human resource management assignment on organization culture

Human Resource Management Assignment on Organizaon Culture Submied To: Date Submied Prof Anurag Shanker 22 nd March, 2013 Submied By: Rohit Pal [JL12PGDM126] Shohrab Ahmed Mazumdar [JL12PGDM144] Vatsal Sharma [JL12PGDM173]

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About Organizational Culture in Various Companies


Page 1: Human Resource Management Assignment on Organization Culture

Human Resource Management Assignment

on Organization Culture

Submitted To: Date Submitted

Prof Anurag Shanker 22nd March, 2013

Submitted By:

Rohit Pal [JL12PGDM126]

Shohrab Ahmed Mazumdar [JL12PGDM144]

Vatsal Sharma [JL12PGDM173]

Page 2: Human Resource Management Assignment on Organization Culture


We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Prof Anurag Shanker for

mentoring us and providing us with immense help till the completion

of this project.

Here we also take opportunity to record a good team work which

forms the basis of this projects completion. We also thank our batch

mates for being so supportive. Last but not least, we wish to express

a sense of gratitude to our beloved parents.

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Organizational Culture

Table of Contents Categories of Organizational Culture ...................................................................................................... 6

History of concept of Organization Culture .......................................................................................... 10

Negative Culture Norms in Business Organization ................................................................................ 11

Positive Culture Norms in Business Organization ................................................................................. 12

Customers ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Locations ........................................................................................................................................... 14

Vision and Strategy ................................................................................................................................ 16

KONE’s values ........................................................................................................................................ 17

KONE's organization ............................................................................................................................... 18

Management ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Board of Directors ............................................................................................................................. 18

President and CEO ............................................................................................................................. 19

Executive Board ................................................................................................................................. 19

Committees ........................................................................................................................................... 20

People .................................................................................................................................................... 20

Enhancing the safety of our employees ................................................................................................ 20

About Wipro Limited ............................................................................................................................. 23

About Google ........................................................................................................................................ 30

Implications of Organization Culture .................................................................................................... 36

Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 38

References’ ............................................................................................................................................ 39

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Organizational Culture


Introduction to Organization Culture

A word about Culture

Originally an anthropological term, culture refers to the underlying values, beliefs and codes

of practice that makes a community what it is. The customs of society, the self – image of its

members, the things that make it different from other societies, are its culture. Culture is

powerfully subjective and reflects the meanings and understandings that we typically

attribute to situations, the solutions that we apply to common problems.

Deal and Kennedy (1982) argue that culture is the single most important factor accounting

for success or failure in organizations. They identified four key dimensions of culture:

Values – the beliefs that lie at the heart of the corporate culture.

Heroes – the people who embody values.

Rites and rituals – routines of interaction that have strong symbolic qualities.

The culture network – the informal communication system or hidden hierarchy of

power in the organization.

Peters and Waterman (1982) suggest a psychological theory of the link between

organizational culture and business performance. Culture can be looked upon as a reward of

work; we sacrifice much to the organization and culture is a form of return on effort.

Culture is symbolic and is described by telling stories about how we feel about the

organization. A symbol stands for something more than itself and can be many things, but the

point is that a symbol is invested with meaning by us and expresses forms of understanding

derived from our past collective experiences. The sociological view is that organizations exist

in the minds of the members. Stories about culture show how it acts as a sense - making

device. Culture is unifying and refers to the processes that bind the organization together.

Culture is then consensual and not conflictual. The idea of corporate culture reinforces the

unifying strengths of central goals and creates a sense of common responsibility. Culture is

holistic and refers to the essence – the reality of the organization; what it is like to work

there, how people deal with each other and what behaviours are expected. All of the above

elements are interlocking; culture is rooted deep in unconscious sources but is represented in

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superficial practices and behaviour codes. Because organizations are social organisms and

not mechanisms, the whole is present in the parts and symbolic events become microcosms

of the whole.

Companies Sited in this Assignment

KONE Elevator India Private Limited

Wipro Limited


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Organizational Culture

According to Manetje & Martins (2009) Brown (1998) defined organizational culture as “the

pattern of beliefs, values and learned ways of coping with experience that have developed

during the course of an organization’s history, and which tend to be manifested in its

material arrangements and in the behaviours’ of its members”.

Organizational culture is a fundamental part of an organization’s collective experience. It may

include routines, beliefs, values, goals, and systems which are learned, re-learned and passed

on to new employees. Organizational culture can also include formal processes such as

policies and procedures relating to working hours, employee benefits and job descriptions;

and informal processes such as leadership styles and patterns of information sharing.

(Region of Waterloo, 2007)

There are many good reasons why organizations need to work hard to maintain a good or

improve a poor organizational culture:

Organizations with strong, healthy cultures tend to outperform organizations with

weaker cultures. (Malick, 2001)

The psychosocial work environment, the organization of work and the management

culture of the workplace can have a dramatic impact on employee stress and health

outcomes. (Shain, 2001)

Developing a healthy workplace provides an opportunity to improve the health of

your organization and to improve its public image and profile. It also offers the chance

to curb organizational health costs and directly affect your bottom line. (Jones, 2005)

When employees experience a supportive work environment, costs related to illness,

disability and absenteeism are lowered and employee satisfaction and productivity

are increased. (Shain and Suurvali, 2001)

Better management of employees can be an important key to becoming an employer

of choice and attracting and retaining talented staff. (Yardly, 2006)

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Organizational Culture


Culture found in:

Espoused Value:

Those values championed by a company’s leadership.

Basic Assumptions

Underlying (often unconscious) determinants of an organization’s attitudes, thought

processes and actions.

Observable Artefacts

Architecture & Physical Surroundings



Style (clothing - art - publications)

Published Values / Mission Statements

Espoused Value

Observable Artefacts

Basic Assumptions

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Myths / Stories / Rituals

The Cultural Web

Mullins (1999:806) presents a cultural web, which brings together different aspects for the

analysis of organizational culture.

The different aspects of cultural web are as follows:

Stories – The past events and people talked about inside and outside the company. Who and

what the company chooses to immortalize says a great deal about what it values, and

perceives as great behavior.

Rituals and Routines – The daily behavior and actions of people that signal acceptable

behavior. This determines what is expected to happen in given situations, and what is valued

by management.

Symbols – The visual representations of the company including logos, how plush the offices

are, and the formal or informal dress codes.

Organizational Structure - This includes both the structure defined by the organization chart,

and the unwritten lines of power and influence that indicate whose contributions are most


Control Systems - The ways that the organization is controlled. These include financial

systems, quality systems, and rewards (including the way they are measured and distributed

within the organization.)

Power Structures - The pockets of real power in the company. This may involve one or two

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key senior executives, a whole group of executives, or even a department. The key is that

these people have the greatest amount of influence on decisions, operations, and strategic


All these aspects, which make up the cultural web, help define and develop the culture of an

organization. An organization’s culture can be disseminated by analyzing each aspect of the

cultural web.

Categories of Organizational Culture

Harrison Categories

Chao et al (2011) mentioned that Harrison (1972) divided organizational culture according to

its orientation into following four categories.

Power orientated:

Focuses on “control,” in this category it is thought that those in power always hold absolute

control over the subordinates, and any opposition is to be suppressed (Chao et al 2011).

Role orientated:

This stresses the role’s expectation and regulation, and the wish is for the organization to

operate under law and order, while the attention is on legality and responsibility

(Chao et al 2011).

Task orientated:

The highest value is to reach organizational objectives, and one’s contribution towards the

objectives is determined when evaluating the values of an organization’s structure, functions

and actions (Chao et al 2011).

People orientated:

An organization is designed and built to suit the members’ needs and satisfy individual needs

that cannot be achieved otherwise. Based on organizational duties and attitude towards the

environment, Wallach (1983) separated organizational structure and obligations clearly.

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Tasks are mostly standardized or fixed and are based on control and authority (Chao et al


THCU categories

Similarly THCU (2009) mentioned following categories of culture in the organizations:

The Hierarchy Culture

A hierarchy culture is often found in formal, structured organizations that emphasize smooth

running, stability, predictability and efficiency. These organizations rely on formal rules and

policies. Because the environment is relatively stable, tasks and functions are usually

integrated and coordinated and uniformity in products and services is maintained.

Hierarchical organizations tend to rely on clear lines of decision-making authority,

standardized rules and procedures. Control and accountability mechanisms are valued as the

keys to success (THCU 2009).

The Market Culture

Market culture organizations tend to be oriented toward the external environment and are

focused on transactions with external constituencies such as suppliers, customers,

contractors, licensees, unions and regulators. Unlike a hierarchy, where internal control is

maintained by rules, specialized jobs, and centralized decisions, the market culture operates

primarily through economic market mechanisms, such as monetary exchange. Profitability,

bottom-line results, strength in market niches, stretch targets, and secure customer bases is

primary objectives of the organization. Market oriented cultures are results-oriented and

emphasize winning (THCU 2009).

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The Clan Culture

Clan culture is in family type organizations that emphasize shared values and goals, cohesion,

inclusion, individuality and a sense of engagement. They sometimes seem more like extended

families than economic entities. Rather than relying on rules and procedures, clan-type firms

focus on teamwork, employee involvement programs and corporate commitment to

employees (THCU 2009).

The Ad-hoc-racy Culture

The root word of ad-hoc-racy is ad-hoc, implying something temporary, specialized and

dynamic. Ad hoc- racies are often characterized as “tents rather than palaces” in that they

can reconfigure themselves rapidly when new circumstances arise.

Dimension of Organizational Culture

Manetje & Martins (2009) Harrison and Stokes (1992) define the four dimensions of

organizational culture as follows:

Power dimension:

Describes an organizational culture that is based on inequality, of access to resources. It has a

single source of power from which rays of influence spread throughout the organizational.

This means that power is centralized and organizational members are connected to the

centre by functional and specialist strings.

Role dimension:

This type of culture focuses mainly on job description and specialization. In other words, work

is controlled by procedures and rules that underlie the job description, which is more

important than the person who fills the position.

Achievement dimension:

This often refers to a task culture, which entails organizational members focusing on realizing

the set purpose and goals of the organization. The main strategic objective of this culture is

to bring the right people together, in order to achieve the organizational goals.

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Support dimension:

Describes an organizational climate that is based on mutual trust between the individual and

the organization. A support-oriented organization exists solely for the individuals who

comprise it, and may be represented diagrammatically as a cluster in which no individual


Hofstede (1980) also mentioned following four criteria, which are labelled by as dimensions;

these are Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism-Collectivism, and

Masculinity-Femininity (Manetje & Martins 2009).

Relationship between Organization Culture and Leadership Behaviour

Culture is socially learned and transmitted by members; it provides the rules for behaviour

within organizations.

The definition of organizational culture is of the belief that can guide staff in knowing what to

do and what not to do, including practices, values, and assumptions about their work. The

core values of an organization begin with its leadership, which will then evolve to a leadership

style. Subordinates will be led by these values and the behaviour of leaders, such that the

behaviour of both parties should become increasingly in line. When strong unified behaviour,

values and beliefs have been developed, a strong organizational culture emerges. Leaders

have to appreciate their function in maintaining an organization’s culture. This would in

return ensure consistent behaviour between members of the organization, reducing conflicts

and creating a healthy working environment for employees. (Yafang Tsai 2011)

Relationship between Organization Culture and Job satisfaction

Organizational culture expresses shared assumptions, values and beliefs, and is the social

glue holding an organization together. A strong culture is a system of rules that spells out

how people should behave. An organization with a strong culture has common values and

codes of conduct for its employees, which should help them to accomplish their missions and

goals. Work recognition and job satisfaction can be achieved when employees can complete

the tasks assigned to them by the organization. (Yafang Tsai 2011)

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Relationship between Organization Culture and Organizational


According to Çiçek and Özer (2011) it has been contended that organizational culture can

enhance organizational performance by energizing and motivating employees, unifying

people around shared goals, and shaping and guiding employee behaviour. Some researchers

asserted that organizational culture could provide a source of sustained competitive

advantage for firms, particularly when it is seen as a firm-level resource that is valuable, rare,

and difficult to imitate. An organization's cultural norms strongly affect all who are involved in

the organization. Organizational culture with a development and innovation orientation had a

direct effect on a firm’s innovation performance.

History of concept of Organization Culture

According to Schein (1990) organizational culture as a concept has a fairly recent origin.

Although psychologists have been using the concepts of, "group norms" and "climate" for a

long time, the concept of "culture" has been explicitly used only in the last few decades.

Organizational "climate," by virtue of being a more salient cultural phenomenon, lent itself to

direct observation and measurement and thus has had a longer research tradition. But

climate is only a surface manifestation of culture, and thus research on climate has not

enabled us, to delve into the deeper causal aspects of how organizations function. In the late

1940s social psychologists interested in "action research" and leadership training freely used

the concept of "cultural island" to indicate that the training setting was in some fundamental

way different from the trainees" "back home" setting. But the concept of "group norms,"

heavily documented in the Hawthorne studies of the 1920s, seemed sufficient to explain this

phenomenon. In the 1950s and 1960s, the field of organizational psychology began to

differentiate itself from industrial psychology by focusing on units larger than individuals.

Wallace et al (1999) expressed that Blau and Scott were two of the first post-war

management authors to assert that all organizations consist of both formal and informal

dimensions, and that it is simply not possible to know or understand the workings of an

organization without a sound understanding of its informal. It was not until 1978, however,

that the first major analysis of the informal dimension, focusing on organizational culture and

management, gained attention in the mainstream literature of organizational theory. This

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was closely followed by the substantial work, which suggested that organizational cultures

consist of cognitive systems explaining how people think, reason, and make decisions.

Differing levels of culture, arguing that at the deepest level, culture consists of a complex set

of values, assumptions, and beliefs that define the ways in which a firm conducts its business

were also noted.

Trefry (2006) narrated that organizational culture has been one of the most influential

concepts and biggest management buzzwords of the last several decades. The term

organizational culture appeared during the 1960s as a synonym for organizational climate.

"Corporate culture" became a common management buzzword in the early 1980s after the

publication of several popular press books. Although academic and popular management

literature have reflected interrelated themes regarding culture and its effects, the pervasive

assumption has been that organizational culture is closely related to organizational

effectiveness. In practice, ambiguity of the concept has resulted in culture being used as a

proxy for various phenomena affecting organizational performance. Thus culture often

becomes a comfortably vague and all-inclusive reason for organizational problems.

Negative Culture Norms in Business Organization

1. Do Not Trust Across the Boundaries (Departments, Age, Gender, Race, and All Other

Possible Distinctions)

2. Don’t Disagree with Your Boss

3. Don’t Rock the Boat; Don’t Make Waves

4. Don’t Be the Bearer of Bad News

5. Look Busy Even When You Are Not

6. Do Not Confront People or Problems

7. Blame (and Punish) Others When Things Go Wrong

8. Wait for Everyone Else to Change and Hope for the Best

9. Keep Wounds Open; Live in the Past

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Positive Culture Norms in Business Organization

1. Be Helpful and Supportive of Other Departments and Work Groups

2. Treat Everyone with Respect

3. Assume Good Intentions

4. Be Willing to Take on Responsibility

5. Congratulate Those Who Suggest New Ways of Doing Things

6. Keep an Open Mind; There Are Always Two (or More) Sides to the Story

7. Don’t Avoid Difficult Problems

8. Give Clear, Direct, and Specific Feedback

9. Put the Past behind You; Encourage Others to Forgive and Forget

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Introduction of Companies

About KONE

KONE, one of the global leaders in the elevator and escalator industry, was founded in 1910

and celebrated its centennial anniversary in 2010. The company’s objective is to offer the

best People Flow™ experience by developing and delivering solutions that enable people to

move smoothly, safely, comfortably and without waiting in buildings in an increasingly

urbanizing environment. KONE provides innovative and eco-efficient solutions for elevators,

escalators and automatic building doors. We support our customers every step of the way;

from design, manufacturing and installation to maintenance and modernization.

Our commitment to customers is present in all KONE solutions. This makes us a reliable

partner throughout the life-cycle of the building. We challenge the conventional wisdom of

the industry. We are fast, flexible, and we have a well-deserved reputation as a technology

leader, with such innovations as KONE MonoSpace®, KONE MaxiSpace™, and KONE

InnoTrack™. You can experience these innovations in architectural landmarks such as the

Trump Tower in Chicago, the 30 St Mary Axe building in London, the Schiphol Airport in

Amsterdam and the Beijing National Grand Theatre in China.

KONE employs approximately 33,800 dedicated experts to serve you globally and locally in

over 50 countries. In 2010, KONE had annual net sales of EUR 5 billion.

Kone India

KONE started business in India more than 25 years ago and is today one of the largest

elevator company’s in the Indian elevator market. It employs about 2800 people in the

country, today.

KONE’s factory in Chennai produces elevators for the Indian market with some exports to

Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Chennai additionally forms a base for modernization and

supports other Asian-Pacific markets such as Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. The factory

has a training centre where KONE’s installation engineers and field mechanics are trained to

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meet KONE India’s strong reputation for high quality and non-compromised safety, as well as

the expectations of Indian customers, when installing and maintaining elevators and


KONE serves customers all around India through its 40 branches.

The Indian Technology & Engineering centre located in Chennai is a key resource to support

global functions. This centre will be a testing hub, which would support the latest technology

and development of future KONE solutions.

Although KONE’s Indian operations was established to meet local demands, KONE Elevator

India’s role is growing year by year and India clearly has a lot of potential to develop into an

export base for other Asian markets. In terms of engineering and global software, KONE India

already forms an integral part of KONE’s global business network, providing services for KONE

business units in Europe, North America and Asia.


Our key customers are builders, building owners, facility managers, and developers. In

addition, architects, authorities, and consultants are key parties in the decision making

process regarding elevators and escalators.

We have segmented the market according to the purpose of the building. The main segments

are residential buildings, hotels, office and retail buildings, infrastructure, and medical

buildings. We also serve special buildings such as leisure and education centres, industrial

properties, and ships.

We serve hundreds of thousands of customers across the globe, the majority of which are

maintenance customers. Our maintenance customers range from small facility management

companies serving a single building to large global retail or hotel chains.


We operate through more than 1,000 offices around the world. We have eight global

production units located in our main markets, as well as seven global R&D centres. In

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addition, KONE has authorized distributors in over 60 countries. KONE’s head office is in

Helsinki, Finland.

Business Environment

Urbanization drives KONE’s business

The direction and shape of the global elevator and escalator industry are driven by four

megatrends: urbanization, changing demographics, the increasing importance of safety, and

concern for the environment.

KONE contributes to sustainable urban development by developing energy-efficient solutions

that move people smoothly and safely in urban environments.

Rapid urbanization

Urbanization is the single most important megatrend within the global elevator and escalator

industry. It is expected to drive demand for years to come. For the first time in history, an

equal number of people live in urban and rural areas. The concentration of people in urban

areas increases the importance of moving them efficiently from one point to another.

The growth of urban areas is most evident in Asia, where long-term population growth and

migration from rural communities is expected to continue.

Aging population

The global demographic structure is changing. In particular, the world’s population is aging at

an unprecedented rate. The growing number of older people raises the importance of

accessibility in buildings and urban infrastructure. An elevator can help elderly residents live

in their apartments longer, facilitate the lives of all residents in the building, as well as add

value to an existing property.

Importance of safety

Urban infrastructure systems in certain markets are aging. National and international safety

codes and standards play a key role in determining the safety level of elevators and

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escalators. Particularly in Europe, many countries have adopted strict standards for safety

and modernization in recent years.

Concern for the environment

Buildings consume approximately 40 percent of the world’s energy, and elevators and

escalators can account between two and 10 percent of the energy consumption of an

individual building. The elevator and escalator industry can play a vital role in helping to

counter climate change and its negative effects by providing innovative solutions that help to

reduce the energy consumption of buildings.

The demand for energy-efficient solutions for moving people in and between buildings is

driven by voluntary sustainability ratings and national green building ratings. These are

becoming more common and are on increasing importance to our customers. Sustainable

urban building refers to building practices that improve energy efficiency, use sustainable

materials and reduce a building’s negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Vision and Strategy

KONE’s vision is to create the best people flow experience. Our strategy is to deliver a

performance edge to our customers by creating the best user experience with innovative

People Flow® solutions. Simultaneously, our people leadership and processes enable

operational excellence and cost competitiveness.

To help us realize KONE's vision of creating the best people flow experience, we continually

strive to expand our understanding of customers’ needs. By responding to these needs and

focusing on our people leadership and internal processes, we can achieve our four strategic

targets of serving increasingly loyal customers, making KONE a great place to work, leading

the industry in profitable growth, and providing the best user experience.

Development programs support our strategy

KONE’s efforts to meet its strategic targets are supported by development programs that are

designed to help us turn our strategy into reality. These programs are reviewed and

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redefined at regular intervals in response to both achievements and changes in the business


We have also refined the three high-priority areas that are the backbone for everything we

do. These are safety, quality, and simplification. These high-priority areas support our key

development programs and help bring the KONE strategy to life.

These development programs and strategic targets are founded on our core values of

delighting the customer, energy for renewal, passion for performance, and striving to win


KONE’s values

Our values guide the behaviour of our personnel towards achieving our strategy. KONE’s

values are:

Delighting the Customer

Our customers’ success is our goal. We work for and with them to identify and

deliver solutions that exceed expectations. We stay with them for the total life cycle of our

products and services and ensure the safety of users and our people.

Energy for Renewal

We are energized by the drive for continuous improvement. We anticipate and adapt to

changing requirements and constantly seek ways to work smarter. We welcome new ideas

with an open mind.

Passion for Performance

We keep our promises. We drive new ideas to realization with speed and an obsession for

customer-driven quality. We thrive on challenges and take pride in our “can do” attitude.

Winning Together

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We can win only by working together. We encourage participation, and we share information

and ideas. We trust and respect each other and recognize good performance. Our behaviour

is characterized by the highest ethical standards.

KONE's organization

The KONE organization is divided into two business lines, Service Business and New

Equipment Business, and five geographical areas, Central and North Europe, West and South

Europe, Greater China, Asia-Pacific and Middle East, and the Americas. In 2010, the Major

Projects unit, a separate business line, was combined with the New Equipment Business.

KONE also established a new Customer Experience unit to further enhance its customer


Management KONE Corporation’s management consists of the Board of Directors, the President and CEO

and the Executive Board.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors’ duties and responsibilities include drawing up of the Board of

Directors’ report, interim reports and financial statements, ensuring the proper organization

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and surveillance of the accounting and asset management, the preparation of proposals for

the General Meeting and the convocation of the General Meetings, the approval and

confirmation of strategic guidelines and the principles of risk management, the ratification of

annual budgets and plans the appointment of a full-time Chairman of the Board and a

President & CEO, and decisions on the terms and conditions of their employment, decisions

on the company’s corporate structure, decisions on major acquisitions and investments, and

decisions on other matters falling under the Board’s responsibility by law. The Board of

Directors has appointed two permanent committees consisting of its members: the Audit

Committee and the Nomination and Compensation Committee.

President and CEO

The Chairman of the Board and the President and CEO are responsible for ensuring that the

targets, plans, strategies and goals set by the Board of Directors are carried out within the

KONE organization. In addition, the President and CEO is responsible for the operative

leadership within the scope of the strategic and operative plans, budgets and action plans

approved by KONE Corporation’s Board of Directors. The President presents issues

concerning the operations and is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Board.

Executive Board

The Executive Board supports the President and CEO in executing the corporate strategy. The

Executive Board follows business developments, initiates actions and defines operative

principles and methods in accordance with guidelines handed down by the Board of Directors

and by the President and CEO.

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The Board of Directors has appointed two committees consisting of its members: the Audit

Committee and the Nomination and Compensation Committee.


The Board of Directors’ Audit Committee comprises Antti Herlin (Chairman), Sirkka

Hämäläinen-Lindfors, Anne Brunila and Jussi Herlin. Sirkka Hämäläinen-Lindfors and Anne

Brunila are independent of both the company and of significant shareholders and Jussi Herlin

is independent of the company.

Nomination and compensation committee

The Nomination and Compensation Committee comprises Antti Herlin (Chairman), Jussi Herlin and Juhani Kaskeala. Juhani Kaskeala is independent of both the company and of significant shareholders.


Building a great place to work

In 2011, KONE had an average of 35,000 employees in more than 50 countries around the

world. Our objective is to provide every employee with fair treatment, equal opportunities,

and a safe working environment, as well as to make KONE a great place to work.

Enhancing the safety of our employees

At KONE we focus on making sure every one of our employees has the necessary

competence to perform their work in a professional and safe manner. All employees receive

training to a general level in health and safety, as well as training relevant to their respective

work roles and tasks.

Every manager is responsible for ensuring that all necessary arrangements are in place to

protect the safety of their teams. Employees and subcontractors follow the defined rules and

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methods to ensure the safety of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their


Members of the senior management teams periodically participate in workplace safety

audits, and immediate corrective actions are taken if deviations are identified. If obstacles to

safe working are identified, the work in question stops until a safe way to continue has been


To support continuous improvement in KONE's safety performance, a procedure is in place to

report and investigate accidents. The underlying root causes are identified and corrective

actions implemented to ensure that the accident or near-miss incident is not repeated.

KONE organizes quarterly global safety network meetings to share lessons learned from

accidents and near-miss incidents. The meetings also serve as a forum for sharing good

practices and discussing concerns.

Creating a personal connection to the strategy

In order to see the connection between their daily tasks and KONE's global strategy,

employees need to first understand what the strategy is all about. KONE's strategy is brought

to life through a set of concrete actions with clear targets that all employees can contribute to

in their daily work. In 2011, KONE's strategy was discussed regularly as part of various

employee events and meetings throughout the year, and the key messages were visible

through a wide range of channels, including videos, leaflets, posters, magazines, and the

KONE intranet.

For example, KONE China devised and implemented a program to engage employees around

the strategy. Local management planned and ran a roadshow covering 12 locations in 10

different districts in China. Each event was built around a common agenda. A management

presentation about KONE's strategy was followed by an interactive workshop session where

participants were engaged in discussion through a set of exercises. The workshops were

successful in creating concrete connections to the KONE strategy through a set of actions at

regional, branch, team, and individual levels.

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Engaging our employees

Employee Engagement development program

At the beginning of 2011, we defined Employee Engagement as one of our five new

development programs. The Employee Engagement development program builds on the

earlier People Leadership program, focusing on the further improvement of leadership

capabilities, on providing growth and development opportunities for our employees, and on

ensuring wellbeing and safety at work.

During 2011, KONE began putting the program into action by building an integrated

framework for employee well-being and by completing a feasibility study on flexible working

practices as well as an employee benefit audit. The plan also included redesigning the global

leadership development programs, delivering training on mentoring, and taking several

measures that aim to facilitate job rotation.

Ensuring well-being and safety at work

In 2011 we developed a global framework for our employee well-being programs and created

an implementation plan for 2012. Special focus will be placed on work-life balance, health

education, and stress management. We also created guidelines on global flexible working

practices and agreed on the pilot units that will implement these guidelines in 2012.

Measuring employee satisfaction

We conduct an annual survey with our employees to measure their level of satisfaction with

KONE as a workplace. More than 28,000 employees gave their feedback in the 2011 survey,

and the global response rate reached an all-time high of 87%, up from 78% in 2010.

The employee survey measures employee engagement and offers employees the opportunity

to give their feedback. It also provides an insight into the level of engagement with KONE’s

core values. The survey results were communicated and discussed in all teams during spring

and summer 2011, and action plans were then created for the key improvement areas.

Learning and development

We aim to have the best possible professional in each position. Our annual leadership and

talent review process ensures that resources are allocated in the right way to meet current

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and future business needs. In this process, we evaluate our management, identify successors,

plan for career development, and identify potential candidates for future management

positions. In 2011 we held several workshops to accelerate the identification and

development of future leaders and successor candidates, with approximately 1,000

employees being included in the process.

The delivery of learning programs such as the Supervisor Development Program for first-level

managers and the KONE Leader program for middle management continued as planned. In

total, approximately 2,500 first-level and 1,300 middle management managers have been

trained during the first round of the program. A new program for top management was

piloted in preparation for full implementation in 2012. We also continued to develop our

virtual training courses and materials, and launched a recruitment training package globally.

Diversity and equal opportunity

At KONE, diversity is accepted and highly valued. We are committed to creating an equal

opportunity environment where discrimination of any kind is prohibited. Employees should

be placed in positions that are best suited to their capabilities and which, at the same time,

allow for personal and professional growth.

About Wipro Limited

Wipro Technologies is an IT service company established in 1980 in India, it is a

subsidiary of Wipro Limited NYSE: WIT. It is headquartered in Bangalore. It is the third largest

IT services company in India. It has 61,000 employees as of Oct 2006, which is inclusive of its

BPO arm which it acquired in 2002.The current chairman and majority stake owner is Azim

Premji. From inception the software and hardware divisions have been headed by him. Azim

H. Premji has been Wipro Ltd.'s Chairman of the Board and Managing Director since

September 1968. Wipro was set up in Amalner in 1945. Primarily an edible oil factory, the

chief products were Sunflower Vanaspati and 787 laundry soap (a by-product of the Vanaspati

operations). The company was called Western India Vegetable Products Limited, with a minor

presence in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The Global IT Services and Products segment

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provides IT services to customers in the Americas, Europe, and Japan. The India and Asia Pac

IT Services and Products segment operates in the Indian IT market and offers IT products and

services to the companies in India, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East region. Consumer Care

and Lighting segment engages in the manufacture and sale of consumer care and

lighting products. The consumer care products include soaps and toiletries, baby products,

talcum powders, and hydrogenated cooking oils. The lighting products include light bulbs,

fluorescent tubes, and luminaries. In the 1970s and 1980s it began to expand and

made forays into computing. The Indian promoters hold more than 80 percent of the total

share capital of the company while the Indian public holds about 7 percent and institutional

investors hold about 6 percent. Wipro's has clients across a spectrum of industries such as

consumer electronics, finance, Government, insurance, manufacturing, media &

entertainment, mobile devices, Telecom equipment vendors and service providers, travel &

transportation etc. To these clients the company offers services such as application

development, deployment & maintenance, business intelligence, business consulting,

CRM, data warehousing.

Wipro’s Principles of Effective Organizational Structure:

Wipro initiates IT organization by examining the state of a company’s organizational structure,

leveraging its principles of an effective organizational structure to determine areas where

operational effectiveness can be enhanced. Wipro applies its knowledge of organizational

structure to IT design engagements to ensure that any proposed changes to an organization’s

IT environment support the goals, processes and strategies that typify each level and division

of that organization. The consulting approach emphasizes goal alignment at all phases of the

IT organization design process to ensure any changes to an entity’s IT organization synergize

across all organizational levels. Wipro highlights six principles it applies to develop an effective

organizational structure that can carry out transformational IT redesign by universally

connecting all key operational segments of the client organization.

Skills-based work assignments: Separating employees based on skills and capabilities

allows the organization to effectively plan and utilize the right employees, minimizing

excess training and downtime and reducing errors made while transitioning from one

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process to the next. This separation contributes to agility and scalability, allowing

client organizations to ramp up or ramp down efforts based on demand.

Shared operations through job cards and service requests: Leveraging shared

operations allows the organization to align teams centrally for focal areas, including

types of technology and types of request or function or other bundling options.

Organizations can request handling through job cards and service requests In line with

service catalogues and service level agreements, serving to balance workloads with

minimum and maximum thresholds on utilization levels for employees.

Flexible operations: By identifying a balanced mix of core and flexible resources as a

strategic component of scalable operations, clients can maintain a standard base of

employees to run baseline operations, or augment with an adaptive workforce during

peak periods for efficient and effective ramp-up. Wipro’s Optimum Skill Versatility

Index enables clients to understand required skills across resources that help them

remain prepared and flexible by classifying resources into groups or teams based on

specific technology focus and functionality.

Demand management: Demand management enables organizations to develop rolling

production schedules that capture baseline demand, and then leverage economies of

scale and diversified services catalogues to offset demand fluctuations that arise from

inaccurate forecasts and unpredicted spikes. Production Planning and Control

mechanisms with baseline and projected demand help establish variable demand


Optimization of “Cost of Service”: Benefits from cost of service optimization include

shared infrastructure, tools, environments and testing, reusable and standardized

components, full or semi automation, and quick change-over processes, such as Lean

production methods that reduce waste.

“Closed Loop” Operations: A closed-loop approach to operations brings analysis of

post-deployment feedback to clients, providing an open dialogue for continuous

improvements to operations. This final principle of effective organizational structure

allows Wipro to closely monitor changes and developments after a transformation is


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Wipro’s success in creating effective organizational designs stems from its comprehensive

view of IT organizations and its ability to isolate key components necessary to be integrated

into design frameworks.

Components of Effective Organization Design

As the above graph describes, Wipro asserts that leadership is the primary component

required in an effective organization redesign. Leaders must possess a clear vision of the

evolution and be able to prioritize tasks to empower the workforce and motivate the troops

behind management’s transformational agenda of retooling the IT organization. Cohesion in

the leadership team is essential, and Wipro believes it is the tie that binds a transformation

and leads efforts from idea creation to implementation. Just as leaders require employees to

be flexible as IT organizations undergo operational improvements and process shifts, leaders

must possess the capacity for change and must stand by their message.

Clear decision making and structure is the second component of effective organization

designs, as roles and accountability for decisions must be transparent, clearly articulated and

understood to establish ownership of the transformation. Organizational structure must

support overall objectives of consolidation or restructuring to provide a chain of command

that affords a clear path for inquiries and clarity into each layer of the organization.

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People constitute the third pillar of effective organization design, as successful hinges on the

capabilities of employees to perform both individually and collectively as an organization. To

drive productivity and employee satisfaction during turbulent times, Wipro believes leaders

must implement performance measures and incentives that closely align with corporate

objectives. Unification of employees across the organization is critical to a successful

transformation, minimizing the risk of inefficiencies that may arise from disparate workers.

The fourth pillar, Work Process and Systems, includes successful execution of programmatic

work and processes and effective and efficient support of processes and systems. The final

pillar, Culture, encompasses high-performance values and behaviors as well as capacity and

willingness to change as a group.

Wipro’s IT Organization design Overview

Types of Organization Design

Type Characteristics

Skill-Based Organized based on the skills and it can be applicable when

the organization is small and no need to manage across

multiple geographies

Service-Based Organized based on the services and it can be applicable

when the organization has different services and resources

and skills needed are


Solution-Based Organized based on the services that are packaged for each

solution and it can be applicable when the organization has

different services and each service has multiple solution lines

LOB/ Account Based Organized based on the LOBs/Account/Clients served and it

can be applicable when customers are very different, and

have different service requirements (resulting in different

programs provided)

Hybrid Organized based on the LOBs/Account/Clients served and it

can be applicable when customers are very different, and

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have different service requirements (resulting in different

programs provided)

Wipro’s IT Organization design Framework

To ensure IT redesign efforts align across all elements of an organization, Wipro applies the

building blocks outlined above across five fundamental organizational layers:

Framework Guide to Set Up Service Oriented Business Unit

Strategy & Structure Design and structure functions to better align with


Segregate value delivery chain based on skills and

segment into core and non-core

Flex pool of resources with shared operations allows

optimum utilization of resources

Productive alignment of services/ support, leverage

offshore team to remove “lag”

Process & Delivery Models End-to-end value analysis of service delivery


Quantitative analysis to set, measure and plan

process, delivery, quality and cost improvements

Embed prototyping and other relevant agile methods

to ensure effective and efficient service delivery

People & Skills Identify best in-class resources and appropriately

allocate to functions

Create dedicated COE s based on functional and task


Provide training to balance capacity and demand

Enable Service Quality Training

Culture & Communication Assess readiness of organization for change

Create a communication framework

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Clearly define goals and objectives for each role

Provide on-boarding/ training on service-oriented

business model for team members

Technology Infrastructure Provision of appropriate technology tools to support

software development life cycle, configuration

management and reporting

Wipro’s IT organization redesign outlines three critical success factors that enable successful

transformation and consolidation to build an efficient IT operating unit:

Utilize a comprehensive design approach, including strategy processes and people


Clearly defined governance, responsibilities and service levels for a centralized IT

organization is essential for understanding current organizational processes and

functions and determining areas that should be reshaped to successfully transform

the business.

Focus on process excellence, ongoing quality and service improvement:

Best practices and compliance with industry standards are essential for continuous

high efficiency and include such elements as CMMI and ITIL. To strive for optimal

efficiency and lower operational costs and higher throughput, organizations must

continually adopt improved standards and processes, allowing for the cost and quality

benefits to be translated to the client. By setting realistic, achievable near-term and

long-term goals, organizations can continually improve their organizational

effectiveness while maintaining a disciplined approach through a step-by-step

improvement program.

Develop staged implementation roadmaps according to the organization’s change


Organizations need a plan of action; developing a complete road map to organization

transformation can reduce the risk of setbacks along the way.

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About Google

Google Inc. is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services

and products. These include search, cloud computing, software and Internet advertising

technologies. Most of its profits derive from Ads

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while Ph.D. students at Stanford

University. Together they own about 16 percent of its stake. They incorporated Google as a

privately held company on September 4, 1998. An initial public offering followed on

August 19, 2004. Its mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's

information and make it universally accessible and useful “and its unofficial slogan was "Don't

be evil". In 2006 Google moved to headquarters in Mountain View, California.

Organization Culture of Google

Google has one of the most interesting organizational cultures. They are not only one of the

fastest and most useful web search engines around; they are also one of the top 100

companies to work for according to Fortune (2007).

Google strives to have the fastest, most reliable search engine on the web and in order to

accomplish this; Google has to hire employees that are the best in their technological field.

Google rewards their employee's hard work with an extremely relaxed workplace that

encourages creativity through fun activities such as roller hockey and through a casual dress

code. Google also encourages their employees to take care of their minds and their bodies by

offering them the ability to work out in the gym and get a massage inside the company

building. "There is an emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual

accomplishments that contribute to the company's overall success" (Google Corporate

Information). I really like that Google understands that their employees have active lives

outside of the workplace and they encourage their employees to bring those parts of their

lives into the Google employee community. I also really like the fact that they build such

loyalty from their employees that many of the employees see each other and the Google

management as a family.

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Google embodies the team orientation primary characteristic of organizational culture. As

stated earlier, Google encourages its employees to work and play together so that a family

bond is formed. According to Google (2007), "Meetings that would take hours elsewhere are

frequently little more than a conversation in line for lunch and few walls separate those who

write code from those who write checks." This really does reinforce a team environment.

Everyone is pretty much on the same level and everyone works together. The limited walls in

the building help the employees to feel like a group rather than an outsider in another


Google's organizational culture is very strong. Google hires people that embody their

company's values and feel the same intense desire for unlimited amounts of information.

This desire allows the company's employees to work towards the same goals and intensifies

the bond that they share. Google tends to have a low turn over rate and receives over 1,300

applications a day (Fortune, 2007).

Google's culture is a combination of things. It is ethical, customer-responsive, and spiritual.

Google encourages its employees to be creative in problem solving which sometimes calls for

risk taking. These employees are allowed just enough freedom in their jobs that they do not

take it for granted and this keeps them on ethical ground. The Google employees also have a

sense of team instead of self so this encourages them to work together to achieve goals

rather than compete against one another. This also prevents unethical behavior.

Google's low formalization and service-oriented employees work to be customer-responsive.

They are allowed the freedom to make decisions that benefit Google users. The employees

strive to provide the best service available and to do this they must be able to relate to their

users. They understand that "thinking outside of the box" is what they are known for so they

go above and beyond what others would do to satisfy a customer need while maintaining

company values.

This "outside of the box" type of business also puts the company into a spiritual type of

organization. Employees are rewarded for individual successes and for team

accomplishments. They are also encouraged to have fun with their job. Google's ability to

allow their employees to have fun while at work is motivating in itself. This motivation shows

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itself in the work as well. It is a give and take relationship; both sides get something out of it.

Google has a unique way of conducting business that appeals too many. It is this sort of

culture that creates individuals that have the desire and the motivation to stay with a


What Google believes in

Focus on the user and all else will follow.

Since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether

we’re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we

take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal

goal or bottom line. Our homepage interface is clear and simple, and pages load instantly.

Placement in search results is never sold to anyone, and advertising is not only clearly marked

as such, it offers relevant content and is not distracting. And when we build new tools and

applications, we believe they should work so well you don’t have to consider how they might

have been designed differently.

It ’s best to do one thing really, really well.

Google does search. With one of the world’s largest research groups focused exclusively on

solving search problems, we know what we do well, and how we could do it better. Through

continued iteration on difficult problems, we’ve been able to solve complex issues and

provide continuous improvements to a service that already makes finding information a fast

and seamless experience for millions of people. Our dedication to improving search helps us

apply what we’ve learned to new products, like Gmail and Google Maps. Our hope is to bring

the power of search to previously unexplored areas, and to help people access and use even

more of the ever-expanding information in their lives.

Fast is better than slow.

Google knows your time is valuable, so when you’re seeking an answer on the web you want

it right away–and we aim to please. We may be the only people in the world who can say our

goal is to have people leave our website as quickly as possible. By shaving excess bits and

bytes from our pages and increasing the efficiency of our serving environment, we’ve broken

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our own speed records many times over, so that the average response time on a search

result is a fraction of a second. We keep speed in mind with each new product we release,

whether it’s a mobile application or Google Chrome, a browser designed to be fast enough

for the modern web. And we continue to work on making it all go even faster.

Democracy on the web works

Google search works because it relies on the millions of individuals posting links on websites

to help determine which other sites offer content of value. We assess the importance of

every web page using more than 200 signals and a variety of techniques, including our

patented PageRank™ algorithm, which analyses which sites have been “voted” to be the best

sources of information by other pages across the web. As the web gets bigger, this approach

actually improves, as each new site is another point of information and another vote to be

counted. In the same vein, we are active in open source software development, where

innovation takes place through the collective effort of many programmers.

You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer

The world is increasingly mobile: people want access to information wherever they are,

whenever they need it. We’re pioneering new technologies and offering new solutions for

mobile services that help people all over the globe to do any number of tasks on their phone,

from checking email and calendar events to watching videos, not to mention the several

different ways to access Google search on a phone. In addition, we’re hoping to fuel greater

innovation for mobile users everywhere with Android, a free, open source mobile platform.

Android brings the openness that shaped the Internet to the mobile world. Not only does

Android benefit consumers, who have more choice and innovative new mobile experiences,

but it opens up revenue opportunities for carriers, manufacturers and developers.

You can make money without doing evil

Google is a business. The revenue we generate is derived from offering search technology to

companies and from the sale of advertising displayed on our site and on other sites across

the web. Hundreds of thousands of advertisers worldwide use AdWords to promote their

products; hundreds of thousands of publishers take advantage of our AdSense program to

deliver ads relevant to their site content. To ensure that we’re ultimately serving all our users

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(whether they are advertisers or not), we have a set of guiding principles for our advertising

programs and practices:

We don’t allow ads to be displayed on our results pages unless they are relevant

where they are shown. And we firmly believe that ads can provide useful information

if, and only if, they are relevant to what you wish to find–so it’s possible that certain

searches won’t lead to any ads at all.

We believe that advertising can be effective without being flashy. We don’t accept

pop–up advertising, which interferes with your ability to see the content you’ve

requested. We’ve found that text ads that are relevant to the person reading them

draw much higher click through rates than ads appearing randomly. Any advertiser,

whether small or large, can take advantage of this highly targeted medium.

Advertising on Google is always clearly identified as a “Sponsored Link,” so it does not

compromise the integrity of our search results. We never manipulate rankings to put

our partners higher in our search results and no one can buy better PageRank. Our

users trust our objectivity and no short-term gain could ever justify breaching that


There’s always more information out there

Google indexed more of the HTML pages on the Internet than any other search service, our

engineers turned their attention to information that was not as readily accessible. Sometimes

it was just a matter of integrating new databases into search, such as adding a phone number

and address lookup and a business directory. Other efforts required a bit more creativity, like

adding the ability to search news archives, patents, academic journals, billions of images and

millions of books. And our researchers continue looking into ways to bring all the world’s

information to people seeking answers.

The need for information crosses all borders.

Google was founded in California, but our mission is to facilitate access to information for the

entire world, and in every language. To that end, we have offices in more than 60 countries,

maintain more than 180 Internet domains, and serve more than half of our results to people

living outside the United States. We offer Google’s search interface in more than 130

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languages, offer people the ability to restrict results to content written in their own language,

and aim to provide the rest of our applications and products in as many languages and

accessible formats as possible. Using our translation tools, people can discover content

written on the other side of the world in languages they don’t speak. With these tools and

the help of volunteer translators, we have been able to greatly improve both the variety and

quality of services we can offer in even the most far–flung corners of the globe.

You can be serious without a suit

The founders built Google around the idea that work should be challenging, and the

challenge should be fun. We believe that great, creative things are more likely to happen with

the right company culture–and that doesn’t just mean lava lamps and rubber balls. There is

an emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual accomplishments that contribute

to our overall success. We put great stock in our employees–energetic, passionate people

from diverse backgrounds with creative approaches to work, play and life. Our atmosphere

may be casual, but as new ideas emerge in a café line, at a team meeting or at the gym, they

are traded, tested and put into practice with dizzying speed–and they may be the launch pad

for a new project destined for worldwide use.

Great just isn’t good enough

Google sees being great at something as a starting point, not an endpoint. We set ourselves

goals we know we can’t reach yet, because we know that by stretching to meet them we can

get further than we expected. Through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that

work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways. For example, when one of our

engineers saw that search worked well for properly spelled words, he wondered about how it

handled typos. That led him to create an intuitive and more helpful spell checker.

Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, finding an answer on the web is our

problem, not yours. We try to anticipate needs not yet articulated by our global audience,

and meet them with products and services that set new standards. When we launched Gmail,

it had more storage space than any email service available. In retrospect offering that seems

obvious–but that’s because now we have new standards for email storage. Those are the

kinds of changes we seek to make, and we’re always looking for new places where we can

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make a difference. Ultimately, our constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes

the driving force behind everything we do.

Management team

Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in September 1998. Since then, the company has

grown to more than 30,000 employees worldwide, with a management team that represents

some of the most experienced technology professionals in the industry.

Executive Officers

Senior Leadership

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Larry Page, CEO

Sergey Brin, Co-Founder

Eric E. Schmidt, Executive Chairman


Sergey and Larry also focused on recruiting people with the right frame of mind. They were

themselves personally involved in the recruitment process. In order to attract high

performing candidates, Google posted top ten reasons to work for Google on its website.

Google recruited people with diverse skills and qualities. While recruiting, Google attached a

lot of importance to academic excellence as revealed in grade scores in SAT and other

graduate exams. To get an interview call from Google, a person had to be from a top-ranking


Implications of Organization Culture

Strength and Weakness of Kone and Wipro

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Global R&D facility.

Retention of the man-power is the best in the industry.

Impressive list of clientele.

Relatively lower receivable compared to the industry average.

Diversified skill base across service lines

Delivery capabilities & client satisfaction

Commitment to go the extra mile

Technological partnership with other software companies

Low cost advantage

MEGA Partnership – Cisco, EMC, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP


Low operating margin of the other group companies.

Free floating stock is very less.

Domestic market was huge but was underdeveloped

Small player in global market

Limited domain

Clients not trusting the capabilities of Indian Software Cos.


Costumer designed products

Market share leadership

Strong management team

Strong brand equity

Reputation management

Fourth largest manufactures of elevators, door and gates, and escalators

Herlin family owned since 1924 One of the largest manufactures of elevator products.

Their brands of elevators are known for lasting a long time without and problems and

are extremely efficient.

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Low R&D

No online presence

There is not much research you can do besides make it go faster and efficiently for

elevators and escalators.

The website just describes the elevators and escalators and does not give an idea of

how much it would cost.

Many analysts feel that Google's zero per cent employee turnover rate during the dotcom

boom, was a testament to its salubrious organizational culture. But not everyone was

convinced that Google had got it right in terms of its work culture. They felt that company's

culture was not set to manage its growth. A 12-hour working day had become norm at the

company. Google's recruitment process was also criticized by analysts.

It was pointed out that Google had become too narrow in its recruitment by focusing only on

the academic records and graduate ranks of the applicants rather than on experience.

Commenting on the recruitment process, one Googler said, "If you've been at Cisco for 20

years, they don't want you." But the management defended the recruitment process saying

that they valued intelligence and brainpower more than experience.

Conclusions Organizational culture is the pattern of beliefs, values and learned ways of coping with

experience that have developed during the course of an organization’s history, and which

tend to be manifested in its material arrangements and in the behaviours of its members”.

From the definitions and above description it is highlighted that organizational culture

comprises created assumptions, which are accepted as a way of doing things and are passed

on to new members of an organization. For new employees, this would mean adaptive

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behaviour within the organization, leading to new belief systems. This new and adaptive

behaviour, instilled through organizational values and beliefs, is associated with rituals, myths

and symbols to reinforce the core assumptions of organizational culture (Manetje & Martins

(2009). Moreover, organizational performance has been directly linked to organizational

culture Schimmoeller (2010). It is concluded that as Organizational culture is very much

effective in managing organizations then in the words of Ojo (2009) the culture of the

organization should be developed to support continuous improvement, improve employees’

style of performing their job and thus develop quality awareness.


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Organizational Culture