mobile social-consumer-report-2012-final

Data set of 13.8 Million Social Consumers in the Restaurant Social Media Index by DigitalCoCo.

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Data set of 13.8 Million Social Consumers in theRestaurant Social Media Index by DigitalCoCo.

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Remember when Apple and Blackberry were nothing more than items on your grocery list? Far gone

are the days of dial-up Internet and landlines. In its place, devices have become slimmer, faster,

and more connected. Our society, too, has become the most connected it’s ever been. As a result

of such, we have become a nation reliant on immediacy. Mobile platforms and tablets have become

products of this technological adaptation, and it’s no wonder that restaurant, food & hospitality brands

are catching on by plugging in. In this Restaurant Mobile Consumer Trend Report brought to you by

DigitalCoCo and the Restaurant Social Media Index, we’ll take a look at which brands are utilizing the

new landscape of mobile and social the best for consumer engagement. But first, we’ll dive into how

we got here in the first place.

Mobile Movers & Shakers: Power in NumbersIt has been predicted that 2013 will be The Year of Mobile Measurement, and as marketing sense

goes, brands want to be where the people are.

According to the Restaurant Social Media Index (RSMI), more than 72% of the tracked 38.2 million

U.S. restaurant consumers use mobile, an impressive statistic considering there are just more than

105 million smartphone users in the U.S.

Leading the pack at 39% of those tracked mobile users are Millennials - those born between 1982

and 1998. Millennials are the largest generation in American history thus far, so it’s no surprise

that Millennials are, ultimately, molding the social landscape. When you consider how much power

lies in numbers, you better believe that brand analysts and marketing teams are perking up to the

social, political and technological trends, habits, and needs of this generation. A key take-away about

Millennials? They want quick, convenient, now, to-the-point. (Just ask the creators of Twitter.)

An infographic entitled The Mobile Millennials shows that in 2012, 55% of Millennial cell phone

owners are using their phone to go online. That number has increased by 31% in just the past year.

When it comes to computer versus phone, almost half (45%) of Millennials surveyed admitted to

doing most of their online browsing via phone. And - get this - almost 85% of 18-29 year olds go

online each day, compared to 58.5% of 50-64 year olds, also known as Boomers - those born

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between 1946 and 1964. However, Boomers have one thing over Millennials when it comes to

mobile usage. The Connected Millennial infographic shows that 83% of Boomers are comfortable

with making big purchases through their smartphone or tablet, whereas Millennials would rather use

their devices to research into purchases before buying. Millennials make 10% less big purchases on

mobile than Boomers do.

Brand Integration Within the Social LandscapeInteractive Mobile FeaturesTo complement this purchase-through-mobile trend, some brands have implemented mobile payment

systems into their own smartphone apps. Starbucks was a retail leader on this front when it rolled out

its own mobile payment feature, and soon after secured a partnership with Square earlier this year.

The Square app, appropriately called Pay with Square, allows merchants to automatically collect

a consumer’s information through the app, without the consumer having to swipe or even pull out

a credit card. There’s no signature required either. Starbucks competitor Dunkin’ Donuts has also

recently adopted its own mobile payment feature. The brand used its Halloween campaign on Twitter

and Instagram platforms to bring consumer attention to this new mobile effort.

It’s apparent that consumers are pleased with these new mobile payment features. MediaPost

News recently released results that 40% of surveyed retailers reported an overall increase in mobile

marketing spend, convincing 21% of them to increase their budget for the rise of mobile strategies in

the upcoming holiday season.

Aside from mobile payment options, brands are utilizing a variety of other platforms to implement

innovative marketing strategies in order to interact and engage with their consumer base. Some

of these efforts are based through social platforms, while others are utilizing the emerging mobile

landscape, but with the mergence of the two, it’s possible for brands to have an even greater impact

with consumers than ever before.

One of the interactive elements brands have been dabbling with over the years are Quick Response

codes, more commonly known as QR codes.

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Taco Bell, for example, has integrated this element in its new magazine ads, which promote the

fast food brand’s new, healthier Cantina Bell menu. There are two different ads - one that features

a QR code made out of lemons, and the other made up of avocados. When scanned by mobile

device, the code then takes mobile-users to either a lemon-marinated chicken recipe or a guacamole

recipe, depending on which ad the consumer comes across. Both ads direct users to the Cantina

Bell website, which includes some interactive elements revolving around the new products, as well

as other healthy recipes. Analysts predict there will be an increase in QR codes for holiday 2012

campaigns, with Target being one of them.

FacebookWhile Facebook can be a tricky platform for business purposes, there are a handful of brands who

are ‘doing it right.’ In the RSMI study of Top Growth Brands in Q2, fast-casual restaurant chain

Wingstop saw a 70% growth on Facebook in Q2. Aside from posting photos of celebrities who

endorse the brand, as well as posting delicious photos of their food, Wingstop uses Facebook to its

advantage in connecting with consumers through regular contests. Their most recent one, called

the ‘No Bones About It’ video contest, invites fans to create and submit a 30-second ‘commercial’

focusing on why they love Wingstop. Winners will be given $10,000, and finalists are chosen by

Facebook fans themselves.

National brands like Subway, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, and McDonald’s have also been known

to have great, consistent Facebook strategies.

TwitterWe can’t talk about social media and not @mention #Twitter. One of the stand-out brand campaigns

on Twitter last year was done by Kraft, called “Mac & Jinx.” Whenever two people would individually

mention the phrase “mac & cheese” in a tweet, the Kraft team would reply back to them with its

campaign link, informing consumers of the contest. Whichever person replied back first - like the

childhood game jinx - would get five free boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese.

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InstagramIf you think only large, well-known brands are adopting these ‘new age’ marketing tactics to connect

with the masses, you couldn’t be more wrong. Social and mobile trends have spread to all business

types and models.

Latin American restaurant Comodo, located in New York City, has configured an entire menu through

the popular mobile photo app Instagram, giving mobile restaurant consumers a visual taste of their

offerings. Diners are invited to snap photos of the food on their smartphone when they visit the

restaurant, and post to Instagram with the hashtag #comodomenu.

Go Mobile or Go HomeNo matter which platforms a brand chooses to use, the bottom-line can be summed up perfectly by

this quote, taken from How Mobility Shapes the Future of Collaboration: “Mobile collaboration allows

you to bring the right people together with the right information, in the right context. Done well, mobile

collaboration will deliver measurable results to every aspect of your business.”

Hesitant mobile adopters, are you listening yet?

Many businesses are trying to stay on-trend by integrating mobile features, such as apps, into their

marketing plans. When done right, a brand’s mobile presence should be consistent to the brand, and

should offer consumers something of value to them. Some cool- featured apps from stand-out brands

in the mobile landscape that you may not know about yet?

Walgreens’ app allows consumers to scan coupons in-store, find local stores, and even refill

prescriptions, all from the convenience of their mobile device. Intuit hosts an app called SnapTax that

allows users to file taxes through mobile; all you have to do is take a snapshot of your W2 and answer

a few questions. Delta and United, among a few other airlines, are streamlining the boarding process

by giving travelers the option of pulling their boarding passes up on their smartphone, and having it

scanned virtually, while nixing the extra step of having to print out a tangible boarding pass altogether.

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A Closer LookThe Restaurant Mobile Consumer Trends Report is specific to mobile users in the restaurant, food,

and hospitality space. The integration of mobile and tablet devices into the daily lives of restaurant

consumers has skyrocketed in the past five years and is definitely changing the way we do

things, whether it’s how we communicate, how we make a reservation, or how we search for local


Mobile Device Trends Within the Past 5 YearsDoesn’t it feel like Apple releases a new version of the iPhone every other month? Just when you get

the new version of something, someone comes out with a newer thing. This is the way of technology

advancement: it never stops. You can imagine then, how in the past five years, there have been a

bombardment of additions to the tech landscape. To narrow it down a bit, we will focus primarily on

the mobile and tablet device trends that correlate to restaurant, food and hospitality consumers.

The Rise of Tablet Devices: In 2010, Apple introduced the iPad tablet computer. By year’s end,

Apple domination ensued by selling close to 15 million iPads, which boosted revenue up $9.5 billion.

In the past few years, we’ve seen many variations of tablet devices, including - but not limited to -

Amazon’s Kindle Fire, Microsoft’s Surface, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, and Google’s Nexus 7 tablet. Last

week, Apple unveiled its iPad Mini.

Apps Becoming Mainstream: Do you remember life before Twitter? What about Instagram? Both of

these start-ups have made their debut among early tech adopters at South by Southwest Interactive

(SXSW), a forward-thinking summit that gathers in Austin, TX each year.

Checking-In: FourSquare is probably the most popular platform for check-ins, but Facebook

caught on fairly quickly when it laid out some new changes to its mobile layout. Checking-In allows

consumers to control where they check-in, if they wish, and who can see it, at any given time. It was

predicted back in March 2012, however, that we will be seeing a relative trend emerge before the year

is over, called ‘ambient social networking.’ Ambient social networking, unlike a willing check-in, allows

other people who are logged into a social network to track location based on proximity, all through an

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automatic tracking system in smartphone devices. It’s basically an automated location sync of all your

social communities. So, if I’m at Point A and one of my Facebook friends is at Point B, which is close

in proximity to where I am, a notification will pop up on my mobile device informing me that so-and-so

is close by at Point B. This is bound to raise a lot of privacy issues.

Location-Based Posts: Similar to check-ins are location-based posts. With GPS now heavily

integrated into mobile, location-based posts are starting to become the norm. However, most apps

allow you to control whether location is private or public. Twitter and Facebook are probably the most

common apps with the location-based post feature, and Instagram caught on by adding a Photo Map

feature to its platform a couple of months ago.

Third-Party Services: OpenTable and review sites, like Yelp and UrbanSpoon, are all mobile-

friendly resources for a restaurant consumer on-the-go. Unlike anything we’ve experienced before,

OpenTable is a reservation management system with mobile apps for the iPhone, iPad and Android.

With Yelp’s new integration in the iOS 6, the review service is bound to become a more popular

feature over time.

Online Banking: Aside from mobile payments, banks have caught on by implementing mobile sites

and apps for its consumers. These apps, depending on the bank, allow consumers to pay bills,

transfer money, and check balances all with the touch of a smartphone screen. Chase’s banking app

takes it a step further by allowing bankers to take a snapshot of their check and send it via email to

virtually deposit them. A study by Avaya has reported that the number of consumers using online

banking increases annually by 38%.

Social Brands Teaming up with Other Social Brands: Starbucks and Square. Facebook and

Instagram. Apple and Yelp. No matter their similarities or differences, brands are helping other brands

by integrating them into their own services or even buying them out completely, boosting both social

ventures at once.

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U.S. vs U.K. Mobile Consumers: Is There a Difference?Something we may not think about often in relation to mobile is how other countries are utilizing it.

This infographic shows that 52% of consumers in the U.K. own a smartphone. In 2012, 19% of

UK consumers are using their phone for travel purposes; 16% for retail experiences - with 28% of

smartphone users making a purchase via mobile; and 19% are using their phone for entertainment

purposes. It’s been noted that an impressive 45% of people in the U.K. engage with brands on social


Also across the pond, 12% of Internet users own a tablet device. This T-Mobile data shows that

there are only 5% of tablet owners in the U.S. But this number may be skewed, as it doesn’t give any

specificity of a filtered demographic, such as ‘Internet User’; a forecast from eMarketer in June shows

that of the total U.S. population, 16.8% are expected to use an iPad at least once per month this year.

And among Internet users, that means a 22.2% penetration.

38% of U.K. tablet device users utilize their tablet more than TV.

40% of U.K. consumers’ search is local-based, whereas U.S.

consumers’ search is about 33.3% local-based.

Overall Mobile Trends Based on Smartphone UsageRight now, there are more than 105 million smartphone users in the U.S. This number is predicted to

increase globally to the 500 million mark, according to Forrester, by 2015. In just Q1 of last year, the

smartphone market grew 79.7% worldwide.

Specific to the hospitality industry, an Avaya study reports that 79% of mobile consumers shop via

phone, and 28.5 million mobile users accessed online retail content on their device. Booking flights

has also increased through mobile - 1/3 of consumers prefer to do this.

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More Smaller Business Models Are (Slowly but Surely) Adapting.In the U.S., 26% of small businesses surveyed have a mobile-friendly website and 14% have a stand-

alone mobile website. At 38%, the No. 1 reason these small businesses have decided to expand to

mobile is the belief that this new age platform allows them to provide better service to its existing

customers. Coming in second at 36% is the belief that mobile puts their small business in a better

position to attract more local consumers, and No. 3, at 34%, is the belief that they gain a competitive

advantage with mobile. 84% of the small businesses that are utilizing mobile right now have reported

a growth in new business as a result of their mobile marketing efforts.

More People Engaging with Social Media From a Smartphone.A 2012 study by ROI Research reported that 63% of its 1,297-people focus group engages with social

media via smartphone.

The Results Are In.DigitalCoCo is the proprietary owner of the largest consumer index for the restaurant and hospitality

industry with over 37 million consumers related to the industry, and tracking more than 4,000

restaurant brands. The Mobile Restaurant Consumer Trends Report has been developed based

on the habits and usage of mobile and tablet within the restaurant space from more than 37 million

consumers in 2012.

A subset of this data that is targeted are restaurant consumers that eat out a minimum of two times

per month based on the DigitalCoCo proprietary data from Social Insights at more than 37 million

U.S. Consumers. Reference:

Top Five Most Mobile Connected Restaurant, Food & Hospitality BrandsThis information is based on the Super Users for the restaurant business, with a minimum of

two mobile actions per month with a restaurant brand. To get the full list of Top 100 Most Mobile

Restaurant, Food and Hospitality Brands, visit infographics.

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1. Red Bull skyrockets ahead as the most mobile connected brand, bumping former front-runner

Starbucks into the passenger’s seat. Red Bull’s @RedBullStratos mission, which has accumulated

242,071 Twitter followers and 25,350 Facebook fans, has led to the recent surge in activity,

shooting the brand up to No. 1.

2. Starbucks: While Starbucks ranked No. 1 in RSMI’s Top Social Consumer Sentiment and Overall

Top 100 lists in Q2, it falls a bit short - at No. 2 - here. The coffee giant knows a thing or two about

community, and treats its social outlets as such. The brand has over 3 million Twitter followers and

over 32 million Facebook fans, yet the brand still exudes an intimate, coffeehouse-style approach

when engaging with their loyal consumers over social. Starbucks was also the first major retail

brand to adopt mobile payments, which then led to the partnership of Square.

3. Whole Foods is doing it right at No. 3. Not only does Whole Foods maintain a consistent

brand image by relaying healthy recipes and promoting a balanced lifestyle through its social

platforms, but has also rolled out an app providing consumers with tools and resources to actually

implement living a healthy lifestyle. Whole Foods has a Twitter account for each local store

(aside from its Headquarters account), which allows consumers to get direct customer service -

including from sub-departments like the connoisseurs in the wine and cheese section, making it a

morepersonable experience for both sides. Still, with all the local variations, the Whole Foods’ HQ

Facebook account has over a million fans and their main Twitter page has over 3 million followers.

4. McDonald’s: With over 767K Twitter followers and 25 million Facebook fans, McDonald’s comes

in at No. 4. In the past year, McDonald’s has made a heavy impact on the mobile front. Among

these platforms are mobile ads, a mobile site, apps, and augmented reality. McDonald’s has

become a transparent brand, and has even implemented a separate website platform, called “Our

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5

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Food. Your Questions.” to their social strategy, which allows consumers to ask the McDonald’s

team any question they may have regarding the brand. The team answers each question with a

video response.

5. Chipotle: With 1.9 million Facebook fans and more than 138K Twitter followers, Chipotle comes in

at No. 5. The fast-casual brand, which has strong ties to social causes like more humane farming

practices, revolves their community around social good and sustainability. Chipotle first entered

the mobile landscape back in 2010, with the rollout of its ordering app, allowing consumers to

place orders at any location of choice - and even pay for their meal - through the app. A 2011

Nation’s Restaurant News study found that Chipotle’s social team responds to 83% of Facebook

posts and 90% of tweets.

Top Mobile PlatformsBased on 38.2 million U.S. restaurant consumers, the top mobile platform used for restaurant search

on Yelp, Google, Twitter, and Facebook was the Android at 48.2%. Trailing behind was Apple at

31.2%, iPad at 21.9%, Blackberry at 17.3%, and the Android Tablet following at 10.2%, respectively.

Note: This data has some cross-over from consumers using multiple devices across platforms.

Growth of Android vs. AppleApple’s percentage of market share has been increasing at a steady rate since 2008, but from 2009

to 2010, Android’s market share shot up at about a 20% increase, causing Android to surpass Apple

in market share value. Android has been accelerating ever since 2009, with Apple remaining at a

steady pace. With this supportive data, it makes sense that Android beat out Apple as the top mobile


#1 48.2


#2 31.2 #3 21.9 #4 17.3 #5 10.2


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This 2009 spike for Android could be attributed to a few different things. Android was acquired by

Google in 2005, meaning Android has maintained a heavily developed Google platform. Because

most consumers are so comfortable with this search engine king, it adds credibility and familiarity

to the Android platform - a huge key factor in technology adoption among consumers. The platform

was revealed in November 2007 and probably would have caught on faster, had its G1 design not

bombed. From there on out, Android positioned itself to be a competitor in the game with Apple,

adopting touchscreen and keyboard features.

In 2012, the most practical conclusion of why the Android platform has trumped that of Apple is

because Android has exploded into various different devices across the grid, whereas Apple’s method

is more orderly and calculated.

Senior Research Analyst Ramon Llamas said, “Android continues to fire on all cylinders. The market

was entreated to several flagship models from Android’s handset partners, prices were well within

reach to meet multiple budgetary needs, and the user experience from both Google and its handset

partners boosted Android smartphones’ utility far beyond simple telephony.”

Apple might want to consider how all of its new changes in the iOS6 could hurt them, rather than

help, and use this knowledge in moving forward with future updates. With new partnerships and

integrations, such as Yelp, consumers may not feel as confident with so many new changes at

once. On the other hand, Apple is known to have some of the most loyal brand consumers, so these

hiccups probably won’t make a huge ‘make-or-break’ negative impression, as long as they remain

cohesive to the Apple brand.

Top 10 Mobile Social Actions by Restaurant Consumers (Super Users)Based on 6.2 million restaurant social consumers tracked from the Restaurant Social Media Index,

the Top 10 mobile social actions by restaurant consumers (Super Users) are as follows:

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Missing from the list are:

• Checking-In to a restaurant: Although we are seeing an upward trend in overall location-

based actions, there is a downward trend in location-based check-ins.

• Post a video of a restaurant location

• Refer a restaurant on Facebook

• ‘Like’ a restaurant on Facebook

• Follow a restaurant on Twitter

• Post an Instagram photo from a restaurant

New Evolution of the Mobile-Social Consumer #MoSoCoDue to the large emerging segment of over 79 million Millennials, we have begun to identify several

sub-segments that show similar interests, trends, and brand love, along with similar social and digital

actions around the restaurant industry. In addition, there are some new segments in Boomers and the

Gen X group that are showing up as high-users of mobile, digital and social platforms.

The Consumer Sub-Segments Are:

Super Gen X: Users that are showing 50% higher usage trends in social, mobile and digital activities

Super Boomer: The new age Boomer that skews 68% male that are showing heavy use of mobile,

social and digital activities with an average of 3.2 social network accounts each

‘MustHave’Millennial: New group of Millennials that have a 68% higher response rate to instant

gratification actions on social links, content and offers

1. Search for restaurant locations

2. Search for restaurant reviews

3. Search for restaurant menus

4. Tweet about a restaurant

5. Mention restaurant service quality

6. Mention restaurant food quality

7. Post on Facebook about a restaurant

8. Post a picture of food from a restaurant

9. Tweet a picture of food from a restaurant

10. Refer a restaurant to followers on Twitter

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Mobile Millennial: 32% of current Millennials that do not use a computer to access a restaurant

social account and website, but do so via a mobile device

Married Millennial: Emerging group that consists of 18% of Millennials that are married or in a

significant other relationship

Super Users are the most mobile-active users that are connected to more than 4,000 restaurant

brands and more than 178,000 U.S. restaurant locations.

Super User - Leading Age Demographics in Mobile Use with Restaurants

Mobile Social Consumer #MoSoCoFrequency in which the Top 10 Mobile Social Actions occur by most mobile-savvy restaurant


Data based on more than 6.2 million U.S. consumers from the RSMI

1. Search for restaurant locations - 6.2 times per month

2. Search for restaurant reviews - 5.9 times per month

3. Search for restaurant menus - 5.4 times per month

4. Tweet about a restaurant - 4.1 times per month

5. Mention a restaurant’s service - 3.9 times per month

6. Mention a restaurant’s food - 3.7 times per month

7. Post on Facebook about a restaurant - 2.9 times per month


39% 18-34FEMALE


29% 35-49FEMALE


31% 35-49MALE


32% 18-34MALE

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8. Post a picture of food in a restaurant setting - 2.8 times per month

9. Tweet a picture of food in a restaurant setting - 2.1 times per month

10. Refer a restaurant to followers on Twitter - 1.8 times per month

This represents over 2.8 billion mobile actions per year.

Restaurant SearchSearch continues to be the fastest-rising component in mobile usage for restaurant consumers. As

was mentioned in the beginning of the report, more than 72% of the 38.2 million U.S. restaurant

consumers tracked through the Restaurant Social Media Index use mobile. Of these consumers,

search is utilized a minimum of 4.3 times per month. 39% of these tracked mobile consumers are

Millennials - again, those born between 1982 and 1998; 30% are Boomers - those born between

1946 and 1964; and 27% are Gen X - those born between 1965 and 1982.

Category Leaders by Most Engaged Mobile Restaurant ConsumersThis category segmentation shows the most engaged consumers in social and activity around these

segments for dining out.

Growth in Mobile Restaurant Users Based on YTD Q3 2012The growth in mobile use by restaurant consumers is a critical element to increasing frequency and

trial. These are the top brands by fastest growth of mobile consumers that follow, fan and engage with

the brand.


QSR - FastFood Brands


Casual DiningBrands


Fast CasualBrands


Fin� Dinin g

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It’s a bit alarming that fast casual brands make up only 30% of the Top 10, considering this restaurant

segment has dominated in every other social segments report in 2012. Because social and mobile

have become so relative, more correlation was expected in this list. In the Restaurant Social Media

Index’s Overall Top Social 100 for Q1, Starbucks, Wendy’s and Red Mango represent the Top 3,

with 60% of the Top 10 for Q1 being dominated by fast casual restaurants. The survey, conducted

again for Q2, shows the same restaurant brands in the Top 3 - Starbucks, Wendy’s and Red Mango,

respectively - with 50% of fast casual making rounding out the Top 10.

Mobile and Social - Location-Based ActivityAverage number of location-based actions by U.S. Restaurant Consumers in the RSMI as recorded

by VenueTrak™

Data is based on overall Location-Based Actions at more than 178,000 locations

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5

#6 #7 #8 #9 #10

Data is based on overall Location Based Actions

(LBA's) at more than 178,000 locations

Average Location Based Actions per location

Location Based Actions (LBA's) per year

39.3 LBA = 83.9 Million

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Fast Movers in Mobile PlatformsFastest growth of mobile U.S. Restaurant consumers over the first 3 Quarters of 2012 based on

activity of use from over 38 million U.S. consumers

Top Mobile Social Consumer Cities Based on Mobile Super Users in the Restaurant Industry:

Geo-location is based on most digital actions taken by the mobile Super User group of 6.2 million

from the base of the RSMI.



#2 #3 #4 #5

Note: We expect this list to shuffle by Q4 due to the iOS6 Yelp Integration

#1 New York City #2 Atlanta, GA #3 Dallas, TX #� �os A n�eles #� �an � ran�is�o

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DigitalCoCoDigitalCoCo is a digital agency that merges content, audience and creative to build powerful digital

brands. The agency has teamed up with National Restaurant News’ to sponsor its RSMI, which is

powered by third-party tracking systems such as Klout and Social Insights, and measures consumer

influence each quarter. The index provides restaurant brand and full restaurant industry statistics that

evolve from 24-hour monitoring of major social media channels.

Be sure to look out for DigitalCoCo’s next report on Emerging Restaurant Concepts 2012 later this

month, and check out our existing reports here.

Data set of 13.8 Million Social Consumers in theRestaurant Social Media Index by DigitalCoCo.

Research and data provided by DigtialCoCo, LLC

Disclaimer: All logos and brand representation used in this info graphic are the respective marks of each brand and protected under copyright law.

Get more restaurant specific social consumer data from the largest consumer index of food away from home at 38 million U.S. only from DigitalCoCo, LLC


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