post production investigation


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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Post production investigation


INVESTIGATIONTheoretical Research

Page 2: Post production investigation

WHAT IS POST-PRODUCTION? Post-production is the process which takes place

after all the filming/recording has taken place. The main stages of post-production for a horror trailer are cutting footage, editing clips together, adding fades between clips, adding in typography, adding sound, applying special effects and correcting colours and lighting.

Due to digitisation the post-production stage can be completed to a much higher standard and much quicker.

Page 3: Post production investigation

WHAT STAGES OF POST-PRODUCTION WILL YOU NEED TO DO? In order to achieve a professional finish to my horror trailer I will

need to carry out some stages of post-production. Cutting the footage will be a big part of my post-production as I want to make sure that only the most suitable clips feature in my final trailer to achieve a professional feel. I will also need to add sound as this can change the mood of a piece of footage and build tension, which is very important in a horror trailer. Achieving the correct editing between takes will need to happen as I want to make sure I get slow pace areas as well as fast pace areas. I will need to add in fades and blink eye editing. The other important part of my post-production will be correcting lighting. Lighting is a vital part of horror trailer as it can really set the mood and dramatic change the atmosphere. I will need to adjust the hue of my footage to match the type of atmosphere i want and possibly add filters to my clips.