jade gazette january 2010

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises - Gazette for Junior Entrepreneurs Issue January 2010

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Jade Gazette   January 2010

JADE- European Confederation of Junior Enterprises -


for Junior EntrepreneursIssue January 2010

Page 2: Jade Gazette   January 2010

Antonia SariyskaPresidentHead of Public Affairs, Enlargement and Alumni [email protected]

Moritz BeckVice-President

Head of Private [email protected]

Matthieu MilanVice-PresidentHead of Inner Enhancement and Civil [email protected]

Adelina PelteaSecretary General

Head of Communications, HR and Events

[email protected]

Ricardo PonceTreasurerHead of Finance and [email protected]

Carlos MoralesSenior Project Manager

Head of [email protected]


As high-level strategic managers we know:there is no better feeling than being in control of thehappening. Because happening means New, meansChange - like New Year and New Decade, New Hope,New Dream, New Challenge. And all this New is in ourhands, the hands of our generation of world-changers.

On the way, I can wish ourselves only onething for the coming '10s decade: being truly ethicaland socially responsible, as only a Junior Entrepreneurcan be!Welcome to the new Decade, folks! It's our Decade!

Antonia Sariyska

Dear Junior-Entrepreneurs,

First of all, I would like to wish you a great andsuccessful 2010!

As you know, 2009 was the year of financialcrisis and difficulties… Even for Junior Enterprises…Don‘t forget that crisis also means opportunities! Soguys, innovate, take risks, … for sure you will beawarded for that entrepreneurial behaviour!

Cheers and see you in March for JADE SpringMeeting!

Matthieu Milan

After 4 years in this network, I got theopportunity to meet a lot of people, see opportunities,experience great moments, through all over Europe,that because some of us 40 years ago, thought about astrikingly concept where there is no boundaries, wherenothing is impossible, where we can just learn by doing:J.E.

But the most important things that come to mymind, is that this network, this concept, got the powerto move you!I look forward to this effect in all of you!

Ricardo Ponce

Dear future leaders,

The European Union realizes the importance ofyouth entrepreneurship. With their support and yourmotivation, we can realize big things in 2010!

All the best and a successful year!

Moritz Beck





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Dear Junior Entrepreneur,

The beginning of a new year is alwaysa good opportunity to look back andanalyse what it took us to get wherewe are and also to set up new aims,driven by new ambitions.

One of these aims for JADE ExecutiveBoard 2010 is to get closer to you, tohelp you understand why it is worth tobe engaged in the European network.Through this montly Gazette,alongside with other communicationplatforms we are using, we hope toremind you that you are part of ahuge international network created tosupport young ambitious people likeyou.

Never forget that JADE is actuallyYOU! And together we grow!

Adelina PelteaHead of Communications

JADE Executive Board 2010


JADE Houseo CDP Auditors training weekendo Fundraising team – strategy and teambuilding weekend

Brazilian cornero Good Bye Ticão and Vini! Welcome Luiz, Miriam and Naone!

New Year – new fashiono JADE - refreshing its visual identityo Better promoting the Junior Enterprise concept – JADE France rebranding

Towards a stronger movemento Lobbyingo CDP updatesoJE.net – the JEs exchange platform

JADE eventso JADE Spring Meeting o Junior Enterprise World Conferenceo Other events in the network

Career opportunitieso JADE Executive Board 2011o Communications Senior Project Managero IT Project Managero Research Project Manager

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CDP Auditors Training weekend - Last 16th and 17th of January, in ING HeadQuarters, occurredthe Confederations‘ Development Programme (CDP) training session. After having successfully passed thewhole selection process, 8 highly motivated Junior-Entrepreneurs have been trained to the audit by theEuropean Organisation of Quality (EOQ) and by the CDP team. They learned the basis of being an auditor inorder to get the right information using the right questions. They have also been informed on the contextand origins of the CDP and on the way they will help JADE within this project.

Fundraising team – strategy and teambuilding weekend

JADE ExBo is restructuring the fundraising of JADE. Under the leadership of Moritz Beck, Head ofPrivate Cooperation, a team of five took on the fundraising challenge: Sebastian Bette (in Brussels) andDominik Klimmek from Germany, Matthieu Le Bris and Guilhem Moulin from France, Guilio Sciarappa fromItaly.

The kick-off for the fundraising team took part in JADE House, for three productive and motivatingdays. After discovering the cultural differences and how to use them best for the team, they created the 2010fundraising strategy after understanding the full background of JADE. In addition, the team was trained at apractical workshop with simulated business sales meetings with video recording. And after all this, theyexperienced the legendary night live of Brussels, thus building the social scope of the team.







Good Bye Ticão and Vini! Welcome Luiz, Miriam and Naone!

Well, they did a really nice job, but now they are goingback to Brazil. Tiago Mitraud and Vinícius Carraro, the BrazilianAmbassadors, worked for the past six months as Senior ProjectManagers at JADE. Their main tasks were the CDP Project,Enlargement, benchmarking and others. Now they will continuetheir work in the Brazilian Network where Tiago Mitraud is now thePresident of Brasil Junior and Vinicius Carraro is the Head of InternalManagement Department (for the new Brasil Junior Board thatstarted its term in January 2010).

Luiz Gonçalves, Miriam Ascenso and Naone Garcia are nowthe new Brazilian Ambassadors. As Senior Project Managers ofJADE they are already working in the CDP Project (Luiz),Management of Jade Spring Meeting (Miriam) and JE.NET Project(Naone) and soon they will also manage new projects.

As Brazilian Ambassadors their main tasks are: gather thebest JADE practices; maintain and consolidate the partnershipbetween Brasil Junior and JADE; organize the Brazilian commissionthat will go to the JEWC and represent Brasil Junior in Europe.

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R. N




Better promoting the Junior Enterpriseconcept – JADE France rebranding

Willing to better promote theentrepreneurship spirit in FrenchUniversities and the National network ofnearly 140 Junior Enterprises, JADEFrance is renovating its visual identityduring the 40th anniversary. The newvisual identity enhances now the “JuniorEnterprise” brand, thus allowing the JEsglow.

In a context that needs to givevalue to the Junior Enterprises activities,the confederation reorients its politicstowards the brand that is promoted for40 years and focuses its new visualidentity on this brand.

The institutional logo is going from red to blue: redfor Juniors, blue for the institutional aspect of companies; theyoung and dynamic network echoes backs to the spirit ofentrepreneurship and professionalism. The transition is donethrough the first letter of the word “enterprise”, an “e” thatis the heart of the change of color with a circle to call up thenotion of network that enforces each Junior-Enterprise. Thewhole expression is written on an upward diagonal,symbolism of expansion, optimism and dynamism, like theJunior Enterprises are.

The signature « Révélateurs d’esprit d’entreprise » isthe right way up, it is clear: using one’s entrepreneurshipspirit, taking decisions, innovating, managing people andprojects, but also assuming risks with the excellence as a goalto reach. The signature is the result of the four componentsof Junior-Enterprises: the economic one that givescompetencies, dynamism and the capacity of students toinnovate for companies or associations; the entrepreneurialone that gives students a first experience ofentrepreneurship and also provides them with innovativeprojects: the pedagogical and professional componentspropose students a concrete and enhancive experiencepromoting the professional integration.

Based on article by Adeline Lajoinie, France

JADE - refreshing its visual identity

The year of 2009 marks animportant moment in the history ofour network. JADE Executive Boards2009 and 2010 with the help of JEDES- an Italian Junior Enterprisespecialized in design – developed thevisual identity of JADE, trying to boostthe youth spirit behind it.

Still keeping the high-awareness elements, the new logolooks now younger and more modernexpressing the never-ageing conceptof youth entrepreneurship and thealways young members with freshideas. Starting from this, all the visualidentity elements (templates etc.)were changed to express our dynamicnetwork.

And that’s themoment when we ask foryour contribution to theprocess of implementing thevisual identity change in thenetwork. It’s time that youchange all the old brandedmaterials (for example, JADElogo on your website). Askyour International Managerfor the new visual identityelements you need.

JADE website was alsorenewed from November 2009.The new website is moreinteractive and modern, beingnow up-to-date with the onlinetechnological progress.

JADE Headquartersstarted to use the new visualidentity from November 2009,and because it involves a lot ofresources to change thenetwork’s visual identity, JADENational Confederations have atime buffer of 12 months toconvert entirely.

All these changes aimat keeping JADE visual identityalways fresh and so to revealthe young spirit of our network.

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Lobbying - Promoting the Junior Enterprise Concept and ensuring the recognition of JEexperience: the key objectives pursued by JADE on an institutional level. January 2010 brought agreat new wave of recognitions.

Through the European Commission, JADE earned the right to revise policy documentsrelated to Entrepreneurship education before it actually goes live. The reason for this decision wasgiven shortly by a member of DG Enterprise: "JADE is one of the most important youth organisationin Brussels, and definitely the entrepreneurship leader in Europe".

Looking into the new decade, JADE ExBo attended a few briefings on the strategy for EU2020: Growth and Jobs. Moreover, Junior Enterprises are already mentioned surely and frequentlyin the new resolution of the European Council on the Youth framework as a part of the EU 2020strategy.

Last year, JADE was a key speaker at the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education. 6months later, the leading youth organisations of the World got together in Paris to discuss how toensure access to high-quality education and easiness of education migration. JADE and Brasil Juniorattended the event as the single body of the Junior Enterprise Movement, proposed many effectivesolutions, and the results are expected soon in the official communiqué by UNESCO.

CDP updates - Our Junior Auditors are now visiting the Confederations and they will have to write a precise report with the help of the whole CDP team and the concerned Confederations in order to get a real overview of the situation. This information will be used to give guidelines to each Confederation for their development: by promoting knowledge exchange between them, JADE network will become stronger and stronger!

The main feedbacks of the project will be given during the JADE Spring Meeting (5th to 7th of March 2010).

JE.net – the Jes exchange platform is itself a website, where each Confederation, MemberState and Junior Enterprise (from JADE and Brasil Junior) will develop a profile, which will allow thesharing of international projects, knowledge, experience and even the exchange of members atinternational level! A mixture of a social networking webpage and a travel directory will ensure thatyour organisation has chosen the right partner for the international purpose wanted.

The pilot test started in January 2010 and the official launch for all the Junior Enterprises willtake place during Spring Meeting, in March 2010.

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Other events:

May Meeting

30.04 – 02.05 in Tours, France

An event for Confederations and

Consultative Members


Prepare for our biggest international event!

When? 22nd – 25th July 2010

Where? Milan, Italy

What? “Ideas to (re)design (y)our world”

Organised by JEME Bocconi

JADE Executive Board 2010 would like to welcome Junior Entrepreneurs from all over Europe to Spring Meeting – the international event hosted in the home town of the JADE Headquarters - Brussels, Belgium.

This event will give you the chance to:- meet like-minded Junior Entrepreneurs from other cities and countries with whom to exchange knowledge and experience- attend the Excellence Awards ceremony and be inspired by the commitment, professionalism and innovative ideas of the members of our network- develop skills and project ideas through workshops- discover the JADE spirit, the awesome mixture of cultures and ideas, the perfect balance between doing business and having fun

And because you are the leaders of tomorrow and you have the power to improve the world around you through your actions, we dedicated this event to the theme of Social Entrepreneurship and we invite you to debate on different related topics.

So don’t miss the opportunity and come to Brussels from 5th to 7th of March 2010 (see here the agenda). You are able to subscribe online until the 14th February 2010, but don´t forget that there are only 120 places so hurry up!

www. jadenet.org/events

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Boostyour personal

and professional


Take the big challenge

and apply for JADE Executive

Board 2011!









If you are interested and you want to discover more about what it takes to become and be an „ExBo“, to discover what you win from the experience, then come to Spring Meeting from 5th to 7th March and attend

the workshop „Being JADE ExBo“ !

Are you a Junior Entrepreneur that wants to:

-Gain Top Management experience at European level?- Discover yourself by testing all your aptitudes and skills?-Work and live in a multicultural environment?-Expand your friends and business network worldwide?

If yes, then think about taking the step that will improve your professional life! JADE offers you the opportunity to achieve all this at a very fresh age by becoming a member of JADE Executive Board 2011!

Deadline for application: 4th June 2010

More info soon on: www.jadenet.org/career

For any questions don‘t hesitate to contact:Adelina Peltea, Head of HR, JADE Executive Board 2010Email: [email protected]: adelina.peltea

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CommunicationsSenior Project Manager

Time frame: 15th March –15th AugustLocation: Brussels (with short periods of working remotely if necessary)

Objectives: Increase the awareness of JADE towards third parties and the awareness of JADE Headquarters activities towards the members. Improve JADE image for all stakeholders by creating a 360° Communications Strategy and implementing it in a professional way.

Main responsibilities:-- Create the communications plan for all target audiences of JADE- Manage the communication tools- Develop media relations at international level

Your benefits:- Gain professional experience in a multicultural environment- Improve your skills-Expand your network

Profile:-Strategic thinking-Good communications skills-Good level of English

Apply until 17th Feb 2010

IT Project Manager

Time frame: 1st – 15th April handover; 15th May – 1st

September working timeLocation: Brussels (with short periods of working remotely if necessary)

Objectives: Offer IT support to all activities inside the JADE Headquarters.

Main responsibilities:- Website development- Network support- Offer IT solutions for facilitating the work inside the Headquarters

Your benefits:- Gain professional experience in a multicultural environment- Improve your skills-Expand your network

Profile:-Attention to details-IT knowledge-Website development knowledge (joomla)-Good level of English

Apply until 8th March 2010

Research Project Manager

Time frame: 15th March –30th AprilLocation: Work remotely from home with start and finishing visits to Brussels

Objectives: Discover facts about the members of JADE (regarding studies, entrepreneurial spirit etc.) and write a report that will develop a better understanding of the Network, and will be sent to organisations in order to show the potential of our members.

Main responsibilities:-Develop the questionnaire together with JADE ExBo- Create the project plan- Create the report of the research findings

Your benefits:- Gain professional experience in a multicultural environment- Improve your skills-Expand your network

Profile:-Knowledge in Marketing Research and Statistics- Structured, reliable- Detail oriented- Good presentation skills

Apply until 12th Feb 2010

For questions and applications (CV and Motivation Letter) contact:Adelina Peltea, Head of HR, JADE Executive Board 2010Email: [email protected]: adelina.peltea

More info on: www.jadenet.org/career

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Curious to discover the people from JADE Headquarters and their activities? Come andmeet them all. If you are a Junior Entrepreneur you are more than welcome to visit JADEHouse either just to meet the Executive Board and the Project Managers, either to use thespace for teambuilding or work sessions with your Junior Enterprise colleagues.

Just send an email to [email protected] to establish your visit!

Stay always informed about JADE opportunities and news.

Visit our website www.jadenet.org

Your feedback is very important for making this Gazetter better and more interesting for you!Send your comments and suggestions to

[email protected]