philippines grade 6 science chapter 3


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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Are you familiar with the saying health is wealth? Most people have their own idea of the meaning of health. What about you, what is a healthy person to you? Is it someone who is athletic and takes part in sports and active games? Or is it a person with a lot of friends and enjoys parties and outdoor activities? Is a sick person not healthy? What factors affect the health of a person? How do you maintain good health?
  3. 3. THE HEALTHY PERSON Most people take care of themselves only when they feel they are going to be sick. Or when they feel that something is going wrong with any part of their body. To these people, health means not being sick for the meantime or even for a long time. Some people even think that health is hereditary and runs in the family. Because of this, they believe that theres no way you could have good health no matter what you do.
  4. 4. These are some misconceptions about health. There is more to becoming and staying healthy than these. Good health does not just happen. It takes a lot of effort to develop sound health habits each day until one could be called healthy. What is a healthy person?
  5. 5. Many diseases are caused by the way you live and the choices you make. In short, many diseases are caused by poor health habits such as poor nutrition, overeating, lack of exercise and handling stress poorly. Many times, you contribute to your own bad health.
  6. 6. The traditional simplest definition of health is the absence of disease; you are not sick of any illness. Health is also described as the proper working of the body and mind. The world health organization (WHO) defines health as the physical, mental and social well being of a person. So, for you to be called a healthy person, you should be physically, mentally and socially adjusted to your environment.
  7. 7. Scientists and doctors as well study ways to help people like you to stay well. They have come up with the word wellness, the opposite of illness, to describe a healthy person. Wellness means feeling, working, playing and doing anything at your very best. It means keeping your physical, social and mental aspects healthy and working together. Wellness includes searching for ways to improve and protect your health. Wellness is a way of life and becoming more responsible for your health. It means practicing good health habits such as getting plenty of sleep, choosing healthful foods instead of junk foods and exercising regularly.
  8. 8. WELLNESS When you practice wellness, you are safety conscious about your own well being and of others. You do not practice risk-taking habits such as crossing the street when a car is coming and not using the pedestrian lane. Can you think of other risk-taking habits?
  9. 9. REMEMBERING SCIENCE FACTS Health is the physical, mental and social well being of a person Wellness means keeping the physical, mental and social parts of your body healthy and working together
  10. 10. REACHING OUT: TRUE OR FALSE 1. People who are health conscious see their doctors only when they are ill. 2. Social health shows how you relate or deal with others. 3. Wellness is a way of life. 4. Poor health habits may cause diseases or illnesses. 5. When you practice wellness, you are safety conscious too.
  12. 12. Good health includes your physical, mental and social well being. Physical health is one aspect of being healthy. It has something to do with your body and its needs. Good physical health involves keeping your body as fit as possible. What are the physical needs of your body to keep it healthy?
  13. 13. Physical health means feeling and working at your best; meaning being fit. Being physically fit means your body can work well all the time and can respond to unexpected wants and emergencies. If you can run to catch a bus or run up and down the stairs several times without huffing and puffing, then you are physically fit.
  14. 14. There are three main areas of fitness that you have to check for physical health. These are called the ABCs of fitness. A- muscle strength and endurance B- flexibility C- heart and lung endurance
  15. 15. MUSCLE STRENGTH Muscle strength is the greatest amount of work your muscles can do at a given time. Muscle endurance is how well a group of muscles can keep performing for a long period of time without undue fatigue.
  16. 16. FLEXIBILITY Flexibility is the ability to move your joints easily. Your bones become more flexible when you often exercise them. Have you seen someone do the splits? For you to do it, you need months of stretching exercises like a gymnast of ballet dancer. To maintain flexibility, you must practice regularly.
  17. 17. HEART AND LUNG ENDURANCE Heart and lung endurance is also called cardiorespiratory endurance. This is how well your heart and lungs deliver oxygen to your body tissues during exercise. The more you exercise, the stronger your heart and respiratory muscles become. This increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry to your body. Doing aerobic exercises builds heart and lung endurance. Exercise at least three times a week for about 10-15 minutes.
  18. 18. During your adolescent years, your physical look counts a lot. This affects your mental and social health too. You have to look closely into two health areas: your skin and your teeth. Adolescence is a time of very rapid growth caused by the action of hormones. One of these hormones makes the oil glands in the skin larger and produce more oil. This causes pimples to develop and creates pus and redness around the skin pore. When there are many pimples, the skin condition is called acne.
  19. 19. If you have pimples, do not squeeze them. This could make the infection worse and could leave a scar. Instead, wash your face with soap and water every morning and night. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Greasy creams and makeup can make the acne worse. Eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of liquids are important for a healthy complexion.
  20. 20. ORAL HYGIENE Your teeth affect your physical health too. A person with poor dental health can have problems chewing and talking. You can also have bad breath and you may not smile very often. How would this affect your social and mental being?
  21. 21. The way you care for your teeth is called oral hygiene. Dental problems can be prevented by good dental habits such as brushing and flossing the teeth, avoiding sugary foods and having regular dental check ups. But what can you do when you are at school and do not have a toothbrush or dental floss? You may keep your teeth clean by rinsing your mouth after eating. This helps remove bits of food that may have been caught between the teeth and gums.
  22. 22. REMEMBERING SCIENCE FACTS Physical health means being physically fit. Physically fit means your body can work and feel well all the time.
  25. 25. YOUR MENTAL HEALTH Have you ever been afraid or worried? Do you get an upset stomach or have sleepless nights because of this fear or worry? Your mental well being includes your thoughts or feelings. When you feel good, you are happy. You can do good work and enjoy a lot of other activities. Mental health is the part of you that keeps your life in balance. It is the part of you that does the thinking and involves your feelings. What factors affect your mental health? How can you improve your mental well being?
  26. 26. Sometimes you her people say, he has so much personality or I dont like her personality. What does personality mean? Does this affect your mental health? Everyone has a personality. It is everything about you. It is all of your traits, feelings, thoughts, attitudes and habits. It is the way you look, feel, think and act. It includes what you do well, your abilities and talents, your weaknesses, your likes and your dislikes. Your personality helps you to be a unique individual- yourself!
  27. 27. Several factors help in the development of your personality. Heredity is the first important factor. Heredity refers to the traits that were passed on to you from your parents. These could be physical traits such as eye and hair color, your height and the shape of your ears, nose and mouth. Basic intellectual ability and special talents in music, art and drama are also inherited.
  28. 28. Environment is everything around you and all of your experiences. Many of the ways you act today are the result of your surrounding and what you have learned from your experience. Your behavior affects your personality and your inherited abilities. Your behaviors are affected by your ideals which serve as guides for how you live. Ideals make up what is important to you and affect your attitudes and feelings. For example, if health is important to you, you will exercise, eat balanced meals and not smoke or use drugs.
  29. 29. Your family, the church, school and friends have influenced many of your ideals. A mentally healthy person affects the inherited physical characteristics or traits that cannot be changed. But most of the characteristics that involve behavior can be changed or improved.
  30. 30. REMEMBERING SCIENCE FACTS Your mental well being affects ones physical and social health. Personality is the traits, attitudes and habits that make up a person. Your personality affects your mental health. Personality is affected by some factors like heredity, environment and your behavior.
  32. 32. Needs are things you must have. In order to survive, you need food, water and air. You need shelter to protect you from the heat of the sun and from your enemies. But what are emotional needs? How do these needs related to your physical and mental well being?
  33. 33. Everyone has basic emotional needs. These emotional needs involve your feelings and affect your dealings or relationships with others. No matter what age, everyone has the following emotional needs:
  34. 34. NEED TO LOVE You need to love others and be loved. You need to feel that someone cares about you and that you are important. You also have a need to care for others because giving love makes you feel better.
  35. 35. NEED TO BELONG You need to feel liked and accepted by others. Your family is the first group to which you usually belong. As you grow older, you belong to other groups such as social groups, athletic teams or school clubs.
  36. 36. NEED TO FEEL YOU ARE WORTHWHILE There is always something you can do fairly well or contribute. These may include expressing your opinion, suggesting ideas or helping others do things. This gives you a feeling of personal worth or importance.
  37. 37. These basic emotional needs affect your behavior. You act so that you can satisfy these needs. The picture you have of yourself and the way you think others see you has a lot to do with the way you act. This is called self-concept. Self-concept affects how well you get along with others. It also affects how well you do in school. Your self- concept is affected by the way you are treated and what people say to you. It is affected by your friends and teachers too. Improve your self- concept. Think of something you do well or that you are proud of.
  38. 38. There are different emotions. You should know how to express them. Anger, love, worry and fear are difficult emotions to express. Words, signs, pictures, facial and body expressions are but some ways by which you express your emotions. Even the tone of your voice can tell a lot about your emotions.
  39. 39. Hiding emotions and pretending that something does not bother you is not healthy. It can make you sick. The same hormones which cause physical changes also cause emotional changes. You may experience mood swings. They are normal a part of growing up! What can you do about them?
  40. 40. REMEMBERING SCIENCE FACTS Everyone has the same basic emotional needs. These are: need for love, need to belong and need to feel important. Self-concept is what you think of yourself and the way you think others see you. Learn to express your emotions or feelings through words, pictures, sign, facial and body expressions.
  41. 41. REACHING OUT: MATCHING 1. Ones picture of ones self 2.Everything about a person 3.Guides for the way one lives 4.Feelings 5.Traits passed on to you by your parents a. Heredity b. Ideals c. Self-concept d. Emotions e. Personality
  42. 42. REACHING OUT: ANSWER 1. Describe three things you do well. Then, tell how these things add to your feeling of personal worth. 2.Describe how you might help a friend who is feeling very angry. 3.Finish one sentence below: Happiness is A friend is someone who The time of day I like best is I am a unique person because
  44. 44. In ancient times, people depended upon magic to treat pains and illnesses of the body and mind. They also used plants which grow in their surrounding environment to treat illnesses. Modern research has turned the treatment of illness into a science called medicine. New discoveries have helped prevent many deaths that are caused by certain diseases or ailments. How much do you know about diseases? How are you protected from certain diseases? How can you help to prevent the spread of certain diseases?
  45. 45. Diseases are illnesses that can affect the mind and the body. They can affect anyone at any age; although, there are some diseases which are more common in certain age groups. When the body has a disease, it does not function properly.
  46. 46. Many diseases are caused by germs. They are called infectious or communicable diseases. Infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another. Examples are chicken pox, mumps and pneumonia. Non-infectious diseases are caused by various factors such as diet, stress and heredity. They are non-communicable diseases and cannot be spread from person to person. Examples of such diseases are heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Chicken pox is a communicable disease.
  47. 47. DISEASE QUIZ: TRUE OR FALSE 1. Some diseases/illnesses are inherited. 2.Cancer is the number one killing disease today. 3.Some diseases are caused by a persons health habits. 4.The body has some natural defenses against diseases. 5.Communicable diseases are caused by germs.
  48. 48. GERMS Germs are tiny living microorganisms that cause diseases. The following are disease-causing germs:
  49. 49. BACTERIA These are one celled organisms which live in soil and water. Most bacteria are harmless and actually help the body to fight other disease-causing germs. But certain bacteria cause diseases such as strep throat and tetanus.
  50. 50. VIRUSES These are the human bodys worst enemies. The virus multiplies and spreads once it enters the body. Viruses can only grow in living tissue. Cold, influenza, measles, mumps and chicken pox are viral diseases.
  51. 51. PROTOZOA Thee are found in almost all bodies of water. Amoebas are the most common disease- producing protozoa. When it gets into the intestinal track from eating contaminated food or water, it causes a disease called amoebic dysentery. The digestive system stops working properly.
  52. 52. FUNGI Fungi are plants with no roots, stems or leaves. Some fungi are helpful like the one used in the manufacturing of penicillin. Athletes foot is a disease caused by fungi.
  53. 53. Germs are spread in a variety of ways. Most communicable diseases spread by direct contact of by eating or drinking after someone who is sick. Bites from insects such as mosquitoes and fleas carry diseases such as malaria. Rabies is carried by animals such as dogs, cats, skunks, squirrels, rabbits and bats. Flies carry germs which cause dysentery and cholera- through food. Flood water and urine of rats can cause a disease.
  54. 54. Your body has many ways of protecting itself from disease-causing germs. The skin, the mucous membranes of your nose and throat and even your tears kill germs. The stomach juices contain chemicals that fight disease-causing germs. White blood cells called neutrophils and monocytes surround the germs and literally eat them. Your immune system contains white blood cells which release a protein substance called antibody.
  55. 55. Antibodies give you immunity to certain diseases such as measles, mumps, and chicken pox after you have gotten them. You also become immune to certain diseases through vaccines. Vaccines contain weakened germs or toxins produced by germs that cause specific diseases. Such vaccines are available for polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. These vaccines are given as immunizations to babies.
  56. 56. You have another important defense against diseases. A positive attitude toward health habits can help your body fight diseases. Keep your body clean. Put medicine on cuts and sores on your skin so that harmful germs cannot multiply on your skin. Keep your surroundings clean too. Proper diet, adequate rest and regular exercise are also important health habits.
  57. 57. There are two more ways by which you can check your level of health. Evaluate your health habits. The other is by having regular medical and dental check-ups. Keep an accurate health record which can be helpful whenever you see a new doctor or dentist.
  58. 58. Some organizations such as the Philippine Heart Society and Philippine Cancer Society conduct campaigns to inform people about diseases. They conduct research and campaign drives to inform people about the early warning signs and risk factors for diseases. They also sponsor treatment centers and camps for people with certain diseases. Seek help from them if necessary.
  59. 59. REMEMBERING SCIENCE FACTS Illnesses or diseases can affect the mental, social and physical well-being of a person. Practice ways of maintaining ones health by: Developing a positive attitude toward health habits Preventing common ailments through immunizations Seeking help whenever necessary to avoid the spread of diseases Your relationship with your family, friends and society are affected by your physical, mental and social well being.
  60. 60. REACHING OUT: ANSWER Explain what it means to say that a persons health habits are an important factor in preventing diseases. What is the best way for you to fight diseases?
  61. 61. FOR YOU TO REMEMBER Health is the physical, mental and social well being of a person Wellness means keeping the physical, mental and social parts of your body healthy and working together Physical health means being physically fit. Physically fit means your body can work and feel well all the time. Your mental well being affects ones physical and social health. Personality is the traits, attitudes and habits that make up a person.
  62. 62. Your personality affects your mental health. Personality is affected by some factors like heredity, environment and your behavior. Everyone has the same basic emotional needs. These are: need for love, need to belong and need to feel important. Self-concept is what you think of yourself and the way you think others see you. Learn to express your emotions or feelings through words, pictures, sign, facial and body expressions.
  63. 63. Illnesses or diseases can affect the mental, social and physical well-being of a person. Practice ways of maintaining ones health by: Developing a positive attitude toward health habits Preventing common ailments through immunizations Seeking help whenever necessary to avoid the spread of diseases Your relationship with your family, friends and society are affected by your physical, mental and social well being.