higher mind incense€¦ · progression through earth, water, and fire, all incense eventually ends...

Higher Mind Incense Listening To Incense Program Air Air is the domain of the breath, the winged ones, clouds, pollination, and the wandering spirit of wind. The atmosphere encompasses the entire Earth, giving the breath of life to all living creatures. Air shares similar qualities to Water. It is fluidic, flowing, and usually on the move. It does not necessarily have a particular destination as Water does, seeming aimless in its wandering, but there is always an underlying purpose for its gusts and subtle breezes. Air is the realm of communication. Through the Air, plants and creatures communicate with one another. Pollen, seeds, and spores travel on the wind, oftentimes for vast distances, connecting organisms and creating new life. Air is also a medium for sound and smell, allowing for humans, plants, and animals to communicate with one another. Sound waves travel through the Air, signifying caution, alerting, sharing, communicating, harmonizing, and vocalizing. In a similar way, smells from plants, animals, or nature offer warnings of danger, death, medicine, food, attraction of partners, and beauty. The Element of Air manifests movement, clarity, freshness, and change. In its essence, it resembles the mind of nature. The Earth teaches us of solidity and strength, the Water of feeling and movement, and the Fire of action and initiation. As we move into the teachings of the Air Element, we move into the realms of intelligence, language, and expression. In Greek philosophy, Air represents the Spring season, bringing change and freshness to nature after the long, cold winter months. Alchemical Symbol for Air © 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Page 1: Higher Mind Incense€¦ · progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense

Higher Mind IncenseListening To Incense Program


Air is the domain of the breath, the winged ones, clouds, pollination, and the wandering spirit of wind. The atmosphere encompasses the entire Earth, giving the breath of life to all living creatures. Air shares similar qualities to Water. It is fluidic, flowing, and usually on the move. It does not necessarily have a particular destination as Water does, seeming aimless in its wandering, but there is always an underlying purpose for its gusts and subtle breezes.

Air is the realm of communication. Through the Air, plants and creatures communicate with one another. Pollen, seeds, and spores travel on the wind, oftentimes for vast distances, connecting organisms and creating new life. Air is also a medium for sound and smell, allowing for humans, plants, and animals to communicate with one another. Sound waves travel through the Air, signifying caution, alerting, sharing, communicating, harmonizing, and vocalizing. In a similar way, smells from plants, animals, or nature offer warnings of danger, death, medicine, food, attraction of partners, and beauty.

The Element of Air manifests movement, clarity, freshness, and change. In its essence, it resembles the mind of nature. The Earth teaches us of solidity and strength, the Water of feeling and movement, and the Fire of action and initiation. As we move into the teachings of the Air Element, we move into the realms of intelligence, language, and expression. In Greek philosophy, Air represents the Spring season, bringing change and freshness to nature after the long, cold winter months.

Alchemical Symbol for Air

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Page 2: Higher Mind Incense€¦ · progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense

The Air Element in Plants

Plants that have a dominant Air Element correspondence tend to be spacious, reaching, expansive, or thin in their nature. There is usually plenty of space between their branches or leaves, sometimes even showing a feathery quality to their leaves themselves. They are often tall and skinny with an ascending nature. There can also be a lightness or even a delicateness to these plants. The part of any plant that is generally associated with, or harvested in correlation to this Element, is the foliage or leaves; these are also the parts that deal with oxygen exchange.

Air plants express their Air Element qualities through their action upon the human organism in different ways. Firstly, when we inhale or smell the aromas of these plants, they usually have an opening and clearing effect on the nasal passages, respiratory tract, or lungs. They are often times camphorous, minty, fresh, resinous, woody, or piney smelling plants. When inhaled, these plants literally create more space for air within the airways of the human body, clearing congestion and opening the lungs. They create healthier breathing rhythms and strengthen lung capacity while clearing and refreshing the senses and the mind. Out of all of the Elements, Air Element plants perhaps have the strongest effect on the body, mind, and nervous system in the form of incense.

Sagebrush: tall, airy foliage, smudging herb, camphorous, bitter

Lavender: tall and skinny, well spaced stems,strong effect on nervous system and mind

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Page 3: Higher Mind Incense€¦ · progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense

Pine: tall, skinny, resinous, piney aroma

Cardamom: tall, skinny aerial parts, fresh, resinous, camphorous

Aromatic Incense Plants that express a strong Air Element:

Cardamom EucalyptusFirHyssopLavenderMugwortPalo SantoPeppermintPineSagebrushSpruceWhite sageWild Rose

I just want to emphasize once again that the plants above, and the other plants listed under the previous Elements we have covered, do not correspond to their Element based on aromatics alone. We must look at all aspects of a plant to determine its correspondences: environment, morphology, effects on the human organism, etc.

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Page 4: Higher Mind Incense€¦ · progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense

Air on the Psycho-spiritual Planes

The sacred Air Element governs communication, thoughts, and connection to others. Each time we speak we are working with this Element. Communing with people, plants, animals, or spirits in all forms is an expression of Air. For folks who have difficulties sharing their voice or communicating in general, working with the Air Element on a psycho-spiritual level can help one understand their vocal challenges more deeply. People with a balanced Air Element have clear communication, eloquence, and are comfortable speaking around others or in groups.

When in excess, the Air Element has a strong effect on the nervous system, and the most accentuated affect on the mind out of all the Elements. Mental agitation, brain fog, anxiety, stress, over-thinking, and difficulty concentrating can all result from excess Air. One way to think about it is to imaging the qualities of Earth: grounding, stable, solid, rigid, firm. Usually when someone has excess Air, they also have deficient Earth, leading them upwards, away from their roots and into the mind. On the flip side, working towards balance with the Air Element can bring about insights, mental clarity, concentration, balanced breathing, decisiveness, understanding, and eloquence.

Air rules the thoughts and the intellect. It is in one respect a reflection of the mind. When it is out of balance we have someone who is spacey, forgetful, doesn’t complete their sentences or thoughts, struggles to find the right words, or can’t stay focused. When it is in balance, the mind provides crystal clear perception, focus, and presence. These people are quick to think and respond, have a sharp intellect and awareness. Through working with the Air Element, one can learn to refine their mental capacity, memory, presence, and communication with others. Breathwork, meditation, diet, prayer, sensory observation, communication, and working with Air plants are all beneficial ways to harness your inner winds.

Another potent lesson of the Air is its nature of flexibility. In many respects, it is an unstoppable force. When blocked or restricted, Air can find a way through, whether through a tiny crack, or building pressure until whatever is restricting it is shattered or broken. In this way, it can teach us to never let something or someone restrict us or stop us from living our truth or doing what we love.

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Page 5: Higher Mind Incense€¦ · progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense

The Air Element is the ruler of all winged creatures. Throughout many spiritual traditions and indigenous cultures, birds like the hawk or eagle are profound allies and teachers. Birds are connectors and messengers between the physical Earthly realm and that of spirit, or the heavens, navigating gracefully between the two. Birds also have a different way of breathing than other animals. Their lungs operate with a unidirectional flow that allows fresh air to fill more of their lung capacity, resulting in greater oxygen intake. Observing or working with Bird Medicine is also a profound way to learn the lessons of the Air.

Taking a deep breath is soothing and calming. It helps to sharpen the focus, and when energies are high, it can help one to be more present in the moment. When we are frustrated we sigh, when we are anxious we are told to take deep breaths. When women give birth, they focus on deeper breathing to help them through the birthing process. The Air Element can teach patience and equanimity. It can help us accept and just let things be. Working with Air on a psycho-spiritual level can unveil many teachings. Through these teachings we attain understanding beyond our physical realities, bridging the visible and invisible worlds. And through our communication and connection, we convey the depth of meaning received from beyond.

Connecting to Air

Though all of the Elements play their unique roles in the process of incense, at the end of the progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense is in its strongest Element. Through the smoke, incense communicates to us, the plants communicate to us. They share their medicine and teachings through the smoke which dances through the Air.

The act of smudging is a very profound way to learn from and connect with the Air Element. Using smoke to cleanse negativity and stagnation is an ancient practice. Using a wing or

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Page 6: Higher Mind Incense€¦ · progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense

feathers to move the smoke around a space, a person or yourself is a powerful way to understand the many virtues of this Element.

In addition to burning and experiencing aromatic herbs of the Air Element, there are many profound ways in daily life to connect to Air. One that has been mentioned above is practicing clear communication. Being honest, upfront, and open in your communication with others at all times is the healthiest way to nourish and strengthen your relationships. Singing, flute playing, or playing other wind instruments, verbal poetry, and other outlets of expression are also beautiful and transformational ways to work with the wind.

As spring is the season of the Air Element, opening your windows and doors to invite in the breeze as the environment warms up in the early springtime refreshens your home and can inspire newness while initiating new creative energies. This creates a good feeling any time of year. As the Air moves through your hallways and rooms, energies are stirred up, stale air is cleared, and oxygen fills your space, aiding the mind and respiratory system. In nature, inhaling deeply and feeling the wind on your face and body while hiking high in the mountains above the clouds and birds below is a refreshing way to experience the Air Element.

Working with the breath is one of the most rewarding ways in which to connect to the sacred Air Element. In many ancient Eastern traditions, breathwork is taken very seriously and is used to bring balance to the mind and relaxation to the body. It is used to achieve higher states of consciousness in Buddhism and Vipassana meditation. Whether focusing on the breath in meditation, yoga, or the internal Alchemy of Taoism, many lessons are revealed to the disciples or practitioners of various ancient spiritual practices.

Air Correspondences:

Human Body: Lungs, brain, nervous system, large intestineSense: SoundBalanced Emotions and Psychology: in the moment, grounded, sharp mind, strong intellect, confident, clear communication, eloquence, alert, present, strong memory, strong coherence, quick mental understanding, sharp focus, aware, creative, inventive, ingenuitive, wittyImbalanced Emotions and Psychology: spacey, cloudy thoughts, absent minded, ungrounded, disassociated, anxious, stress, fear, confusion, trouble concentrating, unfocused, hypersensitive, agitation, worry, nervousness, insomnia, social anxiety, impatience, restlessnessRulership: Mental BodyChakra: Heart (4th)Dosha: VataPlant Parts(most common): leaves, foliageEffect: Mental VirtuesSeason: SpringMedicine Wheel: East

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Page 7: Higher Mind Incense€¦ · progression through Earth, Water, and Fire, all incense eventually ends up in a transformed state within the sacred Air Element. In the Air, the incense

Aromas: camphorous, minty, refreshing, fresh, piney, woody, resinousEnvironments: Mountains, high elevation, open spaces, prairies, windy regions, beaches, desertsTastes: Astringent, bitterAstrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, AquariusCarl Jung’s Psychic Function: ThinkingEnergetics: Yang, masculine, volatile, dynamicQualities: cold, dry, light, clear, mobile, subtle, uplifting, penetrating, energetic, fluidic, changing

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.