prevalence katarak

Data WHO : Estimates predict that currently cataracts affect around 22 million adults aged 40 or older and that by the year 2020, this number will have approximately doubled. Di amerika serikat 2012 prevalensi katarak 17,11% (24,409,978) (dari jumlah populasi >40 tahun yaitu 142,648,393 Over 285 million people in the world are visually impaired, of whom 39 million are blind and 246 million have moderate to severe visual impairment (WHO, 2011). Despite the fact that 90% of cataracts in the world are reported in developing countries, its social, physical and economic impact is still substantial in the developed world (Resnikoff et al. 2004; Abraham et al. 2006). According to the World Health Organization worldwide there are an estimated 45 million people that are blind with an additional 135 million individuals visually impaired. 1 Globally it is known that cataract is the leading cause of blindness, with some 16–20 million people suffering from blinding cataract.

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berisi tentang prevalensi katarak bahan skripsi 2015


Data WHO :Estimates predict that currently cataracts affect around 22 million adults aged 40 or older and that by the year 2020, this number will have approximately doubled.Di amerika serikat 2012 prevalensi katarak 17,11% (24,409,978) (dari jumlah populasi >40 tahun yaitu 142,648,393 Over 285 million people in the world are visually impaired, of whom 39 million are blind and 246 million have moderate to severe visual impairment (WHO, 2011).Despite the fact that 90% of cataracts in the world are reported in developing countries, its social, physical and economic impact is still substantial in the developed world (Resnikoff et al. 2004; Abraham et al. 2006).According to the World Health Organization worldwide there are an estimated 45 million people that are blind with an additional 135 million individuals visually impaired.1Globally it is known that cataract is the leading cause of blindness, with some 1620 million people suffering from blinding cataract.According to the latest assessment, cataract is responsible for 51% of world blindness, which represents about 20 million people (2010). Although cataracts can be surgically removed, in many countries barriers exist that prevent patients to access surgery. Cataract remains the leading cause of blindness. Data Riskesdas 2013:Katarak di Indonesia untuk semua umur 1,8 % / populasi masyarakat Indonesia sedangkan menurut survey yang dilakukan pada tahun 2012 jumlah penderita mencapai 1,5% dari jumlah populasi Indonesia atau setara 3,5 juta penderita.Katarak di Indonesia bertambah 240.000 kasus baru per tahun. Kemampuan operasi hanya 120.000 orang sehingga terjadi penumpukan (backlog) kasus katarak yang cukup tinggi.Untuk mengukur pelayanan terhadap katarak, WHO mengacu padaCataract Surgical Rate(CSR), jumlah operasi katarak per satu juta penduduk per tahun. Angka CSR Indonesia tergolong rendah, hanya 468,

Data Banten :Data penderita katarak di banten pada tahun 2013 menurut riskesdas,2013 berjumlah 1,8/11,834,087 penduduk atau setara dengan 21.3013566 jiwa

Data RSUD Tang-Sel:Data tangsel dari jumlah populasi 1,436,187 jiwa berkisar % Data kekambuhan setelah post Opp katarak:Data kekambuhan /cedera mata setelah operasi post opp katarak sekitar 5-10% (Ruit,Sanduk,2012) dikarenakan karena informasi yang tidak dipahami pasien setelah operasi dan pada pasien yang masih muda yang kemungkinan jaringan pada matanya berkembang dan ini terjadi bisa dalam beberapa bulan atau tahun. Data menurut NHANES,2010 12% dari responden umur 45-5427% dari responden umur 55-6458% dari responden umur 65-74Dan 28,5% dari semua responden mengalami penurunan ketajaman penglihatan (low vision. Data watermen eye study pada nelayan berumur 30-94 tahun dan ditemukan peningkatan kekeruhan lensa mata1,8% pada laki laki