oda water purification assignment

Water Purification HKR 3220 Conner Stevens Unit 19 Lesson 7

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Water Purification HKR 3220 Conner Stevens Unit 19 Lesson 7
  2. 2. What is water purification? Water purification is the process of removing the chemicals and microbes that are in the water that can cause illness. An example of an illness that you can get from not filtering your water could be beaver fever, etc. Even if the water looks clean and clear it doesnt mean you can drink it. There are several ways that you can filter your water before you drink it. There are some devices that you could use to help clean your water, boiling water could also help kill bacteria as well and some people even use tablets in their water.
  3. 3. Equipment There are several things you will need if you are going to filter water. Stoves and fuel, water filters, iodine tablets, chlorine treatment, more purification systems, information cards describing sources of water contamination, etc.
  4. 4. Risk Management When you are boiling water you should make sure that the water is completely boiled to kill the bacteria and microbes. As a teacher I would make sure that I demonstrate what to do before I let my students do it on their own. If you use chemicals to treat water you should make sure that nobody is allergic or sensitive to anything that you use.
  5. 5. Important teaching cues I would make sure the students know that you should never drink water from a unknown source if its no purified. If you drink unfiltered water you may have many digestive problems as well. Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium are the main disease causing organisms in the wilderness. It could take days for signs or symptoms of drinking unpurified water to appear. Some signs that you should look out for are abdominal pain, severe bloating, stomach cramps, etc.
  6. 6. Three main ways to make water safe 1. Boiling This technique could be good if you are in the woods and dont have any other methods available at that time and want some drinking water fast.
  7. 7. 2. Filtration In my opinion and many others this is the best way to filter water to make sure its suitable to drink, etc. This technique is also very effective and it doesnt take much time at all.
  8. 8. 3. Chemical treatment This method could be effective as well but there is a lot of concern on this topic because there could be some health affects from the tablets and there is a lot of chemicals involved.
  9. 9. Water Purification Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY5FeQUWUK8
  10. 10. Assessing water purity Running water is typically better than still water, water that has been coming out of the ground from a spring is usually more pure than water that has been running over the ground, avoid algae in water, look for water that is clear, avoid water in marshes and swamps.
  11. 11. Pollutants Stay away from water that is near roads, vehicles spill out pollutants that could be very harmful and toxic. Dont drink water that runs by any factories or industrys because they could also be very toxic to humans. Never drink any water that may contain pesticides or fertilizers. They could be very harmful to the human body.
  12. 12. References Redmond, K., Foran, A., & Dwyer, S. (2010). Quality lesson plans for outdoor education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.