evaluation of audience research

Evaluation of audience research. Questionnaire, interview & focus group.

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation of audience research

Evaluation of audience research.

Questionnaire, interview & focus group.

Page 2: Evaluation of audience research


Information was collected from the questionnaire about the target audience for pop music videos. 13 people filled out the questionnaire, 5 of these were female and 8 were males. Therefore the gender for target audience is fairly evenly spread.

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Out of these 13 people 9 of them was in the age bracket of 0-17 and 3 of them was in the age bracket of 18-24, this demonstrates that age of the target audience is young people ranging in the ages between 12-20.

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Out of the 13 people who answered my questionnaire 9 of these like pop music best and the other 4 liked various other genres.

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The majority of this target audience spend their spare time socialising with friends and the second most popular activity they did in their spare time is listening to music.

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I asked the target audience if they preferred a narrative throughout the music video or lots of shots of the artist. The answers show the half of the target audience liked a narrative throughout and the other half would prefer shots of the artist. Therefore when I make a video I will do both of these to ensure it is appealing to the target audience.

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I asked the target audience what comes to their mind first when they think of pop music videos, the main responses consisted of love narrative, bright colours and a party atmosphere.

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Questionnaire I asked the target audience what props, setting and costume they would expect to see in a pop music video. The majority answers consisted of fashionable clothing, beach setting and based around teens.

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Focus group 5 people provided feedback on a pop music video which I plan my video to be similar too. Three of these were female and two were males, this shows how the gender of the target audience is again evenly spread just like the questionnaire. One comment expressed that they liked the beach setting as they felt it was conventional, therefore I will aim to film my video of a conventional setting such as a beach or a party to please the target audience. This is a setting where many teenagers would be which is another comment which was made as the target audience expect the video to be full of teenagers. Therefore filming in a conventional setting would help enable me to achieve this. Other comments that were made is that they liked the mise-en-scene as they felt the styling was fashionable and therefore conventional. Therefore when I make my video I will ensure that the individuals within the video are wearing conventional fashionable clothing. Another individual expressed that they found the wide range of shots that were used were appealing, therefore I will use a wide range of shots of the artist is the information collected from the focus group and the questionnaire demonstrates that the target audience find this appealing. A final comment made is that they liked the props as it connotes the artist to be fun, therefore I will use props in my video which signify fun for example a beach ball.

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Audience interview The target audience found the conventional colours used on these albums appealing. They also liked how the artists are used as the main image on these album covers.

However they disliked how the album covers are simple.

Another comment was made is that they didn’t like the dark colours used on the one direction cover as they didn’t find this conventional or appealing. This was said to be the most un-conventional and unappealing out of the three.

I asked which out of these three is the most aesthetically appealing, it was said the foxes album cover is due to the font style being effective.

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Audience interview

Due to these results I will aim for my product to be more like the foxes album as it is the most effective and conventional and try to make it unlike the one direction cover as this is seen as the most unappealing and unconventional.