our wonderful faceted (not stained) glass windows glass windows.pdf · faceted (not stained) glass...

4 | Current Church & Artifacts 125 th Anniversary Sacred Heart Parish OUR WONDERFUL OUR WONDERFUL OUR WONDERFUL OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows depicting Biblical themes. The windows are constructed of 1” thick glass slabs embedded in epoxy resin, rather than stained glass windows which are made of mouth blown antique glass secured by lead. Faceted glass lends itself to an abstract or a simple symbolic motif. Its rich colors are accentuated by the black line design. It was a fairly new technique in 1969 when the church was built. Mr. Anthony Moroder of Milwaukee was selected as the art consultant to coordinate all the liturgical appointments in the church. He developed the theme of each of the windows and the designs were executed by the Conrad Pickel Studios of New Berlin. As an aside, notice how the light fixtures in church repeat the faceted glass design, giving continuity to the total color scheme. Each of the windows describes a moment when God stepped into time and said, “I love you. You are special to me.” God’s love story continues in each of us. The windows are not only breathtaking in their beauty but should inspire us to continue to build God’s Kingdom. THE CREATION WINDOW THE CREATION WINDOW THE CREATION WINDOW THE CREATION WINDOW As you enter Sacred Heart Church, the very first window on the far right is the Creation window. In this window the creation story as found in Genesis 1 is illustrated. As you face the window, notice God’s hand in the upper right hand corner giving us the wonders of this universe: sun, moon, planets, stars in various shapes and colors. Vegetation is suggested by two branches in the lower half of the window with birds and fish representing the animal kingdom. Now look closely to the right and slightly above the tail of the fish. Do you see two silhouettes of humans, Adam and Eve? Adam’s name comes from the Hebrew, ādām,’ meaning “man” and ‘dāmāh,’ meaning clay or dust from the ground. Adam was formed by God from the dust of the ground. Eve’s name is from the Hebrew meaning “the living one,” because she is the mother of all living.

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Page 1: OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS Glass Windows.pdf · FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows

4444 | Current Church & Artifacts 125th

Anniversary Sacred Heart Parish


One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows depicting

Biblical themes. The windows are constructed of 1” thick glass slabs embedded in epoxy

resin, rather than stained glass windows which are made of mouth blown antique glass

secured by lead. Faceted glass lends itself to an abstract or a simple symbolic motif. Its

rich colors are accentuated by the black line design. It was a fairly new technique in 1969

when the church was built.

Mr. Anthony Moroder of Milwaukee was selected as the art consultant to coordinate all

the liturgical appointments in the church. He developed the theme of each of the

windows and the designs were executed by the Conrad Pickel Studios of New Berlin. As

an aside, notice how the light fixtures in church repeat the faceted glass design, giving

continuity to the total color scheme.

Each of the windows describes a moment when God stepped into time and said, “I love

you. You are special to me.” God’s love story continues in each of us. The windows are

not only breathtaking in their beauty but should inspire us to continue to build God’s



As you enter Sacred Heart Church, the

very first window on the far right is the

Creation window. In this window the

creation story as found in Genesis 1 is

illustrated. As you face the window,

notice God’s hand in the upper right hand

corner giving us the wonders of this

universe: sun, moon, planets, stars in

various shapes and colors. Vegetation is

suggested by two branches in the lower

half of the window with birds and fish

representing the animal kingdom.

Now look closely to the right and slightly

above the tail of the fish. Do you see two

silhouettes of humans, Adam and Eve?

Adam’s name comes from the Hebrew,

‘ādām,’ meaning “man” and ‘dāmāh,’

meaning clay or dust from the ground. Adam was formed by God from the dust of the

ground. Eve’s name is from the Hebrew meaning “the living one,” because she is the

mother of all living.

Page 2: OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS Glass Windows.pdf · FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows

Sacred Heart Parish 125th

Anniversary Current Church & Artifacts | 5555


This window introduces us to the

Covenant theme. The Covenant is that

special relationship between God and

God’s people. The rainbow is the sign of

the Covenant between God and us.

Ancient peoples believed the rainbow was

God’s bow. Lightning was caused by the

arrow being shot from the bow.

“I will set my bow in

the clouds, and it shall be

the sign of a covenant

between me and the

earth…and I will remember

my covenant with you and

with every living soul.”

Gen. 9:13-15

The Church is often depicted in art as a

ship with the ship’s mast symbolizing the Cross. The dove plays a role in the story of

Noah, but it also symbolizes the Spirit guiding the Church.


The third window depicts the central

event in Hebrew Scripture: the Covenant

between God and the Jewish People.

The two clay tablets upon which are

carved the Ten Commandments were

given to Moses atop Mt. Sinai: “If you

follow my commandments I will be your

God and you will be my people.”

In ancient times, covenants were solemn

rituals between two parties, generally

between the conqueror and the one

conquered, designating the obligations

of each participant. An animal would be

halved and the two parties involved

would walk between the halved animal,

mutually acknowledging the covenant

and the consequences of breaking the


Page 3: OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS Glass Windows.pdf · FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows

6666 | Current Church & Artifacts 125th

Anniversary Sacred Heart Parish

Notice on the first tablet, there are three commandments given concerning their/our

relationship to God. The remaining commandments on the second tablet concern our

relationship with each other. God truly wants us to be happy, and we can be happy only

when we follow these commandments.

In Exodus 19, the Lord says: “Therefore, if you hearken to my voice and keep my

covenant, you shall be my special possession, dearer to me than all other people, though

all the earth is mine. You shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.”


The Ark of the Covenant was that small box or chest

in which the two clay tablets of the Ten

Commandments was kept. It was the visible sign of

God’s presence to the Jewish people. Also in the Ark

there was a container of manna and Aaron’s (Moses’

brother) rod.

Do you see the loops atop the Ark? Poles were drawn

through these loops so the Ark could be carried in

front of the people during the years of wandering in

the desert. Some biblical scholars also suggest that

the Ark led processions on special feast days. Notice

the golden angel wings on either side of the Ark.

When Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, the Ark

was placed in the Holy of Holies. It was thought that

God was enthroned upon the cherubim in the Holy of

Holies. It was such an awesome sanctuary that only

the high priest could enter this area; and then only

once a year after the smoke of incense shrouded the

Ark. It was thought that one would die if one saw the

face of God.

Notice the Chi Rho symbol (the first two letters of

Christ in the Greek alphabet) on the Ark. The Ark is

the prototype of the tabernacle in our churches and a

symbol of Jesus’ Presence in His Church.

The design in the upper half of the window represents the Messianic prophecy that from

the family tree of Jesse (Jesse was King David’s father) would come the Messiah.

“But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a

bud shall blossom. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him; a spirit of

wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit

Page 4: OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS Glass Windows.pdf · FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows

Sacred Heart Parish 125th

Anniversary Current Church & Artifacts | 7777

of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of

the Lord.” Isaiah 11:1-3

A crown with the Chi Rho symbol – Jesus – rises from the family tree of Jesse.


Once again God steps into time to say, “I love you.”

This window depicts what the Gospels of Matthew

and Luke tell us about the birth of Christ. Notice the

Chi Rho symbol in the manger of hay in the lower

half of the window. Now follow the rays of light

upward to the crown and star which recalls the

Magi’s journey from the East to Bethlehem to find

Jesus. The ancients believed that oftentimes a star

would appear in the heavens announcing an

important birth. It was said that such a star

announced the birth of Moses.

A shepherd’s crook wedged between the star and

crown reminds us of the shepherds who were

watching their flocks when an angel announced

Jesus’ birth to them. Shepherds were considered

untouchables to the Jewish hierarchy; and yet, they

too, along with the kings, were invited to witness

God’s Son.

The rays of light, crown, and shepherd’s crook

remind us that Jesus brought light into our world and

is our Good Shepherd and King.

Page 5: OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS Glass Windows.pdf · FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows

8888 | Current Church & Artifacts 125th

Anniversary Sacred Heart Parish


This window depicts God’s Word, both

literally, the Scripture Book, and

figuratively, Jesus.

“In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was with God and the

Word was God.” John 1:1

“The Word became flesh and

made his dwelling among us, and

we have seen his glory: the glory of

an only Son coming from the

Father, filled with enduring love.”

John 1:14

Again, in John’s Gospel Jesus cries out in

the temple area:

“If anyone thirsts, let him come

to me; let him drink who believes

in me. Scripture has it: ‘From

within him rivers of living water

shall flow.’” John 7:37-38

We are the pair of birds who thirst for God’s Word and eagerly lap the Good News of

Jesus. Notice the orb surmounted by a cross, indicating royal authority, God’s Kingdom

on earth.


The focal point of this window is the Cross

of Jesus planted on the Hill of Golgotha.

The shafts of light radiating from the cross

tell us of the grace that is ours through Jesus

and His sacrifice.

The two smaller crosses are those belonging

to the thieves who were crucified with


Do you know which Gospel gives us

the story of the Good Thief?


Do you know the name tradition

gives to the Good Thief?


Gestas was the name given to the

other thief.

The Crown of Thorns stands for all the

events in the Passion of Our Lord preceding the Crucifixion.

Page 6: OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS Glass Windows.pdf · FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows

Sacred Heart Parish 125th

Anniversary Current Church & Artifacts | 9999


This window is taken from the prophetic

symbolism found in the Book of

Revelation. Revelation was written during

a time of great persecution for the

followers of Jesus and its beautiful

imagery was meant to give strength and

hope to those being oppressed.

The focal point is the Lamb of God from

which emanates bright light—the City has

no need for sun or moon for the glory of

God gives it light and its lamp was the

Lamb. Rev. 21:23.

Notice the throne of colorful halos

representing the Community of Saints

surrounding the Lamb. Also notice the

city walls that surround heavenly


“During the day its gates will never be shut, and there will be no night

there.” Rev. 21:25

“The throne of God and of the Lamb shall be there, and his servants

shall serve him faithfully. They shall see him face to face and bear his

name on their foreheads. The night shall be no more. They will need no

light from lamps or the sun, for the Lord God shall give them light and

they shall reign forever.” Rev. 22:3-5

The remaining two windows are on either side of the sanctuary. On the choir side is the

Feast of Pentecost window. On the Tabernacle side, we find the Risen Christ.

Page 7: OUR WONDERFUL FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS Glass Windows.pdf · FACETED (NOT STAINED) GLASS WINDOWS One of the most striking features of our church is the faceted glass windows

10101010 | Current Church & Artifacts 125th

Anniversary Sacred Heart Parish


Pentecost to the Jewish people was one of the three feasts that Jewish

men were required by law to celebrate in Jerusalem. Families from all

over the diaspora would flock into Jerusalem for this feast which

accounts for the numbers of people who were baptized that day.

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all

together in one place. Suddenly from heaven there came

a sound like the rush of a violent wind and it filled the

entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues,

as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on

each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy

Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the

Spirit gave them ability.” Acts 2:1-4

Notice the descending dove, symbol of the Spirit, who is surrounded by

tongues of flame. The seven tongues of flame represent the seven gifts

of the Spirit. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church.


How fitting that the Risen Christ is found centered directly in back of

our Tabernacle as the Resurrection is the centerpiece of our faith.

Without the Resurrection, there is no Christianity. Jesus is the

beginning and end of our journey of salvation and the Resurrection is

the fulfillment of our faith.

“They found the stone rolled away from the tomb;

but when they entered, they did not find the body of the

Lord Jesus. While they were puzzling over this, behold,

two men in dazzling garments appeared to them. They

were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground. They

said to them, ‘Why do you seek the living one among the

dead? He is not here, but he has been raised. Remember

what he said to you while he was still in Galilee, that the

Son of Man must be handed over to sinners and be

crucified, and rise on the third day.’ And they remembered his words.

Then they returned from the tomb and announced all these things to the

eleven and to all the others.” Luke 24:2-9