social studies - 4th period

Social Studies Fourth Period 2.015 1 Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastián NOMBRE:_______________________________________________ GRADO: TH GRADE PERIODO: FOURTH AREA: SOCIAL STUDIES MISS SOPHIE CORZO PÉREZ New Year's Day in United States New Year's Day falls on January 1 and marks the start of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar. It marks the end of New Year's Eve celebrations in the United States and gives many Americans a chance to remember the previous year. What do people do? The start of New Year's Day, at midnight, is heralded by fireworks, parties and special events, which are often televised. Very few people have to work on the day itself. For many it is a day of recovery from the New Year's Eve celebrations the previous night. In some towns and cities, parades are held and special football games are played. The birth of the first baby in the New Year is often celebrated with gifts to his or her parents and appearances in local newspapers and on local news shows. Many people make New Year's resolutions. These are usually promises to themselves that they will improve something in their own lives. Common New Year's resolutions are to stop smoking or drinking alcohol, to lose weight, exercise more or to live a healthier lifestyle. Martin Luther King Day in United States Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United States. What do people do? Martin Luther King Day is a relatively new federal holiday and there are few long standing traditions. It is seen as a day to promote equal rights for all Americans,

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Social Studies Fourth Period 2.015


Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastián

NOMBRE:_______________________________________________ GRADO: TH GRADE


New Year's Day in United States

New Year's Day falls on January 1 and marks the start of a

new year according to the Gregorian calendar. It marks the

end of New Year's Eve celebrations in the United States

and gives many Americans a chance to remember the

previous year.

What do people do?

The start of New Year's Day, at midnight, is heralded by

fireworks, parties and special events, which are often

televised. Very few people have to work on the day itself. For many it is a day of recovery from the New

Year's Eve celebrations the previous night. In some towns and cities, parades are held and special

football games are played. The birth of the first baby in the New Year is often celebrated with gifts to his or

her parents and appearances in local newspapers and on local news shows. Many people make New

Year's resolutions. These are usually promises to themselves that they will improve something in their

own lives. Common New Year's resolutions are to stop smoking or drinking alcohol, to lose weight,

exercise more or to live a healthier lifestyle.

Martin Luther King Day in United States

Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third

Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements

of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights

leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end

racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality

in the United States.

What do people do?

Martin Luther King Day is a relatively new federal holiday

and there are few long standing traditions. It is seen as a day to promote equal rights for all Americans,

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regardless of their background. Some educational establishments mark the day by teaching their pupils or

students about the work of Martin Luther King and the struggle against racial segregation and racism. In

recent years, federal legislation has encouraged Americans to give some of their time on this day as

volunteers in citizen action groups. Martin Luther King Day, also known as Martin Luther King’s birthday

and Martin Luther King Jr Day, is combined with other days in different states. For example, it is combined

with Civil Rights Day in Arizona and New Hampshire, while it is observed together with Human Rights

Day in Idaho. It is also a day that is combined with Robert E. Lee’s birthday in some states. The day is

known as Wyoming Equality Day in the state of Wyoming.

Presidents' Day (Washington's Birthday) in United States

Washington's Birthday, also known as Presidents' Day, is a

federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The

day honors presidents of the United States, including

George Washington, the USA's first president.

What do people do?

Washington's Birthday officially honors the life and work of

George Washington, the first president of the United States.

The day commemorates past presidents of the USA.

Washington's Birthday is sometimes known as Presidents'

Day. This is because while most states have adopted Washington's Birthday, some states officially

celebrate Presidents' Day. Some states pay particular attention to Abraham Lincoln, as his birthday was

also in mid-February. In the weeks or days leading up to the holiday, schools often organize events and

lessons for students about the presidents of the United States and George Washington in particular. It is a

popular day for stores to start their sales. The US federal holiday is on the third Monday of February each

year, but records show that George Washington's birthday is on February 22.

St. Patrick's Day in United States

St Patrick's Day, on March 17, remembers one of Ireland’s

patron saints, St Patrick. It largely celebrates Irish-American

culture in the United States.

Celebrate St Patrick's Day

Celebrations concentrate on Irish themed parties, drinks and

food. Many people get into the spirit by dressing in green

clothing and eating green colored food. Irish clubs and pubs

often hold parties or have special deals. Large street

parades mark St Patrick's Day in places like: Savannah, Chicago, Boston, Houston, Philadelphia,

Pittsburgh, Denver, Detroit, Toronto, New York, New Orleans, Seattle.

Water is dyed green in public places in some towns. The most notable body of water that was dyed green

was the Chicago River in 2005.

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The most common St Patrick's Day symbol is the shamrock. The shamrock is the leaf of the clover plant

and a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Other symbols include: Almost anything green; The green, orange and

white flag of the Republic of Ireland; Brands of beer associated with Irish culture. Religious symbols

include snakes and serpents. Other symbols seen on St Patrick’s Day include the harp, which was used in

Ireland for centuries, as well as the leprechaun and a pot of gold that it hides.

Questionnaire # 1: FESTIVITIES PART I

1. When they celebrate the new year?

2. What happens at midnight?

3. What is important today?

4. What place in some cities and towns?

5. How the birth of the first baby of the new year is celebrated?

6. What are the promises that they make?

7. When is celebrated the day Martin Luther King?

8. Why this day is celebrated?

9. What did Martin Luther King, of significance?

10. What is promoted today?

11. What they do in school?

12. When is celebrated the day of the president?

13. Who he was the first president of the United States?

14. Organized in schools?

15. Why this day is very popular for shopping?

16. When celebrating St. Patrick's Day?

17. What marks this day?

18. How to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

19. In which US cities, is celebrated this day?

20. What happens to the water?

21. What is the most representative symbol of this day? What is its significance?

22. What other symbols representing St. Patrick's Day?

Quick Check # 1:

1. Design a caricature, where staging the San Patricio. Minimum 6 drawings.

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Easter Monday in United States

Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday. It is not a

federal holiday in the United States of America (USA). Some

Easter traditions continue on the Easter Monday, such as

the egg rolling race at the White House.

What do people do?

Egg rolling races are held in the United States. There is a

big race held on the lawn of the White House in Washington

DC on Easter Monday. Sometimes even the President takes part in the “White House Easter Egg Roll”,

which was hosted by the First Lady in 2007. Eggs are rolled down a hill or slope and there is a variety of

activities, as well as food and entertainment, for families. The White House Easter egg collection involves

a tradition that began in 1994 where each state sends a decorated egg to the White House for display.

Artists from across the United States created decorated eggs that represent each state and the District of

Columbia. Each year the artists vote amongst themselves to select the artist to create the following year's

commemorative egg which is presented to the President and First Lady. The collection is coordinated by

the American Egg Board.


For people with strong Christian beliefs, the Cross, on which Jesus was crucified, and the Resurrection

are important symbols of the period around Easter. Other symbols of Easter include real eggs or eggs

manufactured from a range of materials, nests, lambs and rabbits or hares. Sometimes these symbols are

combined, for example, in candy models of rabbits with nests full of eggs. Eggs, rabbits, hares and young

animals are thought to represent the re-birth and return to fertility of nature in the spring.

Memorial Day in United States

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. It was

formerly known as Decoration Day and commemorates all

men and women, who have died in military service for the

United States. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials

on Memorial Day and it is traditionally seen as the start of

the summer season.

What do people do?

It is traditional to fly the flag of the United States at half-mast from dawn until noon. Many people visit

cemeteries and memorials, particularly to honor those who have died in military service. Many volunteers

place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries. Memorial Day is combined with Jefferson

Davis' Birthday in Mississippi. Memorial Day has become less of an occasion of remembrance. Many

people choose to hold picnics, sports events and family gatherings on this weekend. This day is

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traditionally seen as the start of the summer season for cultural events. For the fashion conscious, it is

seen as acceptable to wear white clothing, particularly shoes from Memorial Day until Labor Day.

However, fewer and fewer people follow this rule and many wear white clothing throughout the year.

Independence Day in United States

Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is

often known as "the Fourth of July". It is the anniversary of

the publication of the declaration of independence from

Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events

are organized throughout the United States.

Celebrate Independence Day

Independence Day is a day of family celebrations with

picnics and barbecues, showing a great deal of emphasis

on the American tradition of political freedom. Activities associated with the day include watermelon or

hotdog eating competitions and sporting events, such as baseball games, three-legged races, swimming

activities and tug-of-war games. Many people display the American flag outside their homes or buildings.

Many communities arrange fireworks that are often accompanied by patriotic music. The most impressive

fireworks are shown on television. Some employees use one or more of their vacation days to create a

long weekend so that they can escape the heat at their favorite beach or vacation spot. Independence

Day is a patriotic holiday for celebrating the positive aspects of the United States. Many politicians appear

at public events to show their support for the history, heritage and people of their country. Above all,

people in the United States express and give thanks for the freedom and liberties fought by the first

generation of many of today's Americans. The Statue of Liberty is a national monument that is associated

with Independence Day.

Labor Day in United States

Labor Day is annually held on the first Monday of

September. It was originally organized to celebrate various

labor associations' strengths of and contributions to the

United States economy. It is largely a day of rest in modern

times. Many people mark Labor Day as the end of the

summer season and a last chance to make trips or hold

outdoor events.

Celebrate Labor Day

Labor Day is a day of rest or the last chance for many people to go on trips before the summer ends. For

students, it is the last chance to organize parties before school starts again. In some neighborhoods,

people organize fireworks displays, barbecues and public arts or sports events. The football season starts

on or around Labor Day and many teams play their first game of the year during Labor Day weekend. May

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1 is Lei Day in Hawaii, where celebrations include lei-making competitions, concerts, as well as giving and

receiving leis to friends and family.

Questionnaire # 2: FESTIVITIES PART II

1. What takes place on the Monday after Easter, at the White


2. Who was the organizer of "White House Easter Egg Roll"?

3. What is "White House Easter Egg Roll"?

4. What should send each state, to the White House?

5. What does the American Egg Board?

6. What are the symbols of Easter?

7. Which represent eggs and rabbits on Easter?

8. When the Memorial Day is celebrated?

9. What is commemorated on this day?

10. What do the people in this day?

11. What volunteers do?

12. What tradition is there to this day?

13. When celebrating the Independence Day of the United States?

14. What is commemorated on this day?

15. What people do on this day?

16. What is shown on television?

17. What thank the northamericans?

18. What monument is associated with independence day?

19. When celebrating Labor Day in the United States?

20. For what Labor Day was organized?

21. What people do on this day?

22. What students do on this day?

23. What they do in some neighborhoods?

Quick Check # 2:

1. Describe, how is celebrated Independence Day in Colombia?

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Columbus Day in United States

Columbus Day, which is on the second Monday of October,

remembers Christopher Columbus' arrival to the Americas

on October 12, 1492. This holiday is controversial because

the European settlement in the Americas led to the demise

of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples.

Observe Columbus Day

Some Americans celebrate the anniversary of the discovery

of their country with church services and other activities. In some towns and cities, special church

services, parades and large events are held. Many celebrations happen in the Italian-American

community. The celebrations in New York and San Francisco are particularly noteworthy. In Hawaii

Columbus Day is also known as Landing Day or Discoverer's Day.

Veterans Day in United States

In the USA, Veterans Day annually falls on November 11.

This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice,

which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied

nations and Germany in 1918. Veterans are thanked for their

services to the United States on Veterans Day.


Veterans Day is intended to honor and thank all military

personnel who served the United States in all wars, particularly living veterans. It is marked by parades

and church services and in many places the American flag is hung at half-mast. A period of silence lasting

two minutes may be held at 11am. Some schools are closed on Veterans Day, while others do not close,

but choose to mark the occasion with special assemblies or other activities.

Thanksgiving Day in United States

Thanksgiving Day in the United States is a holiday on the

fourth Thursday of November. It precedes Black Friday.

What do people do?

Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and

friends to get together for a special meal. The meal often

includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy,

pumpkin pie, and vegetables. Thanksgiving Day is a time for

many people to give thanks for what they have. Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and

towns on or around Thanksgiving Day. Some parades or festivities also mark the opening of the

Christmas shopping season. Some people have a four-day weekend so it is a popular time for trips and to

visit family and friends.

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Christmas Day in United States

Many people in the United States celebrate Christmas Day

on December 25. The day celebrates Jesus Christ's birth. It

is often combined with customs from pre-Christian winter

celebrations. Many people erect Christmas trees, decorate

their homes, visit family or friends and exchange gifts.

What do people do?

People celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. In the days

or even weeks before Christmas Day, many people decorate their homes and gardens with lights,

Christmas trees and much more. It is common to organize a special meal, often consisting of turkey and a

lot of other festive foods, for family or friends and exchange gifts with them. Children, in particular, often

receive a lot of gifts from their parents and other relatives and the mythical figure Santa Claus. This has

led to Christmas Day becoming an increasingly commercialized holiday, with a lot of families spending a

large part of their income on gifts and food. Many Sunday schools, churches and communities organize

special events. These can include decorating the neighborhood or a shopping mall, putting up a Christmas

tree and planning a Nativity display, concert or performance. A lot of plays and songs have a aspect of

Christmas as a theme. Some groups arrange meals, shelter or charitable projects for people without a

home or with very little money.

Questionnaire # 3: FESTIVITIES PART III

1. When is celebrated Columbus Day?

2. What is commemorated on this day?

3. Why is it controversial Columbus Day?

4. How to celebrate some North Americans, this day?

5. What they do in some towns and cities?

6. How is known this day in Hawaii?

7. When is celebrated Veterans Day?

8. What is commemorated on this day?

9. What is thank you to veterans?

10. Why it is marked Veterans Day?

11. What school do?

12. When is celebrated on Thanksgiving?

13. For what families and friends get together?

14. Which includes Thanksgiving meal?

15. What marks the opening day of thanksgiving?

16. What do the people on Christmas Day?

17. What is the symbolic character of Christmas?

18. What activities take place on this day?

Quick Check # 3:

1. Describes, how you and your family celebrate the Christmas Day?

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According to all the holidays celebrate in United States, design a PowerPoint presentation with the festival

that caught your eye.




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