mali slon/ little elephant 2015

little elephant MIDI V 5. mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filma 5 th International Children and Youth Film Festival m a l i s l o n l i tt l e e l e p h a n t 2 01 5

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festivalski katalog/ festival catalogue Mali slon 2015 - 5. mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filma Little Elephant Festival 2015, 5th International Children and Youth Film Festival


Page 1: mali slon/ little elephant 2015

little elephant MIDI v

5. mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filma 5th International Children and Youth Film Festival

mali slon little elephant2015

Page 2: mali slon/ little elephant 2015

5. mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filma5. International Children and Youth Film Festival

Izdajatelj / Published by: Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture / Association for Film Culture Development, Jurčičeva ulica 4, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija / SloveniaZa založnika / On behalf of the Publisher: Rene PuharUredila / Editor: Hana RepšeBesedila / Texts: Rene Puhar, Hana RepšePrevod / Translation: Svetlana Prađeno, Miha SagadinLektura / Proofreading: Svetlana Prađeno Fotografije / Photos: Arhiv Društva za razvoj filmske kulture / Archive of the Association for Film Culture DevelopmentOblikovanje / Design: Domen RupnikNaklada / Print run: 200Tisk / Print: Demago d.o.o.

Maribor, oktober 2015

mali slon / little elephant 2015CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana

791.228.071.1-053.5/.6 791.228.079»2015«

MEDNARODNI festival otroškega in mladinskega filma (5 ; 2015 ; Maribor) Mali slon = Little elephant / 5. mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filma = 5th International Children and Youth Film Festival, ; [besedila Rene Puhar, Hana Repše ; uredila Hana Repše ; prevod Svetlana Prađeno, Miha Sagadin ; fotografije arhiv Društva za razvoj filmske kulture]. - Maribor : Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture = Association for Film Culture Development, 2015

ISBN 978-961-93750-1-3 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Repše, Hana 281703936

Producent: KoProducenti in Partnerji festivala:Zavod Udarnik, GT22, Zavod MARS Maribor, Narodni dom Maribor - Vetrinjski dvor, MKC Maribor, KD Center Plesa, KUD Moment, Zavod Aplikata Maribor,Fotografski muzej Modrinjak, Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor - Guestroom Maribor, Galerija K18,Centralna Postaja, Film Factory, Organizacija Mitra, Snaga, SŠOM, SERŠ Maribor, Filozofska fakulteta - Oddelek za prevodoslovje, YCN - Youth cinema network

sofinancerji: sPonzor nagrade:

Page 3: mali slon/ little elephant 2015


Kazalo ContentSRENE PUhAR

Rastemo! / We are growing!


In vendar se vrti ... film! / And yet it moves ... film!

Žirija / Jury

Tekmovalni program: mednarodni tekmovalni program otroškega in mladinskega filma / Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film programme



Netekmovalni program: mednarodni otroški in mladinski film /Non-Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film


Skandinavski filmi mladih / Scandinavian films by youth

Spremljevalni program / Additional programme

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4 mali slon little elephant

V vseh pogledih. In širimo. Festival Mali slon ni več (samo) festival animiranih filmov otrok in mladostnikov. Od letos sprejema in prika-zuje tudi dokumentarne in igrane filme avtorjev do 19. leta starosti. Z vseh koncev in krajev tega našega prelepega planeta.

Filmi so prispeli iz 50 držav! Izbrali smo najboljše in te bomo prika-zali v kinu Udarnik. Ostale, ki so se prijavili in izpolnjujejo kriterije, pa v GT22, Vetrinjskem dvoru in v Centralni Postaji. Razstava gostov festivala Ane Nedeljković in Nikole Majdaka ml., avtorjev filma, bo na ogled v Galeriji K18 na Koroški ulici. Skupno že 5 festivalskih lokacij. Wau.

Na projekcijah pa bodo prisotni številni gosti. In še več bi jih bilo, če bi jim lahko nudili (še) več. Si predstavljate, da bi festival obiska-lo 1000 mladih filmarjev iz celega sveta. Kakšen direndaj, kakšno mesto bi to bilo?

Vrnimo se v realnost. Finance? Rastemo! Tokrat nas je ob redni podpori Mestne občine Maribor prvič prepoznala tudi nacionalna raven – Slovenski filmski center, ki je postal največji financer na-šega festivala. Čeprav finančnih sredstev ni dovolj ... Toliko, kot bi potrebovali, si želeli ... Ah, ne, v letošnjem letu (si) prepovedujem jamranje ...

5. festival Mali slon bo to! Nekaj posebnega zaradi največjega šte-vila prijavljenih filmov, novega mariborskega slogana MARIBOR IS THE FUTURE, spletne strani, jubilejne edicije, novih članov in članic festivalske ekipe, in kaj vem, česa vse še ... Tako verjamem, torej tako je.

Rene Puhar, producent


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5mali slon little elephant

In all aspects. And expanding. The Little Elephant Festival is not anymore (merely) a festival of animated films by children and youth. Since this year, the festival is accepting and screening also docu-mentary and fiction films by authors of up to 19 years of age. From all corners of our beautiful planet.

We received films from 50 different countries! We picked out the best ones, which will be shown in Cinema Udarnik. The rest of submitted films that are in accordance with the festival’s criteria will be shown in GT22, Vetrinjski Mansion, and Central Station. The exhibition of festival’s guests Ana Nedeljković and Nikola Majdak jr., film authors, will be shown in Gallery K18 on Koroška Street. This makes altogether 5 festival locations. Wau!

The screenings will be attended by numerous guests. And there would have been even more if we could offer them (even) more. Can you imagine that the festival would be visited by a thousand young filmmakers from around the world? What commotion, what a town this would have been!

Lets get back to reality. Finances? We are growing! Along with the regular support of the Municipality of Maribor, for this edition of the festival, we were recognised for the first time on the national level – by the Slovenian Film Centre that became the festival’s main fi-nancier. Despite this, there is still not enough finances … As much as we would need, want … But, no, this year I forbid (myself) to complain …

The 5th Little Elephant Festival will be it! It will be something special due to the biggest number of applied films, the new slogan of Ma-ribor »MARIBOR IS THE FUTURE,« the website, festival’s jubilee edition, its new members, and god knows what … This is what I believe, so this is how it is.

Rene Puhar, producer

We aRe gRoWing!

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6 mali slon little elephant

Film je medij, ki je, hočeš nočeš, preplavil svet. Že zdavnaj. Skozi tehnološki razvoj od iznajdbe 35-milimetrskega filma do ustano-vitve Youtube servisa je preteklo 111 let. V tem času je film do-živel mnoge spremembe. Danes lahko dogodke opazujemo že v 360-stopinjskem pogledu – z vrha, od spodaj, z leve, z desne. V kratkem bomo snemali igrane interaktivne filme, kjer bodo gledalci kot voajerji z dotikom zaslona določali kadre, upravljali s sliko in postali gospodarji časa.

Film, gibanje na zaslonu pritegne mimoidočega zaradi zvočnih in svetlobnih impulzov. Čeprav se mu še tako mudi, ga vsaj za kratek čas ustavi. Če je film dober ali slab, bo gledalcu pustil vtis.

Danes vse več mladih tudi ustvarja filme. Dostopnost opreme in razširjenost informacij sta otrokom ponudili priložnost raziskovanja filma. Medij, ki jim predstavlja predvsem zabavo, so nekateri prepo-znali tudi kot sredstvo izražanja.

Na festivalu želimo prikazati prav te filme – sporočila in raziskova-nja mladih. Kaj jih zanima, kaj se jih dotakne, kaj jih zabava in prite-gne. Tako se bomo sprehodili skozi različne faze in zvrsti filmskega ustvarjanja. Netekmovalni program Mali slon ponuja vpogled ideje otrok in mladih, njihove prve korake v svet gibljivih podob. Zanimivo je opazovati, kako lahko otroci in mladi skozi film odsevajo svojo kulturo, izobraževalni sistem in naklonjenost družbe filmu, odnos do

sveta, umetnosti in tehnologije. Si lahko dovolijo sanjati, izstopati, biti drugačni?

Na festival je prispelo 355 filmov iz 50 držav. 93 se jih je uvrstilo v:netekmovalni program Mali slonMINI – filmi otrok, starih do 10 letMIDI – filmi otrok, starih od 11 do 14 let MAXI – filmi mladih, starih od 15 do 19 let

Najboljših 76 filmov pa v:tekmovalni program Mali slon MINI – filmi otrok, starih do 10 letMIDI – filmi otrok, starih od 11 do 14 let MAXI – filmi mladih, starih od 15 do 19 let

Filmi v programu MINI so največkrat usmerjeni v igrivo raziskovanje filmskih tehnik. Pripovedovanje zgodbe stopi v ospredje nekoliko kasneje. MIDI program že podaja zaokrožene zgodbe, medtem ko v programu MAXI že najdemo prave profesionalce, ki se lahko kosajo s produkcijo odraslih.

Izmed filmov tekmovalnega programa bo mednarodna žirija izbrala zma-govalni film posamezne kategorije ter glavnega nagrajenca festivala. Letos bo kot novost ocenjevala tudi publika in podelila Nagrado publike. Tekmovalni program si bo moč ogledati v kinu Udarnik, medtem ko

in vendaR Se vRti ... Film!

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7mali slon little elephant

se bo netekmovalni večkrat ponovil na različnih lokacijah po me-stnem jedru (GT22, Vetrinjski dvor, Centralna Postaja).

Podelitvi nagrad bo sledila projekcija izbranih skandinavskih filmov mladih, ki prikazuje nenavadne zgodbe, razbija stereotipe in šokira. Ko govorimo o vzgoji in izobraževanju otrok, nikakor ne smemo iz-pustiti strokovnjakov, pedagogov, s katerimi lahko mladi ustvarjalci stopijo v stik, se z njimi pogovarjajo, sprejemajo njihove izkušnje in se od njih učijo. Ana Nedeljković (SR) in Nikola Majdak ml. (SR) bo-sta predstavila svoj prvenec Rabbitland, ki je prejel že več medna-rodnih nagrad, med drugim tudi Kristalnega medveda na Berlinalu.

Pogovarjali se bomo tudi s slovenskimi filmskimi ustvarjalci. Miha Šubic (SI) je za svoj prvi film, ki so ga naredili s sošolci, prejel na-grado že v srednji šoli. Od takrat je skupino prevzela strast do filma in danes se usmerja tudi v 3D računalniško animacijo. Skupaj z dru-štvom Film Factory nam bodo razkrili Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije. Pogovarjali pa se bomo tudi s filmskim in gledališkim igralcem Vojkom Belšakom (SI), dobitnikom Večerove nagrade za igralske dosežke. Poslušalcem bo razkril dobre in slabe delovne izkušnje, ki velikokrat srečajo igralca.

Za navihane raziskovalce vseh generacij pa Nicole Baïer (AT) pripravlja zabavno delavnico oživljanja slik, ki vam bo omogočila prvi stik s filmom. Sanjati. Podoživljati. Smejati se. Izpovedati se. Občutiti. Sočustvova-

ti. Jokati. Razumeti. Zabavati se. Prevzeti. Vse to se lahko zgodi gle-dalcu ob dobrem filmu. Toliko bolj, če je plod dela otrok in mladih.

Hana Repše, programska vodja

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8 mali slon little elephant

Film is a medium that – whether you like it or not – took over the world. A long time ago. The technological development since the introduction of 35mm film to the founding of YouTube service took 111 years. Meantime, the film changed a lot. Today, events can al-ready be seen in a 360° view – from the top, from the bottom, from left, from right. Soon we will be making interactive fiction films, in which the viewers will be voyeurs that will be able to control the image and become the masters of time by merely touching the screen.

The movement on a screen attracts the passer-by because of so-und and light impulses. Even if a person is in a hurry, they stop if even for just a brief moment. If a film is either good or bad, it will leave an impression on the viewer.

Nowadays, there are more and more young people creating films. The accessibility of equipment and the widespread information enabled children to explore the film. The medium that is mainly a means of entertainment for most, some recognised also as a means of expression.

The festival wishes to show exactly these films – the messages and explorations of the young. What they are interested in, touched by, what makes them happy, and what is that attracts them. The voyage will take us through various phases and genres of film-

making. The Little Elephant non-competition programme offers an insight into ideas of children and youth, and their first steps into the world of moving images. It is interesting to observe how children and young are able to reflect through film their culture, educational system and their society’s fondness to film, their view of the world, art, and technology. Can they dare to dream, to stand out, to be different?

355 films from 50 different countries applied to the festival. 93 of these made it into the:little elephant non-competition programmeMINI – films by children aged up to 10 yearsMIDI – films by children aged between 11 and 14 yearsMAXI – films by youth aged between 15 and 19 years

The best 76 films made it into the:little elephant competition programmeMINI – films by children aged up to 10 yearsMIDI – films by children aged between 11 and 14 yearsMAXI – films by youth aged between 15 and 19 years

The films in the MINI programme are mostly oriented into a playful exploration of film techniques. Storytelling takes advantage somew-hat later. The MIDI programme already offers well-rounded stories, while the MAXI programme also uncovers true professionals whose

and yet it moveS … Film!

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9mali slon little elephant

films can already match the production of adults.

From the competition programme, the international jury will choose the winning films in each category, as well as the winner of the festival. This year’s addition is the Audience Award.

The competition programme will be screened in Cinema Udarnik, while the non-competition programme will be rolling at various lo-cations across the town’s centre (GT22, Vetrinjski Mansion, Central Station).

The award ceremony will be followed by the screening of selected Scandinavian films by youth that shows unusual stories, breaks stereotypes, and shocks.

When talking about education of children, we surely cannot leave out experts and teachers that the young can make contact with, talk with, take their experience, and learn from them. Ana Nedeljković (RS) and Nikola Majdak jr. (RS) will present their debut Rabbitland that received numerous international awards – among them also the Crystal Bear of Berlinale.

We will also spend time with Slovenian filmmakers. Already in se-condary school, Miha Šubic (SI) received an award for his first film he created together with schoolmates. Since then, the whole group

was entranced by film, while Miha started to get involved in the 3D computer animation. With the association Film Factory they will un-cover the Secrets of Independent Film Production. We will also talk with film and theatre actor Vojko Belšak (SI), awarded by newspaper Večer for his acting achievements. He will share the good and bad working experience that an actor encounters.

For roguish explorers of all generations Nicole Baïer (AT) is prepa-ring a fun workshop of reviving images that will enable you to make first contact with film.

To dream. To experience. To laugh. To express. To feel. To sympathi-se. To cry. To understand. To have fun. To be moved. All of this can happen to a viewer seeing a good film. Even more, when the film is made by children and young.

Hana Repše, programme director

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žirija / jury

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11žirija jury

ana nedeljKović

Ana Nedeljković je beograjska umetnica in mentorica

likovnih delavnic. Šolanje je zaključila na Univerzi ume-

tnosti v Beogradu. Na isti univerzi je leta 2012 zaklju-

čila tudi doktorski študij. Je vizualna umetnica, ki dela

v mediju risbe, inštalacije, animiranega filma.

S filmom Rabbitland, ki ga je leta 2013 naredila skupaj

z Nikolo Majdakom ml., pa se je predstavila po več dr-

žavah v tujini in prejela tudi več nagrad, med katerimi

najbolj odmeva Kristalni medved iz Berlina. V tem času

je razvila tudi delavnico animiranega filma za mlade

Rabbitland II.

Ana Nedeljković was born in Belgrade in 1978. She

graduated from painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts of

the University of Arts in Belgrade. She has acquired

PhD in art practice from the same faculty in 2012.

She is visual artist working in media of drawing, in-

stallation, animated film, and is active in the field of

art education.

The film Rabbitland – that she created in 2013, toge-

ther with Nikola Majdak Jr. – was presented in various

countries and received numerous awards: the most

prominent being the Crystal Bear of Berlinale. In this

time she also developed the animated film workshop

for youth Rabbitland II.

nicole Baïer

Nicole Baïer je filmska, video, dokumentarna, interme-

dijska in scenografska ustvarjalka. Zaključila je študij

novinarstva in (avdio-vizualnih) komunikacij. Rodila se

je v Baslu (Švica) leta 1967, od leta 1994 pa živi in dela

v Salzburgu (Avstrija) in v tujini. Kot dokumentarna fil-

marka (vsebina, scenarij, kamera, montaža) je ustvarila

dela, ki segajo od dokumentaristike do intermedijskih

video in prostorskih izdelkov; prav tako pa poučuje na

področjih medijev in umetnosti.

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12 žirija jury

Nicole Baïer is a film and video artist, documentary,

inter-media and scenography creator. Received a de-

gree in journalism and the sciences of (audio-visual)

communication. Born in Basel (Switzerland) in 1967.

Since 1994, she has been living and working in Salz-

burg (Austria), as well as abroad. As a documentary

filmmaker (subject matter, script, camera, editing), her

video works range from documentary to inter-medial

video and space. She is working in art education pro-

grammes in the fields of media and art.

Miha ŠuBic

Miha Šubic je soustanovitelj filmske produkcije Film

Factory. V času študija na Visoki šoli za umetnost,

Univerze v Novi Gorici, je napisal in režiral več kratkih

animiranih in igranih filmov. Diplomiral je leta 2011 s

kratkim animiranim filmom Zadnje kosilo (Last Lunch),

ki je bil predvajan na številnih filmskih festivalih po

svetu. Trenutno razvija nov 3D animirani film z naslo-

vom »Honey, can you take my human for a walk?«.

Na področju igranega in animiranega filma deluje kot

režiser, scenarist in animator.

Miha Šubic is a co-founder of the film production orga-

nization Film Factory. During his studies at the School

of Arts at the University of Nova Gorica, he wrote and

directed numerous animated and fiction films. He gra-

duated in 2011 with a short animated film Last Lunch

that was accepted to many film festivals across the

globe. He is currently developing the new 3D animated

film, titled Honey, can you take my human for a walk?.

He works in the fields of fiction and animated film as a

director, screenwriter, and animator.

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Tekmovalni program: mednarodni tekmovalni program otroškega in mladinskega filma / Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film programme

mini i

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14 tekmovalni program competition programme MInI I

tuaregZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentor / Mentor: Danny De VentOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies,Academy of Visual Arts2014, Belgija / Belgium, 5'40''

Animirani dokumentarni film o življenju Tuaregov, nomadov, živečih v puščavi blizu Malija. Pri pouku smo spoznavali tuje kulture. Učitelj, Danny De Vent, je pripravil besedilo, iz katerega smo učenci razvijali animacijo.

An animated documentary about the life of the Tua-reg, nomads who live in the desert close to Mali. We learned about foreign cultures in class. The teacher, Danny De Vent, made the text, and the children cho-se a piece of text to develop the animation.

MéliÈsovo odKritje / a MéliÈs discoverYZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Maria Pla2013, Španija / Spain, 1'44''

V času od 1896 do 1913 je Georges Méliès ustva-ril približno 520 filmov. Večina jih je bila uničena ali izgubljena. Leta 2014 pa odkrijejo serijo, ki naj bi veljala za enega izmed njegovih izgubljenih filmov.

Between 1896-1913 Georges Méliès created approximately 520 films. Many of these films have been destroyed or lost. In 2014, a multi-episode film was discovered and is believed to be one of Méliès's lost films

gosenice iMaMo radi / nos gustan los gusanos / We love WorMsZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film / Documentary filmAvtorji / Authors: Andrea Rodríguez, Arianna Colombo, Carla Masanet, Juan López y Lucía LópezMentorja / Mentors: María Elena Solbes,Marco Potyomkin2014, Španija / Spain, 13'00''

Otroci vasi Beniardà ugotovijo, da lahko njihovo šolo zaprejo zaradi pomanjkanja otrok. Imajo pa tudi ve-liko idej, kako ta problem rešiti.

The kids of the Beniardà village in Alicante discover that their existing school could be closed because there is not enough kids in that area. They also have many ideas to solve this problem.

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15tekmovalni program competition programme MInI I

Mož s Kitaro / guitar Man / guitar ManZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Dave Merson hess, Tomas FeijoOrganizacija / Organization: Aurora Picture Show2014, ZDA / USA, 2'02''

Deklica iz 3. razreda, Jaulavia, govori o najpomemb-nejših stvareh v svojem življenju: risnjau, glasbi in svoji družini.

Jaulavia, a girl in the 3rd grade, discusses the thin-gs that are most important to her: drawing, music, and her family. With original score by the narrator herself.

urar / WatchMaKerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Blaž Koprivšek, Jakob KorošecMentorica / Mentor: hana RepšeOrganizacija / Organization: ENIMATION school2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'01''

Poklic urarja je zelo zanimiv. Včasih ga delo tako prevzame, da ponoči ne more zaspati.

A watchmaker has a very interesting job. Someti-mes he gets so caught up in his work that he can't sleep.

črvova sKrivnost / el Misterio del gusano / the MYsterY of the WorMZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Maria Pla2015, Španija / Spain, 1'40''

Skupina ljudi, živali in sladkarij si želi počitnice pre-živeti v Ameriki. Na potovanju pa jih čaka skrivnost.

A bunch of people, animals and sweets are willing to spend their holidays in America. But during the trip, a mystery awaits them.

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16 tekmovalni program competition programme MInI I

Bratranec Bert / cousin Bert /cousin BertZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorici / Mentors: Louise-Marie Colon,Siona VidakovicOrganizacija / Organization: Camera-etc2014, Belgija / Belgium, 4'40''

V družini Prášič se kmetovanje prenaša iz roda v rod. Fantje in dekleta dobijo vsak svojo nalogo. To poletje jih na kmetiji obišče bratranec Bert.

In the Pig Family, farming has been passed on from father to son. Boys and girls have their own specific tasks. This summer, Cousin Bert is coming to the farm for the holiday …

john BursonZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Matilda BasteMentorica / Mentor: Maria Pla2015, Španija / Spain, 3'24''

John Burson brani mesto pred pošastmi. Tako je vi-deti njegov delovnik.

John Burson keeps our cities monsters free. This is how he works.

nov začeteK / a neW startZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Ollie Ley2015, Anglija / England, 2'54''

Film je postavljen v svet, v katerem je vsak zvezek svet zase. Zvezki predstavljajo različne svetove z različnimi ozadji, kulturami, družinami in pokažejo, kako pari iz različnih zvezkov prihajajo skupaj in začenjajo znova.

This film is set in a world where every sketchbook is it’s own world, the sketchbooks represents different worlds with different backgrounds, cultures, famili-es and in this film is shows how couples come to-gether form different sketchbooks and start all over making there own sketchbook.

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17tekmovalni program competition programme MInI I

ljuBezen / ljuBav / loveZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Ema ŠobakMentorja / Mentors: Sandra Malenica, hrvoje SelecOrganizacija / Organization:Creative Film Studio VANIMA2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 1'08''

Balon in kaktus se zaljubita, a se njuna ljubezen zdi nemogoča. Balon dobi genialno idejo.

Balloon and cactus fall in love but they cannot be together. But the ballon has an idea.

če Bi Bil žival … / als iK een dier Was... / if i Was an aniMal …Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Iza CraccoOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies, Acade-my of Visual Arts in Ghent2014, Belgija / Belgium, 1'02''

Skupinsko delo na podlagi flipbookov, ki so nastali na delavnici animiranega filma na akademiji za vizu-alne umetnosti. Začenja se s stavkom »Če bi bil žival …«. Skice in snemanje so izvedli otroci s pomočjo učiteljice Ize.

A group work on the basis of flip books, made during the class of animation movies at the Academie of Visual Art. Starting from »If I was an animal ...« The drawings and shooting were made by the children and Teacher Iza helped editing.

oursiZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Siona Vidakovic, Simon MedardOrganizacija / Organization: Camera-etc2014, Belgija / Belgium, 4'34''

Oursi si neizmerno želi zapustiti Otok živali iz blaga, kar pa ostalim ni ravno po godu …

Oursi is desperate to leave the Isle of the Cuddly Toys, which is not to everyone's taste ...

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sesalKor / hooverZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Adrian Mujkič, Iuna Osredkar, Lovro Smrekar, Amelija KracinaMentorja / Mentors: Kolja Saksida, Brina Fekonja (asistentka)Organizacija / Organization: 2 koluta, Vzgojno-izo-braževalni program animiranega filma Slon2014, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'08''

Zgodba govori o onesnaženem planetu in genialne-mu dečku, ki izumi tako močen sesalec, da lahko z njim očisti ves planet.

A story about a polluted planet and a little genius who invents a vacuum cleaner so powerful, it can clean the whole world.

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Tekmovalni program: mednarodni tekmovalni program otroškega in mladinskega filma / Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film programme

mini ii

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20 tekmovalni program competition programme MInI II

aPollo 1000 - Misija: luna /aPollo 1000 - Mission: MoonZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Tanja JankovičOrganizacija / Organization: OŠ Danile Kumar2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 0'54''

Robotek iz elektronskega vezja odpotuje na Luno. A tudi tam se skrivajo nevarnosti kot na primer črna luknja ...

A little electronic robot travels to the Moon. There he experiences great dangers, such as Black holes ...

naKuPovanje / shoPPingZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Yorun CuréMentor / Mentor: Danny De VentOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies, Acade-my of Visual Arts in Ghent2014, Belgija / Belgium, 0'38''

Konj se odpravi po nakupih. V šoli smo govorili o ži-valih, sama pa imam najraje konje. Pri uri animacije na Akademiji v Ghentu sem posnela film, z nekaj pomoči učiteljice.

A horse goes shopping. I love horses and we talked at school about animals. I made the movie during the animation class at the Academie in Ghent. I made it on my own but the teacher gave me some tips.

votli KroMPir / eMPtY PotatoesZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Tim Gajzer, Nino TrdinMentorica / Mentor: hana RepšeOrganizacija / Organization: ENIMATION school2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'24''

Ko se trikotnik izgubi v krompirju in prvič okusi njegov čarobni okus, slednji zelo hitro izgine. Tako kuhar ostane praznih rok … Njam, je dober.

When the triangle gets lost in a potato and tastes it for the first time, it disappears very soon. The chef stays empty handed ... Yum, it's good.

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črno in Belo / crno i Bijelo /BlacK and WhiteZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Lucija KahlinaMentorja / Mentors: Sandra Malenica, hrvoje SelecOrganizacija / Organization:Creative Film Studio VANIMA2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 1'00''

Konj zagleda zebro, ta pa ga niti ne opazi. Nato se konj domisli rešitve.

The horse sees zebra, but zebra is not paying atten-tion to him. But horse has a solution.

Mala luMiÈra / los Pequeños herManos luMiÈre / the little luMiÈre BrothersZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorji / Authors: Lola Parrilla heinz, Curro Vargas Barea, Sergio Mate Palacios, Enrique Parrilla heinzMentorica / Mentor: Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero2015, Španija / Spain, 7'58''

Brata Lumiere sta bila kot otroka zelo ustvarjalna, iznajdljiva in vztrajna na področju filmske umetnosti.

The Lumiere brothers as children were creative, in-genious and persevering in art of the image.

snežinKo in sedeM Palčic / Blanc flocon et les 7 naines / flaKe White and the seven ladY dWarvesZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorici / Mentors: Louise-Marie Colon,Dominique Van heckeOrganizacija / Organization: Camera-etc2014, Belgija / Belgium, 5'19''

Nekoč, pred davnimi časi je živel kralj, ki je med opazovanjem padajočih snežink šival. Nekega dne je dobil sina in go poimenoval Snežinko.

Once upon a time, there was a king who sewed whi-le watching the snow fall. One day, he had a child and named him Flake White …

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22 tekmovalni program competition programme MInI II

Mit o alcYonu / the MYth of alcYoneZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Eythimia Naki Organizacija / Organization: Kindergarten of Megali Vrissi2014, Grčija / Greece, 2'18''

Grški mit o Alcyone, Gkrinji in njenem možu, ki sta se zamerila bogovom, zato ju je Zeus kaznoval.

Greek myth, the myth of Alcyone. It’s about a woman and her husband who committed hubris against the gods, and so Zeus punished them.

PloŠčati in graheK 2: v zraKu /Plat en erWt 2: in de lucht /flat and Pea 2: in the airZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Noah MacanovicMentor / Mentor: Lars, Noahov oče / Lars, Noah's dadOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies2013, Belgija / Belgium, 3'26''

Ploščati in Grahek doživita letalsko nesrečo. Noah Macanovic: »To stop-motion animacijo sem posnel s kamero, plastelinom in risalno tablo. Animacijo in zvok sem posnel sam, uredil pa jo je moj oče.« Ploščati se je pojavil že v njegovem prejšnjem filmu.

Flat and Pea have contracted an airplane-trauma. Noah Macanovic: »I made this stop-motion movie with a camera, playdoh and a markerboard. The ani-mation and sounds are all made by me, my dad did the editing.« Flat also appeared in a previous movie.

MagnoMen v nevarnosti /los MagnoMenes en Peligro / MagnoMen in dangerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Claudio BasteMentorica / Mentor: Maria Pla2013, Romunija / Romania, 5'10''

Mesto Magnomen je tarča pogostih napadov, tako iz vesolja kot s planeta Zemlje. Zgodba o civilizaciji, ki se trudi preživeti do konca.

The city of Magnomen is suffering constant attacks, from outer space as much as from Planet Earth. This is the story of how a civilization struggles to survive until the end.

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vojna zvezd / sterrenoorlog /star WarsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Tom Kiekebooms, Milan PauwelsMentor / Mentor: Shelley SwinnenOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies, Acade-my in Turnhout2014, Belgija / Belgium, 2'20''

Zvezdne steze temeljijo na originalni in vsem dobro znani seriji. Ker pa smo vsi tudi veliki oboževalci Maria Brosa, se naš film nanaša na omenjeno igro. Glavni lik je Yoda, ki se bori proti slabemu.

Star Wars is based on the original and well-known Star Wars movies. And because we are also big fans of games like Mario Bros, our movie also refers to the game of Mario Bros. The main character is Yoda, he fights against the evil. We made the movie

navijaŠKa hiMna / cheer antheMZvrst / Genre: Igrano-dokumentarni film / Fiction-Documentary filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentor / Mentor: Primož KrašnaOrganizacija / Organization: OŠ Rače2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'39''

Film je nastal v sklopu video delavnice. Prikazuje zgodbo o osnovnošolcu, nogometnem navdušen-cu, ki se zelo veseli prostih popoldnevov in igra-nja nogometa s prijatelji. hkrati pa sanja o igranju nogometa v velikem nogometnem klubu, kot je NK Maribor.

The film was created on a video workshop. It re-presents a story of an elementary school student, a football fan who is really looking forward to free afternoons and playing football with his friends. his dream is to become a player of a big football club, such as NK Maribor.

PoseBnež / un drôle de coco / oddBodZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Delphine hermans,Frédéric hainautOrganizacija / Organization: Camera-etc2014, Belgija / Belgium, 6'11''

Piščanček Coco se je rodil v družini pingvinov. Težko se je naučiti plavati in loviti kot njegova bratec in sestrica …

Coco the chick was born into a penguin family. It's hard to learn how to swim and to fish like his brother and sister ...

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Tekmovalni program: mednarodni tekmovalni program otroškega in mladinskega filma / Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film programme


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25tekmovalni program competition programme MIdI

Polna luna / Pun Mjesec /full MoonZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Ivan horakMentorica / Mentor: Nataša DoričOrganizacija / Organization: Video klub Mursa/CTK Osijek-ZTK Grada Osijeka2013, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'30''

Dogodivščine miška Miška in mačka. Maček je pa-metnejši od miška, ko pa se spusti noč, se nekaj spremeni.

Adventure of Mouse Mishko and cat. Cat is smar-ter than Mishko, but when night falls , something is changing ...

Kres / BonfireZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenOrganizacija / Organization: Paper Panthers,Fresh Film Festival2014, Irska / Ireland, 3'59''

Dekle spozna posebnega prijatelja, s katerim se skupaj postavita po robu nepridipravom, ki kuri-jo kres. Produkcija šestega razreda (Scoil Bhride, Galway). Like so oblikovali otroci, končali pa so jih Paper Panthers.

A girl meets an unlikely friend and together they make sure that those bonfire punks get what they deserve! Sixth class (Scoil Bhride, Galway) involved in all aspect of production. Character design infor-med by the children but finalised by Paper Panthers.

Prijatelj zMore vse /un aMigo Puede con todo /a friend does it allZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero2014, Španija / Spain, 9'28''

Sošolca želita pomagati sošolki Luni, katere oče je ostal brez dela, in ji omogočiti nadaljevanje pouka v glasbeni šoli, kjer je tudi najboljša.

Two kids trying to find a way for Luna, a classmate whose father has been laid off from work, to stay in the music school where she is the best.

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26 tekmovalni program competition programme MIdI

jaz seM večen / i aM foreverZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film / Documentary filmAvtor / Author: NoorMentorja / Mentors: Lara Jacoski, Patrick Belem2015, Tajska / Thailand, 7'33''

Kako bi se vam zdelo, če bi našli kup odvrženih plastenk na lokaciji, kjer ponavadi jeste? Oglejte si reakcijo učencev, ki protestirajo proti uporabi pla-stenk v šoli.

What would you say if you found a pile of garbage of plastic bottles in a place that you generally go to eatč Watch the reaction of students of a very smelly art piece and a parade against the use of plastic bottles at the school.

KYzYa-roBinZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorici / Mentors: Bogacheva Olga, Fazulina MarinaOrganizacija / Organization: Multistude at the school »STUPENI«2015, Rusija / Russia, 4'28''

Film je posnet po istoimenski zgodbi otroškega pi-satelja Valentina Postnikova. Gre za zgodbo o hišni ljubljenki, mački Kuzyi, ki se znajde na neposelje-nem otoku sredi reke Moskve.

It is a screened version of the same-name story by the Russian children’s writer Valentin Postnikov. It is a story about a pet cat Kuzya that finds itself on a little uninhabited island in the middle of the Moskva river.

invalidnost / disaBledZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Shun Yat Chan, Wai Chui Tsang, Kam Tat ChinMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun ChanOrganizacija / Organization: Shun Tak Fraternal,Association Yung Yau College2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 1'01''

Problem diksriminacije nad invalidnimi osebami je dandanes precej aktualen. S to zgodbo želimo spo-ročiti, da se invalidi ne razlikujejo preveč od »zdra-vih« ljudi, in doseči večjo moč in pravice invalidnih oseb.

Nowadays, there is a lot of people who discriminate the Disabled people and want take away their rights. By this story, we hope to carry out that the Disabled can do whatever they can.

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27tekmovalni program competition programme MIdI

da vincKi in guMB /da vincKi and the ButtonZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Matas SkudraOrganizacija / Organization: Fresh Film Festival2014, Irska / Ireland, 1'14''

Da Vincki najde čarobni gumb.

Da Vincki finds a magic button.

isKalec vode / el Buscador de aqua / the Water seeKerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Leo humphreys-Newman, Ignacio Nieto-Butelo, Tomas Nebot Páez, Pedro Nebot-PáezMentorica / Mentor: Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero2015, Španija / Spain, 2'00''

Juan na poletni izmenjavi gosti Afričana hamado in ga želi naučiti čim več. Vendar je na koncu hamada tisti, ki Juana nauči nečesa zelo pomembnega.

Juan, a Spanish boy, hopes to teach many things to hamada, a summer exchange visitor from Africa. however, it is hamada who teaches Juan something he will never forget.

uPoKojenec: hranjenje račK / retireMent: feeding the ducKsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Francesca GoethalsMentor / Mentor: Danny De VentOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies, Acade-my of Visual Arts in Ghent2014, Belgija / Belgium, 0'27''

V šoli je beseda tekla o tem, kaj si želimo početi, ko se upokojimo. V filmu starejša ženska obišče park, da bi hranila račke. Animacija je bila posneta med poukom animacije na Akademiji vizualnih umetnosti v Gentu.

At school we discussed the theme: »If I retire, then I'll ...« In my movie, an old woman visits the parc to feed the ducks. This movie was made during the animation class at the Academy of Visual Arts in Gent.

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nevihta / teMPestZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Saatvik Ayra2015, Indija / India, 2'47''

Zaradi močne nevihte skupina najstnikov dobi ču-dežne moči, ki jim spremenijo življenje. Najprej ne vedo, kaj z njimi početi, nato pa jih začnejo upora-bljati. Ene moči koristijo družbi, tako se nekateri naj-stniki posvetijo varovanju nedolžnih ljudi pred zlom, medtem ko se drugi odločijo za zlorabo svojih moči za uničenje družbe. Tudi Clark je dobil čudežno moč.

After a group of teenagers get strange powers from a Life Changing SuperStorm, they are excited and confused about how to use their powers. They all start using their powers. Some powers are used for the benefit of the society sosome teens decide to dedicate their life to protect the innocent from the evil while some teens misuse their powers to de-stroy the society for personal gain. Clark is one of the teenagers who received extraordinary powers.

o sKoPuŠKi lisici / cheaPsKate foxZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Tilen, Freja, Rasta, Gabriel, Marija, KarinMentorici / Mentors: Anka Kočevar, Nina KojcOrganizacija / Organization: 2 koluta, Vzgojno-izobraževalni program animiranega filma Slon2014, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'37''

Zgodba govori o skopuški lisici, ki z nikomer ne želi deliti svoje pečenke, a ji druge živali kmalu dajo svojo lekcijo.

This is a story about a stingy fox that won't share her roast with anyone, so she learns an important lesson.

dečeK z veliKo glavo /o caBeçudo / the Big-headed BoYZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentor / Mentor: Nelson FernandesOrganizacija / Organization: Matriz E5G2015, Portugalska / Portugal, 9'04''

Velikoglavi deček je zaradi svoje pojave večkrat tarča posmeha. Neke noči pa s pomočjo volčjega tuljenja najde rešitev za svojo težavo.

A big-headed little boy is being bullied. At night, with the howl of a wolf, he finds the solution for his problem.

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29tekmovalni program competition programme MIdI

če Bi Bil oPica / Wat als iK een aaP Was? / What if i Was a MonKeY?Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Floris BaeteOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies, Academy of Visual Arts in Ghent2014, Belgija / Belgium, 0'52''

Ko so Florisa vprašali, kaj bi bilo, če bi bil žival, mu ni bilo treba predolgo razmišljati. Biti žival, v njegovem primeru opica, ima več pomanjkljivosti kot predno-sti. Zgodbo je sam napisal, posnel in uredil.

When asked, »What if you were an animal?« Floris didn't have to think long. Being an animal, in his case a monkey, has more disadvantages than ad-vantages. Floris invented the story, recorded it and edited it himself.

snežaK / sneeuWMan / snoWManZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Davy CloetOrganizacija / Organization: MakingMovies, Workshop at De Zon, a school for children with special needs2014, Belgija / Belgium, 1'18''

V mestu sneži. Stanovalec iz bližnje zgradbe se sprehodi mimo spomenika, prekritega s snegom, ki pa mu ni všeč. Odloči se, da ga bo spremenil. Spomenik ne ve, kaj se z njim dogaja. Animacijo so izdelali otroci v zavodu De Zon, šoli za otroke s po-sebnimi potrebami.

It's snowing in the city. An occupant of the flat walks past a snow-covered statue, he doesn't like it. he wants to change it. The statue doesn't know what happens to it. This movie was made at De Zon, a school for children with special needs.

vsi PotreBujeMo PoMoč /todos necesitaMos aYuda /We all need helPZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Jacqueline Sánchez - Càrrero2014, Španija / Spain, 2'22''

Brazilec emigrira v Španijo in tam išče službo. Spo-zna, da prav vsak izmed nas kdaj potrebuje pomoč.

A man emigrates from Brazil to Spain in search of work. There, he realizes that each of us needs help from the other.

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30 tekmovalni program competition programme MIdI

igra / le Match / the gaMeZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Delphine hermans,Simon MedardOrganizacija / Organization: Camera-etc2014, Belgija / Belgium, 4'39''

Rdeči vragi so se prebili v finale. Na žalost tekma ni bila prav razburljiva. Navijačice so se odločile za zvišanje svojih standardov in nadomestile igralce ekipe.

The Red Devils are through to the final! Unfortunate-ly, the game is by no means exciting. The cheerlea-ders decide to raise standards and take the players' place…

sledilec / tragač / tracKerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Juraj ErnoičMentorja / Mentors: Sandra Malenica, hrvoje SelecOrganizacija / Organization: Vanima2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'12''

Raziskovalec osvobodi ptico, ki so jo ujeli Indijanci.

The Indians captured the bird, but the researcher will release her.

PrasKanKa - aniMacija oB 100. oBletnici rojstva norMana Mclarna /scratcY aniMation at 100th anniversarY of the Birthof norMan MclarenZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Timon Leder, Leon VidmarOrganizacija / Organization: Društvo 2 koluta, Vzgoj-no-izobraževalni program animiranega filma Slon2014, Slovenija / Slovenia, 3'06''

Animacija je narejena s praskanjem in risanjem na 35-milimetrski filmski trak in je nastala ob 100. obletnici rojstva enega najpomembnejših pionirjev animiranega filma, Normana Mclarna.

The animation was created at the workshop scrat-ching and drawing on 35 mm film tape on the 100th anniversary of the birth of film art giant Norman McLaren, one of the most important pioneers of animated film.

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niKZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Jakob VogrinecMentorja / Mentors: Boštjan Sovec, Saša Bezjak2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 0'57''

Mama zahteva od sina Nika, da napiše voščilnice. Takoj za tem Nik prinese že napisane. Gre za ko-mično situacijo, ko Nik mami preda stare napisane voščilnice, ki jih lani ni poslal. Mama je najprej za-čudena, da je tako hitro napisal, potem zgrožena.

Nik's mom wanted him to write some greeting cards, but he wrote them so quickly that his mother couldn't believe him. It's a comical situation where Nik uses the old greeting cards which were never sent.

KaKrŠen oče, taKŠen sin /liKe father, liKe sonZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Ioannes Palomaria2014, ZDA / USA, 3'47''

Film Ioannesa Palomarie, izdelan za njegov končni projekt v sedmem razredu, za film Thomasa Starra Kinga in Media Magnet. V filmu tudi sam igra.

A Film by Ioannes Palomaria, made for his final 7th grade project for Thomas Starr King's Film and Me-dia Magnet. he also stars in his own movie.

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Tekmovalni program: mednarodni tekmovalni program otroškega in mladinskega filma / Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film programme

maxi i

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33tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI I

sladKo življenje / sWeet lifeZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: hunter ThomasMentor / Mentor: Paul WernerPrototype Zero Productions2015, ZDA / USA, 5'31''

Jeffova punca ni več zaljubljena vanj. Jesslyn je pred kratkim zapustil fant. Jeff najde novo ljubezen. Je to Jesslyn ali kdo drug?

Jeff's GF falls out of love. Jesslyn recently got dum-ped. Jeff finds a new love. Is it Jesslyn or someone or something else?

fant / BoYZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Lucas helth PostmaMentorji / Mentors: Claus Michealsen, Esben Lar-sen, Eric Witzgall, Thomas Engel, Lars Rasmussen, Kim Blidorf, Anne-Mette Bo DrivsholmOrganizacija / Organization: Station Next2014, Danska / Denmark, 16'01''

Kratek film »FANT« govori o deklici Emily, katere že-lja je postati fant, s čimer pa se njena mama žal ne strinja. Skozi film spremljamo njeno izkušnjo v želji prepričati svet, da je ujeta v napačnem telesu.

The short film »BOY« is about the biological born girl Emilie, whose wish is to be a boy, but sadly her mother doesn’t wish the same. Throughout the film we experience her attempt to convince the world, that she’s trapped in the wrong body.

Kung fu jazBec / Kung fu BadgerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: skupina mladih / group of youthOrganizacija / Organization: Fresh Film Festival, Transition Year Coláiste Eoin2014, Irska / Ireland, 14'13''

Obupen cirkus je grdo ravnal z Jazbecem, sedaj pa je čas za pravico!

A wasteful circus pushed Badger too far, and now it's time for justice!

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34 tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI I

KoMProMis / coMProMiseZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorice / Authors: Eva Sešek, Monika Mele,Katarina RobnikMentorica / Mentor: Mojca GuštinOrganizacija / Organization: Srednja medijska in grafična šola Ljubljana2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'57''

Film govori o kompromisu. Glavna lika sta mama zajklja in njena hči Mila, ki bi rada pojedla sedem korenčkov, a ji mama tega ne dovoli, zato skleneta kompromis. V odnosu sta zelo pomembna komuni-kacija in razumevanje.

This film is about compromise. There are two main characters Mama rabbit and her daughter Mila. Mila wants 7 carrots but her mother doesn’t allow her to eat that many so they make a compromise. It shows how important it is to communicate with each other and not argue.

the BloBZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Stjepan MatičMentorica / Mentor: Nataša DoričOrganizacija / Organization: Video klub Mursa/CTK Osijek-ZTK Grada Osijeka2013, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'00''

Med spreminjanjem v številne oblike lik spozna, da je najbolje in najpomebneje biti to, kar si.

Taking other forms, character recognizes that the best and most important - to be yourself.

v džunglo / into the jungleZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Nithin LalMentor / Mentor: Ravi heggadi2014, Indija / India, 6'01''

Jadralec, ki se je odpravil na dogodivščino, osta-ne ujet sredi morja. Med raziskovanjem naleti na zapuščen otok. Ko prispe tja, ugotovi, da na tem skrivnostem otoku ni sam, saj je poseljen s plemeni. Slednja ga ujamejo in mučijo. Film se zaključi z ja-dralčevim begom s smrtonosnega otoka.

A Tourist/Sailor who goes on an adventure finds himself stuck in the middle of a sea. On his further exploration he spots a desert island. he makes his way there and realises that he is not alone in the mysterious place. The Island was Inhabited by Tri-bals. The tribals take him captive and torture him. The rest of the film continues with the tourist's stru-ggle to escape from the deadly island.

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35tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI I

žalostna KalKulatorja /sad calculatorsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Cian MurphyOrganizacija / Organization: Fresh Film Festival2014, Irska / Ireland, 1'00''

Kalkulator najde prijatelja.

A calculator makes a friend.

oBiranje / BerBa / PicKingZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Miroslav KlaričOrganizacija / Organization: FKVK Zaprešič2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'14''

Čas je za obiranje sadja. Nič lažjega, vzameš košaro in greš v sadovnjak. A če ne veš, kaj je pokončno in kaj ležeče, se pogled na obiranje sadja nekoliko zakomplicira, če me razumete ...

It's time to picking the fruit. Piece of cake. You take a basket and go to the orchard. But if you do not know what is vertical and what is horizontal, the view of picking is not exactly in the right perspective. If you know what I mean ...

dvigalo / liftZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Loïc hobi2015, Švica / Switzerland, 4'30''

Dekle mora z dvigalom v knjižnico, na poti pa naleti na nekaj nepričakovanega.

A young girl has to take a lift to go to the library but something unexpected will happen …

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36 tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI I

Krila za sallY / Wings for sallYZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorica / Authors: Freja Lykke MeagaardMentorji / Mentors: Claus Michaelsen, Marin Stran-ge-hansen Eric witzgall, Thomas Engell, Kim BlidorfOrganizacija / Organization: Station Next2015, Danska / Denmark, 14'08''

Robertova sestra Sally trpi za levkemijo in je pre-šibka, da bi se z njim igrala zunaj. Ker Robertu to ni všeč, z nekaj domišljije pomaga Sally odleteti v prostor, kjer se lahko oba igrata zunaj.

Robert’s sister Sally has Leukaemia and she’s too sick to play with him outside. Robert doesn’t put up with that, so with fantasy and a good heart he helps Sally fly to a place where they booth can play out-side together.

scenaristova BeležKa /screenWriter's BlocKZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: James TralieMentor / Mentor: John Tralie2013, ZDA / USA, 2'43''

Scenarist se muči s pisanjem scenarija za film, do-kler ne zamenja svojega načina mišljenja za novega, bolj domiselnega.

A screenwriter struggles to conceptualize a film idea until he changes his old way of thinking for a new, imaginative one.

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Tekmovalni program: mednarodni tekmovalni program otroškega in mladinskega filma / Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film programme

maxi ii

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38 tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI II

siMonija Pri 10 Khz /sinfonia eM 10 Khz /sYMPhonY in 10 KhzZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorica / Author: Bianca Rêgo2015, Brazilija / Brazil, 6'34''

O medosebni interakciji, nedotakljivosti, notranjem kaosu, ki ga nimaš s kom deliti, zato ta strah pre-tvoriš v umetnost, ples, pesem, film. Kratek film o dekletu, ujetem v sami sebi.

When it is so introspective that the most interperso-nal interaction that's able to you it is with intangibi-lities; when your inner chaos isn't enough and you have no one to share it, all that remains is to turn this angst in art, dance, poem, film. »Symphony in 10 khz« it's a short film that runs the train of thought of this girl trapped in herself.

sigMaZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorja / Authors: Matic Valentan, Amadej LuršakMentor / Mentor: Dejan PaskaOrganizacija / Organization: Srednja šola za obliko-vanje Maribor2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 22'00'

Film na simbolni ravni obravnava človeško oseb-nost in njegovo podzavest. Sigma, kot simbol, je 18. črka grške abecede s številčno vrednostjo 200. Prav toliko dni je protagonist in hkrati antagonist filma potreboval, da se je sprijaznil s samim seboj.

The film deals with ones personality and subconsci-ousness on a symbolic level. Sigma is a sybol, the 18th letter of greek alphabet with a numeric value of 200. This is the exact nuber of days that the movie character needed to accept himself.

frenKZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Žiga Leški Kosič, Patricija Barbič, Luka Berce, Domen BrčanMentorica / Mentor: Mojca GuštinOrganizacija / Organization: Srednja medijska in grafična šola Ljubljana2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'12''

Frenku (glavni lik) Brko podari skate desko. Frenk se zabava z novim športom, vendar doživi nesrečo, in naposled se kljub poškodbi le odloči nadeljevati s športom, ki ga veseli.

Frenk (the main character) gets a skateboard from his friend Brko. he really enjoys his new sport but an accident happens. Despite the injury he decides to carry on skateboarding.

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39tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI II

jonas na Poti /jonas on the roadZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Jonas Kalab, Florian Lochner, Leander ErasmusMentor / Mentor: Thomas Renoldner2014, Avstrija / Austria, 2'51''

Piksilacija na prehodih šole - super zabavno!

A »pixilation« movie on the gangways of the school - that can be a lot of fun!

zaKulisje filMa »osvoBoditev« /Bag oM »Befrielsen« /Behind »the liBeration«Zvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film / Documentary filmAvtorji / Authors: Lukas Westtoft, Axel Sorensen, Karl ZakiMentor / Mentor: Nisse KoltzeOrganizacija / Organization: Station Next2014, Danska / Denmark, 13'14''

Skupina mladih, nadobudnih filmarjev želi posneti film o treh nagcih, ki preizkušajo svoje meje. Rež-iserka Anna-Sophie pojasni proces izdelave filma in razvijanja zgodbe.

A group of young, aspiring filmmakers try to make a movie about three naked guys, who tests each others limits. Director Anna-Sophie explains the process of making the movie and how she deve-loped the story.

Beg Pred hitrostjo /escaPe velocitYZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: James Tralie2015, ZDA / USA, 3'52''

Deček si želi najti lepoto sveta, ki ga obkroža. Za-radi osnesnaženosti, odlagališč, sivega neba in ulic, porisanih z grafiti, je Zemlja v njegovih očeh grda. V iskanju lepote si želi zbežati z Zemlje.

A young boy struggles to find beauty in the world around him. From pollution, to landfills, to grey skies and alleyways covered in graffiti, the Earth is ugly in the eyes of this boy. he wants to escape from Earth.

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40 tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI II

KaKo se PriKuPiti ljudeM /hoW to get PeoPle to liKe YouZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Alexandra Yakovleva2014, Švica / Switzerland, 3'56''

Kratka animacija temelji na znanem intertnetnem članku »Kako se prikupiti ljudem« in ponuja recept za popolno osebnost zgolj skozi upoštevanje nekaj osnovnih pravil.

Short animation based on a popular internet article »how To Get People To Like You« offering a recipe to get a perfect personality merely by following simple social rules.

laBirint / laBYrinthZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Zalman Shapiro, Shahar Maizel, Anya Rubstein, Aharon EngelMentor / Mentor: Max Epstein2014, Izrael / Israel, 3'29''

Skrivnostna stara hiša vase posrka osamjenega ra-dovedneža. Gre samo za potegavščino ali srečanje s podzavestjo?

Encountering an old enigmatic house, a lonely guy gets absorbed into it – just fooling around or mee-ting the subconscious?

veni, vidi, vici Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Kolja SaksidaOrganizacija / Organization: ZVVIKS2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'19''

Ob skiciranju idej se umetniku zdi, da nima nobene inspiracije. Ko pa pogleda malo bolje, je umetnina že gotova.

Sketching his ideas, the artist feels like he has no inspiration. Taking a fresh look, though, he realizes the artwork is already done.

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41tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI II

ovire / oBstaclesZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarno-igrani film / Documentary-fiction filmAvtor / Author: Žiga KrajncMentor / Mentor: Dejan PaskaOrganizacija / Organization: Srednja šola za obliko-vanje Maribor2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 10'15''

Film so posneli dijaki s pomočjo svojega mentorja na delavnici animiranega filma.

With a help from their mentor, the entire film was created by high school student on workshop of ani-mated film.

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Tekmovalni program: mednarodni tekmovalni program otroškega in mladinskega filma / Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film programme

maxi iii

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43tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI III

la feMMe fatale / the feMMe fataleZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Robert VogrinecMentor / Mentor: Dejan PaskaOrganizacija / Organization: Srednja šola za obliko-vanje Maribor2014, Slovenija / Slovenia, 11'10''

Kriminalna drama, ki se dogaja ponoči, v dežju. Ne-znana ženska s svojo na videz nezapleteno zgodbo, odločen in smrtonosen privatni detektiv. Razplet zgodbe ustvarja nove zaplete. Film noir brez Lauren in humphreya.

A crime drama is going on in a rainy night. An un-known woman with her uncomplicated story, a stu-bborn and deadly private detectiv. The denouement creates the new complications. A Film Noir without Lauren and humphrey.

Pravica / ret / justiceZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorji / Authors: Malte Buster Risgaard BrænderMentorji / Mentors: Torben Larsen, Cæcilia holbek--Trier, Adam Thulin, Lars Bo Kimergaard, Thomas Engell, Kim BlidorfOrganizacija / Organization: Station Next2015, Danska / Denmark, 8'32''

Zgodba o tem, kako tudi najboljši možje lahko pod-ležejo želji po maščevanju. Glavni liki se skozi zgod-bo prevprašujejo o etičnih vprašanjih, kaj je prav in kaj narobe.

The short film Just is the story of how far even the best of men can be driven by revenge. Through the main character it revolves around the ethical questi-on of what is right and what is wrong.

žaBica / froggYZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Karlo VorihMentor / Mentor: Igor JelinovičOrganizacija / Organization: Blank_Filmski Inkubator2014, hrvaška / Croatia, 8'56''

Na strehi neke stare zgradbe v Zagrebu so posta-vljeni dve skodelici kave, stoli in ena neposrečena ideja za film. To je film o filmu, prijateljstvu in eni nenavadni žabi.

At the top of an old Zagreb roof there are two cups of coffe, chairs and one failed idea for a film. This is a film about film, friendship and one unusual frog.

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44 tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI III

ÂMagoZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Mirela Sales Salge2015, Brazilija / Brazil, 2'25''

Kateri dan je danes? /que dia é hoje? / What daY is todaY?Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Rodolfo PimientaOrganizacija / Organization: Colectivo Fotograma 242015, Portugalska / Portugal, 12'25''

Film prikazuje pričevanja pričevanja starejših gene-racij, ki je bila priča štiridesetim letom diktatorske-ga režima in nato še štiridsesetim letom basenske demokracije in odkrila, da je postal boj za osnovne človeške pravice skozi leta zabloda, ki jo poganja nadzor nad denarjem in visoko stopnjo porabe, ki onesposoblja in manipulira z današnjo družbo.

Over a two month period, these youngsters took a trip down memory lane to collect the testimonies of an older generation who witnessed 40 years of dictatorship and another 40 of fable-like democracy only to find out that the struggle for basic human rights has become, over the years, a delusion fueled by controls over currency and high consumption ra-tes that numb and manipulate today’s society...

neuresničena želja /a Wasted WishZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Kolja SaksidaOrganizacija / Organization: Zvviks2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'18''

Želja Nikole Tesle po brezplačni energiji za vse člo-veštvo je bila zamenjana z željo po dobičku. Film so izdelali dijaki s pomočjo mentorja na delavnici ani-miranega filma.

Nikola Tesla's wish for free energy for all humanity was replaced by the wish for profit.

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45tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI III

ulov / catchZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Lucija Majnarič, Leda Globan, Dario Komar, Bruno RenduličMentor / Mentor: Davor KlaričOrganizacija / Organization: FKVK Zaprešič2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'00''

Prelep sončen dan. Mirno morje in idealni pogoji za ribolov. Ko bi se le še ribe ujele. Ali pa raje ne ...

A beautiful, sunny day. A calm sea, ideal conditions for fishing. If only that fish bites. Or maybe not ...

Brez Mej / sinirsiz / BoundlessZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Furkan Yazgeç2015, Turčija / Turkey, 3'55''

Zgodba o dveh zelo dobrih prijateljih, ki se odločita za igrišče ravno na sredini meje med dvema država-ma. Naenkrat se znajdeta na sredi bojišča, omejena z ograjami. Odločita se, da prekineta s to razdaljo in poskušata oživeti stare čase.

Two children who really love eachother are very good friends and they decide to choose a playgro-und right in the middle of a two different country border. Suddenly these two children find themselves in the middle of a war with fences and wires betwe-en them. And they decide to end this distance and tries to go back to old days.

anaZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorja / Authors: Nika Vahčič, Marko Bičanič2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 1'35''

Drugačna perspektiva na življenje najstnice, ki se bori z anoreksijo in duševno boleznijo.

A different perspective on a life of a teenage girl struggling with anorexia and mental illness.

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46 tekmovalni program competition programme MaxI III

nič. / nichts. / nothing.Zvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorica / Author: Marie Luise Lehner2015, Avstrija / Austrija, 21'55''

Dve osebi v stanovanju. Dnevi bežijo. Sneži. Zgod-ba o medosebni komunikaciji in dojemanju. Kolaž kratkih dialogov, radijskih podob, slik in literarnih izrekov. Nič je o ljubezni, ki je preminila, ali pa je nikoli ni bilo.

Two people in a flat, days pass by. Snow is falling between buildings of a town. »Nothing« tells the story of what is in between people. The poetic film explores interpersonal communication and per-ception. The story on two women is told with quiet images, situations of waiting and atmosphere. The film approaches this couple in a very sensitive way, without the aim of finishing their story. The audien-ce experiences this connection through a collage made of short dialogues, radio features, image and literature quotes. »Nothing« is about a love that has passed away, or has never even been there.

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Netekmovalni program: mednarodni otroški in mladinski film /Non-Competition programme: International Children and Youth Film

mini, midi, maxi

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48 netekmovalni program non-competition programme MInI

KvarŠarčeK na zeMlji / KvarŠarčeK on earthZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Tanja Jankovič2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'05''

Barvna PacKa / Šarene fleKe / colorful sPotsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Vida NemecMentorja / Mentors: Sandra Malenica, hrvoje Selec2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 1'23''

KratKe aniMacije iz osnovne Šole destrniK Ptuj / aniMated shorts froM PriMarY school destrniK PtujZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Andreja Goetz2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'21''

zlata, Modra raca / de gouden BlauWe(n) eend /the golden, Blue ducKZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentor / Mentor: Shelley Swinnen2014, Belgija / Belgium, 4'47''

uPoKojenec: avtoPortret /Pensioen: zelfPortret / retireMent - self-PortraitZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Mila De VentMentor / Mentor: Danny De Vent2014, Belgija / Belgium, 00'42''

resnično veselje / het Ware geluK ! /true haPPinessZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Ann Barbier2014, Belgija / Belgium, 3'16'

čaroBna Paličica /de Magische staf /the Magic sticKZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorji / Authors: Joran Verbist, Nuria Verbist, Julie, MarieMentor / Mentor: Dedek / Granddad2014, Belgija / Belgium, 4'21''

ne veM, Kje seM Pristal /iK Weet niet Waar iK Ben land /i don't KnoW Where i landedZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Bela houtmanMentor / Mentor: Remco houtman2014, Belgija / Belgium, 1'08''

uPoKojenec: safari /Pensioen: safari /Pensioner: safariZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Oscar MarchandMentor / Mentor: Danny De Vent2014, Belgija / Belgium, 0'34''

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49netekmovalni program non-competition programme MInI

veliKa vojna / de groote oorlog /the great WarZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Arne Van SteelantMentorica / Mentor: Emmy Storm2014, Belgija / Belgium, 1'23''

življenje in sMrt v savani / life and death in savannaZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Bogacheva Olga, Marina Fazulina2013, Rusija / Russia, 6'36''

začeteK BirdMana /BirdMan BeginsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Dave Merson hess2015, ZDA / USA, 1'38''

BirdMan v zaPoru /BirdMan in PrisonZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentor / Mentor: Dave Merson hess2015, ZDA / USA, 4'09''

BoKsar / the BoxerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentor / Mentor: Dave Merson hess2015, ZDA / USA, 1'26''

K.d. doKuMentarni filM / the K.d. docuMentarYZvrst / Genre: Animirani film, dokumentarni film /Animated film, Documentary filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentor / Mentor: Dave Merson hess2015, ZDA / USA, 2'37''

roža MesojedKa /carnivorous floWerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Voranc Bricelj, Karin BarašinMentorica / Mentor: Tanja Jankovič2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 0'23''

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50 netekmovalni program non-competition programme MIdI

zvoK sreče / zvuK sreče /sound of haPPinesZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Ivan horakMentorica / Mentor: Nataša Dorič2014, hrvaška / Croatia, 1'40''

reŠi Me! / rescue Me! Zvrst / Genre: Dokumentrani film / Documentary filmAvtorja / Authors: Irene Chen, Nacha RapeerattanakulMentorja / Mentors: Lara Jacoski, Patrick Belem2015, Tajska / Thailand, 11'45''

Kdo iMa danes rojstni dan? /KoMe je danas rođendan? / Whose BirthdaY is todaY?Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Tereza ObeličMentorja / Mentors: Sandra Malenica, hrvoje Selec2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'10''

KoKoŠi naPadajo / chicKen attacKZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Mihael PakracMentorja / Mentors: Sandra Malenica, hrvoje Selec2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'02''

življenje in lunine Mene /life and Moon PhasesZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Andreja Goetz, Tjaša Selič2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'11''

KratKe aniMacije iz Kino otoKa /aniMated shorts froM isola cineMaZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorici / Mentors: Andreja Goetz, Zarja Menart2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 3'04''

nočna vožnja / night rideZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Shahar Maizel, Gabi KanzieperMentorja / Mentors: Max Epstein, Elizabeta Zaidner2015, Izrael / Israel, 1'52''

oKo: zBirKa frniKol /the eYe: MarBle collectionZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Max Epstein, Vasyl Sribny2014, Izrael / Israel, 2'31''

razBita zgodBa / BroKen storY Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Yakov Palanker, Aharon Engel, Gabi Kanzieper, Shahar MaizelMentorja / Mentors: Max Epstein, Elizabeta Zaidner2015, Izrael / Israel, 1'28''

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51netekmovalni program non-competition programme MIdI

roKZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Jakob VogrinecMentorja / Mentors: Boštjan Sovec, Saša Bezjak2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 0'42''

začeteK Konca /the Beginning of the endZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FctionAvtorici / Authors: Alja Turk hvala, Neža ZajcMentorica / Mentor: Nataša Golec2014, Slovenija / Slovenia, 9'00''

Pindus in Pinduji / Pindus en de Pindo's / Pindus and the PindosZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Aster Allard, Etienne LamoteMentorica / Mentor: Virginie Suriano2014, Belgija / Belgium, 3'16''

hahaZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Lisa LamootMentor / Mentor: Danny De Vent2014, Belgija / Belgium, 00'31''

in PoteM je PriŠel človeK … / en toen KWaM de Mens ... / and then the huMans arrived ...Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Julie Van Aelst2014, Belgija / Belgium, 1'25''

lego dogodivŠčine: naPad / lego toMMY zijn avonturen:de aanval / the adventures of lego toMMY:the attacKZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Boris Kempynck2014, Belgija / Belgium, 2'29''

izBruh vulKana / de vulKaanuitBarsting /the volcano eruPtionZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Matthias VanmarckeMentor / Mentor: Jonas Callens2014, Belgija / Belgium, 2'08''

Mir / PeaceZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Wai Kit Chan, Ting Yung Gu, hiu Tung Lee, ho Yin LiuMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun Chan2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 1'02''

sosed / neighBourZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Chak Keung Tang, hiu Lun Che-ung, Chiu Lung Chung, Chung Man WongMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun Chan2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 1'03''

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52 netekmovalni program non-competition programme MIdI

ljuBezen / loveZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Pak Leung Lau, Wai Ling Tsui, Chi ho YauMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun Chan2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 0'46''

Padec z BloKa /falling off a sKYscraPerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Luka Krampl, Matej PotočnikMentor / Mentor: Primož Krašna2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 0'46''

riBa Mi je uKradla sladoled /the fish stole MY ice creaMZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Authors: Nicole PustoslemšekMentorja / Mentors: Primož Krašna2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 0'38''

hiŠa groze / Kuča strave / house of horrorZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Miroslav Klarič,Jadranko Lopatič2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 2'16''

razBiti Krog / a circle BreaKsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Ntina Plessa2014, Grčija / Greece, 4'39''

PodstreŠje / little atticZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorja / Mentors: Olga Bogacheva,Marina Fazulina2015, Rusija / Russia, 3'36''

uMor eMMetta tilla / the Murder of eMMett tillZvrst / Genre: Dokumentrani film / Documentary filmAvtor / Author: Ioannes Palomaria2015, ZDA / USA, 2'40''

sodoBno linčanje /a Modern lYnchingZvrst / Genre: Dokumentrani film / Documentary filmAvtor / Author: Ioannes Palomaria2015, ZDA / USA, 5'40''

BrBranje: odiseja v vesolju /huBBle: a sPace odYsseYZvrst / Genre: Dokumentrani film / Documentary filmAvtor / Author: Ioannes Palomaria2015, ZDA / USA, 4'00''

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53netekmovalni program non-competition programme MIdI

MatheW BradY: oče fotožurnalizMa /MatheW BradY: the father of PhotojournalisMZvrst / Genre: Dokumentrani film / Documentary filmAvtor / Author: Ioannes Palomaria2015, ZDA / USA, 4'40''

junaK PlastiKe / Plastic heroZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Tang WorachatMentorja / Mentors: Lara Jacoski, Patrick Belem2015, Tajska / Thailand, 1'30''

riBe v aKciji / fish in action Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina otrok / A group of ChildrenMentorica / Mentor: Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero2015, Španija / Spain, 1'00''

na Morju / out at seaZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Ben Naughton2014, Irska / Ireland, 0'39''

čudežni otoK /the Wonder islandZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Nikolas Martin ErdeljiMentorica / Mentor: hana Repše2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 0'50''

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54 netekmovalni program non-competition programme MaxI

stvarjenje / creationZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Maria MatasMentorica / Mentor: Nataša Dorič2013, hrvaška / Croatia, 1'58''

KaM lahKo vržeM svoje odPadKe? /onde eu jogo Meu lixo? /Where can i throW MY trash?Zvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Alexandre Juruena2014, Brazilija / Brazil, 4'15''

Made in chinaZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film / Documentary filmAvtorica / Author: Ellora BultemaMentor / Mentor: Curtis Maberry2014, ZDA / USA, 14'04''

Malijine dogodivŠčine /adventures of MaliaZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Shubhavi Arya2015, Indija / India, 11'37''

svetilnost / luMinositYZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Alexia SalingarosMentor / Mentor: Will Underwood2014, ZDA / USA, 4'43''

vsota droBtinic /the suM of cruMBsZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film / Documentary filmAvtorja / Authors: Marieke de Koker, haley Jennings2015, ZDA / USA, 11'44''

nePrecenljivo / PricelessZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Lai Ki Lam, Yee Ting Wong,Ching Yi ChuMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun Chan2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 3'34''

vera / fateZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Lai Ki Lam, Yee Ting Wong,Ching Yi ChuMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun Chan2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 1'59''

risanje / draWingZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Ming hei Cheng, Yik Kwan Kwok, hoi Kiu TamMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun Chan2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 2'07''

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55netekmovalni program non-competition programme MaxI

oPreMiti / equiPPingZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Ming hei Cheng, Yik Kwan Kwok, hoi Kiu TamMentor / Mentor: Ka Chun Chan2015, hong Kong / hong Kong, 3'21''

Brez PŠenice ni Kruha /no Bread Without WheatZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Nejc KukovecMentorica / Mentor: Lada Bele Tominc2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'09''

MarcherZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Niko Obran, Žiga KrajncMentorica / Mentor: Lada Bele Tominc2014, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'52''

Ptičja steza / Brd runZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Timon Leder2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'08''

čeBelje MaŠčevanje /Bee revengeZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Kaja ZrinskiMentorica / Mentor: Lada Bele Tominc2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1' 43''

resnično življenje /the real lifeZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Tara BertalaničMentorica / Mentor: Lada Bele Tominc2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2' 12''

narava je PrePovedana / nature is ProhiBitedZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Vid KolaričMentorica / Mentor: Lada Bele Tominc2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'32''

Polž in ŠKoljKa /the slug and the shellZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Josh O'Caoimh2014, Irska / Ireland, 7'00''

Bionicle-vzhajajoče sence /Bionicle-rise of shadoWsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Leon O'Connor2014, Irska / Ireland, 9'40''

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56 netekmovalni program non-competition programme MaxI

jojoZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Anna heisterkamp2014, Irska / Ireland, 3'18''

zaPorniK / the PrisonerZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Josh O'Caoimh2014, Irska / Ireland, 1'38''

MoraM iti /gotta goZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Alexzander Ellenbogen2013, ZDA / USA, 2'02''

odPrta vrata / oPen doorZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film / Documentary filmAvtorica / Author: Vanilla K. ParthibanMentor / Mentor: Parthiban Shanmugam2015, ZDA / USA, 2'56''

Bolezen / diseaseZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: David Foley2015, ZDA / USA, 7'54''

Barva Kože / sKinPaintZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: Elliot Stage, Elsa Rosa Ruiz2014, Argentina / Argentina, 2'26''

slaMa / straWZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Jacob Godel2015, Kanada / Canada, 5'11''

četrti zid / the fourth WallZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Garrett Strother, Lillian hermes2015, ZDA / USA, 7'45''

glasovno sPoročilo /govorna PoŠta / voiceMailZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorja / Authors: Leo Vitasovič, Daniel ŠkalicMentor / Mentor: Udruga Dignitas2015, hrvaška / Croatia, 27'09''

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57netekmovalni program non-competition programme MaxI

BoB in WaYn v vesolju /BoB & WaYne in sPaceZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorja / Authors: John Marc Bimonte, Mark Shippy2014, ZDA / USA, 20'27''

nevidne stvari - doM je sonce /invisiBle things - / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: John Marc Bimonte2014, ZDA / USA, 3'59''

v razredu / the classrooM /a aulaZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: hélio Silva2015, Brazilija / Brazil, 2'32'

Bitja sKritega Kraljestva /creatures of the hidden realMZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Alexia Salingaros2013, ZDA / USA, 1'21''

ni čas za zgodBe / no storY tiMeZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorica / Authors: Anna May Tubbs2015, ZDA / USA, 20'38''

raPidoZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Renil Verghese2015, Indija / India, 6'30''

c'est la vieZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: hunter Thomas2015, ZDA / USA, 3'23''

diagraM Maternice / diagraMa do Útero / uterus diagraMZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film, Eksperimental-ni film / Documentary film, Experimental filmAvtorica / Authors: Bianca Rêgo2015, Brazilija / Brazil, 6'40''

deus ex MachinaZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Žiga Žibert, Karlo Zgonec, Eva SajeMentorica / Mentor: Mojca Gustin2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'10''

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58 netekmovalni program non-competition programme MaxI

naslednji / nextZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Furkan Yazgeç,Umutcan Küçükbalaban2015, Turčija / Turkey, 4'26''

sončeK / sunshineZvrst / Genre: Dokumentarni film / Documentary filmAvtorica / Author: Pia KovačičMentor / Mentor: Dejan Paska2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 6'17''

oBisK / a visitZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtor / Author: Žan UjčičMentor / Mentor: Dejan Paska2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 6'10''

suPerjunaK / suPer heroZvrst / Genre: Igrani film / FictionAvtorica / Author: Fortner KlementinaMentor / Mentor: Dejan Paska2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 2'04''

Pingvini se vračajo / the return of the PenguinsZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorica / Author: Sine Aaroe Juhl2014, Danska / Denmark, 5'11''

Kajenje / sMoKingZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtor / Author: Damir MuslimovičMentorica / Mentor: Lada Bele Tominc2015, Slovenija / Slovenia, 1'34''

oB žalosti drugih /on another's sorroWZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Thomas Renolder2013, Avstrija / Austria, 4'24''

rahlo stresno /slightlY stressfullZvrst / Genre: Animirani film / Animated filmAvtorji / Authors: Skupina mladih / A group of YouthMentor / Mentor: Thomas Renolder2013, Avstrija / Austria, 2'32''

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Filmi po izboru partnerskega festivala Nordic Youth Short Film Festival NUFF/Films selected by the Nordic Youth Short Film Festival NUFF

skandinavski filmi mladih / scandinavian films by youth

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60 skandinavski filmi mladih scandinavian films by youth

fant / BoYAvtor / Author:  Lucas Postma helth2014, Danska / Denmark, 16'01''

PoManjKanje navdiha /insPiraatio huKassa /lacK of insPirationAvtor / Author: Julius Mannermaa2014, Finska / Finland, 9'55''

vesele PustolovŠčine časovnega PoPotniKa / the jollY adventures of the Man Who travelled in tiMeAvtor / Author: Iver Jensen2014, Norveška / Norway, 5'01''

osvoBoditev / Befrielsen /the liBerationAvtor / Author: Anna-Sophie Beckett Stenbæk2014, Danska / Denmark, 10'03''

uKrajinsKa Kriza / the uKraine crisis: a docuMentarY /the uKraine crisis: a docuMentarYAvtor / Author: Jacob Perkins2014, Švedska / Sweden, 15'52''

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spremljevalni program /additional programme

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62 spremljevalni program additional programme

Zajci brez možganov živijo v deželi zajcev (Rabbitland) – popolni svet, urejen po zgledu najbolj uspešnih primerov vojnih območij, getov in obubožanih četrti. Zajci so izrazito roza, namesto možganov imajo v glavah luknje in so veseli ne glede na vse. So najvišja stopnja evolu-cije. Njihov vsakdanjik je v celoti izpolnjen.

O avtorjih:

Ana Nedeljković je vizualna umetnica, ki ustvarja na področjih risanja, in-štalacij, animiranega filma, ter poučuje na področju umetnosti.

Nikola Majdak ml. se je rodil 1972 v Sloveniji. Magistriral je na oddelku za kamero, Fakultete za dramske umetnosti v Beogradu. Zadnjih 20 let deluje kot svobodni snemalec, animator, režiser in predavatelj.

About authors:

Ana Nedeljković is visual artist working in media of drawing, installation, animated film, and is active in the field of art education.

Nikola Majdak jr. was born in Slovenia 1972. He has a MFA from the Facul-ty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, camera department. Last 20 years he is a freelance cameraman, animator, director and lecturer.

Brainless Rabbits live in Rabbitland, a perfect world ordered accor-ding to the most successful examples of war zones, ghettos, and slums. They are intensively pink, have holes in their heads instead of brains, and they are happy regardless of what happens to them. They are the highest stage the evolution has ever reached. Their everyday life is completely fulfilled.

zaKuliSje Filma: Rabbitland / behind the SCeneS: Rabbitland

z ano nedeljković in nikolo Majdakom ml. / with ana nedeljković and nikola Majdak jr.23. oktober 2015, ob 18. uri, Galerija K18 / October 23rd, 2015, at 6pm, Gallery K18

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63spremljevalni program additional programme

Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije je vsakoletni vzgojno-iz-obraževalni projekt Filmskega društva Film Factory, katerega na-men je, da mlade filmsko opismenjuje, jih spodbuja, da razvijejo senzibilnost do neodvisnega filma, postanejo kritični gledalci in se preizkusijo kot filmski ustvarjalci.

Raziščimo filmske skrivnosti, podajmo se v nenavadno dogodivšči-no, pokukajmo v zakulisje filmskega sveta in spoznajmo, kako na-staja film.

Secrets of Independent Film Production is an every-year educatio-nal project of the film association Film Factory. The purpose of the project is to raise the film literacy of youth, and encourage them to develop a sensibility towards independent film, to become critical viewers, and to try themselves as filmmakers.

Lets research film’s secrets, jump into an unusual adventure, look behind the scenes of the film world, and discover how a film is made.

SKRivnoSti neodviSne FilmSKe pRoduKCije / SeCRetS oF independent Film pRoduCtion

z Miho Šubicem / with Miha Šubic24. oktober 2015, ob 10. uri, kino Udarnik / October 24th, 2015, at 10am, Cinema Udarnik

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64 spremljevalni program additional programme

Vojko Belšak, rojen leta 1971 na Ptuju, je slovenski gledališki in filmski igralec. Osnovno in srednješolsko izobraževanje je zaključil v rodnem kraju, nato pa se je po uspešno opravljenem sprejemnem izpitu za igro vpisal na AGRFT in leta 1995 diplomiral z vlogo Majorja v uprizoritvi Strniševih Ljudožercev. Do sedaj je v različnih gledaliških predstavah odigral več kot 70 vlog, na radiu posnel okrog 100 radij-skih iger, sinhroniziral radijske in televizijske reklame in posnel okrog 20 sinhronizacij za animirane filme. Vojko Belšak je prejemnik Študent-ske nagrade Prešernovega sklada, nagrade »Zlata paličica« (1998) in letošnje Večerove nagrade za igralske dosežke v sezoni 2014/15.

Vojko Belšak was born in 1971 in Ptuj and is a Slovenian theatre and film actor. After concluding his secondary school in Ptuj, he got accepted to the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film, and Television in Ljubljana. He graduated in 1995 with the role of the Major in the the-atre play Man-eaters by Gregor Strniša. From then, Belšak played in more than 70 theatre performances, recorded about 100 radio plays, dubbed radio and television commercials as well as around 20 ani-mated films. He is the awardee of the Student Prešeren Fund Prize, the »Zlata paličica« award (1998), and this year’s prize of newspaper Večer for acting achievements in the season of 2014/2015.

pogovoR z gledališKim in FilmSKim uStvaRjalCem /talK With the theatRe and Film CReatoR

z vojkom Belšakom / with vojko Belšak24. oktober 2015, ob 11.30, kino Udarnik / October 24th, 2015, at 11.30am, Cinema Udarnik

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65spremljevalni program additional programme

Bi radi izvedeli, kako se risbe, predmeti in fotografije začnejo premi-kati v filmu? Na delavnici se bomo s profesionalno filmsko ustvar-jalko (Nicole Baïer) naučili, kako se to zgodi, saj bomo sami ustvarili kratke animirane filme.

Prinesite svoje mobilne telefone in fotoaparate (in priključek za po-vezavo z računalnikom) in spravite svoje slike v gibanje.

Would you like to find out how drawings, objects, and still images start moving in a film? In the workshop with the professional film-maker (Nicole Baïer) we will learn how it is done by producing a short animated film by ourselves.

Bring your cell phones or digital photo cameras (and the cable con-nection to a computer) and make your image moving.

Delavnica: KaKo se sliKa začne premiKati? /WorKshop: hoW Does the image start moving?

z nicole Baïer / with nicole Baïer25. oktober 2015, ob 10. uri, GT22 / October 25th, 2015, at 10am, GT22

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66 spremljevalni program additional programme

Filmski podnapisi so danes ena najbolj branih besedil, zato je še toliko bolj pomembno, da so kakovostni. S študenti Oddelka za pre-vodoslovje Filozofske Univerze v Mariboru se bomo pogovarjali o pomenu podnapisov in pod mentorskim vodstvom lektorice Melite Koletnik Korošec ter Roberta Petroviča poskrbeli za prevode, izde-lavo in pripravo podnapisov za filme otrok in mladih v tekmovalnem programu.

Film subtitles are among the most read texts nowadays; therefore the quality of subtitles is that much more important. We will discuss the meaning of subtitles with the students of translation from the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, and – under the mentorship of the lector Melita Koletnik Korošec and Rober Petrovič – provide the subtitles for all the films made by children and youth in the competition programme.

delavniCa: pRevajanje in podnaSlavljanje Filmov /WoRKShop: tRanSlating and Subtitling FilmS

16. in 17. oktober 2015, GT22 / October 16th and 17th, 2015, GT22

Prevod filmskih dialogov / Dialogue translation: Adelstein Severin, Babič Ana, Brünec Mitja, Dolšak Dolores, Dovečar Mihaela, Erja-vec Nina, Gungl Rebeka, Hmelak Jaka, Horvat Melita, Kalman Goran, Klemenčič Rok, Kolar Mojca, Kovač Tamara, Kren Kaja, Kugl Matej, Lah Aneja, Maganja Nastja, Majer Valentina, Marovič Ingrid, Mihurko Suzana, Mravljak Sonja, Padežnik Tjaša, Raščan Kaja, Robida Matic, Rožič Aleksander, Šušteršič Jan, Tadina Valentina, Tomažič An-dreja, Vagner Denis, Veingerl Nastja, Vervega Matjaž, Vučko Rebeka, Waller Kristina, Zupanc Aleksandra.

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67little elephant MIDI v

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toreK, 20. oKtoBer 2015

16.30 Netekmovalni program: MINIVetrinjski dvor

18.00 Netekmovalni program: MIDICentralna Postaja

sreda, 21. oKtoBer 2015

16.30 Netekmovalni program: MAXIGT22

četrteK, 22. oKtoBer 2015

18.00 Otvoritev Festivala Mali slonKino Udarnik

19.30 MAXI filmarji I: tekmovalni programKino Udarnik

21.00 MAXI filmarji II: tekmovalni programKino Udarnik

PeteK, 23. oKtoBer 2015

16.30 MINI filmarji I: tekmovalni programKino Udarnik

18.00 Otvoritev razstave: zakulisje filma RabittlandGalerija K18

19.30 MIDI filmarji: tekmovalni programKino Udarnik

21.00 MAXI filmarji III: tekmovalni programKino Udarnik

soBota, 24. oKtoBer 2015

10.00 Skrivnosti neodvisne filmske produkcije z MihoKino Udarnik Šubicem (Film Factory)

11.30 Pogovor z gledališkim in filmskimKino Udarnik igralcem Vojkom Belšakom

12.00 MINI filmarji II: Kino Udarnik tekmovalni program

18.00 Zmagovalni filmi in podelitevKino Udarnik nagrad Mali slon 2015

19.30 Skandinavski filmi mladihKino Udarnik

nedelja, 25. oKtoBer 2015

10.00 Delavnica z Nicole Baïer:GT22 Kako se slika začne premikati?

13.00 Ponovitev tekmovalnega programaGT22 Mali slon 2015

Predfestivalski dogodek: 16. in 17. oktober

Delavnica podnaslavljanja za študente v GT22, v sodelovanju z Oddel-kom za prevodoslovje Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru.

uRniK Festivala mali slon

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tuesdaY, octoBer 20th 2015

16.30 Non-competition programme MINIVetrinjski Mansion

18.00 Non-competition programme MIDICentral Station

WednesdaY, octoBer 21st 2015

16.30 Non-competition programme MAXIGT22

thursdaY, octoBer 22nd 2015

18.00 Opening of the Little Elephant Festival 2015Cinema Udarnik

19.30 MAXI filmmakers I: competition programmeCinema Udarnik

21.00 MAXI filmmakers II: competition programme

Cinema Udarnik

fridaY, octoBer 23rd 2015

16.30 MINI filmmakers I: competition programmeCinema Udarnik

18.00 Exhibition opening: behind the Gallery K18 scenes of the film Rabittland

19.30 MIDI filmmakers: competition programmeCinema Udarnik

21.00 MAXI filmmakers III: competition programmeCinema Udarnik

saturdaY, octoBer 24th 2015

10.00 Secrets of independent film production with Miha ŠubicCinema Udarnik (Film Factory)

11.30 Talk with the theatre and film actorCinema Udarnik Vojko Belšak

12.00 MINI filmmakers II: Cinema Udarnik competition programme

18.00 Winning films and the Little ElephantCinema Udarnik 2015 award ceremony

19.30 Scandinavian films by youthCinema Udarnik

sundaY, octoBer 25th 2015

10.00 Workshop with Nicole Baïer:GT22 how does the image start moving?

13.00 Repetition of the Little Elephant 2015GT22 competition programme

SChedule of the little elephant Festival

Pre-festival event: october 16th and 17th

Subtitling workshop for students in GT22, in cooperation with the Department of Translation Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor.

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70 little elephant MIDI v /

ENIMATION little elephant 201520.–25. oktober 2015 / October 20th to 25th, 2015Kino Udarnik, GT22, Vetrinjski dvor, Centralna Postaja, Galerija K18 / Cinema Udarnik, GT22, Vetrinjski Mansion, Central Station, Gallery K18Maribor, Slovenija / Maribor, Slovenia

ENIMATION little elephant ekipa / ENIMATION little elephant TeamIzvršni producent / Executive producer: Rene PuharProgramska vodja / Programme director: hana RepšeRazvojni producent / Development producer: Željko MilovanovičOdnosi z javnostmi / Public relations: Nina hojnikOblikovanje tiskovin / Graphic Design: Domen RupnikOblikovanje scenografije in prostora / Scene Design: Tina ŠvigeljPrevodi / Translations: Miha Sagadin, Svetlana PrađenoPrevod filmskih dialogov / Dialogue translation: Robert Petrovič, Melita Koletnik Korošec in študenti Filozofske fakultete UM, Oddelek za prevodoslovje, pomoč Kristina Rešek Lektura / Proofreading: Svetlana PrađenoPomoč pri izvedbi / Assistance: Kristina Rešek, Monika Pocrnjić, Duran NihalFoto in video dokument / Photo and video diary: Miha SagadinTehnična pomoč / Technical support: Andrej Firm, Miha Sagadin, Simon KnezProtokol: Alenka Kocjančič, Nina hojnikSponzorji in donatorji: Alenka KocjančičGosti / Guests: Anja KolešaDelavnica prevajanja in podnaslavljanja / Translating and Subtitling Workshop: Melita Koletnik Korošec, Robert Petrovič, Kristina RešekProjekcije in delavnice za šolske skupine, koordinatorica / Screenings and workshops for school groups coordination: hana RepšeIzvedba delavnic / Workshop execution: Zavod Mars Maribor, GT22 – Fundacija Sonda, Fotomuzej Modrinjak, GT22 - Mišnica Glasovnice / Voting: Kristina RešekUvodna filmska špica: Dijaki Srednje šole za oblikovanje Maribor, mentor: prof. Dejan Paska in udeleženci delavnic ENIMATION schoolFilm titles: Students of Secondary School of Design Maribor, mentor: professor Dejan Paska and Participants of the ENIMATION school workshops

mali slon / little elephant 2015

Page 71: mali slon/ little elephant 2015






Page 72: mali slon/ little elephant 2015

72Kino udarnik, vetrinjski dvor, gt22, centralna Postaja, galerija K18

20.–25.oktoberOctober 20th–25th

Maribor, Slovenia

mali slon little elephant2015