manage your project effectively


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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Project management can be a strain in terms of time and resources if not handled properly but is an essential element in the successful execution of any project. Being a good project manager includes using the right tools to get the job done and about admitting that you need help. Software can be an affordable and viable tool to use in project management and, if chosen correctly, will enhance the project by freeing up valuable human resources to perform other duties.


Page 1: Manage your project effectively

Manage your Project Effectively

Many businesses take on projects and then rush into them headlong without regard for any proper planning or project management. This, in the end, usually spells disaster for everyone concerned. A poorly managed project can result in the loss of revenue, poor staff morale and, worst of all, a loss of reputation. By applying some simple project management, potential problems can be minimized. The basic principle of project management is to make sure that the project runs smoothly by setting up a plan of action and keeping tabs on the key role-players different sections. Sometimes, especially with big projects, this becomes very difficult.

This is where project management software can come in very handy. In fact, in some instances, you may even wonder how you would have coped if you did not have it. This software is designed to pull together all the threads of your project and categorize them into sub-headings. It can be used on one computer or several and this allows the different role-players to each log their progress into the program for review. A lot of these programs come with time logging software so that you can keep track of how long each person has spent within the system.

Privacy over the network can be assured by issuing different user ID’s with different levels of access for different parties. If, for example, you need to keep track of how many hours your data capture clerk is logging for the project but do not want them to have access to the financial files of the project, issue them a code that allows them to only access the time logging feature.

The software is also useful in the event that there are any concerns raised over who is doing what. Project roles can be clearly defined and posted within the system. You may even decide to have a general message board within the program to allow for the different role-players to make comments and suggestions.

Depending on the program itself, you can get just about any project management software tool that you can imagine from diary notes right through to report templates. Chances are that you are unlikely to ever use the software to its full potential so make sure that you get one that is suitable for the types of projects you do. You want to ensure that the program is feature-rich but not so much so that you are wasting money on useless features.

Once you have seen how easy project management can be when you are using the right tools, you will never dread a project again.