proceedings-vol 11 no 03-oct-nov-dec-1976 (george van tassel)

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  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 11 No 03-Oct-Nov-Dec-1976 (George Van Tassel)


    CoJGtOPUniVeRSALWisDOM' i \ l ( C A ~ I CAUPOitNIA

    A BRANCH OF THE M IN ISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC.A N on-secta rian and Non-prof i t Organizat ion

    fo r Relig ious and S c i en t i f ic ResearchVOLUME 11 O C T O B E R - N O V E M B E R - ~ E C E M B E R - 1976 NUMBER 3

    My universe in substance form, i s l imi ted to theboundaries se t . I am commander - I have dominion -I am the law. I see my workmen passing through thethe veins of t r anspo rta t ion going to th epumphouse of my lungs, th ere to ca rry l i f e substance throughou t my un iverse . I am d irec to r of myrecept ion auditorium in the senses of sound, where

    m ulti tudes record the th in gs brought to me phoneti-c a l ly . My senses t a s te the wate r . I absorb the f lu id of l i f e . I d ire c t the chemists in th e i rlabo ra tory . I cont ro l the system of communicationbetween the atoms of my c e l l s . I d i rec t the powerst ha t ra i se a hand - th a t tu rn a page. I send myte le scopes in to focus on a d i s t an t s t a r or n e a ~ e r to another universe . --

    I am given dominion. I do not work my personneltoo long - I l e t them r e s t a t n igh t . I reach totouch a cur ly head, th a t I have c rea ted through myb ir th r ig h t . For I found happiness; I found love inmerging with another universe a l ike . And thoughwe are separa te in our ways, though our purposesd i f f e re n t in the des t iny of the grea te r God, weeach our ow n in d o ~ i n i o n over s e l f . \Ve d i re c tin d iv idua l microcosmic universe , t ha t it doesnot co l l id e w ith o the r s. F o ~ in th i s m icrocosmic,bounded substance form, each i s G od - respon sib leto the G od of Gods - as agent to manifest His ways.So keep your un iverse uin o rder and I sh a l l keepmine in harmony of your ways. For I am G od myuniverse i s

  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 11 No 03-Oct-Nov-Dec-1976 (George Van Tassel)



    P R 0 C E E D I N G SOF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOMYucca Valley, CaliforniaA branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc.

    Volume 11 October-November-December - 1976 Number 3


    ""I II II II I

    The "Proceedings" i s mailed free to those peoplewho request i t and f inancia l ly support i t s print ingby contr ibut ions . There is no subscription ra te .All donations, checks, money-orders, contributions


    and bequests should be made to the Ministry of Universa l Wisdom, Incorporated."PROCEEDINGS" are published by "t he Ministry of Universa l Wisdom, Inc . , a t Yucca Valley, California .Printed in U.S.A. Business and Editor ia l off ices :College Office Building. George W. Van Tassel -Director; Darlene J . Wing- Secretary-Treasurer;George w. Van Tassel - Editor . All r ights , including t ransla t ion, reserved. Manuscripts and p h o t o ~graphs from our members or fr iends must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. As we donot emplof sol ic i tors ~ representatives, please---aadress a 1 correspondence concerning "Proceedings",contr ibut ions , donations, bequests, e tc . , d i r ec t l i to :

    THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC.P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California 92284U.S.A.


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 11 No 03-Oct-Nov-Dec-1976 (George Van Tassel)



    Advances in t h i s f i e ld of sc ience are on an everincreas ing sca le world wide."You may f ind t h i s unbel ievable - or qu i te r i d i culous - but thousands of people are get t ing r e l i e f ,even cures , by drinking 'magnet ized ' t e a , coffee andsoup.Such 'magnet ic t rea tments ' are being given by qua l i f ied medical sp ec i a l i s t s in reputab le c l i n i c s andhospi t a l s o f the USSR.When news o f t h i s was given to the Pub l i she r ' st r ans l a t ion se rv i ce , na tu ra l l y the r eac t ion was: 'Iti s a joke? Sounds nonsens ica l . ' But 'magnet ict rea tment ' i s ne i t he r nonsense nor a joke . I t i s thel a t e s t development of a new sc ience: Magneto-Biology.Your doctor may scorn 'magnet ic t r ea tmen t ' as af raud , ou t r i gh t quackery . Such an a t t i t ude i s unders tandable , because Magneto-Biology has won recogni t ion only in the l a s t few years , and i s still knownonly to very few medical personnel .But as you w i l l se e in t h i s Repor t , Magneto-Biologyi s , indeed, a sc ience of grea t importance , bound tohave fa r - reaching in f luence on the prac t i ce o fmedicine: the prevent ion of i l l ne s s , the cure ofdisease , and the saving of human l i f e .This Report gives the f u l l e s t avai lab le exp lana t ionof what Magneto-Biology i s , in non- techn ica l terms.Various t heo r i e s worked out so f a r . Methods oft rea tment now in use. The new types of magnets

    (having powerful f i e ld s ) obta inable in North America(with source and approximate co s t ) .Facts in t h i s Report , so f a r as we know, a re notavai lab le to the publ ic anywhere e l se . The Publ i sh e rs s t r e s s t ha t t h i s Report i s no t i n t e n d ~ d as a


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 11 No 03-Oct-Nov-Dec-1976 (George Van Tassel)


    recommendati on fo r t rea t ing any symptom or i l l n e s s ,and i s of fe red so le ly fo r the r e a d e r ' s informat ion.Pre l iminary r esea rch ( in USSR, Rumania and o thercoun t r i e s ) shows t h a t magnetic f i e l d s may benef i tpeople with chronic bronch i t i s , ce r t a in h ea r t a i l -ments, l i v e r disease and Park inson ' s d i sease .

    (Note: readers are advised t h a t the Pub l i she r ' s a tpresent cannot supply fu r the r in format ion regard ingthe above) .Sovie t r esea rch revea l s t ha t t r ea t i ng the bodywith s t rong magnetic f i e ld s has benef i c i a l e f f e c t son two widespread a i lments : high blood pressure(hype r t ens ion) in i t s e a r l i e r s t ages , and "ob l i t e ra -t ing e n d a r t e r i t i s " (a very serious disease whichreduces and may even stop blood c i rcu l a t i on in f ee tand l egs ) .General conc lus ions : research in the Sovie tUnion has gone fa r enough to prove t h a t magnetismmarkedly a f fec t s human beings in three major ways.Sing le body ce l l s are changed; groups o f c e l l s ,t i s sues , spec i f ic organs are changed; and the en t i r ebody organism i s changed.Some Sovie t r esea rcher s be l i eve t h a t one "contro lcenter" i s espec i a l ly s ens i t i ve to magnetic f i e ld s :the hypothalamus. This p a r t of the bra in in -f luences th e hypophysis , which secre tes v i t a l hor-mones governing growth, metabQ,l ism and the funct ionof the endocr ine glands .Magnetic t rea tments are now in use . No mat te rwhat sc i en t i f i c "background" evidence you examine,such as we have out l ined above, you w i l l still f e e ll ike giv ing a s c e p t i c a l laugh when you l ea rn t h a tsuch a th ing as "magnet ized water" i s being used tot r e a t a wide var i e ty o f human a i lmen ts , in Sovie tc l i n i c s today.These magnetic t rea tments were f i r s t developedby th ree s p e c i a l i s t s : Drs. Gregory Greben.shchikov,Ivan Shevtsov and K i r i l l Tovs to les . A ll a res p e c i a l i s t s in urology (d i seases o f the kidney,


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    bladder, e tc .) . Th ey are in charge of the UrologyDept. a t a famous Sov ie t hospita l and research center:the Kirov Milita ry Medical Academy, in Leningrad.You can guess why th e ir research was s ta r ted . The

    profound effec t which ~ a g n e t i s m has od ~ a t e r ( ~ s p e c i -a l ly the breaking down of bo ile r deposits, rad ia to r scale , e tc .) led the three Leningrad uro log is ts towonder whether or not magnet-treated water wouldbreak down kidney s t r i n e ~ ~ The a:ns_wer i s tha t i t does. Not a l l stones, andnot in a l l patien ts . But hundreds of successfultreajments in the USSR show tha t the method i s promising, to .say the l east . Here are de ta i ls so far .availab le . -

    1. Two general methods. The most complex and d if f i cu lt is to use the fam iliar "catheter" ( f ine tubeinserted up in to the bladder or even the urinary t r a c t ) . Much simpler and most widely tes ted i s simply to makethe pa tien t 's tea , coffee , soups, e tc . , with magnett rea ted water instead of ordinary water.In fac t the simplest method of a l l i s for thepat ien t to drink magnet-treated water, s t ra igh t . What are the effec ts? In many cases kidney stonesgradually break down (and are h a r ~ l e s s l y p a s s ~ d inurine). In many patien ts with a history of repeatedkidney stone formation, magnet-treated water preventsfurther stone formation.

    2. Leningrad treatments. R e s ~ a r c h and c l in ica l te s tsgave r i se to therapy not quite so simple as merelydrinking water tha t has been subjected to magneticforce .A t the s ta r t of treatment a pa t ien t 's to ta l daily consumption of water ( in a l l forms of drinks andcooked foods) i s measured.To begin with, one-f if th (20 percent) of tha t to ta lwater i s magnet-treated.


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    The port io n of magnet- t reated water i s slowlyincreased by sma l l amounts dai ly , unt i l 70 percent(7 ounces out of every 10 ounces consumed) i s "magnet ized" .The magnet-trea t ed water i s ef fec t ive , they f ind,in any way consumed; as water , in tea or coffee or

    other drink, in soups, stews, j e l l i e s , or any dish a ta l l .3. Strength of the magnetic f ie ld . While we usual lythink of a magnet 's strength as the "pull" it canexer t on a piece of i ron touched to i ts . poles,sc ien t i s t s recognize many other factors in magneticforce.

    There i s magnetism in the f ie ld around the poles,magnetic f ie ld in tens i ty , magnetic f lux, magneticmoment, magnetic potent ia l (magneto-motive force) andmagnetic quanti ty. A wide range of measuring uni t si s used, but here we wil l re fer only to the one whichis ordinar i ly most useful : magnetic f lux.

    This gives a good measure of the strength of theaverage f ie ld (force) near the magnet's poles, and i sexpressed in a uni t cal led the gauss (named af te r themathematician and physicis t Frederick Gauss).Thus, a modern al loy magnet weight 5 pounds or somay have a f lux of some 2000 gauss. However, asimilar magnet, three times heavier and bigger , mayactual ly have a smaller f lux because of a shape whichputs i t s poles far ther apar t .Neither a magnet 's size nor weight nor l i f t ing -power gives you a measure of i t s magnetic f lux . Youcan get a highest-qual i ty magnet weighing 16 pounds,with a f lux of only 800 gauss: but it can l i f t apiece of i ron weighing 300 pounds or more (suchpowerful magnets are common today) . And you can alsoget a di f ferent design of magnet weighing only 3pounds and capable of l i f t ing no more than 10 pounds,yet it may have a magnetic flux tha t i s much greaterthan the flux ~ f the "stronger" magnet: 1300 gaussor more.


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    Important f ac t s Modern magnets (made of a l loys o f n icke l , aluminum,coba l t , i ron) are a va il able in high f lux s t r eng ths ,y e t of smal l s i ze .Magnets used in t r ea t i ng water as a ru le are e i t h e rshaped l ike tile l e t t e r "U" o r l ike the l e t t e r "C";water to be "ma gnet ized" i s passed between the twopoles ( the gap) .A wide range o f magnetic f lux has been used tot r e a t water . However, they have found a p r a c t i c a lguide in the USSR, fo r se l ec t ing proper f l ux . Theirwork proved t h a t r e su l t s depend cons iderably on thewater t ha t i s used; r a the r , on the amount o f s a l t sdisso lved in the water . So t he i r prac t i ca l rule i s

    as fol lows:F i r s t f ind out (from l oca l water supply of f i ce o rhea l th department) what i s the disso lved sa l t s con ten tof the water , given in mil l ig rams per l i t e r o f water .Suppose th e f igure i s 300, o r 700, o r 900 mi l l i grams o f s a l t s per l i t e r . Then the magnetic f luxo f the magnet used by Sovie t sp ec i a l i s t s to t r e a r such water i s , in each case , respec t ive ly 300 gauss ,or 700 gauss , o r 900 gauss .

    4 . How magnets are used. In a l l cases d iscussedhere , permanent magnets are used. That i s , magnetsmade of modern a l loys and then spec ia l ly processed togive a high, l a s t ing magnetic f lux .Electro-magnets are not used in th i s work. ( Inf ac t , ce r t a in elec t ro-magnet ic f i e ld s have beennoted to produce harmful e f fec t s on l iv ing organisms,and are not discussed here ) .The method i s very s imple . Water i s passedbetween the poles ( through the gap} o f a su i t ab lemagnet, Water does not touch the po les . I t may besimply dr ipped down through the magnet ' s gap. Or,

    it may be passed through a small glass tube f ixedbetween the po les ( in th e gap) .


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    Only a ery sh o r t t ime i s req u ired fo r the magne-t i c f ie ld to ch a nge w ater. The w ater need be in thegap of the magnet ( s ubjec ted to fu l l f lux ) fo r only on e- ten th o f a second.Therefore any arrangement which d r ip s w ater

    through the m agnet 's gap, drop a f te r drop , i s s a t i s fac to ry . Ample q u an t i t ie s o f w ater can thus bee a s i ly t rea te d in a sho rt tim e.5 . Summary of trea tm ent e s s e n t i a l s . Treatm ents w ith "magnetized w ater", as developed in Leningrad , can besummed th us :

    Permanent a l lo y magnet used has a f lux s t ren g th ,measured in gauss , approx im ately the same as thenumber o f m illig ram s o f d isso lved s a l t s per l i t e r o fw ater used.

    Water i s dripped through the gap of the magnet a tsuch a ra te th a t it i s in the m agnetic f i e ld fo r a tle a s t one-ten th second.Amount o f m agnet- t rea ted w ater which they give to people i s accu ra te ly m easured.The to ta l d a i ly w ater consumption of each personi s f i r s t measured; inc ludes not only w ater , te a ,

    co ffee bu t a lso w ater in soups arid o th e r cooked foods(wa ter consumed in such foods, not w ater used ipcooking and discarded ) .At the s t a r t of trea tm en t, peop le are given nomore than o n e - f i f th of th e i r to ta l d a i ly w ater in the form of m agnet- trea ted water; any way o f consumingth a t w ater i s used ( th a t i s , in dr inks 6 r in foods) .Quantity of m agnet- trea ted w ater i s each day slow lyincreased ; maximum amount of m agne t- trea ted w ater

    which doctors give to people in USSR i s 70 percen to f th e i r t o t a l w ater consumption (7 out of 10 ounces) . Research in space . L i t t le of th i s has been pub-l i sh e d , but enough to show very b ig in f luence o f magnetism on human l i f e .


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    Basic lif e r h y ~ h m s in man (da i ly , monthly andothers) fou nd to be dependent on magnetic f ie ld ofSun and Ear t h. Who l e new science of Bio-Rhythrnology was fo unde d i n June 1967, in USSR, evidence ofmassive researc h th ey are doing in th is direct ion.Indeed, many biolo g i s t s who sneered a t spaceresearch as a waste of money and of no value toimportant "l i fe sciences", are mere on-lookers whilebiology i t se l f is being radical ly changed bydiscoveries made in space, about magnetism.Changes in magnetic f ie ld can great ly dis turbhuman beings: slow down the mind, cause weariness,upset or induce sleep. But these effec ts can becountered by new bio-rhythmological methods, s t i l lin ear ly development stages.Prevention of negative rhythmic symptoms in Manholds out grea t promises, including means to stopemotional upsets and panic, development of heal thyfear less excitement. (Already being applied inUSSR to t ra ining of f ighter pi lo t s ' and spaceshipcrews).The new Magnetic Water Penci l . By simply placing the magnet end of the a l l new water pencil in aglass of tap water for one to three minutes, _hentas t ing the water, you wil l note a great differencein the t as te of the water. Compare your regulardrinking water - tap water, mineralized water.Taste it very careful ly . Now, place your magneticpencil (magnet end) into a glass of water. Allow i tto remain there with only a s t i r or two needed -forone to three minutes. Remove the magnetic ~ e n c i land t as te the new polarized water. You wil l be verypleased with the refreshing t as te and the feel ingof renewal you wil l get within minutes.The Magnetic Water Penci l ($1.50) i s available from:Dr. Ralph u. Sierra , Puerto Rico Scient i f ic ResearchLaboratory, 1707 Arkansa St . , San Gerardo. RioPiedras , Puerto Rico 00926."Our thanks to associate Dr. Sierra for cooperationin th is f ie ld .


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    "And i f a house be divided against i t s e l f , tha thouse cannot stand.And i f Satan r ise up against him self, and bedivided, he cannot stand, but hath!!!! end."

    S t. Mark - 3: 25 and 26.The world of mate ria lis t ic money-loving, greedy,power-hungry people i s divided in to two ca tagories .

    Down through history every ty ran t to ld h is peoplethey were surrounded by enemies, and they would haveto be taxed heavily in order for the ir leaders toprovide protection for them.Today the bi l l ions of dolla rs appropriated for"defense" i s astronomical. A bomb i s not a defensive weapon, neither are m issiles; or most of themachinery of the military in the world today.The "balance of power" philosophy permits bothsides to se l l weapons of war to the other s ide so le lyfor p rof i t . Battleships, and bombers, now deadtarge ts in a m issile atomic age, are s t i l l beingproduced sole ly for p ro f i t . The shadow tha t makes the fu ture grim i s the fac ttha t the divided world of power in the so-called "free" world, and the so-called "communist" worldhave not included the people of the world in th e ir plans of offence and defense s tra tegy .The worry-wart of both sides i s the economy, andthe " th ird world" further divides them both. Oil

    has become the economic weapon only because thepro f i t in o i l has excluded the other energy sourcesdeveloped by the shackled inventors in th e ir smallshops a t home.In ignoring these lonely, dedicated, self-madesc ien t is t s , neither side has the contro l for v ictory


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    over the o th e r . The "third world" has now becom ethe ta rget o f b o t h sides, or the a lly of ei the r side.Oil will not be t he factor in winning another warbecause transpor ta t ion i s i t s nemesis.There w ill be no production l ines, overtime, or pay

    checks, in the conflic t of today. All essen t ia l re -quirements in weapons, and suppl ies, must be stockpiled before another war s t a r t s .In event of a war s tar t in g , the immediate resul ton e ithe r side would be economic chaos. No jobs, nosolvent banks, no food, no transpor ta tion, no pol i t ica lor police contro l. T he people of the world who haveno ill feeling against each other would r ise up as oneand turn on the au thorit ies of the i r own countries.Hungry d isi llusio ned people do not reason, they ac t.With "detente" and propaganda of the welfare s ta te ,patr iot ism has been k il l ed . Satan 's devi l ish systemhas provided for the destruction of i t s makers.Revolution would wipe out authori ty, and order, andfur ther mob chaos would resu l t . T he divided world could have gotten together andprevented such a holocaust, but i t w ill never happennow . T he power hungry world has gone beyond the pointof no return .Those who have the most have everything to lose .Those who have nothing wil l s t i l l have nothing. The"welfare s ta te" mill ions wil l lead the revolution because they are already fed up with the i r pligh t.This i s the destiny of a planet tha t promotedevolution, the power of money and forgot God.There i s only time enough le f t to get out of thebomb-target c i t i e s , get out in the open country, andplan for survival in groups. This of course i s l im it-ed to those who have the means to do i t , and are notslaves of the cred it system."And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,


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    Come out of her, my people, tha t ye be not partakersof her s ins , and tha t ye receive not of her plagues." Revelations . l8 :4 .

    GREETINGS. . .




    A small book on the philosophical approach to l i fe is avai lable , by sending $3.00 to Box 3867, Landers,California 92284.The t i t l e i s , "Susie 's Sudden Saucer" by Dorris.


    This issue of . the "Proceedings" s ta r t s our 23rdyear of i t s publicat ion. Li t t l e did we real ize whenwe prin ted the f i r s t issue in October of 1953, tha twe would be prin ting it in 1976.

    Things tha t succeed have a purpose, and things tha thave a purpose succeed. We can only thank those ofour readers who have supported th is long effor t withthe i r f inancia l help. You too , are a part of th ispubl ication .


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 11 No 03-Oct-Nov-Dec-1976 (George Van Tassel)



    "And a man sha l l be as an hiding place from thewind, and a covert from the tempest; as r ivers of waterin ~ dry alace , as the shadow of a great rock in aweary an 11 Isa iah - 32::2."Look upon Zion, the ci ty of our solemnit ies: thineeyes shal l see JerUSAlem a quiet habita t ion , a tabernacle that shal l not be taken down; not one of thestakes thereof shal l ever be removed, nei ther shal lany of the cords thereof be broken." I s a i a h - 33:20."As birds f ly ing, so wil l the Lord of hosts defendJerUSAlem; defending also he wil l del iver i t ; andpassing over he wil l preserve i t . " I s a i a h - 3lr5."The voice of him tha t cr ie th in the wilderness,Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make s t ra ight in thedeser t a highway for our God." Isaiah - 40:3-.- - -"Shew the things tha t are to come hereaf ter , thatwe may know tha t ye are gods:--yea, do good, or doev i l , tha t we may be dismayed, and behold i t together."Isa iah - 41:-23."The earth sha l l ree l to and fro l ike a drunkard,and shal l be removed l ike a cot tage; and the t ransgression thereof shal l be heavy upon i t ; and i t shal lf a l l and not r i se again." I s a i a h - 24:20.So many prophecies have come t rue - t rees bloomingout of season, thunderings in the sky (sonic booms),nat ion against nat ion, earthquakes in diverse places,

    children ruling t he i r parents , women dressing l ikemen, blood of man on the moon ( the moon walks), hel l f i re (atom bombs) and damnation (the world stockpiledwith doomsday weapons. The use of geophysicaldisas ters fo r warfare, as ' described in the l a s t "Saga"magazine.


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    What kind of madmen are in author i ty to crea te abomb out of the planet with "overk i l l " capac i t i es todes t roy a c iv i l i za t i on? Who i s t h e i r God? Whatpurpose i s to be accomplished? Who wants the powerto ru le over an inc inera ted p lane t? Where i s theend of th i s insani ty when both s ides s e l l soph i s t i ca tedweapons to the other s ide to "mainta in a balance ofpower"?

    To prophesy t ha t th ings a re going to be b e t t e rwould be a l i e . To bel ieve t ha t there would be awinner in an atomic war would be anothef _l i e . Toth ink t ha t greed in con t ro l w i l l save the economy, i sanother imposs ib i l i ty . There i s only one prophecyt ha t people can f u l f i l l fo r themselves . Prepare fo rsurv ival ! NOW!



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    The picture of the armature, with the "dirods"in s ta lled will be prin ted in the January-FebruaryMarch - 1977 issue of the "Proceedings".Checking, rechecking, d r i l l ing te s t holes, and

    r e a l i g ~ e n t of the d ri l l ing equipment for th is accurate job have delayed the f ina l assembly. This job mustbe righ t the f i r s t time, or replacement of the en tire armature spar-spinner would be necessary.Other essen tia l progress i s being made and will



    One of those th ings tha t happen in various stagesof prin ting , caused us to give cred it for the two pictures in the la s t "Proceedings" to Kenny Bradshawand his fa ther .

    I t should have read Kenny Bradford and his fa ther Ken Bradford.


    At the Annual Board of D irectors e lec tion onOctober 9 ~ , the following p e o ~ l e were added to theboard: Dr. W. Davis Evans, Catherine Ph il l ip s , JohnPaul Jones, Bob Benson, Darlene Barnett, Loretta Merriam and Terry Briggs.



  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 11 No 03-Oct-Nov-Dec-1976 (George Van Tassel)



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