2.58 -0.81 -0.08 6.02 99.76 -12861.95 37.03 0.81 0.08 -0.84 -210.03 629- 1 -9185.68 16.45 5.22 -0.08 -29.17 120.22 734 9221.04 11.84 -5.22 0.08 -4.26 -105.48 C1 -12859.95 23.03 7.31 -0.12 -40.84 168.30 12909.46 16.58 -7.31 0.12 -5.97 -147.67 734- 1 -7919.94 89.29 -6.46 -0.04 -3.70 77.73 834 7955.31 -89.29 6.46 0.04 36.02 368.70 C1 -11087.92 125.00 -9.05 -0.05 -5.18 108.82 11137.43 -125.00 9.05 0.05 50.43 516.18 633- 1 6525.94 97.99 -11.11 0.01 45.06 390.94 734 -6490.57 -97.99 11.11 -0.01 10.47 99.00 C1 9136.31 137.18 -15.55 0.01 63.09 547.31 -9086.80 -137.18 15.55 -0.01 14.66 138.60 735- 1 10423.46 1.81 4.42 -0.02 5.40 91.99 834 -10388.09 26.49 -4.42 0.02 -33.70 -171.00 C1 14592.84 2.53 6.19 -0.03 7.56 128.78 -14543.33 37.08 -6.19 0.03 -47.18 -239.40 633- 1 -10389.43 16.76 0.63 -0.13 1.49 140.24 735 10424.80 11.53 -0.63 0.13 -5.56 -123.50 C1 -14545.21 23.46 0.89 -0.18 2.09 196.34 14594.72 16.14 -0.89 0.18 -7.78 -172.90 735- 1 -8952.97 106.04 -3.14 0.10 4.42 97.33 835 8988.34 -106.04 3.14 -0.10 11.27 432.89

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C1 -12534.16 148.46 -4.39 0.14 6.19 136.27 12583.67 -148.46 4.39 -0.14 15.77 606.04 637- 1 7370.48 112.80 -8.19 0.09 36.74 445.84 735 -7335.11 -112.80 8.19 -0.09 4.23 118.16 C1 10318.67 157.92 -11.47 0.12 51.43 624.17 -10269.16 -157.92 11.47 -0.12 5.92 165.42 736- 1 11118.72 -5.45 5.44 0.08 4.88 87.58 835 -11083.35 33.75 -5.44 -0.08 -39.71 -213.08 C1 15566.21 -7.64 7.61 0.11 6.83 122.61 -15516.70 47.24 -7.61 -0.11 -55.59 -298.32 637- 1 -11113.10 19.66 -2.98 -0.08 24.30 164.91 736 11148.46 8.63 2.98 0.08 -5.22 -129.61 C1 -15558.34 27.52 -4.17 -0.12 34.03 230.87 15607.85 12.09 4.17 0.12 -7.31 -181.45 736- 1 -10447.02 113.05 6.24 0.22 14.59 110.76 836 10482.38 -113.05 -6.24 -0.22 -45.81 454.51 C1 -14625.83 158.28 8.74 0.30 20.42 155.07 14675.34 -158.28 -8.74 -0.30 -64.13 636.31 641- 1 6978.08 105.48 3.79 0.13 -12.23 420.95 736 -6942.71 -105.48 -3.79 -0.13 -6.70 106.43 C1 9769.31 147.67 5.30 0.19 -17.12 589.33 -9719.80 -147.67 -5.30 -0.19 -9.37 149.00 737- 1 12689.51 -28.05 -0.79 0.12 7.64 7.05 836 -12654.15 56.34 0.79 -0.12 -2.60 -277.24 C1 17765.31 -39.27 -1.10 0.17 10.69 9.87 -17715.80 78.88 1.10 -0.17 -3.64 -388.13 641- 1 -11205.50 10.70 2.15 0.07 19.11 119.69 737 11240.87 17.60 -2.15 -0.07 -32.89 -141.78 C1 -15687.70 14.97 3.01 0.10 26.75 167.57 15737.21 24.63 -3.01 -0.10 -46.05 -198.49 737- 1 -4647.79 89.77 20.46 0.17 -4.51 136.32 837 4683.15 -89.77 -20.46 -0.17 -97.78 312.53 C1 -6506.90 125.68 28.64 0.24 -6.31 190.85 6556.41 -125.68 -28.64 -0.24 -136.89 437.54 645- 1 -1003.04 55.95 15.25 0.20 -58.68 234.57 737 1038.40 -55.95 -15.25 -0.20 -17.58 45.19 C1 -1404.25 78.33 21.35 0.29 -82.16 328.40 1453.76 -78.33 -21.35 -0.29 -24.61 63.26 738- 1 9414.95 -32.86 -8.50 0.15 18.99 -64.38 837 -9379.59 61.15 8.50 -0.15 35.45 -236.61 C1 13180.93 -46.00 -11.90 0.21 26.59 -90.13 -13131.42 85.61 11.90 -0.21 49.63 -331.25 645- 1 -4290.96 -10.07 4.59 0.17 5.81 13.73 738 4326.32 38.36 -4.59 -0.17 -35.21 -168.79 C1 -6007.34 -14.10 6.43 0.23 8.14 19.22 6056.85 53.71 -6.43 -0.23 -49.30 -236.30 738- 1 2647.43 86.73 6.00 0.10 14.08 199.28 838 -2612.06 -86.73 -6.00 -0.10 -44.07 234.38 C1 3706.40 121.42 8.40 0.14 19.71 278.99 -3656.89 -121.42 -8.40 -0.14 -61.70 328.13 739- 1 4250.45 39.85 -2.74 0.09 -0.84 122.87 838 -4215.09 -11.56 2.74 -0.09 18.36 41.70 C1 5950.63 55.79 -3.83 0.12 -1.17 172.02 -5901.12 -16.18 3.83 -0.12 25.71 58.38 739- 1 7180.21 -0.68 9.43 0.03 3.48 -5.66 839 -7144.85 0.68 -9.43 -0.03 -50.64 2.26 C1 10052.30 -0.95 13.20 0.04 4.88 -7.92 -10002.79 0.95 -13.20 -0.04 -70.90 3.16 649- 1 1713.55 72.10 9.98 0.14 -45.25 304.38 738 -1678.19 -72.10 -9.98 -0.14 -4.67 56.14 C1 2398.97 100.95 13.98 0.19 -63.35 426.13 -2349.46 -100.95 -13.98 -0.19 -6.54 78.60 653- 1 17084.12 -85.75 14.08 -0.09 -64.85 -324.21 739 -17035.02 85.75 -14.08 0.09 -5.56 -104.53 C1 23917.77 -120.05 19.72 -0.13 -90.80 -453.89 -23849.03 120.05 -19.72 0.13 -7.79 -146.34 649- 1 -2437.72 84.41 -1.72 0.16 13.32 348.74 739 2473.08 -56.11 1.72 -0.16 -2.32 101.14 C1 -3412.80 118.17 -2.40 0.22 18.65 488.24 3462.31 -78.56 2.40 -0.22 -3.25 141.59 739- 1 3865.52 35.37 5.49 -0.09 3.49 105.12 840 -3830.16 -7.08 -5.49 0.09 -38.66 30.80 C1 5411.73 49.52 7.69 -0.13 4.88 147.16 -5362.22 -9.91 -7.69 0.13 -54.12 43.11 657- 1 -1985.19 34.02 -5.30 -0.03 34.28 154.05 739 2020.55 -5.73 5.30 0.03 -0.37 -26.80 C1 -2779.27 47.63 -7.41 -0.05 47.99 215.67 2828.78 -8.02 7.41 0.05 -0.52 -37.52 657- 1 -845.88 -13.12 8.00 0.03 -38.79 -112.69

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740 881.24 13.12 -8.00 -0.03 -1.20 47.09 C1 -1184.23 -18.37 11.20 0.04 -54.31 -157.76 1233.74 18.37 -11.20 -0.04 -1.68 65.92 740- 1 1477.58 -67.79 10.62 0.04 3.12 -157.80 840 -1442.21 67.79 -10.62 -0.04 -56.22 -181.15 C1 2068.61 -94.90 14.87 0.06 4.37 -220.91 -2019.10 94.90 -14.87 -0.06 -78.71 -253.61 740- 1 6425.50 -18.40 4.89 -0.10 7.13 -37.02 841 -6390.13 46.69 -4.89 0.10 -38.41 -171.35 C1 8995.69 -25.75 6.84 -0.13 9.98 -51.82 -8946.18 65.36 -6.84 0.13 -53.77 -239.89 661- 1 -2378.63 -18.13 -4.60 -0.05 33.34 -39.05 740 2414.00 46.42 4.60 0.05 -3.90 -167.62 C1 -3330.09 -25.38 -6.44 -0.07 46.68 -54.68 3379.60 64.99 6.44 0.07 -5.46 -234.67 661- 1 -1361.13 -35.10 9.07 0.04 -43.34 -141.35 741 1396.49 35.10 -9.07 -0.04 -2.01 -34.13 C1 -1905.58 -49.13 12.70 0.06 -60.68 -197.88 1955.09 49.13 -12.70 -0.06 -2.82 -47.79 741- 1 -3393.69 -53.07 11.59 0.02 1.37 -75.38 841 3429.05 53.07 -11.59 -0.02 -59.32 -189.99 C1 -4751.16 -74.30 16.23 0.03 1.91 -105.54 4800.67 74.30 -16.23 -0.03 -83.04 -265.98 741- 1 6857.99 -6.47 3.51 -0.09 7.96 30.39 842 -6822.63 34.77 -3.51 0.09 -30.42 -162.42 C1 9601.19 -9.06 4.91 -0.12 11.15 42.54 -9551.68 48.67 -4.91 0.12 -42.59 -227.39 665- 1 -7433.69 15.61 -5.76 -0.07 38.72 92.57 741 7469.05 12.68 5.76 0.07 -1.86 -83.18 C1 -10407.16 21.86 -8.06 -0.10 54.20 129.60 10456.67 17.75 8.06 0.10 -2.61 -116.46 665- 1 3741.03 -31.93 4.08 0.03 -20.29 -132.17 742 -3709.31 31.93 -4.08 -0.03 -0.13 -27.48 C1 5237.44 -44.70 5.72 0.05 -28.40 -185.04 -5193.04 44.70 -5.72 -0.05 -0.18 -38.48 742- 1 -5676.31 -48.91 4.37 0.02 -0.72 -63.76 842 5708.02 48.91 -4.37 -0.02 -21.14 -180.77 C1 -7946.83 -68.47 6.12 0.02 -1.00 -89.26 7991.23 68.47 -6.12 -0.02 -29.59 -253.08 742- 1 5985.91 5.79 1.98 -0.10 0.46 36.69 843 -5954.19 19.58 -1.98 0.10 -13.15 -80.87 C1 8380.27 8.10 2.77 -0.14 0.65 51.37 -8335.87 27.42 -2.77 0.14 -18.41 -113.21 669- 1 -5988.20 14.12 -2.27 -0.11 14.99 63.71 742 6019.92 11.25 2.27 0.11 -0.45 -54.55 C1 -8383.49 19.76 -3.18 -0.16 20.98 89.20 8427.89 15.76 3.18 0.16 -0.64 -76.37 669- 1 3411.49 -34.76 4.53 0.01 -23.07 -140.97 743 -3379.78 34.76 -4.53 -0.01 0.45 -32.85 C1 4776.09 -48.67 6.34 0.01 -32.30 -197.35 -4731.69 48.67 -6.34 -0.01 0.62 -46.00 743- 1 -4719.21 -45.12 4.69 0.01 -1.36 -59.19 843 4750.92 45.12 -4.69 -0.01 -22.07 -166.40 C1 -6606.90 -63.17 6.56 0.02 -1.91 -82.87 6651.29 63.17 -6.56 -0.02 -30.89 -232.96 743- 1 5164.38 8.49 1.70 -0.10 0.48 35.83 844 -5132.67 16.88 -1.70 0.10 -11.37 -62.67 C1 7230.13 11.89 2.38 -0.14 0.67 50.16 -7185.73 23.63 -2.38 0.14 -15.91 -87.74 673- 1 -5157.07 10.62 -1.86 -0.13 12.44 42.97 743 5188.79 14.76 1.86 0.13 -0.52 -56.22 C1 -7219.90 14.86 -2.61 -0.18 17.41 60.15 7264.30 20.66 2.61 0.18 -0.73 -78.71 673- 1 2366.83 -25.96 4.34 -0.02 -22.61 -106.51 744 -2335.11 25.96 -4.34 0.02 0.91 -23.28 C1 3313.56 -36.34 6.08 -0.03 -31.65 -149.11 -3269.16 36.34 -6.08 0.03 1.27 -32.59 744- 1 -3841.57 -36.58 4.43 -0.01 -1.11 -50.27 844 3873.29 36.58 -4.43 0.01 -21.06 -132.63 C1 -5378.20 -51.21 6.21 -0.02 -1.55 -70.38 5422.60 51.21 -6.21 0.02 -29.49 -185.68 744- 1 3932.64 8.69 1.39 -0.09 0.01 25.97 845 -3900.92 16.68 -1.39 0.09 -8.91 -51.54 C1 5505.69 12.17 1.95 -0.13 0.02 36.36 -5461.29 23.35 -1.95 0.13 -12.48 -72.15 677- 1 -3926.36 9.93 -1.48 -0.13 9.57 29.94 744 3958.08 15.44 1.48 0.13 -0.07 -47.58 C1 -5496.91 13.90 -2.08 -0.18 13.40 41.91 5541.31 21.62 2.08 0.18 -0.09 -66.61

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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677- 1 -741.37 -14.52 3.96 -0.04 -20.69 -72.62 745 773.09 14.52 -3.96 0.04 0.90 0.00 C1 -1037.92 -20.33 5.54 -0.05 -28.96 -101.66 1082.32 20.33 -5.54 0.05 1.25 0.01 745- 1 -773.09 -14.52 3.96 -0.04 -0.90 -0.00 845 804.80 14.52 -3.96 0.04 -18.89 -72.61 C1 -1082.32 -20.33 5.54 -0.05 -1.25 -0.01 1126.72 20.33 -5.54 0.05 -26.45 -101.65 746- 1 -2661.04 12.79 -1.74 0.07 -2.22 -12.12 845 2692.75 12.58 1.74 -0.07 13.35 12.80 C1 -3725.46 17.91 -2.43 0.10 -3.11 -16.97 3769.86 17.61 2.43 -0.10 18.69 17.91 677- 1 2666.56 5.82 1.86 0.10 -14.15 -34.44 746 -2634.85 19.55 -1.86 -0.10 2.26 -9.51 C1 3733.19 8.15 2.60 0.15 -19.81 -48.22 -3688.79 27.37 -2.60 -0.15 3.17 -13.31 746- 1 1282.05 -4.32 4.61 -0.06 -2.71 12.56 846 -1250.34 4.32 -4.61 0.06 -20.33 -34.18 C1 1794.88 -6.05 6.45 -0.09 -3.80 17.59 -1750.48 6.05 -6.45 0.09 -28.46 -47.85 681- 1 -2801.42 -15.41 4.49 -0.06 -21.56 -61.86 746 2833.14 15.41 -4.49 0.06 -0.90 -15.17 C1 -3921.99 -21.57 6.29 -0.09 -30.18 -86.61 3966.39 21.57 -6.29 0.09 -1.26 -21.24 747- 1 -1429.99 12.00 -1.76 0.07 -3.43 -6.10 846 1461.70 13.37 1.76 -0.07 14.72 1.72 C1 -2001.98 16.80 -2.47 0.10 -4.80 -8.54 2046.38 18.72 2.47 -0.10 20.61 2.40 681- 1 1435.54 6.62 1.93 0.09 -15.78 -23.32 747 -1403.83 18.76 -1.93 -0.09 3.44 -15.54 C1 2009.76 9.26 2.70 0.13 -22.09 -32.65 -1965.36 26.26 -2.70 -0.13 4.81 -21.76 747- 1 317.12 2.86 5.11 -0.09 -3.20 18.58 847 -285.40 -2.86 -5.11 0.09 -22.34 -4.29 C1 443.96 4.00 7.15 -0.12 -4.48 26.01 -399.56 -4.00 -7.15 0.12 -31.28 -6.01 685- 1 -1844.80 -8.21 4.95 -0.10 -22.47 -31.90 747 1876.51 8.21 -4.95 0.10 -2.26 -9.14 C1 -2582.71 -11.49 6.92 -0.14 -31.45 -44.66 2627.11 11.49 -6.92 0.14 -3.17 -12.79 748- 1 -180.41 11.10 -1.90 0.08 -4.60 0.29 847 212.13 14.27 1.90 -0.08 16.76 -10.42 C1 -252.58 15.55 -2.66 0.11 -6.43 0.41 296.98 19.97 2.66 -0.11 23.46 -14.59 685- 1 187.27 7.49 2.11 0.08 -18.03 -11.24 748 -155.55 17.88 -2.11 -0.08 4.54 -22.03 C1 262.17 10.48 2.95 0.11 -25.25 -15.74 -217.77 25.04 -2.95 -0.11 6.35 -30.85 748- 1 -611.77 9.88 5.74 -0.10 -3.10 24.35 848 643.48 -9.88 -5.74 0.10 -25.63 25.02 C1 -856.48 13.83 8.04 -0.14 -4.34 34.10 900.88 -13.83 -8.04 0.14 -35.88 35.03 689- 1 -824.29 -0.36 5.54 -0.14 -23.55 0.21 748 856.01 0.36 -5.54 0.14 -4.14 -2.03 C1 -1154.01 -0.51 7.75 -0.19 -32.96 0.29 1198.41 0.51 -7.75 0.19 -5.79 -2.84 749- 1 1063.45 10.73 -2.09 0.11 -5.49 8.43 848 -1031.74 14.65 2.09 -0.11 18.86 -20.98 C1 1488.84 15.02 -2.92 0.16 -7.69 11.80 -1444.44 20.50 2.92 -0.16 26.40 -29.38 689- 1 -1054.54 8.80 2.49 0.05 -21.23 2.88 749 1086.25 16.57 -2.49 -0.05 5.27 -27.75 C1 -1476.35 12.32 3.49 0.07 -29.72 4.04 1520.75 23.20 -3.49 -0.07 7.37 -38.85 749- 1 -1425.57 17.19 6.44 -0.09 -1.52 30.54 849 1457.28 -17.19 -6.44 0.09 -30.67 55.43 C1 -1995.79 24.07 9.01 -0.13 -2.13 42.75 2040.19 -24.07 -9.01 0.13 -42.94 77.60 693- 1 301.84 7.52 6.03 -0.18 -23.18 31.94 749 -270.12 -7.52 -6.03 0.18 -6.98 5.65 C1 422.57 10.52 8.45 -0.26 -32.45 44.71 -378.17 -10.52 -8.45 0.26 -9.78 7.90 750- 1 1766.91 7.31 -2.50 0.18 -5.36 5.36 849 -1735.20 18.06 2.50 -0.18 21.40 -39.75 C1 2473.67 10.24 -3.51 0.25 -7.50 7.51 -2429.27 25.28 3.51 -0.25 29.96 -55.65 693- 1 -1777.24 13.62 3.06 -0.01 -24.41 26.10 750 1808.96 11.75 -3.06 0.01 4.83 -20.11 C1 -2488.14 19.07 4.28 -0.02 -34.17 36.54

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2532.54 16.45 -4.28 0.02 6.76 -28.15 750- 1 -2630.19 20.88 6.47 -0.05 3.16 35.06 850 2661.90 -20.88 -6.47 0.05 -35.49 69.36 C1 -3682.27 29.24 9.05 -0.07 4.42 49.08 3726.67 -29.24 -9.05 0.07 -49.68 97.11 697- 1 205.71 -1.92 5.91 -0.24 -18.35 0.00 750 -174.00 1.92 -5.91 0.24 -11.21 -9.59 C1 288.00 -2.69 8.28 -0.33 -25.69 0.00 -243.60 2.69 -8.28 0.33 -15.70 -13.43 751- 1 3917.65 -2.07 -2.41 0.14 -16.66 -31.79 850 -3885.94 27.44 2.41 -0.14 32.13 -62.68 C1 5484.71 -2.90 -3.38 0.20 -23.33 -44.51 -5440.31 38.42 3.38 -0.20 44.98 -87.75 697- 1 -4071.27 8.31 -2.23 0.11 -2.90 -8.21 751 4102.99 17.06 2.23 -0.11 17.16 -19.80 C1 -5699.78 11.64 -3.12 0.15 -4.05 -11.49 5744.18 23.88 3.12 -0.15 24.02 -27.72 751- 1 146.53 42.31 16.01 -0.26 -11.58 103.35 851 -114.81 -42.31 -16.01 0.26 -68.49 108.18 C1 205.14 59.23 22.42 -0.36 -16.21 144.69 -160.74 -59.23 -22.42 0.36 -95.88 151.45 751- 1 6418.96 -58.54 -20.66 0.08 14.99 -115.34 900 -6450.67 58.54 20.66 -0.08 88.29 -177.34 C1 8986.54 -81.95 -28.92 0.11 20.98 -161.48 -9030.94 81.95 28.92 -0.11 123.61 -248.28 301- 1 100.78 -10.29 -6.75 0.01 -2.93 -16.95 401 -69.06 10.29 6.75 -0.01 36.69 -34.51 C1 141.09 -14.41 -9.45 0.01 -4.10 -23.73 -96.69 14.41 9.45 -0.01 51.36 -48.32 1- 1 3004.46 23.81 -6.84 -0.04 29.49 84.55 301 -2972.75 -23.81 6.84 0.04 4.72 34.50 C1 4206.25 33.33 -9.58 -0.06 41.29 118.37 -4161.85 -33.33 9.58 0.06 6.61 48.30 301- 1 1823.24 11.42 -3.21 0.20 -1.15 16.47 402 -1791.53 13.95 3.21 -0.20 21.67 -24.58 C1 2552.54 15.99 -4.49 0.28 -1.60 23.06 -2508.14 19.53 4.49 -0.28 30.34 -34.41 5- 1 -1820.86 34.16 3.11 0.09 -20.86 103.50 301 1852.57 -8.79 -3.11 -0.09 0.92 34.02 C1 -2549.20 47.83 4.36 0.12 -29.21 144.90 2593.60 -12.31 -4.36 -0.12 1.29 47.63 302- 1 -1034.53 -17.03 -6.86 -0.01 -0.81 -27.26 402 1066.24 17.03 6.86 0.01 35.13 -57.87 C1 -1448.34 -23.84 -9.61 -0.01 -1.13 -38.17 1492.74 23.84 9.61 0.01 49.18 -81.02 5- 1 2589.19 -22.01 -6.88 -0.06 30.11 -88.54 302 -2557.47 22.01 6.88 0.06 4.27 -21.54 C1 3624.86 -30.82 -9.63 -0.08 42.16 -123.95 -3580.46 30.82 9.63 0.08 5.98 -30.15 302- 1 2290.73 10.26 -2.60 0.16 -2.19 15.29 403 -2259.02 15.11 2.60 -0.16 18.85 -30.81 C1 3207.03 14.37 -3.64 0.23 -3.07 21.41 -3162.63 21.15 3.64 -0.23 26.39 -43.13 9- 1 -2257.20 10.18 2.59 0.10 -18.60 17.45 302 2288.91 15.19 -2.59 -0.10 2.03 -33.51 C1 -3160.08 14.25 3.62 0.14 -26.04 24.43 3204.48 21.27 -3.62 -0.14 2.84 -46.91 303- 1 -1648.10 -18.61 -6.32 -0.01 0.60 -35.49 403 1679.82 18.61 6.32 0.01 30.99 -57.57 C1 -2307.35 -26.06 -8.84 -0.02 0.84 -49.69 2351.75 26.06 8.84 0.02 43.38 -80.60 9- 1 59.56 -5.19 -6.19 -0.05 27.97 -27.13 303 -27.85 5.19 6.19 0.05 2.99 1.17 C1 83.39 -7.27 -8.67 -0.07 39.16 -37.98 -38.99 7.27 8.67 0.07 4.18 1.64 303- 1 1046.49 9.53 -2.05 0.13 -2.25 4.54 404 -1014.77 15.84 2.05 -0.13 15.37 -24.77 C1 1465.08 13.34 -2.87 0.18 -3.15 6.35 -1420.68 22.18 2.87 -0.18 21.52 -34.67 13- 1 -1046.36 7.76 2.18 0.11 -16.08 -1.75 303 1078.07 17.61 -2.18 -0.11 2.15 -29.78 C1 -1464.90 10.87 3.05 0.15 -22.52 -2.44 1509.30 24.65 -3.05 -0.15 3.02 -41.70 13- 1 -962.12 4.21 -5.27 -0.03 24.93 10.54 304 993.84 -4.21 5.27 0.03 1.43 10.50 C1 -1346.97 5.89 -7.38 -0.05 34.90 14.75 1391.37 -5.89 7.38 0.05 2.01 14.70 304- 1 -723.96 -12.60 -5.43 -0.01 1.25 -30.70 404 755.67 12.60 5.43 0.01 25.91 -32.28

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C1 -1013.54 -17.63 -7.60 -0.02 1.75 -42.97 1057.94 17.63 7.60 0.02 36.27 -45.19 304- 1 -202.01 10.96 -1.77 0.10 -1.65 -0.75 405 233.72 14.41 1.77 -0.10 12.99 -10.28 C1 -282.82 15.35 -2.48 0.14 -2.30 -1.04 327.21 20.17 2.48 -0.14 18.19 -14.39 17- 1 198.31 7.59 1.93 0.11 -13.99 -11.67 304 -166.59 17.78 -1.93 -0.11 1.62 -20.94 C1 277.63 10.63 2.70 0.15 -19.59 -16.34 -233.23 24.89 -2.70 -0.15 2.27 -29.32 17- 1 -1846.76 11.21 -4.55 -0.02 22.45 39.82 305 1878.48 -11.21 4.55 0.02 0.31 16.22 C1 -2585.47 15.69 -6.37 -0.02 31.43 55.75 2629.87 -15.69 6.37 0.02 0.43 22.70 305- 1 336.65 -4.77 -4.70 -0.01 1.42 -23.56 405 -304.93 4.77 4.70 0.01 22.06 -0.29 C1 471.30 -6.68 -6.58 -0.02 1.99 -32.99 -426.90 6.68 6.58 0.02 30.89 -0.41 305- 1 -1447.47 11.97 -1.63 0.09 -1.02 -6.88 406 1479.18 13.40 1.63 -0.09 11.46 2.32 C1 -2026.45 16.76 -2.28 0.12 -1.43 -9.63 2070.85 18.76 2.28 -0.12 16.05 3.25 21- 1 1445.40 6.84 1.78 0.11 -12.41 -23.23 305 -1413.69 18.54 -1.78 -0.11 1.04 -14.22 C1 2023.56 9.57 2.49 0.15 -17.37 -32.53 -1979.16 25.95 -2.49 -0.15 1.45 -19.91 21- 1 -2790.39 18.30 -4.09 -0.00 20.66 69.30 306 2822.11 -18.30 4.09 0.00 -0.23 22.22 C1 -3906.55 25.63 -5.72 -0.00 28.92 97.02 3950.95 -25.63 5.72 0.00 -0.32 31.11 306- 1 1291.94 2.58 -4.18 -0.01 1.35 -17.22 406 -1260.23 -2.58 4.18 0.01 19.54 30.10 C1 1808.72 3.61 -5.85 -0.01 1.90 -24.10 -1764.32 -3.61 5.85 0.01 27.35 42.14 306- 1 -2663.78 12.58 -1.53 0.08 -0.63 -13.20 407 2695.49 12.79 1.53 -0.08 10.43 12.53 C1 -3729.29 17.61 -2.14 0.11 -0.88 -18.48 3773.69 17.91 2.14 -0.11 14.61 17.54 25- 1 2661.96 6.11 1.62 0.10 -11.07 -33.90 306 -2630.25 19.26 -1.62 -0.10 0.67 -8.20 C1 3726.75 8.55 2.27 0.14 -15.49 -47.46 -3682.35 26.97 -2.27 -0.14 0.94 -11.48 25- 1 -738.64 14.57 -3.61 -0.00 18.74 72.84 307 770.35 -14.57 3.61 0.00 -0.68 0.01 C1 -1034.10 20.40 -5.06 -0.00 26.24 101.98 1078.50 -20.40 5.06 0.00 -0.95 0.01 307- 1 -770.35 14.57 -3.61 -0.00 0.68 -0.01 407 802.07 -14.57 3.61 0.00 17.39 72.86 C1 -1078.50 20.40 -5.06 -0.00 0.95 -0.01 1122.90 -20.40 5.06 0.00 24.34 102.01 308- 1 3951.72 8.44 1.64 -0.08 0.05 24.96 407 -3920.00 16.93 -1.64 0.08 -10.53 -52.11 C1 5532.41 11.82 2.29 -0.11 0.07 34.94 -5488.01 23.70 -2.29 0.11 -14.75 -72.96 25- 1 -3952.91 10.22 -1.75 -0.10 11.31 30.61 308 3984.63 15.16 1.75 0.10 -0.09 -46.43 C1 -5534.08 14.30 -2.45 -0.14 15.83 42.86 5578.48 21.22 2.45 0.14 -0.13 -65.00 308- 1 -3858.33 38.48 -3.73 0.00 0.89 55.08 408 3890.04 -38.48 3.73 -0.00 17.77 137.33 C1 -5401.66 53.88 -5.23 0.01 1.25 77.11 5446.06 -53.88 5.23 -0.01 24.88 192.27 29- 1 2385.38 23.16 -3.62 -0.00 18.76 99.51 308 -2353.66 -23.16 3.62 0.00 -0.67 16.31 C1 3339.53 32.43 -5.07 -0.00 26.27 139.32 -3295.13 -32.43 5.07 0.00 -0.94 22.83 309- 1 5168.94 8.39 1.69 -0.08 -0.17 35.00 408 -5137.22 16.98 -1.69 0.08 -10.68 -62.50 C1 7236.51 11.75 2.37 -0.11 -0.24 49.00 -7192.11 23.77 -2.37 0.11 -14.95 -87.50 29- 1 -5168.75 10.78 -1.85 -0.10 11.70 43.03 309 5200.47 14.59 1.85 0.10 0.14 -55.21 C1 -7236.26 15.10 -2.59 -0.13 16.39 60.25 7280.66 20.42 2.59 0.13 0.19 -77.29 309- 1 -4709.93 46.97 -3.56 0.00 0.64 64.01 409 4741.64 -46.97 3.56 -0.00 17.18 170.83 C1 -6593.90 65.75 -4.99 0.00 0.89 89.62 6638.30 -65.75 4.99 -0.00 24.05 239.16 33- 1 3433.29 32.11 -3.41 -0.00 17.80 134.34

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309 -3401.57 -32.11 3.41 0.00 -0.76 26.20 C1 4806.60 44.95 -4.77 -0.00 24.92 188.07 -4762.20 -44.95 4.77 0.00 -1.07 36.68 310- 1 6083.80 6.44 1.62 -0.08 -0.32 38.58 409 -6052.08 18.93 -1.62 0.08 -10.07 -78.58 C1 8517.32 9.01 2.27 -0.11 -0.45 54.01 -8472.92 26.51 -2.27 0.11 -14.10 -110.01 33- 1 -6093.07 13.79 -1.86 -0.09 11.62 62.62 310 6124.79 11.58 1.86 0.09 0.32 -55.57 C1 -8530.30 19.30 -2.61 -0.12 16.27 87.67 8574.70 16.22 2.61 0.12 0.45 -77.80 310- 1 -5716.32 52.78 -3.42 -0.01 0.11 70.94 410 5748.03 -52.78 3.42 0.01 16.97 192.93 C1 -8002.84 73.89 -4.78 -0.01 0.16 99.32 8047.24 -73.89 4.78 0.01 23.76 270.11 37- 1 3859.96 31.19 -3.17 -0.00 16.38 132.74 310 -3828.25 -31.19 3.17 0.00 -0.51 23.20 C1 5403.94 43.66 -4.44 -0.00 22.93 185.83 -5359.54 -43.66 4.44 0.00 -0.71 32.48 311- 1 6645.29 1.93 0.88 -0.09 1.70 26.30 410 -6613.57 23.44 -0.88 0.09 -7.32 -95.18 C1 9303.40 2.70 1.23 -0.13 2.37 36.82 -9259.00 32.82 -1.23 0.13 -10.24 -133.26 37- 1 -7400.12 13.99 -2.16 -0.07 12.39 60.06 311 7431.84 11.38 2.16 0.07 1.41 -51.69 C1 -10360.17 19.59 -3.02 -0.10 17.35 84.09 10404.57 15.93 3.02 0.10 1.98 -72.37 311- 1 -3076.36 34.04 -4.78 -0.03 -0.20 49.25 411 3108.07 -34.04 4.78 0.03 24.10 120.96 C1 -4306.90 47.66 -6.69 -0.04 -0.27 68.94 4351.30 -47.66 6.69 0.04 33.74 169.35 41- 1 -1141.15 22.81 -3.92 0.00 17.33 90.95 311 1172.86 -22.81 3.92 -0.00 2.26 23.09 C1 -1597.61 31.93 -5.49 0.01 24.27 127.34 1642.01 -31.93 5.49 -0.01 3.16 32.33 312- 1 6204.93 -6.12 2.10 -0.12 -0.53 -15.00 411 -6173.22 31.49 -2.10 0.12 -12.91 -105.39 C1 8686.90 -8.56 2.94 -0.17 -0.74 -21.00 -8642.50 44.08 -2.94 0.17 -18.07 -147.54 41- 1 -2783.84 -3.85 -2.58 -0.06 12.20 -9.26 312 2815.56 29.22 2.58 0.06 4.34 -96.64 C1 -3897.38 -5.39 -3.62 -0.09 17.09 -12.96 3941.78 40.91 3.62 0.09 6.07 -135.29 312- 1 1390.98 41.14 -3.90 -0.02 -2.12 93.96 412 -1359.27 -41.14 3.90 0.02 21.64 111.75 C1 1947.37 57.60 -5.46 -0.03 -2.97 131.54 -1902.97 -57.60 5.46 0.03 30.29 156.45 45- 1 -459.22 10.56 -3.74 -0.01 14.98 75.19 312 490.93 -10.56 3.74 0.01 3.70 -22.38 C1 -642.90 14.79 -5.23 -0.02 20.97 105.27 687.30 -14.79 5.23 0.02 5.18 -31.33 313- 1 3830.60 25.20 2.80 -0.11 -3.69 67.89 412 -3798.89 0.18 -2.80 0.11 -14.24 12.21 C1 5362.84 35.27 3.92 -0.16 -5.17 95.05 -5318.44 0.25 -3.92 0.16 -19.94 17.10 45- 1 -2136.05 25.98 -2.21 -0.04 9.15 101.54 313 2167.76 -0.60 2.21 0.04 4.97 -16.44 C1 -2990.47 36.37 -3.09 -0.05 12.81 142.15 3034.87 -0.85 3.09 0.05 6.96 -23.02 313- 1 7213.86 3.55 -7.46 -0.03 -5.03 8.61 413 -7178.49 -3.55 7.46 0.03 42.33 9.14 C1 10099.40 4.97 -10.44 -0.04 -7.04 12.06 -10049.89 -4.97 10.44 0.04 59.26 12.79 49- 1 17508.15 77.91 -6.56 -0.02 22.72 304.42 313 -17459.05 -77.91 6.56 0.02 10.05 85.11 C1 24511.41 109.07 -9.18 -0.03 31.81 426.18 -24442.67 -109.07 9.18 0.03 14.08 119.15 313- 1 4379.56 33.35 -3.32 0.07 -8.17 109.01 414 -4344.19 -5.05 3.32 -0.07 29.44 13.93 C1 6131.38 46.68 -4.65 0.10 -11.44 152.62 -6081.87 -7.08 4.65 -0.10 41.21 19.50 53- 1 -2711.48 91.87 4.82 -0.08 -37.69 379.28 313 2746.84 -63.58 -4.82 0.08 6.81 118.40 C1 -3796.07 128.62 6.75 -0.11 -52.76 530.99 3845.58 -89.01 -6.75 0.11 9.54 165.76 53- 1 1557.55 -87.69 -3.27 -0.12 10.62 -349.11 314 -1522.19 87.69 3.27 0.12 5.73 -89.32 C1 2180.57 -122.76 -4.58 -0.17 14.87 -488.75 -2131.06 122.76 4.58 0.17 8.03 -125.05

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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314- 1 2837.75 -103.59 -5.22 -0.10 -4.38 -235.23 414 -2802.39 103.59 5.22 0.10 30.49 -282.69 C1 3972.85 -145.02 -7.31 -0.14 -6.13 -329.33 -3923.34 145.02 7.31 0.14 42.68 -395.77 314- 1 9488.66 -10.75 -0.08 0.03 -22.71 -20.88 415 -9453.29 39.04 0.08 -0.03 23.22 -138.53 C1 13284.12 -15.05 -0.11 0.05 -31.80 -29.24 -13234.61 54.66 0.11 -0.05 32.50 -193.95 57- 1 -4212.82 -32.48 2.11 -0.08 -37.44 -86.14 314 4248.18 60.77 -2.11 0.08 23.93 -212.38 C1 -5897.95 -45.47 2.95 -0.11 -52.41 -120.59 5947.46 85.07 -2.95 0.11 33.50 -297.34 57- 1 -3860.44 -18.87 -1.34 -0.17 6.92 -106.35 315 3895.80 18.87 1.34 0.17 -0.21 12.01 C1 -5404.61 -26.41 -1.88 -0.23 9.68 -148.88 5454.12 26.41 1.88 0.23 -0.30 16.82 315- 1 -1568.38 -52.58 2.59 -0.15 -16.01 -77.77 415 1603.74 52.58 -2.59 0.15 3.06 -185.12 C1 -2195.73 -73.61 3.62 -0.21 -22.41 -108.87 2245.24 73.61 -3.62 0.21 4.29 -259.16 315- 1 7138.54 -14.83 -7.56 0.06 -13.26 1.08 416 -7103.17 43.12 7.56 -0.06 61.66 -186.58 C1 9993.95 -20.76 -10.58 0.08 -18.56 1.51 -9944.44 60.36 10.58 -0.08 86.32 -261.22 61- 1 -5583.53 -1.97 5.57 0.00 -54.43 30.50 315 5618.89 30.26 -5.57 -0.00 18.75 -133.68 C1 -7816.94 -2.75 7.80 0.00 -76.20 42.71 7866.45 42.36 -7.80 -0.00 26.24 -187.15 61- 1 520.15 -73.37 -9.98 -0.15 44.88 -258.52 316 -484.79 73.37 9.98 0.15 5.00 -108.32 C1 728.21 -102.71 -13.97 -0.22 62.83 -361.92 -678.70 102.71 13.97 0.22 7.00 -151.65 316- 1 -3794.93 -67.63 -10.25 -0.16 -2.51 -78.95 416 3830.30 67.63 10.25 0.16 53.78 -259.21 C1 -5312.90 -94.68 -14.36 -0.23 -3.52 -110.52 5362.41 94.68 14.36 0.23 75.29 -362.89 316- 1 10568.31 -10.44 -9.26 0.09 -16.53 39.76 417 -10532.94 38.73 9.26 -0.09 75.81 -197.18 C1 14795.63 -14.61 -12.96 0.13 -23.15 55.66 -14746.12 54.22 12.96 -0.13 106.14 -276.05 65- 1 -11149.72 32.14 7.39 0.11 -57.17 175.26 316 11185.09 -3.84 -7.39 -0.11 9.85 -60.06 C1 -15609.61 44.99 10.35 0.15 -80.04 245.36 15659.12 -5.38 -10.35 -0.15 13.79 -84.09 65- 1 7702.07 -91.26 -20.48 -0.13 84.40 -379.84 317 -7666.70 91.26 20.48 0.13 18.00 -76.44 C1 10782.89 -127.76 -28.67 -0.19 118.16 -531.78 -10733.38 127.76 28.67 0.19 25.20 -107.02 317- 1 -9110.41 -90.58 -16.29 -0.08 -3.06 -73.72 417 9145.77 90.58 16.29 0.08 84.53 -379.20 C1 -12754.57 -126.82 -22.81 -0.11 -4.29 -103.21 12804.08 126.82 22.81 0.11 118.34 -530.88 317- 1 10743.60 -16.22 -9.43 0.14 -9.51 53.54 418 -10708.23 44.51 9.43 -0.14 69.86 -247.97 C1 15041.04 -22.71 -13.20 0.20 -13.31 74.96 -14991.53 62.31 13.20 -0.20 97.81 -347.16 69- 1 -10722.41 32.31 5.24 0.13 -42.95 212.91 317 10757.77 -4.02 -5.24 -0.13 9.41 -96.62 C1 -15011.37 45.23 7.33 0.18 -60.13 298.08 15060.88 -5.62 -7.33 -0.18 13.17 -135.27 69- 1 5982.85 -78.72 -12.85 -0.01 50.46 -273.14 318 -5963.56 78.72 12.85 0.01 13.81 -120.46 C1 8375.99 -110.21 -18.00 -0.02 70.65 -382.40 -8348.99 110.21 18.00 0.02 19.34 -168.65 318- 1 -7228.88 -24.66 -9.92 0.00 -1.45 12.50 418 7248.17 24.66 9.92 -0.00 51.05 -135.78 C1 -10120.44 -34.52 -13.89 0.01 -2.03 17.50 10147.44 34.52 13.89 -0.01 71.46 -190.09 318- 1 8501.32 -2.72 -3.38 0.13 -7.95 100.01 419 -8465.96 31.01 3.38 -0.13 29.62 -208.03 C1 11901.85 -3.81 -4.74 0.18 -11.13 140.02 -11852.34 43.42 4.74 -0.18 41.46 -291.24 73- 1 -8385.02 26.53 0.45 0.01 -10.65 128.42 318 8404.31 -11.10 -0.45 -0.01 7.77 -7.95 C1 -11739.03 37.14 0.63 0.02 -14.90 179.79 11766.03 -15.54 -0.63 -0.02 10.88 -11.13 73- 1 5577.53 -79.84 -6.70 -0.00 29.72 -279.69 319 -5558.24 79.84 6.70 0.00 3.79 -119.50 C1 7808.54 -111.77 -9.38 -0.00 41.61 -391.56

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-7781.53 111.77 9.38 0.00 5.30 -167.31 319- 1 -7168.44 -29.89 -5.38 0.01 -3.21 4.92 419 7187.73 29.89 5.38 -0.01 30.10 -154.39 C1 -10035.82 -41.85 -7.53 0.01 -4.49 6.89 10062.82 41.85 7.53 -0.01 42.14 -216.14 319- 1 8197.71 1.28 -2.75 0.09 -0.39 102.31 420 -8162.35 27.01 2.75 -0.09 17.99 -184.69 C1 11476.80 1.79 -3.85 0.13 -0.54 143.23 -11427.29 37.82 3.85 -0.13 25.19 -258.56 77- 1 -8086.63 23.62 1.43 0.01 -9.41 114.13 319 8105.92 -8.19 -1.43 -0.01 0.27 -12.28 C1 -11321.28 33.07 2.00 0.02 -13.17 159.79 11348.29 -11.47 -2.00 -0.02 0.38 -17.19 77- 1 4297.79 -45.62 -4.13 0.00 23.83 -190.38 320 -4278.50 45.62 4.13 -0.00 -3.19 -37.69 C1 6016.91 -63.86 -5.78 0.01 33.36 -266.54 -5989.91 63.86 5.78 -0.01 -4.46 -52.77 320- 1 -5897.21 -47.54 -4.26 0.01 -2.79 -42.33 420 5916.50 47.54 4.26 -0.01 24.07 -195.35 C1 -8256.09 -66.55 -5.96 0.01 -3.90 -59.27 8283.09 66.55 5.96 -0.01 33.70 -273.49 320- 1 6507.27 -2.30 -2.25 0.01 3.83 26.52 421 -6487.98 17.73 2.25 -0.01 10.58 -90.64 C1 9110.17 -3.22 -3.15 0.02 5.37 37.13 -9083.17 24.82 3.15 -0.02 14.81 -126.89 81- 1 -6501.63 9.27 2.38 0.02 -11.40 63.47 320 6520.91 6.16 -2.38 -0.02 -3.84 -53.51 C1 -9102.28 12.98 3.33 0.02 -15.96 88.85 9129.28 8.62 -3.33 -0.02 -5.37 -74.91 81- 1 3736.42 -39.63 -4.61 0.01 28.29 -168.15 321 -3717.14 39.63 4.61 -0.01 -5.23 -29.98 C1 5230.99 -55.48 -6.46 0.01 39.60 -235.41 -5203.99 55.48 6.46 -0.01 -7.32 -41.98 321- 1 -5268.26 -42.36 -4.89 0.01 -2.04 -36.70 421 5287.55 42.36 4.89 -0.01 26.50 -175.10 C1 -7375.57 -59.31 -6.85 0.01 -2.85 -51.39 7402.57 59.31 6.85 -0.01 37.10 -245.15 321- 1 5744.46 -1.90 -2.27 0.01 4.67 19.92 422 -5725.17 17.33 2.27 -0.01 9.85 -81.49 C1 8042.24 -2.66 -3.17 0.02 6.54 27.89 -8015.23 24.26 3.17 -0.02 13.79 -114.09 85- 1 -5739.71 9.20 2.55 0.02 -11.65 56.26 321 5759.00 6.23 -2.55 -0.02 -4.66 -46.77 C1 -8035.60 12.88 3.57 0.02 -16.31 78.77 8062.60 8.73 -3.57 -0.02 -6.53 -65.48 85- 1 2380.25 -30.53 -5.70 0.01 31.87 -138.48 322 -2360.96 30.53 5.70 -0.01 -3.34 -14.19 C1 3332.35 -42.75 -7.99 0.02 44.61 -193.87 -3305.35 42.75 7.99 -0.02 -4.68 -19.86 322- 1 -4008.11 -37.19 -5.95 0.01 0.68 -31.85 422 4027.40 37.19 5.95 -0.01 29.09 -154.08 C1 -5611.36 -52.06 -8.33 0.02 0.95 -44.59 5638.36 52.06 8.33 -0.02 40.72 -215.71 322- 1 4065.71 2.38 -0.63 0.01 1.72 14.58 423 -4051.34 9.11 0.63 -0.01 2.32 -36.14 C1 5691.99 3.33 -0.88 0.02 2.41 20.41 -5671.88 12.76 0.88 -0.02 3.24 -50.60 89- 1 -4068.41 3.97 0.88 0.02 -3.91 20.12 322 4082.78 7.52 -0.88 -0.02 -1.72 -31.46 C1 -5695.78 5.56 1.23 0.02 -5.48 28.17 5715.89 10.53 -1.23 -0.02 -2.40 -44.05 89- 1 1605.13 -14.36 -1.19 0.01 7.89 -62.22 323 -1590.77 14.36 1.19 -0.01 -1.93 -9.59 C1 2247.18 -20.11 -1.67 0.02 11.05 -87.11 -2227.07 20.11 1.67 -0.02 -2.70 -13.42 323- 1 -3041.33 -18.53 -1.69 0.01 0.72 -20.57 423 3055.70 18.53 1.69 -0.01 7.73 -72.10 C1 -4257.86 -25.95 -2.37 0.01 1.00 -28.80 4277.98 25.95 2.37 -0.01 10.83 -100.94 323- 1 2955.19 1.75 -0.18 0.01 0.79 5.57 424 -2940.82 9.74 0.18 -0.01 0.35 -31.15 C1 4137.26 2.45 -0.25 0.01 1.10 7.80 -4117.15 13.64 0.25 -0.01 0.49 -43.60 93- 1 -2954.89 3.83 0.67 0.02 -3.54 12.28 323 2969.26 7.67 -0.67 -0.02 -0.78 -24.58 C1 -4136.85 5.36 0.94 0.02 -4.96 17.20 4156.96 10.73 -0.94 -0.02 -1.09 -34.42 93- 1 712.68 -8.97 -0.76 0.01 6.47 -40.14 324 -698.31 8.97 0.76 -0.01 -2.66 -4.70

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C1 997.75 -12.56 -1.07 0.02 9.06 -56.19 -977.63 12.56 1.07 -0.02 -3.72 -6.58 324- 1 -2258.94 -13.71 -1.49 0.01 1.74 -16.65 424 2273.31 13.71 1.49 -0.01 5.72 -51.90 C1 -3162.52 -19.20 -2.09 0.01 2.43 -23.31 3182.63 19.20 2.09 -0.01 8.00 -72.66 324- 1 1881.46 2.67 0.06 0.00 0.61 1.06 425 -1867.10 8.82 -0.06 -0.00 -0.99 -20.75 C1 2634.05 3.74 0.08 0.00 0.85 1.48 -2613.94 12.35 -0.08 -0.00 -1.38 -29.05 97- 1 -1882.21 2.80 0.67 0.01 -3.69 1.44 324 1896.58 8.69 -0.67 -0.01 -0.59 -20.30 C1 -2635.10 3.92 0.94 0.02 -5.17 2.02 2655.21 12.17 -0.94 -0.02 -0.82 -28.42 97- 1 -117.76 -2.71 -0.38 0.01 5.23 -15.03 325 132.13 2.71 0.38 -0.01 -3.31 1.46 C1 -164.87 -3.80 -0.54 0.02 7.32 -21.04 184.98 3.80 0.54 -0.02 -4.63 2.05 325- 1 -1431.25 -7.55 -1.32 0.00 2.99 -10.59 425 1445.62 7.55 1.32 -0.00 3.62 -27.16 C1 -2003.75 -10.57 -1.85 0.00 4.18 -14.82 2023.87 10.57 1.85 -0.00 5.07 -38.03 325- 1 819.61 2.83 0.35 -0.00 0.23 -4.96 426 -805.24 8.67 -0.35 0.00 -2.45 -13.73 C1 1147.45 3.96 0.49 -0.01 0.32 -6.95 -1127.34 12.13 -0.49 0.01 -3.43 -19.22 101- 1 -820.43 2.71 0.59 0.01 -3.59 -5.35 325 834.80 8.78 -0.59 -0.01 -0.19 -14.09 C1 -1148.60 3.80 0.83 0.02 -5.02 -7.48 1168.72 12.29 -0.83 -0.02 -0.27 -19.72 101- 1 -761.24 -0.13 -0.46 0.00 4.96 -0.66 326 775.60 0.13 0.46 -0.00 -2.65 -0.01 C1 -1065.73 -0.19 -0.65 0.01 6.95 -0.93 1085.84 0.19 0.65 -0.01 -3.71 -0.01 326- 1 -775.60 -0.13 -0.46 0.00 2.65 0.01 426 789.97 0.13 0.46 -0.00 -0.34 -0.68 C1 -1085.84 -0.19 -0.65 0.01 3.71 0.01 1105.95 0.19 0.65 -0.01 -0.48 -0.95 105- 1 -164.16 2.39 -0.19 -0.01 4.12 13.69 327 178.52 -2.39 0.19 0.01 -3.17 -1.73 C1 -229.82 3.35 -0.27 -0.01 5.77 19.17 249.93 -3.35 0.27 0.01 -4.43 -2.43 327- 1 -1370.83 7.21 -1.09 0.01 3.46 10.31 427 1385.20 -7.21 1.09 -0.01 1.98 25.75 C1 -1919.16 10.10 -1.53 0.01 4.85 14.43 1939.28 -10.10 1.53 -0.01 2.78 36.06 327- 1 751.20 2.90 -0.13 0.01 0.17 -5.21 426 -736.83 8.60 0.13 -0.01 0.64 -13.04 C1 1051.68 4.05 -0.18 0.01 0.24 -7.30 -1031.56 12.04 0.18 -0.01 0.89 -18.25 101- 1 -751.96 2.67 -0.77 -0.01 5.15 -5.93 327 766.33 8.83 0.77 0.01 -0.21 -13.78 C1 -1052.74 3.73 -1.08 -0.01 7.21 -8.31 1072.86 12.36 1.08 0.01 -0.29 -19.30 328- 1 1832.34 2.83 0.03 0.00 -0.60 1.17 427 -1817.98 8.66 -0.03 -0.00 0.43 -19.84 C1 2565.28 3.96 0.04 0.00 -0.84 1.64 -2545.17 12.13 -0.04 -0.00 0.60 -27.78 105- 1 -1833.15 2.72 -0.83 -0.01 4.74 0.81 328 1847.51 8.77 0.83 0.01 0.57 -20.19 C1 -2566.40 3.81 -1.16 -0.01 6.64 1.13 2586.51 12.28 1.16 0.01 0.80 -28.26 328- 1 -2217.15 13.66 -0.79 -0.00 2.19 16.71 428 2231.51 -13.66 0.79 0.00 1.77 51.61 C1 -3104.00 19.13 -1.11 -0.00 3.06 23.39 3124.11 -19.13 1.11 0.00 2.48 72.25 109- 1 677.95 8.83 0.01 -0.01 3.04 39.49 328 -663.58 -8.83 -0.01 0.01 -3.09 4.64 C1 949.13 12.36 0.01 -0.01 4.26 55.28 -929.02 -12.36 -0.01 0.01 -4.33 6.50 329- 1 3009.32 2.15 -0.01 -0.00 -1.10 6.96 428 -2994.96 9.34 0.01 0.00 1.13 -29.98 C1 4213.05 3.01 -0.01 -0.00 -1.53 9.74 -4192.94 13.08 0.01 0.00 1.58 -41.98 109- 1 -3010.23 3.37 -0.70 -0.01 3.41 10.85 329 3024.60 8.12 0.70 0.01 1.08 -26.05 C1 -4214.32 4.72 -0.98 -0.01 4.77 15.19 4234.44 11.37 0.98 0.01 1.51 -36.47 329- 1 -3140.58 20.02 -0.56 -0.01 0.96 22.59

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429 3154.95 -20.02 0.56 0.01 1.84 77.52 C1 -4396.81 28.03 -0.78 -0.01 1.34 31.62 4416.92 -28.03 0.78 0.01 2.57 108.52 113- 1 1591.90 15.14 0.15 -0.01 1.92 65.29 329 -1577.54 -15.14 -0.15 0.01 -2.65 10.42 C1 2228.66 21.20 0.21 -0.01 2.69 91.40 -2208.55 -21.20 -0.21 0.01 -3.72 14.59 330- 1 4122.10 1.14 -0.12 -0.01 -1.13 11.68 429 -4107.73 10.35 0.12 0.01 1.89 -41.16 C1 5770.94 1.60 -0.17 -0.01 -1.59 16.35 -5750.83 14.49 0.17 0.01 2.64 -57.63 113- 1 -4122.97 4.34 -0.43 -0.01 1.59 21.89 330 4137.34 7.15 0.43 0.01 1.13 -30.90 C1 -5772.16 6.08 -0.60 -0.01 2.22 30.65 5792.28 10.01 0.60 0.01 1.59 -43.26 330- 1 -4007.83 25.44 -0.72 -0.01 -0.10 27.35 430 4022.19 -25.44 0.72 0.01 3.72 99.84 C1 -5610.96 35.61 -1.01 -0.02 -0.14 38.30 5631.07 -35.61 1.01 0.02 5.21 139.78 117- 1 2461.26 20.61 -0.18 -0.01 2.57 87.85 330 -2446.89 -20.61 0.18 0.01 -1.67 15.22 C1 3445.76 28.86 -0.25 -0.02 3.60 122.98 -3425.65 -28.86 0.25 0.02 -2.33 21.31 331- 1 4955.59 -0.88 -0.03 -0.01 -1.13 11.19 430 -4941.22 12.38 0.03 0.01 1.30 -53.65 C1 6937.82 -1.24 -0.04 -0.02 -1.58 15.67 -6917.71 17.33 0.04 0.02 1.82 -75.11 117- 1 -4953.69 6.44 -0.24 -0.01 0.42 34.69 331 4968.05 5.05 0.24 0.01 1.14 -30.26 C1 -6935.16 9.01 -0.34 -0.01 0.59 48.56 6955.27 7.08 0.34 0.01 1.60 -42.36 331- 1 -4611.55 25.92 -1.16 -0.02 -1.08 24.90 431 4625.91 -25.92 1.16 0.02 6.90 104.71 C1 -6456.17 36.29 -1.63 -0.03 -1.51 34.86 6476.28 -36.29 1.63 0.03 9.66 146.59 121- 1 3154.48 22.77 -0.89 -0.01 5.15 97.32 331 -3140.12 -22.77 0.89 0.01 -0.68 16.55 C1 4416.28 31.88 -1.25 -0.02 7.21 136.24 -4396.16 -31.88 1.25 0.02 -0.96 23.17 332- 1 6739.59 -6.50 1.62 -0.02 -6.07 18.51 431 -6720.31 21.93 -1.62 0.02 -4.27 -109.52 C1 9435.43 -9.10 2.26 -0.02 -8.50 25.91 -9408.43 30.70 -2.26 0.02 -5.98 -153.32 121- 1 -6740.91 11.74 -1.09 -0.01 0.90 77.63 332 6760.20 3.69 1.09 0.01 6.09 -51.83 C1 -9437.28 16.44 -1.53 -0.02 1.26 108.68 9464.28 5.16 1.53 0.02 8.52 -72.57 332- 1 -6134.48 47.30 -4.34 -0.02 -7.80 41.79 432 6153.77 -47.30 4.34 0.02 29.52 194.70 C1 -8588.27 66.22 -6.08 -0.03 -10.92 58.50 8615.27 -66.22 6.08 0.03 41.33 272.58 125- 1 4424.63 42.38 -4.87 -0.01 26.01 183.33 332 -4405.34 -42.38 4.87 0.01 -1.67 28.56 C1 6194.48 59.33 -6.82 -0.02 36.42 256.66 -6167.47 -59.33 6.82 0.02 -2.34 39.98 333- 1 8088.49 1.02 1.46 -0.16 0.17 99.27 432 -8053.13 27.27 -1.46 0.16 -9.53 -183.29 C1 11323.89 1.43 2.05 -0.22 0.24 138.97 -11274.38 38.17 -2.05 0.22 -13.34 -256.60 125- 1 -7980.55 23.68 0.01 -0.02 -0.07 114.23 333 7999.84 -8.25 -0.01 0.02 0.02 -11.98 C1 -11172.77 33.16 0.01 -0.02 -0.10 159.92 11199.78 -11.55 -0.01 0.02 0.03 -16.77 333- 1 -7070.64 29.67 -9.60 -0.02 -5.66 -4.26 433 7089.93 -29.67 9.60 0.02 53.65 152.62 C1 -9898.90 41.54 -13.44 -0.03 -7.93 -5.97 9925.90 -41.54 13.44 0.03 75.11 213.67 129- 1 5507.01 77.81 -11.07 -0.01 49.45 273.53 333 -5487.72 -77.81 11.07 0.01 5.89 115.51 C1 7709.82 108.93 -15.49 -0.01 69.23 382.94 -7682.81 -108.93 15.49 0.01 8.24 161.72 334- 1 8385.61 -2.25 6.35 -0.22 3.81 98.91 433 -8350.25 30.54 -6.35 0.22 -44.44 -203.91 C1 11739.86 -3.15 8.88 -0.30 5.33 138.47 -11690.35 42.76 -8.88 0.30 -62.22 -285.48 129- 1 -8270.51 26.30 -1.36 -0.02 12.26 126.68 334 8289.79 -10.87 1.36 0.02 -3.54 -7.67 C1 -11578.71 36.82 -1.91 -0.03 17.16 177.35 11605.71 -15.22 1.91 0.03 -4.95 -10.73

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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334- 1 -7129.83 24.45 -11.81 -0.01 -7.75 -12.05 434 7149.12 -24.45 11.81 0.01 66.81 134.30 C1 -9981.77 34.23 -16.54 -0.02 -10.85 -16.88 10008.77 -34.23 16.54 0.02 93.53 188.02 133- 1 5902.56 77.58 -16.79 0.01 70.34 269.25 334 -5883.27 -77.58 16.79 -0.01 13.63 118.63 C1 8263.58 108.61 -23.51 0.01 98.48 376.95 -8236.58 -108.61 23.51 -0.01 19.09 166.08 335- 1 10629.73 -15.83 13.38 -0.20 2.81 52.91 434 -10594.36 44.12 -13.38 0.20 -88.50 -244.86 C1 14881.62 -22.16 18.74 -0.28 3.93 74.08 -14832.11 61.77 -18.74 0.28 -123.90 -342.80 133- 1 -10609.22 32.04 -7.57 -0.21 51.20 210.06 335 10644.58 -3.75 7.57 0.21 -2.73 -95.47 C1 -14852.90 44.86 -10.60 -0.30 71.69 294.08 14902.41 -5.25 10.60 0.30 -3.82 -133.66 335- 1 -9013.33 89.86 -17.22 0.06 -9.64 73.50 435 9048.70 -89.86 17.22 -0.06 95.76 375.80 C1 -12618.67 125.80 -24.11 0.08 -13.50 102.89 12668.18 -125.80 24.11 -0.08 134.06 526.12 137- 1 7622.24 90.01 -23.04 0.12 100.96 375.18 335 -7586.88 -90.01 23.04 -0.12 14.22 74.89 C1 10671.14 126.02 -32.25 0.17 141.34 525.25 -10621.63 -126.02 32.25 -0.17 19.91 104.85 336- 1 10463.46 -10.13 11.07 -0.10 14.82 39.47 435 -10428.10 38.42 -11.07 0.10 -85.69 -194.92 C1 14648.85 -14.18 15.49 -0.15 20.75 55.26 -14599.34 53.79 -15.49 0.15 -119.96 -272.89 137- 1 -11069.81 32.15 -8.75 -0.15 62.77 174.04 336 11105.18 -3.85 8.75 0.15 -6.75 -58.78 C1 -15497.74 45.00 -12.25 -0.21 87.88 243.65 15547.25 -5.40 12.25 0.21 -9.45 -82.29 336- 1 -3759.32 67.07 -10.54 0.17 -3.09 78.38 436 3794.69 -67.07 10.54 -0.17 55.78 256.98 C1 -5263.05 93.90 -14.75 0.24 -4.32 109.73 5312.56 -93.90 14.75 -0.24 78.10 359.77 141- 1 527.07 72.72 -10.67 0.17 49.66 256.30 336 -491.70 -72.72 10.67 -0.17 3.71 107.31 C1 737.89 101.81 -14.94 0.23 69.52 358.82 -688.38 -101.81 14.94 -0.23 5.20 150.23 337- 1 7079.28 -14.48 8.26 -0.06 13.36 1.28 436 -7043.91 42.77 -8.26 0.06 -66.21 -184.59 C1 9910.99 -20.28 11.56 -0.08 18.70 1.79 -9861.48 59.88 -11.56 0.08 -92.70 -258.43 141- 1 -5565.55 -1.55 -6.23 -0.01 59.02 31.13 337 5600.92 29.84 6.23 0.01 -19.16 -131.63 C1 -7791.77 -2.17 -8.72 -0.01 82.63 43.58 7841.28 41.78 8.72 0.01 -26.82 -184.28 337- 1 -1545.77 52.29 3.41 0.17 -16.08 77.43 437 1581.13 -52.29 -3.41 -0.17 -0.98 184.00 C1 -2164.08 73.20 4.78 0.23 -22.51 108.40 2213.59 -73.20 -4.78 -0.23 -1.37 257.60 145- 1 -3796.08 18.77 -1.05 0.19 4.80 105.72 337 3831.44 -18.77 1.05 -0.19 0.45 -11.88 C1 -5314.51 26.27 -1.47 0.26 6.72 148.01 5364.02 -26.27 1.47 -0.26 0.64 -16.64 338- 1 9399.49 -10.22 0.77 -0.02 19.49 -19.58 437 -9364.13 38.51 -0.77 0.02 -24.40 -136.44 C1 13159.29 -14.31 1.07 -0.03 27.29 -27.41 -13109.78 53.92 -1.07 0.03 -34.16 -191.01 145- 1 -4225.25 -31.66 -3.38 0.10 43.04 -83.93 338 4260.61 59.96 3.38 -0.10 -21.43 -209.40 C1 -5915.35 -44.33 -4.73 0.14 60.25 -117.50 5964.86 83.94 4.73 -0.14 -30.00 -293.17 338- 1 2838.88 102.21 -2.79 0.10 -5.12 231.94 438 -2803.51 -102.21 2.79 -0.10 19.05 279.08 C1 3974.43 143.09 -3.90 0.13 -7.16 324.72 -3924.92 -143.09 3.90 -0.13 26.67 390.72 149- 1 1570.29 87.19 -1.98 0.14 -0.38 346.92 338 -1534.93 -87.19 1.98 -0.14 10.26 89.01 C1 2198.41 122.06 -2.77 0.20 -0.53 485.68 -2148.90 -122.06 2.77 -0.20 14.37 124.62 339- 1 4394.68 35.16 2.06 -0.04 8.29 116.22 438 -4359.32 -6.87 -2.06 0.04 -21.45 18.33 C1 6152.55 49.22 2.88 -0.06 11.61 162.71 -6103.04 -9.61 -2.88 0.06 -30.04 25.66 149- 1 -2721.84 89.55 -7.80 0.11 41.90 372.65 339 2757.21 -61.26 7.80 -0.11 8.02 110.18 C1 -3810.58 125.37 -10.92 0.16 58.66 521.71

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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3860.09 -85.76 10.92 -0.16 11.23 154.25 339- 1 7133.35 -3.69 -0.40 0.02 -12.15 -13.20 439 -7097.98 3.69 0.40 -0.02 14.13 -5.23 C1 9986.69 -5.16 -0.55 0.03 -17.01 -18.48 -9937.18 5.16 0.55 -0.03 19.79 -7.33 153- 1 17318.38 -82.36 6.10 -0.08 -34.57 -311.21 339 -17269.27 82.36 -6.10 0.08 4.08 -100.58 C1 24245.73 -115.30 8.54 -0.12 -48.39 -435.69 -24176.98 115.30 -8.54 0.12 5.71 -140.81 339- 1 3763.37 35.91 -1.00 0.04 -2.86 104.60 440 -3728.01 -7.62 1.00 -0.04 9.25 34.77 C1 5268.72 50.28 -1.40 0.05 -4.01 146.44 -5219.21 -10.67 1.40 -0.05 12.95 48.68 157- 1 -2029.02 37.26 1.75 0.01 2.25 163.22 339 2064.39 -8.97 -1.75 -0.01 -13.46 -15.22 C1 -2840.63 52.16 2.45 0.02 3.16 228.50 2890.14 -12.56 -2.45 -0.02 -18.84 -21.30 157- 1 -621.90 -12.81 -3.94 0.02 7.64 -112.53 340 657.27 12.81 3.94 -0.02 12.05 48.50 C1 -870.67 -17.93 -5.51 0.03 10.70 -157.54 920.18 17.93 5.51 -0.03 16.86 67.90 340- 1 1505.94 -66.89 -1.79 0.04 -10.13 -156.25 440 -1470.57 66.89 1.79 -0.04 19.07 -178.20 C1 2108.31 -93.64 -2.50 0.06 -14.18 -218.75 -2058.80 93.64 2.50 -0.06 26.70 -249.48 340- 1 6335.67 -19.57 -2.73 0.06 4.31 -39.07 441 -6300.31 47.86 2.73 -0.06 13.17 -176.82 C1 8869.94 -27.40 -3.82 0.08 6.04 -54.70 -8820.43 67.01 3.82 -0.08 18.44 -247.55 161- 1 -2658.50 -14.48 4.56 0.02 -11.08 -25.33 340 2693.86 42.77 -4.56 -0.02 -18.13 -157.93 C1 -3721.90 -20.27 6.39 0.03 -15.52 -35.47 3771.41 59.87 -6.39 -0.03 -25.38 -221.10 161- 1 -1282.38 -22.35 -2.70 0.04 8.50 -87.65 341 1314.10 22.35 2.70 -0.04 5.00 -24.10 C1 -1795.34 -31.29 -3.78 0.05 11.90 -122.70 1839.74 31.29 3.78 -0.05 6.99 -33.73 341- 1 -3034.60 -32.54 -3.04 0.06 0.95 -47.71 441 3066.32 32.54 3.04 -0.06 14.24 -114.98 C1 -4248.45 -45.55 -4.25 0.08 1.33 -66.79 4292.85 45.55 4.25 -0.08 19.93 -160.98 341- 1 6564.62 1.30 -0.06 0.04 -0.00 23.86 442 -6532.91 24.08 0.06 -0.04 0.39 -96.79 C1 9190.47 1.81 -0.08 0.06 -0.00 33.40 -9146.07 33.71 0.08 -0.06 0.54 -135.50 165- 1 -7384.54 14.69 2.41 0.03 -8.36 61.66 341 7416.25 10.68 -2.41 -0.03 -7.05 -48.84 C1 -10338.35 20.56 3.37 0.05 -11.71 86.32 10382.75 14.96 -3.37 -0.05 -9.88 -68.37 165- 1 3868.81 -31.15 -1.03 0.03 7.03 -132.54 342 -3837.09 31.15 1.03 -0.03 -1.88 -23.19 C1 5416.33 -43.60 -1.44 0.04 9.85 -185.55 -5371.93 43.60 1.44 -0.04 -2.64 -32.47 342- 1 -5731.02 -52.83 -1.31 0.03 -0.95 -70.89 442 5762.74 52.83 1.31 -0.03 7.52 -193.25 C1 -8023.43 -73.96 -1.84 0.04 -1.33 -99.25 8067.83 73.96 1.84 -0.04 10.53 -270.54 342- 1 6098.91 6.43 -1.21 0.05 1.86 38.67 443 -6067.20 18.95 1.21 -0.05 5.92 -78.75 C1 8538.47 9.00 -1.70 0.07 2.60 54.14 -8494.07 26.52 1.70 -0.07 8.29 -110.26 169- 1 -6108.22 13.89 1.50 0.05 -7.75 63.13 342 6139.94 11.48 -1.50 -0.05 -1.85 -55.41 C1 -8551.51 19.45 2.10 0.07 -10.85 88.39 8595.91 16.07 -2.10 -0.07 -2.59 -77.57 343- 1 -4723.17 -47.02 -2.02 0.00 -0.07 -63.95 443 4754.88 47.02 2.02 -0.00 10.19 -171.16 C1 -6612.43 -65.83 -2.83 0.00 -0.10 -89.53 6656.83 65.83 2.83 -0.00 14.27 -239.62 169- 1 3458.60 -32.33 -1.84 0.02 10.73 -135.15 343 -3426.89 32.33 1.84 -0.02 -1.52 -26.51 C1 4842.04 -45.26 -2.58 0.02 15.02 -189.21 -4797.64 45.26 2.58 -0.02 -2.13 -37.12 343- 1 5193.79 8.37 -1.60 0.05 1.08 35.14 444 -5162.08 17.00 1.60 -0.05 9.14 -62.77 C1 7271.31 11.72 -2.23 0.07 1.51 49.20 -7226.91 23.80 2.23 -0.07 12.79 -87.88 173- 1 -5193.32 10.82 1.78 0.06 -10.33 43.36 343 5225.03 14.55 -1.78 -0.06 -1.05 -55.32

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C1 -7270.65 15.15 2.49 0.08 -14.47 60.71 7315.04 20.37 -2.49 -0.08 -1.47 -77.44 173- 1 2407.48 -23.37 -2.67 -0.00 13.85 -100.31 344 -2375.76 23.37 2.67 0.00 -0.50 -16.56 C1 3370.47 -32.72 -3.74 -0.01 19.40 -140.43 -3326.07 32.72 3.74 0.01 -0.70 -23.19 344- 1 -3879.74 -38.61 -2.82 -0.02 0.74 -55.14 444 3911.46 38.61 2.82 0.02 13.37 -137.90 C1 -5431.64 -54.05 -3.95 -0.03 1.03 -77.20 5476.04 54.05 3.95 0.03 18.72 -193.06 344- 1 3979.67 8.42 -1.74 0.05 -0.09 25.11 445 -3947.95 16.95 1.74 -0.05 11.22 -52.42 C1 5571.53 11.79 -2.43 0.08 -0.13 35.15 -5527.13 23.73 2.43 -0.08 15.71 -73.39 177- 1 -3980.73 10.24 1.89 0.06 -12.21 30.91 344 4012.45 15.14 -1.89 -0.06 0.12 -46.59 C1 -5573.03 14.33 2.64 0.08 -17.09 43.27 5617.43 21.19 -2.64 -0.08 0.17 -65.23 345- 1 -770.71 -14.70 -2.95 -0.04 0.29 0.01 445 802.43 14.70 2.95 0.04 14.44 -73.51 C1 -1079.00 -20.58 -4.13 -0.05 0.41 0.01 1123.40 20.58 4.13 0.05 20.22 -102.92 177- 1 -739.00 -14.70 -2.95 -0.04 15.03 -73.49 345 770.71 14.70 2.95 0.04 -0.29 -0.01 C1 -1034.60 -20.58 -4.13 -0.05 21.04 -102.89 1079.00 20.58 4.13 0.05 -0.41 -0.01 346- 1 -2695.14 12.60 1.26 -0.08 -1.78 -13.38 445 2726.85 12.78 -1.26 0.08 -6.27 12.80 C1 -3773.19 17.63 1.76 -0.11 -2.49 -18.73 3817.59 17.89 -1.76 0.11 -8.78 17.92 177- 1 2693.36 6.09 -1.51 -0.08 7.91 -34.18 346 -2661.64 19.28 1.51 0.08 1.77 -8.04 C1 3770.70 8.53 -2.12 -0.11 11.07 -47.86 -3726.30 26.99 2.12 0.11 2.48 -11.25 346- 1 1316.24 -2.78 -2.99 -0.06 -0.90 17.02 446 -1284.52 2.78 2.99 0.06 15.84 -30.92 C1 1842.73 -3.89 -4.18 -0.09 -1.26 23.83 -1798.33 3.89 4.18 0.09 22.17 -43.29 181- 1 -2815.08 -18.49 -2.73 -0.07 15.43 -70.07 346 2846.79 18.49 2.73 0.07 -1.77 -22.36 C1 -3941.11 -25.88 -3.83 -0.10 21.61 -98.10 3985.51 25.88 3.83 0.10 -2.48 -31.30 347- 1 -1482.41 11.99 1.38 -0.10 -3.23 -7.08 446 1514.13 13.38 -1.38 0.10 -5.63 2.61 C1 -2075.38 16.78 1.94 -0.14 -4.53 -9.92 2119.78 18.74 -1.94 0.14 -7.88 3.66 181- 1 1480.34 6.82 -1.71 -0.08 7.70 -23.54 347 -1448.62 18.55 1.71 0.08 3.27 -14.02 C1 2072.47 9.55 -2.40 -0.12 10.78 -32.95 -2028.07 25.97 2.40 0.12 4.58 -19.63 347- 1 364.09 4.55 -2.61 -0.10 -2.54 23.37 447 -332.37 -4.55 2.61 0.10 15.57 -0.62 C1 509.72 6.37 -3.65 -0.14 -3.56 32.71 -465.32 -6.37 3.65 0.14 21.79 -0.86 185- 1 -1873.88 -11.43 -2.28 -0.09 13.80 -40.74 347 1905.59 11.43 2.28 0.09 -2.42 -16.43 C1 -2623.43 -16.01 -3.19 -0.13 19.32 -57.03 2667.83 16.01 3.19 0.13 -3.39 -23.00 348- 1 -242.02 10.98 1.36 -0.12 -4.62 -0.99 447 273.73 14.39 -1.36 0.12 -4.11 -9.94 C1 -338.83 15.37 1.91 -0.17 -6.46 -1.38 383.23 20.15 -1.91 0.17 -5.76 -13.91 185- 1 238.30 7.58 -1.68 -0.07 6.03 -11.99 348 -206.58 17.79 1.68 0.07 4.73 -20.69 C1 333.62 10.62 -2.35 -0.10 8.44 -16.78 -289.22 24.90 2.35 0.10 6.62 -28.96 348- 1 -689.99 12.34 -1.83 -0.14 -4.80 30.48 448 721.70 -12.34 1.83 0.14 13.97 31.22 C1 -965.99 17.28 -2.57 -0.19 -6.73 42.67 1010.39 -17.28 2.57 0.19 19.55 43.71 189- 1 -990.61 -4.48 -1.52 -0.10 9.95 -11.62 348 1022.32 4.48 1.52 0.10 -2.37 -10.78 C1 -1386.85 -6.27 -2.12 -0.14 13.93 -16.27 1431.25 6.27 2.12 0.14 -3.32 -15.09 349- 1 1000.05 9.56 1.32 -0.13 -6.08 4.29 448 -968.33 15.81 -1.32 0.13 -2.36 -24.32 C1 1400.07 13.38 1.84 -0.18 -8.51 6.01 -1355.67 22.14 -1.84 0.18 -3.30 -34.04 189- 1 -1000.07 7.77 -1.40 -0.05 2.69 -2.05

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349 1031.78 17.60 1.40 0.05 6.29 -29.43 C1 -1400.09 10.88 -1.96 -0.07 3.77 -2.87 1444.49 24.64 1.96 0.07 8.81 -41.20 349- 1 -1610.12 18.36 -0.38 -0.18 -7.79 35.31 449 1641.83 -18.36 0.38 0.18 9.70 56.51 C1 -2254.16 25.71 -0.53 -0.25 -10.90 49.43 2298.56 -25.71 0.53 0.25 13.58 79.11 193- 1 25.16 4.82 -0.30 -0.11 3.24 25.69 349 6.56 -4.82 0.30 0.11 -1.76 -1.59 C1 35.22 6.75 -0.41 -0.15 4.54 35.96 9.18 -6.75 0.41 0.15 -2.46 -2.22 350- 1 2238.21 10.27 1.32 -0.13 -8.18 14.94 449 -2206.49 15.11 -1.32 0.13 -0.27 -30.43 C1 3133.49 14.37 1.85 -0.18 -11.45 20.91 -3089.09 21.15 -1.85 0.18 -0.38 -42.61 193- 1 -2205.42 10.14 -0.99 -0.01 -2.21 16.91 350 2237.13 15.23 0.99 0.01 8.52 -33.20 C1 -3087.59 14.20 -1.38 -0.01 -3.10 23.67 3131.99 21.32 1.38 0.01 11.93 -46.48 350- 1 -1020.59 16.91 2.65 -0.21 -11.85 27.33 450 1052.31 -16.91 -2.65 0.21 -1.39 57.21 C1 -1428.83 23.67 3.71 -0.29 -16.59 38.26 1473.23 -23.67 -3.71 0.29 -1.95 80.10 197- 1 2521.70 21.46 2.31 -0.09 -10.45 86.48 350 -2489.99 -21.46 -2.31 0.09 -1.11 20.81 C1 3530.38 30.04 3.24 -0.12 -14.63 121.07 -3485.98 -30.04 -3.24 0.12 -1.55 29.14 351- 1 1787.10 11.33 0.89 -0.13 -13.47 15.95 450 -1755.38 14.04 -0.89 0.13 7.76 -24.62 C1 2501.94 15.86 1.25 -0.19 -18.86 22.33 -2457.54 19.66 -1.25 0.19 10.86 -34.47 197- 1 -1785.25 33.79 -1.72 0.15 -3.53 101.83 351 1816.97 -8.42 1.72 -0.15 14.54 33.31 C1 -2499.36 47.31 -2.41 0.21 -4.95 142.56 2543.76 -11.79 2.41 -0.21 20.36 46.64 351- 1 90.99 10.29 10.92 -0.31 -24.56 17.24 451 -59.27 -10.29 -10.92 0.31 -30.03 34.23 C1 127.38 14.41 15.29 -0.44 -34.38 24.13 -82.98 -14.41 -15.29 0.44 -42.05 47.93 201- 1 2938.82 -23.79 11.75 0.13 -61.40 -84.34 351 -2907.11 23.79 -11.75 -0.13 2.68 -34.60 C1 4114.35 -33.30 16.44 0.19 -85.96 -118.08 -4069.95 33.30 -16.44 -0.19 3.75 -48.44 1- 1 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.23 501 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.23 C1 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.13 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 -17.13 2- 1 -0.23 7.48 0.01 -0.00 -0.05 12.04 502 0.23 7.20 -0.01 0.00 -0.05 -10.68 C1 -0.33 10.47 0.01 -0.00 -0.07 16.86 0.33 10.08 -0.01 0.00 -0.07 -14.95 3- 1 -0.77 7.64 0.02 -0.00 -0.09 12.20 503 0.77 7.04 -0.02 0.00 -0.09 -9.21 C1 -1.08 10.69 0.03 -0.00 -0.13 17.08 1.08 9.86 -0.03 0.00 -0.12 -12.90 4- 1 -1.33 7.82 0.02 -0.00 -0.12 12.66 504 1.33 6.86 -0.02 0.00 -0.12 -7.86 C1 -1.86 10.95 0.03 -0.00 -0.17 17.72 1.86 9.60 -0.03 0.00 -0.16 -11.00 5- 1 -1.49 8.02 0.03 -0.00 -0.13 13.39 505 1.49 6.66 -0.03 0.00 -0.13 -6.63 C1 -2.08 11.22 0.04 -0.00 -0.18 18.75 2.08 9.33 -0.04 0.00 -0.18 -9.28 6- 1 -1.38 7.98 0.03 0.00 -0.14 12.67 506 1.38 6.70 -0.03 -0.00 -0.14 -6.27 C1 -1.93 11.17 0.04 0.00 -0.20 17.74 1.93 9.38 -0.04 -0.00 -0.20 -8.78 7- 1 -1.51 7.96 0.03 0.00 -0.15 12.21 507 1.51 6.72 -0.03 -0.00 -0.15 -6.01 C1 -2.11 11.14 0.04 0.00 -0.21 17.10 2.11 9.41 -0.04 -0.00 -0.21 -8.41 8- 1 -1.72 7.96 0.03 0.00 -0.15 12.05 508 1.72 6.72 -0.03 -0.00 -0.15 -5.81 C1 -2.41 11.15 0.04 0.00 -0.21 16.86 2.41 9.40 -0.04 -0.00 -0.21 -8.13 9- 1 -1.64 8.00 0.03 0.00 -0.14 12.20 509 1.64 6.68 -0.03 -0.00 -0.14 -5.64 C1 -2.29 11.19 0.04 0.00 -0.20 17.07 2.29 9.36 -0.04 -0.00 -0.20 -7.89

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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11- 1 -1.42 7.84 0.03 0.00 -0.13 10.79 511 1.42 6.84 -0.03 -0.00 -0.12 -5.82 C1 -1.99 10.97 0.04 0.00 -0.18 15.11 1.99 9.58 -0.04 -0.00 -0.17 -8.15 12- 1 -1.62 7.80 0.02 0.00 -0.11 10.57 512 1.62 6.88 -0.02 -0.00 -0.11 -5.93 C1 -2.26 10.93 0.03 0.00 -0.16 14.79 2.26 9.63 -0.03 -0.00 -0.16 -8.30 13- 1 -1.53 7.80 0.02 0.00 -0.10 10.64 513 1.53 6.88 -0.02 -0.00 -0.10 -6.05 C1 -2.15 10.92 0.03 0.00 -0.14 14.89 2.15 9.63 -0.03 -0.00 -0.14 -8.47 10- 1 -1.37 7.90 0.03 0.00 -0.13 11.33 510 1.37 6.78 -0.03 -0.00 -0.14 -5.73 C1 -1.92 11.06 0.04 0.00 -0.19 15.86 1.92 9.49 -0.04 -0.00 -0.19 -8.02 14- 1 -1.28 7.72 0.02 0.00 -0.08 9.95 514 1.28 6.96 -0.02 -0.00 -0.08 -6.13 C1 -1.79 10.81 0.02 0.00 -0.12 13.94 1.79 9.74 -0.02 -0.00 -0.12 -8.58 15- 1 -1.35 7.67 0.01 0.00 -0.07 9.54 515 1.35 7.01 -0.01 -0.00 -0.07 -6.25 C1 -1.90 10.74 0.02 0.00 -0.10 13.36 1.90 9.81 -0.02 -0.00 -0.10 -8.75 16- 1 -1.56 7.64 0.01 0.00 -0.06 9.39 516 1.56 7.04 -0.01 -0.00 -0.06 -6.42 C1 -2.18 10.69 0.02 0.00 -0.08 13.14 2.18 9.86 -0.02 -0.00 -0.08 -8.99 17- 1 -1.48 7.62 0.01 0.00 -0.04 9.47 517 1.48 7.06 -0.01 -0.00 -0.04 -6.65 C1 -2.08 10.67 0.01 0.00 -0.06 13.26 2.08 9.88 -0.01 -0.00 -0.06 -9.31 18- 1 -1.23 7.57 0.01 0.00 -0.03 8.98 518 1.23 7.11 -0.01 -0.00 -0.03 -6.67 C1 -1.72 10.60 0.01 0.00 -0.04 12.57 1.72 9.95 -0.01 -0.00 -0.04 -9.33 19- 1 -1.28 7.53 0.00 0.00 -0.01 8.70 519 1.28 7.15 -0.00 -0.00 -0.01 -6.76 C1 -1.79 10.55 0.00 0.00 -0.02 12.18 1.79 10.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.02 -9.47 20- 1 -1.43 7.51 0.00 0.00 -0.00 8.62 520 1.43 7.17 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -6.95 C1 -2.00 10.51 0.00 0.00 -0.00 12.07 2.00 10.04 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -9.73 21- 1 -1.29 7.49 -0.00 0.00 0.01 8.75 521 1.29 7.19 0.00 -0.00 0.01 -7.25 C1 -1.80 10.49 -0.00 0.00 0.02 12.25 1.80 10.07 0.00 -0.00 0.01 -10.14 22- 1 -0.97 7.46 -0.00 0.00 0.02 8.40 522 0.97 7.22 0.00 -0.00 0.02 -7.23 C1 -1.35 10.44 -0.01 0.00 0.03 11.76 1.35 10.11 0.01 -0.00 0.03 -10.12 23- 1 -0.96 7.43 -0.01 0.00 0.03 8.24 523 0.96 7.25 0.01 -0.00 0.03 -7.32 C1 -1.35 10.40 -0.01 0.00 0.04 11.54 1.35 10.15 0.01 -0.00 0.04 -10.25 24- 1 -1.18 7.41 -0.01 0.00 0.04 8.26 524 1.18 7.27 0.01 -0.00 0.04 -7.54 C1 -1.65 10.38 -0.01 0.00 0.05 11.56 1.65 10.18 0.01 -0.00 0.06 -10.56 25- 1 -1.34 7.39 -0.01 0.00 0.05 8.44 525 1.34 7.29 0.01 -0.00 0.05 -7.90 C1 -1.88 10.35 -0.01 0.00 0.07 11.82 1.88 10.20 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -11.05 26- 1 -1.18 7.37 -0.01 0.00 0.06 8.08 526 1.18 7.30 0.01 -0.00 0.05 -7.73 C1 -1.66 10.32 -0.02 0.00 0.08 11.31 1.66 10.23 0.02 -0.00 0.08 -10.82 27- 1 -0.97 7.36 -0.01 0.00 0.06 7.88 527 0.97 7.32 0.01 -0.00 0.06 -7.71 C1 -1.36 10.30 -0.02 0.00 0.09 11.03 1.36 10.25 0.02 -0.00 0.08 -10.79 28- 1 -0.97 7.34 -0.01 0.00 0.06 7.83 528 0.97 7.34 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -7.83 C1 -1.36 10.28 -0.02 0.00 0.09 10.96 1.36 10.28 0.02 -0.00 0.09 -10.97 29- 1 -1.29 7.32 -0.01 0.00 0.07 7.93 529 1.29 7.36 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -8.12 C1 -1.80 10.25 -0.02 0.00 0.09 11.10

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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1.80 10.30 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -11.37 30- 1 -1.42 7.30 -0.01 0.00 0.07 7.63 530 1.42 7.38 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -8.03 C1 -1.99 10.22 -0.02 0.00 0.10 10.68 1.99 10.33 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -11.24 31- 1 -1.26 7.27 -0.01 0.00 0.07 7.46 531 1.26 7.40 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -8.11 C1 -1.76 10.18 -0.02 0.00 0.10 10.44 1.76 10.37 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -11.35 32- 1 -1.18 7.24 -0.01 0.00 0.07 7.41 532 1.18 7.43 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -8.36 C1 -1.66 10.14 -0.02 0.00 0.10 10.38 1.66 10.41 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -11.71 33- 1 -1.40 7.21 -0.01 0.00 0.07 7.48 533 1.40 7.47 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -8.81 C1 -1.95 10.09 -0.02 0.00 0.10 10.48 1.95 10.46 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -12.33 34- 1 -1.43 7.17 -0.01 0.00 0.07 7.17 534 1.43 7.51 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -8.88 C1 -2.01 10.04 -0.02 0.00 0.10 10.04 2.01 10.51 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -12.43 35- 1 -1.20 7.12 -0.01 0.00 0.07 6.97 535 1.20 7.56 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -9.15 C1 -1.68 9.97 -0.02 0.00 0.10 9.76 1.68 10.58 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -12.81 36- 1 -1.10 7.07 -0.01 0.00 0.07 6.89 536 1.10 7.61 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -9.62 C1 -1.54 9.89 -0.02 0.00 0.09 9.65 1.54 10.66 0.02 -0.00 0.09 -13.47 37- 1 -1.36 7.00 -0.01 0.00 0.06 6.92 537 1.36 7.68 0.01 -0.00 0.06 -10.29 C1 -1.90 9.80 -0.02 0.00 0.08 9.69 1.90 10.75 0.02 -0.00 0.09 -14.41 38- 1 -1.48 6.95 -0.01 0.00 0.06 6.63 538 1.48 7.73 0.01 -0.00 0.06 -10.55 C1 -2.08 9.73 -0.02 0.00 0.08 9.28 2.08 10.83 0.02 -0.00 0.08 -14.77 39- 1 -1.39 6.89 -0.01 -0.00 0.05 6.48 539 1.39 7.79 0.01 0.00 0.05 -11.00 C1 -1.95 9.64 -0.01 -0.00 0.07 9.07 1.95 10.91 0.01 0.00 0.07 -15.40 40- 1 -1.60 6.83 -0.01 -0.00 0.04 6.50 540 1.60 7.85 0.01 0.00 0.04 -11.62 C1 -2.23 9.56 -0.01 -0.00 0.06 9.09 2.23 10.99 0.01 0.00 0.06 -16.27 41- 1 -2.38 6.77 -0.01 -0.00 0.03 6.72 541 2.38 7.91 0.01 0.00 0.04 -12.39 C1 -3.33 9.48 -0.01 -0.00 0.05 9.40 3.33 11.07 0.01 0.00 0.06 -17.34 42- 1 -2.92 6.81 -0.00 -0.00 0.02 6.92 542 2.92 7.87 0.00 0.00 0.02 -12.23 C1 -4.08 9.53 -0.01 -0.00 0.03 9.69 4.08 11.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 -17.12 43- 1 -2.88 6.86 -0.00 -0.00 0.01 7.39 543 2.88 7.82 0.00 0.00 0.01 -12.19 C1 -4.03 9.60 -0.00 -0.00 0.02 10.34 4.03 10.95 0.00 0.00 0.02 -17.06 44- 1 -2.78 6.92 -0.00 -0.00 0.01 8.10 544 2.78 7.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.28 C1 -3.89 9.69 -0.00 -0.00 0.01 11.33 3.89 10.86 0.00 0.00 0.01 -17.19 45- 1 -2.66 6.99 0.00 -0.00 -0.00 9.05 545 2.66 7.69 -0.00 0.00 -0.00 -12.52 C1 -3.72 9.79 0.00 -0.00 -0.00 12.67 3.72 10.76 -0.00 0.00 -0.00 -17.52 46- 1 -2.04 7.17 0.00 -0.00 -0.01 9.96 546 2.04 7.51 -0.00 0.00 -0.01 -11.69 C1 -2.85 10.03 0.00 -0.00 -0.01 13.94 2.85 10.52 -0.00 0.00 -0.02 -16.37 47- 1 -1.10 7.29 0.00 -0.00 -0.01 10.83 547 1.10 7.39 -0.00 0.00 -0.02 -11.33 C1 -1.53 10.21 0.00 -0.00 -0.01 15.16 1.53 10.35 -0.00 0.00 -0.02 -15.86 48- 1 -0.31 7.35 0.00 -0.00 -0.01 11.60 548 0.31 7.33 -0.00 0.00 -0.01 -11.48 C1 -0.44 10.29 0.00 -0.00 -0.01 16.25 0.44 10.26 -0.00 0.00 -0.02 -16.08 49- 1 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.23 549 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.23

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C1 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.13 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 -17.13 50- 1 -0.31 7.17 0.04 0.00 -0.20 10.85 550 0.31 7.51 -0.04 -0.00 -0.19 -12.59 C1 -0.43 10.03 0.05 0.00 -0.27 15.20 0.43 10.52 -0.05 -0.00 -0.27 -17.63 51- 1 -1.11 6.86 0.07 0.00 -0.37 9.04 551 1.11 7.82 -0.07 -0.00 -0.36 -13.84 C1 -1.56 9.60 0.10 0.00 -0.51 12.66 1.56 10.95 -0.10 -0.00 -0.51 -19.37 52- 1 -2.19 6.34 0.10 0.00 -0.51 6.40 552 2.19 8.34 -0.10 -0.00 -0.51 -16.36 C1 -3.07 8.88 0.14 0.00 -0.72 8.95 3.07 11.67 -0.14 -0.00 -0.71 -22.91 53- 1 -3.13 5.52 0.13 0.00 -0.63 2.45 553 3.13 9.16 -0.13 -0.00 -0.63 -20.62 C1 -4.39 7.73 0.18 0.00 -0.89 3.43 4.39 12.82 -0.18 -0.00 -0.88 -28.87 54- 1 -3.59 4.42 0.15 0.00 -0.76 -3.51 554 3.59 10.26 -0.15 -0.00 -0.76 -25.67 C1 -5.02 6.19 0.21 0.00 -1.06 -4.91 5.02 14.36 -0.21 -0.00 -1.06 -35.94 55- 1 -3.91 3.28 0.17 0.00 -0.86 -9.46 555 3.91 11.40 -0.17 -0.00 -0.86 -31.13 C1 -5.47 4.59 0.24 0.00 -1.20 -13.24 5.47 15.96 -0.24 -0.00 -1.20 -43.58 56- 1 -4.07 2.52 0.19 -0.00 -0.94 -13.30 556 4.07 12.16 -0.19 0.00 -0.94 -34.90 C1 -5.70 3.53 0.26 -0.00 -1.31 -18.62 5.70 17.02 -0.26 0.00 -1.31 -48.86 57- 1 -3.45 2.58 0.20 -0.01 -0.99 -12.80 557 3.45 12.10 -0.20 0.01 -1.00 -34.75 C1 -4.83 3.62 0.28 -0.01 -1.38 -17.92 4.83 16.93 -0.28 0.01 -1.39 -48.65 58- 1 -2.51 4.01 0.22 -0.01 -1.09 -5.98 558 2.51 10.67 -0.22 0.01 -1.09 -27.28 C1 -3.52 5.62 0.31 -0.01 -1.53 -8.37 3.52 14.93 -0.31 0.01 -1.53 -38.20 59- 1 -2.43 6.27 0.23 -0.01 -1.16 5.19 559 2.43 8.41 -0.23 0.01 -1.16 -15.89 C1 -3.40 8.78 0.32 -0.02 -1.62 7.26 3.40 11.77 -0.32 0.02 -1.62 -22.24 60- 1 -2.78 8.85 0.24 -0.01 -1.19 18.18 560 2.78 5.83 -0.24 0.01 -1.18 -3.07 C1 -3.89 12.39 0.33 -0.02 -1.66 25.45 3.89 8.16 -0.33 0.02 -1.66 -4.29 61- 1 -2.74 11.27 0.24 -0.01 -1.18 30.59 561 2.74 3.41 -0.24 0.01 -1.18 8.76 C1 -3.84 15.78 0.33 -0.01 -1.65 42.82 3.84 4.77 -0.33 0.01 -1.65 12.26 62- 1 -2.36 12.73 0.23 -0.01 -1.14 37.48 562 2.36 1.95 -0.23 0.01 -1.14 16.42 C1 -3.31 17.82 0.32 -0.01 -1.59 52.47 3.31 2.73 -0.32 0.01 -1.59 22.99 63- 1 -2.46 13.78 0.21 -0.01 -1.07 42.55 563 2.46 0.90 -0.21 0.01 -1.07 21.87 C1 -3.45 19.29 0.30 -0.01 -1.50 59.57 3.45 1.26 -0.30 0.01 -1.49 30.61 64- 1 -2.79 14.56 0.19 -0.00 -0.97 46.48 564 2.79 0.11 -0.19 0.00 -0.97 25.77 C1 -3.90 20.39 0.27 -0.01 -1.36 65.08 3.90 0.16 -0.27 0.01 -1.35 36.07 65- 1 -2.68 15.19 0.17 -0.00 -0.84 49.84 565 2.68 -0.51 -0.17 0.00 -0.84 28.69 C1 -3.75 21.27 0.23 -0.00 -1.17 69.78 3.75 -0.72 -0.23 0.00 -1.17 40.17 66- 1 -2.25 14.79 0.14 -0.00 -0.72 47.38 566 2.25 -0.12 -0.14 0.00 -0.73 27.17 C1 -3.15 20.71 0.20 -0.00 -1.01 66.34 3.15 -0.16 -0.20 0.00 -1.02 38.03 67- 1 -2.25 14.29 0.12 0.00 -0.61 44.60 567 2.25 0.39 -0.12 -0.00 -0.61 24.92 C1 -3.15 20.01 0.17 0.00 -0.85 62.44 3.15 0.54 -0.17 -0.00 -0.85 34.89 68- 1 -2.40 13.61 0.10 0.00 -0.48 41.09 568 2.40 1.07 -0.10 -0.00 -0.48 21.57 C1 -3.37 19.05 0.14 0.00 -0.68 57.52 3.37 1.50 -0.14 -0.00 -0.68 30.20 69- 1 -2.08 12.64 0.07 0.01 -0.35 36.38

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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569 2.08 2.04 -0.07 -0.01 -0.36 16.64 C1 -2.91 17.70 0.10 0.01 -0.50 50.93 2.91 2.85 -0.10 -0.01 -0.50 23.30 70- 1 -1.60 10.81 0.05 0.01 -0.25 26.83 570 1.60 3.87 -0.05 -0.01 -0.25 7.87 C1 -2.25 15.13 0.07 0.01 -0.35 37.56 2.25 5.42 -0.07 -0.01 -0.35 11.02 71- 1 -1.77 8.91 0.03 0.01 -0.16 17.12 571 1.77 5.77 -0.03 -0.01 -0.15 -1.43 C1 -2.47 12.47 0.04 0.01 -0.22 23.96 2.47 8.08 -0.04 -0.01 -0.22 -2.01 72- 1 -2.13 7.25 0.01 0.01 -0.07 8.77 572 2.13 7.43 -0.01 -0.01 -0.07 -9.72 C1 -2.99 10.14 0.02 0.01 -0.10 12.28 2.99 10.41 -0.02 -0.01 -0.10 -13.61 73- 1 -1.99 6.14 -0.00 0.00 0.01 3.40 573 1.99 8.54 0.00 -0.00 0.01 -15.40 C1 -2.79 8.60 -0.00 0.00 0.01 4.76 2.79 11.95 0.00 -0.00 0.01 -21.56 74- 1 -1.54 5.82 -0.02 0.00 0.10 1.40 574 1.54 8.86 0.02 -0.00 0.09 -16.60 C1 -2.15 8.15 -0.03 0.00 0.13 1.97 2.15 12.40 0.03 -0.00 0.13 -23.24 75- 1 -1.56 6.08 -0.04 -0.00 0.17 2.49 575 1.56 8.60 0.04 0.00 0.18 -15.06 C1 -2.18 8.52 -0.05 -0.00 0.24 3.49 2.18 12.03 0.05 0.00 0.25 -21.08 76- 1 -1.79 6.65 -0.05 -0.00 0.25 5.26 576 1.79 8.03 0.05 0.00 0.25 -12.18 C1 -2.50 9.31 -0.07 -0.00 0.35 7.37 2.50 11.24 0.07 0.00 0.35 -17.05 77- 1 -1.69 7.25 -0.06 -0.00 0.32 8.39 577 1.69 7.43 0.06 0.00 0.31 -9.28 C1 -2.36 10.15 -0.09 -0.00 0.44 11.75 2.36 10.40 0.09 0.00 0.44 -12.99 78- 1 -1.40 7.72 -0.07 -0.00 0.37 10.36 578 1.40 6.96 0.07 0.00 0.37 -6.57 C1 -1.96 10.81 -0.10 -0.00 0.52 14.50 1.96 9.75 0.10 0.00 0.52 -9.20 79- 1 -1.50 8.03 -0.08 -0.00 0.42 11.69 579 1.50 6.65 0.08 0.00 0.43 -4.82 C1 -2.10 11.24 -0.12 -0.00 0.59 16.37 2.10 9.31 0.12 0.00 0.60 -6.74 80- 1 -1.74 8.24 -0.09 0.00 0.47 12.70 580 1.74 6.44 0.09 -0.00 0.47 -3.71 C1 -2.44 11.53 -0.13 0.00 0.66 17.78 2.44 9.02 0.13 -0.00 0.66 -5.19 81- 1 -1.65 8.41 -0.10 0.00 0.52 13.64 581 1.65 6.27 0.10 -0.00 0.51 -2.99 C1 -2.31 11.77 -0.14 0.00 0.72 19.10 2.31 8.78 0.14 -0.00 0.72 -4.18 82- 1 -1.40 8.52 -0.11 0.00 0.55 13.85 582 1.40 6.16 0.11 -0.00 0.55 -2.02 C1 -1.96 11.93 -0.16 0.00 0.78 19.38 1.96 8.62 0.16 -0.00 0.78 -2.83 83- 1 -1.56 8.60 -0.12 0.00 0.59 14.01 583 1.56 6.08 0.12 -0.00 0.59 -1.40 C1 -2.18 12.04 -0.16 0.00 0.82 19.61 2.18 8.51 0.16 -0.00 0.82 -1.97 84- 1 -1.85 8.59 -0.12 0.00 0.62 13.88 584 1.85 6.09 0.12 -0.00 0.62 -1.37 C1 -2.59 12.03 -0.17 0.00 0.86 19.44 2.59 8.52 0.17 -0.00 0.86 -1.92 85- 1 -1.72 8.44 -0.13 0.00 0.64 13.21 585 1.72 6.24 0.13 -0.00 0.64 -2.18 C1 -2.41 11.82 -0.18 0.00 0.89 18.50 2.41 8.73 0.18 -0.00 0.89 -3.05 86- 1 -1.34 8.04 -0.13 0.00 0.65 10.74 586 1.34 6.64 0.13 -0.00 0.65 -3.77 C1 -1.88 11.25 -0.18 0.00 0.91 15.03 1.88 9.30 0.18 -0.00 0.91 -5.28 87- 1 -1.28 7.53 -0.13 0.00 0.66 7.91 587 1.28 7.15 0.13 -0.00 0.66 -5.97 C1 -1.80 10.55 -0.18 0.00 0.92 11.07 1.80 10.00 0.18 -0.00 0.92 -8.36 88- 1 -1.32 7.01 -0.13 0.00 0.66 5.07 588 1.32 7.67 0.13 -0.00 0.66 -8.42 C1 -1.85 9.81 -0.18 0.00 0.92 7.10 1.85 10.74 0.18 -0.00 0.92 -11.78

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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89- 1 -1.03 6.52 -0.13 0.00 0.65 2.59 589 1.03 8.16 0.13 -0.00 0.65 -10.75 C1 -1.44 9.13 -0.18 0.00 0.91 3.62 1.44 11.42 0.18 -0.00 0.91 -15.05 90- 1 -0.58 6.33 -0.13 0.00 0.64 1.16 590 0.58 8.35 0.13 -0.00 0.64 -11.27 C1 -0.81 8.86 -0.18 0.00 0.90 1.63 0.81 11.69 0.18 -0.00 0.90 -15.78 91- 1 -0.45 6.23 -0.13 0.00 0.64 0.34 591 0.45 8.45 0.13 -0.00 0.64 -11.41 C1 -0.64 8.73 -0.18 0.00 0.89 0.48 0.64 11.83 0.18 -0.00 0.89 -15.97 92- 1 -0.48 6.21 -0.12 0.00 0.62 -0.04 592 0.48 8.47 0.12 -0.00 0.62 -11.31 C1 -0.68 8.69 -0.17 0.00 0.87 -0.05 0.68 11.86 0.17 -0.00 0.87 -15.83 93- 1 -0.44 6.22 -0.12 0.00 0.61 -0.11 593 0.44 8.46 0.12 -0.00 0.60 -11.09 C1 -0.62 8.71 -0.17 0.00 0.85 -0.15 0.62 11.84 0.17 -0.00 0.85 -15.53 94- 1 -0.36 6.29 -0.12 0.00 0.58 -0.02 594 0.36 8.39 0.12 -0.00 0.58 -10.46 C1 -0.50 8.81 -0.16 0.00 0.82 -0.03 0.50 11.74 0.16 -0.00 0.82 -14.64 95- 1 -0.40 6.37 -0.11 0.00 0.56 0.18 595 0.40 8.31 0.11 -0.00 0.56 -9.90 C1 -0.56 8.91 -0.16 0.00 0.79 0.25 0.56 11.64 0.16 -0.00 0.79 -13.86 96- 1 -0.45 6.43 -0.11 0.00 0.53 0.41 596 0.45 8.25 0.11 -0.00 0.53 -9.48 C1 -0.63 9.01 -0.15 0.00 0.75 0.57 0.63 11.55 0.15 -0.00 0.75 -13.27 97- 1 -0.36 6.48 -0.10 0.00 0.50 0.62 597 0.36 8.20 0.10 -0.00 0.50 -9.26 C1 -0.50 9.07 -0.14 0.00 0.71 0.87 0.50 11.49 0.14 -0.00 0.70 -12.96 98- 1 -0.21 6.53 -0.09 0.00 0.47 0.77 598 0.21 8.15 0.09 -0.00 0.47 -8.83 C1 -0.29 9.15 -0.13 0.00 0.66 1.08 0.29 11.40 0.13 -0.00 0.66 -12.36 99- 1 -0.22 6.57 -0.09 0.00 0.44 0.87 599 0.22 8.11 0.09 -0.00 0.44 -8.61 C1 -0.31 9.19 -0.12 0.00 0.61 1.21 0.31 11.36 0.12 -0.00 0.61 -12.06 100- 1 -0.36 6.58 -0.08 0.00 0.40 0.95 600 0.36 8.10 0.08 -0.00 0.40 -8.58 C1 -0.50 9.21 -0.11 0.00 0.56 1.33 0.50 11.34 0.11 -0.00 0.56 -12.01 101- 1 -0.57 6.58 -0.07 0.00 0.36 1.05 601 0.57 8.10 0.07 -0.00 0.36 -8.69 C1 -0.79 9.21 -0.10 0.00 0.50 1.47 0.79 11.35 0.10 -0.00 0.50 -12.17 102- 1 -0.61 6.65 -0.06 0.00 0.31 1.28 602 0.61 8.03 0.06 -0.00 0.31 -8.15 C1 -0.86 9.31 -0.09 0.00 0.44 1.79 0.86 11.24 0.09 -0.00 0.44 -11.41 103- 1 -0.50 6.71 -0.05 0.00 0.27 1.50 603 0.50 7.97 0.05 -0.00 0.27 -7.78 C1 -0.70 9.40 -0.07 0.00 0.37 2.10 0.70 11.16 0.07 -0.00 0.37 -10.89 104- 1 -0.42 6.74 -0.04 0.00 0.22 1.62 604 0.42 7.94 0.04 -0.00 0.22 -7.67 C1 -0.58 9.43 -0.06 0.00 0.31 2.27 0.58 11.12 0.06 -0.00 0.31 -10.73 105- 1 -0.48 6.70 -0.03 0.00 0.17 1.56 605 0.48 7.97 0.03 -0.00 0.17 -7.91 C1 -0.68 9.39 -0.05 0.00 0.24 2.18 0.68 11.16 0.05 -0.00 0.24 -11.07 106- 1 -0.53 6.65 -0.02 0.00 0.12 1.24 606 0.53 8.03 0.02 -0.00 0.12 -8.13 C1 -0.74 9.31 -0.03 0.00 0.17 1.74 0.74 11.24 0.03 -0.00 0.17 -11.38 107- 1 -0.46 6.53 -0.01 0.00 0.07 0.68 607 0.46 8.15 0.01 -0.00 0.07 -8.77 C1 -0.65 9.14 -0.02 0.00 0.10 0.95 0.65 11.41 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -12.27 108- 1 -0.44 6.35 -0.00 0.00 0.02 -0.11 608 0.44 8.33 0.00 -0.00 0.02 -9.80 C1 -0.62 8.89 -0.00 0.00 0.02 -0.15

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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0.62 11.66 0.00 -0.00 0.02 -13.72 109- 1 -0.55 6.11 0.01 0.00 -0.04 -1.11 609 0.55 8.57 -0.01 -0.00 -0.03 -11.21 C1 -0.77 8.55 0.01 0.00 -0.05 -1.56 0.77 12.00 -0.01 -0.00 -0.05 -15.70 110- 1 -0.59 5.89 0.02 0.00 -0.09 -2.14 610 0.59 8.79 -0.02 -0.00 -0.09 -12.35 C1 -0.82 8.25 0.02 0.00 -0.12 -3.00 0.82 12.31 -0.02 -0.00 -0.12 -17.30 111- 1 -0.47 5.63 0.03 0.00 -0.14 -3.32 611 0.47 9.05 -0.03 -0.00 -0.14 -13.82 C1 -0.66 7.88 0.04 0.00 -0.20 -4.65 0.66 12.67 -0.04 -0.00 -0.20 -19.34 112- 1 -0.40 5.33 0.04 0.00 -0.19 -4.56 612 0.40 9.35 -0.04 -0.00 -0.19 -15.53 C1 -0.56 7.46 0.05 0.00 -0.27 -6.39 0.56 13.09 -0.05 -0.00 -0.27 -21.74 113- 1 -0.48 5.02 0.05 -0.00 -0.24 -5.81 613 0.48 9.66 -0.05 0.00 -0.24 -17.44 C1 -0.67 7.02 0.07 -0.00 -0.34 -8.13 0.67 13.53 -0.07 0.00 -0.34 -24.41 114- 1 -0.55 4.81 0.06 -0.00 -0.29 -6.65 614 0.55 9.87 -0.06 0.00 -0.29 -18.68 C1 -0.76 6.73 0.08 -0.00 -0.41 -9.31 0.76 13.82 -0.08 0.00 -0.41 -26.15 115- 1 -0.59 4.63 0.07 -0.00 -0.34 -7.24 615 0.59 10.05 -0.07 0.00 -0.34 -19.88 C1 -0.82 6.48 0.10 -0.00 -0.48 -10.14 0.82 14.07 -0.10 0.00 -0.48 -27.83 116- 1 -0.85 4.52 0.08 -0.00 -0.39 -7.39 616 0.85 10.16 -0.08 0.00 -0.39 -20.85 C1 -1.19 6.32 0.11 -0.00 -0.54 -10.35 1.19 14.23 -0.11 0.00 -0.54 -29.19 117- 1 -1.49 4.51 0.09 -0.00 -0.43 -6.88 617 1.49 10.17 -0.09 0.00 -0.43 -21.40 C1 -2.08 6.32 0.12 -0.00 -0.60 -9.63 2.08 14.23 -0.12 0.00 -0.60 -29.96 118- 1 -1.80 4.96 0.10 -0.00 -0.49 -4.64 618 1.80 9.72 -0.10 0.00 -0.49 -19.16 C1 -2.52 6.94 0.14 -0.00 -0.68 -6.50 2.52 13.61 -0.14 0.00 -0.68 -26.83 119- 1 -1.56 5.43 0.11 -0.00 -0.53 -2.15 619 1.56 9.25 -0.11 0.00 -0.54 -16.95 C1 -2.19 7.60 0.15 -0.01 -0.75 -3.01 2.19 12.95 -0.15 0.01 -0.75 -23.73 120- 1 -1.39 5.78 0.11 -0.00 -0.57 -0.11 620 1.39 8.90 -0.11 0.00 -0.57 -15.47 C1 -1.95 8.10 0.16 -0.00 -0.80 -0.15 1.95 12.46 -0.16 0.00 -0.80 -21.65 121- 1 -1.64 5.87 0.12 -0.00 -0.59 0.75 621 1.64 8.81 -0.12 0.00 -0.59 -15.47 C1 -2.29 8.21 0.17 -0.00 -0.83 1.04 2.29 12.34 -0.17 0.00 -0.83 -21.66 122- 1 -1.71 5.88 0.12 -0.00 -0.61 0.77 622 1.71 8.80 -0.12 0.00 -0.61 -15.39 C1 -2.39 8.23 0.17 -0.00 -0.85 1.08 2.39 12.32 -0.17 0.00 -0.85 -21.54 123- 1 -1.43 5.67 0.12 -0.00 -0.61 -0.14 623 1.43 9.01 -0.12 0.00 -0.61 -16.56 C1 -2.01 7.94 0.17 -0.00 -0.85 -0.19 2.01 12.61 -0.17 0.00 -0.85 -23.18 124- 1 -1.42 5.46 0.12 -0.00 -0.59 -0.89 624 1.42 9.22 -0.12 0.00 -0.59 -17.88 C1 -1.99 7.65 0.16 -0.00 -0.82 -1.25 1.99 12.90 -0.16 0.00 -0.82 -25.03 125- 1 -2.04 5.48 0.11 -0.00 -0.55 -0.37 625 2.04 9.20 -0.11 0.00 -0.54 -18.27 C1 -2.85 7.67 0.15 -0.01 -0.77 -0.52 2.85 12.88 -0.15 0.01 -0.76 -25.57 126- 1 -2.34 6.07 0.10 -0.01 -0.51 2.40 626 2.34 8.61 -0.10 0.01 -0.52 -15.13 C1 -3.27 8.49 0.14 -0.01 -0.72 3.36 3.27 12.06 -0.14 0.01 -0.72 -21.18 127- 1 -1.95 7.02 0.09 -0.01 -0.46 7.16 627 1.95 7.66 -0.09 0.01 -0.46 -10.34 C1 -2.73 9.83 0.13 -0.01 -0.64 10.03 2.73 10.72 -0.13 0.01 -0.64 -14.48 128- 1 -1.62 8.28 0.08 -0.01 -0.38 13.60 628 1.62 6.40 -0.08 0.01 -0.38 -4.21

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C1 -2.27 11.59 0.11 -0.01 -0.53 19.05 2.27 8.96 -0.11 0.01 -0.53 -5.90 129- 1 -1.82 9.79 0.06 -0.01 -0.28 21.49 629 1.82 4.89 -0.06 0.01 -0.28 3.02 C1 -2.54 13.71 0.08 -0.01 -0.39 30.09 2.54 6.84 -0.08 0.01 -0.39 4.23 130- 1 -1.84 11.23 0.03 -0.01 -0.17 28.51 630 1.84 3.45 -0.03 0.01 -0.17 10.36 C1 -2.58 15.72 0.05 -0.01 -0.23 39.91 2.58 4.83 -0.05 0.01 -0.24 14.50 131- 1 -1.45 12.77 0.01 -0.01 -0.04 36.23 631 1.45 1.91 -0.01 0.01 -0.05 18.06 C1 -2.03 17.88 0.01 -0.01 -0.06 50.72 2.03 2.68 -0.01 0.01 -0.06 25.28 132- 1 -1.32 14.32 -0.02 -0.01 0.10 44.17 632 1.32 0.36 0.02 0.01 0.10 25.62 C1 -1.85 20.05 -0.03 -0.01 0.13 61.84 1.85 0.50 0.03 0.01 0.14 35.87 133- 1 -1.91 15.77 -0.05 -0.00 0.25 51.81 633 1.91 -1.10 0.05 0.00 0.26 32.54 C1 -2.67 22.08 -0.07 -0.01 0.35 72.54 2.67 -1.53 0.07 0.01 0.36 45.55 134- 1 -2.36 16.15 -0.09 -0.00 0.44 53.63 634 2.36 -1.47 0.09 0.00 0.44 34.48 C1 -3.30 22.61 -0.12 -0.00 0.61 75.08 3.30 -2.06 0.12 0.00 0.61 48.28 135- 1 -2.28 16.39 -0.12 0.00 0.62 54.94 635 2.28 -1.71 0.12 -0.00 0.62 35.56 C1 -3.19 22.95 -0.17 0.00 0.86 76.91 3.19 -2.39 0.17 -0.00 0.86 49.78 136- 1 -2.32 16.57 -0.16 0.00 0.78 56.13 636 2.32 -1.89 0.16 -0.00 0.79 36.14 C1 -3.25 23.19 -0.22 0.00 1.10 78.58 3.25 -2.64 0.22 -0.00 1.10 50.59 137- 1 -2.78 16.75 -0.19 0.00 0.95 57.52 637 2.78 -2.07 0.19 -0.00 0.95 36.54 C1 -3.90 23.44 -0.27 0.00 1.32 80.53 3.90 -2.89 0.27 -0.00 1.33 51.16 138- 1 -2.89 15.77 -0.23 0.01 1.13 52.42 638 2.89 -1.09 0.23 -0.01 1.12 31.86 C1 -4.05 22.07 -0.32 0.01 1.58 73.39 4.05 -1.52 0.32 -0.01 1.57 44.60 139- 1 -2.53 14.71 -0.25 0.01 1.27 47.14 639 2.53 -0.03 0.25 -0.01 1.27 26.60 C1 -3.54 20.60 -0.35 0.01 1.77 66.00 3.54 -0.05 0.35 -0.01 1.77 37.24 140- 1 -2.38 13.46 -0.27 0.01 1.37 41.05 640 2.38 1.22 0.27 -0.01 1.37 20.14 C1 -3.33 18.84 -0.38 0.01 1.92 57.48 3.33 1.71 0.38 -0.01 1.92 28.19 141- 1 -2.69 11.86 -0.29 0.01 1.44 33.46 641 2.69 2.82 0.29 -0.01 1.44 11.76 C1 -3.77 16.61 -0.40 0.02 2.01 46.84 3.77 3.95 0.40 -0.02 2.01 16.46 142- 1 -2.66 9.26 -0.29 0.01 1.46 20.14 642 2.66 5.42 0.29 -0.01 1.46 -0.96 C1 -3.72 12.96 -0.41 0.02 2.05 28.19 3.72 7.59 0.41 -0.02 2.05 -1.34 143- 1 -2.24 6.54 -0.29 0.01 1.45 6.44 643 2.24 8.14 0.29 -0.01 1.44 -14.47 C1 -3.14 9.15 -0.40 0.02 2.03 9.01 3.14 11.40 0.40 -0.02 2.02 -20.25 144- 1 -2.31 4.17 -0.28 0.01 1.38 -5.31 644 2.31 10.51 0.28 -0.01 1.38 -26.42 C1 -3.24 5.83 -0.39 0.01 1.93 -7.43 3.24 14.72 0.39 -0.01 1.94 -36.99 145- 1 -3.36 2.64 -0.26 0.01 1.27 -12.64 645 3.36 12.04 0.26 -0.01 1.28 -34.36 C1 -4.70 3.70 -0.36 0.01 1.78 -17.69 4.70 16.86 0.36 -0.01 1.79 -48.11 146- 1 -4.12 2.50 -0.24 0.00 1.21 -13.49 646 4.12 12.18 0.24 -0.00 1.21 -34.90 C1 -5.77 3.50 -0.34 0.00 1.70 -18.88 5.77 17.05 0.34 -0.00 1.70 -48.86 147- 1 -3.98 3.18 -0.22 -0.00 1.12 -10.04 647 3.98 11.50 0.22 0.00 1.12 -31.55 C1 -5.57 4.45 -0.31 -0.00 1.56 -14.06 5.57 16.10 0.31 0.00 1.56 -44.17 148- 1 -3.64 4.22 -0.20 -0.00 0.99 -4.59

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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648 3.64 10.46 0.20 0.00 0.99 -26.60 C1 -5.10 5.91 -0.28 -0.00 1.38 -6.42 5.10 14.64 0.28 0.00 1.38 -37.24 149- 1 -3.16 5.19 -0.17 -0.00 0.83 0.71 649 3.16 9.49 0.17 0.00 0.82 -22.24 C1 -4.42 7.26 -0.23 -0.00 1.16 1.00 4.42 13.29 0.23 0.00 1.15 -31.13 150- 1 -2.20 6.02 -0.13 -0.00 0.67 4.72 650 2.20 8.66 0.13 0.00 0.67 -17.95 C1 -3.08 8.42 -0.19 -0.00 0.94 6.60 3.08 12.13 0.19 0.00 0.93 -25.13 151- 1 -1.11 6.55 -0.10 0.00 0.48 7.46 651 1.11 8.13 0.10 -0.00 0.48 -15.36 C1 -1.56 9.17 -0.13 0.00 0.68 10.44 1.56 11.38 0.13 -0.00 0.67 -21.51 152- 1 -0.31 6.94 -0.05 0.00 0.26 9.72 652 0.31 7.74 0.05 -0.00 0.26 -13.70 C1 -0.43 9.72 -0.07 0.00 0.36 13.60 0.43 10.83 0.07 -0.00 0.36 -19.18 153- 1 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.23 653 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.23 C1 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.13 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 -17.13 154- 1 -0.33 7.17 -0.02 0.00 0.07 10.81 654 0.33 7.51 0.02 -0.00 0.08 -12.53 C1 -0.46 10.03 -0.02 0.00 0.10 15.14 0.46 10.52 0.02 -0.00 0.11 -17.55 155- 1 -1.17 6.95 -0.03 0.00 0.13 9.39 655 1.17 7.73 0.03 -0.00 0.13 -13.29 C1 -1.64 9.73 -0.04 0.00 0.18 13.15 1.64 10.82 0.04 -0.00 0.19 -18.60 156- 1 -2.24 6.69 -0.03 0.00 0.16 7.97 656 2.24 7.99 0.03 -0.00 0.17 -14.48 C1 -3.14 9.36 -0.05 0.00 0.23 11.15 3.14 11.19 0.05 -0.00 0.24 -20.27 157- 1 -3.05 6.38 -0.04 0.00 0.18 6.53 657 3.05 8.30 0.04 -0.00 0.18 -16.11 C1 -4.27 8.93 -0.05 0.00 0.25 9.15 4.27 11.62 0.05 -0.00 0.25 -22.56 158- 1 -3.32 6.46 -0.04 0.00 0.18 6.37 658 3.32 8.22 0.04 -0.00 0.19 -15.20 C1 -4.65 9.04 -0.05 0.00 0.26 8.92 4.65 11.51 0.05 -0.00 0.26 -21.28 159- 1 -3.52 6.47 -0.04 0.00 0.18 6.10 659 3.52 8.21 0.04 -0.00 0.18 -14.81 C1 -4.92 9.06 -0.05 0.00 0.25 8.54 4.92 11.50 0.05 -0.00 0.25 -20.73 160- 1 -3.66 6.40 -0.03 0.00 0.16 5.63 660 3.66 8.28 0.03 -0.00 0.16 -15.02 C1 -5.12 8.96 -0.04 0.00 0.22 7.88 5.12 11.59 0.04 -0.00 0.22 -21.02 161- 1 -3.20 6.23 -0.03 0.00 0.13 4.86 661 3.20 8.45 0.03 -0.00 0.13 -15.92 C1 -4.47 8.73 -0.04 0.00 0.19 6.81 4.47 11.82 0.04 -0.00 0.18 -22.29 162- 1 -2.40 6.26 -0.02 0.00 0.10 4.42 662 2.40 8.42 0.02 -0.00 0.10 -15.23 C1 -3.35 8.76 -0.03 0.00 0.14 6.19 3.35 11.79 0.03 -0.00 0.14 -21.32 163- 1 -2.14 6.21 -0.01 0.00 0.06 3.79 663 2.14 8.47 0.01 -0.00 0.06 -15.12 C1 -3.00 8.69 -0.02 0.00 0.08 5.30 3.00 11.86 0.02 -0.00 0.08 -21.16 164- 1 -2.09 6.11 -0.00 0.00 0.01 3.09 664 2.09 8.57 0.00 -0.00 0.01 -15.42 C1 -2.93 8.55 -0.00 0.00 0.02 4.33 2.93 12.00 0.00 -0.00 0.02 -21.59 165- 1 -1.56 5.99 0.01 0.00 -0.04 2.48 665 1.56 8.69 -0.01 -0.00 -0.04 -16.01 C1 -2.18 8.38 0.01 0.00 -0.05 3.47 2.18 12.17 -0.01 -0.00 -0.06 -22.41 166- 1 -0.86 6.09 0.02 0.00 -0.08 2.51 666 0.86 8.59 -0.02 -0.00 -0.09 -15.06 C1 -1.21 8.52 0.02 0.00 -0.12 3.52 1.21 12.03 -0.02 -0.00 -0.12 -21.08 167- 1 -0.82 6.19 0.03 -0.00 -0.13 2.73 667 0.82 8.49 -0.03 0.00 -0.13 -14.27 C1 -1.15 8.66 0.04 -0.00 -0.19 3.83 1.15 11.89 -0.04 0.00 -0.19 -19.97

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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168- 1 -1.07 6.28 0.04 -0.00 -0.19 3.06 668 1.07 8.40 -0.04 0.00 -0.18 -13.70 C1 -1.49 8.79 0.05 -0.00 -0.26 4.28 1.49 11.76 -0.05 0.00 -0.26 -19.17 169- 1 -1.12 6.34 0.05 -0.00 -0.24 3.42 669 1.12 8.34 -0.05 0.00 -0.24 -13.42 C1 -1.56 8.88 0.07 -0.00 -0.34 4.78 1.56 11.68 -0.07 0.00 -0.34 -18.79 170- 1 -1.01 6.47 0.06 -0.00 -0.30 3.77 670 1.01 8.21 -0.06 0.00 -0.30 -12.47 C1 -1.42 9.06 0.08 -0.00 -0.41 5.28 1.42 11.49 -0.08 0.00 -0.41 -17.46 171- 1 -1.16 6.57 0.07 -0.00 -0.35 4.11 671 1.16 8.11 -0.07 0.00 -0.35 -11.85 C1 -1.62 9.19 0.10 -0.00 -0.49 5.76 1.62 11.36 -0.10 0.00 -0.49 -16.59 172- 1 -1.37 6.63 0.08 -0.00 -0.41 4.46 672 1.37 8.05 -0.08 0.00 -0.41 -11.54 C1 -1.91 9.28 0.11 -0.00 -0.57 6.24 1.91 11.27 -0.11 0.00 -0.57 -16.15 173- 1 -1.26 6.67 0.09 -0.00 -0.47 4.82 673 1.26 8.01 -0.09 0.00 -0.47 -11.51 C1 -1.77 9.34 0.13 -0.00 -0.65 6.75 1.77 11.21 -0.13 0.00 -0.65 -16.12 174- 1 -0.97 6.74 0.10 -0.00 -0.52 4.99 674 0.97 7.93 -0.10 0.00 -0.52 -10.94 C1 -1.35 9.44 0.15 -0.00 -0.73 6.99 1.35 11.11 -0.15 0.00 -0.73 -15.32 175- 1 -0.97 6.79 0.12 -0.00 -0.58 5.20 675 0.97 7.88 -0.12 0.00 -0.58 -10.65 C1 -1.35 9.51 0.16 -0.00 -0.82 7.28 1.35 11.04 -0.16 0.00 -0.82 -14.91 176- 1 -1.17 6.82 0.13 -0.00 -0.64 5.44 676 1.17 7.86 -0.13 0.00 -0.64 -10.63 C1 -1.64 9.55 0.18 -0.00 -0.90 7.61 1.64 11.00 -0.18 0.00 -0.90 -14.88 177- 1 -1.33 6.82 0.14 -0.00 -0.70 5.69 677 1.33 7.86 -0.14 0.00 -0.70 -10.90 C1 -1.86 9.55 0.20 -0.00 -0.98 7.97 1.86 11.00 -0.20 0.00 -0.98 -15.26 178- 1 -1.17 6.84 0.15 -0.00 -0.76 5.53 678 1.17 7.84 -0.15 0.00 -0.76 -10.56 C1 -1.64 9.57 0.21 -0.00 -1.07 7.74 1.64 10.98 -0.21 0.00 -1.07 -14.78 179- 1 -0.96 6.83 0.17 -0.00 -0.83 5.40 679 0.96 7.85 -0.17 0.00 -0.83 -10.50 C1 -1.34 9.56 0.23 -0.00 -1.16 7.55 1.34 10.99 -0.23 0.00 -1.16 -14.69 180- 1 -0.96 6.80 0.18 -0.00 -0.89 5.30 680 0.96 7.88 -0.18 0.00 -0.89 -10.70 C1 -1.35 9.52 0.25 -0.00 -1.25 7.42 1.35 11.03 -0.25 0.00 -1.24 -14.99 181- 1 -1.28 6.75 0.19 -0.00 -0.95 5.25 681 1.28 7.93 -0.19 0.00 -0.95 -11.17 C1 -1.79 9.45 0.27 -0.00 -1.34 7.35 1.79 11.10 -0.27 0.00 -1.33 -15.64 182- 1 -1.42 6.75 0.20 -0.00 -1.02 5.09 682 1.42 7.93 -0.20 0.00 -1.02 -11.00 C1 -1.99 9.45 0.29 -0.00 -1.43 7.12 1.99 11.10 -0.29 0.00 -1.43 -15.40 183- 1 -1.27 6.72 0.22 -0.00 -1.08 4.95 683 1.27 7.96 -0.22 0.00 -1.08 -11.11 C1 -1.78 9.41 0.30 -0.00 -1.52 6.94 1.78 11.14 -0.30 0.00 -1.52 -15.55 184- 1 -1.22 6.67 0.23 -0.00 -1.15 4.84 684 1.22 8.01 -0.23 0.00 -1.15 -11.51 C1 -1.71 9.34 0.32 -0.00 -1.61 6.78 1.71 11.21 -0.32 0.00 -1.61 -16.11 185- 1 -1.46 6.59 0.24 -0.00 -1.21 4.73 685 1.46 8.09 -0.24 0.00 -1.21 -12.23 C1 -2.04 9.23 0.34 -0.00 -1.70 6.62 2.04 11.33 -0.34 0.00 -1.69 -17.12 186- 1 -1.51 6.57 0.26 -0.00 -1.28 4.57 686 1.51 8.11 -0.26 0.00 -1.28 -12.25 C1 -2.12 9.20 0.36 -0.00 -1.79 6.40 2.12 11.35 -0.36 0.00 -1.79 -17.15 187- 1 -1.28 6.51 0.27 -0.00 -1.34 4.35 687 1.28 8.17 -0.27 0.00 -1.34 -12.67 C1 -1.79 9.11 0.38 -0.00 -1.88 6.09

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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1.79 11.44 -0.38 0.00 -1.88 -17.73 188- 1 -1.15 6.39 0.28 -0.00 -1.40 4.02 688 1.15 8.29 -0.28 0.00 -1.40 -13.51 C1 -1.61 8.95 0.39 -0.00 -1.96 5.62 1.61 11.61 -0.39 0.00 -1.96 -18.92 189- 1 -1.32 6.21 0.29 -0.00 -1.46 3.54 689 1.32 8.47 -0.29 0.00 -1.46 -14.85 C1 -1.85 8.69 0.41 -0.00 -2.04 4.96 1.85 11.86 -0.41 0.00 -2.04 -20.79 190- 1 -1.35 6.12 0.30 -0.00 -1.52 3.19 690 1.35 8.56 -0.30 0.00 -1.52 -15.40 C1 -1.90 8.57 0.43 -0.00 -2.13 4.46 1.90 11.99 -0.43 0.00 -2.13 -21.57 191- 1 -1.16 5.98 0.32 -0.00 -1.58 2.78 691 1.16 8.70 -0.32 0.00 -1.58 -16.37 C1 -1.63 8.37 0.44 -0.00 -2.21 3.89 1.63 12.18 -0.44 0.00 -2.21 -22.92 192- 1 -1.21 5.83 0.33 -0.00 -1.63 2.50 692 1.21 8.85 -0.33 0.00 -1.62 -17.59 C1 -1.70 8.16 0.46 -0.00 -2.28 3.50 1.70 12.39 -0.46 0.00 -2.27 -24.63 193- 1 -1.77 5.70 0.33 -0.00 -1.67 2.51 693 1.77 8.98 -0.33 0.00 -1.67 -18.89 C1 -2.48 7.98 0.47 -0.00 -2.34 3.52 2.48 12.57 -0.47 0.00 -2.33 -26.45 194- 1 -2.47 5.90 0.34 -0.00 -1.71 3.95 694 2.47 8.78 -0.34 0.00 -1.71 -18.35 C1 -3.46 8.26 0.48 -0.00 -2.40 5.52 3.46 12.29 -0.48 0.00 -2.39 -25.69 195- 1 -3.22 6.42 0.35 -0.00 -1.75 7.19 695 3.22 8.26 -0.35 0.00 -1.74 -16.43 C1 -4.51 8.98 0.49 -0.01 -2.45 10.07 4.51 11.57 -0.49 0.01 -2.44 -23.00 196- 1 -4.22 7.54 0.35 -0.01 -1.77 13.70 696 4.22 7.14 -0.35 0.01 -1.76 -11.70 C1 -5.91 10.56 0.49 -0.01 -2.48 19.17 5.91 10.00 -0.49 0.01 -2.47 -16.38 197- 1 -5.16 9.59 0.35 -0.01 -1.78 25.08 697 5.16 5.09 -0.35 0.01 -1.77 -2.58 C1 -7.23 13.43 0.50 -0.01 -2.49 35.12 7.23 7.12 -0.50 0.01 -2.48 -3.61 198- 1 -5.09 12.94 0.36 -0.01 -1.78 43.16 698 5.09 1.74 -0.36 0.01 -1.79 12.85 C1 -7.12 18.12 0.50 -0.02 -2.50 60.43 7.12 2.43 -0.50 0.02 -2.51 17.98 199- 1 -2.42 16.70 0.36 -0.01 -1.77 63.57 699 2.42 -2.02 -0.36 0.01 -1.80 30.01 C1 -3.39 23.38 0.50 -0.01 -2.48 89.00 3.39 -2.82 -0.50 0.01 -2.52 42.01 200- 1 5.13 19.91 0.35 -0.01 -1.74 81.60 700 -5.13 -5.24 -0.35 0.01 -1.80 44.15 C1 7.18 27.88 0.50 -0.01 -2.43 114.24 -7.18 -7.33 -0.50 0.01 -2.52 61.81 201- 1 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.23 900 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.23 C1 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.13 0.00 10.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 -17.13 549- 1 10211.08 130.47 -4.02 0.08 9.27 453.60 714 -10175.72 -102.18 4.02 -0.08 16.51 291.25 C1 14295.52 182.66 -5.63 0.12 12.97 635.05 -14246.01 -143.05 5.63 -0.12 23.11 407.74 553- 1 10385.22 -21.14 1.00 0.06 -27.24 -191.94 715 -10349.85 49.43 -1.00 -0.06 20.81 -33.99 C1 14539.30 -29.60 1.41 0.09 -38.14 -268.72 -14489.79 69.20 -1.41 -0.09 29.14 -47.59 715- 1 -8908.85 -7.78 2.10 0.05 -46.52 -66.29 814 8944.21 36.07 -2.10 -0.05 33.04 -74.10 C1 -12472.39 -10.89 2.95 0.06 -65.12 -92.81 12521.90 50.50 -2.95 -0.06 46.26 -103.74 714- 1 -4792.74 52.15 1.77 0.03 -33.08 145.17 813 4828.10 -23.86 -1.77 -0.03 21.73 98.18 C1 -6709.84 73.01 2.48 0.05 -46.31 203.24 6759.35 -33.40 -2.48 -0.05 30.42 137.45 712- 1 -3918.37 43.40 1.16 -0.07 7.01 123.98 813 3953.73 -15.11 -1.16 0.07 -14.42 63.32 C1 -5485.72 60.76 1.62 -0.10 9.81 173.57 5535.23 -21.15 -1.62 0.10 -20.19 88.65 549- 1 7842.44 41.67 -0.88 -0.02 2.42 60.77 712 -7807.08 -13.38 0.88 0.02 3.19 115.47

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C1 10979.42 58.34 -1.23 -0.03 3.39 85.07 -10929.91 -18.73 1.23 0.03 4.46 161.66 711- 1 -6315.76 -0.97 2.73 -0.09 5.66 -34.61 812 6351.13 29.26 -2.73 0.09 -23.15 -62.17 C1 -8842.07 -1.36 3.83 -0.12 7.92 -48.45 8891.58 40.96 -3.83 0.12 -32.42 -87.04 545- 1 5489.46 -9.58 -1.41 -0.05 8.17 -116.60 711 -5454.10 37.87 1.41 0.05 0.86 -35.33 C1 7685.24 -13.41 -1.97 -0.06 11.44 -163.24 -7635.73 53.02 1.97 0.06 1.21 -49.46 49- 1 10520.24 129.85 -7.32 0.05 25.01 456.54 314 -10484.88 -101.56 7.32 -0.05 21.86 284.31 C1 14728.34 181.79 -10.25 0.08 35.01 639.16 -14678.83 -142.18 10.25 -0.08 30.60 398.03 53- 1 8720.03 -39.03 -3.25 0.01 -2.93 -254.77 315 -8684.66 67.33 3.25 -0.01 23.73 -85.74 C1 12208.04 -54.65 -4.55 0.02 -4.11 -356.68 -12158.53 94.26 4.55 -0.02 33.22 -120.04 315- 1 -7127.07 9.42 5.19 -0.10 -29.17 -16.74 414 7162.44 18.87 -5.19 0.10 -4.07 -13.50 C1 -9977.90 13.19 7.27 -0.14 -40.83 -23.43 10027.41 26.42 -7.27 0.14 -5.70 -18.90 314- 1 -4937.28 52.26 7.40 -0.10 -23.06 151.25 413 4972.65 -23.97 -7.40 0.10 -24.32 92.82 C1 -6912.19 73.17 10.36 -0.15 -32.28 211.75 6961.70 -33.56 -10.36 0.15 -34.05 129.95 312- 1 -3972.80 29.32 -0.73 0.09 -5.22 74.04 413 4004.51 -3.95 0.73 -0.09 9.87 32.48 C1 -5561.92 41.05 -1.02 0.12 -7.31 103.65 5606.32 -5.53 1.02 -0.12 13.82 45.47 311- 1 -6229.19 4.38 -1.89 0.10 -2.59 -16.35 412 6260.90 20.99 1.89 -0.10 14.66 -36.84 C1 -8720.87 6.13 -2.64 0.15 -3.62 -22.88 8765.27 29.39 2.64 -0.15 20.53 -51.58 45- 1 5477.01 -0.72 1.47 0.06 -8.92 -63.81 311 -5445.29 26.09 -1.47 -0.06 -0.49 -22.01 C1 7667.81 -1.00 2.06 0.08 -12.49 -89.34 -7623.41 36.52 -2.06 -0.08 -0.69 -30.81 49- 1 7528.36 29.13 0.41 0.03 -4.04 41.30 312 -7496.64 -3.76 -0.41 -0.03 1.43 63.98 C1 10539.70 40.78 0.57 0.04 -5.66 57.82 -10495.30 -5.26 -0.57 -0.04 2.00 89.57 653- 1 8112.03 36.75 7.78 0.03 -41.31 43.22 740 -8076.67 -8.46 -7.78 -0.03 -8.51 101.54 C1 11356.84 51.45 10.89 0.04 -57.83 60.51 -11307.33 -11.85 -10.89 -0.04 -11.91 142.15 657- 1 5632.65 -11.35 4.51 0.06 -21.21 -121.58 741 -5597.28 39.64 -4.51 -0.06 -7.69 -41.66 C1 7885.71 -15.89 6.32 0.09 -29.70 -170.21 -7836.20 55.49 -6.32 -0.09 -10.76 -58.32 741- 1 -6207.37 -1.76 -4.24 0.11 1.58 -37.61 840 6242.73 30.05 4.24 -0.11 25.58 -64.22 C1 -8690.32 -2.46 -5.94 0.15 2.21 -52.65 8739.83 42.07 5.94 -0.15 35.82 -89.91 740- 1 -3833.12 42.35 -4.87 0.11 5.20 121.43 839 3868.48 -14.06 4.87 -0.11 25.99 59.16 C1 -5366.37 59.29 -6.82 0.16 7.29 170.00 5415.88 -19.68 6.82 -0.16 36.38 82.82 738- 1 -4774.59 51.55 -0.05 -0.06 28.96 143.55 839 4809.96 -23.26 0.05 0.06 -28.66 95.98 C1 -6684.43 72.18 -0.07 -0.08 40.55 200.98 6733.94 -32.57 0.07 0.08 -40.12 134.37 737- 1 -8922.90 -8.06 -1.33 -0.05 46.87 -67.49 838 8958.26 36.35 1.33 0.05 -38.35 -74.71 C1 -12492.06 -11.29 -1.86 -0.07 65.62 -94.49 12541.57 50.90 1.86 0.07 -53.69 -104.60 649- 1 10445.67 -21.59 -2.51 -0.09 37.73 -194.03 737 -10410.30 49.88 2.51 0.09 -21.67 -34.82 C1 14623.93 -30.23 -3.51 -0.12 52.83 -271.64 -14574.42 69.84 3.51 0.12 -30.34 -48.74 653- 1 10205.62 132.41 0.12 -0.15 11.99 462.73 738 -10170.26 -104.12 -0.12 0.15 -12.78 294.56 C1 14287.87 185.38 0.17 -0.21 16.79 647.82 -14238.36 -145.77 -0.17 0.21 -17.89 412.39 153- 1 7895.56 40.79 5.34 -0.00 -28.63 56.79 340 -7860.19 -12.49 -5.34 0.00 -5.53 113.79 C1 11053.78 57.10 7.47 -0.01 -40.08 79.51 -11004.27 -17.49 -7.47 0.01 -7.75 159.30 157- 1 5507.70 -9.54 0.39 -0.00 1.25 -116.37

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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341 -5472.33 37.83 -0.39 0.00 -3.76 -35.31 C1 7710.78 -13.36 0.55 -0.00 1.75 -162.91 -7661.27 52.97 -0.55 0.00 -5.27 -49.43 341- 1 -6344.34 -0.90 1.62 -0.03 10.82 -34.41 440 6379.70 29.20 -1.62 0.03 -21.17 -61.95 C1 -8882.08 -1.27 2.26 -0.04 15.15 -48.18 8931.59 40.87 -2.26 0.04 -29.64 -86.73 340- 1 -3983.32 43.96 -1.35 -0.02 19.28 124.90 439 4018.69 -15.67 1.35 0.02 -10.61 65.99 C1 -5576.65 61.54 -1.90 -0.02 26.99 174.86 5626.16 -21.93 1.90 0.02 -14.85 92.38 338- 1 -4944.14 53.05 -4.60 0.07 18.07 151.99 439 4979.51 -24.76 4.60 -0.07 11.37 97.13 C1 -6921.80 74.27 -6.44 0.09 25.30 212.79 6971.31 -34.66 6.44 -0.09 15.91 135.98 337- 1 -7082.07 9.54 -3.95 0.09 29.18 -16.33 438 7117.44 18.75 3.95 -0.09 -3.86 -13.16 C1 -9914.90 13.36 -5.54 0.12 40.85 -22.86 9964.41 26.25 5.54 -0.12 -5.40 -18.42 149- 1 8633.68 -38.19 1.52 -0.03 13.69 -251.44 337 -8598.32 66.48 -1.52 0.03 -23.44 -83.69 C1 12087.15 -53.47 2.13 -0.05 19.17 -352.01 -12037.64 93.08 -2.13 0.05 -32.81 -117.16 153- 1 10422.66 129.25 2.80 -0.13 -1.76 453.90 338 -10387.30 -100.96 -2.80 0.13 -16.15 283.12 C1 14591.73 180.95 3.92 -0.18 -2.47 635.46 -14542.22 -141.34 -3.92 0.18 -22.62 396.37 57- 1 7838.99 2.42 1.01 -0.04 -21.61 -60.31 316 -7803.62 25.87 -1.01 0.04 15.12 -14.79 C1 10974.58 3.38 1.42 -0.06 -30.26 -84.44 -10925.07 36.22 -1.42 0.06 21.17 -20.71 145- 1 7752.98 2.82 -2.19 0.05 28.68 -58.98 336 -7717.62 25.47 2.19 -0.05 -14.64 -13.55 C1 10854.17 3.95 -3.07 0.07 40.16 -82.57 -10804.66 35.66 3.07 -0.07 -20.49 -18.97 336- 1 -8406.93 -11.65 4.38 0.09 6.45 -100.98 437 8442.29 39.94 -4.38 -0.09 -34.49 -64.18 C1 -11769.70 -16.31 6.13 0.12 9.03 -141.38 11819.21 55.92 -6.13 -0.12 -48.28 -89.85 316- 1 -8468.71 -12.02 -3.16 -0.09 -8.34 -102.24 415 8504.08 40.31 3.16 0.09 28.57 -65.31 C1 -11856.20 -16.83 -4.42 -0.13 -11.68 -143.13 11905.71 56.44 4.42 0.13 40.00 -91.43 826- 1 -13.81 14.92 0.16 -0.00 -0.78 36.05 926 13.81 -2.09 -0.16 0.00 0.00 6.46 C1 -19.34 20.88 0.22 -0.00 -1.09 50.47 19.34 -2.92 -0.22 0.00 0.00 9.04 426- 1 -13.81 10.74 0.16 0.00 -0.78 15.17 926 13.81 2.09 -0.16 0.00 -0.00 6.46 C1 -19.34 15.04 0.22 0.00 -1.09 21.24 19.34 2.92 -0.22 0.00 -0.00 9.04 826- 1 63.74 2.29 0.15 -0.00 -0.72 -40.45 925 -63.74 14.14 -0.15 -0.00 -0.22 2.49 C1 89.24 3.20 0.20 -0.00 -1.01 -56.62 -89.24 19.80 -0.20 -0.00 -0.30 3.48 426- 1 -30.08 0.45 -0.07 0.00 -0.03 -47.23 925 30.08 15.98 0.07 0.00 0.47 -2.49 C1 -42.11 0.63 -0.10 0.00 -0.05 -66.13 42.11 22.37 0.10 0.00 0.66 -3.48 425- 1 26.22 25.47 10.79 0.00 -27.29 44.79 925 -26.22 -12.64 -10.79 0.00 -26.64 50.49 C1 36.71 35.66 15.10 0.00 -38.21 62.70 -36.71 -17.70 -15.10 0.00 -37.30 70.69 825- 1 -46.99 30.31 -10.41 -0.00 25.66 72.87 925 46.99 -17.48 10.41 -0.00 26.39 46.60 C1 -65.78 42.43 -14.57 -0.00 35.93 102.01 65.78 -24.47 14.57 -0.00 36.94 65.25 825- 1 63.34 0.63 0.14 -0.00 -0.70 -54.10 924 -63.34 15.80 -0.14 -0.00 -0.19 5.53 C1 88.68 0.88 0.19 -0.00 -0.99 -75.74 -88.68 22.12 -0.19 -0.00 -0.26 7.75 425- 1 -30.66 -2.30 -0.07 -0.00 0.01 -61.78 924 30.66 18.73 0.07 -0.00 0.47 -5.53 C1 -42.93 -3.22 -0.10 -0.00 0.01 -86.50 42.93 26.22 0.10 -0.00 0.65 -7.75 424- 1 26.59 27.71 10.49 0.00 -26.54 44.84 924 -26.59 -14.88 -10.49 0.00 -25.88 61.65 C1 37.22 38.79 14.68 0.00 -37.16 62.77 -37.22 -20.83 -14.68 0.00 -36.23 86.30

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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824- 1 -46.78 32.47 -10.09 -0.00 24.87 77.29 924 46.78 -19.64 10.09 -0.00 25.60 53.00 C1 -65.49 45.46 -14.13 -0.00 34.82 108.21 65.49 -27.50 14.13 -0.00 35.84 74.20 824- 1 63.22 2.66 0.14 -0.00 -0.70 -49.86 923 -63.22 13.76 -0.14 -0.00 -0.17 14.33 C1 88.51 3.73 0.19 -0.00 -0.98 -69.81 -88.51 19.27 -0.19 -0.00 -0.24 20.06 424- 1 -32.18 -2.59 -0.07 -0.00 -0.02 -54.84 923 32.18 19.02 0.07 -0.00 0.46 -14.33 C1 -45.05 -3.62 -0.10 -0.00 -0.03 -76.78 45.05 26.62 0.10 -0.00 0.64 -20.06 423- 1 29.11 30.09 9.97 0.00 -25.28 50.86 923 -29.11 -17.27 -9.97 0.00 -24.59 67.54 C1 40.75 42.13 13.96 0.00 -35.39 71.21 -40.75 -24.17 -13.96 0.00 -34.43 94.56 823- 1 -45.35 28.34 -9.58 -0.00 23.58 64.47 923 45.35 -15.51 9.58 -0.00 24.31 45.17 C1 -63.49 39.68 -13.41 -0.00 33.02 90.26 63.49 -21.72 13.41 -0.00 34.03 63.23 823- 1 63.09 2.70 0.11 0.00 -0.61 -52.11 922 -63.09 13.73 -0.11 0.00 -0.07 16.78 C1 88.32 3.78 0.15 0.00 -0.86 -72.95 -88.32 19.22 -0.15 0.00 -0.10 23.50 423- 1 -34.42 1.15 -0.06 -0.00 -0.06 -28.46 922 34.42 15.28 0.06 0.00 0.46 -16.78 C1 -48.19 1.61 -0.09 -0.00 -0.08 -39.84 48.19 21.39 0.09 0.00 0.64 -23.50 422- 1 32.10 32.67 9.25 0.00 -23.47 66.76 922 -32.10 -19.84 -9.25 0.00 -22.75 64.50 C1 44.95 45.73 12.94 0.00 -32.86 93.47 -44.95 -27.77 -12.94 0.00 -31.85 90.30 822- 1 -44.01 22.00 -8.79 -0.00 21.61 39.64 922 44.01 -9.17 8.79 -0.00 22.36 38.29 C1 -61.61 30.80 -12.31 -0.00 30.25 55.49 61.61 -12.84 12.31 -0.00 31.31 53.61 822- 1 64.90 -2.35 0.12 -0.00 -0.67 -68.19 921 -64.90 18.78 -0.12 -0.00 -0.10 0.53 C1 90.86 -3.29 0.17 -0.00 -0.94 -95.46 -90.86 26.29 -0.17 -0.00 -0.15 0.74 422- 1 -33.02 4.86 -0.04 0.00 -0.13 -20.98 921 33.02 11.57 0.04 0.00 0.41 -0.53 C1 -46.23 6.80 -0.06 0.00 -0.19 -29.37 46.23 16.20 0.06 0.00 0.57 -0.74 421- 1 33.47 30.02 10.23 0.00 -25.91 63.09 921 -33.47 -17.19 -10.23 0.00 -25.22 54.94 C1 46.85 42.03 14.32 0.00 -36.28 88.32 -46.85 -24.07 -14.32 0.00 -35.31 76.92 821- 1 -42.95 25.99 -9.82 -0.00 24.16 43.76 921 42.95 -13.16 9.82 -0.00 24.92 54.12 C1 -60.14 36.39 -13.74 -0.00 33.83 61.27 60.14 -18.43 13.74 -0.00 34.89 75.77 821- 1 61.17 -0.98 0.10 0.00 -0.62 -52.48 920 -61.17 17.40 -0.10 0.00 -0.05 -6.37 C1 85.63 -1.37 0.15 0.00 -0.87 -73.48 -85.63 24.37 -0.15 0.00 -0.07 -8.91 421- 1 -33.96 4.89 -0.05 -0.00 -0.11 -27.67 920 33.96 11.54 0.05 -0.00 0.41 6.37 C1 -47.54 6.84 -0.07 -0.00 -0.15 -38.74 47.54 16.16 0.07 -0.00 0.58 8.91 420- 1 34.04 25.80 8.78 0.00 -22.30 46.40 920 -34.04 -12.97 -8.78 0.00 -21.58 50.52 C1 47.66 36.12 12.29 0.00 -31.22 64.96 -47.66 -18.16 -12.29 0.00 -30.21 70.73 820- 1 -40.21 28.80 -8.34 -0.00 20.48 51.49 920 40.21 -15.98 8.34 -0.00 21.21 60.46 C1 -56.29 40.33 -11.68 -0.00 28.68 72.08 56.29 -22.37 11.68 -0.00 29.70 84.65 820- 1 61.03 9.43 0.10 -0.00 -0.58 5.59 919 -61.03 7.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.08 2.20 C1 85.44 13.20 0.14 -0.00 -0.82 7.83 -85.44 9.80 -0.14 0.00 -0.11 3.08 420- 1 -39.18 4.58 0.00 -0.00 -0.25 -21.06 919 39.18 11.85 -0.00 -0.00 0.24 -2.20 C1 -54.86 6.42 0.00 -0.00 -0.35 -29.48 54.86 16.58 -0.00 -0.00 0.34 -3.08 419- 1 39.85 20.12 7.04 0.00 -17.97 22.33 919 -39.85 -7.29 -7.04 0.00 -17.23 46.20 C1 55.79 28.17 9.86 0.00 -25.16 31.26

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-55.79 -10.21 -9.86 0.00 -24.12 64.68 819- 1 -38.34 24.38 -6.69 -0.00 16.37 47.07 919 38.34 -11.55 6.69 -0.00 17.07 42.76 C1 -53.68 34.13 -9.36 -0.00 22.91 65.90 53.68 -16.17 9.36 -0.00 23.89 59.87 819- 1 56.01 21.36 0.01 -0.00 -0.32 24.21 918 -56.01 -4.93 -0.01 -0.00 0.23 59.97 C1 78.41 29.91 0.02 -0.00 -0.45 33.90 -78.41 -6.91 -0.02 -0.00 0.32 83.96 419- 1 -40.71 2.67 -0.02 -0.00 -0.23 24.48 918 40.71 13.76 0.02 0.00 0.35 -59.97 C1 -56.99 3.74 -0.03 -0.00 -0.32 34.27 56.99 19.26 0.03 0.00 0.49 -83.96 418- 1 41.33 43.92 5.07 0.00 -13.09 108.72 918 -41.33 -31.09 -5.07 0.00 -12.26 78.80 C1 57.86 61.48 7.10 0.00 -18.33 152.20 -57.86 -43.52 -7.10 0.00 -17.16 110.31 818- 1 -34.20 -9.44 -4.51 -0.00 10.88 -64.39 918 34.20 22.26 4.51 -0.00 11.68 -14.87 C1 -47.88 -13.21 -6.32 -0.00 15.24 -90.14 47.88 31.17 6.32 -0.00 16.35 -20.81 818- 1 45.98 -4.56 0.06 -0.00 -0.52 -75.31 917 -45.98 20.99 -0.06 -0.00 0.12 -6.51 C1 64.37 -6.39 0.09 -0.00 -0.72 -105.44 -64.37 29.39 -0.09 -0.00 0.17 -9.11 418- 1 -38.18 25.60 0.08 0.00 -0.58 104.84 917 38.18 -9.18 -0.08 0.00 0.09 6.51 C1 -53.46 35.84 0.11 0.00 -0.81 146.77 53.46 -12.85 -0.11 0.00 0.13 9.11 417- 1 40.24 37.21 2.60 0.00 -6.82 122.49 917 -40.24 -24.38 -2.60 0.00 -6.17 31.49 C1 56.34 52.09 3.64 0.00 -9.55 171.49 -56.34 -34.14 -3.64 0.00 -8.63 44.09 817- 1 -25.39 0.26 -2.26 -0.00 5.35 -72.41 917 25.39 12.57 2.26 -0.00 5.95 41.66 C1 -35.55 0.37 -3.17 -0.00 7.50 -101.38 35.55 17.59 3.17 -0.00 8.33 58.32 817- 1 22.55 -4.32 0.02 -0.00 -0.29 -28.97 916 -22.55 20.75 -0.02 0.00 0.17 -51.31 C1 31.57 -6.05 0.02 -0.00 -0.40 -40.56 -31.57 29.05 -0.02 0.00 0.24 -71.83 417- 1 -22.43 30.33 0.09 0.00 -0.55 90.30 916 22.43 -13.90 -0.09 0.00 -0.04 51.31 C1 -31.41 42.46 0.13 0.00 -0.76 126.41 31.41 -19.46 -0.13 0.00 -0.05 71.83 416- 1 29.23 17.24 0.10 0.00 -0.46 60.95 916 -29.23 -4.42 -0.10 0.00 -0.06 -6.80 C1 40.92 24.14 0.15 0.00 -0.64 85.33 -40.92 -6.18 -0.15 0.00 -0.09 -9.52 816- 1 -5.84 15.26 0.09 -0.00 -0.36 -29.08 916 5.84 -2.43 -0.09 -0.00 -0.08 73.33 C1 -8.17 21.37 0.12 -0.00 -0.50 -40.72 8.17 -3.41 -0.12 -0.00 -0.11 102.66 816- 1 3.33 14.91 -0.19 0.00 0.33 122.08 915 -3.33 1.52 0.19 0.00 0.89 -79.20 C1 4.66 20.87 -0.27 0.00 0.46 170.92 -4.66 2.12 0.27 0.00 1.25 -110.89 416- 1 -10.15 32.47 -0.04 0.00 -0.19 76.13 915 10.15 -16.05 0.04 0.00 0.46 79.20 C1 -14.21 45.46 -0.06 0.00 -0.27 106.59 14.21 -22.46 0.06 0.00 0.65 110.89 415- 1 23.69 -21.94 -1.83 0.00 4.30 -85.71 915 -23.69 34.76 1.83 0.00 4.85 -56.04 C1 33.16 -30.71 -2.56 0.00 6.03 -120.00 -33.16 48.67 2.56 0.00 6.79 -78.45 815- 1 13.02 33.06 2.55 -0.00 -6.54 65.59 915 -13.02 -20.24 -2.55 -0.00 -6.20 67.66 C1 18.22 46.29 3.57 -0.00 -9.15 91.82 -18.22 -28.33 -3.57 -0.00 -8.68 94.72 815- 1 29.21 44.87 -0.03 0.00 -0.08 200.05 914 -29.21 -28.44 0.03 -0.00 0.25 34.68 C1 40.89 62.82 -0.04 0.00 -0.11 280.08 -40.89 -39.82 0.04 -0.00 0.35 48.55 415- 1 -45.84 3.78 0.23 -0.00 -1.00 6.29 914 45.84 12.65 -0.23 -0.00 -0.50 -34.68 C1 -64.17 5.29 0.33 -0.00 -1.40 8.81 64.17 17.71 -0.33 -0.00 -0.71 -48.55 414- 1 50.34 8.02 -5.26 0.00 12.90 -20.46 914 -50.34 4.81 5.26 0.00 13.37 28.50

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C1 70.48 11.23 -7.36 0.00 18.07 -28.64 -70.48 6.73 7.36 0.00 18.72 39.90 814- 1 -8.13 1.84 5.34 -0.00 -13.57 2.76 914 8.13 10.99 -5.34 -0.00 -13.12 -25.65 C1 -11.38 2.57 7.47 -0.00 -19.00 3.87 11.38 15.39 -7.47 -0.00 -18.37 -35.92 814- 1 7.70 18.36 -0.09 -0.00 0.16 62.85 913 -7.70 -1.93 0.09 -0.00 0.39 2.12 C1 10.78 25.71 -0.12 -0.00 0.22 87.99 -10.78 -2.71 0.12 -0.00 0.54 2.97 414- 1 -33.19 19.75 0.16 0.00 -0.63 76.01 913 33.19 -3.33 -0.16 0.00 -0.38 -2.12 C1 -46.47 27.65 0.22 0.00 -0.88 106.42 46.47 -4.66 -0.22 0.00 -0.53 -2.97 413- 1 34.96 9.90 -8.01 0.00 19.89 0.50 913 -34.96 2.93 8.01 0.00 20.15 16.94 C1 48.94 13.86 -11.21 0.00 27.84 0.70 -48.94 4.10 11.21 0.00 28.21 23.71 813- 1 3.07 10.50 8.11 -0.00 -20.38 6.79 913 -3.07 2.33 -8.11 -0.00 -20.16 13.62 C1 4.30 14.69 11.35 -0.00 -28.54 9.50 -4.30 3.27 -11.35 -0.00 -28.22 19.07 813- 1 1.84 18.68 -0.10 -0.00 0.25 70.46 912 -1.84 -2.25 0.10 0.00 0.39 -3.45 C1 2.58 26.15 -0.14 -0.00 0.35 98.64 -2.58 -3.15 0.14 0.00 0.54 -4.83 413- 1 -27.99 18.97 0.14 0.00 -0.51 65.41 912 27.99 -2.54 -0.14 0.00 -0.35 3.45 C1 -39.19 26.56 0.19 0.00 -0.72 91.58 39.19 -3.56 -0.19 0.00 -0.49 4.83 412- 1 31.15 8.27 -8.21 0.00 20.39 -6.23 912 -31.15 4.56 8.21 0.00 20.66 15.50 C1 43.61 11.57 -11.49 0.00 28.54 -8.72 -43.61 6.38 11.49 0.00 28.92 21.69 812- 1 7.88 12.60 8.31 -0.00 -20.86 10.03 912 -7.88 0.23 -8.31 -0.00 -20.69 20.89 C1 11.03 17.64 11.63 -0.00 -29.21 14.04 -11.03 0.32 -11.63 -0.00 -28.96 29.24 812- 1 7.52 22.96 -0.11 0.00 0.30 96.61 911 -7.52 -6.53 0.11 0.00 0.41 -2.18 C1 10.53 32.15 -0.16 0.00 0.42 135.25 -10.53 -9.15 0.16 0.00 0.58 -3.06 412- 1 -26.59 21.00 0.12 0.00 -0.49 79.69 911 26.59 -4.57 -0.12 0.00 -0.31 2.18 C1 -37.23 29.40 0.17 0.00 -0.69 111.57 37.23 -6.40 -0.17 0.00 -0.43 3.06 411- 1 28.65 5.15 -5.97 -0.00 14.81 -15.91 911 -28.65 7.68 5.97 0.00 15.05 9.58 C1 40.12 7.21 -8.36 -0.00 20.74 -22.27 -40.12 10.75 8.36 0.00 21.06 13.41 811- 1 2.02 9.40 6.13 0.00 -15.48 1.95 911 -2.02 3.43 -6.13 -0.00 -15.15 12.99 C1 2.83 13.16 8.58 0.00 -21.68 2.73 -2.83 4.80 -8.58 -0.00 -21.21 18.19 811- 1 11.35 26.25 -0.04 0.00 0.00 112.82 910 -11.35 -9.82 0.04 -0.00 0.23 2.67 C1 15.88 36.75 -0.05 0.00 0.00 157.94 -15.88 -13.75 0.05 -0.00 0.32 3.74 411- 1 -25.99 22.69 0.08 0.00 -0.34 95.34 910 25.99 -6.26 -0.08 -0.00 -0.20 -2.67 C1 -36.38 31.76 0.12 0.00 -0.48 133.47 36.38 -8.76 -0.12 -0.00 -0.28 -3.74 410- 1 23.34 4.47 -4.56 -0.00 11.28 -11.61 910 -23.34 8.35 4.56 -0.00 11.54 1.91 C1 32.68 6.26 -6.39 -0.00 15.79 -16.25 -32.68 11.69 6.39 -0.00 16.16 2.68 810- 1 -5.78 5.10 4.68 0.00 -11.82 -4.30 910 5.78 7.73 -4.68 0.00 -11.57 -2.27 C1 -8.09 7.14 6.55 0.00 -16.55 -6.02 8.09 10.82 -6.55 0.00 -16.19 -3.17 810- 1 12.65 10.20 -0.04 0.00 0.04 11.38 909 -12.65 6.23 0.04 -0.00 0.20 1.31 C1 17.71 14.27 -0.05 0.00 0.05 15.93 -17.71 8.73 0.05 -0.00 0.27 1.83 410- 1 -22.67 9.32 0.06 0.00 -0.29 8.42 909 22.67 7.10 -0.06 0.00 -0.12 -1.31 C1 -31.74 13.05 0.09 0.00 -0.41 11.78 31.74 9.95 -0.09 0.00 -0.17 -1.83 409- 1 22.04 19.39 -3.10 -0.00 7.63 27.76

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909 -22.04 -6.56 3.10 -0.00 7.88 37.09 C1 30.85 27.14 -4.34 -0.00 10.68 38.87 -30.85 -9.18 4.34 -0.00 11.04 51.93 809- 1 -5.53 19.61 3.24 0.00 -8.22 30.92 909 5.53 -6.78 -3.24 0.00 -7.96 35.05 C1 -7.74 27.45 4.53 0.00 -11.51 43.28 7.74 -9.49 -4.53 0.00 -11.14 49.08 809- 1 14.99 7.22 -0.02 0.00 -0.01 -7.30 908 -14.99 9.21 0.02 -0.00 0.16 0.94 C1 20.98 10.11 -0.03 0.00 -0.02 -10.22 -20.98 12.89 0.03 -0.00 0.23 1.32 409- 1 -20.68 6.83 0.05 -0.00 -0.25 -7.90 908 20.68 9.60 -0.05 0.00 -0.08 -0.94 C1 -28.95 9.57 0.07 -0.00 -0.35 -11.06 28.95 13.43 -0.07 0.00 -0.11 -1.32 408- 1 20.23 22.30 -1.74 -0.00 4.23 35.88 908 -20.23 -9.47 1.74 -0.00 4.47 43.57 C1 28.32 31.22 -2.44 -0.00 5.92 50.23 -28.32 -13.26 2.44 -0.00 6.26 60.99 808- 1 -7.60 22.16 1.88 0.00 -4.83 36.62 908 7.60 -9.33 -1.88 0.00 -4.55 42.09 C1 -10.64 31.02 2.63 0.00 -6.76 51.26 10.64 -13.06 -2.63 0.00 -6.37 58.93 808- 1 16.80 6.62 -0.01 0.00 -0.08 -11.10 907 -16.80 9.81 0.01 0.00 0.11 0.87 C1 23.52 9.26 -0.01 0.00 -0.11 -15.54 -23.52 13.74 0.01 0.00 0.16 1.22 408- 1 -18.82 6.47 0.03 -0.00 -0.19 -10.28 907 18.82 9.96 -0.03 0.00 -0.02 -0.87 C1 -26.35 9.06 0.05 -0.00 -0.26 -14.39 26.35 13.94 -0.05 0.00 -0.03 -1.22 407- 1 18.38 22.99 -0.57 -0.00 1.31 38.62 907 -18.38 -10.17 0.57 -0.00 1.56 44.28 C1 25.74 32.19 -0.80 -0.00 1.83 54.07 -25.74 -14.23 0.80 -0.00 2.19 61.99 807- 1 -9.42 22.43 0.72 0.00 -1.92 37.16 907 9.42 -9.60 -0.72 0.00 -1.66 42.92 C1 -13.19 31.40 1.00 0.00 -2.69 52.02 13.19 -13.44 -1.00 0.00 -2.32 60.08 807- 1 19.01 6.23 0.00 -0.00 -0.10 -13.60 906 -19.01 10.19 -0.00 -0.00 0.09 0.92 C1 26.61 8.73 0.00 -0.00 -0.14 -19.04 -26.61 14.27 -0.00 -0.00 0.12 1.29 407- 1 -16.32 6.27 0.02 -0.00 -0.16 -11.52 906 16.32 10.16 -0.02 -0.00 0.02 -0.92 C1 -22.85 8.78 0.03 -0.00 -0.23 -16.13 22.85 14.22 -0.03 -0.00 0.03 -1.29 406- 1 17.65 23.55 0.91 -0.00 -2.40 40.19 906 -17.65 -10.72 -0.91 -0.00 -2.13 45.50 C1 24.71 32.97 1.27 -0.00 -3.36 56.26 -24.71 -15.01 -1.27 -0.00 -2.98 63.70 806- 1 -9.92 22.46 -0.76 0.00 1.76 36.14 906 9.92 -9.63 0.76 0.00 2.02 44.06 C1 -13.89 31.44 -1.06 0.00 2.47 50.60 13.89 -13.48 1.06 0.00 2.83 61.69 806- 1 19.25 5.33 0.00 -0.00 -0.10 -19.50 905 -19.25 11.09 -0.00 -0.00 0.09 1.05 C1 26.95 7.47 0.00 -0.00 -0.14 -27.30 -26.95 15.53 -0.00 -0.00 0.12 1.47 406- 1 -15.53 5.55 0.02 0.00 -0.17 -16.03 905 15.53 10.88 -0.02 -0.00 0.03 -1.05 C1 -21.75 7.76 0.03 0.00 -0.24 -22.44 21.75 15.23 -0.03 -0.00 0.04 -1.47 405- 1 17.69 24.75 1.23 0.00 -3.20 43.25 905 -17.69 -11.93 -1.23 0.00 -2.93 48.45 C1 24.77 34.66 1.72 0.00 -4.48 60.55 -24.77 -16.70 -1.72 0.00 -4.11 67.83 805- 1 -9.45 22.88 -1.08 -0.00 2.57 35.52 905 9.45 -10.05 1.08 -0.00 2.82 46.80 C1 -13.23 32.03 -1.51 -0.00 3.60 49.73 13.23 -14.07 1.51 -0.00 3.95 65.53 805- 1 18.45 4.91 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -22.40 904 -18.45 11.52 -0.00 -0.00 0.08 1.24 C1 25.83 6.87 0.00 0.00 -0.14 -31.36 -25.83 16.13 -0.00 -0.00 0.12 1.73 405- 1 -14.59 5.37 0.02 0.00 -0.17 -16.96 904 14.59 11.06 -0.02 0.00 0.02 -1.24 C1 -20.43 7.52 0.03 0.00 -0.24 -23.75 20.43 15.48 -0.03 0.00 0.03 -1.73

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404- 1 17.36 25.58 1.27 0.00 -3.30 45.02 904 -17.36 -12.75 -1.27 0.00 -3.05 50.81 C1 24.30 35.81 1.78 0.00 -4.62 63.03 -24.30 -17.85 -1.78 0.00 -4.26 71.13 804- 1 -8.43 22.65 -1.13 -0.00 2.70 32.32 904 8.43 -9.82 1.13 -0.00 2.94 48.87 C1 -11.80 31.71 -1.58 -0.00 3.78 45.25 11.80 -13.75 1.58 -0.00 4.11 68.42 804- 1 16.35 5.28 0.00 -0.00 -0.09 -20.23 903 -16.35 11.15 -0.00 0.00 0.09 1.47 C1 22.88 7.40 0.00 -0.00 -0.13 -28.33 -22.88 15.60 -0.00 0.00 0.12 2.05 404- 1 -13.22 6.10 0.03 -0.00 -0.18 -12.06 903 13.22 10.33 -0.03 -0.00 0.01 -1.47 C1 -18.51 8.54 0.04 -0.00 -0.26 -16.88 18.51 14.46 -0.04 -0.00 0.01 -2.05 403- 1 16.84 25.68 1.03 0.00 -2.68 44.64 903 -16.84 -12.85 -1.03 0.00 -2.45 51.70 C1 23.58 35.96 1.44 0.00 -3.76 62.50 -23.58 -18.00 -1.44 0.00 -3.43 72.38 803- 1 -6.23 21.45 -0.90 -0.00 2.16 25.74 903 6.23 -8.62 0.90 -0.00 2.36 49.41 C1 -8.72 30.02 -1.26 -0.00 3.02 36.04 8.72 -12.06 1.26 -0.00 3.30 69.18 803- 1 12.47 7.41 -0.01 -0.00 -0.06 -6.96 902 -12.47 9.02 0.01 0.00 0.09 1.82 C1 17.46 10.37 -0.01 -0.00 -0.08 -9.75 -17.46 12.62 0.01 0.00 0.13 2.55 403- 1 -10.97 8.70 0.04 0.00 -0.20 4.91 902 10.97 7.73 -0.04 -0.00 -0.03 -1.82 C1 -15.36 12.18 0.05 0.00 -0.29 6.87 15.36 10.82 -0.05 -0.00 -0.04 -2.55 402- 1 15.44 24.12 0.50 0.00 -1.33 40.88 902 -15.44 -11.29 -0.50 0.00 -1.15 47.67 C1 21.61 33.77 0.69 0.00 -1.86 57.23 -21.61 -15.81 -0.69 0.00 -1.61 66.73 802- 1 -2.85 18.28 -0.41 -0.00 0.94 14.52 902 2.85 -5.45 0.41 -0.00 1.09 44.83 C1 -3.99 25.60 -0.57 -0.00 1.31 20.32 3.99 -7.64 0.57 -0.00 1.52 62.76 802- 1 7.18 8.96 -0.01 0.00 -0.02 2.77 901 -7.18 7.47 0.01 -0.00 0.08 1.99 C1 10.05 12.54 -0.01 0.00 -0.03 3.88 -10.05 10.46 0.01 -0.00 0.12 2.79 402- 1 -7.04 10.95 0.04 0.00 -0.21 19.51 901 7.04 5.48 -0.04 0.00 -0.08 -1.99 C1 -9.85 15.33 0.06 0.00 -0.29 27.31 9.85 7.67 -0.06 0.00 -0.11 -2.79 401- 1 9.04 23.01 0.04 0.00 -0.14 39.25 901 -9.04 -10.19 -0.04 0.00 -0.07 43.75 C1 12.65 32.22 0.06 0.00 -0.19 54.95 -12.65 -14.26 -0.06 0.00 -0.10 61.25 801- 1 -2.04 15.59 -0.00 -0.00 -0.05 5.24 901 2.04 -2.76 0.00 -0.00 0.07 40.64 C1 -2.85 21.83 -0.00 -0.00 -0.07 7.34 2.85 -3.87 0.00 -0.00 0.09 56.90 826- 1 -27.20 2.47 -0.09 -0.00 0.01 -35.58 927 27.20 13.96 0.09 0.00 0.58 -1.19 C1 -38.08 3.46 -0.13 -0.00 0.01 -49.81 38.08 19.54 0.13 0.00 0.82 -1.66 426- 1 60.87 -0.28 0.12 -0.00 -0.67 -55.55 927 -60.87 16.70 -0.12 -0.00 -0.10 1.19 C1 85.22 -0.39 0.17 -0.00 -0.93 -77.76 -85.22 23.38 -0.17 -0.00 -0.13 1.66 827- 1 24.40 30.35 10.84 0.00 -27.42 69.87 927 -24.40 -17.53 -10.84 0.00 -26.76 49.83 C1 34.17 42.50 15.17 0.00 -38.38 97.82 -34.17 -24.54 -15.17 0.00 -37.46 69.77 427- 1 -44.35 25.96 -10.36 -0.00 25.54 49.75 927 44.35 -13.13 10.36 -0.00 26.27 47.98 C1 -62.09 36.34 -14.51 -0.00 35.76 69.65 62.09 -18.38 14.51 -0.00 36.78 67.17 427- 1 60.14 -1.97 0.13 -0.00 -0.72 -70.87 928 -60.14 18.40 -0.13 0.00 -0.09 5.64 C1 84.19 -2.76 0.18 -0.00 -1.00 -99.21 -84.19 25.76 -0.18 0.00 -0.13 7.90 827- 1 -27.46 -1.34 -0.08 0.00 -0.02 -55.53 928 27.46 17.77 0.08 0.00 0.55 -5.64 C1 -38.44 -1.88 -0.12 0.00 -0.02 -77.75

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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38.44 24.87 0.12 0.00 0.77 -7.90 828- 1 24.28 35.82 10.52 0.00 -26.62 83.16 928 -24.28 -22.99 -10.52 0.00 -25.97 63.85 C1 33.99 50.14 14.73 0.00 -37.27 116.43 -33.99 -32.18 -14.73 0.00 -36.36 89.39 428- 1 -44.10 26.01 -10.06 -0.00 24.79 42.93 928 44.10 -13.18 10.06 -0.00 25.51 55.04 C1 -61.73 36.41 -14.08 -0.00 34.70 60.10 61.73 -18.45 14.08 -0.00 35.71 77.06 828- 1 -26.52 0.43 -0.08 0.00 -0.02 -46.64 929 26.52 16.00 0.08 0.00 0.54 -3.19 C1 -37.13 0.61 -0.12 0.00 -0.02 -65.30 37.13 22.39 0.12 0.00 0.76 -4.46 428- 1 57.50 -3.37 0.12 -0.00 -0.70 -77.39 929 -57.50 19.80 -0.12 0.00 -0.08 3.19 C1 80.50 -4.72 0.17 -0.00 -0.98 -108.34 -80.50 27.72 -0.17 0.00 -0.11 4.46 429- 1 -42.56 23.46 -9.53 -0.00 23.48 26.06 929 42.56 -10.63 9.53 -0.00 24.18 59.17 C1 -59.58 32.84 -13.34 -0.00 32.88 36.48 59.58 -14.88 13.34 -0.00 33.85 82.84 829- 1 23.03 37.99 9.98 0.00 -25.27 93.76 929 -23.03 -25.17 -9.98 0.00 -24.64 64.15 C1 32.24 53.19 13.97 0.00 -35.37 131.26 -32.24 -35.23 -13.97 0.00 -34.50 89.81 829- 1 -25.69 5.22 -0.08 0.00 -0.03 -30.26 930 25.69 11.21 0.08 0.00 0.53 11.11 C1 -35.97 7.31 -0.11 0.00 -0.04 -42.36 35.97 15.69 0.11 0.00 0.74 15.55 429- 1 54.39 -4.67 0.11 0.00 -0.66 -71.36 930 -54.39 21.09 -0.11 0.00 -0.06 -11.11 C1 76.14 -6.53 0.16 0.00 -0.93 -99.91 -76.14 29.53 -0.16 0.00 -0.08 -15.55 430- 1 -38.42 23.90 -8.82 -0.00 21.72 20.57 930 38.42 -11.07 8.82 -0.00 22.36 66.84 C1 -53.79 33.46 -12.34 -0.00 30.41 28.80 53.79 -15.50 12.34 -0.00 31.31 93.58 830- 1 24.09 34.06 9.26 0.00 -23.47 88.73 930 -24.09 -21.23 -9.26 0.00 -22.83 49.49 C1 33.72 47.68 12.96 0.00 -32.86 124.22 -33.72 -29.72 -12.96 0.00 -31.96 69.29 830- 1 -19.19 6.00 -0.04 -0.00 -0.14 -34.08 931 19.19 10.43 0.04 -0.00 0.39 19.92 C1 -26.87 8.40 -0.06 -0.00 -0.19 -47.71 26.87 14.60 0.06 -0.00 0.55 27.89 430- 1 51.37 -1.24 0.12 0.00 -0.66 -40.62 931 -51.37 17.67 -0.12 -0.00 -0.13 -19.92 C1 71.92 -1.74 0.17 0.00 -0.92 -56.86 -71.92 24.74 -0.17 -0.00 -0.18 -27.89 431- 1 -32.11 26.45 -9.96 -0.00 24.62 29.71 931 32.11 -13.62 9.96 -0.00 25.17 70.49 C1 -44.96 37.03 -13.94 -0.00 34.46 41.59 44.96 -19.07 13.94 -0.00 35.23 98.68 831- 1 22.94 27.30 10.27 0.00 -25.93 65.03 931 -22.94 -14.47 -10.27 0.00 -25.43 39.38 C1 32.11 38.22 14.38 0.00 -36.31 91.05 -32.11 -20.26 -14.38 0.00 -35.61 55.13 831- 1 -14.48 7.48 -0.07 -0.00 -0.01 -11.33 932 14.48 8.95 0.07 0.00 0.45 6.60 C1 -20.27 10.47 -0.10 -0.00 -0.01 -15.86 20.27 12.53 0.10 0.00 0.63 9.24 431- 1 42.18 6.68 0.08 -0.00 -0.49 -3.20 932 -42.18 9.75 -0.08 0.00 -0.00 -6.60 C1 59.06 9.36 0.11 -0.00 -0.69 -4.49 -59.06 13.64 -0.11 0.00 -0.00 -9.24 432- 1 -24.21 17.57 -8.52 -0.00 21.07 7.89 932 24.21 -4.74 8.52 -0.00 21.55 47.88 C1 -33.90 24.60 -11.93 -0.00 29.50 11.05 33.90 -6.64 11.93 -0.00 30.17 67.03 832- 1 20.03 26.79 8.90 0.00 -22.49 64.29 932 -20.03 -13.96 -8.90 0.00 -22.00 37.57 C1 28.04 37.50 12.46 0.00 -31.48 90.01 -28.04 -19.54 -12.46 0.00 -30.80 52.60 832- 1 -15.04 19.26 -0.01 0.00 -0.18 12.62 933 15.04 -2.83 0.01 0.00 0.25 58.11 C1 -21.06 26.96 -0.01 0.00 -0.26 17.66 21.06 -3.96 0.01 0.00 0.35 81.35 432- 1 36.76 -1.33 0.08 0.00 -0.45 -3.00 933 -36.76 17.76 -0.08 0.00 -0.03 -58.11

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C1 51.46 -1.86 0.11 0.00 -0.64 -4.20 -51.46 24.86 -0.11 0.00 -0.04 -81.35 433- 1 -20.39 38.71 -6.70 -0.00 16.56 78.09 933 20.39 -25.88 6.70 -0.00 16.93 83.39 C1 -28.54 54.19 -9.38 -0.00 23.18 109.32 28.54 -36.23 9.38 -0.00 23.71 116.75 833- 1 20.02 1.87 6.94 0.00 -17.53 -15.34 933 -20.02 10.95 -6.94 0.00 -17.15 -7.36 C1 28.03 2.62 9.71 0.00 -24.54 -21.48 -28.03 15.34 -9.71 0.00 -24.01 -10.30 833- 1 -21.78 1.59 -0.02 -0.00 -0.08 -85.17 934 21.78 14.84 0.02 -0.00 0.20 42.77 C1 -30.49 2.23 -0.03 -0.00 -0.12 -119.24 30.49 20.77 0.03 -0.00 0.28 59.88 433- 1 37.27 11.38 0.04 -0.00 -0.26 63.05 934 -37.27 5.05 -0.04 -0.00 0.03 -42.77 C1 52.18 15.93 0.05 -0.00 -0.37 88.26 -52.18 7.07 -0.05 -0.00 0.04 -59.88 434- 1 -20.10 53.30 -4.73 -0.00 11.64 154.54 934 20.10 -40.47 4.73 -0.00 12.02 79.89 C1 -28.14 74.62 -6.62 -0.00 16.29 216.35 28.14 -56.66 6.62 -0.00 16.82 111.84 834- 1 26.00 -7.76 4.99 0.00 -12.69 -83.95 934 -26.00 20.59 -4.99 0.00 -12.25 13.09 C1 36.40 -10.86 6.98 0.00 -17.77 -117.54 -36.40 28.82 -6.98 0.00 -17.15 18.32 834- 1 -41.09 -8.11 -0.03 -0.00 -0.10 -87.59 935 41.09 24.54 0.03 -0.00 0.29 -16.92 C1 -57.53 -11.35 -0.04 -0.00 -0.14 -122.62 57.53 34.35 0.04 -0.00 0.40 -23.69 434- 1 49.11 29.09 -0.05 -0.00 -0.02 116.75 935 -49.11 -12.66 0.05 0.00 0.32 16.92 C1 68.75 40.73 -0.07 -0.00 -0.02 163.45 -68.75 -17.73 0.07 0.00 0.44 23.69 435- 1 -27.52 39.06 -2.23 -0.00 5.23 139.64 935 27.52 -26.23 2.23 -0.00 5.93 23.59 C1 -38.53 54.68 -3.12 -0.00 7.33 195.49 38.53 -36.72 3.12 -0.00 8.30 33.02 835- 1 42.97 -1.53 2.76 0.00 -7.28 -89.73 935 -42.97 14.36 -2.76 0.00 -6.53 50.01 C1 60.15 -2.14 3.87 0.00 -10.19 -125.62 -60.15 20.10 -3.87 0.00 -9.14 70.02 835- 1 -69.15 -6.42 0.02 0.00 -0.39 -33.93 936 69.15 22.85 -0.02 0.00 0.24 -59.78 C1 -96.81 -8.99 0.03 0.00 -0.55 -47.50 96.81 31.99 -0.03 0.00 0.33 -83.69 435- 1 69.51 32.22 -0.05 0.00 -0.13 93.92 936 -69.51 -15.79 0.05 0.00 0.45 59.78 C1 97.32 45.11 -0.07 0.00 -0.18 131.49 -97.32 -22.11 0.07 0.00 0.63 83.69 436- 1 -42.51 17.14 0.27 -0.00 -1.17 66.86 936 42.51 -4.32 -0.27 -0.00 -0.16 -13.22 C1 -59.51 24.00 0.37 -0.00 -1.64 93.61 59.51 -6.04 -0.37 -0.00 -0.22 -18.50 836- 1 65.78 15.57 0.44 0.00 -1.65 -34.36 936 -65.78 -2.74 -0.44 0.00 -0.53 80.15 C1 92.09 21.80 0.61 0.00 -2.32 -48.10 -92.09 -3.84 -0.61 0.00 -0.74 112.21 836- 1 -89.80 14.06 0.24 0.00 -1.05 123.63 937 89.80 2.37 -0.24 0.00 -0.48 -86.18 C1 -125.71 19.69 0.33 0.00 -1.47 173.09 125.71 3.31 -0.33 0.00 -0.67 -120.66 436- 1 83.22 33.14 0.10 -0.00 -0.55 73.39 937 -83.22 -16.71 -0.10 0.00 -0.06 86.18 C1 116.50 46.39 0.13 -0.00 -0.76 102.75 -116.50 -23.39 -0.13 0.00 -0.09 120.66 437- 1 -49.45 -23.69 2.20 -0.00 -5.93 -89.15 937 49.45 36.52 -2.20 -0.00 -5.06 -61.37 C1 -69.23 -33.17 3.08 -0.00 -8.30 -124.82 69.23 51.13 -3.08 -0.00 -7.08 -85.92 837- 1 85.44 35.01 -2.02 0.00 4.52 69.74 937 -85.44 -22.18 2.02 0.00 5.60 73.22 C1 119.62 49.01 -2.83 0.00 6.32 97.63 -119.62 -31.05 2.83 0.00 7.84 102.51 837- 1 -62.70 44.79 0.08 0.00 -0.67 206.27 938 62.70 -28.36 -0.08 0.00 0.14 27.90 C1 -87.78 62.70 0.12 0.00 -0.93 288.78 87.78 -39.70 -0.12 0.00 0.19 39.06 437- 1 46.34 3.70 -0.18 -0.00 0.26 -0.99

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938 -46.34 12.73 0.18 -0.00 0.89 -27.90 C1 64.87 5.18 -0.25 -0.00 0.36 -1.38 -64.87 17.82 0.25 -0.00 1.25 -39.06 438- 1 -22.50 4.29 5.60 -0.00 -14.47 -33.52 938 22.50 8.53 -5.60 -0.00 -13.55 22.92 C1 -31.50 6.01 7.85 -0.00 -20.26 -46.93 31.50 11.95 -7.85 -0.00 -18.97 32.08 838- 1 62.70 5.73 -4.82 0.00 11.59 17.24 938 -62.70 7.10 4.82 0.00 12.52 -20.66 C1 87.78 8.02 -6.75 0.00 16.23 24.14 -87.78 9.94 6.75 0.00 17.53 -28.92 838- 1 -77.37 19.46 0.15 -0.00 -0.90 74.76 939 77.37 -3.03 -0.15 -0.00 -0.05 -2.75 C1 -108.32 27.24 0.21 -0.00 -1.26 104.66 108.32 -4.24 -0.21 -0.00 -0.07 -3.84 438- 1 52.18 18.23 -0.08 -0.00 -0.16 61.39 939 -52.18 -1.80 0.08 0.00 0.68 2.75 C1 73.05 25.52 -0.11 -0.00 -0.23 85.94 -73.05 -2.52 0.11 0.00 0.96 3.84 439- 1 -32.03 5.06 8.28 -0.00 -21.18 -19.15 939 32.03 7.76 -8.28 -0.00 -20.24 12.40 C1 -44.84 7.09 11.60 -0.00 -29.65 -26.81 44.84 10.87 -11.60 -0.00 -28.33 17.37 839- 1 69.09 15.76 -7.64 0.00 18.58 30.02 939 -69.09 -2.93 7.64 0.00 19.60 16.69 C1 96.72 22.06 -10.69 0.00 26.02 42.03 -96.72 -4.10 10.69 0.00 27.44 23.37 839- 1 -70.48 21.76 0.17 0.00 -0.97 86.44 940 70.48 -5.33 -0.17 0.00 -0.13 0.27 C1 -98.67 30.46 0.24 0.00 -1.36 121.02 98.67 -7.46 -0.24 0.00 -0.18 0.38 439- 1 44.62 15.44 -0.08 0.00 -0.14 46.54 940 -44.62 0.99 0.08 0.00 0.64 -0.27 C1 62.47 21.61 -0.11 0.00 -0.20 65.15 -62.47 1.38 0.11 0.00 0.89 -0.38 440- 1 -23.00 6.44 8.44 -0.00 -21.48 -16.16 940 23.00 6.39 -8.44 -0.00 -20.72 16.30 C1 -32.20 9.02 11.82 -0.00 -30.07 -22.63 32.20 8.94 -11.82 -0.00 -29.01 22.82 840- 1 66.82 14.88 -7.91 0.00 19.34 26.44 940 -66.82 -2.05 7.91 0.00 20.21 15.87 C1 93.55 20.83 -11.07 0.00 27.07 37.01 -93.55 -2.87 11.07 0.00 28.29 22.22 840- 1 -56.87 24.54 0.16 0.00 -0.89 103.90 941 56.87 -8.12 -0.16 0.00 -0.16 0.66 C1 -79.61 34.36 0.23 0.00 -1.24 145.46 79.61 -11.36 -0.23 0.00 -0.22 0.93 440- 1 38.14 20.07 -0.10 -0.00 -0.01 76.60 941 -38.14 -3.65 0.10 0.00 0.63 -0.66 C1 53.39 28.10 -0.13 -0.00 -0.02 107.24 -53.39 -5.10 0.13 0.00 0.88 -0.93 441- 1 -18.76 3.90 6.18 0.00 -15.83 -20.65 941 18.76 8.93 -6.18 -0.00 -15.09 8.06 C1 -26.27 5.46 8.66 0.00 -22.16 -28.91 26.27 12.50 -8.66 -0.00 -21.12 11.29 841- 1 55.38 10.00 -5.72 -0.00 13.99 10.89 941 -55.38 2.83 5.72 0.00 14.61 7.03 C1 77.53 14.00 -8.01 -0.00 19.58 15.25 -77.53 3.96 8.01 0.00 20.46 9.84 841- 1 -47.27 26.53 0.09 -0.00 -0.56 122.22 942 47.27 -10.10 -0.09 0.00 -0.00 -4.96 C1 -66.18 37.14 0.12 -0.00 -0.78 171.11 66.18 -14.14 -0.12 0.00 -0.00 -6.94 441- 1 33.03 24.07 -0.05 0.00 -0.17 96.54 942 -33.03 -7.64 0.05 -0.00 0.48 4.96 C1 46.24 33.69 -0.07 0.00 -0.24 135.16 -46.24 -10.69 0.07 -0.00 0.67 6.94 442- 1 -22.35 -0.75 4.71 0.00 -12.09 -28.06 942 22.35 13.57 -4.71 0.00 -11.48 -7.74 C1 -31.30 -1.04 6.60 0.00 -16.93 -39.28 31.30 19.00 -6.60 0.00 -16.07 -10.83 842- 1 40.33 8.66 -4.29 -0.00 10.43 11.25 942 -40.33 4.16 4.29 -0.00 11.01 0.00 C1 56.46 12.13 -6.00 -0.00 14.61 15.75 -56.46 5.83 6.00 -0.00 15.41 0.01 842- 1 -41.32 14.27 0.04 0.00 -0.40 35.00 943 41.32 2.16 -0.04 0.00 0.15 3.76 C1 -57.85 19.97 0.05 0.00 -0.56 49.00 57.85 3.03 -0.05 0.00 0.21 5.26

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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442- 1 31.76 7.55 -0.04 -0.00 -0.16 -0.49 943 -31.76 8.88 0.04 -0.00 0.43 -3.76 C1 44.46 10.57 -0.06 -0.00 -0.23 -0.68 -44.46 12.43 0.06 -0.00 0.60 -5.26 443- 1 -21.45 16.32 3.25 0.00 -8.43 14.21 943 21.45 -3.49 -3.25 0.00 -7.84 35.33 C1 -30.03 22.85 4.55 0.00 -11.80 19.89 30.03 -4.89 -4.55 0.00 -10.97 49.46 843- 1 35.61 20.37 -2.78 -0.00 6.66 40.33 943 -35.61 -7.54 2.78 -0.00 7.26 29.46 C1 49.86 28.52 -3.90 -0.00 9.32 56.47 -49.86 -10.56 3.90 -0.00 10.16 41.24 843- 1 -38.79 8.87 0.04 -0.00 -0.43 0.91 944 38.79 7.56 -0.04 0.00 0.16 3.27 C1 -54.30 12.41 0.06 -0.00 -0.60 1.27 54.30 10.59 -0.06 0.00 0.22 4.57 443- 1 33.52 5.77 -0.03 0.00 -0.20 -12.36 944 -33.52 10.65 0.03 0.00 0.38 -3.27 C1 46.93 8.08 -0.04 0.00 -0.28 -17.30 -46.93 14.92 0.04 0.00 0.53 -4.57 444- 1 -22.28 20.54 1.90 0.00 -5.05 26.24 944 22.28 -7.71 -1.90 0.00 -4.45 44.38 C1 -31.19 28.75 2.66 0.00 -7.07 36.74 31.19 -10.79 -2.66 0.00 -6.22 62.13 844- 1 34.18 23.33 -1.45 -0.00 3.33 45.33 944 -34.18 -10.51 1.45 -0.00 3.90 39.27 C1 47.85 32.67 -2.03 -0.00 4.67 63.46 -47.85 -14.71 2.03 -0.00 5.47 54.98 844- 1 -36.44 7.64 0.02 0.00 -0.35 -6.69 945 36.44 8.79 -0.02 -0.00 0.22 2.99 C1 -51.01 10.69 0.03 0.00 -0.48 -9.36 51.01 12.31 -0.03 -0.00 0.31 4.18 444- 1 34.87 5.77 -0.02 0.00 -0.25 -12.69 945 -34.87 10.66 0.02 -0.00 0.34 -2.99 C1 48.82 8.07 -0.02 0.00 -0.34 -17.77 -48.82 14.93 0.02 -0.00 0.48 -4.18 445- 1 -23.56 21.33 0.73 0.00 -2.14 29.01 945 23.56 -8.50 -0.73 0.00 -1.54 45.57 C1 -32.98 29.86 1.03 0.00 -2.99 40.62 32.98 -11.90 -1.03 0.00 -2.15 63.80 845- 1 32.12 23.78 -0.27 -0.00 0.38 45.92 945 -32.12 -10.95 0.27 -0.00 0.97 40.91 C1 44.97 33.29 -0.38 -0.00 0.53 64.29 -44.97 -15.33 0.38 -0.00 1.36 57.27 845- 1 -33.82 6.91 0.02 -0.00 -0.34 -10.74 946 33.82 9.52 -0.02 -0.00 0.24 2.38 C1 -47.35 9.67 0.02 -0.00 -0.48 -15.03 47.35 13.33 -0.02 -0.00 0.34 3.34 445- 1 37.00 5.74 -0.00 0.00 -0.29 -13.47 946 -37.00 10.69 0.00 -0.00 0.30 -2.38 C1 51.80 8.03 -0.00 0.00 -0.41 -18.85 -51.80 14.97 0.00 -0.00 0.42 -3.34 446- 1 -24.02 21.30 -0.76 0.00 1.61 27.65 946 24.02 -8.47 0.76 0.00 2.19 46.76 C1 -33.62 29.82 -1.07 0.00 2.26 38.71 33.62 -11.86 1.07 0.00 3.07 65.47 846- 1 31.27 24.57 1.21 -0.00 -3.33 47.73 946 -31.27 -11.74 -1.21 -0.00 -2.73 43.04 C1 43.78 34.40 1.70 -0.00 -4.66 66.82 -43.78 -16.44 -1.70 -0.00 -3.82 60.25 846- 1 -32.14 6.35 0.01 -0.00 -0.34 -15.01 947 32.14 10.08 -0.01 -0.00 0.24 3.05 C1 -44.99 8.88 0.02 -0.00 -0.47 -21.02 44.99 14.12 -0.02 -0.00 0.34 4.27 446- 1 36.36 4.81 -0.00 0.00 -0.28 -18.72 947 -36.36 11.61 0.00 -0.00 0.29 -3.05 C1 50.90 6.74 -0.00 0.00 -0.39 -26.20 -50.90 16.26 0.00 -0.00 0.41 -4.27 447- 1 -22.87 21.71 -1.09 -0.00 2.45 26.31 947 22.87 -8.88 1.09 -0.00 3.01 50.17 C1 -32.02 30.39 -1.53 -0.00 3.43 36.83 32.02 -12.43 1.53 -0.00 4.21 70.24 847- 1 30.61 25.64 1.53 0.00 -4.12 50.74 947 -30.61 -12.81 -1.53 0.00 -3.54 45.40 C1 42.85 35.90 2.15 0.00 -5.77 71.04 -42.85 -17.94 -2.15 0.00 -4.96 63.56 847- 1 -30.45 6.50 0.02 -0.00 -0.33 -16.05 948 30.45 9.93 -0.02 0.00 0.23 5.05 C1 -42.63 9.10 0.02 -0.00 -0.47 -22.47

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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42.63 13.90 -0.02 0.00 0.33 7.07 447- 1 34.83 4.21 -0.00 -0.00 -0.28 -20.55 948 -34.83 12.21 0.00 0.00 0.28 -5.05 C1 48.77 5.90 -0.00 -0.00 -0.39 -28.77 -48.77 17.10 0.00 0.00 0.39 -7.07 448- 1 -21.48 22.18 -1.15 -0.00 2.61 24.92 948 21.48 -9.35 1.15 -0.00 3.15 53.90 C1 -30.07 31.05 -1.61 -0.00 3.65 34.89 30.07 -13.09 1.61 -0.00 4.40 75.46 848- 1 29.49 25.62 1.57 0.00 -4.21 50.03 948 -29.49 -12.79 -1.57 0.00 -3.66 46.01 C1 41.29 35.87 2.20 0.00 -5.89 70.04 -41.29 -17.91 -2.20 0.00 -5.12 64.41 848- 1 -28.18 6.31 0.02 -0.00 -0.33 -17.60 949 28.18 10.12 -0.02 0.00 0.21 5.42 C1 -39.45 8.84 0.03 -0.00 -0.46 -24.65 39.45 14.16 -0.03 0.00 0.30 7.59 448- 1 31.82 4.82 -0.00 0.00 -0.26 -16.30 949 -31.82 11.61 0.00 0.00 0.27 -5.42 C1 44.55 6.75 -0.00 0.00 -0.37 -22.81 -44.55 16.25 0.00 0.00 0.38 -7.59 449- 1 -19.46 22.35 -0.93 -0.00 2.09 23.63 949 19.46 -9.52 0.93 -0.00 2.58 56.05 C1 -27.24 31.29 -1.31 -0.00 2.93 33.08 27.24 -13.33 1.31 -0.00 3.62 78.46 849- 1 27.39 25.03 1.33 0.00 -3.57 45.50 949 -27.39 -12.20 -1.33 0.00 -3.06 47.58 C1 38.34 35.04 1.86 0.00 -5.00 63.70 -38.34 -17.08 -1.86 0.00 -4.29 66.61 849- 1 -24.61 6.58 0.01 -0.00 -0.29 -7.52 950 24.61 9.85 -0.01 0.00 0.24 -2.93 C1 -34.46 9.21 0.01 -0.00 -0.41 -10.53 34.46 13.79 -0.01 0.00 0.34 -4.11 449- 1 26.83 7.94 -0.02 0.00 -0.21 -4.69 950 -26.83 8.49 0.02 0.00 0.31 2.93 C1 37.57 11.12 -0.02 0.00 -0.30 -6.57 -37.57 11.88 0.02 0.00 0.44 4.11 450- 1 -15.94 17.21 -0.48 -0.00 0.97 6.50 950 15.94 -4.38 0.48 -0.00 1.42 47.47 C1 -22.32 24.09 -0.67 -0.00 1.36 9.10 22.32 -6.13 0.67 -0.00 1.99 66.45 850- 1 24.24 26.78 0.89 0.00 -2.46 49.80 950 -24.24 -13.96 -0.89 0.00 -1.98 52.05 C1 33.93 37.50 1.24 0.00 -3.45 69.73 -33.93 -19.54 -1.24 0.00 -2.77 72.87 850- 1 -23.20 10.67 0.08 0.00 -0.45 19.31 951 23.20 5.76 -0.08 -0.00 -0.05 -3.58 C1 -32.48 14.94 0.11 0.00 -0.63 27.03 32.48 8.06 -0.11 -0.00 -0.07 -5.01 450- 1 23.33 8.51 0.04 -0.00 -0.32 -1.70 951 -23.33 7.92 -0.04 -0.00 0.07 3.58 C1 32.66 11.91 0.05 -0.00 -0.44 -2.37 -32.66 11.09 -0.05 -0.00 0.09 5.01 451- 1 -14.94 12.57 0.04 -0.00 -0.26 -10.88 951 14.94 0.26 -0.04 -0.00 0.06 41.65 C1 -20.92 17.60 0.06 -0.00 -0.36 -15.24 20.92 0.36 -0.06 -0.00 0.08 58.31 851- 1 21.32 26.77 0.09 0.00 -0.36 54.51 951 -21.32 -13.94 -0.09 0.00 -0.08 47.25 C1 29.84 37.47 0.12 0.00 -0.51 76.32 -29.84 -19.51 -0.12 0.00 -0.11 66.14

============================== STATISTICAL DATA ===============================

Weights of beam elements: (Added to load case 1)

Section Designation Total Weight (kN) (kg)

TCHD 2 4 PLATE 670x12 US 2103.046 214377.8 TCHORD 3 PLATE 670X12 US 8825.410 899634.0 BCHORD 3 PLATE 670X12 US 8799.143 896956.5 BCHD 2 4 PLATE 670x12 US 2103.046 214377.8 DIAG 1 70X530x670post US 6115.893 623434.5 DIAG 2 530x610 post US 1160.661 118314.1 DIAG 3 356x406x287 H2 1001.266 102065.9 POST 105X530x670 po US 196.407 20021.1 THORZ LATERAL RESTRA US 2951.288 300844.8

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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BHORZ 762x267x147 I1 2950.580 300772.6 DIAG 356x406x634 H2 6324.227 644671.5 --------------------- 42530.968 4335470.7

Own weight of structure = 42530.97 kN

No. of real numbers in Stiffness matrix = 0 (0 bytes) Time used to analyse = 0: 0:0.706 seconds Total number of : Nodes = 951 Beam Elements = 1342 Cable Elements = 0 Shell Elements = 0 Supports = 8 Section Properties = 11 Load Cases = 1 Load Combinations = 1

=============================== END OF OUTPUT =================================

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Member Design for Axial Force===========================================================================Task Title:RAILWAY BRIDGE K-TRUSSCode of practice: BS5950 - 2000

Design parameters

Kv factor

Kx factor

Ky factor


Py (MPa)






Maximum L/r ratios

L Case Compr. Tension



180 350

180 350

Design approach: Evaluate current sections

Element Length L.C. Force L/R Crit Section Pc c Result (m) (kN) Axis (MPa) (MPa)----------------------------------------------------------------------------GROUP TCHD 2 Custom steel sections

822-823 4.000 C1 44481.04 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 106.3 OK823-824 4.000 C1 48442.55 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 115.7 OK824-825 4.000 C1 51028.96 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 121.9 OK825-826 4.000 C1 52635.49 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 125.7 OK826-827 4.000 C1 52654.59 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 125.8 OK827-828 4.000 C1 51075.96 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 122.0 OK828-829 4.000 C1 48518.22 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 115.9 OK829-830 4.000 C1 44970.29 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 107.4 OK422-423 4.000 C1 44229.86 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 105.7 OK423-424 4.000 C1 47764.96 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 114.1 OK424-425 4.000 C1 50324.02 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 120.2 OK425-426 4.000 C1 51935.31 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 124.1 OK426-427 4.000 C1 51915.59 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 124.0 OK427-428 4.000 C1 50267.85 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 120.1 OK428-429 4.000 C1 47582.85 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 113.7 OK429-430 4.000 C1 43916.65 16 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 348.8 104.9 OK

Group mass = 210304.6 kg

GROUP TCHORD Custom steel sections

801-802 4.000 C1 13.75 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.0 OK802-803 4.000 C1 1607.97 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 4.8 OK803-804 4.000 C1 3660.55 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.9 OK804-805 4.000 C1 4613.79 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.8 OK805-806 4.000 C1 4468.08 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.4 OK806-807 4.000 C1 3225.24 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 9.6 OK807-808 4.000 C1 -2517.04 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 7.5 OK808-809 4.000 C1 -7039.53 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 21.0 OK809-810 4.000 C1 -12374.02 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 37.0 OK810-811 4.000 C1 -18144.87 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 54.2 OK811-812 4.000 C1 -23724.53 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 70.9 OK812-813 4.000 C1 -32585.87 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 97.4 OK813-814 4.000 C1 -31800.51 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 95.0 OK814-815 4.000 C1 -20247.11 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.5 OK815-816 4.000 C1 -11849.35 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 35.4 OK816-817 4.000 C1 -620.18 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 1.9 OK817-818 4.000 C1 9234.03 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.6 OK818-819 4.000 C1 18446.86 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 55.1 OK819-820 4.000 C1 27373.93 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 81.8 OK820-821 4.000 C1 33616.39 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 100.5 OK821-822 4.000 C1 39532.26 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 118.1 OK830-831 4.000 C1 39949.92 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 119.4 OK831-832 4.000 C1 34686.15 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 103.7 OK832-833 4.000 C1 26966.10 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 80.6 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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833-834 4.000 C1 18831.28 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 56.3 OK834-835 4.000 C1 9635.07 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 28.8 OK835-836 4.000 C1 -179.12 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.5 OK836-837 4.000 C1 -11386.56 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 34.0 OK837-838 4.000 C1 -19730.13 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 59.0 OK838-839 4.000 C1 -31259.15 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 93.4 OK839-840 4.000 C1 -32040.52 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 95.8 OK840-841 4.000 C1 -23137.88 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 69.2 OK841-842 4.000 C1 -17390.47 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 52.0 OK842-843 4.000 C1 -11286.93 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 33.7 OK843-844 4.000 C1 -5964.91 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.8 OK844-845 4.000 C1 -1376.49 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 4.1 OK845-846 4.000 C1 4444.19 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.3 OK846-847 4.000 C1 5743.81 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.2 OK847-848 4.000 C1 5938.53 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.7 OK848-849 4.000 C1 5033.23 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 15.0 OK849-850 4.000 C1 3495.26 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.4 OK850-851 4.000 C1 59.10 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.2 OK401-402 4.000 C1 14.35 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.0 OK402-403 4.000 C1 1613.37 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 4.8 OK403-404 4.000 C1 3620.54 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.8 OK404-405 4.000 C1 4529.62 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.5 OK405-406 4.000 C1 4333.14 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.0 OK406-407 4.000 C1 3035.65 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 9.1 OK407-408 4.000 C1 -2788.50 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 8.3 OK408-409 4.000 C1 -7367.88 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.0 OK409-410 4.000 C1 -12761.12 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.1 OK410-411 4.000 C1 -18658.19 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 55.8 OK411-412 4.000 C1 -24153.66 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 72.2 OK412-413 4.000 C1 -32998.42 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 98.6 OK413-414 4.000 C1 -32148.22 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 96.1 OK414-415 4.000 C1 -21987.81 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 65.7 OK415-416 4.000 C1 -6248.34 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.7 OK416-417 4.000 C1 96.74 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.3 OK417-418 4.000 C1 9454.37 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 28.3 OK418-419 4.000 C1 18862.11 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 56.4 OK419-420 4.000 C1 26296.53 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 78.6 OK420-421 4.000 C1 33484.62 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 100.1 OK421-422 4.000 C1 39193.55 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 117.1 OK430-431 4.000 C1 39513.32 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 118.1 OK431-432 4.000 C1 33552.62 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 100.3 OK432-433 4.000 C1 26393.25 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 78.9 OK433-434 4.000 C1 18992.16 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 56.8 OK434-435 4.000 C1 9607.88 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 28.7 OK435-436 4.000 C1 262.32 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.8 OK436-437 4.000 C1 -6112.02 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.3 OK437-438 4.000 C1 -21800.08 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 65.2 OK438-439 4.000 C1 -32005.81 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 95.7 OK439-440 4.000 C1 -32901.44 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 98.3 OK440-441 4.000 C1 -24053.17 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 71.9 OK441-442 4.000 C1 -18482.70 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 55.2 OK442-443 4.000 C1 -12703.25 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.0 OK443-444 4.000 C1 -7344.34 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 21.9 OK444-445 4.000 C1 -2790.23 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 8.3 OK445-446 4.000 C1 3039.13 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 9.1 OK446-447 4.000 C1 4321.88 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 12.9 OK447-448 4.000 C1 4510.24 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.5 OK448-449 4.000 C1 3602.58 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.8 OK449-450 4.000 C1 1608.47 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 4.8 OK450-451 4.000 C1 14.47 15 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.0 OK

Group mass = 882541.0 kg

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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GROUP BCHORD Custom steel sections

1- 2 1.000 C1 -6202.22 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.5 OK 2- 3 1.000 C1 -6202.24 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.5 OK 3- 4 1.000 C1 -6202.26 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.5 OK 4- 5 1.000 C1 -6202.29 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.5 OK 5- 6 1.000 C1 -7862.97 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.5 OK 6- 7 1.000 C1 -7863.01 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.5 OK 7- 8 1.000 C1 -7863.05 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.5 OK 8- 9 1.000 C1 -7863.10 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.5 OK 9- 10 1.000 C1 -9855.61 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.5 OK 10- 11 1.000 C1 -9855.65 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.5 OK 11- 12 1.000 C1 -9855.69 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.5 OK 12- 13 1.000 C1 -9855.72 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.5 OK 13- 14 1.000 C1 -10773.46 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.2 OK 14- 15 1.000 C1 -10773.48 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.2 OK 15- 16 1.000 C1 -10773.50 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.2 OK 16- 17 1.000 C1 -10773.52 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.2 OK 17- 18 1.000 C1 -10592.70 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK 18- 19 1.000 C1 -10592.71 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK 19- 20 1.000 C1 -10592.71 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK 20- 21 1.000 C1 -10592.71 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK 21- 22 1.000 C1 -9310.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.8 OK 22- 23 1.000 C1 -9310.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.8 OK 23- 24 1.000 C1 -9310.44 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.8 OK 24- 25 1.000 C1 -9310.43 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.8 OK 25- 26 1.000 C1 -3500.33 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.5 OK 26- 27 1.000 C1 -3500.32 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.5 OK 27- 28 1.000 C1 -3500.30 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.5 OK 28- 29 1.000 C1 -3500.28 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.5 OK 29- 30 1.000 C1 1064.41 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.2 OK 30- 31 1.000 C1 1064.43 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.2 OK 31- 32 1.000 C1 1064.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.2 OK 32- 33 1.000 C1 1064.47 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.2 OK 33- 34 1.000 C1 6453.35 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.3 OK 34- 35 1.000 C1 6453.37 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.3 OK 35- 36 1.000 C1 6453.39 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.3 OK 36- 37 1.000 C1 6453.41 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.3 OK 37- 38 1.000 C1 12984.34 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.8 OK 38- 39 1.000 C1 12984.35 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.8 OK 39- 40 1.000 C1 12984.37 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.8 OK 40- 41 1.000 C1 12984.38 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.8 OK 41- 42 1.000 C1 15446.78 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.2 OK 42- 43 1.000 C1 15446.79 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.2 OK 43- 44 1.000 C1 15446.79 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.2 OK 44- 45 1.000 C1 15446.80 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.2 OK 45- 46 1.000 C1 22148.94 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.2 OK 46- 47 1.000 C1 22148.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.2 OK 47- 48 1.000 C1 22148.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.2 OK 48- 49 1.000 C1 22148.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.2 OK 49- 50 1.000 C1 45881.75 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 137.1 OK 50- 51 1.000 C1 45881.69 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 137.1 OK 51- 52 1.000 C1 45881.59 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 137.1 OK 52- 53 1.000 C1 45881.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 137.1 OK 53- 54 1.000 C1 35617.72 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 106.4 OK 54- 55 1.000 C1 35617.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 106.4 OK 55- 56 1.000 C1 35617.27 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 106.4 OK 56- 57 1.000 C1 35617.01 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 106.4 OK 57- 58 1.000 C1 25088.27 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 75.0 OK 58- 59 1.000 C1 25087.97 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 75.0 OK 59- 60 1.000 C1 25087.64 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 75.0 OK 60- 61 1.000 C1 25087.31 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 75.0 OK 61- 62 1.000 C1 20103.22 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.1 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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62- 63 1.000 C1 20102.90 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.1 OK 63- 64 1.000 C1 20102.60 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.1 OK 64- 65 1.000 C1 20102.33 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.1 OK 65- 66 1.000 C1 10187.96 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 30.4 OK 66- 67 1.000 C1 10187.75 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 30.4 OK 67- 68 1.000 C1 10187.58 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 30.4 OK 68- 69 1.000 C1 10187.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 30.4 OK 69- 70 1.000 C1 664.29 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.0 OK 70- 71 1.000 C1 664.22 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.0 OK 71- 72 1.000 C1 664.17 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.0 OK 72- 73 1.000 C1 664.15 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.0 OK 73- 74 1.000 C1 -6809.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 20.4 OK 74- 75 1.000 C1 -6809.91 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 20.4 OK 75- 76 1.000 C1 -6809.86 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 20.4 OK 76- 77 1.000 C1 -6809.79 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 20.4 OK 77- 78 1.000 C1 -13971.74 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 41.8 OK 78- 79 1.000 C1 -13971.63 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 41.8 OK 79- 80 1.000 C1 -13971.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 41.8 OK 80- 81 1.000 C1 -13971.38 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 41.8 OK 81- 82 1.000 C1 -19723.00 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.9 OK 82- 83 1.000 C1 -19722.84 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.9 OK 83- 84 1.000 C1 -19722.68 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.9 OK 84- 85 1.000 C1 -19722.50 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.9 OK117-118 1.000 C1 -20431.09 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.1 OK118-119 1.000 C1 -20431.23 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.1 OK119-120 1.000 C1 -20431.38 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.1 OK120-121 1.000 C1 -20431.54 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.1 OK121-122 1.000 C1 -14491.56 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.3 OK122-123 1.000 C1 -14491.73 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.3 OK123-124 1.000 C1 -14491.90 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.3 OK124-125 1.000 C1 -14492.07 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.3 OK125-126 1.000 C1 -7427.42 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.2 OK126-127 1.000 C1 -7427.57 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.2 OK127-128 1.000 C1 -7427.70 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.2 OK128-129 1.000 C1 -7427.80 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.2 OK129-130 1.000 C1 -57.03 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.2 OK130-131 1.000 C1 -57.08 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.2 OK131-132 1.000 C1 -57.09 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.2 OK132-133 1.000 C1 -57.07 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.2 OK133-134 1.000 C1 9365.17 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 28.0 OK134-135 1.000 C1 9365.30 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 28.0 OK135-136 1.000 C1 9365.47 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 28.0 OK136-137 1.000 C1 9365.69 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 28.0 OK137-138 1.000 C1 19208.48 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 57.4 OK138-139 1.000 C1 19208.79 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 57.4 OK139-140 1.000 C1 19209.15 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 57.4 OK140-141 1.000 C1 19209.53 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 57.4 OK141-142 1.000 C1 24177.53 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 72.3 OK142-143 1.000 C1 24177.94 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 72.3 OK143-144 1.000 C1 24178.34 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 72.3 OK144-145 1.000 C1 24178.73 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 72.3 OK145-146 1.000 C1 34643.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 103.5 OK146-147 1.000 C1 34643.84 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 103.5 OK147-148 1.000 C1 34644.16 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 103.5 OK148-149 1.000 C1 34644.43 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 103.5 OK149-150 1.000 C1 44837.61 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.0 OK150-151 1.000 C1 44837.80 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.0 OK151-152 1.000 C1 44837.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.0 OK152-153 1.000 C1 44838.00 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.0 OK153-154 1.000 C1 22094.74 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.0 OK154-155 1.000 C1 22094.76 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.0 OK155-156 1.000 C1 22094.80 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.0 OK156-157 1.000 C1 22094.84 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 66.0 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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157-158 1.000 C1 15434.39 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.1 OK158-159 1.000 C1 15434.44 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.1 OK159-160 1.000 C1 15434.49 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.1 OK160-161 1.000 C1 15434.54 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 46.1 OK161-162 1.000 C1 13094.06 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 39.1 OK162-163 1.000 C1 13094.09 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 39.1 OK163-164 1.000 C1 13094.10 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 39.1 OK164-165 1.000 C1 13094.11 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 39.1 OK165-166 1.000 C1 6576.12 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.7 OK166-167 1.000 C1 6576.10 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.7 OK167-168 1.000 C1 6576.06 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.7 OK168-169 1.000 C1 6576.01 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.7 OK169-170 1.000 C1 1173.40 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.5 OK170-171 1.000 C1 1173.32 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.5 OK171-172 1.000 C1 1173.22 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.5 OK172-173 1.000 C1 1173.11 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.5 OK173-174 1.000 C1 -3413.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.2 OK174-175 1.000 C1 -3413.66 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.2 OK175-176 1.000 C1 -3413.82 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.2 OK176-177 1.000 C1 -3414.00 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.2 OK177-178 1.000 C1 -9276.29 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.7 OK178-179 1.000 C1 -9276.50 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.7 OK179-180 1.000 C1 -9276.73 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.7 OK180-181 1.000 C1 -9276.98 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.7 OK181-182 1.000 C1 -10590.34 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK182-183 1.000 C1 -10590.62 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK183-184 1.000 C1 -10590.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK184-185 1.000 C1 -10591.25 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.7 OK185-186 1.000 C1 -10807.71 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.3 OK186-187 1.000 C1 -10808.07 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.3 OK187-188 1.000 C1 -10808.44 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.3 OK188-189 1.000 C1 -10808.84 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.3 OK189-190 1.000 C1 -9932.39 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.7 OK190-191 1.000 C1 -9932.82 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.7 OK191-192 1.000 C1 -9933.26 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.7 OK192-193 1.000 C1 -9933.71 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.7 OK193-194 1.000 C1 -7987.55 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.9 OK194-195 1.000 C1 -7988.02 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.9 OK195-196 1.000 C1 -7988.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.9 OK196-197 1.000 C1 -7989.01 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.9 OK197-198 1.000 C1 -6361.19 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.0 OK198-199 1.000 C1 -6361.69 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.0 OK199-200 1.000 C1 -6362.19 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.0 OK200-201 1.000 C1 -6362.68 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.0 OK501-502 1.000 C1 -6072.94 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.1 OK502-503 1.000 C1 -6072.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.1 OK503-504 1.000 C1 -6072.90 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.1 OK504-505 1.000 C1 -6072.87 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.1 OK505-506 1.000 C1 -7715.35 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.1 OK506-507 1.000 C1 -7715.31 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.1 OK507-508 1.000 C1 -7715.27 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.1 OK508-509 1.000 C1 -7715.23 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 23.1 OK509-510 1.000 C1 -9731.46 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK510-511 1.000 C1 -9731.42 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK511-512 1.000 C1 -9731.39 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK512-513 1.000 C1 -9731.35 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK513-514 1.000 C1 -10667.13 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.9 OK514-515 1.000 C1 -10667.11 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.9 OK515-516 1.000 C1 -10667.09 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.9 OK516-517 1.000 C1 -10667.07 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.9 OK517-518 1.000 C1 -10507.96 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.4 OK518-519 1.000 C1 -10507.95 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.4 OK519-520 1.000 C1 -10507.95 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.4 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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520-521 1.000 C1 -10507.95 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 31.4 OK521-522 1.000 C1 -9249.73 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.6 OK522-523 1.000 C1 -9249.73 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.6 OK523-524 1.000 C1 -9249.74 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.6 OK524-525 1.000 C1 -9249.75 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 27.6 OK525-526 1.000 C1 -3490.49 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.4 OK526-527 1.000 C1 -3490.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.4 OK527-528 1.000 C1 -3490.53 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.4 OK528-529 1.000 C1 -3490.54 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.4 OK529-530 1.000 C1 1048.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.1 OK530-531 1.000 C1 1048.49 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.1 OK531-532 1.000 C1 1048.47 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.1 OK532-533 1.000 C1 1048.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.1 OK533-534 1.000 C1 6410.37 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.2 OK534-535 1.000 C1 6410.35 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.2 OK535-536 1.000 C1 6410.33 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.2 OK536-537 1.000 C1 6410.31 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 19.2 OK537-538 1.000 C1 12893.96 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.5 OK538-539 1.000 C1 12893.94 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.5 OK539-540 1.000 C1 12893.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.5 OK540-541 1.000 C1 12893.91 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 38.5 OK541-542 1.000 C1 15214.47 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.5 OK542-543 1.000 C1 15214.47 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.5 OK543-544 1.000 C1 15214.46 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.5 OK544-545 1.000 C1 15214.46 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.5 OK545-546 1.000 C1 21867.69 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 65.4 OK546-547 1.000 C1 21867.70 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 65.4 OK547-548 1.000 C1 21867.70 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 65.4 OK548-549 1.000 C1 21867.70 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 65.4 OK549-550 1.000 C1 44854.17 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.1 OK550-551 1.000 C1 44854.22 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.1 OK551-552 1.000 C1 44854.32 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.1 OK552-553 1.000 C1 44854.46 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 134.1 OK553-554 1.000 C1 33346.12 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 99.7 OK554-555 1.000 C1 33346.33 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 99.7 OK555-556 1.000 C1 33346.57 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 99.7 OK556-557 1.000 C1 33346.83 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 99.7 OK557-558 1.000 C1 29542.40 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 88.3 OK558-559 1.000 C1 29542.71 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 88.3 OK559-560 1.000 C1 29543.03 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 88.3 OK560-561 1.000 C1 29543.37 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 88.3 OK561-562 1.000 C1 19604.74 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.6 OK562-563 1.000 C1 19605.06 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.6 OK563-564 1.000 C1 19605.36 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.6 OK564-565 1.000 C1 19605.63 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.6 OK565-566 1.000 C1 9751.16 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK566-567 1.000 C1 9751.36 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK567-568 1.000 C1 9751.53 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK568-569 1.000 C1 9751.67 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.1 OK569-570 1.000 C1 574.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 1.7 OK570-571 1.000 C1 575.00 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 1.7 OK571-572 1.000 C1 575.05 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 1.7 OK572-573 1.000 C1 575.06 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 1.7 OK573-574 1.000 C1 -8308.43 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 24.8 OK574-575 1.000 C1 -8308.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 24.8 OK575-576 1.000 C1 -8308.50 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 24.8 OK576-577 1.000 C1 -8308.57 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 24.8 OK577-578 1.000 C1 -14507.26 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.4 OK578-579 1.000 C1 -14507.37 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.4 OK579-580 1.000 C1 -14507.49 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.4 OK580-581 1.000 C1 -14507.62 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 43.4 OK581-582 1.000 C1 -20383.50 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.9 OK582-583 1.000 C1 -20383.66 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.9 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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583-584 1.000 C1 -20383.82 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.9 OK584-585 1.000 C1 -20384.00 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 60.9 OK617-618 1.000 C1 -20411.88 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.0 OK618-619 1.000 C1 -20411.74 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.0 OK619-620 1.000 C1 -20411.59 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.0 OK620-621 1.000 C1 -20411.43 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 61.0 OK621-622 1.000 C1 -15123.83 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.2 OK622-623 1.000 C1 -15123.66 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.2 OK623-624 1.000 C1 -15123.49 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.2 OK624-625 1.000 C1 -15123.32 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 45.2 OK625-626 1.000 C1 -7381.49 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.1 OK626-627 1.000 C1 -7381.35 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.1 OK627-628 1.000 C1 -7381.22 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.1 OK628-629 1.000 C1 -7381.11 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 22.1 OK629-630 1.000 C1 774.15 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.3 OK630-631 1.000 C1 774.20 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.3 OK631-632 1.000 C1 774.21 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.3 OK632-633 1.000 C1 774.18 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 2.3 OK633-634 1.000 C1 10015.94 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.9 OK634-635 1.000 C1 10015.81 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.9 OK635-636 1.000 C1 10015.64 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.9 OK636-637 1.000 C1 10015.42 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 29.9 OK637-638 1.000 C1 19913.78 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 59.5 OK638-639 1.000 C1 19913.47 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 59.5 OK639-640 1.000 C1 19913.11 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 59.5 OK640-641 1.000 C1 19912.73 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 59.5 OK641-642 1.000 C1 29871.72 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 89.3 OK642-643 1.000 C1 29871.31 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 89.3 OK643-644 1.000 C1 29870.90 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 89.3 OK644-645 1.000 C1 29870.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 89.3 OK645-646 1.000 C1 33690.24 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 100.7 OK646-647 1.000 C1 33689.90 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 100.7 OK647-648 1.000 C1 33689.58 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 100.7 OK648-649 1.000 C1 33689.31 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 100.7 OK649-650 1.000 C1 45173.36 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 135.0 OK650-651 1.000 C1 45173.17 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 135.0 OK651-652 1.000 C1 45173.04 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 135.0 OK652-653 1.000 C1 45172.96 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 135.0 OK653-654 1.000 C1 26402.07 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 78.9 OK654-655 1.000 C1 26402.05 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 78.9 OK655-656 1.000 C1 26402.01 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 78.9 OK656-657 1.000 C1 26401.96 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 78.9 OK657-658 1.000 C1 19671.59 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.8 OK658-659 1.000 C1 19671.54 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.8 OK659-660 1.000 C1 19671.49 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.8 OK660-661 1.000 C1 19671.45 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 58.8 OK661-662 1.000 C1 17561.81 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 52.5 OK662-663 1.000 C1 17561.78 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 52.5 OK663-664 1.000 C1 17561.76 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 52.5 OK664-665 1.000 C1 17561.76 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 52.5 OK665-666 1.000 C1 10998.70 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.9 OK666-667 1.000 C1 10998.72 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.9 OK667-668 1.000 C1 10998.76 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.9 OK668-669 1.000 C1 10998.81 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 32.9 OK669-670 1.000 C1 5697.66 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.0 OK670-671 1.000 C1 5697.74 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.0 OK671-672 1.000 C1 5697.84 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.0 OK672-673 1.000 C1 5697.95 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.0 OK673-674 1.000 C1 1139.90 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.4 OK674-675 1.000 C1 1140.05 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.4 OK675-676 1.000 C1 1140.21 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.4 OK676-677 1.000 C1 1140.39 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 3.4 OK677-678 1.000 C1 -4650.23 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.9 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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678-679 1.000 C1 -4650.02 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.9 OK679-680 1.000 C1 -4649.79 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.9 OK680-681 1.000 C1 -4649.54 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 13.9 OK681-682 1.000 C1 -5919.10 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.7 OK682-683 1.000 C1 -5918.81 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.7 OK683-684 1.000 C1 -5918.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.7 OK684-685 1.000 C1 -5918.19 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 17.7 OK685-686 1.000 C1 -6084.93 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.2 OK686-687 1.000 C1 -6084.57 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.2 OK687-688 1.000 C1 -6084.20 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.2 OK688-689 1.000 C1 -6083.80 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 18.2 OK689-690 1.000 C1 -5152.01 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 15.4 OK690-691 1.000 C1 -5151.59 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 15.4 OK691-692 1.000 C1 -5151.15 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 15.4 OK692-693 1.000 C1 -5150.69 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 15.4 OK693-694 1.000 C1 -3570.48 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.7 OK694-695 1.000 C1 -3570.00 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.7 OK695-696 1.000 C1 -3569.51 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.7 OK696-697 1.000 C1 -3569.02 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 10.7 OK697-698 1.000 C1 -1.50 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.0 OK698-699 1.000 C1 -1.00 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.0 OK699-700 1.000 C1 -0.50 4 Y 3 PLATE 670X12 350.0 0.0 OK

Group mass = 879914.3 kg

GROUP BCHD 2 Custom steel sections

85- 86 1.000 C1 -24794.93 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK 86- 87 1.000 C1 -24794.74 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK 87- 88 1.000 C1 -24794.56 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK 88- 89 1.000 C1 -24794.38 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK 89- 90 1.000 C1 -28376.77 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.8 OK 90- 91 1.000 C1 -28376.59 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.8 OK 91- 92 1.000 C1 -28376.41 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.8 OK 92- 93 1.000 C1 -28376.24 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.8 OK 93- 94 1.000 C1 -30977.07 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.0 OK 94- 95 1.000 C1 -30976.91 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.0 OK 95- 96 1.000 C1 -30976.75 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.0 OK 96- 97 1.000 C1 -30976.60 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.0 OK 97- 98 1.000 C1 -32629.46 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 77.9 OK 98- 99 1.000 C1 -32629.33 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 77.9 OK 99-100 1.000 C1 -32629.20 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 77.9 OK100-101 1.000 C1 -32629.09 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 77.9 OK101-102 1.000 C1 -32689.11 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 78.1 OK102-103 1.000 C1 -32689.02 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 78.1 OK103-104 1.000 C1 -32688.95 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 78.1 OK104-105 1.000 C1 -32688.89 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 78.1 OK105-106 1.000 C1 -31079.30 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.2 OK106-107 1.000 C1 -31079.27 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.2 OK107-108 1.000 C1 -31079.25 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.2 OK108-109 1.000 C1 -31079.24 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 74.2 OK109-110 1.000 C1 -28430.54 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.9 OK110-111 1.000 C1 -28430.57 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.9 OK111-112 1.000 C1 -28430.61 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.9 OK112-113 1.000 C1 -28430.66 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 67.9 OK113-114 1.000 C1 -24798.94 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK114-115 1.000 C1 -24799.03 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK115-116 1.000 C1 -24799.12 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK116-117 1.000 C1 -24799.23 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 59.2 OK585-586 1.000 C1 -25284.13 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.4 OK586-587 1.000 C1 -25284.31 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.4 OK587-588 1.000 C1 -25284.49 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.4 OK588-589 1.000 C1 -25284.68 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.4 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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589-590 1.000 C1 -29202.03 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.8 OK590-591 1.000 C1 -29202.21 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.8 OK591-592 1.000 C1 -29202.39 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.8 OK592-593 1.000 C1 -29202.57 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.8 OK593-594 1.000 C1 -31751.47 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.9 OK594-595 1.000 C1 -31751.63 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.9 OK595-596 1.000 C1 -31751.79 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.9 OK596-597 1.000 C1 -31751.94 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.9 OK597-598 1.000 C1 -33316.88 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.6 OK598-599 1.000 C1 -33317.01 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.6 OK599-600 1.000 C1 -33317.13 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.6 OK600-601 1.000 C1 -33317.24 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.6 OK601-602 1.000 C1 -33249.56 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.4 OK602-603 1.000 C1 -33249.65 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.4 OK603-604 1.000 C1 -33249.73 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.4 OK604-605 1.000 C1 -33249.79 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 79.4 OK605-606 1.000 C1 -31639.22 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.6 OK606-607 1.000 C1 -31639.26 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.6 OK607-608 1.000 C1 -31639.28 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.6 OK608-609 1.000 C1 -31639.28 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 75.6 OK609-610 1.000 C1 -29044.47 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.4 OK610-611 1.000 C1 -29044.45 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.4 OK611-612 1.000 C1 -29044.41 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.4 OK612-613 1.000 C1 -29044.36 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 69.4 OK613-614 1.000 C1 -25456.39 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.8 OK614-615 1.000 C1 -25456.31 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.8 OK615-616 1.000 C1 -25456.21 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.8 OK616-617 1.000 C1 -25456.11 4 Y 4 PLATE 670x12 350.0 60.8 OK

Group mass = 210304.6 kg

GROUP DIAG 1 Custom steel sections

712-811 6.403 C1 8853.96 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 98.3 OK541-712 6.403 C1 -3739.58 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 41.5 OK545-712 5.000 C1 -867.09 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 9.6 OK712-812 5.000 C1 2071.19 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 23.0 OK713-812 6.403 C1 5287.53 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 58.7 OK545-713 6.403 C1 -2904.53 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 32.2 OK713-813 5.000 C1 10162.88 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 112.8 OK713-814 6.403 C1 5890.54 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 65.4 OK553-713 6.403 C1 -3590.03 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 39.8 OK553-714 5.000 C1 2370.90 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 26.3 OK714-814 5.000 C1 3752.96 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 41.7 OK714-815 6.403 C1 13139.18 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 145.8 OK557-714 6.403 C1 -6032.66 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 67.0 OK557-715 5.000 C1 -1443.94 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 16.0 OK715-815 5.000 C1 -6528.39 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 72.5 OK715-816 6.403 C1 17669.08 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 196.1 OK561-715 6.403 C1 -15705.80 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 174.3 OK561-716 5.000 C1 9743.88 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 108.1 OK716-816 5.000 C1 -14596.66 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 162.0 OK716-817 6.403 C1 15498.98 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 172.0 OK565-716 6.403 C1 -15541.50 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 172.5 OK565-717 5.000 C1 10280.51 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 114.1 OK717-817 5.000 C1 -12490.66 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 138.6 OK717-818 6.403 C1 14506.06 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 161.0 OK569-717 6.403 C1 -14513.10 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 161.1 OK569-718 5.000 C1 9926.95 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 110.2 OK718-818 5.000 C1 -12194.41 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 135.3 OK718-819 6.403 C1 14101.00 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 156.5 OK573-718 6.403 C1 -14121.43 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 156.7 OK733-832 6.403 C1 12294.84 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 136.5 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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625-733 6.403 C1 -12315.17 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 136.7 OK733-833 5.000 C1 -10848.90 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 120.4 OK629-733 5.000 C1 8456.02 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 93.9 OK734-833 6.403 C1 12911.46 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 143.3 OK629-734 6.403 C1 -12909.46 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 143.3 OK734-834 5.000 C1 -11137.43 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 123.6 OK633-734 5.000 C1 9136.31 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 101.4 OK735-834 6.403 C1 14592.84 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 162.0 OK633-735 6.403 C1 -14594.72 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 162.0 OK735-835 5.000 C1 -12583.67 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 139.7 OK637-735 5.000 C1 10318.67 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 114.5 OK736-835 6.403 C1 15566.21 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 172.8 OK637-736 6.403 C1 -15607.85 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 173.2 OK736-836 5.000 C1 -14675.34 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 162.9 OK641-736 5.000 C1 9769.31 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 108.4 OK737-836 6.403 C1 17765.31 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 197.2 OK641-737 6.403 C1 -15737.21 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 174.7 OK737-837 5.000 C1 -6556.41 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 72.8 OK645-737 5.000 C1 -1453.76 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 16.1 OK738-837 6.403 C1 13180.93 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 146.3 OK645-738 6.403 C1 -6056.85 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 67.2 OK738-838 5.000 C1 3706.40 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 41.1 OK739-838 6.403 C1 5950.63 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 66.0 OK739-839 5.000 C1 10052.30 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 111.6 OK649-738 5.000 C1 2398.97 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 26.6 OK649-739 6.403 C1 -3462.31 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 38.4 OK739-840 6.403 C1 5411.73 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 60.1 OK657-739 6.403 C1 -2828.78 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 31.4 OK657-740 5.000 C1 -1233.74 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 13.7 OK740-840 5.000 C1 2068.61 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 23.0 OK740-841 6.403 C1 8995.69 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 99.8 OK661-740 6.403 C1 -3379.60 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 37.5 OK661-741 5.000 C1 -1955.09 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 21.7 OK741-841 5.000 C1 -4800.67 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 53.3 OK741-842 6.403 C1 9601.19 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 106.6 OK665-741 6.403 C1 -10456.67 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 116.1 OK313-413 5.000 C1 10099.40 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 112.1 OK313-414 6.403 C1 6131.38 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 68.1 OK 53-313 6.403 C1 -3845.58 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 42.7 OK 53-314 5.000 C1 2180.57 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 24.2 OK314-414 5.000 C1 3972.85 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 44.1 OK314-415 6.403 C1 13284.12 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 147.4 OK 57-314 6.403 C1 -5947.46 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 66.0 OK 57-315 5.000 C1 -5454.12 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 60.5 OK315-415 5.000 C1 -2245.24 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 24.9 OK315-416 6.403 C1 9993.95 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 110.9 OK 61-315 6.403 C1 -7866.45 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 87.3 OK 61-316 5.000 C1 728.21 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 8.1 OK316-416 5.000 C1 -5362.41 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 59.5 OK316-417 6.403 C1 14795.63 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 164.2 OK 65-316 6.403 C1 -15659.12 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 173.8 OK 65-317 5.000 C1 10782.89 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 119.7 OK317-417 5.000 C1 -12804.08 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 142.1 OK317-418 6.403 C1 15041.04 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 166.9 OK 69-317 6.403 C1 -15060.88 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 167.2 OK318-419 6.403 C1 11901.85 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 132.1 OK319-420 6.403 C1 11476.80 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 127.4 OK333-432 6.403 C1 11323.89 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 125.7 OK334-433 6.403 C1 11739.86 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 130.3 OK335-434 6.403 C1 14881.62 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 165.2 OK133-335 6.403 C1 -14902.41 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 165.4 OK335-435 5.000 C1 -12668.18 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 140.6 OK137-335 5.000 C1 10671.14 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 118.4 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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336-435 6.403 C1 14648.85 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 162.6 OK137-336 6.403 C1 -15547.25 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 172.6 OK336-436 5.000 C1 -5312.56 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 59.0 OK141-336 5.000 C1 737.89 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 8.2 OK337-436 6.403 C1 9910.99 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 110.0 OK141-337 6.403 C1 -7841.28 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 87.0 OK337-437 5.000 C1 -2213.59 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 24.6 OK145-337 5.000 C1 -5364.02 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 59.5 OK338-437 6.403 C1 13159.29 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 146.1 OK145-338 6.403 C1 -5964.86 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 66.2 OK338-438 5.000 C1 3974.43 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 44.1 OK149-338 5.000 C1 2198.41 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 24.4 OK339-438 6.403 C1 6152.55 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 68.3 OK149-339 6.403 C1 -3860.09 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 42.8 OK339-439 5.000 C1 9986.69 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 110.8 OK339-440 6.403 C1 5268.72 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 58.5 OK157-339 6.403 C1 -2890.14 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 32.1 OK157-340 5.000 C1 -920.18 31 V 70X530x670post 350.0 10.2 OK340-440 5.000 C1 2108.31 31 V 70X530x670post 318.4 23.4 OK340-441 6.403 C1 8869.94 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 98.4 OK161-340 6.403 C1 -3771.41 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 41.9 OK549-714 6.403 C1 14295.52 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 158.7 OK553-715 6.403 C1 14539.30 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 161.4 OK715-814 6.403 C1 -12521.90 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 139.0 OK714-813 6.403 C1 -6759.35 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 75.0 OK712-813 6.403 C1 -5535.23 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 61.4 OK549-712 6.403 C1 10979.42 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 121.9 OK711-812 6.403 C1 -8891.58 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 98.7 OK545-711 6.403 C1 7685.24 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 85.3 OK 49-314 6.403 C1 14728.34 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 163.5 OK 53-315 6.403 C1 12208.04 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 135.5 OK315-414 6.403 C1 -10027.41 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 111.3 OK314-413 6.403 C1 -6961.70 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 77.3 OK653-740 6.403 C1 11356.84 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 126.0 OK657-741 6.403 C1 7885.71 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 87.5 OK741-840 6.403 C1 -8739.83 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 97.0 OK740-839 6.403 C1 -5415.88 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 60.1 OK738-839 6.403 C1 -6733.94 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 74.7 OK737-838 6.403 C1 -12541.57 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 139.2 OK649-737 6.403 C1 14623.93 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 162.3 OK653-738 6.403 C1 14287.87 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 158.6 OK153-340 6.403 C1 11053.78 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 122.7 OK157-341 6.403 C1 7710.78 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 85.6 OK341-440 6.403 C1 -8931.59 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 99.1 OK340-439 6.403 C1 -5626.16 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 62.4 OK338-439 6.403 C1 -6971.31 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 77.4 OK337-438 6.403 C1 -9964.41 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 110.6 OK149-337 6.403 C1 12087.15 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 134.2 OK153-338 6.403 C1 14591.73 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 162.0 OK 57-316 6.403 C1 10974.58 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 121.8 OK145-336 6.403 C1 10854.17 39 V 70X530x670post 299.0 120.5 OK336-437 6.403 C1 -11819.21 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 131.2 OK316-415 6.403 C1 -11905.71 39 V 70X530x670post 350.0 132.1 OK

Group mass = 611580.9 kg

GROUP DIAG 2 Custom steel sections

573-719 5.000 C1 6714.07 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 134.0 OK719-819 5.000 C1 -8653.64 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 172.7 OK719-820 6.403 C1 9800.45 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 195.6 OK577-719 6.403 C1 -9815.95 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 195.9 OK577-720 5.000 C1 6203.82 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 123.8 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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720-820 5.000 C1 -8408.39 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 167.8 OK720-821 6.403 C1 9308.83 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 185.8 OK581-720 6.403 C1 -9327.87 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 186.2 OK581-721 5.000 C1 5015.98 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 100.1 OK721-821 5.000 C1 -7197.99 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 143.7 OK721-822 6.403 C1 7772.12 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 155.1 OK585-721 6.403 C1 -7791.06 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 155.5 OK585-722 5.000 C1 3816.36 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 76.2 OK722-822 5.000 C1 -5966.03 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 119.1 OK722-823 6.403 C1 6211.84 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 124.0 OK589-722 6.403 C1 -6237.47 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 124.5 OK589-723 5.000 C1 2047.32 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 40.9 OK723-823 5.000 C1 -4362.79 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 87.1 OK617-730 5.000 C1 3322.84 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 66.3 OK730-830 5.000 C1 -5661.03 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 113.0 OK731-830 6.403 C1 7996.59 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 159.6 OK617-731 6.403 C1 -8016.71 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 160.0 OK731-831 5.000 C1 -7370.68 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 147.1 OK621-731 5.000 C1 5190.78 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 103.6 OK732-831 6.403 C1 8367.64 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 167.0 OK621-732 6.403 C1 -8382.33 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 167.3 OK732-832 5.000 C1 -7535.96 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 150.4 OK625-732 5.000 C1 5595.37 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 111.7 OK 69-318 5.000 C1 8375.99 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 167.2 OK318-418 5.000 C1 -10147.44 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 202.5 OK 73-318 6.403 C1 -11766.03 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 234.9 OK 73-319 5.000 C1 7808.54 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 155.9 OK319-419 5.000 C1 -10062.82 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 200.9 OK 77-319 6.403 C1 -11348.29 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 226.5 OK 77-320 5.000 C1 6016.91 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 120.1 OK320-420 5.000 C1 -8283.09 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 165.3 OK320-421 6.403 C1 9110.17 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 181.8 OK 81-320 6.403 C1 -9129.28 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 182.2 OK 81-321 5.000 C1 5230.99 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 104.4 OK321-421 5.000 C1 -7402.57 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 147.8 OK321-422 6.403 C1 8042.24 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 160.5 OK 85-321 6.403 C1 -8062.60 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 160.9 OK 85-322 5.000 C1 3332.35 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 66.5 OK322-422 5.000 C1 -5638.36 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 112.5 OK332-431 6.403 C1 9435.43 45 V 530x610 post 285.7 188.3 OK121-332 6.403 C1 -9464.28 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 188.9 OK332-432 5.000 C1 -8615.27 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 172.0 OK125-332 5.000 C1 6194.48 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 123.6 OK125-333 6.403 C1 -11199.78 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 223.5 OK333-433 5.000 C1 -9925.90 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 198.1 OK129-333 5.000 C1 7709.82 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 153.9 OK129-334 6.403 C1 -11605.71 45 V 530x610 post 350.0 231.7 OK334-434 5.000 C1 -10008.77 35 V 530x610 post 350.0 199.8 OK133-334 5.000 C1 8263.58 35 V 530x610 post 309.0 164.9 OK

Group mass = 118326.1 kg

GROUP DIAG 3 H-sections (Web hor)

723-824 6.403 C1 4051.63 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 110.7 OK593-723 6.403 C1 -4075.88 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 111.4 OK593-724 5.000 C1 964.79 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 26.4 OK724-824 5.000 C1 -2996.06 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 81.9 OK724-825 6.403 C1 2494.47 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 68.2 OK597-724 6.403 C1 -2514.24 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 68.7 OK597-725 5.000 C1 -196.61 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 5.4 OK725-825 5.000 C1 -2006.10 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 54.8 OK725-826 6.403 C1 1128.91 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 30.8 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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601-725 6.403 C1 -1150.06 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 31.4 OK601-726 5.000 C1 -1093.58 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 29.9 OK726-826 5.000 C1 -1113.69 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 30.4 OK727-826 6.403 C1 1223.62 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 33.4 OK727-827 5.000 C1 -2100.14 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 57.4 OK605-727 5.000 C1 -107.08 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 2.9 OK728-827 6.403 C1 2570.35 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 70.2 OK605-728 6.403 C1 -2591.41 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 70.8 OK728-828 5.000 C1 -3129.67 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 85.5 OK609-728 5.000 C1 951.47 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 26.0 OK729-828 6.403 C1 4127.61 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 112.8 OK609-729 6.403 C1 -4147.25 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 113.3 OK729-829 5.000 C1 -4271.25 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 116.7 OK613-729 5.000 C1 2238.87 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 61.2 OK730-829 6.403 C1 5700.30 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 155.7 OK613-730 6.403 C1 -5724.44 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 156.4 OK322-423 6.403 C1 5691.99 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 155.5 OK 89-322 6.403 C1 -5715.89 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 156.2 OK 89-323 5.000 C1 2247.18 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 61.4 OK323-423 5.000 C1 -4277.98 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 116.9 OK323-424 6.403 C1 4137.26 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 113.0 OK 93-323 6.403 C1 -4156.96 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 113.6 OK 93-324 5.000 C1 997.75 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 27.3 OK324-424 5.000 C1 -3182.63 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 87.0 OK324-425 6.403 C1 2634.05 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 72.0 OK 97-324 6.403 C1 -2655.21 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 72.5 OK 97-325 5.000 C1 -184.98 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 5.1 OK325-425 5.000 C1 -2023.87 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 55.3 OK325-426 6.403 C1 1147.45 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 31.4 OK101-325 6.403 C1 -1168.72 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 31.9 OK101-326 5.000 C1 -1085.84 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 29.7 OK326-426 5.000 C1 -1105.95 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 30.2 OK105-327 5.000 C1 -249.93 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 6.8 OK327-427 5.000 C1 -1939.28 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 53.0 OK327-426 6.403 C1 1051.68 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 28.7 OK101-327 6.403 C1 -1072.86 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 29.3 OK328-427 6.403 C1 2565.28 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 70.1 OK105-328 6.403 C1 -2586.51 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 70.7 OK328-428 5.000 C1 -3124.11 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 85.4 OK109-328 5.000 C1 949.13 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 25.9 OK329-428 6.403 C1 4213.05 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 115.1 OK109-329 6.403 C1 -4234.44 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 115.7 OK329-429 5.000 C1 -4416.92 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 120.7 OK113-329 5.000 C1 2228.66 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 60.9 OK330-429 6.403 C1 5770.94 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 157.7 OK113-330 6.403 C1 -5792.28 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 158.3 OK330-430 5.000 C1 -5631.07 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 153.9 OK117-330 5.000 C1 3445.76 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 94.1 OK331-430 6.403 C1 6937.82 53 X 356x406x287 264.0 189.6 OK117-331 6.403 C1 -6955.27 53 X 356x406x287 350.0 190.0 OK331-431 5.000 C1 -6476.28 41 X 356x406x287 350.0 176.9 OK121-331 5.000 C1 4416.28 41 X 356x406x287 294.0 120.7 OK

Group mass = 100125.5 kg

GROUP POST Custom steel sections

549-713 5.000 C1 24042.97 29 V 105X530x670 po 320.9 192.2 OK653-739 5.000 C1 23917.77 29 V 105X530x670 po 320.9 191.2 OK 49-313 5.000 C1 24511.41 29 V 105X530x670 po 320.9 195.9 OK153-339 5.000 C1 24245.73 29 V 105X530x670 po 320.9 193.8 OK

Group mass = 19640.7 kg

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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GROUP THORZ Custom steel sections

826-926 5.000 C1 -19.34 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.6 OK426-926 5.000 C1 -19.34 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.6 OK826-925 6.403 C1 89.24 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.7 OK426-925 6.403 C1 -42.11 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.3 OK425-925 5.000 C1 36.71 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.1 OK825-925 5.000 C1 -65.78 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 2.0 OK825-924 6.403 C1 88.68 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.7 OK425-924 6.403 C1 -42.93 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.3 OK424-924 5.000 C1 37.22 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.1 OK824-924 5.000 C1 -65.49 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 2.0 OK824-923 6.403 C1 88.51 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.7 OK424-923 6.403 C1 -45.05 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK423-923 5.000 C1 40.75 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.2 OK823-923 5.000 C1 -63.49 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.9 OK823-922 6.403 C1 88.32 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.7 OK423-922 6.403 C1 -48.19 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK422-922 5.000 C1 44.95 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.3 OK822-922 5.000 C1 -61.61 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.8 OK822-921 6.403 C1 90.86 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.7 OK422-921 6.403 C1 -46.23 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK421-921 5.000 C1 46.85 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.4 OK821-921 5.000 C1 -60.14 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.8 OK821-920 6.403 C1 85.63 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.6 OK421-920 6.403 C1 -47.54 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK420-920 5.000 C1 47.66 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.4 OK820-920 5.000 C1 -56.29 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.7 OK820-919 6.403 C1 85.44 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.6 OK420-919 6.403 C1 -54.86 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.6 OK419-919 5.000 C1 55.79 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.7 OK819-919 5.000 C1 -53.68 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.6 OK819-918 6.403 C1 78.41 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.4 OK419-918 6.403 C1 -56.99 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.7 OK418-918 5.000 C1 57.86 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.7 OK818-918 5.000 C1 -47.88 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK818-917 6.403 C1 64.37 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.9 OK418-917 6.403 C1 -53.46 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.6 OK417-917 5.000 C1 56.34 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.7 OK817-917 5.000 C1 -35.55 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.1 OK817-916 6.403 C1 31.57 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.9 OK417-916 6.403 C1 -31.41 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK416-916 5.000 C1 40.92 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.2 OK816-916 5.000 C1 -8.17 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.2 OK816-915 6.403 C1 4.66 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.1 OK416-915 6.403 C1 -14.21 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.4 OK415-915 5.000 C1 33.16 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK815-915 5.000 C1 18.22 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.5 OK815-914 6.403 C1 40.89 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.2 OK415-914 6.403 C1 -64.17 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.9 OK414-914 5.000 C1 70.48 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 2.1 OK814-914 5.000 C1 -11.38 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.3 OK814-913 6.403 C1 10.78 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.3 OK414-913 6.403 C1 -46.47 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK413-913 5.000 C1 48.94 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.5 OK813-913 5.000 C1 4.30 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.1 OK813-912 6.403 C1 2.58 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.1 OK413-912 6.403 C1 -39.19 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.2 OK412-912 5.000 C1 43.61 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.3 OK812-912 5.000 C1 11.03 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.3 OK812-911 6.403 C1 10.53 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.3 OK412-911 6.403 C1 -37.23 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.1 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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411-911 5.000 C1 40.12 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.2 OK811-911 5.000 C1 2.83 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.1 OK811-910 6.403 C1 15.88 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.5 OK411-910 6.403 C1 -36.38 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.1 OK410-910 5.000 C1 32.68 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK810-910 5.000 C1 -8.09 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.2 OK810-909 6.403 C1 17.71 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.5 OK410-909 6.403 C1 -31.74 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK409-909 5.000 C1 30.85 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.9 OK809-909 5.000 C1 -7.74 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.2 OK809-908 6.403 C1 20.98 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.6 OK409-908 6.403 C1 -28.95 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK408-908 5.000 C1 28.32 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.8 OK808-908 5.000 C1 -10.64 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.3 OK808-907 6.403 C1 23.52 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.7 OK408-907 6.403 C1 -26.35 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.8 OK407-907 5.000 C1 25.74 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.8 OK807-907 5.000 C1 -13.19 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.4 OK807-906 6.403 C1 26.61 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.8 OK407-906 6.403 C1 -22.85 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.7 OK406-906 5.000 C1 24.71 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.7 OK806-906 5.000 C1 -13.89 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.4 OK806-905 6.403 C1 26.95 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.8 OK406-905 6.403 C1 -21.75 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.7 OK405-905 5.000 C1 24.77 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.7 OK805-905 5.000 C1 -13.23 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.4 OK805-904 6.403 C1 25.83 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.8 OK405-904 6.403 C1 -20.43 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.6 OK404-904 5.000 C1 24.30 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.7 OK804-904 5.000 C1 -11.80 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.4 OK804-903 6.403 C1 22.88 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.7 OK404-903 6.403 C1 -18.51 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.6 OK403-903 5.000 C1 23.58 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.7 OK803-903 5.000 C1 -8.72 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.3 OK803-902 6.403 C1 17.46 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.5 OK403-902 6.403 C1 -15.36 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.5 OK402-902 5.000 C1 21.61 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.6 OK802-902 5.000 C1 -3.99 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.1 OK802-901 6.403 C1 10.05 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 0.3 OK402-901 6.403 C1 -9.85 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.3 OK401-901 5.000 C1 12.65 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.4 OK801-901 5.000 C1 -2.85 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.1 OK826-927 6.403 C1 -38.08 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.1 OK426-927 6.403 C1 85.22 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.6 OK827-927 5.000 C1 34.17 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK427-927 5.000 C1 -62.09 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.9 OK427-928 6.403 C1 84.19 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.5 OK827-928 6.403 C1 -38.44 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.2 OK828-928 5.000 C1 33.99 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK428-928 5.000 C1 -61.73 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.9 OK828-929 6.403 C1 -37.13 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.1 OK428-929 6.403 C1 80.50 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.4 OK429-929 5.000 C1 -59.58 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.8 OK829-929 5.000 C1 32.24 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK829-930 6.403 C1 -35.97 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.1 OK429-930 6.403 C1 76.14 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.3 OK430-930 5.000 C1 -53.79 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.6 OK830-930 5.000 C1 33.72 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK830-931 6.403 C1 -26.87 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.8 OK430-931 6.403 C1 71.92 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.2 OK431-931 5.000 C1 -44.96 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.3 OK831-931 5.000 C1 32.11 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK831-932 6.403 C1 -20.27 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.6 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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431-932 6.403 C1 59.06 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.8 OK432-932 5.000 C1 -33.90 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK832-932 5.000 C1 28.04 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.8 OK832-933 6.403 C1 -21.06 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.6 OK432-933 6.403 C1 51.46 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.5 OK433-933 5.000 C1 -28.54 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK833-933 5.000 C1 28.03 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.8 OK833-934 6.403 C1 -30.49 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK433-934 6.403 C1 52.18 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.6 OK434-934 5.000 C1 -28.14 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.8 OK834-934 5.000 C1 36.40 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.1 OK834-935 6.403 C1 -57.53 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.7 OK434-935 6.403 C1 68.75 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.1 OK435-935 5.000 C1 -38.53 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.2 OK835-935 5.000 C1 60.15 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.8 OK835-936 6.403 C1 -96.81 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 2.9 OK435-936 6.403 C1 97.32 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.9 OK436-936 5.000 C1 -59.51 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.8 OK836-936 5.000 C1 92.09 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 2.8 OK836-937 6.403 C1 -125.71 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 3.8 OK436-937 6.403 C1 116.50 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 3.5 OK437-937 5.000 C1 -69.23 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 2.1 OK837-937 5.000 C1 119.62 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 3.6 OK837-938 6.403 C1 -87.78 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 2.6 OK437-938 6.403 C1 64.87 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.9 OK438-938 5.000 C1 -31.50 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK838-938 5.000 C1 87.78 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 2.6 OK838-939 6.403 C1 -108.32 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 3.3 OK438-939 6.403 C1 73.05 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 2.2 OK439-939 5.000 C1 -44.84 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.3 OK839-939 5.000 C1 96.72 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 2.9 OK839-940 6.403 C1 -98.67 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 3.0 OK439-940 6.403 C1 62.47 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.9 OK440-940 5.000 C1 -32.20 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK840-940 5.000 C1 93.55 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 2.8 OK840-941 6.403 C1 -79.61 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 2.4 OK440-941 6.403 C1 53.39 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.6 OK441-941 5.000 C1 -26.27 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.8 OK841-941 5.000 C1 77.53 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 2.3 OK841-942 6.403 C1 -66.18 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 2.0 OK441-942 6.403 C1 46.24 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.4 OK442-942 5.000 C1 -31.30 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK842-942 5.000 C1 56.46 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.7 OK842-943 6.403 C1 -57.85 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.7 OK442-943 6.403 C1 44.46 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.3 OK443-943 5.000 C1 -30.03 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK843-943 5.000 C1 49.86 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.5 OK843-944 6.403 C1 -54.30 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.6 OK443-944 6.403 C1 46.93 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.4 OK444-944 5.000 C1 -31.19 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK844-944 5.000 C1 47.85 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.4 OK844-945 6.403 C1 -51.01 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.5 OK444-945 6.403 C1 48.82 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.5 OK445-945 5.000 C1 -32.98 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK845-945 5.000 C1 44.97 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.3 OK845-946 6.403 C1 -47.35 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK445-946 6.403 C1 51.80 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.6 OK446-946 5.000 C1 -33.62 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK846-946 5.000 C1 43.78 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.3 OK846-947 6.403 C1 -44.99 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.4 OK446-947 6.403 C1 50.90 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.5 OK447-947 5.000 C1 -32.02 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK847-947 5.000 C1 42.85 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.3 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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847-948 6.403 C1 -42.63 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.3 OK447-948 6.403 C1 48.77 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.5 OK448-948 5.000 C1 -30.07 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.9 OK848-948 5.000 C1 41.29 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.2 OK848-949 6.403 C1 -39.45 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.2 OK448-949 6.403 C1 44.55 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.3 OK449-949 5.000 C1 -27.24 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.8 OK849-949 5.000 C1 38.34 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.2 OK849-950 6.403 C1 -34.46 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK449-950 6.403 C1 37.57 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.1 OK450-950 5.000 C1 -22.32 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.7 OK850-950 5.000 C1 33.93 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 1.0 OK850-951 6.403 C1 -32.48 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 1.0 OK450-951 6.403 C1 32.66 66 Y LATERAL RESTRA 227.5 1.0 OK451-951 5.000 C1 -20.92 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 350.0 0.6 OK851-951 5.000 C1 29.84 51 Y LATERAL RESTRA 268.3 0.9 OK

Group mass = 300874.8 kg

GROUP BHORZ I-sections (Web vert)

1-501 10.000 C1 -0.00 185 Y 762x267x147 52.8 -0.0 OK 2-502 10.000 C1 -0.33 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 3-503 10.000 C1 -1.08 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 4-504 10.000 C1 -1.86 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 5-505 10.000 C1 -2.08 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 6-506 10.000 C1 -1.93 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 7-507 10.000 C1 -2.11 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 8-508 10.000 C1 -2.41 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 9-509 10.000 C1 -2.29 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 11-511 10.000 C1 -1.99 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 12-512 10.000 C1 -2.26 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 13-513 10.000 C1 -2.15 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 10-510 10.000 C1 -1.92 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 14-514 10.000 C1 -1.79 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 15-515 10.000 C1 -1.90 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 16-516 10.000 C1 -2.18 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 17-517 10.000 C1 -2.08 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 18-518 10.000 C1 -1.72 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 19-519 10.000 C1 -1.79 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 20-520 10.000 C1 -2.00 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 21-521 10.000 C1 -1.80 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 22-522 10.000 C1 -1.35 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 23-523 10.000 C1 -1.35 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 24-524 10.000 C1 -1.65 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 25-525 10.000 C1 -1.88 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 26-526 10.000 C1 -1.66 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 27-527 10.000 C1 -1.36 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 28-528 10.000 C1 -1.36 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 29-529 10.000 C1 -1.80 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 30-530 10.000 C1 -1.99 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 31-531 10.000 C1 -1.76 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 32-532 10.000 C1 -1.66 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 33-533 10.000 C1 -1.95 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 34-534 10.000 C1 -2.01 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 35-535 10.000 C1 -1.68 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 36-536 10.000 C1 -1.54 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 37-537 10.000 C1 -1.90 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 38-538 10.000 C1 -2.08 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 39-539 10.000 C1 -1.95 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 40-540 10.000 C1 -2.23 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 41-541 10.000 C1 -3.33 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 42-542 10.000 C1 -4.08 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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43-543 10.000 C1 -4.03 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 44-544 10.000 C1 -3.89 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 45-545 10.000 C1 -3.72 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 46-546 10.000 C1 -2.85 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 47-547 10.000 C1 -1.53 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 48-548 10.000 C1 -0.44 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 49-549 10.000 C1 -0.00 185 Y 762x267x147 52.8 -0.0 OK 50-550 10.000 C1 -0.43 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 51-551 10.000 C1 -1.56 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 52-552 10.000 C1 -3.07 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 53-553 10.000 C1 -4.39 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 54-554 10.000 C1 -5.02 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK 55-555 10.000 C1 -5.47 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK 56-556 10.000 C1 -5.70 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK 57-557 10.000 C1 -4.83 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK 58-558 10.000 C1 -3.52 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 59-559 10.000 C1 -3.40 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 60-560 10.000 C1 -3.89 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 61-561 10.000 C1 -3.84 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 62-562 10.000 C1 -3.31 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 63-563 10.000 C1 -3.45 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 64-564 10.000 C1 -3.90 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 65-565 10.000 C1 -3.75 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 66-566 10.000 C1 -3.15 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 67-567 10.000 C1 -3.15 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 68-568 10.000 C1 -3.37 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 69-569 10.000 C1 -2.91 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 70-570 10.000 C1 -2.25 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 71-571 10.000 C1 -2.47 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 72-572 10.000 C1 -2.99 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK 73-573 10.000 C1 -2.79 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 74-574 10.000 C1 -2.15 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 75-575 10.000 C1 -2.18 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 76-576 10.000 C1 -2.50 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 77-577 10.000 C1 -2.36 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 78-578 10.000 C1 -1.96 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 79-579 10.000 C1 -2.10 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 80-580 10.000 C1 -2.44 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 81-581 10.000 C1 -2.31 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 82-582 10.000 C1 -1.96 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 83-583 10.000 C1 -2.18 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 84-584 10.000 C1 -2.59 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 85-585 10.000 C1 -2.41 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 86-586 10.000 C1 -1.88 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 87-587 10.000 C1 -1.80 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 88-588 10.000 C1 -1.85 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 89-589 10.000 C1 -1.44 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK 90-590 10.000 C1 -0.81 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 91-591 10.000 C1 -0.64 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 92-592 10.000 C1 -0.68 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 93-593 10.000 C1 -0.62 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 94-594 10.000 C1 -0.50 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 95-595 10.000 C1 -0.56 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 96-596 10.000 C1 -0.63 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 97-597 10.000 C1 -0.50 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 98-598 10.000 C1 -0.29 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK 99-599 10.000 C1 -0.31 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK100-600 10.000 C1 -0.50 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK101-601 10.000 C1 -0.79 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK102-602 10.000 C1 -0.86 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK103-603 10.000 C1 -0.70 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK104-604 10.000 C1 -0.58 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK105-605 10.000 C1 -0.68 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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106-606 10.000 C1 -0.74 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK107-607 10.000 C1 -0.65 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK108-608 10.000 C1 -0.62 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK109-609 10.000 C1 -0.77 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK110-610 10.000 C1 -0.82 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK111-611 10.000 C1 -0.66 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK112-612 10.000 C1 -0.56 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK113-613 10.000 C1 -0.67 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK114-614 10.000 C1 -0.76 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK115-615 10.000 C1 -0.82 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK116-616 10.000 C1 -1.19 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK117-617 10.000 C1 -2.08 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK118-618 10.000 C1 -2.52 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK119-619 10.000 C1 -2.19 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK120-620 10.000 C1 -1.95 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK121-621 10.000 C1 -2.29 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK122-622 10.000 C1 -2.39 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK123-623 10.000 C1 -2.01 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK124-624 10.000 C1 -1.99 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK125-625 10.000 C1 -2.85 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK126-626 10.000 C1 -3.27 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK127-627 10.000 C1 -2.73 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK128-628 10.000 C1 -2.27 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK129-629 10.000 C1 -2.54 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK130-630 10.000 C1 -2.58 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK131-631 10.000 C1 -2.03 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK132-632 10.000 C1 -1.85 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK133-633 10.000 C1 -2.67 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK134-634 10.000 C1 -3.30 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK135-635 10.000 C1 -3.19 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK136-636 10.000 C1 -3.25 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK137-637 10.000 C1 -3.90 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK138-638 10.000 C1 -4.05 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK139-639 10.000 C1 -3.54 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK140-640 10.000 C1 -3.33 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK141-641 10.000 C1 -3.77 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK142-642 10.000 C1 -3.72 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK143-643 10.000 C1 -3.14 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK144-644 10.000 C1 -3.24 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK145-645 10.000 C1 -4.70 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK146-646 10.000 C1 -5.77 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK147-647 10.000 C1 -5.57 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK148-648 10.000 C1 -5.10 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK149-649 10.000 C1 -4.42 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK150-650 10.000 C1 -3.08 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK151-651 10.000 C1 -1.56 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK152-652 10.000 C1 -0.43 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK153-653 10.000 C1 -0.00 185 Y 762x267x147 52.8 -0.0 OK154-654 10.000 C1 -0.46 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.0 OK155-655 10.000 C1 -1.64 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK156-656 10.000 C1 -3.14 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK157-657 10.000 C1 -4.27 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK158-658 10.000 C1 -4.65 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK159-659 10.000 C1 -4.92 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK160-660 10.000 C1 -5.12 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK161-661 10.000 C1 -4.47 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK162-662 10.000 C1 -3.35 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK163-663 10.000 C1 -3.00 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK164-664 10.000 C1 -2.93 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK165-665 10.000 C1 -2.18 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK166-666 10.000 C1 -1.21 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK167-667 10.000 C1 -1.15 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK168-668 10.000 C1 -1.49 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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169-669 10.000 C1 -1.56 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK170-670 10.000 C1 -1.42 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK171-671 10.000 C1 -1.62 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK172-672 10.000 C1 -1.91 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK173-673 10.000 C1 -1.77 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK174-674 10.000 C1 -1.35 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK175-675 10.000 C1 -1.35 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK176-676 10.000 C1 -1.64 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK177-677 10.000 C1 -1.86 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK178-678 10.000 C1 -1.64 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK179-679 10.000 C1 -1.34 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK180-680 10.000 C1 -1.35 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK181-681 10.000 C1 -1.79 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK182-682 10.000 C1 -1.99 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK183-683 10.000 C1 -1.78 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK184-684 10.000 C1 -1.71 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK185-685 10.000 C1 -2.04 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK186-686 10.000 C1 -2.12 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK187-687 10.000 C1 -1.79 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK188-688 10.000 C1 -1.61 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK189-689 10.000 C1 -1.85 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK190-690 10.000 C1 -1.90 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK191-691 10.000 C1 -1.63 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK192-692 10.000 C1 -1.70 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK193-693 10.000 C1 -2.48 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.1 OK194-694 10.000 C1 -3.46 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK195-695 10.000 C1 -4.51 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK196-696 10.000 C1 -5.91 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.3 OK197-697 10.000 C1 -7.23 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.4 OK198-698 10.000 C1 -7.12 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.4 OK199-699 10.000 C1 -3.39 185 Y 762x267x147 350.0 0.2 OK200-700 10.000 C1 7.18 185 Y 762x267x147 52.8 0.4 Fail201-900 10.000 C1 -0.00 185 Y 762x267x147 52.8 -0.0 OK

Group mass = 295058.0 kg

GROUP DIAG H-sections (Web hor)

701-801 5.000 C1 125.81 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 1.6 OK501-701 5.000 C1 4692.53 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 58.1 OK701-802 6.403 C1 2525.03 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 31.3 OK505-701 6.403 C1 -2562.04 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 31.7 OK505-702 5.000 C1 3696.91 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 45.8 OK702-802 5.000 C1 -1481.15 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 18.3 OK702-803 6.403 C1 3246.42 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 40.2 OK509-702 6.403 C1 -3242.38 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 40.1 OK509-703 5.000 C1 94.26 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 1.2 OK703-803 5.000 C1 -2385.48 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 29.5 OK703-804 6.403 C1 1493.73 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 18.5 OK513-703 6.403 C1 -1537.84 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 19.0 OK513-704 5.000 C1 -1367.68 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 16.9 OK704-804 5.000 C1 -1087.82 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.5 OK704-805 6.403 C1 -292.77 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 3.6 OK517-704 6.403 C1 243.42 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 3.0 OK517-705 5.000 C1 -2599.69 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 32.2 OK705-805 5.000 C1 442.08 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 5.5 OK705-806 6.403 C1 -2032.60 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 25.2 OK521-705 6.403 C1 1985.68 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 24.6 OK521-706 5.000 C1 -3918.77 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 48.5 OK706-806 5.000 C1 1776.63 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 22.0 OK706-807 6.403 C1 -3732.29 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 46.2 OK525-706 6.403 C1 3685.77 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 45.6 OK525-708 6.403 C1 -5538.47 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 68.5 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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708-807 6.403 C1 5492.92 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 68.0 OK707-807 5.000 C1 -1123.53 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.9 OK525-707 5.000 C1 -1079.13 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.4 OK708-808 5.000 C1 -5414.27 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 67.0 OK529-708 5.000 C1 3309.24 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 41.0 OK709-808 6.403 C1 7196.45 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 89.1 OK529-709 6.403 C1 -7239.89 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 89.6 OK709-809 5.000 C1 -6598.35 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 81.7 OK533-709 5.000 C1 4783.45 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 59.2 OK710-809 6.403 C1 8474.43 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 104.9 OK533-710 6.403 C1 -8531.67 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 105.6 OK710-810 5.000 C1 -8021.52 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 99.3 OK537-710 5.000 C1 5362.55 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 66.4 OK711-810 6.403 C1 9150.64 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 113.3 OK541-711 5.000 C1 -1855.75 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 23.0 OK537-711 6.403 C1 -10328.52 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 127.8 OK711-811 5.000 C1 -4286.66 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 53.1 OK601-727 6.403 C1 -1279.33 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 15.8 OK665-742 5.000 C1 5237.44 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 64.8 OK742-842 5.000 C1 -7991.23 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 98.9 OK742-843 6.403 C1 8380.27 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 103.7 OK669-742 6.403 C1 -8427.89 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 104.3 OK669-743 5.000 C1 4776.09 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 59.1 OK743-843 5.000 C1 -6651.29 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 82.3 OK743-844 6.403 C1 7230.13 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 89.5 OK673-743 6.403 C1 -7264.30 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 89.9 OK673-744 5.000 C1 3313.56 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 41.0 OK744-844 5.000 C1 -5422.60 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 67.1 OK744-845 6.403 C1 5505.69 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 68.1 OK677-744 6.403 C1 -5541.31 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 68.6 OK677-745 5.000 C1 -1082.32 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.4 OK745-845 5.000 C1 -1126.72 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.9 OK746-845 6.403 C1 -3769.86 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 46.7 OK677-746 6.403 C1 3733.19 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 46.2 OK746-846 5.000 C1 1794.88 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 22.2 OK681-746 5.000 C1 -3966.39 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 49.1 OK747-846 6.403 C1 -2046.38 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 25.3 OK681-747 6.403 C1 2009.76 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 24.9 OK747-847 5.000 C1 443.96 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 5.5 OK685-747 5.000 C1 -2627.11 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 32.5 OK748-847 6.403 C1 -296.98 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 3.7 OK685-748 6.403 C1 262.17 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 3.2 OK748-848 5.000 C1 -900.88 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 11.1 OK689-748 5.000 C1 -1198.41 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 14.8 OK749-848 6.403 C1 1488.84 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 18.4 OK689-749 6.403 C1 -1520.75 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 18.8 OK749-849 5.000 C1 -2040.19 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 25.2 OK693-749 5.000 C1 422.57 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 5.2 OK750-849 6.403 C1 2473.67 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 30.6 OK693-750 6.403 C1 -2532.54 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 31.3 OK750-850 5.000 C1 -3726.67 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 46.1 OK697-750 5.000 C1 288.00 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 3.6 OK751-850 6.403 C1 5484.71 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 67.9 OK697-751 6.403 C1 -5744.18 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 71.1 OK751-851 5.000 C1 205.14 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 2.5 OK751-900 5.000 C1 9030.94 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 111.8 OK301-401 5.000 C1 141.09 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 1.7 OK 1-301 5.000 C1 4206.25 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 52.1 OK301-402 6.403 C1 2552.54 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 31.6 OK 5-301 6.403 C1 -2593.60 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 32.1 OK302-402 5.000 C1 -1492.74 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 18.5 OK 5-302 5.000 C1 3624.86 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 44.9 OK302-403 6.403 C1 3207.03 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 39.7 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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9-302 6.403 C1 -3204.48 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 39.7 OK303-403 5.000 C1 -2351.75 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 29.1 OK 9-303 5.000 C1 83.39 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 1.0 OK303-404 6.403 C1 1465.08 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 18.1 OK 13-303 6.403 C1 -1509.30 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 18.7 OK 13-304 5.000 C1 -1391.37 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 17.2 OK304-404 5.000 C1 -1057.94 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.1 OK304-405 6.403 C1 -327.21 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 4.0 OK 17-304 6.403 C1 277.63 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 3.4 OK 17-305 5.000 C1 -2629.87 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 32.5 OK305-405 5.000 C1 471.30 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 5.8 OK305-406 6.403 C1 -2070.85 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 25.6 OK 21-305 6.403 C1 2023.56 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 25.0 OK 21-306 5.000 C1 -3950.95 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 48.9 OK306-406 5.000 C1 1808.72 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 22.4 OK306-407 6.403 C1 -3773.69 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 46.7 OK 25-306 6.403 C1 3726.75 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 46.1 OK 25-307 5.000 C1 -1078.50 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.3 OK307-407 5.000 C1 -1122.90 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.9 OK308-407 6.403 C1 5532.41 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 68.5 OK 25-308 6.403 C1 -5578.48 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 69.0 OK308-408 5.000 C1 -5446.06 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 67.4 OK 29-308 5.000 C1 3339.53 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 41.3 OK309-408 6.403 C1 7236.51 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 89.6 OK 29-309 6.403 C1 -7280.66 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 90.1 OK309-409 5.000 C1 -6638.30 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 82.2 OK 33-309 5.000 C1 4806.60 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 59.5 OK310-409 6.403 C1 8517.32 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 105.4 OK 33-310 6.403 C1 -8574.70 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 106.1 OK310-410 5.000 C1 -8047.24 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 99.6 OK 37-310 5.000 C1 5403.94 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 66.9 OK311-410 6.403 C1 9303.40 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 115.1 OK 37-311 6.403 C1 -10404.57 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 128.8 OK311-411 5.000 C1 -4351.30 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 53.9 OK 41-311 5.000 C1 -1642.01 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 20.3 OK312-411 6.403 C1 8686.90 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 107.5 OK 41-312 6.403 C1 -3941.78 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 48.8 OK312-412 5.000 C1 1947.37 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 24.1 OK 45-312 5.000 C1 -687.30 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 8.5 OK313-412 6.403 C1 5362.84 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 66.4 OK 45-313 6.403 C1 -3034.87 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 37.6 OK161-341 5.000 C1 -1839.74 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 22.8 OK341-441 5.000 C1 -4292.85 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 53.1 OK341-442 6.403 C1 9190.47 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 113.7 OK165-341 6.403 C1 -10382.75 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 128.5 OK165-342 5.000 C1 5416.33 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 67.0 OK342-442 5.000 C1 -8067.83 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 99.8 OK342-443 6.403 C1 8538.47 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 105.7 OK169-342 6.403 C1 -8595.91 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 106.4 OK343-443 5.000 C1 -6656.83 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 82.4 OK169-343 5.000 C1 4842.04 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 59.9 OK343-444 6.403 C1 7271.31 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 90.0 OK173-343 6.403 C1 -7315.04 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 90.5 OK173-344 5.000 C1 3370.47 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 41.7 OK344-444 5.000 C1 -5476.04 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 67.8 OK344-445 6.403 C1 5571.53 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 69.0 OK177-344 6.403 C1 -5617.43 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 69.5 OK345-445 5.000 C1 -1123.40 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.9 OK177-345 5.000 C1 -1079.00 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 13.4 OK346-445 6.403 C1 -3817.59 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 47.2 OK177-346 6.403 C1 3770.70 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 46.7 OK346-446 5.000 C1 1842.73 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 22.8 OK181-346 5.000 C1 -3985.51 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 49.3 OK

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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347-446 6.403 C1 -2119.78 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 26.2 OK181-347 6.403 C1 2072.47 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 25.6 OK347-447 5.000 C1 509.72 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 6.3 OK185-347 5.000 C1 -2667.83 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 33.0 OK348-447 6.403 C1 -383.23 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 4.7 OK185-348 6.403 C1 333.62 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 4.1 OK348-448 5.000 C1 -1010.39 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 12.5 OK189-348 5.000 C1 -1431.25 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 17.7 OK349-448 6.403 C1 1400.07 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 17.3 OK189-349 6.403 C1 -1444.49 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 17.9 OK349-449 5.000 C1 -2298.56 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 28.4 OK193-349 5.000 C1 35.22 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 0.4 OK350-449 6.403 C1 3133.49 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 38.8 OK193-350 6.403 C1 -3131.99 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 38.8 OK350-450 5.000 C1 -1473.23 39 X 356x406x634 350.0 18.2 OK197-350 5.000 C1 3530.38 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 43.7 OK351-450 6.403 C1 2501.94 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 31.0 OK197-351 6.403 C1 -2543.76 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 31.5 OK351-451 5.000 C1 127.38 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 1.6 OK201-351 5.000 C1 4114.35 39 X 356x406x634 300.3 50.9 OK312-413 6.403 C1 -5606.32 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 69.4 OK311-412 6.403 C1 -8765.27 49 X 356x406x634 350.0 108.5 OK 45-311 6.403 C1 7667.81 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 94.9 OK 49-312 6.403 C1 10539.70 49 X 356x406x634 273.1 130.4 OK

Group mass = 632415.9 kg

Total mass for task = 4261086.3 kg

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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Structural engineering can never be an exact science. Design philosophies recognize and accommodate this uncertainty. A carefully controlled laboratory experiment, will not achieve perfect correlation between behavior and analysis.

In a practical structure the divergence between behavior and predicted analysis is evident and generally greater. In addition to environmental factors, the degree of uncertainty also depends on the type of structure or the structural element.

For example, on a project with a steel beam and column joint, with well-defined boundary conditions and known material properties, an Engineer would feel disappointed if theoretical and experimental deflections and strains did not agree to within 10%. Even on complete structures, close agreement can still be achieved with care. Agreement to within 12% for deflections and 20% for significant stresses in a major experimental study of Multiplan bridge behavior may be achieved. In a full-scale study of industrial building structures agreements were within 16% on deflections and 11% on strength. Only in a situation of high imperfection sensitivity would greater divergence be acceptable

Uncertainties and complexities of practical connection behavior

Uncertainties in connection behavior are frequently much greater in practice despite administering stringent measures like it would be done in a laboratory setting.

In a study of short end-plate beam/column connections measurements were taken of the prying forces that the design method predicted would develop between the end-plate and the face of the column. In one specimen no such forces developed - an error of 100%.

This error was due to bad fit.

In practical tests on beam splices using high-strength fiction-grip (HSFG) bolts and splice plates, the relative movements of the web plates to the web were carefully monitored. Results of this study showed a shift of the position of the center of rotation.

Clearly, the conventional design method of analysis for beam splices, which assumes that the web splice is subject to a shear force with a given eccentricity, cannot be used to model the true behavior of this connection.

In reality, there must be a complex interaction of moments and shears between

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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flanges and web as differing parts of the connection reach their limiting capacity.

There are several reasons why steel connection behavior is more uncertain and more complex than that of other steel elements.

Geometric imperfections and lacks of fit

All steel components contain geometric imperfections and lacks of fit. Maximum permitted amplitude of imperfection in a beam or column, having a bow or twist, with an amplitude of length/1000. The imperfection will produce a secondary system of bending stresses which may, in extreme circumstances, attain values of the same order as the average stress. These are accounted for in the column strength curves, where average stress decreases with increasing slenderness. This may be due to bolt arrangement misfits or welding shrinkage

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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Any method of analysis which represents this behavior by either a linear or a bilinear response can clearly only be regarded as an approximate model of true behavior. Residual Stresses and Srains Almost all steelwork contains residual stresses, that is, sets of self-equilibrating stresses that are locked in during manufacture and fabrication Geometric complexity It is axiomatic that there is greater geometic complexity within a connection than along the length of a structural member. This complexity has two important influences on connection behaviour. First, it causes considerable elastic stress concentrations within the connection; the figures above presents stress concentration factors (s.c.f.) for two standard situations. Thus any bolted connection must have a s.c.f. of more than 2.2 and any connection with a sharp discontinuity (it is difficult to think of one that does not have such complexity) will have one of more than 3. Two important points should be noted in relation to stress concentration factors in connections:

1. The figures presented above are macroscopic s.c.f.: much greater microscopic s.c.f. will exist in the presence of any local weld defects or other surface irregularities.

2. Stress concentration factors of much larger magnitude (up to 20) exist in welded tubular connections.

The second effect of geometic complexity on connection behaviour is that simple theoies do not predict accurately the distibution of stress within the connection. For example, gusset plates and stiffeners have such proportions that, when subject to bending moments, plane sections do not remain plane and engineers' simple bending theory gives a poor estimate of maximum stresses. The figure below shows the true stress distribution that exists in a deep beam with the proportions that can occur in a connection element.

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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An appropriate design philosophy for connections

The following design philosophy, based on simple analysis, would seem to be the most appropriate way to deal with the problem of both the complexity and variability of practical connection behavior.

The only connections that have been found to be outside its scope are certain classes of tubular connections that present particular difficulty.

For many connections this analysis should be based on the concept of 'force paths'. Here the overall loads acting on the connection are replaced by equivalent systems of forces which can then be assigned specific paths through the connection.

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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In this analysis we, take account of:

1) Taking account of overall connection behavior, carry out an appropriate simple analysis to determine a realistic distribution of forces within the connection. This involves:

a) The distribution of forces in the elements to be connected. b) The flexibility of the components of the connection. It is the most flexible

components that will govern the distribution of forces. It follows from the above that the conventional methods of analysis may be used in the context of this overall philosophy. They are most appropriate when the dominant flexibility is that of the connectors themselves

It is most important to ensure that the analysis is consistent throughout the connection.

2) Ensure that each component of each force path has sufficient strength to transmit the required force. The only way to be certain that a design is satisfactory is for designers to have a clear understanding of how they wish the connection to behave and for them to ensure that all the components and critical sections have the capacity for this mode of behavior.

3) To determine compatibility is satisfied, ensure that the components are capable of ductile behavior. This is to ensure plastic deformation occurs prior to premature rupture or buckling. Fortunately, it is usually a straightforward matter to ensure that the components can achieve the necessary ductility.

4) Ensure that the connection will achieve satisfactory serviceability, fatigue resistance, etc. through further assessment. For example, cross-girder connections in bridges static strength should govern overall design but the connection layout should be arranged to minimize stress concentrations because of the importance of fatigue considerations.

Gusset plate design

Rigorous analysis of gusset plates would be most complex because of their proportions and the presence of local loads.

In practice design is based on very simple analysis to determine stress distribution and straightforward geometric criteria to ensure that buckling does not occur.

Because of this simplicity, design calculations should be interpreted with common sense. In critical situations calculated thicknesses should be rounded up

Local stresses arising from the load input from an individual member may be checked on the basis of a 30° dispersal over the length of the connection. In addition, critical sections should be checked under combined direct, bending and shear stresses. Calculations are generally based on engineers' bending theory, which assumes that plane sections remain plane, notwithstanding the unusual proportions of the 'beam'.

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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The number of HSFG 20mm diameter bolts required in double shear having tension capacity of


Tensile / compressive Force= 40000kN

Divide by two channels⟹



Divide by three plates in each channel⟹




Divide by strength of bolts⟹




Gusset Plate thickness in accordance to BS 5950

21000 20

27.314 25 460

Pr 30

bs bs p bs


bs bs

P K dt p

P xt mm

K dp x x

ovide mm

Edge distance ℰ⇒

31000 10

5.79 0.5 12.70.5 0.5 25 30 460


bs p bs

P xmm d ok

K t p x x x

Area of plates

6240 10

242422 275 3


f xA mm

x x

Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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Given depth of 700mm

2424234.6 35


700 35


provide x mmplate

Factor area of holes due to No of bolts









13 25 35 11375


11375 24242 35617




t h

h t





A x x mm

A mm

A mm

depth mm

provide mmdepth

Cross beam-Chord (btm) joint



loads Nult=526kN

Lateral loads, nosing = 100kN

Longitudinal loads =traction = 150kN


Design Analogy for 20mm diameter HSFG Bolts in single shear

Gusset Plate for the longitudinal loads




Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago


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Angle bracket for lateral loads




Chkd By: Dr., Eng. Abuodha Tana Railway Bridge Designed By: Kanyiri Andrew Kago