managing green spaces

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  • 8/8/2019 Managing Green Spaces


    Managing green spaces

    Seven ingredients or success

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Green Spaces




  • 8/8/2019 Managing Green Spaces



    Englands parks and green spaces are beingmanaged in a context which is changing

    ast and undamentally. Councils are beinggiven greater autonomy to determine theservices they provide to their communities,but this autonomy comes with signifcantlyreduced resources.

    So the challenge is to keep going with less money,while saeguarding the service and quality expectedby local people.

    This brieng brings together evidence to assistgreen space managers, corporate decision-makers

    and advisors in deciding on the uture o services.Councils are testing dierent approaches tomanaging and nancing public spaces.1 In manycases service delivery will be radically restructuredas a result.

    We set out seven ingredients or success,describing the issues that matter but also,importantly, some that distract. Even when theseingredients eel amiliar, the new challenge isusing them to manage change. The brieng is

    relevant to all organisations managing greenspaces, including housing associations and councils.

    The ingredients arise rom research or CABEbetween 2009 and 2010 by the New LocalGovernment Network (NLGN). It examined how thestructure and organisation o parks and green spaceservices aect their perormance.

    The brieng also sets out the resources thatgreen space managers can draw on to describethe critical services that green space provides tolocal communities.

    More inormation on the study is available

    The ull report is available on request rom [email protected]

    1 Community-led spaces: A guide or local authorities

    and community groups CABE Space, 2010.

    The challenge is to keepgoing with less money,while saeguardingthe service and qualityexpected by localpeople



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    Why a green spaceservice matters

    Parks and open spaces undamentally aect ourwellbeing. They are an important determinant o

    health and quality o li e. They infuence how happywe are with where we live. They are vital pieceso local inrastructure. The quality o parks andopen space services has a proven eect on publicperceptions o local authority perormance.

    Green space also signicantly aects the economicperormance o a place. However, an NLGN surveyo local authority nance directors in 2009 oundthat when resources become scarce, environmentaland culture services are the most exposed andvulnerable to orced cuts.2

    This study looked at how parks and green spaceservice structures can change to provide leaner,locally ocused services which are t or purpose.They certainly can adapt. But just cutting themanagement and maintenance o green spaces isnearly always ound to be a alse economy, becauseit generates costs in other areas. For instance, itincreases the need to police anti-social behaviourin a derelict space.3

    People value their local green spaces

    There is a strong link between peoplessatisaction with their local parks and greenspaces and their satisaction with theirneighbourhood. I people are satised with localparks they tend to be satised with their council.

    Almost nine out o 10 people use their local parksand green spaces and 48 per cent o people usethese spaces at least once a week.

    81 per cent o respondents have used their localpark or open space in the last six months. Thiscompares with 32 per cent who had used concerthalls, and 26 per cent who had visited galleries.

    In 2007, 91 per cent o people thought it wasvery/airly important to have green spaces nearto where they live, and by 2009 this had risen to95 per cent.

    In the largest survey o its kind conducted withthose living in deprived communities, residentssee the provision o green space as essentialto their quality o lie alongside housing, health,education and policing.

    The 2003/04 Survey o English Housing identiesthe three main things that would improve peoples

    local area. Issues relating to the quality o publicspace are cited as many times as actors relatingto employment, health and housing.

    91 per cent o the public believe that public parksand open spaces improve peoples quality olie, and 74 per cent believe that parks and openspaces are important to peoples health andmental and physical wellbeing.4

    For more inormation on why green spacesmatter go

    2 Scanning fnancial horizons: Modelling the local

    consequences o fscal consolidation NLGN, 2010.

    3 Decent parks, decent behaviour? The link between

    the quality o parks and user behaviourCABE Space, 2005.

    4 All ndings in Urban green nation: building the evidence base CABE, 2010.

    Linking up: a sensory garden in

    the heart o Walthamstow helps

    to connect local public transport

    stations with the retail centre


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    This research ocuses on the largest landlordso the countrys urban green space stock: local

    authorities and housing associations.

    For this study a green space service is denedas the structure(s) within an organisation withresponsibility or the delivery and managemento parks and green spaces. There is no oneset structure. It could be a dedicated parksdepartment, or located within a wider departmentwith responsibility or other services such as streetcleansing or waste management.

    The study examined how the organisation and

    structuring o parks and green space servicesaects their perormance. Using eight case studyexamples and structured interviews with keypersonnel, it explored the positioning o parksand green spaces in relation to other services anddepartments within an organisation.

    The research included housing associations toillustrate dierent ways o working with communitiesto deliver good-quality green space.

    Four actors, adapted rom recent workby LG Improvement and Development,were analysed:

    awareness and understanding o the contextwithin which the service operates, includingrelating to corporate priorities

    level o political and managerial leadership andthe skills to advocate or, and drive improvementin, the service

    existence o reliable evidence to use or advocacy,underpinned by an ability to measure a servicescontribution on an ongoing basis

    ability to work in partnership to achieveshared outcomes.5



    About the study


    Community space: Albion Community

    Garden in Salord (both pictures) was

    rejuvenated ater residents o all ages

    came together to transorm a derelict

    plot o land


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    Ingredientsor success

    The seven key indings rom

    the study are summarised on the

    ollowing pages. All quotes are drawnrom research interviews with local

    authorities and housing associations.

    Full inormation on the study, the

    case studies, the interviews and the

    concepts o structure, positioning

    and perormance are available at:


    Its a skill to manage itwithout money. Its aboutpersuasion. You need toget your ideas across to themanager, elected membersand chie executive. Thats anart in itsel, and I leave thatto the head o service. Hesa master at it. Without that,wed have been in trouble along time ago

    Green space ocer,environment directorate

    High-perorming services depend on

    strong and motivational leadership

    The quality o political and managerial leadership,and the access a green space team has to this,was identied as the most important driver operormance. Strong leadership provides advocacy,vision and ambition or the service at a cabinet ormanagerial level; secures and protects unding;builds partnerships; drives innovation; and providesmotivation. Investment in skills at all levels is neededto achieve good leadership. Successul headso service are communicators, motivators,

    advocates and brokers.




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    Uniied management and

    maintenance unctions matters

    Those green space services which separatedtheir day-to-day maintenance unctions rom theoverall management ound it harder to deliver goodquality and ecient services than those that uniedthem. Separation can lead to competing priorities,communication ailure and lack o amiliarity withday-to-day operations, and can reinorce silomentality. When services are integrated, prioritiesare more likely to be shared and there is betteradvocacy o the interests o the service.




    The key change has beenthe integrated service.Putting a parks anda horticulture servicetogether means youve notgot two separate arms,youve not got developmentinvesting in sites andmaintenance doingsomething else

    Parks development manager,leisure and culture services

    Planning ahead: preliminary work at

    the Doorstep Green or Dene Valley

    Community Park, County Durham


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    The location o a service, whether in

    a dedicated parks department or a

    larger department, is not the mostimportant driver o perormance

    The division or directorate within which greenspace services are placed is not o majorimportance, with one exception. Green spaceservices are at risk o being neglected when part oa larger waste department. Priorities and resourcescan be diverted because waste is a signicantstatutory responsibility or the local authority.


    Given the complex range oagendas that parks services

    can inluence, there wasnever one clear place in thecouncil to sit to make anydierence in terms o policyor budget or service delivery.For example, we can havean impact on environmentalissues while in a leisureservice and vice versaitdoesnt matter where you putus as long as you uniy thetwo unctions

    Head o green space service,leisure and culture services


    Digging in: residents get involved in

    gardening and vegetable planting at

    Islingtons Gambier House


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    The commissioning model

    takes us into a placewhere we can actuallydeliver on our ambitions.For a number o years ourstrategic objectives orgreen space have requiredthe orchestration o activityacross a wide range o

    dierent places. I you aresitting in a traditional parksdepartment, you have alimited capacity to mobilise

    Commissioner o green space services,strategic commissioning authority

    An active understanding o the policy

    and practice context is needed to stay

    responsive and relevant

    Keeping alert to the internal and external contextis critical. The way local services are delivered ischanging rapidly. The government is rmly advocatingthat local authorities share services to delivereciencies and to empower communities to leadon service delivery. The green space sector is arelevant sector that will deliver on these agendas.An understanding o the current context, and how itrelates to their role, enables green space managers

    to respond ast and be relevant.





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    When you talk to local usersand riends groups, there canbe rustration. We manage

    the parks, someone else ismaintaining the horticulturaleatures in the park, andanother organisation isresponsible or the cleansing.So all o a sudden when theresan issue, theyve got threepeople to talk to

    Head o service,adult and communities directorate

    Transparent, legible structures are moreeective or those using and delivering

    the service

    Structures that place, in an organisational sense, greenspace mangers close to senior management encouragebetter, and a more requent, communication and co-ordination. In deeper, more hierarchical structures, thegreen space service may end up buried. A transparentservice structure, where it is clear who is responsible,is also benecial or users o the service and avoidsduplication. However, structure does not dictateperormance. Motivated individuals with the desire tomake it work can override structural diculties.


    It is worrying that thecabinet member is unableto get a good understandingo how parks are perorming

    rom our set o iguresbecause they dont tell theull story. The challenge isto create a set o indicatorsthat can be compared toother local authority parksservices or indeed otherinternal services

    Head o green space service,leisure and culture services

    Provide evidence to gain the support

    o leaders and partners


    The absence o a robust evidence base demonstratingthe value o high-quality services is a deal-breaker.Tracking change and putting together benchmarkeddata is invaluable or both strategic planning andday-to-day management. The benets ar outweighthe eort o data collection. Local authorities nowhave the ability to set their own indicators operormance, dened by what is important locally.As local communities value their local green space,

    this provides a chance to devise appropriateindicators that clearly measure the contribution ogreen spaces over time.


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    Eective and targeted partnershipsunderpin successul services

    Successul partnershipworking is aboutrelationships. Its about

    identiying the agenda oa partner organisation andhow you can help them.The challenge is to ind thecommon themes so that youcan jointly deliver projectswhich will help both o youachieve your common aims

    Head o green space service,green space directorate






    Local initiative: Doorstep

    Green project at Carter Park,


    Consulting communities:

    collecting local views in

    Queenborough, Isle oSheppey

    Green space services are non-statutory and can meetthe objectives o other public service areas so activepartnership working is undamental to success. Formingeective personal relationships, and proving the valueo green space services to the partnership, is especiallyimportant. It is not just about internal partnerships. Thisis about ensuring that the green space services deliveryobjectives are met with partners rom national and localagencies, and riends groups. Delivery in partnershipwith communities is critical.


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    Moving orward

    What does this study tell us about high-quality green space services? First, that the

    structure o the service, or where it is locatedin the organisation, is not o great signifcance.What does matter very much is uniying themanagement o the green space service andday-to-day maintenance. And it is essential toinvest ully in skills at all levels.

    Parks and green space services serve too manyagendas to operate successully in isolation. Thesheer numbers o riends o parks groups 4,000at the last count demonstrate the powerul senseo ownership that people have over their local

    green space.6 So or any changes to succeed, thecommunity needs to be closely involved. Workingin partnership pays o across the board: it can bewith transportation and public health services, orinstance in providing new opportunities or play andexercise. It can be with planning and developmentcontrol, to mitigate and adapt to climate change.It can be with external organisations such ashousing associations, to deliver tailored servicesto improve estates.

    And nally, this study shows why strong andmotivational leadership is critically important.Investment in the environment pays or itsel manytimes over. When budgets are being scrutinised,and green spaces are being raked over in the searchor savings, then use that spotlight to perorm. It is achance to promote the extraordinary value or moneyrom green space, and the multitude o benets itprovides. It is a chance to persuade people to buyinto a vision or the better stewardship o the livinglandscape o our towns and cities.



    People irst: improvement

    works at Bristols Cliton

    Place Community Garden

    6 Community networking project fnal reportGreenSpace, 2003.


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    Other resources

    Calculating the real value o parks and green spacesMaking the invisible visible sets out an alternativeway to calculate the value o green spaces and to usethis inormation to plan over dierent times. Most localauthorities record their parks and green space assetsas just 1. The report oers a new ramework whichquanties their replacement cost and measures localdemand by looking at park use.12

    Benchmarking your service against others

    Urban parks: Do you know what youre getting foryour money?explores the benets o collecting dataand sharing it to assess the existing quality o parksand green spaces, and set clear and measurableaspirations or uture quality.13

    Sel-assessed improvementTowards an excellent service (TAES) developed tohelp improve perormance in the green space sector,TAES enables green space managers to evaluate theirservice and identiy areas or improvement and

    track progress in achieving this.14

    Improving open spaces in social housing areasDecent homes need decent spaces sets out 10priorities or change and the Neighbourhoods Greenpartnership is working with social housing providers totake these actions orward.15






    Green Flag nding rom CABEs bi-annual survey on local authority progress

    in completing open space strategies.





    CABE has a range o resources to help greenspace managers. More inormation is available at:

    Innovations in urban green space managementIs the grass greenerdemonstrates the value otaking an alternative approach to the managemento green spaces. It draws on innovative examplesrom around the world.7

    Alternative models or unding public green spacePaying for parks sets out alternative unding modelsto support green space managers in thinking morecreatively and innovatively about ways to und their

    spaces. It provides practical examples o otherorganisations that have levered in additional undingor their spaces by working across the private, public,community and voluntary sectors.8

    Capturing the views o people using spacesSpaceshaperis a practical toolkit which brings peopletogether to discuss a space, identiy its strengthsand weaknesses and measure how well it meetseveryones needs. Spaceshaper 9-14 can be used inschools and youth clubs so that the views o young

    people are not overlooked.9

    Transer o public assets to the communityCommunity-led spaces, published jointly with theAsset Transer Unit, is a guide or local authorities andcommunity groups which explores the asset transerapproach in relation to public open spaces. It usesexamples rom a charitable trust set up to manage landwith a 99-year lease to community groups that initiatetemporary uses o land awaiting development.10

    Producing and implementing an open space strategyOpen space strategies best practice guidance,published jointly with the Mayor o London, oerspractical advice on how to prepare, deliver, monitorand review a green or open space strategy.On average, local authorities that have had anopen space strategy in place or three years havegained our times more Green Flag awards thanthose authorities without strategies.11


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    The brieing is drawn rom researchexamining how the structure andorganisation o parks and green spaceservices aect their perormance.It sets out recommendations or localauthorities and housing associationsto ensure the best possible services inrapidly changing circumstances. It willbe o interest to green space managersand decision-makers determining theuture management o their parks andgreen spaces.

    CABE1 Kemble StreetLondon WC2B 4ANT 020 7070 6700F 020 7070 6777E [email protected]

    Published in 2010 by the

    Commission or Architecture and

    the Built Environment

    Graphic design: Draught


    Printed by Blackmore Ltd

    Cover images: Natural England/

    Doorstep Greens Nick Turner

    Photography and Jane Sebire

    All rights reserved. No part o this

    publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, copied

    or transmitted without the priorwritten consent o the publisher

    except that the material may be

    photocopied or non-commercial

    purposes without permission rom

    the publisher.

    CABE is the governments advisor

    on architecture, urban design

    and public space. As a public

    body, we encourage policymakers

    to create places that work or

    people. We help local planners

    apply national design policy and

    advise developers and architects,

    persuading them to put peoples

    needs rst. We show public sector

    clients how to commission projects

    that meet the needs o their users.

    And we seek to inspire the public to

    demand more rom their buildings

    and spaces. Advising, infuencing

    and inspiring, we work to create

    well-designed, welcoming places.