neuroanatomy mcqs

Neuroanatomy MCQs Spinal cord 1- If there is a lack of blood supply to the spinal cord due to obstructed anterior spinal artery at T1 level we will expect all the following but :- a. Loss of pain and temperature sensation from the sacrel region b. Loss of motor activities of the lower limbs. c. Touch sensation will be preserved . d. Both sides of the body below T1 level will be affeced. 2- All the following are stabilizing factor for the spinal cord in the vertebral canal except :- a. Denticulate ligament. b. Filum terminale. c. Spinal nerves. d. Attachment of dura matter to tectorial membrane and posterior longitudinal ligament.. 3- With related to spinal cord :- a. Lumbosacral enlargement occupy L2-S3 vertebral levels. b. Cervical enlargement occupies the roots of brachial plexus. c. Pia matter has no attachment to it. d. Posterior longitudinal ligament will pierced by lumbar puncture. Neuroanatomy MCQs Abbas A. A. Shawka Neuroamatomy MCQs Abbas A. Abbas SHawka

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Page 1: Neuroanatomy MCQs

Neuroanatomy MCQs

Spinal cord

1- If there is a lack of blood supply to the spinal cord due to

obstructed anterior spinal artery at T1 level we will expect all

the following but :-

a. Loss of pain and temperature sensation from the sacrel region

b. Loss of motor activities of the lower limbs.

c. Touch sensation will be preserved .

d. Both sides of the body below T1 level will be affeced.

2- All the following are stabilizing factor for the spinal cord in the

vertebral canal except :-

a. Denticulate ligament.

b. Filum terminale.

c. Spinal nerves.

d. Attachment of dura matter to tectorial membrane and posterior

longitudinal ligament..

3- With related to spinal cord :-

a. Lumbosacral enlargement occupy L2-S3 vertebral levels.

b. Cervical enlargement occupies the roots of brachial plexus.

c. Pia matter has no attachment to it.

d. Posterior longitudinal ligament will pierced by lumbar puncture.





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as A

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Page 2: Neuroanatomy MCQs

4- With related to tracts of the spinal cord :-

a. In anteriolateral tract, sacral fibers are located laterally.

b. In gracile and cuneate tracts, fibers of the lower limbs located


c. In lateral corticospinal tract, fibers of upper limb located medial

to fibers of lower limb.

d. All of the above

5- With related to spinocerebellar tracts

a. It conveys conscious proprioception.

b. Lateral spinocerebellar tract convey informations from the

lower limb

c. Anterior spinocerebellar tract is “ double crosser “ and enter

cerebellum through superior cerebellar peduncles

d. This tract locates in the dorsal column of spinal cord

6- With related to corticospinal tract all of the following are true

except :-

a. Anterior corticospinal tract crossed segmentally

b. Lateral corticospinal tract contains fibers that are mainly for

thoracic and upper 2 lumbar segments

c. Sacral fibers located most laterally within the tract

d. All the above

7- With related to vestibulospinal tract

a. Medial vestibulospinal tract is for maintaining posture and


b. Lateral vestibulospinal tract is for maintaining head movments

c. Located within the posterior column

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d. None of the above

8- Reticulospinal tract

a. Arises from reticular formation of brainstem which have is

always inhibitory

b. Medial reticulospinal tract arises from pontine reticular

formation which has stimulatory effect on inhibitory mechanism

of stretch reflex and so inhibit action of anterior motor neurons.

c. Lateral reticulospinal tract arises from medullary reticular

formation and inhibit action of anterior horn cells.

d. Reticulospinal tract have No relation to stretch reflex

9- With related to central cord syndrome

a. Usually affected the body bilaterally

b. Sensation from the upper limb will be preserved

c. There is Lose of motor activities of muscles of upper limb

d. a&c

10- in Browen-Sequard syndrome

a. The pain and temperature sensation of the same side will be


b. There is loss of the motor activity of the opposite side of the body

c. Fine ouch sensation will be preserved for the same side

d. None of the bove

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Brainstem ( medulla oblongata )

11- With related to the gross anatomy of the medulla oblongata :-

a. Glossopharyngeal ( IX ) nerve exit between the pyramid and


b. Medulla extend from Ponto-medullary junction to level of axis.

c. Open part of medulla form part of the floor of the 4th ventricle

d. Cuneate tubercle is medial to the gracile tubercle

12- With related to cross sections through the medulla oblongata

a. Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve seen at all levels

b. Inferior olivary nucleus is seen togrther with the inferior

cerebellar peduncle

c. Pyramidal decussation lies in a level below the leminiscal


d. All the above

13- With related to the closed part of medulla oblongata :-

a. We can NOT see gracile and cuneate nuclei through the sections

b. Internal arcuate fibers are seen only in the closed part

c. Hypoglossal nucleus can be seen in the medial compartment

d. Inferior olivary nucleus can be seen in the lateral compartment

14- All these structures can be seen in open part of medulla except

a. Spinal lemniscus

b. Nucleus gracilis and cuneatus

c. Inferior olivary nucleus

d. Nucleus solirarious

Page 5: Neuroanatomy MCQs

15- Lateral medullary syndrome is produced by occlusion of which of

the flowing arteries ?

a. Basilar artery

b. Anterior spinal artery

c. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

d. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery

16- All of the following can be seen in lateral medullary syndrome

except :

a. Dysphagia

b. Tongue paralysis

c. Loos of pain and temperature sensations of the same side of face

d. Loss of pain and temperature sensations of the opposite side of


17- All of the following can be seen in medial medullary syndrome

except :-

a. Tongue paralysis

b. Contralateral paralysis of the body

c. Loss of fine touch and vibration sensations of the body

d. Loss of pain and temperature sensations of the body

18- All the following are characteristics of lateral medullary

syndrome except :-

a. Vertigo

b. Horner’s syndrome

c. loss of fine touch sensation of the face

d. loss off pain and temperature sensations of face


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19- with related to pons :-

a. Basilar part have no relation to clivus.

b. Dorsal part form the upper part of rhomboid fossa.

c. Trigeminal ( V ) nerve leaves from the lower border.

d. Basilar artery pass on the dorsal surface.

20- With related to pontine nuclei

a. Their embryonic origin is from the alar plate of the


b. Most of the cortical fibers end in pontine nuclei

c. Pons receives fibers from the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere

d. All the above

21- With related to trapezoid body

a. It located on the basilar part of the pons

b. Contain fibers coming from the cochlear nuclei bilaterally

c. Damage to auditory pathwy below it cause deafness on both ears

but mostly on the side side

d. Superior olivary complex have is a different structure

22- With related to fascial nerve and its nuclei all are true except :-

a. Nucleus ambiguous gives fibers to it

b. UMNL cause weakness of the contralateral lower side

c. LMNL cause weakness of the ipsilateral side of the face

d. Upper part of the nucleus receives fibers bilaterally

23- In unilateral pontine syndrome we expect all, but :-

a. ipsilateral loss of motor and sensation activity of the body

b. Internal squint of the opposite side

c. Ipsilateral loss of face sensation and mastication muscles

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d. Face paralysis of the contralateral side


24- With related to cerebral peduncles :-

a. Contain fibers of motor and sensory pathways

b. Covered by parahippocampal gyrus and optic tract

c. Substantia nigra lies in the middle

d. All the above

25- Crus cerebri conatins the following except :-

a. Corticospinal fibers

b. Corticonuclear fibers

c. Medial longitudinal fasciculus

d. Cortico-ponto-cerebellar fibers

26- Red nucleus

a. Lies at the level of inferior colliculi

b. It is part of the extrapyramidal tract

c. Have function related to sensory pathway

d. All of the above

27- With related to midbrain tectum

a. Superior cerebellar peduncle fibers decussate at the level of

inferior colliculus

b. Red nucleus located at the level of superior nuclei

c. Superior & inferior colliculi are centers for visual and auditory


d. All of the above

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28- With related to Cerebral aqueduct, all are true except :-

a. 1.8cm long

b. Have choroid plexus in it

c. Surrounded by grey mater

d. Connect 3rd ventricle to the 4th ventricle

29- With related to reticular formation :-

a. It is sight of targeting for analgesic and anesthetic drugs

b. Lesions in reticular formation will cause sleep disorders

c. Medullary reticular formation is fascilitatory

d. Lateral reticulospinal tract arise from the pontine reticular



30- With related to the 3rd ventricle ventricle

a. It is connected to lateral ventricle by cerebral aqueduct.

b. Hypothalamus forms the floor of it

c. Thalamus forms the superior ( dorsal ) part of the lateral wall of

the 3rd ventricle.

d. b&c

31- in diencephalon :-

a. Subthalamus is located medial to the hypothalamus

b. Thalamus is located lateral to the internal capsule

c. Subthalamus is located medial to the internal capsule

d. All of the above

32- Blood supply to thalamus is mainly from :-

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a. Posterior cerebral artery

b. Middle cerebral artery

c. Anterior cerebral artery

d. Other

33- With related to thalamic nuclei

a. Anterior group is concerned with sensor functions

b. Lateral group have connections with hypothalamus and limbic


c. Medial group damage cause memory and emotional diseases

d. Medial group have connection with prefrontal cortex,

hypothalamus and basal nuclei

34- With related to thalamus functions, all are true except :-

a. Thalamus does NOT influence the motor activity

b. Can maintain crude touch , pain & temperature sensations

c. Have role in sleep wakefulness cycle and emotional hehavior and

recent memory

d. Responsible for mood regulation

35- Following a damage to thalamus, we expect all but :-

a. Visual disturbances

b. Sensory ataxia

c. Contralateral paralysis of body

d. Phantom limb

36- After removing the cortex

a. Thalamus can appreciate some sensations

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b. No sensations will be preserved

c. It will cause death

d. None of the above

37- Wich of the following is concerned with memory ?

a. Hippocamous ( convert recent memory to long memory ) &


b. Mammillary body ( hypothalamus ) : build and support memory

c. Thalamus ( recent memory )

d. All of the above

38- with related to nuclei of hypothalamus

a. Anterior one is the heat gain center

b. Suprachiasmatic nuclei sevrete ADH hormone

c. Paraventricular nuclei secrete oxytocine

d. Hunger center located in lateral nuclei

39- After damage to suprachiasmatic nuclei we expect the following

a. Memory disorders

b. Emotional disorders

c. Sleep disorders

d. Food intake disorders

40- After damage to supraoptic nuclei there is :-

a. Anorexia nervosa

b. Dibetese insipidious

c. Obesity

d. Sleep disorders

41- The following are responsible for circadian rhythm except :-

a. Suprachiasmatic nucleus

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b. ACTH and melatonin

c. Supraoptic nucleus

d. Pituitary gland

42- All of the following are functions of pineal gland except :-

a. Temperature control

b. Circadian rhythm

c. Drugs and bones metabolism

d. Regulate the pituitary gland

43- With related to hypophysis ( pituitary gland ) :-

a. Posterior pituitary have neural connection

b. Anterior pituitary have blood connection

c. Supraoptic & paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus are

connected to the posterior pituitary by neuronal connections

d. All of the above

Basal ganglia

44- With related to structural organization of basal ganglia and

adjacent area, which statement is true ?

a. Internal capsule pass between the globus pallidus and putament

b. Claustrum is located between the putamen and external capsule

c. Extreme capsule is just medially to the insula

d. Globus pallidus is medial to the putamen

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45- With related to basal ganglia all the following is true except :-

a. Main input is to neostriatum ( caudate n. and putamen )

b. Main output is from the globus pallidus

c. Putamen cells are dopaminergic ( inhibitory )

d. Subthalamus have biconnection with the striatum

46- In direct pathway for action of basal ganglia ..

a. There is increase in the motor activity

b. Basal nuclei are being inhibited

c. Subsatia nigra ( SN ) stimulates ( have excitatory effect on ) the


d. Thalamus is being activated

47- In the indirect pathway of action of basal ganglia all are true

except :-

a. There is increase in the motor activity

b. Substantia nigra have excitatory effect on the striatum

c. Globus pallidus externa and subthalamus will inhibit the globus

pallidus interna

d. the overall pathway is done by non-inhibition action of the basal

ganglia thalamus

48- with related to Parkinson disease

a. The defect is in the indirect pathway

b. Loss of the inhibitory action of the substantia nigra in the indirect


c. The direct pathway will not be involved

d. All of the above

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49- With related to basal ganglia disorders

a. Hemiballismus affect usually the distal segments of a limb

b. Athetosis usually affect the proximal segments of a limb

c. Dystonia is forceful involuntary muscle spasm

d. Chorea is involuntary irregular movments that are repetitive

50- All the following are observed in parkinsonism except :-

a. Expressionless face ( mask face )

b. Rigidity

c. Tremor when do activities

d. Shuffling gate

51- In parkinsonism we expect all the following but :-

a. Hypertonia

b. Slurred speach

c. Singing of arm when walking is absent

d. Unable to stop when walking

52- With related to functions of the limbic system

a. It is concerned with memory and emotions and response to


b. Amygdala is responsible for memory, decision making and

emotional reactions

c. Hippocampus is responsible for converting the short memory to

long memory

d. All of the above

53- lesion of the hippocampus produce :-

a. Anterograde amenesia

b. Emotional disturbances

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c. Loss of response to environment

d. Dystonia

54- Dentate gyrus

a. Located between the fimbria and the parahippocampal gyrus

b. Connectes anteriorly with insidium grisium

c. Connects posteriorly with the uncus

d. All of the above


55- With related to cerebellum

a. Primary fissure is the deepest one

b. Horizontal fissure is v shaped

c. Nodulo-uvolar fissure separate the cerebellum into upper and

lower portions

d. Primary fissure divides vermis into superior and inferior portions

56- With related to cerebellar nuclei

a. The most lateral one is the fastigial

b. Most efferent fibers from the dentate n. pass through the

superior cerebellar peduncle

c. Interposed nuclei are part of the cerebrocerebellum

d. Fastigial n. is part of the spinocerebellum

57- With related to functional parts of cerebellum all of the following

is true except :-

a. vestibulospinal tract is concerned along with cerebellum in

maintaining balance in spatial orientation

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b. main afferent to spinocerebellum is from the dorsal column &

spinocerebellar tract

c. planning , evaluation sensory information with the intended

movment and cognitive & speech are functions of the


d. all of the above

58- with related to functional part of the cerebellum

a. Spinocerebellum located in the lateral hemisphere region

b. Vestibulocerebellum located in the paravermis region

c. Tone and tuning is related functionally to globosus and

emboliform nuclei

d. Fastigial nucleus is involved in planning for movements

59- With related to inputs and outputs of the cerebellum all of the

following is true except :-

a. Vestibulr nuclei have both input from and output to cerebellum

b. Red nucleus have no afferent from the cerebellum

c. Cortex is a main afferent source for cerebellum

d. Spinocerebellar tract and thalamus have connection with


60- With related to res nucleus

a. Cerebellum is connect to the contralateral red nucleus

b. It lies at the level of the superior colliculus

c. Rubrospinal tract control the motor activities

d. All of the above

61- All of the following are targets for the efferent fibers of the

cerebellum except :-

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a. Thalamus

b. Cuneate nuclei

c. Reticular formation

d. Red nuclei

62- With related to cerebral peduncle all of the following is true

except :-

a. Vestibulocerebellar tract enter through inferior cerebellar

peduncle while cerebellovestibular tract exit through superior

cerebellar peduncle

b. Anterior spinocerebellar tract enter through the superior

cerebellar peduncle while the lateral spinocerebellar tract enter

through the inferior cerebellar peduncle

c. Cerebello-reticular fibers pass through the superior cerebellar


d. Cortico-ponto-cerebellar fibers pass through the middle

cerebellar peduncle

63- All of the following tracts pass through inferior cerebellar

peduncle except :-

a. Tectospinal tract

b. Lateral spinothalamic tract

c. Reticulospinal tract

d. Vestibulospinal tract

64- All of the following pass through the superior cerebellar peduncle

except :-

a. Dentate-thalamic fibers

b. cerebellovestibular

c. cerebello-reticular tract

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d. Anterior spinocerebellar tract

65- In cerebellar lesion we expect all, but :-

a. Hypotonai

b. Shuffling gait

c. Nystagmus

d. Ataxia

66- With related to functions of the cerebellum all of the following is

true except :-

a. Is is responsible for timing and sequencing of movments

b. It is responsible for repid alternating movments

c. It graduated and harmonize muscle tone and control body


d. It does NOT limit the extent of the voluntary movement

67- In cerebellar disorders there is all o the following except :-

a. Dysdiadochokinesia

b. Wide base gait

c. Tremor at rest

d. Nystagmus

68- In cerebellar disorders there is all o the following except :-

a. Hypertonia

b. Dysarthria

c. Loss of influence on the stretch reflex

d. Ataxia

69- In vermis syndrome :-

a. The most common cause is medulloblastoma in children

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b. NO vestibular symptoms even when the folcculonodular lobe in


c. Usually affects the limbs

d. None of the above

70- In lateral cerebellar hemisphere syndrome

a. The symptoms is on the same side

b. Dysarthria and nystagmus are not a common findings

c. There is difficulity in holding the head and trunk erect

d. When walking .. patient will sway & fall on the contralateral side

71- Just before an occurring of a distal limb movement :-

a. The activity in certain neurons of the globus pallidus increases

before active movements take place in the distal limb muscles.

b. Cortex send afferent copy to cerebellum to approve the

occurring of the movement

c. Prepare for movement by action of basal ganglia to place the

trunk & proximal limb parts in appropriate position before

movement excusion

d. a&c

Cerebral hemisphere

72- with related to cerebral hemisphere

a. Supramarginal and angular gyri are part of the temporal lobe

b. Precuneus gyrus located in the parietal lobe

c. Lingual gyrus is located in the frontal lobe

d. Precentral gyrus is located on the parietal lobe

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73- With related to cerebral hemisphere, all of the following is true

except :-

a. Collateral sulcus is medial to the occipitotemporal sulcus

b. Parieto-occipital sulcus make the margins between the parietal

and occipital lobe

c. Rectus gyrus is lateral to orbital gyrus

d. Paracentral lobule is located within the frontal lobe

74- Regarding the commissures of the cerebral hemisphere

a. Hebenular commissure is related to light reflex

b. Anterior commissure connects the temporal lobes

c. Anterior commissure connects the olfactory parts of both


d. b&c

75- with related to corpus callosum all of the following is true except

a. It connects the non-olfactory parts of cerebral hemisphers

b. Forceps major located in the splenium

c. Forceps minor located in the genum

d. Tapetum is the fibers of body of corpus callosum that run in the

medial wall posterior and inferior horn of lateral ventricle

76- With related to internal capsule all of the following is true except


a. Genu contains corticospinal fibers for head

b. Anterior limb have corticopontine fibers

c. Arm, trunk and legs are represented respectively from anterior

to posterior in the posterior limb

d. NO optic and auditory fibers that run in internal capsule

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77- With related to insula ..

a. It is surrounded by angular sulcus

b. Operculum get its blood supply from the middle cereberal artery

c. Have no role in consciousness and emotion

d. Operculum formed by parts of temporal, parietal & occipital


78- With related to lateral ventricle all of the following is true except


a. Body is lie within the parietal lobe

b. Choroid plexus is in the floor of the inferior horn

c. Collateral sulcus form the floor of the posterior horn

d. Medial side of posterior horn is formed by calcarine sulcus

inferiorly and the forceps majour superiorly

79- With related to lateral ventricle :-

a. Floor of the frontal horn consist of caudate nucleus and thalamus

b. Fornix and crus of fornic make some of the roof of anterior horn

along with corpus callosum

c. Hippocampus form the inferior wall of inferior horn

d. All of the above Choroid plexus is in the floor of the inferior horn

80- With related to choroid plexus

a. Found on superior medullary velum

b. Lies on the floor of third ventricle and roof of body of lateral


c. No choroid plexus in cerebral aqueduct

d. It is responsible for the drainage of CSF

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81- The only communication between the brain ventricles and

subarachnoid space is :-

a. 4th ventricle to cisterna magna

b. Lateral ventricle to choroid fissure

c. Third ventricle to cisterna chiasmatica

d. 4th ventricle to cisterna pontis

82- Apraxia may be due to :-

a. Anterior cerebral artery syndrome

b. Middle cerebral artery syndrome

c. Posterior cerebral artery syndrome

d. Vestibule-basilar blood insufficiency

83- All of the following are expected in anterior cerebral artery

syndrome except :-

a. Anosmia

b. Urinary incontinence

c. Deviating conjiguee

d. Motor ans sensory deficits from the arm region

84- All of the following are expected in middle cerebral artery

syndrome except :-

a. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia

b. Receptive and expressive aphasia

c. Memory deficits

d. Contralateral neglect syndrome

85- All of the following is expected in posterior cerebral artery

syndrome except :-

a. Memory defects

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b. Cortical blindness

c. Ataxia

d. Visual agnosia

86- Al the following are symptoms of vertebra-basilar insufficiency

except :-

a. Vertigo

b. Ataxia

c. Homonymous-hemianopia

d. Alexia


87- With related to eyeball :-

a. Optic disk contains is located on the temporal side

b. Macula lutea is when the optic nerve exit the eyeball

c. Fovea centralis is central depression in the optic disk

d. Optic disk is the site when the central retinal artery enter the


88- With related intrinsic muscle of eye :-

a. They all found in the iris

b. Ciliary muscle is the only muscle uses in accommodation

c. Dilator pupillae muscle is supplied by parasympathetic fibers

from the oculomotor nerve.

d. relaxation of the ciliary muscle make the zonular ligament tense

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89- lesion in which of the following will cause left homonymous


a. Left optic nerve

b. Optic chiasma

c. Right optic tract

d. Left optic tract

90- Which of the following is not a retinal targets ?

a. Lateral geniculate body

b. Supraoptic nuclei

c. Superior colliculi

d. Pretectal nuclei

91- Wich of the following is not a refractive media in eye ?

a. Cornea

b. Aqeous humour

c. Iris

d. Vitreous body

92- Wich of the following have the greater portion of the refractive

power of the eye ?

a. Cornea

b. Aqeous humour

c. Lens

d. Vitreous body

93- With related to refractive errors of the eye

a. Myopic patient can NOT see the far objects

b. In hypermetropia , the light is focused in front of retina

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c. Astigmatism is when the cornea have two different refractive


d. Prebyopia is NOT a refractive error

94- With related to glaucoma :-

a. There is increase in the intra-orbital pressure ( IOP )

b. It is due to obliteration of the angel between iris and cornea

c. May be caused by increase production of the aqeous humour

d. All of the above

95- Cataract is a lesion in :-

a. Cornea

b. Lens

c. Iris

d. Aqeous humour

96- With related to direct and consensual light reflex :-

a. It is used to examine II & III cranial nerves on both sides.

b. Both pretectal nuclei will stimulate when the eye shunt on one

eye due to the crossed nasal part of retina through optic chiasm

c. When the light shunt on an eye , the pupil of the other eye will


d. All of the above

97- Which of the following is not involved in the accommodation

reflex :-

a. Motor nuclei of Oculomotor motor III

b. Superior salivatory nucleus

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c. Pretectal nuclei

d. Frontal eye field are in brain

98- With related to corneal reflex

a. Cornea has its sensory supply from the ophthalmic branch of

trigeminal nerve.

b. It is used to examine both V & VII cranial nerves on one side

c. When touching the cornea, eye will blink

d. All of the above

Inner ear :-

99- With regarding to vestibule

a. Oval window perforates its medial wall

b. Forms the lateral wall of the middle ear

c. Its located between chochlea anteriorly and semicircular canals (

SSCs ) posteriorly

d. Receives 6 openings of SSCs

100- With regarding to SSCs

a. Posterior semicircular canal is in horizontal direction

b. Lateral semicircular canal stimulates when we move the head

anterioposteriorly ( Yes movement ).

c. When we tilt our head to laterl side, fluid in the stimulated

semicircular canal will rotate around anterio-posterior axia

d. Posterior semicircular canal lie along the Anterio-posterior axis

of the petrous bone

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101- With regarding to modiolus

a. Its base lie in the internal acoustic meatus

b. Contains the vestibular nerve fibers ( VIII )

c. Give attachment to the ressiner’s membrane

d. All of the above

102- With regardin to choclea and its contents

a. Endolymph runs in scala vestibule

b. Organ of corti rest on basilar membrane

c. Scala media have NO fluid inside

d. Chochlea have a role in balance

103- All of the following is true except :-

a. Utricle & saccule are responsible for the linear acceleration

b. Macula is the sensory organ in utricle and saccule

c. Sensory organ in utricle lie in the floor

d. Kinocilia is presented in the sensory organ

104- With related to prebyacousis

a. It is an age related condition

b. There is loss of the high frequency sounds sensation

c. Occurs due to degeneration of the hair cells in the basal turn of


d. All of the above

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1 a 9 d 17 d 25 d 33 d

2 b 10 a 18 c 26 b 34 a

3 c 11 c 19 b 27 d 35 C

4 d 12 d 20 d 28 b 36 A

5 c 13 b 21 b 29 a 37 D

6 d 14 b 22 a 30 d 38 C

7 d 15 c 23 d 31 c 39 C

8 b 16 b 24 c 32 a 40 B

41 c 49 c 57 d 65 b 73 C

42 a 50 c 58 c 66 d 74 D

43 d 51 a 59 b 67 c 75 D

44 d 52 d 60 d 68 a 76 D

45 d 53 a 61 b 69 a 77 b

46 c 54 a 62 c 70 a 78 b

47 b 55 d 63 a 71 d 79 d 48 d 56 b 64 c 72 b 80 c

81 a 89 c 97 b

82 a 90 b 98 d

83 c 91 c 99 c

84 c 92 a 100 c

85 c 93 c 101 a

86 d 94 d 102 b 87 d 95 b 103 d

88 d 96 c 104 d

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These MCQs was done by Abbas A. A. Shawka
