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  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


     TCS  Training MethodsBY


  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    Vales O! TAT

    "eading #hange


    Res%e#t !or the indi&i


    "earning and sharing

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR



    What is TCS?

     Tata Consltan#$ Ser&i#es is an IT ser&i#es, #onslting and *siness soltions organi+adeli&ers real reslts to glo*al *sinesses, ensring a le&el o! #ertaint$ that no other r

    History :

     TCS /as esta*lished in 0123 as a di&ision o! Tata Sons "i-ited. TCS "td. got in#or%orat

    entit$ on Janar$ 01, 0114.Mission:

     To hel% #sto-ers a#hie&e their *siness o*5e#ti&es *$ %ro&iding inno&ati&e, *est6in6#IT soltions and ser&i#es

     To -a7e it a 5o$ !or all sta7eholders to /or7 /ith s

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


     Training Methods in TCS )

    TCS training methods has been divided into 2 methods :

    On6the65o* training -ethods Coa#hing

     Jo* Rotation

     Tata International Internshi% Progra--e


    O86the65o* training -ethods "e#tres and #on!eren#es

    Vesti*le Training

    Si-lation e(er#ises

    Sensiti&it$ Training

     Transa#tional Training

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    On6the65o*  Training -ethods )

    On-the-job training methods Coa#hing

     Jo* Rotation

     Tata International Internshi% Progra--e


  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    Coa#hing )

    Defnition o Coahing :

    9 A method of directing, instructing and training a person or group of people, with some goal or develop specic skills. There are many ways to coach, types of coaching

    coaching. Direction may include motivational speaking and training may include semin

    and supervised practice." 

    !enefts o Coahing :

     The *enets o! #oa#hing is that the indi&idal /ill *e a*le to i-%ro&e their /or7 %er!or*$ re#ei&ing one6on6one training to de&elo% #areer %ros%e#ts.

     The -a5orit$ o! #oa#hing is generall$ deli&ered /ithin an organisation *$ an i--ediate-anager.

    Ho/e&er, -an$ organisations these da$s e-%lo$ %ro!essional e(ternal #oa#hes to #o-

    their organisation to %ro&ide this ser&i#e.

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


     Jo* Rotation ) Tata Consltan#$ Ser&i#es Uses Jo* Rotation

    ;India-based Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a software services and conconsiders job rotation a key strategy for developing its workforce and deliveringcustomers

     The o&erseas %rogra- sends e-%lo$ees nati&e to India to #ontri*te to TCS o%e#ontries s#h as China, Hngar$, and Soth A-eri#a, a-ong others.

    ? #ontries glo*all$ and #sto-ers s%read throghot the /orldsend s7illed /or7ers o&erseas is a -st.

    ;It gives us the opportunity to ofer a value proposition to our customers rom thuality and !nowledge,@ sa$s

    6 #joy M$%herjee, &i#e %resident, head, glo*al h-an resor#es.

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


     Tata InternationalInternshi% Progra--e )

    In 7ee%ing /ith the Tata gro%s glo*alisation strateg$, gro% HR has initiated an ininternshi' 'rogramme ())*+ that ai-s to gi&e an o%%ortnit$ to $ong ndergra%ostgradate stdents !ro- a#ross the /orld to gain the Tata e(%erien#e.

    Initiated in 2,,, this gro% le&el internshi% %rogra--e intends to *ring in -anage!ro- international *siness s#hools and *ild the Tata *rand on #a-%ses a*road. three o! Singa%ores leading ni&ersities

    .ationa& /niversity o Singa'ore

    .anyang Tehnia& /niversity

    Singa'ore Management /niversity

     The %rogra--e also #olla*orates /ith the #sian )nstit$te o Management in Ma*e%ing /niversity and Tsingh$a /niversity in Bei5ing.

    IIP Interns #an *e %la#ed /ith an$ Tata gro% #o-%an$, *ased on their /or7 e(%erie!o#s areas and areas o! interest.

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    A%%renti#eshi% and Understd$ )

    #''rentieshi' :

    o A%%renti#eshi% is a s$ste- o! training a ne/ generation o! %ra#titioners o! a -ethod o! training is in &oge in those trades, #ra!ts and te#hni#al elds in /%eriod is reired !or gaining %ro#ien#$. The trainees ser&e as a%%renti#es tlong %eriods. The$ ha&e to /or7 in dire#t asso#iation /ith and also nder thes%er&ision o! their -asters.

    /nderst$dy :

    o In this -ethod, a s%erior gi&es training to a s*ordinate as his nderstd$ to a -anager. The s*ordinate learns throgh e(%erien#e and o*ser&ation *handling da$ to da$ %ro*le-s. Basi# %r%ose is to %re%are s*ordinate !or asres%onsi*ilities and dties.

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    O86the65o* Training -ethods )

    O0-the-job training methods 0. "e#tres and Con!eren#es

    ?. Vesti*le Training

    . Si-lation '(er#ises

    >. Sensiti&it$ Training

    4. Transa#tional Training

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    "e#tres and Con!eren#es)

    "e#tres and #on!eren#es are the traditional and dire#t -ethod o!instr#tion. '&er$ training %rogra--e starts /ith le#tre and#on!eren#e. ItEs a &er*al %resentation !or a large adien#e. Ho/e&er,the le#tres ha&e to *e -oti&ating and #reating interest a-ong

    trainees. The s%ea7er -st ha&e #onsidera*le de%th in the s*5e#t. Inthe #olleges and ni&ersities, le#tres and se-inars are the -ost#o--on -ethods sed !or training.

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    !estibule Training

    1estib$&e Training is a ter- !or near6the65o* training, as it o8ersa##ess to so-ething ne/ FlearningG. In &esti*le training, the /or7ersare trained in a %rotot$%e en&iron-ent on s%e#i# 5o*s in a s%e#ial %arto! the %lant.

    An atte-%t is -ade to #reate /or7ing #ondition si-ilar to the a#tal/or7sho% #onditions. A!ter training /or7ers in s#h #ondition, thetrained /or7ers -a$ *e %t on si-ilar 5o*s in the a#tal /or7sho%.

     This ena*les the /or7ers to se#re training in the *est -ethods to/or7 and to get rid o! initial ner&osness.

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    $imulation %&ercises

    Si-lation is an$ arti#ial en&iron-ent e(a#tl$ si-ilar to the a#tal sit

    are !or *asi# si-lation te#hnies sed !or i-%arting training)

    Manage-ent a-es Case std$

    Role %la$ing

    In6*as7et training

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


    $ensitivity Training

    Sensiti&it$ training is also 7no/n as la*orator$ or T6gro% training. Thisa*ot -a7ing %eo%le nderstand a*ot the-sel&es and others reasonadone *$ de&elo%ing in the- so#ial sensiti&it$ and *eha&ioral e(i*ilit$

    an indi&idal to sense /hat others !eel and thin7 !ro- their o/n %oint o

    It re&eals in!or-ation a*ot his or her o/n %ersonal alities, #on#erns

    isses, and things that he or she has in #o--on /ith other -e-*ers ois the a*ilit$ to *eha&e sita*l$ in light o! nderstanding.

    A gro%Es trainer re!rains !ro- a#ting as a gro% leader or le#trer, atteinstead to #lari!$ the gro% %ro#esses sing in#idents as e(a-%les to #%oints or %ro&ide !eed*a#7. The gro% a#tion, o&erall, is the goal as /e%ro#ess.

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    Transactional Analysis

    It %ro&ides trainees /ith a realisti# and se!l -ethod !or anal$+ingand nderstanding the *eha&ior o! others. In e&er$ so#ial intera#tion,there is a -oti&ation %ro&ided *$ one %erson and a rea#tion to that-oti&ation gi&en *$ another %erson.

     This -oti&ation rea#tion relationshi% *et/een t/o %ersons is 7no/n as

    a transa#tion. Transa#tional anal$sis #an *e done *$ the ego Fs$ste- o!eelings a##o-%anied *$ a related set o! *eha&iors states o! anindi&idalG.

    o Child

    o Parent

    o Adlt

  • 8/18/2019 PPT for HR


     THAN YOU!y

    *rithvi raj 1inn$thana Santosh 1aishnavi naid$