george van tassel proceedings vol 12 no 01 jan feb

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  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb



    @ ffiroqgodtrtgs;,ffi'"*:'ffi;j:"" HvoL 12 JANUARY_FEBRUARY NO. r

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb



    ]anuary-February 1980CONTENTS

    NUMBER 2

    SPIDERWARTSPROCRESS REPORT ....-__.._-____-.............14CHELATION THERAPY .......-.............--..-:--....-.-.---.......-.-,.-...-.-..15i rt r t r *rt t* * * t tr *rt I * **r * t i* tt * * t * * ** * r*t r** ri *rr *

    "PROCEEDINGS" - mailed free to those reguesting it and who fine-ciaIly support cost and printing by donations. Checks & noneyorclers verify your contribution. Ttrere is no subscriptj.on rate.A11 donations, money-orders, checks, and bequests shouLd be maaleto the.Ministry of Universal wisalom Inc."PROCEEDINGS,' - published by the Ministry of Univelsa1 Wisdom fnc.,Drower "$" yucca Valley, California, USA Business & Editorial offices:Ministry Office Building president & Editor: Mrs. Dorlis (@o.W) Van Tassel. Eecretary3 Edldin Wrenchey.NO SOLICITORS & REPRESENTATIVES EI{PLOYED OR AUITIORTZEDManusciipts & photographs by members and friends to be accompanj-edby self-adalre-ssed, stampeal envelope. please address questio;s,gifts, etc., toncerning pullicatiin directly to Editor.

    (A1I rights reserved, including trar:tslations.)THE MINTSTRY OF TJNI\ERSAI WISMM,. INC.

    phone 97140 364-2784 - evenings - G to 9Drawer "G" Yucca va11ey, California 92284l*i****


    our #rf, yea! of publication

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    STEPAS EXPI,LII{S I,IFE LINESyou are each walking the tight r,rire of your indivj-duallife lines, stretched between the poles of birth and death.The keynote of progress through any grade of life is balanceon your individual tight, the life line of your vibration.The trick is for you to maintain balance.One may think that if you fal1 on the right side, it wouldbe different than to fall on the 1eft. In either case it is'the same distance to the stop. Anyone fanatically religiousis an extremi-st on one side. This is partly the reason wehave instructed you to function singtng hlrmns ai.!d ballads.The problem of many of you, is tq discover how to maintainyour individual balance. The problem of some others of youis to learn how to avoid unbalincing someone on a life lineparalJ-e1 to yours:As you advance through this grade you may suffer many fallson either side. And you have to start again where you feIIoff. When you come to the death end of the wire you have tolook at the other side of the pole and you discover it is thebirth side of another wire fastened a littl-e hi-gher on thepole.Each time you advance higher the faIl is deeper. Of course,you are more experiencbd in the art of maintaj.ning balance.The higher you get the harder you fall. It makes no differ-ence whether you fall on the left side or the right.On your particular level, you must maintain the balance be-tween the spir.itual and physical selves. In doing so do notshove soneone else off balance in order to maintain yourself.Those who are walking paralIel lines are influenced by thoseon either side of thern. In your case, your path through thegrade you are no\d in may bring you into contact with re1i9-ious peopte, or people in criminal will beaffected by whoever you associate with or brush up against.The one way to maj.ntain balance is to do all things in moder-ation.. It{ake sure you do not interfere with others iights tomaintain their own balance and keep your mindrs eye af,eaat ofyou. You cannot look around...something !ri11 distract you!Your goal, is the pole ahead of you; in your understandingmarked "death" - in our understanding, marked ,,advancemenf,.n

    _ -If you reach the pole, at the end of your life, in an un-baLanoed state you have not finished the-grade --- you are notqualified to move on and you repeat. you are carried back toanother rebirth on the same vibratory lifie wire.?

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    Balance is the keynote of progression. You can only Proqressby going down the niadle upright...taking each experience inyour stride and still maintaining balance.I,IOUENTUII{

    Have you ever watched a stacked set of dominoscollapse and appreciated the sequence of their fall-ing? Did you ever see a set of spheres attached bystrings to a frame so when one is inpacted it hitsthe others which caoses a pattern of reaction? Onesuch device, which I have enjoyed playing with, isthe Newton CycLe Demonstrator created by a friendfor research. The impact pattern was always the samevarying only by the intensity of the starting blow.In a way, the Newtonian Cycle is evident in mostall things, mental or physical. It is a visible rhltlmthat is set into motion or into a mental sequence ofa thought program. Both rhythmed by a starting impactwhich must be there even when the evidence of it isapparently lacki-ng; a sequence set up by that firstact, which is always pretent in any beginning whethervisible by the eyes or to be realized on some otherpIane. There is a specific kind of motion requiredto stem, shift or stir q4y established momentum. Thisstop or blocking has itrs equivalency pattern as we1l.Yet, how many ever think of this negative side of motionas having a rhythn of "stop"?We tend to believe that force is a must ..... thatto stop any kind of a beginning requires an energy per-haps greater than the initial one of starting. WHAT ISI,'NREALIZED BY MANY WHO AREN'T SPIRIIUAI,I,Y ORIENTED iSthat an understanding or capacity to make use of the

    momentum through another channel is a better way anduses constructively what could be lost in a counteringof forces.MEMBERSHIPSome of the active folks are sending in their SI5.00or more for a voting mernbership.

    You realize that the- money sent in for a proceedj.ncris not Dcssaryr as subscriptlons, but keeis us goiriglWhen corresponding for a membership request, be sureto state your request & be sure that the fund you alesending is applied corf,ectly. Also ask to verify thatyour money arrives to our lrtinistry of Universal Wi.sdom.f?ris also applies towards any monies sent in as donations,memberships or Proceedings, or for books & tapes.

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    within Another House"We need another and wiser and perhaps a moremystical concept of animals. Remote from universalnature, and living by complicated artifice, man incivilization suiveys the creature through the glass.of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnifiedand the whole image in distortion. we patronize themfor their imcompleteness, for their tragic fate ofhaving taken form so far below ourselves. And thereinwe err, and greatly err. f'or the animal shaIl not bemeasured by man. In a world older and more completethan ours they move finished and complete, gifted withextensions of the senses we have lost or never attained,Iiving by voices we shal1 never hear. They are notbrethren, they are not underlings; they are othernations,caught with ourselves in the net of life and time., fellowprisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.rrDr. Franklin rhorpe f'l-D

    The Pyramids by Steve Emmons of Colorado5

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb



    "IIARNING: Scientists have determined that breathing isdangerous to your health.""Fear of ridicule is forcing scientists to work underground.t...Invisible ColJ,ege"It{an is not capable of eliminating good from all thingsanymore than he can withdraw God frorir it." . . .Dorris"On one end you have ego-on the other ignorance. You need"gotc"us" its your self identity, you need ignorance to beable to learn.' ...Ken Kiluck"A gentleman remembers a ladyrs birthday, but not her agetrnThe computer ia a great invention. There are just as many

    " mistakes as ever, but they are nobody's in fj.nance companyrs window: "Loans for those who haveeverything but haventt paid for it yet.""Best advice to a dieter: nNo thyself.n .... fruthnMany who say "Our Eather'on Sunday spend the rest of theweek acting like orphans.o .......Iodays WorldSpeak when you're angry and yourIl make the'best speech you'lfever regret!'l

    one of George I{. van Tasselrs theories is that humaneel1s, like baiteries, run aown-ana ttrit-tfre "".rgy-f"""s manifested as agin;. - --'-- -, "w" are putting God's eternal laws of magnetism, electrici.tyi and ions into practical applicat.ion. The Bible says 'deathsha1l be the last thing to be overcome.' If this is acdomp-lished, someone has to do it. We are trying."... George W. Van Tasselb

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    Comnent, Please.It is important ....where lye are as well as when wethink. Though there are blendings in any event.A friend suggested this idea by a comment the otherday. He said that he did his best thinking while sittingon the John. We laughed and then started to analyze.

    The discussion went something like this:1. The bathroom was private...allowing littte interruption.2. This is a good time and place for basics.3- Both verbal and gaseous explosions were acceptable.4. Posture activated freer flow of circulation, Iumph andother eliminate forms.5. The water of the tank and bowl allowed additional acti-vati.on to "staticsi'.6. Current of both - and + was relatively continuous.7. This rlroundingl results in all body and mind ingredientstrying to balance.8. Thus an opportunity may have cleared for better pictorialand verbal communication.9. So external as well as internal, sources may find attunement.10. Spiritual and physical-emotional coordinates may likewisereach siqrnificant cohensiveness.We laughed alot during the discussion but we were notlaughing at the conclusion of the evaluation. And f wouldnot be surprised should more than one reader have similarreactions. We appreciate your constructive corDnents.

    Thank YouNOW... KEEPING TH8 RECORDThere are those who take and who continue to leachln the name of friendship, as though it were a part and arequirement for their survival.There are those who quietly attend to the facts andthe acts of friendshlp while reraaining close until they canbe of servlce. Your etrength le appreciated. FIIEH LMS ON.&ftr

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    * 5"1x. rlalI1 5\/ T,ont/,f "rofronItttrfaa

    Ylexe f - fl,,, 7 7/afi soS i rilu " /7.o 72essor Sfa c e_ n a.rtt'? o/r,on

    \ / Asdph.d. IAsalrh

    S ar7- flvtrrddlSOrl'os ( eonl.')Fd.n - mdi

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb



    Van and I vere particularly interested in the Glen CanyonDam in 1976, arrcl after his write up in October, November andDecember of L977, I continued to feel involved with this anilother dams across the Onited States. llany of us have hadmisgivi.ngs as to the safety of areas near earth fillecl dams,and trust proper considerations have been made by those livingaround such facilities. We rrant to believe that authoritiesconnected with these darnable sites, consider the earth shaki.ngproblems they can generate.

    Colorado, Arizona and Utah friends tel1 us of earthquakesin all of their states. Thus I am continually rerninded thatin the event one ilam were to Iet-go, lyater as overflow wouldreach poilrtation quickly.Looking on a large nap I rote a feur communities fairly closeto some man made lakes or other earth developed projects.Fifteen years agfo f worked with a corununity who's health pro-blems stemed from the fact that they were s\damp filled areas.Basic health problerns were associated in many children as wellas adults rho were not able to "cope" with the underflow currenA housing project sat on the earthfill and nonvisible tidewaterof the area... I wonder at man's determination to overwhelmGodrs natural beauty with manstuff and such.

    DDTDDT, the first organic pe8ticide, was widely used duringworld war II to contiol inlect pes.ts in both nilitaiy i"adomestic situations.Dr. Francis A. Gunther, a University of Calj.fornia,Riverside scientist has found tnat OOt- leaves residues inplant tissue. He also developed " i".trrigr. that siii

    -detect as littr-e as one part of contaminaii6"-p.i iirri""10,O00 times more sensitive than earlier techniguei anclwith greater accuracy. His research now is con6erned withprotecting field workers as well as food conso*ers.

    ?IMELYBime is a subject much discussed and debated. As wesurf our wave of time we most often find ourselves look-ing back to see whence we came. Even as a river flowsover a fall not only does it change direction but speedas we1I. As we now find ourselves at the apex of thefalI, we look back and find little indication of whatlies ahead. Turning about and looking forward showsus no river at all and we find ourselves i.n a statb of(continued on page 10)7

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    . Jn, we find ourselves in the NOV|. Nothing noregrab on to for the river is fast disappearing bneathus.we must learn to fly NOw! It is not a matter of if"or "how' for iNOW" does not last long enough to evenvoice the question. Flying is something one just does,ask any bird that has been pushed from itrs nest for thefirst tine. If it is still in it's body you can be mostcertain that it ctid not allow much time for the study ofaerodynamics.Sirrvival mechanism within all living forms from cry-stals to cosmic beings of orders unknown to us existwithin the basic nature of the living manifested self.We as humans have time to study the wonders presentedto us until there is no more time or there are no morewonders and we fall.We fincl many of great intellectual stature at thispoint saying "impossJ.ble", a few more open minded say-ing "improbible, and some with vision saying-"perhaps".Others with knowledge say "of course" and a few withwisdom saying "Lets do it" as they fly away.Those of us continuing the work of future mankindfind ourselves at the apex, for the charismatic charge

    has met with a short circuit. The universe has beenkind, for it has provided us with the opportunity andwe are now learnj-ng to unfold our wings.Today is full of the excitement of tomorrowts flightfor the vision is with us, the knowledge has been givenand the wisdom to proceed is making itself known throughthe continued suPport of all those who together say "Letsdo it" . . Larry Duffy

    Dear O1d Dad....When I was still in junior high, my father used to sPeakabout "The Stanley Steamer." Dad was a quiet man, but notwhen he spoke of this. The enthusiasm and forceful explana-tions provided many of our communities with something to talkabout. Dad dicl not talk of a potential auto that ran withoutgasoline or obvious electricity. Itre discussed into the hoursthe way that this unique vehicle was able to function. Eromthose days on I could not believe that any gasoline auto wasthe onJ-y way to move about. Now and again I come across otherforms of energy. A book written in 1978 gives many othersuggestions..]lgave you read, ProQf, Positi-ve - Ambissador. Jackson?3r-d-er throueh. . :T:fu;FIl'l iT;"ffi--:rder throueh. . I P.b;!ry!!_lq"33ar_W


  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    AGINGBiologist Leslie Orgel's theory of aging makes us thinkvJe may have more 'erroneous zones" then we knew. He believesaging may be the result of accumulated errors of informationprocessing in the body. These errors, he says, may arise fromLhe oUa source itself losing something in the translation ofgenetic information between itself ancl boilily constituents.Thus, there is nothing to be done about it.Top medical and biological opinion of toilay is to the effectthat "genetic deterioration" may be slowed down, but not re-versed. Although they agree that there is no reason, in PrilciPlewhy deterioration of body organs cannot be slowed or stopped,"it's the natural order of things," they say.l.lany theories are but a Portion of the truth, and we findthis theory interesting, but a bit dePressing.Would George van Tassel have worked for twenty some years ona rnachine called the Integratron if he believed our swi-tchboardswere all fouled up? Wouli so many people who believed as he,and put their noney where their mouth was, have backed such anenterprise as the Integratron? In the beginning of th yearl9?9, lcallaresh Yogi declared that this year would be the yearof AJ.L POSSIBILITIES. We believe, with George and our sources,tbat the Integratron is one GBEAqfgqEIEI4ry! 1980 LOOI(S GRBAT.

    Then there is the young man I met a few years ago whoformed a unigue saucer shaped craft and was able to moveit by remote control. No visible form of energy at all!Although ny frl?nd yras not able to develop the energytheme because "Big Boys" from the oi1 industry presentedsome powerful opposition... . . the idea is still aroundand generating a potent force for a near future where afear cannot control the vision.

    Another team of three are able to electrify a moderatelysized auto vrith a device that could be carried in a ladiespurse. Noril there is another way to help gals!One family claims to have enough portable electricity tomaintain a city like Salt Lake, and to keep it activatedindefinately. Even my father knew this potential. So doa number of young.people today.In the recent past hre used to glorify individuals whohad the ability or the potential to do remarkable thlngsin the energy fj-eld. But now at long last, we merely en-cour!:age them to go to a foreign country for research andthen take considerable clelight when the idea generates anew system of thinking. ,l

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    HOII AtsOUT A FAIR "SHAKE""The rapid development of solar energy is a must if weare to avoid the catastrophic energy crisis. The Solar Lobbyis fighting to safeguard America's-luture survival as a nation...- can get us headed in the right direction but it cannot doiE. a1one. Favored energy sources have received nearly $150billion in federal subsidies; more federal money will be spenton nuclear power this year alone than has been spent on renewableenergy sources in the last hundred years l ""In our fight to get a fair shake for solar energy, we'Ilbe up against some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington,the American Petrol-eum Institute, the Edison Electric Institute,the Atomic Industrial Forum, the National Coal Association, andthe American Gas Association."Agaj-nst this array of forces, a first-rate effort is necess-ary. If are to succeed, we must have the help of every citi-zen concerned about our energy future and the promise of solarpower. Wonrt you take a stand for solar energy by joining theSolar T.obby? Your check for $15 will make you a member, butI urge you to send $25 or more"if you can afford the sacrafice.Your dollars will enable our staff to lobby Congress and thefederal agencies and to build a grass roots network around thecountry to advance decentralized solar technologies.. I hopethat you will agree that it is a wise investment...."

    Dennis Hayes, 1028 Connecticut Ave., N,W.Washington, D.C.20036'And when ye shall see Jerusal,em compassed with armies, thenknow that the desolation thereof is nigh," St. Luke-21126

    SPIDERWORTWe learned from a San Francisco paper that plantsare a better andl safer monitor for nullear plants.One small wildflower whose blue parts turn pink inthe presence of low-level radiation has the potentialto keep nuclear power plants in check. A Genetics'proof.The spiderwort developes pink spots on its threeblue petals or pink cells on its 300 blue stamenhairs when in the presence of radioactivity, accordingto Sadao Ichikawa, a professor at Saitama Universityin Japan.When rchikawa visited San Francisco recently, helectured on the potentials of the spiderwort's pollu-tion-sensitive propertj-es.

    (continued next page),a

  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    Spiderworts planted close to, or downwind fromseveral Japanese atomic power facilities showecl sig- .nificantly increased numbers of cell mutations afterb-d;g exposed duri-ng routine operations, lchikawa said.While the spiderwort reacted \,rithin a week or triro,the power company and government officials report no

    increase using standard instruments. So God is SaferlBecause cells of both the plant and the humans showa "similar sensitivity", Ichikawa believes humans wholive near nuclear plants may run an increased risk ofcell mutations and cancer that may not show up for years.The special nature of this native American flowerwas first examined in the 1960rs at Brookhaven NationalLaboratory in New York...but Brookhaven biologist, tloyd

    Schairer, was cautious in his conclusions about thespiderwort. He said more genetic evidence is neededbefore this link can be firmly established between theplant reaction and those of human beings.Although Schaires. is experimentally using spiderwortto monitor general air pollution, he said some scientistshave great reservations about whether human ceIls andspiderwort ce1ls react in the same way...but do they workwith genetics? I would appreciate meeting Professor Ichikawa.

    RUTH MONTe0irmRY CI,AIIy!S"Strangers Among Us,' is another major contrlbutionto literature of the psychic. Ruth Montgomery writesof her discovery of walk-in6 .and their r61e in theselast days as we know them. She goes into great detailto reveal these enlightened belrrls now secietly and an-onymously among us who will be guides and spirituallyvltal mentors through the chaos of World Wa; 111 and upcoming Earth changes. For the many who have felt-a personal-earth mission of special slgnificance; thlsbook has clear purpose.A rev,iew of contents showsr Brotherhoods and GrouoUlnd, 0therwhere, Extraterrestrials, Mystery of WalkineChaos and Cleanup, the .Antlchrist, The'Shift, and theWorld to Come. fs Xhis for Real?Is this for real indeed! Try this bestseller onfor size. Its a good conversation awakener we found.


  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb



    The most interesting seselons so far in my lectureshas been in Florida and Nevada areas. There the folksseem to have a lively inlatitlve with such happy andhelpful overtones. A hurried galt seems to have comelnto the Spiritual Groupings in many places now. Thereis a sadnese with it, and disharmony of the members whoseldom know their own officers, but merely pay for amembershlp without an evaluatlon of either duration orconsistancy of projected goals. The trtinistry of Univer-sal 'vfisdom has been ongoing the better part of 2J yearsand until stealing and unabashed wasting wae common inpublic groups, we had the place aLways open. It was arnilitary request that flrst closed the doors EXCEPT BYSCHEDITLE. fhey expressed the desire that the advancedinformation become-less available NOtlll...,. knowing thatcertain facts were duplicated in their own research.For over 25 yeacs visitors have received the courtesyof an explaination of our project. Iilost Long time read-ers know the reasons for not having free flow of a publicthrough these propertles was because of damage done bycareless ones or even by childish oLdsters who like tohave samples of where their feet have been... the costIn tinre and work to replace-damaqe or steali,ng was veryhigh. thus special groups & wor:k- associatee were..moatall who "got to go in the DomeS Since it was not to beeven fitted with any eseentials untl1 just before publicusrge or testings were to begin, the benefit was rninioal.

    GOD OM,Y KNO',tlSHE }IEARS YOUR EVERY IHOUG}TTAND T.,JICE JUDCES EVERY DEEDNOl{ as lts doneTHEN when you areThe recording stones are busy..Keep your actiontlshtWritten on Nov. ?-9fh ?9..Nlrs. George W Van Taseel


  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb


    }{ONEY KIND OF SfUFFEYERI :Drc.. utility bill for the builcling and theDome on the Incorporated Property is increasing-justas all the telephone, eJ-ectric and accounts seem to be{gLLS tt all areas of the County. DORTIS ASSISTED INTHIS AS DTD REAI PRIENE.The accent in honesty and sincerity has noticeablyincreased as noted by the incoming correspondence, inpersonal cosurunication and phone calIs at the Landerssite, and also when we meet at numberous other pointsthat our activiti-es take us now.As soon as we can develop a 1ittle more money forpublishing the out of print books written by GeorgeVan Tassel, they will be printed. Also the 25 yearsof Proceedings will be printed in 3 volumes. They

    are now on back order-an expensive but valuable asseton any library mind- better as a reference in anyTHERAPYIa FuenteCHEI,ATIONHector de

    More people clie of circulatory diseases than fromany other cause and it is on the increasel Examplesof the causes are: tension of modern living, nutri-tional deficiencies (especially amino acidsi, h""rymetal poisoning (Iead, mercury, arsenic, ets.), po1-luted air (gaso..line f'rmes, industrial gases, tobicco,smoke, 9tc.), porluted u/ater, insecticides, refined,devitali.zed foods, additives, preservatives, and foodhigh in saturated fats. Some of these are even knownto be the cause of blindness and deafness.

    There is a known treatment for these called CHELATIONTHERAPY--infusing into the blood stream a substanceknown as 'disodium ethylene diamine tetra' or EDTA.This therapy has even been known to improve the visionin diabetic retinopathl,.Chelation is a safe procedure when administered byphysicians, who are qualified diagnosticians and e*pei-ienced in the therapy" No side eifects can be expe-ctedas long as the i"nfusions are not given too rapidly.....preferably over a 2 hour period eich session.-The effectiveness of chelation therapy can be deter-mi-ned by uritre examination and newly devElopeil instruments.


  • 7/27/2019 George Van Tassel Proceedings Vol 12 No 01 Jan Feb



    LUCERNE VALLEYcA 92356Permit No. 17

    Howerd Dissly1L743 Villa DoradoCreve Coeur, M0 531-41

    1rtottPrt 'tgxy'ura. Vo/lPlh Calilonilau.s.A. ?2284-tu VtcroRvtuue'

    -. vrcroRvrLLE Hw-Y_-,, loPrr"oro wor.t^x S,PRI NGS kb'

    2l Mrues ro

    ll there is any question You wantanswered.lhat has nol been lullyexplained in lhe "Procgedin9," anote to the editor requesting en-tightenment will bring a lull ex-planation. Please wriie us.

    Yucce VeluE