how to manage effectively operational risk

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  • 7/31/2019 How to Manage Effectively Operational Risk



    How to Manage EffectivelyOperational Risk

    ForBasel II, Solvency II and Arrow

    White Paper

    September 2008

  • 7/31/2019 How to Manage Effectively Operational Risk



    Table of Contents

    Loss Data ........................................................................................................ 5

    Risk and Cont rol Self Assessment (RCSA) .................................................. 7

    Key Risk Indicators ....................................................................................... 13

    Act ion and Remediat ion Plans ................................................................... 15

    Risk Simulation ............................................................................................. 16

    Reporting ....................................................................................................... 17

    Key Benefits of Proposed Solut ion ............................................................ 18

    About Dynasec .............................................................................................. 18

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    IntroductionOperational r isk exists everywhere in the business environment. It is the

    oldest risk facing any commercial institution and in particular banks,

    insurance companies and other financial institutions. Any financial institution

    wil l face operat ional risk long before it decides on it s f irst market t rade or

    credit t ransact ion.

    Of all t he dif ferent types of r isks f inancial inst it utions face, operat ional risk

    can be the most devastating and at the same time, the most difficult to

    ant icipate. Its appearance can result in sudden and dramat ic reduct ions in the

    value of a f irm.

    Operat ional ri sk cannot be managed successfully with a few spreadsheet s or

    databases developed by an int ernal risk management department . In fact , one

    of the biggest mistakes an inst it ution can make is to rely on simpl ist ic and

    t radit ional solut ions, which can lead to less than ideal choices about managing

    operational risk.

    easy2complyenables organizations to eff icientl y meet and adapt to internal

    operat ional r isk practices as well as external regulat ions such as: Basel II,

    Solvency II, FSA mandates and others by automat ing and simplif ying the

    process of collecting, storing, analyzing, t racking and report ing on

    informat ion relevant to operat ional l osses, ri sk and control assessments,

    definit ion and management of key risk indicators and scenarios.

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    easy2complyOperational Risk Architecture

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    Loss Data

    The loss database is a key, standard element of the Operat ional Risk

    Management module. The coll ect ion and analysis of internal l oss data provides

    management information which can be fed back into the operational risk

    management and mit igat ion process. In addit ion, t he database of int ernal

    loss events builds up over t ime and provides the basis for quantit ative analysis

    and the calculat ion of capit al all ocat ion .

    Data quality of loss report ing is oft en a maj or concern in many organizat ions.

    Dynasec Enterprise simpl if ies the collection of loss report ing by offering a 3-

    step process wit h built -in workflow capabil it ies:

    1. Loss Event CapturingIn the fi rst stage, authorized users can report on a loss event, a suspectedloss event or a near miss. This loss event capturing process is performed

    with a comprehensive and customizable form that contains all the

    necessary f ields and informat ion for later loss event analysis.

    2. Loss Event EvaluationIn the second stage, authorized users, generally from the risk management

    depart ment, are automat ically alerted of any loss event report ed in t hesystem. They can assess t he impact of the loss event and describe the

    associated risks and damages in various formats which provide t he basis for

    later in depth analysis and loss event report ing.

    3. Loss Event Conclusions and Follow Up ActionsAt this stage, authorized users can summarize t he conclusions result ing

    from a loss event; define fol low up act ion it ems wit h due dates, and assign

    responsible persons for each act ion item. All act ion it ems are incorporated

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    int o easy2comply s int egrated act ion and remediat ion plan for t racking

    and management of tasks.

    easy2comply s flexible plat form enables organizat ions to tailor t heir own

    fields in the loss database forms above, although certain standard fields such

    as select ing the appropriat e Business Line and categorizing the Event Type are

    mandatory. Addit ional f ields can easil y be defined during the system

    configuration, requiring no programming.

    easy2complyoffers the following standard fields:

    Event Name Event ID Event Report ing Date Report er Name Event Type (Internal/ External) Related Organizational Unit Related Processes Related Business Line Related Event Category Related Controls First Event/ Repeat ing Event/ Near Miss Correlat ive Events (In case of a Repeating Event) Event Descript ion Event Ident if icat ion Day Start Handling Date End Handl ing Date Participants Key Personnel Involved Implemented Risks

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    Implemented Risk Direct Damage Implemented Risk Indirect Damage Implemented Risk Unquantif iable Damage Insurance Cover Conclusions Follow Up Act ion Task Follow Up Action Date Follow Up Act ion Responsible At tached Fil es Authorizat ion process

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    Risk and Control Self Assessment (RCSA)

    Risk and Cont rol Self Assessment (RCSA) is one of the integrated components

    that easy2complyoffers for effective management of operational risk.

    easy2complyestablishes a coherent st ructure t hat automates the ent ire

    workflow for managing the risk and control framework including: systematic

    documentation of processes and sub processes, ident if icat ion of t he risks that

    could prevent the at tainment of process object ives and mapping of t hecont rols that should be in place to mit igate these risks.

    easy2complyis designed in a way that enables companies to const ruct both

    actual and horizontal or vir tual organizat ional st ructures for t he operat ional

    ri sk management process. The f lexible system provides up to 1024 layers of

    hierarchy in t he organizational st ructure that can be defined by the system

    administ rator. Furt hermore, easy2complyenables the creat ion of an

    unlimit ed number of horizontal or virt ual organizat ional unit s which cross

    the actual organizational t ree. Authorized users subjecti vely select single or

    groups of hierarchical organizational units wit hin a horizontal unit . Such

    horizontal organizational units are used to identify cross- company trends and

    to perform compet it ive analysis between cross- company business unit s. (For

    example: all wholly-owned subsidiaries or all purchasing depart ments

    throughout the organization).

    Organizat ional processes and sub-processes can be documented using an

    integrated flowchart engine which graphically represents the process flow.

    Each component in t he flowchart is linked t o the RCSA mat rix, providing for

    easier documentation maint enance, consistency and improved change


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    Organizat ions who already document t heir structure in an external system can

    take advantage of easy2comply s open systems environment and import or

    link to pre-documented organizational trees.

    Furt hermore, processes are li nked to organizational unit s using an m:n

    approach. This enables analyzing risk and cont rols from both perspect ives:

    organizat ional and process-oriented.

    Risk Control Self Assessment can be performed at any level, including

    organizat ional unit s and processes. The self assessment can be based on datafrom 3 dif ferent sources: pre-populated data using a sophist icated templates

    mechanism, data built from scratch in t he system during the assessment (and

    saved as a template if necessary) or legacy data previously accumulated and

    automat icall y inputted int o the system. Adding, delet ing and modifying

    information is easy and intuit ive, alt hough, subject to the user access rights

    that have been pre-selected.

    Documenting and assessing risk both qualitat ively and quantit atively includes

    but is not limited to t he following informat ion:

    Risk Name

    Risk Descript ion

    Qualitative Information (can be based on a risk assessment wizard)

    o Severityo Probabilityo Other

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    Quant it ative Information (can be based on a risk assessment wizard)o Severityo Probability

    Scenario Analysiso Normal Scenario

    Description Loss Frequency More...

    o Serious Case Scenario Description Loss Frequency More...

    o Disaster Scenario Description Loss Frequency More

    Risk CategoryKRI

    Key Risk Risk Type Tolerance Level Risk Response

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    Documenting and assessing controls includes but is not limit ed to the

    following information:

    Control ID Control ActivityDescription Control Objective Control Activity In Place Control Weight Key Control Control in Place Control Design Rating Control Owner Control Nature Control Frequency Relat ion t o COSO Financial Effect Preventive/ Detect ive Recommended Test ing Procedure Sample Size Required Criteria for Effecti veness Test ing Criteria for Ineff ectiveness Test ing Tester Testing Start Date Test ing Due Date Attachment Findings Recommendation KPI Attachments On Management Procedures

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    The relat ions between risks and controls is based on an m:n approach where

    each risk can be mitigated by several controls and every control can impact

    various risks.

    The system also al lows for a correlat ion of m:n between cont rols.

    easy2complyallows for control hierarchies and dependencies between

    controls. For example, a control status can be based on a calculation of sub-

    cont rols. Each cont rol in the system might have a dif ferent index of status

    which can be defined by the authorized users.

    easy2complyprovides funct ionalit y for copying, import ing and export ing risk

    and controls between dif ferent segments of t he organizat ion tree and/ or the

    process tree and can define multiple types of relations between them.

    Throughout t he lif ecycle of t he operat ional risk management process, the

    system enables the reduction of the overall number of risks and controls being

    managed in the organization which results in a more efficient operation.

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    Key Risk Indicators

    Key Risk Indicators (KRI) al location and analysis is a core feature of Dynasec

    Enterpr ise Operational Risk module. The KRI module provides management

    with an earl y-warning system, underscoring t hose areas where pre-def ined

    thresholds are exceeded and thus highlight ing potential danger spots in a

    timely fashion.

    Each Key Risk Indicator can be automatically generated or manually entered.

    Dynasec Enterprise provides t he inf rast ructure t o develop and determine both

    of these methods. KRIs are freely definable and there is (practically) no limit

    to the number or type of KRIs which can be set up.

    Some of the basic information for an automatic KRI is held within the Dynasec

    Enterprise system. In fact, t he information can be embedded in the risk

    control self assessment process as for example, a KRI when there are anumber of missing controls in a process. Organizations can take advantage of

    this integrated approach to reduce the time required for reconcil iat ion or

    other cross-checking requirements.

    Alternatively, if the required information is located in external, typically

    t ransact ion-based systems, easy2complycan link to those systems via

    standardized protocols to gather the required information. For example: thenumber of dealer t ransact ions rej ected for exceeding t rading limi ts can be a

    KRI created and tracked in t he system which has been linked to the external

    applicat ion t hat manages dealer t ransact ions and calculates this figure.

    There are situations where the information is more readily available manually

    or where it is not found in any other system. In these cases, suit ably

    authorized managers can enter t he KRI values direct ly int o the system, online.

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    Documenting and assessing KRI s includes but is not limit ed to the fol lowing


    KRI ID KRI Name KRI Descript ion KRI Type (KRI, KCI,KPI) KRI Source KRI Norm Related Risk(s) KRI period KRI Test KRI Impact KRI Change Correlated KPI/ KCI Conclusion Action Plan Other

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    Action and Remediation Plans

    easy2complyprovides int egrated risk measure/ act ion plan funct ionalit y in

    the operational risk management module. This functionality enables creation,

    execution, management and follow-up of act ion and remediat ion plans in

    order t o improve organizat ional processes and controls and to mit igate risk


    Act ion plans can be defined by authorized users as a result of:

    Poor Control Loss Event KRI Simulation Other general events


    Each act ion plan includes but is not limit ed to the following informat ion:

    Task Owner Due Date Task Descript ion Related Organizat ional Unit s/ Processes/ Risks/ Controls Task Status Authorizat ion Process Log of Authorized Changes Log of Rej ected Changes More

    Open tasks can be distributed to the owners. An email will be automatically

    sent by the system to notify each owner of his or her tasks with a link to the

    system. A reminder will be sent if the task date has passed and escalat ion

    alert s and procedures can be defined to enable addit ional emails to be sent to

    selected managers or other individuals.

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    Risk Simulation

    Risk simulation is an integral feature of the easy2complyOperational Risk

    module. A typical operational ri sk f ramework in many organizations includes

    several sources of i nformat ion such as internal and external l oss data, r isk and

    control self assessment and key risk indicators. The Risk Simulat ions enable

    the analysis of this information by creating correlations between the different

    sources of informat ion using various mathematical and statist ical met hods.

    easy2complyRisk Simulation includes, but not limi ted to, t he following


    Organizat ional Loss Dist ribut ion Approacho Severityo Probabilityo Periodic (Annual, 3 years, 5 years)

    Various vertical and horizontal angles of analyzing LDA:o Per Business Unito Per Business Lineo Per Processo Per Category Typeo Per Horizontal Unit s

    Value at Risk Calculat ions using :o Monte Carlo Simulat iono Historical Simulation (in development)o Variance Covariance Matrix (in development)

    Residual Risk Dist ribut ion Control Status Analysis Heat Maps Horizontal Risk and Cont rol Analysis More

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    easy2complyprovides management report ing tools for both regular and ad-

    hoc report ing requirements including dashboards, pre-buil t , standardized

    reports and a user-f riendly report generator. The outputs generated by the

    different reporting options can also be exported to external tools such as

    Excel, PDF, Power Point and Word and allow the organizat ion to ident ify

    t rends and to perform analysis from mult iple perspect ives as outlined below.

    The Operat ional Risk Management Module support s mult iple building blocks


    Organizat ional Unit s Processes Risks Controls Loss Data KRIs Simulat ions IT Systems Business Lines Risk Categories People

    In easy2comply, each building block can serve as a basis for analyzing the

    informat ion and aggregating the data. You can view graphic dashboards with

    drill-down capabilities and run both textual and graphical reports, such as pie

    charts and distribution schemes.

    easy2complyReport Generator enables authorized users to define on t heir

    own report templates and re-use these templates at any time or in

    conjunct ion wit h any building block. When building a report template, all

    data base f ields are available for select ion and can serve as a basis to f il t er

    the informat ion when running the report .

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    Key Benefits of Proposed Solution

    The main benefit s an organizat ion can enjoy from deploying easy2comply

    Operat ional Risk Management modules are:

    Increase accuracy and visibility of your risk information More quickly identify and remediate deficiencies Increased management insight Opt imizat ion of business performance Reduce the cost and complexity of your operational risk process Integrat ion of all risk management components on a single, coherent


    Incorporate a robust software architecture to incorporate current andfuture operat ional risk management needs

    About easy2comply

    easy2complysoft ware plat form is composed of 5 solut ion famil ies:

    Operat ional Risk Management Internal Control Management including SOX, MiFID, Turnbull, JSOX,


    IT Risk and Governance - including CobiT, ISO27001/ 17799, BCP,BCM, ITIL, etc.

    Internal Audit Management module General Compliance Framework a toolkit for customizat ion to

    specif ic governance and compl iance needs (eg. LOPD, etc.)

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    About Dynasec

    Dynasec Ltd. is a leading provider of Governance, Risk Management andCompliance (GRC) solut ions. Our f lagship product , easy2complyis the

    perfect answer for businesses of all sizes seeking to simpl ify their compliance

    and risk management processes.

    easy2complycan be deployed either on-demand (SaaS) or on-sit e to suit

    each customer's preferred configurat ion. We serve customers in many market s

    including: financial institutions, telecom, energy, and government,

    pharmaceutical, healt hcare, commercial organizat ions.

    Dynasecs customers include f inancial inst it ut ions, telecom, energy and other

    many other enterprises. The Dynasec customer base includes:

    Financial Sector Government, Energy, Telco, Other Sectors

    Rabobank Dutch Minist ry of SocialServices

    Generali (Migdal) Israel Electricit y Company

    Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Ormat Thermal Power

    Dexia Israel Water Authorit y

    Prisma Financial Services Clalit Healt h Services

    Mastercard Israel Cellcom

    Phoenix Insurance Blue Square ret ail

    Bank Igud Gilat Satellit es

    Leumi Group Ministry of Finance, Divison of

    Bank Hapoalim Capit al Market s, Insurance, Savings

    First Internat ional Bank of Israel Zim Shipping Lines

    Unit ed Mizrahi-Tfahot Bank Netafim Drip Irr igat ion

    easy2comply Practical Compliance Solutions

    affordable. reliable. easy2deploy.