pld task 5

Image Capture and Processing Amelia Browne

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Post on 19-Mar-2017




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Image Capture and Processing

Amelia Browne

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Images sourced from books:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:Sourcing Images this way is good as you are able to find a selection of images with very similar subject matter in one place as photography books are usually based on a specific topic for example the British coast this is beneficial if you want to find more than one image for a specific topicAnother benefit is that the image in the book are often accompanied by additional information about the images this could be useful when deciding whether the image would be appropriate for you intended use his could also be useful in helping you gather information about your topic if you needed to write information to accompany the images

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:There are however disadvantages of sourcing images this way, firstly the process of sourcing the images takes longer than sourcing images digitally this is because you have to physically find a book with related content and then search through pages to find a suitable image.Another disadvantage is that the images in the books will be under copyright meaning you would have to get permission (and perhaps pay) for the rights to use the image in your work if it is for a professional purpose.Finally an issue which can arise with this form of image sourcing is that you will have to scan the images on to the computer if you intend to use them within your work, this will result in a loss of quality, therefore causing issues when using the image.

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Images sourced from google images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:Sourcing images from Google image has advantages such as the large variety of images it provides, this makes it more likely that you will be able to find the kind of image you want. Filters e.g. size or colour are also available to help you refine your search.Another benefit of sourcing images from Google images is that it is an easy way to find images, as you are able to quickly find images by typing what you are looking for into the search bar. The images are also already available on the computer which shortens the process of preparing images for digital use, these reasons are beneficial as they make the images easier and quicker to use.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:There are disadvantages to sourcing images this way, for example due to the vast number of images contained on Google images, it may not always be easy to find the exact image you want, or the process of doing this could be very time consuming.Another disadvantage is that some of the images you may find on Google are under copyright whereas others are not, as a result of this it is hard to tell if the image you want to use is under copyright or not, if the image you find is under copyright then you would have to seek permission and perhaps pay for use of the image if it is to be used commercially, this is therefore a disadvantage as you may find an image you want to use, but copyright may prevent you from using it.

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Images sourced from stock image library:

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Images sourced from copyright free site:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:Sourcing images form these types of sites have advantages such as they make it easy to find images that you want on, this is similar to sourcing images on Google as the sites have search bars which you are able to type what you are looking for into, images from the same or related topic will then appear. The images are also already available on the computer which shortens the process of preparing images for digital use.Another advantage is that all of the images on these sites have been professionally taken, meaning that the images are likely to be of a good quality, this allows you to find images that look better and are more suitable for your own use.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Disadvantages to sourcing images this way include having to pay to use the images, the images will appear with a watermark on this prevents people from using the images, in order to remove the watermark you need to pay for the right to use the image.Other people using the same image is another disadvantage, to use these sourcing methods. This is a disadvantage as it means that your work may not be completely unique, which in some cases is an issue as it makes the work look les visually interesting as it is something people have already seen before.

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Images sourced from your own existing images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:An advantage of using this method to source images is that the image are free to use; unlike most of the other image sourcing techniques, this is because you have taken the images yourself making them your own property and therefore free to use.Another advantage to using this method is that you are able to capture an image almost exactly the way you want, meaning that you wont have to compromise in the way you would if you were going to use someone else's image.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:There are however disadvantages to sourcing images by taking them yourself. Firstly capturing images yourself takes time and perhaps money as you need to go out and physically take pictures yourself, which could be more problematic dependent on your subject.Another disadvantage to capturing your own images for use is that they may not look as good as professionally taken photos, as you are likely to have less experience and understanding on how to make a good image, professional photographers are also more likely to have better photo capture and editing equipment aiding them to take better photographs

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Processing Images

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Original image:

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Cropped image:

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Scaled images:




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Resolution image:

300dpi for print72dpi for web

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Advantages of different resolutions:Advantages to having different resolutions include being able to use images for a variety of purposes. Lower resolutions mean the image has a smaller file size meaning you are more able to use these images for things such as sending them in email; where you need a small file size.On the other hand a larger resolution means the image is better quality making it better for purposes such as large photography prints, where you don’t want the image to become pixelated and unclear.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:Disadvantages to different resolutions are that you may have to compromise on quality of the image if you need to make the image a lower resolution to make the file size smaller.Another disadvantage is that once an image has a lower resolution it cant be made into a higher resolution meaning that the quality of the image cannot be improved through resolution.Smaller resolutions are disadvantageous as the images cant be made bigger other wise pixilation will occurLarger resolutions are disadvantageous as they may be too big to be used for things such as emails etc.

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Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

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Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:I made a number of changes to my image in post production, I started out by creating a circle shape, and rasterising it, I then placed this layer under my photograph and created a clipping mask in order to turn my image from a square shape to a circle shape, after moving the clipping mask around until I had it in a position I was happy with, I merged the two layers in order to make the further editing process easier. I wanted to make my image a circle rather than a square to give the impression of looking through a telescope; like the ones you can find on the pier, I then decided that I wanted to create a warmer sunset style feel to the image to do this I clicked on the hue and saturation tool I then adjusted the sliders to create an orange hue over the image and then increased the saturation to make the colour adjustment stronger. Another effect I wanted to create for the image was to look more like a painting than a photograph to create this effect I used the brightness and contrast tool to make adjustments to these areas, these adjustment made the image look less realistic, as they were over emphasised and had more noise making the image look more like it had brush strokes.