raising awareness about energy conservation for …...raising awareness about energy conservation...

Raising awareness about energy conservation for private owners of Residential listed buildings Bachelor thesis 2013 Simone Penders NoorderRuimte, Centre for research and innovation on area development 23/09/2013

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Page 1: Raising awareness about energy conservation for …...Raising awareness about energy conservation for private owners of Residential listed buildings Bachelor thesis 2013 Simone Penders

Raising awareness about energy conservation for private owners of Residential listed buildings Bachelor thesis 2013 Simone Penders NoorderRuimte, Centre for research and innovation on area development


Page 2: Raising awareness about energy conservation for …...Raising awareness about energy conservation for private owners of Residential listed buildings Bachelor thesis 2013 Simone Penders

Advisory Report

‘Raising awareness about energy conservation among private owners of Residential listed Buildings’

Graduation Placement at NoorderRuimte

Bachelor Thesis Graduation Placement February – June 2013 International Facility Management Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, the Netherlands

Student: Simone Penders Student number: 343897 Commissioner: Maarten Vieveen Placement Coach: Steven de Boer Placement Tutor: Mark Kierans Second Assessor: Jelmer Krips

NoorderRuimte, Centre of Applied Research and Innovation on Area Development Hanze University of Applied Sciences Zernikeplein 11 9747 AS Groningen

©2013 This document and the contents should be treated with confidentiality. Usage without the permission of the author and commissioner is forbidden.

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When working on this project I have learned new subjects, such as energy conservation, listed buildings and interventions. The most interesting feature of this project was definitely developing suggestions for a new awareness-building tool, combining the advice with marketing aspects.

I have mastered my abilities in advisory skills and research skills to make the assignment a success. Although I did not have background knowledge in any of the subjects above, I took the challenge and I have my best to give some valuable ideas for the updated awareness-raising tool, called the K-fit Light tool.

I sincerely would like to thank my commissioner Mr Maarten Vieveen for providing essential feedback, the support, and technical information that was needed to understand and write the assignment.

Furthermore, Mr Mark Kierans for giving suggestions regarding the content of the information retrieved in the report which has helped me in writing more structured.

Also, I am grateful for the support I received from my family, and close friends who told me never to quit in hard times.

Yours Sincerely,

Simone Penders

Groningen, the Netherlands September 2013

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Executive Summary

In order to formulate recommendations for the K-fit model and how to adapt it, a main research questions has been formulated. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to find out ‘how the K-fit model can be adapted to increase awareness of energy use among private owners of residential listed buildings in the Netherlands’.

Referring to the matter of energy efficiency in listed buildings in the Netherlands, the approach to listed buildings is preservation. Private owners choose comfort over conservation. Whereas, Germany and Great Britain rather focus on conservation and energy efficiency in listed buildings. Energy efficiency has been encouraged both in Germany and in the United Kingdom. The K-fit model has been developed by students Building Engineering, for the purpose of giving possibilities about energy efficient restoration in listed buildings (Houkema, Van de Burg & Omnar, 2013). The K-fit model has been analysed based on the 7 criteria’s to increase awareness and the extent to raising awareness in the European instruments.

In the analysis of the European Instruments, there could be seen that the German and British instruments take into consideration the elements of awareness more that the K-fit. The approaches in Germany and the United Kingdom are focused on the private owners of residential listed buildings, which are user-friendlier than the K-fit model.

In the comparison of the instrument analysis and the K-fit model test, there is seen that K-fit model undertakes an expert approach. Another minor point of the software program is the accessibility and usability. For the private owner of a residential listed building, this can be seen as inefficient. Furthermore, an expert needs to be involved to assist the private owner in the use of the K-fit model. Therefore, it would be relevant to rethink, tackle the ‘preservation’ approach and raise awareness about energy efficiency among private owners of listed buildings.

The K-fit model can be adapted on the awareness-raising focus, as the desired outcome of the model is a website. Based on the latest information known about energy conservation and energy consumption reduction in residential listed buildings, it would give the owner a better visualisation of some energy interventions. The terminology should be understandable for the private owner of a listed building, too.

For the private owner, the K-fit Lite tool should be simple to use. Through the K-fit Light Tool, the private owner of a listed building should become more aware of the possibilities about energy intervention possibilities within a listed building.

The private owner will have to fill out information by clicking and inserting numbers in the ‘scanning’ tool. Somewhat technical information can occur, but pictures will be shown about glass type, window type and types of heating systems. Another idea for interaction is the leveled approach to customer support, meaning the private owner can fill out the house scan. In the first level, the private owner is guided through the house scan with an efficient working system. The second level is required when the listed building owner for example more information about cultural heritage values, or more complex calculations of energy consumption. A third level is when a listed building owners wants specific information that is mentioned on the website, experts deals with these requests.

4 aspects have been chosen to simplify the K-fit model, which are Type and function of listed building, Characteristics of listed building, architectural and aesthetical values in pictures. The other two factors are: Energy consumption of listed building owner by filling out financial values and Measures of listed buildings, construction of flooring.

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Final Version Bachelor Thesis

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Research question ....................................................................................................... 4

Definitions of key concepts: ......................................................................................... 4

1.2 Methodology ............................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Structure ...................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2 Current Situation ................................................................................................ 10

2.1 Dutch Practice ............................................................................................................ 10

2.1.1 Energy Efficiency approach ....................................................................................... 10

2.1.2 Listed building approach ........................................................................................... 11

2.2 British practice ........................................................................................................... 12

2.2.1 Energy approach ........................................................................................................ 12

2.2.2 Listed Building approach .......................................................................................... 12

2.3 German practice ....................................................................................................... 14

2.3.1 Energy Efficiency approach ....................................................................................... 14

2.3.2 Listed building approach ........................................................................................... 15

2.4 Summary Approaches ................................................................................................ 15

2.5 Instruments for Energy Conservation ........................................................................... 17

2.5.1 Instruments in the Netherlands ................................................................................ 17

2.5.2 British & German Instruments ................................................................................... 18

2.6 Summary Instruments ................................................................................................... 19

2.7 K-fit model: ................................................................................................................... 20

2.7.1 Description of K-fit model.......................................................................................... 20

2.8 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 3 Aspects in Awareness-raising theory ................................................................. 24

3.1 Awareness-raising ...................................................................................................... 24

3.2 Marketing .................................................................................................................. 25

3.3 Communication ......................................................................................................... 26

3.4 Framework instrument analysis ................................................................................ 27

Chapter 4 Analysis European Methods & K-fit model ........................................................ 28

4.1 Comparison European instruments ........................................................................... 28

4.1.1 Explanation of instrument analysis ........................................................................... 29

4.2 Limitations of K-fit model .......................................................................................... 30

4.3 User-friendliness of K-fit ............................................................................................ 31

4.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 32

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Chapter 5 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 33

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 33

5.2 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 33

Chapter 6 Recommendations ............................................................................................. 35

6.2 Example of K-fit Lite tool ........................................................................................... 37

6.3 Limitations K-fit Lite ................................................................................................... 39

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 40

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Reducing 20% of energy by 2020, is an ambition of the Dutch government. Energy Prices have tripled since 2000 and keep increasing. (Van der Vlis & Oosterlaken, 2012)

Listed buildings consume more energy than usual and newer buildings that are built. In the Netherlands, 1,5% of building stock is listed. The percentage resembles a fact that, the Netherlands has an older building stock that needs attention about energy awareness. During an information session with Maarten Vieveen there was said that: The Dutch Agency for Cultural Heritage has been dealing with the subject of energy conservation within listed buildings, however it has only been discussed recently and it is not a priority yet.

German and British approaches for Energy Conservation in residential monument buildings have been benchmarked as opposed to the Dutch practices in both subjects. Germany has an innovative strategy and world leading position regarding energy efficiency (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, 2008). On the other hand, Great Britain has many older dwellings. Great Britain has a different strategy regarding listed buildings namely the English Heritage approach (English Heritage, 2013). The idea is to learn from international approaches, to get a clearer picture about Energy Conservation approaches for the benefit the redevelopment of the K-fit model.

Therefore, the private owners of listed buildings should be made aware of the problem of Energy Conservation and it should provide insight in the possibilities for saving energy.

One tool for raising awareness has already been developed. The K-fit model is a software program that gives possibilities of energy interventions, including architectural and historical characteristics of listed farm buildings and churches. The K-fit model had been built for the purpose of the research group ‘Energetic Restoration’, which focuses on the sustainable development of listed buildings and achieving low energy consumption (Houkema, Van de Burg & Omnar, 2012).

Although the k-fit model is intended to be a decision-making tool for experts aimed at raising awareness about energy efficiency. There is a renewed focus on the residential owners of listed buildings and a need for user-friendly and interactive attributes.

Taking into consideration the information above, it would be wise to realize awareness about energy conservation. It is important to approach the private listed building owners with a simplified and suitable tool.

The K-fit model can be changed into a more user-friendly communication tool that raises awareness about energy use in residential monument buildings and how this model could function. The limitations of the K-fit model will be researched, so that thorough recommendations can be described.

Furthermore, the recommendations describe how the re-developed k-fit model can be adapted. A Farm example is used to describe the K-fit lite tool and its functioning. Additionally, a leveled support approach and energy efficient investment and savings have

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been taken into consideration. However costs about budgeting or financial investment have not been worked out. As the aim of this thesis report is to show my commissioner Maarten Vieveen and the research group Energy Efficient Restoration how the K-fit model can be adapted in terms of user-friendliness and usability of the model.

1.1 Research question

The question that will be answered in this bachelor thesis will be the following:

‘How should the K-fit model be adapted to increase awareness of energy use among private owners of residential listed buildings in the Netherlands?’ The K-fit model is a software program that is developed by students Building Engineering Houkema, Van de Burg and Omnar (2012) to give an idea about possible energy interventions.

To answer the main research question above, sub questions have been formulated:

The current situation

1a What are the current approaches about energy conservation within residential listed buildings in the Netherlands, Germany and Great Britain?

1b What instruments are used for ‘energy efficient restoration’ in the Netherlands and other countries in Europe?

1c What is K-fit for? Raising awareness 2a Which marketing elements could stimulate private owners of residential listed buildings about energy conservation? 2b Which elements of communication theory could be benefit the method analysis about energy conservation for the use of the private listed building owners?

Adaptation K-fit

3a To what extent are the elements of awareness taken into consideration in the current instruments used?

3b What are the advantages of the K-fit model? 3c What are the disadvantages of the K-fit model? 3d How do users of the K-fit model experience awareness? Definitions of key concepts:

Below, one can read the definitions of the key subjects that can be found in relation to the main research question in this bachelor thesis.

- Awareness-raising:

Raising awareness informs and educates people about a topic or an issue with the intention of influencing their attitudes, behavior and beliefs towards the achievement of a defined purpose or goal (Sayers, 2006)

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Raising awareness is the state of quality to being aware of something, ability to perceive, to feel or to be conscious of events, objects and patterns. (Macmillan, 2013)

- Energy conservation:

According to the Laurence Berkeley National Laboratory (2013), Energy Conservation can be defined as functional practices which intend to reduce the energy consumption, in order to save energy and decrease the greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, Energy Conservation can be identified as reducing energy usage in a certain process. (Business Dictionary, 2013)

- Listed buildings:

A listed building can be defined as a building which has historical and artistic value that has official protection to prevent it from being changed or destroyed. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2013).

Listed buildings are buildings which are considered to have architectural or historic interest (Exeter City Council, 2013).

Linkage with private and residential purposes:

Residential buildings can be defined as houses that have a residential and home-functioning purpose and which are privately-owned. (Dictionary, 2013)

Now that the definitions of repetitive terms in this thesis have been explained, the methodology and data collection has been described.

1.2 Methodology

The methodology paragraph will give an elaboration on the research methods that will be used for this thesis to answer the questions under 1.1. Linked to the questions, chapter goals have been mentioned. Secondly, there has been written how the data is collected.

The current situation

The questions that have been drafted for the analysis of the current situation are described below:

1a What are the current approaches about energy conservation within residential listed buildings in the Netherlands, Germany and Great Britain?

The main goal of this first chapter is to analyse the current situation of energy conservation within listed buildings.

Firstly, the current approaches of energy conservation and residential listed buildings in the Netherlands have been explained.

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My commissioner Maarten Vieveen, involved in the research project and PhD research Energieke Restauratie (Energy Efficient Restoration), and the research group consisting of Ramon Alberts, Tineke van der Schoor and Bate Boschma. Expert knowledge and internal sources have provided information about energy conservation, listed buildings, the K-fit model, sustainable heritage, energy monument index, information meetings and websites of municipalities

Further information about the background of the researchers at ‘Energetic Restoration’ can be found below.

- Ramon Alberts, Energy and Engineering - Tineke van der Schoor, Sustainable Buildings and Sustainability Innovation - Bate Boschma, Energy Sustainability Desk research information about energy conservation, energy sustainability has been found in articles, journals and textbooks found either digitally or in the Hanze Library.

- Articles from Heritage Works - Energy Conservation in Listed Buildings 1b What instruments are used for ‘energy efficient restoration’ in the Netherlands and other countries in Europe?

The goal of this question is to find out which instruments are used for ‘energy efficient restoration’.

Moreover, the Dutch methods have been compared to the German and British methods that elaborate on energy conservation and residential listed buildings. The information needed could be found on the internet in journals or articles.

1c What is K-fit for?

On the other hand, the functioning of the k-fit model has been explained. Limitations of the K-fit model have not been mentioned in chapter 2. The goal of the K-fit explanation is to show what the purpose is and how the instrument works in steps.

Information talks have been held with Maarten Vieveen. During these talks, the workings of the K-fit model have been explained.

A bachelor thesis from Houkema, Van de Burg and Omnar has been used for the analysis of the K-fit model.

Based on the information collected above, one can understand why it is important to raise awareness in consideration of energy conservation in residential listed buildings. Under the next sub question, one can read how the information is retrieved to make conclusion on the awareness matter.

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Raising awareness The goal of this sub question is to find out how awareness can be raised among private listed building owners. The first step is to find out how marketing could help stimulating user behaviour. On the other hand, there will be researched how to increase awareness. Therefore, essential elements in communication theory will be collected and explained. In chapter 4, these elements will be used to assess the awareness-raising models.

2a Which marketing elements could stimulate private owners of residential listed buildings about energy conservation?

The purpose of this research question is to find out how marketing could raise awareness among private owners of listed buildings. In marketing theory of chapter 3, the important factors of customer orientation are essential and how marketing could help raise awareness, with an effective customer focus.

Information about marketing, in particular the effective customer focus and expectations as well as fear and hope marketing, has been found in articles, journals and textbooks found either digitally or in the Hanze Library.

2b Which elements of communication theory could be benefit the method analysis about energy conservation for the use of the private listed building owners?

Information about communication theory has been found in articles, journals and textbooks found either digitally or in the Hanze Library.

Furthermore for both question 2a and 2b, desk research has been done. Published data about the 2 essential subjects in awareness-building campaigns and effective communication elements have been analyzed and used for a European versus K-fit model method analysis

Based on the answers in question 2a and 2b, a methodology approach has been chosen to compare the German and British methods for energy conservation and raising awareness with the K-fit model. The explanation of data collection methods used for the adaptation of the K-fit model can be found below.

Adaptation K-fit

The research questions that have been formulated for this research phase can be found below.

3a To what extent are the elements of awareness taken into consideration in the current instruments used? The aim is to get a bigger picture on the instruments utilized and whether the principles of awareness-raising are considered. Therefore British and German methods have been compared to find out what aspects would benefit the K-fit model.

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The chosen method to gather essential data required can be called as a methodological approach. Also, Daphne Geelen at the Technical University Delft was an information source. Daphne Geelen has a background in energy consumption. These K-fit model mentioned above has been compared to the 5 European instruments, a Fair, Ludwigsburg Energy Information Days, House scan, Brochure about English Heritage and Listed Buildings and Green Living & heritage workshops. The aim is to study the K-fit model based on the European instruments, which can be seen as learning points for the adapted K-fit model.

3b What are the advantages of the K-fit model? 3c What are the disadvantages of the K-fit model? Both advantages and disadvantages of the K-fit model have been mentioned to review the K-fit model and point out its limitations.

A bachelor thesis from Houkema, Van de Burg and Omnar has been used for the analysis of the K-fit model.

Desk research has been done, in which already published data about the European instruments has been analyzed based on terms of user-friendliness, customer focus and usability.

3d How do users of the K-fit model experience awareness? Furthermore, 3 students at NoorderRuimte have been asked to test the K-fit model and share their user experience. In fact, this method is used to find out if non-technical experts could use the K-fit model.

‘How should the K-fit model be adapted to increase awareness of energy use in private residential listed buildings in the Netherlands?’

For the adaptation of the K-fit model, desk research has been done, in which already published theories about the improvement points of the K-fit, approaches used for energy conservation and listed buildings are analysed. An example is given how the redeveloped K-fit model could function and work, in terms of energy analysis, an image about investments and savings as well as a levelled support approach for the redeveloped k-fit model.

In the paragraphs above, there has been mentioned background information, the research questions, definitions of key terms in the thesis and methods used to find the right information. Based on the research questions and information to be found from the methodology, a structure can be made. The structure of the bachelor thesis can be found under 1.3.

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1.3 Structure

Following the introduction, in chapter 2, the thesis will provide a current situation about listed building classifications and energy efficiency approach in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom. Moreover, the current K-fit model will be described about its workings. Furthermore, other decision-making models used in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom, with the purpose to raise awareness about energy efficiency, will be listed and described about its aims.

The outline of chapter 3 will describe how awareness can be raised, based on the essential elements of the communication theory and user behavior stimulation in marketing approaches.

The following chapter, chapter 4 will elaborate on analyzing Dutch, German and British models based on the concluding theory of chapter 3. The aim is to get a bigger picture on the models utilized and how the comparison benefits the redevelopment of the K-fit model. Section 2 of this chapter will explain the limitations and advantages of the K-fit model, based on the comparison. Thereafter, 3 students will share their experience in terms of user-friendliness based on their attempt to fill out the K-fit model.

Based on the conclusions in chapter 5, chapter 6 will propose the recommendations concerning the K-fit model and its limitations and especially user-friendliness. Furthermore, a concept of the re-developed K-fit model will be formulated.

The formulation of the exemplary web-based awareness-raising tool contains an outline of how it could function, including a leveled support approach and a brief financial overview about the current energy use and savings when investing in energy efficiency.

Attached to the content of this thesis, a chapter on appendices has been added.

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Chapter 2 Current Situation

Chapter 2 describes the current situation in order to visualise the current about energy conservation and listed buildings in the Netherlands and the relevancy of awareness on this matter.

This chapter is structured as follows:

2.1 A description of the current situation of energy conservation & listed buildings in the Netherlands.

2.2 A description of the current situation of energy conservation & listed buildings Great Britain.

2.3 A description of the current situation of energy conservation & listed buildings in Germany.

2.4 A summary of the approaches used in the Netherlands, Great Britain and Germany. 2.5 There will be explained about the purpose and content of the energy conservation

instruments in the Netherlands and abroad. 2.6 Conclusion about the instruments compared. 2.7 In-depth description K-fit model 2.8 Based on the description and summaries, the concluding chapter will share why

awareness should be raised about energy conservation.

2.1 Dutch Practice

This chapter begins with a summary about the energy efficiency and listed building approach in the Netherlands. Firstly, an indication about energy consumption has been given. Also, a description has been given on the listed building approach in the Netherlands. Importantly, the amounts of listed buildings have been mentioned. Furthermore, trends regarding energy efficiency in listed buildings have been found.

2.1.1 Energy Efficiency approach

In the Netherlands, there is a concern that energy prices have tripled since 2000, and these prices will be expected to increase even more in the future. (Van der Vlis & Oosterlaken, 2012)

Additionally, the energy consumption in the Netherlands has increased with 10,6% since 2000 (Van der Vlis en Oosterlaken, 2012), which means that the Dutch government does not meet the European policy goals to reduce consumption by 20% in 2020 yet.

The Dutch government has indicated a sustainability approach, Green Deal to enhance sustainability initiatives and energy conservation. The idea is to ensure households of their energy efficiency and discuss energy efficiency barriers, by advice on investments, innovations (Rijksoverheid, 2013). However, their focus is on companies and the government.

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2.1.2 Listed building approach

In the Netherlands, 1,5% of the total built environment are listed buildings. The 1,5% means that approximately 62.438 of the buildings that are listed. There can also be seen that most listed buildings in the Netherlands are built before 1900, meaning that the Netherlands has an older building stock, too (Troi, 2011). Exact figures about the age of the listed building stock have not been found.

In the Netherlands, listed buildings have been divided into (Rijksoverheid, 2013):

- Monuments that have cultural and historical value, which will be protected and preserved by the Dutch government. There are approximately 62.000 state owned monuments. Two third of these state owned monuments are residential buildings.

- Provincial listing holds information about the listed buildings preserved by the provinces in the Netherlands.

- Buildings that have been listed by Dutch municipalities and buildings that have a regional or local character value. In each municipality a policy plan regarding listed buildings exist.

- Buildings that have been listed as protected or preserved townscape. These buildings have national recognition, because of its cultural and historical value. 438 townscape buildings have been protected by the government

The Dutch Government has announced an energy agreement to minimize the energy consumption of listed buildings, to energy label C. (De Erfgoedstem, 2013)

The approach in the Netherlands is centered on the preservation of listed buildings. Modifications in listed buildings encompass 3 sorts of treatment approaches, which are restoration, renewal and refurbishment. In fact, for all these approaches minor changes can be done. In case of modification wishes within listed buildings a license is needed to modify the buildings in its historical character. Because of this, an expert is recommended. Residential buildings assigned as state owned, exploitation costs are rather high for the tenants or owners. In case of renovations, one should have a license and mostly subsidies are provided by the province. These buildings with townscape character require the owner or tenant to take into consideration the higher exploitation costs. E.g. For rent, this would mean 15% increase on top of the maximum rent price. (Rijksoverheid, 2013) Most energy in listed buildings is wasted through issues as draught, poor isolation and keeping comfortable temperatures. (Cultureel Erfgoed, 2011)

Through rather simple renovation interventions, listed buildings can be made more energy efficient, more comfortable and environmentally friendly. Owners of monument buildings are looking to find solutions to minimize the energy consumption and to improve the comfort of a listed building. (Cultureel Erfgoed, 2011).

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2.2 British practice

The British approach is chosen, because of their approach for energy conservation within listed buildings. It would be interesting to compare the British practice to the practices used in the Netherlands and Germany.

The aim of this subchapter is to understand how Great Britain takes account into the matters of energy efficiency within listed buildings.

Under section 2.2, the British energy approach has been mentioned. Furthermore, the British approach towards listed buildings has been described, which can be found under 2.2.2. The second aspect that has been described is the British approach regarding listed buildings.

2.2.1 Energy approach

Under section 2.2.1, one can read that there is a concern about the increase in energy prices and the approach used to find solutions to the conservation of energy use.

Since early 2000, energy prices have been doubled (Evans, 2011). In fact, this also creates a concern about further increases in the future. According to the British Department for Trade and Industry (2012), the total energy consumption rose with a percentage of 9,5 between 1990 and 2004. The date of the percentages is dated, fortunately there can be said that the building energy consumption has increased with approximately 0,5% per year (Perez-Lombard, Ortiz, & Pout, 2007).

To find solutions for energy reduction among owners, The British Government invented the Green Deal Initiative for home owners. The British government initiated the Green Deal. Meaning households and businesses can improve their energy efficiency by improving their buildings and building comfort with isolation, heating, draught-proofing, double glazing and renewable energy technologies. When investing, the payments come in a form of loans. Through this approach, The British government encourages consumers to reduce energy usage. (The Guardian, 2013)

2.2.2 Listed Building approach

In Great Britain, the housing stock is rather authentically built, as most listed buildings are pre 1700. Some buildings might be younger. It does not mean that it only centers about the age of the building, but also other reasons for listing. An amount of approximately 500,000 buildings are listed in the United Kingdom, exact numbers have not been found.

Listed buildings can be defined as a listing that acknowledges the unique architectural and historical interest of a building. English heritage has classified the listed buildings into three grades;

1. Buildings that have an exceptional interest and can be seen as an international landmark, which is only an amount of 2.5%.

2. Important buildings that have a special interest, which are 5.5% of listed buildings. 3. Buildings of national importance and a special interest. 92% of Grade III buildings

belong to this grade. These buildings are listed by homeowners.

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The majority of the buildings can be identified as Grade I and Grade II. Only a small percentage of the listed buildings are classified exclusively under Grade I. Interestingly, a well-known approach used in the United Kingdom is the English Heritage approach. English Heritage is officially known as the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England, which commissions the conservation of essential historical places in terms of building registrations and protection of British Heritage (English Heritage, 2013).

The aim of constructive conservation is recognition and reinforcement of historic value of places. The changes in the British approach to listed buildings, evolved from a prevention focus, into a proactive and flexible process of raising people’s awareness about the historic environment (English Heritage, 2013).

The ownership of a listed building requires time and responsibility. In fact, as an owner you have to responsibility to preserve the listed building in a good state. The effect of listing is that the listed buildings consent should be applied in order to make alterations to the buildings of special interest. So, legal protection and guidance of the British government and local planning authorities is enhanced when it concerns improving, upgrading and demolishing listed buildings. Meaning, the government has control over the alterations that can be made to the interior and exterior of a listed building. In case of alterations, listed building owners should apply for a Listed Building Consent. (English Heritage, 2013).

The financial impact of listing brings along refurbishment costs, maintenance costs and consultancy costs. Specific expertise is needed for listed building construction techniques. For an older dwelling, it might be possible that bricks would fall down. If the owner decides to renovate without Consent, a prosecution will follow. Importantly, the current owner would also be liable for the failures or repairs that a previous owner has undertaken. (Foxtrot, 2013)

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2.3 German practice

As Germany has a history in energy efficient measures, the German practice has chosen. The German practice can be an example for other countries in Europe. Also, it would benefit to compare the German practice to the other practices described under 2.1 and 2.2.

The aim of this subchapter is to see how Germany approaches the matters of energy efficiency in listed buildings.

In the following section, the energy efficiency approach and the listed building approach have been explained. Firstly, one can read about Germany’s leading position in energy efficiency and their approach to raising awareness about energy conservation. Secondly, the classifications of listed building in Germany have been described.

2.3.1 Energy Efficiency approach

Under section 2.3.1, one can read that there is a concern about the increase in energy prices and the approach used to find solutions to the conservation of energy use.

Germany has set a great example of using energy wisely and therefore owns a world position in energy efficiency. Germany is one step ahead when it concerns energy efficiency and energy consumption.

In Germany, energy prices have doubled since 2000. This was mainly the reason because of the closing down of the nuclear power (Thomas, 2013). There are increases in energy consumption by renewable energy and reduction measures have taken into account, such as the Energy Efficiency Initiative. There will still be a fluctuating increase and decrease on energy consumption in Germany.

An Energy Efficiency Initiative has been set up by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, to share the German expertise with other countries. In fact, the German concept has been based on three key factors. (Power & Zulauf, 2011)

- Reduction in energy demand can be realized by a legal framework that establishes improvement obligations of energy performances on buildings. Also, the use of renewable energy sources by electricity suppliers has been increased.

- A buildings’ energy consumption should be reduced at federal, regional and municipal level by implementing subsidies and loan incentives.

- Awareness should be raised to change the behavior of energy consumption by collaborating on regional level and local level as well as by developing Energy Performance Certificates.

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2.3.2 Listed building approach

In Germany, 1 million buildings have been listed, in terms of valuable building construction facet, townscape or authentic cultural object. The amount of listed buildings is accounted for 1,0% of the total building stock. The listed buildings are mostly over 100 years old. The German government describes their mission to preserving listed buildings, because these buildings represent culture and image of the city. (Bosch, 2013)

According to Zulauf and Power (2011), most of the energy consumption, especially within existing and older buildings, is wasted due to inefficient equipment and leaking windows, roofs, walls and floors. Therefore, it can be said that energy saving is a certain strategy to enhance a more efficient energy security.

The refurbishment for the energy efficiency of listed buildings ensures that the appearance of the building will be preserved in its original exterior advantage and aesthetics by implementing energy efficiency measures internally. However a permission license is needed to refurbish the listed buildings. These permissions can be retrieved in all state agencies (CoolBricks, 2013)

2.4 Summary Approaches

In order to have a clear image of the approaches used for Energy Efficiency in Listed buildings, the Dutch, German and British approaches about energy conservation initiatives and listed buildings have been benchmarked. The elements selected for the benchmarking process are the energy efficiency initiatives, increase in energy prices and the conservation.

The summary of the comparison can be found in the table below, Conclusive summary of Dutch, German and British practices. As the essential background information about the approaches is mentioned in 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, the summary will be written in key words and holds the most important information about the approaches.

Table 1: Analysis of British and German approaches Dutch Approach British Approach German Approach Listed Buildings Conservation

- Focus on preservation approach

- Conservation is not a priority yet.

- Modifications require a license.

- Websites and Associations informing about matters of conservation.

- English heritage approach, proactive conservation.

- Modifications require a listed building consent

- Support function for renovations in listed buildings and other matters in each municipality within the United Kingdom.

- Preservation & energy efficient restoration approach.

- Modifications need a license

- Support function In each state of Germany for the information about conservation.

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Energy Efficiency Energy prices - Tripled - Doubled - Doubled Energy Initiative to raise awareness

- ‘Green Deal’ Initiative on sustainability measures, to reduce energy.

- Discussion about energy efficiency and barriers.

- Mostly focused on businesses.

- ‘Green Deal Initiative’

- A loan in order to - Improve their

energy efficiency of a building and building comfort.

- For owners

- Energy Efficiency Initiative

- Improve energy performances on buildings, building consumption through Energy Performance index.

- For inhabitants of Germany, also owners.

The following subchapter describes which methods have been used in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom to analyse energy efficiency in listed buildings.

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2.5 Instruments for Energy Conservation

The goal of this sub chapter is to visualise which instruments have been used to analyse energy efficiency in listed buildings. The instruments in the Netherlands, Germany and Great Britain have been compared in terms of target group, the purpose and the medium of information delivery.

In the sub chapters 2.5.1 and 2.5.2, tables can be found with the description of instruments. These tables hold the essential information that was retrieved when comparing the instruments. The conclusion of the Dutch and European instruments can be found in a conclusive table under 2.5.

2.5.1 Instruments in the Netherlands

Below, one can find another 5 models used for energy conservation that have been developed in the Netherlands to inform and give advice about energy efficiency in listed buildings.

Table 2: Dutch Instruments for Energy Conservation Instrument Description

Tailor-made advice (O.O.M & Rooks, 2013):

Through work field experts, listed building owners will be given an advice about improving energy performances within a listed building, whilst not damaging the values and qualities of listed buildings. An advice is given about financing, options of conserving and taking energy measures for listed buildings.

Sustainable heritage (Nusselder et al., 2008):

Through experts, this model is based on a tailor-made advice and integral analysis calculations and measures about energy consumption, choice of materials, indoor climate and comfort and most importantly the authenticity of a listed building, a monument profile is the outcome.

Energy Monument Index (de Jonge & Haartsen, 2011):

The Energy Monument Index gives experts a realistic image of the current situation within a listed building by calculating energy performance to eventually reduce energy consumption, which results into an energy label for heritage advising on energy performance.

Information Meetings Experts will be giving accessible information to listed building owners about general facts of energy conservation within listed buildings, such as sustainable heritage, restoration and awareness measures.

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Websites Listed building owners can find information about several websites of municipalities about listed buildings and what to do with it. Mostly, they provide information about regulations and possible energy interventions and possibilities.

2.5.2 British & German Instruments

In order to retrieve a better understanding of energy conservation instruments in the Netherlands, instruments used in Germany and Great Britain have been chosen. The instrument below have been analysed regarding the elements listed in 2.4, the introduction paragraph.

There are a couple of sources, which indicate Living green. The Livinggreen.eu project is co-financed by an EU program to promote sustainable renovation by means of establishing instruments about energy efficiency and cultural heritage (Geelen, 2013). These instruments have been designed by sustainability, energy and heritage agencies in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands.

A Great Britain

In the paragraphs below, one can find 3 instruments that have been used in the United Kingdom to inform and raise awareness about energy efficiency in listed buildings.

Table 3 British Instruments for Energy Conservation Instrument Description

Brochure Energy Conservation in Traditional Buildings (English Heritage, 2013)

English Heritage has published a brochure about energy conservation in traditional buildings on the internet. The brochure and website can be visited by listed building owners.

Green living and heritage workshops (Living green, 2013)

Green living and heritage workshops have been organised for listed building owners, to inform and create interest about a green living, a more sustainable lifestyle and reflects on the principles of National Trust and Heritage as well as heritage values.

Scanning one’s house’ (Energy Benchmarking, 2013)

This online questionnaire gives the listed building owner a good idea of their house, their priorities and so forth. The scan will ask indications of needs, assets of the building and preservation thereof. The scan will give advice on the energy approach, heritage approach and the state the house is in.

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B Germany

Below, two methods have been listed, which have been used in Germany to inform and raise awareness about energy efficiency and listed buildings.

Table 4 German Instruments for Energy Conservation Instrument Description

Ludwigsburg Energy Information Days (Living green, 2013)

The Ludwigsburg Energy Information Days can be seen as information days around the themes of energy efficiency & renewable energy. Through the information from experts, listed building owners are made aware about energy handling and energy conservation. Plus, there is a possibility to discuss the listed building owners’ energy approach with an expert.

Fair (Living green, 2013)

Through an exhibition, listed building owners can acquire information about sustainability options for listed buildings and renovating a building with heritage value. Experts explain which materials have been used, energy management and water system.

2.6 Summary Instruments

In order to have a clear visualisation of the instruments used for Energy Efficiency in Listed buildings, the instruments in 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 have been benchmarked. The elements selected for the benchmarking process are the target group, the aim and the medium used to deliver information.

The summary of the comparison can be found in the table below, Conclusive summary of Dutch, German and British practices.

Table 5 Conclusive summary Dutch, German and British instruments Dutch Instruments German Instruments British Instruments

Target group Audience is mostly targeted as experts, except from the website and information meetings.

Audience can be defined as private owners

Audience is targeted as private owners.

Aim of model Purpose is to give an advice or to inform about energy labels, energy interventions and difficult calculations and technical knowledge

Purpose is to raise awareness about sustainability, energy efficiency, energy conservation possibilities

The purpose is to raise awareness and create interest about heritage values, sustainable living and energy conservation possibilities.

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Medium Communication about the information that is used varies from consultancy talks, book references

Communication about the information of the selected instruments uses the exhibitions and public events

Communication about the information that is used varies from personal communication and workshops with an in-house expert to websites.

Another important model developed for the purpose of Energy efficiency in listed buildings, is the K-fit model. A description about the K-fit model can be found below.

2.7 K-fit model:

The goal of the thesis is improving the K-fit model, so that awareness about Energy Conservation can be raised among private listed building owners.

In order for the reader to understand the functioning of the K-fit model, the definition, purpose and staged process has been described in 2.7.1.

Importantly, conclusions of the K-fit model will not be explained yet, as more analysis should be done on the instruments that have been described in 2.5. Actual conclusions of the K-fit model can be found in chapter 4.

2.7.1 Description of K-fit model

The K-fit model is basically a decision-making model that is developed for the Energetic Restorations project to give listed building owners an idea about possible energy interventions within a listed building. In the project Energetic Restoration, there had been found that awareness is important. Another factor is that the K-fit model has not been implemented and tested in practice (Vieveen, 2013).

Below, one can find a description on what the K-fit model stands for and what it does, to give an indication of the current operations of the model.

However in chapter 4, limitations of the K-fit model can be found and described in the form of advantages and disadvantages.

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A. Description of the K-fit model

Figure 1: K-fit model (Houkema, Van de Burg, Omnar, 2012)

In the figure above, one can find the characteristics and content of the K-fit model. The main aspects behind the K-fit model are categorised in 4 themes: Character, Function, Building Type and Intervention.

Houkema, Van de Burg and Ommar (2012) have designed and developed the k-fit model, in the form of a software program. This software program has been developed based on a theoretical model for in the first place churches and farms, but it can also be extended for other types of buildings. The theoretical model provides possibilities for energy interventions and energy installations that influence the characteristics of a listed building and energy consumption. Also, the K-fit model provides preliminary knowledge about energy interventions that can be done before immediately addressing an expert.

The k-fit model addresses owners and directors of listed buildings, which will be provided with an advice of possible energy interventions. Afterwards, the owners and directors can choose to hire experts in the field of building engineering or architecture. Another target group is the professional, as a list of interventions could be kept and which makes it easier to add new developments regarding energy interventions to the list.

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- Function When operating the K-fit model, one can find the ‘Function’ of the building first. In the category ‘function’, a listed building, director or expert can fill out what type of building it is, e.g. a church or a farm. Moreover, the current use and future use of the church or farm should be inserted.

For example: the current function of the farm involves convention purposes, whereas the future function of the convention center will change into a residential home.

Throughout the week, the convention center is open 6 days a week and 10 hours a day.

- Character These 5 components are rated from 1 to 10, the total will be calculated based on the value of the number given between 1 and 10. 1. Architectural and art-historical 2. Authenticity 3. Flawlessness 4. Cultural and historical values 5. Situational values

- Type

In this section of the software, one could fill out the floor measurements, the size of the grounds, and outline of the buildings in square meters. Furthermore, the type of floor, wall and roof construction has been asked.

Also, one can check whether the farm has additional features that add value to the interior of the building, e.g. an attic or roof frames

- Intervention:

When the Function, Character and Type has been computed and analyzed by the K-fit software, it will result into an advice on energy interventions, which would provide the owner or expert with possibilities for renovation and which interventions would influence the characteristics and generate energy consumption. The intervention possibilities could vary from isolation, generating energy sources, energy installations or good housekeeping.

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2.8 Conclusion

In the conclusion, the research questions below have been answered with the key concepts and focus in the subchapter 2.1 and 2.7. The conclusion holds information for the following research questions.

Based on the analyses in chapter 2, there is seen that for all countries the energy prices in the Netherlands have tripled (Van der Vlis & Oosterlaken, 2012). The British (Evans, 2011) and German (Palmer, 2013) approach to energy conservation show that the energy prices have doubled.

In the Netherlands, the ‘Green deal’ has been launched for owners and mostly businesses, to give information, bring people together and change barriers of matters of energy efficiency and financing thereof. Great Britain has also initiated a ‘Green deal’, but the focus of the British initiative takes into account the owners especially. A loan is given to a home owner to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of a building. This initiates a sense of relevancy of the topic. On the other hand in Germany, a different approach is used. The German approach to energy is called Energy Efficiency Initiative. The Energy Efficiency Initiative provides information about improving the energy performances on buildings. One important aspect of the Energy Efficiency Initiative is raising awareness to change the behavior of energy consumption by collaborating on a regional and local level. This initiative is developed for the inhabitants in Germany.

Listed buildings in the Netherlands are pre 1900. Listed buildings in Great Britain are built before 1700. Listed buildings in Germany are over 100 years old and account for 1% of the total German building stock. In the Netherlands, the approach to energy conservation in listed buildings is preservation as it is not a priority yet and listed building owners choose comfort over conservation. In Great Britain, a proactive and flexible approach is chosen, where refurbishment and energy efficiency in listed buildings is encouraged. In Germany, the approach used for energy efficiency in listed buildings is preservation and energy efficiency refurbishments. In all three countries, a license is needed for refurbishments.

It is commonly known that the exploitation costs are higher than the newer buildings. Plus, the energy consumption costs will be higher, due to draught, leakage and degeneration issues. When taking into consideration energy conservation in listed buildings, energy savings and reductions to energy bills can be made. Therefore, it would be very much relevant to rethink energy efficiency within listed buildings in the Netherlands.

As a preliminary conclusion for the energy conservation in listed buildings, there can be said that the Dutch instruments (Tailor-made advice, Sustainable heritage, Energy Monument Index, Information meetings, websites & the K-fit model) are focused on experts. Its purpose is to give an advice or to inform about energy labels, energy interventions and difficult calculations and technical knowledge. Whereas the German instruments (Fair and Ludwigsburg Energy Information days) focus on private owner. The aim of the German instruments is awareness-raising about sustainability, energy efficiency and energy conservation possibilities. The British instruments (Brochure on Energy Efficiency in Listed buildings, Green living & heritage workshops and house scan) also have an orientation on the private owner. The purpose is to raise awareness and create interest about heritage values, sustainable living and energy conservation possibilities.

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Chapter 3 Aspects in Awareness-raising theory

The goal of this chapter is to find out how awareness can be raised among private listed building owners. The first step is to find out how marketing could help stimulating user behaviour. On the other hand, there will be researched how to increase awareness.

As described in chapter 1.1, private listed building owners have not considered the impact of energy conservation within their listed building important, as their aim is focused on comfort and exterior of the residential listed buildings (Vieveen, ERIC, 2013).

In order to raise the awareness of residential owners about Energy Conservation in Listed Buildings, one can find key theory on communication, marketing and awareness-raising principles below. The key theory or aspects will be used as a foundation for the instrument analysis in 4.1, appendix 2.

This chapter is subdivided into three sections:

3.1 Awareness-raising theory, specifically describing the MAST principle for a communication campaign and common approaches towards communication techniques

3.2 Certain Marketing theories that could be beneficial for approaching or convincing Listed Building owners about Energy Conservation.

3.3 Communication theory, particularly about the communication process model and certain steps to write a communication strategy.

3.1 Awareness-raising

"Tell Me and I Will Forget; Show Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Will Understand." Confucius, 450BC

In section 3.1, one can find the common approaches for raising-awareness and the MAST principles as a foundation for the method analysis.

Raising awareness informs and educates people about a topic or an issue with the intention of influencing their attitudes, behaviors and beliefs towards the achievement of a defined purpose or goal. (Sayers, 2006)

According to Sayers (2006), awareness-raising is done effectively when the following four MAST components can be found in the communication or campaign:

1. A clear Message in awareness-raising involves the purpose of the message and that the message is easy to understand.

2. Another key point in awareness-raising is the identification of the Audience, 3. Strategy is the knowledge how one wants to approach the audience, to convince the

audience about the cause and enhance credibility. 4. When raising awareness time is relevant, as there is an aim for quality over quantity.

The awareness depends on the fact that the message gathers and focuses on communication and a proper strategy that is needed to reach the awareness-raising goal in time.

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As for the quote by Confucius, it would in fact be most effective to involve the private listed building owners in the matter of energy conservation. Therefore, the marketing theory enlightens in the customer focus approach and user expectations.


The principles of awareness-raising point out that the aim of the Message, the Audience, and an efficient Strategy and Time indications are valuable. Also, involvement of the audience is a good approach.

3.2 Marketing

In this subchapter, two aspects of marketing have been outlined. One aspect that will be considered as important, is stimulating private listed building owners into thinking about energy conservation. Also, there is theory mentioned about expectations and user-friendliness.

An important notion of Marketing is dealing with the target group through creating awareness about a product of service. It is important to understanding and serving the needs of the customer. In case of the lacking of interest or awareness about energy conservation within residential listed buildings, it would be good to start raising awareness among private listed building owners.

1. Customer focus and expectations

According to the theory by Cook (2011), the following aspects are important about an effective customer focus:

- More customers are becoming more mobile or flexible in our 24-hours society. - Customers look for time values or efficiency. - Currently, many organisations are focused on the mass market. Therefore it would be

recommendable to choose a target group and create an innovative and customised product or service.

- Regarding customer support, the easy of contact, convenience and speed of service is essential.

- A worthy aspect would be to listen and involve customers in the development and the promotion of products or services.

- Keeping in mind the internet use, it is of essential value to keep in mind internet etiquettes. Meaning information or messages should be communicated in a proper, understandable language that is addressed to the customers. In fact, a website reflects the image of the awareness-raising cause.

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2. Shock & Hope Marketing

It would be a good idea to convince the residential listed building owners of energy conservation and the positive impacts thereof. One example given of energy reduction, gas reduction and its financial savings can be found in chapter 7.

A marketing strategy that could help draw attention among private owners of residential listed buildings is shock and hope marketing. In fact, Fear effects a shock reaction. Moreover, fear is an interesting emotion, which influences the thinking process and reaction of human beings. If used effectively and carefully, it can be used in order to make customers aware of energy conservation within residential listed buildings. (Pasham & Meenal, 2013)

However, fear cannot be used without an indication of hope, which would give private listed buildings owners’ information about the possibilities of saving costs when investing in energy conservation. Seeing financial savings will make private owners of residential listed buildings think about the consequences of energy conservation. (Pasham & Meenal, 2013)

Pearson (2013) has indicated ideas that should be taken into consideration to draw attention from customers. Relevance is an important aspect in Fear and Hope marketing.

- It is important to build the product and message around the beliefs of the customer. - Also, the extraction of essential information will help engage the customers in a

relevant way. - It is valuable to build a customer focus.


In the marketing theory that would be flexibility in terms of internet use and time values. The fear and hope marketing would take into consideration the purpose of information exchange for the listed building owner received.

The marketing theory described in 3.2 indicates, similar to the awareness-raising theory, the target group, involvement and efficiency can be seen.

3.3 Communication

In particular, section 3.3 outlines Patnaik’s definition of communication management. Furthermore, important steps in writing an effective communication model and strategy have been mentioned.

Communication management is a process in which the sender constructs a message to transmit to the receiver in order to bring about a desired response of the received. (Patnaik, 2008)

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1 Communication Process Model

According to Patnaik (2008), there are 5 elements of communication: - Who is the sender? - What is the message? - Which channel does the medium use? - Who is the audience? - What will be the effect of the communication of the message?

Figure 2: Communication Process Model

2 Communication Strategy

According to Vos, Otte & Linders (2003) & Verhage (2010), it is important to set up communication objectives about what one wants to achieve, why one wants to achieve it and at last when the objective should be achieved. Also, Identify audiences which takes into consideration an effective strategy that establishes who to target and why the audiences should be targeted.

The first two steps of the 6-staged model about strategic communication are only relevant for the method analysis and the information to be received to adapt the K-fit model.


The communication theory in 3.3 shows that the message, audience and strategy are similar compared to the theory of communication and marketing. However, the effect of the communication of the message and the channel used is different.

3.4 Framework instrument analysis

The aspects from the communication and awareness-raising theory will be used to analyse the 5 Dutch methods and the 5 European Instruments, to be able to make a better judgement of the K-fit model and its limitations, which will be explained in the next chapter, 4.1 Comparison European instruments.

In Appendix 1, one can find the framework used for the instrument analysis. The framework will be filled out in chapter 4.1.

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Chapter 4 Analysis European Methods & K-fit model

In this chapter, the European instruments used in the United Kingdom and Germany for energy conservation are analyzed.

4.1 The instrument analysis is needed to understand the limitations of the K-fit model better. Therefore, the awareness-raising aspects in 3.5 are chosen for the analysis.

4.2 The advantages and disadvantages of the K-fit model will be explained. 4.3 Also, the K-fit model will be tested by 3 students at NoorderRuimte to find out about the user

experience of the K-fit model. 4.4 A chapter conclusion.

In the end, the instrument analysis will be a foundation for the recommendations that will be given in chapter 6.

4.1 Comparison European instruments

The comparison goal is to see to what extent the elements of awareness have been taken into consideration in the current European methods. The European instruments that have been selected are developed in Germany and Great Britain.

The German methods are a fair and the Ludwigsburg Energy Information Days. On the other hand the British methods are the following: Brochure English Heritage, Green Living workshop and the house scan.

The German and British energy conservation methods have been reviewed based on the following aspects in appendix 2. - Message, Strategy, Efficiency, Time and involvement of the target group. - Flexibility and relevancy of the models.

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4.1.1 Explanation of instrument analysis

The elements of awareness are taken into consideration, some aspects have been considered well in the models. Other elements have been used less.

In fact, it is valuable to address that the goal of the models is mostly, to provide valuable information about energy conservation and listed buildings and raise awareness. In fact, the K-fit model is used to inform about energy analysis and possibilities for listed buildings.

The mediums used in Germany are public events, which provide information exchange between private listed building owners and experts. In the United Kingdom, the internet is mostly used to exchange information and raising awareness about energy conservation. Another British method is the Green Living workshop. The workshop gives private listed building owners the experience to listen to sustainability and energy matters with experts.

Regarding the K-fit model, a software program is used to produce information about energy conservation within listed buildings.

The customers targeted with these models are private listed building owners. However there can be an occasion that an expert is invited to share information about energy conservation and heritage values. Specifically, the K-fit model aims at experts, who have technical background knowledge in the fields of interest.

The instruments, such as Brochure and House scan, providing information through the internet are time efficient. The methods that require more effort to attend are less time-efficient than the web-based methods. Also, the web-based methods are efficient and flexible, because of accessibility and user-friendliness.

There can be seen that a certain interaction is required for the German approach and the Green Living workshop in the British approach. The public events provide the chance to discuss the situation of the private listed building owner with an expert. This approach is rather similar to the K-fit model, which presents an opportunity to provide information for the listed building owner. The expert is needed to help the listed building owner with the analysis.

On the other hand, web-enabled owners might access information easier, without the burden of attending a fair or a workshop. There can be seen that interaction between the information providers and the private owners of listed buildings does not really have interaction and customer support. The aim of the websites and the K-fit model is to firstly, raise awareness and provide information about essential information about energy conservation in listed buildings. The long-term intention of the K-fit model is in fact, to raise awareness of the private listed building owner to create interest in energy efficiency.

The relevancy of information of the instruments is important, to raise awareness. The German instruments provide relevant information for the use of the private owner about best practices. The best practices show the materials that have been used for refurbishment, to see what can be done. On the other hand, the Ludwigsburg Energy Information Days provide information about innovative energy efficiency measures and presentations have been given about energy savings when investing in refurbishment of a listed building.

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For the British House scan, energy consumption has been computed. An indication has been given on energy conservation and to see how much money might be saved. Furthermore, the Green Living workshop focuses on user behavior and sustainability lifestyle. Moreover, regulations about the Trust & Heritage regulations have been explained and practiced with. Whereas the Brochure, informs the listed building owner more about the common issues of draught, leakage and degeneration.

4.2 Limitations of K-fit model

The goal of this chapter is to understand the K-fit model better. To analyse the K-fit model; a comparison is made about the description of the K-fit model in subchapter 2.7 in comparison with the instrument analysis in appendix 2. In chapter 2.7, an explanation can be found about the K-fit model, which targets experts with a technical background.

The analysis of Appendix 2 will be converted into a table of advantages and disadvantages. The table below will give the reader an image about some limitations of the K-fit model.

Table 6: Advantages & Disadvantages K-fit model Advantages Disadvantages

Aim Find possibilities about energy analyses in listed buildings.

Information for scanning the energy situation of the private owner, but the information is too technical.

Audience Model developed for the use of listed building owners

Information is meant for experts or owners with a technical background, in the field of energy or building engineering

Strategy/medium The Software program Software program Time

Regular updates for the K-fit model increases the value of the model

Inefficient for private owner use, due to additional installments of the software.

Flexibility In 2012, simple Idea involvement and usability

Accessibility and usability of software program.

Involvement First interactive model that is developed and combines energy conservation and value of listed buildings in the Netherlands.

Involvement of expert required to fill out the survey.

The element about relevant information to raise awareness has not been filled out yet. In order to receive a different opinion on the user-friendliness, customer focus and effectiveness, the K-fit model is tested by students at NoorderRuimte.

The disadvantages above can be seen as limitations of the K-fit model, which are needed to conceptualise the adapted K-fit model for private owners of residential listed buildings.

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4.3 User-friendliness of K-fit

As earlier described in chapter 4, the K-fit model should be adapted for private owners of residential listed buildings and improvement should be made. In subchapter 4.3, one can find the opinion of 3 students which have been asked to fill out the K-fit model without any assistance of an expert.

The aim of the testing is to figure out whether the experiences fit the written analysis, based on the Instrument analysis in appendix 2.

The conclusions about the user experiences of 3 students can be found below:

- Concerning the language of instruction, spelling and grammar mistakes were found. Also there has been said that the formulation of the sentences was poor. It seemed like translation from English to Dutch had been used.

- Technical terms have not been explained at all, e.g. the description of terms regarding Dutch Heritage values.

- Unclear questions about Dutch Heritage Values in Character, so the owner would not know what the rates stand for. - Unclear descriptions and meaning of rates in the Character aspect. - Expert needed to fill out the K-fit model, as a private owner of a listed building cannot fill out the model. - Inefficient model, due to the fact that the students could not finish filling out the K-fit model. - Time-consuming, due to unclear matters and figuring out themselves how the model works.

The testing of the model could not be entirely finished and the awareness approach could not been seen either. There was a lack of understanding of the K-fit model. Also, the spelling mistakes and formulation of sentences annoyed the students.

After the testing session at NoorderRuimte, there has been explained that the intention of the test was to improve the K-fit model. The user experience was finished earlier than planned. In my opinion, the K-fit model should definitely be improved.

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4.4 Conclusion

In the analysis of the European Instruments, there could be seen that the German and British instruments take into consideration the elements of awareness more that the K-fit. The approaches in Germany and the United Kingdom are taking on the private owner of a listed building, which are user-friendlier than the K-fit model.

The three instruments used in Great Britain, particularly focus on raising awareness about energy conservation in listed buildings. For the British approaches a brochure and a website has been used. The goal of these approaches is to create understanding about relevant information needed for private owners of listed buildings. The information varies from sustainable living, heritage regulations and energy efficiency measures within a listed building. The house scan focuses on computed energy consumption and shows the amount of money that can be saved. The brochure gives the private owner information about common problems related to owning a residential listed building. The Brochure and house scan provide information through the internet, which is time efficient for the private owner of a listed building. Whereas, the Green Living workshop requires interaction from the organisers and private owners

In Germany, the focus is raised at awareness about energy conservation in listed buildings. A fair and the Ludwigsburg Energy Information days have been introduced, which require the private owner to travel from and to the venue. Through the fair and Ludwigsburg Energy information days, the private owners of listed buildings in Germany will be informed about innovative energy efficiency matters, financing options and energy savings related to energy consumption in buildings. On the other hand, best practices have been provided to show the private owners about materials and energy efficiency measures in listed buildings.

The idea of the K-fit model is to inform about possibilities of Energy Efficiency interventions. In 2012, the K-fit model undertook a rather new approach to the medium. The current medium is software which holds a survey about Heritage values and in the end energy efficiency analyses. Through the regular updates for the K-fit model, the software will be improved. The flexibility aspect of the K-fit model is a rather simple idea for an interactive approach. The K-fit model is the first interactive model developed in the Netherlands.

In the comparison of the instrument analysis and the K-fit model test, the following disadvantages have been found. One disadvantages of the K-fit model is the expert approach, meaning that the information is technical. The fact that the K-fit model is a software program can also be seen as a limitation, especially because of its updates. Another minor point of the software program is the accessibility and usability. For the private owner, this can be seen as inefficient. Furthermore, an expert needs to be involved to assist the private owner in the use of the K-fit model.

Also, language and explanation of terms has been seen as a problem. Importantly, there was a lack of understanding of the K-fit model, so the K-fit model test has not been entirely finished. Because of this, my opinion is that the K-fit model should definitely be improved.

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Chapter 5 Conclusions

In chapter 5, the conclusions of chapter 1 until 4 can be found. The concluding chapter is divided into 2 subchapters.

5.1 In introductory chapter, one can find the aim of this research and the research goal that has been formulated. 5.2 The actual conclusions that have been found.

5.1 Introduction

The aim of this report is to show my commissioner Maarten Vieveen and the research group Energy Efficient Restoration how the K-fit model can be adapted in terms of user-friendliness and usability.

The main research question ‘How should the K-fit model be adapted to increase awareness of energy use among private owners of residential listed buildings in the Netherlands?’ should be answered based on the sub questions.

5.2 Conclusions

Nowadays, raising awareness about energy conservation is an important goal from the Dutch Government. Since 2000, Energy prices have tripled and a ‘Green deal’ initiative is launched to deal with this increasing matter. The ‘Green deal’ initiative is formulated for owners and businesses in the Netherlands, simply to retrieve information about energy efficiency in buildings, finance questions and it counts as a network approach.

For the benefit of the Dutch approach in Energy efficiency, Great Britain and Germany have been selected. It would be interesting to compare the Dutch, German and British approach to energy efficiency. In Great Britain, energy prices have doubled since 2000, too (Palmer, 2013). However, Great Britain launched a slightly different variant to the ‘Green deal’. The British ‘Green deal’ approach focuses on home owners especially and comes in the form of a loan. This loan is used by home owners to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of a building, which increases the sense of relevancy of the topic. In Germany the energy prices have doubled as well (Evans, 2011). Also, Germany initiated an Energy Efficiency Initiative for the inhabitants. This initiative provides information about improving the energy performances within buildings. An important aspect of the Energy Efficiency Initiative is raising awareness to change the energy consumption behavior.

Another aspect mentioned in the research question is, listed buildings. The approach to listed buildings in the Netherlands is preservation. Comfort over conservation has been chosen by private owners. Whereas, Germany and Great Britain rather focus on conservation and energy efficiency in listed buildings. Energy efficiency has been encouraged both in Germany and in the United Kingdom. For refurbishments in listed buildings, a Consent or license is needed. Referring to the matter of energy efficiency in listed buildings, the costs of exploitation are higher than newer buildings. The increase of exploitation costs means that the energy costs will be higher; too, this is a result of issues with draught, leakage, degeneration and so forth. Taking into consideration energy conservation in listed buildings could lead to savings in

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energy reduction and energy expenses. Therefore, it would be relevant to rethink, tackle the ‘preservation’ approach and raise awareness about energy efficiency among private owners of listed buildings. In order to increase awareness, 7 criteria are selected; aim, audience, medium, efficiency, involvement, flexibility and relevancy. The message, audience and strategy are similar compared to the theory of communication, marketing and awareness-raising. In the awareness-raising theory, involvement is important. About marketing, flexibility, efficiency and relevancy are important for the customer approach. As instruments about energy efficiency in listed buildings have been developed in the Netherlands, Germany and Great Britain, it would be interesting to benchmark the German and British instruments. Another essential aspect of the main research question is the K-fit model. The K-fit model has been developed by students Building Engineering, for the purpose of giving possibilities about energy efficient restoration in listed buildings (Houkema, Van de Burg & Omnar, 2013). As the goal is to adapt the K-fit model, the K-fit model will be analysed based on the 7 criteria’s to increase awareness and the extent to raising awareness in the European instruments. In the analysis of the European Instruments, there could be seen that the German and British instruments take into consideration the elements of awareness more that the K-fit. The approaches in Germany and the United Kingdom are taking on the private owner of a listed building, which are user-friendlier than the K-fit model.

In the comparison of the instrument analysis and the K-fit model test, the following disadvantages have been found. One disadvantages of the K-fit model is the expert approach, meaning that the information requires a technical background. The fact that the K-fit model is a software program can also be seen as a limitation, especially because of its updates. Another minor point of the software program is the accessibility and usability. For the private owner, this can be seen as inefficient. Furthermore, an expert needs to be involved to assist the private owner in the use of the K-fit model.

The recommendations regarding the K-fit model can be found in chapter 6, below.

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Chapter 6 Recommendations

As described in the previous chapter, the current K-fit model is a software program that requires guidelines for a residential owner to be used.

The aim is to formulate recommendations for the adapted K-fit model.

6.1 Recommendations for adaptation K-fit model. 6.2 Example of new model contains the outline, functioning, brief financial overview about current energy use and savings when investing in energy. 6.3 Limitations of K-fit Lite tool 6.1 Recommendations for K-fit Lite

Focus on raising awareness

The desired outcome of the awareness-raising model, the K-fit Light tool, should take form as a website. The website should be built based on the latest information collected about energy conservation and energy consumption reduction, in particular concerning listed buildings.

Based on the information provided by the website, a private owner could picture a better image of some energy interventions, the value of a listed building and the value of the interior and exterior of the building.

Private owner approach

For the private owner, such a model should be simple to use. Therefore, a description of ideas has been given under 6.2, to aim at making a tool that is efficient and simple to use and takes into consideration values, such as building type, energy consumption and listed building values.

Catching name for K-fit Lite tool

Referring to the name of the new model, K-fit Lite, there should be decided by a student at NoorderRuimte or the research group Energy Efficient Restoration what a smart name would be for the private owners of listed buildings in terms of marketing.

Through the K-fit Light Tool, the private owner of a listed building should become more aware of the possibilities about energy intervention possibilities within a listed building.


The private owner will have to fill out information by clicking and inserting numbers in the ‘scanning’ tool. Somewhat technical information can occur, but pictures will be shown about glass type, window type and types of heating systems.

Another idea for interaction is the leveled approach to customer support, meaning the private owner can fill out the house scan. In the first level, the private owner is guided through the house scan with an efficient working system.

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Simple calculations and energy interventions can be retrieved from the outcome of the house scan. The private owner of a listed building has a brief overview of the energy consumption and the amount of savings.

The second level is required when the listed building owner for example more information about cultural heritage values, or more complex calculations of energy consumption. Then, the private owner can contact Building Engineering students at NoorderRuimte for assistance. A coach of the students will see to the correct handling of the requests.

A third level is when a listed building owners wants specific information that is mentioned on the website, a senior researcher at NoorderRuimte can deals with these requests.

Language of instruction

The terminology should be understandable for the private owner of a listed building, without having a technical background and expert knowledge. The information on the website should be qualitative data, as the message behind the K-fit Light Tool is to inform and create interest.

Refocus or simplification of themes in K-fit Lite

- Type and function of listed building - Characteristics of listed building, architectural and aesthetical values in pictures - Energy consumption of listed building owner by filling out financial values - Measures of listed buildings, construction of flooring and so forth

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6.2 Example of K-fit Lite tool

The K-fit Light tool targets private owners. The targeted audience will be provided with an interactive website which gives information about possible energy interventions within listed buildings. Importantly, the information published on the website should be presented containing simplified terms which can be understood by private listed building owners who do not have technical knowledge about their listed building.

Figure 3: K-fit Lite tool

An example is given about how the K-fit Lite tool could function.

The Type of Listed Building is important to mention, as the K-fit Light tool will be constructed based on a database that holds all the information of the types of buildings. Examples of listed buildings are a church, a farm, a castle, a tower, a wind mill and so forth.

Within the K-fit Light tool, the building types will be linked to the information about energy conservation and building values that are known for a type of building.

When a private owner would click on the ‘farm’ example, which is a picture, the tool would give the most important information about a certain type of ‘farm’.

Figure 3: Farmhouse in the province of Drenthe, the Netherlands (Nabershof 2013)

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It would be valuable to analyse different kinds of listed building types and use best practices to show a private owner of a residential listed building. The more buildings connected to the database, the more interesting data is available about:

- The structure of the building - Characteristics of the building and the key features of the aesthetical, architectural,

interior and exterior values. - Also, it could present flaws that are known for this type of listed building. Based on the

flaws and the values of the residential building, the website could give information about energy interventions or installations that can be executed in a residential building.

For private owners who would like to have customised idea about energy consumption that is based on building type, occupants, isolation of the building and household appliances, the K-fit Light scan can be introduced.

Another approach would be to calculate energy consumption based on rather simple figures; see the table 7 below.

To give an indication about the calculated returns of an older dwelling (Penders, 2013), which has been built before 1900, the average energy consumption is 6000 kWh.

Table 7: Example calculation electricity at Farm (Penders, 2013 Electricity:

Old kWh: 6000 kWh

Produced by solar panels: 1100 kWh ------- -

New kWh 4900 kWh

Calculation Return:

old consumption (kWh/Year) - new consumption (kWh/Year)

-------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100%

old consumption (kWh/Year)

6000 - 4900

--------------------- x 100 = 18,33% return 6000

Referring to table 7, the farm would have solar panels on the land, behind the shed which has sunlight from morning until end afternoon. In one year time, the solar panels will return 1100 kWh to the grid, which can be subtracted from the consumption in the same year. Despite the lower kWh generated from the solar panels, the electricity consumption has not been decreased much. The net return generated from the solar panels is 18,33% lower than the old kWh.

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Table 8: Example calculation – overview savings farm (Penders, 2013) kWh 1 year (x0,23) 15 years % Current 6000 € 1380,00 € 20.700,00 100 % Savings 4900 € 1127,00 € 16.905,00 18,33 % Future 1100 € 253 € 3795,00 86,67 %

However in table 8, there can be seen that the reduction within 1 year does not really mean a lot, but taking into consideration 15 years, a decrease has of € 16.905,00 been seen. A strategy to raise shock among private listed building owners is to show the owner these examples of saving energy in 15 years’ time. There can be seen that the prices have increased a lot.

6.3 Limitations K-fit Lite

In 6.3, Advantages and disadvantages have been mentioned about the recommendations for the K-fit Lite tool. The table below will give the reader an image about some limitations of the K-fit model.

Table 9: Advantages & Disadvantages K-fit Lite tool Advantages Disadvantages

Raising awareness about energy intervention possibilities within a listed building.

There could occur that the Heritage values have been forgotten in the analysis of the house scan. Only 2 types have been mentioned in the K-fit Lite tool.

Private owner of a residential listed building

The approach might be taken to owners of other listed building types, meaning the customer focus would be hardly focused on the private owners of residential listed buildings.

A website Inaccessibility of website, due to failures and still too technical information.

Interactive approach; house scan and leveled approach

Assistance in leveled approach might not be successful.

Costs have not been discussed meaningfully, because the aim is to answer the research question ‘How should the K-fit model be adapted to increase awareness of energy use among private owners of residential listed buildings in the Netherlands?’ with possible recommendations. The idea of the financial overview is to give an idea about energy conservation, what would it cost and what would it mean for the energy consumption of a listed building.

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Appendices Bachelor Thesis


In the appendices, one can find the instrument analysis framework and the actual instrument analysis, which has been filled out. Furthermore, the documentary evidence form has been attached. Appendices ................................................................................................................................. 1

Appendix 1: Framework Instrument Analysis ........................................................................ 2

Appendix 2: Comparison European instruments for Energy Conservation ........................... 3

Appendix 3: Overview Documentary Evidence Simone Penders ........................................... 5

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Appendices Bachelor Thesis

Appendix 1: Framework Instrument Analysis

Methods Message/ Aim

Audience Strategy/ Medium

Time/Efficiency Involvement Flexibility Relevance

Germany Fair (Living green, 2013)

Ludwigsburg Energy Information Days (Living green, 2013)

Great Britain Brochure Energy Conservation in Traditional Buildings (English Heritage, 2013):

Green living and heritage workshops (Living green, 2013)

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Appendices Bachelor Thesis

‘Scanning one’s house’ (International Energy, 2013)

K-fit (Houkema, Van de Burg & Omnar, 2012)

Appendix 2: Comparison European instruments for Energy Conservation

Methods Message/ Aim

Audience Strategy/ Medium

Time/Efficiency Involvement Flexibility Relevance

Germany Fair (Living green, 2013)

Raising awareness and inform visitors about sustainability options for existing buildings.

From experts, to private owners of residential listed building.

Fair Listed building owners can go to the fair on a preferred day, a request what they want to know.

Interaction from listed building owner required by asking questions

The information about the fair is to be found on the internet.

Best practices from other listed buildings in Germany, to see what can be done for e.g. a farm, materials used.

Ludwigsburg Energy Information Days (Living green, 2013)

Raising awareness by informing and giving advice about energy handling and energy savings

From experts, to private owners of residential listed buildings.

A public event

Listed building owners can go to the fair on a preferred day, a request what they want to know.

Interaction from listed building owner required by asking questions

The information about the information days can be found on the internet.

Innovative energy efficiency measures, presentations about energy savings for e.g. insolation or solar panels.

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Appendices Bachelor Thesis

Methods Message/ Aim

Audience Strategy/ Medium

Time/Efficiency Involvement Flexibility Relevant information for

owner Great Britain Brochure Energy Conservation in Traditional Buildings (English Heritage, 2013):

English Heritage has published a brochure about energy conservation in listed buildings on the internet.

Listed building owners.

Brochure published

on the website of

English Heritage.

Time-efficient while the listed building owner can find the information about Energy Conservation in Listed buildings on the internet,

Reading the brochure. For questions, the listed building owner can call or email the contact persons of English Heritage.

The brochure is accessible on the internet. The information can be found easily.

Shows the issues that are common in listed buildings, such as draught, leakage and degeneration, which are tackled regarding constructive conservation.

Green living and heritage workshops (Living green, 2013)

Creating interest in a more sustainable lifestyle and reflects on the principles of the National Trust and Heritage.

Listed building owners

Workshop Time-efficient while the listed building owner

can receive all the information

needed during the work shop, in the attendance of


A workshop will show and work with listed building owners to create a mutual under-standing about sustainability.

The information can be asked easily.

Shows the owner about user behavior and how to life more sustainably. Another factor is that all regulations and restrictions concerning Trust & Heritage have been explained.

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Appendices Bachelor Thesis

‘Scanning one’s house’ (International Energy, 2013)

Gives the participant a good idea on the energy heritage approach and the state the house is in.

Listed building owners

Internet The questionnaire can be found on the website of Energy Benchmarking.

Listed building owners could fill out the online questionnaire. For more in-depth questions, an energy advisor has been assigned to answer.

With only a few words to type in Google, one can find this website.

Energy consumption has been computed, an indication given on energy conservation and to see how much money can be saved on energy

K-fit Find

possibilities for energy efficient restoration within a listed building.

Experts Software program

The software can be found under K-fit model and NoorderRuimte on the internet.

Owners should fill out a form. With analysis, an expert is needed.

However, The program cannot be easily retrieved and the program installments should be given to the user.

Focus on Heritage values in model.

Appendix 3: Overview Documentary Evidence Simone Penders

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Appendices Bachelor Thesis

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