may 10th 4th period

 Friday, May 10th, 2013 Agenda 1. Announcements – 5 min 2. Warm-up – 10 min 3. Acid/Base Wrap-up – 30 min 4. Acid/Base Assessment – 20 min 5. Project work time – 45 min Homework: project HW. Acids/Bases quiz on Tuesday.

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Page 1: May 10th 4th period


Friday, May 10th, 2013 Agenda

1. Announcements – 5 min2. Warm-up – 10 min

3. Acid/Base Wrap-up – 30 min4. Acid/Base Assessment – 20 min

5. Project work time – 45 min

Homework: project HW. Acids/Bases quiz on Tuesday.

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4th Period Announcements

Hello 4th period. I have graded your lab packets and your debate worksheets which were out of 50. I'm pleased to say the class average on the debate worksheet was about 45. Today, please be on your best behavior as we finish up acids

and bases and work on our project. We will spend more time on it Tuesday and I will be checking in with each group to make sure you are on track.

Have a great day!

-Mr. Lee

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Warm-up (5 min to answer, 5 min to discuss)

Please answer the following questions in your interactive notebook:

1) What do you think would happen if you mixed an acid and a base together?2) Carbon Dioxide reacts with water to form a weak acid. Increased amounts of CO2 in our air is dissolving into the water in our oceans. What effects do you think increasing acidity of ocean water has?

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We will answer the warm-up questions and more through the next several slides. For now, please

set up your Cornell notes with the Focus Question: What are acids and bases? Why

does the indicator change colors?

Please copy notes in green

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Part 1/3: Lap Recap

What we should have seen in the lab on Tuesday was the colors changing as we added stronger

acid and base solutionsscoops of citric acid color ph

0 Green 71 Yellow-green 6.52 Yellow 63 Light orange 5.5

4 Peach 5 5 Pink 4

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Reason: The more citric acid you add to the 5ml of water, the more concentrated with acid it


Concentrated: describes the amount of solute in the solution

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A solution includes a solute and a solventA solute is what is dissolved

A solvent is what does the dissolving

When you add alka-seltzer to a cup,the alka-seltzer is the solute,

the water is the solvent,and the resulting drink is a solution

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For the basic (sodium carbonate solution), you should've seen the colors become darker

Number of scoops Color pH 0 Green 7

1 Green-blue 8 2 Blue 8.5

3 Blue-purple 9 4 Purple 9.5 5 Purple 10

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Question: What happened to the concentration of the basic solution as you added more sodium


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Part 2/3: Water

Why did the indicator molecule change color in the first place? Well first, we have to take a look at

what the water molecules are constantly doing

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You must first know that at any point in time,water molecules are constantly bumping into each other and trading H+ atoms, which we call protons

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H20 molecules bump into each other and one molecule takes a H+ from the other molecule

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Afterward, the molecule that received the extra H+ gives it back to the other molecule, returning them both to H20. This back-and-forth happens so that

there are an equal # of H3o+ and OH- ions

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Play this animation

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Water molecules bump into each other and trade protons, changing between H20 molecules and

H30+ and OH- ions

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Gravy? Now, let's learn the definition of acids and bases

Acid: a substance that donates H+ ions into the solution

Base: a substance that accepts H+ in the solution

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So when an acid is added to a solution, more H+ are added. Therefore, it increases the number of

H3o+ molecules in the solution.

A base accepts H+ ions, so there will be more OH- ions in the solution.

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Mid-way quiz. Discuss with your elbow partner and Ms. Esparza will choose 3 students to answer

1) What 2 molecules do H20 molecules constantly change into?

2) What atom do the H20 molecules trade?3) When you add a base to a solution, what


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1) H20 molecules change into H30+ and OH- ions2) H20 molecules trade the H+ atom

3) A base accepts H+ ions and increases the amount of OH- ions in the solution

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Part 3/3: Indicator moleculeSo why does this change the color?

An indicator molecule is a special molecule that changes color depending on the amount of H3O+

and OH- ions in the solution. If the amount of H30+ and OH- are balanced, it

will stay greenIf there are more H3O+ molecules than OH-, it will accept the extra H+ ions and change from green

to yellow to redIf there are more OH- molecules than H30+, it will donate a H+ to the water molecules and change

from green to blue to purple

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Watch the animation:

H3O+ > OH- : lowers the pHH30+ < OH- : raises the pH

H30+ = OH- : pH = 7

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Gravy? Ok an additional point

When acids and bases combine, they will neutralize each other. Which means if you mix a

basic (blue) solution with an acidic (yellow) solution, it will return to green with the indicator

If either the base or acid is a little stronger, the color will shift more to that side

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Why it's important

Carbon Dioxide can react with water to create a weak acid.

The increasing Carbon Dioxide in our air from global emissions is dissolving into our ocean water and creating more acidic ocean water.

This leads to coral bleaching, which can lead to a chain reaction of events...more on this next week

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Assignment: 20 min. 25 points

Complete one of the following in your interactive notebook

1: Draw a picture and provide a 5+ sentence explanation of what made the solutions in our lab

change color.

2. Draw a comic that also explains how color changes in an indicator solution based on whether

acids/bases are present

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Project: Due at end of period and HW

Here is what's due for each of the 4 types of projects. Please write down what is due for

your specific project.

Your work today is worth 50 points. Please be forewarned that I will be very tough on grading the

work you turn in today. Your homework assignment is worth an additional

20 points

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Children's Book groups

Due at end of period: Draft of 10 pages that you will have in your book, complete with illustrations

HW: bring in a children's book for next Tuesday

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Presentation groups

Due at end of period: You must have a skit, poster, or powerpoint prepared. Create a rough draft/script of this. Write a 1-page summary of

what you intend to teach students.

HW: 1-page per student on research they have done on their topic.

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Science Project groups

Due at end of period: Written summary of your Question, Hypothesis, Experiment, Materials. Also

explain what type of graph you will use to show your results, and what physical object you will

bring to present

HW: find samples of science projects online and print and bring one to class per group

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Lesson Plan groups

Due at end of period: Rough draft of powerpoint (draw/outline on paper what you will have on the slides), overhead sheets, quizzes, and handouts

you will use for the lesson.

HW: Think of a teaching strategy or method used by your current or past teachers that you liked. Choose one and write half a page on how you

could implement it into your lesson (1 per person)

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Sign-up sheet

Ms. Esparza will put up a sign up sheet for your project. I will start to meet with teachers to set up times for you to present your presentations and

children's books. Lesson plans and science projects will be presented in our class.

Please fill out your names, project you have chosen, how it relates to science, and what age

group you are creating the project for

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Lastly, Ms. Esparza will be keeping track of those who are and are not off task. You can earn 20

points for participation and she will award you with them on her discretion.

Have fun and use your time wisely!